Letters relating to Moreton Bay & Queensland: A2 series – Reel A2.14 – Part 3 of 4 www.slq.qld.gov.au Last revised: Nov 2015 Page 1 of 32 NEW SOUTH WALES – COLONIAL SECRETARY LETTERS RELATING TO MORETON BAY AND QUEENSLAND RECEIVED 1822 – 1860 NSW CIVIL ESTABLISHMENT RETURNS OF THE MEDICAL ESTABLISHMENT 1829, 1831, 1833-35, 1837-48 SPECIAL BUNDLE 4/7358 AND Letters received 1844-1845 and papers filed with them - REEL A2.14 CONTINUED FROM REEL A2.13 SRNSW REF NO CS REF NO DATE RECD TO FROM DATE OF DOCUMENT CONTENTS QSL REEL PAGE LETTERS RECEIVED 1844 AND PAPERS FILED WITH THEM A2.14 038 [pages numbered from here] 44/00633 1844 01 24 Hon CS Colonial Storekeeper’s Office, Sydney Richard Rogers 1844 01 24 1844 01 24 “Immediate” Letter re conveyance of ammunition to Moreton Bay [No 44/6] Margin Border Police, Moreton Bay Carbine ball cartridges – 100 Pistol ball cartridges – 200 & Notes in margin “Approved” A2.14 332 44/07992 1844 10 25 Hon CS Colonial Storekeeper’s Office, Sydney Richard Rogers 1844 10 24 1844 10 26 At top: “Colonial Storekeeper” Letter re conveyance of ammunition to Moreton Bay by steamer “Sovereign” [No 44/44] Margin Border Police (Darling Downs) Ball Cartridges: Carbine – 300, Pistol – 600 & Notes in margin “Approved – Immediate” A2.14 333 44/04785 1844 06 18 Hon CS Principal Superintendent of Convicts Office J McLean 1844 06 17 At top: “Princ Supt Conv” Letter re 15 prisoners forwarded to Moreton Bay by steamer “Sovereign” without guard or escort – transmitting report from Superintendent Hyde Park Barracks [report - see p 346] – 5 only were expirees from Norfolk Island, others were volunteers [No 44/95] Mentions Mr Horsey – no danger perceived in sending prisoners without escort - riotous conduct after being ordered on deck – enclosures returned: “J H Crummer” [see p 342] “Francis Clarke” [see p 339] A2.14 334 - 337

NEW SOUTH WALES – COLONIAL SECRETARY … · Letter re conveyance of ammunition to Moreton Bay ... “Colonial Storekeeper” Letter re conveyance of ammunition to Moreton Bay by

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Letters relating to Moreton Bay & Queensland: A2 series – Reel A2.14 – Part 3 of 4 www.slq.qld.gov.au Last revised: Nov 2015 Page 1 of 32





AND Letters received 1844-1845 and papers filed with them - REEL A2.14






A2.14 038 [pages numbered from here]

44/00633 1844 01 24 Hon CS Colonial Storekeeper’s Office, Sydney Richard Rogers

1844 01 24 1844 01 24

“Immediate” Letter re conveyance of ammunition to Moreton Bay [No 44/6] Margin Border Police, Moreton Bay Carbine ball cartridges – 100 Pistol ball cartridges – 200 & Notes in margin “Approved”

A2.14 332

44/07992 1844 10 25 Hon CS Colonial Storekeeper’s Office, Sydney Richard Rogers

1844 10 24 1844 10 26

At top: “Colonial Storekeeper” Letter re conveyance of ammunition to Moreton Bay by steamer “Sovereign” [No 44/44] Margin Border Police (Darling Downs) Ball Cartridges: Carbine – 300, Pistol – 600 & Notes in margin “Approved – Immediate”

A2.14 333

44/04785 1844 06 18 Hon CS Principal Superintendent of Convicts Office J McLean

1844 06 17

At top: “Princ Supt Conv” Letter re 15 prisoners forwarded to Moreton Bay by steamer “Sovereign” without guard or escort – transmitting report from Superintendent Hyde Park Barracks [report - see p 346] – 5 only were expirees from Norfolk Island, others were volunteers [No 44/95] Mentions Mr Horsey – no danger perceived in sending prisoners without escort - riotous conduct after being ordered on deck – enclosures returned: “J H Crummer” [see p 342] “Francis Clarke” [see p 339]

A2.14 334 - 337

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“G G”

1844 06 19~ 1844 06 22

& Notes in margin Discusses sending so many prisoners without escort & subsequent riotous behaviour Inform Secretary to Steam Company & Capt McLean

44/04569 1844 06 10 Hon Deas Thomson W A Miles 1844 06 10 1844 06 11~

At top: “Comr of Police” Transmitting copy of report re 15 prisoners unattended on “Sovereign” Steamer [report – see p 340] & Note in margin Capt McLean’s report [Ref 44/04785]

A2.14 338

44/04488 1844 06 08 Hon CS Hunter River Steam Navigation Company Francis Clarke, Manager & Secretary “By Order of the Board” “G G”

1844 06 07 1844 06 09~ 1844 06 10

At top: “Francis Clarke” Letter enclosing copy of report from Capt Mulhall, Commander of the “Thistle” re attempt by party of prisoners to take the “Sovereign” Steamer [report – see p 341] & Notes in margin Refer to Principal Supt of Convicts – to report

A2.14 339


Hunter’s River Steam Navigation Company [see also Hunter River Steam Navigation Company] F Clarke, Manager

1844 06 07 1844 06 06

Copy of a letter from Mr Clarke Manager of the Hunter’s River Steam Navigation Company [See also letter p 339] Copy of Capt Mulhall’s Report Re disturbance on “Sovereign” Steamer, 15 prisoners on board – quelled by Capt Cape & crew – details – no constable or escort in charge – half of men sent to Gaol in Newcastle, others taken to Moreton Bay “To the Manager of the H R Steam Navigation Company” [see also Hunter River Steam Navigation Company & Hunter’s River Steam Navigation Company]

A2.14 340

44/04488 1844 06 06 [Copy of Capt Mulhall’s Report – duplicate of report on p 340] A2.14 341 44/04481 1844 06 08 Hon E Deas

Thomson, CS Court House, Newcastle J H Crummer, Senior Magistrate

1844 06 06 At top: “Bench Newcastle” Letter re 15 prisoners [Norfolk Island expirees] on board “Sovereign” Steamer arrived in Newcastle – Commander requesting protection [No 44/110] Outlines measures taken – 4 prisoners removed to the Stockade until return of “Sovereign” Encloses depositions of Commander & a seaman (No 1) and Return of Prisoners detained at the Stockade (No 2) - mentions William Ayton – bad & desperate character [see p 347]

A2.14 342 - 345

44/04785 John L Horsey Superintendent Hyde Park Barracks

1844 06 17 [Report] Re prisoners selected for Commissariat Dept Moreton Bay (some volunteers) – delivered into custody of Chief Officer of the Steam vessel – query re escort

A2.14 346

44/04481 44/04481

Henry Cape Master of the Steamer “Sovereign”

“No 2” [Return of Prisoners detained at Stockade] Name/ Ship/ Year of Arrival/ Original Sentence/ Particulars William Ayton/ “Bengal Merchant” William Doolan/ “James Laing” Donald McKennin?/ “Royal Charlotte” James Dore/ “Moffatt” “No 1” Newcastle / New South Wales / To Wit [Deposition]

A2.14 347 348 – 349

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John Scard

Henry Cape, Master of the Streamer “Sovereign” “Sworn before me at Newcastle this 5th June 1844 – J H Crummer JP” [Deposition] John Scard, fireman on the “Sovereign” – mentions Col Gibbes boat “Sworn before me at Newcastle this 5th June 1844 – J H Crummer JP”


44/04278 1844 05 31 Hon CS Civil Crown Solicitor’s Office, Sydney G Cooper Turner, Civil Crown Solicitor

1844 05 30 1844 05 31

At top: “Civil Crown Solicitor” Letter forwarding Writ of Dedimus Potestatem authorising John Clements Wickham to swear in William Edward Grant (Capt in 58th Regiment) as Magistrate & Notes in margin To Capt Wickham & Capt Grant informed Re Capt Grant’s appointment

A2.14 351

44/04059 1844 05 22 Hon CS Assistant Military Secretary’s Office, Sydney E M O’Connell for the Asst Mil Secy

1844 05 21 1844 05 22~

At top: “Asst Military Secy” Letter re appointment of Capt Grant as Commissioner of the Peace in lieu of Capt Johnstone of 99th Regt now relieved & Notes in margin To be acted on [notes very faint] [Ref 44/04278]

A2.14 352 – 353

44/01743 1844 03 02 Hon CS Customs, Sydney J Gibbes, Collector

1844 03 02 Enclosing 2 deputations for signature – one for Capt Wickham Police Magistrate at Moreton Bay, other for Mr J Chastel, coastwaiter at Port Fairy [No 29] [Deputations not filmed here]

A2.14 354

44/03511 1844 05 02 Hon CS Brisbane Town Charles Eyles “G G”

1844 05 01 1844 05 04~

At top: “Chas Eyles” Letter giving notice of intention to discontinue supplying the Colonial Contract for the District Notes re above Re Contract - “Let new tenders be called for" [Cover] On Her Majesty’s Service/ The Honourable the/ Colonial Secretary/ Sydney

A2.14 355 356 357

44/02311 1844 03 21 His Ex Sir George Gipps

Elizabeth fits Patrick [as it is] James Warner, Asst Surveyor

1844 03 01~ 1844 02 29 1844 03 21~ 1844 03 27

Petition of Elizabeth Fitspatrick per “Isabella” 1840 requesting permission to marry Samwell Crabb/ “Portsea” 1838 – mentions service with Mr Warner Surveyor Brisbane Town Certificate Re Samuel Crabb/ “Portsea” [see also Samwell Crabb] [Cover sheet] Petition To His/ Excellency/ Sir G Gipps etc etc/ of Elisabeth Fitspatrick/ March 1844 & Note re above - Inform her of proper form & manner of applying “Eliz Fitzpatrick”

A2.14 358 359 360

44/00521 1844 01 20 Darling Downs (nearest post town), Moreton Bay Gilbert Elliot

1844 01 03 Letter reporting his address in response to Circular

A2.14 361 – 362

44/02623 1844 04 01 Brisbane St George R Gore

1844 03 19

Letter reporting his name omitted in list of Justices of the Peace in the Government Gazette – name of his brother St John? Gore listed [difficult to read] – query re his Commission Re his full name – St George Richard Gore – residential address is Grasstree Creek, Darling Downs – nearest post town Brisbane

A2.14 363 – 365

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“G G”

