CITY INTELLIGENCE. i X-AvrrKKs' Diary--This Day, December 21.. CoMVo«* Plf.as.Part t-.Vos. 29, 97, 41,4>,_, 47, 51, 53, 57.i9-Psri 2, at 10 o clock.Nos, 3«., 34, 4S, 43, 5u, 52,54, 56.58. _.¦ Sircr.t.;R Coiiet-Nos. 22, 2, 63, 10, 49, 0, 89, 83,11,12, JJS,7¿,74, 5,6,116. Tuesday, Dec. 20. Board or Assistant Aldermen..The mi- 'nutet of the 1.t meeting were read and approved. Petitions Presented and RErcai.d..Of 106 taz-pay- iog citi.ns, »gal nut the propc>«ed method of cleaning tbe !' iiri-t« by conti*aci. Of Isaac H »Igbt, for cojnpe nsation for services don- as a watchman. Of Gee». A. Wilkes, for cor¬ rection of MX. Of ihe Mechanic*. Bank, for relief under the act relative to Corporations. Ueports .Of ihe Committee to whom w_ referred the cause* oí" .¦'«* '««.min««' of the Cupola, kc. oa the 18.1* Nov. last- They s'.ate that they have had many meeting*«, and examined a number of witnesses on the subject ; that the luiife with nhi.-h Colt commit ed suicide must have been conveyed to him on the day of hi- death, but by whern the Co.mit*«.¦ were anuble to asceitei ; -, tbat the stove in tbe CttpoJawt-ef iî»e on'lnary sugar loal si)le, with cons d- eratj.e length of ;.ipe, « hich projected from the roo!. The stove was p!a<-ed very near the side of the Cupola, and th«» «ot-gruiion was caused by too large a fire being made in it by me persons in charge, and their ne»Iect in atteii-ne toil, they being down in the yard for the purpose of w;t- f«_-EfC tue execution ot Colt- Th- Committee reeomrnend [t,e ditani-al of Jame« H. Atkins and James Shaw, the par- tie« in question who ha« charge of tbe Cupola. No other facts were elicited frem tbe Committee except those already before the public. They al-»o mention the attempt to bribe loe Sher.fT. his i> eputi«, the D«-puty Keeper of the Prison, kc, and tue full identification of th* body of Colt. Keport ac.ple d. Uep«iri in fav*ro{ paying Edwerd Donnelly ihe amount claimed for settle.cut of contract. Adopted. Against the petitionof.Martln Beebee to build boat house or shop ¡oot ol Grandst. Adopted. In favor of flagging a portion of 2.h street. Adopted. An Invitation was received f.oru the Union Benevolent Journeymen Tailors, to attend their hall on the _.h inst. Accepted. A wminuHisation was received from ihe Corporation At- tnißey, relat.ve to a Lumber of suits commenced and fines imposed for violations of Corporation ordinanceis. Luid on Ihewbl?. Communication from the Comptroller, asking for a tem¬ porary i ppropriatioa for the year 1843. Referred. Quarterly statement from the President of the Crotón Aque.iut-t Bo.ird of receipts and expendi.ures- Laid on llic tab!»-. PArsRSFRoM the other Board..Keport of Committee for cleaning streets by contract. Laid uu the table. The Market Law .Document No. 50, being the ordi¬ nal;- .'. p_scil by the other Hoard, was culled up for cou- sidirallon. A motion to lay the ordinance on ihe table, for the purpi-e of offering a le-olution to submit ihe whole mat¬ ter to the prople at the next Charter Election, was, after a Ion-; debatí', decided in the negative. The rrsolutfon pro- j»-ed to hi\ve each elector vote for*or against meat being sold in pieces other than ihe public Market». A protracte«! debate look place in regard to various amendments of the .stM-ction, fending which, a motion to lay tbe ordinsnee on the table was lost. Section tsl was then adopted. As amended, it opens tbe sal« of fresh meats, kc at all Markri«« (the word ' public' bdn£ stricken out ot the ordinance) other than the present public Markets. The Mayor logran' the lice use, under the recommendation of the Market Committee. Section 2d was pa»»e«l, which cxtablialies the license fur opening Markets, other than the present public Markets, at $10 per annum; the person so applying to be an actual resident .the City, and of the pge »if 21 years. Section 3d imposes a p«nalty of $50 for either killing or d.«'?«ln? f¡e-»h meat on «aid licensed premif-e*«, and likewise a f-nf-'tur.« of license. Adopted. Sec'ien 4th..Bach Mark*-t to contain n senled scale-beam and weißt.t«. and a sitrn with the name of the owner or oc¬ cupant, under penalty of $_. Adopted. Before the ordinance was farther progressed in.ihc Board adjourned. County Court..Trial of Justice Parker con¬ cluded..The Court met, put suant to adjournment, a.id was addressed for several h«un«.by Mr. Lord on behalf of the aerused, and by Mr. O'Connor for the people. Roth the-e (rentlernen exerted their well-known ability te the utiermo-t. Mr. L. contended that nothing had been shown identifying Mr Parker with the introduction of vagrant» into the City illegally to vote. Mr. O'Connor, on the other hnnd.stion_.ly urged, from the law and the facts in the c-ise, that Mr. Par kpr had been cognizant to the infamous transaction. Of the 71 per* brouifbl «town on lUe night previous to the el« c- tio:i. 59 had l)--*.«ii discharged by the ti-ree Maeistlntes, and a portion of them by Mr. Parker individuall}-. He »:»>:» leaded tl at the charaei had l»»'en fully prove«!, ami called upon ihr Court piomimice n decision to that effect. At the conclusion of his argument. Hi«* Court adjourned to Wednesday, at 9 »»'clock, when a judgement will be ren¬ dered. _* MONEY MARKET. Ma'.«.-!« ut the -tock -.schange, Dec. 02. $1,-0 Ohio t's. Ii-0. opg 70 50 Paterson R.b6l>d 47 50 do.böOd 47 10 Syr k üiicu R.99 50 llarlem.b4ms iG 75 do. 15j 100 do.sSd 16* $2,1'«»" K'kv Sixes.8a 25 Del. _l"lu«l.C.h R3J 14 Slate Bk.ol'N V.T2 8 Bk of Com Snip.... 9I¿ 10 Bank Kentucky.44 25 Mohawk K.ca»h ó!« 25 do.cash 52 27 do._-_S'-'-_ -«uiuaerci.I atad -Honey .«la i-cm. TUESOAY, P. M. The transactions at the Brokers' board were limited to¬ day ur.ii It.i chauges, eicopting in Mohawk, were imina. terit!. Mobawa recovered considerably from its decline having improved 1*{ percent; Harlem heavy. Jn Stale stock«, the principal sale wa*. 17,000 Ohio Sixrs at 70, an improvement of i per cent' Kentucky Sixes sold at 81», .in advance of 1«. per cunt¬ ía Fon.igu Bills there is nothing doing. The rates Bre HOitiinall-» 6 a fc¿ ; Francs 5 45 a 5 43J. i_ arlte»*«.Carefully reported for The Tribune. Tuesday P. M. ASHES.VY^e hear of no sales to-day of cither description in consequence of ihe high tale al which they are held« Buyer? are now waiting the advices by the Steamer daily eipecleu. For Pot« $5 75 is asked and some demand 00 Pearls are held at 7 ¿0 aud 7 25 was refused for 50 bbls. Tbs-re not over 10« bbl». in first hands of Pearl*.. COTTON.The sales io-day reach between 800 and 1000 bales at rather heavy rates. The sales coulinue mostly for export Tbe fair amount of budiie_ doing in this staple ou the tve of the arrival ol a Steamer would se«-m to indicate that shippers did no- anticípale the reception of unfavorable advic-s. We continue to qu-e Upland lair 7; New Or¬ leans lair, 7$. FLOUR.The sales continue to he limited to ihe immedi¬ ate Wt.tB of the traile with on appeal anee of improvement io price. The expectation of large receipts before spring from New Orleans ami the supplies of low-priced Southern, which nre coming in more freely, tend to prevent any im- promnent which the comparatively small stock here would no doubt but ior ihe. circumstances produce We quote Gecesee, $4 75 a 4 S7J with only occasional small lo: j to be had at the lower rate. Michigan and Ohio. 4 75 a 4 81J; Troy nominal, 4 87.. No New Orleans offering we beli« v<-, It would pr««b.»l»ly bring 4 62. a 4 CO. In Southern we do not hear of much doing and the rules are rallier l* ndin«: downward. Small lots G«orir«'town at 4 75; Brandy wine, 4 75 a 4 -i. Sales .50 bhls Howard-«!, and 250 do Rich¬ mond County on-private terms. Gond Philad. is effered at 4 56i a 4 62j"; Richmond City', 5 d.. : Petersburg and Alex- andri- 4 6r¿. Rye Flour is not very active and tbe frw parcelsrrceived within a day or two, about .0 bbls, have b'en tak.»o, supposed ot 3 0C1. Out of slf»re it is held at 3 20 a S S7 J. We hear of no sales of Cora Mea'. Jenny we quote 2 50 a 2 6?. : Brandy wine, *2 62. ubis ; 12 25 cash, 12 75, 4 months, bbds. Tbe quantity ol Flour lan«led at Buf¬ falo during the season was 781.305 bbls; Wheat, 1,S-«5,1S9 husliels. makii«g a total, allowing 5 bG*-h»*i*. wheat ¡o tbe bbl <-: Flour, «i 5,GS6.13^ bashela Grain, a small deciease on lattyear. The stock ofPIonr at BcrYalo is about 42,700 bt» s.' Wheat 2S.iw)0 bu»hels, making with retail slocks, S.o. anagg.*gBttof50,«-«0bb-.a much larger stock than ever before known there. The quantity frozen in, .ong the ca. nal ise.«tmiat-d Ml laooo.) bbls. In 1S34-6 it was 150,000 do. GUIAN-We bear ot no «ales of Wheat to day. The la>t sale was at 92 Corn is not very plenty, but ihere does not appear to he any demand of consequence. We notice sales of 900 bushels new Northern at 50, weight, and 5C0do new Virginia at 49, n;ea«ure ; old Northern ¡s bekl at 54. weight, and 58 n_autre, w iih small sales. Rye is plenty and gene. rally held for prices much above present rates. We ice sales of 1<.*0bu»i:etsat56,in tbe si.p. Barley is very dull. only one or two lois offering. Oats are without change. River,30 a 31 ; Ctiual, SO a S2. A cargo ot Southern is un sold. WHISKY.Tbe market is very dull Bbls are nominallj 21. a 22 ) drudj-e cask*. 21. Tbe supply o! bbls has been iii- crea.*.I by a large lot which has heretofore been out ol market. OIL.A sale of 603 bbls Whale bas been made for export on private tonus, supposed, however, at 54, a 34.. SUGAR.A sale Ot 30 hhds of New Orleans inferior was made at auction at 4$. It is estimated that upwards of 3¿(»0 hi.els are oow on iheir way from New Orleans. PROVISIONS.We hc-rofno large operations in Cana P.ovisions. A sale of 1.' bbli new Mess Beef, this Slate, at 6 i"\, am! II Ü do new Me*s Pork, this State, al 9 6¿1 and 100 ».o old Prime O.iio Pork at curtent rates. Old Laid is worth 7 a7i cents. We notice sale*» of SOU kegsrew City rendered at 8. About 200 packases Butter have been lakei» for shipment at 8, but both Butter and Cheese are raihei quiet. TALLO-v.The supply isquile small, bul it would coi probably bring over 7J a 7$. ¡ HAY.There is no change iu bundle, acd k ¡Si-lingfa mall lots out of store at5öa62i; loon'. is in large supply. >\e quote _. a _5¿. __________¦_¦¦ m i ___gggg__i _________ RELIEF FOR THE SICK, «CPDi-. Ranh'n Infallible Health Pill».- The great favor wsdch this valuable medicine ha» gained during the few months it ha* fe»»-n ma«le known to ih¿ pub¬ lic, has proved beyond a.1 question its claim to superior efficacy in tbe aJlevtaiion and cure of the numerous cooi- plaints which are common to mankind. We aisare those who are afflicted that they Bee4 but try' a single b:x lo be convinced thai this no Ira::.bug preparation.even were not th*- name of the immortal inventora sufficient guárante e" for its genuinen«*.-.-, ae.l merit. In all bilious and liver com- p.-or-u, pleurisy, ÍD'!i«-«-s:'-**::or costirentîs, Ji^-artn-nrn, pQes, headache, erysipelas aad other di-ess- sol the skin,debility, ail compiaia's incident to female«, tbe HEALTH PILLS have never yet failert to effect a cuie. We are constantly receiving te.-.timoniali ef tlie mo-t extnioniioary enres ef¬ fected by Ulis medicine. Read ibe following CCRE OF LIVER COMPLAINT. _, ....¦_ New-York, Ncv. ö, i84_ Mr. H. G. Daggers: Sir.Injustice to the efficacacy of Dr. Rush's Infillihlc H'-alth Pills, one box only of which I purchased from yon, I deem it but right to Inform y«;u of their s-rpri-'ng « Sects in restoring me to health. For the last two montii« I was disabled from my employment, tried 'Ornerons adv*srtLs«-ü remedies, wn treated in th* General Hospital witboat any success, and fin;. !!y adopted Dr. RUSH'S PILLS. Th»ir effect was immediately evident.infusing rigor aod health through my frame, relieving a constant pain in my side and de.-p oppres-ion, promoting sleep, creat:n<* an appente for food, aud altogether invigorating a frame that was rapidly sinking ¡mo decay. 1 therefore deem it a duty I owe, not only to the public, but yourself, t > publish the above tt*-,_- mony, which 1 have corroborated w-nh a 'conscientious alR- davii *f the truth thereof. PATRICK GALLAGHER, Ci.arlton-sireet, Ne «-York. Affirmed tLi» 6 h day cf December, 13-12. JOS. ?. pirssoN, Commissioner ol Deeds. XT Sold wholesale and retail by H. G. DAGO EEUJ, SO h un st N. Y. XT Prie«-23 cents a bo*;, put up in a beautiful wrapper, with fuil directions. Ace.its.Wadleigh, 459 Broadway, corner of Grand-sL: 16S Bowery; C9J Falton-st. Brooklyn ; A. Guibrie, 4 Stun- wix Hall, Albany; Burgess k Z.ebrr 3 Ledger Buildings, Philadelphia; Redding t Co., Boston; Smith,320Broad- street, Newark, diaiw XT Christin-*.- and Ne-e-Year.-COUTHONY is. KEVERS, 3-i 1 Broadway, bave ju»t received from Eu¬ rope one of the richest asKirlmeat of gcods suitable for Christmas and New-Yen;'.» Presents ever offered ibr sal»* in this city, combinint^elegance and utility. They respectfully invite their friends to c-ill and examine for themselves. For sale as above, tlie celebrated SOLAR LAMP, for brilliance and economy surptusing ell mb»-rs in use. d«9 .¡.»i«* 0*Ho!yday Gift*»-n«-.imiinn's Fair IVifo- lo*/*..The Lames ol ti e Sailors' Home Society, auxiliary to the American Seaman's Friend Society, wdi pen their amina! Fair for tbe bernent o! ibe Sal or'» Home, ;<i Nlbl Saloon, on the evening of tlieS'st in.-L, and continue it every day and evei ii.g until hri-r.mas. Beside the aril« ele« prepared by the Society, there will be offered a mrg»* varicty of Annuals and other Looks, imported fancy art: 'lis, perfumery, toys, ¿tc, sufficient to suit ihe wants of thoie wbo wish to make present«, lo their friends or chil¬ dren at t-ù season ol the year. The friends of ti.-e Sailor, and toe benevolent gcmTal'y. are invited to attend. All work end contributions for mi* objectshould be bandea to Mi*-. Vanderpool, al No. 192 Fourth street, on or before Monday the 19lb. dl'J Si* XT *«*nr-.* lío Is«!» y"^; i fin.~for 1 S43..Pnb- lisbed and sold at N». K>7 _ 122 iNa-MU ftret-t, ¿\»-\« York, wholesale n- o tail :. 1.."THE WONDERS OF THE WORLD,"fcontainiug about600 pnj-e.» of letter pr.---., ai.d more t:¡an five hundred .ugravingg,elegantly bound in gilt. Priceonly $2 50 prr c.ipy Forrecoaimendfttioni of t »is wort, see all the papers published m the United s ;n - II-"SKA1.S' BIBLE BIOGRAPHY.'' the most »píen« lidly il ustratt'd and cheapest work ever issued on th»- American contin"nt, containing sevenil hundred Engrav¬ ings, entirely new and original, designed and executed by h«? most eminent artists ol England and America, Cost of preparing ike work, ibOW, This beautiful and important v..rk Cfintniiis upwards ol -VIO jia^rs royal rjciav«», is printed from new stereotype plat«~, handsomely bonnd i--. gilt and lettered, and letaits readily at the low' price of $2 50 pt-r volume. III..The well known popular work, (in3 vols; enúled ¦«PICTOKJAL ILLUSTRATION*« OF TUB BIBLE \ND VIEWS IN THE HOLY LAND," forming nn iUtu« rated Commenury of the Old an.i New Testament, euch oluiiie cunlainiog 2nnsciiptun¡l Engravings, ami 400 pages »f interesting letter press description*-, Pvo., substantial'y Ktund' Compiltrd from the Notesoftb« London Ficinria: itihif, which .'ell-in this country for $20per copy. Prie«* Jl 15 per vol. or $..."> ;or the set:. IV..On the second or third week in January, fill, will ie issued No. I of " SEARS' NEW MONTHLY " FAMI« LY" "MAGAZINE," embellished with several hundred Engravings Tobe published on the first of even,* month, n pints from -to t,j 5t\ large imperiil octavo pages' (double -olumns.) ut S- per annum, in-advance, 'f'o he publi»hed is above, m the ftook Stores, Nos. 127 »v. 122 Nassau street. s'ew Yoili c^ny. ¡XT Ag. nts warned in town arid country. d¿I im* -rrott, - O' Pnrltfj »s» l'ereiiuiui t*r«*»tc'nta..The volume of Parley's magazine (or the year 1S42 is now- complete, .mo maybe had «it the publishers, bound in neat cltwitj, I'm .me dollar. It contains a gieat variety of intere.»ting and in»irur:tive reading l»ir your-ir people, among which are Seven original Poems, by Mi» H. F. Gould. The Perilou» Adventures of Quintin Harewood and bit Brother Brian. A new History of England' for Children. Bre.