* V, Jfflltf* »1 I SPBHGHELD DEPABTMENT. THOMAS A. WILSON, EDITOR. Springfield, Minn., Aug. 25, 1885. —Grain is all stacked, and the sing- ing of the threshing machines is again heard in the land. —Business of all kinds is begining to revive. __—H. Bendixen is daily receiving heavy invoices of general merchandise. —A number of Springfieldites assem- bled with New Ulm's brave defenders last Saturday. —Running the new Minnesota Chief traction engine through the streets on Monday attracted about as many peo- ple and excited as much enthusiasm as the late Col. Gile's street pageant. —Mrs. F. Naramore of Dalton, Cot- tonwood county, came over on Monday. —New wheat is being received at this market. The quality appears to be equal to that raised last year. —T, Brophey made a trip to Minnea- polis last week, to take a look at new machinery no doubt. —G. H. Dayton of Sleepy Eye was up on Thursday of last week, taking or- ders for fruit trees, etc. He represents 4he M. Penning nursery. —Lucas Fecker is out in the country earjy every day in the week attend- ig to the wants of the people in the eat line, —Mrs. T. A. Wilson has been very angerously ill during the past week. >rs. Sullivan and Wellcome are in at- tendance and now have the case under control. MILFORD RUMBLINGS. —Milford is going to have a little town of its own and dont you forget it. The town site was staked out last week. The Empire Mill Co. of New Ulm has already erected an elevator on the sta- tion grounds, and it is rumored that at least two more will be put up in the near future. —John Essig will erect a store at this station. A blacksmith shop and one or more saloons will also grace the town shortly. —Hunting season is here, but prairie chickens seem to be scarce. One may venture all day without even catching sight of any game whatever. —We should get a postoffice at this place soon, and all because there are so many Democratic applicants. —Threshing has commenced quite generally in this vicinity. The average yield of wheat (although fair) is not as large as last year. Oats turn out fair. « Haelth, Wealth and Happiness Are more intimately connected with a sound stomach and "good condition of the blood than most people suppose. Thin blood means Weakness, languor and misery. A dyspeptic stomach means all the horrors \ou can think of. Brown's Iron Bitters means enriched blood, good digestion, healthy appetite, sweet sleep and vigorous strength. Mr. Henry Hallaro,South 17th street, St. Louis, says, "Brown's Iron Bitters re- lieved me of dyspepsia, purified my blood, and gave me an appetite. Thousands of others testify in the same way. Mortar and paint may be easily re- moved from window-glass with hot, sharp vinegar. - • . Malarial poison can be entirely re- moved from the system by the use of Ayer's Ague Cure, which contains a a "sure specific, in the form of a vege- table product, used in no other remedy. Warranted. The Russian Prince Alexander Gaga- me, driven to desperation by hea\y losses at the gambling table of Monto Carlo, has committed suicide. Bncklen s Arnica Salve The best salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Uteers, Salt Rheum Fever Sores, Tetter, chapped Hands Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup- tions, and positively cures Piles, or ho pay required. It is guaranteed to giv- perfect satisfaction, or money rtf unri ed. Price 25 cents per box. Sold by C- L. Boos. Chas. Wagner is the agent for the justly celebrated Household Sewing Machine. JPants! Bants!—I desire to iniorm the pants-wearing public that I have received and am now offering for sale a very large assortment of panto. Prices,styles and sizes to suit all pocket books, tastes and shapes. THEO CRONE. POWDER MOST PERFECT MADE Prepared by a physician with, special regard ( to health. No Ammonia, Lime or Alum. Gathering Grapes for Making Cream of Tartar 'erDR-PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDER ^PRICES SPECIAL EXTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE Purest and strongest Natural Fruit Flavors. Vanilla, Lemon, Orange, Almond, Rose, etc., flavor as delicately and naturally as the fruit. