MISCELLANEOUS. I^OTICI LEGAL NOTICES, ...NOTICE. UNITED STATES DISTUICT CUCKT DISTRICT OK LOUISIANA. THE NORTHWESTERN FIRE EXTINGUISHER COMPANY BEING THE EXCLUSIVE OWNERS OF THU BABCOCK PATENT FIKC EXTIN- GUISHER ! Also, of tbe Bate A Piokbam Attachment or Im- provement; also, of the Laareot Patent, and also of the original patent granted to Messrs. Carlier and Vignon, of Paris—which latter patent underlies al Other Portable Fire Extinguisher! patents, and which patent has just been sustained by the Supreme Court las per decision rendered by Chief Justice Fisher), for the several States of Illinois Michigan. Indiana. Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota', Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Texas—hereby give notice that ail and every other PORTABLE EXTINGUISHER, ENGINE or VESSEL, for the purpose of applying carbonic acid gas, or water saturated with carbonic acid gas, for the putting out of fire, la an Infrlmrement on the Rights of thl Company, and will he treated accordingly. The public are hereby cautioned against purchasing or using any PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHER, as above described, from any and all parties not duly autfloi- ized by us to act as agents. The possession of such machine renders any person liable, as well as maker or vender of the same. I JOHN V. FARWELL, S. M. MOORE, J. B. S1ILLSON. B. F JACOBS, JaMEsN. Si'EELE, F. W. FARWKLL. Directors of the Northwestern Fire Extinguisher Company. HITCHCOCK, DUPEE & EVART8. ap.23 Attorneys. JOHN G. FLEHIHO, 144 Poydrai Street, Has now on hand the largest, finest and best se- lected assortment of CHANDELIERS and GAS FIXTURES of every description—foreign and domestic—that can be found this side of Phila- delphia, and which he now offers for sale at lowest prices that they can be bought in NewVork at retail. He also keeps constantly on hand, a large supply of Iron, Gas and Steam Pipe and Fittings, which he will seli at the lowest market prices. He is also agent for the celebrated SPRING- FIELD GAS MACHINE, which he recommends as being, without doubt, the best automatic Gas Maohine now in use, and he is now prepared to put them up on plantations, at factories, hotels and dwelling houses, wherever a cheap, brilliant and reliable light is required. For further assurance to the public of the merit of these Machines, he refers to the annexed certi- ficate of Mr. Bradish Johnson, whose Sugar house on his Woodland Plantat ion is lighted bj one. Mr. Fleming is also prepared to do Gas and Steam Fittings promptly and on the most reason' able terms. Those wanting suck work done, would do well to give him a call bo'ore contracting else- where. I hereby certify that the SPRINGFIELD GAS MACHINE, for which Mr. John Fleming is agent in •mis State, and one of which wa> put ud on my Woodland Plantation last fall, has worked well and given entire satisfaction. BRADISH JOHNSON, Woodland Plantation, Parish of Plaquemines. fe2J Im T°j IN THE .MATTER OF JAMES F. feHEF- Held, Bankrupt. In Bunkruptci-Xa. 087. THE HONORABLE E. K. DURELL. Judge of tiie District Di trict Court of the United Slates for the District of Louisiana, bitting m bankruptcy: The petition of K. E. Norton, of the city of New Orleans, herein appearing as the assignee in bank- ruptcy, of the estate of James P. feheffield.bankrupt, respectfully represents tnat, among me asreta sur- rendered by the%bankrupt, and belonging to the aforeFaid estate in bankruptcy, there is the follow mg described real estate, situated m the fetate of Louisiana, in the parish of Richland, to wit— Southeast quarter of section twentv-five, township sixteen, nortn of range siz east, containing one hundred and sixty acres Your petitioner further represents that the said hereinbefore described real estate is, as appears of record, it cumbered and charged wi'h the following hereinafter specified mortgages, judgments, liens and privileges resting thereon, to wit— Special mortgage and vendor’s privilege in favor of Shieveport, Vicksburg and Texas Railroad Com- pany for $1600. And your petititioner further represents, that it