-ikfnM Titile Science loi Boys and Girls. The Ibiyal Bi Olivers, by Miss Agnes StricklanJ. Hieroglyphic Amu»enienL Stories from Natural History; Inlerest'-r.g Adventures; Anecdote.»; Moral Tales, _c_c. Iilustrntt-d by more iban i«*ur hundred Engravings. \Nith the January No. or new volume commences, »»«rents' are invited to»ub»cnbe for liieir children, ?nd thu.« furnish ihem with acheapand regular supply ot interesting and instructive reading. It is published monthly at one dollar ayear, by C. S. FRANCIS it CO. «120 3110(1* (2) 232 Broadway. -mm XT Bethel Fuir..The Indies ot the Brooklyn Reth- el Socieiy will hold their annual Fair, for ¡be sideot fancy and useful articles, on Wednesday and Thursday, at tin- National H..I!, (formerly Log Cabin,) commencing at 2 o'clock P. M. niiri continuing Ihrou.b ihe evening. The avails of this Fair will be giv-n to tbe American Sea¬ men's Friend Society, which during the past year has com- plete«1 a large,and comfortable Home for the >ailorsin New York, ami is very much in want of funds to carrv on its <*d- eratiou»-. Brooklyn, Pec. 21,1842. ' d20St* XT Tvrclflü Wnrd-CKOTON WATER-AI1 per¬ sons Interested in r»- 1 esiate in the Twelfth Ward are re qu«-sted to meet at Vanderw. ler's Hole!, rive-mile house. Third Avenue, oh Wednesday, D**i"eiiber 21, at 4 o'clock l\ M., to take such measures as sloill be deemed proper ii. obtain a repeal of the t x ¡aw, *.o i»r it iiii*x>?-es a t-x ol £0 cents on a hundred doli'irs on real and persona] est'i'e n that Ward lor the support ol the Crotón Water establish. ment ".".'. Mott, Isaac Adrianes, by ¡M. Hopper Mott, Jacob Harren, Valentine Mott, Andrew McGoun, Richard F. Carman, John J. Myer, (120 21* John J. Palmer. HT I. O. of O» V..Toe ui--ii.br is of Meridian Lo-'ce No. 42 1. O. ol O. F. ore res pectin lly rcqueseii to meet at their Lodge Romn, corner ol Hudson and Grove .str«?e:s This (Wednesdayj Afternoon, ¿1st inslaat, ai2J o'clock, to p-iy their ¡a.»l tiihjte ot respect to our late and worthy brother James Di-.xter. The Older in general are in vite.l *.o attend. Bv order o«" FRANCIS SN1FFJEN, N. G. Jonathan Knapp. Secretary. d21 lt* O* Broad-ray W»shi»_tou Tempérance Society..Tin» Society meets Tins (Wednesday) Even« log.at Concert Hall. 406 JSioadway. Ail persons dt-sirous of signing the Pleine are requested to come early, in order lo secure their se.us. Mr. L,«iliau-, ihe first signer 10 the Washingtonian Pledge in this city, will be pre.«ent and re¬ late his very ntTeclingeiperience. Other interesting speak¬ ers will address ihr meeting. T.e Ladies of this Socieiy will, on Wednesday Evening, «Uli January, iH-tó, present to the Equitable Voluuteersol No. S6a most splendid Signal Lantern. Tickets tor that occasion, at 12^ cents, ha<1 better tie nrcured tin» evening. d21 It- LSBBKP3 CHAPMAN, Sec'y. XT Tlsc IoTitntion..Come to the Temperance Fair i:niue, le.nperaiiie frien.ts.you will fin! all your societies there repre-ented. Come, anti-temper.net friends' an.l help us tu a;akeoar reformed p->or comfortable during llit inclement season. You will nnJ arliclts ihei»- of a»t- anil Ornimeili in great variety, and at very reasonable prices. Tickets one »hilliiii«, tor which refreshments will be* given, may be bad at Van Wageaen 'k Tucker's store, cor¬ ner of Dey and Greenwich-Streets, and »t tbe ball door, cor¬ ner of Dey and Washiogton-sireets. Fair oprn from 1er. o'clock in the morning till ten at mgtt, daring the week. d2l> 3t- D" Tt'ttipenince Notice..-On Weilnesday eveniog the 21st iesL, die Washington T.iul Abstinence Society will bold a Ma«s Meeting at the Church comer of Catharine ami Madison streets. The Chelsea Temperance -Ben>*vr.'en: S.sciety wili be present, accompanied by Ibeir Brass Band. The meeting will be addressed by Messrs. Hopper. Fisher, French, Howe, and others. Some ofThe most popular sing¬ ers ar- engaged. The exercises w:l._c-»mme:ice at 7 o'clock. Children will not be admitted unless accompanied by iheir parents or guardians. Admittance free. A collection will be taken up to defrav ibe expenses. F. W. WOLFE, President. J. J. Oliver, Secretary. It* D" Rt. EtCT. iBi-hop ll:u..he.»... "Lectare.- Rt. Rev. k;»Ik>p H06HES will dt-livet a Lectu.e beiore the Catholic Lihrirv S.x-ieiv on THURSDAY, the 2-.«! insL, IX THE BROADWAY TABERNACLE. SUBJECT. The Influence cf Christianity on Civilisation. Doo s open at 7"o'clock; L**ciure will commence -t halt- past 7 o'clock. Ticken».to e.dmi: a gentleman asd lady, 50 cents each; extra tickeia to admil a lady, 25 cents each. ruav be bad as follows -..From the officers ot the S_S«_y, viz . Kev. John McClosky, St- Joseph's Church, Sixth Av¬ enue and Barrow-st.; Matthew O!weil. 61 Caüiarine-streel; Edward McIIrov. 177 Bowery : Conielius Diver, 3o Vs all- James--.tr»»*.-!rom die Seitô.is of U:e »iirTerent Catholic Churches.and at the door oikthe evening ottbe Lecture. Bv order- EU<-£XS A. CAJÎ.ERLÎI, tÜ55tisTfaSTnW¿Th*-_ Sectetary, i.e. ¦XT A I.tciure will be ghreo in Clinton llall. cor-ntr oi \assau and Btekman s-trtt*«-. on Thursday Evening, 22d issL by Mr. Broi'-meadow. on ihe maiiufactare at Iron and Sieel-the art of making Cast Iron Malleable, and the Smeli'teg of Iron Ore, bv the use Anthracite Ccai. Dra*- iiiisof great ina.'iiii-.da will be prex-med,msde by Mr. 1. S. Shepherd, 123 Fulton street, to wbictyeiereuc.» will be made lhi*0U-*hc«ot the Lecture. Tickets may be had ol Dr. J. Covert, 135 Nassau street, and 3t ihe door'on the evening of tie L-.cture. D¿ors open at 7 o'clock. Tbe Lecture to comoiesce at half past 7. Admission 25 cents. dil St* muirwñ WSBÊÊÊ^ÊÊ^ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ MAGNIFICENT BOOKS FOR PRESENTS. Coirtpr.iingal! »be SPLENDID ENGLlaH AN. L'ALS FOR !_- At-o, a ch«»ice n.r*rtnimt of STANDARD AND PICTORIAL WORKS. Fine Oxford .-¡¡tina of the Bible, vario*. sizes, in elttgant Bind!nj_j suitable for Present«, kc. Imported anc lor >a\e by D. APPLE! ON k CO. At their Lit«?iary Emporium. _l*? Br».dway. D. A. i. Co. respect.iliy isvite their ci_torntrs r_c 1 Ü. public ceneniilv to ca-'l and ex-..ine l.ir extensive ock o! fir.e Books, suilai»le for the «-ppro-ichmg holydays. dlStf XT Spencer ai;riO,.»D. in irentieTarn thai his arrange¬ âtes. are now completed for supplying according i - -<.- vinos i;_i-_5-_cn, a fine rua Mat al a price {$3 «_5 / which shall resd_ it emphatically the cheapest ¡_ wed a.« lowest priced Oentlemen-s Fur lia«, ever on sale in this city. It is prepared in th«. sa.e style which chanicteriici our finest ar.icle, and like thai article is»»*.r««*d «a pnce at which ii __r.o*. be coutiuaed without an acusa.»y rapid rale. The undersigned .lb ill conádeoce aúirms il to !>c fur the gentleman a_ i »-co.io_i>t ih'.' most desirable Far HatyeietT.-ed. (oiui0 r>PE\'C_R.2L5 Broaii^ay. -i«.m». XT Orlando ï*_*«h. F_tiioi.ble H.*»cier, 137 Brend way, wouid inform the gent._en Me*#r __nrk that his Fail and Winter sly!** of liais is now ready for ibeir inspee- tioa acd critical judgement. Claiming the distinct.-, ol having been tbe fir»; to p»-r»je_ and abide by a strictly A-KKICAN style of _a-, in.end of f-erviiely copying tiie Fashions of Europe, which are onen un___t to onr cl.- .ate and tua;-.-;-. ,Le rejoi'-es to pereeive th. ethers have seeu fit to follow his lead, arid .at now the following of ir.aropean Fashions in Hats is almost entirely abandoned by tbe leading manufacturers. Heoners a Winter style ol (..ntleiaer_i Nut_B_at._ Î-Î 50, and warrants them eqnal in :..'.:-rinl, finish, (ashlsa and durability u; any Hat «olo Iowas $4 lb the city. I'm L-* trisou i! distinctly unrie«toocI that his best Hat* rre .-.ot sold at .is price, b-'t at 50i The«e be recommends equal to any bat sold in New-York _> or under, and i es for them a comparison witu any other. Gentlemen visitiotroor city are respect)ally invited to call and e**a_u. Ids new -_,.k o: Winter ha-.» as»'» ¡edge of iln-ir quality. He is ro.:fiJent that,whether ¡h- deapest or the».. .at is d**«;r~.!, the inquirer will bete be sat.tied. Try liira- (sg>U ) «i. FISH, 137 Broadway. XT _îc!Va-iee & Sa-ford, 64 Be_vcr-at. respe«_tnlly announce to 'la* geutleouro ol New-Tori, tiiat tiiey ..-..- :r> ¡lore their usual B650rt_tent of tine Siik ?n»l C.Huhnm Umbrellas, Sloc., Scarf», Cravais. Linen Col¬ lars, .loves, wbitv, black a«»d adore.!, Chcsson'.« and liajoa'» tnniif, winter Under üarmems, kc. kc To the ab >. they have ñiWed, with «»special reference to CHP.JSTaiAS A.M) NEW-TEAR, aoextensive_sortmentofthe RICHEST SATIN SCARFS in tb « market, all cl which will be sold at a sm-tl- ad-ranee on cost- _ diQ ular.l" -.Handy Andy Complete..Thisday published Handy Andy, a Taleol lr_li Lue, bv S-muel Lover.Esq., athorof' Rory O'Mo e," .* Tb« Gridiron," kc. illustrated whb t-.v. nty.tv o bumoroui illustrai. by tbe author. El- egantly i»ousd in clotb, g.;t. prie»- ?l 25. Also an edition, with all ihé illustrations, in half c'rth !»oar»l«, price $l. Likewj-t- a very cheap edition, vrith ill us - traiions. price only 50 rents. -.Thi« boy Handy will be the d»;ath us. What is the police forcenboai lo allow the uttering a publication that h ..ready brought us to the brink of apoplexy fihy time-.' (',...- p ople, and rial¡ers, sextoi «. and ihe iike. may, per¬ haps, rend with with impunity. Such may laugh over it, ¡mi leta fellow with aniu^ir.fof natural fun in him;venture ;o per»!»" it, and we'll lay ten lu one »t throws h rn into con* vulsioi . ' [Sporting Review. '. \v> forl indebted to the publishers, not only for tin» book, hut for the hearty laugh we nave hadnvt-r it. Oar sides fairly ache from the effect, as badas even the. unfortu r.:-- Trumpeter's did from over-strainini, or O'Grady's kickin«/. Any or.p ?ffl',-t«'il wit'i tiie blues, Will find a fovereisw ::'i- edy in Handy And}*." ] Brooklyn N ws. ''The richest, the raciest snd most frolicking- Irish Story we hâve ever perused." [London Journal of Com. " Full <«f Iri*h fun, and opr. riu^»-ly supplies the plac»* rvf Humphrey's Clock, the work»oi B«»/ having . run /own.'" ¡*Gat<-shead I 'I»», it. 4 Decidedly the liest story of the day.full of frolic, gen¬ uine fon, and exquisite touches of Irish humor. Töe char« .-.cters are dssbed offin capital style, the incidents are on- «nerousand striking, and ihe inter».*! never flags. I.^vcr will Increase his reputation vastly by this pitidnction." XT r'»f>ok'-ellf*rs an<l news ag» n!. ure rt que.-led to forward their ordrrs to the Publisher?, o_ Su» D. APPLETON i: CO.. 2011 Broadway. _/* Tbe above work far sale at this oihcc, wholesale ami rein i I. Xj' K«'»»ort No. 7 of Doctor »Joitn Thom¬ son n i*iMciire, 343 B5rooint'-st..Pal¡iit->vin ¦¡i the Ittartand Liver Complaint..Win. Stanlnn had t»»*eo ill eled !«n 1¡0 months.baa been attended by several pby- . ic'.dn», found no ratief, was cured by Dr. Thom«on in 10 days. Ccriüicute »laied Dt-c. 17. Kesidence liu Clierr\- «ir»*-t. Dropsy in thi Head.Wm. Shcall, child, No. loi Nine- teenth street cored of Dropsy in the Head. See certificate dated Dec 7th Erysipelas and I»iltmm.ator'.¡ Rheumatism. Mr. Roberts, if _«0 Pearl street, cured in 21 bouts of a bad attack. See certlocale, Dated Dec. 4th. Piles and Oy..pcpi,ia.Thomas W. Beechcr. No. 50 Down- ing stre» t,cnr_i of il»-«, five year», an»i Dyspep.a of »ix vears standing. See certificate dai«*<i isov. 3. C'u?»ji»».i*»fi(in.:M «ric Mu_ey, of tbe town of Hod»\ .Udo Cuuniy, *«t.e ot .laiue, cured of Consumption. See certifical«» dated Nov. 11 Ague and Fen-er.Get). Hatikin«on, 103 Elm-street. Cured nfAguc .ni Feve offour months siamim-z. He ha«i spent $80 and three weeks in tlieBellevut« Hospital; Dr. Thom- «nn cured him in three days. Certificate dated Dec. 1. Chronic kheuwitism.Mr. J.'iie«, li3 Ilenry-sireet, cured fan attack afCbrouic l.eumatl»m inn few days that hnil tieen ofmonths standing. C«*riirt».-;i!e dated Nov. Polyputin the .V»»jr. »!r. Benedict, Warwick, Orange County, hid (>een tmubled 8 yeur^ with a Polypus in tlte »<i*<-. It .a* much reduced in two weeks wli.*. he re¬ tained home to attend himSelC Consu\iptionand Dyspepsia.The wife of the Rev. Mr. Van.aweii restored to belt«- h- alth Uran she had enjoyed m ti years, in two >\eek»by Dr. Thomson. Certiticau- dated On. 10. Consumption Rev. J. D. VVilliamson, 71 Eli_b».th*st, i'ureti aiter several years of affliction, no*.» enjoys g««>J iie.ilth. Certificate daled Nov. ID Piles, Dyspepsia and Fainting Fits-.Mr. June«'» deugb* le- -, H ) Heniy-streel, was restored to health afer being Hiilicted f»«r IS vears. Certificate»lat-d Nov.21. ¿ferrous Debility and Dytpsptia.Deborah Hawxhur-t re. «t ired to belter besllh tbaa rhe bad enjoyed in eight years, »mee August. Certificate date«! Oct 31. Dyspepsia aid ¿Verrons Witahst_.E.iz'»belli Paul,West- ches1er, restore»! to better I eanh than sue ha» enjoyed in loor years. Cénit.ate dated Oei 13. Inflammation of the Bladder or Gravel.Same» 1 Scudder. of Koxoury, Delaware County, N. Y., restored to better lie..lib than he hid e^j'ive«.1 in five years. Certiöcaie dated Oct i'J. Dyspepsia. Nervous Bebility aid Costireness.William Pordred, ?*Hg lla-tmr, resiored to tn-tier health man for one year before. Certificate dated Oct 25. N. B..Ceniricaies containinz full p.ticuhrs t:f tue above cas». may he seen at 343 B.kMae-street, \\ith a hort '>f other testimony, too voluminous ior a oublie newspaper. Call .id see it a-'d the invalids ;«t the Infirmary. d2l lw 3.'(üood Hoard and pi»«.ani Rooms caá t.-obtained at No.26 Cllff*_n*et (2) nlS ii Pin-Mt-U5¡er.«i Arrived In ihe ship Ciuciunali, lr .rn (Tanlon.A G PendletnU. Proie.oroi iMatbemat.s In the United Smtes Nary ; E C TowBsend, of Providence ; W Buckler, of Balumore. _.:*.. ut; crii'.«nii eil In the parket snip iN«-v/.\ork, for Liverpool.Robert Lee Dawson,of New-York ; J T Marsh-l1, Master J Mar¬ shall, Utica; Wilfiam Mclotosh, James E Oliver, Charles M Brickl.by, Canada ; M_s E Penin, Ireland; »Mr Phil« lips, En*«.!..d. _ MARINE JOURNAL. FORT OF NEW-YORK, DECEMBER 21, 18*12. MI5ULTURi: ALMANAC. THIS DAY THE SUS T8C MOON irVLL SEA Ri«es 7 28 Sets 4 32, Rises 9 14 Morn. 3 81 Mor. 11 lu Latest Datos. London. Nov. c}| Havre.Nov. 1 Liverpool..N'ov. 4| »NEw-OaLEANs.Dec 10 CLEaKKO. Ship O.-oree, Jack-on, New Orleans, K R Collinsk Co. Bries M->-b_.n. Dom»«, Apa'-tcbicola, K D Hurlbal ic Ce; C E Pla-t. Ri-.-e. «.palactucola. P.t & Pbiil'p». _.i.r. «.*.,. in-j (Rr) Onnt. St.Iohns. NF ThoBJ W_ niett; Rio, OrifSn, B rookhaver.; Pies.deut, Penfield, u :ili mojr, *».u!<;..» u. _earruan. AKXtVEO. Ship Cincinnati. Wü-on. of Bdltimore, from Cani»n 12lh rind Macao loth Aogu«t, with ic., si'ks, _c to Wetmore t C«\ Ba:v,ue DnurUss, Bourae. from Rít Janeiro. November 3. ith 2000 ba'ir» «-flee ta J Foulk Son. Sclir M¿n- Ana Caroline, Forbe», from Philadelphia, with m^z-*. Sehr Reindeer, lii»¿**-Í3S, from Alexandria., with flour, to VV R i. C Hitchcock. BELOW.1 «hip and 2 brisks. Wind W.N'W. TELEGRAPHED.A ship, showing Bcs'on number»*. SAILED.Ship Wistminster. Atwood, London : Adirt-n- da««k, HackstatT, Liverp«K)l ; Illin »is. Everleigb, Apalachi¬ cóla* brigs Madison, íiuikiey.S-ivannah ; üeorf*e, Coarles- toa. _ DISASTERS. The sehrbef.ire rep'iiud as tiavia.-been towed into Sit L»les proves to be Ibe Lark, of Deer I-le, Emtrsoa, irom Calais, lor Bcs-.on. She struck on Baker'» Islaad in the snow si rm on ihe morninc of the 3d ír.st. The captain a«-t crew left her in quest ot assUunce, aud while absent- she drifted on", leavin*- them on Ike island Brig Dunlap, a: P»*rüand, frum Havana for Soston, lost siil« and was short of Provision. She was 20 days in Bos¬ ton Bay. Barqu«» Wyandot.of Blaebill,before reported mi-inç, is insurrO at New-York for less ibac fwo-thirds ber value. Qoebec, Dec. 12.Mr. P. Sheppar-I a'rived last evenin? from tiie barque Bel!o:ia.Syaior.-Sti.naed at Komiuraska. report.*» that tu** ves -el still remains in safely, and proba_y w id do so durin',' t*:e winter. hi» reponed -h it the barque Doc.*.-..-. Wad". {or_onuon, and the barque TheiLs are 1«. t on Eaniciaairan Shoals, and .at u.e crews 2re en .heir way up. Captain Ran«:all. of the Hellespont, an.v'ed oa Moaday trora St. Jaso de Caba. répons mat »in the 19th ot Nv)V«*m- ber the steam packet Tweed anive.i off the Moro. a*. Hi- van», and sen; up two of her bo-vs in tbe citv, one »iifa «he purser and tbe other wi-h tut unil a«re*_. The latter stateet m conversation that on her voyage to *_. Tbi-iias, oa the 6th of November, ihe packet ran into a sch«»oser to the eastwani of Cape Haytien. The schooner was snppos«»d to be Americ »n iv.