1844 04 01~ 1844 04 02 1844 04 12~ 1844 04 19~ 1844 04 22 1842 02 13~ 1842 02 14 1842 03 03

Notes re above Referred to Crown Solicitor New Commission to be prepared for Mr Gore [Ref 44/02727] Notice in Gazette New Commission dated 18 April 44 Transmitted to Protonotary – Circular to Mr Gore Note Re Mr St George Gore of Moreton Bay Barrister of Supreme Court – appointed as Magistrate Commission executed Despatched

366 367

44/00522 1844 01 20 Hon CS Eton Vale, Darling Downs Arthur Hodgson

1843 12 29 At top: “Arthur Hodgson” Letter reporting his address in answer to Circular: Darling Downs, Brisbane, Moreton Bay

A2.14 368

44/01184 His Ex Sir George Gipps, Governor

Hugh Ross 1844 02 13~ 1844 02 19~

At top: “Hugh Ross” Memorial of Hugh Ross of Oakey Creek, Darling Downs protesting at being removed from his Station - outlines history of his squatting on vacant land at Oakey Creek – mentions neighbouring station of Messrs Hughes & Isaac Mentions payment of licence fees to Commissioner McDonald & through his agent Evan Mackenzie of Brisbane to Commissioner Rolleston Discusses claim of John Stevens – evidence given by Mr John Campbell junior, brother-in-law of John Stevens & decision of Court held by Commissioners Rolleston & McDonald & Notes in margin Cannot interfere – occupied land without permission Ross informed [Ref 44/01086]

A2.14 369 – 371

44/07658 1844 10 11 Hon CS Sydney H G Gregory “G G”

1844 10 10 1844 10 13~ 1844 10 16

At top: “Revd H G Gregory” Letter re appointment of Revd James Hanley as chaplain at Moreton Bay in place of Revd John Kavanagh removed to East Maitland – allowance £50 & Notes in margin “Authorised – no additional expense”

A2.14 372 – 373

44/04086 1844 05 23 Hon CS Office of Ordnance, Sydney J A Gordon, Royal Engineers Richard Rogers, Storekeeper Percival Wilkinson, Deputy Storekeeper “G G”

1844 03 22 1844 05 23~ 1844 05 25

At top: “Ordnance Office” Letter re conveyance of ammunition to Moreton Bay per steam vessel for 58th Regt: Cartridges Ball ) 1000 Musquet Percussion ) Caps Percussion – 1250 & Notes in margin “Authorised”

A2.14 374

44/01032 1844 02 08 F Blackwood “G G”

1844 02 07 1844 02 08~

At top: “Capt Blackwood” Letter re list of wine & spirits from Bonded Stores for officers of H M Ships “Fly” & “Bramble”: “Bramble” – 1 Quarter Cask Port, 1 Quarter Cask Sherry “Fly” – 1 Hogshead Madeira, 1 Hogshead Brandy & Notes re above Order to Collector of Customs to allow wine out of Bond duty free for officers of H M Ships “Fly” & “Bramble” surveying coasts & reefs of Colony – spirits can be taken without an Order

A2.14 375 – 377

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44/01885 1844 03 08 His Ex Sir George Gipps

H M “Fly” F Blackwood “G G”

1844 03 05 “Tuesday” 1844 03 06~ 1844 03 07~

At top: “Capt Blackwood” - Respecting his application for tools – Beacon, Torres Strait Letter re list of articles required for mason work – mentions Mr Lewis & Note re above Requests list of tools

A2.14 378 – 379

44/01624 “G G” 1844 03 01 1844 03 05

Note In reply to 44/01624: cost of tools £168 – no funds – cannot be supplied on loan

A2.14 380

44/02324 1844 03 21 His Ex Sir George Gipps

H M Ship “Fly”, Sydney F Blackwood “G G”

1844 03 20 1844 03 21~

At top: “Captain Blackwood” Letter requesting delivery of a boat belonging to the “Prince George” – part of her stores & equipment Margin 12ft dingy or jolly boat Notes re above Boats of “Prince George” & cutter itself belonged to Revenue Dept – boats taken for use of Dept when cutter laid up – cannot give them up [Cover] On Her Majesty’s Service/ His Ex/ Sir George Gipps/ Sydney “H M S Fly”

A2.14 381 382 383

44/05548 44/05548

1844 07 17 Hon CS Border Police Office, Darling Downs Christopher Rolleston, Commr Border Police Office, Darling Downs Christopher Rolleston, Commr

1844 07 01 1844 07 01

At top: “Comr Rolleston” Letter transmitting Return of the Number of Troopers & other Prisoners of the Crown & Numbers of Horses in Darling Downs Establishment Return of Prisoners of the Crown forming the authorised Establishment of the Crown Commissioner at Darling Downs 6 Troopers for Border Police 1 Aborigine for Border Police 1 Bullock Driver] attached 1 Carpenter ] 9 total Return of Horses authorised for the Establishment of Border Police for the District of Darling Downs 6 Horses

A2.14 384 385

44/05565 1844 07 17 Commissioner of Crown Lands Office, Moreton Bay S Simpson Com Cr Lands

1844 07 01 At top: “Comr Simpson” Moreton Bay District Return of the Number of Troopers and other Prisoners of the Crown & the Number of Horses forming the authorised Establishment of the Moreton Bay Division of Border Police 6 six mounted troopers 6 six men attached 12 Total twelve men 6 six Horses & Note 2 men allowed temporarily to assist putting up Station & growing forage - one already dismissed & J Davis useful as blacksmith & interpreter recommended for ticket of leave – will then be 4

A2.14 385 again


1844 03 23 Hon CS Crown Commissioner’s Office, Darling Downs Christopher Rolleston, Commr

1844 02 15

At top: “Commissr Rolleston” Letter transmitting Estimate of Probable Expenses of Dept of Border Police for District for 1845 - £999-9-6

A2.14 386

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“G G”

1845 01 01~

& Notes in margin Auditor General: “I think this Estimate must exceed the Revenue of the District” [PRINTED FORM] ESTIMATE of the PROBABLE EXPENSES of the Dept of Border Police Darling Downs for the year 1845 Particulars of Expense/ Authorised for 1844/ Proposed for 1845 ESTABLISHMENTS: Commissioner of Crown Lands CONTINGENCIES [separate Returns annexed] [CONTINGENCIES] Return of Buildings required for the Dept of Border Police at Darling Downs for the year 1845 [CONTINGENCIES] Return of Furniture required for the Dept of Border Police at Darling Downs for the year 1845 [CONTINGENCIES] Return of Stationery required for the Dept of Border Police at Darling Downs for the year 1845 [CONTINGENCIES] Return of Provisions & Forage required for the Dept of Border Police at Darling Downs for the year 1845 [CONTINGENCIES] Return of Arms & Ammunitions required for the Dept of Border Police at Darling Downs for the year 1845 [CONTINGENCIES] Return of Stores required for the Dept of Border Police at Darling Downs for the year 1845 [CONTINGENCIES] Return of Special Items required for the Dept of Border Police at Darling Downs for the year 1845

387 388 389 389 again 391 [no p 390] 392 393 394

44/02307 1844 03 21 S Simpson Commissioner of Crown Lands

1845 01 01~ 1844 03 22~

At top: “Commissr Crown Lands Moreton Bay” Estimate of the Probable Expences [sic] of the Border Police in the District of Moreton Bay for the year 1845 & Note re forage – grown on station [Cover sheet] Estimate of the Probable/ Expenses of the Border Police/ in the District of Moreton Bay/ for 1845 & Note re above Re authorised expense for present year To Auditor General

A2.14 395 396

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44/00108 1844 01 05 Hon E D Thomson, CS

Sydney S Simpson, Comr Cr Lds “G G” S Simpson, C C L

1844 01 05 1844 01 06~ 1844 01 11

At top: “Comr Simpson” Letter requesting approval for enclosed tender from W Wilson for supply of 2 horses for Moreton Bay Division of Border Police - party increased to 6 mounted troopers, expenses not to exceed revenue [Tender not filmed here] Forwarding statement of probable expenses for the current year – discusses make up of Border Police – problems – wishes to select the 2 men if prisoners & Notes in margin [margin partly obscured] Re cost of horses (£24 each) As Comr in Sydney can select 2 men from Hyde Park to return with him and act as Policemen Estimate of the Expenses for the year 1844 & Note re Revenue

A2.14 397 – 397 again 399 [no p 398]

44/00507 1844 01 20 Hon CS Crown Lands Office, Darling Downs Christopher Rolleston, Comr

1844 01 05 At top: “Comr Rolleston” Letter relating first annual report on condition & prospects of native tribe frequenting Darling Downs – hostile disposition – mentions murders of shepherds & stockmen & Notes in margin “Reported to the Secy of State by Despatch No 68/1844”

A2.14 400 – 402

44/00528 1844 01 20 Hon E D Thomson, CS

Sydney S Simpson, Com Cr Lds

1843 01 20 [as it is] 1844 01 20

At top: “Comr Simpson” Letter re Joseph Russell rough carpenter & James Mathews bullock driver attached to Border Police – about to receive tickets of leave – Russell in hospital with injured hand Requests permission to select 2 prisoners from Hyde Park Barracks in their places to return with him to the Station & Notes in margin Approved provided authorised Establishment not exceeded – inform Pl Supt Conv “Immediate”

A2.14 403 – 404

44/00654 44/00654

1844 01 25 Hon E D Thomson, CS

S Simpson, Com Cr Lds 1844 01 01 1844 01 26~ 1844 01 31~

At top: “Commissioner Simpson” Report of the Present State of the Aborigines in the District of Moreton Bay for the 1st of January 1844 Discusses various tribes: areas, numbers, customs – mentions River Tweed to the Numabulla or Wide Bay River; Stradbroke Island Tribe & Bribie’s Island Tribe; the Pilot Station & German Mission – also mentions Catholic Mission on Stradbroke Island – discusses cannibalism in some tribes - mentions 4 shepherds of Mr Eales’ establishment killed by natives & Notes in margin Précis for the Governor “Reported to the Secy of State by Despatch No 68/1844” At top: “Aborigines” Mr Commissioner Simpson’s Annual Report for the Secretary of State [Précis of above Report] 3 classes of blacks: 1 Blacks on sea coast 2 Blacks in the Mountains 3 Blacks on the Inland Creeks, etc. & Notes in margin “Reported to the Secy of State by Despatch No 68/1844”

A2.14 405 – 408 [2 x p 407] 409 - 410

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44/01086 44/01086

1844 02 10

Hon CS

“G G” Crown Lands Office, Darling Downs Christopher Rolleston, Comm “G G”

