k«j g '. i ur ata " v;f..a. ...«*. ..bm. ..¦..(''. .»-¦ »»¦" "'. 'n " i' - T'' ' '¦#.»'. state A N»w v i . . «.¦> ..*"? ^ ». * .*t«r"' ... Kyrnrwki ¦ .* '* *;,J '"' .ITi.nf * !.'.. ka*a..ta*« "ii IS. . .».tat e >.l**.< c! /e I'f. r«**il .«..' T- |e-t :«.t a ...set. -. ..«.. » I , f ¦:¦ See-etaiyf tniV-e'e ' ;V." MBU tk» NT. I <" > t il, m .. M t, U.<J-.:L,rr../.»: .. real xt .<-* ».,¦"..». if r ctl r-fi-j b I oeeaoita.oa r. tk-(.oarerr.. tVetlbareKw.rti Um »dVee kj aPp >«¦:.-,. tad IB '., U.U.J t. :! -r" .'.'''.'.¦i'" iti.-.i'i. f ed fit '." rtbtoftCt I *.?»'". '.»'» t*-'* tledtodemen If ..;,..,. -w.i.i .i. » ....f--"T -rt.- if «. :.> fcl .. . , i: . the thud »"-tn» tml a _ '.. .... r. ... .1 i... ¦.'.-». S.u.:» ,-. r.aeend fi.ra.i in erordet-e with tAw iBareer BVa Stab ritl » pi >f thlB . t, tc ee.n p-rum wlo ii tl o- it u r-.idit . r'.-r-d r- t.... rf» *>« f. %\ i ij ¦ for um - b*>i t iti.; .».. la 0r»»- pritala, f uln .. >. u4-#rlfj.-« tt*»*tn» ui for roikloi.aek »to»n»: » p»>rt .n.4 r i r .> r |T7"» 'it »4 tiii-'y ! ». l«Hn» 11 Or«».'. ti-. » u fti 'U i r rich » k-i"»i»5r'ir«c: or prv of ui r nrr U ii .»'4.*. t" »* f ***>¦ *". !' (t .rri.M Li I-1 '». ft fr»i ... It A. ij uriBj BBktiBt rrrntl. 'T r*f-"-'' ¦« , ,,</)-a it mit piki »4*9» ol »'.f for ii. k.trl- . Kretr».«kM>c*rt'-.»il * -n? r lue n. o - .j « .1. 4 Kite lie-.v.ntrp, An4 llMcwrtlBM * .Jlrit-ith« ti-e" i. . Li i- . Ikri * BS] n Ml .l ei.lei ? » j of i< i .U ll tkil 9t»*e. _ «' The r«.-*ir Uoifii.T ..' ilW ( .niu..l»i' Den ir.oned '< . fi-l-'l !'..tr to te- .('.Lee .r. .ft f" " ,: |e«.l le pel r p'lte f.!(?ec-i- tblt it fck» Wa r»Ifel 1 t 0 UltkB Mil b ie .L . 1 I (tttr m, It AM- Ol I .:/ J. I KAP" ER <MM la I t f o . i 'kl n -!er rl tl.e l » .. i.» lira inee I oKpatrj m N«" Voi». I ».".<! a i i. 1MB, Tb«p»»p]» of tb» 8ta*4 <' N-u rk.'ip-itette' r Betue «.4 AMiitly, 4' lAarAM MloiV»1 RacTI4M I. in. Hi ¦.> v *iii tM»jBB~r Vft*rr»r'j iri bi oy autln/n/i d t>> o^k« » I ami ««ery ina «. ipp/e.»iolr« to or .¦oiuieirled with aaarlave iki ii ..!» <>i i »i' rat .1 aad laatioa.as4 ih» beveafti ba ii »w aaaa mi to. H-n. t aad Marini laaur* .1 . < aii., ci Mi m v. i*. ( ; N<*l .-¦ l fbla OI.**)"l «..' Iii il. i I t «r|] »."e. t Ol up* i «i o ri 11 ti . I!, i.i r> K.i. i.i ..a raarfaay, . otbijiball i . ki.d U . .-diutl<ii arai vrfMaata i ( Tt.i i t ii i.i tali ere t lu-.rti i llalj, rjRRTTKR i Vi %l\ .Ai i Baak in aad . \t.;..i tb. poa> i,id rsr :. -i, aaigaera, iv-ra aa< atfei ant ta .f. Rka l .bta of i.-di'ora and tar ¦. at I .-i .. aad . it* 11 rp<.i' i. Paiara Apti ITkb. IBflB. ibraa nitba|bala| ptai Tie P»itte ti rle Rtataal New Vi.ik, repr-nei.te.J :n ?enn> ix.: Alien. (.y. c .era : hi .: lB< l uv I. That i> ». .(, adi i.ii el.. r aaalaner, or atbt-i truateo of aaaa< ByajL ar Ra pco party aad era leofai kaaalTaal eataBa, corpora* U»i, u>' lat.on, i«r'ui nl ip at ii dlvi.li.a, toby lor the l^urrit 4,f raaii »< ctbera iatereated In Ike aarkata er property io a>d i. f: lt. il eeffirin, bn at aa .id, aioi aaatel all BBBI Roi By tranifi ii aim *i '. n *d« n fl of tht rfabtl any ..»«rt* r. i. iniii a tl oi.e! .< i < Dil otbera. int« lei'eif in ai.y es¬ tate ¦ t' PtttJ ¦ il < .- Bf ri«Lt beloLiiag to ai.y aiMB t:m- ... .... I J. Tki' Hei |M " .' in f.a ..1 ».f tbe r'.-i of .reeitntaari. otbera, latrB ran lied, taker, or kj IB] man at I la. teifT'i. w 't, tte eatate, an per'y or lie '. ol idt ile caa- i per- n*, arnaaleeai "ipnratf», aa*» iiti >n, Martiaiailp orlndii M .- *, is ai be lab i lAya prayer artvoa tt un- axa Baaaj adaatrili BatMaV racaivera, or atber ti BVrea af aorb eatate o propi ty. lor tte i.M<, o:'fc' a oi »nv rvrayattyai rlteeBi aa n ¦. tum, aM i a- .U.S.-» isarJ a) ta U acta to u.\ . b tint eatl .. (1 Thet an» eridor4er et otln r i :ety, end ar.y tm\tmn$, eiii-ntei. i.niomiitiato- otfci t ..?....?ba. m ei t e.i to a-.' . awed to re ovei frotii i.ia pr.n. ipll or rcatldue tioat, all t. Matty aad reaaoaeUi .ita aal rj -ra< * pale ai ed ty kti \ reed .«.-li, aa ». et] n traabaa bo the |.iei. .*iou tr aefea . .c rood kattk of aaj a IJaB bj ai laatBtt ai y ai- . r»ei, .n'Utoi, aaianralatratari or othar traatai at a., b. ( i Ti Ii » t iba" 'ake »ff naaei ia'e'y NEW PUBLIOAHONST THE SE11IX0LE3. HJ milis Of rbOBIOA. ¦fJaawa r Owaixea .i'no. pi.SjH. CahtataAia, 0.1 ralJett, Tetter At Ca Ite dietiBKuitLed KutLtTuf till volume ban br< ietetd . theu.e uf pP'loliaT ;nt?reKt, both OR acinuat ti At BOTi'lty snd ita bennng on n-vera! %0aVtiRtb1 :ot b.k'.i j rrlateti to the cauae ol huuianity. 1'rior t<> tte middle d the- la*t century, a very ( <>uaMktT' tilt bomber of AiKcRl aiavea. br well aa dl Jud UM ¦ to bid lee>n rrductd to bondage in Carolina, made Ue.r ei. tpe to l'ioiida, and by the year L79G the>y bad iticreaied to IO0H adejree that they were relied «b by tie 1'ioritlianB to aid in the defense uf the TerriU'ry. They were permitted to RtCRff liuda fB tke tame terme the citizena of Spain, and io t.'. ,-eiptcta were trthtnl aa free luKjec1* of the StALeli crowi'. In 1738, R detiiit.d T9RR tn^de hy tie CokRiavl Gotcitnks&l of BmUi CbtoUrr upon t&e (.'^terror of St. Ai.pustine fi>r the return 01 the I .j.tivei. TLii >nhb promptly rejected, and thiu i «Eii.ei;ceda <\introvcriy which bsa lacted for more tbtn a cent ry without being tinally decided. In order to afford protection to the plimtera ol Caro- liiiA, an., ng other rORIORB, tbe OolODJ of GoOTgil WRR fjRRaVi. I ne ( reek Indiaua gRTC the nttine t l Sem.nole» totheae lilRRRJl tbe literal mean.: z i' tte terii;\ and althottgh it hae since RR« kRM Um tj je at't i. ol a certaii. tribe of Indiana, it waa erigtBB.ly uied e\rhiiively with reierenre to the fiig tive alavei from Cm, lm«. In 1750, a difficulty aroae among the Cret'ka. ».t i. ¦ led to a reparation from the tribe of a chief i rt a<1 "v-aeoflee. w .th a larce n'iint>er of folio A'era. Tkey let: tke territory where tkey h;id reaideJ, witfc ii the preient hmiti Ol Georgia und AJnbtma, ard n BttlB'ff their jtmniey to the B 'iith toik up ti-e.r abode in Florida. They aettled iu the \ .:i:i:ty Ol the lupitiua frOBI Carolins, with whom they toon rcade frienJf; PiqRSSi| ioternurTiajreB took ]'!tce, and the Indinnr, who had fed from their EAtire lud actl takeu tdogc unJer Spauiih law«, were aiiocsiled Seminolea, or runaway*. Tie racka oi the fugitives were increaied by lesjssjsjioii (TORI Geort a. I'tiring the wtr oi the Kerol«t on. they remained intheundiaturbedenjoy- SRtflt Of iktrtj. The Creeki were a powerful «d'.var. kr people,whose uiendfhip was then Co .rt- ed i\ the AtVOrieRBR. The exilea sroTl aafe under täeoT protection. belectint; r.cL bottem-landi ur eultivatior, many of them tiecame wealthy in i!>ck» aiid kfrdi. Difficultie» aoon BTOOS bttween the vU*.e oi Cti'rtiia and ti e Creeka. and after fRTbSM tegttietivL*, were thought to be permanently let tied in 1791a Uut the i>eminolei refuael to recog- L .e tke cjndit.oni of the atORty. Ine t reeke dared not attempt to bring back the exilea by force, and tke Cnited Statea Government were unwilling IS .arade a Si aniab col my in which they had found ,. Is tk> itate of aiVts:e. an agent WSJ -eat to I'ivr.da (l?!r.' for the purpjse of neirotiati'ig w.th tkt Span.tb autboritn'e for the return of the fugi- t v#a. Bsj) they were titiwilling SO accede to bit '.eai. Ttey regarded tte njhta of the ex.lea at .f r.o It** imp irtanee than tho«e of the Mi St cit; leM. Nor were the people of (Jeortr'a dispoae.1 to RwiioVj ttsj'WlBls of the treAty. They were dit- MrtiSaVski witl tesunOBttlor of a larce territory, aud aite.i! ci obierv es !t« itipulatiotu »f peare, pro- . eedtd to raiae an army. ] oj IRI aded the Creek . oui.tr) Ltlled a.itne of their peopi.', took ot-aTI pr aeter», burned tt.eir dwellings, and deatroved V.e.r sjSjfB, Tbe » re^ka isststSBj ü.eir insb.iity to retire tke fugitives, and the Nera.tmlea, .uttained b) the aS-sx.ll. suthor.ttea. were IsjOROaRkal il their MM. No oft t. il meaturea to coniP, | their .irreEdei were adopted until the adiuiniatittion of *ir. Madiiou. Meantime, ü.ey had bee. : ( vcu^- <<^d to freedom, axd had learned tt n Of iti b.eaa.Bf». Many htd been born in the . .;aole .okintry, aad dow taw around them chi i-a and frasdefc !dr»n in poajasssJOR of s comiorta'o . nhare .f BRil WOtH*! gooda. Many of the original trntw ttea bad departed s%M Bfo, but their lurvivom had RwtJ eemiBrAtirely .r,e rrotl pe.-aecition for a itfft o. yrarr. L i B| B lor tk.e protoetDo of S-t I aa\0|tOOl RBI RTBRtRd IU\ tie \Jd\wi «¦tatet »oula] ze mere IffOM t-f.r . .aa» to fr*> Its. But ti* pecple of Get«| a were not »a:itr>d with tk * itate of thmgt. Jtey «.( thoie «i. bad once bee¦ slatee io the.r own gute and n Seatt Carolina, living in the >;ii,et enjoyment I f freed'-m. lurr-'iindcd by their f -rk» aid herd*, in tbe nodal t>{ their whea and children, and s-i«:a!r.ed by Spanish laws because tkey were 01 Spai'.sb BOiL TLe spectacle waa too rsu.h for their, to . ud.-e with patience. Ir oriier k meet the d fieoltj, it was necessary, ,n the tint i.,ace, to ga.n p '«est on of the territory. The asnev.ti of f lar.da V> the I 'nited State« waa accnrdicfc-ly BlgC i on the General Government. Alawwa* passed by CtSgTOfAj .a .<< ret rthiioc, and .improved by tke rVsifen:, i»r tah'rg po»»« a»: n ; f r.' irida. A ilaveho.'de; of I .eur- gia, Gen. Maibtm-, waa apj.oittei C .rxuii'piouer lorthepnrp'se. lfeaJiiu an inr rrectioo wt.ch had b-en fomented for the occasion, :.e tap isenion Oi .Amelia Jaland, a:.. of t;e country opposite fco .t on tbe mainland. The Spin:sk Governmen', >.& learninc. tbe outrage, renx-n't rated *\ :h the i'res.- favt, wh » disavowed the act* of Mat'iewt, and ap- p»it.ttd Gov. Mitchell of Geirgib in bia p!s:e. The latter continued to bold military poaaeesion of tte island and part ol the mainland, currying out the poi icy commence«i by Ma: hew a. Meantime, the State of Georgia, taking the »word of execution int. her own hands, ra.aed an army, which entered 1 londaw.th the avowed ;u- teuticn of exterminating the Setmnoles, wh had io long refused to aurrender the fugitive*, while .t was tke real object to reduce Bmb9 IQtIo to Slavery. The t reeks of tbe Lower Town* took .idea with the Sen..noles. Af>r penetrat.ug more than a hundred miles itio 1 ...rids, the army fjund ititif surrounded by Inutile .avage*. J i.eir sup¬ plies were ut ort. The men were i rought almoet into a state of starvation, and cuiiip"!!e>l to retrace their slops. Main (if them periihe.1 on the way, the MttfiTCri only reaching Georgia after great lu-«. 'J be Spaniah inhabitants whom they met were robbed of their provisions and left to suffer for w ant of food. The Georgians were greitiy .nc-nsed at the Creek Iudianc who had aasisted tha Sen. noJes in defending thei tseives, and the QoTOBVOf of tie State d> macded the surrender of thuse who had thus oflended against the sovereignty f tb at ( ointiioiiweaith. 1 in- CL.efs refused to comply aLd theGotoriOT Complained of their o-Lih't to tbe ledera' BlOOUUlO. Little notice was take.i of tbe matter at Wash rgtoD, and (iemgia w is left to carry <n the war by herself. Hunters, trippers, vagabor.de, aid men of desperate Lrt SMS wen colle< ttd from that State, from List TtinnCMOO, siid from other Southern Statt1«, to the number of live hundred, Hundt was again invaded. Tut expedition was more *ucce»*ful thai; the Drat l w" or three town* were burned; eever-ii C3t*t> i elds planted by tie fugitives were destroyed; large herdi of cattle, stolen from the n^mes, were driven buck to (-eorgia; but the chief objac1, of the npeiHkn failed; not a single exile was ap'.urei. Aft01 a attOfgle of more than two yeare Mty. 1813) the State of Georgia found itsell unable to ( inijuer I'lorida, or to capture the fugithes. The war was prosecuted no fur;her, the troops were withdrawn from Amelia Iiland, and pe'ire was rjstored. 'J'he trOtO, h^Mier, fur such it proved VfM sbort-li\ed. After the OttOt with Great Brit tin in 1815, a portion of tbe army waa stationed on the southern frontier ol Georgia, ard the officers io >n took strorg frotlfid a>r»inet tiir exilea. Tkey were tntjumuMf the suhject of con.munication between (ien. (laines and the Lxecutive. "Of tatOM cim- ILunications the exiles were ignorant. They con¬ tinued in peaceful retirement, cultivatint; the earth, and t,a;nirt « «nppnrt for themselves ttd fatml Bi. Iu tie Autumn of 1815, they gathered ib**ir eiopt, provided for tie support of the at:ed and intirm. ai well as lor their children. They arefully nursed tbe sick: they buried their dead; they lived in j-eace. h'd enjoyed the tp'.ts tf their lab. r. The followiri; Spripg and Swinmer found them in this fOTlahk condition." At length hl»y 1616), orders were issue! by Gen. Jackson, directirg iiaiLes t> destroy the ..Negro Foit," as it was called, uui return the stolen negroes and j'roperty t'i their rightful o«"a- ert. 1'pon the receipt of this order, Gen. Gaines detailed Col. Puncau L. Clinch, with his regiment, tevo pieces of artillery, and five hundred friendly Creeks, to carry out the instructions of Gen. J- k- aon. Tbia waa tbe comtnenceineut of the Crat Seiuinole war, which, at the time, was unTtaowu to tbe people ol tie I'nited States. Such was the origin of hostilities, which have COtt the people of tt. s ci --r.tr> milii.ms of treaiure and hundie<l« of human lives. Tbe result if tke cipeditiyu is thu* given by Mr. «;iddirg»: On tba lifrfHrt; oi the .'Ith July, L->oaiia, *-.tii bia boat*, asi t-nJec tut t.ver and cast anclior opposite the iort, while Go), t .inch acti the Creek lodiaiia took po- ajaioM eo aeto tut ol! retreat by land. Tb-- car.i. nale war reanuied, and tue land and naval for BI of '.ue I'nittd State* were acga^e<l in throaring ^(.ot and .boikfoi the p.np. -e ol uittrdeiing t'nosa frieDdlesa » iloB, tiioee woman and children, who bad c:>inmitt«d i.o other ctten-e than mat of baring Leen born c: pa rtnta who, a cxntury previously, tiad been held in bondage. Mothers ana children now ihrieked wen tBTTOl M the tear ol annon, tne whiatling ut tails, tbe BXpJoti n of she the war-wii(>ops of the sava^ss. toe groans ci '.be wounded and dyii g, foretold the «aa fate which awa.ted item. The atout beaited o d n chterad and ec. ouraged their frunda, devlar.og that dta'.h was to be preferred |aj slavery. The struggle, bowever, wa> not protra. ted. The cann.