-.m th.e on board spe*_mg: Engli.i, Capt- Franklin did not stop to aseertain tbe nature «f ihe acci¬ dent, or whether the crew of tbe schooner perished. XT Ko-ckerboclit-r Bnîiery. 320 Bowery, j i 30 S.'Tlb Avenue _.-.. ,n J. || I. J. t. tl l" >. 23 Jan.eá »tri-eL ' : Toe -ubscnber avail» btmsr*i'o: the facdiues of t.¿- »\resi ¡ to inK-nn the public eem-raiiy that be still continue* his Bread bC'-.-re*« and that be ua* comrcenced. in aadiiioo to ibe Haking of cakes t.f -jr'.-ii» kinds «nd qu_l»t'e>, also an ¡ assortment of Pte. at>»l Cr-aekeri (Boner-tad Graban.) al- j «., tic'.'.rr and Tea Biscu t. Rus*. Ban-, pkio -«id oraa- Í mentt-rl Pîumîïan.1 Potmri Cake. The sutiscriber w<*u¡-; tail the at «**-,-.-oa o I the PanhcSa- j perir.iend«*r,t* an«. Crtmm ittee» of .»»¿hl. itb School., or other j .*»«>ci'-i-«-s, *. hi- prorw-j»! i< ....iws: He mil ir-rnbh tixem Calf« m vfce rarioa» idnda for ihr cost of the mater"-*.!« and labor. Families eivinjr ¡arge »-.r».'--** *tii b«; al'owed a i-aadsome redaeSum. Ord*-T*» ont of lb«r city >.;'! be ntitiided to or. as rca-ooable :.-.-...» ._ *_c»se <»i i-.-.u <i y. Orders Ss direct- ni by pon) Lisbesa .»crù.e... 22-t Bowrry, staling dti? '. :. tiy the name of the Boat _- S..ige by w'uc.i ibey wt,h their orner» seat; a » sQuctly) the nam- of the person, I town or T!ll-*2t*to whi n me package is to be sent» »No e-r- rler wnl i»e fiiied up __esstbe dtjllars ami cr^is a<-conipanv the or.ier, or a sausf ctorv rc-iertnc.-" ¡riven, who will o~ bold«*]) ¡or aieasnount order-d. WM. B. IÎU.MRERT. \. B. The r^Jersof fot by) the Sun, w-il pie-*-» ta.W pa,*iicu.ar_iioi;c». and ¿iv» _»«. rtUvertij«cra »hareof ibcir p.v- in.nag*. ?*. . Lz'-i. v^o m el'.lier of Um above Sake.-:.-» r:- cepi m the cooliiug of Crü.ie*- err Doughnuts. Three cr four pen-oris bow r.ut of employment and ."»'-hing an opprr- tanity 10 earn rrom one iv»o dollars per day, will >>- in¬ structed b'.w ¡t may he dmie bv caliin-r ai *__) B»*,-.ver <>c 30 sixth Avenue. W. B. H. dl9 2-r.- 17 Cientlemen-s r-enrf« aad .rara!*..-C. B. HATCH. 57 y* a':*-....:--?*., ', ippo.ite Plat:,) has just re¬ ceived a tresh supply of Sccr:- \r.r[ Cra-rais, of the richest styles, and selected especially for the approaching Holy. days. Tho-e "-. ¡sbing to (.urchase are ioviied to '.all and examine. c_ü -.wU" Wrn. W. Shirley, Aucti*n»-er. SHERIFFS SALE.Wednesday. Dec 21, at 10 o'clock, at the Auction Room, 122 Fulton it by order of the Sheriff. 12 ele.r«M China Tea **ets, 3 Din- nt/r Sets, 70 »tone China Pitcses, kc. Also at the same time, by order of an assignee, a quantity of new and seennd hand Furniture, consistiug of Cliairs, Tables, Wardrobes, Secretarie«, Bor-k-casei. Centre and Pier Tables, marble tops; Work Taules, Lo^km*; .-»lasse**, Bed»t»-ad-, Piano Sttiols. Bureaus,Siinde.--, Lain;s, .c Aiso, 1 Parlor Stovç, cost $50._ _021 It* Bv F.~Collon<- Co. Q WE OF STOVES, Hollow Ware, «fee. C5 Bv virtue of th.* Assignee ' and Landlord's Warrant. On Thursday. D<-\ 22, at inj o'clock ai No. 1^2 Greenwich »treet, comer of Fulton, '.he balance of ibe »tocli, consisting o| every description of Store*. Hollow-ware, Tin-ware, Britannia Teasels, F-ucv article*. 4c itc. d20 3t* JOHN WISTRI.VGHAM, Constable. \%T ANTED.By two respectable young V T women, well lecommeoded, situation*; one as chain¡>err»ni.l tue other as wa.ter. Apply al lu7 Murray« street, in (be iiore._d2i It* \r\T ANT.-'lD.Apïacebyan Eagliuh Girl v T toc»oV. wash, kc. «t g»neraI housework. Apply a* So. 45 «Jreenwicn street. d«!l It* ANTED-A Protestant Girl, who can give good ci:-- re'erences, to do ihe general botuework o! a stnail private family. Apply at 156 Pearl- streei. «121 lt" \\FANTED.A Daguerreoiype Appa- T V ntu» In complete order j<»r taking "rniniatn-es. for which a »aieable article will be given in ¡ra-te. Apply at9S Prince street, between lb« hours of 12 and 2 <*r4ar*».6 o'clock. d¿l It" WrARDROBE WANTED..A g^ntie- min wishes to h're f-»r a few months a coaveafent Warilrobe and «sill pay a fair price tor the use oi it per monta vs¡ib s.iti«tactory security. Any person havinsr one nnt -n ose s:id wming to let ¿I, mav addrtss bor lOí, L"r<per Po t Orrice. *_!______ QOAAA WAN TED on first Bond and '4^ O ' \ ' f\ /Mor-e-»?e on a brick house and lot in the M h Ward, worth $3/a1.now rent* lor $5«>' per an¬ num. A belter and ¡noro s»"-ur»- niortzage could not be ob¬ tained. Apply to A L -.NE. 2'1 Wall-st. c'2U 3^" pHEAP FukNISHËD ROOMS..A X^y ¿ingle gentleman can obtain a comfortable and w**ll fun.:»lied room with nove in it, exclusively lo himself for SI per week. Also, a front room to let for $1 25, or 75 cents eaeü fpccuoieii by i*o s-entleuien. Breaifast and tea if required. Apply ät (iO West Broa ¡way._dil 2i* -COAL ! COAL ! i-The real Feach ).-cbard Red A*b Broken Co'l.irom the schooner Ogdes, aithe fuoiof K^ng-ftreet, will commence unload- ia-.*- on Tuesday or Wednesttay, a: lint abor«; price,s«yeei»ed and de'ivered i'ree of cartage.' Apply on board, orto ""*.». r_RV ELT, 71 King^u &~J Orch d2l 3 . MKSLER it WE /1LOAK LUST.On Friday evening, \^ the 9:h insi. !rom the Itou-e of Alex. Ming, Jr. a d*rlt b ue cíi-üi Cloak, without c-pe and face*J witfi ctotb same as the Clo.k, with veivct. coilai and lined with blue and vell'jvr p'nid merino cl:ith. bound with rigared silk b'nd- ii-g. V«h*vver will return said cloak lo C. W. _ J. T. Moore, £07 Pearl it or lea*/»- in'.ormatio-i where it may tx- foni.I, ti ad :m? snitab^v reurardr-i._d21 Si* N PURSUANCE of an order of the Sur _ rog-te of the county of New York, Notice hereby givt-nlo »11 pe-OrODS having claim» against John Sbepard, law of the cuy »--f fîew-*i ork, «î-^eier, decea-vr*!, to preseni the same with the vouchers Uiereot to the subscriber, a' her residence, So- 143 ll«_ if-street» in the city of New York, ou or before the twentieth day of Jane ne it..Dated New- York, the seventeenth dar ot December, 1342. d21 la worn JANli MARIA -HE PARO, Adm'mistratrix. 3IARUÍED. Deceniber £0. at Si. Thomas'«! Church, by the Rev. Dr. Hstvke>. .Mr. Charles Wright to M'us Mary Ann Byrnes, daughter of the iate Themas S. öyrnes, Esq., all of this .t C«;!i Sprins», cr» the I3i_ li^t_, by the Re--. Mr. Sher- j wood. Ji.hn R. Xane, ct Oyster Bsv. L. I , to AI;»s Emma II g^*, of the tame plac». DIED: On the 19th iost, .Martha E , infant daughter of I.'aac P. ar.d Etoalinda Fowler, aged 9 weeks. Their connetion* an«i triends are invited to attend the fu- neraj tb:* atternoon, a; 2 o*«*lock, from 46 Rmwtck-streeL Ore 19, alter a short _IoeäS,MissHenrietta Maria Benton. aged 17. At Pu laddphia, or. toe 17th List., Co!. Paul JicqaiR De- vernoi», aged 90. At B.ilinnore, on the lüth inst., af.er a short Illness, Mr. Thnn-.as 0*Neil, aged 52. At Ohio City, on the 12t!i i.is*_, Ssmuel Farnall. aged 43. At Mon'real. lith lost-, J.sinej Rncbie Dick, M. Ö.. 27. At Queb-c 12:h last..Capt. Symons, of the bark Beliona. At r*». Thomas, U.C., Nov. 23, Miss Betsey M. Bostw'ck, foi*m«*rtyof Gr.ai Barri»*i'.on, Mass. LOOK AT THTS..Just received from Auction a ¡o: of good »ilk Velvets at only fi» fid ; loi Fringe at6d peryard; lot Parisîèoue!«, at only 3s fld: lot Velvet Cravau. at l»h.i; lot Gimp, at 1 cent per var.i ; lot Muffs, at only Gd; lot French Flowers, atö cent»; lot Sewing Silk, at2 cenU p-»:r «¡»»-in; lot double width Lace, dt is -i yririt ; lot c"id Woollen Yarn, at -I» 6 per pour«! ; lot rin<* Lineo, ni 91 per yard : lot Alpacca Lu»ire>, at on¬ ly J.» 9d ; «ot rt.oa;»clotn'. ät It- G i * lot Ribbom at *i cents pjryari:: lot Woollen i¿». ;o only I»perpair. For sale at WTLLET HAWKrNS*9 »*'i«»re, (12! Sf SQ1 Greenwich-slreet,5tîi «.¡ore below Spring. RY Gu(Ji)S..'ihe subscriber vriehea to reduce bis stock of Silk and Fancy Dry Goads a* w a*i possible, will »'*!! ai gnrailv redncexlprices, Tho^* wi»!'iní t'ipurr!.».!»»' Dry Gi ;- will do well to call nod rx- .-iriiir.r- hi* sto.-k !>.-! »re purchasing elswliere, for he is sH- ling nt i»-a».t 20 p-r cení cheaper iban ibe usual price askcl for goods ot the sa:n» i!y»c i^iion, vuch as Silk, Mous de Lntns, Calicoes, ü;ov.«». Hosiery, ice. kc. All of which will 'or* soil ;¡i wh llesale ano retail nt »-xtrifordinarv low price». W. If BUTTS, 4 Maiden lane. Ai«o, Oermnn Woorrted Goo is, such as 0-4 Woorsted Ne¡ ShawU,Casiwackers, (for_lrlsaud boys wire,) L-gings, Muffsand Boas. Plea*e npply as aftove. dj. 3,* ~4"IK TIGHT STO ViiS..*T_e greatest Xx »arictv and rhenp»^t article in this city fined with ea>* iron' and const* acted with a «alety valve (on the Boston plan) maybe found at No. 211 W.iter street. 2d »loor (roi-s Bi ekn-an street. Jost received irom Boston a superior am- ele with an oven. Ple.t«e lmI! and ja«lg*- fbryoaraeivee.be- ¡ore purchaîinir. No. 231 Water street, 2d «loor from Beek- inan. _J_«121 Im* r»SSËL'S PLnNEtAllTÜÑTor the .tiu L'.nv. ¡»i* in Mn:ion.This ningniñeent and unpar¬ alleledI piece of scient tic mecbanlirn, which rt*pre«e)tsour . '?r system i--- nil it« interesting varieties, under the l'-ir»c»t prtiponion-i ever «rror.ipl shfil, «rid the varied motionsOl die. planeta v.-iih »urh a big:. d»-¡*rr»* ()f perfection and mathematical exactness, is now exhibiting at the American Institute,(northof li.** Cilyliall in ihe Park.) every «lay from9A M.to4P. M. Admittance c».nts. A gentle¬ man and two ladies 50 cents. Visiters who «le»ire to attend ti)u t veiling Li-ciur.* of the tame Jay (».'.'¦ spécial advertise- n¡ei.t,) will receive a tirket of admittance at halj price. N. B.. t'y decision oftbe Trustee-» of the American In- ¦tUate, assembled in council, on the I2ib d.iy of December, 18i2, the Members of ibe ln-tiiut«- are «>nuilt'«l to a lick-i ot fiee admission, ¡»n.l the families of the Members (wives nnci children) to admission ai hall pr'ce. OORDON Y. LfSEDS, Reo. Secretary Am»-rican Institute. RUSSEL'S PLANETARIUM. A synthetic or gen.-iai Lecture on Astronomy, IllostraUd by ihis extensive and "»eaulífol represehtaiion ofihesdar system, wdl tie delivered every everiinj- ai 7 o"c'ork, a> ihe Lecture Room ofthe American In-iiiaf, (north of ihe City Mali) bv-Prof. Franci-J Fauvel Gooraod, D F.. S. Ailmit- tnnce S7i c»nts. A gentleman with iwo indie», 7* cent.*. Two ai aiytic conr.es of Lec-ures, one on Praciico-Tran- scendental- andanothsr on Popular Astronomy,illustrated with ttie Planetarium Ti lesenpe», numerous transparencies ar.d diagi Kins, repre-entin;: all the interesiing particulari- lies of ttie Universal System, will also be delivered by Pint". F. F.:uv»-l Gnnraud, to sotMCiiblng classes, eiiber in the French. English or Spanish langjage, as may suit ihe ta»ie ül the sub>criht-:5. N. B..The Synthetic «or general quotidutn Lecture, illus¬ trative of the Planetarium, will b** delivered on Saturday in the French 'nuguage. cJ21 2w _AILY EXPRESS FOR PH1LA- ^J DELPHTA, BALTIMORE AND WASHINGTON. .MESSRS ADAMS. CO. having an BXCLOSIVK CON¬ TRACT w,ih ill**- L'nio« Transporta lion Company, are lully prepared to forward ir-ois of every description to the above ciiies with the greatest care and si-curity. Running crates ur-on the nad under their own lock», they offer superior advantage*! for th- prompi tran«por;ati<in am! delivery of valuable p-ckagrs, bahk notes, specie, kc. Goods Should be m»ri«pd " ly«»- of Adan«4 k Co.'» Ex¬ press," and if left at the orhce before i to 2 P. M. will bf forwarded on the sai^e day. i-innll p»rka!*es rcceivei*. until h.V.f pail 4 ?. M. A. it Co.'s Expr«**« for toe E-ist ¡eaves daily nt 4 P. M. Oltice in Philadelphia, 35 Chestnut street. ' trice in Ne\« York,7 Wallstreet. d2l lnieo:!- Bifíuiw*ffiyfflWn,ll'HWffiíñE^ ¦.miijiijuiiH. i.m MILITARY BAi-L..Tho Living« Guard» »di cive a 3sll «»:: F. i«t»rv **--»*e--*_-g, 0t. i-U2_ ai vue Aroilo S.onn. Tickets can be h-M a*, fi (. En-.:-;*» / J. Dd on, ÍS6 Pearl »«_.¦_»(_ Fadoa * Brc-klyo); Str^t P. H- Vall'an. 198edf-J-l >*. e-t- j Hunier. 4'tí 6re_kw2ei**«.rc«M, c-mer ol Hubert-«.; W ells. Jr. .h avena»-, »_ori;er :-. C;n-»:; ei, or of tts«* 1 urer. I Vaudam.^rn-rof Maed*_ral-.. i!19 5t* W. iL D£iL*V-i_*-, Srcn ü Hilhar. genii.nari .ire c*a-*»i_ «1 tn appeaeu s «i__JO_\»s MUSEÜM.Mairble bt lug, B-vadway, opp»'*--'*1 Si- P-tàPs Chorc_- T*_te_ «".imit:«**d the .me ereaias; ?_. Ttie Man»****- ;.« ü»pp»* to aj.noun-f<* that heb*_ a' a tra»->ronjary expense ergi-:i:\' O-ne.-nl TO TH«03. T*_«* me», woruteriul D-nnufJn tt*** *»v»>ri._ lie p b: fooî nr,.: icn inci.es u.^a, a..d wei^,,« cauy ufe» pou T».at ¡«eine prec;:-eiy bis weight -»he.* t»i»ee monitii He is lively .d talaau'e, c fin« symmeuicai prop-'-i sud us.qat_.io».». -iy tlie gréa. living <-i_ri»>».;iv i" »'.orl.i. .-.!«o engaged, ihe L'LLIPCTI »N FA H IL te- pert._ers; Mr. C. SüeRnao. me b»-. _*.*.** S Amei ica; Ce__e, :..e admired D._*_¦£; _ws H.Kl r-harming St.ns.sti>««; ihe Fortuue-Te tmg Sip*-**? Girî A.o -.i^ihiLiitii. t..e F3c >i.ileoi t.e***i.il piciui. «-»I C Mealinr .e Sita th* Teta*-.*., by l_r-j. »V«-«:, £-<». Albino Liilv, andyo.fr.O Cur.oushiv. AdmisSi.I to « i--*»i«; c!iil-îren hait criée. .LEN íiil) AT i KA Cl i* -N, î AL- NIFICENT NüVKLTIEs:: X_'.v.Y«M«. SEL'M AND PirTl'KÎ. G ïl.LERY. __Ktwaj-opp the City HalL Mr H BcsutX rT.M-ina-.er. Entire Chantre of Entertainment». M.-. NE1.LIS, BliR.VwiiHUL'T AKdS, wii; exe a ¡Treat number of wonderul esptniL«. p**rf-rming .>¦» it MU -CAL INSTRUMENT-*, and S H A V E ANY THE AUDIENCE. ; M .*. J EN Kl v S, tt-e lalmltaUe <! eatorot COMIC CHVHACTER POPULAR «'NG and snequalled B-.NJÎ' PLAYER; Ma«t, MiAMi » MOND. tbe l*est ETHIOPIAN DA_Ca»ft :n Amer Mr. D. WR1GQT.tbe FALSETTO vnc AU« T. Penbi.aoces, Pâture Gtïierv DRESSES OF QUE VICTORIA, iive Albino Deer," Meroiaid, _c.ail for -».«il in jr. Tnursdav.B«-nef«<:.'t M-, D. WRTG--T._ WH< 'LE, Hait" aud 1-4 Boxes Kaiei Sului. and Keg; Rai»ins: Zindt riuTants, .M^ileii. an«» Gen->a Citron-, Shelled. sweet ami bitter Atmend» . Ground and whole "»pice», Pa;?r«he'I -urf hmwn Almon«.i Mailena Nuts; Ftlherisi F.-esti Fi£s ami Prune»; .">!'lr»i*a Grapes; Lemoa*-; Fre«b D.*-*.; Orange»; Whi-e ami block'WnJnuu; Shelled P-anul»; Peanuts, «-oasted daily; Ca»tn-«a ind Pec.»n Nuts; Diie«l Plums, Peach«?*, ic; S; lit Peas; ñne Hominy : Tapioca and >a-_<>, it.«i c;\rr»t.i ;nu V'ermace! Bi'i See»f i>Tnll hinds Rock Candy} Juju: el'a-t ;Is n2 New yreen and black Teas, East ami W I idia C 2roun«l C»»ffee,il»ily; Chocolatean CocoaS1 eli-; prep; «Jocoa ami faste; pô*'.ered,cra«hed aim loaf Sugar; bn ..d Inte Sujiar»; Mo'asse-aid i»\rnri«; Ohio Honej jra*s; w. 1. Honey; Win», ami CI erVineçar; Speini v die--, 4. «Jam 1-; Mould ran.llr«; Winter and Kail Oil: Rw patent Lamp»«; Castile and Kancy Soap; superior Vei So«p; Flour. China, But»<r..'. c. SuperiorChamraigne; Mult a. P»>rt, Lisbon, Tener P;ile .»n-1 Urown Sherry. Muscat, Claret, Sunn», and ¦; Wine.; d.ifl and ¡»otiled, raspberry,strawberiy and che very trci's; Frencli and Martinique C->riK*»ls i^» glas**; «t nor American Cordials on draft; Lon«*ou Brown «hoiii Pniladelpbia Porter m-.i.rn and plots; old Metheirll«; 1 tied Chler. La Norm.. Regalia and other choice Se'.'sr*; Ewst i West India Gineer; Citron: Lime«; Pine Apnle; Orai nul oilier pr_i-Tved Fruit»; Currant and Q.nceJe Piikl«-» in botlle«; Sar»line«; m eil; Câpres. Oil*». and chovies* London Sauce»; Mushroom and T»)m»i- Cats London Mu>tJrd. Tlie above anitles. top-eiher wit*, many other», In «greatest variety are for >«»le by tL*« quantity or at retail £ will be M*nt to any part of p-eciiy t're**or exptose, by GASSNER i. ÏOUNG, No. k_ Chatham Miret, Near Uie Squ-» G. i. Y. are the .»jrent- and are selling Saratoga Pa«ol Wattn' at greatly reduced prices. d_ Uli HANDBOOK OF FANCYNEEBLi WORK.By Miss LAMBERT, with numerous id o.ilioas by Butler; I voiuuie, 8vo,elei*<iut!y bound in «:!u gill. .' It ie_lies much that is asetul and ornamen'al f->r ladi work in our days, and exhibits no «.-..» share of r»?seai .in»! knowledge In tracing the hi-tory and improvement wool, silks,.C. For a boudoir or toilet table, we «c-»r«-' nni w of a |irettier or more u»eful woik; an«! a»«ucli,*ro mend it lo the Kallaiits who would make acceptable pr ent» to the ladies." [N. Y. American "Itis, alto.ether, the m;>»t «pproprnte gilt f.ir a la who has a taste for needlework thai we have seen ihi. .». Si»n." [N. Y. 0¡)»"i'ver '. The hdi'-s s*y ' it i-j a love ôf a look,* and w«/ belie them, with a blind confidence In their jaogemeni, foi «Ahl we trust, in due time, to receive some reward. [N. Y. Com. Artv .