27 th May 2016 – Issue 15 New Principal Announced On Tuesday the 24 th of May, Mark Young, Director of the Wollemi Network of schools, visited the staff of Quirindi High School to announce the appointment of Mr Ian Worley to the position of Principal at Quirindi High School. Mr Worley currently holds the position of Principal of Nundle Primary School and will be joining the Quirindi High School staff as of day one, Term 3 to begin his role. Mr Worley will be visiting the P&C meeting next week to meet parents; this meeting will be a great opportunity to begin long lasting, strong relationships with our school community. This week members of the school staff worked collaboratively with staff from other schools within the Liverpool Plains community of schools to develop a program for shared professional development which will be hosted at Quirindi High School on the first day of next term. The professional learning will centre around “What works best: Evidence –based practices to help improve NSW student performance. It is wonderful to see that the school strategic direction of improved community congruence is being met through these shared learning opportunities. As always, improved student outcomes are at the core of school business and through the continued shared learning we ensure that all students in our local area benefit from improved teacher expertise and the highest quality of learning in all classrooms. Year 12 Biology, Physics, Chemistry and PDHPE students were given the opportunity to attend HSC booster workshops at UNE this week. Through accessing the tertiary institution students were exposed to learning and resources of the highest quality. It is hoped students are able to utilise the extension to their learning and apply the deeper understanding to their HSC examinations. We also had a number of students travel to Gunnedah on Wednesday to compete in the Touch Football Gala Day. Unfortunately our opens girls’ team was unsuccessful but the opens boys’ won both games and will now move on to the next round of the competition. As always should you have any questions or queries regarding the educational opportunities available for your children at Quirindi High School please contact us to make an appointment to discuss your needs. Sally Chad Relieving Principal

New Principal Announced - quirindi-h.schools.nsw.gov.au...27th May 2016 – Issue 15 . New Principal Announced . On Tuesday the 24th of May, Mark Young, Director of the Wollemi Network

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Page 1: New Principal Announced - quirindi-h.schools.nsw.gov.au...27th May 2016 – Issue 15 . New Principal Announced . On Tuesday the 24th of May, Mark Young, Director of the Wollemi Network

27th May 2016 – Issue 15

New Principal Announced On Tuesday the 24th of May, Mark Young, Director of the Wollemi Network of schools, visited the staff of Quirindi High School to announce the appointment of Mr Ian Worley to the position of Principal at Quirindi High School. Mr Worley currently holds the position of Principal of Nundle Primary School and will be joining the Quirindi High School staff as of day one, Term 3 to begin his role. Mr Worley will be visiting the P&C meeting next week to meet parents; this meeting will be a great opportunity to begin long lasting, strong relationships with our school community. This week members of the school staff worked collaboratively with staff from other schools within the Liverpool Plains community of schools to develop a program for shared professional development which will be hosted at Quirindi High School on the first day of next term. The professional learning will centre around “What works best: Evidence –based practices to help improve NSW student performance. It is wonderful to see that the school strategic direction of improved community congruence is being met through these shared learning opportunities. As always, improved student outcomes are at the core of school business and through the continued shared learning we ensure that all students in our local area benefit from improved teacher expertise and the highest quality of learning in all classrooms. Year 12 Biology, Physics, Chemistry and PDHPE students were given the opportunity to attend HSC booster workshops at UNE this week. Through accessing the tertiary institution students were exposed to learning and resources of the highest quality. It is hoped students are able to utilise the extension to their learning and apply the deeper understanding to their HSC examinations. We also had a number of students travel to Gunnedah on Wednesday to compete in the Touch Football Gala Day. Unfortunately our opens girls’ team was unsuccessful but the opens boys’ won both games and will now move on to the next round of the competition. As always should you have any questions or queries regarding the educational opportunities available for your children at Quirindi High School please contact us to make an appointment to discuss your needs. Sally Chad Relieving Principal

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Page 3: New Principal Announced - quirindi-h.schools.nsw.gov.au...27th May 2016 – Issue 15 . New Principal Announced . On Tuesday the 24th of May, Mark Young, Director of the Wollemi Network


CHESS On Friday the 20th of May, the Quirindi High School representative chess team travelled to Gunnedah High School for the North West knock out competition. The team consisted of Josh Redgrove (Captain) Stuart Davis, Sean Partridge and James Redgrove. We were really surprised on arrival to see our name up in lights on their school notice board at the front of the school entrance. We were welcomed by the staff and students into their library for the competition. Sean was defeated after a 15 minute battle whilst Joshua and Stuart took their matches out to half an hour, but eventually losing to some surprise opposing moves that finished them off. James, meanwhile, came out victorious brin ging the total score to Gunnedah 3 and Quirindi 1. Thank you to Gunnedah High for hosting the matches and to Mrs Redgrove for taking us to Gunnedah. Reporters in the field, Joshua and James Redgrove

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ASCA Awards Ceremony 2016

In 2015, six Quirindi High School students were recognised for the outstanding quality of their presentations in the ASCA Examinations. On Saturday the 21st of May, four of these award recipients represented our school with pride and attended the ASCA Awards Ceremony at the Ravenswood School Centenary Centre in Sydney. In recognition of their efforts and achievements the following students have received the awards listed below: Wade Clarke – Studio Achievement Medal Emily Cronin – Centre Medal Hanna Davis – Centre Medal Matilda Eade – Studio Medal Josie Saunders – Studio Achievement Medal

These students are to be commended for giving up their time to participate in an extracurricular activity focussed on developing their oral communication and presentation skills. We look forward with anticipation to see what amazing heights our ASCA students will be able to attain in this year’s examinations. Congratulations to all of our ASCA award recipients and thank you for representing our school with such pride.

