arXiv:astro-ph/0010134v1 6 Oct 2000 The Biconical Outflow in the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 2992 S. Veilleux 1,2,3 , P. L. Shopbell 1,3,4 , and S. T. Miller 1 ABSTRACT We report on a detailed kinematic study of the galactic-scale outflow in the Seyfert galaxy NGC 2992. The TAURUS-2 Imaging Fabry-Perot Interferometer was used on the Anglo-Australian 3.9-m telescope to derive the two-dimensional velocity field of the Hα-emitting gas over the central arcminute of NGC 2992. The complete two-dimensional coverage of the data combined with simple kinematic models of rotating axisymmetric disks allows us to differentiate the outflowing material from the line-emitting material associated with the galactic disk. The kinematics of the disk component out to R = 3.0 kpc are well modeled by pure circular rotation in a plane inclined at i = 68 ± 3 from the plane of the sky and with kinematic major axis along P.A. = 32 ± 3 . The outflow component is distributed into two wide cones with opening angle 125 – 135 and extending 2.8 kpc (18 ′′ ) on both sides of the nucleus at nearly right angles (φ 116 ± 5 ) to the disk kinematic major axis. The outflow on the SE side of the nucleus is made of two distinct kinematic components interpreted as the front and back walls of a cone. The azimuthal velocity gradient in the back-wall component reflects residual rotational motion which indicates either that the outflowing material was lifted from the disk or that the underlying galactic disk is contributing slightly to this component. A single outflow component is detected in the NW cone. A biconical outflow model with velocities ranging from 50 to 200 km s 1 and oriented nearly perpendicular to the galactic disk can explain the data. The broad line profiles and asymmetries in the velocity fields suggest that some of the entrained line-emitting material may lie inside the biconical structure rather than only on the surface of the bicone. The mass involved in this outflow is of order 1 × 10 7 n 1 e,2 M , and the bulk and “turbulent” kinematic energies are 6 × 10 53 n 1 e,2 ergs and 3 × 10 54 n 1 e,2 ergs, respectively. The most likely energy source is a hot bipolar thermal wind powered on sub-kpc scale by the AGN and diverted along the galaxy minor axis by the pressure gradient of the ISM in the host galaxy. The data are not consistent with a starburst-driven wind or a collimated outflow powered by radio jets. 1 Department of Astronomy, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742; E-mail: [email protected] 2 Cottrell Scholar of Research Corporation 3 Visiting Astronomers, Anglo-Australian Telescope 4 Current Address: Department of Astronomy, MC 105-24, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125; E-mail: [email protected]

New The Biconical Outflow in the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 2992 · 2018. 10. 30. · arXiv:astro-ph/0010134v1 6 Oct 2000 The Biconical Outflow in the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 2992 S. Veilleux1,2,3,

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    The Biconical Outflow in the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 2992

    S. Veilleux1,2,3, P. L. Shopbell1,3,4, and S. T. Miller1


    We report on a detailed kinematic study of the galactic-scale outflow in the Seyfert

    galaxy NGC 2992. The TAURUS-2 Imaging Fabry-Perot Interferometer was used

    on the Anglo-Australian 3.9-m telescope to derive the two-dimensional velocity field

    of the Hα-emitting gas over the central arcminute of NGC 2992. The complete

    two-dimensional coverage of the data combined with simple kinematic models of

    rotating axisymmetric disks allows us to differentiate the outflowing material from

    the line-emitting material associated with the galactic disk. The kinematics of the

    disk component out to R = 3.0 kpc are well modeled by pure circular rotation in a

    plane inclined at i = 68◦ ± 3◦ from the plane of the sky and with kinematic majoraxis along P.A. = 32◦ ± 3◦. The outflow component is distributed into two wide coneswith opening angle ≈ 125 – 135◦ and extending ∼ 2.8 kpc (18′′) on both sides of thenucleus at nearly right angles (φ ≈ 116◦ ± 5◦) to the disk kinematic major axis. Theoutflow on the SE side of the nucleus is made of two distinct kinematic components

    interpreted as the front and back walls of a cone. The azimuthal velocity gradient in

    the back-wall component reflects residual rotational motion which indicates either that

    the outflowing material was lifted from the disk or that the underlying galactic disk is

    contributing slightly to this component. A single outflow component is detected in the

    NW cone. A biconical outflow model with velocities ranging from 50 to 200 km s−1

    and oriented nearly perpendicular to the galactic disk can explain the data. The broad

    line profiles and asymmetries in the velocity fields suggest that some of the entrained

    line-emitting material may lie inside the biconical structure rather than only on the

    surface of the bicone. The mass involved in this outflow is of order ∼ 1 × 107 n−1e,2 M⊙,and the bulk and “turbulent” kinematic energies are ∼ 6 × 1053 n−1e,2 ergs and ∼ 3 ×1054 n−1e,2 ergs, respectively. The most likely energy source is a hot bipolar thermal

    wind powered on sub-kpc scale by the AGN and diverted along the galaxy minor axis

    by the pressure gradient of the ISM in the host galaxy. The data are not consistent

    with a starburst-driven wind or a collimated outflow powered by radio jets.

    1Department of Astronomy, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742; E-mail: [email protected]

    2Cottrell Scholar of Research Corporation

    3Visiting Astronomers, Anglo-Australian Telescope

    4Current Address: Department of Astronomy, MC 105-24, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125;

    E-mail: [email protected]


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    Subject headings: galaxies: active – galaxies: individual (NGC 2992) – galaxies: jets –

    galaxies: kinematics and dynamics – galaxies : Seyfert

    1. Introduction

    Active galactic nuclei (AGN) and nuclear starbursts may severely disrupt the gas phase of

    galaxies through deposition of a large amount of mechanical energy in the centers of galaxies. As

    a result, a large-scale galactic wind (“superwind”) that encompasses much of the central regions

    of these galaxies may be created (e.g., Chevalier & Clegg 1985; Schiano 1985; Tenorio-Tagle &

    Bodenheimer 1988; Tomisaka & Ikeuchi 1988; MacLow & McCray 1988; MacLow, McCray, &

    Norman 1989). Depending upon the extent of the halo and its density and upon the wind’s

    mechanical luminosity and duration, the wind may ultimately blow out through the halo and

    into the intergalactic medium. The effects of these superwinds may be far-reaching. Bregman

    (1978) has suggested that the Hubble sequence can be understood in terms of a galaxy’s greater

    ability to sustain winds with increasing bulge-to-disk ratio. Superwinds may affect the thermal

    and chemical evolution of galaxies by depositing large quantities of hot, metal-enriched material

    on the outskirts of galaxies. This widespread circulation of matter and energy between the disks

    and halos of galaxies may be responsible for the metallicity-radius relation within galaxies and the

    mass-metallicity relation between galaxies (e.g., Larson & Dinerstein 1975; Vader 1986; Franx &

    Illingworth 1990; Carollo & Danziger 1994; Zaritsky, Kennicutt, & Huchra 1994; Jablonka, Martin,

    & Arimoto 1996; Jørgensen, Franx, & Kjaergaard 1996; Pahre, Djorgovski, & de Carvalho 1998;

    Trager et al. 1998). Superwinds also offer a natural way to create a cosmically evolving population

    of large, metal-enriched, kinematically-complex gaseous halos, in many ways resembling the sharp

    metal lines and Lyman-limit systems observed in quasar spectra.

