I f your lior^e is lame, sore or gall- e<l, vou slioulvl I'so Joloisoii'f Amchtne Liitiuieid ; ■wash “tlie part with castile IJ^H are the readers of the Dmioemt ever used any of Parsons' Purffative I^iUsf if not, wBy not? ^ e y are tlie best family physic, besides being the gi'eatest anti-hilious remedy there is in tlys coun- WiLD Cherkst B aisam.—The meino ly. of Dr. Wistar is emhalmed in the hearts of thousands whom his. Paham- of WM t7dcrr?f haa cured cl cough^j ceWS) constmiption, or some other form of prd- monary disease. I t is. uaw over forty ........... ......... ^"'vaght fl^^liook here, reader, we do not that Oonsumptlon can he cured to tell you that Uonsumptiouean he cured when the lungs are half consumed, nor that Dr. Wonderful, or any other fellow, has discovered a remedy- that "wilf make men live forever, and leave death-to play for want o£ work. No, yOn have heard enough of that, and vre do not wonder that you have hy this time become dis- guesied with it. B ut when we tell you . that Dr. Sage’s " ■ " •” itivel ------- SPBOIAl NOTICES. A Cough, Cold or Sore Throat Requirea inuacaiate iUtention, as nesleet oftni results in an incur- able huii? lllsease, «; RhiMHIlim Bmvra's 'Broadiial Troohea will invarialjls rive iu.=tonl re- fi'i' Kma. A bsumu Ca - t. verh, Co.<-.i MpTiTEand. Xheoas DiiCAsna. they have .a soothing effect. srSfSEES and PUBLIC SPE AKERS usp tbom to clear and strecsthctt the voice. Owing to tho good reputation and popularity of the Troches, manyiro.*-f/ihsa and chemmita- Hons (/ire offered, ivlikh are good for nothing. Be ^urc to OBTAIN th e into BROWHIAl, TRQ9Ht§, Sold EvEnvu-nESE. novlO mt hy mail for sixty cents. Address r. Pierce, M. D., Bufifalo, N. T. For hy most Druggists everywhere. only assert that w t ^ to. -Try it a ' B* W I ^ ------- ^ --------- ^ ____ sale hy most Druggists everywhere. dec2l2w2 H olidat P resents for A ix ,^an hi Jound at Parker & Co-’s, B8 and 100 Sum- mer St., Boston, IVfass. To enable every person to provide themselves with hand- some and useftil holiday Presents, from now until the 20£h of January, 1870, fhese .holidays 1 Holidays!! AT PBO WSE & 8RAYJS, ^3ijE!:ianK::T3v>d::Ej:& 0ALD nnd see enr Ureat Yariety of HOLIDAY GOODS, OOKSisiIM m Ahli.KSIifDS Of OHIITA GOODS, ' GLASS GOODS, TOILE'U SETTS, VasesfDf allKmas aM Sizes, . AND A LARGE VARIETY OF TOYS FOR CHH.DREIT, OAISTDIBS, &cr, &c. PHOW BE & IBBEIIBR , N ,f., New York Store, BOTTLED PABALYSIS. I Books. They are giving OneH ttn- Tickets to every one who will be- come their Agent, without charging them . 10 cts. each as heretofore. Bead the. ............... .................. change in their Advertisement in another uothmsdeleterions”toh^^ column. audsendfojQatalogno. ■ deeltf Yox Popum.—The voice of the People' ^ IS unanimous in praise of one th i^ at least, that is Morse’s Indian .Boot Pills, and it is well deserved. The best remedy in the world for almost all diseases that afflict the human race, they act directly on the blood, stomach and bowels. Keep your blood pure by an occasional dose of these Pills and you will not he siek.^ The When AdamdelveduudEve span, disease was unknown hut since that tune the race has degenerated and at the pre- sent time mankind is afflicted with m?”-'- diseases, yet if people would take a m< cine upon the first ^pmptoms of dise which would pass direct to the rts and restore heall' Medicines, they should be used in Liver Complaint, Pemalelxregularities, Billions D^orders, Dispepsia, &e. Use the Moun- tain Herb Pills, and by a fair traal con- vince yourself of their efficacy. Sold by’ dealers. nov24m2 e ^ T b e XTmversal Ciy, “ W hat shall I buy for Holiday Presents” can he an- 'swered best by P artvrr ^ Co., 98 & 100 Summer St,, Boston, ■who have an im- Varie%: of HolidoYaud useftii arti- ^ s , such as all kinds of Fancy Boxes, Writing Pesks, Clove Boxes, Albums in Morcoco and Gilt and Yelvet bindings, real Morocco Shopping Bags, Furnished Reticules,^Silver Hated Ware, and Ci dristadoiQ’s Excelsior Hair Dye. tvAarcEBr- 'Hairsftd^ deolBn^ ■ Goods at Gold Prices, ' Goods a{ Gold Prices, Ihioilg ftt T g W Morriraao Print?-......!. ..... .....dlM cents. jBcst Friwte ----- cents. Xionsaale -4-4 Sleoolxed....................l6M cents.- Hoavlest Srown SkooUttg______ IShl otnbl. Splendid fine and heavy 44 Brown Sheetingr....................^ ....................J2M cents. Goods, at Less than Gold Prices. Empress Gloth, French Merinoes, Down! Down! Down! Onr Poplin Alpacas reduced to 45 cents yard, (forth to-day 60 cents. Goods at prises lelTthan before the war. Alarseline of deeirahl* DRESS GOODS br25 cts, This lint includes fashionable Blue kndGreettPlaids.Strlpes, Changeable and Plain ?oplins. These Goods sold for 50 cts. at whole- Mo 4 weeks ago la Now York. MS' We guarantee these goods cheaper than an be found in this county. See them 1 1 8 7 0 . “ THE WORLD.” 1870 The ^ ^ beyond ciuestlorf. W'o regard it the ablest Democratic newspaper in the nation.— .Sf. Joseph (Mo,} Jlemld, The New York World, the ablest Democratic ionmai in the Fnited States.—Cinciiinatl Times. things.— .SaieipA k’eminel. The Neir Yorh ‘W'ojti.o, the ablest, most in- fluentiali ftud most widely ciroulftted Derooorntio newspaper in the country.—N^meuse Journal, Ta* NewYoki Y O U R MONEY! TBE W EEK LY WOBLH, g p e ana^guDiisnea.^every^^vveone3aay mommg, newspaper in the United States, with possibly, a single exception. Among Us prominent features House Builders: Hardware, B lack A lpaca at 2 S ets. We have a full line of these goods and at prices below the cheapen.. ^^havvis-aiid: Arabs to theirjiesent value. THE CONESSIONS OF ANtNVALlD. ^ublisbed fbr.the benefit of ymma md others who suffer from Nervous 'Debilil ,0., supplying the meansof seir-oiro. WfiK y one who cared hi^elf;^and semtiree oa 9-ixxsr 3. T>ost^paaA airected . envelope. Ad- TO owne As of horses , Thoiisanils of Horses die yearly from Tobias’ Venetian New York Market.. » JTEwYoax, Deo. 2! J.&C.—Flour—Sales at_$440@470 fori Haying just returned from New York and cured gopds since the receat decline, and hav.uB marked other goods instook down to their pres- value, we do know that we can save "mone/ to^l^hatWiU examine onr stock before pur- One Price to aU. Cash on Pe- livery. ATSBXtfcMMaSB, CdTlKm PBODtrCKUaKXXT. And fipKEEAI. Pbopuob Markkts Of the oountryi »nd full, renorfa of the New Yokk AIosex MiEKKT, Eachpfthese repoi------------ piled with iresSJWrc. andeont - (motations that can m obfaini tune of putting the paper to press. 2. I ts AGKIOUMDBAI.DSPAgTMN'C'wMohCOa- taina each week articles on practical and scientifio.larming that are of great valne to American fanners. A special feature o: this department.is a weekly summary of the condition of the Hoi home and-ahroad. 