&' V01- XXin.N°* 7,172. _\EW-YO_tK_. THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1864. PRICE THREE CENTS. VBOPI U AMIII.'.I.TO'.. gpa-tal Dflpfltab to Tlie N. T. Trfbone. Wamhwoto.-i, Wedneaday. Marah 30, 1884. IK( REA8BD TAXATIOR. Tho Socretary ol' the Tr.-w_.ury has communi- Mtafl te tbo Waya aad Heana Coramittee bii nanse of Uc neoeBtity of inereaaetl taxation. Tbia neoea.ity nr-M*fl taora and mo.B apoa tbe uiindt of tho rn*t thoagritful and jiradent men oonnectcd with tbo fl.v tfunicBt. Tlie TreMnry Baature of tbe need of monfy f____ tb« i-.teraal revetme alone waa yesterday 1250, wo.oaa A Ux of fll S0 «n wlitaky it bow tboagbt in tbe Waft *_ril Kcani room to be Inctltabla, Tfho ir.crctue af the cxctae on u'ic othtr londing arlicloa will be corre- afondlngly ffteat. Not far ten or tweko duyt yet will tbe Comaitu-c be abta ta report. T.i__r Vabor of pi*_p.'t- rattan ta iairaenaely girat. GR01UR TIIOMPSOR. Thie tolegraphki refuBtJ of the ITmiBO tfl Oo. Thoopton to tp«__r ln, wta a _ai_.ak_, Tbe mot.on to tay an the tvliio tko reaolntion i;ivi .p tba Britlah apti-tle .f Ibelltioa fha nte of tbe Hail v. ua lont by M, It l tau BflflBfl- withoot a divi.ion. Tboropeon will ip< tik. m* __ovi_»av'8 succEf-Sort o.h the committkb OR TERP.tTORI._l, By «o©i -non oonaont the 11 on. Josiah B. Grin aafl of lowa, u cl. rj*_yni___. an antl Flavnry lactur. r. a a_flfhfli- with a flock. of slx tbou.- and fine-wooled mo* aiao al'fl-ii. and the owner of a village ta whirh not one Arepef iBbBfl-Bflfl-afl drir.k hu errr been toltl, baa been Indtatl. id to s'l-aka--1'eifux tta tha ti ttaat member of Ihe Enn te laka Owta Lotcjoy't plaoa ln the Gommitto- M rf-rritarm.b. THB DKl-TlTTiOR OP OATAT.RT HOBSE8. Seoont ordere frr.m thn War Dcpartm. nt, _to_ign<Hl te ttop the doftroction nf envalry hornaa. aarthoriet-.i o l-oar.'l cf InBret-tor-i tn rajHirt rc^'.inrntti flodtompanHta 'hBt aaflttaflflBfl waatc their hurnas. le fle diainoan't.-tl unil broken np, antl trtui&ferrcd to otiiar _rgiuiuatifn.i, tbe ofticen to Fxa ranstered ont of the Berrice; ani*! oommantling generali* of nrmiea and flepartmentA Are empowan d te di * motint nnd trar«fer to tattkRiry rapiaieutt any _r.au who nees up blihorte br oef leet trr enielty. TRE IV'TT OV WOOL. Frands ln tht- iinporttitiuu of foreipi fiue Vflota in Bildltion to Ont £nanci»l neiciitiee iuducad by Ihe war. Lave <latar.iiiiiod tha VVrt.i niul Mi-bi h ('mn* ¦ittao'te rea-immcnil a very eontiiltrat-It inor«ascof the flMy oa wool. .OV. BBAMLETTE'S TREASONABLE pboclama- TlON. Mr, Breik. nridge of Kentueky wbo naw the f_ i tf ef the taaaa.B_fl jaaataaaflaa flfOar. BiaaViita. afltah wa mid wat in t.ipe in lYflakflat ready lo exxxn- Mou KcBtiK kiuo« tt. flffflM tht- draft nf iiajirocs which Ae GoTfrnnivii.t had ordered, ia our wllneea to tbo flrtih of our stetemt..t in Tiik XRUifbi: unvailing lhat flttflfl, TnR ACVARCH IR THB CoST OP IR05. _lif Kaval Conmiittce of the Scnate is flooded Mith patitit.r.. fnr r. lief from nearly eTarytaOy nnder .flQa«*euii-iit to clotFie war-ahipa, or 'jtiild marira enginea. Beiw.ten tlie aalv_u.ee in tbe cost r.f irtin nnd tbe elote BflflpfliiiiiRsif ttie _Savy Dapartment, tbey are threatened flUflfl FKMAI.E SMVGdLEBB SERT SOCTH. Mre. Bii-Rfll and danphter, and Mre. Cart*-r, BBBlto thraOldCapitol BometiniD agofor atemptiag lo .Mflggta focd. ud lettert Sooth. were tent Baaflfl to- fltajr, tta Kort-*-B Monroe. llrt. Btaial! ii ioid to be tte wlfc of a n tlred Krtal Ofllcer, aow in chargc af e -taBfumia nary yard. ADirmOKS TO TlfE IHOS-CLAD FLFIKT. Tbe folloAing iron-clad aar rttflflUTT w-;il bo flflPBflfll befween tixxa day aaal tbe lit of Muy r.ait; i._"... Ciesa. Ytkera., Pantae._j»lr»i.."-e-r-York. TVpanaaa..Ttiiii.f in ii.iu.t_ Bai gi»*.Thn 1.VYicuii.g'-Tk Mihe-«i- .;.Thir.l.New-York. Oataw-a.TliBl...Cc . ii.nati. RirAa>ao.Tbi"_.Ote, ir.i.ail. Maaavi.uk.Tr*t 1.PltUbtifgh. dnaoai.tbfl J.fwtcitinati. AgaoB-ntiens.S«arud.I'urtaaiouth, R. B. Har ir. ta.TMrd.TtOahmtaJa. 0,-4 nky.Tbiid.PUtaburgU. OUkera bflBBB thflflfl nr.ary be reiulv *or floufing off. Bome of .Fie abofe will li reurlyrealy fer aeaabeu _a__.__-aiL _ Bb Ihe Aaf-clattd Trtmt. ¦y*;'Ai?Hl>tOTO*s "W-ilnefday, March 30, '*C4. CAP.VRK OP A ROTOEIOTB IIUSHWnACKKR. Q_n. Patrirk, Pro'.o*_t-MHr-hal.Oencriil of the Aniy of the I'otomac, aent to lala flBf yastcrday a no Barioni 1,'ebel oilittn iuid 'luhhwhiu-kfr, chnrgad with th* maar'er of the ton »f .-.-.nator H-.-wn af VlrgJuia, Tbe prmo' afrruiitt t'uiB bi'i rt aald to be pflflttttfl, at tbt flfled wae aitnataed hy Bevcfal of our offlct-rt. Col In gnliam tommitted tbe prisoner to ibo Old Ca-itoi _Pitaon THB FBKXCH DEfiKBTEEH. Teftetday, at tho roq rest of Mr. L. do GK-o'- aay. At..? Mtntati-r flfl Fracce, the four men wbo wan .U-amitUvl to tbe Old Cafikt 11'riaon at deacrtert fr an lhe Erei.i-1 _BflM-Mflfl tence, were aafl to New Takfarid tnrned ouer to tha ] rcnth Conial-Gem-raL THB KVE-TWBNTY Bo.KIM. Ho authority bu been piveii by thr'. Tntaiur.v SBpartmeat to reeelte enbtcriptioiifl for tbe flvo-twecty Bsada. exoai>tlug to ©ert-ln Atatataiit TreavnrcrB bji- dtaoiffnated Rational hanaU. fAH raprC-M.itatit._a t*. tba aontrary are v> itiw.it uny toondation in truth. OttKHAL AFPBOPBATIOK BILL. Tho Scuato Financo Connnittfe hfltfl ro port _d BBBiclmertfl to the Houm bill fa psy_r.g the exptnsfB ol tte Leginlatiq*. Juiiiolal and llBlilllllI IFcjturtir.cnta; aaaon,' them ritduclug th) apiirr-jiriatlon for the Agricnl- a-_rt_.__)e[*rtni__!t trorn flt Vi, 000 to flIOO.000 and ticretts- lng th_ appropriationi for tht A.jiit.Bl>flflH_ttl_k Q_a.rttj_muet_r-(-.*narAra. nnd 1'aymiutcr-'ii-nrrui t afl-oea a-arly a__X),000, ln#iddi(>-n to the anoint al- tflafly i-tbe Lal. SUROBON'8 COXPIRMKD. TheSe-iato toVay Ln Kxciut.Ye So.won con- ___r_ned a li-rge n_n>iF>er of surgaou'D iu ta- rolnnteer Jbree. amon,; theui tia? follow.Lg: From New-Yori.KdwBBi R. Daton. Gewrcra L, ttutten. Aadiew K. SL Idvu, het<-r H. Ctaatr, K.Iwnrd CF. Whkney, S. D. <-*rpcute.- Rich.tri 1). l.ynj,-, Na- ttan F' Kill. l.ir.k'B 6. Wu-.*!. ki. xi. Ulmhi, John Trenor. jr., J*"rancta (Jreeue md A. C. Vu Dyn. JVora Prnniyl ani.v.Jieojanin 11. Vii_sr.ii. "W'ai. "K. Tbomfw.B, Cn>Ft W. iliiruer, liobart K Kanrtardlve, JBlfllilul A. K.-fr"r. Ufi/1), Harloa. Detid B. Btur Ea. Jmne.8 W. PettiiiOt Jobn Iirodley, Alcxtndar Al. mr. Kobert Ita^rbnrn. d.lm W. Alln'tg«r, Joeaph B. rriaoo, Lewii'lV. Kee.', Jucct'v. Delamatar, I_-_>wli O. BtaflL Wjliii.ni IL Dt-ititt und JI. VV. Duiaaok-A. Vrtia MiiBniidina-.ttii.Join W. J-'aye, Ujrtta -N tTbaini'i-rliiin. John W. Lawton, Abrahruu X. V, ildar, kOtiti y. Murphy, }trank fleachrmi. Bilaa A Ilolmii.-i, Bbuuac: Kii.-lai__. -LlBP'ln K. Btout. Aiao. "V-'illiaJD A. Conoter and Jamit H. Alltsof .Vew .l-rn-r. H. li. _h_er. V. H. Buniett and Abel C. IJe-jtdi'-: of Con- leu-titut. A large ntu.ib«r of aatlitant lurpeona In tbn aolunttar force were ooiilirnir*.!: aiao. .-lar^eon Jobn _L Leoeate. to be Mtilirol Inrpracxnt ttafl ll'.n iltoit, teflit,nad tatad John tt. IdoMlnn of VVnoouiiu to le.* Su- Cinleudai't uf Intliaa Affaiiafiir Waahiagton 'ieiri- y, tice CaJvln II. _lla__ re_uott_L BLOCRADR .OP A HOUiTRrR POKT. Tho State I)epartj_aeot has bflflfl officially ad- ttaed tbnt the port of Ni_"i&u_lt in Halot-iB ta aow blocb- aded by tlie l)____la_i Gott rnuent. OOKVRJKTION WITH BOCADOR. Tbo Proiiiilfiit ha« iti/».Q»-d the bill to canT into flffert the eonrenttan witb -Ecutultir for the ¦Bflflfl. ad- jMtment ofcbiima DEATH OP A CAflHIBiR. Mr. I-lchd. Biuith, f_»r inany yoar__.CMhi«rof the Baanch Hank oftbe Unltafl States in thta fity. and lata aaaliler of tba Rnak of tbe Uctropolta, fli.-d l**i night at tbe adtascad age of78 years. CAPTUUE OP A ELO<7I-_ADB AVHKER. The Nary Dtpartment has receivod inforn;*i- fluti tbat tm tlie lllh i.iiL. off Mocqalto Inlet, Florida. tba U, R aehiMiner Reauregui- oaptured the lohooner Liafla, from Na____u to Kew-Hmyrna, Pla. witb a cargo 1 afl adt, ii-, a"f. oottot, Ac.; aia. of iba capt ure thfl itua fl-y, by the i_i_o tcm. tbe Tlritish Bloop Hannab, of B_flflBfl._-.Pi Thovesael bud on board a araail qnan* tlty of flflBBB*. br.t tho captniu thrcw it or _r_o_rd before bt.iug uijitiirttl. scrr pob damaots. Dr. Kaa_t (Jwynu to-day commencot. a anit a_. aat Ool L. K. linker, for alle.*ed falto itoprtaon- mcnt and other m.itUrB iu that oounootion. TRANSFKR OP SAItORS TO THB RAVY PROB THE ARMT. Mftjor-Gfin. Tileade iflflaad an order to-day for evpcdlonfllT curryiug into cff4*ot the part of tbo Enrol- mcnt aot wbioh provideB for trauefcrrlng sailora from the Anny to the Nnvy. HEAVT BA!N BTOHM. Ttttt luv iircvuili'flabi-Rvy rain ptorm throTipJi- oni the ni. t BAtx.inpanicd tbta lnorBing by> alight _tl of tno*-. *>- FBOM ANBAPOI.IS. m--. ITIlliiarT tafllllflj tttttttt Brillrd ia Flr- i»U -ludinn rDoldi. t'.inrrairaf ion sf Traajpa far Mpt. ial Ni rt it r urtdi r Itiirn- tiitr Cnniluioa af ParoleH Prl' BflflBBBB-- The l.fltVct of Bud Traaaparl BBBOB ma flietr Troapa .Ilaw tbi* Ktlr,|» Mtral Nuppli.* tirut lo Onr Prieo nere.Thr I»ln..-i/ii.r I ntl.r I.ibby 1'rinnii. From Our k-pecial Corraapoudent Aknapoiah, Tneaday, U mii tt, _____ Thia quaint old city haa becuiiy o thu scene fl. imroeni-e actirity, aii.l ita _nirt inlir bltiuita, iaoe» ol whoni nr.; Rebel Ryropntbtaera, Mnio bet vv .en the foldn of their green Ycnetlnn blinda at c olumci of troopa intiviDir IhflflOga their atrc-ta to tho flurrouadinfrcun trr. The br.ntd laHfl vvbere tbe Bur o*iitlo expedltion of iaf)- r_,Mr:iinil. iu-o nfrain -bitened a Ith mpidlr ia-yrcac Ihr tentfl, Whieh B88M ti. h^ve gpnir ,j; np with'tbc prn.tn of sprinp. Trivinfl nrr dmly mid ..irly enruged ln dri'.ling. as it ln i'niportant that tl/ now rncroita ahotild v:e BuMfl profldaacy Bt BB n| r!y dar. Thnndvitti- tage of the filliTic up the old re.ri_fief.t4 Ib anparent, aa tbi at'.tual exprrienro of theao TnternnH la-fora-** nt i.aoe part <>f Mfl J 'ttit BhMfe ln f r arte of the old BOfl new troopa. Anotb'T flflaMflfl »-_ npparcnt, BaflBsi| r.ilti antly injrgeiitlte of ihe niMf .Teae of evorta. "VYh.-r.. cnce the whipaftha ilave-drlv* r e.ra<!ked oTer ttaBflMa, ond the riu* et fettern reaoiaxl, d aiound the ahMB-Maft, tLt-re ia DOl brard Ihfl crack jfl the rifle at tar.r"t prao tiee, in the b&cda of thoee v ary ilaTea, aod tbe r.ng of tbe NOBOfl in the atoel borr el ainga n diifer< rt »ong to tbflta ...rn. Ia one of tho Ml chigan re/imert*. nl*©, are three er fonr rompanie*. 4>f ' oyal lmlinni.. who havo en- li.if-d touid tbeir Gr.at J-'i ither in paatahBiabia yara- 11 i.il iti.ii fratricidal aaoa The negnx** makti far bcttur aoldicri-, hotvoier, tbun tbn Jnd.nna. lt ia now no aeemt lt at thera la boii:_f eollecte.l at tht* citv a larne foroo flfl b!1 c-'.'tna of tha serrlee, destlned for nealalaerrlMoaaar Oaatk, Banwidr. Wbt;:: the eiic .iltion will leiiTe, wbat **.lll be it* nunrbers. hnd ahjtnrr it will go, are tnattor. of Bpeiuiation, an_ to Bfl <_if more .o thanto tbo inqciBiti.e, p'>**pir)_: ti,rotiirl;-t':i*- blinil .Sef»_jib i,f Ar,rai_ta. That it IflMMMl iii.ir.ri ant morer.ient there U no donbt, that it VlO lie Rnrui-i*.- ful ii nioro ttau pmbeble. Moanwl.ile let u# abide |a faith. Tba la-.t arriTal of p:!^,le(l prb-mera _Jd niueh towan. flDlflf tba exi-elt'.-nt boapttalMtha >ara) Aratiemy, in i harj-'iv of Pr. Vaadorfceift. A numt-jr of tbe poor, rniutiat-'d, iToken-Jpirltf-d fiilhitva he.e alrasdy died, nnd the klt.d S-irgfon t^lls nm tbat aome MO other* aiil Joln thf nrn.y irf the deud. If there b". flflfll jaTiM.n S\.rth _bo doabMtba banh treftlwcM the Kebele give our i*n»( n.'.l r'liitire.% let Lim or her come Ut Annapoiia aod look at. tbo arrr.-k- of buniaoity shirti the onbl \ti-.T" a uf U.-Ij. I mu artiloe and icdiffaraixe hare airaadod upon t..e ah-.re ofthe Rirer Bfveni. Xha .t att.ttttt o_.. lafl'Nl to iL.Oii: .' Tl.e Avun Io tbe SfTPrn ruia, i h- Baatw t>* th* aa Aid Wioklyffe'kblood.hiillaTraad abrofld V\ ij.- *i th* aratert be '. And aa LBrhjl hMUBflflM -tall» roae. i^ IraaginBtion be- ft.re me, i tboucbt of tb" ''BMaBMflfcfl .' i.iofiari^B .'" writteo ail .»> r tboae wn"- by o^r brnre fellowa. 'I ho jrriTai sflfcfl new trof>|B aiao .-.nirihnu . to tbe bc«fa_l a larffl aaaber af paBanta, ricttaa of the bad ettVcU of tranj'-ortntiua hy rail, wbere ;nen will bny ln- digeatlble piet, and ikiIbohoui roflfil--'. and qttM-Uxo We flandalctit-8, with whiih thry gnr* thenianit.a lata tle 1 eepitaL If tl.e rr.i n had tbn eifi _l*e of mar. Ini.tr, tbe pemicloni eflni* of tha o<.mbinatlon, thouffh bid 4-nnDKh. would not reath tbe pomt -rtberwiie aure to flf atlaiiiad. The retiilniiK"'ticej> of the- retnrned offloeri from I.i'lv ara tn the r.nn nimilar. and m-vfltly arepetitiou t.f tho old tule. The olticerfl eiplnln thf .lodgel.y which we have tVen n.nitp to Ix-llere thnt the bolfl Bi-nt ttttoi home and bv tho Nenitan itonimiuloti hare been or oif> tjelncd. iirn'if-l, tbus: "When a fliAg of truc. boat ar- Wttt, thaBebclidtatribaMa f«w l.ixen, bit aiop ttfl aaaaM tta aod baflab of Ntaaaafl pTi»on.Ta are oif. ihe-- n. ii at.. ft. Wt diAlrihutbin r«'iiJ_r on, anD'.'inie thol frvT nt '..,," it i* ar.rr.fi l.ymire than out* oftleer aOBBMaat flfl tba fat-te that thare b_T« bflflfl -t IjimI ::,0"J<) __ie> reeeivrtd by the l'_ IreK bat narer diatril.u Mfl. M8B8 Of w_eh "re now on hand. The method of riviiv i!..' eearfa nf* f.f n bflfl t" its ovt ner i* .oniewbat (afflfllMB bat quite deatmetirt'. The forttinate poa- MHiflor ia reqiili_ to bring hii. UaakM and siirtad it on tnt: fcTfruni.. Xal Ooi ia opened. and ptifknge hIUT ticrbage tikrn <>nt nnd eianuned. < b'-nea nre cnt lnto mi'h pMMfl and piUihnd into the hlantet CaBfl nf oon deiihAi miik uru perfornttd v«iili n *:--l fefflflflfl. BBbM and follow flflit 1'arkfttrei. of f.fl. i», tea, *tti|;ur, MB_ "¦tc. are tf.rn of^n aafl ponred into the oontrlomoiafiou. ("ana of botta are treat'd fl la oae.» of n.ilk, and no on tbroni-fa thf al.nle flflflMBiy of goodien. The nnfort,. aM owaer ta tbaa Mlfl t") take up iii* biwikit aafl aaBc, whieh ha ,:..