is impossible for him to determine the validity of said incumbrances and the amount due thereon; tnat he can not ascertain the value of said property by agreement between himself an 1 tho creditors bolding said security, as provided in section twenty of the bankrupt, act of 1867. And that it is neces- sary id order to ascertain the value of said property, and foi* the due, proper and speedy administration of said estate, and for the interest of the cieditors therein, that Faid estate be sold at public auction, free and clear of all incumbracees. ’ h a t a}) laid judgments, mortgages, liens and privi- leges recorded against, said property be canceled and erased, so that your petitioner can convey a clear and unincumbered title to any purchaser thereof, reserving to said Shreveport, Vicksburg and Texas Railroad Company, and to all o her per- sons, all their rights in law. to the proceeds of the sale of said property upon the distribution thereof Wherefore. jour petitioner prays that he may be ordered and authorized <o sell said property above described at public auction, free and clear from all incumbrances. That all said judgments, mort- gages, liens and privileges recorded against said property be canceled aqu erased, so that your peti- tioner can convey a e’ear and unmeumbured title to any purchaser thereof, reserving to said Shreve- port. Vicksburg and Texas Railroad *-oinpany, and to all other persons, all the rights in law to the pro- ceeds of the sale of said property according to their rack. And he prays for all other necessary orders. (Signed) A. DkB. HUGHES, Attorney. On motion of A. DeB. Hughes, attorney of E. E. Norton, assignee, and upon suggesting to the court that he has tiled in this court the lorepomg peti- tion, it is ordered that the Shrevepoit, VicKsburg and Texas Railroad Company, Monroe, Louisiana, and all other parties in interest, do show cauro upon the seventh day of May, A. D., 1870, at eieven o’clock A. M., before this court, why the said peti- tion should Lot be granted, and said property roid, as prayed for, and why all incumbrances re- corded against said property should not be can- celed and erased. And it is further ordered that notice of this oetition and order be served -pon said Shreveport, Vicksburg and Texas Railroad Com- pany. and all other persons, by serv'ne a copy there- of upon them, or their agent or attorney, or by said K. E. Norton, assignee, publishing a copy of said petition ana order three times in the New Orleans Republican, a newspaper printed in New Orleans, Louisiana, the last publication to be made at leant five days before the aay of hearing. Signed April 4,1870. 6 E H . DURELL, Judge. A true copy: Clerk’s office. New Orleans, Anri] 4, 1870. CHARLES CLAIBORNE, ap9 21 30 Clerk. ^BUSSES .......................................... TBV88II. WITHOUT SPRINGS, BACK PADS, OR IliK TERROR OF LEG STRAPS. If. SPILLXANN, Inventor And Patentee of a.l.ever an Supporter Trots, Patented September 7. 1869. This Truss defies all coinpetitiqp for comfort aDd general satisfaction; can be worn by ail classes, as wel: as both sexes, in ail periods of life. It stands without a rival in this or any d its short existence^ won wearers. f ., . . Also, srie proprietor for the State of Lou*Eiana for tee highly recommended W. JOHNSON S PATENT PAD TRUSS. With these Trusses, I can promise more rapid im- provement and relief than any other apply er o Trusses. Also, Attachments of all descriptions on Land, or made to order. H fePILLMANN, Manufacturer and Fitter, 93 Baronne street. New Orleans, La. Orders from abroad will receive prompt attention. State Rights for sale. J&6 MONITION. THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. \ SECOND DISTRICT COURT FOR * THE PARISH OF ORLEANS. T HE STATE OF LOUISIANA-TO ALL whom tnese presents shall come—Greeting— W hereas , Mrs. Mane Ernestine t uech, wife ot Ernest Fuech, having purchased a sale made . by N. J hoey, auc- tioneer, the property hereinafter described has applied to the Clerk cf this Court, in whose office tbe process verbal of said sal* was recorded on the twenty-third day of April, A. D. lr"G. for a Monition or Advertisement, in conformity to an act of tbe Legislature of the State of Louisiana, titled ad Act relative to monitions and mode of proceed ng, ’ approved March 15. 