3. A very full report «f lerweekly paper. , . ------ ,,„JyW0Ki.D IS reserved .or iamily reading matter, inoluding ori- ginal and selected stories, poems, waifs of huniop, and extracts from hooks and peri- odicals. Particular attention 'will bo given •to this department duringtho year 1870. * ' I jO or : -a .tm riobjs . GOOD JAPAN TEA................................. |1.00 PRIME do. do. .................................... 1.25 GOOD XOTJKG HYSON TEA................... VERY PINE YOUNG HYSON TEA....... GEO.SMITH&SON, Fresh Coffee Ground Daily. cvsfsvp m fff(? (tM etooO. as 'Bests TUB 8B0n*WBBKLT WOKLDi si^ssts'iSsi^iiis reports as may be of no inter^°to nonresidents reports are as Of Merest. be ob- lU parts of >fau topics BroncMtfs or Throat Disease. THOSE AE|1CTED^W1LL FIND A ALLII'S LUN 5 'BALSAM n ffitheVM 'the throat rthis much - - rtryitanr Respeotfally, ^^k^ow^Trecman^uffnlhi?™^^ ^Whrfesale and iM aU Dr^gfets.^Eanem^^^ JUST O U T I 'CHERRY PECTORAL TROCHES,” For Colds, Coughs, Sore Throat, ad Bron«ihitis. UeeSmS 10 A?TTO^HOT3Ef Nnw YbnK. TO CONSUMPTIVES. THE Advertiser, having been re- stored to health inja few weeks, by a very sim- ple remedy. nftar haying suffered several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread dis- anxions to make known to 18 means of cure. la copy of the > . With the di- - same, which 'C O U C rH S,' tiV FLlFEIlr Z A, SoEB Thboat. Colds. WHOOPiNG-Coe-GH.Cgoirr, Lxvbk Complaist, BBOHOHirrs, As! thjul. . Blkbding op the Lukos, and every affection of the Thsoat, X i UXGS ^ andOHBST. are speedily and permanently cured by the use of l-ungs and se of the eomplaini, Cpusmnptioa Cat Be Cured by a timely resort to this standard remedy, as is proTed by hun^ecls of testimonials received by the proprietors. - . Prepared by SETH TYp POTYIsB &SON^, Bos- "toa, and sold by dealers generally.* declSyl VALUABLE-DAIRY FARM BO H S A L K I- iT'ETB subscriber ofiers fbr sale h.s . Farm, known as tho Baum farm, situ- ated 2}^ miles north of the village of Herkiir— on the^Steuben Hoad, containingr 218^^ acre Dated October 4 1809. dental notice , TVTOTICE is hereby given, that the whereby Eevoked and declared NUbii anp voip# All i>erson8 are hereby cautioned against pur- chasing Rubber I^ental Plates of £aid Chas. A. ^ab^ok, nr of any pajtie^ S9? Licensed by '^Boston, Nov.‘197*1^9." Treas. Goodytar^^M « Ob. - deemd. tebnes by mrAiJL. WEESIiT WORM). Twenty Cosies, ono year, to one addrm ...' 23.M JLxadart extra eo^s>to Better up of Club.. Twenty C(«de3, on« year, separately address- AhWanTxtVft Coprw F ife Copies, one year_ to one address.......50.00 And^he Semi-Weekly, one year, to getter up of F if^ Copies, one-year, separately addressed K.OO An^Uic Semi-Weekly, one year, to getter up of OnoHundredCopieg.oneyeanoneoddresg 100.00 And tho Daily, one year, togetter up of Club. One Hundred Copies, one yCar, separately ad- ..........-SM We have also a full stock of pure DRUGS AND MEDICINES, ^iM.^from tho Bonded Warehouse, a, pure CHOICE LIQUORS, All of iThich -will be sold. a.t prices that defy , JOmpetition. ----"We ara also. Agents for ) HOME. PHfflIIX, SEOURITI &INTEMA- TIOSTAI. INSTTBANCE COMPANIES, AND HARTFORD DIVE STOCK INSURANCE COMPANY. PROWSE &, GRAY Nsak the R. R. Depot, >tf - Herkimer. N. Y. to getter upof Club? ILD. 'Daily, one year, 3MI-WEBKLY,WORL] One copy, one year..................................... 64.00 hour Copies, one year, separately addressed 10.00 Ten Copies, one year, to one address_____ 20.00 And an extra Copy to getter up of Clab, Ten Copies, one year, separately addressed 22.00 Ana an extra Copy to getter up of Club. DAILY WORLD. One Copy, one year................. ............. One Copy, one year, with Sunday Edition. 12.00 THE WOKEB ALMANACS. (FOR 1868* 1869, AND 1870.) Price, post-paid. Single Copies................... . . 2 Seven Copies, post-paid............................... 1.00 . DIKEOXIONS, aaybemadc at a ■■eClub rates, ts made only on r< > packages, statinj Post-o£Sce and y been sent, and e ly for trouble of th -------- — advance. Send Post-office Money Orders. Bank Draft, or Registered Letter. BiU« gent !w Mail will bo at the risk of_tho soadt ■yVehave no travolfingagonts. Specimen oopi posters, Ac., sent free of charge, wherever a whenever desired. Address all orders and 1 « TTJBIB W O R Iilk ” 35 Pork Hott, New York. Additions to Clubs may be m: in the year at the above Club ra Changes in ()Iub Lists made o: ills QRIIFIN—In West Winfield, on the Uth inst„ Charles Gnffin, aged S2 years. , CLAPSADDLE—In Colqmhia, Deo 15th, I|e9. of cancer of the stomachy 2ur« sJolm D. Ciap^d- die, ased 65 years, STAT7RINQ—Tn German Platts, on the 15th ins^. Jacob P. Stanring. aged 90 years, U months SHARPER—In Herkimer. Dec, 10th, Mary Sharner, aged 12 years. Ofsneh is the Kingdom of Heaven.” “ OOSTAR’S” - EXTlfiHIHATaB S Poa Ra53. Roaohes, Ak-TS. Ac. Use ^ ^ la n id for BED BUGS, the Powder for For cals by all Drag^sts. * ' aniSoyl ALLOOOK'SPOEOIJSPLASTEEg seem to possess the quality of " Accumulating Electricity and imparting it to the body, whereby the eircu- Sheriff’s Froclanmtion. "^^^JBEERL^AS a Oouii^^ O ourt a-nd tOMiey of Herkimer County, to all j»erso»&b.ound to appear at the said; County Court aaid C ^rt of Sessions, by ■who havo-takr------- :c. s , -w n ,ao 3 s:. MOHAWK, N. Y. QFEOIAb #tent!on given to collect- ^ins Kotc3and Morteascs,eandproctirinffI>5^ l^wgeafor Debtor* tmder the Vs PHiE£^AKlB||||jlLT£ tftfi YEAKStWs WONDEBPUL XUUgALVE has been theseorefc ofan old ( neoUeutfamny by tho name of Phmbe Ba 4S*Now it comes forth to bless mankind, ry; the like of It has nDrorbeon known. 1000 nersons already boar testimony. One person says, •• I bought a 61 Pot, and I would not be without it ifit cost $10, or I bad to go all the way to N. V. for it.” Physicians nso andxeoommend it, and 65 pots ore ordered daily for Hospitals and Poblio Xnstitntions, to every part of the B0M*T m om mr For OfitsSnnu. SoHij Bmlses, Sores, Uloers, OaBsen, Bore Nipples, Broken Breasts, Ohsp- ped Il|3 and. lands, Enipjiions, Rlisd imd Bleeding Piles, Oonu, Rites of Insects. Asl- malSi &o.|&o.|I m. WITH- 0IITIT IN THE HOUSE llilief CmtUfl Mety. rpHlfUuext Annoul Meeting of this -L Sotdety.Xoriho Blcction ofOfficers, presenta- tion of the Annual Reports, and the transaction of tho yearly buslnesa of the Society,will bo held attheAmerican Botel.inUie -villago ofMohawk, on Tuneday, the Uth day of January. 1870, at 32 o’clock,noon. It is hoped there willbeafat) attend-ance of tho members of the Society. By order Of ^ fi.ETSAMANifro^ent, Clxv HAit.1.. Secretary. _______ aavKid JExMfiie Mdticc. fpHZE IBoaiG o f OoxamissToiicrs of X Excfefi, in and for the County oS'HerMmar. mrt House, in isaid eonnty. jomnlointa for violati Dated Dec a)jl86S^ _________ _ Aext,ateL- order of the-Board. . JOHN. CiUHLE. Clerk. 