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New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1852-05-04 [p 8]....Inveetn at aw bi ra the public. OILBKRTa JOHNSON. Inaurance Buildinga. William-at HArill, CO. bonds-TheseBond*bearintereatat

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Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1852-05-04 [p 8]....Inveetn at aw bi ra the public. OILBKRTa JOHNSON. Inaurance Buildinga. William-at HArill, CO. bonds-TheseBond*bearintereatat

mi farwin* eonnecMone Wtb all the rich central regioria otKterkv Lm with the principal B»g»«l kUilway rsmniuf

aim « *i wealth. Mev.nlls owe* n..w * debt of tTn.rrtr.Km b> the «n».u.,tof frä-vm. and a revenue of

aiBai raciusiae of the tax f"f Ro.lnsad [»urp«s>e* Thista-¦KSai - i« Wd »n . easn.ulnf *>*\4VUVi. a* exhibited

tli* Aseewor's books, which doe* not g.v* more than twr>

__i»»Jsof the actual vaJsseTb»C4ii.«i.i'' Mie taroe of Uieae Bonda ha* heen

aJTiioi'.- by the CbewtCaaVIt and Court »f Appeal*of thaftair of Keotoc kv. whi< h f.-evej art! >* that question. ThaCourt o( \t'i»-ala decided that their eollnctiuu can ha eu-

twoed bv arrM pi mandamus, and tbs- individual property ofOVerv citixen . |»tfli«al.The Kaa>tacky mr.ruher» of Ccsnirrswa eertify to the perf -it

BBCiintJ of tiieee K.>nda. and Mr. Clay add* hi* text.moov totheir value ll»*nv*:MTbeee three Counties are among tha richest, I bel'eva;

aaaihiflii * Jetfersuii. they are the three richest in that Suoe.The Bonds are eaeeoud under the authority of the Legiabvtasw. and its power to arrant that authority has been recent.yagHrnied by the high*** , arJia i*J tribtjoal in Kentucky. I -n-

lartair. nndoob' t»asl lie r-nnedrssJ and Interest af 'he Bond*ettvefy, will be pure tualiy paid ** Üiey become due.


fkseh W my ewifidetirs- i» the safely of iovsslment la theseBond«, tha» if my nropert v were all converted into them, I

«jW*ald fool BswvWtly seeu re.....a

" I am, with huth respect, yoiir oiWieatservant,^ ^

A full printed ethii.lt may be bad at the office of tha un-

*fhcse Bonds offer one of the best perfectly safe avenue* ofInveetn at aw bi ra the public.OILBKRT a JOHNSON. Inaurance Buildinga. William-at

HA rill,CO. bonds-

These Bond* bear intereat at the rate of 7 per lent. P*t an-

'asxm. which, with the pnrcipai, 1« parable in 'he City ofHew i oik. the latter OB the 1st of January, 1SS2. The totalamount lasted i» B**,' 00, which 1» eecured by s mortsai«- on

the r( sd'wirb if* fixture*. d.-pota, Ac.. Ac, fonnm* the «ir»t

Ben thereupon, excepting a loan of f ISO,!** by the city ifCincinnati. They have tne privilege cf conversion into Stockat par. at any time within live year* The K. and H. R. R «*>

tendr from the Cincinnati Ilamiluan and Dayton R. R (distantStV anli* !rcm ( lncmnatii W Richmond. Wayne Co., ln-iiana,Where it interner;* the Irid.aiiaCer.traJ R. R-. and i Utes withtka line* of Railroad* terminating at Chicago and St. l. iui*

lu kigth i* 44 mile*, and it* immediate com ilef.on and.ooitiueDt have been providtd for bv the isa ;e ol tii-;aBonda The total co*t will be *"tn,(Kio. being i. a'.le t^eak*a««nt of mort*age debt*. A full »tatement of'he condl-tirrn and pro*p«(ti\e buine»*. inc.. of the Road, an 1 all otherInformation, can be obtained of the unü'irngiifd who ""irfor Mile 11* >.. B >¦ - ..

" ofCAMMA NN. WHITKHOUSE k I '».. No 56 WsJhatCARi'KM'KR A \ KRMlLi K. No. 41 William «L

LAND WA KRA NTS WANTED-Of the Klorirt* and 1812 Wsra, and a!»o of tha

Jlexietn War, for which the highest ca«h price will be paid;also IIHocd* Patent* of the War of 1M2, by O O. SHU-BBLDT. No. S Naeeso-e* Sd-xrrs from WaB-*t_ hi*em nt


0ales byj QVnction.

AnTloN SALE of ST\N!)AUl)R O.^ KM.- NXWILL A CO., No. 3 Nassau at^ will

aallon \\F.DN»ftAY, May 5. at l'-J o'clock, a c i.. e-

foction of new It'iees and oth> r line Plante. Tr« --Po a

new and «uperior variety of White Oiupcs, suitable fcri r

ahniate.A M. Ml" win Auctioneer.

T>Y BANGS BROTHER & CO..Jj> Trade Sale Rieims, No. 13 Park-row.llONIlAV K\ K^INO. Mny ft, at 7J o'clock:Btaodard and Miscellaneous Books.a great variety of pop-

tvlar pusilicstion*.WFDNKMiAY KVKNINO, May *, at71 o'clock:Oil Painiinga and >.ngraviegs.a choice collection.

Ilr.nkv T. LbBOA Auctioneer.

fTENRV T. LEEDS, Auctioneer. No.JT1 W nsaanhri at wiU wU THIS DAY.atlStf'eJook,. large assortment of eeeond-lrand and net* Pur " ire,aoovt d for convenience of sale, ijissasstins of Sofas, Chair*,Tlie-a-Tetee. Der»« Bareaaa, WaeintsrsrK Meliocau» nenekiBedel.«da. Walnut do Ma'treews, paliiase.. k BtDWI (CSS.Olaea and China Ware, and a irjre variety of !*e*XBB(Vb*)ndlFawnkare of all kinds; 90 Carput*. For parti u ar* an¬

alogue, now reio'v

It. ('. K i mp Auctioneer.T ARGE and PEREMPTORY SALE ofJaLsvCABFETlNOS at Al CTION.in lot* tosuitnuicliaeers,10 MOHIIOW. (W dncaday.)al 10 o'clock, at Salea^ooMLho. M Nassau at, mar Fulton It. C. K BMP will sell at.action, as aho\c, without n - ,e. by catuhigue. a very lar<eand *| Undid aaao.tiueiit ol itch Knsli.li Carprtius*. conaist-tng in parltif 900 pieces ol the lichrat styles ol Vel.et Ta-¦e«try, Brussels, Three-ply arid Inaiaiii Car|>etin»-*; Flaof011 ( lolhs. A* , viz English I»< v«l Wilton and Velvet Ta-

CStry Carpelii.g. ol Ihe ver^ riih.st end most le-iiuliful pat-rns, tin* season's impoilrilions ; very rich Hi nee* Is. of very

katidaoine and lieh palt'ms. just landed; Tiiree-iily, h-a. v

Bupci f re Ingrain and Venetian Stair Caip*Atnas; aiso, a so siaaaorliii.nl of heavy h i.sir Oil Cloths, Hugs, Door Mats. A ',

ell of w ch will be sold in lo'a to mil purchasers. Cata¬logues mmIh loon ii i of n '.¦

F. t oi.i oN, Aucfjoneer.

IARGE sali: of HOUSEHOLDJ i \ BNIT1 It K. Tier (ileases, Brussels three-nlv tiipos-

tryand mgiam Cain. t*. Oil Cljilis, Ac.I-'. COLTON aril].ell '1 11IS DAY, Pa *lav) M.iv I. nt 10s] oVhak. at the aac-tkin raosna, Noe v. lie, kman and k!l Ann-sts.. a very n ¦!> no.IsJeeirnMe assortment ol iimwixmI and ioiIi 'shov Pnrlor,Diting mein. Bsghuota *aa| Baaaaaattl ruiiillain imaiatlalin.very arrii le bj tlo buasjekaas^ata] line, froaa pariortoattiojand will im lode the rVrsUtsrlVOftaveral families. Alsnseveinilarge Kiencll Plate (llaaaes. Also all kinds of Ta^SBatry,Brussels Hi re. -ply and lug.mu Caipeta. Oil Chillis. \c. Also.boat 2IC mils of new Catpciiug. niunins fnmi in to JOyaulseach. Alw. ull kinds el China, (ihuie «:u! other ware.

Wm W. miiki.ky. Auctioneer.

TJ F.lwOVEDio No. Bf H ?HN-ST., neatXV Old st.-CROCKERV and OLASS »alo, THÜRS-DAY, May 6, at 10 rrckxk, without reserve, a lu.ge and¦rneral sreortment 11 Crockery. C'la.». Hull letAtl rn*, Uirau-lole* and Fancy Oooda, in I jts for retailet* and grucer*.

Adrian H \Ii te. r-etion-er.

SALI! bi fVUCTlON, 5 VuluahleBI Ll>l Nil l.i'tS on tilth. Pith and VfUi «ta. and

Illh-av.-ADRlAN 11 Ml I.LER will *. II «t Auction onWEDNESDAY May .», 1852, at 12o'clock, M., at the Mtr-ehant's I- \. bai ..

7 kit* ou Jt'th St., betwren the fith and 7th avs.

j lots ou tf'th *t., kasa ecu Iks] l ib and 'lh av».Slot* on tilth »... between th.- P'tliand llth av*.1 lot ou tbih tt.. hot ween the 1st and .M-ava.1 lot on < a*t aide 111ta a>., 2> tact uorlli ot 411th st.

Anthony I. Iii tum a, Auciioneer.


Auction n TI FSDAY, Mny 4. last, al 18 a^eJoek. at thaMerchants' Backs] lose the estate of JOHN MACE,4eressect. the following stock, vlg.

2 aba. Sal Krancise l n v stock of $1 .'aW eaaJkt shares of Sau Francisco CitJ stock of Sä»si each.S ahaiea of Kun Fraeaisco City *toek of $100 each.