12c5 Now. therefore, know ye, and ail person? interest- ed hereio. are uereby cited and admonished in the name of the State of Louisiana, and of the Second District Court for the par sh of Or.-an .who can set up any right, title or claim in and to the properly hereinafter described, in consequence of any infor- ms ity in the order, decree or judgment of the court under which the sale was made, or any irreguarity or illegality in the appraisements and advertise ments, in time or manner of s&ie, or for any defect whatsoever, to show cause, wit .in thirty day from tre day this Monition is first in er.ed m tn< ■aolic papers, why the sale so made, should not LEGAL NOTICES. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COUJftT DISTRICT OF LOUISIANA. IN THE MATTER OF JOSEPH HOLS, INDI- vidually and as a member of the fi.in of Holz, Bloom A Co., and Ho»z A Bernheinicr, bankrupt. In Bankruptcy—No. 1053. T O THE HONORABLE E. H DURELL, Judge of the District Court of the United States for the Disirict of Louisiana, kitting in bank- ruptcy: , .. . _T i be petition of E. E. Norton, of tne city of New Orleans, herein appearing as the assignee in bank* ruptcy, of tha estate of Joseph Ho^z, individually and as a member of the firm of Holz, Bloom A Co., and of Holz. A BtrnLeimer, bankrupt, respectfully represents teat among the assets surrendered by the bankrupt, aBd belonging to the aforesaid estate in bankruptcy, there is the following descrioed real estate, situated in the State of Loui-tana, in the parishes of Orleans, Jefferson and St. Helena, to wit— . . , . JL . 1. A cerfain lot of ground situated in the rirst District of the c ty of New Orleans, in the triangular islet bounded by Claiborne, Gravier and Willow streets designated as No. 1, on a plan made bv L. Pilie, November 27, I860, and deposited in toe office of C. E Fortier, late notary public, as plan No. 57, said lot measures forty-one feet four inches aDd two Lnes front on Ciaiborue street, forty-one feet eight inches aud three lines on Willow street, by a oepth and front of ninety-eight feet tight inches ana two lines on Gravier street, and a depth or eighty two feet two inches and seven .lines on the siae of lot No. 2. 2. A certain lot of ground, together with the builditgs 'and improvements thereon situated, in the First District of the city of New Orleans, in the square bounded by White or Basin street, Franklin or Benton street, Thalia and Melpomene streets, designated as No. 2, aDd measuring city-five feet seven inches six lines front on White street by a depth of ninety seven feet. 3. A certain lot of groned situated in the Fourth District of the city of New Orleans. Louisiana, in the tquare bounded by Jackson. White, Philip and Race streets, being lot No. 8. on a plan in the office of Joseph Loan, notary public in ihe city of New Orleans, ®aid lot measures twenty- three feet five inches froet on Race street by a depth of one hun- dred and eigbty-three teet seven inches and seven lines, and bounded on the rear line by an alley four Jeet wide, common to *aid lot and all others border- ing thereoD, wnich a ley divides said ot from the adjo ning cemetery of me Hebrew congregation, Chaugarae Chaped. ’’ 4. Twelve lots of ground, with improvements thereon situated, in the town of Uarro ton, in the parisii of Jefferson, Louisiana, iu uriare bounded t y Monroe, Fourth, Leonidas and Z.mpel streets, marked “A ” according to a plan of A. I). aHeme- court, November 1, 1845, and deposited in the office ot H. B. Cena?, notary public; said lots are desig- n a te ! Nos 6,7. 8,9 1U, 11. 14. 15. 16, 17, 18 and Id. on said plan. Lot* Nos. 