1 Personal Development and Spiritual Growth Goal Setting Dear Readers, I invite you to personally BE involved in creating world peace through finding inner peace, discovering and then living your unique and Divinely inspired Life Purpose. Please print out the following pages and fill them out to begin or continue your amazing life journey. Begin the walk towards true inner peace, and in that process, take courageous leaps of faith to realize your personal dreams and bring greater love and peace to our world. Together, It Is Done !!! Most Sincerely, Steve Robertson Author, The Power of Choice, Success & Your Life Purpose The Founder and CEO, Project Peace on Earth

New Personal Goal Setting - Project Peace On Earth · 2017-01-16 · 5 Personal Goal Setting Philosophy 1) BE: Describes the intent and essence of the internal shift of who you are

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Page 1: New Personal Goal Setting - Project Peace On Earth · 2017-01-16 · 5 Personal Goal Setting Philosophy 1) BE: Describes the intent and essence of the internal shift of who you are


Personal Development and Spiritual Growth Goal Setting

Dear Readers, #I invite you to personally BE involved in creating world peace through finding inner peace, discovering and then living your unique and Divinely inspired Life Purpose. #Please print out the following pages and fill them out to begin or continue your amazing life journey. #Begin the walk towards true inner peace, and in that process, take courageous leaps of faith to realize your personal dreams and bring greater love and peace to our world. #Together, It Is Done !!! #Most Sincerely, #Steve Robertson Author, The Power of Choice, Success & Your Life Purpose The Founder and CEO, Project Peace on Earth

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AFFIRMATION OF THE I AM #By Steve Robertson##

The infinite creative power of GOD is within me, Aham brahmasmi. I AM one with Divine Will attuned to and reflecting the purpose and creative possibilities of GOD working through me. San Kalpa. My life is great, good, miraculous, joyous, peaceful, and abundantly prosperous when I serve and treat others with loving care. Tat Tuamasi. Divine ideas are delivered to me and GOD provides me with the means of manifesting them into reality. San Kalpa. I AM the Son of GOD from whom all things originate and infinite possibility is manifest. San Kalpa. My life is filled with creativity, achievement, infinite possibilities, abundance, and prosperity. San Kalpa, Shiva Shakti. I choose powerfully from the present moment, thinking and acting with love sat chit ananda at the center of my consciousness. Ritam. I AM the space from which ALL things easefully manifest with grace so that the highest good for all is served. Ritam, Aham Brahmasmee. I AM open, innocent, powerful, courageous, and abundantly prosperous in manifesting each of my goals. Ritam. I AM one with SOURCE EASILY ATTRACTING: ALL LOVE, ALL JOY, ALL PEACE, ALL TRUTH, ALL WISDOM, ALL COMPASSION, ALL FAITH, ALL HEALTH AND FITNESS, ALL BEAUTY, ALL INTEGRITY, ALL JUSTICE, ALL ABUNDANCE and FINANCIAL PROSPERITY. Sat Chit Ananda, Moksha. GOD in me and through me is at this very moment answering all of my prayers and creative impulses easily and effortlessly attracting to me all of the money and resources required to bring my ideas into complete form san kalpa. I AM filled to a joyous overflowing with the power, abundance and financial prosperity, and love of GOD. Shiva Shakti. I AM in creative and financial partnerships with kind, loving, amazingly creative, talented, and wealthy people of honor and integrity, who fully support, honor, respect, appreciate, love, and adore me, as well as, the ideas and projects I create. My business partners eagerly invest all the necessary money into each of my projects bringing each idea into reality so that they serve others, and are enormously profitable. My partners and I generate great returns on investment for all who have believed in and have invested in each idea. We graciously, joyously, and generously serve humanity. I give thanks for all of these great blessings which manifest under grace, in a perfect way, and always serve the highest good of love and others. Thank you Father. So be it. Amen.

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1) Make a decision. Self-discipline is doing what is required especially if you don’t feel like it. #

#2) Develop clear goals and objectives. Be very, very clear about what you want to accomplish.##Determine exactly what it is you want. Then determine the price you’ll have to pay to get it. Resolve to pay that price.” H.L. Hunt

Personal Goal Setting

#1) Decide exactly what you want to create and accomplish in

each aspect of your life. (Personal Development, Relationships, Health & Wellness, Earnings, Creativity, Fun, Your Bucket List… etc.)##2) Write your goals down. This makes the idea one step closer to being concrete and made manifest. ##3) Set by-when, realization dates for each goal. Dream Big Dreams. State Your Goals. Establish performance benchmarks and milestone dates to accomplish them by. Shoot for the Stars and land on the Moon.##4) Make a list of everything you will have to do to achieve each goal - add new tasks as they come to mind.##

Goal Setting Formula

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Write 11 Goals to accomplish in 12 months

1) Write each goal in the present tense (even if a year has passed from your original target date. Begin with an affirmative statement, “ I AM….(declare you future state and/or achieved goal) #