1844 02 13 1844 01 09

Note Re careless manner of letters – scarcely legible At top: “Commr Rolleston” Letter transmitting account of proceedings with Commissioner Macdonald re 2 cases of encroachment Margin Gammie v Forbes Russell v Jones Details re Gammie v Forbes – mentions Dalrymple Creek – Mr Marsh acting for Mr Forbes – Mr Gammie’s right to the Run confirmed Details re Mr Henry Stuart Russell – mentions Mr Somerville Supt to Mr Jones – mentions River Condamine – Mr Uhr acting for Mr Jones – Mr Russell’s rights confirmed & Notes in margin [difficult to read] “This is very illegible”

A2.14 411 412 - 414

44/02501 1844 03 27 Hon CS Border Police Office, Darling Downs Christopher Rolleston “G G”

1844 02 20 1844 03 29~

At top: “Comr Rolleston” Letter re account of Messrs Walter & George Leslie for provisions & forage disallowed by Governor – explanation re costs on arrival in the District & Notes in margin Re expenses – disallowance to be removed – confidence shaken in his fitness for the office of Commissioner of Crown Lands Mr Rolleston requested to make his communications more legible

A2.14 415 - 417

44/03049 1844 04 18 Hon E D Thomson, CS

Commissioner of Crown Lands Office, Moreton Bay S Simpson Com Cr Lands Moreton District “G G” Surveyor General’s Office “T L M” “G G”

1844 04 06 1844 04 18~ 1844 04 19 1844 05 04 1844 05 08~

At top: “Commissioner Simpson” Letter recommending second sale of Allotments at Ipswich – no further sale of Garden Allotments at the Creek Mentions permanent constable required at Ipswich Re aborigines Mentions setting out to inspect District & to report on proposed alterations in the Squatting System & Notes in margin To Surveyor General 2nd sale of allotments at Ipswich & Suburban allotments to take place at Brisbane on 15th inst – Mr Burnett laying out small farms at Ipswich to be brought forward for sale “Read”

A2.14 418 - 419

44/03263 44/03263

1844 04 23 Hon CS Border Police Office, Darling Downs Arthur Hodgson, Actg for Commissioner absent on leave Arthur Hodgson JP Actg Commissioner of Crown Lands

1844 04 01 1844 01 01~

At top: “Comr Rolleston” Letter forwarding Return re conduct of Border Police & report of employment of each man for Quarter ending March 31 [PRINTED] REPORT of the employment of each man forming the Party of Border Police for the Darling Downs District, during each day of the Quarter from 1st January to 31st March 1844 Month/ Day of month/ Party How Employed [Persons mentioned by name: Feb 4 – Mr Hodgson inquiring into death of John Thain by drowning Feb 7 – deaths of Mr Irving and H Williams Mar 8 – Sheriff’s sale at H Ross’s]

A2.14 421 [no p 420] 422 – 424

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[Cover sheet] Darling Downs/ Report of the Employment/ of/ The Border Police/ from/ 1st January/ to/ 31st March/ 1844


44/04020 1844 05 20 Hon CS Border Police Office, Darling Downs Christopher Rolleston “G G”

1844 05 01 1844 05 22~

At top: “Comr Rolleston” Letter re price for horse shoeing & other smith’s work – discusses prices & Notes in margin

A2.14 426 – 427

44/04021 1844 05 20 Hon CS Border Police Office, Darling Downs Christopher Rolleston “G G” “G G”

1844 05 06 1844 05 22~

At top: “Comr Rolleston” Letter re supply of rations to Border Police – fresh tenders called, 2 received: 1 Messrs Hodgson & Elliot – details 2 – Messrs Evan Mackenzie & Balfour – details Re horses & forage & Notes in margin Arrangements approved Re ½ ration of corn for horses – temporary measure Re Commissioners of Border Police and supply of provisions & forage

A2.14 429 – 431 [no p 428]

44/04782 1844 06 18 Hon CS Crown Lands Office, Darling Downs Christopher Rolleston

1844 05 20 At top: “Comr Rolleston” Letter re itinerary – reason for delay – about to proceed on visits to Stations

A2.14 432

44/05544 44/05544

1844 07 16 Hon CS Crown Lands Office, Darling Downs Christopher Rolleston Crown Lands Office, Drayton Christopher Rolleston

1844 06 20 1844 06 20

At top: “Comr Rolleston” Transmitting itinerary & Census Return for District of Darling Downs [PRINTED FORM] ITINERARY of Christopher Rolleston Commissioner of CROWN LANDS for the District beyond the Limits of Location adjacent to the County of Stanley, called Darling Downs Extent of Days Journey / Name of Each Station visited/ Name of Person holding Licenses/ Name of Person superintending/ Name of Buildings on each Station/ No of acres/ Stock etc 1844 May 24/ Drayton to Eton Vale/ Eton Vale/ Hodgson & Elliot/ Arthur Hodgson 24/ Eton Vale to Haldon/ Haldon/ Sibley & King/ James Sibley 25/ Haldon to Drummers/ Drummers/ Whitting & Hicks/ Whitting & Hicks Remarks : This Station was sold to Messrs Hodgson & Elliot for £250 27/ Drayton to Clifton/ Clifton/ J P Robinson/ D Forbes Remarks : This Station was purchased from Messrs Sibley & King for £400 28/ Clifton to Gladfield/ Gladfield/ Niel Ross [Neil Ross?]/ Niel Ross 28/ Gladfield to Goomburra/ Goomburra/ J F Beattie/ J Deuchar Remark s: Run lately purchased from Mr Dalrymple for £300 28/ Goomburra to Glengallan/ Glengallan/ Colin Campbell/ Colin Campbell Remark s: Run purchased from Messrs Leslie 29/ Glengallan to Millers Valley/ Millers Valley/ John Cameron/ Macquarie McDonald 29/ Millers Valley to Strath Millar/ Strath Millar/ A F Farquharson/ A F Farquharson 29/ Strath Millar/ J C Wickham/ A F Farquharson Remarks : Strathmillar [also spelt Strath Millar] purchased from Messrs Leslie for £50 29/ [Strath Millar to] Canning Downs/ Canning Downs/ Walter & George Leslie/ Walter & George Leslie

A2.14 433 [434] – [441] [pages not numbered]

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Christopher Rolleston, Comr

1844 06 01~

31/ Canning Downs to Drayton/ Maryland/ M H Marsh/ W S Perrott June 1/ Maryland to Pikedale/ Pikedale/ John Pike/ H B Fitz 3/ Pikedale to Rosenthall/ Rosenthall/ J F Beattie/ F Bracker 5/ Rosenthall to Toolburra/ Toolburra/ W F Gordon/ J Gordon Remarks : Run purchased from Messrs Leslie 7/ Toolburra to Stornaway/ Stornaway/ George Gammie/ George Gammie 7/ Stornaway to Ellan Gowan [Ellangowan]/ Ellan Gowan/ John Thain/ J Cormick Remarks : Lately passed into hands of Messrs Hughes & Isaacs 7/ Ellan Gowan to Canal Creek/ Canal Creek/ Pitts & Boniphant [Bonifant?]/ Pitts & Boniphant 8/ Canal Creek to Tummaville/ Tummaville/ Rolland & Taylor/ Rolland & Taylor 10/ Tummerville [as it is – see also Tummaville] to Grass Tree Creek/ Grass Tree Creek/ St George Gore/ St George Gore 10/ Grass Tree Creek to Cecil Plains/ Cecil Plains/ H S Russell/ H S Russell 13/ Cecil Plains to St Ruth/ St Ruth/ Richard Jones/ C P Hodgson 14/ St Ruth/ --- / --- / Hugh Ross/ Hugh Ross 15/ [St Ruth] / --- / --- / Henry Dennis/ Henry Dennis 15/ St Ruth to Gimba/ Gimba/ Thomas Bell/ Henry Dennis 16/ Gimba to Jondaryan/ Jondaryan/ Charles Coxen/ Charles Coxen 17/ Jondaryan to Stanbrook/ Stanbrook/ Hughes & Isaacs/ Hughes & Isaacs 18/ Stanbrook to Westbrook/ Westbrook/ John Stevens/ John Stevens 18/ Westbrook to Drayton/ Border Police and Crown Commissioner’s Establishment [PRINTED FORM] At top: “No 1” CENSUS RETURN of Christopher Rolleston Commissioner of Crown Lands, for the District of Darling Downs forwarded to the Honourable the Colonial Secretary in letter, dated 20 June 1844 Station/ Person Licensed/ Person Superintending / Persons on the Establishment [Number] EtonVale/ Hodgson & Elliot/ A Hodgson Haldon/ James Sibley/ James Sibley Drummers/ Whitting & Hicks/ Whitting & Hicks Clifton/ J P Robinson/ D Forbes Gladfield/ Niel Ross/ Niel Ross Goomburra/ J F Beattie/ J Deuchar Glengallan/ Colin Campbell/ Colin Campbell Millers Valley/ J Cameron/ M McDonald Strathmillar/ A F Farquharson/ A F Farquharson Canning Downs/ W & G Leslie/ W & G Leslie Maryland/ M H Marsh/ W S Perrott Pike Dale [also spelt Pikedale]/ John Pike/ H B Fitz Rosenthall/ J F Beattie/ F Bracker Toolburra/ W F Gordon/ J Gordon Stornaway/ George Gammie/ George Gammie Ellan Gowan/ John Thain/ J Cormick Canal Creek/ Pitts & Boniphant/ Pitts & Boniphant [Bonifant?] Tummaville/ Rolland & Taylor/ Rolland & Taylor Grass Tree Creek/ St George Gore/ St George Gore Cecil Plains/ H S Russell/ HS Russell St Ruth/ R Jones/ C P Hodgson St Ruth / Hugh Ross/ Hugh Ross

442 - 443

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Gimba/ Thomas Bell/ Henry Dennis Jondaryan/ Charles Coxen/ Charles Coxen Stanbrook/ Hughes & Isaacs/ Hughes & Isaacs Westbrook/ John Stevens/ John Stevens Drayton/ Crown Commissioner’s Establishment [Cover sheet] Census Return/ Darling Downs/ June 1844


44/05549 1844 07 07 Hon CS Border Police Office, Darling Downs Christopher Rolleston, Comr “G G” “J McL”

1844 07 01 1844 07 29~ 1844 07 18~ 1844 07 20 1844 07 22

At top: “Comr Rolleston” Letter re ration for Robert Hunt/ “Portsea” – returned from service of Messrs Hodgson & Elliot – acting as bullock driver – awaiting ticket of leave Also at top: “44/7704 – 19 July 1844” & Notes in margin Re Robert Hunt – no ticket of leave but may remain with Border Police “See report on back –not recommended for ticket” & Notes re above Princ Supt of Conv to report re Prisoner Hunt Report re Robert Hunt Cannot be recommended for ticket of leave – recent punishments at Border Police Office, Darling Downs