    Strong evidence for spatially-resolved starburst-driven winds now exits in several galaxies

    (e.g., Bland & Tully 1988; Heckman et al. 1990; Lehnert & Heckman 1996; Marlowe et al. 1995;

    Meurer et al. 1992; Veilleux et al. 1994). The case for spatially resolved outflows in AGN is

    equally strong (e.g., Cecil, Bland, & Tully 1990; Cecil, Wilson, & Tully 1992; Baum et al. 1993;

    Wilson et al. 1992; Veilleux, Tully, & Bland-Hawthorn 1993; Colbert et al. 1996a, 1996b, 1998)

    although here the exact mechanism responsible for the outflow is sometimes uncertain. Possible

    mechanisms include : (1) thermal wind from a circumnuclear starburst (e.g., Baum et al. 1993),

    (2) collimated radio jets (e.g., Wilson 1981; Taylor, Dyson, & Axon 1992), and (3) thermal wind

    produced by the AGN torus (e.g., Krolik & Begelman 1986; Balsara & Krolik 1993) or entrained

    along the radio ejecta (e.g., Bicknell et al. 1998).

    Over the past ten years, our group has been conducting an optical survey of nearby active

    and starburst galaxies combining Fabry-Perot imaging spectrophotometry with radio and X-ray

    data to track the energy flow of galactic winds through the various gas phases (see reviews of

    recent results in Cecil 2000 and Veilleux 2000). The complete spatial and kinematic sampling

    of the Fabry-Perot data is ideally suited to study the complex and extended morphology of the

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    warm line-emitting material which is associated with the wind flow. The radio and X-ray data

    complement the Fabry-Perot data by probing the relativistic and hot gas components, respectively.

    The high level of sophistication of recent hydrodynamical simulations (e.g., Tomisaka 1990; Slavin

    & Cox 1992; Mineshige et al. 1993; Suchkov et al. 1994; Strickland & Stevens 2000) has provided

    the theoretical basis to interpret our data and to predict the evolution and eventual resting place

    (disk, halo, or intergalactic medium) of the outflowing material. In this paper, we present our

    results on the Seyfert galaxy NGC 2992.

    The proximity of NGC 2992 (z = 0.0078 or 31 Mpc assuming H0 = 75 km s−1 Mpc−1; see §4.2

    below) provides a spatial scale (150 pc arcsec−1) which permits a detailed study of the galactic

    outflow in this galaxy. The AGN host is a Sa galaxy whose high inclination (i ≈ 70◦) is well suitedfor studies of the extraplanar emission. The galactic disk is rich in HI (Hutchmeier 1982) and

    CO (Sanders & Mirabel 1985) and is crossed by a disturbed dust lane oriented along P.A. ≈ 30◦.Less than 3′ to the south-east of NGC 2992 is the companion galaxy NGC 2993. The NGC 2992

    – NGC 2993 system (= Arp 245; Arp 1966) is connected by a HI tidal bridge and displays two

    spectacular tidal tails to the north of NGC 2992 and to the south-east of NGC 2993 (see, e.g.,

    Plate 2 in Ward et al. 1980). The tidal forces associated with this galactic encounter have long

    been suspected to be the triggering mechanism of the nuclear activity in NGC 2992 (e.g., Burbidge

    et al. 1972; Osmer, Smith, & Weedman 1974; Ward et al. 1980).

    The evidence for AGN activity in NGC 2992 is seen at nearly all wavelengths. The pioneering

    optical work of Burbidge et al. (1972) and Osmer et al. (1974) revealed a nuclear spectrum

    dominated by strong high-excitation emission lines. The detection of a broad (5,500 km s−1)

    component in the profile of nuclear Hα and the identification of NGC 2992 with a strong HEAO-I

    X-ray source led Ward et al. (1978, 1980) to suggest the presence of a partially obscured AGN in

    this galaxy. The existence of a broad-line region (BLR) in this object has since been confirmed at

    optical wavelengths (e.g., Shuder 1980; Véron et al. 1980; Durret & Bergeron 1988) and in the

    near-infrared (e.g., Rix et al. 1990; Goodrich, Veilleux, & Hill 1994; Veilleux, Goodrich, & Hill

    1997). X-ray and HI absorption studies have confirmed the presence of a significant amount of

    absorbing material in front of the nucleus of NGC 2992 (NH ≈ 1022 cm−2; Gallimore et al. 1999;Weaver et al. 1996 and references therein).

    The presence of a galactic-scale outflow in NGC 2992 has been suspected for several years.

    The 20-cm radio emission from NGC 2992 extends approximately 25′′ (3.75 kpc) along the major

    axis of the galaxy, but also presents a one-sided 90′′ (13.5 kpc) extension along P.A. ∼ 100◦ –130◦, i.e. close to the galaxy minor axis (Ward et al. 1980; Hummel et al. 1983). On smaller

    scales, a striking “figure-8” structure suggestive of limb-brightened bubbles or magnetic arches

    is seen at 6 cm extending along P.A. = 160◦, about 3′′ (5′′) north (south) from a weak nuclear

    source (Ulvestad & Wilson 1984; Wehrle & Morris 1988). The nuclear source has a size ∼< 0.′′1– 0.′′3 (15 – 45 pc) and appears to have a flat radio spectrum (Condon et al. 1982; Ulvestad &

    Wilson 1984; Unger et al. 1986; Sadler et al. 1995). A recent re-analysis of the ROSAT HRI

    data on NGC 2992 (Colbert et al. 1998) reveals that the soft (0.2 – 2.4 keV) X-ray emission

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    from this object is extended on a scale of 35 – 45′′ (5.3 – 6.8 kpc) along the galaxy minor axis.

    The X-ray nebula is therefore roughly cospatial with the large-scale radio emission in this galaxy,

    suggesting that both are produced by a large-scale galactic outflow. Supporting evidence for a

    galactic outflow also exists at optical wavelengths. The [O III]-emitting gas is distributed into two

    conical regions roughly aligned along the galaxy minor axis (e.g., Durret & Bergeron 1987; Werhle

    & Morris 1988; Allen et al. 1999). Long-slit optical spectroscopy (e.g., Heckman et al. 1981;

    Colina et al. 1987; Márquez et al. 1998; Allen 1998) indicates that some of the line-emitting gas

    in NGC 2992 does not follow simple galactic rotation. Near-infrared, extended emission embedded

    within the northern radio loop was recently detected by Chapman et al. (2000) and deduced to

    be of non-stellar origin, adding support to the galactic outflow scenario.

    However, several fundamental questions remain: What is the geometry of the optical outflow?