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., •HICAOO. ST. LOUTS, IJTPJ ACHESJUAINS! " I ache all over!" What a common, e*» pressioq; and how much it rneans to rnany a poor sufferer! These aches have a cause, and rnpre frequently than, is gener- ally suspected, the cause is th.e Liver or ^Kidneys. No disease is more painful or serious than, these, and no rernedy is so prornpt and effective as ||ISHLEKS SITTERS- jRo^.remedy has yet been, discovered] ,that is so effective in, all KIDNEY AND LIVER COMPLAINTS, MALARIA, DYSPEP- SIA, etc , and yet it is simple and h,arrq« less. Science aqd rnedical skill have combined with wonderful success those rierbs which, nature fas provided for th.9 cure of disease. It strengthens aqd in* vigorates the whole system. Bon. Tbaddeus Stevens, the distinguished Con- gressmsn, once wrote to a fellow member who m i •offering from indigestion and kidney disease: •* Try Mishler's Herb Bitters, I believe it will coxa yon. I hare used it for both indigestion and affee. tton of the kidneys, and it is the most wonderful Ctmbination of medicinal herbs I ever saw. n VISHLEB HERB BITTEB8 CO., 525 Commerce St., Philadelphia. Parker's Pleasant Worm Syrup Never Fails Since the rains of this and last week, the prospective yield of wheat has been reduced one third, and good judges now estimate that the state will not produce more than 25,000,000 bu3hels of wheat this year. •"A life on the ocean wave and a home of the rolling deep," is all very well to sing about in poetic verse, but the poor sailors are subject to discom- forts that we landsmen know nothing of, Jacob Palmer, mate on the U. S. S. Portland, writes that he never starts on a cruise without laying in a supply of Mishler's Herb Bitters. It is invaluable for diarrhoea, dysentery, colic, cramp, and all similar diseasse. In the preliminary examination of Mrs. Purvis for the murder of her hus- sand atgJGranite Falls, James Dodge .estified to having analyzed the stom- «ach of the deceased and found arsenic in (considerable quantities. The prison- er was remanded to jail until the fall term of court. Mf Education in California. Mrs. W. E. Chamberlain, wife of Professor W. E. Chamberlain, principal of the celebrated Pacific Business Col- lege, San Francisco, Cai., writes that from personal experience she can heartily recommend Red Star Cough Cure to any one troubled with cough, eold oi sore-throat. It gave her l-eliei at once. tn AYER'S Hair Vigor restores, with the gloss and freshness of yonth, faded or gray hair to a natural, rich brown color, or deep black, as may be desired. By its use light or red hair maybe darkened, thin hair thickened, and baldness often, though not always, cured. It checks falling of the hair, and stimu- lates^ weak and sickly growth to vigor. It prevents and cures scurf and dandruff, and heals nearly every disease peculiar to the scalp. As a Ladles' Hair Dressing 1 , the VIQOB Is unequalled; it contains neither oil nor dye, renders the hair soft, glossy, and silken in appearance, and imparts a delicate, agreeable, and lasting perfume. MR. G. P. BRICHER writes from Kirby, O.. July 3,1882: " Last fall my hair commenced falling out, and in a short time I became nearly bald.' I used part of a bottle of AYKR'9 HAIR VIGOR, which stopped the fall- ing of the hair, and started a new growth. I have now a full head of hair growing vigor- ously, and am convinced that but for the use of your preparation I should have been entirely bald." J. W. BOWXK, proprietor of the MeArthut I Ohio) Enquirer, says:" AYER'S HAIR VIQOB s a most excellent preparation for the hair. 1 speak of it from my own experience. Its use promotes the growth of new hair, and makes it glossy and soft. The VIGOR is also a sure cure for dandruff. Not within ray knowledge has the preparation eTer failed to give entire satisfaction." MR. ANGUS FAIRIIAIBX, leader of the celebrated " Fairbairn Family " of Scottish Vocalists, writes from Boston, Mats., Feb. 9, 1830. " Krer since my hair began to give sil- very evidence of the change which fleeting time procureth, I have used AYKB'S HAIB VIGOR, and so have been able to maintain an appearance of youthfulness—a matter of considerable consequence to ministers, ora- tors, actors, and in fact every one who Uvea in the eyes of the public." MM. O. A. PREScqTT, writing from 18 Elm St~ Charlestown, Mass., April 14, 1882, says: " Two years ago about two-thirds of my hair «ame off. It thinned very rapidly, and I was fast growing bald. On using AYER'S HAIR VIGOR the tailing stopped and a new growth commenced, and in about a month my head was completely covered with short hair. It has continued to grow, and is now as good as before it fell. 1 regularly used but one bottle of the VIGOR, but now use it occasionally as a dressing." We have hundreds of similar testimonials to the efficacy of AYER'S HAIR VIGOR. It needs but a trial to convince the most skepti- cal of its value. » rUUPARED BY . "* * Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. ^ ,, Sold b> all