*¦«, cnnting tha braM vbbBBflaad, flnt kta Nl""B8 aafl lhaa MlwaaBat lt i*) aomewliot hipnin aaai, thnt Co*. liuaUereoii ulwaya reooircd b;a buio«, and rt.ii an "d. iit referenii*) to the powdcr nnder Libby, Mafe Tnrnei-, fonnerty oonaeclad tntt the Bataw Hoqaa, BaBtaBt-v batasV-bc l.anl-htHrt'vd Adj'.tiintof the priaon. told one of onr o_irvrB wbo q-iaitioned blm that he (Tumer) ¦.kiit'w itami "*d v-fil that tl:-. f* __oaa_M_a__lp_a-__l of poad-r under tbe priaon, but thnt he dldn't pnt it tbere." T'htic ia alao other p-oof of the coaardlv, iici-diabact. M^or Xaraw <__ed BaoMBlaf bmaaV ttrn dow:. and Ij.iJ thrni he undeifllood tlu-y bad a pbiii to eii'iii-*, but fldiined tb. n. not to try lt, aa the ffimt ef l.Ttiul DieBiu tud Uioii Vateii to preient iti BB88BB. ibir vt a* tta day oter Ktlpattlck'i atta_k. Tb" Hebelfl nao our privjtei at their difl.eri.nt tradea. A cali wa» n*B<ie for fhoeinak ra, nnd about two thi.u- aand v.luiitBflfl.-<l. M .". t<» tfc.ij^thf) rirorao/JJelle Iide. 4',il. Ili CciaaL,,iu, who waa thcn oun of tbe (_oniniiiki.ioii tuuialriimte tho gojdii to the. priiocen on llelle J»le, Mrtngtha advaj.ta|[ri'.hus dorired by the Itwlvli. cu- Baaaa tta, MM la8«8JBh Iheir aei>,'eaiita, that Ihey a, re tiiuii flkUag nnd »bfUiJ< the Rebellion. Wbeu thla wan nnileriiDoo, d<i nioro rolunteer* Wttt obtained. An in- niato of >art Warren ttaagM ('0*- <'eaanola had no bM it-Mtoiiit-rferewitii 111)4 pli_w_iiit Jlttlr* arrang-nieDt uf »bt'Kibo_4, ozA Coi. C wa_ rtac.ed from tte Com- li.l.,4."fl. . _, 'Ilepaymutrgladdenetlfhe henrti of the paroled oftio»r» an-i men aertordiT. and qulte a iiBmber of oiTioerM left foi tbe North ia-,, nlght When thry tliat landcvl in Annapoiia tbew offloera were foreed to beg for lodningfl anJ aomothip/r to eut; tbey were refuaed aiiinittani!*' ut t'ie hotela, but at l*u>t toi in »t floaio of thr. _oar.iiBg'h.ii.B4:i. aud when it waa BMflfl tbey h_fl moner V'i« bMalhMipari reient<-1. The bund-ome Baaaaa liaJ:e» of t_/i town adhere to the nld enatomfl of raiUng thoniBclre* when thry rocie|n«ightof an ahflBflf. BBfl reiii.JTli'g thla bar to thnjr lnifluty nftor piisainp: biui. 1 hey aieo avoil bnring ihe t»m of their gariuent* bruab av.iiiitt tbe baied Uiiiioru^ Thetirlorulook with which yonr 4V)_T*_poiMl_nt wm told at tlie I ity JUottd ibnt " lt wt\a uext io i.-Bpoi.ible to keep hotel now for « nnt of bi Ip;" and to the _u-rj " wbr P'the-ltil nmre fi.rlorn niiawer, " becanae "ur boya (alare») haTe entjeted," W'.t'kl h_re conrinoed Femando Wootl. or Stinaet Co__ VnJlaiidlghain or eren JeiT. iMTin, tliat "aSlavery wna deud." It iflto be hfljafl that ibo Unioaparty wiii ane the oorpoe deeply, if uot deoeatly. iaurn-d._ Aa -kiu-ni.il ta Wtttm titm. lUiKStraae'fl Ot-Brr. Tt tht ttttt of Tke Ar 1. TVyiiraa. 8iR: WUlyiiii ]il(*..*-3 Riitiouurio Uip faot that. th* Rf oerrl fj.lit-.rof Tht Mttro^U'on Recmd hflicban. I tte hcadiBg of hia paper, for ciri-tilation ln _dii»onri, in nrdcr to erade Ocn. Boeecrana'a _)rder anppreeslag ita ciroulatlon ln Mfl Departmeiit. A oertaln number of nopiea of Tht Hetar4 "luatter " haa tie*- prlnle.1 nnder thetitleof Vimdicottrr. By girlnf the abote publiclty. you aill aid ln pultlng a itop to tbe attempt of thii BtmJd-be (tatboto editor toeorrupt Border-BUte CatLo* l.B aitb kif ticJiuaaUc dvctrinea Yonri, Ae., A IrOJAt UlliOUC. T-BTB TROIRIE WITH (OPPIR 1IKADS IK OOLES t Ol iM V, 11.I.I. NOllf. Tka. fltacriar ef Ua Coaatr al thfl Beafl et. ttae ln'/urt-niaTFiay Inln-iirh Them* Belrea Bid Bifl Dafnare te tbe Au- thoritit b Part af B Itagitnanl fltai IB AlfiarL 'Iha rn V. i< il.u.ent Bl Other IMrn-ea '1 hn t'iKhr ou IFlnadn). ClUCAGO, Wtdne. dey, Mtirth 30, _<-*.. A ipe. iii dinp.aU'h to Tht Trtbutu, dated Mat- toon, Iltisnii, laat nlght, tnyn: Txitxr hundred man of thn 54th Ellnota Eeglment, leara Chnrloatoc to-night to atUck tbe I.el*. li, who are tatd te be 300 atrong, -ander the oomiaand -.f BF". eriff Joha 8. OHi.ir, intrenohad at Qlltaday'a Milta, tcn miloa corth*entt of Chtrlttton, A poTtioe nf the Hth Ullnolt la at Bftttoon, lhat pUea also F etng thraatened by Ka! cM from Sb-ilby and M-vrtltr.. Countiei. .s»o oomjiunief of the Jnvalid Corpa, »n routo for S-rringfi.ld, hata beea itopjied at Cha/Joaton for gar- r!i«on daty. l'ickrta are ont on nll the roadfl. ln tte flght on Monday four of tlie Mth Illinoil Rapl- - t and one Union citiacn wcro l. Had, and Col. MMMl, five privatea, and tvt-o Union clttaani, we*o WOUtldfll. T*o Rabcta were Villtd tnd Mveral wonmled. P'lia diipatr'ie. i p.t. day were i.nque.llorahiy wrong hl lo- eali.g tha irtme of thistroubln iii liiwiBti. Cbtiltaton,Colai Cc ta ln nii.i-u.-Ai.'. Maaa I -ao,- it r__itr:*iriM_ bim i HER. NEVTB. (nion t.lvnnro Ib North I nroline F. i* leBBire Bebel -Vejjro Enli.tnc nt. in Teaneaeee Krruplura of Arkitnaaa Peel I.nmar aa tbe fleniimeat ot ICt.repe. The RifhmonJ F.n<{iiirrr ,.n_. Peterfhurg Rtgif ter ot the fc'th furnish tha followiug itemi of newi: 1 UNION ADVANCK IN NORTH CABOLfNA. Wa flDdaratafld 0.eial Lnfcnnat-O-i baa baaa rflCfll afl at tho War DflflflTt-flflflfl a.ii.i arning ti.e land- int* afl a lrtnre fon e fll tha ene:t:y ln WflflhtaftOB, N. C Tha force ia aaid to lie nntlar cna._eand of Gen. I'.urn- fide .Vhether an Jminadiata fi.rward movcniant waa (ont. roplMed or not, tho rrcrnt heaty fall of iuow in lla* vicinl.T. toKetber with the henry ronilitmn in wh th lt w:illaiiTatlir niHila. and the attendant ilootllnif nf tha kwatupa, aill put nitopto any advanre Into tlt inti rior f.r Bortie daya to eume. Tho "MpfltUttaa" ta nn donht .nropi.se.1 larfrely of tho r.ew tev tafl that hate re-'ently been em emp«d BBflM Norfnlk. It ii not pra .-:.., Uiat they huve been tkitb.lrawn fpiim Meadei »pmy. iKii'hiiioiid Kti.tarer, Mth. EAHT TKNNEa-SKB. Froni The Lynrhhuig Rar-ibMrat. We li.-Yo thfl report trom Ka-t Ti-nneasi-o that tha Tflflkaaa, who had udraxeed ae far aart aa Morria- Iaaa, ha»e ug _in tflken tha hmk trn. k, and mired to Struva harry Pla.infl, onlf lome flftoan nr tweniy eiilen from Knoivllle. Thii'retreat of tht enetay haa diail- patt J, fi.r ii,.- jireaetit at le _»t, all pmapecB of a flght. The enlittni. ..( of Dflflfl-a troopa ln Midille Tcnnea BM i BB on . j i-i iT. Ai s.'ialbyiilie and Lcbunon thtre flre RC-no rtady for tia t: IH. Henry Jon'f nnd .1 .mai Haya, peroled Tnited Rtatf* .'il.liers, i-hivriietl attbfltl.pflBfl to mnnlef and io', Ilu^li L. Raagan, M tha .ll.t of BflflflBhflt laat. WfW tii d. lotifiitad aenteii-fd andaeutto tk*ran.teatlary, on tbt -tth, lf Jiidge I.y*, iuou joiiNBTON - ARMY. Davtob, Cla., M.irch vat..The enemy have rettred ft-ou. our froiil. Kiul their reoent moye.rmto ara .aii- *. -i le be ,,t.;» aeaaafltaaaaflfla. A |flaf| anow Iiiii t.tr* laal uitf-il acd to-day. lt liet four Incbafl Jvap. Our tronp- hav- Mflflflfflfl thn rmt of ArkAuaa, ARTI-M ll>TITl'TP. LAW. Maoob, fJii., IfflroB tt..Tha Suiirame Court nf (.c.irgia .oday nnarlmaualy affirn-crj tlie i-onttitc- tioiiiil.ty of thu (/Mfl flaatt anti-huhititnte law. RKLIEP FoB THB BBB. The F.nqmrrr publiabflfl flll apjical tn the b--:,a t t.l-ii. ln ln half uf aahltatfl fanij'ia. and other yrn.r I a flflj. wltah aami "Hflfaarlata att taaa flhla ti.|| r-A-xii-- ttippliet at the ihoja Mtabluhad by the tlt.. conncita, ef.n at thn re.lutt-l yr.rrr eharged by tle r.i-iiiitte-.. Thfl flfffflfll BlBlM Uiat prat.iiy naoeailty exiita for imnieiliuf-* ai.l t" prefeut abaolotfl anfferlng. THK BKNTIKtRT OF BUflOflL Tho Hou. L. (/. C. I^tniur, late Minieter Ifl Pinnila fr aB tha Otinf. d.rute f-tatan, dallTart-d an ail- d;,-.*. ln Mill-diraTlll.'. Oa a few nU'bta ag.., ou tha ai r.tini' ot af Karapfl townnl tha Cnnfed-n-y. Mr. i.nmar w-i.t to Knrt'pa oi'-r a jeur agki, and had gnod tflmatiifllltaa of _aflflB_-B-___BBatla tunt of Btaflajaraa opimnn. De fmud tl- tatfl.gflarl pt«*,pl« eTtrvwhtrc taiiili.1 ta aaatflaflaM mtmjmaaatkf with thfl CflaflMfltatefl, and of adiaifation for th. dign.ty and atate^tnanahip nf our mla.H, and tba v/ticr. endurar.ra, snd fnrtitu.lt- of Ofltl I'llera aud jraopla; t'Ut tl-re tarre <.-or«ldfrntioni of a i-oHtit-eJ eharflrter operatlng to d-tar oWali.I reeog- uitlon or mlan'-ctlon hy t .e (iotvrnmrnU ul Knropa. i-till, ti.eai.pn_.vikl aHatflUfMl linropeiui flflatafl waa tihuariLg (if-ut H.-itaiu Biie i-. .itiia ,.f any aet tbat would ni'-or the bflflt_Ba of tha l.'aited Ht(U*M. FrBiiaa waadatarrail by tha rafuaaiof otbar I'dWera tojnin har. XflflataataBflWMflfM ln har p.rtlallty forthe t'nl'ed Stute*. Thfl Ig BMflat BUffltaM of llarrnany had Wn l.egnileil by NrntliarB funatlclani, and tnd wiut raaititta I,, thi* Bfltthflra armlea. The I'opa ,u i)» l.ir-,1 ar bbIImbIIIj "i. BBtahlta-flfl het. Ti.e Baafl taa of l_on- ilt.i: had titki-u tho C'oiif-daraia lonu, while tb«y rafuaail to touoh that nf thfl t'n.'-ed Ktates, whleh waa a linaii- inl HHUfBlllOfl of onr i iiti-ii .1 eil.taura. an 1 a aub- pt.i'i'iul avidt nca of thair enntidenc. lu onr ruec-emt, SKOTY-B-ORM fN BOBTBBBB VlilOlKlA. KloriiThe r.»«.-|-M:i; Rrglltel. BtOnflMB March t-3..*Thu bflBfiflfl. Rtiow- itorm of two Wintara, it ii pr« ntrad. did not alight l'e- t-r.-f rug f-etenlay and taat nlght The average depth it aliont t'vfelve tawhtfl, ar,d aorae aUrm that it ia deeper. To-dflT wat usherod ln witb a elondlaM tky and merry riaa-Bfl ot alelgh ball*.the latter puitime at tbe taaa Bf ttt au hour to thoae a ho indula'd. The roadi ln HflCthata Viririnlu, elwari c*jt np oy lbe hondreda of aagoni on tu i mova, will be in a bov-rible eonilition for ¦BM Baa ta Bflfla. and gito u truic .o any inte__Uuaof actitlty on tho part of tbe enit.ir. FROM TIIK TKAWrt-MI*l'.-«4lPp; ARMIE8. A tiuii-flpondaait of Th* mimrtttifftmm fur- ttfli-tthefnllowliig: ¦_-;; ¦ " The infantry in Oen. Prio»'i dlfnion in ln high iptrit«, and ' apilln' for a tight." I'rovilinna itra idantiful, ua tha wat Ib open to Toxm, theboot baef niirM.: ta thfl wald (Jau. Mflfl il .*-- th' prida nnd __1mlratlon of thfl army. 'I ho ipiiil of tbe people of Iho IiBBB-fllB-tt-PBl ll - parluieiit la lookinx BP. If it t'.ue that Qflfl. A. V llill will Buikcraedi) Holmofl, wu amy exi>act beUca- Tta' armieii ln EflflflB.B and SflBBB flre in high ipir- itl. nnd ara rflflfll for tha fo.. Tbfl tmda with Mrwoo hnt bt-an of grvnl banefit te that DcprtBOflt At th. Uuic 1 IflA, thn ouvulry undrr (ian ltegiin hud flfltaaflflfl tfl Montitello, Wid atrone acoutt b_4l ventured u-ax l'ine Htufl. atteuiled »itb bcivy akirmiBbing. An tttack npon I'me lilulf aiui daily anlii'ipikt'-.I. AKPAIRS IB PLOnniA. Iiifonnation bfld l.ccn rccoived bv-thoii.ilit.'irv anthotiliae at I.ako CiiT, Fteridn, on Suadny evtuing lal' that lhe Yflnkeea hnd lard.il a forne »t I'.'latkik. Tbe fone l&uded at tbat \-.int 1. uot knowm bnt P. wbk rumor-d thut it wna large. G"n. KlunegMi had du- putol.ed furcra to niei-t them, t'liUMatini, of c**T»*'7' '". faiitry, and artlllcry. Onr plckata in front of Jark.--n lIBfl flflaflia nieTloua luteUi«enee that the gmat'-t I_ortu.ii ot the euctny'a trw.pfl had left ttUWM. BlB|tt)taa coatumed <inict in tho aelghbor^ooU of Jackaoiifiilo, OKR. PILLOW. flrn. PiJlow has bflflfl ulared in commarto of the .tttatay of the Northern Illatrii t of Atabama. LATRST PUOM DAI.TOR. Daltor, Oa., March 24..All quiet on ovr fWint. Tha enemy ahow no dlipoaiUoa to eiifaga oiir forci:_, OBOBQIA .TH-.AT CROP. | Tlio croii« in (Ji-or^'ia aro rcprcwnt-'-l aa look- j inr rery enoonraalngly. In aorae aeotlonB the growlng , wb.nt haa btren inJured by tho frott. but the «vufrai iin BfBflfltaa Ib lhat s few good warm ralnfl will leflte lt. ihuifareverjtlil-ig loolu promiainf Utl a goodcrop ( thia year. . i COL. DAHLORKNfl ORDBRfl. The Retjitttr alludea to tho Northern donial i oftbe autbentioity of the documantt taW to hate been » ttvid 9* |ho Lxxlj'ot Coi. VAbxtttA, aad diciiHN Uat I tbepanen ae trabMflhc-_ were entirely gennine, and that they are " sot.itantlBted by citiren* on the line of the ro*vd, to wboin the da«ign waa boaitincly announced, and eoiifirmed by a niaai of erldenor, which when pub- liabed and girea to the world, aa ahortly will be d.mr., will oot bare a twlg of qBMtiou for tbo origiuaton of the barbarotifl acbemo to graup at, a* they plunge into thi* nbtiii of laetlnr infainy, or a »ingle donbtfttl atrand intl.prope that iwingi th.ni to the execratiou of the riT.ii/.cd worM." -._B- WKKTIXi AT COOPEB IJIBTITI'TE. Ceatral lnien l.iiii olm CoMpalga Clab. ABBraaa bf Ora. Jltw l.aar mt Kaaaafl* Thttre wa_ a vcry fair atl.ii.lftii.-_ at Coopor TTsion laat ereniog, notw_i»t4_nding tho nnplcaa&nt ¦flflflfl of the weather, to liaten to an addreaa from Jab. 11. Laitb of Kacaaa. At tlie honr for beginning tbe meeting, tlio beud opened witn tte " Soldien' Chonu," dtiriug tlie perfonnunee of whit-h theold reteran eame ni-oi, tbe platff rm, greeted by tha applauan of the ahidri aiwemblagr*. A tong »ua lirat auug, after whl.h tbe l'rt»ide_it ___ S. SriaiKa wade eome itatc_ie..ta ln reipert M the orgfUi:/.dtion of the Central Union Camnaign Club. Three cbeera were then giren for On. Jl* LA..K. wbo cume f.ir-ard fuuid tbe .ontinued ap- plauic of the aafllaaM ai.d iaid. )*, T.K.Tl OP fii-N. -A'.IUfi H. LANR. It i* n diatinguisbed honor M bn parmittod to addreau no largo nnd iuteilig.