-t.-ball* not tak.ag Bflaol apen tne emnank nn.:- oi eaith, tkey prepared their teWfMOM and OOniaooOOi the hre of Let ahot, due* t#d at the pnm pal maja^me. Ibia n.ode ; roved wore suioeteful. A baa folly heated reached the powder in the magazine. The smaJl tue of tbe fort, and the great numlmr of people in it, tendered the explosion unusually iatai. blauy were tctireiy buried in the ruine, other* were killed o) la., f^- t.n-lu ra, w hile maty bodi*s were Urn in 1K c< b, iaoba were separaied from boiiea to whu h UBt| had beei af.a. i'to, aLd oeath, in all ktl boitbi li rrr.s. t»ar vichie w.; tun that dootxxd lortre**. Woneita says, " Ine aceLe in tbe :ort e, m iornble beyond description. Stat ic ike ara .& of tke mmiu'ei irtir i>iC"ic< d m .io.'im i/»;..a ;/e lien.' t.twn; 'wt »ne¬ tt tk tf tkt trkttU etraf t d. Tie erit* of tke rounded, ti-f t>r <.«/><« i-r !>.' y.'ir, <A- alo i.'a a-wi fiih uf't.'.c Indian*. <t trt<! (L > t ,t iorr.itU U9i-u-i ..'< *<r.p> (ion." Of r-pui* wit'in the fort, ..-! were wl i!e of the 00 who remained, oniy Heaped wftkc ;r r>. Two of th« BQrx .vor*-.«« , ai d oei Indian.were s.-l«e4od00OBX| praenli hiefa ol the allied ioi.es Brbtltia the iort, rt.ey were del'v- ered ov. r to the Iod.ane whu .1 TtraTpilatllCll- ( ..ti h, and were xr.a--a. red w.thin the fort, in the pres. i of our Lroopa; but to report on re jrd ehowe tte e\- tent o! ttrtur« to whKh they were subjected. In tue massa. ra, neariy every exile resident up aj the Apr alact- cola Kiver, [aelBBuig WOBBbb and cbil- tirtt, BalaiahOa or waa rtiislaved. Ttieii houuaa were baft deaclata; their piacUticae ax 1 their herds oi cat- . - tud -orws lecace .i- property of thoee .^ho t rat otiiane.! p< **?¦¦> »k r. of t'.e.i. 1'r ta'i'.y on" thirl oi all tne eiii '* at that t.ai» r«s,j(-.t ia Fioiido pari d in tbia maasacie, or were re»n»'avai ty Col i lit yet the atrot-K- is character oi ta« Ua-sa noc appetra to have attracted very little a:Ui tiea at the t.uie. Cet. JaieK'n waa popxaj ae a .taryuiii at ai'l th« A.1tniniatrat.cn of Mr. Madlow was .-«». .rde 1 w :t (eoera! favor. No member of C\»r.gre»s priteMeJ a^Binet the transa-.-*..ctl or made knowo ..s barl aril* to tba pax f i«. waile the ablest m«:nb«ra tai*l t heir .r^*a. ity and bfOfifbt ail their tt*\ -.- BBbBaVti| k id. ativn of thoee coacemel ia '.he C Nor MM tv.e te. *' Ma>( 11 oif*t e 11 MJ| I 'a e isiye.:»d by people. Mr. C!»y icJ etke-» cordeBined 1-e invaion (rf t .-v r c_ u to let of acitility toward Spain. But no reference wit Bide to tbe maaaacre of the eiJei; ao n.er_t - - ol CeDC'tu i-tiit.ated tba: rite ^u. o< !.. wt: wi* waged .n the iniereita oi Savery; or that tie l.'bited >tatei tr«K were ¦.mp'.oyf-d fci murder >n and children became tkeir ancestor* were once held ic bondage. Ji ;*¦¦<} v. at aotuntl more Cfcan tWBjfj years after tke i-tiiaere, that a diit._güit_*.d ph.linthropit, Mr. VftawBS* Jay. j;ave the trc* pub i: .o{:.m»:.<>n of the niitiHf tf such a people as the futitire Senum-?*. }"ro!_ th.i luminary oi 0BJ bit port n. tl Mr. fjfrttlBfa'l. werk, .t w..i be ptr .«-.ved :kn BKnograpte on Am»t!« an Ir.itiry posaet* IT h a pfBfBUB- _a:.or_! iignifi;a_ce. >>\> cue w.o BBM to ccmpreheiid the pol'.ry < f the <;>i\eT._ient in tb? inception and conduct of tte Sem i. ..<? wan ibi ill to b-come fan. i.ar v>, h it* ci.tent*. T.'.ey ejtoafkrd many itr;ki'i_ illustration of the legis¬ lative EowTeriie-Gta tBliBg the adi_._i8trAt.oQi of Adam*, .lackion. BB*j Vau Hurer.. The remainder tf tke- volume ( Bt-MBI tkt UatOBJ of the Seoii- noie», showing the IBtOBaoiYO. - tc p *Of? 'her Mb .- gatii c, »l«1 the secret history of the camp . * which Lh\e BtM luppOBB* to shed rich luiter <>n Amer.i'ac arm*. Mr. G.diingi .1 ent.tleJ l> Iti gratitude of erery fiieud of Tree Jo tu, foi Lit fa!±- t_. and itar.l.og reveiation», while erery ittrltf tnuit admire tie l oura^e and zeal ttitkw hi "b.kg IAI brought unwelcome farts tr.-m lie.: r.'d.ag places to the light of day. A 7J-:\T BOOH Of EOKTABLl AM' ABT MAT, I'HVP lOl.OCiV. by Hi f. M i M I). tto. pp Jil D. Af j Iftct V Ot. The main feature which diit'nguithes this volume from tie various popular treatisei on physiology now before the publ*., U the application of mirrj- .copkal discoveries t'i the ülus'ration of the ii.- ence. Another, of irarcely !e»* imprrtanee, ia tke coGf-tant refrrtr.ee to the tV.et* of e >mparntive anat¬ omy, by which the BLalociei of the human organi¬ zation are evplaintd, aud the '.\hole circle ofauiiual life elm idattd ;n iti mutual relation* aad Jependen cier. 'J he work is atrictiy icientiiic in iti treat ment, thoußh popular .n ite f-jrm to ai great a de¬ cree, perhajif, at ii admitted by the D.iture of the mbjeet. There in low. :.t, citvnly. "f preeiiion and ej;.cti:eif< in the eipOaito l f princ:f»lei. but tbt-.r litaiipi; on the aflairi of t\eryd-iy life ia pi 'mted out in a manner equally i*r*tfnetfTe aid enttrtainirg. Thui, after deacribiug tke ce de veloped on the mrfaeen of ti.e i»-dy. the author give* the follow.priu tfctl ruien U) n gui to KATIflN«.. The j :< HrTtiKW of a iMBalthj ikx rlaflABSdl Um re- B val 'it!- BBl PI . iOBntfe lay>r, by freq teat all.ii- ticn, alwavr accompanied by t'ie liberal uae of that vf>!uable ü-jferu;ert. si ap. Korüif ttiict p-.iriH'nr! of bealtri, BBitherBphUBM lot a rb( wtr batu n in BBBBIJ thl lottfl* N ev. OB DOiiouf to acme temp'rati r.t.-' i.'.e mj-t c jail Kt-io t ar^.l healt'iful l'jrrr. c; btth .1 at ti e *anie t.ir.t the rron facile.a npiBRe BOlll BipailllllJB in it* BM he¬ ilig tl.e ni(>*t important rl.'nienf. Ikebnth itKlf »houli m.-ver «-\ eed i.\ e tn.r.ute-. the lubbir^- d y (tl.e mo*t essential part cf tbt c»ti 0ecBuy_NJ another live n.inutes or n, |#->BI amount oi time that every one car. af: >ri at the bs- gknaiaf ol the day. This batl. bBOBBI be taaen im- n.cdiattly on rising in the murniDg, aa at lacb time rnictien i.- greater and <,uicktr than a: any other period f'f tke twenty-four hour-1. It B vrry BBOBBBSry to atfeLd to tbe tempera*ur« of the water, and of tte room in wb:cb ttm ba'.h is tak>-n. liuririj; lict weather, warn may be u-" J at tne ordi- naiy UnpOIBtun Ott the atmosphere, the r -on indt' B> (BBBBtkaatlBB 71 l ahrt-nneit. H;i* fit a less e-.'.er- i.al heat than 10 the tvater fiuuld be wan . or at leert tepid. A *ll<U»- awU rl..U rn tl.e ..'rfoc ot ll.e BOQj BtejBdieia t<- health; it di' kn the circula'ion of the Uocdtotkfl e.xt'.ria! »urfa.aterfi-r«- w.-th the Mm ettiU t». axd particnUrly nrresti' tl.e BBCnttBf ; '-wer of the skin. Il 1- a popular twlial witil mother*, that w.«hinB yiLi" ebwiBI »!ai!y, in '-old water, Btflki 1 toe.n fardy. Tbii if bgTBtB m:iitakf-; the teeble einen'a* tion tf a ciild rwt)BbrBB the aid and _i«i8t»nce of HBIBBj wann water and wataMlotkijag. flMglBBaV ill mi dicni u-tL erbo«rorUred.Jobb li cter.re< mb> UKtrdtw IbrOB rules fcr the maos.gemoLt of t-LilCien, and tr«-y eiprvts the IfalBBBBOB of a volume: he sty*, " ("ire then. pltBtjOf ni k, plenty of sleep, andplenij Of litCEt'. For adu't* to bathe after a meal, or afu." i » exer:-]-e, is erxinentiy dangerous. i'nra«- Utli CBBB* were rtoofded by the Now-Yotk papBTB, h!i oCcurriu^ wi'.l l a y. ar. röm th s so!< rsu«e; the tirst wa- tae dtathofan AmeiioaD lady 0; rtiine-nent &cd p >aiti.n ' fxOBBtakiBC a bati. loin after dinner, of BwffBBBl BntdM, IlkuB bIobb il B warm bttth, fod of I. ret/) B. Slepardtf New Y(rk, under pre< tsely rimilarcir- i BBBBBBBBBa Those pri-01..- who do not hapi*B to possess a spi nge, may re»« t to the folio a in-^ plan with great BOTBBa.ffB: af coot, ae yon |et out BB oed in the bi'Ti- Lafi wrun your hai.dü, face aad ne k. thee, ¦ the IBSM bBI n i f watt-r, put jour fe> t at on e for ab Mt half a minute, rubbing thatn br>kly at the time tnen, w Bl the towel that hae been dampeced by wip.ng the tace, fret, »\c, rub your « bole body well (»i*;ho-.it the a.ldi i. n of more water1, fast and hard, m >uth it'..t. the breatt prij<\tirg. Allow tive tmBatei Vjt thit opera! irn. There ii ytt another plan, s per.or in boBMBI ;ts iflkctl to ab that hap prere-cW it at night, when you ko to bed, at<! wbetever you get out ot bed dur- IBg the i. gbf, sw-lJ from tiro lo Irl BttB .:ei r bbifiij your whole b< oy tied Lmbs with yonr hand-, ar (sj aa yen <an reach ic every direction; let it be done oritkly, i{uick y and l.aro. Iiy tbit pranice tue soft- tfii a'ad mobility of the skin will be preserved, w bit:. too freyaent wa»h;r>g haa a BBBlBBOJ to de-troy. Here ia en account of the manner of fee-amp in¬ dulged in by im. 1 kch.. Tee ItBfgj free bifid tongue 01 the frog, covered wi:h pepil'ii, and n. ..parous mucus follbrbBB. is the ail- impoitaa! IbbIinnwt for tht- procuration ot food. It is attached by i;- apex to th« inner inrfaee ot the uedt-r taw the baee being .r» and free rn the BB k j aiu ;' tbo BM Btk. A frrg wi I never tou. h any save B BwiBf BBBCt, ard of tB:-''vt it re.]uiree such poei tiTe and BOBBaMriB e\idence, that the latter often tsoai-es benote the former is sutiiciei tly itBBnlBtBtl It attempt ite eaptt re. Wtea otiea urg üxe« biaeyeon a lively brBkl inaect, bu whole appearanre is suddenly bangt-1. 1 ue pas- tive, slugglish BBiBttalof the minute lefoie, hii iud- detly assumed the aspect of ferocity. It it tie a My at some aurtanc-e frotr. the frog, on the i art et, th*- .attcr. bu? eyes full of ma.i.t.ity and craft, -trett fces out hi-' l.mb- to their u».rxoet '-spa. ity. ai d creepi tiward the ini»' t ia I be moet stealthy boi 'ttt u.aLEfr poM.bie as s.>ob he arrivei w ithia a .tr.ar .1 ft»L a ol Bis victim, the tongue is thrown OBt so lapuily that it escapes detection: but the My has beea :; k giutd to lire tongue by the mucus on the suifaie. and ret .. Bl BKb it into th<- frog - acoatu. The terr-ei of hearirf, si?ht. and smell, are wond-: fut'v BOBtfl :n there ar-.mali. No one would believe that a y ajp.ht.rg on the BOlfBCB of a carpet, would be Bicon pamed by axy appreciable sc na, and ao far ai our sensation's are concerned tbii is <]utte true; rot tow.tha frog, however; tke ity may alight at a d stau part of the :. :i and the frog s bt..k be turned f it that direct loo, yet he i-e ,t» tt iaatantly, turns n und, an. proceeds to »üect ill ciptBre, in w u.ch he very lately tails! P-e mtdebywhioha frcg is er abed to aeize :te prey, is in this m\rt tLmulated by the sieht of it, the tir-!.ue bti-ouea 11 lectad with blood, through t:»e. icrlu- enceif the ima^iLat' B. tint;! .tisi/xite turgid or ere B at thia instant, ,t ean be thrown cnt and tuad. The actioB is I ke letting the a< k o: the hand rail quickly turn tbe tibow-joiBt, without muring Ue wriat, and allowing it 'iu.ik.y to rebound. 'lie process require* to be swift, for the breathing->f the ti'ft is *u«p*tdtw so long a- tht i_ uta reu.vt.* opet. 'Ihere is Lot ic tature a more harmless or va!iebie animal than a frog, nor one whosa pretence in garJem tbculd be *t< u.uch em ouraged, fbf they coneur.e onir it.-tct-. ipideu, and sluge, and the quantity of taeae tiiey des:rov it quite incredible. 1 ben coines a useful hist to tbe naaclera of \s«ky birhs. r::o.-e pern 11 who keep cacar.ee. and cthsr t.n^i-g .r* ircieadof iBriTibllBf r-ne gravel ontreb^t'xim ii the cog", that '.je pxr Dirdimight beirret. ,tB ¦ I t tbeii Üfi b,bj «Dygi .- t.am a idee* 01 > utllttsh-bjit ar'roca'e of ..ins w:., . * Ur* laf. Hi s BB) IB, ill r * ittrtl t. BIB ' rf7»T*r» ¦i . :' .t7 «2* " J bui t-.e tiptr meat, aid try tke eftee* of ». a e minn-a part, iee o ilka on to* r fsvor.te tong-b nig, the extreme g ,-aed, self with «t,. a il VfB t>e r^airaDed ¦ ipeodii attnre tier: of the t«- eseity "or .* cOEUsaatKe. Tbe Author presents a CV o.t :.e«ry :i rrgird ta tke id tn tf Tsr Ri] ivtrtv i.i im f, Tbe saliva appears to poesees fj ret mott tInp..rtlt. pre pat tit* tir»t!y, t destroy* v:tai :y c a ea.xal at i t-eaetat.e matter; at jrJ.y, .t ioosaot the t_rsu«e. i ->by prep-ar r g them to recStte the) aeifva itaaif, srj tl .n.ateiTto adm.t tre gastr.e '-rice and tb.rj.y, it acex har.ica.ly toft em and d:..tee hard or drj boi, W.»t a jw fills her paur r. sritb gross, she } bkoaa . e a ar,." an >-skt or ¦. r.- \t;i"'l .. raattYiolj y rg ia raa: organ, or : res ».'».- If to tae e- -n> t inae h, i j w&y afi'ecU :ta i itaiity, bat wu»n thrown ta k into tto moutb. ar.i ll MbH ::, i .u-.v' w.tn tue saliva, thai, it irftactiy ii e-. a. d unes BMotiaDy a.tr.-eJ tc aopeaiacre. Kit-nine the steals of the fixatthreettoaBechaOi a tow, or a sheep bitte tare first 1 ai lewbseat. It trtiagaortas, bu* .0 tae tt .it it baa the appearance of a tcorci-^.' y wtll oourd vegetab.e -more near.y allied in color and appears*.' e to Bpisocb, an.I. a* yet, it baa ssdy .ot: e ic contact w.tn re saint, tri efe DTatiet be b'eid reepota.ble for ita riM->d 0 r.i. Arrest a atep.iler in the act of eat.rj tl e leaf 1' ¦ cabbsge; kill it inrtantiy, opir. -op, and BXOSalas the Naf veu sow :f ontunie b. t a u..cjt- boitan will ha e loet ita bright .rreen 'ii r, and be redued, it every reaped, to the appearac- e of the grats tn the thiri. et" mOJ oi the ce W. At it car not ha-, e com 1 .r. coataV t with any other tr.aur.al IbtVfl Me iihrary ae< retioc. it it snrely iueiiritble to Bttribnti ita altotod appearance to the act i> >n of that t aid. Wlitii inat eatt raw, r-pe fruna, i.e et» weg vSteiohaSB, and If be put there iatobil tu BO that atate. there they will remain. na the power to destroy the vital:, y of anything, a-, hao. armredly it would deermy at.dd._est itself, aeOB> tlrgetcy that always ksppei> in dea'1:. X ^ inore ia n BfAj at post-m^rterr. examinat :thtttt titdtbat % portion of tne ft.