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 adjoin eac h other, and ice%sure thirty feet front on Fourth street, by a depth of one hundred and twenty feet, between parallel lines L jt No. 10 forming the cor- ner of Leonidas and Fourth streets Lots Nos. II and 14 adjoin each other, and measure thirty feat seven inches and four lines front on Leonidas street, by a depth of one hundred aod titty feet, between parallel lines. Lots 15, 16, 17.18 and 19 are contigu- ous, and measure thirty feet front on Z mpel street, by a depth of one hundred and twenty teet. between parallel does; No. 15 forming the corner of Z;inpel and Leonidas streets. 5. A certain lot of ground, situated in the town of Amite, in tne parish of St. Helena, Louisiana, de- signated as lot No. 1 in square No. 7, comprised between the Railroad avenue, Pine, First and Chestnut s-treets, measuring tiity feet front on the said Railroad avenue, by two hundred and seventy- live feet m depth, more fully described in the act of sale of J. Coleman to Joseph Holz. paseed before Antoine Ab&t, notary public, on Juiy 27,1858. Your petitioner further lepresents ih u me eaid hereinbefore described real estate is, as appears of record, encumbered and charged with tne following hereinafter specified mortgages, judgments, liens and privileges resting threon, to wit: Special mortgage in favor of George Schactz, of the city of New Orleans, to secure t he payment of a certain piomissorv note for $12L0 and interest, dated January 12. 18C9, and payable one year after date, drawn by Joseph Holr to his own order, and by him indorsed, secured by mortgage on the prop- erty herein first described, by act of mortgage before F. tude, notary public, on January 12, 1869, ($ 1200). No*-ciai mortgage, by act before E. Eude, notary public cf date January 9, 1869. in favor of Ge.-rge fechantz, ot New Orleans, on the property herein fourthly described, to secure payment of a note *or S1C0U and interost, drawn hy Joseph Holz to his own order, and by him indorsed, dar*d January 9, letW. and payable oue year from date, v $1U1) Special mortg-ge. by act before h. Lude, notary public, ot date January 21, 1869, in favor cf Charles Meichert, of Nt-w Orleans, on the property here n secondly described, to secure paim^ut ol &note for $1160 and in»erest, dated Jauuaty 21, i8t9, payable irawn by Josepn Holz to his indorsed, ($IU)0). axes, etc . on al! property 69, amount unknown, and Carrol.t >n taxes on city rilied • f LEGAL NOTICES. times in the New Orleans Republican, a. newspaper printed in New Orieaos. th9 last publication to be made at least five days before the day oi hearing, feigned April 4, lb7Q. , T . A true copy: E. H. DURELL, Judge. Clerk’s Office, New Orleans, April 4, 1870. ap8 21 30 UHAtlLES ULa IB o KNK. Clerk. I'AITJEll STATES IIISTBICT 4.0 CUT DIbTRICT OF LOUISIANA. J. GARNER, MATTER OF T. Bankrupt. In Bankruptcy—No. 154. T O THE HONORABLE E. H. DURELL, Juoge of the District Court of the Unned States for the district of Louisiana, sitting in bank r“ftw petition of E. E. Norton, of tbe city of New Orleans, herein appearing as the assignee in bank- ruptcy of the estate or T. J. Garner, bankrupt, re- spectluby represents— . . . . . . I nat among the assets surrendered by the bank rupt, and belonging to the aforesaid estate m bank, ruptcy, there is t tie following described real estate, situated in t be fetate ot Louisiana, iu the parish of Union, to wit: . „ _ . . . . A tract of land, occupied as the homestead ox bankrupt, lying six miles east ot fepearsvil e, Louis- iana, known as the “Ben D.lly” tract, and contain- ing two nundred aod eighty acres, more or less. Your petitioner turtoer represents tnat the said hereinbefore described real estate is, as appears of record, encumbered and charged with the lo.lowing hereinafter specified icon gages, judgments, liens and priv.leges resting thereon to wit: . Special* mortgage in favor of Benjamin Duly, Center Point, feevier county, Arkansas, lor $216. And your petitioner further represents that it is impossib e for him to determine the validity of s&td incumbrances, aod the amount due thereon; that *he can not ascertain the value of said property by agreement bet ween bim.-eit and the creditorshold- irg said security, a3 provided in section twenty of r.e bankrupt act ot 1887. and U at.it is necessary iu order to ascertain tbe value of as id property, acd tor the due, proper and speedy administration of said e.