A2.14 445 - 446

44/06589 1844 08 26 Crown Commissioners Office, Darling Downs Christopher Rolleston “G G”

1844 08 15 1844 08 27 1844 08 28

At top: “Comr Rolleston” Letter requesting guidance respecting disputed “Runs” – query re squatter who neglects run, fails to renew licence & another party takes possession and applies for it & Notes in margin

A2.14 447

44/06592 44/06592

1844 08 26

Hon CS

“G G” Border Police Office, Darling Downs Christopher Rolleston, Comr

1844 08 27~ 1844 08 29 1844 08 02

Note Re reports from Mr Rolleston re misconduct of 3 Border Police – refers to Circular re employment of free men – more detail requested – mentions Mr Rolleston’s letters careless & illegible [see also Ref 44/06588] At top: “Comr Rolleston” Letter reporting 2 Border Police for dereliction of duty Margin John Smith/ “Maitland” Henry May/ “Charles Dumarque” Took bribe & harboured runaway – requests 2 men to replace them, also mounted policeman to act as corporal & chief constable

A2.14 448 – 449 450

44/06588 1844 08 26 Hon CS Crown Commissioners Office, Darling Downs Christopher Rolleston, Comr “G G”

1844 08 15 1844 08 27~ 1844 08 29

At top: “Comr Rolleston” Letter reporting misconduct of one of Border Police Margin Patrick Bryan/ “Eudora” 1839 [could be "Endora”] Drunk in charge of 3 prisoners in Brisbane – lamed his horse – unfit to remain in Police – punishment & Note in margin See 44/06592 & Note re above To be sent to Cockatoo Island for remainder of sentence

A2.14 451 – 452

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44/06594 1844 08 26 Hon CS Commissioner of Crown Lands Office, Moreton Bay S Simpson “G G”

1844 08 01 1844 08 27~ 1844 08 29

At top: “Comr Simpson” Letter re dismissal of Trooper Dominick Harkins – ill health – aborigine “Jemmy” in his place, also Mauritius Black Jean Celestine taken into Police – mentions Henrick Withalder “a worthless little Hottentot” – Party still consists of 6 troopers Discusses depredations committed by aborigines in District & formation of Native Police – mentions attack on Messrs Graham & Ivory’s Station – shepherd killed Natives recently took up position in Rosewood Scrub near Ipswich – robbery on high road to Darling Downs – measures taken & Notes in margin Regrets hearing of outrages by aborigines

A2.14 453 – 454

44/07283 1844 09 23 Hon CS Border Police Office, Darling Downs Christopher Rolleston, Comr “G G”

1844 09 03 1844 09 23~ 1844 09 25

At top: “Comr Rolleston” Letter re purchase of working bullock to replace one accidentally killed – £3-15-0 – team of 8 & Note in margin “Authorised”

A2.14 456 [no p 455]

44/01087 1844 02 10 Hon CS Crown Commissioners Office, Darling Downs Christopher Rolleston, Comr “G G”

1844 01 09 1844 02 10~ 1844 02 12

At top: “Commissioner Rolleston” Letter reporting death of a working oxen – accident – seeks permission to purchase another bullock & Notes in margin Cannot sanction – letter written illegibly – query whether £4 or £7 [Ref 44/07283]

A2.14 457 - 458

44/07285 1844 09 23 Hon CS Crown Commissioners Office, Darling Downs Christopher Rolleston, Comr “G G”

1844 09 02 1844 09 26~ 1844 09 27

At top: “Comr Rolleston” Letter re demanding payment of building licences from tradesmen erecting buildings on vacant Crown land – mentions House for the Sale of Wine & Beer licensed by Bench of Magistrates on high road to Moreton Bay – blacksmith & shoemaker established at the same place – discusses the site & Notes in margin Copy of letter to Capt Wickham & Mr Rolleston on 3 May 1843 – 43/00216

A2.14 459 - 460

44/07587 1844 10 09 Hon E D Thomson, CS

Commissioner of Crown Lands Office, Moreton Bay S Simpson “G G”

1844 09 19 1844 10 10~ 1844 10 11

At top: “Comr Simpson” Letter re engagement of 2 free men for Border Police Margin William Smith – formerly sergeant in 4th Foot Richard Watson – 4 yrs in Horse Police in Ireland One in place of Steerman Janges [could be Sturman Ganges?] a Hottentot – in hospital, inefficient; the other instead of Jemmy the aborigine – threats from his tribe if he joined the Police, Toby another aborigine also threatened Mentions bushrangers in District – police required to be efficient, one to be stationed permanently at Ipswich Details re men appointed – excellent recommendations - wages P S Two armed bushrangers captured near Ipswich & Notes in margin “Approved”

A2.14 461 - 463

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44/07589 1844 10 09 Hon CS Crown Commissioners Office, Darling Downs Christopher Rolleston, Comr “G G”

1844 09 21 1844 11 29~

At top: “Comr Rolleston” Letter re transfer of licence to occupy Crown Lands from Capt Wickham to Mr A F Farquharson – particulars sent on 3rd inst. & Notes in margin 44/07284 herewith

A2.14 464

44/07284 1844 09 23 Hon CS Crown Commissioners Office, Darling Downs Christopher Rolleston, Comr “G G”

1844 09 03 1844 09 28~ 1844 09 30

At top: “Comr Rolleston” Letter giving particulars of Runs occupied by Mr A F Farquharson – mentions transfer of Capt Wickham’s Run to him – mentions Gap Creek, Millars Valley [see also Millers Valley] & Cunningham’s Gap Discusses licence fee – mentions one of the Runs formed part of Station disputed between John Cameron & Messrs Macarthur & Leslie & Notes in margin Re disposal of Stations – caution especially when officers of government involved [Ref 44/07589]

A2.14 465 – 466

44/05589 1844 07 18 Hon CS Revenue Branch, Colonial Treasury, Sydney C D Riddell “G G”

1844 07 18 1844 07 22~ 1844 07 22~

At top: “Colonial Treasurer” Letter enclosing copy letter [see p 469] from Mr Rolleston re 2 Licensed Stations merging into one – not exceeding 20 sq miles [No 44/1131] & Notes in margin Re transfer – contrary to regulations & Notes re above Proceeding of Mr Rolleston contrary to Notice of 2 April 1844 – requests full particulars re the 2 stations – officer of government involved [Ref 44/07284]

A2.14 467 – 468

44/05889 Hon Treasurer, Sydney

Crown Lands Office, Darling Downs Christopher Rolleston, Comr

1844 07 01 “Copy” Letter re transfer of licence for occupation of Crown Lands from Capt J C Wickham to Mr Archibald F Farquharson – re licence fee

A2.14 469

44/07950 1844 10 24 Hon CS Border Police Office, Darling Downs Christopher Rolleston, Comr “G G”

1844 10 12 1844 10 24~ 1844 10 28 1844 11 12~

At top: “Comr Rolleston” Letter re appointment of a free man to Border Police – rate & rations Margin Mark W Hale or Hall – appointed sergeant & chief constable, previously acted as overseer & storekeeper 2 free men hired as troopers on recommendation of St George R Gore - wages & allowances Margin Edward McIvor John Austen [could be Austin] Mentions Trooper “John Clowes” – ticket of leave Outlines his Force – 5 troopers: James Mellor, 3 men above mentioned, “Bobby” an aboriginal native & 3 prisoners – 8 men in all – query re free men & regulations for the constabulary & Notes in margin Appointments approved provided authorised establishment not exceeded Re regulations governing free men in Police – mentions Border Police, Mounted Police & volunteers from the Regiments


470 - 473

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44/00481 1844 01 20 Police Office, Moreton Bay J C Wickham “G G”

1843 12 30 1844 01 24~

At top: “Police Magistrate, Moreton Bay” Letter reporting on charges preferred by A Graham (publican) against Constable Higgins – enclosing Certificate from inhabitants of South Brisbane [Certificate – see p 480] & Note in margin

A2.14 474 – 476

43/08824 1843 12 04 His Ex The Governor Sir George Gipps

South Brisbane, Moreton Bay A Graham “G G”

1843 11 11~ 1843 12 12~

At top: “A Graham” Letter re charges against Constable Higgins – mentions his cousin Sir James Graham & Lord Stanley & Notes re above Refer to Capt Wickham [Ref 44/00481] [Cover] “For/ His Excellency the Governor/ Sir George Gipps/ Sydney” [postmarked]

A2.14 477 – 478 479

44/00481 44/00481

J C Wickham Esq, Police Magistrate

South Brisbane The Inhabitants of South Brisbane signing the enclosed Certificate

1843 12 26 Letter enclosing Certificate on behalf of Constable Higgins [Certificate] Re Constable Higgins Signatories: Michael Sheehan, John Price, William Cutler, James Moyes, C Gale [could be Gate or Gill], J Lidard [his mark] [also spelt Leddard, Liddert], Sterling Minor, Edward Hurley?, William Smith, Laurence Corcoran? George Banfield?, Patrick Kelly, Thomas Dowse, John Williams, ? O’Neill, D Bantin [also spelt Buntin, Bantire], R Rowland, J Harris, Charles Eyles, Richard Gill, William Underwood, Alexander Macintyre, John Stewart

A2.14 480 481

44/00516 44/00516 44/00516 44 00516

1844 01 20

Hon CS

Brisbane James R Balfour P Blunt? Brisbane John Campbell, A Petrie Brisbane A Petrie, James Hexton H M General Hospital, Brisbane D Keith Ballow, Col Asst Surgeon

1843 12 27 1844 01 13~ 1844 01 10 1844 01 12

[Bond] To pay treatment expenses of William Moffat in H M General Hospital Brisbane, Moreton Bay “Signed before me this 27 December 1843 – J C Wickham, JP” [Bond] To pay treatment expenses of Charles Sloene? [could be Crene] in H M General Hospital Brisbane, Moreton Bay “Approved – J C Wickham” [Bond] To pay treatment expenses of James Burn? [could be Baker] in H M General Hospital Brisbane, Moreton Bay “Signed before me this 10 January 1844 – J C Wickham” At top: “Assistant Surgeon Ballow” Letter forwarding Bonds for payment of treatment of patients n Brisbane Hospital

A2.14 482 483 483 again 484 – 485

44/01077 1844 02 10 Hon CS Police Office, Moreton Bay J C Wickham

1844 01 25

At top: “Police Magistrate, Moreton Bay” Letter re clearance of vessels arriving at Moreton Bay – no Customs House officer – suspects smuggling of spirituous liquors – mentions Master of “Piscator” & large load of sugar – used in distilling of rum – mentions landing of contraband goods at Logan & Pine Rivers – suggests trustworthy person be stationed at Amity Point to accompany the Pilot &