    How is it oriented with respect to the plane of the host galaxy? What are the energetics involved

    in the outflow? What is powering the outflow? The limited spatial coverage of the long-slit data

    published so far cannot satisfactorily answer these questions. In this paper, we present the first

    complete two-dimensional velocity field of the line-emitting gas in NGC 2992. We choose to study

    the Hα emission rather than [O III] to reduce the effects of internal dust extinction (important

    in this edge-on disk galaxy) and to constrain the kinematics of both the galactic disk (bright

    in Hα but faint in [O III]) and the outflowing material. Our paper is organized as follows. In

    §2, we briefly describe the methods used to obtain and reduce our Fabry-Perot observations.The technique used to decompose the emission-line profiles of NGC 2992 into disk and outflow

    components is discussed in §3. The results of this analysis are discussed in §4. In that section,we compare our Fabry-Perot data with published radio and X-ray maps, and constrain the

    three-dimensional kinematics of the outflow and galactic disk. In §5, we discuss the implicationsof our results on the nature and origin of the galactic wind in this active galaxy. We summarize

    our results in §6 and discuss future avenues of research.

    2. Observations and Data Reduction

    The Taurus-2 Fabry-Perot Interferometer (Taylor & Atherton 1980) was used at the f/8

    Cassegrain focus of the 3.9-m Anglo-Australian Telescope to obtain in dark and photometric

    conditions 36 five-minute exposures of redshifted Hα in NGC 2992. These data were obtained

    on 1994 March 10 using the Tek 1024 x 1024 detector (read noise, σR = 2.3 e−, and pixel scale,

    0.′′594 px−1) under ∼ 1.′′5 seeing. A finesse 50 etalon with free spectral range 57 Å produced avelocity resolution of ∼ 50 km s−1 (this etalon was borrowed from the HIFI system; Bland &Tully 1989). An order separating filter with a flat-topped transmission profile centered at 6614

    Å (55 Å FWHM) passed only one etalon order so the true emission line profile of Hα could be

    synthesized. Exposures were made of diffuse Neon and flat continuum sources to wavelength

    calibrate and flatfield the images, respectively. Finally, the photometric standard star η Hya was

    observed through the same setup as the object to provide an absolute flux calibration.

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    These data were reduced using the methods described in Bland & Tully (1989), Veilleux et

    al. (1994), and Bland-Hawthorn (1995). The reduction procedure includes flat fielding, spatial

    registration of the frames, cosmic ray removal, correction for air mass variations, sky continuum

    and line subtraction, correction for the curvature of the isovelocity surfaces (“phase calibration”),

    and flux calibration. The velocity calibration was verified using the OH sky line at 6604.13

    Å (Osterbrock & Martel 1992).

    3. Data Analysis

    The data reduction produced a spectral datacube with two spatial and one spectral axes,

    the latter calibrated in units of wavelength. These data were spectrally smoothed using a 1/4 –

    1/2 – 1/4 spectral filter (Hanning smoothing) and then fit with Gaussian emission-line profiles in

    a semi-autonomous fashion, using software developed by one of us (PLS). No attempt was made

    to correct for possible underlying Balmer absorption. The profile of this feature is dominated by

    pressure broadening in the atmospheres of early-type stars, making this feature indistinguishable

    from a slowly varying continuum over the narrow spectral bandpass of our instrument. For the

    same reason, the broad Hα emission in the nucleus of NGC 2992 was not detected in our data.

    As a first coarse attempt, the Hα line in each spectrum was fit automatically with a single

    Gaussian, regardless of the profile’s precise shape. These fits allowed us to develop a rough

    understanding of both the kinematics and the morphology of the ionized gas emission. The

    rotation of the galaxy was clearly evident in the velocity structure of these fits, as were regions of

    radially expanding emission along the galaxy’s minor axis. In terms of morphology, we were able

    to determine the spatial limits of the emission region, which eventually encompassed some 2,644

    spectra. We also identified a narrow region through the center of the galaxy where the prominent

    dust lane substantially absorbs the Hα line emission. This region, including some 845 spectra, was

    not processed further, as the absorbed line profiles are too complex to allow meaningful Gaussian

    fits with more than a single velocity component. This region has been noted on Figure 2.

    Following these coarse fits, a more detailed series of Gaussian fits were computed, using either

    one or two distinct velocity components for each spectrum. In certain cases, a third velocity

    component could perhaps be visually discerned, but the difficulty in constraining the larger

    number of degrees of freedom in such fits led us to limit ourselves to two components. In many

    regions, the presence of split (i.e., double) line profiles is very evident, and such regions were

    manually fit with a pair of Gaussian components, with no constraints on relative velocity or line

    width. These manual fits were then propagated in an automatic fashion across the emission region.

    Manual intervention was required where regions of single- and double-component fits merged. In

    a few instances, the relative line widths of the two components were held constant, to provide

    more stable convergence of the fits. The result is a collection of 1- and 2-component fits to the Hα

    emission line across the galaxy, where the line velocities and fluxes are relatively smooth functions

    of spatial position. Examples of fits to the line profiles are shown in Figure 1. The results from

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    these fits are presented in Figures 2, 4 and 5, and are used in the subsequent analysis.

    4. Empirical Results

    4.1. Distribution of the Ionized Gas

    The distribution of the Hα-emitting gas in the disk and outflow components is shown in

    Figure 2 along with the continuum emission near 6560 Å (rest wavelength). These flux maps

    were corrected for extinction from our own Galaxy [E(B–V) = 0.060 mag; Burstein & Heiles

    1982; Schlegel, Finkbeiner, & Davis 1998] but not for intrinsic reddening (these corrections will be

    carried out in §5.1). The well-known dust lane is easily visible along P.A. ≈ 30◦ in the continuumimage. The total Hα flux in these maps amounts to 1.6 × 10−12 erg−1 cm−2 s−1. Our combinedHα flux map (Fig. 2b) is very similar to the Hα + [N II] λ6583 narrow-band images of Wehrle

    & Morris (1988) and Allen et al. (1999). All of the features seen in their images within ∼ 1′ ofthe nucleus are also detected in our Hα map. Note the absence of a disk component in the SE

    quadrant; the emission from the outflowing material in this region overwhelms the emission from

    the disk (see §§4.2 and 4.3).

    The outflow component (Fig. 2d) is distributed into two wide cones which extend up to ∼ 18′′(2.8 kpc) from the peak in the optical continuum map. Both cones have similar opening angles of

    order 125◦ – 135◦. The bisectors of each of the cones coincide with each other and lie along P.A.

    ≈ 116◦, or almost exactly perpendicular to the kinematic major axis of the inner disk (P.A. ≈32◦). This strongly suggests that the axis of the bicone is perpendicular to the galactic disk, and

    that the material in the SE cone is emerging from under the galaxy disk while the material in the

    NW cone is emerging from above the disk. If this is the case, the north-west rim of the disk has

    to be on the near side (see also discussion in Allen et al. 1999).