Payable I HI I. with istereal eoayoai attached. <- '.crest pay-la aetni aiinnally, at IP pat m mt per annumfor lull paniculate, afply to Meesra. W IlillTM A s k

CLARK, Attorney* at Law, No. lJ*r» Broadway, com i ifDsy-st. or to the Auctioneer, No. 7 Broad st.

Thomas, A>i kn. Auctioneer.

STANDARD ROSES &o..Z. NEW-rub CO. will sell THIS DAY. st IN o'clock, at No.

. Naaeau-ai a choiaa a*ao: lineui ot Slandar.l llalt and DwarfBuses. Abo, a tine assortment af green hou. Plant* inblooin. fro'ii Ihe celebratedestabltshtneiit ot J. B. Mantell.

SHERIFF SALE..By Tirtneof.e^erd« »ci nt ions to me duecled. I will aril at Public Auction,

on WEDNESDAY, M»v ,\ IK'C, al Ito'clock, M., at No «Weal 13Ui-«t.. all the right, Ii le end luteraal of Boberl 1*.Willian a ol »ha ll bs had ua ISM Uih das of A)ml. lei »2. or

at any time after, id, in ami to a certain lease ol ground andnMiuat ihsreaa aitaatad ii the Kifte< nth \\ ard, and knowna* No* ..' and 24 \\ e.i tk I H

I'll. 'MAS CARM.K.Y. Sbeiitf.J AS. K TBBBY, Dej.ui v.

By D S lloi oii, Auctioneer.

THIS DAY, Ifaj 4, nt 10 o'ctoxk,A. M.. at No A4 Beekman *t., a:. .

.aaortmenl M lecond hand .ami n. w Furnuuri'. compiisiugth* oonlcatsof the dwellui« house and (tore, and embracing.very article necesaary to hoiisekerpera, useful an ostsBstnei tal Elegant malioganv Sofas, Bureaus, Wardiol.es,Bookcase* French Pier (Hasses Mantle Ornaments, FrenohCkx-ka Sofa Btda. Card Tables, ic. Also, a rich invoice of¦aw Bnssaels K-ply and In«;am Car|>ela Also. FeatherBeaUvllali Mat tiesses, and an ei.dle.s vari« tv of oliier (n>xistoo iiuinrrcu* to mention Sale tvn.me. rain oi shine

TBv J. Hi or mw Auctioneer.HIS DAY, M.iv 4. at l o'clock, 1». M.,and TO MORROW ih, Sth. at the same hoar, in tha

yard ol tKe Sales Room, No. 191 Wasliingtou .», a lamequantity ol food Second hand Furniture, which must all betaken away unoicdiatcly

A W. C*Mf, Auctioneer.

Ofin CASKS BOOTS, SHOES«^'Y BKO(..AN»-On Tl'ESDAY, at 10 e'ciooAA. M..Jk hug* awcartment for Spring trad*.

Alao, . prune stock at ail Umee tor private atla, at lowest.ask price*, at the store ol A. D. U ALII No. 22S Poor 1 at,.atwtr of Platt st, Now-Yorh.

Drrj Qooüt.ANTILLAS at REDUCED PRICKS..E I MILLS, No 6 Courtlandt^t., r>e«r Breadwav,V., beg* leave to inform bis customers and mrrchanU nre

erslry. ihal in roasrajueiice of the recent auction ealea. andthe great rvducttost iu the pnees of Black Silk* and TVltu-kViing*, he a* now ..:».g hi* various atyieg of Mantillas at

Oily reduced pnoe*, and invites the particular attention ofera, to call and examine them before purchasuig. as the

assortsMnl comprise* all the fashionable Broadway *tvlea, atpnre* from |l .** to $1 v-maethsr with the usual stock ofSpring Shawl* of al) kind*.

JkM ILLINERY GOODS SELLINGIfJ. OFF.PHILIP CARLEBACH, No. » Joho-*4%being about to makt a ckange in bis buaiaeaav intend* sei io«M aaaenhce, has sutire stock ; coosisung ol Ribbons, Siiks,Satiisv Oloves, Mitts. Crape*. Emkrwtdenea, and every de-.criptiou of foods nutahla for MUUuor* sad Fancy Store-

NVSM ITH & COsofler for cxporTaridhome atlas:

SO toch heavy Brown Shtrtinfa37 inch heavy Brown SheetVifB4-4, A4, 6-4 and 13-4 SheennfA-r"1-*-! ' |.'rtdili

.f tha mesa favorably known styles.Bleached Shiran** and "Sheetings from 5-4 ta Ud, aB

qualitiesDnlis, Jeans, Ticks, Denims, Nanteens.Blurting-atnoe*. Cottooades, Check* L'mbrallsst,Steam and Madder PrintsOrgandies, BnUiantes, Liasrys and Plaide.All kind* ot Flsu-neii, all kinds of BlaukeOa,Satinet* Kentucky Jean*Caahmervts, Cassimeits, Coatonf», Baisaa, ace etc, No*.

« Broad attd>'Now^u.

BLUE NANKEENS..Snperior IndigoBlue Nankeen* fur »ale by NESMITH k CO,

No 52 Broad-«t and '" New.

Clothing, &t./¦^t LOTH IN«, and TA ILORINU.-CON-

WAY No 143 fuiton-et.. ni» Broadway, ha* a«plen-dld Mock of'Cceta. Vesta, Pant*. Sttti, silk rfdkfs Ob-ve*,or mp!««u> m<-«*ure from beM Freich or tni.ish elolna.mm\.* and vestir.ga. embracing ea~r»hir.* fa*riio-*Me anddeeirahl» Buying *»«rj article for ca*h and employing noie

but the beat workmen, enable* thi* houae to eoliclt inspectionand defr eainipsjatioe, either a* to t, make. Myis. or pnca.

G\ E N E B A L TWLoK'S HEAD-I" QUARTERS. No 76 F il*nn-M, corner of Odd-M .

Ao elegant assortment of Spring and P rntne» Ciorhing atGenera* Taylor'* Heaninartera, No. <6 Fulton-st, corner ofOold-at.. Mr. I. SOI"DER, m&nuer, and wholesale sod re¬tail dealer at Clo'htng. i*prepared to furnish all the earm»ntaauttmary for thr n mpirn-n nf a gentleman'* wardrobe atprice* for beyond the reach of cnmfteft'on By emp'oyingnone other than »uperior workmen, be i* enabled to N>a*t ofthe dorability of hi* clothing, as well a, the ow-p*-*"*!gance of My'.e*, Ac. His a»*ortment of Clothe, caaairrerea,V-atirg*. Ac, embrace* the moot d-sirable styb-*, and hav*beta, selected wiih a view of combining beauty, elegance,economy and durability.Mr J.SOUUER «tnl remain* In eharge of the euatomera*

department, wh-re he ha* rendered himself *o popular byhi* snccej* in satisfactorily fitting r-nflercien w.tfi doraoieand well made Clothing. J. SOl'DEit. S";-er?nter.d-nt.

No. 76 r ulton-st, cor. Gold.N. B .A !ar?e and excellent assortment of youths* and

Bhfldren'* Clothing alway* on haid, which will be told tlCorrespondingly low prre*.

THE PUBLIC SENTIM ENT emphati¬cally eapreae-d in re/ard to Clothing purchased of J.

K. HORA k CO..It has Ions le-eh a BOSjree of satisfaction tohave < nrnpliwent* continually |iouring tu from toe city andcountry.Onr stock of reetly-rnsde CLOTTTIVO has "ii en irely

replenish'd with a magnifcetit aseo'trnent of Spring andBummer Good*, «electeipwitli care and judgment, which are

trace in the bat* paäMl munm r, and are ceiling at a greatreduction below our cm>cliu>r«.Oeiillemen w ho prefer havirir their eannents made to or¬

der cm have their wish srH'iiied, us we keep constantly a

.plendid assortment r f Cloth* and Ca*«nner ..*, and <eir Cut¬ter has attained a degree of cut'ing almost c rtaio to pleasethe most fastidious.

' We also keep a general MaCctraeRt of Funii'-'iiTT Good*.J. K. HORA A CO, No tO Na«».u-«t,

b'-iwcen Fulton and Jnlin-st*.

Carpctingo, (Dil Cloths* &t.1LOOR OIL CLOTHS at No. 40 Pine-

* ft., New-York, Printed by a New Patent Proeeta. E.E. RICE k CO, Patentee*, would mist rcsrpectfally an-

ncunce to the trade, that they have obtained the greatdesideratum of printir.j Floor Oil Cloth* by Machirery.whirh. for elegance of f:r. ah, i.eve never been excelled, endwhich they are now oft r.ng. together with a large and dealr-able stock of Clothe*, from 2 to b fe»t wide, at jreat'.y rasduc.d price*, at their Warehouse, No. 40 Pinsat


The UNDERSIGNED HAVINGcompleted hi* ea-tensive and important alteration* la

hi* old stand. No. IM Willitm-rt, .ep-arating the wholesaltfrom the retell departnirnt. and having associated with hintDAVID WF.BB, (late with A. and E. 8. Hiririn* It Co,) 1*now ready to offer the following good*, which have bean se¬

lect' d with great care from the most celebrated maaufitto.rie* of Europe tnd the Cnited State», viaROYAL TAP) 8TRY VI L\ K.TS.


INGRAINS, of every grade;VENETIANS, ot all width*;

OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, ka, ke.Aid are likewise In daily receipt of good* of every deicrlasti-. n connected with the trade trom Auction, forming to¬gether an unrivaled assortment, to which we invite the e*pa-etaJ attention i f ceunt.-y dealers, and rich a* are about tofurnish anew their houses, hotels, stcamboaU, ships, A.c., Ava.


No. 136 Williem-st, between Fultonand .lohn-ste. It. T.

£ost nnb -fonnb.

Jost, in BROOKLYN.A rjolci Brace¬s' let. marked M. F Kidd * liberal reward will be paid

fui returi.ii g it to No. .1 South William *t.