A2.14 486 – 490 [no p 488]

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“G G” J Gibbes, Collr “G G”

1844 02 11~ 1844 02 17 1844 02 21~ 1844 02 22

Notes in margin Referred to Collector of Customs To furnish Capt Wickham with Deputation as an officer of Customs – re smuggling in Moreton Bay Let Capt Wickham have a Deputation

44/01078 1844 02 10 Hon CS Police Office, Brisbane J C Wickham “G G”

1844 01 31 1844 02 10~ 1844 02 11~ 1844 02 12

At top: “Police Magistrate, Moreton Bay” Letter enclosing Certificate for Publican’s Licence for Gorge Nail [Certificate not filmed here] & Notes in margin Licence to be issued “Allowed”

A2.14 492 [no p 491]

44/00563 44/00563

1844 01 22

Hon CS Hon Colonial Treasurer

Revenue Branch, Colonial Treasury, Sydney C D Riddell Police Office, Brisbane John C Wickham

1844 01 20 1844 01 22~ 1844 01 23 1844 01 13

At top: “Colonial Treasurer” Letter forwarding copy letter from Police Magistrate Moreton Bay & Certificate re George Nail’s Publican’s Licence [No 44/122] & Notes in margin Certificate not forwarded [Ref 44/01078] “Copy” Letter forwarding Certificate for Publican’s Licence in favour of George Nail of Ipswich & £15 fee [Certificate not filmed here]

A2.14 494 [no p 493] 495

44/01419 1844 02 23 The Secretary to Government, New South Wales, Sydney Military Dept, Our Governor in Council at Fort St George

Fort St George Steel, Secretary to Government London C Marjoribanks, G Robinson

1843 07 04 1826 03 08

At top: “Military Department – Colonial Secretary, Fort George” Letter reporting arrival of troops per “Earl Grey” (sailed Sydney to Madras on 1 April last) – mentions Marquis of Tweeddale, Governor in Council - discusses remuneration to Surgeon R Johnston – rate [No 2655] Encloses copy letter from Court of Directors re fixed allowance to surgeons to the troops proceeding from New South Wales to India – rate [Copy] Letter re allowances to surgeons proceeding from New South Wales to India – rate “A true copy – Steel, Secretary to Government”

A2.14 496 – 497 498

44/01491 1844 02 24 Hon CS Audit Office, Sydney William Lithgow, Auditor General “G G”

1844 02 24 1844 02 28~ 1844 02 29

At top: “Auditor General” No 22: Memorandum re claim by Commissariat Department for rations for prisoners at Moreton Bay during 1 January – 6 May 1843: £42-13-2 Mentions Border Police & road repairs & Note in margin “Approved”

A2.14 500 – 501 [no p 499]

43/08374 43/08374

1843 11 16

Hon CS

W Elyard for the Colonial Secretary Commissariat Office, Sydney Miller, D C G “W L” “W L”

1843 12 15~ 1843 11 15 1843 11 16 1843 11 25 1843 11 25~ 1843 11 27

Note “Referred for further report of AG - B C 15th Dec 1843” [Ref 44/01491] Letter transmitting account - £42-13-2 – for provisions supplied to convicts employed by Police Magistrate & Commissioner of Crown Lands Moreton Bay for 1 January to 6 May last [No 953] & Notes in margin To Auditor General “Correct” To Auditor General re available funds “None voted” &

A2.14 502 504 – 506 [no p 503]

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Notes re above Re fund – Border Police & Ordinary Police & Survey – query Auditor General

43/09445 43/09445 43/09445

1843 12 26 Hon CS Hon CS

Brisbane, Moreton Bay J C Wickham Brisbane J C Wickham Police Office, Moreton Bay J C Wickham, Police Magistrate

1843 12 18 1843 12 26~ 1844 01 02 1843 03 10 1843 12 20

At top: “Police Magistrate, Moreton Bay” Letter re rations issued to Gaol Establishment and tea, sugar & tobacco issued to constables – mentions James McKelligate, scourger Discusses works undertaken & employment of prisoners – mentions South Brisbane, erection of 2 pounds, repair of government wharf, erection of dam/reservoir at Ipswich for fresh water & Notes in margin Refer to Auditor General Re employment of the men – re funds [Ref 44/01491] [Cover] On Her Majesty’s Service/ The Honble/ The Colonial Secretary/ Sydney [From] Police Office / Moreton Bay [postmarked: General Post Office – Sydney / DE * 20 / 1843] “Copy” Letter re 3 prisoners retained as Police - names in margin [not listed] – rations of tea, sugar & tobacco Return of the Number and Condition of Prisoners confined in Brisbane Gaol and Lock-up from the 18th January to the 18th December 1843 Free persons – 85 Prisoners of the Crown – 109 TOTAL – 194

A2.14 507 – 512 [no p 511] 513 514 515

44/01647 1844 03 01 Hon CS Police Office, Moreton Bay J C Wickham

1844 02 21 1844 03 12~ 1844 03 15

At top: “Police Magistrate” Letter re police expenses for 1844 – requests copy of Circular Query re District of Darling Downs & whether included in Police District of Moreton Bay – expenses & Notes in margin Copy supplied “Darling Downs is not a Police District” & Note re above [Cover] On Her Majesty’s Service/ The Honble/ The Colonial Secretary/ Sydney [From] Police Office / Moreton Bay [postmarked: General Post Office – Sydney / MA * 1 / 1844]

A2.14 517 - 518 [no – 516] 519

44/01650 1844 03 01 Hon CS Police Office, Moreton Bay J C Wickham Surveyor General’s Office “T L M”

1844 02 08 1844 03 07 1844 03 12~ 1844 03 16

At top: “Police Magistrate” Letter re laying out a Burial Ground at Ipswich – query re approval for Burial Grounds at North & South Brisbane Notes re above Instructions to Mr Burnett to lay out burial ground as at Brisbane – burial grounds at Brisbane sanctioned by Governor Inform Capt Wickham [Ref 44/11]

A2.14 521 [no p 520] 522

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[Cover] On Her Majesty’s Service/ The Honble/ The Colonial Secretary/ Sydney [From] Police Office / Moreton Bay [postmarked: General Post Office – Sydney / MA * 1 / 1844]


44/01664 44/01664 44/01664 44/01664

1844 03 01 Hon CS H M General Hospital, Moreton Bay D K Ballow, Col Asst Surgeon Brisbane J Richardson, A Petrie Brisbane J Richardson, A Petrie John Harris, Joseph Brierley [could be Burley]

1844 02 23 1844 02 24 1844 02 24 1844 02 24

At top: “Surgeon Ballow” Letter enclosing bonds for treatment of patients in Hospital [Bond] To pay treatment expenses of James McLaland in H M General Hospital Moreton Bay “Approved – J C Wickham” [Bond] To pay treatment expenses of Welsh Kenshiley? in H M General Hospital at Brisbane, Moreton Bay “Approved – J C Wickham” [Bond] To pay treatment expenses of George Mugridge in H M General Hospital at Brisbane, Moreton Bay “Approved – J C Wickham”

A2.14 524 525 525 again 527 [no p 526]

44/02182 44/02182 44/02182

1844 03 18 Hon CS Brisbane D Keith Ballow Brisbane J C P Hicks, David Bow Brisbane E McKenzie & Co Edward Lord

1844 03 14 1844 03 08 1844 03 01~

At top: “Mr Surgeon Ballow” Letter enclosing Bonds to pay treatment expenses in Hospital of William Martin & David Hyde by Messrs Hicks & Bow and McKenzie & Company [also spelt Mackenzie] [Bond] To pay treatment expenses of William Martin in H M General Hospital Moreton Bay “Approved – J C Wickham – Police Magistrate” [Bond] To pay treatment expenses of David Hyde in H M General Hospital Moreton Bay “Approved – J C Wickham – Police Magistrate”

A2.14 529 [no p 528] 530 531

44/02306 1844 03 21 Hon CS Police Office, Moreton Bay J C Wickham “W L”

1844 03 05 1844 03 29~ 1844 04 04 1844 04 10

At top: “Police Magistrate Moreton Bay” Letter repayment of gratuities to constables acting as scourgers & Notes in margin Re payment – Auditor General to report Auditor General’s Report

A2.14 532

44/00483 1844 01 20 Hon CS Police Office, Moreton Bay J C Wickham “G G”

1844 01 04 1844 01 22~ 1844 01 23~ 1844 01 22~ 1844 01 29

At top: “Police Magistrate Moreton Bay” Letter re allowance for scourger & Notes in margin Re gratuity - £50 per year to be given as gratuities to constables who perform duty of scourger – rates Query re Estimates [Ref 44/02306]

A2.14 533 – 534

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[Cover] On Her Majesty’s Service/ The Honble/ The Colonial Secretary/ Sydney [From] Police Office / Moreton Bay [postmarked: General Post Office – Sydney / JA * 19] [Cover] On Her Majesty’s Service/ The Honble/ The Colonial Secretary/ Sydney [From] Police Office / Moreton Bay [postmarked: General Post Office – Sydney / MA * 20 / 1844]

535 536

43/00639 1843 01 25 Hon CS Police Office, Brisbane J C Wickham, Police Magistrate “G G”

1843 01 21 1843 01 26~ 1843 01 27

Letter re acting scourger at Moreton Bay – recommended for allowance Margin James McKellicutt [also spelt McKelligate]/ “Blenheim” 1839 Notes re above Re appointment of scourger at Moreton Bay – small number of convicts – gratuity [Ref 44/00483]

A2.14 537 538

1844 01 13~ 1844 04 15

Note Re papers - 44/00515 - John Williams – 13 Jan Applying to establish a ferry between Kangaroo Point & North Brisbane Note Re Mr J Williams

A2.14 539 540

44/02614 1844 04 01 Hon CS Brisbane Town John Williams, Lessee of the Ferry

1844 03 28 At top: “John Williams” Letter re decision about ferry at Brisbane from Kangaroo Point

A2.14 542 [no p 541]

44/03052 1844 04 18 Hon CS Police Office, Moreton Bay J C Wickham “G G”

1844 04 12 1844 04 19~ 1844 04 20

At top: “Police Magistrate Moreton Bay” Letter re cancellation of Mrs Mary Dillon’s Lease of government building – rent Re new tenant – forwarding offer from J M Solomon & Co [see p 556] – mentions Mr Petrie’s statement [see p 557] & Notes in margin Cannot accede – reasons – house to be pulled down & materials sold or land to be sold with house on it [Cover] On Her Majesty’s Service/ The Honble/ The Colonial Secretary/ Sydney [From] Police Office / Moreton Bay [postmarked: General Post Office – Sydney / AP * 18 / 1844]