Lee Wall, Relieving ASCA Coordinator

Left to right: Emily Cronin, Matilda Eade, Hanna Davis and Wade Clarke. Photo courtesy of Skye Davis

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ASCA Examinations 2016

Are you interested in helping your child to develop their oral communication and listening skills?

Communication is a skill vital for the success of all our 21st Century learners at Quirindi High School. ASCA (The Australian Speech Communication Association) is a non-profit organization which promotes the development of oral communication and listening skills in educational, professional and social contexts. By participating in ASCA your child will have the opportunity to complete workshops and examinations which have been designed to develop their research, organizational, presentation and listening skills. The examinations are flexible and can be modified to meet the needs of students from diverse backgrounds as well as students who have learning and/or physical difficulties.

Participation in ASCA not only looks great on a resume but it promotes confidence in all areas of oral communication which is key to our children’ s future success.

If you would like further information regarding ASCA please feel free to contact the English Faculty at Quirindi High School.

ASCA examinations will be taking place Term 3, Week 3.

Notes and payment are due by Friday June 10th, 2016.

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FOOTBALL Friday night rugby to me has always been more than just a game on a freezing winter night. From year 7 to 12, playing rugby was my weekly social highlight. Not only did I have a chance to be with mates, but it gave me the opportunity to prove to the community that my school was a great.

What most people don’t see, however, is what goes on behind the scenes. I am currently coaching a team of 15s boys that every day blow me away with their commitment. We are currently training two times a week, and a third is often vocally requested.

It easy to forgot that young people are often looking for these opportunities to develop and shine. Even when the work is tiring and painful they never say die, even when the odds are stacked in a game they always play fair. It is moments like that which remind me why we have this tradition; the young people that commit to it, always come out of senior year as admirable young adults.

Hit them hard, run fast and stick together. Silly words for some, but a battle cry for the young men and women of Friday Night Rugby.

By Mr. Hamilton

Special thanks all grade coaches, coordinators and helpers behind the scenes. Especially Simon and Howards Coaches – you do a fantastic job.

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Careers Information Year 12 Open days

• University Technology Sydney (UTS)- Saturday 27th August 9am-4pm To register go to poenday.uts.edu.au

• The University of Queensland- St Lucia 7th August- Gatton 21st August go to uq.edu.au/openday

Scholarships University of New South Wales- Coop Scholarships go to www.scholarships.unsw.edu.au Year 9 Summer School at Newcastle University for year 9 boys and girls Dates - Girls’ Choice 4th- 8th December

- Boys (LIVE IT) 11th-18th December Applications close Friday 1st July 2016 all applications require teacher and Principal support. For more information or to download the application forms go to www.newcastle.edu.au/aimhigh

School Photos, 8th June This week students have received their photo envelopes. These are due back on 8TH JUNE with money. Parents are able to pay online with the special school code printed on the envelopes. Can all envelopes be brought back on the 8th June, for identification purposes, regardless if

students are purchasing them. If your child has not received an envelope, please get them to check with Miss Reichel in the Maths Staffroom. If you are seeking a family photo, there are special envelopes students need to collect from the Maths staffroom. Students are also advised they can order friends photos on the day. It will be $10 for 4 photos regardless of how many friends are in it.

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P&C News Thank you to all of the parents who helped out at the Sports Carnival last Thursday. A fun day was had by all. The canteen staff were kept busy selling lots of hot food, fresh cakes and cold drinks. Thank you to all staff and students who purchased from the canteen, without your ongoing support fundraisers like this would not be a success.

Due to unforseen circumstances the current President Mrs Belinda Batterham has had to relinquish her position, and as a result this position will now be open for re-election. This process will be conducted prior to our next meeting on Tuesday the 31st of May. It will be a special meeting to hold the election.

Spring Ridge Hotel is our destination for our May meeting, which should be a great night. The bus is leaving from the front of the school at 6pm so if you would like to be on the bus of laughter, then please give the school a ring to let Ms Chad know as seats for this meeting are limited (6746 1177).

Our upcoming fundraising event is the catering for the Road Boss Rally that is coming through town on Saturday the 11th of June. We will be catering for their evening meal which is to be held at the Royal Theatre. We will need offers of help for preparing the meals (everything will be provided), serving and then the wonderful job of helping with clean up! So if you wish to come along and join us please let either Kathy Redgrove (0419 232 993) or Kim Lawlor know.

Dates for our upcoming meetings are as follow.

Term 2 May 31st (Spring Ridge Hotel)

June 28th

Term 3 July 26th August 30th

Term 4 October 25th November 29th Christmas meeting TBA

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Dates to put on your Calendar


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sat/Sun

6 A

30th May 31st May

P&C Meeting

1st June 2ndJune 3rd June 4/5

7 B

6th June 7th June 8th June

School Photos

9th June 10th June 11/12

8 A

13th June 14th June 15th June 16th June 17th June Year 11 Drama

Sydney HSC performance


9 B

20th June 21st June

Year 11 & 12 parent teacher


22nd June 23rd June 24th June

Formal Assembly


10 A

27th June

Work placement

28th June

Bellingen Visit

29th June 30th June 1st July 2/3

School Office Hours

Office hours are

8.30am to 3.30pm