Druggists. PROBATE NOTICE. State of Minnesota, County of Brown; «s. In Probate Court. Special Term. August 17,1MB. la the matter of the estate of EllefTEUeffsoa de* cea*ed. Whereas, an instrument in writing, purporting to be the last will and testament of KftefT Blletf son deceased, late of said County, has been de- livered i o this Court; And Whereas, Helena KUeffson has filed there- with her petition, representing among other things that ssid Elleff Blleffsori died in said Coun- ty on 26th day of July 1885, testate, and tnat nv executor was named in said list will and teste.. ment,and praying that the saidpnstrament may be admitted to probate, and that letters of adminis- tration with the wilt annexed be to her issued thereon; It is ordered, that the proves of said instrument, and the said petitioa, be heard before this coart.at the probate office in said county, on Friday the 11th day of September A. D. 1886, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, when all conoMned may appear and contest the probate of said instrument; And it is further ordered, that public noUce of the time and place of said hearing oe given to all persons interested, by publication of these orders for three weeks successively previous to said da >> of hearing, in the New Ulm Review a newspap er printed and published at the City of New Ulm in said county. By the Court (L. S.) ERNST BRANDT, Judge of Prob a PROBATENOTICE. State of Minnesota, County of Brown, ss. In Probate Court, Special Term, July 21st, 1885. In the matter of the estate of Frederick Peter- son deceased * Whereas, an instrument in writing, purporting to be the last will and testument of Frederick Peterson deceased, late of &aid County, has been delivered to this Court; And Whereas, Paul Frederick Anderson has filed therewith his petition, representing among other things that said Frederick Peterson died in said County on the 17th day of March 1881, testate, and that said petitioner is the sole executor named in said last will and testament, and pray- ing that the said instrument may be admitted to probate, and that letters testamentary be to him issued thereon; * It is ordered, that the proofs of said instrument, and the said petition, be heard before this Court, at the Probate Office in said County, on Saturday the 29th day of August A. D 1885, at 10 o'clock is the forenoon, when all concerned may appeal and contest the probate of said instrument; And it is Further Ordered, that public notice of the time and place of said hearing be given to all persons interested, by publication of thes< orders for three weeks successively previous U said day of hearing, in the New Ulm Review a newspaper printed and published at the City of New Ulm in said County. By the Court. (L. S.) ERNST BRANDT, Judge of Probate Empire Mill Co. ROLLER MIIL. 24 Rollers and 4 Burrs. Successors to H. B. CONSTAN8. Boss & Seiter, it Fire, Cyclone, Tornado, Hurricanes and Windstorms. Represent the fol- lowing old reliable companies. German-American of N. Y.; Spring- field Fire and Marine of Mass.; Penn- sylvania Fire of Erie, Pa.; Fireman's Fund of California; American Fire of Philadelphia; Orient of Hartford; Com- mercial Union of London; London As- surance Co. and Northern Assurance Co, of London. Office in Brown County Bank. NEW ULM, - - - MINN. PIONEER Diug Store. DR. C WESCHCKE; PROP'R. *"•" ' Minnesota Streei, NEW ULM, MINN. A full and fresh stock of drugs and medicines, also paints, oils, glass, liquor, wines and musical merchandise. Physicians' prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours of the day and night New Tailor Shop, mi. BEHMLER, Prop'r. Melges' Building, Minn. Street. I would respectfully inform the people of New Ulm and vicinity that I have permanently located in New Ulm, and am now prepared to execute all orders for first.class tailoring on short notice. New Suits Made to Order. All Work Warranted. Mending Promptly Attended to Wm. Belimler. &D. PETERSON;?! vV AGENT FOB THE CELEBRATED " » _ . „ Massillion Vibrator and Straw Burning Engine «\ And Ames 7 Straw-Burning Engine, The Minneapolis, Dennet and Wood's Twine Binders, Reapers an d Mowers.' The Stonghton Wagons & Buggies. The B o d Island Stubble Flows. the Domestic Sewing Machines I will sell cheaper than any other firm west of the Mississippi River ] BARB PENCE WIRE IN PARTICULAR. Call and see me before purchasing elsewhere. Everything is warrant d, and a fall line of Repairs always on hand. SLEEPY EYE, SPRINGFIELD, TRACY AND LAKE BENTON. Branch Offices S D. Peterson. New Ulm> Minn. We take pleasure In informing tte public that we are now ready for bus- iness. The best machinery and all the latest improvements in the manufac- ture of flour enable us to compete with the best mills in the country. We are constantly buying Wheat, Hye, Corn, Oats, Buckwhaot. &c„ &e. At the Highest Market Prices. We sell all kinds of 1LOVR, SHORTS, BRAN, Ac. AT LOW RATES. Special Attention given to 0\xs"toin "WQric An extra stone for giinding feed. Steam Cornsheller. Wood iaken for cash or in exchange. Efaptte JVIill Co. CASH PURCHASES and CHEAP SALES. |e3iputo$' Sample joom AND BILLIARD HALL, EM. S€HN0BR!