^mBct; bai a-.tuaiiy thai a<-t*d npo n itfelf' To show tbe nniveiea'ity of tb » particular oVjOBsleol prt petty 01 o'eatroyirj; life, let see wiiat: .ae* p.a^ an.' rg the lower animals. Itjlk :V»r bulk, wetg - weigbt, an anytbipjj OXOBOd the pair, of at ^krt bitO| to say w thing ol tba ion-, continued a ter | MM <kuences .' What jh es rise to tuia *>t-eme kilffsriul Barely it estnact be the in»ert!oc of ita tubular nheato ati'i t.ry jowt, bei'Bitee if tbe ile-b were stabbed at tbe same tin e w.th a dozen large stockinf needi 's, the pa n would rot be r.cat'y ri> ITMbt, anc. tiie «oucd wculd aoocer hea'. When a »pidert.eaa tiy. woy dees tte icec: u.e inatr.ntly, and .ta L-ody swell up ptodigicuely ' If a rattleeneke, or other, bb '¦!, pratl icte a tuto, why ... the wound aln» bM BBiveiBfl ly la'al If s d'-c;, r<; rabid, I .te a man, or if B Oir, ii"-«e, hoK, rOoeOOat, fox fand many other auu.-.i.i , 4a tome thug, of if <¦. tu I mnoi , why, 1000] all these eircomstorcet. should tte WtttB liable to hydrophobia To tntee nutstions, v. b 0 (hi bt g.-ea*. y ev. tetided, tl ere is but ore an.-wer. '.iie.v ti.a: tue I BfBOl ttOB ha? been in BTBty ioataWOB looealatetj w !. ti e saiive. (if the other am i a!, and tiiat, r.e hief profiertie.s is .'. ¦/« < .v /»-. To tin. en and to u it ii a natural se.-ret.i-n, ar.d BO harrtleas ia it, under itraaTT flfrmfnrtlBftf, that i al may drink any qnant.ty af the potBOB fool va nafursajtrAc, ard it will have none other tnact taa.. to help bim to digest hie food: Hut if iu-x-uiuted ioto the ein illation of the b.ood it bf< ytnea a viruler. a fatal pa -' Who eoaaloabl that, iia m'.-keto were aa lorgfl ai a good M/.ed dog, ita ca vawouli'. e a- inMiadiOtelj aLd ertamly i.iiaJ as the bite of a ratt.-.-n*.. The pain that we si.are With dome-'.i. lad animals, iron, tba bite of par..- IBOttlj t. this c ause-ito. nlat .jn by the.. stli\ a. Tbe division of the aalivoty glaadt aohocg Uta rap. tilts would appear to throw some light cn tI.e: in iol of each, or certainly tome of then- {bui: Ubtjati 0 it reptilcB potaese only p-.---.-ti-' tlttnit, tba M reti.»B of which descends by tbe hacnei-" of the tAnn« of the upper ;aw tie tue they mai.e ot ti.em ayoold a«ein to te ab'tfh the fur.ction anu pr< pert.e- of the e partu ar glands. Tha boa aoBBtibstat /' 1 \igritj habt ao parotid glBLde. neither can he destroy bil prey by a b.'e, boi 1 e eatwinee bia body arorr.d ri^ vicii.n, and ktlia I 'in, as a bear would, by an embrace. Hut what ii now to be done be has no grinding teeth to eL'iS.e h ir. 11 irfalivate the food and loosen the ti-aues. by partiv!v e'ecctr posing the body t: the goat h- has k.i.ed, an') eo prepare it for tbe action of the atouiach. in other eer*», howeee ba perform the impjrtant tucjuoL of irf-lival Eg it' He dies it m thi> way: kt liekt mil mt .ard WBertTar tha toagoa, OOrvratt with Bartva, n the fle-h becomes a!mo-t rotten under >te toflaaBOB. X' w, at it is tte known that persons nave been b.t'tn ty a rabid sog and ea;aped tiydropr.ubia, while other persona bars been bitten by sound and heai.hy dogs end yet this fearful di-ea>e na- supervene L M R ia tLie to ne tii iaited, i.t.iesa we adm t the diffsftsg 1 bt mfeal propsny of the salivary glands rejp*. tively If the feaci irgs of the ratllesne.ke and tne boa con¬ st! ictor i ave sty practical value, it would appear that the parotid giant's ml mm p< 1 et QU >. t aVi .- a." and that the secretion of the o'her glands '-an only beempl jved upon already dead aaattar,tOBtTti '. ita sj eo'y decbmpoeitioP. U JJ 5 t^ecry be true, it \ try eaey to eipla;n the bitessxdtbshrooassqoss es >.-( tna two dog- in the ate of tbe rat J itg wi.iee bite proved inr.ix ?nt, the »Oliva of ir. cu'atM a may have come «ly ; a tkt ar.d--' rai tltmit and cor sSSjSM ntly it waabsrmlefs; wherea«. in twOOOS of the POttad at f, tiie aaiiva came frooi the mtrti «, aci was therefore tatal. Thieviewia rastajasd by tbe foil, wit-.- c^ns.ilera- tione: Tbe ducts of tbe parotid glands are ai uat?J, aa we have seen, in immediate proximity to the molar ttttb, ar.d tiie secretion ia only evolved by theira. t. a tbe probability ia that tbe incisor teeth, used in bitMgj and tba ittetior of tha mouth, are usually iub: ca'ed by tba sstfStioi of Oaaot boti of the other pa.:»i' g ards. while the parotid g'aci* are reserved for mae- BeOtsOO alone. Xo ii. ai attraction is added t< the work by the numerous pictorial iiinitrot out, w hich are eiec itsd .ti a novel st)le, that it both beautiful io .taeli, and admirstiy adapted to the purpose of tcient tic iilua- tration. FIGHT 11.TWEES A TRAGEDIAN AND AN EAGLE. > rem K f.. .nna'i Cc. ttVeei \'jt'. I.arly on last Sunday morn.ng tbe tragedian M ¦¦ de k, wbo it now reposing at hit farm, near LOTOfanrt, waa startie 1 from bia sleep by a confusion of noiaea de- Eot.Dg the wildest terror.cogs barked, | :gs; -.ea ed. owe bellowed, chickens .ty-kled turseys gobbled, dncka uacked, women vreomad, and lesser njises split tae wond hag ear. Springing from bit ecaoh| the "eminent' intticctiveiy st..-.ed npoc the tirst weapoo that preeented itself, which bO| per- d to be a "Ma^-beth twotd,' and rSBtbiag downsUire and out upm the front pOttlCOatO 60S" tune amonnting almo-t to "airy noth.agneaa, he there ttiuck bis fa\orite attitude, and cried in thun- derirg t. re» " H'tat Baaaa itJt ilsiai The -ttvants, sttuck dumb with prev.ous terror, a hieb uaa rendered all tba greater by tha tragic triU tieia of the .juestioner a eye, coulu only pj tt to the lawn and .row mere pallid. Turning his eyes.nowfixed aad settled :b tha: awt. fi.att to teliixgoB trie stage- c the dirt- tb I row ated, tte imprcmpt;. Macbeth drank .n a', ope b < ga e tha blcody horror that had wTooght the alarm. A mon- stroua eagle, which, to tüe atraining eyts of the trage- diAA, leaembied it. size t'ua fatdad "BoC of lue Arabian Xights, had fastened its talon* .n a your.jf aif, but a tew bo-.ts old, Sistöhsd cut. h.t eyea. and was etdeavoi.ng to r.ee w.th tne aUikMbSsfiatl MtbtV rg victtSD. wt mt cries were drowced n the arilaer bellowirfcs of the kSJktb. -lax aa she ha-ged furiously arouad tne Aftailact. Kattlviog BSBBBBbI at SO a inti thecbArip.oc (.: bbjorosl innocence, the em. .ent etrui k etotter attitude, and, wi-h the wir ry Cüaae aati or wo, 1st! Isai . Ä r. ads a-1'etditi (hor^-e, his gr<d sword jr-g ne 1 meteor in tre fret rays 0: the m -m ng -t'> *. ~ impenal b-.td waa w.de awae.e. ano BSSSSf .n t - tia^ediat. .' A tiear.k; " Iti .. - t i'rm. dropped the eaif. and with open MBBBtb a.d b tad pmioEs, was ready to paajoos upon "tts comm. .tee. ot one. obeeraing which and rerec'.ir.g upon the pro¬ verbial tenderness of shilling shira, and tne Steer futility t: Bttempii'g even by tea irtoet y.Jt.ot .treten 0: .magma'.it 10egsresal that v u.n«rab.e gar- n ent into a coat of mo.:, be cvxx to a halt, took ar.- . tb. r l.ok at thedefant bird, tbea wVee.e.; roaaaj atd in tte talktB larguage if Mac belt, t) Ml i.r exciajned. .' ft tot Sab- Wl'k ttee. and beat a -ap.d and iaglchoua retreal, nporwhit a Th'£ * lRx.*J4 8l'MV£t >.-. ISD1A. f'tm Tm \\m ikmt ftjrt i m If »f tc »rger have new jr.__«n,» a 1 t«t . <t- .. «r, thaepint o»ede-n BBMBfrftMi . Hill kept, e.ve ty i_#«iplor__ow» rfthOM tar recooc, ofori «.b»-.eht_rd fo taa - a gtaera ant b< which »w know so CtkklB J«"_-- Lrrtriaf this)last tarty ye ir¬ rt. UM p mipai geegrapa.eai :eatir«- ¦ «r-o- Ncrth A_ci;:t ht.e MM d- y ;r_ .<J, lad w.-ri jrsiderar. e rwxwi y. I--* I.v is af CsatraJ A»:a have w:tn;e that pBliod fjeer, trav ensd .a ran OU tiona, fin n bv_'.~*a aa . tba Oattl to taa Ctiror Will; the kaif-kr-OWl r.v«.r ml mm ! .. Am«-iea I IVB v. er fa -'y , - .. r-a act r»neyed um .. j or-tinn; anuid the Böa'her*.- Pa e has bset di*- eovtitd N itltweataiT Passage, the da-- probkm of near y two ?,3nc'*»d year*, baa b*eo at a*: ¦ .. j. ; r- :. e N g*r - : .> 'Cger a myth, trie I>i'a_ ^ea ia «triryed or '.'« Il Iti POTS, a: the i bii-M aecrel 0 1 Nile * a! b at wrested t-or .- keep:n.\ I,» bar./ ar.i-. a.- : we pt'ne- t-ated the v&*: acd ;r Hospitable BTtSwaTBOOB ..: A^-tra '.ia. An llrglisti stean. veeisl has startled thapratftiva BOMkO of tbe CMmMb, il BBCSBOhng ÜB < urts to tee very irocuers of the treat t.' I ¦ BotMM. Can a.- at, eyn r_sve hohl : the Moanta.n* cf the MoOBatUUrt,wl peak- .ad been sou^htforward of two tb u-atd year*. 1 ce acti p. ared trail* ot ( .:- MM pit e r.ave beer -a t,r M i il.ivered thl t :. .. a. .: a.-e it.. Otba g- BJ '. a d tlie patnted BSrOOM of imprest ei'-H.<:v.'e.eti tna: bsb .lap«b BBjVB been rent by tue keea i In Hut.« ard American adventi re. I ce IC ;-jiau.« aave <?e« etdeu FxnBD bkOwttl to tre rr nth ot the Ar. vr, w.tt.incce rtw hundredBrrÜM r'winch they have e«tab.*hed p-ru toen; ard i ).uit^ao.e m; ar- p- -te O'C.at.r,- Prosa 1,000 to >,H00 oner. An Au'iervan Cor«-.:, tor tbe eastern - Mai <>: R~u'.t, in Ana) aa* traveled lately from the l\uopott..ni ity of the O vr*, tbrougi. t e mU-rior i.f A^ia and S :«r .t, to the ea-t *: n of the Paeiilc, iwnllry arrttiBr at tM NM #>t- tientLts on the Arr x r. L be adven.ur. nr traveler n V.r. v.' .MMt, u i. _a- thai . re*acd .V'iafroai et tan to . tan, it >:.ppo«edto be the 6ret wa ;.« I M. ixeopthfg WMeillOtOl <vt'.-xo, wr,o dm ever v.Ji'ed iKrgi ia ai.d Mat.tchoot a. ard the great Mas'-ho<> C t) r>f IgOOtBt l'r. I \ -i^-m:« has atr^ taieij rg Bl :le bippyrOBBrtBol eiplorattoci on toe a:tg- i. Ccernl /amor/.i, ard Lai e\t?n g .ne tortb again |pM bt? " nr oe<d m «.-i-:. ;.!' lang--, v r bae.itg re¬ el vi-d the borre welc tne and hearty r rgratulations .: OQBtrymeMa t'art It.irton .-f the Indlu army, t'e advcBtntome autiu r of 1't.e Pitol Kjotetep*. .v hai BOM tbrtb m* >. BOt ., too, on an AM an en- terprii-eot d.ptvvery. 1MB I. ate rotne ol tue pr.c. ipal reeulte of m idern upLrat.. n. W hat uarter cf a (ent.iry, e.u'e the fi tt: or tl e tarth and the bo-tndaries of it- '.r»nds a.:d water« were knjwn, cacex'ub noh a list of Ml »w nientl \\'e have Leen led into tl e* obeerva'.iont by an BCCOBBt cf theretutr :" tw :' the b- en S t- t intweit ff m the tery iBlUMthn expedi ion t i In i a. lnibet and IVhe^lan. We regrei to state \ a' Bl I y trace ol the tb:id brother. Mr. Adolpbu* »« hlagin- twvtt. hat been entirely ;. nt Bh>ee IW when hl B < known to ba\e made his way toward tarkacd, in Tuikestan. It MM even booaoorra_tly M| «MdiathB 1'ut taut thai ti I gestleOBB had lost halte among l Boote, Uli iurhocane, who ?m;-eUed him to take II r."\epart m t! I war tbey are a' present waging with the C- D«se. Tkt Dttki UmttUt of the :u >f J its. however, give* u.- bo] et :hat i e may bl itil1 m s> i-tet>. s, M it s laid that news \<\* late'y b«en re- cued from l.ei. I.adak the capita, of L/tUsThibet, via /.atitksr, to tb.- e»trv: i-isit Mr. A. tvhiagintms : Lad pa ,-ed tbii bait *A .t.ter at Aja '.' Btf, wi': :> tive mart-fcei t (the Vatkani, and FMMM to Aktt. 7% Oetkt '.. : ; 'ado.-, however, that " the newa of his BOJstj " i-hould be ROBiTCd with great caatioe, and taepers mi "wl. BBTObrowghl tne e.»- s-o.t'tt be very closely *-t .-r-d. lie PrUSliM t >t su Bl B in'.ay. it appear-,. Btiderodtbii BOtiosi inlfl ieitiraportai m :<> be ttB-BBlitted Ic BstIIb, t the end that tjrther to- qn iy night be DMMfi. po'-tiMy by way of Siberia and Ktokurii. Il:* te'ltr. we are uid. was ,ilti na-ely .{'t:«d bytsoTseanM irBTB1st Hanm ffBaihoUl. Is tte BbMBOO t the br->th. r< If-r.nain and Robert Schlag btWI i', « ho were th.-n on the.r w4m to I. nu n. atd fotwe.rdeu to tiiea. with a haruorg note, iTplBM at< ry of h « PBoliVM in ha. Bg done 10. Th«ro ii no doubt that our knowledge on the subject of iotetior Ai-ia wil. be ma'.eiiilly SrfSMte l BMd in.'.eaned by the i.. ettigab u l the loatUnavsls' -liouid be really re¬ turn stiiorg us, which Wl binosts fy hope, at k:« \ *ril- ous wandering" have extended over rsgBWMhUlieit) untrodden by EuropeBM, win. tiie etceptijn Oi Ins Mfcenturoti* bro'here. the erterpr;i:i Alec¬ s' hlagii.tweit eoinrrsBred their «. entili. reeearrhe. it: 18 4, under the patronage ol Haron Humboldt, u ö.«,|ln:bet, and 1-rkoetBB,:' >r the .irp^-e or. \r«r\ a- |ii r,s 11. U trestial rnagwetlsm, g- tgj, and the priBci- t f. hara. tertstn s ol the giOOB. tM UrBwtB bfttWBSM IJciiibe.\ and Madraa were ntst subjected to the.r ax- emiBBtun between W-'j Tney then pro» r».i«i to i a'.' atra by tut HeratBBB s .ulaL.' atweil a-- rritBhWil the r- iaMv« bights ot tue e.evated m >un- ttu.r if the K '--.a rftcge. having pre\. )u«ly visited the Hitnalayae r'.; :he smr.e nTBOBB. >kk:m and JJoutan ue atrurately measured on this Oi arion. ted, oncer ac aogl> ot' upward of I] c»g '. the ui e el.-vh to 1 t'oL Waugh had l vet. the r.a/ne of afoOBt KvorOOtt Tins DMght] p ak upwa-'i oi .",000 (hot, or b_Jm big! .t wcoJlodtOs Tob bb pomat by taa liubet- iar s, ar d it krown by the Nsps.ulepe by the tame of Ghti ur:> harka. Ad dpntir and Sobort ÖehiÖfintwWit :n tbe nseanwt lie sdvu. tu, with tt>e as.-istaci i ol diegoMB, lato Tb.bat proper, aad e>eu p bsübioJbo 'ar an the Important comxerctai .. oi <; rtok. ibe sii.gu.ar moui 'ain format in whii h favereM the etcrnM .s t. -ngated valley of Ta b -t.the largest ,n LbO-biriTM. ard vhieb dlriilei the «. nn ?i oi the Ice ue frim tiicseotthe ItialiniapoctraorLlihong wat duly .n-estigakd on tnie liter-u ng cas'on, 89 alio the geological peouliaritiei of the vielnities of the lake Maxfavarouv. In a-cend.i.g 'Le Iii (mbbbm, they IwBchO.iM lOMM elevation than .'