N ew Publications Received (June) Bascom, William R. and Melville J. Herskovits. (Eds.) Confinuity and Change in African Cidturw. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1959. vii, 309 pp., 8 figures, 5 tables. $7.00. Bernot, Denise and Lucien Bernot. Lcs Khyang des Collines de Chillagong: Maldriaux pour l’dlude linguislique des Chin. (L’Homme, Nouvelle strie -no 3.) Paris: Librairie PLON, 1958. 151 pp., 2 figures, 1 map, tables. 600F. Birro, Cela. The Ways of Enjoyment: A Dialogue Concerning Social Science. New York: Exposi- tion Press, 1957. 114 pp. $3.00. Briggs, L. Cabot. The Living Races of the Sahara Desert. (Papers of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University, Volume XXVIII, No. 2.) Cambridge: Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, 1958. xii, 289 pp., 5 figures, frontispiece, 69 plates, 103 tables. $7.85. Cannon, H. Graham. The Evolution of Living Things. Springfield: Charles C Thomas, Publisher, 1958. x, 180 pp. $3.50. Chalfant, William Bergen. Primer of Free Gouernmenl. New York: Philosophical Library, 1959. Chkng, Te-k’un. Archaeology in China: Prckistoric China. (Volume I.) Cambridge: W. Heffer and Sons Ltd., 1959. xix, 250 pp., 3 maps, 5 tables, 44 plates, 30 text-figures. 22.25. Cox, Oliver C. The Foundations of Capilalism. Foreword by Harry Elmer Barnes. New York: Philosophical Library, 1959.500 pp. $7.50. Dore, R. P. Cify Life in Japan: A Study of a Tokyo Ward. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1958. x, 472 pp. appendices, 4 diagrams, 13 plates, 24 tables. $6.75. Dunbar, Gary S. Historical Geography of the North Carolina Wer Banks. (Louisiana State Uni- versity Studies.) (Coastal Studies Series No. 3.) Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1958. xii, 234 pp., appendices, 28 figures, 7 plates, 1 table. $3.00. Dunn, Jr., J. P. Massacres of fhe Mountains: A History of the Far W w t , 1815-1875. (Distributed by Herman and Stephens, Inc.) New York: Archer House, Inc., 1958. viii, 669 pp., frontis- piece, illustrations. $6.95. Eliade, Mircea. The Sacred and the Profane: The Nature of Religion. Translated from the French by Willard R. Trask. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1959.256 pp. $4.50. Forde, Daryll. The Conkxt of Belief: A Considnation of Fetishism among ;he Yako. (The Frazer Lectures.) Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1958.30 pp. 5 shilling. Forster, Harold. Flowering Lolus: A View of Java. New York: Longmans, Green and Company, 1958. xiv, 281 pp., 1 map, 33 photographs. $5.75. Fundaburk, Emma Lila. (Ed.) Southeastern Indians, Life Portrads: A Catalogue of Piclitres, 15641860. Luverne: Emma Lila Fundaburk, Publisher, 1958. 136 pp., 343 illustrations. $7.50. Garn, Stanley M. and Zvi Shamir. Methodr for Research in Human Crowlh. Springfield: Charles C Thomas, Publisher, 1958. xi, 121 pp., 30 figures. $4.75. Greulich, William Walter and S. Idell Pyle. Radwgraphic Atlm of Skelelal Development of fhe Hand and Wrisf. (Second Edition.) Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1959. xvi, 256 pp., appen- dix, 14 figures, 29 plates, 13 tables. $15.00. Gross, Llewellyn. (Ed.) Symposium on Sociological Theory. Evanston: Row, Peterson and Com- pany, 1959. u, 642 pp., 4 charts, 5 figures. $7.25. Gulliver, P. H. Land T m w e and Social Change Among the Nyakyusa. (East African Studies No. 11.) Kampala, Uganda: East African Institute of Social Research, 1958. 47 pp., 2 maps, 7 tables. 10s. Halbwachs, Maurice. The Psychology of Social Class. Foreword by Georges Friedmann. Trans- lated by Claire Delavenay. Glencoe: The Free Press, 1958. xvii, 142 pp. $4.00. Hawley, Don. The Nalure of Things. New York: Philosophical Library, 1959.187 pp. V.75. 160 pp. $3.00. 732

New Publications Received (June)

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Page 1: New Publications Received (June)

N e w Publications Received (June) Bascom, William R. and Melville J. Herskovits. (Eds.) Confinuity and Change in African Cidturw.

Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1959. vii, 309 pp., 8 figures, 5 tables. $7.00. Bernot, Denise and Lucien Bernot. Lcs Khyang des Collines de Chillagong: Maldriaux pour l’dlude

linguislique des Chin. (L’Homme, Nouvelle strie -no 3.) Paris: Librairie PLON, 1958. 151 pp., 2 figures, 1 map, tables. 600F.