#2) Ask yourself the question, what one goal, if I achieved it right now, would have the greatest positive impact on my life? Put a circle around this goal. Begin a new sheet of paper and repeat steps A) through E) as listed below. Become intensely goal oriented. Read, review, and rewrite these goals daily. Continually look for better ways to achieve them.##3) Plan every day in advance. Prior, Proper, Planning, Prevents, Poor, Performance. Remember that 10% of planning yields 90% return on the time necessary to accomplish a goal. (Brian Tracy)##4) Use the A, B, C, D, E method of setting priorities. Select the most valuable task and work on it until complete. Determine the highest priority task based upon the perspective of consequences.##- A) Very important - serious consequences for either doing or not

doing.##- B) Good to do but not as important as an A. Has some

consequences but, none that are substantial.##- C) Nice to do but yields zero bottom-line consequence.##- D) Item to be delegated.##- E) Items that can be eliminated.

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Personal Goal Setting Philosophy

1) BE: Describes the intent and essence of the internal shift of who you are committing to BEING. Example: Peaceful, Generous, Joyous, Accepting and supportive of others, holding Esteem for the Self, In Service, and unattached to outcomes, excited, receiving of abundance, balanced in work and play….etc.##

2) DO: Relates to committing to action from a state of BEING.##Example: Meditate 11 minutes before going to bed and upon waking up, Keep a daily diary of every judgmental and word spoken about others. Review it at the end of each day and ask internally for forgiveness from each of the people, including yourself for what you have judged. Speak wisely to all people from the present moment, encouraging them to see the highest and best good in all things. Embrace and model that what matters most is how lovingly and courageously you choose to respond to anything that occurs in your life. ##3) HAVE: Describes the external or the material plane of the expression of your BEING and DOING.#Example: Thoughts which are centered and grounded in the possibility of creating love and abundance. Projecting a joyous disposition that lovingly infects everyone you come in contact with. Have a calming affect on others and empower everyone to find the win/win solution in all matters. Material processions and/or a life-style that reflects abundance.##4) WHY: Defines the volition and/or velocity of your intent toward success: SUCCESS IS THE ONLY OPTION…this is the laser focused / single-minded commitment to realize your goals of BEING, DOING, and HAVING. In-other-words, list in detail what your action will WIN YOU in terms of: self-image and respect, personal freedom and material abundance when you follow through with and accomplish each goal you’ve set forth. ##Example: When I achieve these goals what will I WIN AS A RESULT ? ##I’ll feel self-assured, my confident will increase in both what I imaging I can do and actually accomplish. This realization will always empower me find the best in all things, feel and BE fulfilled and know great happiness and joy. I will KNOW the power of being completely responsibility for my life and in creating success. I KNOW that I chose with wisdom and love.##Be very specific in how you describe each subject or item you want to create and manifest into form. If as an example, you are describing your future home specify the number of rooms it will have, its square footage, where it will be located and on how much acreage it will have, the setting of the property, the feel of the home when you walk into it, what color it would be, how many car garage, etc. REMEMBER THE UNIVERSE ONLY SAYS YES AND AGREES TO YOUR STATED REQUESTS and/or DECLARATIONS. REMAIN AWARE and MINDFUL.

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BE # # # # # WHY # # # # # # BY Date##____________________________________/_________________________________________/________###____________________________________/_________________________________________/________###____________________________________/_________________________________________/________

DO ## # # # WHY # # # # # # BY Date###____________________________________/_________________________________________/________###____________________________________/_________________________________________/________###____________________________________/_________________________________________/________

HAVE ## # # # WHY # # # # # # BY Date###____________________________________/_________________________________________/________###____________________________________/_________________________________________/________###____________________________________/_________________________________________/________

“If you bring forth that which is within you it will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.” - Jesus, the Gnostic Gospels

#Personal Development and Spiritual Growth

“He who knows others is learned; He who knows himself is wise.” Lao-tzu

“By our trust in the divine beauty in every person we develop that beauty in ourselves.” ― Hazrat Inayat Khan, the Great Sufi master

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DO ## # # # WHY # # # # # # BY Date##____________________________________/_________________________________________/________###____________________________________/_________________________________________/________###____________________________________/_________________________________________/________

HAVE ## # # # WHY # # # # # # BY Date##____________________________________/_________________________________________/________###____________________________________/_________________________________________/________###____________________________________/_________________________________________/________

“All that we are is a result of what we have thought” - Buddha

“All conditions and all circumstances in our lives are a result of a certain level of thinking. If we want to change the conditions and circumstances, we have to change the level of thinking that is responsible for it.”