.,.") fee'. H >r- mane S.hlagmtweit, in ^ ¦¦ pr.~eele<l |tr AnBSB, '.be de'ta tt theHanges and the Mtahtr ap. otra, and the regions between Calcutta and »vn: a, ly. | aOtths/BSt WBjdlOf BoigoJ. I»u:.ng tin* t'u.e Ado.jt. H IkV g ntweit. by ue-ecdirg the'.>dav*ry, throughout P.* entire cotir-o had r't, toed to the .Madras I'residen yi he tfctc traveled to tl.e southern, it point Oi the pen- incuJa by way of PfwrlifrhTTTJ and Tr.-ainopoly, an I hav:ng n a.le a t ytrg exploratory v it into the Ni l- gherrits. rtt uned to 8in..a by way uf ( a'.tutia. Tending the'o< l teason. tM sUlTBiiOMof the A aar cantak pluteau, in I'enttai India, had baen determined by Hubert Schlagintireit. wti. b he disco\.-red Cot to exc«-<i 3,300 reef, ireteoal of had besn p.e- v :ously supposed. The tLr- e ro'-her!- then met ag i n at fe.inla, alter bwviBg been eej.vated for fourteen month!1 in the piMMlllliUM or their ge\e.al enterp-lies. In the ear It) they ommenced tho BbOTB OjdVM- t rous OBBBpoigl ti:ey had la'teily re*»l\ed upon. A south westerly direction wn- .k.-«i. u;on Ibis ocoasion by Adoiph.cs Schlagintweit. cross.ng tho Ilima.ayas, c portion of Thib«'v and the lia-ti-tan, and ak ig a plÖM at.. [ctensttBg e-aonnat.on t: the singular IBCCtiOB of the Il.cd<x-h'x»sh with the vast mountain arges of Northern India, and then retraced b i steps soutnwaid by the route of the valley of Cashmere to tbo PBnjMb rivsrs. The brother! Kobert aad Her. mate pic teded t< Ladak, w.tn tho aeeistan.eof |is> guises, however, ard by dirTWret.t roads, and b aldly ?nter r.' Turkestan I'roper, travened the Karakorum atd Kuen-Luen range", and thus descended into tbe noble valley cf Varkaitd, which ot ar, .moienie ani ?Icrgated tidertal on or hnow '*.<XM' or 1,101 feet ije.p ic the table-laid cf Central lite Thii remtrk- abl- valley d.vide- the n.< . bafal range .»:' the Kaea- I.uen frcm*tbe range to the «t uthor 8 bena, kaowo ae the >^al Khac. They then returned to I.adak, and arrived sev¬ erally .c ths P it aub, where tney ecca aga.a mit, : av tg ourneyed as before, i <r prudent;*!motives, by C.fferet: roads to theirp.ac* 11 render . Ml. It ihraid beobssrved that this la»texped-'ioa ex.enled over gn Bid OB a/hi : the sun had never before rehVtei a EOT) ; em shad, w the couree of Mar« 3 Psis wai fur¬ ther n. rtr , ard heie t.'.ese indefatigable tiavelert .tu .:ed ti.e d:reect:cB ard geoiog:.-al forma'ion of tnounia.n lyatems, o: BThk I Bl it to BOthlog had been olowx i.evicu-'y. The p*rm)8*icn to viei Jfoj t.il havrn.- at laH '-«en "«ctived by Hermann S> blagxtw-.t, ne, ¦ 1867, di- rtc-ttd his step! n taat direct a. I: wa* here that the celebrated Gaourichanka 'Le " Mount Kvereet' Of < Waugh' was meas-ied by him, ai also the YaiSfl and MatcLipcuttha, detignate-i ioditioitsly f r- rreriy at the Ili.avalagin, or tnsßoowy Kacgo.at o_e I n,e i ccsidsrtd tba lof:.e-t BtountaxM lathe uaiverse. Kobert meanvhile, deacendid ;n» S-inde iron, ths Putjul and from teene pn te-ied to Itombay, via Kntehasd (fO-Ohat) h>-mors particultrly examosd ths rtccw r.ed Salt hange and investigated '.is muta .ion which have taken plies in ;he 'orMof the principal P .t'acbese riven s nes the days of It d:an invasion by " Pni.ip s wariJte s<b, he then trave.td Id 1 eylon, where ne rema-nd for a i-ort tone. AdatehM R 'ilagintweit had re*umei hi* labors, cy rtvisiL»_ the noith, with Ctboul and ths H -stays', ard wa<- -xpected t> return to II rror-e at the close of the cart jear The a*rro«: virg;n charms of unsx- plored Central Aria wuuid appear, ho-rsver. to have ne'u forth adutemenU for tM b^ld and m.«sing traveler to) alh-it» to be rerlrted, acd .ie m-jst have gota forward upoa ...» pamoue enterprise, instead of retia.itg h.* footstsps.we r»gret to r-.y, p-srhap* never to rticrr. Tbe partial Irl verieiof in Bröthen in tbt.se wild rsg.ocs, o all probaa.lity, terr.ptsd hi« or-w\rd. c l .e tndeavcr :> <- -'ucJ-la what tsMByhOB so bopoflSy t rr.rr.ence.!. , Ii ? rxlr.i'oc we wi I observe, that tMiaiBortin i of tbo Ms* i. 8 .u .< ~'.<tt%\- e *t- ,!ir ia "-'e-gt «t .'*. tketh* rf tn a iear » t:*-.; i hftWOBS :~% t, <'i». , . ii* a: ma tae globe <oTtt»-e rj. * re ef < «\| -iff Betfc nUee.ty, with r^e v-tf.-nr... .x*« ueoeatn the toil, or tc ^«B ads luv«, of a p»r.'y of Voe atcre Of theeattb. 1 r tVu | irpoaa, tae hretSere S fclagiBt.rit made use c: ina geotr.*? r -eaeter, or subterranean them mt'er, in« bji. .>f the metro.a>eet _«:Pg a*. a.l La ta aD red11 the depu of oea-ly e.t ard a half Elg'si foot. twoa >m i « t.atar- free. Tha Mar»" 6 h't* t"> a . Bfj red U i>*atOW C»>**id**ei blitnl I I .. ..-.?..« TtpOC tke oft' r v. K\ ft' sin ..**. ftr n.ster.bav * be** tales af BarUa, rf t'e very valuable ccl.eettie. of ?la<«er e**t* ot ltd-at; ara'T*' Ner;ar. head*, wb- -h ti »y have net) ig. t w.tk then, to Kttrope. These tote-oat.».. .- «. .- * bibb we urder . v! are fWrd rgly we| ex^ya'ad, * r. a »hört titre It p B5 haseable at the Mnm led aii whe e. The f a-? Ind a H Mieej al ea!y >r '.ait* a few *r<*eirjier> :r c V." ¦IB, b »-* at f-eeett cr. \ «ra the agency of ph. .grap'-y .a to be employed »0 render the «tber eu ueron* 't» ot btstonoal and etbcv g al interest Bo e I tk* gi i.eral public. I: s ct»iou», h»a»«ver, that t i e crm i a.veap- l' "r- '"' 'he bar Batter, Oi tae u bftetl neeilo. aid cf t:te mi terraaeaa aa well a- the at n tre ir-.r.ou ete-. «l al'Uudea differ rg tO WeieV atu .\et at extent 0< lemi unknown territory ao rti Yenae, -an- tot t be regard..1 aa f the u-n.v,t i.r-rcrtar.* a c<rr.ti ot « ar cvea-e nr eto-'k -.-erat k at wl» Jge i the pl.y ateal law* ard c harte ter*' * < .:¦ n rata. We haia oaly io add taat wo * c -ere'y '.ist the tear* for the safety of M. Adolphe.» aVblajriB- tw< tan .r.:-d. and that Lew", -.'.t. ¦.. tiety re- tan U F.ircpe to reap 'be reward wh n a a aiveo n is and self sacrificial reeean hoa in tLa e*i«eoi science entitle him to ao deeerved'y. >N* ndtrttaad that the fnrts of thate imptrtaot eoterprirea and ditcvtrltt will oome befjr* tt« publie a' ta diaUot per . d. n a work t> be labcitbtd ut eVr the Wlaajhja tide: " tftialti of the Jt^ttot Id M arion of MM. S* h'.aglntw.it :n India and Oaatfal " Asia. It will in all prvbabi! ty be eu ted r. (.'. 'mart ate EEaajKob. _______________________ fEJiSOSAL. \ aTtttaf .r T'r .V. i. ZVaMH tl ill he * fife I 1 It: i' || the || reep« f.ng M. t' >n* '.c-rant < a: ardor.mett f Kct;nerl>m. by $fl ,f,ng fie !.«a eg paragraph from Q V Itaajgl " M. \ I. cor Cei tlU. rt't, tha wa kaawi apoe'.e rt' tbe e ,t s. .; «i ailed I rlertMB, wbo hu ¦adaat'eaaaaal wie ¦ NwiataM paaaaiaaaa lai aaaNaaa u«»ainreo beat aha aiij la Tiiiapa. aad taaaaaaii th » kiaaaaa«. He DevaataaleaaaaafaaMlDaaaitalaWa »I ivta aad L aaea t*i . .: ..! ¦ ue» ptuilti itett m Teva«, kef />eeJ <r. ¦ u ft ./¦!. / It may ke laaaarieatakat If faarbtrw fee t\ BattaatLwU k wars laaMtbaala la* tt ii laamoea'itf, te abaa t' c. o. the it ected ettaböahaaaal aeald be ahataiy aai .. »¦» att. b ft >t tmHaial m»' Ti. i paragraph cortaii;«, doubtless, the whole of tbe e\ lepee oi. wiirh T .V. Y. Ti Ml allaajae thai M. t'oneideraiit hau renounced Fo.Q 'riam: artwebsgto suggest to the polAe and modest corm*p 'ndetl of tna' tournal that it the' e it g:\en by it to aav^b eg, it i-1. bis .>wii allegation. The f.n-t is in.lispii»abla thai M. ( ..usiJetaLt bn ne\ er ma le nor prop .»ed to make any attempt to " coioei/e on Kout er*t pntc plea. " His aHemp^d coloty in Texas waa s trply agrett land speculation, such as tnousacds o: p vpia have undertakin bciote. It is sanl ..- have b-en un»ec:eta- at.) now he propose.' to make another .fatal ae'y e im-e. l.aracter, but avoiding the errors of .Maage- mt r.t which caused bet in the brat in.-ta«ire. l'liej ideas.. Kout.et had nothing to .Io w.th the Itat, an.l wi" have nothing.Io with the seond; hut of those ideas, whatever ihey may U', M. t'oB*ilerant ia jmt MaWkflbaii a.iie:. r: now aa «.>. r. Tue fa I i par- haps Nilef BO g eat importance to the aabiisj bat - r.ce so tu,, h account is ma.1^ of deoy g I by T »V. 1. Ti>-' -, it is perhaps as well to v*»e the tr itfi Ml "g it. .-IV'iliiaui \. Hurt, widely and fav Ota > knave at the inventoi of " Hurt's Solar f unpa**, cied at th* residence of In* ton in Ilamtramck, netr tha city limes, '.ae'evening at «. o cl n k, in Ilia aiity-aa-. enio year ol hi* age, of disease ot the heart. Mr. H ut wa« born iu Masaacbueetts, bat removed at aa early day to Northern New.York, aad located in ^ut'oga C ounty, from whence he removed t > Buffalo, whera he mairied: ami from that place he came to In.» Sta'a in lt*J3, ard liw ated at V ataoax, >lv mb 1'ionty, which w»e tt eu a wilden,.).«», but »s ro « a .. .,>.. ce and thiiviog dittric». His remains will m .»vo*:t«.! is spot. Mr. Hurt a OtifiaaJ loattoa sat a BBiUwright; but simrtly aller r> moving t( MkObbMi he aas appcir.tt.i i; raraabaaf SarveyorLwblahon;a he heid until BOOBl i.vo year* amce. Tba event ot Mr. Hint a life which chielly d atinguiabed hurt waa the initolion of the " Solar (.' impasa," wio r>. ia valuable to surveyor*, and is use«i in preiarouca bb all s uiilar itstramenta where ita merit* aie kowo. I ia t' .. wultly anil favorably known to -».:.,'.. a deacr.p. . i or leaigabtioa of üb pecallar merits. tp'* inven i if ae mistake not, waa made in ISML Mr. Hurt had an lafaatiaai Bild, and, Btaoog other evi'Jea. ei of tk* 'pr-iduc¦! a njvel in-trunn ui for a* arta icag e f,i d I. ngitu.ie at aea. [Detroit lVibasB\ DcaraaaTi 4ttbmh i" OWai imi Oalm IU ns. wlo ia coi.hi.ed in the iad up a' Wnea..i><, m .1 who i| eanttrced to be hung on the N >Uy of v vtem her, tor tbe cold-blooded murder of a poor fsllan wo- tran. a few daya since near that. .ty. Mil a det^rat» and mim oal tw OHMM attemj.» on Friday night last, t » take hi* own life, and thus rob the gallom of iti le¬ gitimate victim. HowAsi .uod all covered with g iro iu the MKTLirg, the ii et'iimeut wiib which ne open* I a vein in hi' arm beirg of bia own maoBfacture, on of a ateei pec. soon alter he waa imprisoned. Tue mm With whii h he perfonnei it .: ..*» that he anticipt'el the wortt fron II I ht.-t. and wa*piej triog for it. T I A g stays It eat rnatfe trom aateel pen nicely eVarpe'r 1 by bs .iggrouBd on tbe mdea of tue cell, attas td to a handle ingeniously made from the tin of me of the platen iron, which i.e had been acouatoruad to aat. tie had also made a timilar instrument f.- .in iron be had obtained from a porte .nounaie :'. )'. which were found in tbe ceil tine morning. YVuut the toa-o. clock »truck II last night he made tbe in itieai. Ha saya be stood OTef the sink and let the Uoial ruo into BfJI he became famt, and ; 1 not ars.nd iiogar. ||e,f ».-. fell and clambered to tbe bed, managed to fet ipor. t atd went to a'eep, ei;^< ting toaaaka ,n eterti y. Hat he was mtxtai-en in bis calc .It'ioi,. After he bad gOM toaletp the blood ceaaot to rt ie, atd be i ontinutd to sleep until i o'cl»k th-i morning, when he waa surprised to tiod himeelf alivt, a'.d ha again opened the vein, but lie bad become ao mt evbauttad that the bio* d wouid not r! >w w tbtaaV .nt rapi'iity to prevent it fo in tdoffbaf ia M.e Wi und. It waa in tine eihauated BOBiHtioa he wa- fuoed tbi* morning by Mr. Biiiitb. Dr. Haird, t ty Pat/eiciaa, waa ifxmedianeIy seat foi, atd by Ina admiBbMrBtknei of atimultnft te so. ncommenoed rec >veric< ttrengtb, and wben wo eaw bin. tbia morning al 10 rtatet:, ha was able to raiae bimaehf on his bed. The opinion is fiat he will *urvive. He *<pr*»eee no refret at what ha* transpired, except that he failed to a CotapUak hia obi' t. Had begone deeper ar.d eat the artery, be would have l.een snc esaful, bot pr iv.dei tia'ly La d.d cot .ndcrstand that. ? m Tit FntSl M.'H's*!. »r Nitotx i- AJuu RortT Hi ll aatpl «i K mii%', !).<N v..Kveryb<>dy whr» tver tnisttd hitsaell to tbe aharp grade o the ferry atain ate, aa ti.at rope unn/iled iteelt ia whoea t JmoA,' strength hit life hung, baa exercised h!rr.«a!f in calcu¬ lating to what degree of destruction hi* phytijal natura would be cruahed, if thoee nbera ahooJ aaparat*. Tbe eiperiment ha.« recently had an iMipaiMMi 'r.aJ, ar.cthareeu.t n worthy of record for the oex ..rtof the acventurous. In tbe month of March the r a.ry House took tire, and in the coonagrat^n tJbB |W|M burned, ard a car rushed tke rail length M the tte*^ track, and went iBto the river, unbros^n, a:mo!t wito- ut a fractuie, motead of being th.vercd ic'o fraa;- n.M.t*. Tbe reaeoc seemed this the weigh! «f ttte ,'>'» .. which Is attached, and which *e. vest to »tevly th. draft, operated as a nreak, and the car was taken thra gb it* rearral j jumey by tl. »rag^ilatir o it.- y 11* a uial whe-h, ia .'a piaatant re* i.'., e .!. g ** a* a-inran<eof security that will calm tiamiod, w ti e b.*') rel.e' ed from tbe in*-rmicab'a «ta r ir- t,y. [Cor. 1'oU'ier ae«! Ko»,B :ar. Thr Xatri mi Tit ion*'k.-tVa leant from IT. Hiafcop that, aa aooa aa the weather and b.a brtaeea w 1 Lermit, be aball reeueae tba work, acl that it ia bia »Wnuca to twBByawM \* -«Jj thia cable waa uoderrua laat weak, and t.uad a* good a* when laid, i-v seaweed or ketp attachiBg te) rt. A -erLt haaUen circulatedthtA M'. B. badabaodoaed .L^'arpr se, aad he w.-ha- I stared fror, hiex that euch a lot tba fact, but that ht .* da>tefBBU>ed to com pitta f. and criaect Naatiicket with tbe oct'.o*at by u.eat* of a good atd mbrat.tial ttlefraph S Him Wi «. oi rHI Ft r-ä{eZ^J\Si b*Lt: r W letn via.ted the t-harhetj« 1Kav vJ "*. and alter weikicg aboot and Tia*tog the pjr, -esjfc * retained against tha feoee wkiah «««w**f ,t^.1 taceo park, U rest Ilms f Ml »J-jH n.ea came up to him and t dt b J> to \ 'farpeoplev*re ltd a..«a.J U be .«.'.'«._... .uatyart. Htt;>aievux4r.