A2.14 543 – 544 545

44/00482 44/00482

1844 01 20 Hon CS Capt Wickham Police Magistrate

Police Office, Moreton Bay J C Wickham “G G” Brisbane Mary Dillon

1844 01 13 1844 01 23 1844 01 01

At top: “Police Magistrate Moreton Bay” Letter forwarding Mrs Dillon’s communication re rental of government building – discusses repairs & improvements – equivalent to rent owed – lease to be cancelled & premises relet & Notes in margin “Allowed” Letter re rental of government building – unable to pay, will sell furniture – no longer able to tenant building - £500 spent on improvements - bad debts, losses [Cover] To Capt Wickham/ Police Magistrate/ Brisbane Town/ Moreton Bay

A2.14 547 – 548 [no p 546] 549 550

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43/09475 1843 12 27 Hon CS Revenue Branch, Colonial Treasury, Sydney C D Riddell “G G”

1843 12 26 1843 12 28~ 1843 12 29

Letter enclosing copy of Capt Wickham’s letter [see p 555] re rent for government buildings at Brisbane due by Mrs M Dillon - £50 [No 43/3066] Query re improvements – to be credited against rent & Notes in margin Usual remedy against Mrs Dillon [Ref 44/00482]

A2.14 551 – 552

43/02900 1843 04 18 Hon CS Police Office, Brisbane J C Wickham “G G”

1843 04 06 1843 04 21~

Letter re lease granted to Mrs Mary Dillon of North Brisbane to rent government buildings – annual rent £50 – rental arrangements in consideration of cost of repairs & Notes in margin “Read” [Ref 43/09475]

A2.14 554 [no p 553]

43/09475 Hon Treasurer Police Office, Moreton Bay J C Wickham

1843 12 20 “Copy” Letter forwarding £7-10-0 – rent for ferry for Oct & Nov Re order for £5 Re rent due by Mrs M Dillon for government premises £50 – requests advice & consideration for improvements made by her

A2.14 555

44/03052 44/03052

J C Wickham, Police Magistrate

Brisbane J M Solomon & Co Brisbane, Moreton Bay Andrew Petrie Late Supt of Works

1844 04 10 1844 04 11

Letter re house & premises occupied by Mary Dillon & Mr Petrie’s report – unsafe – offer to take house for 2 years & make repairs [Certificate] On behalf of J M Solomon, survey of house & premises occupied by Mary Dillon – cost of repairs £50 – states unsafe in present condition

A2.14 556 557


1844 04 19

Hon CS

Collington, Stanley Creek, Moreton Bay Alfred Bryer “G G” “J McL”

1844 04 19 1844 02 17 1844 04 26~ 1844 04 27 1844 04 29

Note Query re papers – 42/05544 – William Snell – 21 March – enquiry re Alfred Bryer At top: “Alfred Bryer” Letter re communication about him from Mr Smee [see also Snell] shown to him by Mr Ryan of Hyde Park Barracks – advises his address c/- Messrs John & James R Balfour, Collington, Stanley Creek, Moreton Bay Also at top: “44/04776 – 30 April 1844” Note re above Mr Smee wrote re Alfred Bryer – informed re conduct of Bryer – unable to do anything for him Note Principal Supt of Convicts to inform Alfred Bryer “Mr Dumas to acquaint Alfred Bryer”

A2.14 558 559 560 561 – 562

44/04016 1844 05 20 Hon CS Police Office Moreton Bay J C Wickham

1844 05 14 At top: “Police Magistrate Moreton Bay” Letter re leave of absence to visit Sydney – no longer taking leave [Cover] On Her Majesty’s Service/ The Honble/ The Colonial Secretary/ Sydney [From] Police Office / Moreton Bay [postmarked]

A2.14 563 564

44/03051 1844 04 18 Hon CS Police Office Moreton Bay J C Wickham “G G”

1844 04 10 1844 04 18~

At top: “Police Magistrate Moreton Bay” Letter applying for 2 months leave of absence to visit Sydney – Police Office duties to be conducted by Lieut P Johnston 99th Regt JP assisted by Evan Mackenzie JP Other duties – D A C G Kent & Dr Simpson & Notes in margin

A2.14 565 – 568

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1844 04 19 Leave granted – 14 days only – Capt Wickham at Moreton Bay scarcely a year [Ref 44/04016]

44/02613 1844 04 01 Hon CS Police Office Moreton Bay J C Wickham

1844 03 27 1844 04 01~ 1844 04 02

At top: “Police Magistrate Moreton Bay” Letter applying for leave of absence for 6 weeks & Notes in margin Query re duties whilst absent [Ref 44/03051] [Cover] On Her Majesty’s Service/ The Honble/ The Colonial Secretary/ Sydney [From] Police Office / Moreton Bay [postmarked: General Post Office – Sydney / AP * 1 / 1844]

A2.14 569 570

44/04432 1844 06 06 Hon CS Port Master’s Office, Sydney M Moriarty, Port Master “W L” “G G”

1844 06 05 1844 06 12 1844 07 27 1844 07 27 1844 07 30

At top: “Port Master” Letter transmitting application from Collector of Customs for £25 for boat transferred to Pilot at Moreton Bay [see p 577] & Notes in margin Auditor General to report re payment Port Master to send account & Abstract – Warrant can be prepared “Authorised”

A2.14 571 – 572

44/02308 44/02308 44/02308

1844 03 21 Hon CS J C Wickham, Police Magistrate, Brisbane Capt Wickham, Police Magistrate

Police Office Moreton Bay J C Wickham “G G” Brisbane, Moreton Bay James Hexton, Pilot William Underwood

1844 03 07 1844 03 21~ 1844 03 27 1844 03 04

At top: “Police Magistrate Moreton Bay” Letter forwarding Pilot’s statement re loss of a boat whilst assisting Schooner “Perseverance” wrecked on Moreton Island on 15 February Forwarding application to Harbour Master for another boat [application not filmed here] – recommends building it at Brisbane – encloses tender from Mr Underwood boat builder & Notes in margin Port Master to report especially re building boat at Brisbane To Port Master Statement re wreck of Schooner “Perseverance” on 13th February on Moreton Island – captain, crew & a woman & 2 children saved – mentions “John & Charlotte” and “Sovereign” [Tender] Re building boat for Pilot - £55

A2.14 573 574 – 575 576

44/04432 Port Master of New South Wales, Sydney

Customs, Sydney J Gibbes, Collr

1844 06 05 Letter requesting £25 for whale boat transferred to Harbour Master at Moreton Bay

A2.14 577

44/03287 1844 04 24 Hon CS William Lithgow, Auditor General “G G”

1844 04 20 1844 04 26~

At top: “Auditor General” No 60: Memorandum enclosing Abstract of Salary for Pilot at Moreton Bay for Quarter ended 31 March - £15-18-6 & Notes in margin “Authorised” [Ref 43/06114]

A2.14 578

44/04789 1844 06 18 Hon CS Police Office, Moreton Bay J C Wickham

1844 06 11 1844 06 21

At top: “Police Magistrate Moreton Bay” Letter re married emigrants with families & employment at Moreton Bay – strong objection to persons with families – no great demand for labour & Notes in margin To Agent for Immigration

A2.14 579

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“F L S Merewether” 1844 09 18 “Read” [Cover] On Her Majesty’s Service/ The Honble/ The Colonial Secretary/ Sydney [From] Police Office / Moreton Bay [postmarked: General Post Office – Sydney / JU * 18 / 1844]


44/04316 1844 06 01 Hon CS Police Office, Moreton Bay J C Wickham “G G” “G G”

1844 05 28 1844 06 02~ 1844 05 08~

At top: “Police Magistrate Moreton Bay” Letter re emigrant families finding employment at Moreton Bay – strong objection to employing parties having families & Notes in margin “This may perhaps be required in Leg Council” [Ref 44/04789] [Cover] On Her Majesty’s Service/ The Honble/ The Colonial Secretary/ Sydney [From] Police Office / Moreton Bay [postmarked: General Post Office – Sydney / JU * 1 / 1844] Note Re emigrants with families finding employment in Moreton Bay – to be sent at expense of government

A2.14 581 582 583

44/04599 1844 06 11 Hon CS Sydney J P Meadows College Street, Hyde Park Robert Ross Francis L S Merewether

1844 06 10 1844 06 10 1844 06 11

At top: “J P Meadows” Letter applying for assistance to go to Moreton Bay – unemployed, plasterer by trade – has wife & child & [Testimonial] Re J P Meadows [Cover] To/ The Honble/ The Colonial Secretary/ Sydney & Notes re above Refer to Agent for Immigration Re Meadows – passage to Moreton Bay granted to him [Ref 44/04789]

A2.14 584 585

44/04872 1844 06 21 Hon CS Audit Office, Sydney William Lithgow, Auditor General “G G” Colonial Secretary’s Office, Sydney E Deas Thomson

1844 06 21 1844 07 01~ 1844 07 03 1843 10 02

At top: “Auditor General” Letter enclosing account for rations supplied to scourger at Moreton Bay with Memorandum from Capt Wickham re rations supplied [No 157] [Account & Memorandum not filmed here] & Notes in margin “£1-11-10” Re rations Note re above “Let Ration No 3 be authorised” [PRINTED] CONTRACTS FOR THE COLONIAL SERVICE FOR 1844 [Notice re Tenders for furnishing, in several Districts, the supplies undermentioned for 12 months commencing 1 January 1844] PROVISIONS: Rations – including Male Orphan School, Liverpool; Female Orphan School, Parramatta; Institution for Destitute Roman Catholic Children DISTRICTS CONDITIONS

A2.14 586 587 588 – 591

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44/04988 1844 06 26 Hon CS Sydney H G Gregory “G G”

1844 06 24 1844 06 27~

At top: “Revd H G Gregory” Letter re Roman Catholic Missionaries at Dunwich, Moreton Bay – natives in distressed state, needing clothing – no employment – requests blankets be issued – mentions Dr Polding & Notes in margin Re issuing blankets & presents to aborigines – practices to be discontinued – reasons Will issue 50 pairs of blankets to Roman Catholic Mission

A2.14 592 – 593

44/05545 44/05545

1844 07 16 Hon CS Police Office, Moreton Bay J C Wickham “G G”