-daie, and for the intere-Jfc of the creditors therein, tn it said estate be sold at public auction, tree and clear of ail incumbrances. That all said judgments, mortgages, liens and privileges recorded against said property he canceled and erased, so that your petitioDercan convey aclearand unincumbered title to HDy purchaser thereof reserving to said Benjamin Dilly, Center Point. Sevier county, Ar- kansas. aDd to ad other persons, ail their rights in law to the proceeds of the sale of said property, upon the distribution thereof. Wherefore your petitioner prays tnat he may be ordered and authorized to sell sa.d property above described at public auction, free and clear from all incumbrances. That ail said judgments, mort- gages, liens and privileges recorded against said property be canceled and erased, so that your peti- tioner can convey a clear and unincumbered title to any purchaser thereof, reserving to said Benjamin Dull, Center Point, .'evier coumy, Arkansas, and to all other persons, all the rights in law to the pro- ceeds of the sale of said property, according to their rank. And he prays for all other necessary orders, (feigned) A. De B. HUoHEfe, Attorney. On motion of A. DeB. Hughes, attorney of E. E. Norton, assignee, and npoa suggesting to the Coart that he has tiled in this Court the foregoing petition, it is ordered— ^ , That Benjamin Dilly. Center Point, Sevier county, Arkansas, aod all other parties in interest, do show cause upon the fourteenth day nf May, A. D., 1870, at eleven o’clock A, M., before this Court, why the said petition should not be granted, and said prop- erty sold, as prayed tor, and why all incumbrances recorded against said property should not be can- celed and erased And it is turther ordered that notice of this petition and order be served upon said Benjamin Dilly. CeDter Point, Sevier county, Arkan^a?, and all other persons, by serving a copy thereof upon them, or their agent or attorney, or by said E. E. Norton, assignee, publishing a copy of d petition and order three times in the New Or- ••MiC8 Republican, a newspaper printed in New Or- leans, the last publication to be made at least five days betore the day of hearing. Signed April t, 1878. * £. H. DURELL, Judge. A true copy: Clerk’s Office, New Orleans. April 6 18*0. aplU21 my8 CHS. CLAIBORNE, Clerk. IJ MTJED STATES DUTKICT CO TUT DISTRICT OF LOUISIANA. UNITED STATE# DISTKICT COUilT DISTRICT OF LOUISIANA. IN THE MATTER OF W. W. BKEAZEALK, Bankrupt. In .Bankruptcy—Bfo. 858 . T O THE HONORABLE E. H. DURELL. Judge of tne District Court of the United States for tho District of Louisiana, sitting in bank- ruptcy: •ket.ition or n,. ssi. Norton, or tne __ _ ;nee in bank The petition of E. E. Norton, of the city of New _Tleans, heiein appealing a»~ the as-ignee in bank - ruptcy, ot the estft'e of W. W. Breaze&le. bank rapt. IN THE MATT •K OF E J. PHILLIPS, BANK- rupt. one year fron ^e, d own older, aiic him fetate ct Lou.siana nerein descr.b<=d, tor U City of Nev Orleans property herein desc o"her coantrv It has i Pat,llc P*P*rs, why the saie so maa th^ xdS.rSon of ! be confirmed and homologated, the tGhnrtu.cn or ita T property was sold bv N C. K A T U R 4 N , TROPICAL ROOD ING MANUFACTORY And Dealer In >»!, C H a r e e a l Coke. W hit 7*n4 firewood; Hoey, anc tioneer, aforesaid, on the second day ot * p r !, A D. 1870, by virtue ot a decree of this court, rendered on the sixteenth day of feepiember, A. p . I6©?,‘in the matter of the minors Montgomery, No. 32 5-5 of the docket of this‘court, at which ?a:e Mrs. Marie Ernestine Fuech, wife of Ernest Puech. 