<H Kin REWARD.Lo«t,onthemorn-Iff I v »'fjr«0f ibc2Pth Anril, in Atlanticst, Brooklyn,A SEALED PACKAGE, tua-Aid A. L. CRIER, New-York,containing twenty Bonds of $1,' 00 each, of Fayette County,Kentucky, numbered from 52 to 71 inclua've, and issued tothe Covington end L 'giuirton Kailroad Company. All tliaBond* issued by thisCoumy to the Covinztoii and LexingtonRailioad Compruy. except the alKivensini d, have the fol¬lowing guarantee printed on the back of tiem

"TI.e ( ..vn>(ii.n an.l tasxiaalos Kailroad Company fuarantee theprompt parrnrnt of the prim ipal and interest if tli* w.tlun bond forvalue I*a*¦tod. Witness the seal of the said OaBBBBBB, and tlie sif-aalai* ..(lb* Präsidial tlieie..f, ilai* t-uth .lav ..f Apnl. ih.w, la eon-liiriiutv e itb a re-olution oithe Board of DhsCtOss, paa-ed on tlie 1std«r < f Apr.l. ie«."

ftklafl REWARD_Lost during the pastHC -I"" winter, the plan* for a ohur-h, drawn by Mr.Charle* Frederick Anderson, loi the recovery of wliich theabove reward will be paid, bv

THOMAS A MAXV.'l'LL, No. SC William-at, N. Y._$*}ZL REWARD..A smsll, whitetrav-

e*w* "i Una Trunk w as tnki u by mistake, or by a thief,

from the steamboat Croton on Friday mm fdog la it, I willpav the af.i M' n w urd to: its recovery, with the contents, a*takin. S DRAPER, cor. Pine and vViUiaaaat!

Worses, <l*arrinqf9, «^c.TTORSES for SALE..A fine pnir ofP I dark bav. cloeelv matched Horses Th-v m iv 'as «e-u

at theatahloaol WlIsBON k BROTH Kit, formerly CharlesL. Baatba. corner of Bhaekai und Croa!iy-*ts

Jcmclrrj, »^c.

California cold..bailey &CO, No. 136 Che*fout-*t, Philadelphia, arepurchasicg

California Oold to any amount, at the highest ratest, and are

Prepared to manufacture it at the shortest notice, Into allind*of solid jewelry, cups, «poont, ,Vc

Frederick w. pachtmann, no.JO 170 Canal-tt, lettablishcd (inca 1838,) Inform* hitauatomeia and the public in general, that he keeps, a* usual,a large varitty of COLD and SIL\ ER WATCHES, richand fashionable JEWELRY and SILVER WARE of everydescription. Every article warranted a* represeutsd and tbaloweat price*. Watches, Jewelry and Silver Ware made toordei and i «palred

old pencils. jewelry, &c.de cheap, to close a consignment. Apply to


fcr the TKA DI Arliclc* of every description man-utnetured w ith rroiupti e** and dunatch. Tea Beta, Ursat,l'ltckers. Cups, Coblets, IVnmpet*, Napkm Rmga Ac Also,Spoon*, Forks and Külves *f a taiu-ty of pattern*.

_O. PECK, Jr., No. 77 Duaue-tL, N. T.


aeribei, evicting to receue several large invoice* ofWATCHES and .) EW ELRY, it now (eliuig öS hi* presentMock at greatly reduced price*:Fin* Go d Lepiue Witches, 4 holes Jeweled, lor.$2«.Fine Gold Detached Lever*, full jeweled. 30Fine Oold Patent Lerer*. 38and ail other kinds of Watches at eoually low-pricee; alto,all kind* of Gold Chains, pure Gold Wedding Rings, Go*4

Key* tnd Seal*, Gold Pen* and Pencil*, Gold and SilverThimble*, Diamond Ringt and Pin*. Bracelet*. Oold Isocketa,Cud Pina, Ear-Ringt, Gold and Silver Spectacle*, Breast¬pin*, Finger Ring*. Silver Fruit Knives, Sterling SilvasSpoons, Cups, Fork*. Ac, at muck lea* prices than any otherhonte. Gold Watches a* low a* $20 each. Watches andJewelry exchanged. AU Watches warranted to keep goodfame, or the money returned. \\ atchee. Clock* and Jewelryrepaired la the best manner, at much less than the niuilBricea. GEO C. ALLEN,Importer of Watches and Jewelry, Wholesale and Retail,No. 11 Wall-st, near Broadway, up stairs, formerly at No. MWall-*t



(1 ii. WHKLLER. Atti.r.Hv, etc., atJ a Law, and Commissioner of Deeds, removed from No.

14 w all at, to No. 4 New-at, near Wall. 2d Soor. Iu from »to 1 and trom 2 to b. Mortgages on real estate forackated

"T\R. M. STEPHENSON ha. r. movedM-J hi* residence arul office trom No. Seii Broome-at, toNo is? Ea»t I4th-*t near 2d-av, where be will attend to med¬ical and surgical practice.

ARVEY BURDELL* M.D., Dmä»t.ha* renaiTed fia>m No. 362 Broadway to No. SI Bond-

de. midway between Bpvadway and the Bowery.HNOTICE of REMOVAL..WILLIAM

M. BROWN. Broker in Hides, Skiu*. Hai , Su mmAc, ha* reincved fron» No. 10 to No. 23 Kerry-*f_ x

Removal.s. p. staples, G. C,GODDARD A L. W. CODD.UID, from No. 12 Wall,j to No. It2 Broadway.

iVEMOVAL.Miss RTbTtRLWeLLAt has removed her Pans MILLINERY from No. 129Faeeythsat. to No. 420 Broorne-st. near Broadway where sheWill ho happy to *ee her friends and customer*. Hav ;msde large addition* to her Mock of French Straw, 8i:t aLawn, Bonnets and Millinery Cooda, she is now prepared toexecute all order* in her line"with neatness and dispatch.

EMOVAL..CARpENTER & VEIUMILYE havareanoved to Uieir rorowomoe, No. 44

Wallst., neat to the Bank of America.

EMOVAL..N. P. B. CCRTIS^S ha*j removed from No. 4123 Broadway to the ., -us war*>

rosun of T. Gilbert k Co, No. 447 Bros ¦ aj wbora imv babjaad a aomplata aasortmesit of new an . .n4 band Piaa.w

aabaoiibsM* are sole ageota ajr the . of the oelebrated*aaarkaaa Patswt-Actaoa Piano-Fort« ¦>.. ..- Hews of»o*too Also have a full (apply of T. M! kati a ('e.'t vmtkadmired sEohan Piao.^; all of which *-5 otf -red for at . oaaha moat raaaooah** '«snas.

N. 1.1. CIÄTI88 A CO, N« h: Storni nj.


REMOVAL.. Dr. Bar or* Spolasco,M n A R Ac. Consulting Physician and Sorg

to. Ail leiten must he j.itrpaid.

sTmiEN MARTINDALE, Jr., &. j pbamcii t. QAR*rrT«o», <nmm*m atuw.

hoi ri^vCd StaTi&MNo. ¦

rpÖ~JEWELE RS, WATCHMAKI rv liiTB-i ac-A. W. KU \ VC IS. S-one «-»1yil 'l* , ! V^rn. .he Trade tv, has r-.uio.ei

i^T^'aVn%i. to No. 83 ItflnwUt, two door,from Broadway._._VF» HARRISON has removed his

. Mananvcnry and Wareiwms frr <n No. 33 Cen*I-*ttoNo» Merr»r-at oe« O v,d-»*-, where may befooadatstendiil aaw.rtrr>»nt of Piano-Port*.*._^^^^

galamanbrr Safes.

s< A L A M A N D KB SAFES.Wilder ¦

Pau=t, ^^Tmarvin,Wo 148 W'trer-et., New-York, are the onlymkers of Uuabove-named selebratcd MB* ccrnMr.tne both patent*.

mBE GREAT FIRE b CHII*LICO-J_ Ti'i' Ohio. One-fb'.-ri of the tawn b-imt to aa.'-.et:

CitiLt-icoTitr. 0~ Tusaday, April m\ IBMMtarrt. Stf.arnj fc M »arm.O-ntlemcn i Yoareof the

6th i« at hand. In reply, every Safe m the fire, except yours,bar pn ved rrrä (or netting. I lost a larre Safe.it wa» per-ftcl) aeetlliji a : but in the -mal! Salamander I too<ht fromvou. uGthuJr wai u-jurcd. Yonr obedient errant

' Was. T. Clkhsos.Thr- above letter -how- 'hst In a re-;! hot tire Kicifi Sai.a-

m.'.fDERS are ti-only Sa.'es to be dep-nded apoo. Ic thePearl-tt. fire, eleven Safes, of a ftereut mikera, were totallydestroyed. R:-h'» " .f-aalpne bidding drf.mce to the fl.iMux,prewiring note*, bonHi and mor*;»-"*, to the value ofUOOUDOO, The ( Inilicothe. ire is a parallel rase.«very Safebnt Rich's is destroyed. These repeated occurrence* P"^'*Ue.r:, .t-.!.!v ti i* Wider'* pat 'at Sal air. ander*, with Rich'sIliiausitWlti an the. best Safes made ia the United Sutoi,oi in the whole world. Thry can be at the depot N'o.'.16 WasOI'BT. and at the Factory, comer of St Mark's-clacc tr.d Avenue A, New-York.* STEARNS Jt MARVIN.

Also, at the following Agencies:Ien-c Dllrtl*. New Orleans, La.L. M. Hitch, Charleston, S. C.Thompson A Oudesluys, Baltimore. MJ.Holyoak*. Down-* \ Co., Meucha*, Teno.Eddy A Mcrley, Toledo. O.Allis k. Howes, Evansville, Ind.s. Btsepard A Co.. Burnt! i, N. Y.Walter K. Man-in, Lt.ck.pcrt, N. Y.Barnev Brother. Motile. Ala.Chaa. II. Camplii Irl. Savannah, Oa.IIa.Il V Motes. Columbus, Ca.De llossst A Brown, Wilmington, N. C.\\ ii Randall. St Paul. M. T.Merbty k Ravnold*. Cleveland, O.Haver. Boyd A Co, /an. *vi!le, Ü.Fly. Bugsett It. er*r»A*r, N. Y..las. Hütt,mi, Montreal, Canals.