    Figure 3 compares the X-ray (0.2 – 2.4 keV) and radio (6-cm) emission from NGC 2992

    with the optical line emission from the outflow component. The RA/DEC coordinates of the

    Fabry-Perot data were determined by comparing the pixel positions of 5 stars in the field with

    the corresponding field in the (2nd generation) Digitized Sky Survey. Given the pixel scales of

    our data and the DSS, as well as the relatively small number of available comparison stars, we

    estimate the positional accuracy of this method to be ∼< 1′′. The absolute positions of the radiomaps should be more accurate than this. The X-ray map shown Figure 3 is the ROSAT/HRI

    image originally published by Weaver et al. (1996) and reanalyzed by Colbert et al. (1998). This

    image was smoothed with a Gaussian kernel of σ = 24′′ to bring up the faint X-ray bridge which

    connects NGC 2992 to its companion NGC 2993 and to show the faint extended emission along

    P.A. ≈ 112◦ (Colbert et al. 1998). This faint extension lies close to the axis of the outflow bicone,suggesting a possible link between the hot and warm gas phases in the outflow. The radio map

    shown in the upper right panel of Figure 3 is based on the VLA C-configuration data of Colbert

    et al. (1996a) using 3′′ uniform weighting (not shown in the original paper). The high-resolution

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    radio data (lower right panel in Fig. 3) were taken by Ulvestad & Wilson (1984) using the VLA

    A-configuration with a spatial resolution ∼ 0.′′4. The SE outflow cone overlaps with the southernportion of the “figure-8” structure seen in the radio. The base of the NW outflow cone lies close

    to the outer edge of the northern radio “loop”. The position angles of the outflow bisector and

    the long axis of the “figure-8” structure differ by ∼ 25◦ – 35◦, but the one-sided 13.5-kpc radioextension detected by Ward et al. (1980) and Hummel et al. (1983) lies roughly along the same

    direction as the mid-axis of the SE optical cone (P.A. ∼ 100◦ – 130◦; arrows mark this direction inthe right panels of Fig. 3). Interestingly, the high-velocity NW cloud shown in Fig. 4c lies roughly

    along the major axis of the inner radio structure.

    4.2. Velocity Field of the Disk Component

    The velocity fields and line width maps of the disk and outflow components are shown in

    Figures 4 and 5. The uncertainty on these velocities and line widths is ∼ 20 km s−1 in the brighterdisk H II regions, but may be 2-3 times larger in the fainter material. The velocity field of the

    disk component shows the typical “spider diagram” produced by differential rotation. None of the

    gas in the SE quadrant appears to follow normal galactic rotation; the kinematics of this gas are

    therefore presented in Figs. 4b and 4c and discussed in the next section. The average line width

    in the disk component is ∼ 170 km s−1, being significantly larger in the dust lane where selectivedust extinction sometimes produces complex profiles (Fig. 5a). In Figure 4a a string of black

    dots traces the steepest gradient through the observed velocity field (using the method described

    in Bland 1986); this is the kinematic line of nodes. Figure 6 shows the Hα rotation curve along

    this locus. It rises linearly in the inner region out to a radius of ∼ 1 kpc where it reaches a localmaximum of ∼ 190 (NE) – 200 (SW) ± 20 km s−1 (or a deprojected value of ∼ 205 (NE) –215 (SW) ±20 km s−1 if i = 68◦; see below). Beyond this radius, the amplitude of the rotationcurve first decreases with increasing radius and then rises again to reach a deprojected velocity

    amplitude of ∼ 225 ± 20 km s−1 and perhaps a value even larger at R ∼> 3 kpc. A systemicvelocity of ∼ 2335 ± 20 km s−1 is derived from this rotation curve. This value is confirmed inour more detailed two-dimensional analysis (see below). This value is in good agreement with

    estimates from other optical datasets [e.g., Nelson & Whittle (1995) and Màrquez et al. (1998)

    both derived a systemic velocity of 2330 km s−1 using stars and the line-emitting gas, respectively;

    see also Keel 1996], but slightly exceeds the value derived from HI data (e.g., 2314 km s−1 from

    de Vaucouleurs et al. 1991). This apparent discrepancy is probably due to a slight asymmetry

    between the inner optical rotation curve (R ∼< 3 kpc) and the outer H I rotation curve. Tidalforces from the companion galaxy NGC 2993 are likely to disturb the velocity field of the HI

    material more severely than that of the inner disk.

    To better quantify the velocity field of the disk component, we compared our data with simple

    kinematic models which approximate the intrinsic gas orbits as nonintersecting, inclined elliptical

    annuli that conserve angular momentum (see Bland 1986 or Staveley-Smith et al. 1990 for a

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    detailed discussion of these models). We began our analysis by exploring the parameter space

    for an axisymmetric disk with inclination 60◦ ≤ i ≤ 80◦, kinematic major axis 0◦ ≤ P.A. ≤ 45◦,and systemic velocity 2,250 ≤ Vsys ≤ 2,400 km s−1. This region of parameter space was selectedbased on the results of previous optical and HI kinematic studies of NGC 2992. We tried to use

    either (a) a smoothed and symmetric version of the rotation curve shown in Figure 6 or (b) one of

    Brandt’s (1960) rotation curves. In the first case, the NE and SW sections of the galaxy rotation

    curve were averaged together and then fit with a fourth-order polynomial. When searching for the

    best-fitting model, only the inner portion of the disk out to ∼ 3 kpc was considered because thevelocity field beyond this point is incomplete and possibly affected by the tidal interaction with

    NGC 2993.

    Figure 7a shows the best-fitting axisymmetric model (i = 68◦, P.A. = 32◦, and Vsys = 2,335

    km s−1). The smoothed and symmetric version of the rotation curve was found to give a better

    fit to the data than the Brandt models. Figure 7b shows the residuals after subtracting the

    best-fitting model from our measured Hα velocity field. The residuals are centered on 0 km s−1

    with a standard deviation of 32 km s−1. Overall, this axisymmetric model is a good match to the

    data. We find no evidence for “twisting” of the isovelocity contours in the disk component which

    would signal the presence of a bar potential. The largest positive residuals between the data and

    the model are seen ∼ 10′′ – 20′′ from the nucleus along P.A. ≈ 40◦. Negative discrepancies aredetected in the SW portion of the disk. These discrepancies are due in most part to our use of a

    symmetric rotation curve in the model; slight asymmetries between the NE and SW sides of the

    disk are visible in Figures 4a and 6.

    Excellent agreement is found between our disk velocity field and the published long-slit data

    of Màrquez et al. (1998). The model of Màrquez et al. (1998) is similar to our best-fitting disk

    model: their values of the kinematic major axis (30◦), inclination (70◦), velocity amplitude (250

    km s−1), and systemic velocity (2,330 km s−1) all lie within the uncertainties of the measurements.

    However, the two-dimensional coverage of our data allows us to constrain the shape of the rotation

    curve slightly better, emphasizing in particular the presence of a peak in the velocity curve at ∼1 kpc on both sides of the nucleus. The velocities of Colina et al. (1987) also agree with ours,

    although here the comparison is more difficult because their measurements do not extend as far

    from the nucleus as those of Màrquez et al.

    4.3. Velocity Field of the Outflow Component

    Two distinct kinematic components are detected in the SE cone (Fig. 4). None of these

    components shares the kinematics expected from simple galactic rotation (Fig. 7a). One of the

    components is significantly blueshifted with respect to the expected rotation field of the disk while

    the other is significantly redshifted. The redshifted component also presents a azimuthal velocity

    gradient indicative of residual rotational motion, which suggests that the outflowing material was

    lifted from the disk or that the underlying galactic disk is contributing slightly to this component.