100,000 SubseriherM APfLETOSr’jOllRHAL literature, Science and Art, 3AA-T BBOBTAINED BV The Formation of Oluhs EVEBT TOWN AND VHiLAOE, IN AP'PITIOH TO 7he iMtge CIrenlatlon wMck It new eifiaysi miums receiTcd from notice* j that rcaohYis <daily. to be the BEST FAMILYPAPER EVERISSUED appU tsns* Journal IS I'TJSItISHi:i> WEEKDT, And consistg of thirty-two auarlo pagea, each number attractively Illustrated. Its ci tents consist of serial tl the various sub/eots thi portfiiiiiotliapuifMU and recreations ol tlio peoplei irlie** ^ -tber of ioirn or country* . JPyiceXOc^jper’JNttTnbcr, oy-’04i>er <xnnuw£n.<uivanee* Subaoriptions rccolved for 12,8 or Bmonths. fttrnished on applioallon T>. AZPElL-BTOlSr & Oo„ nov24w4 ' SO. 92 A 01 GrakdStkeet, N, T. for the coW y of ^ rS « a t tho Court H orn in tboTillfiso of Herkimor* on tbo first Monday* (tho 7th day; of 5’ebraarynext, 10 o/clock, A, ' ' will be publicly dra sm at tho Clcrk^e Officein County Clerk. HAYING TOOLS, HUBS, FELLOES, Faints & Oils, ' ^XiOX33R Ss SA.3_iT, FBUITCANgS,. P H a s DRtJOSp and all the Popular Patent Medicine* of the day. Coll and see, at the store of _____ C .W .P A ll!IE B .Ji*. i f OZEt •'2"OXX3Et BEtfGS AND MEDICINES C K p a K T E K . Y1 SROCEBIESANDTR 07 ISI 0 HS , GO TO PROWSE & GRAY’S, Herkimer, N.Y. "^E^havc just received.an immense CROCKERY! Come where you cau find the largest stock ever rou^t into this marketgand lad the lowest W ISTERrTMET ACEW , ' at * the American Express Office, HERKIMER, N. T. First and Second Class Tickets For sale at the LOWEST RATES, via aU the principal Railroads, to the following places Adrian, . Green Bay. Nebraska City. »M .a, isiffii, a a :* ”- < hncinnatbg Xndianapolis, Omaha, ?»uChien. Cedar .Rapid*, Jackson, - Portage City, Counori BlnEb. Heoknk, Quincy, Denver, Kenosha. TRoek Island, Detroit, Kansas City, Racine. Dayton. Kalamazoo, Salt Lake City, Dnnleith, LouisviUe, Saeramente. SiSfees. iSto^isr* Dnhuqne. L a Crosse, Eio^City, Also, a complete assortment^f Bavenport,” L»^OTorth Eoncfdaiiac, Mt^arinlf’ TCTro Haute, Galena, Minneapolis, Waukegan, Galesbnrg, Memphis, VVinona, leapolis, •Ajidto allthe principal places West and Sonth- West. Eor further particulaiE inquire of W. P. MUNSON, HERglMER LOnrnES YARD H. A. DEIMEL, TTAYIITG bought out the Lumber -U- Yard of GEO. P. FOLTS, and merged, both' FQLTS AfrEnJcL stand ot Corner Albany and Washington Streets, I n T- Y ., will continue to carry on the LUMBER BUSINESS m^ll it^various branches. Ho will furnish all ^"T uWBER AND SHINGLES. DOORS. SASH, BLINDS, M O ULDING S , & c., at Utica prices, WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. ' A SPLENDID prize jfor the ladies. -lI- Thefineskmost pleasing and costly PAR- LOR ENGRAVING ever published, in America presented as a premium to- each subscriber. The Useful, thBEntertalnlDg and the Beautiful- TJie Model Magazine c>f- America. \ Seiorest’s fflnstratei Moily. A Magazine of PraotSoal Utility in the House- Id, aMirror of the Fashions, and a Literary nservator of Surpassing Interest and Artistic ccellence. List, to the echo", hail the sound, Erom every quarter, lo ! it comes : A Magazine-of worth is found, Exalting borii onr tastes and homes.” . ...----- raT’sM "" P^skl amentai. adant : iodel Cottages with their surron----- ... ---- Home Matters in all their departments. THE ENTERTAINING comprises Original Stories and Poems by the best authors. Spicy Items. Talks to Women by Jennie Tune. Litera- ry and Art Gossip, etc., and Popular Musio hy When E ( loengrtu- OIiD ESTABLISHED HOSPITAL ON !EHE FBUNCS SYSTEM. Oures and Poto Prices. Xhensand Patients Cured Annually. ntinuea to be confi- S M M l IffillM C IfflM f! eases, offerinducement* to the unfortuaate, of a . Aisels. Over Twemly M llioa Dallays. Young men. w.o^^y^ INSURANCE COMPANY OPHAETFOBD. CONN. KOOMOnXXED1819—Cafife ASSBTS, JXR. 1st, 1869, ' ¥5,150,081 VI. J , GOODNOW, fieov. L. J- HENDBB, Pres. fhelbestCompamegofereryolas!9fIn$uraiicB are represented At this Agency. Insurance ©f- feotod on sU classes of insurable property.— : ?arm Properly iMured &r 2 or 5 yCars. Apply inORRIS FIRES, 1ATIOBNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW EEBKIMBR, M F. 3»MnUr. i 49*011101 WITH Hon. Bua Gbivxs. je«tf LITTLE fa lls , N. Y., ABE DAILY BECBIVINi} mw SPEINO STYLES. ,- -O P - DRY EflODS; CONSISTING IN PART OF DRESS GOODS, DOMESTICS,- ' ' t ^ TBISTTS, GEETGHAMS, DELAINES, WOOLENS, ELANNELS, BLANKETS, SHAYfLS, BALMORALS, WHITE GOODS, l D stens , HOSIERY, GKOVES, ' ^ NOTIONS,- BANDAGE, PRESS CLOTH, ' &C.^ &c., &c., &c., which we WILL SELL at the lowest poJsiWd anUI QmiOUSJrn ^ CHAS.TL:r;AKi,^IToi. ^ m TP-P P ^ P P s 3 TO THE YVORKING CLASS.- We'are now m-enared f«* fiiTTiiKb nil CrHEAT WMDROBl. ^‘^GEO. SMITH & SON current!. __ thlAJISDN & J . AGENTS WANTED FOR •Daris bySunlight and .Gaslight* BOOK AGENTS WANTED TO SELL ‘BOTTIt aSTB-W •W EST.” B T BAiaUBL BOWLES. fPH E most popular, valuable, and in -L every way BEST Book on the G reat TVeet ever published. OYEB. ftS,000 COPIES SOLD PORTT THODSAND CA8M OF i GO'ODSweresikippeA from, our lionseln One Tear, to familiej, cluM, and merohante.iii every part of tho connlry, ftom Maine to Oalffomia, amonnting in value to over ONE MILLION DOLLAftS. ur facilities for transacting this immense bu- NIBare better thaiuever before. 'W'o have a- ts in all the prinoipal oitics-to purchase goods u the Manufacturers, Importers, and others, — CASH, and often at an immense sacrifice from the original cost ofprodnetion. Our stock consbts. in part, of thi gO^d*!;;;^^ ed CAST8BS. Beii I ksia Wake, ’Glass Waeb, 7 able and Pocket Outlert. in erreat variety. E legant E eench and German F ancy Goods. iRAPHAiiBUMS.thenewcstand id Velvet Bindings. BeaDTIPUI, PHOSOdRJ______________ choicest styles in Morocco and Velvet! Morocco T bavelinq Bags, Handkekohi Atm Glove Boxes, Ac. Gold and P lated -JEWBLaT, Op the Newest 'OMEN O f ]}Ef YORK ; Or, the tTnder-*World of the O reat City. The sins of every cla^s of soci- ety exposed. Avoid the Railroad to ruin. Signals of danger are np.