-nt nn audienoe, al thii iniportant perioxl in our country'* hiuory, at the liietropolta of the nation. We ure here to reifrw ttfl politiciu t:on.liti»u iifthoconntrv, proparatory t) tho apprnnohliig ITeal- dential eleetiiin. TbU Ifl tbe lirat inefting, aa I If-irn from your lTc»id")i.t of your ..rpnr.ir.-tti.in, foruied for thepurpo*r. of aiilting the crergiei ofthe tnion men of New-York for that eltction, the moat important in tlie htatory of tborouutrr, Wi* have had raany important eleetmni, but nerer one io iuitxirtant aa that now ap- araaaBBat In it in iurnlred, in the opinion of your ri-enkej, the Tery iriiateneo our hidovcd country. If tho no-iinr.'. of the I'ltion party ani .'Irvted. oar conntry will be rertored, and a MfBMBflat pcaci florured oix.n tbe bwiia of .iniveraiii frcedui'i. If we are de- ihaaafl, ad__m__T_l aaaaiaalM aiU be tho reault. ccrUit'i iw. night f.llowa ilny, an.l we and our de_ceud anu fomreiled to mourn oTer a AiflflflY-Tfl-l oiintry nnd adociinatctl power. [Anliin.e.| Inthiaricw, howgreat tbe reflponeii'ilitr reeting ujion erery roter. ind how ini¬ portant thut be ahould take that re.pon*.it)ility bnme to hia heart and to M8 88088000* 818 he uakeauphia clec- lion and the maiuier in which he a. lll ei.T.-i.e hii iuf- frngc. At all timee th" ngl,t of «uiTruge ln aa.rtxl M the tro p.tiiot, bnt at tbe ooming atartina it .hould bo aaartaafl aitt aaoa than ur.al rantlou, for your e-'untry ia the itake. To aid von tn cmiiig to oorrect conclBBion in the eier* i ue of thu right, rariuit m>' M make a fllulenient of mat* lota tbal B1WT -iluiunii pertunal knuwledije. In April. Iflfll, 1 arnt t.i W'dibington City. wbllat the heirti nf men wrre failing BOM (ind perpleiity over.pread tbe lanil. 1 found there one partv in favor of ac- knowt-dging tlie ladflsaaflaaaaol tlio Boath, permlttmg the erring alflteni to go ln peace, hoping to re- taiu the cupital for tiie tim* being. There wua ono mau. howeter. who, Bflfll nnd flflBflfltafl iu tho niidat of unheraal eicit.ment, reaiilted to n-toln tho capital, eren if it r«-quir-d au armtd totdier to er* ry foot of ter riUTi al'.l.in the Iliatri-1. and r-aol.ed to a-a.-rt the, BOTrfeignty nf thetioienuuent orer overy incb of land iu tbe Re-jii'-ilic, aud to recorei erery fortrefl* ao rudel) and rattaafllT toni therefrom. That man, aho haa Bi-ver faltere.1 in thw pairlotio ptirp-ie, and who hai labor.-d to reatore the Union by tho en r.iao of atillful dit'lomacy nud milit__rr nowcr, with ngual auccna, ia AlratiHin l.inri.ln of Illinoia. [Cor.tinne.l asObaaaJ Let ob reriew the eiirnmfltaiioea under whieh Mr. I.it;- i_,|ii ninie into B8WM. aud iearn therefrom hta capacity aud at lllt. for Gm Bl IIM88I He waa called tu bia high tiuat aatt rtreuiriatiincea the mn«t exciting and try- Ing. One half tbe country waa la rebeliioo around him. Tha beat uiiiitary ikill ln tle loa.l of thal rebellion fluflbed it* ii.fltigatorfl with all tbat oonh'K'tica 'r/iich mliiury 8881 fllflBM girt*. Jett. litruam] 1:1* a««o. laira ,ii>pear-_l more tb«n a matrh for th* then Ineiperlmed Kitkcuure of the ceuntrr, oalled to the chair by a conatltuency conlincd to tbi) Eroe Statca. TTiere nre fault f.ndera who omplain that Mr. I.iriooln *h alnw in ptittitig arm- into the haada of the blacl iu.ui Uu thal .]>.. .tiou I aaaart toarlcaaly flfliert, tbal be mnvi d ut u.e earlieat mouient publlc ¦>' ut,:ii, i.t wouli! i prni.t Iiu! thia order been iflflned at an ottili. r da] the whlt* .ol.llera would bare reaentrd It br aiuflny for uot till tbousiiiidi. of them had titn (lnin, an. i-th.-r tt,,,:..,i...,la voaaflafl and maiinctl, did ibej gtTO a retoct.nt BBBflBfl to rectilTe the aid fll tha i.i.i. k anxillat. and eran at thia daj there la a kmIioo in t__ Boider m..;.. wbeii wo are not aeralttefl lo recrnii paflMflfl flaldhna I^t a man be fudfred by hl* ftottt. nnd ahnt hai not Mr I.mtv ln done for the anielmrntion of the bl-ick man. Ii Bf Bflfl OM flaabuflfl hlawlf la favor ofthe atlianturt of the tar, r.ura, bfl bOMltlj bflUflVflfl, AB I do Ui ti il far betfer for both raoea that BBryaboBflMfiuaMflOl llve difltinct under the proi.-tfiio care of the eame (iorernmer.t 1 may be nuataken in the algua ol the tt-nefl. Lut I tlunk tbat ao MM a* |tne| ex;,"n inent n»w I,. ing tried to miu,.le Um two reeea haa tlnally fallfd, aa fall it mcet a atream of migint:'fl will eet from the Vflrtt to South that will aiilre thl* Ti'ied qneatiou forcter. I am fot gn ing them Weit.'rn 'lexna to b.pin wit.'i. and ibe f-e to t'.e publir laafla therein nnder tha Ilome. tend law, Jf otht-ri tan do le-tter fur ihuui, I will he bappy to leitrti and <. <J[j4-r»t.-. Mr. tin. oln la lrr-'oc.rn BflflBMBtaflMBM BaBay of emenrlpation aud arn::i:g tbe ala'pa. fl^nid oheera. J ThatJ.aily of whi.rl. bfl G the rea|»rf-te<_ leader, in their i-all for th.'ir Conrentinn at lialtiraora, harn elearly coiumitted rhe orpai../..('<.n t,.. r.i.l. ig out the Babfl.M and the erudicaiiijn tif tbe can** thereof. Wh»t Ibi Iba tt flflflaaaflafl at bia band* f bhail we hare a pr,atUnifltion deciarlng tte liiar k uuia auperlor to tbe al.it,>, commanding thn ad miiture jf tbe tacoa f Mr. Pnaidii.t. 1 am called the radicnl af radica)*, yat I nerer rnmind never wil! admit that there ia any raceannerior toiny own, nor will lever aoaaaM that an act of treaaon to uur r ihall be .Itl.ti'teA 'iv perpr'r.itftl, nor to the donumon of aaj tttttt race ln thla l:e|iiblic. N'nr will I e\t*r 8BM8MI M act with nny party which adrocate* tbe inrertnlxture trf tbe two r>u .-j. aa aaid admtiturea wonld, 1 rirrnly bo- liore, produce the d»terioration of our own rac, wiih- oiit beneftttng thi* black race. I I'ibinit lhat agitation on thii lul.Jact in iui.*eliievout, CBlculatcd to «tren_rth,'n tbe band* of oar politicul enetoira, and to etcite tt,e jealoiiiea of oue raue agnimt tbo other. (liio tu itr. LlDcoln aa our MaadaraVbaaiaf npivn auch a platfnrm(M I har* (aflMMOfl, ami we mn .¦arry ev err l'ougrefltioual Uiatrlct li, the iuyal SUt.-e. I'ellow-citiiena, I hare hcatd ao name meiitiuucd ln ci.niie.tion ailh tha rrelidency ofthe L'nloli paily, if nomiuated at tbn HaltnioraConrention, bnt will rrrcite my leuioui anpport. Tbe people will be there tepre- aented br Mtatfll nnd roiiipi'tent delegatea. In tnt-ir deciaion I will ehcorfiiliy aeqaki .e. lt ia a dnty, In my opirlon, we owe onr cmintry. I dn not. nry the miin nr B t ..f tnen w!.o a lll encoiirage diaantinfiU'tin in the dad rtlon of that t.'onvention.eitber beforo or aft.T Itr fltflflttaf. The oiindidfltc* ot our party who fall to itubmlt Iheir claiinn tothat Cojiicntiou will lnenragruM- reaponaihil' 11 .'4 .'t.r hit* a (*¦!, vi, tiu.' i.*-"i:i!.-ii T, a;. J i." wiii ono .oiuip"rtnnt h* h.ld. afl BB flaaaaeaafl M Ilaltlmore. .*.'. i ,li! the aflflBineeof thnt ConTention fail, ttic flhrieki of rroatrnte frefdoui would IMBOBfl throughout t!n* cinJiAi'd world, at-l woe be t.) ttflJflMfl whoior.ti ;bnt..» to auoh a reault. Wliiie in favor of the nomlnutiun of Mr I.incotu. 1 have uot ai<»aJe.l iaid Ao not prciume to a*»il! Ihn cniididatiw of my own partv. Tln-ir merltfl and pipuiitiity ar* the prnpeitv of thi* (mrtv. To di* par.ige thfir m»rltd nr waflkflfl tlieir Infin.-m ». ia acrim, CnM the organiiiition. Ue who iii.lt tg-.-e in aucb a 04>uric i( n.-ither Juat nor politic. Thi« battlo to bo foucbt with luillotn iu BOtaahe. i.a ua iniportant .ia any batv'e to Ire fonght with hullota d.irtng 'tta war. t: lli.w -. .tuti'i.t I am not ono of tboao wh,, far tli.it u nalitArv chieftain will be pitted airaluit Mr. Lmooln ly ..mr oppoueutn, fur there il au inatinct in tbe Anicncan miul adv»mototheeleT.itionuf a miliUry hero lu tbe I'lflaJilencr ln time of cirll war. They fear a d.inger to thi' wre deln at'i inatitniton* of tbe country. 'J he hai.d of tbe lullitaiy chief ifl r«ceeaari!y an iron hand. deutl- tutoof tbat dellcatoaen-iilrillty whiiih ehanetoriaea the band *t the olviliao. While tho people are anxiutia tbat th" cru»hing graap of an iron nand alould be plu.r.1 on the KelielUon, thev aro hy M meani anxioiia lo tlaor) llie ner.ee aiui aituriea of K.'puhliciiii 1 fr in incli a hand UU after tbe war i* l.1 With tKiu. Grant in the lield, and the remaiuiug cml- nrnt milrtarT men. either ln thn activn suptxnt of Mr. l.incolii or puaalre te tbe urent, there bnt little doubt of our fltaa-f»a. (Great apiihiufic.] Shall ltbe aaid tbat tbta irulilica. luppurt aill b-.* wa-i.i.g at the hoiids of auch GeneriUa ln the bour of tbe country'i ii. ed 1 Will oot thoee noUe men who are ready to Iay down thuir litei for tbeir country, to ipill tiieir bliK-d ia her Ix-haif, agne M bold their claini* in flb-tance four jeara l.ager, uutil rituruiug phicei ei'itk'-fl off tbeir iiaruea«. tbe beluiet ia Iaid Dy. and Ihe aword and t'.* ajienr p*pne« on the rack, Ib man»ion .iaii. ai honored m'-metitotfa of the paat. uiilil tbeir Bind aud nerrr* are agaln adjtuted to tho cirllian'M l«bR and tht fltaterniAn'i Jealoua oare of conatitutional prOTialonfl ond ataAute law. Ib the eatimation of men if ctaar fcldgmcnt it ta bflM tot _e Dcoplo of tht: country lo retain aJl the miliUry talant ln tle lield, and rely ou ba eiiatlng Bxecutive ior another !*rm of four yearB. [t hM been ai.id that otbera than Mr. I-iucoln will iare the rote of the army.that otherti are tbe faror- tea of the aoldtar. I do not belicTe it. . lApplauae. | rha flnuy aoaira aad ki Tf plaia hoae-tr* -Br. A_ia* eoln ta a plaln, honeit man. The aoldlert know that their wantt hate been I.in fint care; thut hta ohlef atteution haa been thair oonifort nnd laceeta. That while otlort have been plottiag for the Preeidency. the bnrden nf hia heart and thn thoughtt of l.n miiid have been employed about mllitiiry inoeeii. Ht hae not inffered tho.e ln the licld te remain without proper tnpport Cail nftar eall haa baan niada for troopi to nntaln thote alrttady ln the itrnggle, while money haa been extenti ed wiUiout itlnt to tusure their locceua. No one can lay to hia ebarge inattentlon to the wanU of tho ra; k and fllu of the army. And here may be the proper pluce for me to .uy tbat tbe rank and tlie, who naw itaod a Hvlng wall Detween nt and onr enemiei, caielcti of life, carelcai of health oarefbl of noth* Ing bnt thfl oonntry't honor and approraL ibonld be hoi i-i-id while tbey lite, and thair memory, whan they are gone, moit be ttishrlced in tne nBtlon'a heart. While relice that jemaln of thair fnaiiliet ahunld be flfliflfl for lo the uunoitt of the natioua ablbty, great la tbe di-bt tbe coontry owea tbcae mtn; aud noi tbn uaticn nlonii, bnt tiie laiTeiing iu «_*.! in every eliiiie iuid ln aterj land owo a debt to tbeee .hMBBBBM of human hberty, who are rtruggllng tiiia tlat to dcfer.J rcnnbllcanlim from the attacke of the nr a.!< mi* and fmperialiita at home and ubn ?_.<), and ti.e i.ttt.-r uot lem thun lhe former. [Applamse.] Impc- n.liMu haa feaied the rising power of a natlon whose titium aro lovereignt. holding equal place in la- and in ao.icty. Stieh a n_.tion riiing ln her .ilent grandatr, BBMBBfl aii.1 iiiditfireiit to the deflfl/ilf momuohi ei of tho old world, tleeiring no pritflflffl at thdr handa l.ut to bu lot aloue, vv aa a BBfltM uf uiiria iu timea »f pe,-ii'c. Hnt l.ow do they iow regard her when they B.o her qniet titi/nm, at tho call of one of thair numl-er, tranaforu d aa if hy inagii' Into uiail etafl tcldleri, each one of t'loae loldieri hini.clf a captaln, lelf-rellant, ielf- poiaed, endowed witb Indlviduahty, which entt-n Into (he eharactcr nfevery trne haro. What nauit the rtdvo- aflfla of iniperiiii-Sia thiuk lii such a eaae t Ilow do the -u_r.il.-; .il;.' i.i look witb f'.vr aud dread laaat ln tblt ttrugglfl he tboald infl'-r (lefe»t or our leaderB tremble to our fall» lt ut one thing aaiurea me that we thall anffer no flnal ilef. tt, no oTerwhelming repult..; lt li thia, the God of our fathen acd oar God it committed to the inp- p<.rt of hberty und inttice. Lct nt place ounelr oa right on tho rocord with Him, acd keep ourielfe* there, ai d than, come what may. the lssue will be well. There li a future before tho reoublio more glorioua ihan we bave yet conceired, Let m hav. iut h :n onr dc.tlny un.l lu tl at fntura, for the tlme will oomo whan the princlplei wo uow adtoeatfl a_-d uowdofand, with Hfe and ftirtune, will be the heritag. of every nation under the aun. We may not be the chlaf amoiig Iflfli nalionr but we will havfl the grutifi eatlon of kuowitig tbat te wore among the firtt, ln tha umilflflBM of lio.!. to aaaume a bold aud decided itnud for tht great principica of cltil and rcllgiou llbarty. ICheara.J _______ Oea. BrayMau'a vpediiion Tbe Sarrrn- d. r al Inioa Cily. A Di.gract fui Af. fair. Frcm The Cbicigo Timta. Caibo, March Ot., 18*54. An expodition under Oen. Marfon Brayman, eommandant of thta mllitary diatrict, left here oi Thunday mornlng, and lauded at Colambna, Ky. Thi object of Uie expedition wnt to repel a tbreatenod at tack _i*on Union City by thfl Kebel Forreat, who luu been inoilng up through Weat Teunaateo, Our forcea coniisted of the 35th Wi->_o_u>In, 2.