Pninting, &'e.

FR KN C H WINDOW-GLASS.Re-eeived from two of the best manufactorie-. aid have

a fall assortment of all «i/e» and qual'tie*. sinele o ib e andextra, on hand. Foreign and Aniencan Ckk*3B . Is j a'nta,Ac.; Foreign and American Olessware, Bjfles, Dernijohna,An, The above w« import or have on hand, on consienm-nt

EL I. RAKER A BROTHER, No. 123 Water-et

ZINC PA I NTS.Warranted l^ir©.--The NEW-.)EP,SEY ZINC CO; Warcliouse, No. «

Dey-st, aTe prepared to supply their Ziuo TaiuU at lh« 11-lowipg prices:

No. I White, ground ir. oil. 9c. per pound.No. 2 White, ground iu oil, I*, per puund.No. 3 White, ground in Ota. 7c per pound.Brown and Black, ground in oil, 5Jc. per pound.Dry W ir.te pi Zimt, be. por potmd.

WHITE ZINC PAINT,After thorottgh test in Europe and the United Statea, hatbeen fcund to retain its beauty and protective qualities longerthan any ether paint For wliitene.ss and brilliancy tt is un¬

rivaled; it is Ire« from all poisonous properties *o CJuunoo

and dangerous in other pigments; sri 11 cover.equal weight.from 40 to 100 per cert, more space than lead, and ia tharo-fore, much cheaper to the consumer. As an inside paint Mwill not tnrn yjllow, even when exposed to the sulphurousgases of coal fires or the foul air of el.i|>e Their Whites Zingground ia . xmiah produces the porcelain finish. Their

BROWN AND BLACK ZINC PAINTSlna few ho.ir* form a hard ej;d *olid metallic coating opoa-wood, brick, iron and other metallic turface*, are remarkah'tfor their fire-proof properties They arespecially adapted foimarine purposes, having been found t* resist the corrodiugaction of salt water, *o dectructive to other paints. Deelensupplied on liberal ti rm* by

MANNINU A sm if.R, Agents, No. 45 Dey-tt.N.Y.


ACARD..The subsffihor luv'm-been oMceitO vacate the premises, No. 6>5 Bro e! '. u..

hat removed his Seed end Plant Repository to No. 834, at-reclly opposite, where lie will he happy to attend to liu pvtromand the public on Thursday morning next.

T. DUNIsAP, Seedaman and Plonst

ADVERTISEMENTS are ii.-ried inthe I.e»t paper* in other citieaand town at V. B. PALM¬

ER'S Advertising Agency, Tribun«! Building»,

ALUM, SODA ASH and UltraräwlriftBlue on hand, and for tate byJAS. T. DKRRICKSON A CO., No. IV> Pnltcn-et

BT. BABBITO'S rtlebrated SOAP. P O VV D E R, one of the best a-elclee In use foi

Baving Labor in Washing. Double Rchned BALERATU&VVa'ranted witiiont adullerattnn of any kind CHEMICALYEAST POWDER, (or rapid raiting of Brcsd and Cake*.Pare CREAM TAB TAR, SODA SALERATUS, CAS¬TILE BOAP, &ce. ke. Th».te articlw are pat up in the raorteotivenient and mluale manner, at prices as Ijw or lower thasany other manufacture*, and which ailord a good profit to re¬tailer*. For tale in quantities to suit purchasers at No* CSand 70 Washington-**^, New-York.

CCALCUTTA GCOD8.Cargo of theJ aliip .lame* Drake, just arrived, couiisuug of

baltpeter, 2,01«» bags.Twine, 2iK> balet *' and 3 thread.Ounny ( loth, 3(10 hales.Ounny Bags 400 bale*.Ginger. DaJ hags.Hides, H twit* Cow, dead, treen and slaughtered.Hide*, 7 bales Buffalo, dead, green and slaughtered.

For«iiu by SPOFEORO, T1LESTON A CO^No. 43 Soutli-st

C~ltYTRADE..Now ig thfTtlme tt) a*I-verti»e in the newspaper* of neighboring cities and

town* for the trade ot the country ; ar<T to those who de-tire to do to with discrimination and circumspection a mostconvenient opportunity is offered by V. B. PALMER'S Ad-vertiting Agency, Tribune Buildings. Merchants, Manufac¬turers and others wishing adverti*ement* inserted in thebest and most widely circulated journals of either o* all thefollowing places (the inhabitants tf which do most of theirtrading in New-York, are invited to call atV. B. PALMER'SAdvertising Agency, Tribune Buildings, where the papertmay be seen, prices ascertained, and every information ob¬tained for the adoption ot a judicious system of advertising:Benn.ngten, ProvTJence, Keeeesille, Freehold,Burhntton, Alban;, Kimterhook, Mightatnwa,Middiebury, Bin«hamtoa, Knig-'on. Jersey City.Hoatt*bar, B,oo.-i..mhurt, Muaiiatuwa, Laml>ert«iU*,Bridgeport, BrciA.'yn, Mont-eello, Middle-own ta\Rt-ni i.jhass, I'ox-arkie, Mott Hirea, Mom»to»ra,DtakeiJ, t«Utdb Kesrburgb, NewirlLHsruord, Coboea, Kyaik, N- Brunswick,Lit. lifieU, Carsiel. Peekak.n, Newtoa,Men*en, Ckallaall roughkeepti*, Pateraoa,MiSSieTows, Delhi, Roslyn, Pnncetoa,bew Ha.ea, I.-r-it, Rnndout, PlaiaSeld,New Britain, Finer*. Rhinekeek, Rshway,B*w-Leaase, Fwaxul, Sag HariK.r, 8»-me'tills,Worwalk, F'.-Ling, Saugertm, Trenloo,fterwwA, -'.-n. Sing Sing, rareoadaJ*,Stamkird, (ilen Cos*, Stapletoa, Kasum,Say bna Aj Hoer-traw, Troy, Hone*dafs,Watcil.ury. Henpstead, Williameburah, tfontro**,>\ e>t Ki^tgiy, H'ii.t,Lsto», BorSeutawn, PoU»t,!l*,W illitraaatic, Hudson, Ektabetbtown, Towaada,Newport. Jamaica.IV All communicationt attended to promptly, by ad¬

dressing V. B. PALMER,Tribnne Ruildinsa, New-Y'ork.

ry A Hal of other cities and towns in each State, in whichpaper* are published, can be had by those wishing to adver¬tise, South or West, East or North, at tha Agency.


IYRUS W. FIELD & CO., No. 11Cliff-*t., New-York, are tole agent* ia the Catted State*

Mospreit'i raperlor Bleaching PowderVictoria IfiltT celebrated Writing Paper*.Russell Mills' fine Writing Papert.Ccwan A Co.'* Engluh and Scotch Writing Papers.Raa» in,a Enaliah Tiasiue Papert.Oenesee Mills' Printing Papers.They are else agents for tat principal Paper *«.*>**¦¦--

d this country

CTÄSJtTPAlD for RAGS, CANVAS,BAGOINO, BALE ROPE CLTTINOS Orate andTarred Itore. Old Papers, and all other Paper Maker*' (took,by CYRL S W. PIeTd a CO, No. !M

spHIMNEY TOPS, Vases, &cM made


FISH and PROVISION^TKJRE^ALLAN A ROSE. No. 236 W'tshtngton-st, (one doorabove BarcUy-et.) New-York, oder at wholesale to dealers,at the lowest market prices for cash, the foüowinf trtJcle* of(be best quahty: ^ sakswaa. ws

Mackerel.Noa 1, 2 *nd S, in all kind* of Daekaeaa.Shad.Noa. 1, 8 and 3, in all kinds of tseckBseT^Codfish.Dry Salted and Pick led. r~"e»

8eeJe**h.Dry Salted and Pickled.Hernrg».Smoked and Pickled.Pork.Mess, Prune, Ramp, Bart Clear, Ac-Beef.Mesa, Prime, and Railroad.Smoked Hama, Shoulders, Beet Bacon, ItjBMBICheese, Lard. Candle*, OÜ, Spice*.Batter.In hrkina mks and pa:!*.treac dairy.Salt.Fine, in tackt and small beta.

FREIGHT CAJ*S.-Fiity Eight-Wheeled Platform Care, mad* in the moat thoroughmanner, ofthe beet matenal* and ttyle cdeo**trtjetMii; ladia-Rabber Springs. For tale, to be delivered lmrnedisiely EaV¦u Company, Lawreaoa, Mas*

gordon McKAY

IHEREBY FORBID all persuns mak-s Mm or bnviriJL in violation ofmy pat -at. ofmy Dou¬ble-Jawed Spring Pad Lock, for which l-tte.-a Patrul wr-*-

granted me by the United States, bearing dale Apni !.and the *iuue lock ia pnucipie as those a ;w ruruktljed i nteto the Post OrSct Department And btvmg btraed thatoae Tbocoas Slsight, of Newark, N-w-Je-^ev a-rxiog others,has beta ibsJuci aad ttuja| tocb PadiocAt tJ RaUroads,

Hardwire Merchant*rnd fibers, and tnfrrr-.jrtr- M - P. I therefore eailion the put lie strains* buyingsnrh L¦ t< Ihim ur ¦ y 00m rhilation »i my patent; a* I mt -at to tu

font my nght egainit all r-raonaii.!'.invnt it.Apr-1 24, l»a«.J ¦ nrisilV C. JONE& Newark, N.J.