1 eume the purc haser for the price of eighteen thousand three hundred ar d fifty dollar?. Description of the property as contained in the judicial conveyance, viz— 1. A portion of ground, with the improve- ments thereon, si-uated in the Second D str.ct of this city, in tbe squar« bounded by Esplanade, Barracks, Bourbon and Dauphine street^; said ground forms the corner of Esplanade and Bourbon streets, anc measures 62 teet 7 inches on Efplanade . street, by 103 feet 7 inches cu Bourdon street. Tb • improvements comprise a brick house, etc , know I as No. 88 F>p*anade street. Gierk'g office. New Orleans, Arri! 23,1870. M. O. TRACY. } &p26 my7 21 28 U erk. 2S4 Bien^ihe c-treat, corner of Marais, New Urieani j Orders leftkt the above place, or Cor 53, Mechanic* j Kxcnange. will receive ownn* attention. S. M E A T B- DKALEB JS rPHULiTEKEK't M ATFKIA JJS, WALL PAPER AND CURTAIN GOODS No. 99 Ctuno Street. Windcw Bttdea, Cornices, Fringe* Gimp*, Cord* Tteeei*, Dxmuke, Broe&tel.'ee, Temfs, Piashe* Hollxndx, Enamelled and Hair OJoth, Piotnree, Picture Frames, Munidings, Mirror Plate* acd Irames. »o26 ly d QIOKOI II. T1NTKI, P R I N T E R S ’ W A R E H O U S E . ]3 f .................. Poydrai Street...................IW BETWEEN CAMP AND ST. CHARLES STS., New Orieana A full supply of Printing Presses, Types, Inks and Papers constantly on Rand at manufacturers’ prices. oc!2 lydAw w AN AT24 ........... .............. WIXATA CELEBRATED GUACO BITTEIW, THE WANATA GUACO BITTER 15 A GOOD TONIC and STOMACHIC, composed entirely of txe vegetable substance of Gnaco. Being very agreeable to the taste, cpn be taken by the most delicate persons. It rids the system of all impurity and promotes health and vigor. This celebrated Bitter is a preservative againrt Cholera and a cure for Dyspepsia, Chronic and Neryous Debility, Diarrhea, Weaknees of the L oA , and all disease >proceeding from the Liv^r the 8tomach or the Bowels. This Bitter can be taken either with a little eugar acd water, in Anisette, or any other spirits, or even pure. A small glass of it, taken before a meal, sharpens the appetite and facilitates digestion. For sale by J» LLADO, Agent, Druggist, corner Chartres and Domains. aulS 6m _____ ______________ _ TIIE STATE OF LOU8IAKA FIFTH DISTKICT COURT FOR THE PARISH OF ORLEANS. FRANCIS LOUISIANA *AUSTIV. WIFE OF Albert Wicker, vs. Her Husband—No. 1380. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ON THE SEV- enth day of April, 1-70. judgment was rendered in this court, in the following entitled suit, in the words and figures following, to wit: Francis Louisiana Ausiin, Wife of Albert Wicker, vs. Her Husband, No. 1380 On motion of T. S. McCay, of counsel for p’air tiff, and on producing to the court due praof of said plaintiff 's demand— It is ordered, adjudged and decreed that the judg- ment by default herein entered on the nineteenth February, 1870, be now confirmed and made final, and that there be judgment in favor of plaintitf, b ranciH I*ouijian& Austin, and against defendant, AlberA Wicker, her husband, decreeing a separation of property and a dissolution of tbe community of acquets aDd gains heretofore existing between them, and that the furniture described m the peti- tion be decreed the separate jyoperty of plaintiff, and tnat she be entitled to the possession thereof; and, further, that said plaintiff recover of defendant one tnonsacd dollars is cash? with five per cent in terest per annum from judicial demand until paid, ard costs of suit with privilege as a lowed by law. Judgment rendered and signed April 7,1870. (feigned) CHARLES LEAUMONT, Judge. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the Eaid court, at the city of New Orleans, on this ninth day of April, in the year of our Lhrd one thousand eight hundred and seventy, ?nd the ninety fourth year of the in dependence of the United States. PHILIP POWER, JR , aplO 25 mylO Deputy Clerk. known. ansh and town t*ixe? en properly fifth's scribed ce*fe»n, am ent unknown. •And your petitioner further represents that it is im rosibie for h.m to oet*-rm ct- the v.J dity of said incumbrances and the amount due thereon: that he L-an not ascertain the value of said property by agreement between himself ana the creditors hold ingsa.d -eturpy, as provided id sect on twenty of the bankrupt act of lbt>7. And that it is neces in order to ascertain tbe value ol sa*d properry, and tor the due pr.