Birro, Cela. The Ways of Enjoyment: A Dialogue Concerning Social Science. New York: Exposi- tion Press, 1957. 114 pp. $3.00.

Briggs, L. Cabot. The Living Races of the Sahara Desert. (Papers of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University, Volume XXVIII, No. 2.) Cambridge: Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, 1958. xii, 289 pp., 5 figures, frontispiece, 69 plates, 103 tables. $7.85.

Cannon, H. Graham. The Evolution of Living Things. Springfield: Charles C Thomas, Publisher, 1958. x, 180 pp. $3.50.

Chalfant, William Bergen. Primer of Free Gouernmenl. New York: Philosophical Library, 1959.

Chkng, Te-k’un. Archaeology in China: Prckistoric China. (Volume I.) Cambridge: W. Heffer and Sons Ltd., 1959. xix, 250 pp., 3 maps, 5 tables, 44 plates, 30 text-figures. 22.25.

Cox, Oliver C. The Foundations of Capilalism. Foreword by Harry Elmer Barnes. New York: Philosophical Library, 1959.500 pp. $7.50.

Dore, R. P. Cify Life in Japan: A Study of a Tokyo Ward. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1958. x, 472 pp. appendices, 4 diagrams, 13 plates, 24 tables. $6.75.

Dunbar, Gary S. Historical Geography of the North Carolina Wer Banks. (Louisiana State Uni- versity Studies.) (Coastal Studies Series No. 3.) Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1958. xii, 234 pp., appendices, 28 figures, 7 plates, 1 table. $3.00.

Dunn, Jr., J. P. Massacres of fhe Mountains: A History of the Far Wwt , 1815-1875. (Distributed by Herman and Stephens, Inc.) New York: Archer House, Inc., 1958. viii, 669 pp., frontis- piece, illustrations. $6.95.

Eliade, Mircea. The Sacred and the Profane: The Nature of Religion. Translated from the French by Willard R. Trask. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1959.256 pp. $4.50.

Forde, Daryll. The Conkxt of Belief: A Considnation of Fetishism among ;he Yako. (The Frazer Lectures.) Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1958.30 pp. 5 shilling.

Forster, Harold. Flowering Lolus: A View of Java. New York: Longmans, Green and Company, 1958. xiv, 281 pp., 1 map, 33 photographs. $5.75.

Fundaburk, Emma Lila. (Ed.) Southeastern Indians, Life Portrads: A Catalogue of Piclitres, 15641860. Luverne: Emma Lila Fundaburk, Publisher, 1958. 136 pp., 343 illustrations. $7.50.

Garn, Stanley M. and Zvi Shamir. Methodr for Research in Human Crowlh. Springfield: Charles C Thomas, Publisher, 1958. xi, 121 pp., 30 figures. $4.75.

Greulich, William Walter and S. Idell Pyle. Radwgraphic Atlm of Skelelal Development of fhe Hand and Wrisf. (Second Edition.) Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1959. xvi, 256 pp., appen- dix, 14 figures, 29 plates, 13 tables. $15.00.

Gross, Llewellyn. (Ed.) Symposium on Sociological Theory. Evanston: Row, Peterson and Com- pany, 1959. u, 642 pp., 4 charts, 5 figures. $7.25.

Gulliver, P. H. Land T m w e and Social Change Among the Nyakyusa. (East African Studies No. 11.) Kampala, Uganda: East African Institute of Social Research, 1958. 47 pp., 2 maps, 7 tables. 10s.

Halbwachs, Maurice. The Psychology of Social Class. Foreword by Georges Friedmann. Trans- lated by Claire Delavenay. Glencoe: The Free Press, 1958. xvii, 142 pp. $4.00.

Hawley, Don. The Nalure of Things. New York: Philosophical Library, 1959.187 pp. V.75.

160 pp. $3.00.


Page 2: New Publications Received (June)

New Publicalions Received 733 Hess, Robert D. and Gerald Handel. Family Worlds: A Psychosocial Approach to Family Lqe.

Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1959. xiii, 306 pp., appendix. $5.00. Imre, Szentmihfrlyi. A Cocseji NJp Eredethagyomdnya. (A Magyar NCprajzi Tirrsaslg Kihyvtfrra.)

Budapest: Akaddmiai Kiado, 1958.67 pp., 2 maps. n.p. Jacobs, Melville. The Content and Style of an Oral Literalure: Clackamas Chinook Myths and Tales.

Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1959. viii, 285 pp. $5.00. Lek , A. Carneiro. Panorama Socioldgico do Brasil. (Publicacoes do Centro Brasileiro de Pes-

quisas Educacionais, %rie 111, Vol. 11.) Rio de Janeiro: Instituto Nacional de Estudos Pedag6gicos, 1958. 214 pp., appendix. n.p.