* One of the most elegant volume*« ever i.u»«i ironi t American Press." [Bo«tnn Evening Bulletin " Tue very name implies utility, m ml die nit»-.« of mut inlerspei.d throughout the work prove», thai the a-m «>t publication is important ami vatuliiiie.'' [Bo»ion Traw " We confess that, though the announcement of the t awakened our curiosity a»t<» whatih«. bock would c»»ni:i we had no expectaiion of fiafltn.- such a combinatio.i ol iiiiff et duke as ii exhibits " [Alb Eve.Joni " This work is «_'ot up in the most r.herche style 01 p thinii ever attempted In this cotirlry." [Philadelphia I»fes«engei "Forms oneofihe most beautiful «pecim r»*.<if hrx mnkinsf. hikI one of »he moil tast»*-'u! ornaments for I ¦.vnik-table, we liave ever seen." (Charleston Mercary Ju»l published and for sale be WII.EY 4». PIITNÜM. Book..lier*. Publishers ue.«l Importe ». 1.21 -_No. I*»l Bjo-idwn*.*, T~~K MPERA ¡N C E.-But aot _*ee-»ïotal- The sab«criber oifersfor sale, pure Wines of lite lowint» kind«: Madeira, in wood and p:'a_ of vanoui crades. Sherries, do «io do Pore«, do do do Bursjundies, in glass, various kind». Hock»', »Jo do Champagne**, do do Clarets, »lo«l-i Sautern, «lo »10 The above Win« Are warranted to be of finequailt Apoly to GILBERT DAVIS, cor. Pine and William-si F.ne Blick and Gre»-n T^a«. P. S..A few «Jem'johns of old pure Cognac Brandy, / the tick. «12! Iaw2w G^ IFT BOOK-.A very geaeral a3sori T ment of fine Bcw-ks, well adapted for proenu for tl anproachintr Holidays, may le louml at S-*»XTON MILES, 20.5 Broadway, including mo« of the Ent*lis ami American Annuals. Beautiful éditons of most of tt old an«! modern Poet*,. fine bioding. Also, a ¡ire. varí« iy of Bibles, bo-b large and small, in eleyant biaiÜR.-, nu on the be«t of paper, for »périme. of which do not fail I lake a look at their window in ibe morr.ln**; you p* ilown town, and after looking pleast- st-p into the store an ywu shall have Holiday Books at uric«. to suit the times. Amone the Glfi Books offered this season we tbii.k th; one of the best of..«m is Jane Taylor's works, in S vols eltifartly hound in Turkey moract. .*.!«r», a ¡jrcat varieiy of Juvenile and Toy Book«. Person*, intending to make presents are respe«:tfully ii vitcd to call as above. N. B..Don't forget die number. It b 205 Broadwa« second door from Fultor. »121 K. iMc.MUN.N'á r_!i.-»- of Opium.- This is a new che-n;ca» preparation, contanin*? a trie valuable medical qualili».of Opium, m a naiural »tai of comb nuiion, io the- exclusion of it« noxious principles - Sol,! at wiol«.al«, aiid r»t¡»i¡ by OAVlü SANDS CO Druejrists and Cheml*u,T7 East Broadway, corner of Mai .________¦_d2»2w i»» LEECHES! LEECHES!.Constant lvon band, received fr^sh every new arrival,a larç «Qpplv of good *ue, heilthy Swedish and Germ*.« L»eche» tliai will biie qoiek For sal«* by the thousand, bundred.o dozen, and put up in mrf so ;»*» to be transported wiib*-ie*.; to any part of the country. Leeches applied by a Cunit> «ent person at any t rr.e. DAVID SANDS* CO, Wholesale «nd retail Druggi**_ and CPem'stj», d!62wii 77 Ea«t Briivi»1wav..-r.rner --a.-ke;«!«. fpHE LADIES will find a very extensiv» JL stock of English, F.-eec i and '.ermar. Perfumery containing many new and elegant «cent«, (rom the mo. eelebrai«r<l aj<Dor^rl».rer>, for «:¡le bv dl5 2* IS DAVIO SAVPS $,. CO. 77 g-*-'. Sr.»-lw_ GExNUINE DRUGS and MEDICINES French. Enslish and Germán Chemica;s, L»*eche»» ch i^.e Perfumery, Toilei S 'ap-s and Cosmeti<.. Al-o, i laree a».«oriment of Hair, Toou», Ha; and Nail 8ra»h**s. For sale, wholew'e or «ftill, by DAVIO SANDS ii CO., Chemists and Apoihecarie*», dl6 2wU 77 East Broadway, cornerot Market-«*. I" NDIAN DYE for colorinj; Grey or _%_ Hair »r VVbisners a ha'd.ni" B.own or Jet Si;»ck n ; lew hours, withoai st.inin? ibesltin. Pnce 75 cents. Foi sale bv DAVID SANDS CO.,77 £a». Bro^way, cornei Market-1._dló2wi» COLOGNE WATER..Just received, a fresh »ap-jly of tbe tme G-nnan Colozne (F. Ma¬ ria Farina) of a most dehc-us fragrance. Also, Cologm Water ol our own manufacture, very tine, in quarts, «pints and half piuU«, for wie by DAVID SAND«» k CO., Ea. Broadway, co.-ner Market-st._dl3 2wis HllLL'S TRUSSES..Notice to Puip tured Ptn_»t*..Persons atf.icied with ruptnr«. maj reiy upon the best ii-siruroent. aid the world añoras, applicalion at the ot5ce. Na 4 Vesey-street, or to efther n the agents in the prir.cip_ towns in Use United Sutes. carefnl to examine tbe back pad of Hull's truss., to see i they are endorse«' by Dr. Hnll ia writing. None are geno ice,or to be reliéeI upon as good, without his rignatar*». Many penons have ande.aken to vend .dial.ns o Hull's celebrated trasses, and ..nosands are imp«.ed upon ii »._.tjuence. These ¡mitaiio*» casoot be relied apon ; th«*» are niade by sr.£ki_ial m_hani., and an* no be.-¿r U_j the ordinär*.* tru*_-s. Ro<i-_f have been fitted up at No. 4 Vesey-stretu exolo «veiy for ladies, having a separate entrar»ce from the bi_i a»_. department.wher«? a female is ia consxint ailer.d.;»»j to wa-t upon female p^.tienti». <^I tl "IV"OTIC E is hereby given to all pcre-oni _L having claims aealost u»e Eiinte of PETER PALM ER. late of the citv of New-York, deceased, to pr«*s-ni tb same, wiih the vouchers thtrtAÍ, to the sab-crit. r, at lb o-ce of Elias G. Drake, No. 4Z Wall street, in tt»e City o New-York, on or before the twentv-t.*. dav <»f Jane ne_. JANE PALMER. Esecairix. New-iork, Deceaxber 20th, ia_. dii lawiJa.' _SBMMM| -IV _.B 4 j ' | .«. TIOI* SALfcï Je».,..ti R5e__rr***.*.o, .".. ....- 0 Y BAN.P. RICHARDS & FLA'IT. ? -* Stew «-K E »ni«. i.-. L er»*Jc**_'-siTa..*-*-*¿o_<i«í c-n w»»__»«i>_ty for a*-tt_k>-s w r. n N F.-: o ». v s: v km \- o TXATEl*SOttXS STANDARD WORKS BOVXS SUITJSLE FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS, t¿ uA'a ..'.'-. ; :.»-c_i.tvii- ., an» 8iett<M «arrri«* «N'ov» j, **7 v». » ' ¦¦ «a. o Q arescoa :. --r.»-*-, n be*-»ifoi h.jiyd.y -| . .w*. >-> emi.d «t.nie-.i,ii Anna.-.«, inclüdiotf a.l of ml.«! e£_V 1 ..-*. .?-*.¦ .-*? Kr^copsl (fm:iv»n fni.vfr Bnoli»; mw,. -"-, -'; ."¦*' "'."*: «batWr-f.--t.cco billing*.; 5 Pictor»«! VS. a«; P-Cr-aexl-l H-.I ry of t.-H* Re-font «¿.'Oil. b+H rdU !.,; hiij-t,,, en.,,* (,a,.,,v.3.; w«ttUft Great BVTai«. Í, '* 4 . .'' . ''.¦¦¦",-." U"" **. ".'«-«.autlv bcan«l; -»Lord B) :o: orte ini tritt u a ..c,s » 0 r*.* and prvpuiarJoven- -.», SO Poems of He«**re, e:rClIll morv><£; Jel-ers»»'» .¦** 4': !--,vcr.-s. ..*. m-.vuKi, K**et,*2- quarr*; ft Pt.il.ps, Cmranam. o.-t.u..'» -p.-r-b- -. ». Bcck\ Medical Jurispro- deflce- »-V RfSll_*SiA*ee] : I Historv, -,.,- "TiUtMM'n storks; S Siuro'» Red-ct: ». Si 3 Cxipei'.» N_*-,t Hl>*ory. 3v- PatrKk It-ory« Waver"*?. it ».»trat»o; Sn Richard-*!*-.**» Pro»»«* acd Vf-rv. 3*/o; SO l'a«. 1-Yl.ows* Ofleru.g. IMS» 20Th-« Jewell 13*3; 5 Clark'-* Conin.tut»rl*s, Svo. kc. ke. Tttl'KSDAY EVKN.NG. Extensiv. Sals of Ni* Book*»..A large c-oUectioo of net» aad tresh Mock, etfibrari«-.»- Standard and M.t»«**»>,!a- icoas Works, Bibles. S.C., to bl» »Old b> single copies or In »ju-r.iities. 1W-Ö reams of An»«**, Pspe*.; also. 25 cases .»f Anv*i'i Let.er Papers coiv»>»tf.-*-* ot No«. 1. S ansí «5, ruled and plain -»wii'i be aAd in «-¡aautiiies to suit purchaser*._ IJlTXPlOK. Jr..tí tore «54 Wil- i'.HHive.. corner of f*in»*-»veeL THURSDAY, Dee. 22. At 1«. rvVjocI:, st tue at-ciion r««r*n*. French Goods.By Catalog u«-.Ko» approved «-udorsed n »-».lib r.;;n:ib.».¡Ou cases French î-ilh Goods *-*ompn«i-*'_ an exiea»;ve arriment of tsnev and staple article*» .!" n»- ieni importations, A'«", a !-, je and splendid >w*ortment of fan, eontvlstirf Of MutT», Bra», Cap«». Sin fc Kobe», i*c. kc. kc. Al-o, 2 cases Laii;«**.» ie.d Pan» flats, velvet and «atiu. Also, n Urge invoice Ango! F in-.*«*. Catalogues »ci<i «ampt»-** on the «»»orn'ng of sale. FKtO.lY, Dec. 2S CaTalocue- Sals. too ca»e*. of Kekncr, Gsrma:: and CiJiNi:$s TOYS, su tubl»- or Holutav Gift». Al-o, ? spieudid inarDlc Staute of'^lercary, imported to order. Al*>. 23 case», la^irtf site Chinese Tea Candies, filled with ¿reen ami buck Te.i- Also,a»p!»-noi.i a-sortment of Wine Stands of vario**» »'..apesand styles. Alto, hi» invol-oof Bohemian rich cut Gl-is«, consisiing oTDecantcrs, Wîn«*».Tu.nt>!*r«. kc kc. Ali ). I en;- bca-itirnl B-oi xe Furore* for Pier Table», kc. aud l> ixwoodi tin and nsoroceo Tbeuvometers. Also. 2 eis«-» Chine»e Di.e Boxes. A!s*. I case do. Table M its. A 'to, 4 Cbin»~e Pu nun;»» et Wharnpon. Macatt, _c. _c- .«:. '. '. rv.i. C.i«;;.-:r- v -Mi.«-» while Cer.tre ao«l «ptt-adld ': »nirr Also. «10 sets carved irorv Ch««-*men.«r»me verv «plendid. AU >, an invoir»* of superior Violin», Ouiurs, Music Box¬ es, Toile .te snd Wirk h «ces, V'irnuu Clock». SA IL'ttOAY. Dec. 24 Ai 10 o'o'ocr-, m the auction rtxim. Cloths and Cas-imkrk*.¡*'r.an ih« »t . l»e»~on acreslil if MX inonUis, lor approve«* endorsed i ou*s.în-o pieces »u- peribr West of Bn.land Cloths an! ««-»inierfe, ju»i im- ooi'ifd. TUESDAY. Jan. ¡7. lá-ff By orde: of the Collector a) :he Pot, 303 packaire« «Mer- chsindise.bbvia rcniained in the PobÜc-Siorc opwards of une niobths. For particular«, .«»*». ibe daüy ¡yaper». Al.*.-. S bah i Wh'.iev brown Clo.hs. AI«o, 2 b » . » con .i Cnver*. v Ito, 2 ca«e> bleach »i i.- end*trea>k Clo.'-» Als»», 1 case «to do >l«u;;a-K. AliOi I liiile lluckHhackTo « clltlg. Al*o, 1 bale i:i»pc. do Also, 5 cases Sjx»»l Cotton. AT PP. I VATE SALK. jfjft pieces 4 4, M ari-l 6-1 retl ami while Canton «Matting. t,"lCONOMY~ÏN DRKS8..ExteMivc A assortment of Rich, fashioaabie and elegaui gtxJd*fbr winter wear. W.M. T. JENNING», No. 223 Broadway Arnerican Hotel,offer» for the inspection of ibe publican extensive a«««irtn*.eni of seasonable goods, comprising Bee- Tcraml Milled Cloth», for Surtout*», Sacks, Frocks, kc. The Sack Overcoat», (so much in votfue.) nfl'ordeo fourteen dollar», cut and trimmed in firsistyle, win be tau» worthy th«- attention of the . eouoin.it. C-««Mineres in a ¡rrent variety ol stylen for P.nlaloons. From those «vho have fouo-! -.ny difficulty In gelling »nited ':. article, ¡i trial is t-ollcited. Rich Brocade >\lk and -..-.ini Vesting*«, femire n«*w tiyles) for balls, partie*>, &C. Merinos, Vulvets, plain Silii», Satin* and Casshncres, nit of which will be m.iile np to opler no- d«_* the superintendence of as exK«.'i»-nt cuttert as san bf .und in tl:e country at prices to »u.i tnc times lor ready iitftiey. «1Î i*tf * A Principle made practicable is a Principle mide useluh' ¡VTEW-YORK CASH TAILORING .Ll ESl'AlILl.Sll.MENT. S4!3 Fullon**., New-VorV. The uaoers.gued, in m nounciug their patrons their de- erminatlo.i to maun- strictly to lUe principle of cash deal« ug in their business, would take occasion to sxy dial they ¦uve become welt tat._td of Hie practicability and aseful- ihüs of such a pl.in by the uniform su-:ces» which ha» al- tended its operation in their house frotu thuconiniencenient. The advantages derived by the « u-.tcii.er from the adop¬ t-on of this .<> stein..hereby r*.ilii':.g a gain or 30 percent ipon creiiu prices.ihoy con. «-iv.* pertfctly obvious, and therefore c«*ed no comment. Of the merits of their hoiue »ml the facililie. with which they art« Invested of furnishing i cheap n«d rich giirnifiit, they will not iiiiate~fully a»- jre.1 us tbey arc ihm this -.¡-tiple fact is ioo w»ll known ibelrceh t.ntv loo wall established, io requin» furtlier re** nark. And calhu-,» the attention of the geiali-meii of the ¡.'mied States ami »NVw-York in pariicuíar. Io their aaaotV roent of choice good*, ¡ley will merely observe that un-io- viatinK punctinlit*. and dispatch in answering the commands of their friends is as mncna p*nof their system cash rwytweiits. i-*» '«'." J- C. BOOTH _ CO. & LUID M A.GÑ Ë Si AT-^Murray T and JL Dinneford's Fluid Magnesia, a mild, mfe and elegant -'-.ti acid and aperient, pof.«e»s:ng all the prnpertie« of the Magnesia in genemi use, in a much more convenient form. Kor sal-by ÜAVIÜ SAJSD.S tc CO., 77 East ßro««lway, .or. .Market-«.!._dl9 Hwi» UIV1A»\ EYE }Ml.yAM.«--«-DÍ8eased, weak and ii.fl imed Eyes or Eyelids «re mfely and .peedily cured by the application of this valuabl« Ralsan:. It is theb«**t remedy tont discovered f«ir i»ny disease of Ibe Eye. price 37$ cents. Sold by DAVID MAND8 _ CO., 77 East Broadway, « -orner of Mi.rket-slri.et, 79 .ml 101 Fob ..»n-sireri, anrt 27a Broadway. dl7 2wta FUR SALE.Gold and «ilver WatchêiT, Spectacles, Pencil Cotes and Thimbles, Sliver Spoon», Uiamond. Kiiby, Emerald, Turquoi», Cbtued and Plain Kings ; Carnea. Amethyst, Garnet, Topar and Mourning f gold Fob and Guard Chain**, gold Bracelets, hair Bracelets, Hair braided to order ; gold Loekets, gold Broaches; fine Keys, with real »tones«-Hing» ; with a variety of olber ¡rood» suitable for HOLY DAY Presents.all oftbe latett pattern» and al verv low prices. Old Gi>l«i and Silver taken in ex¬ change. Watches and Jewelry Repaired. H. G.STONE,-ini Broadway, dl7fjan2,s' _corner of Walker tt. *V. Y. "QEIUL1TZ P-nVUERS-Älade of the O b«ti imported material», full weight, und put up verr le-iiiy, fir rv.le wholesale or retail, by DAVID SANDS It CO. Apothecaries and Chemists, 77 Ea»ibro<.dw<.y. corner of Market »t. dl7 2wla rpuOTHAOHE CURED.The CloVe J_ Anodyne Toothache Drops will enre the most violent 1'oothache i-i one minuie. Price S7J cent». Prepare« and »onl by DAVID -.ANl)-*" _ CO. *Ah.,le»ale and reiuil Drug¬ gist» and Chemists, 77 Ea»t Broadway, corner Market st.. 79 and 10U Fulton si. an«! ¿¡3 Broadway. «117 ît»i» VE"ÍvUOATíf¡! OVEK-UOA'ltí! !.« The cheapest iiiti best in ihe market, made at snort Mllce at No. 6 Jolnistreei.. The public are invited to call tad examine. (n28 loo»*) ft E. LOCKWOOD, 6 John-al. IVIDEND..'ihe Board of Directors D of " The Howard Insurance Company" have de- jlared a Dividend t»f TE»N percent on the new capital. oayable on an alter Novem**" 'il, 1842. LEWIS PHILLIPS, Secreiiiry. Novet*h»-r IS. 1R42. n\6 '¿mit £ ECONOMY ];N DKEc-.i..back ö«r: A ioou. .ht* sul'-fii Overcoats »> much 'a Tog-jr, art* iflhrded at $3, $12 -}H $ .> *¦¦.'¦ $2n, ir»»m <sr..¡i. brown, Mack and lnae -eaver aim Pilot Ci th» and tor »«I*, re«0y :i»a»le. nt 229 Bioadway, American HoleL d!5 isrf_^'! T. JEXNlNOs». COOPER'S ISINGLASS.This orticl« U warranted equal in »trength it» Russisn Isingass, for table jel'i*., .'lane manpe, «kc, and of great tervto*** *ne e dfiicate animal food i^ lequir..: Only quar er the ones o; Ru>»;an. S«i«i by DAViD S.-lNDS <k C«».. corner Ka.«t Broadway and ..la-l^^.l.-^ " «116 twi« H~>l-î*-;HOUND"CANDY at 20 Cents per pound.Horehoand Candy (broken) made frotri ihe Clarifie.'. Esserac«- o: Horehonn«l,&t 20 cenu per potuvd lot* wie by IL L. _ A. STUART. dl Irai* 2_S Ct.-*...-.>¦-, »ireet. HENRY'S MAGiNKftlA..The geni U.e imported Henry's Magnesia, in boltie». The paresiand best Magnesia in use. For »ale by DAVID aANDS k CO ,77 Kast Broadway, dl8 2wis_corner of Market-sueet. LE ROY'S GUM "OIL.«Forrendering Boot* and Shoes durable and water-proof. Thi» ex¬ cellent article is now sold ai the low price of 22_ cent» per bot. It preserves and strengthen» all kinds of leather and -fives it a da.'ability oneqaal.ed by any ihiog- heretofore of- tered to the pnblic. Manuiaclnred and tobi by M. LE ROY k CO. 122} Kuli^-^e»-**t* 3 door» east of the »on Offlce. Coantrr merühanü »uppiied ai a liberal discoont. dl9 lwifc*^_ _ ATCÜEÖ lowerthaa ever..In coa- seouence of the re»loction of «.uties by the late tariff the ïïîSïerfc sSSg his tu>ck of Cold and Suver S^AÎdïÎ^AS^i Lepin^aivd other Watches ¿f_*W and i-vlencii-l patterns, a«id Jewelry at «tad * a cor.»iderab!e rtrdurtion irwu iorm*-T price*, betng nmcb .^r iTan they can *e boaghl ior si any other place in th«. f'tv GcAd W.tches «. ¡ow as $20 to «2S eat±v. ¦Watches and Jewelry excha.:?ed cr bought. All wai-rh« warranted to keep good time or the money relorce«L. W a:cl]«*-i and Clocks repaired m the best manner, aad war« razleú., at mod» Isf-l man the tissai prices. O. C. ALLKN. importer of Watches and Jewelery, 0t3fa if Whclesale and reuU, 30 Wall-et-, op iMaao.