New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1858-08-23 [p 3].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030213/1858-08-23/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · *iii tM»jBB~rVft*rr»r'j iri bi oy autln/n/i d t

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Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1858-08-23 [p 3].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030213/1858-08-23/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · *iii tM»jBB~rVft*rr»r'j iri bi oy autln/n/i d t

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* .*t«r"' ... Kyrnrwki ¦ .* '* *;,J '"'

.ITi.nf * !.'.. ka*a..ta*« "ii

IS. . .».tat e >.l**.< c! /e I'f. r«**il .«..'

T- |e-t :«.t a ...set. -. ..«.. » I

, f ¦:¦ See-etaiyf tniV-e'e' ;V." MBU tk» NT. I <" > t il, m .. M

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. , i: . the thud »"-tn» tml a _

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ritl » pi >f thlB . t, tc ee.n p-rum wlo ii tl o- it

u r-.idit . r'.-r-d r- t....rf» *>« f. %\ i ij ¦ for um - b*>i .» t

iti.; .».. la 0r»»- pritala, f uln -» .. >.

u4-#rlfj.-« tt*»*tn» ui for roikloi.aek »to»n»:» p»>rt .n.4 r i r .> r

|T7"» 'it »4 tiii-'y ! ». l«Hn» 11 Or«».'. ti-. » u

fti 'U i r rich » k-i"»i»5r'ir«c: or prv of ui r nrr U

ii .»'4.*. t" »* f ***>¦ *". !' (t .rri.M

Li I-1 '». ft fr»i ...

It A. ij uriBj BBktiBt rrrntl. 'T r*f-"-'' ¦«

, ,,</)-a it mit piki »4*9» ol »'.f for ii. k.trl- .

Kretr».«kM>c*rt'-.»il * -n? !« r lue n. o - .j « .1. 4

Kite lie-.v.ntrp, An4 llMcwrtlBM * .Jlrit-ith« ti-e"

i. . Li i- . Ikri * BS] t» n Ml .l ei.lei ? » j ofi< i .U ll tkil 9t»*e. _

«' The r«.-*ir Uoifii.T ..' ilW ( .niu..l»i' Den ir.oned '<

. fi-l-'l !'..tr to te- .('.Lee i« .r. U» .ft f" " ,:

|e«.l le pel r p'lte f.!(?ec-i- tblt it fck» Wa r»Ifel 1 t 0

UltkB Mil b ie .L . 1 I (tttr m, ItAM- Ol I .:/ J.

I KAP" ER <MM la I t f o . i 'kl n -!er rl tl.el » .. i.» lira inee I oKpatrj m N«" Voi». I ».".<!a i i. 1MB,

Tb«p»»p]» of tb» 8ta*4 <' N-u rk.'ip-itette' r Betue«.4 AMiitly, 4' lAarAM MloiV»1 RacTI4M I. in. Hi ¦.> v

*iii tM»jBB~r Vft*rr»r'j iri bi oy autln/n/i d t>> o^k« » I ami««ery ina «. ipp/e.»iolr« to or .¦oiuieirled with aaarlave ikiii ..!» <>i ;¦ i »i' rat .1 aad n« laatioa.as4 ih» beveafti baii »w aaaa mi to. H-n. t aad Marini laaur*.1 . < aii., ci Mi m v. i*.

( ; N<*l .-¦ l fbla OI.**)"l «..' Iii il. i I t «r|] »."e. t Ol

up* i «i o ri 11 ti . I!, i.i r> K.i. i.i ..a

raarfaay, . otbijiball i . ki.d U . .-diutl<ii arai vrfMaatai

( Tt.i i t ii i.i tali ere t lu-.rti i llalj,rjRRTTKR i Vi %l\ .Ai i Baak in aad . \t.;..i tb. poa>

i,id rsr :. -i, aaigaera, iv-ra aa< atfei ant ta.f. Rka l .bta of i.-di'ora and tar ¦. at I .-i .. aad .

it* 11 rp<.i' i. Paiara Apti ITkb. IBflB. ibraa nitba|bala| ptaiTie P»itte ti rle Rtataal New Vi.ik, repr-nei.te.J :n ?enn>

ix.: Alien. (.y. c .era : hi <» .: lB< l uv I. That i> ».

.(, adi i.ii el.. r aaalaner, or atbt-i truateo of aaaa<ByajL ar Ra pcoparty aad era leofai kaaalTaal eataBa, corpora*U»i, u>' lat.on, i«r'ui nl ip at ii dlvi.li.a, toby lor the l^urrit4,f raaii »< ctbera iatereated In Ike aarkata er property io

a>d i. f: lt. il eeffirin, bn at aa .id, aioi aaatel all BBBI Roi Bytranifi ii aim *i '. n *d« n fl of tht rfabtl any..»«rt* r. i. iniii a tl oi.e! .< i < Dil otbera. int« lei'eif in ai.y es¬

tate ¦ t' PtttJ ¦ il < .- Bf ri«Lt beloLiiag to ai.y aiMB t:m-... (»....I J. Tki' Hei |M " .' in f.a ..1 ».f tbe r'.-i .« of

.reeitntaari. otbera, latrB ran lied, taker, or kj IB] man at I la.teifT'i. w 't, tte eatate, an per'y or lie '. ol idt ile caa- i per-n*, arnaaleeai "ipnratf», aa*» iiti >n, Martiaiailp orlndii M .-

*, is ai be lab i lAya prayer artvoa tt un- axa Baaaj adaatriliBatMaV racaivera, or atber ti BVrea af aorb eatate o propi ty. lortte i.M<, o:'fc' .« a oi »nv rvrayattyai rlteeBi aa n ¦.

tum, aM i a- .U.S.-» isarJ a) ta U acta to u.\ . btint eatl ..

(1 Thet an» eridor4er et otln r i :ety, end ar.y tm\tmn$,eiii-ntei. i.niomiitiato- otfci t ..?....?ba. m ei t e.i to a-.'. awed to re ovei frotii i.ia pr.n. ipll or rcatldue tioat, allt. Matty aad reaaoaeUi .ita aal rj -ra< * pale ai edty kti \ reed .«.-li, aa ». et] n traabaa bo the |.iei. .*ioutr aefea . .c rood kattk of aaj a IJaB bj ai laatBtt ai y ai-. r»ei, .n'Utoi, aaianralatratari or othar traatai at a., b.

( i Ti Ii » t iba" 'ake »ff naaei ia'e'y


HJ milis Of rbOBIOA. ¦fJaawa r Owaixea.i'no. pi.SjH. CahtataAia, 0.1 ralJett, Tetter At Ca

Ite dietiBKuitLed KutLtTuf till volume ban br<ietetd . theu.e uf pP'loliaT ;nt?reKt, both OR acinuatti At BOTi'lty snd ita bennng on n-vera! %0aVtiRtb1:ot b.k'.i j rrlateti to the cauae ol huuianity. 1'riort<> tte middle d the- la*t century, a very ( <>uaMktT'tilt bomber of AiKcRl aiavea. br well aa dl Jud UM¦ to bid lee>n rrductd to bondage in Carolina, madeUe.r ei. tpe to l'ioiida, and by the year L79G the>ybad iticreaied to IO0H adejree that they were relied«b by tie 1'ioritlianB to aid in the defense uf the

TerriU'ry. They were permitted to RtCRff liuda

fB tke tame terme a« the citizena of Spain, and iot.'. ,-eiptcta were trthtnl aa free luKjec1* of theStALeli crowi'. In 1738, R detiiit.d T9RR tn^de hytie CokRiavl Gotcitnks&l of BmUi CbtoUrr upont&e (.'^terror of St. Ai.pustine fi>r the return 01 theI .j.tivei. TLii >nhb promptly rejected, and thiui «Eii.ei;ceda <\introvcriy which bsa lacted for moretbtn a cent ry without being tinally decided. Inorder to afford protection to the plimtera ol Caro-liiiA, an., ng other rORIORB, tbe OolODJ of GoOTgilWRR fjRRaVi. I ne ( reek Indiaua gRTC the nttine

t l Sem.nole» totheae lilRRRJl tbe literal mean.: zi' tte terii;\ and althottgh it hae since RR« kRM Umtj je at't i. ol a certaii. tribe of Indiana, it waa

erigtBB.ly uied e\rhiiively with reierenre to the

fiig tive alavei from Cm, lm«.In 1750, a difficulty aroae among the Cret'ka.

».t i. ¦ led to a reparation from the tribe of a chiefi rt a<1 "v-aeoflee. w .th a larce n'iint>er of folio A'era.

Tkey let: tke territory where tkey h;id reaideJ,witfc ii the preient hmiti Ol Georgia und AJnbtma,ard n BttlB'ff their jtmniey to the B 'iith toik upti-e.r abode in Florida. They aettled iu the \ .:i:i:tyOl the lupitiua frOBI Carolins, with whom theytoon rcade frienJf; PiqRSSi| ioternurTiajreB took

]'!tce, and the Indinnr, who had fed from theirEAtire lud actl takeu tdogc unJer Spauiih law«,were aiiocsiled Seminolea, or runaway*.Tie racka oi the fugitives were increaied by

lesjssjsjioii (TORI Geort a. I'tiring the wtr oi theKerol«t on. they remained intheundiaturbedenjoy-SRtflt Of iktrtj. The Creeki were a powerful«d'.var. kr people,whose uiendfhip was then Co .rt-ed i\ the AtVOrieRBR. The exilea sroTl aafe undertäeoT protection. belectint; r.cL bottem-landi ur

eultivatior, many of them tiecame wealthy in i!>ck»aiid kfrdi. Difficultie» aoon BTOOS bttween thevU*.e oi Cti'rtiia and ti e Creeka. and after fRTbSM

tegttietivL*, were thought to be permanently lettied in 1791a Uut the i>eminolei refuael to recog-L .e tke cjndit.oni of the atORty. Ine t reekedared not attempt to bring back the exilea by force,and tke Cnited Statea Government were unwillingIS .arade a Si aniab col my in which they had found

,.Is tk> itate of aiVts:e. an agent WSJ -eat to

I'ivr.da (l?!r.' for the purpjse of neirotiati'ig w.thtkt Span.tb autboritn'e for the return of the fugi-t v#a. Bsj) they were titiwilling SO accede to bit'.eai. Ttey regarded tte njhta of the ex.lea at

.f r.o It** imp irtanee than tho«e of the Mi St cit;leM. Nor were the people of (Jeortr'a dispoae.1 to

RwiioVj ttsj'WlBls of the treAty. They were dit-MrtiSaVski witl tesunOBttlor of a larce territory, audaite.i! ci obierv es !t« itipulatiotu »f peare, pro-. eedtd to raiae an army. ] oj IRI aded the Creek. oui.tr) Ltlled a.itne of their peopi.', took ot-aTIpr aeter», burned tt.eir dwellings, and deatrovedV.e.r sjSjfB, Tbe » re^ka isststSBj ü.eir insb.iity toretire tke fugitives, and the Nera.tmlea, .uttainedb) the aS-sx.ll. suthor.ttea. were IsjOROaRkal il theirMM. No oft t. il meaturea to coniP, | their.irreEdei were adopted until the adiuiniatittion of*ir. Madiiou. Meantime, ü.ey had bee. : ( vcu^-<<^d to freedom, axd had learned tt n Of itib.eaa.Bf». Many htd been born in the . .;aole.okintry, aad dow taw around them chi i-a andfrasdefc !dr»n in poajasssJOR of s comiorta'o . nhare.f BRil WOtH*! gooda. Many of the original trntwttea bad departed s%M Bfo, but their lurvivom hadRwtJ eemiBrAtirely .r,e rrotl pe.-aecition for aitfft o. yrarr. L i B| B lor tk.e protoetDo ofS-t I aa\0|tOOl RBI RTBRtRd IU\ tie \Jd\wi

«¦tatet »oula] ze mere IffOM t-f.r . .aa» to fr*>Its.But ti* pecple of Get«| a were not »a:itr>d with

tk * itate of thmgt. Jtey «.( thoie «i. badonce bee¦ slatee io the.r own gute and n SeattCarolina, living in the >;ii,et enjoyment I f freed'-m.lurr-'iindcd by their f -rk» aid herd*, in tbe nodalt>{ their whea and children, and s-i«:a!r.ed bySpanish laws because tkey were 01 Spai'.sb BOiLTLe spectacle waa too rsu.h for their, to . ud.-ewith patience. Ir oriier k meet the d fieoltj, itwas necessary, ,n the tint i.,ace, to ga.n p '«est on

of the territory. The asnev.ti of f lar.da V> theI 'nited State« waa accnrdicfc-ly BlgC i on the GeneralGovernment. Alawwa* passed by CtSgTOfAj .a

.<< ret rthiioc, and .improved by tke rVsifen:, i»r

tah'rg po»»« a»: n ; f r.' irida. A ilaveho.'de; of I .eur-

gia, Gen. Maibtm-, waa apj.oittei C .rxuii'piouerlorthepnrp'se. lfeaJiiu an inr rrectioo wt.ch hadb-en fomented for the occasion, :.e tap isenionOi .Amelia Jaland, a:.. of t;e country opposite fco .ton tbe mainland. The Spin:sk Governmen', >.&

learninc. tbe outrage, renx-n't rated *\ :h the i'res.-favt, wh » disavowed the act* of Mat'iewt, and ap-p»it.ttd Gov. Mitchell of Geirgib in bia p!s:e.The latter continued to bold military poaaeesion oftte island and part ol the mainland, currying outthe poi icy commence«i by Ma: hew a.

Meantime, the State of Georgia, taking the»word of execution int. her own hands, ra.aed an

army, which entered 1 londaw.th the avowed ;u-

teuticn of exterminating the Setmnoles, wh hadio long refused to aurrender the fugitive*, while.t was tke real object to reduce Bmb9 IQtIo to

Slavery. The t reeks of tbe Lower Town* took.idea with the Sen..noles. Af>r penetrat.ug more

than a hundred miles itio 1 ...rids, the army fjundititif surrounded by Inutile .avage*. J i.eir sup¬plies were ut ort. The men were i rought almoetinto a state of starvation, and cuiiip"!!e>l to retracetheir slops. Main (if them periihe.1 on the way,the MttfiTCri only reaching Georgia after great lu-«.'J be Spaniah inhabitants whom they met were

robbed of their provisions and left to suffer forw ant of food. The Georgians were greitiy .nc-nsedat the Creek Iudianc who had aasisted tha Sen.noJes in defending thei tseives, and the QoTOBVOf oftie State d> macded the surrender of thuse whohad thus oflended against the sovereignty f tb at( ointiioiiweaith. 1 in- CL.efs refused to complyaLd theGotoriOT Complained of their o-Lih't totbe ledera' BlOOUUlO. Little notice was take.i oftbe matter at Wash rgtoD, and (iemgia w is left to

carry <n the war by herself. Hunters, trippers,vagabor.de, aid men of desperate Lrt SMS wen

colle< ttd from that State, from List TtinnCMOO,siid from other Southern Statt1«, to the number oflive hundred, Hundt was again invaded. Tutexpedition was more *ucce»*ful thai; the Dratl w" or three town* were burned; eever-ii C3t*t>i elds planted by tie fugitives were destroyed;large herdi of cattle, stolen from the n^mes, were

driven buck to (-eorgia; but the chief objac1, of the

npeiHkn failed; not a single exile was ap'.urei.Aft01 a attOfgle of more than two yeare Mty.1813) the State of Georgia found itsell unable to

( inijuer I'lorida, or to capture the fugithes. Thewar was prosecuted no fur;her, the troops were

withdrawn from Amelia Iiland, and pe'ire was

rjstored.'J'he trOtO, h^Mier, fur such it proved VfM

sbort-li\ed. After the OttOt with Great Brit tin in

1815, a portion of tbe army waa stationed on thesouthern frontier ol Georgia, ard the officers io >n

took strorg frotlfid a>r»inet tiir exilea. Tkey were

tntjumuMf the suhject of con.munication between(ien. (laines and the Lxecutive. "Of tatOM cim-

ILunications the exiles were ignorant. They con¬

tinued in peaceful retirement, cultivatint; the earth,and t,a;nirt « «nppnrt for themselves ttd fatml Bi.

Iu tie Autumn of 1815, they gathered ib**ir eiopt,provided for tie support of the at:ed and intirm. ai

well as lor their children. They arefully nursedtbe sick: they buried their dead; they lived in

j-eace. h'd enjoyed the tp'.ts tf their lab. r. Thefollowiri; Spripg and Swinmer found them in thisfOTlahk condition."At length hl»y 1» 1616), orders were issue! by

Gen. Jackson, directirg iiaiLes t> destroy the..Negro Foit," as it was called, uui return thestolen negroes and j'roperty t'i their rightful o«"a-

ert. 1'pon the receipt of this order, Gen. Gainesdetailed Col. Puncau L. Clinch, with his regiment,tevo pieces of artillery, and five hundred friendlyCreeks, to carry out the instructions of Gen. J- k-

aon. Tbia waa tbe comtnenceineut of the CratSeiuinole war, which, at the time, was unTtaowu totbe people ol tie I'nited States. Such was the

origin of hostilities, which have COtt the people oftt. s ci --r.tr> milii.ms of treaiure and hundie<l« ofhuman lives.Tbe result if tke cipeditiyu is thu* given by Mr.