Lipset, Seymour Martin and Rdnhard Bendix. Social Mobility in Industrial Society. Berkeley: University of CaYiornia Press, 1959. xxi, 309 pp., appendix, 13 figures, 59 tables. $5.00.

Lower, Arthur R. M. Canadians in the Making: Asocial History of Canada. New York: Longmans, Green and Company, Inc., 1958. xxiv, 475 pp., 17 diagrams, 12 plates. $7.50.

MacNeish, Richard S. Preliminary Archaeological Invcsligalions in the Sierra a2 Tamaulipas, Mexico. (Transactions of the American Philosophical Society.) (New Series-Volume 48, Part 6.) Philadelphia: The American Philosophical Society, 1958. 210 pp., 51 figures, 31 tables. $5.00.

Macy, Icie G. and Harriet J. KeUy. Chemical Anthropology: A Neur Approach to Growth in Children. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1957. xviii, 149 pp., 13 figures, 36 tables. $3.75.

Mahony, Frank. The Innovation of a Savings Instilution on Moen Island, Truk: A Preliminary Report. (Anthropological Working Papers Series, No. 2.) Guam: Staff Anthropologist Of- fice, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, 1957. i, 51 pp., appendices. n.p.

Majumdar, D. N. Races and Cultures of India. Bombay: Asia Publishing House, 1958. xi, 465 pp., figures, tables. Rs. 22.50.

Martin, Paul S. Digging into History: A Brief Account of Archoeologkd Work in New Mexico. (Chicago Natural History Museum Popular Series, Anthropology, No. 38.) Chicago: Chicago Natural History Museum, 1959. 157 pp., frontispiece, illustrations. $1.50.

Mathiassen, Therkel. The Sermermiut Excavalions 1955. (Meddelelser om Grdnland Udgivne af Kommissionen for Videnskabelige Underdgelser i Grdnland, Bd. 161, Nr. 3.) KBbenhavn: C. A. Reitzels Forlag, 1958.52 pp., 14 figures, 3 tables. kr. 10.00.

Mead, Margaret. A n Anlhropologisl at Work: Wr'raings o j RlJh Benedict. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1959. xxii, 583 pp., frontispiece, 14 illustrations. $6.00.

Meier, Richard L. Modern Science and the Human Fertility Problem. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1959. xiii, 263 pp., appendices, 2 charts, 5 figures, 3 tables. $5.95.

Merton, Robert K., Leonard Broom and Leonard S. Cottrell, Jr. (Eds.) Sociology Today: Problems and Prospects. New York: Basic Books, Inc., 1959. xxxiv, 623 pp., 5 figures, 8 tables. $7.50.

Miller, Henry and Philip Shorr. (Eds.) Essays in Social Science: In Memory of Jacob Saposnekow. Publishers: Jacob Saposnekow Memorial Volume Committee, 1958. xiv, 157 pp., frontispiece. $2.00.

Reitzes, Dietrich C. Negroes and Medicine. (Published for the Commonwealth Fund.) Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1958. xxi, 400 pp., appendices, 72 tables. $7.00.

Roe, Anne and George Gaylord Simpson. (Eds.) Behavior and Evolution. New Haven: Yale Uni- versity Press, 1958. vii, 557 pp., figures, tables. $10.00.

Sankalia, Hasmukh Dhirajlal, Bendapudi Bubbarao and Shantaram Bhalchandra Deo. The Excavations at Maheshwar and Navdatoli (1952-1953). (Deccan College Research Institute and M. S. University Publication No. 1.) Baroda: Maharaja Sayajirao University and Poona: Deccan College Research Institute, 1958. xxv, 257 pp., 152 figures, 4 maps, 33 plates.

Sastri, K. A. Nilakanta. (Ed.) A Comprehensive History of India: The Mauryas and Satavahanas (325 B.C.-A.D. 300). (Volume Two.) New York: Longmans, Green and Co., Inc., 1957. xx, 918 pp., appendix, 7 maps, 88 plates. 90/- net.

Slovensk9 NCodopis. (Journal of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Volume VI, No. 6.) Bratislava: Slovenskfr AkadCmia Vied, 1958. (561-672) pp., 35 illustrations. n.p.

Rs. 35/-.

Page 3: New Publications Received (June)

734 American Anthropologist [61, 19591

Stirton. R. A. Time, Lye, and Man: The Fossil Record. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1959. xi, 558 pp., 291 figures, 1 table. $9.00.

Subbarao, Bendapudi. The Personality o j India: Pre- and Proto-Historic Foundation o j India and Pakistan. With a foreword by Sir Mortimer Wheeler. (M.S. University Archaeology Series No. 3.) Baroda: Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, 1958. xvi, 193 pp., appendices, 42 figures, frontispiece, 11 plates. Rs. 20.