-per and speedy adruunsirauc said est-te, and for the inte-est ot the creditors therein, that said e late be sold at pubbe auctn n, free and clear of a;l lncumbrarces. That ali said judgments, mortgages, liens and privi'egts re- corded against said property be canceled and erased, ?o that your peiitior.er can convey a e'esr acd uninccmb(-rt-d title to any purchaser thereof, eservirg to said George Schautz, ol New Orleans, Louisiana, Char'es Meichert, of New Orieacu. Mate of Louisiana, ci y of New Orleans, town of (.'arrollcon, Louisiana, Amite town, of parishes St. Helena, Jctiersou and Orleans, i ouisiana, and to a'i other persons, ad their rights in law. to the ceeds of tne sale of said properTy upon the dis- tribution thereof. Wh refers your petitioner prats that ne may be ordered and authorized to sell sa.d pmper»y above described at pub ic auction, freeund cltar iromail incumbrances. Teat all said judgment?, mort- * gage?, hens and privileges recorded against sa d property be canceled and erased, so that your petitioner can convey u ciear and unincumbered trie to any porcuasrer thereof, reserving to said George fit cam z, of New Orleans, Louis.ana Cha’Ies Meichert, New Orleans, State of Louisiana. New Orleans, town of CarrolitoD, Louisiana, town of Amite, Louisiana, parishes of Si. Helena. Jefferson and Oriear?, Louisiana, aDd to all otDer per.-ons, all the rights inlaw to the proceeds of the Sale of said property according to their rank. And he prays lor ail other necessary orders. (feigned) A. D>.B HUGHES, Attorney. On motion of A. DeB. Hughes, attorney or E, E. Norton, as-ignee, and upon suggesting to the court that he has tiled in this court th* foregoing peti- tion, it is ordered that George Schantz, New Or JeaDS. Louisiana. Charles Melcnert, Ne*v Orleans, fetateot Louisiana. New Orleans, town of Carroll- ton , Louisiana, t .wn of Aunta, Louisiana, parishes of .fet. Helena, Jefferson and Orleans, Louisiana, and all other parties id inter* st. oo snow cause upon the thirteenth day of May, A. D. 1870, at eleven o’clock A. M.. before this court, why the said petition should not be granted, aDd said prop- erty sod. as prayed for, ami why ah incumbrances recorded against sa d property should not be can- celed and erased. And it is further ordered that notice of this petition and order te served upon said George >chantz. New Orleans, Charles Mei- chert, New Orleans, State of Louisiana, New Or- leans, town of Carrollton, Louisiana, town of Amite, Louisiana, parishes of St. Heiena, Jefferson and Orleans. Louisiana. a*d all other person?, by serving a copy thereof upon them, or their agent or attor- ney, or by publishing a copy of said petition and order three times in the New Orleans Republican, a newspaper printed in New Orleans, Louisiana, the last publication to be made at Isast five dajs before the day of hearing. feigned April 12, 1870. E. H. DURELL, Judge. A true copy: Clerk s office, New Orleans, April 13, 1870. aol7 30 m>7 K. LOEv%. Deputy Clerk. In Bankruptcy—No. 7#2. T o the honorable e . h . durfll . Judge of tne District Court of the United States for the District of Louisiana, sitting in bank ruptcy: _ , , , „ 1 he petition of E. E Norton, of tee city of New Orleans, herein appearirg as the assignee in bank- ruptev of the estate ct L.J. Phillips, bankrupt, ro spectfully ret resects tha among the assets surren- dered bv thebamrupi and belonging to the afore said estate in bankruptcy, there is the following described real estate, situated m the Mateof Lou lti&na, in he parish of Cla.borne, to wit— Tne foprhwtst quarter oi the northwest quarter of section twenty-four, and *he nr»r:hea-t quarter of section twtnty turce in township twenty of ran, nine west, except'ng tna northwest, quarter oi t: last name quarter section; also, the northwest quarter of.the seatnwest quarter ot section twenty lour, township twenty, range nine west. Your i et it loner turther represents that the here in before de*cribed real e late is. as appears of rec ird. incumbered and charged with trie following hereinafter specified mortgages, judgments, iieno and privileges re"ttDg thereon, to W:t: Mortgage in iavor of F i». Krous for $400 And your peti; loner further represents that it impossible for hffii to determine