Kei,ly\ThXD^ i RÄv-INO and PRINTINO OFFICE. No. Ml Falioo-st,

r> Y..Wedding. X untiot Invitafiua. AJdreoa, and At Ho ne

CAT.DS fake B'ira, Bndal Envelope*. Btsuioa* Card«,Bill Head*. Ac. A plate and .V rat.U U<r $1 Ä__IARGE A^ORTM ENTo? OÄRDENJ ThAWn, JLutda I.-lie*. Paontea Gbrholss Taajpa,

Dablis«, Verheer.*. Perurrlaa. he. S-iecf ara:idj-d per;»-t-nai Roa* Treea. Prairi- ««n*ea. Corte«-. M.sm a- IV" -

Rraea, white and red: Shrub*, Doable AIthea Ha-vsr Ball*.Spirtsa, Evergreen. Irish Yew* aud hy; larte I«*:.eUs audfeiawta t.repe \ rift A«i.--xiu- Ro A 'aV'i .- r *.

earlv Cxbbege. Er<g and Tomas » Plant*, green house Pm tjard Ro*e« in Monm; H' -j inet« .u r- H-r. \ ,«tv t» t.«

Garden. Ht-av. and 5tb-st«. WM. PI! ELAN A SON.

NEWS AND BOOK PRINTING PA-PERS.Constantly on hand and mane to .id-r, by

CYRl S W. FIELD A CO.. No. II CliS-at.


PAPER and STATIONERY..CountryMerchant* ard all o:her* who would aTail .h-mselva*

of mnr'Vtart mf price*, in »II aticli* in the »hore In*,can rtly opol duir g k>. and orxw finding a complete *tocit atenrcetabhahn'rn*. by calling npon

EL'GENE ELY, N o. 89 Foltoo-at.

Paper bia NüFaCTürers* M a¬terials.T1.8 reoat erre-id^e awor-mertt In thjj

eounty, for .ait iy CYHLS W. FIELD kCO-No. 11 wuw ft.

6 BUILDERS.Pi.yinU for bu 1.1-icg hear I., use* on Cberrv-et, will ba received antil

Kt.csvt.cxi.:::, int..)'. Ma:'* Lev?. N.i. ni D...-where plan* and «pti¦ihcatiun* may tie aeen l.oiu 10 to 4o'clock every cay._

U^lKJUOTY LANDOFFICE, No.a 65 Tllltll It on ChamberMt,-NOTlCE.-lf the

tallowing peraon* who K-nred in the U. S. Army. lr. the warwith Great Brrstn in 1S!2-'1S-'14'U he living, r.r if de¬ceased, their heir* or leral repreacctativee vrtU call at myofflee, they will find It to their advantage, via Joa i^h.via-berlain, Auitstu* Collir*. William Martha!!. Isaac Raian,Charlemagne Dcfoor. Job LittelL Anthony Anderson. Chri*.tivn Might. John Herdnck. John Wehih, George Le ;tcr. JohnRusk and Henry Smith. NICHOLAS HAIOHT. So".

rapping PAPER^^OOO RmoMRag and Straw W'rarpmr Paper, for w.!e byJAS T. DERRICKSON A. CO, No 106 Fitltor.-st.

\T|rRITIN(i PAPERS BY THE CASEVV ONLY .The lare^et aed moatdeairahla a»*«n -neot

In the 1'NITED ST ATES fur «*i* byCYRl'S W. FIELD < CO., No. 11 Clitfat.

\7TAST POWD ER.BT T. BABBITT1 i*thecrigiii*ltiivent.irof ÜM C'lemical Yeael Powder,

which i* preiiarid *:.d is.ld by him at >o*. iW and 70 \\ ash-ingUiti-iL, New-York, in tin emu. Tlnxe who purchaseahouliieee tliat they get that wnli tue alsive uameoo.

2nnn bags saltpeter, in bond,Ai\ t\f for»ale bySPOEFORD TILEaTON A CO, No. 45 South-**.


40 TUNS CHINA (LAV in si »r andforcale by JAS. T. DERRICKSON k CO,

No. 106 Pulton


C^OAL..I am now drehargmg severalJ earjoe* of the bc»t quality of Red Ash Stove Coal,

which 1 will *ell to dealer* and othe.i at $123 per tun hamTetael. aid will deliver from vessel at $4 75; fiom yard.$5. PETER CLUSTON. cornerof Kiugand Greenwich andGoerck and Rivington *ta_

COAL..The subscriber has in yard afull supply of Anthracite and Bituminou* Coal*, con-

*i*rin* of Peach Orchard, Black Heath, Lehirh, Hazleton.English Csnnel, Liverpool Orrel, Cumberlnnd, Sidney.allof which is warranted to be of the besrt quality, delivered inhe beat order, and for sale at the very lowest market priceg.

JAMES L. WORTH. No. 21 Broadway,and 4tb-*t. corner of Thompson.

OfMCE PfWSSVI.vania Cosi. Co, )Csr. Broadway and W'ail^t >

PITTSTON COAL..The Pcnnsylva-Dls Coal Company is now prepared to enter iHto con¬

tracts for the sale of its superior Pittstoo Cos', doliveralde atPort Ewer, near Rondont, on the Hudson River, beloro 1stJuly next, at the following pr ces per tun waJMI lb*:

Lump.g-l 40' Kanne or Large Stove..*-1 60Steembnet.3 5.V Nut or Stove.3lrtGrate or Furnace. 3 60 Pea..2 75Contracts may also be made foi the remainder of tba'tea-

aon, by application at the Conpany'* oftVe.GEORGE A. HOYT, Trevrarer.

r\ ED ASH SMALL NUT COAL from\j Lewi* St Spohn Veis*..A very durable article for

¦nail stoves. For aale by the cargo at Port Carbon or PortRichmond, by ?. TYLER A CO,

No. 76 Walnut-st,, Philadelphia.riMIE SUBSCRIBER will deliver ;heI best quality of Red and White Ash C ml, at$.rr per tan,from the earner Oi York and Adani»-«t, Brooklyn.


PER TUN..Best Pod Ash Nut^tf COAL, large size, »creened and delivered from yard,at the above low price. Also, Red Ash Stove and Egg, $5.While Ash Stove and Es)i at the *arne low rate.

JAMES AITKIN, No* 205 and 2n7 Franklin-st

fHortcrj tüanttb anb to Coan.&Q nnfl WANTED.On a farm onST »),UVlv the Hudson worth $10,000, and forwhichfH,0P() was bid at auction at the Exchange. A bonus will begiven if procured by the 10th of May. Address K, tins Otnce

CDtean Steamers, «^c.

CCALIFORNIA 'I'll KET FOR SALE./.One Through Steerage Passage Ticket, via Nicaragua.

Inquire of BENEDICT, IIALL A CO, No. 21 Paik riw,up stairs. Inquire nt the desk.


Navy Bay, (near Chagres.).The new and splendid do idleengine steamship SIERRA NEY ADA. 1,800 tuns burthen,J. D. YY'ilson, E*a, Commander, will leave for A*puiwall,Navy Bay. direct,' on MONDAY, May 24. at 3 o'clock, fromher pier.'No. 3 North River, to camnect at Panama with ihsfavorite »leamship new-orleans, E H Ackiey, Mas¬ter. The*e steamers have unsurpassed accommodations forpauengei*, and are better ventilated than any in the trade.The table* are supplied with every comfort, both for thecabin and ateerage passengers. An experienced Surgeon t*attached to each »liip. Tl e Panama Railroad is now in oper¬ation, running daily to within a few mile* of Gcrgona. Pas¬senger* will be lauded at the Company'* depot at Aspinwall,free of expense.RsTCnor Fare.First Cabin, |315; Second fabln, (state

room*.) $2A3. Both the above eat at the aame table .».. r-

age, tyi1'", found with bed. Ac, and a aeparate table, wellprovided. A remittance of half the passage-money will ae-cure a ticket, until within ten day* of tailing ol theiteamerFor freight or passage, apply to

J. HOW ARD it SON, Agents, No. St Broadway.

F^YclLÄRLESTON.slCMI-WEEK-LY' LINE..The entirely new and magnificent *team-ship JAMES ADOER, Capt, J. Dickinson, will leave pierNo. 4, N R. on W I US KS DAY', May 5. at 4 o'clock P M ,

pn-ciselv. For freight, apply on board, where all bill* ot lad¬ing w ill"be signed, and forpassage at the counting room of

SPOFKORD, TILESTON A CO, No 4M Soutn-stThe abc,fe-named.*t>-amaliip is wonimended to the travel-

ins public a* one of a line raperior, in point of comfort andsafety, to anything upon our coast. And from recent trial* ofher speed, it"is thought she will eclipse anything adoot Taepublic l* united toexarume her.

OR LIVERPOOL..United State«_ Mail steamship BALTIC. Capt. Joseph J. ComstocE.1 his steamer will depart with the C. S. Mails for Europe posi¬tively on SATCRDAY, May 15, at 12 o'clock m from herberth at the foot of Canal-*t. No berth secured till paidfor. For freight or passage, having unequaled accommoda¬tion* for elegance and comfort, apply to

EDW. K. COLLINS k CO, No. 56 Wall-atThe steamahip ATLANTIC will succeed tlis BALTIC and

aa May 29, 1852.

FOR LIVERPOOL.The favorite andwell known steamship SARAH SANDS, 1.300 tans

borden, W. C. Thompson, Commander will be dispatchedfor LIVERPOOL on SATURDAY, May », at 12 c/elc»ek..This *bip ba* been thoroughly rehued, and fiat superior tc-sommodatinns fnr paaaingera

J HOWARD k SON, Agents, No. 34 Broadway.


Capt. Cave, will tail from New-Y'ork on 25th of May.N. HO. (JRISYVOLD, No. 72 Sonth-*t

For freight or passage apply onlv toRI SSELL A NORTON, No. 31 Old-alip,

or to ELLIOT, ARKELL k CO, No. 146 Pearl *.TTii* ship being owned by the same parti, a. is substituted

for the Panama, havirg more extensive accommodations,which are admirably aiapted for the comfort and cor real-ence of famihet, both MX tirtt and second cabins.