-th New Jeriey, 33d WUcoatin, and tha 17th 2tew-lorkregi- m-nu, nl_out«,0()Oitrt)iig. Arrivlng at Colnmbni, Oen. Brayman alto took wit_ him Sparreatrom's Battery, and a conipany of monnte. aoout.t. Tho expedition left Colawbui Immedintflly, puahing forward by rail, tuidei-Uindlcg, preTioaa tc itorting, that a bridgo a ahort diitanoe from Unio. City bad baan b_rne*i and toa telegraph ent. Capt Odin. A. A. O., and Gen. Biarmani Chlef of 8to_T who had been aaxxt from hare tho orenlng DrtTloos foi the purpoae of naoertatiilng the true con.iillon of aftrurt tbe atrergth and daligns of the enemy, Ae., bad re turned to Columbm from Ciilon City before the at padition got itarted from there, paning orerthebarn iiiif bridge Jnat in tlu.u to tare a train wbi.ih he btt araeri not to endanger. He und Col. laiwrence, oom iii'.i..|iiiir the poat nt (', I'l.-iii-ti* adtised Gen. Braymai tnat they wernof opinion tltvt Col. nawkini. coounaiid Ing Union (ity. wonld be able to hold out ogitin.t thi fluemy nntil re-nforoementi cou'd raach him, notwith utanilinir the BttBflUflfllforcc waa reported an mn.-h ia l*rmr mour ftircet. The 7th Tennettae Cavalry. eorat L(V) man, .TOO being mounted, were lurrourdad witl "lrtliworki of x< tn- protenslona. Our expedition nnihad forward, and, on arrlvlnn withln aix niilea of Unfon Clty, at :i o'rlack in the aftar i..".'ii. Oeu. Hrayman learned that Col. Hawkina had itirraii.lari-il Bt 11 o clock in the mernlng; that the fortlfl entlon. and a eonaiderable nrnount nf property had been destroyed. and tbat tha horae. on which our fotcna were inotinted, tl.a nrnit aud fiulpmcntt. n few mnlea and wag'iiie, and the pritonert, had beon ruinovad, tha am ::.y tnkir.g a r.. rth eu*t directit.n. I.ittle or ne B-'vi'nB* bad been done. Althoogh theentmy bad mad« thtflfl ennrgaa; meeting with r.-pulae each tlme, but or.e mau in thu garrison waa killetl. TheattalUngforce wai uot more thun oue thousiuid, and ware B'ithont nrtillery. I hey wero flt fint reported to hare artlllery and a force of I'ltne -I'veii th.iti-.aud. C.an. llrayman having only infantry. which belongad to ('nu. VeaU-h'BL'oiun.aiid, takeu from here. where thay had been awaitingor.lrrstoicoT-onanother eipedition. and. haTing ordera from tieu. Hhennan not to detain tht-ui from iho sairflae Intended for them, retorned to CotaabM, r. et'iiiarkc-1 on trauaports, and returned to ('.tim vealenliiy. A flagoftniec wu tent by Forreit, saylurthat, tm- leaa the garriaon lurrendcrctl aooordiug to Ini ooudl- tioni.be va.-.'.l "i-an artillcryon tbe ga.-ni.ui. It ii .aiu Col. Hawkim'i man wauted him to cut hia wuy nut. hnt ha iflUflflfl to do ao. Other atatementa aro to the effaet that Boina of hii own man thrautaned to i),i>ot him if he fiirrciiderad. It U ilao ..iid that whan tht BfMBdM liad bBM mnde, leTaral of our man wept like liildreii. and a nutnber broke their guna, aad othera thi.w xi-1. - Inlo a well, and Uiat the offic-ri brc-ko tl.eir s-vor,!-. Our totret had Juat boen pold one year'a leriioe. ihe loti to ii- u and oDlccrt ta ebtimatod at nearly f-O.IMX). Baaa.ttfl li'M than (OO pri.onert were takan, averiU aaeapinp. Forty-ouo are here now, an'l othera reiwrted in the WikhI.i. It ia not knnwn with eertalnty who enmmanded th* BflBaiBac for. a wi.-ii Huvrkine tur'rendered, but lbe ene¬ my hurrahail fur Forreat. OflB Krayinau intfiidB, If approved nf by hlu inparior offican. to rcmote aii onr foreei garritoning uulmport- ant pointa within tho diitrict, mch aa tne one on vv' .aii the raid wai madp).coiiaidering lt aa doing the Kebel. more. Berricn than if left to ba ocaupied by the Keliala themtelvet, as, whilo gnrriaoned by tha l _ted Mai.-.-. iii'iali imuggUng and coutraband truflio are going on under tho preeent Iooie trodo ragulationt, -B PromptnK*s in Pou--land..The City' of Portland, Me., wna alarraed a few daya aince bythe rarmrt that two TP?seli ware on fire off Wood'a itland. Apprehanditig that tho Rebel piratea were at work :u-_i.". al -a.i -.'."' (.-*!;! laaiuii, aniiiiig them Capt Inman and Llent. Richoli of the 2d Malnfl Cavalry, irnme* diately startod on tho Ganeral Lyon, the only svailable nlaiiniar, took np 50 loldierfl at Fort Preble, and pro* Bflflflafl in the fl_aattafl of Wood'a Ialand. It wu found the lire waa on the uiain land, aud the party rettirned. fl pmnipt, plnaky, and wide-awake people, tho»e Port* landera ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ TnR riBflttlB KlmvBBRAI Ceisis.. The Trronto QLheot Monday «aya: "Notwlthstanding the I'.od boaetings of tlie Opposition prefs, lfBBBBR Cartl-.fr, Hacdonald * Co, hate been oompellr-d to abandon ths tfyak ot coratrnctlng an Adminiatration from their own alde of the Hoaie, and are now aa.ug lhe MlntateiialLiU fn ji'iii them ln the formation of a Cnalitlon GoTern- laatit." A dlipat. h to Tht UUktnt Tuetday, trt'i: " I undarttand that the licat tplrit prcTaited at the Liberal caucnt. and a nnanimoua determiaation waa expn-aaed to mak- no terma whatorcr with the reriv e.', (.'artit_r Mac.lonald GoTerument, which now teema cer tain to be cotiBlructed under the tltlo of Tache-Cainp- bell. The oompoaitioa of tbe new Mlntatry ia expectcd ti'l- B* f'-i'iria: Bflflfl ri.t-iDA -Sir K. P. Tae).., Preuier acd Ifir.lftar of M.luu. linn. O. P,. Cartlar, Att,.niey-(l«uef»l ilast; Hro. A. T. ii.,' YiOanro Mimrtei J. ti. Cbaiiaia, oeo,., Provinciat *r, ,. i.i) ii.,i. T. I) M,(i.-r. Hureau of A|ricultore; Uoc* lor l.ai.|.-rti. '-"I S-l'.ri'at ll.nii.,, ',-'. ..'. L fPCK ( ABAliA. H.'il. Al-1 iI.H.-r l a-apbell. ('niuril.ll.in.f nf Ciuvvn l.ai.ir; Hon. J. A. McUonald, Attorney Ueneral VV'p.t, 'llioii.a, C. Straet, eaq., Ke, eiv.r OrueiJ Jamei tockbnrn, ciq., Boikitor-OeBeral Weit. " Ai regardi the two remainlng aeata ln the Cablnet, there Ifl tome liouble ln tbe comp ui to atal ihall repre* .ii t Ottawaln tha Gotarnment m Commlitloner of l'nblio Workt. Tho moet probabta pcrtoa appean to bfl Mj.JiflirtiieJJ-fliuBtil.* THREE DAY. LATEB FROM EUEOPf. ARRIVAL OF THB AFRICA. The Schleswis-llolstein War NAVAL ENGAGEMENT OFF R.I<iB% Withdrawal of the Priuufan Ships. BEPULSE OF A DANISH __R0ff*CL_____>. THE ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH C|BLI. Hoflvy Fanishment for Mil.tary Ezercises ln Xreland. _¦" SERIOITS IU-NESS OF THB POPB. Cotton trnchangecl . BrcadatuiBt DuU. Halitax, Wedneiday, Mareb 30,1F*M. The Bteamship Africa, from Liverjvool at 9 o'clock on the mornlng of the 19th rl Qneent-own oa tho 20th i:;vt. arriv.-d at thia port at lOo'olock tbia mora ing. Her datea ara thrae daya latar than tluwe already -e. .-Iv."!. Tho Africa haa 47 pt__-.ng.ra for Hallfaz, aud 41 for Botton. Tbe Africa reporfa: PaaW March2." ln tat. 4*., long. 30, American ahip Robert f.ane, botmd Kaat Varch 17, lat. 43, long. 48, itcamihip Atutralafllan, hottad ta Liverpool. The Africa «.iiled at p. in. for Botton. where,ibe will be dae on Kriday mornlng. The Canadlan Btcamahip North American taib-d frcB I.iverpool on tbe nfternoon of tbe 17th. and I_ond.,nderry i-. li, for Portland. Tha tteamihip Virginta arrirtd ont on tbe lflth. Tbe iteamahip Hammonia. from New-York, arrif«_. at 8outhampton on the mornlng of tbfl 18th lail The tteamihip Damaacu, from Portland, arrltr| al Lond,,nderry at 4. o'olock oa tbfl mornlng of the 19th inttant The etearaihipfl City of London and Eangaroo, from New-York. arriied ut Liverpool on thfl 18th inrt.; both wcra dttained by a low tlde. Great Brltain. The suspention of the mail. via Oalwaj until fnrther notioe ii ofttoially anaottneed by tbe I'oet Offlca Department. ln the Houae of Commont on tha 17th ind., Lora Pnlmerston enid (btt he could not prodnce the optniona of the law ofBcert of the Crown wub reapect to thfl scirnreofthe Tuicalnota. They were oonfidenlial ad- tlue for the GoTernment. and it would be ol.ja. uouablfl to prodnce them. Lord I'almcrston. ln reply to lnrjnirlea relAtite to tha propoaed " Confarence," laid that the reply of Denmark wu atill awaited. but tb nt be bad good roaaon to bopa and believe thal the Daninh Gortrnment woald aieeat. Blr H. S. Tracey mored tha tbe itatemant of tha French Procarer-Geaeral, at the trl.il of Grerv. (m- plicating a member of tha liooac and of her Majetty'a i., v.riiiii'-iit. Mr. S'.Hu-ti-lil. in the plot to iBtatiinflf tbe Kmperorof tlie French, deaerved tbfl ieru ut ooa. a1.1-rotiuii of the Hunae. Lord Hiimiltou aeconded tbe metJcm, and it wat tnp. pin. a.1 by Mr. D'Uraeli, Mi. PakiagtOB, and ot her Op- 1*.- mon membert. Mr. Staiiffield defended hlmieif, and reiteratfld hla denial of any oomplieitT in the matter. Lord Palmemton rwul h. i- >.i a. a|.ij*.tiou ta uaka to the Krancb . loverament, and thought that none wm uecettarr. Ifhehad thotight for a BflflMflfl tbat BBflB n-i.l oonid hare the tliglitaat partleiuation in the eon* .piracy, ho thoald have called upon him to retign; bnt iiobaunotdonflio heooaM he knew thal be wm taca* [-..i.li- of auch conduct. The inotion wm rejeeted by.Yeau. 181; Nayt, 171. The Gorerninent njajority of toa wat reeeiTod with Sreat cheering. The voi waa gancrally Hvirded m ¦ eeided Conaerritite attack on the wbole Onranimflnt. ln the Honie of Lordt oa the lBih in.t. Earl Koaaell appeaJcd to Karl Klletil.iroagh to poetpone hw laqairiea relative to the Daniab qm-itiou, aa it waa tery detirable thut no ditcus&ion ahould t_ike place Juat now on tbfl tnblect. Lail Kuatell idd tbat he had fond bopat that Denmark wonld agree to a eoofercnoe. aad thut aa ar* miatiee wonld be acccptable to all partiea Karl Kllenhon.agh aaf-ntivd to the propoaitkm. Marquia ( i..:,ri, ur.le cfllied at.er.tion to tbe reoralt- ing of tailort for tbe Fedrral itoamer Kearaarge, at Cork. and pointed out thta laniar.cy of the Brltifh Gov- rnment at eompared with tha thown by lbe Federal Govcrnment toward Knglaud ln IBM, He pni'tadonl the lnducementi which were held ont in lr-land by Ie_.er.il agenti to induee yni:ng men t-> go to Amatica. Karl Kaeiad aaid that the Maxqtiia of Clanricnrde bad anaweretl hii own comnlaint of the remiaaneN of tba ..,,', erum- nt when be reli-rrtd to the proe. aution irolng onintbe R'-arnarge oaaa. He flaatafl that the (torern* ment were rejiita in w.vtohing thu proceeduiga of tha Kedaral agenta in Ireland. Lirl Donongl nnff retleoted on the fttbe atatementfl that had been made by tha Captain of the Keupurge. E.irl Ki;s-' 1! mid that thfl oapl&ln'i expl&natiou luutt be sccepted aa .atnf.. tory. In the Uotiie of Cunimoiu, there waa anotber part** dabato on Mr. Slanafle ld'i r.mnection with the oonipir- atore agaiiiit thn l.ii* r.f tba Kmeeror Natxdeon. Lord r.tltneriton aald that Mr. IStanineld hud plaeed tiiniBalf and hia mli.e entirely nt the dlipotal of tha Got* erninent. He (Pa!meratou), therefoie, aaaomed all re- Hf--.iij.it*. v in tbe me.tter. The Lord Cbaneellor annonneed that the Hoate (fl I.ordi vv ould give Judgment in the AJexandra emm aoon after Kivater. Tht London Morning Pott regardt tim opening of tba S'Tini- cainpalgnc ln Amerioa aa tliMiatmui failurM fot the 1 ,'deruli. The tettaAam Qlebt layi that tbe F'*i!i rd atlemptfl to ponetrate the S.-th have faileu. hut. nevertheleer, that the operationa of Sherman and K iipatri.k ahow that tbn Confader.tei art wenhar than i vaur ago. At the Cork Aaauas, i..ne raeu convictod of illrgnllt praeticing miiitary exercite* at Blaney were s> :itaui-e.i to twelre montha' Impri-ionmelit, aud another to Hftcu monthfl. Tho Atlantic Telegraph Company Directora bara anuouncad that they have made a contract with Glaaa, Klliott A Co. to manafacture tha irnnroted cablfl uii'ki'.ir'.oiiilT raoommended hy tbe Seieuiinc ('ommittea, and to iny tm- k.-iitiu in tbo humn-.cr of lBBSi Tbe I)i- rectort hare made a call of .10 par cent oa tbe ttock* hoidera. paTahle on tha 7th of April. ThnibipCiibralter had toiled for New*Yorb witb a thomand tuna of coal given by Mr. Gaorge Klliott of the firm of Otafla Elltott * Co.. in aid of tba L'uittil St.iti-i Sunitary Commiiaion. The Manehet'ter Sramintr pu'dUhafl a latter from tan* dry persona in New-York, amphatioally denylng tbe aa* M-rllont of tbo oorretpoiideut of Tht I.ondrm tttretd, that, owlngto the prav-lenca nf kidiii.ppii.i_. th-re waa no loeurity for emigranta landing at Naw-York. Th. y di iiinii.i¦<. tho najtettuin aa a grei fabiebood. At a meeti r of tha Atlantlo Telegraph Compeny oa the l'ith, the Directon' report annotinced tba lhe tau drrof M.'nr.i. Glaxi. Ki.iott A Co. tOjf. ika aud lity thfl cable bad been delinitely accvpted. Tbt detalb of tba contract were not quito rcoilT. but would be nabtnittexl to an adjonrned maeting. The report waa nnajiimor.alf adopted. The Chairman aald ti.at the poaitloa of ti.e Company waa moat enrtiiirBgira. The ratirinr offleara were re-elecled. hloderate eetL-nataii, founHtd on tt e i :;i.u'itT of tho new cable, tix the aet revnue at fli-i.OCO per yeur. B Tbe Hani.b ~Wmxr. Tk.- ttrttion Daily Sevt ot the 18th in.-fniit snni'.-.i-i'i anthor'.utlvcly that Denmark 1,ia aocepte-t of the prnpoaed Confertnoe on the baaia uf thfl negutia- ti-'i.- of 1801 and 1853, wltboot an armistice. Tbe eon* tcnt nf tho Ofltaaata f'onfederatlon Ifl now B.-ceMarv, aud it u doubtful if they will aaiiont ou tha taal. named. t_,mo aor.tinentalJntir.i_li ennflrm tha abora itale* ment, bnt lt not oaeta-ty anrouncad. Dnppel waa tlgorooily bomharded on tha llth loifai.t without affect. M _. __. A sortie by thfl Danei 8jr____.it Eockebull wu repuli-.l by the Auitriani. The ITnaal^ni had taken Otaer, near We* D-flfl-t Their lufl* waa about 100. They took three huudrad prlmnen. Tha ..i'tn.-e of the 1.1. a-A ot Fomern hy tbe PrAaiana taflaaflraflfl. Tbe Pnuiiana had arretted all tho pi-tncipo! t.ffii ___a ln that portlon of Jutland which lhay uccuuied. llaavy ftrlng had been exehanged at Bonderbtrg. A tharp naral angajteoient had taleu plucfl otf H igen Itland, between Ure l)<uuah Bteamart and two PrnMiAa mt a-of war and icrcral gvnboati. rc-iu'.ting lu U.o w ,ti» flaTElgbth Page-