€H, Prop'r, Minn. Street, - - New Ulm. Fine imported and domestic wines, liquors, cigars, New Ulm and Milwau- kee beer. Splendid free lunch from 10 a. m. to 12 m. each day. O. WAGNER, Undertaker and Dealer in FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS. WALL PAPER, CARPETS AND SEWfflfi MACHINES. NEW ULM, MINN CtVY Drugstore (Successor to Jos. Bobleter) DEALER IN DRUGS and MEDICINES, W®LI< m?%% f W l % OIL;, Wltff>OW (jLSgg, A. G. Seiter, FRESH AND CANNED FRUITS, and everything else belonging to a first-class Confectionery. NEW ULM, - - MINN TAKE NOTICE! THE WAR HAS BEGUN AND £. & E. C. BEHNZE ARE IN THE FIELD WITH A LARGE STOCK OF Ready-Made Clothing, Dry Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes^ Groceries, Etc. for the spring and summer trade, wnd we take this- early opportunity to invite our friends and customers to give us a c%\\ and examine our goods. We will Not be Undersold. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO CASH P., .fCHASERS. i: S&3Z I ^ers a & B- C. B&HTKE. xlc j R. Pefeffrle, Dealer in CANNED, DRIED & GREEN FRUITS, Flour sind Feed.* STO»E,WOODEN AND WILLOW WAKE. NEW ULM, MINN. lJ>fl0]Sf SOT^L;, WENZEL SCHOTZKO, Proprietor, MINN. ST., NEW UT,M, MINN. Large, airy rooms, and an A No. 1 table. Good sample room for the accommodation of commercial trav- elers iu connection with the'hotel. Rates reasonable The finest wines, liquors and ci- gars at the bar. - Agent for Minnesota Linseed OIL COS 9 . READY MIXED PAINTS. A complete Stock of Roots, Herbs, Barks and Patent Medicines always on hand. ^ PROMPT ATTENTION TO MAIL ORDERS. *& *&#•?-W —: . - Postoffic Block, NEW ULM, MINN. Fr. Burg. Manufacturer of and Dealer in CIGARS, TOBACCOS, PIPES. Cor. Minnesota and Centre streets. NEW ULM, - MINN. i *. DEALER IN ©0M*$¥l£ and IM^Oft^D Wine& I<ic[uoi$ ftCigktfp. Minn. St., two doors north of B. & E C. Behnke's •tore, NEW ULM, MINN. NEW BOODSI LOWEST PRICES! Henry J. Luders, —Dealer in— DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, NOTIONS, ETC. Riesling's Block, NSW ULM, - - MINN. ICE! ICE! I desire to annource to the citizens of Xe-v Ulm tbnt I have a LARGE, FINE STOCK OF ICE? And will deliver the same to any part of the city At the Lowest Living Prices, Especial attention will be paid to orders for ice for family use. PETER HERIAN, New Ulm, Minn. Our readers for 12 cents in postage stamps to ay for mailing and wrapping,and names oi two •oook agents, will receive FBKK a SUtl 9t~ wUk fmrUr JBmfrmvtnr of all OVM JTMXS. IOXJTT8, including CUvtlmm*, size 23x28 ln.,worth $4.00. May 2086 Address Elder Pub. Co., Chicago HL of the choicest varieties to be found at the MENDENHaLL 6REENH0USES. Send for catalogue to MENDENHALL FLORIST, MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. Oct. 15-85. STABLE, 7. '' ",'• '/'A \Y.'N V O\ SODA Best in the VTarTcL. \m HOSTErrEi^ THOS. MULVERHILL, Prop. Pine turnouts famished with or without drivers at reasonable rates. Pishing, hunting and Pleasure parties furnished teams. Ladies' Saddle horses. Fine Carriages for funerals. Office and stable in Laudenschlager's Barn GE0BENTZ4C0. Importers and Wholesale Dealenbl WINES A i \%,; v ®s&w#&€ LIQUORS, 1110 W. 3d St., Ss PAUL, Minn. *lf?EBS HMtetter'B Stomach Bitten, as a apeeiae . for indigestion, stands alone. When the re- so ? ree *. f ">*J» h «nnacoposia have been i exhausted, wttioot, at least, doing mete J than mitigatina; the complaint, a course ot i this wholesome stomachic effects a perfect aad permanent cure. In all cases oYdja- pepsia the liver is more or less disordered? and upon this important gland the Bitter J act with r e g n u T S ^ t a e w J i^ulatoaS * and invisoratinsj every secretivean* as- * Si"!.'* i U S..m* fB ]? °» wWch bodily aad mental health depend. For sale to a5 * Druggists and Dealers generally •»»»<. i-cf* W H. WERBING, Dry Boods. Notions, Boots & Shoes ; '^OROCKBIES.SSQ Medicines k Farm laniemeats. Golden Gute % Minn. MmMmBtmiMaumEttiL<*M«m!t.mw *«*> T afrm HiiaiMiMMiii _ap Y" ' mm f' I