«;iddirg»:On tba lifrfHrt; oi the .'Ith July, L->oaiia, *-.tii bia

boat*, asi t-nJec tut t.ver and cast anclior opposite theiort, while Go), t .inch acti the Creek lodiaiia took po-ajaioM eo aeto tut ol! retreat by land. Tb-- car.i. nalewar reanuied, and tue land and naval for BI of '.ueI'nittd State* were acga^e<l in throaring ^(.ot and.boikfoi the p.np. -e ol uittrdeiing t'nosa frieDdlesa» iloB, tiioee woman and children, who bad c:>inmitt«di.o other ctten-e than mat of baring Leen born c: partnta who, a cxntury previously, tiad been held in

bondage. Mothers ana children now ihrieked wentBTTOl M the tear ol annon, tne whiatling ut tails,tbe BXpJoti n of she the war-wii(>ops of the sava^ss.toe groans ci '.be wounded and dyii g, foretold the «aafate which awa.ted item. The atout beaited o d n

chterad and ec. ouraged their frunda, devlar.og thatdta'.h was to be preferred |aj slavery.The struggle, bowever, wa> not protra. ted. The

cann.-t.-ball* not tak.ag Bflaol apen tne emnank nn.:-oi eaith, tkey prepared their teWfMOM and OOniaooOOithe hre of Let ahot, due* t#d at the pnm pal maja^me.Ibia n.ode ; roved wore suioeteful. A baa follyheated reached the powder in the magazine. ThesmaJl tue of tbe fort, and the great numlmr of peoplein it, tendered the explosion unusually iatai. blauywere tctireiy buried in the ruine, other* were killedo) la., f^- t.n-lu ra, w hile maty bodi*s were Urn in1K c< b, iaoba were separaied from boiiea to whu h

UBt| had beei af.a. i'to, aLd oeath, in all ktl boitbili rrr.s. t»ar vichie w.; tun that dootxxd lortre**.Woneita says, " Ine aceLe in tbe :ort e, m iornble

beyond description. Stat ic ike ara .& of tke mmiu'eiirtir i>iC"ic< d m .io.'im i/»;..a ;/e lien.' t.twn; 'wt »ne¬tt tk tf tkt trkttU etraf t d. Tie erit* of tke rounded,ti-f t>r <.«/><« i-r !>.' y.'ir, <A- alo i.'a a-wi fiih uf't.'.cIndian*. <t trt<! (L > t ,t iorr.itU U9i-u-i ..'< *<r.p>(ion."

Of r-pui* wit'in the fort, ..-! werewl i!e of the 00 who remained, oniy

Heaped wftkc ;r r>. Two of th« BQrx .vor*-.««, ai d oei Indian.were s.-l«e4od00OBX| praenli hiefa

ol the allied ioi.es Brbtltia the iort, rt.ey were del'v-ered ov. r to the Iod.ane whu .1 TtraTpilatllCll- ( ..ti h,and were xr.a--a. red w.thin the fort, in the pres. i

of our Lroopa; but to report on re jrd ehowe tte e\-

tent o! ttrtur« to whKh they were subjected.In tue massa. ra, neariy every exile resident up aj

the Apr alact- cola Kiver, [aelBBuig WOBBbb and cbil-tirtt, BalaiahOa or waa rtiislaved. Ttieii houuaa were

baft deaclata; their piacUticae ax 1 their herds oi cat-. - tud -orws lecace .i- property of thoee .^ho t ratotiiane.! p< **?¦¦> »k r. of t'.e.i. 1'r ta'i'.y on" thirl oi

all tne eiii '* at that t.ai» r«s,j(-.t ia Fioiido pari din tbia maasacie, or were re»n»'avai ty Col i lityet the atrot-K- is character oi ta« Ua-sa noc appetrato have attracted very little a:Ui tiea at the t.uie.Cet. JaieK'n waa popxaj ae a .taryuiii at ai'lth« A.1tniniatrat.cn of Mr. Madlow was .-«». .rde 1 w :t(eoera! favor. No member of C\»r.gre»s priteMeJa^Binet the transa-.-*..ctl or made knowo ..s barl aril*to tba pax f i«. waile the ablest m«:nb«ra tai*l t heir.r^*a. ity and bfOfifbt ail their tt*\ -.- BBbBaVti|k id. ativn of thoee coacemel ia '.he C

Nor MM tv.e te. *' Ma>( 11 oif*t e 11 MJ| I 'a e

isiye.:»d by people. Mr. C!»y icJ etke-»cordeBined 1-e invaion (rf t .-v r c_ u to let ofacitility toward Spain. But no reference wit

Bide to tbe maaaacre of the eiJei; ao n.er_t - - ol

CeDC'tu i-tiit.ated tba: rite ^u. o< !.. wt: wi*

waged .n the iniereita oi Savery; or that tiel.'bited >tatei tr«K p» were ¦.mp'.oyf-d fci murder

>n and children became tkeir ancestor* were

once held ic bondage. Ji ;*¦¦<} v. at aotuntlmore Cfcan tWBjfj years after tke i-tiiaere, thata diit._güit_*.d ph.linthropit, Mr. VftawBS* Jay.j;ave the trc* pub i: .o{:.m»:.<>n of the niitiHf tfsuch a people as the futitire Senum-?*.

}"ro!_ th.i luminary oi 0BJ bit port n. tl Mr.fjfrttlBfa'l. werk, .t w..i be ptr .«-.ved :knBKnograpte on Am»t!« an Ir.itiry posaet* IT h a

pfBfBUB- _a:.or_! iignifi;a_ce. >>\> cue w.o BBMto ccmpreheiid the pol'.ry < f the <;>i\eT._ient in tb?inception and conduct of tte Sem i. ..<? wan ibi ill

to b-come fan. i.ar v>, h it* ci.tent*. T.'.eyejtoafkrd many itr;ki'i_ illustration of the legis¬lative EowTeriie-Gta tBliBg the adi_._i8trAt.oQi ofAdam*, .lackion. BB*j Vau Hurer.. The remaindertf tke- volume ( Bt-MBI tkt UatOBJ of the Seoii-noie», showing the IBtOBaoiYO. - tc p *Of? 'her Mb .-

gatii c, »l«1 the secret history of the camp . *

which Lh\e BtM luppOBB* to shed rich luiter <>n

Amer.i'ac arm*. Mr. G.diingi .1 ent.tleJ l> Itigratitude of erery fiieud of TreeJo tu, foi Lit fa!±-t_. and itar.l.og reveiation», while erery ittrltftnuit admire tie l oura^e and zeal ttitkw hi "b.kgIAI brought unwelcome farts tr.-m lie.: r.'d.agplaces to the light of day.A 7J-:\T BOOH Of EOKTABLl AM' ABTMAT, I'HVP

lOl.OCiV. by Hi f. M i M I). tto. pp Jil D.Af j Iftct V Ot.

The main feature which diit'nguithes this volumefrom tie various popular treatisei on physiologynow before the publ*., U the application of mirrj-.copkal discoveries t'i the ülus'ration of the ii.-ence. Another, of irarcely !e»* imprrtanee, ia tkecoGf-tant refrrtr.ee to the tV.et* of e >mparntive anat¬

omy, by which the BLalociei of the human organi¬zation are evplaintd, aud the '.\hole circle ofauiiuallife elm idattd ;n iti mutual relation* aad Jependencier. 'J he work is atrictiy icientiiic in iti treatment, thoußh popular .n ite f-jrm to ai great a de¬cree, perhajif, at ii admitted by the D.iture of thembjeet. There in low. :.t, citvnly. "f preeiiionand ej;.cti:eif< in the eipOaito l f princ:f»lei. buttbt-.r litaiipi; on the aflairi of t\eryd-iy life ia

pi 'mted out in a manner equally i*r*tfnetfTe aidenttrtainirg. Thui, after deacribiug tke ce l« developed on the mrfaeen of ti.e i»-dy. the authorgive* the follow.priu tfctl ruien U) n gui to

KATIflN«..The j :< HrTtiKW of a iMBalthj ikx rlaflABSdl Um re-

B val 'it!- BBl PI . iOBntfe lay>r, by freq teat all.ii-ticn, alwavr accompanied by t'ie liberal uae of thatvf>!uable ü-jferu;ert. si ap.Korüif ttiict p-.iriH'nr! of bealtri, BBitherBphUBM

lot a rb( wtr batu n in BBBBIJ thl lottfl* N ev. OBDOiiouf to acme temp'rati r.t.-' i.'.e mj-t c jail Kt-io t

ar^.l healt'iful l'jrrr. c; btth .1 at ti e *anie t.ir.t therron facile.a npiBRe BOlll BipailllllJB in it* BM he¬

ilig tl.e ni(>*t important rl.'nienf.Ikebnth itKlf »houli m.-ver «-\ eed i.\ e tn.r.ute-.

the lubbir^- d y (tl.e mo*t essential part cf tbtc»ti 0ecBuy_NJ another live n.inutes or n, |#->BIamount oi time that every one car. af: >ri at the bs-gknaiaf ol the day. This batl. bBOBBI be taaen im-n.cdiattly on rising in the murniDg, aa at lacb timernictien i.- greater and <,uicktr than a: any other periodf'f tke twenty-four hour-1.

It B vrry BBOBBBSry to atfeLd to tbe tempera*ur« ofthe water, and of tte room in wb:cb ttm ba'.h is tak>-n.liuririj; lict weather, warn may be u-" J at tne ordi-naiy UnpOIBtun Ott the atmosphere, the r -on indt' B>(BBBBtkaatlBB 71 l ahrt-nneit. H;i* fit a less e-.'.er-i.al heat than 10 the tvater fiuuld be wan . or atleert tepid.A *ll<U»- awU rl..U rn tl.e ..'rfoc ot ll.e BOQj

BtejBdieia t<- health; it di' kn the circula'ion of theUocdtotkfl e.xt'.ria! »urfa.aterfi-r«- w.-th the MmettiU t». axd particnUrly nrresti' tl.e BBCnttBf ; '-werof the skin.

Il 1- a popular twlial witil mother*, that w.«hinByiLi" ebwiBI »!ai!y, in '-old water, Btflki 1 toe.n

fardy. Tbii if bgTBtB m:iitakf-; the teeble einen'a*tion tf a ciild rwt)BbrBB the aid and _i«i8t»nce ofHBIBBj wann water and wataMlotkijag. flMglBBaVill mi dicni u-tL erbo«rorUred.Jobb li cter.re< mb>UKtrdtw IbrOB rules fcr the maos.gemoLt of t-LilCien,and tr«-y eiprvts the IfalBBBBOB of a volume: he sty*," ("ire then. pltBtjOf ni k, plenty of sleep, andplenijOf litCEt'.For adu't* to bathe after a meal, or afu." i »

exer:-]-e, is erxinentiy dangerous. i'nra«- Utli CBBB*were rtoofded by the Now-Yotk papBTB, h!i oCcurriu^wi'.l l a y. ar. röm th s so!< rsu«e; the tirst wa- tae

dtathofan AmeiioaD lady 0; rtiine-nent &cd p >aiti.n'

fxOBBtakiBC a bati. loin after dinner, of BwffBBBlBntdM, IlkuB bIobb il B warm bttth, fod of I. ret/)

B. Slepardtf New Y(rk, under pre< tsely rimilarcir-i BBBBBBBBBaThose pri-01..- who do not hapi*B to possess a

spi nge, may re»« t to the folio a in-^ plan with greatBOTBBa.ffB: af coot, ae yon |et out BB oed in the bi'Ti-

Lafi wrun your hai.dü, face aad ne k. thee, ¦ theIBSM bBI n i f watt-r, put jour fe> t at on e for ab Mthalf a minute, rubbing thatn br>kly at the time tnen,w Bl the towel that hae been dampeced by wip.ng thetace, fret, »\c, rub your « bole body well (»i*;ho-.itthe a.ldi i. n of more water1, fast and hard, m >uthit'..t. the breatt prij<\tirg. Allow tive tmBatei Vjtthit opera! irn.There ii ytt another plan, s per.or in boBMBI ;ts

iflkctl to ab that hap prere-cW it at night, when youko to bed, at<! wbetever you get out ot bed dur-IBg the i. gbf, sw-lJ from tiro lo Irl BttB .:ei r bbifiijyour whole b< oy tied Lmbs with yonr hand-, ar (sj aa

yen <an reach ic every direction; let it be doneoritkly, i{uick y and l.aro. Iiy tbit pranice tue soft-tfii a'ad mobility of the skin will be preserved, w bit:.too freyaent wa»h;r>g haa a BBBlBBOJ to de-troy.Here ia en account of the manner of fee-amp in¬

dulged in byim. 1 kch..

Tee ItBfgj free bifid tongue 01 the frog, covered wi:hpepil'ii, and n. ..parous mucus follbrbBB. is the ail-impoitaa! IbbIinnwt for tht- procuration ot food.

It is attached by i;- apex to th« inner inrfaee ot theuedt-r taw the baee being .r» and free rn the BB k

j aiu ;' tbo BM Btk. A frrg wi I never tou. h any save

B BwiBf BBBCt, ard of tB:-''vt it re.]uiree such poeitiTe and BOBBaMriB e\idence, that the latter oftentsoai-es benote the former is sutiiciei tly itBBnlBtBtl Itattempt ite eaptt re.Wtea otiea urg üxe« biaeyeon a lively brBkl inaect,

bu whole appearanre is suddenly bangt-1. 1 ue pas-tive, slugglish BBiBttalof the minute lefoie, hii iud-detly assumed the aspect of ferocity.

It it tie a My at some aurtanc-e frotr. the frog, on thei art et, th*- .attcr. bu? eyes full of ma.i.t.ity and craft,-trett fces out hi-' l.mb- to their u».rxoet '-spa. ity. ai dcreepi tiward the ini»' t ia I be moet stealthy boi'ttt u.aLEfr poM.bie as s.>ob a» he arrivei w ithia a.tr.ar .1 ft»L a ol Bis victim, the tongue is thrownOBt so lapuily that it escapes detection: but the Myhas beea :; k giutd to lire tongue by the mucus on

the suifaie. and ret .. Bl BKb it into th<- frog - acoatu.The terr-ei of hearirf, si?ht. and smell, are wond-:

fut'v BOBtfl :n there ar-.mali. No one would believethat a y ajp.ht.rg on the BOlfBCB of a carpet, wouldbe Bicon pamed by axy appreciable sc na, and ao

far ai our sensation's are concerned tbii is <]utte true;rot tow.tha frog, however; tke ity may alight at a

d stau part of the :. :i and the frog s bt..k be turnedf it that direct loo, yet he i-e ,t» tt iaatantly, turnsn und, an. proceeds to »üect ill ciptBre, in w u.ch hevery lately tails!P-e mtdebywhioha frcg is er abed to aeize :te

prey, is in this m\rt tLmulated by the sieht of it, thetir-!.ue bti-ouea 11 lectad with blood, through t:»e. icrlu-enceif the ima^iLat' B. tint;! .tisi/xite turgid or ere Bat thia instant, ,t ean be thrown cnt and tuad. TheactioB is I ke letting the a< k o: the hand rail quicklyturn tbe tibow-joiBt, without muring Ue wriat, andallowing it 'iu.ik.y to rebound.

'lie process require* to be swift, for the breathing->fthe ti'ft is *u«p*tdtw so long a- tht i_ uta reu.vt.*

opet.'Ihere is Lot ic tature a more harmless or va!iebie

animal than a frog, nor one whosa pretence in garJemtbculd be *t< u.uch em ouraged, fbf they coneur.e onir

it.-tct-. ipideu, and sluge, and the quantity of taeaetiiey des:rov it quite incredible.

1 ben coines a useful hist to tbe naaclera of\s«ky birhs.

r::o.-e pern 11 who keep cacar.ee. and cthsr t.n^i-g.r* ircieadof iBriTibllBf r-ne gravel ontreb^t'xim

ii the cog", that '.je pxr Dirdimight beirret. ,tB¦ I t tbeii Üfi b,bj «Dygi .- t.am aidee* 01 > utllttsh-bjit ar'roca'e of ..ins w:., . *

Ur* laf.Hi s BB) IB, ill r * ittrtl t. BIB '

rf7»T*r» ¦i . :' .t7 «2* " J bui t-.e tiptrmeat, aid try tke eftee* of ». a e minn-a part, iee o

ilka on to* r fsvor.te tong-b nig, the extreme g ,-aed,self with «t,. a il VfB t>e r^airaDed ¦ ipeodiiattnre tier: of the t«- eseity "or .* cOEUsaatKe.Tbe Author presents a CV o.t :.e«ry :i rrgird ta

tke id tn tfTsr Ri] ivtrtv i.i im f,

Tbe saliva appears to poesees fj ret mott tInp..rtlt.pre pat tit* tir»t!y, t destroy* v:tai :y c a ea.xal at it-eaetat.e matter; at jrJ.y, .t ioosaot the t_rsu«e.

i ->by prep-ar r g them to recStte the) aeifva itaaif,srj tl .n.ateiTto adm.t tre gastr.e '-rice and tb.rj.y,it acex har.ica.ly toftem and d:..tee hard or drj boi,W.»t a jw fills her paur r. sritb gross, she } bkoaa. e a ar,." an >-skt or ¦. r.- \t;i"'l .. raattYiolj

y rg ia raa: organ, or : res ».'».- If to tae e- -n>

t inae h, i j w&y afi'ecU :ta i itaiity, bat wu»n thrownta k into tto moutb. ar.i ll MbH ::, i .u-.v' w.tn tue

saliva, thai, it irftactiy ii e-. a. d b« unes BMotiaDya.tr.-eJ tc aopeaiacre.

Kit-nine the steals of the fixatthreettoaBechaOia tow, or a sheep bitte tare first 1 ai lewbseat.It trtiagaortas, bu* .0 tae tt .it it baa the appearanceof a tcorci-^.' y wtll oourd vegetab.e -more near.yallied in color and appears*.' e to Bpisocb, an.I. a* yet,it baa ssdy .ot: e ic contact w.tn re saint, tri efeDTatiet be b'eid reepota.ble for ita riM->d 0 r.i.Arrest a atep.iler in the act of eat.rj tl e leaf 1' ¦

cabbsge; kill it inrtantiy, opir. .» -op, and BXOSalasthe Naf veu sow :f ontunie b. t a u..cjt- boitanwill ha e loet ita bright .rreen 'ii r, and be redued,it every reaped, to the appearac- e of the grats tn thethiri. et"mOJ oi the ce W. At it car not ha-, e com 1 .r.

coataV t with any other tr.aur.al IbtVfl Me iihraryae< retioc. it it snrely iueiiritble to Bttribnti ita altotodappearance to the act i> >n of that t aid.