The Memoirs of the Institutefor Oriental Cdture. (No. 14.) Tokyo: The Institute for Oriental Culture, The University of Tokyo, 1958.308 pp., 1 chart, 1 map, 8 photographs. n.p.

The Memoirs of the Institute for oriental Culture. (No. 15.) Tokyo: The Institute for Oriental Culture, The University of Tokyo, 1958.341 pp., 8 illustrations. n.p.

The Use of Namcs by Micronesians. (Anthropological Working Papers Series, No. 3.) Guam: Staff Anthropologist Office, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, 1958. v, 124 pp. n.p.

Titiev, Mischa. Introduction to Cultural Anthropology, New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1959. xiv, 464 pp., glossary, 127 illustrations. $6.00.

Wahlgren, Erik. The Kensington Stone: A Mystery Solved. Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1958. xiv, 228 pp., 30 illustrations. $5.00.

Welsh, Doris Varner. A Catalogw of P h k d Malerids Relating to the Philippine Islands, 1519- 1900, in the Newberry Library. Chicago: The Newberry Library, 1959. viii, 179 pp., appendix. 56.00.

White, Leslie A. The Evolution of Culture: The Development of Civiliaaiwn to the Fall o j Rome. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1959. xi, 378 pp., figures. $7.50.

Wilson, Monica. Communal Ri.h~uls of the Nyakyusa. (International African Institute.) New York: Oxford University Press, 1959.228 pp., frontispiece, 17 illustrations, 3 maps, 5 tables. 35s. net.

Woodbury, Angus M., Stephen D. Durrant and Seville Flowers. Survey of Vcgelalion in the Glen Canyon Resmoir Basin. (Anthropological Papers No. 36.) (Glen Canyon Series No. 5.) Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1959. vi, 56 pp., appendices, 22 figures, 7 tables. $1.00.

Zaleznik, A., C. R. Christensen and F. J. Roethlisberger. The Motivation, Prodwt idy and Satis- faction of Workers .With the assistance and collaboration of George C. Homans. Boston: Harvard University, 1958. xxii, 442 pp., appendix, figures, tables. $6.00.

New Publications Received (August) Adams, Henry. The Degradation of the Democratic Dogma. Introduction by Brooks Adams. New

York: Capricorn Books, 1947. xiii, 305 pp. $1.25. Adams, William Y. and Nettie K. Adams. Inventory nf Prehistoric Sites on the Lover San Juan

River, Utah: Based on Surveys of the Muscum of Northern Arizona Glen Canyon Project, 19.57-1958. (Museum of Northern Arizona Bulletin 31.) (Glen Canyon Series No. 1.) Flag- staff: Northern Arizona Society of Science and Art, h c . , 1959. vi, 53 pp., 15 figures, 8 maps, 13 tables. n.p.

Adcock, C. J., J. R. McCreary, J. E. Ritchie and H. C. A. Somerset. Personaliry and Physique: A Rorschach Study of Maori and Europeans. (Publications in Psychology No. 12.) Wellington: Victoria University, 1958. 93 pp., appendices, 14 tables. n.p.

Adler, Alfred. What Life Should Mean to You. New York: Capricorn Books, 1958. 300 pp. $1.25. Anshen, Ruth Nanda. (Ed.) The Family: I k Function and Destiny. (Revised Edition.) (Science of

Culture Series, Volume V.) New York: Harper and Brothers, Publishers, 1959. xx, 538 pp.. 2 tables. $6.50.

Armillas, Pedro. Program of the History of American Indians: Part One: Pre-Cdumbian America. (Social Science Monographs, 2.) Washington, D. C.: Pan American Union, Social Science Section, 1958. v, 68 pp. $SO.

Page 4: New Publications Received (June)

New Publications Received 73.5

Beak, Kalph L. and Harry Hoijer. An Infrodwtion to Anthropology. (Second Edition.) New York: The Macmillan Company, 1959. xxi, 721 pp., appendix, 11 charts, figures, 7 maps, 4 tables. $6.90.

Bianchi, Ugo. I t M i s m o Rdigwso: Saggw Stork0 ed Etnologico. Roma: L'erma di Bret- schneider, 1958. 215 pp., appendices. n.p.

Bind, Tolvte. By Og Bygd: Norsk Folhmuseums Arbok 1957-1958. Oslo, Norway: I Hovedkoni- misjon, Johan Grundt Tanum, 1959. 193 pp., 87 figures. Kr. 12.-.