— Moee Money in it foe Live Agents B ^HAN ANX.OTHER Book. Takes three ^ ^ presses all the time to print fast e- nongh.. One Attent took 178 ordera in 10 days. street. N. Y. O ne D ollar for each article. iVe do not offera single article of merohandis tt can be sold by regular dealers a t our prici s do not ask yon to ony gooas from ns nnle: I can sell them cheaper than you can obtai sm in any other way,—while the greater pai onr goods are sold at about One-la^tke legdar Batesi fry ‘vfant'-good xeNiable agents in every ^ art Oa. le Country. By employing your spare nme to clubs and sending us orders, you can obtain , le most liberal .commissions, either iu CASH or MERCHANDISE, and all goods sent by us will >6 as represented, apd we guarantee satisiaction 'to every one dealing with our bopse. As the Holidays are coming, we are making special arrangements to supply every one who reads onr advertisement, with thu most hand^ some and useful Holiday presents that can be thought of or wished for, and to enable them to procure them cheaply and expeditiously, we wiU give to any one*who will become onr Agent, ->11E HUNDRED FREE qilCKEIS, ©numerat- ing some of the many different articles from which you can make your seleciioa of Holiday For returning full clubs from these Free Tiok- ets, accompanied by the cash, we will give the same extra premiums that we now give, jnst the same as ifyou had paid 10 cents fbr each one of your Tickets. Wo wish you to understand that not any Other firm in the business can compete ithusinany way whatever, , . this free tioketis only goods for the Hobdays, .mustsend. in your orders before the 20th of ■etained to _ JPMfT tite JExpress CUarses* This offer is more especially to assist Agents in the Western and Southern States, hut is open to aUenstomers. ' OOIMMI! Aromatic'Vegetable Soap* * GOLUATE & GO'S TOILET SOAPS. NEW YORK. ESTABLISHED iS0& For the Delicate Skin of Judies and Ghfidren. SOXiD BY AtiX, DUUGGSTS. KNIT I-KNIT! I-KNIT I \ I A GENTS W ANTED everywhere to iX sell the AMERICAN KNITTING MA- CHINE, the only practical Family Knitting Ma- chine ever invented. Price S25; Will k n it 20,000 stitches per minute. Address AMERICAN KNITTlSiG MACHINE CO., Boston. Mass., or St. Xsouis. Mo. - . - ■REST SEWING MACHINE EX- TANT.—Only $50. Sample Macbino to A- genta F ree. Address PentueJeet Manvf*g Co., Hast Sampetead, N. S r dONET AXWAt^S BY REGISTEJt- tberparticnlars send for Catalogues, ------- KBR&OO., St.. Bostok. Mass. ■tfculars sem PARKE sentasli * SuMKin jmJSileow E. S. WH,G< lEsi- ; e 3CA.X i X i, AtTOBNBV ANDOorasmOBATLAW, Ofpioe ox BL^QgLlT- a o - e u t s ■WAJNra?Bx> a New Illustrated Booizofgreat historical tu- •€8t. Stirring events and thrilling adventure^ THE RIVER OF THE WEST. BY MBS. FEANCE3 FULLEE VIOTOE, OF OEEGOE, A HISTORY of the North-wester] slop,e. with events inthe life-time of a Sock, Mountatn Hunter and Oregon, fU m eer. Finely illustrated! intensely interesting! replete with hinnor, pathos and instruction, and treating of EUbj ^ ts which are new and inviting. Every rage m il oe found fresh, original and entertaining, Kowin press, and bound to have a great run. |o r ^ 8 ^ p tiv e circularB and terms, address the ■R. *W. RDXSS & CO-. Raxtford. Conn. A GENTS WANTED—Eor Sow to ssKS'lira^l»lilS^ profits may be deabled, land increased in valne, ^ o r men made richi and bonesfclaborrewarded, English and Cermanu Evwbody buys it. 600 sold in a few townsbips. Hundreds in a single townsmp. Agents can find no better work dur- ingtheFall and Winter. Parmers andtheir sons can eachmahe%lQti^er month. Send for circu- PHEAPEST PAPER vj WORIiD. Rich.- RxBn. Raci Eun and Eancy. Sure tr ---- year; valuable liremiuni to Meats. Specimens 6 NEB, Belfast, Maine. IN THE These made from New York Mills Muslin, Only Ibree Dollars Each. From Wamsutta Muslin, Only Two Dollars and Seventy-five Cents. Lower gradesofthe same make at Two Dollars ' andFifty Cents, and Two Dollars each. Don’t Fall to Examine These Shim . It may he an advantage to you. FINE WHITE WRAPPERS AND DRAWERS, Only One Dollar Each. HBA-VY MIXED -WRAPPERS AND DRAW- ERS, Only Fifty Cents Each. CALL AT THE THE GREAT WARDROBE. THE inODEI. CLOTHING STOKE. 110 & 112 Genesee St., Dtica. CHAKLBS C. KINGSHEY. sion, to sell our Patent White "Wire Clothes Linea. Adareia Mudaon River 'Wire Worha, 75 TVui. St.. XT. Y., Chicago, Richmond or Memphie. L.OR!L.L.ARO’5j ig an excellentar- admired. It is pat np in handsome muslin bags, in which orders for Meorsehajim Pipes are daily pocked. - ^ uoRiLUARO'Slig made of the Yaoht 01nb fSaS5r!.”'i£ SKOKIBG TOBACCO 1effects, as the Nicotine has been extracted! it leaves no disagreablo ' 3teafter smolcinfi:; it is very mild, light in eol- and weight, hence one jgpnnd will last as long id we also uo R f L. I-A R p »s [This brand ot Fine out doubt the best chewing tonaccCinmeconur 1—ORlI_I_ARD’asiliave now been in O M i IITCT QgeneraluBeintheUm* ^ IN W r r pJtedStatesoverJlOyears and still acknowledged ’‘the best” wherever ~ ' vonr storekeeper docs not have those arti- for sale, ask him to get them ; they are sold sspectahle jobbers almost everywhere, reular of prices mailed on application. F . ROBZLL&BD & CO., New York. ^Addi^BEW^ & CO., Boston, Mass,, Pittsburgh. Pa„ or St. Louis, Mo.. ASK yoiir Doctor or Druggist for PERFECT MANHOOD.—Essays X—for Yothg Mention the evils of S2tF-EN- EBVATIONjWith certain help for the etong and unfortunate. Sent in sealed letter envel- opes, free of charge. Address Howaed Aesocia- xion. Box P. Philadelphia, Fa. ^REAT REDUCTION IN THE FKICS OF CI.OXHING. SOXtR OF XHR B jLRGAINSTO BE FOVJdD AT TBE ^ Great Wardrobe CALL AND INSPECT THEM. BLACK BROADCLOTH FROCKCOATS, Only Seven Dollars. HEAVY BLACK DOESKIN PANTS. ' . Only Four Dollars, FINE BDACK DOESKIN -VFISTS, Only Two Dollars and Fifty Cents, HEAVY STOUT PANTS, BLACK OB MIXED,, Only Three Dollars- HEAVY MOSCOW BEAVER OVERCOATS. Only Fifteen Dollars. HEAVY AND •WARM OVERCOATS. Only Six Dollars and Fifty Cents. eOOD ALL WOOL OYERCOATS, Only Seven Dollars. HEAVY ALL WOOL SACKCOATS. Only Six Dollars. ALarge Stock of Boys’ Olotbing, A GOOD SHARE AT COST. AND PARI Xi£lS@ 'IfUSLAAdJ OOST. A SPENDID ASSORTMENT OF FTjKNismisra eoor»s. CHE&FEB THAN AT ANY OTHER STORE. The New andBlegant‘Trving”PAPi:ECollar, Only Ten Cents Per Box FINE DINEN COLDARS. Only One Dollar »Hd Fifty Cents per dozen, GOODWHITE SHIRTS. Only One Dollar lEacli. GREAT ATTEACTIOHS! FOB THE CHBISTMAS HOLIDAYS! - REILLY & CLANCY’S ITew Dry Goods Store, L1XXL.E FAUL.S, N. Y, TysirsT o o o iD S , , We are enabled to offer our Friends and the Public at large, a NEW, FASHIONABLE AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK Calling and Seeing Our Prices, BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE, as we are determined to carry out the principle upon wbicbwe storied, of mAllt EEOFm AND jREtTZBSXrs. HO-W TO SAVE MONET. AND THAT IS TO tAKE MONEY. «saU upon & CIsANOT, ]E fP M I e S , JV. id.a Next Door to .Ashley’s Hardware Store. decSml McKown & Co. DEALERS IN liO O K IN a CrJlsASSES* portrait , photograph and H 6f cRi m im m , GILT AND ROSE WOOD MOULDING, BACK STUFF, &c. Ho. 10 WhilcsboM Street, Cor. DiTisiofij xtr. IT, EVERYDESCRIPIIONoi W.J.MolOWN. msySOtf mn SALE! /W E of Lillie’s Patent .Fire Proot U Iro.S,fc.M>rI,i.OT. ^ Herkimer, January 25,1869. jan27