New Ulm weekly review (New Ulm, Minn.) 1885-08-26 [p ].€¦ · AYKR'9 HAIR VIGOR, which stopped the fall ing of the hair, and started a new growth. I have now a full head of hair

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Page 1: New Ulm weekly review (New Ulm, Minn.) 1885-08-26 [p ].€¦ · AYKR'9 HAIR VIGOR, which stopped the fall ing of the hair, and started a new growth. I have now a full head of hair

* V, Jfflltf*




Springfield, Minn., Aug. 25, 1885.

—Grain is all stacked, and the sing­ing of the threshing machines is again heard in the land.

—Business of all kinds is begining to revive. __—H. Bendixen is daily receiving heavy invoices of general merchandise.

—A number of Springfieldites assem­bled with New Ulm's brave defenders last Saturday.

—Running the new Minnesota Chief traction engine through the streets on Monday attracted about as many peo­ple and excited as much enthusiasm as the late Col. Gile's street pageant.

—Mrs. F. Naramore of Dalton, Cot­tonwood county, came over on Monday.

—New wheat is being received at this market. The quality appears to be equal to that raised last year.

—T, Brophey made a trip to Minnea­polis last week, to take a look at new machinery no doubt.

—G. H. Dayton of Sleepy Eye was up on Thursday of last week, taking or­ders for fruit trees, etc. He represents 4he M. Penning nursery.

—Lucas Fecker is out in the country earjy every day in the week attend-ig to the wants of the people in the eat line, —Mrs. T. A. Wilson has been very angerously ill during the past week.

>rs. Sullivan and Wellcome are in at­tendance and now have the case under control.


—Milford is going to have a little town of its own and dont you forget it. The town site was staked out last week. The Empire Mill Co. of New Ulm has already erected an elevator on the sta­tion grounds, and it is rumored that at least two more will be put up in the near future.

—John Essig will erect a store at this station. A blacksmith shop and one or more saloons will also grace the town shortly.

—Hunting season is here, but prairie chickens seem to be scarce. One may venture all day without even catching sight of any game whatever.

—We should get a postoffice at this place soon, and all because there are so many Democratic applicants.

—Threshing has commenced quite generally in this vicinity. The average yield of wheat (although fair) is not as large as last year. Oats turn out fair.

« Haelth, Wealth and Happiness

Are more intimately connected with a sound stomach and "good condition of the blood than most people suppose. Thin blood means Weakness, languor and misery. A dyspeptic stomach means all the horrors \ou can think of. Brown's Iron Bitters means enriched blood, good digestion, healthy appetite, sweet sleep and vigorous strength. Mr. Henry Hallaro,South 17th street, St. Louis, says, "Brown's Iron Bitters re­lieved me of dyspepsia, purified my blood, and gave me an appetite. Thousands of others testify in the same way.

Mortar and paint may be easily re­moved from window-glass with hot, sharp vinegar.

• - • .

Malarial poison can be entirely re­moved from the system by the use of Ayer's Ague Cure, which contains a a "sure specific, in the form of a vege­table product, used in no other remedy. Warranted.

The Russian Prince Alexander Gaga-m e , driven to desperation by hea\y losses at the gambling table of Monto Carlo, has committed suicide.

Bncklen s Arnica Salve The best salve in the world for Cuts

Bruises, Sores, Uteers, Salt Rheum Fever Sores, Tetter, chapped Hands Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup­tions, and positively cures Piles, or ho pay required. It is guaranteed to giv-perfect satisfaction, or money rtf unri ed. Price 25 cents per box. Sold by C-L. Boos.

Chas. Wagner is the agent for the justly celebrated Household Sewing Machine.

JPants! Bants!—I desire to iniorm the pants-wearing public that I have received and am now offering for sale a very large assortment of panto. Prices,styles and sizes to suit all pocket books, tastes and shapes.


POWDER MOST PERFECT MADE Prepared by a physician with, special regard (

to health. No Ammonia, Lime or Alum.

Gathering Grapes for Making Cream of Tartar 'erDR-PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDER


EXTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE Purest and strongest Natural Fruit Flavors.

Vanilla, Lemon, Orange, Almond, Rose, etc., flavor as delicately and naturally as the fruit.