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    No significant gradient is detected in the blueshifted component. The widths (FWHM) of both

    components range from 50 km s−1 to more than 350 km s−1, with flux-weighted averages of 200

    and 150 km s−1 for the blueshifted and redshifted components, respectively (Fig. 5).

    With the exception of the high-velocity (170 – 250 km −1 relative to the systemic velocity)

    NW cloud, more evident in Figures 4 and 5, the outflow in the NW cone is well modeled by a single

    emission-line component with FWHM ranging from 75 km s−1 to about 350 km s−1 (flux-weighted

    average of 200 km s−1). That is to say most of the substructures detected in the emission-line

    profiles from the NW quadrant of NGC 2992 are due to the kinematic superposition of the disk

    and outflow components rather than to the presence of substructure in the outflow itself.

    This kinematic asymmetry between the NW and SE outflows is somewhat puzzling. In most

    wide-angle starburst- and AGN-driven outflows (see results of surveys by Heckman et al. 1990;

    Lehnert & Heckman 1996; Colbert et al. 1998; Veilleux 2000), double-peaked profiles are detected

    on both sides of the nucleus, implying that the optical line-emitting gas lies on the surface of

    expanding bubbles or a biconic structure. The implied velocities in these powerful outflows

    typically are of order a few hundred km s−1 (although exceptions exist: e.g., the outflow velocities

    in NGC 3079 exceed 1,500 km s−1; Veilleux et al. 1994). The absence of line splitting on one side

    is sometimes due to obscuration by the disk (e.g., NGC 3079). Can the same thing be happening

    in NGC 2992? The geometry of the biconical outflow in NGC 2992 (shown in Figure 8) is such

    that the SE outflow cone is in front of the galaxy disk and the base of the NW outflow is behind it.

    This may explain the large strength of the SE outflow components relative to the (undetected?)

    disk component. However, if the gas flows along the walls of the cones, one would expect to detect

    the blueshifted component of the NW outflow (which is located on the near side of the cone)

    more easily than the redshifted component; the opposite is seen in NGC 2992. High-resolution

    HST images of the outflows in M82 (Shopbell et al. 2000) and NGC 3079 (Cecil et al. 2000)

    indicate that the entrained material is not distributed uniformly on the surface of the bicones

    (M82) or bubble (NGC 3079), but instead forms a complex network of clouds and filaments where

    some regions are sometimes devoid of line-emitting material. The near side of the NW cone of

    NGC 2992 may just be such a region. The absence of warm (T ≈ 104 K) line-emitting gas in thisregion does not preclude the existence of hot or molecular material which would only be detectable

    in the X-rays or at millimetric wavelengths, respectively.

    The biconical outflow model may be constrained further by comparing the velocities of the

    various kinematic components of the outflow. Using the nomenclature and geometry of Figure

    8, we have |Vblue(SE)| = V1 cos α, |Vred(NW)| = V4 cos α and |Vred(SE)|= V2 cos β whereα = i − θ/2 ≈ 3◦ (assuming θ ≈ 130◦), β = 180◦ − θ − α = 47◦, and V1 (= V4 if the outflowis bi-symmetric) and V2 are the outflow velocities at the top and at the base of the bicone,

    respectively (see Fig. 8). From our data, we measure |Vred(NW)| = 25 – 220 (100) km s−1,|Vblue(SE)| = 15 – 140 (40) km s−1, and |Vred(SE)| = 25 – 100 (40) km s−1, where the values inparentheses are the flux-weighted (≈ mass-weighted) averages. For this calculation, the redshiftedvelocities in the SE cone were corrected for residual rotational motion by subtracting the expected

  • – 10 –

    disk velocity field (Fig. 7a) from our measured velocities. The results are not consistent with a

    constant outflow velocity: V1 = 25 – 100 (40) km s−1, V2 = 40 – 150 (60) km s

    −1, and V4 = 25 –

    220 (100) km s−1. Possible trends of decreasing outflow velocities with increasing distance from

    the nucleus may be present in the V2 and V4 components.

    Given the complexity of the velocity field in the outflow component, we do not feel that more

    elaborate modeling of the data is warranted at this stage. Hence, there is no simple way of testing

    our assumption that the gas flows along the surface of the bicone. However, the large line widths

    of each of the three main outflow components suggest that the outflow is highly “turbulent” and

    that each of these components may in fact be the superposition of several filaments at different

    depths along our line sight. The broad range of velocities and general lack of line splitting in the

    NW cone may indicate that the line-emitting gas lies inside the biconical structure, filling in some

    of the velocity space between the front and back walls of the outflow. In this type of mass-loaded

    outflow, the entrained gas is mixed in with the wind material. In this respect, the NW wind of

    NGC 2992 may share a strong resemblance with the AGN-driven winds of Circinus (e.g., Veilleux

    & Bland-Hawthorn 1997; Elmouttie et al. 1998) and NGC 4388 (e.g., Veilleux et al. 1999).

    5. Discussion

    5.1. Dynamical Timescale, Masses, and Energies

    The dynamical time scale of the outflow can be estimated from the linear extent of the outflow

    and an estimate of the average velocity:

    tdyn ≈ R/V = 9.8× 106 (Robs/2 kpc) (Vobs/200 km s−1)−1 yr (1)

    Projection effects may affect this timescale by a factor of ∼ 2.

    The ionized mass taking part in the outflow follows from the Hα flux. In the following

    discussion, we parametrize the mass in terms of the density and adopt an electron temperature of

    104 K (see, e.g., Allen et al. 1999 for measurements of the temperature and density of the ionized

    material in NGC 2992). The total Hα intensity (luminosity) of ∼ 4.3 × 10−13 erg s−1 cm−2 (4.9× 1040 ergs s−1) from the material involved in the outflow yields an ionized mass of ∼ 2 × 106n−1e,2 M⊙, where ne,2 is the electron density in units of 100 cm

    −3. In this calculation, we assumed

    Case B recombination and used an effective recombination coefficient for Hα of 8.6 × 10−14 cm−3s−1 (Osterbrock 1989). This number has to be corrected for dust obscuration from our Galaxy

    and intrinsic to NGC 2992. Here, we adopt the average reddening values in the NW and SE cones

    derived by Allen et al. (1999): AV = 0.86 and 1.8, respectively. Using these values, we get

    M corr ≈ 1× 107n−1e,2 M⊙. (2)

    The rate of mass outflow can be estimated if it has been constant over the dynamical age of the

  • – 11 –


    dM/dt ∼ M corr/tdyn ≈ n−1e,2 M⊙ yr−1. (3)

    Given the low velocity of the outflow relative to the escape velocity of NGC 2992 (Vesc(r) >√2 Vrot(r) ≈ 300 km s−1), the ionized material is likely to be deposited in the halo of the galaxy.

    This mass outflow rate is a lower limit because it includes only the contribution from the warm

    ionized Hα-emitting material (see §5.2).