New York Store, DRY EflODS; - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031101/1869-12-22/ed-1/seq-3.pdfsrSfSEES and PUBLIC SPE AKERS usp tbom to clear and strecsthctt

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Page 1: New York Store, DRY EflODS; - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031101/1869-12-22/ed-1/seq-3.pdfsrSfSEES and PUBLIC SPE AKERS usp tbom to clear and strecsthctt

If your lior e is lame, sore or gall-e<l, vou slioulvl I'so Jo lo iso ii'f A m chtne L iitiu ie id ; ■wash “t l ie p a r t w ith castile

I J ^ H a r e the readers of the Dmioemtever u sed any o f Parsons' P urffa tiveI^iU sf i f no t, wBy n o t? ^ e y a re t lie b estfamily physic, besides being the gi'eatestanti-hilious remedy there is in tlys coun-

W iLD Cherkst B a is a m .—T he m e in o ly . o f D r. W is ta r is em halm ed in th e h ea rts o f thousands w hom his. P aham - o fW M t7dcrr?f haa cured cl cough j ceWS)constm iption, o r som e o th e r form o f p rd-monary disease. It is. uaw over forty........... ......... ^"'vaght

f l^ ^ l io o k h ere , reader, we do n o tthat Oonsumptlon can he curedto tell you that Uonsumptiouean he cured

when the lungs are h alf consumed, nor th a t Dr. Wonderful, or any other fellow, has discovered a remedy- th a t "wilf makemen live forever, and leave death-to play fo r w an t o£ w ork. N o, yOn h av e h ea rdenough of that, and vre do not wonderth a t you have hy this time become dis- guesied with it. B u t when we tell you

. th a t Dr. Sage’s " ■ " ’ •”itivel-------

S P B O I A l N O T I C E S .

A Cough, Cold or Sore ThroatRequirea inuacaiate iUtention, as nesleet oftni results in an incur-able huii? lllsease, «;

R h iM H Ilim Bmvra's 'Broadiial Troohea will invarialjls rive iu.=tonl re-

fi'i' Kma. Absumu Ca-t.verh, Co.<-.i MpTiTEand. Xheoas

DiiCAsna. they have .a soothing effect.srS fS E E S an d PU B LIC SPE AKERS usp tbom

to clear and strecsthctt the voice.Owing to tho good reputation and popularity

of the Troches, manyiro.*-f/ihsa and chem m ita- Hons (/ire offered, ivlikh are good for nothing. Be^urc to OBTAIN the into

BROWHIAl, TRQ9Ht§,Sold EvEnvu-nESE. novlO

mt hy mail for sixty cents. Address r. Pierce, M. D., Bufifalo, N. T . For hy most Druggists everywhere.

only assert tha t w t ^ to. -Try i t a

' B* W I ^ ------- ^ --------- ^ ____sale hy most Druggists everywhere.

dec2l2w2H o l id a t P r esen ts f o r A i x , ^ a n h i

Jound a t Parker & Co-’s, B8 and 100 Sum­mer St., Boston, IVfass. To enable every person to provide themselves with hand­some and useftil holiday Presents, from now until the 20£h o f January, 1870, fhese

.h o l id a y s 1 H o lid a y s ! !

A T P B O W S E & 8 R A Y J S ,

^3ijE !:ianK ::T 3v> d ::E j:&

0ALD nnd see enr Ureat Yariety of

H O L I D A Y G O O D S ,

OOKSisiIM m Ahli.KSIifDS Of




VasesfDf allKmas aM Sizes,. AND A LARGE VARIETY OF

T O Y S F O R C H H .D R E I T ,

O A I S T D I B S , & c r , & c .

P H O W B E &

I B B E I I B R , N , f . ,

New York Store,


I Books. They are giving On eH ttn-Tickets to every one who will be­

come their A gent, w ithout charging them. 10 cts. each as heretofore. Bead the. ............... ..................

change in their Advertisement in another uothmsdeleterions”to h ^ ^column. audsendfojQatalogno. ■ deeltf

Y o x Popum.—The voice of the People' ^IS unanimous in praise o f one t h i ^ a tleast, that is Morse’s Indian .Boot Pills,and i t is well deserved. The best remedy in the world for almost all diseases that afflict the human race, they act directly on the blood, stomach and bowels. Keep your blood pure by an occasional dose of these Pills and you will not he siek.^ The

When AdamdelveduudEve span, disease was unknown hut since th a t tu n ethe race has degenerated and at the pre­sen t tim e m ankind is afflicted w ith m ?” -'-diseases, yet i f people would take a m< cine upon the first ^pmptoms o f dise which would pass direct to the

rts and restore heall'

Medicines, they should be used in Liver Complaint, Pemalelxregularities, Billions D^orders, Dispepsia, &e. Use the Moun­tain Herb Pills, and by a fair traal con­vince yourself o f their efficacy. Sold by’ dealers. nov24m2

e ^ T b e XTmversal Ciy, “ W hat shallI buy for Holiday Presents” can he an-

'sw ered best by P artvrr ^ Co., 98 & 100 Summer S t,, Boston, ■who have an im-

Varie%: of HolidoYaud useftii arti- ^ s , such as all kinds of Fancy Boxes, Writing Pesks, Clove Boxes, Albums in Morcoco and Gilt and Yelvet bindings, real Morocco Shopping Bags, Furnished Reticules,^Silver H ated Ware, and Ci

dristadoiQ’s Excelsior Hair Dye.

tvAarcEBr-'Hairsftd^deolBn^ ■

Goods at Gold Prices,

■ ' Goods a{ Gold Prices,

Ihioilg ftt Tg W

Morriraao Print?-......!. ..... .....dlM cents.jBcst Friwte ----- cents.Xionsaale -4-4 Sleoolxed....................l6M cents.-Hoavlest Srown SkooUttg______ IShl otnbl.Splendid fine and heavy 4 4 Brown

Sheetingr.................... ....................J2M cents.

Goods, a t Less th a n Gold P rices.

E m p r e s s G l o t h ,

F re n c h M erin o es,

Down! Down! Down!

Onr Poplin Alpacas reduced to 45 cents yard, (forth to-day 60 cents.

■ Goods a t prises lelTthan before the war.

A larseline of deeirahl*

DRESS GOODSbr25 cts, This lin t includes fashionable Blue kndGreettPlaids.Strlpes, Changeable and Plain ?oplins. These Goods sold for 50 cts. a t whole-Mo 4 weeks ago la Now York.

MS' We guarantee these goods cheaper than an be found in this county. See them 1

1 87 0 . “ THE WORLD.” 1870The ^ ^ beyond ciuestlorf.

W'o regard it the ablest Democratic newspaper in the nation.—.Sf. Joseph (Mo,} Jlemld,

The New York World, the ablest Democratic ionmai in the Fnited States.—Cinciiinatl Times.

things.—.SaieipA k’eminel.The Neir Yorh ‘W'ojti.o, the ablest, most in-

fluentiali ftud most widely ciroulftted Derooorntionewspaper in the country.—N^meuse Journal,

Ta* New Yoki


M O N E Y !

T B E W E E K L Y W O B L H ,

g p e ana^guDiisnea.^every^^vveone3aay mommg,newspaper in the United States, with possibly, asingle exception. Among Us prominent features

House Builders: Hardware,

Black Alpaca at 2S ets.We have a full line of these goods and at prices below the cheapen..

^ h a v v is - a i id : A r a b s

to th e ir jiesen t value.

THE CONESSIONS OF ANtNVALlD.^ u b l i s b e d fb r . th e b en e fit o f y m m a

md others who suffer from Nervous 'Debilil,0., supplying the meansof seir-oiro. W fiKy one who cared h i^elf;^and semtiree oa 9-ixxsr 3. T>ost paaA airected. envelope. Ad-

TO o w n e A s o f h o r s e s ,Thoiisanils of Horses die yearly from

Tobias’ Venetian

New York M arket..» JTEwYoax, Deo. 2!