FOR SAN FRANCISCO.DispatchLine..State-Room Paasaee in the *pleof id half chpper-

»hir ELIZA MALLORY, at Pier No 23 East River, may behad for 1150. Ship to sail on the 12th inar. Immediate ap¬plication i* Decenary as bot few berth* remain.

E B. SLTTON, No 84 Wall-at


FlOR SAN FRANCISCO DIRECT..«. CHEAP PA8SAOE .The entirely new and magwfl-

aent dipper chip, NORTH STARR, Captain J. O. Barclay,will posiavely sail Tl ESDAY, May A The accommo¬dation* in this beaunfuJ dipper, and the well known reputa¬tion of Captain Barclay, (this being his third voyage to theabove port, > will render all persons an opportunity seldomor ever odered, in (electing a comfortable passage. Her be¬tween-deca* are roily eight feet high, and patent venuilalara.It . folly expected she will make the paaaape in 90 days.Early application will be necessary to aecura passage, as onlya limited number will be taken, either on Iboard. Pier 27East River, foot of Dover -at, or to BUTLER B&OTHEJULHo. 163 and 118 Sooth-st,. N. Y. *»«.*»,

FOR SAN FRANCISCO.The clipper.cup FLYING CLOLD. J. P Crwesy, Commander

*», Eg anads her la*t pasaage to San Francisco in 89 days.^dt« . hi rtest passage on record.la now again toasting for thatyort. II it. having a krge quantity of cargo engaged,!* intend-ad tc eiUaboat the 1st of Mat For balance of freight, *r,'o.- f-sssgv, baring folendid acTominodaUuns, aopiv to thstCs'/er*. aa board, at Burimg-shp, or toL EINKLLL, MlitfLsUi 4 co, No, 78 Sooth-at.

FOB MV ERPOOL.-1\» f.vorife*«esrr*tiip CITY OF t.l ASoi» V, Wuhuu Wylie,

I Cuom.4i.ocr. >»i.i »».li'i'.ui iM.iL', >. UIA for Ll'.'ER-III TIM I .'DA*, May*. «i«o.:iodt. A.M.flMlf ni Sil;«« SlsU" Booms..#"W

j fkaMr in Doti-1« Sg*B* Rovji.is. tf.5Va.t* 10 V-r» id S a'e Paulis. 55A limited nnrnhe* of thirl-clssa pd><«e...'. r» will Im* taien at

AV. au. I. 10 <: *. Uli provisions.Tmf um- ;¦ *U) bc famished with :TLi!* .iy ti;'*et* to PLila-

delphi*. ft .* of eXDe'raV. bv th* AfSftAj TI om AS RICH ALDSON. N.u »1 F.x. hangt place.

FOR SAN FRAN< ISO ?.TDBSDAY,Jtme 1.The SphTfid nrm douM.-eigine steamii p

city of rriT&Bt Ron. ..«... i. ¦¦.» .. v.>-.¦ »'.Sti bssttU*, Cm am c.tr thm »mniU «:.:.»:it*hip Ua^.rgondergrmrex«fn«ive alre-eriort* f »iir h-r'n the fmd« a-«tr> u ahr b> r ac :. n «a i-Mseperor to any MMN «« toeTacit*. will . r ran K.-anci*M asar-jv-, f.wchtr-j at Val¬paraiso and Panama. Her .«täte rwxiin large and airy, andher sr. .:.--<. a n r or1 a: r* n v «arer.m- to any *teanj»h:p.t'-at t a ".(« ahtitdoncc of bo.h i'jbt and at:, a* well as sa,extra h<«htfctweendeeki. Ttb corindrrrtly w-wd shewill tr>»ke the peseegr to Sat Fran- *co in '* »hört a time a*it ha* been ma e by any at--.nur, uri* wf-.-n'.*; to fuml-.es,arid to tfcfie whr di-ire thnr eomfurti a iiiiich pleasaatereon v'eya'r rSthswbythe« - ^w'ded et. »ruers via OaeTte, a* onlya lim.tcd tnimbcr of pa,-eenge s wit i.e taken.

Tn I.idre* Saloon.,.In l.:. ntlfruet.,» Saloon. 2In.-: lexaa.V. L

Aprly to THOMAS RfCHAH f>SON. No. «lRiB**J*ilplace, Ntw >or* and No. S V\ alnut st, Philadelphia.


and ecgaut - - M AKiON.« ¦'-r M. Berry I MOM,Cant, EeM. Asiams: SOI IHERNER, Capt W. Foete-;JAMES ADOER, Oep»- J. Wcdtirsscn, frwmfaf * regwl.v

I eem'-week'y line hena-eeo New-York and Ctiarleettm, willmake their tir* m toliOw*: a

Manon....Saturday, Way 1' Ja*. Ad{rrAVedneeday.JtmeIJa*. a'fT.w edt-wfay, .. 5 i nio-.Satunlav, .. 5I'nWm.S»ren!av, .. t SiotherueriV'odnceday, .. .

gonthernerU'edreiiay. .. U Martini-Saturday, .. OManin....fa*itrr:av, .. 1*'"a*. Ad^r \Veafr»*ed»y,.. lbJa». Adiier.Wrxine*dej, .. Id L'moti.Saturday, 19Union.S»fnrday, .. K SouthernerWedneel.iy, .. 2JIkmthe'niertVerJrteedsT, 2fi M»'mn....Sarnrday. .. WM«nou....tatfneay, " ft Ja*. \iia"r.W etiiicaday. " *'The »teamer* leave Tier No. i North River at lo clock

P. M^ pn-cias-ly. For fre-tht anplv on board, and tor pa.«ttta-.at theccuaDEiDom oi s-POKKOKl), Til*l 8 i>,Ni * CO.

No. 48 South-**.



tend »ailir» th-ir new Steamiliif1 ¦ follow*-.niM.

CITY OP MANCHESTER, 2,1^, Capt. Robert Leitch.CITY' OK GLASGOW, 1,6*10, Capt WOKaa. Wyli».

FROM rNII.AOKI.Pillk.CITY OF GLASC.OW.Thur»d»y. May «CITY OF MANCHESTER..Ttniraday. JuueSCITY OF GLASOOVy.Thur*lay, July ICITY OF MAN* HI Si4M;.Ti n%.ay.Ju.> ¦



laloon in mn«!e St*t<-i.x.fu*... t1«11 BaVate il .!i.r'-^M:,'r'in«.80|iu*... double *. 66 .. do.Id* -* 1* **

.. forward .. 6ft " forward " 13 "

Ineludint St-'wnrd'* fees.IHIKO CLASS PASSENGER*".

A limited number cf third claa* pejwenuT* will betakenfrom Hlilwiklphia and Liverpool, and found in provworu.Prom Philodelvhia.RH From Liv.-rpool... .6 *xiinee*Cemticate* of pamafe will be tanned here tr> nartie* who are

deaimtu of bnii^in* out their fneud* at corrcepondinji rate*.

Freight on tire good* b"fl. per tun, and coaras good*, hard¬ware, Ac, will be taken sul.tect to agreement

Fir*t-cla.'<»«tean.«hip« nly between Liverpool and Oiaigow,Havre, Rctterdam. Leghorn, Marseille* and other Me.tranran ports, bv which good* can be «hipped to Liverpool,and thence by tins line, to Philadelphia direct.An exper.enced Surgeon will be carried on each ship.

All giavd* sent to the agent* in Philadelphia and Liverpool,will be forwarded with economy and dispatch.For freight or passage, apply toTHOMAS RICHARDSON. Philadelphia and New Yuik.RICHARDSON. BROTHERS *, CO., Liverpool.


0oinpo*ing this line are the followingAI LANTIC, C*»t We*t PACIFIC, Capt. Nye,AKC'ilC, Capt. I.nce, BALTIC, Capt Cotmtock.

ADRIATIC, Capt. Oration.These ships have been built by contract expressly for Gov¬

ernment service. Every care has been taken in their con¬

struction, as also in their Engiiu-a, to insure strength andspeed, sud their accommodation* for passengers are une-

qiiale-d for elegance and comfort. Price of raajage fromNew-York to Liverpool in first-class cabin, flai; in seconddo., $?.>; exclusive use of extra size state-ioom*, tDM; fromLiverpool to New-York, Ü30 and JiiO. An experienced sur¬

geon attached to each ship. .No berth secured until paid for.PKOI'OSKD DATES OF SAILING.

FROM NEW-YORK. FROM UVBRPaOL.Saturday.May 1, IaW. Wednesday.May 5, 1M2Saturday.Mav 15, 18.52*Wednesday.May IB8aturd»y.May %% 1852 Wcdneaday.June 2, I4'>2Saturday.June 12, l«>2 Wednesday.June 16, 18.52Saturday.June 26,18.52 Wednesday.JuneSO, 1833S*tutday.July in, 1852 Wednesday.July 14, 1852Saturday.July 24, 1852 Wednesday.July 28, liC.2Saturday.Aug. 7, 1852 Wednesday.Aug. II, IS'iiSaturday.Aug. 21, !' V W ...... v lay.Aug. 25. 1352Saturday.Sept. 4, 18.52 Wednesday.Sept 8. 1852Saturday.Sept.18, ibm W. .li.es.lav.8ept.Ä 18.52Saturday.Oct. 2, 18.52,Wednesday.Get 6,18.52Saturday.Oct 16, 1852 Wednesday.Oct. 20, IS52Saturday.Oct. 30. 18.52; Wednesday.Nov. 3, 1852Saturday.Nov. 13, 1852 Wednesday.Nov. 17, 1852Saturday.Nov. 27, US Wednesday.Dec. 1, 1852Saturday.Dec. 11,18,52 W.-doeaday.Dec 1.5,18.5«Saturday.Dec.A 13.52 Wednesday.Deo. 29, 1852

For freight or passage apply toEDW'D K. COLLINS \ CO.. No. 50 Wall st., N. Y.BROWN. SHIPLF.Y *- CO., Liverp.h,l.E. G. ROBERTS A CO., No. 13 Kina's Arm* Yard,

London.JOHN MUNROE A CO., No. Rue Notre Dame de*

Victoires, Pgri*, or GEO. H. DRAPI'.IL Havie.The owners of these ships will not be accountable for gold,

silver, bullion, specie, jewelry, prsaiou* (tones or metal*, un¬

less bill* of lading are ligued therefor, and the value thereoftherein expressed.