1844 07 11 1844 07 17~ 1844 07 19

At top: “Police Magistrate Moreton Bay” Letter re food/ration supplied to 5 men crew of Brig “Clarence” wrecked on “Bamptons Shoals” on 10th June Margin Richard Rule John Owen Semson Sensum? [Sensuin?] Thomas Whyte William Clarence Enclosing copy of Journal kept by Richard Rule & Notes re above Authorised – re expenses [Cover] On Her Majesty’s Service/ The Honble/ The Colonial Secretary/ Sydney [From] Police Office / Moreton Bay [postmarked: General Post Office – Sydney / JY * 16 / 1844] [Journal] Re wreck of Brig “Clarence” Capt McCardell – June 10th 1844 [period covered Monday 10th June – Sunday 7th July] Mentions contact with 2 ships from Sydney bound for Batavia – “Tinaserin“[as it is –Tenasserim?] &“Catherine” – gave supplies but did not rescue survivors

A2.14 594 – 595 596 597 – 600

44/06590 1844 08 26 Hon CS Police Office, Moreton Bay J C Wickham “G G”

1844 08 21 1844 08 27~ 1844 08 28

At top: “Police Magistrate Moreton Bay” Returning certificates with necessary recommendations attached [Certificates not filmed here] Also at top: “Returning Certificates favour of John Burgess & Samuel Owens for Publican’s Licences” & Notes in margin Re Certificates – not strictly correct but may be allowed “Authorised”

A2.14 601

44/06158 1844 08 10 Hon CS Revenue Branch, Colonial Treasury, Sydney C D Riddell “G G”

1844 08 09 1844 08 10~ 1844 08 12

At top: “Colonial Treasurer” Enclosing 3 Certificates for Publican’s Licences from Police Magistrate Brisbane for Governor’s approval [No 44/1278] [Certificates not filmed here] Margin James Smith John Burgess Samuel Owens & Notes in margin Re licences “Approved” [Ref 44/06590]

A2.14 601 again, 603 [no p 602]

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44/06985 1844 09 10 Hon CS Ipswich, Moreton Bay William M Dorsey

1844 09 04 At top: “W M Dorsey” Letter re need for Police in Ipswich – mentions robberies of drays, assaults – Norfolk Island expirees sent to the District – mentions Border Police

A2.14 604 – 606

44/07952 1844 10 24 Hon CS Police Office, Moreton Bay J C Wickham

1844 10 14 1844 10 30~ 1844 11 02

At top: “Police Magistrate Moreton Bay” Letter re payment of fines for drunkenness to Benevolent Asylum Moreton Bay & Notes in margin Query re similar cases “Approved” [Cover] On Her Majesty’s Service/ The Honble/ The Colonial Secretary/ Sydney [From] Police Office / Moreton Bay [postmarked: General Post Office – Sydney]

A2.14 607 608


1844 10 24

Hon CS

Police Office, Moreton Bay J C Wickham Surveyor General’s Office S A Perry, D S G for the S G

1844 10 24~ 1844 10 14 1844 10 26 1845 02 17

Note 44/05517 Colonial Treasurer 13th July re advertisement of land sold at Brisbane 20 March At top: “Police Magistrate Moreton Bay” Letter re applications from Robert Gore & Patrick Leslie to purchase land – Lots 60 & 62 at New Farm - suggests Lots 52-62 inclusive be offered for immediate sale, also Allot no 24 – forfeited at sale of 20th March – suburban lots near South Brisbane could also be offered Also at top: “Burnett - 44/367 - 21 Dec 1844” & “Colonial Secretary - 45/30 – 13 Feb 1845” Notes re above To Surveyor General re sale Descriptions of lands to Colonial Secretary in letter of 13th Inst No 45/30 for proclamation “Capt Wickham apprised of day of sale – 10th March 1845” [Cover] On Her Majesty’s Service/ The Honble/ The Colonial Secretary/ Sydney [From] Police Office / Moreton Bay [postmarked: General Post Office – Sydney / OC * 24]

A2.14 609 610 611 612

44/08348 44/08348

1844 11 07 Hon CS Police Office, Moreton Bay J C Wickham W Elyard for the C S “T L M”

1844 11 02 1844 11 07 1844 11 09 1844 11 07~

At top: “Police Magistrate Moreton Bay” Letter re proclamation in Government Gazette of 15th ult re sale of land in Brisbane on 27th inst – unable to find plan of allotments in Survey Office – Mr Asst Surveyor Burnett at Dividing Range & not available before sale – requests plan of allotments from Surveyor General’s Office – mentions original plan of Township & suburbs sent to Surveyor General for approval – no copy kept Notes re above To Surveyor General – tracings to be sent by next steamer Tracings enclosed Forwarded to Capt Wickham Note re above Re Mr Burnett’s absence - Mr Wade could indicate allotments Tracings to be supplied by next vessel

A2.14 613 – 615 616 617


1844 11 07 Hon CS

Police Office, Moreton Bay J C Wickham

1844 11 02

At top: “Police Magistrate Moreton Bay” Letter forwarding document from Commissioner of Crown Lands Darling Downs re murders committed by blacks in the District

A2.14 618

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44/08352 44/08352

Capt Wickham, Police Magistrate, Brisbane Mr Cowper

Crown Commissioner’s Office, Darling Downs Christopher Rolleston, Commr Christopher Rolleston, Commr “G G” “G G” F W Bigge

1844 10 28 1844 11 30~ 1845 02 28 1844 10 10 1844 10 11 “Thursday”

& Notes in margin [Ref 44/08349] Letter re murders committed by aborigines upon whites in District – enclosing list of 13 men killed in last 2 years List of White Persons Killed by the Aborigines in the Darling Downs District commencing January 1842 up to this date Date/ Names/ Employers/ Station/ Remarks 1842 Jan / [John McGaffie?/ George Gammie/ Stornaway] Enquiry held by Arthur Hodgson [Edward Miller/ George Gammie/ Stornaway ] Feb/ John Williams/ John Campbell jnr/ Westbrook Aug / [Hammond/ John Wilson/ Canal Creek ] Enquiry held by Arthur Hodgson [name unknown/ John Wilson/ Canal Creek] Aug / 2 men names unknown/ Richard Jones/ Condamine 1843 Mar/ Nowland/ Pitts & Bonifant/ Canal Creek/ Depositions taken by St George Gore June / [Colin Cooper/ Russell & Glover/ Jondaryan ] Depositions taken by [William Hughes/ Russell & Glover/ Jondaryan] Commissioner July / Richard White/ Sibly & King/ Haldon/ Depositions taken by Commissioner Sept / John Hills/ Hodgson & Elliot/ Eton Vale Dec/ Unknown/ Mathew Henry Marsh/ Maryland TOTAL 13 Men Notes re murders – mentions Richard White & John Hills Note Re Returns of persons killed & wounded by blacks in Moreton Bay Killed Wounded Darling Downs 13 - Moreton Bay 16 9

29 9 Numbers mentioned in Mr Bigge’s letter to Mr Cowper [for both Districts]: 32 killed, 6 wounded Re situation Note “The Governor decided not to report this to the Secretary of State at present” Note Re Mr Bigge’s letter to Mr Charles Cowper – copy to Capt Wickham for report re murders alluded to by Mr Bigge Letter enclosing list of men killed & wounded in the District by the blacks – could be more [Cover] “Chas Cowper”

619 620 – 621 622 623 – 624 625 – 626 627 628

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“G G”

1844 11 13~

Note Re Mr Cowper’s statement that 26 white people killed in Moreton Bay District without any enquiry by government Note Papers re this subject to be brought forward Note Killed Hodgson – 1; Richard Jones – 3; Gammie – 2; Wilson – 2; Pitts – 1; Thain – 2; McKenzie – 3; Ferriter & Uhr – 4; Eales – 4; Pearce – 1; Mocatta – 2; Graham – 1; Balfour – 1; Bigge – 1; Russell & ? – 2; Pike – 2 Seriously Wounded Archer – 1; McConnell – 1[also spelt McConnel]; Jones – 2; Pearce – 1; Pigott – 1 Mocatta’s overseer Note Requests statement re number of persons killed according to Official Return & number stated by Mr Bigge in letter to Mr Cowper

629 630 631 632

44/08349 1844 11 07 Hon CS Police Offie, Moreton Bay J C Wickham

1844 11 01 At top: “Police Magistrate Moreton Bay” Letter forwarding Return of Number of White Men killed & wounded by Aborigines in District of Moreton Bay from 1841 to 1844 inclusive – unable to provide Return for Darling Downs [margin: See 44/08352] – applied to Commissioner [Return not filmed here – see p 639-640]

A2.14 633

44/07954 1844 10 24 Hon CS Police Offie, Moreton Bay J C Wickham

1844 10 19 1844 10 24~ 1844 10 25

At top: “Police Magistrate Moreton Bay” Letter reporting on Mr Bigge’s letter to Mr Charles Cowper re murders committed by blacks at Moreton Bay – requests for information sent to Commissioners for Crown Lands for Moreton Bay & Darling Downs– mentions 4 outrages by blacks reported to him viz Archer – 1; Jones – 2; Pearce – 1 & action taken Discusses one of above cases at Limestone – Mr Moore’s child – blacks apprehended – “Jacky Jacky” & “Peter” & Notes in margin Further information to be obtained [Ref 44/08349]

A2.14 634 – 638

S Simpson, C C L J C Wickham, Police Magistrate

1841 10 01~ Return of the Number of White Men Killed and Wounded in the District of Moreton Bay by the Aborigines from the year 1841 to 1844 inclusive Year/ Month/ Names/ Killed or wounded/ In whose service/ Remarks 1841 October T Coyle/ Killed/ R Jones W Bradley/ Killed/ G Mocatta P Pigott ] Wounded/ G Mocatta C Campbell] 1842 January J Nowland/ Wounded/ D McConnel February Ph Murray ] Killed/ E Mackenzie [also spelt McKenzie] H G Bond ] June B Goldrich/ Killed/ Messrs Bigge

A2.14 639 – 640

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J Robertson/ Killed/ Messrs Balfour 1843 February J Maynard/ Killed/ E Mackenzie March A female child/ Killed/ Daughter of J Moore of Ipswich/ Remarks re murderers “Micky Micky” & “Peter” [previously Jacky Jacky & Peter] J Sussex/ Wounded/ J Eales April William Vant/ Wounded/ D Archer & Co P Hassel ] M Noonan ] Killed/ J Eales J Cummins] G McKin ] July T Worthington/ Killed/ J C Pearce Sept J Flannagan/ Killed/ J C Pearce M Welsh ] Wounded/ R Jones/ Remarks: re native “Micky Micky” G Sinclair] Oct J Thompson (a black man)/ Wounded/ J Wingate Nov Thomas Early/ Killed/ R Jones 1844 January M Fogerty/ Wounded/ J C Pearce June G Sinclair/ Killed/ Graham & Ivory TOTAL: 16 killed & 9 wounded