New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1864-03-31. · Cinleudai'tteflit,nad tatad Johntt. IdoMlnnof VVnoouiiuto le.* Su-uf Intliaa Affaiiafiir Waahiagton 'ieiri-y, tice CaJvln II

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Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1864-03-31. · Cinleudai'tteflit,nad tatad Johntt. IdoMlnnof VVnoouiiuto le.* Su-uf Intliaa Affaiiafiir Waahiagton 'ieiri-y, tice CaJvln II


V01- XXin.N°* 7,172. _\EW-YO_tK_. THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1864. PRICE THREE CENTS.


gpa-tal Dflpfltab to Tlie N. T. Trfbone.Wamhwoto.-i, Wedneaday. Marah 30, 1884.


Tho Socretary ol' the Tr.-w_.ury has communi-Mtafl te tbo Waya aad Heana Coramittee bii nanse of

Uc neoeBtity of inereaaetl taxation. Tbia neoea.itynr-M*fl taora and mo.B apoa tbe uiindt of tho rn*t

thoagritful and jiradent men oonnectcd with tbo fl.vtfunicBt. Tlie TreMnry Baature of tbe need of monfyf____ tb« i-.teraal revetme alone waa yesterday 1250,wo.oaa A Ux of fll S0 «n wlitaky it bow tboagbt in tbeWaft *_ril Kcani room to be Inctltabla, Tfho ir.crctueaf the cxctae on u'ic othtr londing arlicloa will be corre-

afondlngly ffteat. Not far ten or tweko duyt yet willtbe Comaitu-c be abta ta report. T.i__r Vabor of pi*_p.'t-rattan ta iairaenaely girat.

GR01UR TIIOMPSOR.Thie tolegraphki refuBtJ of the ITmiBO tfl Oo.

Thoopton to tp«__r ln, wta a _ai_.ak_, Tbe mot.on totay an the tvliio tko reaolntion i;ivi .p tba Britlah apti-tle.f Ibelltioa fha nte of tbe Hail v. ua lont by M, It l tauBflflBfl- withoot a divi.ion. Tboropeon will ip<tik.m* __ovi_»av'8 succEf-Sort o.h the committkb

OR TERP.tTORI._l,By «o©i -non oonaont the 11on. Josiah B. Grin

aafl of lowa, u cl. rj*_yni___. an antl Flavnry lactur. r. a

a_flfhfli- with a flock. of slx tbou.- and fine-wooled mo*

aiao al'fl-ii. and the owner of a village ta whirh not one

Arepef iBbBfl-Bflfl-afl drir.k hu errr been toltl, baa beenIndtatl. id to s'l-aka--1'eifux tta tha ti ttaat member of IheEnn te laka Owta Lotcjoy't plaoa ln the Gommitto-M rf-rritarm.b.

THB DKl-TlTTiOR OP OATAT.RT HOBSE8.Seoont ordere frr.m thn War Dcpartm. nt,

_to_ign<Hl te ttop the doftroction nf envalry hornaa.aarthoriet-.i o l-oar.'l cf InBret-tor-i tn rajHirt rc^'.inrnttiflodtompanHta 'hBt aaflttaflflBfl waatc their hurnas. lefle diainoan't.-tl unil broken np, antl trtui&ferrcd to otiiar

_rgiuiuatifn.i, tbe ofticen to Fxa ranstered ont of theBerrice; ani*! oommantling generali* of nrmiea andflepartmentA Are empowan d te di * motint nnd trar«fer totattkRiry rapiaieutt any _r.au who nees up blihorte br

oefleet trr enielty.TRE IV'TT OV WOOL.

Frands ln tht- iinporttitiuu of foreipi fiueVflota in Bildltion to Ont £nanci»l neiciitiee iuducad byIhe war. Lave <latar.iiiiiod tha VVrt.i niul Mi-bi h ('mn*¦ittao'te rea-immcnil a very eontiiltrat-It inor«ascof theflMy oa wool..OV. BBAMLETTE'S TREASONABLE pboclama-

TlON.Mr, Breik. nridge of Kentueky wbo naw the

f_ i tf ef the taaaa.B_fl jaaataaaflaa flfOar. BiaaViita.afltah wa mid wat in t.ipe in lYflakflat ready lo exxxn-

Mou KcBtiK kiuo« tt. flffflM tht- draft nf iiajirocs whichAe GoTfrnnivii.t had ordered, ia our wllneea to tboflrtih of our stetemt..t in Tiik XRUifbi: unvailing lhatflttflfl,

TnR ACVARCH IR THB CoST OP IR05._lif Kaval Conmiittce of the Scnate is flooded

Mith patitit.r.. fnr r. lief from nearly eTarytaOy nnder.flQa«*euii-iit to clotFie war-ahipa, or 'jtiild marira enginea.Beiw.ten tlie aalv_u.ee in tbe cost r.f irtin nnd tbe eloteBflflpfliiiiiRsif ttie _Savy Dapartment, tbey are threatenedflUflfl

FKMAI.E SMVGdLEBB SERT SOCTH.Mre. Bii-Rfll and danphter, and Mre. Cart*-r,

BBBlto thraOldCapitol BometiniD agofor atemptiag lo.Mflggta focd. ud lettert Sooth. were tent Baaflfl to-fltajr, tta Kort-*-B Monroe. llrt. Btaial! ii ioid to bette wlfc of a n tlred Krtal Ofllcer, aow in chargc af e

-taBfumia nary yard.ADirmOKS TO TlfE IHOS-CLAD FLFIKT.

Tbe folloAing iron-clad aar rttflflUTT w-;il boflflPBflfll befween tixxa day aaal tbe lit of Muy r.ait;

i._"... Ciesa. Ytkera.,Pantae._j»lr»i.."-e-r-York.TVpanaaa..Ttiiii.f in ii.iu.t_Baigi»*.Thn 1.VYicuii.g'-TkMihe-«i- .;.Thir.l.New-York.Oataw-a.TliBl...Cc . ii.nati.RirAa>ao.Tbi"_.Ote, ir.i.ail.Maaavi.uk.Tr*t 1.PltUbtifgh.dnaoai.tbfl J.fwtcitinati.AgaoB-ntiens.S«arud.I'urtaaiouth, R. B.Har ir. ta.TMrd.TtOahmtaJa.0,-4 nky.Tbiid.PUtaburgU.

OUkera bflBBB thflflfl nr.ary be reiulv *or floufing off.Bome of .Fie abofe will li reurlyrealy fer aeaabeu_a__.__-aiL


Bb Ihe Aaf-clattd Trtmt.¦y*;'Ai?Hl>tOTO*s "W-ilnefday, March 30, '*C4.


Q_n. Patrirk, Pro'.o*_t-MHr-hal.Oencriil of theAniy of the I'otomac, aent to lala flBf yastcrday a no

Barioni 1,'ebel oilittn iuid 'luhhwhiu-kfr, chnrgad withth* maar'er of the ton »f .-.-.nator H-.-wn af VlrgJuia,Tbe prmo' afrruiitt t'uiB bi'i rt aald to be pflflttttfl, at tbtflfled wae aitnataed hy Bevcfal of our offlct-rt. Col In

gnliam tommitted tbe prisoner to ibo Old Ca-itoi_Pitaon


Teftetday, at tho roq rest of Mr. L. do GK-o'-aay. At..? Mtntati-r flfl Fracce, the four men wbo wan.U-amitUvl to tbe Old Cafikt 11'riaon at deacrtert franlhe Erei.i-1 _BflM-Mflfl tence, were aafl to New

Takfarid tnrned ouer to tha ] rcnth Conial-Gem-raLTHB KVE-TWBNTY Bo.KIM.

Ho authority bu been piveii by thr'. Tntaiur.vSBpartmeat to reeelte enbtcriptioiifl for tbe flvo-twectyBsada. exoai>tlug to ©ert-ln Atatataiit TreavnrcrB bji-

dtaoiffnated Rational hanaU. fAH raprC-M.itatit._a t*.

tba aontrary are v> itiw.it uny toondation in truth.


Tho Scuato Financo Connnittfe hfltfl roport _dBBBiclmertfl to the Houm bill fa psy_r.g the exptnsfB ol

tte Leginlatiq*. Juiiiolal and llBlilllllI IFcjturtir.cnta;aaaon,' them ritduclug th) apiirr-jiriatlon for the Agricnl-a-_rt_.__)e[*rtni__!t trorn flt Vi,000 to flIOO.000 and ticretts-

lng th_ appropriationi for tht A.jiit.Bl>flflH_ttl_kQ_a.rttj_muet_r-(-.*narAra. nnd 1'aymiutcr-'ii-nrrui t

afl-oea a-arly a__X),000, ln#iddi(>-n to the anoint al-tflafly i-tbe Lal.

SUROBON'8 COXPIRMKD.TheSe-iato toVay Ln Kxciut.Ye So.won con-

___r_ned a li-rge n_n>iF>er of surgaou'D iu ta- rolnnteerJbree. amon,; theui tia? follow.Lg:From New-Yori.KdwBBi R. Daton. Gewrcra L,

ttutten. Aadiew K. SL Idvu, het<-r H. Ctaatr, K.IwnrdCF. Whkney, S. D. <-*rpcute.- Rich.tri 1). l.ynj,-, Na-ttan F' Kill. l.ir.k'B 6. Wu-.*!. ki. xi. Ulmhi, JohnTrenor. jr., J*"rancta (Jreeue md A. C. Vu Dyn.JVora Prnniyl ani.v.Jieojanin 11. Vii_sr.ii. "W'ai. "K.Tbomfw.B, Cn>Ft W. iliiruer, liobart K Kanrtardlve,JBlfllilul A. K.-fr"r. Ufi/1), Harloa. Detid B. BturEa. Jmne.8 W. PettiiiOt Jobn Iirodley, Alcxtndar Al.

mr. Kobert Ita^rbnrn. d.lm W. Alln'tg«r, Joeaph B.rriaoo, Lewii'lV. Kee.', Jucct'v. Delamatar, I_-_>wli

O. BtaflL Wjliii.ni IL Dt-ititt und JI. VV. Duiaaok-A.Vrtia MiiBniidina-.ttii.Join W. J-'aye, Ujrtta -NtTbaini'i-rliiin. John W. Lawton, Abrahruu X. V, ildar,kOtiti y. Murphy, }trank fleachrmi. Bilaa A Ilolmii.-i,Bbuuac: Kii.-lai__. -LlBP'ln K. Btout. Aiao. "V-'illiaJD A.Conoter and Jamit H. Alltsof .Vew .l-rn-r. H. li._h_er. V. H. Buniett and Abel C. IJe-jtdi'-: of Con-leu-titut. A large ntu.ib«r of aatlitant lurpeona In tbnaolunttar force were ooiilirnir*.!: aiao. .-lar^eon Jobn_L Leoeate. to be Mtilirol Inrpracxnt ttafl ll'.n iltoit,teflit,nad tatad John tt. IdoMlnn of VVnoouiiu to le.* Su-

Cinleudai't uf Intliaa Affaiiafiir Waahiagton 'ieiri-y, tice CaJvln II. _lla__ re_uott_L

BLOCRADR .OP A HOUiTRrR POKT.Tho State I)epartj_aeot has bflflfl officially ad-

ttaed tbnt the port of Ni_"i&u_lt in Halot-iB ta aow blocb-aded by tlie l)____la_i Gott rnuent.

OOKVRJKTION WITH BOCADOR.Tbo Proiiiilfiit ha« iti/».Q»-d the bill to canT into

flffert the eonrenttan witb -Ecutultir for the ¦Bflflfl. ad-jMtment ofcbiima

DEATH OP A CAflHIBiR.Mr. I-lchd. Biuith, f_»r inany yoar__.CMhi«rof the

Baanch Hank oftbe Unltafl States in thta fity. and lataaaaliler of tba Rnak of tbe Uctropolta, fli.-d l**i night attbe adtascad age of 78 years.

CAPTUUE OP A ELO<7I-_ADB AVHKER.The Nary Dtpartment has receivod inforn;*i-

fluti tbat tm tlie lllh i.iiL. off Mocqalto Inlet, Florida.tba U, R aehiMiner Reauregui- oaptured the lohoonerLiafla, from Na____u to Kew-Hmyrna, Pla. witb a cargo 1afl adt, ii-, a"f. oottot, Ac.; aia. of iba capt ure thfl itua

fl-y, by the i_i_o tcm. tbe Tlritish Bloop Hannab, ofB_flflBfl._-.Pi Thovesael bud on board a araail qnan*tlty of flflBBB*. br.t tho captniu thrcw it or _r_o_rd beforebt.iug uijitiirttl.

scrr pob damaots.Dr. Kaa_t (Jwynu to-day commencot. a anit

a_. aat Ool L. K. linker, for alle.*ed falto itoprtaon-mcnt and other m.itUrB iu that oounootion.TRANSFKR OP SAItORS TO THB RAVY PROB THE


Mftjor-Gfin. Tileade iflflaad an order to-day forevpcdlonfllT curryiug into cff4*ot the part of tbo Enrol-mcnt aot wbioh provideB for trauefcrrlng sailora fromthe Anny to the Nnvy.

HEAVT BA!N BTOHM.Ttttt luv iircvuili'flabi-Rvy rain ptorm throTipJi-

oni the ni. t BAtx.inpanicd tbta lnorBing by> alight _tlof tno*-.



ITIlliiarT tafllllflj tttttttt Brillrd ia Flr-i»U -ludinn rDoldi. r« t'.inrrairaf ion sfTraajpa far Mpt. ial Ni rt it r urtdi r Itiirn-

tiitr Cnniluioa af ParoleH Prl' BflflBBBB--The l.fltVct of Bud Traaaparl BBBOB ma

flietr Troapa .Ilaw tbi* Ktlr,|» MtralNuppli.* tirut lo Onr Prieo nere.ThrI»ln..-i/ii.r I ntl.r I.ibby 1'rinnii.

From Our k-pecial CorraapoudentAknapoiah, Tneaday, U mii tt, _____

Thia quaint old city haa becuiiy o thu scene fl.imroeni-e actirity, aii.l ita _nirt inlir bltiuita, iaoe» olwhoni nr.; Rebel Ryropntbtaera, Mnio bet vv .en the foldnof their green Ycnetlnn blinda at c olumci of troopaintiviDir IhflflOga their atrc-ta to tho flurrouadinfrcuntrr. The br.ntd laHfl vvbere tbe Bur o*iitlo expedltion ofiaf)- r_,Mr:iinil. iu-o nfrain -bitened a Ith mpidlr ia-yrcacIhr tentfl, Whieh B88M ti. h^ve gpnir ,j; np with'tbc prn.tnof sprinp. Trivinfl nrr dmly mid ..irly enruged lndri'.ling. as it ln i'niportant that tl/ now rncroita ahotild

v:e BuMfl profldaacy Bt BB n| r!y dar. Thnndvitti-tage of the filliTic up the old re.ri_fief.t4 Ib anparent, aatbi at'.tual exprrienro of theao TnternnH la-fora-** nti.aoe part <>f Mfl J 'ttit BhMfe ln f r arte of the old BOfl newtroopa. Anotb'T flflaMflfl 1« »-_ npparcnt, BaflBsi|r.ilti antly injrgeiitlte of ihe niMf .Teae of evorta. "VYh.-r..cnce the whipaftha ilave-drlv* r e.ra<!ked oTer ttaBflMa,ond the riu* et fettern reaoiaxl, d aiound the ahMB-Maft,tLt-re ia DOl brard Ihfl crack jfl the rifle at tar.r"t praotiee, in the b&cda of thoee v ary ilaTea, aod tbe r.ng oftbe NOBOfl in the atoel borr el ainga n diifer< rt »ong totbflta ...rn. Ia one of tho Ml chigan re/imert*. nl*©, arethree er fonr rompanie*. 4>f ' oyal lmlinni.. who havo en-li.if-d touid tbeir Gr.at J-'i ither in paatahBiabia yara-11 i.il iti.ii fratricidal aaoa The negnx** makti far bctturaoldicri-, hotvoier, tbun tbn Jnd.nna.

lt ia now no aeemt lt at thera la boii:_f eollecte.l at tht*citv a larne foroo flfl b!1 c-'.'tna of tha serrlee, destlned fornealalaerrlMoaaar Oaatk, Banwidr. Wbt;:: the eiic.iltion will leiiTe, wbat **.lll be it* nunrbers. hnd ahjtnrrit will go, are tnattor. of Bpeiuiation, an_ to Bfl <_if

more .o thanto tbo inqciBiti.e, p'>**pir)_: ti,rotiirl;-t':i*-blinil .Sef»_jib i,f Ar,rai_ta. That it IflMMMl iii.ir.riant morer.ient there U no donbt, that it VlO lie Rnrui-i*.-ful ii nioro ttau pmbeble. Moanwl.ile let u# abide |afaith.Tba la-.t arriTal of p:!^,le(l prb-mera _Jd niueh towan.

flDlflf tba exi-elt'.-nt boapttalMtha >ara) Aratiemy, ini harj-'iv of Pr. Vaadorfceift. A numt-jr of tbe poor,rniutiat-'d, iToken-Jpirltf-d fiilhitva he.e alrasdy died,nnd the klt.d S-irgfon t^lls nm tbat aome MO other* aiilJoln thf nrn.y irf the deud. If there b". flflfll jaTiM.n S\.rth_bo doabMtba banh treftlwcM the Kebele give ouri*n»( n.'.l r'liitire.% let Lim or her come Ut Annapoiia aodlook at. tbo arrr.-k- of buniaoity shirti the onbl \ti-.T" a ufU.-Ij. I mu artiloe and icdiffaraixe hare airaadod upont..e ah-.re ofthe Rirer Bfveni. Xha .t att.ttttt o_..lafl'Nl to iL.Oii:

.' Tl.e Avun Io tbe SfTPrn ruia,i h- Baatw t>* th* aa

Aid Wioklyffe'kblood.hiillaTraad abrofldV\ ij.- *i th* aratert be '.

And aa LBrhjl hMUBflflM -tall» roae. i^ IraaginBtion be-ft.re me, i tboucbt of tb" ''BMaBMflfcfl .' i.iofiari^B .'"writteo ail .»> r tboae wn"- by o^r brnre fellowa.