Wlitii inat eatt raw, r-pe fruna, i.e et» wegvSteiohaSB, and If be put there iatobil tu BOthat atate. there they will remain. nathe power to destroy the vital:, y of anything, a-,

hao. armredly it would deermy at.dd._est itself, aeOB>tlrgetcy that always ksppei> in dea'1:. X ^inore ia n BfAj at post-m^rterr. examinat :thtttttitdtbat % portion of tne ft.^mBct; bai a-.tuaiiy thaia<-t*d npo n itfelf'To show tbe nniveiea'ity of tb » particular oVjOBsleol

prt petty 01 o'eatroyirj; life, let see wiiat: .ae* p.a^an.' rg the lower animals. Itjlk :V»r bulk, wetg -

weigbt, an anytbipjj OXOBOd the pair, of at ^krt

bitO| to say w thing ol tba ion-, continued a ter | MM<kuences .'What jh es rise to tuia *>t-eme kilffsriul Barely

it estnact be the in»ert!oc of ita tubular nheato ati'it.ry jowt, bei'Bitee if tbe ile-b were stabbed at tbesame tin e w.th a dozen large stockinf needi 's, thepa n would rot be r.cat'y ri> ITMbt, anc. tiie «oucdwculd aoocer hea'. When a »pidert.eaa tiy. woydees tte icec: u.e inatr.ntly, and .ta L-ody swell upptodigicuely '

If a rattleeneke, or other, bb '¦!,pratl icte a tuto, why ... the wound aln» bM BBiveiBfl lyla'al

If s d'-c;, r<; rabid, I .te a man, or if B Oir, ii"-«e,hoK, rOoeOOat, fox fand many other auu.-.i.i , 4atome thug, of if <¦. tu I mnoi , why, 1000]all these eircomstorcet. should tte WtttBliable to hydrophobiaTo tntee nutstions, v. b 0 (hi bt g.-ea*. y ev.

tetided, tl ere is but ore an.-wer. '.iie.v ti.a: tue

I BfBOl ttOB ha? been in BTBty ioataWOB looealatetjw !. ti e saiive. (if the other am i a!, and tiiat, r.e

hief profiertie.s is .'. ¦/« < .v /»-.To tin. en and to u it ii a natural se.-ret.i-n, ar.d BO

harrtleas ia it, under itraaTT flfrmfnrtlBftf, that i al

may drink any qnant.ty af the potBOB fool va

nafursajtrAc, ard it will have none other tnact taa.. to

help bim to digest hie food: Hut if iu-x-uiuted iotothe ein illation of the b.ood it bf< ytnea a viruler. a

fatal pa -'

Who eoaaloabl that, iia m'.-keto were aa lorgfl aia good M/.ed dog, ita ca vawouli'. e a- inMiadiOteljaLd ertamly i.iiaJ as the bite of a ratt.-.-n*..The pain that we si.are With dome-'.i. lad

animals, iron, tba bite of par..- IBOttljt. this c ause-ito. nlat .jn by the.. stli\ a.Tbe division of the aalivoty glaadt aohocg Uta rap.

tilts would appear to throw some light cn tI.e: in iol

of each, or certainly tome of then- {bui: Ubtjati0 it reptilcB potaese only p-.---.-ti-' tlttnit, tba M reti.»Bof which descends by tbe hacnei-" of the tAnn« of theupper ;aw tie tue they mai.e ot ti.em ayoold a«ein tote ab'tfh the fur.ction anu pr< pert.e- of the e partuar glands.Tha boa aoBBtibstat /' 1 \igritj habt ao parotid

glBLde. neither can he destroy bil prey by a b.'e, boi1 e eatwinee bia body arorr.d ri^ vicii.n, and ktlia I 'in,as a bear would, by an embrace. Hut what ii now tobe done be has no grinding teeth to eL'iS.e h ir. 11irfalivate the food and loosen the ti-aues. by partiv!ve'ecctr posing the body t: the goat h- has k.i.ed, an')eo prepare it for tbe action of the atouiach. in othereer*», howeee ba perform the impjrtant tucjuoL ofirf-lival Eg it'He dies it m thi> way: kt liekt mil mt .ard

WBertTar tha toagoa, OOrvratt with Bartva, nthe fle-h becomes a!mo-t rotten under >te toflaaBOB.X' w, at it is tte known that persons nave been

b.t'tn ty a rabid sog and ea;aped tiydropr.ubia, whileother persona bars been bitten by sound and heai.hydogs end yet this fearful di-ea>e na- supervene L M Ria tLie to ne tii iaited, i.t.iesa we adm t the diffsftsg1 bt mfeal propsny of the salivary glands rejp*. tively

If the feaci irgs of the ratllesne.ke and tne boa con¬

st! ictor i ave sty practical value, it would appear thatthe parotid giant's mlmm p< 1 et QU >. t aVi .-

a." and that the secretion of the o'her glands '-an

only beempl jved upon already dead aaattar,tOBtTti '. ita

sj eo'y decbmpoeitioP.U JJ 5 t^ecry be true, it i» \ try eaey to eipla;n the

bitessxdtbshrooassqoss es >.-( tna two dog- in theate of tbe rat J itg wi.iee bite proved inr.ix ?nt, the

»Oliva of ir. cu'atM a may have come «ly ; a tktar.d--' rai tltmit and cor sSSjSM ntly

it waabsrmlefs; wherea«. in twOOOS of the POttad at f,tiie aaiiva came frooi the mtrti «, aci was

therefore tatal.Thieviewia rastajasd by tbe foil, wit-.- c^ns.ilera-

tione: Tbe ducts of tbe parotid glands are ai uat?J,aa we have seen, in immediate proximity to the molarttttb, ar.d tiie secretion ia only evolved by theira. t. atbe probability ia that tbe incisor teeth, used in bitMgjand tba ittetior of tha mouth, are usually iub: ca'ed

by tba sstfStioi of Oaaot boti of the other pa.:»i'g ards. while the parotid g'aci* are reserved for mae-

BeOtsOO alone.Xo ii. ai attraction is added t< the work by the

numerous pictorial iiinitrot out, w hich are eiec itsd.ti a novel st)le, that it both beautiful io .taeli, andadmirstiy adapted to the purpose of tcient tic iilua-tration.


> rem K f.. .nna'i Cc. ttVeei \'jt'.

I.arly on last Sunday morn.ng tbe tragedian M ¦¦

de k, wbo it now reposing at hit farm, near LOTOfanrt,waa startie 1 from bia sleep by a confusion of noiaea de-Eot.Dg the wildest terror.cogs barked, | :gs; -.ea ed.owe bellowed, chickens .ty-kled turseys gobbled,dncka uacked, women vreomad, and lesser njises

split tae wond hag ear. Springing from bitecaoh| the "eminent' intticctiveiy st..-.ed npocthe tirst weapoo that preeented itself, which bO|per- d to be a "Ma^-beth twotd,' and rSBtbiagdownsUire and out upm the front pOttlCOatO 60S"tune amonnting almo-t to "airy noth.agneaa, hethere ttiuck bis fa\orite attitude, and cried in thun-derirg t. re»

" H'tat Baaaa itJt ilsiaiThe -ttvants, sttuck dumb with prev.ous terror,

a hieb uaa rendered all tba greater by tha tragic triUtieia of the .juestioner a eye, coulu only pj tt to thelawn and .row mere pallid.Turning his eyes.nowfixed aad settled :b tha: awt.

fi.att to teliixgoB trie stage- c the dirt- tb I row ated,tte imprcmpt;. Macbeth drank .n a', ope b < ga e thablcody horror that had wTooght the alarm. A mon-

stroua eagle, which, to tüe atraining eyts of the trage-diAA, leaembied it. size t'ua fatdad "BoC of lueArabian Xights, had fastened its talon* .n a your.jfaif, but a tew bo-.ts old, Sistöhsd cut. h.t eyea. and

was etdeavoi.ng to r.ee w.th tne aUikMbSsfiatl MtbtVrg victtSD. wt mt cries were drowced n the arilaerbellowirfcs of the kSJktb. -lax aa she ha-ged furiouslyarouad tne Aftailact. Kattlviog BSBBBBbI at SO a inti

thecbArip.oc (.: bbjorosl innocence, the em. .ent

etrui k etotter attitude, and, wi-h the wir ryCüaae aati or wo,1st! Isai . Ä

r. ads a-1'etditi (hor^-e, his gr<d sword jr-g ne 1

meteor in tre fret rays 0: the m -m ng -t'> *. ~

impenal b-.td waa w.de awae.e. ano BSSSSf .n t -

tia^ediat..' A tiear.k; " Iti .. - t i'rm.

dropped the eaif. and with open MBBBtb a.d b tadpmioEs, was ready to paajoos upon "tts comm. .tee. ot

one. obeeraing which and rerec'.ir.g upon the pro¬verbial tenderness of shilling shira, and tne Steerfutility t: Bttempii'g even by tea irtoet y.Jt.ot.treten 0: .magma'.it 10egsresal that v u.n«rab.e gar-n ent into a coat of mo.:, be cvxx to a halt, took ar.-

. tb. r l.ok at thedefant bird, tbea wVee.e.; roaaajatd in tte talktB larguage if Mac belt, t) Ml i.r

exciajned..' ft tot Sab- Wl'k ttee.

and beat a -ap.d and iaglchoua retreal, nporwhit a

Th'£ * lRx.*J4 8l'MV£t >.-. ISD1A.

f'tm Tm \\m ikmt ftjrt i m

If »f tc »rger have new jr.__«n,» a 1 t«t . <t-.. «r, thaepint 0» o»ede-n BBMBfrftMi . Hill kept,

e.ve ty i_#«iplor__ow» rfthOM tar recooc, ofori«.b»-.eht_rd fo taa - a gtaera ant b< which »wknow so CtkklB J«"_-- Lrrtriaf this)last tarty ye ir¬rt. UM p mipai geegrapa.eai :eatir«- ¦ «r-o-Ncrth A_ci;:t ht.e MM d- y ;r_ .<J, lad w.-rijrsiderar. e rwxwi y. I--* I.v is af CsatraJ

A»:a have w:tn;e that pBliod fjeer, trav ensd .a ran

OU tiona, fin n bv_'.~*a aa . tba Oattl to taaCtiror Will; the kaif-kr-OWl r.v«.r ml mm ! ..

Am«-iea I IVB v. er fa -'y , - .. r-a act r»neyed um.. j or-tinn; anuid the Böa'her*.- Pa e has bset di*-eovtitd N itltweataiT Passage, the da--probkm of near y two ?,3nc'*»d year*, baa b*eo at a*:¦ .. j. ; r- :. e N g*r - : .> 'Cger a myth,trie I>i'a_ ^ea ia «triryed or '.'« Il Iti POTS, a:

the i bii-M aecrel 0 1 Nile * a! b at wrestedt-or .- keep:n.\ I,» bar./ ar.i-. a.- : we pt'ne-t-ated the v&*: acd ;r Hospitable BTtSwaTBOOB ..: A^-tra'.ia. An llrglisti stean. veeisl has startled thapratftivaBOMkO of tbe CMmMb, il BBCSBOhng ÜB < urts to tee

very irocuers of the treat t.' I ¦ BotMM.Can a.- at, eyn r_sve hohl : the Moanta.n* cf theMoOBatUUrt,wl peak- .ad been sou^htforwardof two tb u-atd year*. 1 ce acti p. ared trail* ot ( .:-

MM pit e r.ave beer -a t,r M i il.iveredthl t :. .. a. .: a.-e it.. Otba g- BJ '. a dtlie patnted BSrOOM of imprest ei'-H.<:v.'e.eti tna:

bsb .lap«b BBjVB been rent by tue keea i InHut.« ard American adventi re. I ce IC ;-jiau.« aave<?e« etdeu FxnBD bkOwttl to tre rr nth ot the Ar. vr,w.tt.incce rtw hundredBrrÜM r'winch they havee«tab.*hed p-ru toen; ard i ).uit^ao.e m; ar- p- -teO'C.at.r,- Prosa 1,000 to >,H00 oner. An Au'iervanCor«-.:, tor tbe eastern - Mai <>: R~u'.t, in Ana) aa*traveled lately from the l\uopott..ni ity of the O vr*,tbrougi. t e mU-rior i.f A^ia and S :«r .t, to the ea-t*: n of the Paeiilc, iwnllry arrttiBr at tM NM #>t-tientLts on the Arr x r. L be adven.ur. nr traveler n

V.r. v.' .MMt, u i. _a- thai . re*acd .V'iafroaiet tan to . tan, it >:.ppo«edto be the 6ret wa ;.« I M.ixeopthfg WMeillOtOl <vt'.-xo, wr,o dm ever v.Ji'ediKrgi ia ai.d Mat.tchoot a. ard the great Mas'-ho<>C t) r>f IgOOtBt l'r. I \ -i^-m:« has atr^ taieij rg

Bl :le bippyrOBBrtBol eiplorattoci on toe a:tg-i. Ccernl /amor/.i, ard Lai e\t?n g .ne tortb again |pMbt? " nr oe<d m «.-i-:. ;.!' lang--, v r bae.itg re¬

el vi-d the borre welc tne and hearty r rgratulations.: OQBtrymeMa t'art It.irton .-f the Indlu army,t'e advcBtntome autiu r of 1't.e Pitol Kjotetep*..v hai BOM tbrtb m* >. BOt ., too, on an AM an en-

terprii-eot d.ptvvery.1MB I. ate rotne ol tue pr.c. ipal reeulte of m idern

upLrat.. n. W hat uarter cf a (ent.iry, e.u'e thefi tt: or tl e tarth and the bo-tndaries of it- '.r»nds a.:dwater« were knjwn, cacex'ub noh a list of Ml »w

nientl \\'e have Leen led into tl e* obeerva'.iont byan BCCOBBt cf theretutr :" tw :' the b- en S t-

t intweit ff m the tery iBlUMthn expedi ion t i In i a.lnibet and IVhe^lan. We regrei to state \ a' Bl I ytrace ol the tb:id brother. Mr. Adolpbu* »« hlagin-twvtt. hat been entirely ;. nt Bh>ee IW when hl B <

known to ba\e made his way toward tarkacd, inTuikestan. It MM even booaoorra_tly M| «MdiathB1'ut taut thai ti I gestleOBB had lost halte among

l Boote, Uli iurhocane, who ?m;-eUed him to takeII r."\epart m t! I war tbey are a' present wagingwith the C- D«se. Tkt Dttki UmttUt of the :u

>f J its. however, give* u.- bo] et :hat i e may bl itil1m s> i-tet>. s, M it s laid that news \<\* late'y b«en re-cued from l.ei. I.adak the capita, of L/tUsThibet,via /.atitksr, to tb.- e»trv: i-isit Mr. A. tvhiagintms :

Lad pa ,-ed tbii bait *A .t.ter at Aja '.' Btf, wi': :> tivemart-fcei t (the Vatkani, and FMMM to Aktt. 7% Oetkt'.. : ; 'ado.-, however, that " the newa of his BOJstj" i-hould be ROBiTCd with great caatioe, and taepers mi"wl. BBTObrowghl tne e.»- s-o.t'tt be very closely'¦ *-t .-r-d. lie PrUSliM t >t su Bl B in'.ay. itappear-,. Btiderodtbii BOtiosi inlfl ieitiraportai m:<> be ttB-BBlitted Ic BstIIb, t the end that tjrther to-

qn iy night be DMMfi. po'-tiMy by way of Siberia andKtokurii. Il:* te'ltr. we are uid. was ,ilti na-ely.{'t:«d bytsoTseanM irBTB1st Hanm ffBaihoUl. Istte BbMBOO t the br->th. r< If-r.nain and RobertSchlag btWI i', « ho were th.-n on the.r w4m to I. nu n.

atd fotwe.rdeu to tiiea. with a haruorg note, iTplBMat< ry of h « PBoliVM in ha. Bg done 10. Th«ro ii no

doubt that our knowledge on the subject of iotetiorAi-ia wil. be ma'.eiiilly SrfSMte l BMd in.'.eaned by thei.. ettigab u l the loatUnavsls' -liouid be really re¬

turn stiiorg us, which Wl binostsfy hope, at k:« \ *ril-ous wandering" have extended over rsgBWMhUlieit)untrodden by EuropeBM, win. tiie etceptijn Oi Ins

Mfcenturoti* bro'here. the erterpr;i:i Alec¬s' hlagii.tweit eoinrrsBred their «. entili. reeearrhe. it:

18 4, under the patronage ol Haron Humboldt, u !¦ö.«,|ln:bet, and 1-rkoetBB,:' >r the .irp^-e or. \r«r\ a-

|ii r,s 11. U trestial rnagwetlsm, g- tgj, and the priBci-t f. hara. tertstn s ol the giOOB. tM UrBwtB bfttWBSMIJciiibe.\ and Madraa were ntst subjected to the.r ax-emiBBtun between W-'j Tney then pro»r».i«i to i a'.' atra by tut HeratBBB s .ulaL.' atweil a--

rritBhWil the r- iaMv« bights ot tue e.evated m >un-

ttu.r if the K '--.a rftcge. having pre\. )u«lyvisited the Hitnalayae r'.; :he smr.e nTBOBB.>kk:m and JJoutan ue atrurately measured onthis Oi arion. ted, oncer ac aogl> ot' upward of I]c»g '. the ui e el.-vh to 1 t'oL Waughhad l vet. the r.a/ne of afoOBt KvorOOtt TinsDMght] p ak upwa-'i oi .",000 (hot, or b_Jmbig! .t wcoJlodtOs Tob bb pomat by taa liubet-iar s, ar d it krown by the Nsps.ulepe by the tame ofGhti ur:> harka. Ad dpntir and Sobort ÖehiÖfintwWit:n tbe nseanwt lie sdvu. tu, with tt>e as.-istaci i ol

diegoMB, lato Tb.bat proper, aad e>eu p bsübioJbo'ar an the Important comxerctai .. oi <; rtok.ibe sii.gu.ar moui 'ain format in whii h favereM theetcrnM .s t. -ngated valley of Ta b -t.the largest ,n

LbO-biriTM. ard vhieb dlriilei the «. nn ?i oi theIce ue frim tiicseotthe ItialiniapoctraorLlihong wat

duly .n-estigakd on tnie liter-u ng cas'on, 89 aliothe geological peouliaritiei of the vielnities of thelake Maxfavarouv. In a-cend.i.g 'Le Iii (mbbbm, theyIwBchO.iM lOMM elevation than .'.,.") fee'. H >r-

mane S.hlagmtweit, in ^ ¦¦ pr.~eele<l |tr AnBSB,'.be de'ta tt theHanges and the Mtahtr ap. otra, and theregions between Calcutta and »vn: a, ly. | aOtths/BStWBjdlOf BoigoJ. I»u:.ng tin* t'u.e Ado.jt. H IkVg ntweit. by ue-ecdirg the'.>dav*ry, throughout P.*entire cotir-o had r't, toed to the .Madras I'residen yihe tfctc traveled to tl.e southern, it point Oi the pen-incuJa by way of PfwrlifrhTTTJ and Tr.-ainopoly, an I

hav:ng n a.le a t ytrg exploratory v it into the Ni l-gherrits. rtt uned to 8in..a by way uf ( a'.tutia.Tending the'o< l teason. tM sUlTBiiOMof the A aar

cantak pluteau, in I'enttai India, had baen determinedby Hubert Schlagintireit. wti. b he disco\.-red Cot toexc«-<i 3,300 reef, ireteoal of a« had besn p.e-v :ously supposed. The tLr- e ro'-her!- then met ag i n

at fe.inla, alter bwviBg been eej.vated for fourteenmonth!1 in the piMMlllliUM or their ge\e.al enterp-lies.