YORK and LIVERPOOL, direct; and between BOSTONand LIVERPOOL.The Beaton ship* only calling at Hali¬fax to land and receive mails and passengersARABIA, Capt.-, AFRICA, Harrison,PERSIA. Cant. -, EUROPA, E. G. Lott,ASIA, C. II. E. Judkins, NIAGARA, J. Stone,AMERICA, N. Shannon. CANADA, Lang,

t A.MBRIA, J. Leitch.These vessels carry . clear white light at mast head, green

on »tarboard bow, red on port bow.ASIA. JaaJtia*, An m NEW-YORK. Wednesday, May 5.MAIiAKA, St. ne, from BOSTON, Wednesday. May 12.EUROPA, Lott, from NKW-YORK. Wednesday. May 19.CANADA, Lang, from BOSTON, Wednesday, May 26.AMI It A. Hart-, i;, tin. NKW-YORK, Wedueaday. lunelCAMBRIA. Leitch. from BOSTflN. Wedne*d*y, June 9.ASIA. Judkins, from NEW YORK, Wednesday, June 16.AMERK A K DHOn from BOSTON, June 23.Passage from New-York or Boston to Liverpool.Firstcabin, S120; second cabin, R.0Berths not secured until paid for.Freight will be charged on apccle beyond an amount for

personal expense*.An experienced Surgeon on board.rV All letter* and newspapers must pas* through the

Post-Office. For freight or passage, apply toE. CUNARD. No.*) Broadway.XW French, German, and other Foreign Good*, received

and brought m common with Bntiah Otaxis. Through bill*of lading are given in Havre for New-York.WATt uns..By order of the British Treasury, watche* of

foreign manufacture, bearing the name* or mark* of Enguahmanufacture* »ill be hereafter admitted lu England in trau-sltn for the United States and other countries. In conaeojieoceof which Fteuch and Swiss watches may be shipped at Havrefor New-Y'ork or Boston, via Liverpool, without incurringthe risk as heretofore, of being *eizeid by the Enghah Custom-House.

THROUGH to SAN FRANCISCO.New-York and San Francisco Steamship Line..The

new *teain»hip UNITED STATES. Charles C Berry, Com-mender, will take her departure for Aspmwail, Navy B»y, onSATURDAY, 15th May, at d P. M., connecting at Panamawith the new doable-engine steamship W1NF1ELD SCOTT,2,100 ten* burden, Kenney Couiliard, Commander, whichsteamer awaits the arrival ef passengers at Panama by theUnited States, from New-York, and immediately thereafterproceeds to San Francisco direct without stopping at Inter¬mediate ports.These veasela, tn accommodations and safety, are not sur¬

passed by any on this route, and an experienced surgeon laattached to each veeeeLThe United State* ha* made the voyage between New.

York and Chagre« in seven day* and nineteen hour*, and theWin tie id Scott has just performed the voyage be twees New-York and Panama in the shortest time on record, both a* torunniLg, and actual time from port to portBooks now open sod through ticket* for eaie-

First C*biD State-Room..%USSecond Cabin.. 266Steerage. 2ftB

Apply tat DAVIS, BROOKS k CO,General Agent», No 23 Beaver-et

JONES ac JOHNSON,No. I'M West-st. corner of liberty-**Pageenger* per United States anil disembark along aide th*wharf at Asp in wall, and take the Panama Railroad, nowopen aearly to Gorgona, thus avoiding the risk attendantapon landing in boats at Shagres, and the nver navigation to

It S. MAIL STEAMSHIP COMpT-) . NT -For NEW-ORLEANS. via HAVANA.The splendid *«ain*hip EMPIRE CITY, 2,000 tuns Job*^<j*-Commar,der. will sail fr.«n the pier at toot of Warren-*t_ N. R-. ooi MONDAY Msy 10, at 2 o^lock, P.M.,ppsciseiy.Rate* of Pajeage to Havana and New-Orleans. New ar-rar.sement:Ladies' Saloon Berths. a-mAfter Saloon Berth*.70Forward Saloon Berth*.,.aa

Steerage Berths.,.!...!!!!!!.5Freight taken to New-Orleans at djk cent* per ea'btc lootRipper* of freight are requested to supply themselveswuh the C-mpeny'. bills of lading, which ma, be bsi«»P.icatioriattheomce. No ether form will be aigned. Nobill* of lading signed after the ship ha* tailedFor freight or pe.ge, apply to M.O.ROBERTS,_No. 177 Wast-et. cor. Warren.

UNITED" STAT^^IlTSTEAM-ua,,8^ COMPANY, connecting with the PACIFICf^i^^r^iiL00^fANY Only tbro^rtLme foiCabJbnua and Oreaoa, via Aapinwtil. Navy Bay direeZBf steamer. CRESCENT CITY, on W^BNFHDAP'5 nfsT'eJl 7 I t »pleadld ^earner CRESCENT CITY,10f» tnr^ j^T^.ner. Cornrns^der, wUl mul on WeataeedayMay 5 at 2 o'clock. P M, direct for AsertawalL Un^actl9aJT^%m^^?um»«nin<*«''^teameTNORTH-BBJIER; and the EMPIRE ClTT, 1000 tana, J.Leeds,mSSYL v

r IV11 tf* ^P! V. u M <f Warren^onH^aAYp M*T l°' V2?'^ P M- fcr AspiswaiTvi.Jal ^n ^ 65*! *9 connect with\^Täu)^u',wd ^»«nul^Wast»«** Mail StaWnpOREGON, to sail for S*jt Francisco go the amval ef the

T.v *it*% and u-i. d >.'..*nP%4.,4 -aa ..i. e. - .i... ,.

»' *.rgc** "»*raiisei* taa?»*» .ifCU. aas, a., el -,o . .J m, ntwr r»a«l«!I!lT,,w'«:.< ..'. <;.¦..i ' .' «tif l. ... CMJ» «*U»T». k- u .^Tt-L^*»'»>*4l

. i . -, rm wnarf «7 a ".¦¦*TiMuut at* Um I.i -. t ,"v*^*»*.

e»r»» i ,*» t»i i<ri««n.iLeJl.s' Seiowr. M41 !i 1,

.I.'»"A,. « d Fin ... .»;,, , |i . ,.( ""*"**. ijFeecri a Cabin Standee-. . 88St.'rag«. . .

k*Tt* iwhu.h rout nmiiti, ....*»

P.st Class. axss.

« -ii ander IJ ^Ts> I 1 PICHS * « "i~.\Ft -

** *».»ii-«t *l

A ANDER 1 S LINE I svXTHAN .' -.li'l\iLJ0!,it

.m Vr.-au Frai.- .«.. ' tV I' "h of Mat «1*0»*r M : lt

. \ »||" :m Sai. J an ... S-ir t\m....


!ih'» Nicarafua ! use \ . .i^r tf m~Tthe taken at $$ i) Kr (a; in, and >*W tor »:wajtTiTZaalw

( ! N 0 Car

ötenrnbante rmb Kcilroa&i.C1AMDEN «int AMIJOY RAILROAD

/ fcrPIIILADi Li'. IA. ft»s»Pi«X«. ... p

daily: Morning |.n,r 1. m v

...a 014* jCJJl»t c«aa «.«.-*. 8--; td cuss in B..J1 t lekve n Urteb,hisf. m runt of Walna*** «|a ,J?S2 P M. Emigrant Lin. b> ateaMbuat Traisa**», i-c«PwNo. I, at 5 P. M. !ami a'i ftaX w

/ EKTRAL RAILROAD »f \Kw\V' j K It SKY .8PF ING AaaRANOKMKNTSk-IJWai;i62..rot Cliatoti end intern* diet* v '¦¦>. frota "^-c*VlNorth Riw. bVattan.ei 1 i> A< KLl". »t 1 A. M. aajlP. M and ai a P M tor V\ .. ii .. and u.tanaata),r-laire, aid connect* a: 1.1 ..'>..!:.. wn «it'i t.aua «a«»S J. Railmsd, whn h leive N*w-York. from tb* east efCoori!»ii.i >t, a n Ri iuriaaf b .iaCiaianat MA A. M . U M V. M .:. 1.a' J.lA t ri|av7Iilat d H.40 A. M .aid |» M.; Som-rviU. at I. frHakt, lAaaaitttAA. M aaat.0*F. M run awd u M tn BaSai d t* IS A. M . ai d . I i I". il , t. :. h- .... i»g U)jAaa4

I ?! IP M.Pasarrg) 1« 'or Kaator rti-thleheir, Alleiitoara. WY*aa>

lane, aid Maacjj Ckui la, a. l '.. in. .g'ua, NewQaanantowa, N. J, will tale the 9 A M. tiatn »n.m >t T, aal

laya, 1 tor Nr« 'l^aoto«WatauBfto*.BrtTidcre. N J tttagtaaeav- S »nasdaiijlot Pta^aik ar.d P.'u l.a. ine on tl.. .rnval aaf I IP j/tiain. All bataaac at the nek ot the »» ,...«. nn ii dehiaj3

h actual |H;aa<- . .1.. ;.:« o! the Co.u; aajchecke or raw ipi* ajtraal ti.jrctor.

fPHAKGE f H< »UR. Mi H filNQV LINK tor PHII tHKLPHik, eta ¦raambaaj JahtFilter aid Catnatea and Aaaboi K olrvaiL, anil ieaaaaiTA. M, ina'ead of8 A M 01 a- d after VY'edneaaJar, Mail



j 111 lUill.Tha i'.anii-ait Ialand Cov Caa*. <aVaHr\nolca will naaka n Kxroiamn to Ftanaaa. ¦ iraAaiMONDAY id,TrKSDA\ lib « W t.list- VY.WiafMay. Kho wiA Lave ihe f... t of Fulton-*., at !»o'clock A.IL

at a .ir lorninj. will leave Fla.ii'oeraanr*kin .» V M eaco da Pi * »irou* 10 «od puccaaa

> Srd Mr. Fl A M MKR ai d agent* on h -are. oioYaaIk o«a ar d map*, and Who wi.l be pi.aaeil 111 alhiidiur aafa>

n reiiunetl. N.T..A bra** l>and i* engaged kfBaoccasion


PORT W v ililM 1 n i .-..i BROWMIn ( KB, (Middh U wn. *. I »<r D BANK New andayiea»did «tean.ecat THOMAS HUNT. Captain A. H. Hagatet«.will leave New-Haven pi»r, Pook-dip, Ka*t Rivar,MtaVIOW"

Leave* New-York. Leave Shreu rhury.Saturday, Ata> 1, S P. U May % » A.MTueeday, " *, 71 A. M. Taaaday, .. < 4 P. IYN cdueed'y,-" 6, " Y\ ednewiay,. . A, 10 A«Thura.'ay, .. 6, 7 .. Thuraday, '¦ «,10* ..