'I ho jrriTai sflfcfl new trof>|B aiao .-.nirihnu . to tbebc«fa_l a larffl aaaber af paBanta, ricttaa of the badettVcU of tranj'-ortntiua hy rail, wbere ;nen will bny ln-digeatlble piet, and ikiIbohoui roflfil--'. and qttM-Uxo Weflandalctit-8, with whiih thry gnr* thenianit.a lata tle1 eepitaL If tl.e rr.i n had tbn eifi _l*e of mar. Ini.tr, tbepemicloni eflni* of tha o<.mbinatlon, thouffh bid4-nnDKh. would not reath tbe pomt -rtberwiie aure to flfatlaiiiad.The retiilniiK"'ticej> of the- retnrned offloeri from

I.i'lv ara tn the r.nn nimilar. and m-vfltly arepetitiout.f tho old tule. The olticerfl eiplnln thf .lodgel.y whichwe have tVen n.nitp to Ix-llere thnt the bolfl Bi-nt ttttoihome and bv tho Nenitan itonimiuloti hare been or oif>tjelncd. iirn'if-l, tbus: "When a fliAg of truc. boat ar-

Wttt, thaBebclidtatribaMa f«w l.ixen, bit aiop ttflaaaaM tta aod baflab of Ntaaaafl pTi»on.Ta are oif.ihe-- n. ii at.. ft. Wt diAlrihutbin r«'iiJ_r on, anD'.'iniethol frvT nt '..,," it i* ar.rr.fi l.ymire than out* oftleeraOBBMaat flfl tba fat-te that thare b_T« bflflfl -t IjimI::,0"J<) __ie> reeeivrtd by the l'_ IreK bat narer diatril.uMfl. M8B8 Of w_eh "re now on hand. The method ofriviiv i!..' eearfa nf* f.f n bflfl t" its ovt ner i* .oniewbat(afflfllMB bat quite deatmetirt'. The forttinate poa-MHiflor ia reqiili_ to bring hii. UaakM and siirtad it ontnt: fcTfruni.. Xal Ooi ia opened. and ptifknge hIUT

ticrbage tikrn <>nt nnd eianuned. < b'-nea nre cnt lntomi'h pMMfl and piUihnd into the hlantet CaBfl nf oon

deiihAi miik uru perfornttd v«iili n *:--l fefflflflfl. BBbMand follow flflit 1'arkfttrei. of f.fl. i», tea, *tti|;ur, MB_"¦tc. are tf.rn of^n aafl ponred into the oontrlomoiafiou.("ana of botta are treat'd fl la oae.» of n.ilk, and no on

tbroni-fa thf al.nle flflflMBiy of goodien. The nnfort,. aMowaer ta tbaa Mlfl t") take up iii* biwikit aafl aaBc,whieh ha ,:..*¦«, cnnting tha braM vbbBBflaad, flnt ktaNl""B8 aafl lhaa MlwaaBat lt i*) aomewliot hipninaaai, thnt Co*. liuaUereoii ulwaya reooircd b;a buio«,and rt.ii an "d.

iit referenii*) to the powdcr nnder Libby, Mafe Tnrnei-,fonnerty oonaeclad tntt the Bataw Hoqaa, BaBtaBt-vbatasV-bc l.anl-htHrt'vd Adj'.tiintof the priaon. toldone of onr o_irvrB wbo q-iaitioned blm that he (Tumer)¦.kiit'w itami "*d v-fil that tl:-. f* __oaa_M_a__lp_a-__lof poad-r under tbe priaon, but thnt he dldn't pnt ittbere." T'htic ia alao other p-oof of the coaardlv,iici-diabact. M^or Xaraw <__ed BaoMBlaf bmaaVttrn dow:. and Ij.iJ thrni he undeifllood tlu-y bad a pbiiito eii'iii-*, but fldiined tb. n. not to try lt, aa the ffimt efl.Ttiul DieBiu tud Uioii Vateii to preient iti BB88BB.ibir vt a* tta day oter Ktlpattlck'i atta_k.Tb" Hebelfl nao our privjtei at their difl.eri.nt tradea.

A cali wa» n*B<ie for fhoeinak ra, nnd about two thi.u-aand v.luiitBflfl.-<l. M .". t<» tfc.ij^thf) rirorao/JJelle Iide.4',il. Ili CciaaL,,iu, who waa thcn oun of tbe (_oniniiiki.ioiituuialriimte tho gojdii to the. priiocen on llelle J»le,Mrtngtha advaj.ta|[ri'.hus dorired by the Itwlvli. cu-

Baaaa tta, MM la8«8JBh Iheir aei>,'eaiita, that Ihey a, re

tiiuii flkUag nnd »bfUiJ< the Rebellion. Wbeu thla wannnileriiDoo, d<i nioro rolunteer* Wttt obtained. An in-niato of >art Warren ttaagM ('0*- <'eaanola had no bMit-Mtoiiit-rferewitii 111)4 pli_w_iiit Jlttlr* arrang-nieDtuf »bt'Kibo_4, ozA Coi. C wa_ rtac.ed from tte Com-li.l.,4."fl.. _,'Ilepaymutrgladdenetlfhe henrti of the paroledoftio»r» an-i men aertordiT. and qulte a iiBmber ofoiTioerM left foi tbe North ia-,, nlght When thry tliatlandcvl in Annapoiia tbew offloera were foreed to begfor lodningfl anJ aomothip/r to eut; tbey were refuaedaiiinittani!*' ut t'ie hotela, but at l*u>t toi in »t floaio ofthr. _oar.iiBg'h.ii.B4:i. aud when it waa BMflfl tbey h_flmoner V'i« bMalhMipari reient<-1. The bund-omeBaaaaa liaJ:e» of t_/i town adhere to the nld enatomfl ofraiUng thoniBclre* when thry rocie|n«ightof an ahflBflf.BBfl reiii.JTli'g thla bar to thnjr lnifluty nftor piisainp:biui. 1 hey aieo avoil bnring ihe t»m of their gariuent*bruab av.iiiitt tbe baied Uiiiioru^Thetirlorulook with which yonr 4V)_T*_poiMl_nt wm

told at tlie I ity JUottd ibnt " lt wt\a uext io i.-Bpoi.ibleto keep hotel now for « nnt of bi Ip;" and to the _u-rj" wbr P'the-ltil nmre fi.rlorn niiawer, " becanae "ur

boya (alare») haTe entjeted," W'.t'kl h_re conrinoedFemando Wootl. or Stinaet Co__ VnJlaiidlghain or erenJeiT. iMTin, tliat "aSlavery wna deud." It iflto behfljafl that ibo Unioaparty wiii ane the oorpoe deeply,if uot deoeatly. iaurn-d._Aa -kiu-ni.il ta Wtttm titm. lUiKStraae'fl

Ot-Brr.Tt tht ttttt of Tke Ar 1. TVyiiraa.8iR: WUlyiiii ]il(*..*-3 Riitiouurio Uip faot that.

th* Rf oerrl fj.lit-.rof Tht Mttro^U'on Recmd hflicban. Itte hcadiBg of hia paper, for ciri-tilation ln _dii»onri, innrdcr to erade Ocn. Boeecrana'a _)rder anppreeslag itaciroulatlon ln Mfl Departmeiit. A oertaln number of

nopiea of Tht Hetar4 "luatter " haa tie*- prlnle.1 nnderthetitleof Vimdicottrr. By girlnf the abote publiclty.you aill aid ln pultlng a itop to tbe attempt of thiiBtmJd-be (tatboto editor toeorrupt Border-BUte CatLo*l.B aitb kif ticJiuaaUc dvctrinea Yonri, Ae.,



Tka. fltacriar ef Ua Coaatr al thfl Beafl et.ttae ln'/urt-niaTFiay Inln-iirh Them*Belrea Bid Bifl Dafnare te tbe Au-thoritit b Part af B Itagitnanl fltai IB

AlfiarL 'Iha rn V. i< il.u.ent Bl OtherIMrn-ea '1 hn t'iKhr ou IFlnadn).

ClUCAGO, Wtdne. dey, Mtirth 30, _<-*..A ipe. iii dinp.aU'h to Tht Trtbutu, dated Mat-

toon, Iltisnii, laat nlght, tnyn:Txitxr hundred man of thn 54th Ellnota Eeglment,

leara Chnrloatoc to-night to atUck tbe I.el*. li, who are

tatd te be 300 atrong, -ander the oomiaand -.f BF". eriffJoha 8. OHi.ir, intrenohad at Qlltaday'a Milta, tcnmiloa corth*entt of Chtrlttton,A poTtioe nf the Hth Ullnolt la at Bftttoon, lhat

pUea also F etng thraatened by Ka! cM from Sb-ilby andM-vrtltr.. Countiei.

.s»o oomjiunief of the Jnvalid Corpa, »n routo forS-rringfi.ld, hata beea itopjied at Cha/Joaton for gar-r!i«on daty. l'ickrta are ont on nll the roadfl.ln tte flght on Monday four of tlie Mth Illinoil Rapl-- t and one Union citiacn wcro l. Had, and Col.

MMMl, five privatea, and tvt-o Union clttaani, we*o

WOUtldfll.T*o Rabcta were Villtd tnd Mveral wonmled.P'lia diipatr'ie. i p.t. day were i.nque.llorahiy wrong hl lo-

eali.g tha irtme of thistroubln iii liiwiBti. Cbtiltaton,ColaiCc ta ln nii.i-u.-Ai.'. Maaa I


it r__itr:*iriM_ bim i HER. NEVTB.

(nion t.lvnnro Ib North I nroline F. i*

leBBire Bebel -Vejjro Enli.tnc nt. inTeaneaeee Krruplura of ArkitnaaaPeel I.nmar aa tbe fleniimeat otICt.repe.

The RifhmonJ F.n<{iiirrr ,.n_. Peterfhurg Rtgifter ot the fc'th furnish tha followiug itemi of newi:

1 UNION ADVANCK IN NORTH CABOLfNA.Wa flDdaratafld 0.eial Lnfcnnat-O-i baa baaa

rflCfll afl at tho War DflflflTt-flflflfl a.ii.i arning ti.e land-int* afl a lrtnre fon e fll tha ene:t:y ln WflflhtaftOB, N. CTha force ia aaid to lie nntlar cna._eand of Gen. I'.urn-fide .Vhether an Jminadiata fi.rward movcniant waa

(ont. roplMed or not, tho rrcrnt heaty fall of iuow inlla* vicinl.T. toKetber with the henry ronilitmn inwh th lt w:illaiiTatlir niHila. and the attendant ilootllnifnf tha kwatupa, aill put nitopto any advanre Into tltinti rior f.r Bortie daya to eume. Tho "MpfltUttaa" tann donht .nropi.se.1 larfrely of tho r.ew tev tafl that hatere-'ently been em emp«d BBflM Norfnlk. It ii not pra.-:.., Uiat they huve been tkitb.lrawn fpiim Meadei

»pmy. iKii'hiiioiid Kti.tarer, Mth.EAHT TKNNEa-SKB.

Froni The Lynrhhuig Rar-ibMrat.We li.-Yo thfl report trom Ka-t Ti-nneasi-o that

tha Tflflkaaa, who had udraxeed ae far aart aa Morria-Iaaa, ha»e ug _in tflken tha hmk trn. k, and mired toStruva harry Pla.infl, onlf lome flftoan nr tweniy eiilenfrom Knoivllle. Thii'retreat of tht enetay haa diail-patt J, fi.r ii,.- jireaetit at le _»t, all pmapecB of a flght.The enlittni. ..( of Dflflfl-a troopa ln Midille Tcnnea

BM i BB on . j i-i iT.Ai s.'ialbyiilie and Lcbunon thtre flre RC-no rtady for

tia t: IH.Henry Jon'f nnd .1 .mai Haya, peroled Tnited Rtatf*

.'il.liers, i-hivriietl attbfltl.pflBfl to mnnlef and io',Ilu^li L. Raagan, M tha .ll.t of BflflflBhflt laat. WfWtii d. lotifiitad aenteii-fd andaeutto tk*ran.teatlary,on tbt -tth, lf Jiidge I.y*,

iuou joiiNBTON - ARMY.Davtob, Cla., M.irch vat..The enemy have

rettred ft-ou. our froiil. Kiul their reoent moye.rmto ara

.aii- *. -i le be ,,t.;» aeaaafltaaaaflfla.A |flaf| anow Iiiii t.tr* laal uitf-il acd to-day. lt liet

four Incbafl Jvap.Our tronp- hav- Mflflflfflfl thn rmt of ArkAuaa,

ARTI-M ll>TITl'TP. LAW.Maoob, fJii., IfflroB tt..Tha Suiirame Court

nf (.c.irgia .oday nnarlmaualy affirn-crj tlie i-onttitc-tioiiiil.ty of thu (/Mfl flaatt anti-huhititnte law.

RKLIEP FoB THB BBB.The F.nqmrrr publiabflfl flll apjical tn the

b--:,a t t.l-ii. ln ln half uf aahltatfl fanij'ia. and other yrn.rI a flflj. wltah aami "Hflfaarlata att taaa flhla

ti.|| r-A-xii-- ttippliet at the ihoja Mtabluhad by the tlt..conncita, ef.n at thn re.lutt-l yr.rrr eharged by tler.i-iiiitte-.. Thfl flfffflfll BlBlM Uiat prat.iiy naoeailty

exiita for imnieiliuf-* ai.l t" prefeut abaolotfl anfferlng.THK BKNTIKtRT OF BUflOflL

Tho Hou. L. (/. C. I^tniur, late Minieter IflPinnila fr aB tha Otinf. d.rute f-tatan, dallTart-d an ail-d;,-.*. ln Mill-diraTlll.'. Oa a few nU'bta ag.., ou thaai r.tini' ot af Karapfl townnl tha Cnnfed-n-y. Mr.i.nmar w-i.t to Knrt'pa oi'-r a jeur agki, and had gnodtflmatiifllltaa of _aflflB_-B-___BBatla tunt of Btaflajaraaopimnn. De fmud tl- tatfl.gflarl pt«*,pl« eTtrvwhtrctaiiili.1 ta aaatflaflaMmtmjmaaatkfwith thflCflaflMfltatefl,and of adiaifation for th. dign.ty and atate^tnanahip nfour mla.H, and tba v/ticr. endurar.ra, snd fnrtitu.lt- ofOfltl I'llera aud jraopla; t'Ut tl-re tarre <.-or«ldfrntioniof a i-oHtit-eJ eharflrter operatlng to d-tar oWali.I reeog-uitlon or mlan'-ctlon hy t .e (iotvrnmrnU ul Knropa.

i-till, ti.eai.pn_.vikl aHatflUfMl linropeiui flflatafl waa

tihuariLg (if-ut H.-itaiu Biie i-. .itiia ,.f any aet tbatwould ni'-or the bflflt_Ba of tha l.'aited Ht(U*M. FrBiiaawaadatarrail by tha rafuaaiof otbar I'dWera tojnin har.XflflataataBflWMflfM ln har p.rtlallty forthe t'nl'edStute*. Thfl IgBMflat BUffltaM of llarrnany had Wnl.egnileil by NrntliarB funatlclani, and tnd wiut raaitittaI,, thi* Bfltthflra armlea. The I'opa ,u i)» l.ir-,1 ar

bbIImbIIIj "i. BBtahlta-flfl het. Ti.e Baafl taa of l_on-ilt.i: had titki-u tho C'oiif-daraia lonu, while tb«y rafuaailto touoh that nf thfl t'n.'-ed Ktates, whleh waa a linaii-inl HHUfBlllOfl of onr i iiti-ii .1 eil.taura. an 1 a aub-

pt.i'i'iul avidt nca of thair enntidenc. lu onr ruec-emt,SKOTY-B-ORM fN BOBTBBBB VlilOlKlA.

KloriiThe r.»«.-|-M:i; Rrglltel.BtOnflMB March t-3..*Thu bflBfiflfl. Rtiow-

itorm of two Wintara, it ii pr« ntrad. did not alight l'e-t-r.-f rug f-etenlay and taat nlght The average depthit aliont t'vfelve tawhtfl, ar,d aorae aUrm that it ia deeper.To-dflT wat usherod ln witb a elondlaM tky and merryriaa-Bfl ot alelgh ball*.the latter puitime at tbe taaa Bfttt au hour to thoae a ho indula'd. The roadi lnHflCthata Viririnlu, elwari c*jt np oy lbe hondreda ofaagoni on tu i mova, will be in a bov-rible eonilition for¦BM Baa ta Bflfla. and gito u truic .o any inte__Uuaofactitlty on tho part of tbe enit.ir.

FROM TIIK TKAWrt-MI*l'.-«4lPp; ARMIE8.A tiuii-flpondaait of Th* mimrtttifftmm fur-

ttfli-tthefnllowliig: ¦_-;;¦" The infantry in Oen. Prio»'i dlfnion in ln high

iptrit«, and ' apilln' for a tight."I'rovilinna itra idantiful, ua tha wat Ib open to Toxm,

theboot baef niirM.: ta thfl wald (Jau. Mflfl il .*--

th' prida nnd __1mlratlon of thfl army.'I ho ipiiil of tbe people of Iho IiBBB-fllB-tt-PBl ll -

parluieiit la lookinx BP. If it 1« t'.ue that Qflfl. A. Vllill will Buikcraedi) Holmofl, wu amy exi>act beUca-

Tta' armieii ln EflflflB.B and SflBBB flre in high ipir-itl. nnd ara rflflfll for tha fo..

Tbfl tmda with Mrwoo hnt bt-an of grvnl banefit tethat DcprtBOflt At th. Uuic 1 IflA, thn ouvulry undrr(ian ltegiin hud flfltaaflflfl tfl Montitello, Wid atroneacoutt b_4l ventured u-ax l'ine Htufl. atteuiled »itbbcivy akirmiBbing. An tttack npon I'me lilulf aiui

daily anlii'ipikt'-.I.AKPAIRS IB PLOnniA.

Iiifonnation bfld l.ccn rccoived bv-thoii.ilit.'irvanthotiliae at I.ako CiiT, Fteridn, on Suadny evtuinglal' that lhe Yflnkeea hnd lard.il a forne »t I'.'latkik.Tbe fone l&uded at tbat \-.int 1. uot knowm bnt P. wbk

rumor-d thut it wna large. G"n. KlunegMi had du-putol.ed furcra to niei-t them, t'liUMatini, of c**T»*'7' '".

faiitry, and artlllcry. Onr plckata in front of Jark.--nlIBfl flflaflia nieTloua luteUi«enee that the gmat'-tI_ortu.ii ot the euctny'a trw.pfl had left ttUWM.BlB|tt)taa coatumed <inict in tho aelghbor^ooU ofJackaoiifiilo,

OKR. PILLOW.flrn. PiJlow has bflflfl ulared in commarto of

the .tttatay of the Northern Illatrii t of Atabama.LATRST PUOM DAI.TOR.