1844 12 21~ Note Re Official Returns from Moreton Bay & Darling Downs & assertions made in Council by Mr Charles Cowper re whites killed by blacks without enquiry by government – discusses

A2.14 641 – 644

1842 01 01~ Return of the Number of White Men Killed by the Aborigines in the District of Darling Downs from January 1842 to 1844 inclusive [See also List p 620-621] Year/ Month/ Name/ Killed or wounded/ In whose service/ Remarks 1842 January J McGuffy [also spelt McGaffie]/ Killed/ G Gammie E Miller/ Killed/ G Gammie Feb John Williams/ Killed/ J Campbell Aug Hamma [also spelt Hammond]/ Killed/ J Wilson Unknown/ Killed/ J Wilson 2 men names unknown/ Killed/ R Jones 1843 June Nowland/ Killed/ Pitts & Bonnifant [also spelt Bonifant, Boniphant] C Cooper/ Killed/ Russell & Glover W Hughes/ Killed/ Russell & Glover

A2.14 645 – 646

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July Richard White/ Killed/ Sibly & King Sept John Hills/ Killed/ Hodgson & Elliot Dec Unknown/ Killed/ M H Marsh Total Killed Darling Downs – 13 Wounded – Total Killed Moreton Bay – 16 Wounded – 9 29 9

1841 10 01~ Return of the Number of White Men Killed and Wounded by the Aborigines in the District of Moreton Bay from the Year 1841 to 1844 inclusive Year/ Month/ Name/ Killed or Wounded/ In whose service/ Remarks [pages out of order – Return starts on p 649-650, continued p 647 – 648] [see also Return p 639 – 640] 1841 Oct T Coyle/ Killed/ R Jones W Bradley/ Killed/ G Mocatta P Pigott/ Wounded/ G Mocatta C Campbell/ Wounded/ G Mocatta 1842 Jan J Nowland/ Wounded/ D McConnell [also spelt McConnel] Feb Ph Murray/ Killed/ E McKenzie H G Bond/ Killed/ E McKenzie June B Goldrich/ Killed/ Messrs Bigge J Robertson/ Killed/ Messrs Balfour 1843 Feb J Maynard/ Killed/ E McKenzie March A female child/ Killed/ daughter of J Moore/ Remarks: murderers “Jackey Jackey” & “Peter” [also spelt Jacky Jacky] April William Vant/ Wounded/ Archer & Co J Sussex/ Wounded/ J Eales P Hassel ] M Noonan ] Killed/ J Eales J Cummins] G McKin ] July T Worthington/ Killed/ J C Pearce Sept J Flanagan [also spelt Flannagan]/ Killed/ J C Pearce M Walsh [also spelt Welsh]/ Wounded/ R Jones ] G Sinclair/ Wounded/ R Jones ] native “Mickey Mickey” transported Oct ] to Norfolk Island [also spelt Micky J Thompson (a black man)/ Wounded/ J Wingate ] Micky] Nov Thomas Early/ Killed/ R Jones 1844 Jan

A2.14 647 – 650

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M Fogerty/ Wounded/ J C Pearce June G Sinclair/ Killed/ Graham & Ivory Total 16 killed, 9 wounded during more than 3 years

1841 10 01~ Return of the Number of White Men Killed and Wounded by the Aborigines in the District of Moreton Bay from the Year 1841 to 1844 inclusive Year/ Month/ Name/ Killed or Wounded/ In whose service/ Remarks [same Return as at p 647–650] 1841 Oct T Coyle/ Killed/ R Jones W Bradley/ Killed/ G Mocatta P Pigott/ Wounded/ G Mocatta C Campbell/ Wounded/ G Mocatta 1842 Jan J Nowland/ Wounded/ D McConnell [also spelt McConnel] Feb Ph Murray/ Killed/ E McKenzie H G Bond/ Killed/ E McKenzie June B Goldrich/ Killed/ Messrs Bigge J Robertson/ Killed/ Messrs Balfour 1843 Feb J Maynard/ Killed/ E McKenzie March A female child/ Killed/ daughter of J Moore/ Remarks: murderers “Jackey Jackey” & “Peter” April William Vant/ Wounded/ Archer & Co J Sussex/ Wounded/ J Eales P Hassel ] M Noonan ] Killed/ J Eales J Cummins] G McKin ] Remarks: occurred at Wide Bay [including Sussex] July T Worthington/ Killed/ J C Pearce Sept J Flanagan [also spelt Flannagan]/ Killed/ J C Pearce M Walsh [also spelt Welsh]/ Wounded/ R Jones ] G Sinclair/ Wounded/ R Jones ] Remarks: native “Micky Micky” Oct ] transported to Norfolk Island J Thompson (a black man)/ Wounded/ J Wingate ] Nov Thomas Early/ Killed/ R Jones 1844 Jan M Fogerty/ Wounded/ J C Pearce June G Sinclair/ Killed/ Graham & Ivory Total 16 killed, 9 wounded during more than 3 years

A2.14 651 – 654

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1842 01 01~ Return of the Number of White Men Killed by the Aborigines in the District of Darling Downs from January 1842 to 1844 inclusive Year/ Month/ Name/ Killed or wounded/ In whose service/ Remarks [Same Return as at p 645-646] 1842 January J McGuffy [also spelt McGaffie]/ Killed/ G Gammie] Remarks: Enquiry held by Arthur E Miller/ Killed/ G Gammie ] Hodgson Feb John Williams/ Killed/ J Campbell Aug Hamma [also spelt Hammond]/ Killed/ J Wilson] Remarks: Enquiry held by Arthur Unknown/ Killed/ J Wilson ] Hodgson 2 men names unknown/ Killed/ R Jones 1843 June Nowland/ Killed/ Pitts & Bonnifant [also spelt Bonifant, Boniphant] Remarks: Deposition taken by Saint George Gore [also spelt St George Gore] C Cooper/ Killed/ Russell & Glover W Hughes/ Killed/ Russell & Glover July Richard White/ Killed/ Sibley & King [also spelt Sibly] Sept John Hills/ Killed/ Hodgson & Elliott [also spelt Elliot] Dec Unknown/ Killed/ M H Marsh Total Killed Darling Downs – 13 Wounded – 0 Total Killed Moreton Bay – 16 Wounded – 9 29 9

2.14 655 – 656

1841 10 01~ Return of the Number of White Men Killed and Wounded by the Aborigines in the District of Moreton Bay from the Year 1841 to 1844 inclusive Year/ Month/ Name/ Killed or Wounded/ In whose service/ Remarks [same Return as at p 647–650 & p 651-654]

A2.14 657 – 660

1842 01 01~ Return of the Number of White Men Killed by the Aborigines in the District of Darling Downs from January 1842 to 1844 inclusive Year/ Month/ Name/ Killed or wounded/ In whose service/ Remarks [same Return as at p 645-646 & p 655-656]

A2.14 661 – 662

44/08786 1844 11 25 Hon CS Police Office, Moreton Bay J C Wickham

1844 11 11 1844 11 25~ 1844 11 27

At top: “Police Magistrate Moreton Bay” Letter asking if lock-up keeper at Moreton Bay can be appointed from 1 January 1845 & Notes in margin Yes – provided authorised Establishment not exceeded [Cover] On Her Majesty’s Service/ The Honble/ The Colonial Secretary/ Sydney [From] Police Office / Moreton Bay [postmarked: General Post Office – Sydney / NO * 25 / 1844] [postmarked: Brisbane – New S Wales / NO * 20 / 1843 [as it is]

A2.14 663 664


1844 12 09

Hon CS

Police Office, Moreton Bay J C Wickham

1844 12 04

At top: “Police Magistrate Moreton Bay” Forwarding application from D K Ballow requesting certain allotments again be put up for sale

A2.14 666 [no p 665]

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J C Wickham, Police Magistrate

W Elyard for the CS Surveyor General’s Office, Sydney S A Perry D S G for the S G Brisbane D Keith Ballow

1844 12 09 1845 02 17 1844 12 04

Also at top: “Coll Secy - 45/30 - 13 Feb 1845” Note re above Referred to Surveyor General Description of allotments forwarded to Colonial Secretary on 13th inst - No 45/30 – for proclamation “Capt Wickham apprised of day of sale – 10th March 1845” Letter requesting certain allotments be put up again at the next sale: Nos 2,3,4 & 5 of Section No 32 (put up for sale on 27 Nov & not bid for)

667 668

44/09529 1844 12 24 Hon CS Police Office, Moreton Bay J C Wickham Surveyor General’s Office S A Perry for Surv Genl

1844 12 17 1844 12 24 1845 02 07

At top: “Police Magistrate Moreton Bay” Letter re request from Mr John McConnel for Allotment No 4 Section No 2 at Ipswich to be put up for sale and that Governor make a free grant of river frontage of Eastern Suburban Allotments North Brisbane from No 5 to 11 inclusive – ground too rocky & precipitous to purchase – only of value to purchasers of adjoining allotments Also at top: “Col Secy – 45/30 – 13 Feb 1845” [Cover] On Her Majesty’s Service/ The Honble/ The Colonial Secretary/ Sydney [From] Police Office / Moreton Bay [postmarked: General Post Office – Sydney / DE * 23 / 1844] & Notes re above Surveyor General to report Description of allotments forwarded to Colonial Secretary for proclamation letter of 13th inst No 45/30 “Capt Wickham apprised of day of sale – 10th March 1845”

A2.14 669 – 670 671

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NOTES ~ Have used this symbol throughout when I have “assumed” details which have not been provided – e.g. “Hon CS” has been omitted on document See also “Dates” CS REF NUMBERS For SORTING purposes, I have entered CS Reference Numbers to five places 00001 - 10000 For FINDING purposes I have inserted 0s in the Contents where CS ref Numbers have been cited DATES Format used throughout is YEAR MONTH DAY – one space between ~ Used to indicate dates which are incomplete on document, usually in Notes e g 31 Mar - assumption made as to year PAGE NUMBERS For SORTING purposes I have entered all page numbers to 3 places

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Reel No. A2.14

New South Wales – Colonial Secretary Letters Received 1826 – 1934 _______________________________

Letters relating to Moreton Bay and Queensland, 182 2 – 1860 From the Originals in the Archives Office of New So uth Wales

NSW Civil Establishment [004] – [037]

Returns of the Medical Establishment [pages not 1829, 1831, 1833-35, 1837-48 numbered] Special Bundle 4/7358 [continued from Reel A 2.13] Letters received 1844 and papers filed with them 038 – 671 Letters received 1845 and papers filed with them 671 [again] – 882