New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1842-12-21.chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030213/1842-12-21/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · conveyed to himonthe day of hi-death, butby whernthe ... Wheat,

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CITY INTELLIGENCE.i X-AvrrKKs' Diary--This Day, December 21..

CoMVo«* Plf.as.Part t-.Vos. 29, 97, 41,4>,_, 47, 51, 53,57.i9-Psri 2, at 10 o clock.Nos, 3«., 34, 4S, 43, 5u, 52,54,56.58. _.¦Sircr.t.;R Coiiet-Nos. 22, 2, 63, 10, 49, 0, 89, 83,11,12,

JJS,7¿,74, 5,6,116.Tuesday, Dec. 20.

Board or Assistant Aldermen..The mi-'nutet of the 1.t meeting were read and approved.

Petitions Presented and RErcai.d..Of 106 taz-pay-iog citi.ns, »gal nut the propc>«ed method of cleaning tbe

!' iiri-t« by conti*aci. Of Isaac H »Igbt, for cojnpensation forservices don- as a watchman. Of Gee». A. Wilkes, for cor¬

rection of MX. Of ihe Mechanic*. Bank, for relief under theact relative to Corporations.Ueports .Of ihe Committee to whom w_ referred the

cause* oí" .¦'«* '««.min««' of the Cupola, kc. oa the 18.1* Nov.last- They s'.ate that they have had many meeting*«, andexamined a number of witnesses on the subject ; that theluiife with nhi.-h Colt commit ed suicide must have beenconveyed to him on the day of hi- death, but by whern theCo.mit*«.¦ were anuble to asceitei ; -, tbat the stove in tbeCttpoJawt-ef iî»e on'lnary sugar loal si)le, with cons d-eratj.e length of ;.ipe, « hich projected from the roo!. Thestove was p!a<-ed very near the side of the Cupola, and th«»«ot-gruiion was caused by too large a fire being made init by me persons in charge, and their ne»Iect in atteii-netoil, they being down in the yard for the purpose of w;t-f«_-EfC tue execution ot Colt- Th- Committee reeomrnend[t,e ditani-al of Jame« H. Atkins and James Shaw, the par-tie« in question who ha« charge of tbe Cupola. No otherfacts were elicited frem tbe Committee except those alreadybefore the public. They al-»o mention the attempt to bribeloe Sher.fT. his i>eputi«, the D«-puty Keeper of the Prison,kc, and tue full identification of th* body of Colt. Keportac.pled.Uep«iri in fav*ro{ paying Edwerd Donnelly ihe amount

claimed for settle.cut of contract. Adopted. Against thepetitionof.Martln Beebee to build boat house or shop ¡ootol Grandst. Adopted. In favor of flagging a portion of2.h street. Adopted.An Invitation was received f.oru the Union Benevolent

Journeymen Tailors, to attend their hall on the _.h inst.Accepted.A wminuHisation was received from ihe Corporation At-

tnißey, relat.ve to a Lumber of suits commenced and finesimposed for violations of Corporation ordinanceis. Luid onIhewbl?.Communication from the Comptroller, asking for a tem¬

porary i ppropriatioa for the year 1843. Referred.Quarterly statement from the President of the Crotón

Aque.iut-t Bo.ird of receipts and expendi.ures- Laid onllic tab!»-.PArsRSFRoM the other Board..Keport of Committee

for cleaning streets by contract. Laid uu the table.The Market Law .Document No. 50, being the ordi¬

nal;- .'. p_scil by the other Hoard, was culled up for cou-sidirallon. A motion to lay the ordinance on ihe table, forthe purpi-e ofoffering a le-olution to submit ihe whole mat¬ter to the prople at the next Charter Election, was, after aIon-; debatí', decided in the negative. The rrsolutfon pro-j»-ed to hi\ve each elector vote for*or against meat beingsold in pieces other than ihe public Market». A protracte«!debate look place in regard to various amendments of the.stM-ction, fending which, a motion to lay tbe ordinsneeon the table was lost.Section tsl was then adopted. As amended, it opens tbe

sal« of fresh meats, kc at all Markri«« (the word ' public'bdn£ stricken out ot the ordinance) other than the presentpublic Markets. The Mayor logran' the lice use, under therecommendation of the Market Committee.Section 2d was pa»»e«l, which cxtablialies the license fur

opening Markets, other than the present public Markets, at

$10 per annum; the person so applying to be an actualresident .the City, and of the pge »if 21 years.Section 3d imposes a p«nalty of $50 for either killing or

d.«'?«ln? f¡e-»h meat on «aid licensed premif-e*«, and likewisea f-nf-'tur.« of license. Adopted.Sec'ien 4th..Bach Mark*-t to contain n senled scale-beamand weißt.t«. and a sitrn with the name of the owner or oc¬cupant, under penalty of $_. Adopted.Before the ordinance was farther progressed in.ihc Boardadjourned.County Court..Trial of Justice Parker con¬

cluded..The Court met, put suant to adjournment, a.id wasaddressed for several h«un«.by Mr. Lord on behalf of theaerused, and by Mr. O'Connor for the people. Roth the-e(rentlernen exerted their well-known ability te the utiermo-t.Mr. L. contended that nothing had been shown identifyingMr Parker with the introduction of vagrant» into the Cityillegally to vote. Mr. O'Connor, on the other hnnd.stion_.lyurged, from the law and the facts in the c-ise, that Mr. Parkpr had been cognizant to the infamous transaction. Of the71 per* n« brouifbl «town on lUe night previous to the el« c-tio:i. 59 had l)--*.«ii discharged by the ti-ree Maeistlntes, anda portion of them by Mr. Parker individuall}-. He »:»>:»leaded tl at the charaei had l»»'en fully prove«!, ami calledupon ihr Court i» piomimice n decision to that effect.At the conclusion of his argument. Hi«* Court adjourned

to Wednesday, at 9 »»'clock, when a judgement will be ren¬dered. _*

MONEY MARKET.Ma'.«.-!« ut the -tock -.schange, Dec. 02.

$1,-0 Ohio t's. Ii-0. opg 7050 Paterson R.b6l>d 4750 do.böOd 4710 Syr k üiicu R.9950 llarlem.b4ms iG75 do. 15j100 do.sSd 16*

$2,1'«»" K'kv Sixes.8a25 Del. _l"lu«l.C.h R3J14 Slate Bk.ol'N V.T28 Bk of Com Snip.... 9I¿10 Bank Kentucky.4425 Mohawk K.ca»h ó!«25 do.cash 5227 do._-_S'-'-_

-«uiuaerci.I atad -Honey .«la i-cm.TUESOAY, P. M.

The transactions at the Brokers' board were limited to¬

day ur.ii It.i chauges, eicopting in Mohawk, were imina.terit!. Mobawa recovered considerably from its declinehaving improved 1*{ percent; Harlem heavy.Jn Stale stock«, the principal sale wa*. 17,000 Ohio Sixrs

at 70, an improvement of i per cent' Kentucky Sixes soldat 81», .in advance of 1«. per cunt¬ía Fon.igu Bills there is nothing doing. The rates Bre

HOitiinall-» 6 a fc¿ ; Francs 5 45 a 5 43J.i_arlte»*«.Carefully reported for The Tribune.

Tuesday P. M.

ASHES.VY^e hear of no sales to-day of cither descriptionin consequence of ihe high tale al which they are held«Buyer? are now waiting the advices by the Steamer dailyeipecleu. For Pot« $5 75 is asked and some demand $ö 00Pearls are held at 7 ¿0 aud 7 25 was refused for 50 bbls.Tbs-re i» not over 10« bbl». in first hands of Pearl*..COTTON.The sales io-day reach between 800 and 1000

bales at rather heavy rates. The sales coulinue mostly for

export Tbe fair amount of budiie_ doing in this staple ou

the tve of the arrival ol a Steamer would se«-m to indicatethat shippers did no- anticípale the reception of unfavorableadvic-s. We continue to qu-e Upland lair 7; New Or¬leans lair, 7$.FLOUR.The sales continue to he limited to ihe immedi¬

ate Wt.tB of the traile with on appeal anee of improvementio price. The expectation of large receipts before springfrom New Orleans ami the supplies of low-priced Southern,which nre coming in more freely, tend to prevent any im-

promnent which the comparatively small stock here wouldno doubt but ior ihe. circumstances produce We quoteGecesee, $4 75 a 4 S7J with only occasional small lo: j to be

had at the lower rate. Michigan and Ohio. 4 75 a 4 81J;Troy nominal, 4 87.. No New Orleans offering we beli« v<-,It would pr««b.»l»ly bring 4 62. a 4 CO. In Southern we donot hear of much doing and the rules are rallier l* ndin«:downward. Small lots G«orir«'town at 4 75; Brandy wine,4 75 a 4 -i. Sales .50 bhls Howard-«!, and 250 do Rich¬mond County on-private terms. Gond Philad. is effered at

4 56i a 4 62j"; Richmond City', 5 d.. : Petersburg and Alex-andri- 4 6r¿. Rye Flour is not very active and tbe frwparcelsrrceived within a day or two, about .0 bbls, haveb'en tak.»o, supposed ot 3 0C1. Out of slf»re it is held at 320 a S S7 J. We hear of no sales of Cora Mea'. Jenny we

quote 2 50 a 2 6?. : Brandy wine, *2 62. ubis ; 12 25 cash, 1275, 4 months, bbds. Tbe quantity ol Flour lan«led at Buf¬

falo during the season was 781.305 bbls; Wheat, 1,S-«5,1S9husliels. makii«g a total, allowing 5 bG*-h»*i*. wheat ¡o tbebbl <-: Flour, «i 5,GS6.13^ bashela Grain, a small deciease on

lattyear. The stock ofPIonr at BcrYalo is about 42,700bt» s.' Wheat 2S.iw)0 bu»hels, making with retail slocks, S.o.

anagg.*gBttof50,«-«0bb-.a much larger stock than ever

before known there. The quantity frozen in, .ong the ca.

nal ise.«tmiat-d Ml laooo.) bbls. In 1S34-6 it was 150,000 do.GUIAN-We bear ot no «ales of Wheat to day. The la>t

sale was at 92 Corn is not very plenty, but ihere does not

appear to he any demand of consequence. We notice salesof 900 bushels new Northern at 50, weight, and 5C0do new

Virginia at 49, n;ea«ure ; old Northern ¡s bekl at 54. weight,and 58 n_autre, w iih small sales. Rye is plenty and gene.rally held for prices much above present rates. We míicesales of 1<.*0bu»i:etsat56,in tbe si.p. Barley is very dull.only one or two lois offering. Oats are without change.River,30 a 31 ; Ctiual, SO a S2. A cargo ot Southern is unsold.WHISKY.Tbe market is very dull Bbls are nominallj

21. a 22 ) drudj-e cask*. 21. Tbe supply o! bbls has been iii-crea.*.I by a large lot which has heretofore been out olmarket.OIL.A sale of 603 bbls Whale bas been made for export

on private tonus, supposed, however, at 54, a 34..SUGAR.A sale Ot 30 hhds of New Orleans inferior was

made at auction at 4$. It is estimated that upwards of 3¿(»0hi.els are oow on iheir way from New Orleans.PROVISIONS.We hc-rofno large operations in Cana

P.ovisions. A sale of 1.' bbli new Mess Beef, this Slate, at

6 i"\, am! II Ü do new Me*s Pork, this State, al 9 6¿1 and100 ».o old Prime O.iio Pork at curtent rates. Old Laidis worth 7 a7i cents. We notice sale*» of SOU kegsrew Cityrendered at 8. About 200 packases Butter have been lakei»for shipment at 8, but both Butter and Cheese are raihei

quiet.TALLO-v.The supply isquile small, bul it would coi

probably bring over 7J a 7$.¡ HAY.There is no change iu bundle, acd k ¡Si-lingfamall lots out of store at5öa62i; loon'. is in large supply.>\e quote _. a _5¿.

__________¦_¦¦ m i ___gggg__i _________

RELIEF FOR THE SICK,«CPDi-. Ranh'n Infallible Health Pill».-

The great favor wsdch this valuable medicine ha» gainedduring the few months it ha* fe»»-n ma«le known to ih¿ pub¬lic, has proved beyond a.1 question its claim to superiorefficacy in tbe aJlevtaiion and cure of the numerous cooi-

plaints which are common to mankind. We aisare thosewho are afflicted that they Bee4 but try' a single b:x lo beconvinced thai this i» no Ira::.bug preparation.even werenot th*- name of the immortal inventora sufficient guárante e"for its genuinen«*.-.-, ae.l merit. In all bilious and liver com-p.-or-u, pleurisy, ÍD'!i«-«-s:'-**::or costirentîs, Ji^-artn-nrn, pQes,headache, erysipelas aad other di-ess- sol the skin,debility,ail compiaia's incident to female«, tbe HEALTH PILLShave never yet failert to effect a cuie. We are constantlyreceiving te.-.timoniali ef tlie mo-t extnioniioary enres ef¬fected by Ulis medicine. Read ibe following

CCRE OF LIVER COMPLAINT._, ....¦_ New-York, Ncv. ö, i84_Mr. H. G. Daggers:Sir.Injustice to the efficacacy of Dr. Rush's Infillihlc

H'-alth Pills, one box only of which I purchased from yon,I deem it but right to Inform y«;u of their s-rpri-'ng « Sectsin restoring me to health. For the last two montii« I wasdisabled from my employment, tried 'Ornerons adv*srtLs«-üremedies, wn treated in th* General Hospital witboat anysuccess, and fin;. !!y adopted Dr. RUSH'S PILLS. Th»ireffect was immediately evident.infusing rigor aod healththrough my frame, relieving a constant pain in my side andde.-p oppres-ion, promoting sleep, creat:n<* an appente forfood, aud altogether invigorating a frame that was rapidlysinking ¡mo decay. 1 therefore deem it a duty I owe, notonly to the public, but yourself, t > publish the above tt*-,_-mony, which 1 have corroborated w-nh a 'conscientious alR-davii *f the truth thereof. PATRICK GALLAGHER,

Ci.arlton-sireet, Ne «-York.Affirmed tLi» 6 h day cf December, 13-12.

JOS. ?. pirssoN, Commissioner ol Deeds.XT Sold wholesale and retail by

H. G. DAGO EEUJ, SO h un st N. Y.XT Prie«-23 cents a bo*;, put up in a beautiful wrapper,

with fuil directions.Ace.its.Wadleigh, 459 Broadway, corner of Grand-sL:

16S Bowery; C9J Falton-st. Brooklyn ; A. Guibrie, 4 Stun-wix Hall, Albany; Burgess k Z.ebrr 3 Ledger Buildings,Philadelphia; Redding t Co., Boston; Smith,320Broad-street, Newark, diaiw

XT Christin-*.- and Ne-e-Year.-COUTHONYis. KEVERS, 3-i 1 Broadway, bave ju»t received from Eu¬rope one of the richest asKirlmeat of gcods suitable forChristmas and New-Yen;'.» Presents ever offered ibr sal»* inthis city, combinint^elegance and utility. They respectfullyinvite their friends to c-ill and examine for themselves. Forsale as above, tlie celebrated SOLAR LAMP, for brillianceand economy surptusing ell mb»-rs in use. d«9 .¡.»i«*

0*Ho!yday Gift*»-n«-.imiinn's Fair a« IVifo-lo*/*..The Lames ol ti e Sailors' Home Society, auxiliaryto the American Seaman's Friend Society, wdi pen theiramina! Fair for tbe bernent o! ibe Sal or'» Home, ;<i NlblSaloon, on the evening of tlieS'st in.-L, and continue itevery day and evei ii.g until hri-r.mas. Beside the aril«ele« prepared by the Society, there will be offered a mrg»*varicty of Annuals and other Looks, imported fancy art:'lis, perfumery, toys, ¿tc, sufficient to suit ihe wants ofthoie wbo wish to make present«, lo their friends or chil¬dren at t-ù season ol the year.The friends of ti.-e Sailor, and toe benevolent gcmTal'y.

are invited to attend. All work end contributions for mi*objectshould be bandea to Mi*-. Vanderpool, al No. 192Fourth street, on or before Monday the 19lb. dl'J Si*XT *«*nr-.* lío Is«!» y"^; i fin.~for 1 S43..Pnb-

lisbed and sold at N». K>7 _ 122 iNa-MU ftret-t, ¿\»-\« York,wholesale n- o r» tail :.1.."THE WONDERS OF THE WORLD,"fcontainiug

about600 pnj-e.» of letter pr.---., ai.d more t:¡an five hundred.ugravingg,elegantly bound in gilt. Priceonly $2 50 prrc.ipy Forrecoaimendfttioni of t »is wort, see all the paperspublished m the United s ;n -

II-"SKA1.S' BIBLE BIOGRAPHY.'' the most »píen«lidly il ustratt'd and cheapest work ever issued on th»-American contin"nt, containing sevenil hundred Engrav¬ings, entirely new and original, designed and executed byh«? most eminent artists ol England and America, Cost ofpreparing ike work, ibOW, This beautiful and importantv..rk Cfintniiis upwards ol -VIO jia^rs royal rjciav«», is printedfrom new stereotype plat«~, handsomely bonnd i--. gilt andlettered, and letaits readily at the low' price of $2 50 pt-rvolume.III..The well known popular work, (in3 vols; enúled

¦«PICTOKJAL ILLUSTRATION*« OF TUB BIBLE\ND VIEWS IN THE HOLY LAND," forming nn iUtu«rated Commenury of the Old an.i New Testament, eucholuiiie cunlainiog 2nnsciiptun¡l Engravings, ami 400 pages»f interesting letter press description*-, Pvo., substantial'yKtund' Compiltrd from the Notesoftb« London Ficinria:itihif, which .'ell-in this country for $20per copy. Prie«*Jl 15 per vol. or $..."> ;or the set:.IV..On the second or third week in January, fill, will

ie issued No. I of " SEARS' NEW MONTHLY " FAMI«LY" "MAGAZINE," embellished with several hundredEngravings Tobe published on the first of even,* month,n pints from -to t,j 5t\ large imperiil octavo pages' (double-olumns.) ut S- per annum, in-advance, 'f'o he publi»hedis above, m the ftook Stores, Nos. 127 »v. 122 Nassau street.s'ew Yoili c^ny.¡XT Ag. nts warned in town arid country. d¿I im*

-rrott, -

O' Pnrltfj »s» l'ereiiuiui t*r«*»tc'nta..The volumeof Parley's magazine (or the year 1S42 is now- complete,.mo maybe had «it the publishers, bound in neat cltwitj, I'm.me dollar. It contains a gieat variety of intere.»ting andin»irur:tive reading l»ir your-ir people, among which areSeven original Poems, by Mi» H. F. Gould.The Perilou» Adventures of Quintin Harewood and bit

Brother Brian.A new History of England' for Children.Bre.-ikfnM Titile Science loi Boys and Girls.The Ibiyal BiOlivers,by Miss Agnes StricklanJ.Hieroglyphic Amu»enienLStories from Natural History; Inlerest'-r.g Adventures;

Anecdote.»; Moral Tales, _c_c.Iilustrntt-d by more iban i«*ur hundred Engravings.\Nith the January No. or new volumecommences, »»«rents'

are invited to»ub»cnbe for liieir children, ?nd thu.« furnishihem with acheapand regular supply ot interesting andinstructive reading. It is published monthly at one dollarayear, by C. S. FRANCIS it CO.

«120 3110(1* (2) 232 Broadway.-mm

XT Bethel Fuir..The Indies ot the Brooklyn Reth-el Socieiy will hold their annual Fair, for ¡be sideot fancyand useful articles, on Wednesday and Thursday, at tin-National H..I!, (formerly Log Cabin,) commencing at 2o'clock P. M. niiri continuing Ihrou.b ihe evening.The avails of this Fair will be giv-n to tbe American Sea¬

men's Friend Society, which during the past year has com-plete«1 a large,and comfortable Home for the >ailorsin NewYork, ami is very much in want of funds to carrv on its <*d-eratiou»-. Brooklyn, Pec. 21,1842.


d20St*XT Tvrclflü Wnrd-CKOTON WATER-AI1 per¬

sons Interested in r»- 1 esiate in the Twelfth Ward are re

qu«-sted to meet at Vanderw. ler's Hole!, rive-mile house.Third Avenue, oh Wednesday, D**i"eiiber 21, at 4 o'clockl\ M., to take such measures as sloill be deemed proper ii.

obtain a repeal of the t x ¡aw, *.o i»r a» it iiii*x>?-es a t-x ol£0 cents on a hundred doli'irs on real and persona] est'i'e n

that Ward lor the support ol the Crotón Water establish.ment ".".'. Mott, Isaac Adrianes,

by ¡M. Hopper Mott, Jacob Harren,Valentine Mott, Andrew McGoun,Richard F. Carman, John J. Myer,

(12021* John J. Palmer.