Daltor, Oa., March 24..All quiet on ovrfWint. Tha enemy ahow no dlipoaiUoa to eiifaga oiirforci:_,

OBOBQIA .TH-.AT CROP. |Tlio croii« in (Ji-or^'ia aro rcprcwnt-'-l aa look- j

inr rery enoonraalngly. In aorae aeotlonB the growlng ,wb.nt haa btren inJured by tho frott. but the «vufrai iinBfBflfltaa Ib lhat s few good warm ralnfl will leflte lt.ihuifareverjtlil-ig loolu promiainf Utl a goodcrop (thia year. . i

COL. DAHLORKNfl ORDBRfl.The Retjitttr alludea to tho Northern donial i

oftbe autbentioity of the documantt taW to hate been »ttvid 9* |ho Lxxlj'ot Coi. VAbxtttA, aad diciiHN Uat I

tbepanen ae trabMflhc-_ were entirely gennine, and thatthey are " sot.itantlBted by citiren* on the line of thero*vd, to wboin the da«ign waa boaitincly announced,and eoiifirmed by a niaai of erldenor, which when pub-liabed and girea to the world, aa ahortly will be d.mr .,will oot bare a twlg of qBMtiou for tbo origiuaton ofthe barbarotifl acbemo to graup at, a* they plunge intothi* nbtiii of laetlnr infainy, or a »ingle donbtfttl atrandintl.prope that iwingi th.ni to the execratiou of theriT.ii/.cd worM."


Ceatral lnien l.iiii olm CoMpalga Clab.ABBraaa bf Ora. Jltw l.aar mt Kaaaafl*Thttre wa_ a vcry fair atl.ii.lftii.-_ at Coopor

TTsion laat ereniog, notw_i»t4_nding tho nnplcaa&nt¦flflflfl of the weather, to liaten to an addreaa from Jab.11. Laitb of Kacaaa. At tlie honr for beginning tbemeeting, tlio beud opened witn tte " Soldien' Chonu,"dtiriug tlie perfonnunee of whit-h theold reteran eame

ni-oi, tbe platff rm, greeted by tha applauan of theahidri aiwemblagr*. A tong »ua lirat auug, after whl.htbe l'rt»ide_it ___ S. SriaiKa wade eome itatc_ie..taln reipert M the orgfUi:/.dtion of the Central UnionCamnaign Club. Three cbeera were then giren for On.Jl* LA..K. wbo cume f.ir-ard fuuid tbe .ontinued ap-plauic of the aafllaaM ai.d iaid.

)*, T.K.Tl OP fii-N. -A'.IUfi H. LANR.It i* n diatinguisbed honor M bn parmittod to addreau

no largo nnd iuteilig.-nt nn audienoe, al thii iniportantperioxl in our country'* hiuory, at the liietropolta of thenation. We ure here to reifrw ttfl politiciu t:on.liti»uiifthoconntrv, proparatory t) tho apprnnohliig ITeal-dential eleetiiin. TbU Ifl tbe lirat inefting, aa I If-irnfrom your lTc»id")i.t of your ..rpnr.ir.-tti.in, foruied forthepurpo*r. of aiilting the crergiei ofthe tnion men ofNew-York for that eltction, the moat important in tliehtatory of tborouutrr, Wi* have had raany importanteleetmni, but nerer one io iuitxirtant aa that now ap-araaaBBat In it in iurnlred, in the opinion of yourri-enkej, the Tery iriiateneo our hidovcd country. If thono-iinr.'. of the I'ltion party ani .'Irvted. oar conntrywill be rertored, and a MfBMBflat pcaci floruredoix.n tbe bwiia of .iniveraiii frcedui'i. If we are de-ihaaafl, ad__m__T_l aaaaiaalM aiU be tho reault. a«

ccrUit'i iw. night f.llowa ilny, an.l we and our de_ceudanu fomreiled to mourn oTer a AiflflflY-Tfl-l oiintry nndadociinatctl power. [Anliin.e.| Inthiaricw, howgreattbe reflponeii'ilitr reeting ujion erery roter. ind how ini¬

portant thut be ahould take that re.pon*.it)ility bnme tohia heart and to M888088000* 818 he uakeauphia clec-lion and the maiuier in which he a. lll ei.T.-i.e hii iuf-frngc. At all timee th" ngl,t of «uiTruge lnaa.rtxl M the tro p.tiiot, bnt at tbe oomingatartina it .hould bo aaartaafl aitt aaoa thanur.al rantlou, for your e-'untry ia the itake.To aid von tn cmiiig to oorrect conclBBion in the eier*

i ue of thu right, rariuit m>' M make a fllulenient of mat*lota tbal B1WT -iluiunii pertunal knuwledije. In April.Iflfll, 1 arnt t.i W'dibington City. wbllat the heirtinf men wrre failing BOM (ind perpleiity over.preadtbe lanil. 1 found there one partv in favor of ac-

knowt-dging tlie ladflsaaflaaaaol tlio Boath, permlttmgthe erring alflteni to go ln peace, hoping to re-taiu the cupital for tiie tim* being. There wua ono

mau. howeter. who, Bflfll nnd flflBflfltafl iu tho niidatof unheraal eicit.ment, reaiilted to n-toln tho capital,eren if it r«-quir-d au armtd totdier to er* ry foot of terriUTi al'.l.in the Iliatri-1. and r-aol.ed to a-a.-rt the,BOTrfeignty nf thetioienuuent orer overy incb of landiu tbe Re-jii'-ilic, aud to recorei erery fortrefl* ao rudel)and rattaafllT toni therefrom. That man, aho haaBi-ver faltere.1 in thw pairlotio ptirp-ie, and who hailabor.-d to reatore the Union by tho en r.iao of atillfuldit'lomacy nud milit__rr nowcr, with ngual auccna, ia

AlratiHin l.inri.ln of Illinoia. [Cor.tinne.l asObaaaJLet ob reriew the eiirnmfltaiioea under whieh Mr. I.it;-i_,|ii ninie into B8WM. aud iearn therefrom hta capacityaud at lllt. for Gm Bl IIM88I He waa called tu bia hightiuat aatt rtreuiriatiincea the mn«t exciting and try-Ing. One half tbe country waa la rebeliioo around him.Tha beat uiiiitary ikill ln tle loa.l of thal rebellionfluflbed it* ii.fltigatorfl with all tbat oonh'K'tica 'r/iichmliiury 8881fllflBM girt*. Jett. litruam] 1:1* a««o. laira

,ii>pear-_l more tb«n a matrh for th* then IneiperlmedKitkcuure of the ceuntrr, oalled to the chairby a conatltuency conlincd to tbi) Eroe Statca.TTiere nre fault f.ndera who omplain that Mr. I.iriooln*h alnw in ptittitig arm- into the haada of the blacliu.ui Uu thal .]>.. .tiou I aaaart toarlcaaly flfliert, tbalbe mnvi d ut u.e earlieat mouient publlc ¦>' ut,:ii, i.t wouli!i prni.t Iiu! thia order been iflflned at an ottili. r da]the whlt* .ol.llera would bare reaentrd It br aiuflnyfor uot till tbousiiiidi. of them had titn (lnin, an.

i-th.-r tt,,,:..,i...,la voaaflafl and maiinctl, did ibejgtTO a retoct.nt BBBflBfl to rectilTe the aid flltha i.i.i. k anxillat. and eran at thia dajthere la a kmIioo in t__ Boider m..;.. wbeiiwo are not aeralttefl lo recrnii paflMflfl flaldhnaI^t a man be fudfred by hl* ftottt. nnd ahnt hai not MrI.mtv ln done for the anielmrntion of the bl-ick man. IiBf Bflfl OM flaabuflfl hlawlf la favor ofthe atlianturtof the tar, r.ura, bfl bOMltlj bflUflVflfl, AB I do Ui ti il l»

far betfer for both raoea that BBryaboBflMfiuaMflOlllve difltinct under the proi.-tfiio care of the eame(iorernmer.t 1 may be nuataken in the algua olthe tt-nefl. Lut I tlunk tbat ao MM a* |tne| ex;,"ninent n»w I,. ing tried to miu,.le Um two reeea haatlnally fallfd, aa fall it mcet a atream of migint:'flwill eet from the Vflrtt to South that willaiilre thl* Ti'ied qneatiou forcter. I am fotgn ing them Weit.'rn 'lexna to b.pin wit.'i. andibe f-e to t'.e publir laafla therein nnder tha Ilome. tendlaw, Jf otht-ri tan do le-tter fur ihuui, I will he bappyto leitrti and <. <J[j4-r»t.-. Mr. tin. oln la lrr-'oc.rn

BflflBMBtaflMBM BaBay of emenrlpation aud arn::i:gtbe ala'pa. fl^nid oheera. J ThatJ.aily of whi.rl. bfl Gthe rea|»rf-te<_ leader, in their i-all for th.'ir Conrentinnat lialtiraora, harn elearly coiumitted rhe orpai../..('<.nt,.. r.i.l. ig out the Babfl.M and the erudicaiiijn tiftbe can** thereof. Wh»t IbiIba tt flflflaaaflafl at biaband* f bhail we hare a pr,atUnifltion deciarlng tteliiar k uuia auperlor to tbe al.it,>, commanding thn admiiture jf tbe tacoa f Mr. Pnaidii.t. 1 am called theradicnl af radica)*, yat I nerer rnmind never wil! admitthat there ia any raceannerior toiny own, nor will leveraoaaaM that an act of treaaon to uur r .¦ ihall be.Itl.ti'teA 'iv perpr'r.itftl, nor to the donumon of aajtttttt race ln thla l:e|iiblic. N'nr will I e\t*r 8BM8MI Mact with nny party which adrocate* tbe inrertnlxture trftbe two r>u .-j. aa aaid admtiturea wonld, 1 rirrnly bo-liore, produce the d»terioration of our own rac, wiih-oiit beneftttng thi* black race. I I'ibinit lhat agitationon thii lul.Jact in iui.*eliievout, CBlculatcd to «tren_rth,'ntbe band* of oar politicul enetoira, and to etcitett,e jealoiiiea of oue raue agnimt tbo other.(liio tu itr. LlDcoln aa our MaadaraVbaaiafnpivn auch a platfnrm(M I har* (aflMMOfl, ami we mn

.¦arry ev err l'ougrefltioual Uiatrlct li, the iuyal SUt.-e.I'ellow-citiiena, I hare hcatd ao name meiitiuucd lnci.niie.tion ailh tha rrelidency ofthe L'nloli paily, ifnomiuated at tbn HaltnioraConrention, bnt will rrrcitemy leuioui anpport. Tbe people will be there tepre-aented br Mtatfll nnd roiiipi'tent delegatea. In tnt-irdeciaion I will ehcorfiiliy aeqaki .e. lt ia a dnty, In myopirlon, we owe onr cmintry. I dn not. nry the miin nr

B t ..f tnen w!.o a lll encoiirage diaantinfiU'tin in the dadrtlon of that t.'onvention.eitber beforo or aft.T Itr fltflflttaf.The oiindidfltc* ot our party who fall to itubmlt Iheirclaiinn tothat Cojiicntiou will lnenragruM- reaponaihil'11 .'4 .'t.r hit* a (*¦!, vi, tiu.' i.*-"i:i!.-ii T, a;. J i." >¦ wiii ono.oiuip"rtnnt h* h.ld. aflBB flaaaaeaafl M Ilaltlmore..*.'. i ,li! the aflflBineeof thnt ConTention fail, ttic flhriekiof rroatrnte frefdoui would IMBOBfl throughout t!n*cinJiAi'd world, at-l woe be t.) ttflJflMfl whoior.ti ;bnt..»to auoh a reault. Wliiie in favor of the nomlnutiun ofMr I.incotu. 1 have uot ai<»aJe.l iaid Ao not prciume toa*»il! Ihn cniididatiw of my own partv. Tln-ir merltfland pipuiitiity ar* the prnpeitv of thi* (mrtv. To di*par.ige thfir m»rltd nr waflkflfl tlieir Infin.-m ». ia acrim,CnM the organiiiition. Ue who iii.lt tg-.-e in aucb a

04>uric i( n.-ither Juat nor politic. Thi« battlo to bofoucbt with luillotn iu BOtaahe. i.a ua iniportant .ia

any batv'e to Ire fonght with hullota d.irtng 'tta war.t: lli.w -. .tuti'i.t I am not ono of tboao wh,, far tli.it u

nalitArv chieftain will be pitted airaluit Mr. Lmooln ly..mr oppoueutn, fur there il au inatinct in tbe Anicncanmiul adv»mototheeleT.itionuf a miliUry hero lu tbeI'lflaJilencr ln time of cirll war. They fear a d.inger tothi' wre deln at'i inatitniton* of tbe country. 'J he hai.dof tbe lullitaiy chief ifl r«ceeaari!y an iron hand. deutl-tutoof tbat dellcatoaen-iilrillty whiiih ehanetoriaea theband *t the olviliao. While tho people are anxiutiatbat th" cru»hing graap of an iron nand alould beplu.r.1 on the KelielUon, thev aro hy M meani anxioiialo tlaor) llie ner.ee aiui aituriea of K.'puhliciiii1 fr in incli a hand UU after tbe war i* l.1With tKiu. Grant in the lield, and the remaiuiug cml-nrnt milrtarT men. either ln thn activn suptxnt of Mr.l.incolii or puaalre te tbe urent, there i« bnt little doubtof our fltaa-f»a. (Great apiihiufic.] Shall ltbe aaid tbattbta irulilica. luppurt aill b-.* wa-i.i.g at the hoiidsof auch GeneriUa ln the bour of tbe country'iii. ed 1 Will oot thoee noUe men who are ready toIay down thuir litei for tbeir country, to ipilltiieir bliK-d ia her Ix-haif, agne M bold their claini* inflb-tance four jeara l.ager, uutil rituruiug phiceiei'itk'-fl off tbeir iiaruea«. tbe beluiet ia Iaid Dy. andIhe aword and t'.* ajienr p*pne« on the rack, Ib man»ion.iaii. ai honored m'-metitotfa of the paat. uiilil tbeirBind aud nerrr* are agaln adjtuted to tho cirllian'Ml«bR and tht fltaterniAn'i Jealoua oare of conatitutionalprOTialonfl ond ataAute law. Ib the eatimation of menif ctaar fcldgmcnt it ta bflM tot _e Dcoplo of tht: countrylo retain aJl the miliUry talant ln tle lield, and rely ou

ba eiiatlng Bxecutive ior another !*rm of four yearB.[t hM been ai.id that otbera than Mr. I-iucoln williare the rote of the army.that otherti are tbe faror-tea of the aoldtar. I do not belicTe it. . lApplauae. |rha flnuy aoaira aad kiTf plaia hoae-tr* -Br. A_ia*

eoln ta a plaln, honeit man. The aoldlert know thattheir wantt hate been I.in fint care; thut hta ohlefatteution haa been thair oonifort nnd laceeta. Thatwhile otlort have been plottiag for the Preeidency.the bnrden nf hia heart and thn thoughtt of l.nmiiid have been employed about mllitiiry inoeeii. Hthae not inffered tho.e ln the licld te remain withoutproper tnpport Cail nftar eall haa baan niada for troopito nntaln thote alrttady ln the itrnggle, while moneyhaa been extenti ed wiUiout itlnt to tusure their locceua.No one can lay to hia ebarge inattentlon to the wanU oftho ra; k and fllu of the army. And here may be theproper pluce for me to .uy tbat tbe rank and tlie, whonaw itaod a Hvlng wall Detween nt and onr enemiei,caielcti of life, carelcai of health oarefbl of noth*Ing bnt thfl oonntry't honor and approraL ibonldbe hoi i-i-id while tbey lite, and thair memory,whan they are gone, moit be ttishrlced in tnenBtlon'a heart. While relice that jemaln of thairfnaiiliet ahunld be flfliflfl for lo the uunoitt of thenatioua ablbty, great la tbe di-bt tbe coontry owea tbcaemtn; aud noi tbn uaticn nlonii, bnt tiie laiTeiing iu «_*.!

in every eliiiie iuid ln aterj land owo a debt to tbeee.hMBBBBM of human hberty, who are rtruggllng tiiiatlat to dcfer.J rcnnbllcanlim from the attacke of thenr a.!< mi* and fmperialiita at home and ubn ?_.<), andti.e i.ttt.-r uot lem thun lhe former. [Applamse.] Impc-n.liMu haa feaied the rising power of a natlon whosetitium aro lovereignt. holding equal place in la- andin ao.icty. Stieh a n_.tion riiing ln her .ilent grandatr,BBMBBfl aii.1 iiiditfireiit to the deflfl/ilf momuohiei

of tho old world, tleeiring no pritflflffl at thdr handal.ut to bu lot aloue, vv aa a BBfltM uf uiiria iu timea »fpe,-ii'c. Hnt l.ow do they iow regard her when theyB.o her qniet titi/nm, at tho call of one of thair numl-er,tranaforu d aa if hy inagii' Into uiail etafl tcldleri, eachone of t'loae loldieri hini.clf a captaln, lelf-rellant, ielf-poiaed, endowed witb Indlviduahty, which entt-n Into(he eharactcr nfevery trne haro. What nauit the rtdvo-aflfla of iniperiiii-Sia thiuk lii such a eaae t Ilow do the-u_r.il.-; .il;.' i.i look witb f'.vr auddread laaat ln tblt ttrugglfl he tboald infl'-r(lefe»t or our leaderB tremble to our fall»lt ut one thing aaiurea me that we thall anffer no flnalilef. tt, no oTerwhelming repult..; lt li thia, the Godof our fathen acd oar God it committed to the inp-p<.rt of hberty und inttice. Lct nt place ounelroaright on tho rocord with Him, acd keep ourielfe*there, ai d than, come what may. the lssue will bewell. There li a future before tho reoublio moreglorioua ihan we bave yet conceired, Let m hav.iut h :n onr dc.tlny un.l lu tl at fntura, for the tlmewill oomo whan the princlplei wo uow adtoeatfl a_-duowdofand, with Hfe and ftirtune, will be the heritag.of every nation under the aun. We may not be thechlaf amoiig Iflfli nalionr but we will havfl the grutifieatlon of kuowitig tbat te wore among the firtt, ln thaumilflflBM of lio.!. to aaaume a bold aud decided itnudfor tht great principica of cltil and rcllgiou llbarty.ICheara.J


Oea. BrayMau'a vpediiion Tbe Sarrrn-

d. r al Inioa Cily.A Di.gract fui Af.fair.