Birrell, Verla. The Textile Ark: A Handbook of Fabric Structure and Design Processes: Ancient ond Modern Waving, Braiding, Printing, and Olher Textile Techniques. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1959. xvi, 514 pp., 217 figures, frontispiece, glossary, 6 plates. $12.50.

Brown, Norman 0. Life dgainst Death: Th Psychoanalytical Meaning of History. Middletown, Connecticut: Wesleyan University Press, 1959. xii, 366 pp. $6.50.

Capell, A. The Cullure and Language d Fuluna and Aniwo, New Hebrides. (Oceania Linguistic Monograph No. 5.) Australia: University of Sydney, 1958. 167 pp., 3 maps, 8 photographs, tables. n.p.

Carpenter, Edmund, Frederick Varley and Robert Flaherty. Eskimo. (Explorations Series No. 9.) Toronto, Canada: University of Toronto Press, 1959.64 pp., illustrations, photographs. n.p.

Colson, Elizabeth. Marriage and the Family Among the Plateau Tonga of Northern Rhodesia. New York: T h e Humanities Press, 1958. xvi, 379 pp., appendices, 1 chart, 1 map, 7 plates, 33 tables. $8.50.

Curtis, Freddie. Arroyo Scquit: Archaeological Investigations of a La& Coastal Silc in Los Angela County, California. (Archaeological Survey Association of Southern California Paper No. 4.) Los Angeles: Archaeological Survey Association of Southern California, 1959. Xiii, 169 pp., appendices, charts, 124 figures, 1 map, 8 plates, 15 tables. $3.50.

Dasmann, Raymond F. Environmental Consmation. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1959. x, 307 pp., 153 figures, 12 tables. $6.50.

Desai, A. R. Rural Sociology in India. (Sole Distributors: Vora and Company, Publishers Private Ltd., Bombay.) Bombay: The Indian Society of Agricultural Economics, 1959. xviii, 440 pp. $6.00.

Drucker, Philip, Robert F. Heizer and Robert J. Squier. Exavalions a1 La Venlu Tabosco, 19-55. (Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 170.) Washington: Smith- sonian Institution, 1959. viii, 312 pp., appendices, 81 figures, frontispiece, 63 plates, 1 table. n.p.

Economfa de Guatemala. (Seminario de Integraci6n Social Guatemalteca Publicacidn No. 6, Volurnen I.) Guatemala: Editorial del Ministerio de Educaci6n Pdblica, 1958.314 pp., 3 dia- grams, 2 maps, 6 tables. n.p.

Fairservis, Jr., Walter A. The Origins of Oriental Civilization. (Mentor: Ancient Civilizations.) New York: The New American Library, 1959. viii, 144 pp., 24 figures, 10 plates. 9.50.

Farber, Bernard. Ejects ofa Severely Mentally Rdardcd Child on Family InteRrath. (Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, Serial No. 71, Vol. 24, No. 2.) Lafayette, Indiana: Society for Research in Child Development, Inc., 1959. 112 pp., appendices, 27 tables. n.p.

Feldman, A. Bronson. The Unconscious in History, New York: Philosophical Library, 1959. 26Y

Ferguson, Thomas Stuart. One Fold and One Shepherd. San Francisco: Books of California, 1958.

Fey, Harold E. and D'Arcy McNickle. Zndians and 0 t h Americans: Two Ways of Lye Med.

Fortes, Meyer. Oedipus and Job in West African Rdigion. New York: Cambridge University

Gabus, Jean. A u Sahara: Arts et Symboles. Neuchatel: a la Baconnikre, 1958. 408 pp., 327 figures,

Goody, J. R. The Social Ortanisation of the LoWiili. (Colonial Research Studies No. 19.) London:

pp. $4.75.

405 pp., figures, frontispiece, plates, tables. $6.00.

New York: Harper and Brothers, 1959. 220 pp., appendix. $2.75.

Press, 1959. 81 pp. $2.00.

3 maps, plates. n.p.

Page 5: New Publications Received (June)

736 American Anthropologist (61, 19591 Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1956. 119 pp., 7 figures, frontispiece, 8 photographs, 13 tables. 15s.

Gudschinsky, Sarah C. Proto-Popolecan: A Comparatizle Study of Popolocan and Mixtecan. (Indi- ana University Publications in Anthropology and Linguistics.) (Memoir 15 of the Inter- national Journal of American Linguistics.) Bloomington: Indiana University, 1958. viii, 118 pp., 26 charts. $2.00.

Halmos, Paul and Alan Iliffe. (Eds.) Readings in General Psychology. New York: Philosophical Library, 1959. ix, 251 pp., 5 figures. $6.00.

Harsh, Charles M. and H. G. Schrickel. Personality: Development and Assessment. (Second Edi- tion.) New York: The Ronald Press Co., 1959. v, 536 pp., 9 figures. $6.75.