HT I. O. of O» V..Toe ui--ii.br is of Meridian Lo-'ceNo. 42 1. O. ol O. F. ore respectin lly rcqueseii to meet attheir Lodge Romn, corner ol Hudson and Grove .str«?e:sThis (Wednesdayj Afternoon, ¿1st inslaat, ai2J o'clock, top-iy their ¡a.»l tiihjte ot respect to our late and worthybrother James Di-.xter. The Older in general are invite.l *.o attend. Bv order o«"

FRANCIS SN1FFJEN, N. G.Jonathan Knapp. Secretary. d21 lt*O* Broad-ray W»shi»_tou Tempérance

Society..Tin» Society meets Tins (Wednesday) Even«log.at Concert Hall. 406 JSioadway. Ail persons dt-sirousof signing the Pleine are requested to come early, in orderlo secure their se.us. Mr. L,«iliau-, ihe first signer 10 theWashingtonian Pledge in this city, will be pre.«ent and re¬

late his very ntTeclingeiperience. Other interesting speak¬ers will address ihr meeting.T.e Ladies of this Socieiy will, on Wednesday Evening,

«Uli January, iH-tó, present to the Equitable VoluuteersolNo. S6a most splendid Signal Lantern. Tickets tor thatoccasion, at 12^ cents, ha<1 better tie nrcured tin» evening.d21 It- LSBBKP3 CHAPMAN, Sec'y.XT Tlsc IoTitntion..Come to the Temperance

Fair i:niue, le.nperaiiie frien.ts.you will fin! all yoursocieties there repre-ented. Come, anti-temper.net friends'an.l help us tu a;akeoar reformed p->or comfortable duringllit inclement season. You will nnJ arliclts ihei»- of a»t-

anil Ornimeili in great variety, and at very reasonableprices. Tickets one »hilliiii«, tor which refreshments will be*given, may be bad at Van Wageaen 'k Tucker's store, cor¬

ner of Dey and Greenwich-Streets, and »t tbe ball door, cor¬ner of Dey and Washiogton-sireets. Fair oprn from 1er.o'clock in the morning till ten at mgtt, daring the week.

d2l> 3t-D" Tt'ttipenince Notice..-On Weilnesday eveniog

the 21st iesL, die Washington T.iul Abstinence Society willbold a Ma«s Meeting at the Church comer of Catharine amiMadison streets. The Chelsea Temperance -Ben>*vr.'en:S.sciety wili be present, accompanied by Ibeir Brass Band.The meeting will be addressed by Messrs. Hopper. Fisher,French, Howe, and others. SomeofThe most popular sing¬ers ar- engaged. The exercises w:l._c-»mme:ice at 7 o'clock.Children will not be admitted unless accompanied by iheirparents or guardians. Admittance free. A collection willbe taken up to defrav ibe expenses.

F. W. WOLFE, President.J. J. Oliver, Secretary. It*

D" Rt. EtCT. iBi-hop ll:u..he.»... "Lectare.-Rt. Rev. k;»Ik>p H06HES will dt-livet a Lectu.e beiore theCatholic Lihrirv S.x-ieiv on THURSDAY, the 2-.«! insL,

IX THE BROADWAY TABERNACLE.SUBJECT. The Influence cf Christianity on Civilisation.Doo s open at 7"o'clock; L**ciure will commence -t halt-

past 7 o'clock. Ticken».to e.dmi: a gentleman asd lady, 50cents each; extra tickeia to admil a lady, 25 cents each.ruav be bad as follows -..From the officers ot the S_S«_y,viz . Kev. John McClosky, St- Joseph's Church, Sixth Av¬enue and Barrow-st.; Matthew O!weil. 61 Caüiarine-streel;Edward McIIrov. 177 Bowery : Conielius Diver, 3o Vs all-

James--.tr»»*.-!rom die Seitô.is of U:e »iirTerent CatholicChurches.and at the door oikthe evening ottbe Lecture.

Bv order- EU<-£XS A. CAJÎ.ERLÎI,tÜ55tisTfaSTnW¿Th*-_ Sectetary, i.e.

¦XT A I.tciure will be ghreo in Clinton llall. cor-ntroi \assau and Btekman s-trtt*«-. on Thursday Evening, 22dissL by Mr. Broi'-meadow. on ihe maiiufactare at Iron andSieel-the art of making Cast Iron Malleable, and theSmeli'teg of Iron Ore, bv the use Anthracite Ccai. Dra*-iiiisof great ina.'iiii-.da will be prex-med,msde by Mr. 1.S. Shepherd, 123 Fulton street, to wbictyeiereuc.» will bemade lhi*0U-*hc«ot the Lecture. Tickets may be had ol Dr.J. Covert, 135 Nassau street, and 3t ihe door'on the eveningof tie L-.cture. D¿ors open at 7 o'clock. Tbe Lecture tocomoiesce at half past 7. Admission 25 cents. dil St*


Coirtpr.iingal! »beSPLENDID ENGLlaH AN. L'ALS FOR !_-

At-o, a ch«»ice n.r*rtnimt ofSTANDARD AND PICTORIAL WORKS.

Fine Oxford .-¡¡tina of the Bible, vario*. sizes, in elttgantBind!nj_j suitable for Present«, kc.

Imported anc lor >a\e by D. APPLE! ON k CO.At their Lit«?iary Emporium. _l*? Br».dway.

D. A. i. Co. respect.iliy isvite their ci_torntrs r_c 1 Ü.public ceneniilv to ca-'l and ex-..ine l.ir extensive ocko! fir.e Books, suilai»le for the «-ppro-ichmg holydays. dlStf

XT Spencer ai;riO,.»D. in irentieTarn thai his arrange¬âtes. are now completed for supplying according i - -<.-

vinos i;_i-_5-_cn, a fine rua Mat al a price {$3 «_5 /

which shall resd_ it emphatically the cheapest ¡_ wed a.«

lowest priced Oentlemen-s Fur lia«, ever on sale in this

city. It is prepared in th«. sa.e style which chanicteriiciour finest ar.icle, and like thai article is»»*.r««*d «a pnce atwhich ii __r.o*. be coutiuaed without an acusa.»y rapidrale. The undersigned v» .lb ill conádeoce aúirms il to !>c

fur the gentleman a_ i »-co.io_i>t ih'.' most desirable FarHatyeietT.-ed. (oiui0 r>PE\'C_R.2L5 Broaii^ay.

-i«.m».XT Orlando ï*_*«h. F_tiioi.ble H.*»cier, 137 Brend

way, wouid inform the gent._en oí Me*#r __nrk that hisFail and Winter sly!** of liais is now ready for ibeir inspee-tioa acd critical judgement. Claiming the distinct.-, ol

having been tbe fir»; to p»-r»je_ and abide by a strictlyA-KKICAN style of _a-, in.end of f-erviiely copying tiieFashions of Europe, which are onen un___t to onr cl.-.ate and tua;-.-;-. ,Le rejoi'-es to pereeive th. ethers haveseeu fit to follow his lead, arid .at now the following ofir.aropean Fashions in Hats is almost entirely abandoned bytbe leading manufacturers.Heoners a Winter style ol (..ntleiaer_i Nut_B_at._

Î-Î 50, and warrants them eqnal in :..'.:-rinl, finish, (ashlsaand durability u; any Hat «olo Iowas $4 lb the city.I'm L-* trisou i! distinctly unrie«toocI that his best Hat* rre.-.ot sold at .is price, b-'t at _¦ 50i The«e be recommends

equal to any bat sold in New-York _> or under, andi es for them a comparison witu any other.Gentlemen visitiotroor city are respect)ally invited to

call and e**a_u. Ids new -_,.k o: Winter ha-.» as»'» ¡edge ofiln-ir quality. He is ro.:fiJent that,whether ¡h- deapest or

the».. .at is d**«;r~.!, the inquirer will bete be sat.tied.Try liira- (sg>U ) «i. FISH, 137 Broadway.XT _îc!Va-iee & Sa-ford, 64 Be_vcr-at.

respe«_tnlly announce to 'la* geutleouro ol New-Tori, tiiattiiey ..-..- :r> ¡lore their usual B650rt_tent of tine Siik ?n»lC.Huhnm Umbrellas, Sloc., Scarf», Cravais. Linen Col¬lars, .loves, wbitv, black a«»d adore.!, Chcsson'.« andliajoa'» tnniif, winter Under üarmems, kc. kcTo the ab >. they have ñiWed, with «»special reference to

CHP.JSTaiAS A.M) NEW-TEAR,aoextensive_sortmentofthe RICHEST SATIN SCARFSin tb « market, all cl which will be sold at a sm-tl- ad-ranee

on cost-_

diQ ular.l"

-.Handy Andy Complete..Thisday publishedHandy Andy, a Taleol lr_li Lue, bv S-muel Lover.Esq.,athorof' Rory O'Mo e," .* Tb« Gridiron," kc. illustratedwhb t-.v. nty.tv o bumoroui illustrai. n« by tbe author. El-egantly i»ousd in clotb, g.;t. prie»- ?l 25.Also an edition, with all ihé illustrations, in half c'rth

!»oar»l«, price $l. Likewj-t- a very cheap edition, vrith illus -

traiions. price only 50 rents.

-.Thi« boy Handy will be the d»;ath oí us. What is thepolice forcenboai lo allow the uttering a publication thath ..ready brought us to the brink ofapoplexy fihy time-.'(',...- p ople, and rial¡ers, sextoi «. and ihe iike. may, per¬haps, rend with with impunity. Such may laugh over it,¡mi leta fellow with aniu^ir.fof natural fun in him;venture;o per»!»" it, and we'll lay ten lu one »t throws h rn into con*vulsioi .

' [Sporting Review.'. \v> forl indebted to the publishers, not only for tin» book,

hut for the hearty laugh we nave hadnvt-r it. Oar sidesfairly ache from the effect, as badas even the.unfortu r.:--

Trumpeter's did from over-strainini, or O'Grady's kickin«/.Any or.p ?ffl',-t«'il wit'i tiie blues, Will find a fovereisw r» ::'i-edy in Handy And}*." ] Brooklyn N ws.''The richest, the raciest snd most frolicking- Irish Story

we hâve ever perused." [London Journal of Com." Full <«f Iri*h fun, and opr. riu^»-ly supplies the plac»* rvf

Humphrey's Clock, the work»oi B«»/ having . run /own.'"¡*Gat<-shead I 'I»», r« it.

4 Decidedly the liest story of the day.full of frolic, gen¬uine fon, and exquisite touches of Irish humor. Töe char«.-.cters are dssbed offin capital style, the incidents are on-«nerousand striking, and ihe inter».*! never flags. I.^vcrwill Increase his reputation vastly by this pitidnction."XT r'»f>ok'-ellf*rs an<l news ag» n!. ure rt que.-led to forward

their ordrrs to the Publisher?,o_ Su» D. APPLETON i: CO.. 2011 Broadway._/* Tbe above work i« far sale at this oihcc, wholesale

ami rein i I.

Xj' K«'»»ort No. 7 of Doctor »Joitn Thom¬son n i*iMciire, 343 B5rooint'-st..Pal¡iit->vin¦¡i the Ittartand Liver Complaint..Win. Stanlnn had t»»*eo

ill eled !«n 1¡0 months.baa been attended by several pby-. ic'.dn», found no ratief, was cured by Dr. Thom«on in 10days. Ccriüicute »laied Dt-c. 17. Kesidence liu Clierr\-«ir»*-t.Dropsy in thi Head.Wm. Shcall, child, No. loi Nine-

teenth street cored of Dropsy in the Head. See certificatedated Dec 7thErysipelas and I»iltmm.ator'.¡ Rheumatism. Mr. Roberts,

if _«0 Pearl street, cured in 21 bouts of a bad attack. Seecertlocale, Dated Dec. 4th.

Piles and Oy..pcpi,ia.Thomas W. Beechcr. No. 50 Down-ing stre» t,cnr_i of il»-«, oí five year», an»i Dyspep.a of»ix vears standing. See certificate dai«*<i isov. 3.

C'u?»ji»».i*»fi(in.:M «ric Mu_ey, of tbe town of Hod»\.Udo Cuuniy, *«t.e ot .laiue, cured of Consumption. See

certifical«» dated Nov. 11Ague and Fen-er.Get). Hatikin«on, 103 Elm-street. Cured

nfAguc .ni Feve offour months siamim-z. He ha«i spent$80 and three weeks in tlieBellevut« Hospital; Dr. Thom-«nn cured him in three days. Certificate dated Dec. 1.Chronic kheuwitism.Mr. J.'iie«, li3 Ilenry-sireet, curedfan attack afCbrouic l.eumatl»m inn few daysthat hnil

tieen ofmonthsstanding. C«*riirt».-;i!e dated Nov. JöPolyputin the .V»»jr. »!r. Benedict, OÍ Warwick, Orange

County, hid (>een tmubled 8 yeur^ with a Polypus in tlte»<i*<-. It .a* much reduced in two weeks wli.*. he re¬tained home to attend himSelCConsu\iptionand Dyspepsia.The wife of the Rev. Mr.

Van.aweii restored to belt«- h- alth Uran she had enjoyedm ti years, in two >\eek»by Dr. Thomson. Certiticau- datedOn. 10.Consumption Rev. J. D. VVilliamson, 71 Eli_b».th*st,

i'ureti aiter several years of affliction, no*.» enjoys g««>Jiie.ilth. Certificate daled Nov. IDPiles, Dyspepsia and Fainting Fits-.Mr. June«'» deugb*

le- -, H ) Heniy-streel, was restored to health afer beingHiilicted f»«r IS vears. Certificate»lat-d Nov.21.¿ferrous Debility and Dytpsptia.Deborah Hawxhur-t re.

«t ired to belter besllh tbaa rhe bad enjoyed in eight years,»mee August. Certificate date«! Oct 31.Dyspepsia aid ¿Verrons Witahst_.E.iz'»belli Paul,West-

ches1er, restore»! to better I eanh than sue ha» enjoyed in

loor years. Cénit.ate dated Oei 13.Inflammation of the Bladder or Gravel.Same» 1 Scudder.

of Koxoury, Delaware County, N. Y., restored to betterlie..lib than he hid e^j'ive«.1 in five years. Certiöcaie datedOct i'J.Dyspepsia. Nervous Bebility aid Costireness.William

Pordred, ?*Hg lla-tmr, resiored to tn-tier health man for one

year before. Certificate dated Oct 25.N. B..Ceniricaies containinz full p.ticuhrs t:f tue

above cas». may he seen at 343 B.kMae-street, \\ith a hort'>f other testimony, too voluminous ior a oublie newspaper.Call .id see it a-'d the invalids ;«t the Infirmary. d2l lw3.'(üood Hoard and pi»«.ani Rooms caá t.-obtained

at No.26 Cllff*_n*et (2)nlS ii

Pin-Mt-U5¡er.«i ArrivedIn ihe ship Ciuciunali, lr .rn (Tanlon.A G PendletnU.

Proie.oroi iMatbemat.s In the United Smtes Nary ; E CTowBsend, of Providence ; W Buckler, of Balumore.

_.:*.. ut; crii'.«nii eilIn the parket snip iN«-v/.\ork, for Liverpool.Robert

Lee Dawson,of New-York ; J T Marsh-l1, Master J Mar¬shall, Utica; Wilfiam Mclotosh, James E Oliver, CharlesM Brickl.by, Canada ; M_s E Penin, Ireland; »Mr Phil«lips, En*«.!..d.




THE SUS T8C MOON irVLL SEARi«es 7 28 Sets 4 32, Rises 9 14 Morn. 3 81 Mor. 11 lu

Latest Datos.London. Nov. c}| Havre.Nov. 1Liverpool..N'ov. 4| »NEw-OaLEANs.Dec 10


Ship O.-oree, Jack-on, New Orleans, K R Collinsk Co.Bries M->-b_.n. Dom»«, Apa'-tcbicola, K D Hurlbal ic

Ce; C E Pla-t. Ri-.-e. «.palactucola. P.t & Pbiil'p»._.i.r. «.*.,. in-j (Rr) Onnt. St.Iohns. NF ThoBJ W_

niett; Rio, OrifSn, B rookhaver.; Pies.deut, Penfield, u :ilimojr, *».u!<;..» u. _earruan.

AKXtVEO.Ship Cincinnati. Wü-on. of Bdltimore, from Cani»n 12lh

rind Macao loth Aogu«t, with ic., si'ks, _c to Wetmore tC«\

Ba:v,ue DnurUss, Bourae. from Rít Janeiro. November3. .» ith 2000 ba'ir» «-flee ta J Foulk Son.

Sclir M¿n- Ana Caroline, Forbe», from Philadelphia,with m^z-*.Sehr Reindeer, lii»¿**-Í3S, from Alexandria., with flour, to

VV R i. C Hitchcock.BELOW.1 «hip and 2 brisks. Wind W.N'W.TELEGRAPHED.A ship, showing Bcs'on number»*.SAILED.Ship Wistminster. Atwood, London : Adirt-n-

da««k, HackstatT, Liverp«K)l ; Illin »is. Everleigb, Apalachi¬cóla* brigs Madison, íiuikiey.S-ivannah ; üeorf*e, Coarles-toa.


DISASTERS.The sehrbef.ire rep'iiud as tiavia.-been towed into Sit

L»les proves to be Ibe Lark, of Deer I-le, Emtrsoa, irom

Calais, lor Bcs-.on. She struck on Baker'» Islaad in thesnow si rm on ihe morninc of the 3d ír.st. The captaina«-t crew left her in quest ot assUunce, aud while absent-she drifted on", leavin*- them on Ike islandBrig Dunlap, a: P»*rüand, frum Havana for Soston, lost

siil« and was short of Provision. She was 20 days in Bos¬ton Bay.Barqu«» Wyandot.of Blaebill,before reported mi-inç, is

insurrO at New-York for less ibac fwo-thirds ber value.

Qoebec, Dec. 12.Mr. P. Sheppar-I a'rived last evenin?from tiie barque Bel!o:ia.Syaior.-Sti.naed at Komiuraska.report.*» that tu** ves -el still remains in safely, and proba_yw id do so durin',' t*:e winter.hi» reponed -h it the barque Doc.*.-..-. Wad". {or_onuon,

and the barque TheiLs are 1«. t on Eaniciaairan Shoals, and.at u.e crews 2re en .heir way up.Captain Ran«:all. of the Hellespont, an.v'ed oa Moaday

trora St. Jaso de Caba. répons mat »in the 19th ot Nv)V«*m-ber the steam packet Tweed anive.i off the Moro. a*. Hi-

van», and sen; up two of her bo-vs in tbe citv, one »iifa «he

purser and tbe other wi-h tut unil a«re*_. The latter stateetm conversation that on her voyage to *_. Tbi-iias, oa the6th of November, ihe packet ran into a sch«»oser to the

eastwani of Cape Haytien. The schooner was snppos«»d to

be Americ »n iv.-.m th.e on board spe*_mg: Engli.i, Capt-Franklin did not stop to aseertain tbe nature «f ihe acci¬

dent, or whether the crew of tbe schooner perished.

XT Ko-ckerboclit-r Bnîiery. 320 Bowery, ji 30 S.'Tlb Avenue _.-.. ,n J. || I. J. tí t. tl l" >. 23 Jan.eá »tri-eL '

: Toe -ubscnber avail» btmsr*i'o: the facdiues of t.¿- »\resi ¡to inK-nn the public eem-raiiy that be still continue* hisBread bC'-.-re*« and that be ua* comrcenced. in aadiiioo toibe Haking of cakes t.f -jr'.-ii» kinds «nd qu_l»t'e>, also an

¡ assortment of Pte. at>»l Cr-aekeri (Boner-tad Graban.) al- j«., tic'.'.rr and Tea Biscu t. Rus*. Ban-, pkio -«id oraa- Ímentt-rl Pîumîïan.1 Potmri Cake.The sutiscriber w<*u¡-; tail the at «**-,-.-oa o I the PanhcSa- j

perir.iend«*r,t* an«. Crtmm ittee» of .»»¿hl. itb School., or other j.*»«>ci'-i-«-s, *. hi- prorw-j»! a« i< ....iws: He mil ir-rnbh tixemCalf« m vfce rarioa» idnda for ihr cost of the mater"-*.!« andlabor.

Families eivinjr ¡arge »-.r».'--** *tii b«; al'owed a i-aadsomeredaeSum. Ord*-T*» ont of lb«r city >.;'! be ntitiided to or. asrca-ooable :.-.-...» ._ *_c»se <»i i-.-.u <i y. Orders iû Ss direct-eü ni by pon) Lisbesa .»crù.e... 22-t Bowrry, staling dti?'. :. tiy the name of the Boat _- S..ige by w'uc.i ibey wt,htheir orner» seat; a » sQuctly) the nam- of the person,

I town or T!ll-*2t*to whi n me package is to be sent» »No e-r-rler wnl i»e fiiied up __esstbe dtjllars ami cr^is a<-conipanvthe or.ier, or a sausf ctorv rc-iertnc.-" ¡riven, who will o~bold«*]) ¡or aieasnount order-d. WM. B. IÎU.MRERT.\. B. The r^Jersof fot by) the Sun, w-il pie-*-» ta.W

pa,*iicu.ar_iioi;c». and ¿iv» _»«. rtUvertij«cra »hareof ibcir p.v-in.nag*. ?*. . Lz'-i. v^o m el'.lier of Um above Sake.-:.-» r:-

cepi m the cooliiug of Crü.ie*- err Doughnuts. Three crfour pen-oris bow r.ut ofemployment and ."»'-hing an opprr-tanity 10 earn rrom one iv»o dollars per day, will >>- in¬structed b'.w ¡t may he dmie bv caliin-r ai *__) B»*,-.ver <>c

30 sixth Avenue. W. B. H. dl9 2-r.-

17 Cientlemen-s r-enrf« aad .rara!*..-C. B.HATCH. 57 y* a':*-....:--?*., ', ippo.ite Plat:,) has just re¬

ceived a tresh supply of Sccr:- \r.r[ Cra-rais, of the richeststyles, and selected especially for the approaching Holy.days. Tho-e "-. ¡sbing to (.urchase are ioviied to '.all andexamine. c_ü -.wU"

Wrn. W. Shirley, Aucti*n»-er.