IJTPJ ACHESJUAINS! " I ache all over!" What a common, e*» pressioq; and how much it rneans to rnany a poor sufferer! These aches have a cause, and rnpre frequently than, is gener­ally suspected, the cause is th.e Liver or ^Kidneys. No disease is more painful or serious than, these, and no rernedy is so prornpt and effective as


SITTERS-jRo .remedy has yet been, discovered] ,that is so effective in, all KIDNEY AND LIVER COMPLAINTS, MALARIA, DYSPEP­SIA, etc , and yet it is simple and h,arrq« less. Science aqd rnedical skill have combined with wonderful success those rierbs which, nature fas provided for th.9 cure of disease. It strengthens aqd in* vigorates the whole system.

Bon. Tbaddeus Stevens, the distinguished Con-gressmsn, once wrote to a fellow member who m i •offering from indigestion and kidney disease: •* Try Mishler's Herb Bitters, I believe it will coxa yon. I hare used it for both indigestion and affee. tton of the kidneys, and it is the most wonderful Ctmbination of medicinal herbs I ever saw.n

V I S H L E B HERB B I T T E B 8 CO., 525 Commerce St., Philadelphia.

Parker's Pleasant Worm Syrup Never Fails

Since the rains of this and last week, the prospective yield of wheat has been reduced one third, and good judges now estimate that the state will not produce more than 25,000,000 bu3hels of wheat this year.

•"A life on the ocean wave and a home of the rolling deep," is all very well to sing about in poetic verse, but the poor sailors are subject to discom­forts that we landsmen know nothing of, Jacob Palmer, mate on the U. S. S. Portland, writes that he never starts on a cruise without laying in a supply of Mishler's Herb Bitters. It is invaluable for diarrhoea, dysentery, colic, cramp, and all similar diseasse.

In the preliminary examination of Mrs. Purvis for the murder of her hus-sand atgJGranite Falls, James Dodge .estified to having analyzed the stom-

«ach of the deceased and found arsenic in (considerable quantities. The prison­er was remanded to jail until the fall term of court.


Education in California.

Mrs. W. E. Chamberlain, wife of Professor W. E. Chamberlain, principal of the celebrated Pacific Business Col­lege, San Francisco, Cai., writes that from personal experience she can heartily recommend Red Star Cough Cure to any one troubled with cough, eold oi sore-throat. It gave her l-eliei • at once.


AYER'S Hair Vigor restores, with the gloss and freshness of yonth, faded or gray hair to a natural, rich brown color, or deep black, as may be desired. By its use light or red hair maybe darkened, thin hair thickened, and baldness often, though not always, cured.

It checks falling of the hair, and stimu­lates^ weak and sickly growth to vigor. It prevents and cures scurf and dandruff, and heals nearly every disease peculiar to the scalp. As a Ladles' Hair Dressing1, the VIQOB Is unequalled; it contains neither oil nor dye, renders the hair soft, glossy, and silken in appearance, and imparts a delicate, agreeable, and lasting perfume.

MR. G. P. BRICHER writes from Kirby, O.. July 3,1882: " Last fall my hair commenced falling out, and in a short time I became nearly bald.' I used part of a bottle of AYKR'9 HAIR VIGOR, which stopped the fall­ing of the hair, and started a new growth. I have now a full head of hair growing vigor­ously, and am convinced that but for the use of your preparation I should have been entirely bald."

J. W. BOWXK, proprietor of the Me Art hut

I Ohio) Enquirer, says:" AYER'S HAIR VIQOB s a most excellent preparation for the hair.

1 speak of it from my own experience. Its use promotes the growth of new hair, and makes it glossy and soft. The VIGOR is also a sure cure for dandruff. Not within ray knowledge has the preparation eTer failed to give entire satisfaction."

MR. ANGUS FAIRIIAIBX, leader of the celebrated " Fairbairn Family " of Scottish Vocalists, writes from Boston, Mats., Feb. 9, 1830. " Krer since my hair began to give sil­very evidence of the change which fleeting time procureth, I have used AYKB'S HAIB VIGOR, and so have been able to maintain an appearance of youthfulness—a matter of considerable consequence to ministers, ora­tors, actors, and in fact every one who Uvea in the eyes of the public."

M M . O. A. PREScqTT, writing from 18 Elm St~ Charlestown, Mass., April 14, 1882, says: " Two years ago about two-thirds of my hair «ame off. It thinned very rapidly, and I was fast growing bald. On using AYER'S HAIR VIGOR the tailing stopped and a new growth commenced, and in about a month my head was completely covered with short hair. It has continued to grow, and is now as good as before it fell. 1 regularly used but one bottle of the VIGOR, but now use it occasionally as a dressing."