Hauser, Philip M. and Otis Dudley Duncan. (Eds.). The Study of Popdation: An Znutntmy and Appraisal. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1959, xvi, 864 pp., 15 figures, 76 tables. $15.00.

Heyerdahl, Thor. Aku-Aku: The Secref of Easter Island. Chicago: Rand McNally and Company, 1958.384 pp., appendix, 5 drawings, 2 maps, 61 photographs. $6.95.

Hill, Reuben, J. Mayone Stycos and Kurt W. Back. The Family and Population Confrol: A Puerto Rican Experiment in Socicll Change. (A Social Science Research Center Study.) Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1959. xxvi, 481 pp., appendices, 10 figures, 173 tables. $8.00.

Himmelfarb, Gertrude. Danvin and the Darwinian Revolution. New York: Doubleday and Com- pany, Inc., 1959. 480 pp. $5.95.

Hofstadter, Richard. Social Daminism in American Tlrorcght. (Revised Edition.) New York: George Braziller, Inc., 1959. 248 pp. $4.00.

International Bibliography of Social and Cultural Anthropology. (Volume 11.) (Documentation in the Social Sciences.) (International Social Sciences Bibliographies.) Paris: Unesco, 1959. 391 pp. $6.50.

Jenness, Diamond. The People of the Twilight. (Phoenix Books.) Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1959. vii, 251 pp., frontispiece, illustrations, 2 maps, 10 photographs. $1.50.

Jones, A. M. Studies in Ajrican Mwic. (Volume I.) New York: Oxford University Press, 1959. ix, 295 pp., appendix, frontispiece, 1 graph, 1 map, 17 plates. $23.55 (2 volumes in set).

Jones, A. M. Studies in African Music. (Volume 11.) (Volume II contains the music dealt with in the text of Volume I.) New York: Oxford University Press, 1959. viii, 238 pp. $23.55 (2 volumes in set).

Kroeber, Theodora. Inland Whale. Foreword by Oliver La Farge. Bloomington: Indiana Univer- sity Press, 1959.205 pp., figures. $4.50.

Kronenberg, Andreas. DiC Teda von Tibesti. (Wiener Beitrage zur Kulturgeschichte und Linguis- tik, Band XII.) Horn, Austria: Verlag Ferdinand Berger, 1958. xiii, 177 pp., figures, 1 map, 30 photographs, 1 table. n.p.

Loewenberg, Bert James. Danuin, Wallace and the Themy of Natural Sdection: including the Lin- nean Society Papers. Cambridge: Arlington Books, 1957. 97 pp., figures. $5.00.

Lolli, Georgio, Emidio Serianni and Pierpalolo Luzzatto-Fegiz. Alcohol in Italian Culture: Food and Wine in Relation to Sobrkty Among Zlalians and Italian Americans. (Monographs of the Yale Center of Alcohol Studies No. 3.) Glencoe: The Free Press, 1958. xv, 140 pp., 69 tables. $4.00.

Majumdar, D. N. Caste and Communication in an Indiun Village. New York: Asia Publishing House, 1958. 358 pp., figures, glossary, 1 graph, 8 sociograms, 12 tables. $5.00.

Marti-Ibanez, Felix. (Ed.) Hislory of American Medicine: A Symposium. (MD International Symposia Series No. 5.) New York: MD Publications, Inc., 1959. 181 pp., 1 figure. $4.00.

Marx, Karl. A World Wi&ut Jews. Translated from the original German. Introduction by Dagobert D. Runes. New York: Philosophical Library, 1959. xii, 51 pp. $2.75.

Meyer, Jerome K. and Bertram H. Roberts. Family and Class Dynamics in Mmtul Illness. New York: John Wley and Sons, Xnc., 1959. xi, 295 pp., appendix. $6.95.

Middleton, John and David Tait. (Eds.) Tribes Without Rulers: St?cdics in African Segmentary

Page 6: New Publications Received (June)

New Publications Received 13 7 Systems. New York: The Humanities Press, 1958. xi, 234 pp., 12 fipures, 1 table. $5.50.

Mills, C. Wright. The Sociological Imagination. New York: Oxford University Press, 1959. 234 pp., appendix. $6.00.

Montet, Pierre. Everyday Lye in Egypt: in lhe Days of Ramcses the Great. Translated by A. R. Max- well-Hyslop and Margaret S. Drower. New York: St. Martin’s Press, Inc., 1958. xvi, 365 pp., 63 drawings, frontispiece, glossary, 2 maps, 15 plates, 1 table. $8.00.

Mountford, Charles P. The Tizui: Their Art, Myth and Ceremony. London: Phoenix House Ltd., 1958. 185 pp., 15 fipures, 1 map, 64 plates. 65s. net.