SHERIFFS SALE.Wednesday. Dec21, at 10 o'clock, at the Auction Room, 122 Fulton it

by order of the Sheriff. 12 ele.r«M China Tea **ets, 3 Din-nt/r Sets, 70 »tone China Pitcses, kc. Also at the same

time, by order of an assignee, a quantity of new and seenndhand Furniture, consistiug of Cliairs, Tables, Wardrobes,Secretarie«, Bor-k-casei. Centre and Pier Tables, marbletops; Work Taules, Lo^km*; .-»lasse**, Bed»t»-ad-, PianoSttiols. Bureaus,Siinde.--, Lain;s, .c Aiso, 1 Parlor Stovç,cost $50._ _021 It*

Bv F.~Collon<- Co.

Q WE OF STOVES, Hollow Ware, «fee.C5 Bv virtue of th.* Assignee ' and Landlord's Warrant.On Thursday. D<-\ 22, at inj o'clock ai No. 1^2 Greenwich»treet, comer of Fulton, '.he balance of ibe »tocli, consistingo| every description of Store*. Hollow-ware, Tin-ware,Britannia Teasels, F-ucv article*. 4c itc.d20 3t* JOHN WISTRI.VGHAM, Constable.

\%TANTED.By two respectable youngV T women, well lecommeoded, situation*; one as

chain¡>err»ni.l tue other as wa.ter. Apply al lu7 Murray«street, in (be iiore._d2i It*

\r\T ANT.-'lD.Apïacebyan Eagliuh Girlv T toc»oV. wash, kc. «t g»neraI housework. Apply

a* So. 45 «Jreenwicn street. d«!l It*

ANTED-A Protestant Girl, whocan give good ci:-- re'erences, to do ihe general

botuework o! a stnail private family. Apply at 156 Pearl-streei. «121 lt"

\\FANTED.A Daguerreoiype Appa-T V ntu» In complete order j<»r taking "rniniatn-es. for

which a »aieable article will be given in ¡ra-te. Apply at9SPrince street, between lb« hours of 12 and 2 <*r4ar*».6o'clock. d¿l It"

WrARDROBE WANTED..A g^ntie-min wishes to h're f-»r a few months a coaveafent

Warilrobe and «sill pay a fair price tor the use oi it permonta vs¡ib s.iti«tactory security. Any person havinsr one

nnt -n ose s:id wming to let ¿I, mav addrtss bor lOí, L"r<perPo t Orrice. *_!______QOAAA WANTED on first Bond and'4^ O ' \ ' f\ /Mor-e-»?e on a brick house and lotin the M h Ward, worth $3/a1.now rent* lor $5«>' per an¬

num. A belter and ¡noro s»"-ur»- niortzage could not be ob¬tained. Apply to A L -.NE. 2'1 Wall-st. c'2U 3^"

pHEAP FukNISHËD ROOMS..AX^y ¿ingle gentleman can obtain a comfortable and w**llfun.:»lied room with nove in it, exclusively lo himself forSI per week. Also, a front room to let for $1 25, or 75 centseaeü fpccuoieii by i*o s-entleuien. Breaifast and tea ifrequired. Apply ät (iO West Broa ¡way._dil 2i*

-COAL ! COAL ! i-The real Feach).-cbard Red A*b Broken Co'l.irom the schooner

Ogdes, aithe fuoiof K^ng-ftreet, will commence unload-ia-.*- on Tuesday or Wednesttay, a: lint abor«; price,s«yeei»edand de'ivered i'ree of cartage.' Apply on board, orto

""*.». r_RV ELT, 71 King^u

&~J Orch

d2l 3 . MKSLER it WE

/1LOAK LUST.On Friday evening,\^ the 9:h insi. !rom the Itou-e of Alex. Ming, Jr. a d*rltb ue cíi-üi Cloak, without c-pe and face*J witfi ctotb same

as the Clo.k, with veivct. coilai and lined with blue andvell'jvr p'nid merino cl:ith. bound with rigared silk b'nd-ii-g. V«h*vver will return said cloak lo C. W. _ J. T.Moore, £07 Pearl it or lea*/»- in'.ormatio-i where it may tx-foni.I, ti ad :m? snitab^v reurardr-i._d21 Si*

N PURSUANCE of an order of the Sur_ rog-te of the county of New York, Notice i» herebygivt-nlo »11 pe-OrODS having claim» against John Sbepard,law of the cuy »--f fîew-*i ork, «î-^eier, decea-vr*!, to presenithe same with the vouchers Uiereot to the subscriber, a' herresidence, So- 143 ll«_ if-street» in the city of New York,ou or before the twentieth day ofJane ne it..Dated New-York, the seventeenth dar ot December, 1342.d21 laworn JANli MARIA -HE PARO, Adm'mistratrix.

3IARUÍED.Deceniber £0. at Si. Thomas'«! Church, by the Rev. Dr.

Hstvke>. .Mr. Charles Wright to M'us Mary Ann Byrnes,daughter of the iate Themas S. öyrnes, Esq., all of this

.t C«;!i Sprins», cr» the I3i_ li^t_, by the Re--. Mr. Sher-j wood. Ji.hn R. Xane, ct Oyster Bsv. L. I , to AI;»s Emma

II g^*, of the tame plac».DIED:

On the 19th iost, .Martha E , infant daughter of I.'aac P.ar.d Etoalinda Fowler, aged 9 weeks.Their connetion* an«i triends are invited to attend the fu-

neraj tb:* atternoon, a; 2 o*«*lock, from 46 Rmwtck-streeLOre 19, alter a short _IoeäS,MissHenrietta Maria Benton.

aged 17.At Pu laddphia, or. toe 17th List., Co!. Paul JicqaiR De-

vernoi», aged 90.At B.ilinnore, on the lüth inst., af.er a short Illness, Mr.

Thnn-.as 0*Neil, aged 52.At Ohio City, on the 12t!i i.is*_, Ssmuel Farnall. aged 43.At Mon'real. lith lost-, J.sinej Rncbie Dick, M. Ö.. 27.At Queb-c 12:h last..Capt. Symons, ofthe bark Beliona.At r*». Thomas, U.C., Nov. 23, Miss Betsey M. Bostw'ck,

foi*m«*rtyof Gr.ai Barri»*i'.on, Mass.

LOOK AT THTS..Just received fromAuction a ¡o: of good »ilk Velvets at only fi» fid ; loi

Fringe at6d peryard; lot Parisîèoue!«, at only 3s fld: lotVelvet Cravau. at l»h.i; lot Gimp, at 1 cent per var.i ; lotMuffs, at only 7» Gd; lot French Flowers, atö cent»; lotSewing Silk, at2 cenU p-»:r «¡»»-in; lot double width Lace,dt is -i yririt ; lot c"id Woollen Yarn, at -I» 6 per pour«! ;lot rin<* Lineo, ni 2» 91 per yard : lot Alpacca Lu»ire>, at on¬

ly J.» 9d ; «ot rt.oa;»clotn'. ät It- G i * lot Ribbom at *i centspjryari:: lot Woollen S« i¿». ;o only I»perpair. For sale

atWTLLET HAWKrNS*9 »*'i«»re,(12! Sf SQ1 Greenwich-slreet,5tîi «.¡ore below Spring.

RY Gu(Ji)S..'ihe subscriber vrieheato reduce bis stock of Silk and Fancy Dry Goads a*

w a*i possible, will »'*!! ai gnrailv redncexlprices, Tho^*wi»!'iní t'ipurr!.».!»»' Dry Gi ;- will do well to call nod rx-

.-iriiir.r- hi* sto.-k !>.-! »re purchasing elswliere, for he is sH-ling nt i»-a».t 20 p-r cení cheaper iban ibe usual price askclfor goods ot the sa:n» i!y»c i^iion, vuch as Silk, Mous deLntns, Calicoes, ü;ov.«». Hosiery, ice. kc. All of whichwill 'or* soil ;¡i wh llesale ano retail nt »-xtrifordinarv lowprice». W. If BUTTS, 4 Maiden lane.

Ai«o, Oermnn Woorrted Goo is, such as 0-4 Woorsted Ne¡ShawU,Casiwackers, (for_lrlsaud boys wire,) L-gings,Muffsand Boas. Plea*e npply as aftove. dj. 3,*

~4"IK TIGHT STO ViiS..*T_e greatestXx »arictv and rhenp»^t article in this city fined withea>* iron' and const*acted with a «aletyvalve (on the Bostonplan) maybe found at No. 211 W.iter street. 2d »loor (roi-sBi ekn-an street. Jost received irom Boston a superior am-ele with an oven. Ple.t«e lmI! and ja«lg*- fbryoaraeivee.be-¡ore purchaîinir. No. 231 Water street, 2d «loor from Beek-

inan. _J_«121 Im*

r»SSËL'S PLnNEtAllTÜÑTor the.tiu L'.nv. ¡»i* in Mn:ion.This ningniñeent and unpar¬

alleledI piece of scient tic mecbanlirn, which rt*pre«e)tsour. '?r system i--- nil it« interesting varieties, under the l'-ir»c»tprtiponion-i ever «rror.ipl shfil, «rid the varied motionsOldie. planeta v.-iih »urh a big:. d»-¡*rr»* ()f perfection andmathematical exactness, is now exhibiting at the AmericanInstitute,(northof li.** Cilyliall in ihe Park.) every «layfrom9A M.to4P. M. Admittance iö c».nts. A gentle¬man and two ladies 50 cents. Visiters who «le»ire to attendti)u t veiling Li-ciur.* ofthe tame Jay (».'.'¦ spécial advertise-n¡ei.t,) will receive a tirket of admittance at halj price.N. B.. t'y decision oftbe Trustee-» of the American In-

¦tUate, assembled in council, on the I2ib d.iy of December,18i2, the Members of ibe ln-tiiut«- are «>nuilt'«l to a lick-i otfiee admission, ¡»n.l the families of the Members (wives nncichildren) to admission ai hall pr'ce.

OORDON Y. LfSEDS, Reo. SecretaryAm»-rican Institute.RUSSEL'S PLANETARIUM.

A synthetic or gen.-iai Lecture on Astronomy, IllostraUdby ihis extensive and "»eaulífol represehtaiion ofihesdarsystem, wdl tie delivered every everiinj- ai 7 o"c'ork, a> iheLecture Room ofthe American In-iiiaf, (north of ihe CityMali) bv-Prof. Franci-J Fauvel Gooraod, D F.. S. Ailmit-tnnce S7i c»nts. A gentleman with iwo indie», 7* cent.*.Two ai aiytic conr.es of Lec-ures, one on Praciico-Tran-scendental- andanothsr on Popular Astronomy,illustratedwith ttie Planetarium Ti lesenpe», numerous transparenciesar.d diagi Kins, repre-entin;: all the interesiing particulari-lies of ttie UniversalSystem, will also be delivered by Pint".F. F.:uv»-l Gnnraud, to sotMCiiblng classes, eiiber in theFrench. English or Spanish langjage, as may suit ihe ta»ieül the sub>criht-:5.N. B..The Synthetic «or general quotidutn Lecture, illus¬

trative of the Planetarium, will b** delivered on Saturdayin the French 'nuguage. cJ21 2w

_AILY EXPRESS FOR PH1LA-^J DELPHTA, BALTIMORE AND WASHINGTON..MESSRS ADAMS. CO. having an BXCLOSIVK CON¬TRACT w,ih ill**- L'nio« Transporta lion Company, are lullyprepared to forward ir-ois of every description to theabove ciiies with the greatest care and si-curity.Running crates ur-on the nad under their own lock»,

they offersuperior advantage*! for th- prompi tran«por;ati<inam! delivery ofvaluable p-ckagrs, bahk notes, specie, kc.Goods Should be m»ri«pd " ly«»- of Adan«4 k Co.'» Ex¬

press," and if left at the orhce before i to 2 P. M. will bfforwarded on the sai^e day.

i-innll p»rka!*es rcceivei*. until h.V.f pail 4 ?. M.A. it Co.'s Expr«**« for toe E-ist ¡eaves daily nt 4 P. M.Oltice in Philadelphia, 35 Chestnut street. ' trice in Ne\«

York,7 Wallstreet. d2l lnieo:!-

Bifíuiw*ffiyfflWn,ll'HWffiíñE^ ¦.miijiijuiiH. i.m

MILITARY BAi-L..Tho Living«Guard» »di cive a 3sll «»:: F. i«t»rv **--»*e--*_-g, 0t.

i-U2_ ai vue Aroilo S.onn. Tickets can be h-M a*, fi(. En-.:-;*» / J. Dd on, ÍS6 Pearl »«_.¦_»(_ Fadoa *

Brc-klyo); Str^t P. H- Vall'an. 198edf-J-l >*. e-t- jHunier. 4'tí 6re_kw2ei**«.rc«M, c-mer ol Hubert-«.;W ells. Jr. .h avena»-, »_ori;er :-. C;n-»:; ei, or of tts«* 1urer. I Vaudam.^rn-rof Maed*_ral-..

i!195t* W. iL D£iL*V-i_*-, Srcn üHilhar. genii.nari .ire r« c*a-*»i_ «1 tn appeaeu s

«i__JO_\»s MUSEÜM.Mairble btlug, B-vadway, opp»'*--'*1 Si- P-tàPs Chorc_-

T*_te_ «".imit:«**d the .me ereaias; ?_.Ttie Man»****- ;.« ü»pp»* to aj.noun-f<* that heb*_ a' a

tra»->ronjary expense ergi-:i:\' O-ne.-nl TO TH«03.T*_«* me», woruteriul D-nnufJn tt*** *»v»>ri._ lie p b:fooî nr,.: icn inci.es u.^a, a..d wei^,,« cauy ufe» r« pouT».at ¡«eine prec;:-eiy bis weight -»he.* t»i»ee monitii

He is lively .d talaau'e, c fin« symmeuicai prop-'-isud i» us.qat_.io».». -iy tlie gréa. living <-i_ri»>».;iv i"

»'.orl.i. .-.!«o engaged, ihe L'LLIPCTI »N FAH ILte- pert._ers; Mr. C. SüeRnao. me b»-. _*.*.** SAmei ica; Ce__e, :..e admired D._*_¦£; _ws H.Klr-harming St.ns.sti>««; ihe Fortuue-Te tmg Sip*-**? GirîA.o -.i^ihiLiitii. t..e F3c >i.ileoi t.e***i.il piciui. «-»I CMealinr .e Sita th* Teta*-.*., by l_r-j. »V«-«:, £-<».Albino Liilv, andyo.fr.O Cur.oushiv. AdmisSi.I to «

i--*»i«; c!iil-îren hait criée.

.LEN íiil) AT i KACl i* -N, î AL-NIFICENT NüVKLTIEs:: X_'.v.Y«M«.

SEL'M AND PirTl'KÎ. G ïl.LERY. __Ktwaj-oppthe City HalL Mr H BcsutX rT.M-ina-.er.

Entire Chantre of Entertainment».M.-. NE1.LIS, BliR.VwiiHUL'T AKdS, wii; exe

a ¡Treat number of wonderul esptniL«. p**rf-rming .>¦» it

MU -CAL INSTRUMENT-*, and S H A V E ANYTHE AUDIENCE. ; M .*. JENKl v S, tt-e lalmltaUe <!eatorot COMIC CHVHACTER POPULAR «'NGand snequalled B-.NJÎ' PLAYER; Ma«t, MiAMi »

MOND. tbe l*est ETHIOPIAN DA_Ca»ft :n AmerMr. D. WR1GQT.tbe FALSETTO vncAU«T.Penbi.aoces, Pâture Gtïierv DRESSES OF QUE

VICTORIA, iive Albino Deer," Meroiaid, _c.ail for-».«il in jr.Tnursdav.B«-nef«<:.'t M-, D. WRTG--T._WH< 'LE, Hait" aud 1-4 Boxes Kaiei

Sului. and Keg; Rai»ins:Zindt riuTants,

.M^ileii. an«» Gen->a Citron-,Shelled. sweet ami bitter Atmend» .

Ground and whole "»pice»,Pa;?r«he'I -urf hmwn Almon«.iMailena Nuts; Ftlheris i

F.-esti Fi£s ami Prune»;.">!'lr»i*a Grapes; Lemoa*-;Fre«b D.*-*.; Orange»;Whi-e ami block'WnJnuu;Shelled P-anul»;Peanuts, «-oasted daily;

Ca»tn-«a ind Pec.»n Nuts;Diie«l Plums, Peach«?*,ic;S; lit Peas; ñne Hominy :

Tapioca and >a-_<>,it.«i c;\rr»t.i ;nu V'ermace!Bi'i See»f i>Tnll hindsRock Candy}

Juju: el'a-t ;Is n2New yreen and black Teas, East ami W I idia C

2roun«l C»»ffee,il»ily; Chocolatean CocoaS1 eli-; prep;«Jocoa ami faste; pô*'.ered,cra«hed aim loafSugar; bn..d v» Inte Sujiar»; Mo'asse-aid i»\rnri«; Ohio Honejjra*s; w. 1. Honey; Win», ami CI erVineçar; Speini v

die--, 4. «Jam 1-; Mould ran.llr«; Winter and Kail Oil: Rwpatent Lamp»«; Castile and Kancy Soap; superior VeiSo«p; Flour. China, But»<r..'. c.SuperiorChamraigne; Mult a. P»>rt, Lisbon, Tener

P;ile .»n-1 Urown Sherry. Muscat, Claret, Sunn», and ¦;

Wine.; d.ifl and ¡»otiled, raspberry,strawberiy and chevery trci's; Frencli and Martinique C->riK*»ls i^» glas**; «t

nor American Cordials on draft; Lon«*ou Brown «hoiiiPniladelpbia Porter m-.i.rn and plots; old Metheirll«; 1tied Chler.

La Norm.. Regalia and other choice Se'.'sr*; Ewst i

West India Gineer; Citron: Lime«; Pine Apnle; Orainul oilier pr_i-Tved Fruit»; Currant and Q.nceJePiikl«-» in botlle«; Sar»line«; m eil; Câpres. Oil*». andchovies* London Sauce»; Mushroom and T»)m»i- CatsLondon Mu>tJrd.Tlie above anitles. top-eiher wit*, many other», In

«greatest variety are for >«»le by tL*« quantity or at retail £

will be M*nt to any part of p-eciiy t're**or exptose, byGASSNER i. ÏOUNG, No. k_ Chatham Miret,

Near Uie Squ-»G. i. Y. are the .»jrent- and are selling Saratoga Pa«ol

Wattn' at greatly reduced prices. d_ Uli


o.ilioas by Butler; I voiuuie, 8vo,elei*<iut!y bound in «:!ugill.

.' It ie_lies much that is asetul and ornamen'al f->r ladiwork in our days, and exhibits no «.-..» share of r»?seai.in»! knowledge In tracing the hi-tory and improvementwool, silks,.C. For a boudoir or toilet table, we «c-»r«-'nni w of a |irettier or more u»eful woik; an«! a»«ucli,*romend it lo the Kallaiits who would make acceptable prent» to the ladies." [N. Y. American"Itis, alto.ether, the m;>»t «pproprnte gilt f.ir a la

who has a taste for needlework thai we have seen ihi. .».

Si»n."[N. Y. 0¡)»"i'ver'. The hdi'-s s*y ' it i-j a love ôf a look,* and w«/ belie

them, with a blind confidence In theirjaogemeni, foi «Ahlwe trust, in due time, to receive some reward.

[N. Y. Com. Artv.* One of the most elegant volume*« ever i.u»«i ironi t

American Press." [Bo«tnn Evening Bulletin" Tue very name implies utility, m ml die nit»-.« of mut

inlerspei.d throughout the work prove», thai the a-m «>t

publication is important ami vatuliiiie.'' [Bo»ion Traw" We confess that, though the announcement of the t

awakened our curiosity a»t<» whatih«. bock would c»»ni:iwe had no expectaiion of fiafltn.- such a combinatio.i oliiiiff et duke as ii exhibits " [Alb Eve.Joni" This work is «_'ot up in the most r.herche style 01 p

thinii ever attempted In this cotirlry."[Philadelphia I»fes«engei

"Forms oneofihe most beautiful «pecim r»*.<if hrxmnkinsf. hikI one of »he moil tast»*-'u! ornaments for I¦.vnik-table, we liave ever seen." (Charleston MercaryJu»l published and for sale be

WII.EY 4». PIITNÜM.Book..lier*. Publishers ue.«l Importe ».