We have hundreds of similar testimonials to the efficacy of AYER'S HAIR VIGOR. It needs but a trial to convince the most skepti­cal of its value. »

rUUPARED BY . "* *

Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. ^ ,, Sold b> all Druggists.

PROBATE NOTICE. State of Minnesota, County of Brown; «s. In

Probate Court. Special Term. August 17,1MB. la the matter of the estate of EllefTEUeffsoa de*

cea*ed. Whereas, an instrument in writing, purporting

to be the last will and testament of KftefT Blletf son deceased, late of said County, has been de­livered i o this Court;

And Whereas, Helena KUeffson has filed there­with her petition, representing among other things that ssid Elleff Blleffsori died in said Coun­ty on 26th day of July 1885, testate, and tnat nv executor was named in said list will and teste.. ment,and praying that the saidpnstrament may be admitted to probate, and that letters of adminis­tration with the wilt annexed be to her issued thereon;

It is ordered, that the proves of said instrument, and the said petitioa, be heard before this coart.at the probate office in said county, on Friday the 11th day of September A. D. 1886, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, when all conoMned may appear and contest the probate of said instrument;

And it is further ordered, that public noUce of the time and place of said hearing oe given to all persons interested, by publication of these orders for three weeks successively previous to said da >> of hearing, in the New Ulm Review a newspaper

printed and published at the City of New Ulm in said county.

By the Court (L. S.)

ERNST BRANDT, Judge of Prob a

PROBATENOTICE. State of Minnesota, County of Brown, ss. In

Probate Court, Special Term, July 21st, 1885. In the matter of the estate of Frederick Peter­

son deceased * Whereas, an instrument in writing, purporting

to be the last will and testument of Frederick Peterson deceased, late of &aid County, has been delivered to this Court;

And Whereas, Paul Frederick Anderson has filed therewith his petition, representing among other things that said Frederick Peterson died in said County on the 17th day of March 1881, testate, and that said petitioner is the sole executor named in said last will and testament, and pray­ing that the said instrument may be admitted to probate, and that letters testamentary be to him issued thereon; *

It is ordered, that the proofs of said instrument, and the said petition, be heard before this Court, at the Probate Office in said County, on Saturday the 29th day of August A. D 1885, at 10 o'clock is the forenoon, when all concerned may appeal and contest the probate of said instrument;

And it is Further Ordered, that public notice of the time and place of said hearing be given to all persons interested, by publication of thes< orders for three weeks successively previous U said day of hearing, in the New Ulm Review a newspaper printed and published at the City of New Ulm in said County.

By the Court. (L. S.)

ERNST BRANDT, Judge of Probate

Empire Mill Co. ROLLER MIIL. 24 Rollers and 4 Burrs.

Successors to H. B. CONSTAN8. Boss & Seiter,


Fire, Cyclone, Tornado, Hurricanes and Windstorms. Represent the fol­lowing old reliable companies.

German-American of N. Y.; Spring­field Fire and Marine of Mass.; Penn­sylvania Fire of Erie, Pa.; Fireman's Fund of California; American Fire of Philadelphia; Orient of Hartford; Com­mercial Union of London; London As­surance Co. and Northern Assurance Co, of London.

Office in Brown County Bank. NEW ULM, - - - MINN.



*"•" ' Minnesota Streei,

NEW ULM, MINN. A full and fresh stock of drugs and medicines,

also paints, oils, glass, liquor, wines and musical merchandise. Physicians' prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours of the day and night

New Tailor Shop, mi. BEHMLER, Prop'r.

Melges' Building, Minn. Street.

I would respectfully inform the people of New Ulm and vicinity that I have permanently located in New Ulm, and am now prepared to execute all orders for first.class tailoring on short notice.

New Suits Made to Order. All Work Warranted.

Mending Promptly Attended to Wm. Belimler.


Massillion Vibrator and Straw Burning Engine

«\ And Ames7 Straw-Burning Engine,

The Minneapolis, Dennet and Wood's Twine Binders, Reapers an d Mowers.' The Stonghton Wagons & Buggies. The

B o d Island Stubble Flows.

the Domestic Sewing Machines

I will sell cheaper than any other firm west of the Mississippi River ]

BARB PENCE WIRE IN PARTICULAR. Call and see me before purchasing elsewhere. Everything is warrant

d, and a fall l ine of Repairs always on hand.


Branch Offices

S D. Peterson. New Ulm> Minn.

We take pleasure In informing t t e public that we are now ready for bus­iness. The best machinery and all the latest improvements in the manufac­ture of flour enable us to compete with the best mills in the country.