J.&C.—Flour—Sales at_$440@470 fori

Haying just returned from New York and cured gopds since the receat decline, and hav.uB marked other goods instook down to their pres-

value, we do know that we can save "mone/ to^l^hatW iU examine onr stock before pur-

One Price to aU. Cash on Pe-l i v e r y .

A TSB X tfcM M aSB ,

CdTlKm PBODtrCK UaKXXT. And fipKEEAI. Pbopuob Markkts Of the oountryi »ndfu ll, renorfa o f th e N ew Y okk AIo s exMiEKKT, Eachpfthese repoi------------piled with iresSJWrc. andeont

- (motations that can m obfaini tune of putting the paper to press.

2. Its AGKIOUMDBAI.DSPAgTMN'C'wMohCOa-taina each week articles on practical and scientifio.larming that are of great valne to American fanners. A special feature o: this department.is a weekly summary of the condition of the Hoi home and-ahroad.

3. A very full report «f

lerweekly paper. ,. ------ ,,„JyW0Ki.D IS reserved

.or iamily reading matter, inoluding ori­ginal and selected stories, poems, waifs ofhuniop, and extracts from hooks and peri­odicals. Particular attention 'will bo given

•to this department duringtho year 1870. * '

I jO o r : -a .t m ’r i o b j s . GOOD JAPAN TEA................................. |1.00PRIME do. do. .................................... 1.25GOOD XOTJKG HYSON TEA...................VERY PINE YOUNG HYSON TEA.......


Fresh Coffee Ground Daily.

cvsfsvp m fff(? ( t MetooO. a s 'Bests


si^ssts'iSsi^iiisreports as may be of no in ter^°to nonresidents

reports are as

Of M erest.

be ob- lU parts of >fau topics

BroncMtfs or Throat Disease.THOSE AE|1CTED^W1LL FIND A


ffitheVM'the throat r this much

- - rtry itanrRespeotfally, ”

^ ^ k ^ o w ^ T re c m a n ^ u ff n lh i? ™ ^ ^

^Whrfesale and iM aU Dr^gfets.^Eanem^^^


F o r C olds, C oughs, S ore T hroat,ad Bron«ihitis.

UeeSmS 10 A?TTO^HOT3Ef Nnw YbnK.

TO CONSUMPTIVES.T H E A d v ertiser , h a v in g b een re­

stored to health inja few weeks, by a very sim­ple remedy. nftar haying suffered several years with a severe lung affection, and tha t dread dis-

anxions to make known to 18 means of cure.

l a copy of the >. With the di- - sam e, which

'C O U C rH S ,' tiV FL lFE Ilr Z A ,SoEB Thboat. Colds. WHOOPiNG-Coe-GH.Cgoirr, Lxvbk Complaist, BBOHOHirrs, As!thjul.

. Blkbding op the Lukos, and every affection of the Thsoat, XiUXGS

andOHBST.are speedily and permanently cured by the use of

l-ungs and se of the eomplaini,

Cpusmnptioa Cat Be Curedby a timely resort to this standard remedy, as is proTed by hun^ecls of testimonials received by the proprietors. -. Prepared by SETH TYp POTYIsB & SON , Bos- "toa, and sold by dealers generally.* declSyl


iT'ETB subscriber ofiers fbr sa le h . s. Farm, known as tho Baum farm, situ­

ated 2} miles north of the village of H erkiir—on the^Steuben Hoad, containingr 218^ acre

Dated October 4 1809.

d e n t a l n o t i c e ,TVTOTICE is hereb y g iv en , th a t th e

whereby Eevoked and declared NUbii anp voip# All i>erson8 are hereby cautioned against pur­

chasing Rubber I^ental Plates of £aid Chas. A. ^ab^ok, nr of any pajtie^ S 9 ? Licensed by

'^Boston, Nov.‘197*1^9."Treas. G o o d y t a r ^ ^ M « Ob.- deemd.

t e b n e s b y mrAiJL. WEESIiT WORM).

Twenty Cosies, ono year, to one addrm ...' 23.MJLxad art extra eo^s> to Better up of Club..Twenty C(«de3, on« year, separately address-

AhWanTxtVft CoprwF ife Copies, one year_ to one address.......50.00And^he Semi-Weekly, one year, to getter up of

F if^ Copies, one-year, separately addressed K.OO An^Uic Semi-Weekly, one year, to getter up of

OnoHundredCopieg.oneyeanoneoddresg 100.00And tho Daily, one year, togetter up of Club.One Hundred Copies, one yCar, separately ad-


We have also a full stock of pure

DRUGS AND MEDICINES,^iM .^from tho Bonded Warehouse, a, pure

C H O IC E L IQ U O R S,All of iThich -will be sold. a.t prices that defy

, JOmpetition.----"We ara also. Agents for) HOME. PHfflIIX, SEOURITI & INTEMA-



Nsak the R. R. Depot,>tf - Herkimer. N. Y.

to getter upof Club? ILD.

'Daily, one year, 3MI-WEBKLY,WORL]

One copy, one year..................................... 64.00hour Copies, one year, separately addressed 10.00Ten Copies, one year, to one address_____ 20.00

And an extra Copy to getter up of Clab,Ten Copies, one year, separately addressed 22.00

Ana an extra Copy to getter up of Club.DAILY WORLD.

One Copy, one year................. .............One Copy, one year, with Sunday Edition. 12.00

THE WOKEB ALMANACS.(FOR 1868* 1869, AND 1870.)

Price, post-paid. Single Copies................... . . 2Seven Copies, post-paid............................... 1.00

. DIKEOXIONS,aaybemadc at a ■■e Club rates, ts made only on r<> packages, statinj

Post-o£Sce and y been sent, and e ly for trouble of th

-------- — — advance. Send Post-officeMoney Orders. Bank Draft, or Registered Letter.BiU« gent !w Mail will bo at the risk of_tho soadt

■yVe have no travolfingagonts. Specimen oopi posters, Ac., sent free of charge, wherever a whenever desired. Address all orders and 1

« TTJBIB W O R I i l k ”■ 35 P o rk H ott, New York.

Additions to Clubs may be m: in the year a t the above Club raChanges in ()Iub Lists made o:

i l l s

Q RIIFIN —In West Winfield, on the Uth inst„ Charles Gnffin, aged S2 years. ,

CLAPSADDLE—In Colqmhia, Deo 15th, I|e9.of cancer of the stomachy 2ur« sJolm D. Ciap^d-die, ased 65 years,

STAT7RINQ—Tn German Platts, on the 15th ins^. Jacob P . Stanring. aged 90 years, U months

SHARPER—In Herkimer. Dec, 10th, Mary Sharner, aged 12 years.Ofsneh is the Kingdom of Heaven.”

“ OOSTAR’S” -E X T l f i H I H A T a B S

Poa Ra53. Roaohes, Ak-TS. Ac.Use ^ l a n i d for BED BUGS, the Powder for

For cals by all Drag^sts.

* ' aniSoyl

ALLOOOK'SPOEOIJSPLASTEEgseem to possess th e q u ality o f "

A ccum ulating E lec tric ityand imparting i t to the body, whereby the eircu-

Sheriff’s Froclanmtion."^^^JBEERL^AS a O ouii^^ O o u r t a-nd

tOMiey of Herkimer County, to all j»erso»&b.ound to appear a t the said; County Court aaid C ^ r t of Sessions, by

■ who havo-takr-------

: c . s , - w n , a o 3 s : .

M O H A W K , N . Y .QFEOIAb #tent!on given to collect-^ i n s Kotc3and Morteascs,eandproctirinffI>5^ l^wgeafor Debtor* tmder the Vs

PHiE£ AKlB||||jlLT£t f t f i YEAKStWs WONDEBPULXUUgALVE has been theseorefc ofan old (neoUeutfamny by tho name of Phmbe Ba4S*Now it comes forth to bless mankind,

ry; the like of It has nDrorbeon known. 1000 nersons already boar testimony. One personsays, •• I bought a 61 Pot, and I would not bewithout it ifit cost $10, or I bad to go all the wayto N. V . for it.” Physicians nso andxeoommend it, and 65 pots ore ordered daily for Hospitals and Poblio Xnstitntions, to every part of the

B0M*Tmomm r

For OfitsSnnu. SoHijBmlses, Sores, Uloers, OaBsen, Bore Nipples,Broken Breasts, Ohsp-ped Il|3 and. lands, Enipjiions, Rlisd imd Bleeding Piles, Oonu,

Rites of Insects. Asl-malSi &o.|& o. | I m.



llilief CmtUfl Mety.rp H lfU u e x t A nn o u l M eeting o f this-L Sotdety.Xoriho Blcction of Officers, presenta­tion of the Annual Reports, and the transactionof tho yearly buslnesa of the Society,will bo heldattheAmerican Botel.inUie -villago of Mohawk, on Tuneday, the U th day of January. 1870, a t 32 o’clock,noon. I t is hoped there w illbeafa t) attend-ance of tho members of the Society.