1.21-_No.I*»l Bjo-idwn*.*,

T~~KMPERA ¡NC E.-But aot _*ee-»ïotal-The sab«criber oifersfor sale, pure Wines of lite f»

lowint» kind«:Madeira, in wood and p:'a_ of vanoui crades.Sherries, do «io doPore«, do dodoBursjundies, in glass, various kind».Hock»', »Jo doChampagne**, do doClarets, »lo«l-iSautern, «lo »10

The above Win« Are warranted to be of finequailtApoly to GILBERT DAVIS, cor. Pine and William-siF.ne Blick and Gre»-n T^a«.P. S..A few «Jem'johns of old pure Cognac Brandy, /the tick. «12! Iaw2w

G^ IFT BOOK-.A very geaeral a3soriT ment of fine Bcw-ks, well adapted for proenu for tl

anproachintr Holidays, may le louml at S-*»XTONMILES, 20.5 Broadway, including mo« of the Ent*lisami American Annuals. Beautiful éditons of most of ttold an«! modern Poet*,. fine bioding. Also, a ¡ire. varí«iy of Bibles, bo-b large and small, in eleyant biaiÜR.-, nu

on the be«t of paper, for »périme. of which do not fail I

lake a look at their window in ibe morr.ln**; you p*ilown town, and after looking pleast- st-p into the store an

ywu shall have Holiday Books at uric«. to suit the times.Amone the Glfi Books offered this season we tbii.k th;

one ofthe bestof..«m is Jane Taylor's works, in S volseltifartly hound in Turkey moract.

.*.!«r», a ¡jrcat varieiy ofJuvenile and Toy Book«.Person*, intending to make presents are respe«:tfully ii

vitcd to call as above.N. B..Don't forget die number. It b 205 Broadwa«

second door from Fultor. »121

K. iMc.MUN.N'á r_!i.-»- of Opium.-This is a new che-n;ca» preparation, contanin*? a

trie valuable medical qualili».of Opium, m a naiural »tai

ofcomb nuiion, io the- exclusion of it« noxious principles -

Sol,! at wiol«.al«, aiid r»t¡»i¡ by OAVlü SANDS CODruejrists and Cheml*u,T7 East Broadway, corner of Mai

.________¦_d2»2w i»»

LEECHES! LEECHES!.Constantlvon band, received fr^sh every new arrival,a larç

«Qpplv of good *ue, heilthy Swedish and Germ*.« L»eche»tliai will biie qoiek For sal«* by the thousand, bundred.odozen, and put up in mrf so ;»*» to be transported wiib*-ie*.;to any part ofthe country.Leeches applied by a Cunit> «ent person at any t rr.e.

DAVID SANDS* CO,Wholesale «nd retail Druggi**_ and CPem'stj»,

d!62wii 77 Ea«t Briivi»1wav..-r.rner --a.-ke;«!«.

fpHE LADIES will find a very extensiv»JL stock of English, F.-eec i and '.ermar. Perfumery

containing many new and elegant «cent«, (rom the mo.

eelebrai«r<l aj<Dor^rl».rer>, for «:¡le bvdl5 2* IS DAVIO SAVPS $,. CO. 77 g-*-'. Sr.»-lw_

GExNUINE DRUGS and MEDICINESFrench. Enslish and Germán Chemica;s, L»*eche»»

ch i^.e Perfumery, Toilei S 'ap-s and Cosmeti<.. Al-o, i

laree a».«oriment of Hair, Toou», Ha; and Nail 8ra»h**s.For sale, wholew'e or «ftill, byDAVIO SANDS ii CO., Chemists and Apoihecarie*»,

dl6 2wU 77 East Broadway, cornerot Market-«*.

I"NDIAN DYE for colorinj; Grey or _%_Hair »r VVbisners a ha'd.ni" B.own or Jet Si;»ck n ;

lew hours, withoai st.inin? ibesltin. Pnce 75 cents. Foisale bv DAVID SANDS CO.,77 £a». Bro^way, cornei

Market-1._dló2wi»COLOGNE WATER..Just received,

a fresh »ap-jly of tbe tme G-nnan Colozne (F. Ma¬ria Farina) of a most dehc-us fragrance. Also, CologmWater ol our own manufacture, very tine, in quarts, «pintsand half piuU«, for wie by DAVID SAND«» k CO., Ea.Broadway, co.-ner Market-st._dl3 2wis

HllLL'S TRUSSES..Notice to Puiptured Ptn_»t*..Persons atf.icied with ruptnr«. maj

reiy upon the best ii-siruroent. aid the world añoras, oí

applicalion at the ot5ce. Na 4 Vesey-street, or to efther n

the agents in the prir.cip_ towns in Use United Sutes. B«carefnl to examine tbe back pad of Hull's truss., to see ithey are endorse«' by Dr. Hnll ia writing. None are genoice,or to be reliéeI upon as good, without his rignatar*».Many penons have ande.aken to vend .dial.ns o

Hull's celebrated trasses, and ..nosands are imp«.ed upon ii»._.tjuence. These ¡mitaiio*» casoot be relied apon ; th«*»are niade by sr.£ki_ial m_hani., and an* no be.-¿r U_jthe ordinär*.* tru*_-s.

Ro<i-_f have been fitted up at No. 4 Vesey-stretu exolo«veiy for ladies, having a separate entrar»ce from the bi_ia»_. department.wher«? a female is ia consxint ailer.d.;»»jto wa-t upon female p^.tienti». <^I tl

"IV"OTICE is hereby given to all pcre-oni_L having claims aealost u»e Eiinte of PETER PALMER. late of the citv of New-York, deceased, to pr«*s-ni tbsame, wiih the vouchers thtrtAÍ, to the sab-crit. r, at lbo-ce of Elias G. Drake, No. 4Z Wall street, in tt»e City oNew-York, on or before the twentv-t.*. dav <»fJane ne_.

JANE PALMER. Esecairix.New-iork, Deceaxber 20th, ia_. dii lawiJa.'

_SBMMM| -IV_.B4 j


| .«. TIOI* SALfcïJe».,..ti R5e__rr***.*.o, .".. ....-

0 Y BAN.P. RICHARDS & FLA'IT.? -*Stew «-K E »ni«. i.-.

L er»*Jc**_'-siTa..*-*-*¿o_<i«í c-n w»»__»«i>_ty for a*-tt_k>-s

w r. nN F.-:o ».v s:vkm \-o

TXATEl*SOttXS STANDARD WORKS BOVXSSUITJSLE FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS, t¿uA'a ..'.'-. ; :.»-c_i.tvii- ., an» 8iett<M «arrri«* «N'ov» j, **7 v».

» ' ¦¦ «a. o Q arescoa :. --r.»-*-, n be*-»ifoi h.jiyd.y -| .

.w*. >-> emi.d «t.nie-.i,ii Anna.-.«, inclüdiotf a.l of ml.«! e£_V1 ..-*. .?-*.¦ .-*? Kr^copsl (fm:iv»n fni.vfr Bnoli»; mw,.-"-, -'; ."¦*' "'."*: «batWr-f.--t.cco billing*.; 5 Pictor»«!

VS. a«; P-Cr-aexl-l H-.I ry of t.-H* Re-font «¿.'Oil. b+H rdU

!.,; hiij-t,,, en.,,* (,a,.,,v.3.; w«ttUft Great BVTai«.Í, '* 4

. .'' . ''.¦¦¦",-." U"" **. ".'«-«.autlv bcan«l; -»LordB) :o: i« orte ini tritt u a ..c,s » 0 r*.* and prvpuiarJoven-

-.», SO Poems of He«**re, e:rClIll morv><£; Jel-ers»»'».¦** 4': !--,vcr.-s. ..*. m-.vuKi, K**et,*2- quarr*; ft Pt.il.ps,Cmranam. o.-t.u..'» -p.-r-b- -. ». Bcck\ Medical Jurispro-deflce- »-V RfSll_*SiA*ee] : I Historv, -,.,- "TiUtMM'n storks; SSiuro'» Red-ct: ». Si 3 Cxipei'.» N_*-,t Hl>*ory. 3v- PatrKkIt-ory« Waver"*?. it ».»trat»o; Sn Richard-*!*-.**» Pro»»«* acdVf-rv. 3*/o; SO l'a«. 1-Yl.ows* Ofleru.g. IMS» 20Th-« Jewell13*3; 5 Clark'-* Conin.tut»rl*s, Svo. kc. ke.

Tttl'KSDAY EVKN.NG.Extensiv. Sals of Ni* Book*»..A large c-oUectioo

of net» aad tresh Mock, etfibrari«-.»- Standard and M.t»«**»>,!a-icoas Works, Bibles. S.C., to bl» »Old b> single copies or In»ju-r.iities.1W-Ö reams of An»«**, Pspe*.; also. 25 cases .»f Anv*i'i

Let.er Papers coiv»>»tf.-*-* ot No«. 1. S ansí «5, ruled and plain-»wii'i be aAd in «-¡aautiiies to suit purchaser*._

IJlTXPlOK. Jr..títore «54 Wil-i'.HHive.. corner of f*in»*-»veeL

THURSDAY, Dee. 22.At 1«. rvVjocI:, st tue at-ciion r««r*n*.

French Goods.By Catalog u«-.Ko» approved «-udorsedn »-».lib r.;;n:ib.».¡Ou cases French î-ilh Goods *-*ompn«i-*'_an exiea»;ve arriment of tsnev and staple article*» .!" n»-ieni importations,A'«", a !-, je and splendid >w*ortment of fan, eontvlstirf

Of MutT», Bra», Cap«». Sin fc Kobe», i*c. kc. kc.Al-o, 2 cases Laii;«**.» ie.d Pan» flats, velvet and «atiu.Also, n Urge invoice Ango! F in-.*«*.Catalogues »ci<i «ampt»-** on the «»»orn'ng of sale.

FKtO.lY, Dec. 2SCaTalocue- Sals. too ca»e*. of Kekncr, Gsrma:: and

CiJiNi:$s TOYS, su tubl»- or Holutav Gift».Al-o, ? spieudid inarDlc Staute of'^lercary, imported to

order.Al*>. 23 case», la^irtf site Chinese Tea Candies, filled with

¿reen ami buck Te.i-Also,a»p!»-noi.i a-sortment of Wine Stands of vario**»

»'..apesand styles.Alto, hi» invol-oof Bohemian rich cut Gl-is«, consisiing

oTDecantcrs, Wîn«*».Tu.nt>!*r«. kc kc.Ali ). I en;- bca-itirnl B-oi xe Furore* for Pier Table», kc.

aud l> ixwoodi tin and nsoroceo Tbeuvometers.Also. 2 eis«-» Chine»e Di.e Boxes.A!s*. I case do. Table M its.A 'to, 4 Cbin»~e Pu nun;»» et Wharnpon. Macatt, _c. _c-.«:. '. '. rv.i. C.i«;;.-:r- v -Mi.«-» while Cer.tre ao«l «ptt-adld

': »nirrAlso. «10 sets carved irorv Ch««-*men.«r»me verv «plendid.AU >, an invoir»*of superior Violin», Ouiurs, Music Box¬

es, Toile .te snd Wirk h «ces, V'irnuu Clock».SA IL'ttOAY. Dec. 24

Ai 10 o'o'ocr-, m the auction rtxim.Cloths and Cas-imkrk*.¡*'r.an ih« »t . l»e»~on acreslil

if MX inonUis, lor approve«* endorsed i ou*s.în-o pieces »u-

peribr West of Bn.land Cloths an! ««-»inierfe, ju»i im-ooi'ifd.

TUESDAY. Jan. ¡7. lá-ffBy orde: of the Collector a) :he Pot, 303 packaire« «Mer-

chsindise.bbvia rcniained in the PobÜc-Siorc opwards ofune niobths. For particular«, .«»*». ibe daüy ¡yaper».Al.*.-. S bah i Wh'.iev brown Clo.hs.AI«o, 2 b » . » con .i Cnver*.v Ito, 2 ca«e> bleach »i i.- end*trea>k Clo.'-»Als»», 1 case «to do >l«u;;a-K.AliOi I liiile lluckHhackTo « clltlg.Al*o, 1 bale i:i»pc. doAlso, 5 cases Sjx»»l Cotton.

AT PP. IVATE SALK.jfjft pieces 4 4, M ari-l 6-1 retl ami while Canton «Matting.

t,"lCONOMY~ÏN DRKS8..ExteMivcA assortment of Rich, fashioaabie and elegaui gtxJd*fbr

winter wear. W.M. T. JENNING», No. 223 BroadwayArnerican Hotel,offer» for the inspection of ibe publicanextensive a«««irtn*.eni of seasonable goods, comprising Bee-Tcraml Milled Cloth», for Surtout*», Sacks, Frocks, kc.The Sack Overcoat», (so much in votfue.) nfl'ordeo

fourteen dollar», cut and trimmed in firsistyle, win be tau»worthy th«- attention of the . eouoin.it.C-««Mineres in a ¡rrent variety ol stylen for P.nlaloons.From those «vho have fouo-! -.ny difficulty In gelling »nited':. article, ¡i trial is t-ollcited.Rich Brocade >\lk and -..-.ini Vesting*«, femire n«*w tiyles)

for balls, partie*>, &C. Merinos, Vulvets, plain Silii», Satin*and Casshncres, nit of which will be m.iile np to opler no-

d«_* the superintendence of as exK«.'i»-nt cuttert as san bf.und in tl:e country at prices to »u.i tnc times lor readyiitftiey. «1Î i*tf

* A Principle made practicable is a Principle mide useluh'

¡VTEW-YORK CASH TAILORING.Ll ESl'AlILl.Sll.MENT. S4!3 Fullon**., New-VorV.The uaoers.gued, in m nounciug *» their patrons their de-

erminatlo.i to maun- strictly to lUe principle of cash deal«ug in their business, would take occasion to sxy dial they¦uve become welt tat._td of Hie practicability and aseful-ihüs of such a pl.in by the uniform su-:ces» which ha» al-

tended its operation in their house frotu thuconiniencenient.The advantages derived by the « u-.tcii.er from the adop¬

t-on of this .<> stein..hereby r*.ilii':.g a gain or 30 percentipon creiiu prices.ihoy con. «-iv.* pertfctly obvious, andtherefore c«*ed no comment. Of the merits of their hoiue»ml the facililie. with which they art« Invested of furnishingi cheap n«d rich giirnifiit, they will not iiiiate~fully a»-

jre.1 us tbey arc ihm this -.¡-tiple fact is ioo w»ll knownibelrceh t.ntv loo wall established, io requin» furtlier re**

nark. And i« calhu-,» the attention of the geiali-meii of the¡.'mied States ami »NVw-York in pariicuíar. Io their aaaotVroent of choice good*, ¡ley will merely observe that un-io-

viatinK punctinlit*. and dispatch in answering the commandsoftheir friends is as mncna p*nof their system a» cashrwytweiits. i-*» '«'." J- C. BOOTH _ CO.

&LUID MA.GÑËSiAT-^MurrayTandJL Dinneford's Fluid Magnesia, a mild, mfe and elegant-'-.ti acid and aperient, pof.«e»s:ng all the prnpertie« of theMagnesia in genemi use, in a much more convenient form.Kor sal-by ÜAVIÜ SAJSD.S tc CO., 77 East ßro««lway,.or. .Market-«.!._dl9 Hwi»

UIV1A»\ EYE }Ml.yAM.«--«-DÍ8eased,weak and ii.fl imed Eyes or Eyelids «re mfely and

.peedily cured by the application of this valuabl« Ralsan:.It is theb«**t remedy tont discovered f«ir i»ny disease of IbeEye. price 37$ cents. Sold by DAVID MAND8 _ CO.,77 East Broadway, «-orner of Mi.rket-slri.et, 79 .ml 101 Fob..»n-sireri, anrt 27a Broadway. dl7 2wta

FUR SALE.Gold and «ilver WatchêiT,Spectacles, Pencil Cotes and Thimbles, Sliver Spoon»,

Uiamond. Kiiby, Emerald, Turquoi», Cbtued and PlainKings ; Carnea. Amethyst, Garnet, Topar and Mourning

f gold Fob and Guard Chain**, gold Bracelets,hair Bracelets, Hair braided to order ; gold Loekets, goldBroaches; fine

Keys, with real »tones«-Hing» ; with a variety of olber ¡rood»suitable for HOLY DAY Presents.all oftbe latett pattern»and al verv low prices. Old Gi>l«i and Silver taken in ex¬

change. Watches and Jewelry Repaired.H. G.STONE,-ini Broadway,

dl7fjan2,s' _corner of Walker tt. *V. Y.

"QEIUL1TZ P-nVUERS-Älade of theO b«ti imported material», full weight, und put up verr

le-iiiy, fir rv.le wholesale or retail, by DAVID SANDS ItCO. Apothecaries and Chemists, 77 Ea»ibro<.dw<.y. cornerof Market »t. dl7 2wla

rpuOTHAOHE CURED.The CloVeJ_ Anodyne Toothache Drops will enre the most violent1'oothache i-i one minuie. Price S7J cent». Prepare« and»onl by DAVID -.ANl)-*" _ CO. *Ah.,le»ale and reiuil Drug¬gist» and Chemists, 77 Ea»t Broadway, corner Market st..

79 and 10U Fulton si. an«! ¿¡3 Broadway. «117 ît»i»

VE"ÍvUOATíf¡! OVEK-UOA'ltí! !.«The cheapest iiiti best in ihe market, made at snort

Mllce at No. 6 Jolnistreei.. The public are invited to calltad examine. (n28 loo»*) ft E. LOCKWOOD, 6 John-al.

IVIDEND..'ihe Board of DirectorsD of " The Howard Insurance Company" have de-jlared a Dividend t»f TE»N percent on the new capital.oayable on an alter Novem**" 'il, 1842.

LEWIS PHILLIPS, Secreiiiry.Novet*h»-r IS. 1R42. n\6 '¿mit

£ECONOMY ];N DKEc-.i..back ö«r:A ioou. .ht* sul'-fii Overcoats »> much 'a Tog-jr, art*

iflhrded at $3, $12 -}H $ .> *¦¦.'¦ $2n, ir»»m <sr..¡i. brown,Mack and lnae -eaver aim Pilot Ci th» and tor »«I*, re«0y:i»a»le. nt 229 Bioadway, American HoleL

d!5 isrf_^'! T. JEXNlNOs».

COOPER'S ISINGLASS.This orticl«U warranted equal in »trength it» Russisn Isingass,

for table jel'i*., .'lane manpe, «kc, and of great tervto****ne e dfiicate animal food i^ lequir..: Only quar er theones o; Ru>»;an. S«i«i by DAViD S.-lNDS <k C«».. cornerKa.«t Broadway and ..la-l^^.l.-^

"«116 twi«

H~>l-î*-;HOUND"CANDY at 20 Centsper pound.Horehoand Candy (broken) made frotri

ihe Clarifie.'. Esserac«- o: Horehonn«l,&t 20 cenu per potuvdlot* wie by IL L. _ A. STUART.

dl Irai* 2_S Ct.-*...-.>¦-, »ireet.

HENRY'S MAGiNKftlA..The geniU.e imported Henry's Magnesia, in boltie». The

paresiand best Magnesia in use. For »ale byDAVID aANDS k CO ,77 Kast Broadway,

dl8 2wis_corner of Market-sueet.

LE ROY'S GUM "OIL.«ForrenderingBoot* and Shoes durable and water-proof. Thi» ex¬

cellent article is now sold ai the low price of 22_ cent» perbot. It preserves and strengthen» all kinds of leather and-fives it a da.'ability oneqaal.ed by any ihiog- heretofore of-tered to the pnblic. Manuiaclnred and tobi by

M. LE ROY k CO. 122} Kuli^-^e»-**t*3 door» east of the »on Offlce.

Coantrr merühanü »uppiied ai a liberal discoont.dl9 lwifc*^_ _

ATCÜEÖ lowerthaa ever..In coa-

seouence of the re»loction of «.uties by the latetariff the ïïîSïerfc sSSg his tu>ck of Cold and Suver

S^AÎdïÎ^AS^i Lepin^aivd other Watches¿f_*W and i-vlencii-l patterns, a«id Jewelry at «tad * a

cor.»iderab!e rtrdurtion irwu iorm*-T price*, betng nmcb

.^r iTan they can *e boaghl ior si any other place in

th«. f'tv GcAd W.tches «. ¡ow as $20 to «2S eat±v.¦Watches and Jewelry excha.:?ed cr bought. All wai-rh«warranted to keep good time or the money relorce«L.W a:cl]«*-i and Clocks repaired m the best manner, aad war«

razleú., at mod» Isf-l man the tissai prices.O. C. ALLKN. importer of Watches and Jewelery,

0t3fa if Whclesale and reuU, 30 Wall-et-, op iMaao.