Friday! " 7, 7j .. Kn iav, .. 7, U ..

S ii.nay, .. 8. 1" .¦ 'Monday, " K W M

1 raday, .¦ II. I» " Tnraday, " IL UP.MVY'edaw*d*y/' PA II " Wednesday," U. H "

Thurtday, .. 13, 11 .¦ {Thararky, .. U, 8 ..

Friday. .. 14, U M. Kriday. " 14, 31 ..

11 ¦ «tage* for Squam and Freehold will ran la Oaasiaaataalwith boat. Stage* to Convey paaaeiuer* to all Baut*of tagcountry. All person* are torbid trustiug the ahovaboatoiaccount of the owner*

I.MiR ALBANV.Without elMMl ofCars..KA K r. REDUCED R.-gnlaritj and M8J

Combined.-I he car* of Till NK« 11ikk AND HAH-LKM RAILROAD have the City Hall Station, N.w-fork,daily. S'indav* exc-pted, at 9 o'clock A. M Sew-York,April 21,IHöi M SLOAT.dup't

FOR KKVI'ORT nn'l h'ORT HAMIL¬TON.The .t.*.i l.. at U II KIM SMALL leaf***1ar>

my-<t pier dally, (Sunday excepted,! at 3 o'clock P. M-lfOt iradag, h ave* Keyport at o'cliark A. M landing at Port

n each way. Kare to Keyport iS cent*! T°t% lltau-ton 121 cent*.

I^RKK.HTS REDUCED^ . Or.lintryin. aal.ieli.ent Good* ale DOW taken by tk« fAhL

RI\ER LINEtroanNEW-YORE to !!. »STON at J***»per fiK)t ; Ordinal y W nlil Oooda at 12^ centa lair |a»*Y»,Oil.er Bayigast o. »tm\ m Pialght will at all tiaaatotaken aa low a* by m.\ rival route

TISDALF. A ROARDMAN Ageota,No*. 7« and 71 W«*VtL

OR BOSTON, via NEWPORT todFALL RI\ KR The splendid and »up. n. r <t***M

EMPIRE STATE, Cat* Benjamin Bia\t»n. u.d STAl<IF .MAI.".E, leai ... -«reff1fr. m Pier No 8, N. R, near the Hattery, at .if HFreuht. apply on board, or at the office., on Pier Kl X

riSDALZ j. BORDEN, Agents, No* 7c and 71 YVajad


J, IM-'..Train* out ol New-York leave near einer ol Caaaf..t. and Broadway.aOCOWMOOATIOH tvn Si'kci M. At 7 and 11 W A ¦ j

CIS (Kxpre** to Btamtord "' d Norwaik, and »uv ,g »i adSution* beyond,) and at 510 P. M throi /'i to »¦ ^ tUvaa,At SM P. M. for Noiwe!k-at 8.50 A. M and fl. WF.H,for Port ( heater The li t" A. M. nine in oor aecfloa era*Train from New HaveD to Hartford and Sprtng^old, indents'Train over the Canal Ri ad.ExrKBS*Ta*iN«for New-Haven. Hart lord, Sprtrirfield.io*-

ton,Connecticut River and V ermont Ranrinula 'o laai nabaigka. d Mr.I.treat .At 8 A M*, (toppingat Stamford and Bridge¬port, connecrw with the Houaatonic and Naugatuck Sall-road* at Bndgeport, and Canal Railroad at New-Havea.andat 9.30 P. M (topping at Stamford Norwalk and Bridga-i o.-t. ¦ nm cliug with Honiatou.c and Naugatuck blsiiroad*atBncgepert.TaaiN* r.U) Nkw-York .Accommodation and Special-

At S.30, 7, and 9.« A. M, and 1.20 P. M . lt.ro igli from lf«a-Haven. At « A. M from "<orwaik-at VJO A M aodlA.P. M from Pert ( heater The 9« A. M receive* aaOBM-

?er* from Spr.ngtield and Hartford and Cans! Railnad* (tiaven. The 4.20 P. M. receives passenger* from ilartioraand Springfield Bafttoad*.Exract* Taai.is leave New Haven on arrival *f Trala»

from Boston, at I 15 and 8.r.o p M, fatopping at Bridxe^xart.Norwalk and Stamford,) leaviug Boston at 8 A. M, aaa3.45 P. M.See large bill of advertisement at the Station Hoist* tad

principal Hotel*. (JEO. W. WHISTLER, Jr.Supenritandssjt


and EXPRESS LINES.Through m 41 b«ur*-New-J*rs«7Railruad via Jer*ey City leaving New-York at 6 A If, ***of Court landt-st ; 9 A M and At P M Liberty-at. LatvatPhiiadelphia at 121 and 9 A. M and P. M. from foot *fWalnut-*t. Fare reduced to I for ftnrt-elaa* and ?2 4**»aecond-class.BALTIMORE, WASHINGTON and CHARLESTON

through ticket* *old in the above lines, and through **fff*earned in the 9 A. M and >j P. M. I'nao from Nstr-Iftfi,with through conductor*



IN a.l of Duane-st. a* follow*Kxparsa Tax in at tl A. M lor Dunkirk, connectuig arlll

Cleveland, Nandtisky. Toledo a**

EW-YORK and ERIE RAILROAD..Train* leave pier foot <

ractt Tax i a at j Afirst class steam boats forMonroe, and railroad* to Cincinnati and t lucaajoMan. Tax in at 8 A. M. for all «utionsWay Tataibt at f P M via Piermont for Otiavilla.Wat Tbaiw at 41 P. M, via Jersey City lor Otuivilia.Nicht Exraass Taxi.t at 6 P. M, for Dunkirk. c.>uii*ecaf

with lint-claaa *teamta,at for Detroit direct, Annecuag **Expre** Train for Chicago.Emicxant TaxiN at b P M. via Piermont

t ii A- BflNOT, Sope.rmt«sas*at.

"1^ E(i U LA R .MAIL LI N E, via Stoninf.XA ton, for BOSTON PROVIDENCE, NEW-SED-¥oRD and TALNTON -lhe steamers C. VANDKbVB1LT and COMMODORE, of this Una, now ran rege»teriy aa heretofore, alternately leaving Pier No. A Not«River, ting wharf above Battery place, daily. Sunday* aa-cepted, at 5 P. M, and Stomngton at 8 o'clock P M, or aaarrival of the mail train, which leaves Boston at 5.A'_P *»¦_

For freight or paaaage apply at the oftca, Nu 10 aWtorrplace, or on board the host*._.


CO . Freights for Burlington, St Johnsiairy, Opkmmmtfßand Montreal, and all intermediate town*, via Ne» n--.

and Spnngfi^ld. by «teaar-er TRAVELLER, .W^*JL2precisely 3 P M, from P-ck s ip Great -edserioo °f_JrwTfor passenger* and freight Through ticket* by r^?*iSall the principal northern towns, at the N Y and N H. »*>Ottoe, No S5Canal-*t, N Y. For particular*asply »»

IF. HY DE, Agent, Office No 152 Scasth-st, a »-^

WINTER ROUTE TO CHICAGO..Traina of Michigan Southern and Norther* ladwa*

Railroad* run dsily (Simdar* excepted) a* follows: mLeave Monroe and Toledo at 8 15 A.M.; arrive at Jaaaarw

at 6JO P.M.; thence passenger* go by atsge oo Phtok "T^.,solle* to Michigan tit \ ; thence by car* 40 mile* to a*?jworth; and by rage 12 miles to Chicago AaerFaa «."»

ear* through to Chicago. _ r^-orttalReturning to Laporte same way-car* "*T,..t7V

7Jft A M, tiid arrive si Monroe and Toledo at B»2ff*aalDaily stages coanect with Fort Wsyneat ^^kZj\

L>..gan*pc.rt, U Fayette and Infanapolxs, at "TJ^and at other place* on the line, with the principal towaaaw.

and waith_j , . as arftkAt Toledo this line «>tsn*>eet at bM P.M. or 7 A-«^J

the Lake Erte South Sh.-ea atsjta by *t*ye and **."o-Cleveland ; thesese by railrosd and atag« to Kri*railroad via Dunkirk to New-Y orb, or by stage fu01to F-uffsio. and by cars after Pot). 1. ,

Tb« I P.M. train oa the Near-York and Ettaaects with las Lake Shore train,

,, to PW»"Pu-s-i.ter* at Cleveland can tab* car* all toe "*1£1umL

borgh theraee by railroad and » taile* stssflogb' I\Mm\ahia atd New-York, or BsjDmoraand W «sLingV*»- "ZT5a*v 1A UIO. «- P. WILLLAMaS, M> 1 "