- Albert Einstein

Physical and Personal Health

” The most important advance in the next fifty years will be in the realm of the spiritual – dealing with the spirit of thought.” – Charles P. Steinmetz, famous General Electric engineer

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DO ## # # # WHY # # # # # # BY Date##____________________________________/_________________________________________/________###____________________________________/_________________________________________/________###____________________________________/_________________________________________/________

HAVE ## # # # WHY # # # # # # BY Date##____________________________________/_________________________________________/________###____________________________________/_________________________________________/________###____________________________________/_________________________________________/________

“As a man acts, so does he become. As a man’s desire is, so is his destiny.”# – the Hindu pre-Christian Upanishads

“If you bring forth that which is within you it will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.” - Jesus, the Gnostic Gospels


“The highest possible stage in moral culture is when we recognize that we ought to control our thoughts.” #– Charles Darwin

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DO ## # # # WHY # # # # # # BY Date##____________________________________/_________________________________________/________###____________________________________/_________________________________________/________###____________________________________/_________________________________________/________

HAVE ## # # # WHY # # # # # # BY Date##____________________________________/_________________________________________/________###____________________________________/_________________________________________/________###____________________________________/_________________________________________/________

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” - Aristotle

“We act, we behave, and we feel the vibration that we’re in at the present time according to what we consider our self image to be. And we do not deviate from that pattern. The image you hold of yourself is a premise, a

foundation (idea) on which your entire personality is built. This image, not only controls your behavior but your circumstances as well.” – Maxwell Maltz, author of Psyhco-Cybernetics

Education, Knowledge & Wisdom

“If you become steadfast in your abstentions of thoughts of harm directed toward others, all living creatures will cease to feel enmity in your presence.”

Patañjali (Sanskrit: पत#जिल) compiler of the Yoga Sūtras

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DO ## # # # WHY # # # # # # BY Date##____________________________________/_________________________________________/________###____________________________________/_________________________________________/________###____________________________________/_________________________________________/________##

HAVE ## # # # WHY # # # # # # BY Date##____________________________________/_________________________________________/________###____________________________________/_________________________________________/________###____________________________________/_________________________________________/________#

“When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds: Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great, and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive,

and your discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be.” Patañjali (Sanskrit: पत#जिल)150 BCE[1] compiler of the Yoga Sūtras

“Believe and your belief will actually create the fact.” – William James

Creative and Artistic Expression

“There can be no rebirth without a dark night of the soul, a total annihilation of all that you believed in and thought that you were.” ― Hazrat Inayat Khan, Thinking Like The Universe: The Sufi Path Of


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DO ## # # # WHY # # # # # # BY Date##____________________________________/_________________________________________/________###____________________________________/_________________________________________/________###____________________________________/_________________________________________/________

HAVE ## # # # WHY # # # # # # BY Date##____________________________________/_________________________________________/________###____________________________________/_________________________________________/________###____________________________________/_________________________________________/________

“Happiness is self-connectedness.” – Aristotle, 300 B.C.

“One must learn to love oneself…with a wholesome and healthy love, so that one can bear to be with oneself and need not roam.” – Nietzsche

Relationships: Romantic, Spouse, Family, Friends

“Your world and everything in it is a reflection of your own mental attitude toward yourself.” #– Earl Nightingale

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DO ## # # # WHY # # # # # # BY Date##____________________________________/_________________________________________/________###____________________________________/_________________________________________/________###____________________________________/_________________________________________/________

HAVE ## # # # WHY # # # # # # BY Date##____________________________________/_________________________________________/________###____________________________________/_________________________________________/________###____________________________________/_________________________________________/________#

“Therefore I say unto you, what things so ever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.” – Mark 11:24

“Before we can do something or anything we must first be something.” – Goethe, the German philosopher

Finances, Wealth, Prosperity & Abundance

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DO ## # # # WHY # # # # # # BY Date##____________________________________/_________________________________________/________###____________________________________/_________________________________________/________###____________________________________/_________________________________________/________

HAVE ## # # # WHY # # # # # # BY Date##____________________________________/_________________________________________/________###____________________________________/_________________________________________/________###____________________________________/_________________________________________/________

“Others have seen what is and asked why. I have seen what could be and asked why not. ” Pablo Picasso

Material Possessions

“Proper visualization by the exercise of concentration and willpower enables us to materialize thoughts, not only as dreams or visions in the mental realm, but also as experiences in the material realm.” – Paramahansa Yogananda, author of Autobiography of a Yogi

Every great work, every big accomplishment, has been brought into manifestation through holding to the vision, and often just before the big achievement, comes apparent failure and

discouragement. - Florence Scovel Shinn, author of The Game of Life

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DO ## # # # WHY # # # # # # BY Date##____________________________________/_________________________________________/________###____________________________________/_________________________________________/________###____________________________________/_________________________________________/________

HAVE ## # # # WHY # # # # # # BY Date##____________________________________/_________________________________________/________###____________________________________/_________________________________________/________###____________________________________/_________________________________________/________

“The painter has the Universe in his mind and hands.” ― Leonardo da Vinci

“You have to be burning with an idea, or a problem, or a wrong that you want to right. If you're not passionate enough from the start, you'll never stick it out.” - Steve Jobs

TBD GOAL _______________________

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MAKE CAR #1 CAR # 2 CAR # 3
















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