By order Of ^ fi.ETSA M A N ifro^ent,Clxv HAit.1.. Secretary. _______ aavKid

JExMfiie Mdticc.fpH Z E IBoaiG o f OoxamissToiicrs o fX Excfefi, in and for the County oS'HerMmar.

m rt House, in isaid eonnty.

jomnlointa for violati Dated Dec a)jl86S^

_________ _ Aext,ateL-

order of the-Board. .JOHN. CiUHLE. Clerk.

1 0 0 ,0 0 0 S u b se rih erM

APfLETOSr’jOllRHALliterature, Science and Art,


The Formation of OluhsEVEBT TOWN AND VHiLAOE,

IN AP'PITIOH TO7 h e iM tge C Irenlatlon wMck It new eifiaysi

miums receiTcd from notice* j that rcaohYis <daily. to be the

BEST FAMILY PAPER EVER ISSUEDa p p U t s n s * J o u r n a l

I S I 'T JS ItIS H i:i> W E E K D T ,And consistg of thirty-two auarlo pagea, each

number attractively Illustrated. Its citents consist of serial —

tl the various sub/eots thiportfiiiiiotliapuifMUand recreations o l

tlio peoplei irlie** ^-tber of ioirn or country* .

JPyiceXOc jper’ JNttTnbcr, oy-’04i>er <xnnuw£n.<uivanee*Subaoriptions rccolved for 12,8 or B months.

fttrnished on applioallon

T > . A Z P E l L - B T O l S r & O o „ nov24w4 ' SO. 92 A 01 Grakd Stkeet, N, T .

for the coW y of ^ r S « r ° a t tho Court H o r nin tboTillfiso of Herkimor* on tbo first Monday* (tho 7th day; of 5’ebraarynext, 10 o/clock, A, ' ' will be publicly dra sm at tho Clcrk^e Officein

County Clerk.

H A Y I N G T O O L S ,


F a i n t s & O ils , '

^ X i O X 3 3 R S s S A . 3 _ i T ,

F B U I T C A N g S , .

P H a s D R t J O S p

and all the Popular Patent Medicine* of the day.Coll and see, a t the store of

_____ C . W . P A l l ! I E B . J i * .

i f O Z E t • '2 " O X X 3 E t



PROWSE & GRAY’S, H erkim er, N.Y.

"^E^havc just received.an immense

C R O C K E R Y !Come where you cau find the largest stock ever ro u ^ t into this marketgand la d the lowest

WISTERr TMET ACEW, '■ a t * t h e

American Express Office, H E R K IM E R , N . T .

First and Second Class TicketsFor sale a t the LOWEST RATES, via aU the principal Railroads, to the following placesAdrian, . Green Bay. Nebraska City.» M . a , i s i f f i i , a a : * ” -< hncinnatbg Xndianapolis, Omaha,

? » u C h i e n .Cedar .Rapid*, Jackson, - Portage City,Counori BlnEb. Heoknk, Quincy,Denver, Kenosha. TRoek Island,Detroit, Kansas City, Racine.Dayton. Kalamazoo, Salt Lake City,Dnnleith, LouisviUe, Saeramente.S i S f e e s . iS to ^ is r*Dnhuqne. L a Crosse, E io^C ity ,Also, a complete assortment^f Bavenport,” L »^O T orth

Eoncfdaiiac, M t^arin lf’ TCTro Haute, Galena, Minneapolis, Waukegan,Galesbnrg, Memphis, VVinona,


•Ajidto allthe principal places West and Sonth- West. Eor further particulaiE inquire of



TTA Y IITG bou g h t ou t th e L u m b er -U- Yard of GEO. P. FOLTS, and merged, both' FQLTS A frE n JcL stand otCorner Albany and Washington Streets,

I nT- Y . ,will continue to carry on the

LUMBER BUSINESSm ^ll it^various branches. Ho will furnish all


M O U L D I N G S , & c . ,at Utica prices,


A S P L E N D I D prize jfor th e la d ie s .-lI- Thefineskmost pleasing and costly PAR­LOR ENGRAVING ever published, in America presented as a premium to- each subscriber.The Useful, thBEntertalnlDg and the Beautiful-

TJie Model Magazine c>f- America. \

Seiorest’s fflnstratei Moily.A M agazine o f PraotSoal U tility in th e H ouse-Id, aM irror of the Fashions, and a Literary nservator of Surpassing Interest and Artistic ccellence.

List, to the echo", hail the sound,Erom every quarter, lo ! i t comes :

A Magazine-of worth is found,Exalting borii onr tastes and homes.”

. ...-----raT’s M " "

P^sklamentai. adant

: iodel Cottages with their surron----- . . . ----Home Matters in a l l th e ir departm ents.

THE ENTERTAINING comprises Original Stories and Poems by the best authors. Spicy Items. Talks to Women by Jennie Tune. Litera­ry and A rt Gossip, etc., and Popular Musio hy

When E( loengrtu-


Oures and Poto Prices.X hensand P a tien ts Cured A nnually .

ntinuea to b e confi-

S M M l I f f i l l M C I f f l M f !eases, offer inducement* to the unfortuaate, of a .

Aisels. Over Twemly M llio a Dallays.Young men. w.o^^y^ INSURANCE COMPANY

OPHAETFOBD. CONN.KOOMOnXXED 1819—Cafife ASSBTS, JXR. 1st, 1869,' ¥ 5 , 1 5 0 ,0 8 1 V I .J , GOODNOW, fieov. L. J- HENDBB, Pres.fhelbestCompamegofereryolas!9fIn$uraiicB

are represented At this Agency. Insurance ©f-feotod on sU classes of insurable property.— : ?arm Properly iMured &r 2 or 5 yCars. Apply


E E B K I M B R , M F .3»MnUr. i 49*011101 WITH H on. B u a Gbivxs. je«tf

L I T T L E f a l l s , N . Y . ,


m w SPEINO STYLES., - - O P -


D R E S S G O O D S ,


^ T B IS T T S ,

G E E T G H A M S ,




B A L M O R A L S ,


■ l D s t e n s ,HOSIERY,

G K O V E S , ' ^


P R E S S C L O T H , '

&C. &c., &c., &c.,

which we WILL SELL at the lowest poJsiWd


Q m iO U S J r n

^ CHAS.TL:r;AKi,^IToi. ^


We'are now m-enared f«* fiiTTiiKb nil



current!.__thlAJISDN & J .


•Daris by Sunlight and .Gaslight*


‘ B O T T It aST B -W •W E S T . ”BT BAiaUBL BOWLES.

f P H E m ost popu lar, va lu a b le , a nd in-L every way BEST Book on the G reat TVeet ever published.


P O R T T THODSAND CA8M OFi GO'ODSweresikippeA from, our lionseln OneTear, to familiej, cluM, and merohante.iii everypart of tho connlry, ftom Maine to Oalffomia, amonnting in value to over

ONE MILLION DOLLAftS.ur facilities for transacting this immense bu- NIB are better thaiuever before. 'W'o have a- ts in all the prinoipal oitics-to purchase goods u the Manufacturers, Importers, and others,

— CASH, and often a t an immense sacrificefrom the original cost ofprodnetion.

Our stock consbts. in part, of thi gO d*!;;; ^

ed CAST8BS. Be iiI ksia Wake, ’Glass Waeb,7 able and Pocket Outlert. in erreat variety.

E legant E eench and German F ancy Goods.iRAPHAiiBUMS.thenewcstand

id Velvet Bindings.BeaDTIPUI, PHOSOdRJ______________choicest styles in Morocco and Velvet!

M orocco T bavelinq B ags, H andkekohi Atm Glove Boxes, Ac.