    To first order, the bulk kinetic energy of the outflowing gas, Ebulk, may be derived by summing

    the bulk kinetic energy over each pixel in the outflow components (Σi 1/2 δmi v2i , where δmi

    and vi are the mass and observed radial velocity at pixel i). Here, we use the rotation-corrected

    velocity field for the redshifted component in the SE cone while the velocities in the other

    components are measured with respect to the systemic velocity, 2335 km s−1. We find Ebulk ≈ 2× 1053 fproj n−1e,2 ergs where fproj ≈ 1 – 3 is the correction factor which accounts for projectioneffects. The “turbulent” kinematic energy of the outflow component, Eturb, may be derived from

    Σi δmi σ2i , where σi = FWHM/1.67 and FWHM is the full width at half maximum of the line

    profiles corrected in quadrature for the finite instrumental profile (FWHMi = 50 km s−1); we get

    Eturb ≈ 7 × 1053 n−1e,2 ergs. Applying the reddening corrections of Allen et al. (1999) to each cone,we obtain

    Ecorrbulk ≈ 6× 1053fproj n−1e,2 ergs (4)


    Ecorrturb ≈ 3× 1054n−1e,2 ergs. (5)

    Note that the “turbulent” component of the kinetic energy dominates the outflow in NGC 2992.

    Using ne,2 = 1 as a representative value of the electron density of the outflowing material

    (Allen et al. 1999) and taking into account projection effects, the total kinetic energy of the

    outflowing gas is Ekin = Ecorrbulk + E

    corrturb ≈ 4 × 1054 ergs. Using our estimate of the dynamical

    timescale, we can derive the time-averaged rate of kinetic energy injected into the circumnuclear


    dEkin/dt ≃ Ekin/tdyn ≈ 1040 n−1e,2 erg s−1. (6)

    The uncertainty on this number is large (perhaps as much as an order of magnitude) because of

    unknown projection effects and imperfect reddening correction. Moreover, we must emphasize

    again that the energetics derived in this section only take into account the optical ionized

    component of the outflow. Entrainment of the molecular and neutral gas from the disk could

    significantly increase the energetics of the outflow (e.g., M82: Weiß et al. 1999). The kinetic

    energy of the ionized outflow in NGC 2992 is comparable to that in the starburst-driven outflow

    of M82 (Shopbell & Bland-Hawthorn 1998), the AGN-driven outflow of NGC 1068 (Cecil et al.

    1990), and even the powerful superwind-blown bubble of NGC 3079 (Veilleux et al. 1994; Cecil et

    al. 2000). This is somewhat surprising given the relatively small outflow velocities observed in

    NGC 2992. This is a consequence of the large amount of ionized material entrained in the outflow

    (eqn. 2) and of the large “turbulent” component to the kinetic energy.

  • – 12 –

    5.2. Origin of the Outflow

    In this section, we return to the question of the origin of the outflow in NGC 2992. Three

    scenarios were mentioned in the Introduction: (1) thermal wind from a circumnuclear starburst,

    (2) collimated radio jet, and (2) thermal wind produced by the AGN.

    5.2.1. Starburst-Driven Wind

    This scenario is attractive because it can readily explain the orientation of the outflow along

    the galaxy minor axis. In this picture, the kinetic energy from strong stellar winds of massive

    young stars and from type-II supernovae is thermalized, producing a hot, overpressured cavity

    which bursts out along the minor axis of the galaxy disk entraining with it some of the ambient

    disk material (e.g., Suchkov et al. 1994, 1996; Strickland & Stevens 2000). A fundamental problem

    with this scenario is the lack of direct evidence for the presence of a circumnuclear starburst

    in NGC 2992. The extensive long-slit spectroscopic study by Allen et al. (1999) shows no

    obvious signs for an on-going nuclear starburst at optical wavelengths (e.g., Wolf-Rayet features).

    Near-infrared spectroscopy of the nuclear region detects relatively strong H2 and [Fe II] emission

    possibly indicative of star formation near the nucleus of NGC 2992, but this emission can also

    be produced by shocks associated with the nuclear outflow (Goodrich et al. 1994; Veilleux et

    al. 1997). Substantial amounts of warm dust (IRAS 25-µm–to–60-µm flux ratio f25/f60 = 0.22

    and far-infrared luminosity LFIR = 2.9 × 1010 L⊙; Spinoglio & Malkan 1989) and neutral andmolecular gas are present near the nucleus of NGC 2992 (e.g., Gallimore et al. 1999; Maiolino et

    al. 1997; Sanders & Mirabel 1985), but there is no evidence that this gas is forming stars at a

    rate sufficient to sustain the outflow. Finally, there is no sign of a sub-kpc circumnuclear starburst

    at radio wavelengths. The peculiar “figure-8” radio structure detected on that scale (Ulvestad &

    Wilson 1984; Wehrle & Morris 1988) is probably of synchrotron origin and is believed to have

    been produced by the AGN (Wehrle & Morris 1988).

    5.2.2. Collimated Radio Jet

    The radio morphology is also a problem for the collimated jet-driven outflow model.

    NGC 2992 does not display the sub-kpc “linear” radio structures seen on arcsecond scale in ∼> 30%of Seyfert galaxies (e.g., Ulvestad & Wilson 1989; Pedlar et al. 1993 and references therein). The

    resemblance of these linear structures to jet- and lobe-like structures in radio-loud AGNs has been

    used to argue for the existence of low-power nuclear jets in these Seyfert galaxies (e.g., Kukula

    et al. 1999 and references therein). The diffuse radio structure of NGC 2992 suggests a more

    quiescent deposition of energy into the surrounding medium. Equally damaging for the collimated

    jet model is the large opening angle of the optical outflow and the misalignment between the major

    axis of the “figure-8” radio structure seen on arcsecond scale and the axis of the optical outflow

  • – 13 –

    (Fig. 3). Radio-optical alignments are often seen in Seyferts with “linear” radio structure (e.g.,

    Whittle et al. 1988; Haniff, Wilson, & Ward 1988) and in powerful radio galaxies (e.g., Chambers,

    Miley, & van Breugel 1987). Alignment between the optical ionization cones and the nuclear radio

    source is also frequently seen in Seyfert galaxies (e.g., Wilson & Tsvetanov 1994). The absence

    of bright radio knots outside of the nucleus of NGC 2992 seems to rule out the possibility that

    the radio jet has been deflected by a dense cloud in the circumnuclear region (as in NGC 1068;

    Gallimore, Baum, & O’Dea 1996).

    However, the radio data of NGC 2992 do not rule out the possibility that the “figure-8”

    structure represents radio lobes or bubbles of relativistic plasma (“plasmons”) fed on small

    (∼< 0.′′3 ≈ 50 pc) scale by collimated jets. The linear, supersonic motions of these plasmons maydrive bowshocks into the ambient nuclear medium. Several authors have studied the effects of

    a supersonic light jet or plasmon propagating into the circumnuclear medium of a galaxy (e.g.,

    Pedlar, Dyson, & Unger 1985; Taylor et al. 1989; Taylor, Dyson, & Axon 1992; Ferruit et al.