In the ear It) they ommenced tho BbOTB OjdVM-t rous OBBBpoigl ti:ey had la'teily re*»l\ed upon. Asouth westerly direction wn- .k.-«i. u;on Ibis ocoasionby Adoiph.cs Schlagintweit. cross.ng tho Ilima.ayas,c portion of Thib«'v and the lia-ti-tan, and ak ig a

plÖM at.. [ctensttBg e-aonnat.on t: the singularIBCCtiOB of the Il.cd<x-h'x»sh with the vast mountainarges of Northern India, and then retraced b i stepssoutnwaid by the route of the valley of Cashmere totbo PBnjMb rivsrs. The brother! Kobert aad Her.mate pic teded t< Ladak, w.tn tho aeeistan.eof |is>guises, however, ard by dirTWret.t roads, and b aldly?nter r.' Turkestan I'roper, travened the Karakorumatd Kuen-Luen range", and thus descended into tbenoble valley cf Varkaitd, which ot ar, .moienie ani?Icrgated tidertal on or hnow '*.<XM' or 1,101 feetije.p ic the table-laid cf Central lite Thii remtrk-abl- valley d.vide- the n.< . bafal range .»:' the Kaea-I.uen frcm*tbe range to the «t uthor 8 bena, kaowoae the >^al Khac.They then returned to I.adak, and arrived sev¬

erally .c ths P it aub, where tney ecca aga.a mit,: av tg ourneyed as before, i <r prudent;*!motives, byC.fferet: roads to theirp.ac* 11 render . Ml. It ihraidbeobssrved that this la»texped-'ioa ex.enled over

gn Bid OB a/hi : the sun had never before rehVtei a

EOT) ; em shad, w the couree of Mar« 3 Psis wai fur¬ther n. rtr , ard heie t.'.ese indefatigable tiavelert.tu .:ed ti.e d:reect:cB ard geoiog:.-al forma'ion oftnounia.n lyatems, o: BThk I Bl it to BOthlog had beenolowx i.evicu-'y.The p*rm)8*icn to viei Jfoj t.il havrn.- at laH '-«en

"«ctived by Hermann S> blagxtw-.t, ne, ¦ 1867, di-rtc-ttd his step! n taat direct a. I: wa* here thatthe celebrated Gaourichanka 'Le " Mount Kvereet'Of < Waugh' was meas-ied by him, ai also theYaiSfl and MatcLipcuttha, detignate-i ioditioitsly f r-

rreriy at the Ili.avalagin, or tnsßoowy Kacgo.at o_e

I n,e i ccsidsrtd tba lof:.e-t BtountaxM lathe uaiverse.Kobert meanvhile, deacendid ;n» S-inde iron, ths

Putjul and from teene pn te-ied to Itombay, viaKntehasd (fO-Ohat) h>-mors particultrly examosdths rtccw r.ed Salt hange and investigated '.is muta

.ion which have taken plies in ;he 'orMof theprincipal P .t'acbese riven s nes the days ofIt d:an invasion by " Pni.ip s wariJte s<b, he thentrave.td Id 1 eylon, where ne rema-nd for a i-orttone.AdatehM R 'ilagintweit had re*umei hi* labors, cy

rtvisiL»_ the noith, with Ctboul and ths H -stays',ard wa<- -xpected t> return to II rror-e at the close ofthe cart jear The a*rro«: virg;n charms of unsx-

plored Central Aria wuuid appear, ho-rsver. to havene'u forth adutemenU for tM b^ld and m.«singtraveler to) alh-it» to be rerlrted, acd .ie m-jst havegota forward upoa ...» pamoue enterprise, instead ofretia.itg h.* footstsps.we r»gret to r-.y, p-srhap*never to rticrr. Tbe partial Irl verieiof in Bröthenin tbt.se wild rsg.ocs, o all probaa.lity, terr.ptsd hi«or-w\rd. c l .e tndeavcr :> <- -'ucJ-la what tsMByhOBso bopoflSy t rr.rr.ence.!. ,

Ii ? rxlr.i'oc we wi I observe, that tMiaiBortini of tbo Ms* i. 8 .u .<

~'.<tt%\- e *t- ,!ir ia "-'e-gt «t .'*. tketh* rf tn a

iear » t:*-.; i hftWOBS :~% t, <'i». , . ii*

a:ma tae globe <oTtt»-e rj. * re ef < «\| -iffBetfc nUee.ty, with r^e v-tf.-nr... .x*« ueoeatnthe toil, or tc ^«B ads luv«, of a p»r.'y of Voeatcre Of theeattb. 1 r tVu | irpoaa, tae hretSereS fclagiBt.rit made use c: ina geotr.*? r -eaeter, orsubterranean them mt'er, in« bji. .>f the metro.a>eet_«:Pg a*. a.l La ta aD red11 the depu of oea-ly e.tard a half Elg'si foot. twoa >m i « t.atar-free. Tha Mar»" 6 h't* t"> a . Bfj redU i>*atOW C»>**id**ei '« blitnl I I ..

..-.?..« TtpOC tke oft' r v. K\ft' sin ..**. ftr n.ster.bav * be** tales af BarUa,rf t'e very valuable ccl.eettie. of ?la<«er e**t* ot

ltd-at; ara'T*' Ner;ar. head*, wb- -h ti »y have net) ig. tw.tk then, to Kttrope. These tote-oat.».. .- «. .-

* bibb we urder .v! are fWrd rgly we| ex^ya'ad,* r. a »hört titre It p B5 haseable at the Mnmled aii whe e. The f a-? Ind a H Mieej al ea!y >r'.ait* a few *r<*eirjier> :r *« c V." ¦IB, b »-* atf-eeett cr. \ «ra the agency of ph. .grap'-y .a tobe employed »0 render the «tber eu ueron* 't» otbtstonoal and etbcv g al interest Bo e I tk*gi i.eral public.I: s ct»iou», h»a»«ver, that t i e crm i a.veap-l' "r- '"' 'he bar Batter, Oi tae u bftetl neeilo.aid cf t:te mi terraaeaa aa well a- the at n treir-.r.ou ete-. «l al'Uudea differ rg tO WeieV atu .\etat extent 0< lemi unknown territory ao rti Yenae, -an-tot t be regard..1 aa f the u-n.v,t i.r-rcrtar.* ac<rr.ti ot « ar cvea-e nr eto-'k -.-eratk at wl» Jge i the pl.y ateal law* ard charte ter*' * <

.:¦ n rata. We haia oaly io add taat wo * c -ere'y'.ist the tear* for the safety of M. Adolphe.» aVblajriB-tw< tan .r.:-d. and that Lew", -.'.t. ¦.. tiety re-tan U F.ircpe to reap 'be reward wh n a a aiveo

n is and self sacrificial reeean hoa in tLa e*i«eoiscience entitle him to ao deeerved'y.

>N* ndtrttaad that the fnrts of thate imptrtaoteoterprirea and ditcvtrltt will oome befjr* tt«publie a' ta diaUot per . d. n a work t> be labcitbtdut eVr the Wlaajhja tide: " tftialti of the Jt^ttot IdM arion of MM. S* h'.aglntw.it :n India and Oaatfal

" Asia. It will in all prvbabi! ty be eu ted r. (.'. 'martate EEaajKob. _______________________


\ aTtttaf .r T'r .V. i. ZVaMH tl ill he *fife I

1 It: i' || the || reep« f.ng M. t' >n* '.c-rant <

a: ardor.mett f Kct;nerl>m. by $fl ,f,ng fie !.«a eg

paragraph from Q V Itaajgl" M. \ I. cor Cei tlU. rt't, tha wa kaawi apoe'.e rt' tbe e

,t s. .; «i ailed I rlertMB, wbo hu ¦adaat'eaaaaal wie¦ NwiataM paaaaiaaaa lai aaaNaaa u«»ainreo beat aha

aiij la Tiiiapa. aad taaaaaaii th t» » kiaaaaa«.He DevaataaleaaaaafaaMlDaaaitalaWa »I ivta aad L aaea t*i. .: ..! ¦ ue» ptuilti itett m Teva«, kef />eeJ <r. ¦ u ft./¦!. / It may ke laaaarieatakat If faarbtrw fee t\BattaatLwU k wars laaMtbaala la* tt ii laamoea'itf, te abaat' c. o. the it ected ettaböahaaaal aeald be ahataiy aai .. »¦»att. b ft >t tmHaial m»'

Ti. i paragraph cortaii;«, doubtless, the whole of tbee\ lepee oi. wiirh T .V. Y. Ti Ml allaajae thai M.t'oneideraiit hau renounced Fo.Q 'riam: artwebsgtosuggest to the polAe and modest corm*p 'ndetl of tna'

tournal that it the' e it g:\en by it to aav^b eg, it

i-1. bis .>wii allegation. The f.n-t is in.lispii»abla thaiM. ( ..usiJetaLt bn ne\ er ma le nor prop .»ed to makeany attempt to " coioei/e on Kout er*t pntc plea. "

His aHemp^d coloty in Texas waa s trply agrettland speculation, such as tnousacds o: p vpia haveundertakin bciote. It is sanl ..- have b-en un»ec:eta-

at.) now he propose.' to make another .fatal ae'ye im-e. l.aracter, but avoiding the errors of .Maage-

mt r.t which caused bet in the brat in.-ta«ire. l'liejideas.. Kout.et had nothing to .Io w.th the Itat, an.lwi" have nothing.Io with the seond; hut of thoseideas, whatever ihey may U', M. t'oB*ilerant ia jmtMaWkflbaii a.iie:. r: now aa «.>. r. Tue fa I i par-haps Nilef BO g eat importance to the aabiisj bat- r.ce so tu,, h account is ma.1^ of deoy g I by T»V. 1. Ti>-' -, it is perhaps as well to v*»e the tr itfi

Ml "g it..-IV'iliiaui \. Hurt, widely and fav Ota > knave at

the inventoi of " Hurt's Solar f unpa**, cied at th*residence of In* ton in Ilamtramck, netr tha citylimes, '.ae'evening at «. o cl n k, in Ilia aiity-aa-. enioyear ol hi* age, of disease ot the heart. Mr. H utwa« born iu Masaacbueetts, bat removed at aa earlyday to Northern New.York, aad located in ^ut'ogaC ounty, from whence he removed t > Buffalo, wherahe mairied: ami from that place he came to In.» Sta'ain lt*J3, ard liw ated at V ataoax, >lv mb 1'ionty,which w»e tt eu a wilden,.).«», but »s ro « a .. .,>.. ceand thiiviog dittric». His remains will m .»vo*:t«.!

is spot. Mr. Hurt a OtifiaaJ loattoa sat a

BBiUwright; but simrtly aller r> moving t( MkObbMihe aas appcir.tt.i i; raraabaaf SarveyorLwblahon;ahe heid until BOOBl i.vo year* amce. Tba event otMr. Hint a life which chielly d atinguiabed hurt waathe initolion of the " Solar (.' impasa," wio r>. i« iavaluable to surveyor*, and is use«i in preiarouca bb alls uiilar itstramenta where ita merit* aie kowo. I iat' .. wultly anil favorably known to -».:.,'.. a deacr.p.. i or leaigabtioa of üb pecallar merits. tp'* inven

i if ae mistake not, waa made in ISML Mr. Hurthad an lafaatiaai Bild, and, Btaoog other evi'Jea. ei oftk* 'pr-iduc¦! a njvel in-trunn ui for a* arta icag

e f,i d I. ngitu.ie at aea. [Detroit lVibasB\

DcaraaaTi 4ttbmh i" OWai imi OalmIU ns. wlo ia coi.hi.ed in the iad up a' Wnea..i><, m .1who i| eanttrced to be hung on the N >Uy of v vtemher, tor tbe cold-blooded murder of a poor fsllan wo-

tran. a few daya since near that. .ty. Mil a det^rat»and mim oal tw OHMM attemj.» on Friday night last, t »

take hi* own life, and thus rob the gallom of iti le¬gitimate victim. HowAsi .uod all covered with g iro

iu the MKTLirg, the ii et'iimeut wiib which ne open* I avein in hi' arm beirg of bia own maoBfacture, on of a

ateei pec. soon alter he waa imprisoned. Tue mmWith whii h he perfonnei it .: ..*» that he anticipt'elthe wortt fron II I ht.-t. and wa*piej triog for it. T I

A g staysIt eat rnatfe trom aateel pen nicely eVarpe'r 1 by

bs .iggrouBd on tbe mdea of tue cell, attas td to a

handle ingeniously made from the tin of me of the

platen iron, which i.e had been acouatoruad to aat.tie had also made a timilar instrument f.- .in iron behad obtained from a porte .nounaie :'. )'. whichwere found in tbe ceil tine morning. YVuut the toa-o.clock »truck II last night he made tbe in itieai. Hasaya be stood OTef the sink and let the Uoial ruo into

BfJI he became famt, and ; 1 not ars.nd iiogar.||e,f ».-. fell and clambered to tbe bed, managed to fetipor. t atd went to a'eep, ei;^< ting toaaaka ,n

eterti y. Hat he was mtxtai-en in bis calc .It'ioi,.After he bad gOM toaletp the blood ceaaot to rt ie,atd be i ontinutd to sleep until i o'cl»k th-i morning,when he waa surprised to tiod himeelf alivt, a'.d haagain opened the vein, but lie bad become ao mt

evbauttad that the bio* d wouid not r! >w w tbtaaV.nt rapi'iity to prevent it fo in tdoffbaf ia M.e

Wi und.It waa in tine eihauated BOBiHtioa he wa- fuoed tbi*

morning by Mr. Biiiitb. Dr. Haird, t ty Pat/eiciaa,waa ifxmedianeIy seat foi, atd by Ina admiBbMrBtkneiof atimultnft te so. ncommenoed rec >veric< ttrengtb,and wben wo eaw bin. tbia morning al 10 rtatet:, ha

was able to raiae bimaehf on his bed. The opinion is

fiat he will *urvive. He *<pr*»eee no refret at whatha* transpired, except that he failed to a CotapUakhia obi' t. Had begone deeper ar.d eat the artery,be would have l.een snc esaful, bot pr iv.dei tia'ly Lad.d cot .ndcrstand that.

? m

Tit FntSl M.'H's*!. »r Nitotx i- AJuu RortTHi ll aatpl «i K mii%', !).<N v..Kveryb<>dy whr»tver tnisttd hitsaell to tbe aharp grade o the ferryatain ate, aa ti.at rope unn/iled iteelt ia whoea t JmoA,'strength hit life hung, baa exercised h!rr.«a!f in calcu¬lating to what degree of destruction hi* phytijal naturawould be cruahed, if thoee nbera ahooJ aaparat*.Tbe eiperiment ha.« recently had an iMipaiMMi 'r.aJ,ar.cthareeu.t n worthy of record for the oex ..rtofthe acventurous. In tbe month of March the r a.ryHouse took tire, and in the coonagrat^n tJbB |W|Mburned, ard a car rushed tke rail length M the tte*^track, and went iBto the river, unbros^n, a:mo!t wito-

ut a fractuie, motead of being th.vercd ic'o fraa;-n.M.t*. Tbe reaeoc seemed this the weigh! «f ttte,'>'» .. which Is attached, and which *e. vest to »tevlyth. draft, operated as a nreak, and the car was takenthra gb it* rearral j jumey by tl. »rag^ilatir o it.- y

11* a uial whe-h, ia .'a piaatant re* i.'., e .!. g ** a*

a-inran<eof security that will calm tiamiod, w

ti e b.*') i» rel.e' ed from tbe in*-rmicab'a «ta r ir-

t,y. [Cor. 1'oU'ier ae«! Ko»,B :ar.

Thr Xatri mi Tit ion*'k.-tVa leant from IT.Hiafcop that, aa aooa aa the weather and b.a brtaeeaw 1 Lermit, be aball reeueae tba work, acl that it ia

bia »Wnuca to twBByawM \* *» -«Jj J«thia cable waa uoderrua laat weak, and t.uad a* gooda* when laid, i-v seaweed or ketp attachiBg te) rt. A

-erLt haaUen circulatedthtA M'. B. badabaodoaed.L^'arpr se, aad he w.-ha- I stared fror, hiex thateuch a lot tba fact, but that ht .* da>tefBBU>ed to com

pitta f. and criaect Naatiicket with tbe oct'.o*at byu.eat* of a good atd mbrat.tial ttlefraph S

Him Wi «. oi rHI Ft r-ä{eZ^J\Sib*Lt: r W letn via.ted the t-harhetj« 1Kav vJ "*.

and alter weikicg aboot and Tia*tog the pjr, -esjfc *

retained against tha feoee wkiah «««w**f ,t^.1taceo park, U rest Ilms f Ml »J-jHn.ea came up to him and t dt b J> to\'farpeoplev*re ltd a..«a.J U be .«.'.'«._....uatyart. Htt;>aievux4r.