Gold and P lated -JEWBLaT, Op the N ewest

'OMEN Of ]}Ef YORK;O r, th e tTnder-*World o f th e O re a t C ity . The sins o f every cla^s o f soci­e ty exposed. A void the R ailroad to ru in . Signals o f danger are np.— Moee Money in it foe Live A gents

B ^HAN ANX.OTHER B ook. Takes th ree^ ^ presses a ll th e tim e to p rin t fast e-

nongh.. One Attent took 178 ordera in 10 days.

street. N. Y.

One Dollar for each article.iVe do not offera single article of merohandis tt can be sold by regular dealers a t our pricis do n o t a sk yon to ony gooas from ns nnle:I can sell them cheaper than you can obtai sm in any other way,—while the greater pai onr goods are sold a t aboutOne-la^tke legdar Batesi

fry ‘vfan t'-good xeNiable agents in every a r t Oa.le Country. By employing your spare nme to

clubs and sending us orders, you can obtain , le most liberal .commissions, either iu CASH or MERCHANDISE, and all goods sent by us will >6 as represented, apd we guarantee satisiaction

'to every one dealing with our bopse.As the Holidays are coming, we are making

special arrangements to supply every one who reads onr advertisement, with thu most hand^ some and useful Holiday presents that can be thought of or wished for, and to enable them to procure them cheaply and expeditiously, we wiU give to any one*who will become onr Agent,- >11E HU ND RED FR E E qilC K EIS , © numerat­ing some of the many different articles from which you can make your seleciioa of Holiday

For returning full clubs from these Free Tiok- ets, accompanied by the cash, we will give the same extra premiums that we now give, jnst the same as ifyou had paid 10 cents fbr each one of your Tickets. Wo wish you to understand that not any Other firm in the business can compete

ithusinany way whatever, , „ .this free tioketis only goods for the Hobdays,.m ustsend. in your orders before the 20th of

■etained to _JPMfT t i t e J E x p r e s s C U a r s e s *

T his offer is m ore especially to a ssist A gents inthe Western and Southern States, hut is open toaUenstomers. '


Aromatic'Vegetable Soap* * G O L U A T E & G O 'S


For the Delicate Skin of Judies and Ghfidren.


K N IT I-K N IT ! I -K N IT I \ I A G E N T S W A N T E D everyw here to

i X sell the AMERICAN KNITTING MA­CHINE, the only practical Family Knitting Ma­chine ever invented. Price S25; Will knit 20,000 stitches per minute. Address AMERICAN KNITTlSiG MACHINE CO., Boston. Mass., orSt. Xsouis. Mo. - . -

■REST S E W IN G M A C H IN E E X -TANT.—Only $50 . Sam ple M acbino to A-

genta F ree. Address PentueJeet Manvf*g Co., H ast Sam petead, N . S r

dONET AXWAt^S BY REGISTEJt- tberparticnlars send for Catalogues,

-------K B R & O O . ,St.. B ostok. M ass.

■tfculars semP A R K E

sentasli * SuMKin

jmJSileowE . S . WH,G<

l E s i - ; e 3 C A . X iX i,A tTOBNBV ANDOorasmOBATLAW,

Ofpioe ox BL^QgLlT-

a o -e u t s ■ W A JN ra?B x>a New Illustrated Booizof great historical tu - •€8t. Stirring events and thrilling adventure^


A H IS T O R Y o f th e North-wester]slop,e. w ith events in th e life-tim e of a S o c k ,

M ountatn Hunter and Oregon, fU m eer. F inely illustrated! intensely interesting! replete with hinnor, pathos and instruction, and treating of EUbj t s which a re new and inviting. E very rage m i l oe found fresh, original and entertaining, Kowin press, and bound to have a great run.|o r ^ 8 ^ p t iv e circularB and terms, address the

■R. *W. RDXSS & CO-. Raxtford. Conn.

A G E N T S W A N T E D —E o r S o w to

s s K S ' l i r a ^ l » l i l S ^profits m ay be deabled, land increased in valne,^ o r men made richi and bonesfclaborrewarded, English and Cermanu E v w b o d y buys it . 600 sold in a few townsbips. H undreds in a singletownsmp. Agents can find no better work dur-in g th e F a ll and W inter. Parmers andtheir sons can eachm ahe% lQ ti^er month. Send fo r circu-

PHEAPEST PAPERvj WORIiD. R ich.- RxBn. R aci

E un and Eancy. Sure t r ----year; valuable liremiuni to Meats. Specimens 6 NEB, Belfast, Maine.


These made from New York Mills Muslin,Only I b re e Dollars Each.

From Wamsutta Muslin,Only Two Dollars and Seventy-five Cents.

Lower gradesofthe same make at Two Dollars ' andFifty Cents, and Two Dollars each.

Don’t F a ll to Examine These S h im .

I t may he an advantage to you.




T H E G R E A T W A R D R O B E .


110 & 112 Genesee St., Dtica.CHAKLBS C. KINGSHEY.

sion, to sell our Patent White "Wire Clothes Linea. A dareia Mudaon R iver 'Wire Worha, 75 TVui. St.. XT. Y ., Chicago, R ichmond or Memphie.

L .O R !L .L .A R O ’5 j ig a n e x c e l le n ta r -

admired. I t is pat np in handsome muslin bags, in which orders for Meorsehajim Pipes are daily pocked. - ^u o R i L U A R O ' S l i g m ade o f th e

Y a o h t 01n b f S a S 5 r ! .”'i£SKOKIBG TOBACCO 1 effects, as th e N icotine

has been extracted! i t leaves no disagreablo' 3te after smolcinfi:; it is very mild, light in eol- and weight, hence one jgpnnd will last as long

id we also

u o R f L. I-A R p »s [This b ran d o t F in e

out doubt the best chewing tonaccCinmeconur

1—O R lI _ I _ A R D ’ as iliav e now b e e n i nO M i I I T C T QgeneraluBeintheUm*^ IN W r r pJtedStatesoverJlOyears and still acknowledged ’‘the best” wherever

~ ' vonr sto rekeeper docs n o t have those arti- for sa le, a sk h im to ge t th e m ; they a re sold sspectahle jobbers almost everywhere, reular of prices mailed on application.

F. ROBZLL&BD & CO., New York.

^ A d d i^ B E W ^ & CO., Boston, Mass,, Pittsburgh. Pa„ or St. Louis, Mo..

A S K y o i i r D o c to r o r D r u g g is t f o r

P E R F E C T M A N H O O D .— E ssays X—for Yothg Mention the evils of S 2tF-EN - EBVATIONjWith certain help for the etong and unfortunate. Sent in sealed letter envel­opes, free of charge. Address H owaed A esocia- xion. Box P. Philadelphia, Fa.

^ R E A T R E D U C T I O N

I N T H E F K I C S O F C I .O X H IN G .


A T T B E ^




FINE BDACK DOESKIN -VFISTS,Only Two Dollars and Fifty Cents,



H E A V Y A ND •WARM OVERCOATS.Only Six Dollars and Fifty Cents.



A Large Stock of Boys’ Olotbing,


X i£ lS @ 'IfUSLAAdJ O O S T .


F T jK N is m is ra e o o r » s .


The New andBlegant‘Trving” PAPi:ECollar, Only Ten Cents Per Box

F IN E D IN E N COLDARS.Only One Dollar »Hd Fifty Cents per dozen,

GOOD WHITE SHIRTS.Only One Dollar lEacli.

G R E A T A T T E A C T I O H S !




ITew D ry Goods Store,L 1 X X L .E F A U L .S , N . Y ,

T y s i r s T o o o i D S ,, We are enabled to offer our Friends and the Public a t large, aNEW , FASHIONABLE AND WELL


C a l l in g a n d S e e in g O u r P r i c e s ,

BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE, as we are determined to carry out the principle upon wbicbwe storied, of

m A l l t E E O F m A N DjREtTZBSXrs.


& CIsANOT,€ ] E f P M I e S , J V . id.a

Next Door to .Ashley’s Hardware Store.decSml


l i O O K I N a C r J l s A S S E S * p o r t r a it , p h o t o g r a p h a n d


BACK ST U FF, &c.Ho. 10 W hilcsboM S tree t, Cor. DiTisiofij

x t r . I T ,E V E R Y D E S C R IP IIO N oi

W .J.M olO W N .msySOtf

m n S A L E !/ W E o f L i l l i e ’s P a te n t .F ir e P root U Iro .S,fc.M >rI,i.O T. ^

Herkimer, January 25,1869. jan27