    1997a; Steffen et al. 1997). Using classical equipartition arguments, one finds that the pressure in

    the relativistic plasma is inadequate to drive high-velocity shocks into the interstellar medium and

    produce the observed emission line flux. In all these models, the cooled shocked gas is therefore

    photoionized mainly by the ultraviolet nuclear continuum. These models have had significant

    success explaining the ENLR of Seyfert galaxies with linear radio structures (e.g., Whittle et al.

    1986, 1988; Unger et al. 1987; Taylor et al. 1992; Capetti et al. 1995a,b; Bower, Wilson, &

    Mulchaey 1994; Bower et al. 1995; Ferruit et al. 1997b; Axon et al. 1998), but to our knowledge it

    has never been successfully applied to galaxies with diffuse radio morphology like NGC 2992. The

    lack of spatial correlation between the ridges of radio emission (e.g., the “figure-8” structure) and

    the optical line-emitting material participating in the outflow in NGC 2992 is difficult to reconcile

    with the predictions of this model.

    5.2.3. Thermal Wind from the AGN

    Recently, Bicknell et al. (1998) have argued that the internal energy densities of many

    Seyfert jets are dominated by thermal plasma rather than relativistic plasma, as it is generally

    believed to be the case in the more powerful radio galaxies. Focussing on five well-studied Seyferts

    including NGC 1068, they have shown that an important fraction of the energy and momentum

    flux originally carried by the radio-emitting jet may be contained in entrained thermal plasma,

    which is not detected in synchrotron emission. Veilleux et al. (1999) recently argued for a similar

    mechanism to explain the outflow in NGC 4388 (see also Colbert et al. 1996a, 1998). These

    “jet-driven” thermal winds are fundamentally different from the “torus-driven” wind of Krolik &

    Begelman (1986; see also Balsara & Krolik 1993) because the geometry of the former is regulated

    by that of the radio ejecta rather than by the opening angle of the sub-pc torus. However, these

    two types of winds may be difficult to differentiate on the kpc scale of the optical outflow in

    NGC 2992, given the diffuse radio morphology of this object on that scale.

  • – 14 –

    Allen et al. (1999) recently applied this jet-driven wind model to the narrow-line region

    of NGC 2992 and have argued based on the emission-line ratios that the ENLR in NGC 2992

    is powered by shocks with Vs ≈ 300 − 500 km s−1. Our analysis of the galactic outflow nowprovides additional constraints on this model. As discussed in §4.1, we find the axis of the opticaloutflow bicone to be roughly aligned with the minor axis of the galaxy and the radio structure on

    large scale, but to be misaligned by ∼ 44◦ with respect to the major axis of the “figure-8” radiostructure on arcsecond scale. As first suggested by Ulvestad & Wilson (1984), this misalignment

    may be caused by the differential thermal pressure across the radio structure due to static pressure

    gradients in the interstellar gas (“buoyancy effects”, Henriksen, Vallée, & Bridle 1981; Smith &

    Norman 1981; Fiedler & Henriksen 1984). The net buoyancy force on the radio ejecta of density

    ρc immersed in a region of density ρ0 will be ∝ ρ0 − ρc, and will act to bend the trajectory of theradio plasma away from the major axis of the galaxy as seen in NGC 2992. Note that the large

    change in direction could not be explained in this fashion for the collimated-jet model (§5.2.2)because only the pressure difference across the jet thickness can contribute to the bending (Fiedler

    & Henriksen 1984).

    A potentially serious problem with the jet-fed thermal wind model is the relatively small

    outflow velocities detected in NGC 2992 (recall that the flux-weighted average of the apparent

    outflow velocities is less than 100 km s−1; §4.3). Shock velocities of 300 – 500 km s−1 are neededto reproduce the line ratios in the ENLR of NGC 2992 (Allen et al. 1999). Although projection

    effects undoubtedly affect our measurements of the velocities, the corrections are probably not

    severe [see Fig. 8; the angle α between our line of sight and the near-side (far-side) surface of the

    SE (NW) cone is only ∼ 3◦ so our viewing angle should allow us to measure most of the actualoutflow velocity if the motion is purely radial]. However, one needs to be cautious when comparing

    shock velocities with gas outflow velocities: the outflow velocities derived from our Fabry-Perot

    data reflect the motion of the (slow moving) dense entrained material and are almost certainly

    smaller than the actual shock velocity.

    Evidence for high-velocity shocks in NGC 2992 may be found at other wavelengths. Shocks

    with velocity Vs ≈ 400 km s−1 will heat the ISM to a temperature

    Ts ≈ 2.2× 106 (Vs/400)2 K ≈ 193 (Vs/400)2 eV. (7)

    This gas may be responsible for some of the extended X-ray emission detected by Colbert et al.

    (1998). Rough estimates of the pressure of the X-ray emitting gas by Colbert et al. (1998) suggest

    that it is possibly well above the conventionally calculated non-thermal pressure – this hot gas may

    therefore be a dynamically important component of the outflow. Given the current estimates of its

    density (Colbert et al. 1998), the X-ray emitting gas may also be an important contributor to the

    rate of mass (and metal) outflow in this object (see §5.1). Definite answers to these questions willhave to wait until Chandra data on this object become available. These data may also be able to

    constrain the morphology (jet-like or wide-angled?) of the X-ray gas on sufficiently small scale to

    help discriminate between the jet-driven wind model of Bicknell et al. (1998) and the torus-driven

    wind model of Krolik & Begelman (1986) and Balsara & Krolik (1993).

  • – 15 –

    The optical line emission will be produced once the gas cools to ∼ 104 K after

    tc ≈ 3.2 × 103 n−1s T 1.5s ≃ 3× 105n−1s (Vs/400)3 yr, (8)

    where ns is the postshock density or four times the ambient proton density. The line-emitting gas

    will be displaced from the shock front by

    lc ≈ tc Vs ≈ 36 n−10 (Vs/400)4 pc. (9)

    Following Dopita & Sutherland (1996), the total energy dissipated in the shock each second is

    Lshock ≃1

    2ρAV 3s = 7.9 × 1027 na A V 3s erg s−1, (10)

    where A is the shock surface area in pc2, and the Hα luminosities from the shock and the precursor


    L(Hα)shock ≈ 3L(Hβ)shock = 6.0× 1033 na A (Vs/400)2.41 erg s−1 (11)


    L(Hα)precursor ≈ 3L(Hβ)precursor = 6.6× 1033 na A (Vs/400)2.28 erg s−1, (12)

    respectively. Using an ambient (preshock) ISM density of ∼1 cm−3 and A ≃ 2×π (1, 000)2 ≈ 6×106pc2 (this is the area at the top of the bicones), we find that the expected Hα luminosity of the

    shock+precursor model is similar to the dereddened Hα luminosity of the outflow component.

    Considering the large uncertainties on both the observed and predicted values, it seems physically

    possible to power a large fraction of the line emission across the bicone with shocks. Allen et al.

    (1999) came to the same conclusion using line ratio arguments.