Murdock, George Peter. Outline of World Cdtures. (Revised Edition.) (Behavior Science Out- lines.) New Haven: Human Relations Area Files Press, 1958. xi, 225 pp., appendix. $3.00.

Murray, Keith A. The Modocs and Their War. (The Civilization of the American Indian Series.) Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1959. xiii, 3% pp., appendices, 12 illustrations. 1 map. $5.00.

Norbeck, Edward. Pineapple Town: Hawaii. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1959. xii, 159 pp., 3 maps, 8 photographs, 12 tables. $4.00.

Nygard, Holger Olof. The Ballad of Hem Haleudjn: Its Forms and Variations in Western Europe- A Study of the History and Nature of a Ballad Tradition. Knoxville, Tennessee: University of Tennessee Press, 1958. 350 pp., figures, 7 maps. $5.50.

Packard, Vance. The Status Seekers: A n Exploration of Class Behavior in America and the Hidden Barriers That Affect You, you^ Community, Your Future. New York: David McKay Com- pany, Inc., 1959. viii, 376 pp. $4.50.

Park, Richard L. and Irene Tinker. (Eds.) Leadership and Political Institutions in India. Prince- ton: Princeton University Press, 1959. x, 486 pp. $10.00.

Pearsall, Marion. Little Smoky Ridge: The Natural History of a Southern Appalachian Neighbor- hood. University, Alabama: University of Alabama Press, 1959. xiii, 205 pp. $4.00.

Rackow, Ernst. Beitrage zur Kenntnis dn malcriellen Kultur Nmdwest-Marokkos: Wohnraum, Hausrat, Kostum. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1958. xii, 129 pp., illustrations, maps, photographs. n.p.

Rasey, Marie I. (Ed.) The Nature of Being Human: Thc Franklin Leclures of 19561957. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1959. ix, 115 pp. $3.95.

Revisla de Indias: Dduado a Carlos u y a la America dc su Tiempo. (An0 XVIII, Julio-Diciembre 1958, Num. 73 y 74.) Madrid: Instituto Fernandez de Oviedo, 1958. (357-658) pp., 12 figures. Espana: 30 pesetas, Estranjero: 40 pesetas.

Rinaldo, John B. Foote Canyon Pueblo: Eastern Arizona. (Fieldiana: Anthropology, Voume 49, No. 2.) Chicago: Chicago Natural History Museum, 1959. Pp. 149-298, appendix, figures 58-1T9,3 tables. $4.00.

Roberts, Jr., Frank H. H. (Ed.) River Basin Surveys Papers. (Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 169.) (Inter-Agency Archeological Salvage Program Nos. 9-14.) Washington: Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, 1958. ix, 392 pp., 13 figures, 9 maps, 73 plates, 19 tables. $3.25.

Rostand, Jean. Can Man be Modijicd? Translated from the French by Jonathan Gri5n. New York: Basic Books, Inc., 1959. 105 pp. $3.00.

Salit, Charles R. Man in Search of Immortality. New York: Philosophical Library, 1958. 185 pp.

Sarason, Seymour B. Psychological Problems in Mental D e f ; C k y . (Third Edition.) New York: Harper and Brothers, 1959.678 pp., 13 figures, 36 tables. $6.50.

Schachter, Stanley. The Psychology of A.b?i.liatiun: Expmimmtal Studies of the Sources of Gegarimrs- ness. (Stanford Studies in Psychology No. 1.) Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1959. 141 pp., 2 figures, 34 tables. $3.75.

Schuster, Alfred B. The Art of Two WorMs: StudicS in Pie-Columbian and European Cultures. (A Publication of the Ibero-Amerikanische Bibliothek, Berlin.) New York: Frederick A. Praeger, Inc., 1959. 189 pp., 8 figures, 32 plates. $10.00.


Page 7: New Publications Received (June)

738 A merican Anthropologist [61, 19591 Sheppard, P. M. Natural Sddun and Hncdity. New York: Philosophical Library, 1959.212 pp.,

8 figures. $6.00. Sick, Helmut. Tukani. Translated by R. H. Stevens. London: Burke Publishing Co. Ltd., 1959.

240 pp., frontispiece, glos+sary, 39 photographs. 25s. net. Smith, Huston. The RdigMnr of Man. (A Mentor Book.) New York: The New American Li-

brary, 1958. x, 336 pp. $.SO. Smith, Thomas C. The Agrarian Origins ofModern Jupon. (Stanford Studies in the Civilizations

of Eastern Asia.) Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1959. xi, 250 pp., 4 figures, 1 map, 3 tables. $5.00.

Solheim 11, Wilhelm G. (Ed.) Asia# Perspectives. (The Bulletin of the Far-Eastem Prehistory Association.) (Volume II, No. 1.) American Branch of the Far-Eastem Prehistory Associa- tion, 1958. 140 pp., 5 figures. $3.00 (annual subscription).