Frcm The Cbicigo Timta.Caibo, March Ot., 18*54.

An expodition under Oen. Marfon Brayman,eommandant of thta mllitary diatrict, left here oi

Thunday mornlng, and lauded at Colambna, Ky. Thiobject of Uie expedition wnt to repel a tbreatenod at

tack _i*on Union City by thfl Kebel Forreat, who luubeen inoilng up through Weat Teunaateo,Our forcea coniisted of the 35th Wi->_o_u>In, 2.-th New

Jeriey, 33d WUcoatin, and tha 17th 2tew-lorkregi-m-nu, nl_out«,0()Oitrt)iig.Arrivlng at Colnmbni, Oen. Brayman alto took wit_

him Sparreatrom's Battery, and a conipany of monnte.

aoout.t. Tho expedition left Colawbui Immedintflly,puahing forward by rail, tuidei-Uindlcg, preTioaa tc

itorting, that a bridgo a ahort diitanoe from Unio.City bad baan b_rne*i and toa telegraph ent. CaptOdin. A. A. O., and Gen. Biarmani Chlef of 8to_Twho had been aaxxt from hare tho orenlng DrtTloos foithe purpoae of naoertatiilng the true con.iillon of aftrurttbe atrergth and daligns of the enemy, Ae., bad returned to Columbm from Ciilon City before the at

padition got itarted from there, paning orerthebarniiiif bridge Jnat in tlu.u to tare a train wbi.ih he bttaraeri not to endanger. He und Col. laiwrence, oomiii'.i..|iiiir the poat nt (', I'l.-iii-ti* adtised Gen. Braymaitnat they wernof opinion tltvt Col. nawkini. coounaiidIng Union (ity. wonld be able to hold out ogitin.t thifluemy nntil re-nforoementi cou'd raach him, notwithutanilinir the BttBflUflfllforcc waa reported an mn.-h ia

l*rmr mour ftircet. The 7th Tennettae Cavalry. eoratL(V) man, .TOO being mounted, were lurrourdad witl"lrtliworki of x< tn- protenslona.Our expedition nnihad forward, and, on arrlvlnn

withln aix niilea of Unfon Clty, at :i o'rlack in the aftari..".'ii. Oeu. Hrayman learned that Col. Hawkina haditirraii.lari-il Bt 11 o clock in the mernlng; that the fortlflentlon. and a eonaiderable nrnount nf property had beendestroyed. and tbat tha horae. on which our fotcna wereinotinted, tl.a nrnit aud fiulpmcntt. n few mnlea andwag'iiie, and the pritonert, had beon ruinovad, thaam ::.y tnkir.g a r.. rth eu*t directit.n. I.ittle or neB-'vi'nB* bad been done. Althoogh theentmy bad mad«

thtflfl ennrgaa; meeting with r.-pulae each tlme, but or.emau in thu garrison waa killetl. TheattalUngforce waiuot more thun oue thousiuid, and ware B'ithont nrtillery.I hey wero flt fint reported to hare artlllery and a forceof I'ltne -I'veii th.iti-.aud.

C.an. llrayman having only infantry. which belongadto ('nu. VeaU-h'BL'oiun.aiid, takeu from here. where thayhad been awaitingor.lrrstoicoT-onanother eipedition.and. haTing ordera from tieu. Hhennan not to detaintht-ui from iho sairflae Intended for them, retorned toCotaabM, r. et'iiiarkc-1 on trauaports, and returned to('.tim vealenliiy.A flagoftniec wu tent by Forreit, saylurthat, tm-

leaa the garriaon lurrendcrctl aooordiug to Ini ooudl-tioni.be va.-.'.l "i-an artillcryon tbe ga.-ni.ui. It ii.aiu Col. Hawkim'i man wauted him to cut hia wuynut. hnt ha iflUflflfl to do ao. Other atatementa aro tothe effaet that Boina of hii own man thrautaned to i),i>othim if he fiirrciiderad. It U ilao ..iid that whan thtBfMBdM liad bBM mnde, leTaral of our man wept likeliildreii. and a nutnber broke their guna, aad othera

thi.w xi-1. - Inlo a well, and Uiat the offic-ri brc-kotl.eir s-vor,!-.Our totret had Juat boen pold one year'a leriioe.

ihe loti to ii- u and oDlccrt ta ebtimatod at nearlyf-O.IMX).Baaa.ttfl li'M than (OO pri.onert were takan, averiU

aaeapinp. Forty-ouo are here now, an'l othera reiwrtedin the WikhI.i.

It ia not knnwn with eertalnty who enmmanded th*BflBaiBac for. a wi.-ii Huvrkine tur'rendered, but lbe ene¬

my hurrahail fur Forreat.OflB Krayinau intfiidB, If approved nf by hlu inparior

offican. to rcmote aii onr foreei garritoning uulmport-ant pointa within tho diitrict, mch aa tne one on vv' .aiithe raid wai madp).coiiaidering lt aa doing the Kebel.more. Berricn than if left to ba ocaupied by the Kelialathemtelvet, as, whilo gnrriaoned by tha l _ted Mai.-.-.iii'iali imuggUng and coutraband truflio are going onunder tho preeent Iooie trodo ragulationt,


PromptnK*s in Pou--land..The City' ofPortland, Me., wna alarraed a few daya aince bytherarmrt that two TP?seli ware on fire off Wood'a itland.Apprehanditig that tho Rebel piratea were at work:u-_i.". al -a.i -.'."' (.-*!;! laaiuii, aniiiiig them Capt Inmanand Llent. Richoli of the 2d Malnfl Cavalry, irnme*diately startod on tho Ganeral Lyon, the only svailablenlaiiniar, took np 50 loldierfl at Fort Preble, and pro*Bflflflafl in the fl_aattafl of Wood'a Ialand. It wu foundthe lire waa on the uiain land, aud the party rettirned.fl pmnipt, plnaky, and wide-awake people, tho»e Port*landera


TnR riBflttlB KlmvBBRAI Ceisis.. TheTrronto QLheot Monday «aya: "Notwlthstanding theI'.od boaetings of tlie Opposition prefs, lfBBBBR Cartl-.fr,Hacdonald * Co, hate been oompellr-d to abandon thstfyak ot coratrnctlng an Adminiatration from their ownalde of the Hoaie, and are now aa.ug lhe MlntateiialLiUfn ji'iii them ln the formation of a Cnalitlon GoTern-laatit." A dlipat. h to Tht UUktnt Tuetday, trt'i:

" I undarttand that the licat tplrit prcTaited at theLiberal caucnt. and a nnanimoua determiaation waa

expn-aaed to mak- no terma whatorcr with the reriv e.',(.'artit_r Mac.lonald GoTerument, which now teema certain to be cotiBlructed under the tltlo of Tache-Cainp-bell. The oompoaitioa of tbe new Mlntatry ia expectcdti'l- B* f'-i'iria:

Bflflfl ri.t-iDA -Sir K. P. Tae).., Preuier acd Ifir.lftar ofM.luu. linn. O. P,. Cartlar, Att,.niey-(l«uef»l ilast; Hro.A. T. ii.,' YiOanro Mimrtei J. ti. Cbaiiaia, oeo,., Provinciat*r, ,. i.i) ii.,i. T. I) M,(i.-r. Hureau of A|ricultore; Uoc*lor l.ai.|.-rti. '-"I S-l'.ri'at ll.nii.,, ',-'. ..'.

L fPCK ( ABAliA. H.'il. Al-1 iI.H.-r l a-apbell. ('niuril.ll.in.fnf Ciuvvn l.ai.ir; Hon. J. A. McUonald, Attorney UeneralVV'p.t, 'llioii.a, C. Straet, eaq., Ke, eiv.r OrueiJ Jameitockbnrn, ciq., Boikitor-OeBeral Weit.

" Ai regardi the two remainlng aeata ln the Cablnet,there Ifl tome liouble ln tbe comp ui to atal ihall repre*.ii t Ottawaln tha Gotarnment m Commlitloner ofl'nblio Workt. Tho moet probabta pcrtoa appean to bflMj.JiflirtiieJJ-fliuBtil.*



The Schleswis-llolstein War


Withdrawal of the Priuufan Ships.



Hoflvy Fanishment for Mil.taryEzercises ln Xreland.


Cotton trnchangecl . BrcadatuiBt DuU.

Halitax, Wedneiday, Mareb 30,1F*M.The Bteamship Africa, from Liverjvool at 9

o'clock on the mornlng of the 19th rl Qneent-own oa

tho 20th i:;vt. arriv.-d at thia port at lOo'olock tbia moraing. Her datea ara thrae daya latar than tluwe already-e. .-Iv."!. Tho Africa haa 47 pt__-.ng.ra for Hallfaz,aud 41 for Botton.Tbe Africa reporfa: PaaW March2." ln tat. 4*., long.

30, American ahip Robert f.ane, botmd Kaat Varch 17,lat. 43, long. 48, itcamihip Atutralafllan, hottad taLiverpool. The Africa «.iiled at p. in. for Botton.where,ibe will be dae on Kriday mornlng.The Canadlan Btcamahip North American taib-d frcB

I.iverpool on tbe nfternoon of tbe 17th. and I_ond.,nderryi-. li, for Portland.Tha tteamihip Virginta arrirtd ont on tbe lflth.Tbe iteamahip Hammonia. from New-York, arrif«_.

at 8outhampton on the mornlng of tbfl 18th lailThe tteamihip Damaacu, from Portland, arrltr| al

Lond,,nderry at 4. o'olock oa tbfl mornlng of the 19thinttantThe etearaihipfl City of London and Eangaroo, from

New-York. arriied ut Liverpool on thfl 18th inrt.; bothwcra dttained by a low tlde.

Great Brltain.The suspention of the mail. via Oalwaj until

fnrther notioe ii ofttoially anaottneed by tbe I'oet OfflcaDepartment.

ln the Houae of Commont on tha 17th ind., LoraPnlmerston enid (btt he could not prodnce the optnionaof the law ofBcert of the Crown wub reapect to thflscirnreofthe Tuicalnota. They were oonfidenlial ad-tlue for the GoTernment. and it would be ol.ja. uouablflto prodnce them.Lord I'almcrston. ln reply to lnrjnirlea relAtite to tha

propoaed " Confarence," laid that the reply of Denmarkwu atill awaited. but tb nt be bad good roaaon to bopaand believe thal the Daninh Gortrnment woald aieeat.

Blr H. S. Tracey mored tha tbe itatemant of thaFrench Procarer-Geaeral, at the trl.il of Grerv. (m-plicating a member of tha liooac and of her Majetty'ai., v.riiiii'-iit. Mr. S'.Hu-ti-lil. in the plot to iBtatiinflftbe Kmperorof tlie French, deaerved tbfl ieru ut ooa.a1.1-rotiuii of the Hunae.Lord Hiimiltou aeconded tbe metJcm, and it wat tnp.

pin. a.1 by Mr. D'Uraeli, Mi. PakiagtOB, and ot her Op-1*.- mon membert.Mr. Staiiffield defended hlmieif, and reiteratfld hla

denial of any oomplieitT in the matter.Lord Palmemton rwul h. i- >.i a. a|.ij*.tiou ta uaka

to the Krancb . loverament, and thought that none wmuecettarr. Ifhehad thotight for a BflflMflfl tbat BBflBn-i.l oonid hare the tliglitaat partleiuation in the eon*

.piracy, ho thoald have called upon him to retign; bntiiobaunotdonflio heooaM he knew thal be wm taca*[-..i.li- of auch conduct.The inotion wm rejeeted by.Yeau. 181; Nayt, 171.

The Gorerninent njajority of toa wat reeeiTod with

Sreat cheering. The voi waa gancrally Hvirded m ¦eeided Conaerritite attack on the wbole Onranimflnt.ln the Honie of Lordt oa the lBih in.t. Earl Koaaell

appeaJcd to Karl Klletil.iroagh to poetpone hw laqairiearelative to the Daniab qm-itiou, aa it waa tery detirablethut no ditcus&ion ahould t_ike place Juat now on tbfltnblect.Lail Kuatell idd tbat he had fond bopat that

Denmark wonld agree to a eoofercnoe. aad thut aa ar*miatiee wonld be acccptable to all partieaKarl Kllenhon.agh aaf-ntivd to the propoaitkm.Marquia ( i..:,ri, ur.le cfllied at.er.tion to tbe reoralt-

ing of tailort for tbe Fedrral itoamer Kearaarge, atCork. and pointed out thta laniar.cy of the Brltifh Gov-rnment at eompared with tha thown by lbe Federal

Govcrnment toward Knglaud ln IBM, He pni'tadonlthe lnducementi which were held ont in lr-land byIe_.er.il agenti to induee yni:ng men t-> go to Amatica.Karl Kaeiad aaid that the Maxqtiia of Clanricnrde bad

anaweretl hii own comnlaint of the remiaaneN of tba..,,', erum- nt when be reli-rrtd to the proe. aution irolngonintbe R'-arnarge oaaa. He flaatafl that the (torern*ment were rejiita in w.vtohing thu proceeduiga of thaKedaral agenta in Ireland.Lirl Donongl nnff retleoted on the fttbe atatementfl

that had been made by tha Captain of the Keupurge.E.irl Ki;s-' 1! mid that thfl oapl&ln'i expl&natiou luutt

be sccepted aa .atnf.. tory.In the Uotiie of Cunimoiu, there waa anotber part**

dabato on Mr. Slanafle ld'i r.mnection with the oonipir-atore agaiiiit thn l.ii* r.f tba Kmeeror Natxdeon.Lord r.tltneriton aald that Mr. IStanineld hud plaeed

tiiniBalf and hia mli.e entirely nt the dlipotal of tha Got*erninent. He (Pa!meratou), therefoie, aaaomed all re-Hf--.iij.it*. v in tbe me.tter.The Lord Cbaneellor annonneed that the Hoate (fl

I.ordi vv ould give Judgment in the AJexandra emm aoonafter Kivater.Tht London Morning Pott regardt tim opening of tba

S'Tini- cainpalgnc ln Amerioa aa tliMiatmui failurM fotthe 1 ,'deruli.

The tettaAam Qlebt layi that tbe F'*i!i rd atlemptfl toponetrate the S.-th have faileu. hut. nevertheleer, thatthe operationa of Sherman and K iipatri.k ahow that tbnConfader.tei art wenhar than i vaur ago.At the Cork Aaauas, i..ne raeu convictod of illrgnllt

praeticing miiitary exercite* at Blaney were s> :itaui-e.ito twelre montha' Impri-ionmelit, aud another to Hftcumonthfl.Tho Atlantic Telegraph Company Directora bara

anuouncad that they have made a contract with Glaaa,Klliott A Co. to manafacture tha irnnroted cablfluii'ki'.ir'.oiiilT raoommended hy tbe Seieuiinc ('ommittea,and to iny tm- k.-iitiu in tbo humn-.cr of lBBSi Tbe I)i-rectort hare made a call of .10 par cent oa tbe ttock*hoidera. paTahle on tha 7th of April.ThnibipCiibralter had toiled for New*Yorb witb a

thomand tuna of coal given by Mr. Gaorge Klliott ofthe firm of Otafla Elltott * Co.. in aid of tba L'uittilSt.iti-i Sunitary Commiiaion.

The Manehet'ter Sramintr pu'dUhafl a latter from tan*dry persona in New-York, amphatioally denylng tbe aa*M-rllont of tbo oorretpoiideut of Tht I.ondrm tttretd,that, owlngto the prav-lenca nf kidiii.ppii.i_. th-re waano loeurity for emigranta landing at Naw-York. Th. ydi iiinii.i¦<. tho najtettuin aa a grei fabiebood.At a meeti r of tha Atlantlo Telegraph Compeny oa

the l'ith, the Directon' report annotinced tba lhe taudrrof M.'nr.i. Glaxi. Ki.iott A Co. tOjf. ika aud lity thflcable bad been delinitely accvpted. Tbt detalb of tbacontract were not quito rcoilT. but would be nabtnittexlto an adjonrned maeting. The report waa nnajiimor.alfadopted. The Chairman aald ti.at the poaitloa of ti.eCompany waa moat enrtiiirBgira. The ratirinr offlearawere re-elecled. hloderate eetL-nataii, founHtd on tt ei :;i.u'itT of tho new cable, tix the aet revnue atfli-i.OCO per yeur.

BTbe Hani.b ~Wmxr.

Tk.- ttrttion Daily Sevt ot the 18th in.-fniitsnni'.-.i-i'i anthor'.utlvcly that Denmark 1,ia aocepte-tof the prnpoaed Confertnoe on the baaia uf thfl negutia-ti-'i.- of 1801 and 1853, wltboot an armistice. Tbe eon*tcnt nf tho Ofltaaata f'onfederatlon Ifl now B.-ceMarv,aud it u doubtful if they will aaiiont ou tha taal. named.t_,mo aor.tinentalJntir.i_li ennflrm tha abora itale*

ment, bnt lt !¦ not oaeta-ty anrouncad.Dnppel waa tlgorooily bomharded on tha llth loifai.t

without affect. M _. __.

A sortie by thfl Danei 8jr____.it Eockebull wu repuli-.lby the Auitriani.The ITnaal^ni had taken Otaer, near We* D-flfl-t

Their lufl* waa about 100. They took three huudradprlmnen.Tha ..i'tn.-e of the 1.1. a-A ot Fomern hy tbe PrAaiana

taflaaflraflfl.Tbe Pnuiiana had arretted all tho pi-tncipo! t.ffii ___a

ln that portlon of Jutland which lhay uccuuied.llaavy ftrlng had been exehanged at Bonderbtrg.A tharp naral angajteoient had taleu plucfl otf H igenItland, between Ure l)<uuah Bteamart and two PrnMiAa

mt a-of war and icrcral gvnboati. rc-iu'.ting lu U.o w ,ti»

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