    6. Conclusions

    The complete two-dimensional coverage of our Fabry-Perot data has allowed us to decompose

    the circumnuclear emission-line region of NGC 2992 into two distinct kinematic components: a

    rotational component which lies in the plane of the galactic disk and an outflowing component

    which traces a biconical wind along the minor axis of the galactic disk. Outflow velocities ranging

    from 50 to 200 km s−1 are detected in the biconical region. The presence of two distinct kinematic

    components in one of the cones suggest that some (but probably not all) of the warm ionized

    material lies on the surface of the bicone. The mass (∼ 1 × 107 n−1e,2 M⊙) and kinematic energy (∼4 × 1054 n−1e,2 ergs) involved in this outflow are typical of other starburst- and AGN-driven outflows.Evidence for a slight rotational component in some of the entrained material located in front of

    the galactic disk suggests that this material has been lifted from the disk or that emission from

    the underlying disk is contributing to this component. The diffuse radio morphology and absence

    of direct evidence for a powerful nuclear starburst in this galaxy seem to rule out collimated radio

    jets or starburst-driven wind as the source of the outflow. By process of elimination, the most

  • – 16 –

    likely scenario is that of a thermally-dominated wind diverted along the galaxy minor axis by

    the pressure gradient of the ISM and powered on sub-kpc scale by (yet undetected) low-energy

    radio jets. This picture is consistent with the jet-driven outflow model of Colbert et al. (1996a),

    Bicknell et al. (1998) and Allen et al. (1999). A similar process was suggested by Veilleux et al.

    (1999) to explain the outflow in NGC 4388. In NGC 2992, shock velocities of ∼ 400 km s−1 wouldbe sufficient to power the optical line emission from the entrained warm ionized material.

    The currently available data on NGC 2992 do not allow us to distinguish between the

    jet-driven wind of Bicknell et al. (1998) and the torus-driven wind of Krolik & Begelman (1986).

    Deep radio maps on VLBI scale will be useful to look for the presence of a collimated pc-scale

    jet. Chandra data of this object would also be helpful to constrain the geometry, temperature and

    pressure of the X-ray emitting gas and hence the dynamical role of the hot thermal gas in the

    galactic outflow of NGC 2992. The shock velocities derived from the X-ray data could be directly

    compared with those necessary to ionize the ENLR clouds.

  • – 17 –

    We thank J. Bland-Hawthorn for help during the observations and analysis and R. B. Tully

    for the loan of the HIFI etalon and filters. The VLA data used in this analysis were graciously

    provided to us by A. S. Wilson and E. J. M. Colbert. SV is grateful for partial support of this

    research by a Cottrell Scholarship awarded by the Research Corporation, NASA/LTSA grant NAG

    56547, and NSF/CAREER grant AST-9874973. This research has made use of the NASA/IPAC

    Extragalactic Database (NED), which is operated by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California

    Institute of Technology, under contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

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    Fig. 1.— Examples of one- and two-Gaussian fits to the Hα emission-line profiles in NGC 2992.

    The positions relative to the radio nucleus are indicated at the top of each panel, the velocity scale

    relative to systemic is at the bottom.

    Fig. 2.— Distribution of the Hα and continuum emission in NGC 2992. (a) Continuum emission

    at rest wavelength Hα, (b) total Hα emission, (c) Hα emission from the disk component, (d) Hα

    emission from the outflow component. The position of the radio nucleus (“+”) and the extent of

    the dust lane are indicated on each of these panels. North is at the top and east to the left. Note

    the absence of a disk component in the east quadrant.

    Fig. 3.— Contour maps of the X-ray emission (left panel: ROSAT/HRI data from Colbert et al.

    1998) and 6-cm continuum emission (upper right panel: VLA C-configuration data from Colbert et

    al. 1996a with 3′′ uniform weighting; lower right panel: VLA A-configuration data from Ulvestad &

    Wilson 1984) superimposed on the total Hα emission from NGC 2992 (grey-scale). A cross (“+”)

    in the main figure indicates the position of the radio nucleus. The arrows in the right panels mark

    the direction of the one-sided 90′′ (13.5 kpc) radio extension along P.A. ∼ 100◦ – 130◦, i.e. close tothe axis of the biconical outflow. Same orientation as Fig. 2.

    Fig. 4.— (color) Velocity fields of the disk (a) and outflow (b, c) components. The velocity scale

    is shown at the bottom of the figure. The line of nodes derived from the disk component is shown

    superposed as a series of black dots in panel a. A cross (“+”) indicates the position of the radio

    nucleus in each panel. A second, high-velocity redshift component is seen in the SE cone and on

    the northern tip of the NW cone. Same orientation as Fig. 2.

    Fig. 5.— (color) Line widths (FWHM) of the disk (a) and outflow (b, c) components. These widths

    were corrected in quadrature for the instrumental profile (FWHMi = 50 km s−1). The velocity

    scale is shown at the bottom of the figure. A cross (“+”) indicates the position of the radio nucleus

    in each panel. Same orientation as Fig. 2.

    Fig. 6.— The filled circles show the rotation curve of NGC 2992 derived along the line of nodes

    (line of steepest gradient) of the disk component. The filled triangles show the velocities along the

    line of shallowest gradient. The dashed line corresponds to the systemic velocity, 2,335 km s−1,

    derived from model fitting of the 2D velocity field (see Fig. 7). Note the asymmetry between the

    two sides of the rotation curve.

    Fig. 7.— (color) (a) Predicted velocity field for an axisymmetric disk. (b) Residual map (=

    observed Hα velocity field − model). The parameters of the model are described in §4.2. A cross(“+”) indicates the position of the radio nucleus. This simple axisymmetric model fits the data

    remarkably well. The largest positive and negative residuals between the data and the model are

    seen ∼ 10′′ – 20′′ from the nucleus along P.A. ≈ 40◦ – 220◦, and are due in the most part to ouruse of a symmetric rotation curve in the model.

  • – 24 –

    Fig. 8.— Geometry of the idealized biconical outflow. The angles indicated on this figure and

    derived in the text are i = 68◦, θ = 130◦, α = 3◦, and β = 47◦. In the simplest form of the model,

    the gas flows along the surface of the bicone and the outflow velocities are symmetric with respect

    to the galaxy disk. The Fabry-Perot data do not agree in detail with this simple picture. The

    line-emitting material appears to partially fill-in the volume of the bicone in NGC 2992 and the

    kinematic component on the near side of the NW cone is undetected. Asymmetry in the outflow

    velocities appears to be present in this galaxy: V1 = 25 – 100 km s−1, V2 = 40 – 150 and V4 = 25

    – 220 km s−1. There may also be a trend for decreasing outflow velocities with increasing distance

    from the nucleus (more evident in the V2 and V4 components).

  • – 25 –

    Fig. 1.—

    Fig. 2.—

    Fig. 3.—

    Fig. 4.—

    Fig. 5.—

  • –26

    −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3






    Radius (kpc)







  • – 27 –

    Fig. 7.—

  • –28

    i Lines

    of Sight

    Lines of






    SE Cone

    NW Cone

    Plane of the Sky

    V (r)1

    V (r)2

    V (r)V (r)3 4



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