Spindler, George Dearbom. The Transmissh of American Culture. (The Burton Lecture.) Cam- bridge: Harvard University Press, 1959. x, 51 pp. $1.50.

Srivastava, S. K. The T h a w : A Study in Culture Dynamics. Foreword by Dr. Sampurnanand. Introduction by C. von Furer-Haimendorf. Agra: Agra University Press, 1958. xxi, 343 pp., appendices, 36 figures, 7 maps, 3 plans, 27 plates, 30 tables. Rs. 16.50.

Statistical Abstract of Latin America for 1957. Los Angels: Committee on Latin American Studies, University of California, 1959. iii, 39 pp. , 18 plates. $2.00.

Strong, William Duncan. Parocas, Naeca, and Tiahuanacoid Cultural Relationships in South Coastal Peru. (Memoirs of the Society for American Archaeology No. 13.) (American An- tiquity, Volume XXU, No. 4, Part 2.) Salt Lake City: The Society for American Archaeol- ogy, 1957. vi, 48 pp., 19 figures, 4 tables. $1.00.

Tardits, Claude. Porto-Novo: Lcs nouvelles gtnhafions africaines mire leurs traditions et l’occidenl. (Le monde d’outre-mer p a d et prkent, premike sene: etudes VII.) Paris: Mouton and Co., 1958. 128 pp., appendices, 1 map, 34 tables. f 10.-/frs.fr. 1150.

Tenner, Franz. Elnologla y Etnografga de Guatemala. (Seminario de Integraci6n Social Guate- malteca Publicaci6n No. 5.) Guatemala: Editorial del Ministerio de Educacidn Pdblica, 1957. xviii, 299 pp,, appendix. n.p.

Terman, Lewis M. and Melita H. Oden. The Gafd Grolrp at Mid-Lve: Thirty-Five Yews’ Follow- up o j the Superior Child. (Genetic Studies of Genius, Volume V.) Stanford: Stanford Uni. versity Press, 1959. xiv, 187 pp., appendix, 61 tables. $4.50.

Thomas, Elizabeth Marshall. The Earmless People. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1959. xiii, 266 pp., 2 charts, 1 map, 22 photographs. $4.75.

Thomas, William I. and Florian Znaniecki. The Polish Peasant in Europe and America. (Volumes I and IT.) (Second Edition.) New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1958. xv, 2250 pp, $12.50 (set of 2 volumes).

Thompson, Raymond H. MigralionS in New Worki Culture History. (Social Science Bulletin No. 27.) (University of Arizona Bulletin, Volume 29, No. 2.) Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1958.68 pp., 8 figures, 2 tables. $1.00.

Trimingham, J, Spencer. Zsbm in Wwt Africa. New York: Oxford University Press, 1959. ix, 262 pp., appendices, glossary, 1 map. 30s. net (in U.K. only).

Vidart, Daniel D. El CabaUo y su InjZuencM m Arnhica Znlgma. (Departamento de Sociologia Rural Publicau6n No. 2.) Montevideo, Uruguay: Ministerio de Ganaderia y Agricultura, Repfiblica Oriental del Uruguay, 1958. 56 pp. n.p.

Vogt, Evon 2. and Ray Human. Wala Witching U.S.A. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1959. xi, 248 pp., appendices, 23 figures, frontispiece, 9 tables. $4.95.

Wassell, B. Bohdan. Croup Psychoanalysis. New York: Philosophical Library, 1959. xiii, 306 pp. $3.75.

Watson, William. Tribal Cohcsion in a Money Economy: A Study of the Mambwe People of Norlliern Rhodesia. New York: The Humanities Press, 1958. A i i , 246 pp., 6 figures, 6 plates, 15 tables. $6.00.

Webster, T. B. L. From Mycenae to Homer: A Study in Early Greek Lilcrature and Art . New York: Frederick A. Praeger, Inc., 1958. xVi, 336 pp., 1 map, 38 plates, 1 table. $6.15.

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New Publications Received 739

Willey, Gordon R., Evon Z. Vogt and Angel Palerm. (Eds.) Middle American Anthropology: Special Symposium of tkc American Anthropological Association. (Social Science Mono- graphs, 5.) Washington, D. C.: Pan American Union, Social Science Section, 1958. viii, 60

Wright, Arthur F. Biddlrism in Chinese Bisfwy. (Stanford Studies in the Civilizations of Eastern

Wyman, Leland C. Navaho Indian Painting: Symbolism, Artistry, and Psychology. (University

pp. $SO.

Asia.) Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1959. xiv, 144 pp., 8 plates. $3.75.

Lectures.) Boston: Boston University Press, 1959.28 pp. $.SO.