We are constantly buying Wheat,

Hye, Corn,

Oats, Buckwhaot.

&c„ &e. At the Highest Market Prices. We sell all kinds of



AT LOW RATES. Special Attention given to

0\xs"toin "WQric An extra stone for giinding feed.

Steam Cornsheller.

Wood iaken for cash or in exchange.



|e3iputo$' Sample joom AND


Minn. Street, - - New Ulm.

Fine imported and domestic wines, liquors, cigars, New Ulm and Milwau­kee beer. Splendid free lunch from 10 a. m. to 12 m. each day.

O. WAGNER, Undertaker and Dealer in




CtVY Drugstore

(Successor to Jos. Bobleter)



W®LI< m?%% f W l % OIL;,

Wltff>OW (jLSgg,



and everything else belonging to a


Confectionery. NEW ULM, - - MINN




Ready-Made Clothing, Dry Goods, Notions,

Boots and Shoes Groceries, Etc.

for the spring and summer trade, wnd we take this- early opportunity to invite our friends and customers to give us a c%\\ and examine our goods.


i: S&3Z I ers a & B- C. B&HTKE.

x l c


R. Pefeffrle, Dealer in


FRUITS, Flour sind Feed.*


W A K E .


lJ>fl0]Sf SOT^L;, WENZEL SCHOTZKO, Proprietor,


Large, airy rooms, and an A No. 1 table. Good sample room for the accommodation of commercial trav­elers iu connection with the'hotel. Rates reasonable

The finest wines, liquors and ci­gars at the bar.

- Agent for

Minnesota Linseed OIL COS9.


A complete Stock of Roots, Herbs, Barks and Patent Medicines always on hand. ^


*& *&#•?-W — : . -

Postoffic Block, NEW ULM, MINN.

Fr. Burg. Manufacturer of and Dealer in


PIPES. Cor. Minnesota and Centre

streets. NEW ULM, - MINN.

i * . DEALER I N

©0M*$¥l£ and IM^Oft^D

Wine& I<ic[uoi$ ftCigktfp. Minn. St., two doors north of B. & E C. Behnke's •tore,



Henry J. Luders, —Dealer in—


NOTIONS, ETC. Riesling's Block,


ICE! ICE! I desire to annource to the citizens of Xe-v Ulm

tbnt I have a

LARGE, FINE STOCK OF ICE? And will deliver the same to any part of the


At the Lowest Living Prices, Especial attention will be paid to

orders for ice for family use. PETER HERIAN,

New Ulm, Minn.

Our readers for 12 cents in postage stamps to ay for mailing and wrapping,and names oi two •oook agents, will receive FBKK a SUtl 9t~

wUk fmrUr JBmfrmvtnr of all OVM JTMXS. IOXJTT8, including CUvtlmm*, size 23x28 ln.,worth $4.00. May 2086

Address Elder Pub. Co., Chicago HL

of the choicest varieties to be found

at the




Oct. 15-85.


'' " , ' • ' / ' A \ Y . ' N V O \

SODA Best in the VTarTcL.

\m HOSTErrEi^

THOS. MULVERHILL, Prop. Pine turnouts famished with or without

drivers at reasonable rates. Pishing, hunting and Pleasure parties furnished teams. Ladies' Saddle horses. Fine Carriages for funerals.

Office and stable in Laudenschlager's Barn

GE0BENTZ4C0. Importers and Wholesale Dealenbl

WINES A i \%,;v ®s&w#&€ LIQUORS,

1110 W. 3d St., Ss PAUL, Minn.

*lf?EBS HMtetter'B Stomach Bitten, as a apeeiae .

for indigestion, stands alone. When the re-s o ? r e e * . i°f ">*J»h«nnacoposia have been i exhausted, wttioot, at least, doing mete J than mitigatina; the complaint, a course ot i this wholesome stomachic effects a perfect aad permanent cure. In all cases oYdja-pepsia the liver is more or less disordered? and upon this important gland the Bitter J

act with r e g n u T S ^ t a e w J i^ulatoaS * and invisoratinsj every secretivean* as- * Si"!.'* iUS..m*fB]? °» wWch bodily aad mental health depend. For sale to a5 * Druggists and Dealers generally • » » » < .

i-cf* W H. WERBING,

Dry Boods. Notions, Boots & Shoes ; ' ^ O R O C K B I E S . S S Q

Medicines k Farm laniemeats. Golden Gute% Minn.

MmMmBtmiMaumEttiL<*M«m!t.mw *«*> „ T afrm HiiaiMiMMiii _ap Y" ' mmf' I