tbe validity of said incumbrances and tne amount due tocreon : that he wan not ascerta n the value of said property by agreement between himself and the creditors hold- ing s-aid security, as provided in section twenty ot the bankrupt act of 1867. And that it is necessary in order to ascertain the value oi said property, and for the due, proper and speedy adm inistration of said estate, and for the interest of the creditors therein, i hat said estate be *old at public auction fre^ and clear of a l incumbrances, i hat all *ak judgments, -aortgares, liens and privileges recorded against said property be canceled and erased, so that yowr petiuouer can convey a clear and unin- cumbered title to any puruhaser ihereof, reserving to said F. O. Kroui and to all other per-ens, ai their rights in law to tbe proceeds of the sale of said properly upon the distribution thereof. Whereft rw your petitioner O'ajs that he maybe ordered and authorized to sell said property above described at public auction, free and Gear from all incumbrances I hat a.i said judgments, mortgages, hens and r*r vileges recorded against said property be canceled ana erased, so that your petitioner can convey a clear and unincumbered title to any pur- chaser thereof, reserving to said F. O. Krous, and to all other person**, all the right-, in law to tne pro - ceeds of the s-.le of said property according to their rank And heprajsfor all other necessary orders, (feigned; A. De B. HUGHFfe, Attorney. pRYSTALIZBO 014 ,- PATFNTFD JULY 2, 1867, AND THE ONLY BURNING FLUID PATENTED AS NON-EXPLOSIVE. fealesroom at No. 176 Carondelet street, and the corner of Royal and Dumaine. &Ph rpHE C£LCISKAT£U ©KNTTINB. OROIDE WATCH. THE (TATE OF LOUISIANA. FIFTH DISTRICT COURT FOR THE PAR- ISH OF ORLEANS. ROSA GUGENHEIM VS."MABX GUGEMHEIM h e r h u s b a n d —No. 1369. 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ON THE FIR«T day ot February, 1870. judgment was ren dered in this court in the following entitled suit in the words and figures following, to wit: Rosa Gugenneim vs. Marx Gugehneim, her hus- b a n d —No 1369 On motion of J. A. Dejean, of counsel for the plaintiff, and on showing to the court the writTen confession of defendant on fife, it is ordered, ad- judged and decreed that there be judgment in favor of plaintiff. Rosa Gug-nheira, and against defend- ant. Marx Gugenheim, her husband, decreeing a sep- aration of property for the future between her and the defendant, her said husband, and that the said plaintiff have the exclusive management and control over tbe property she may hereafter acquire. It is farther ordered that defendant pay the costs of nit. Judgment rendered February!. 1870. Judgment signed Febmrav 2, 1870. (Signed) CH a RLES LEAUMONT, ------- Judge. In testimony whereof. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seai of the said court, at the city oi New Orleans, on this second day a4 Febnary, i the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred On motion of A. DeB. Hughes, attorney of E. E. Norton, assignee, and upon s-uggest'ng to the court that he has tiled in this court the foregoing peti- tion, it is ordered that, F. O. Krous, Germantown, Louisiana, and all other parties io interest, do show cause upon the fourteenth day of May, A. D 1870, at eleven o'clock A. M., before this court, why the said petition should not be granted and eaid property sold, as prayed for, ana wny all incumbrances re- corded against said property should not lie can- celed and erased. And it is further ordered that notice of this petition and order be served upon said F. O. Krous and ■*!! other persons, by serving a copy thereof upon them, or tae;r ageut or attorney, or by sa'd E. E Norton, assignee, publishing a copy of said petition and order three tnn«s in tne New Or- leans Republican, a newspaper pointed in New Or leans, the la-t publication to be made at least five days before the day of hearrg. feigned April 6,1870. _ , A true copy: F. H. DURELL, Judge. Clerk’s office, New Orleans, April 6, 1*70. aplO 21 m>8 CHARLES Ob Al BORN E. Clerk. respectfully represents that among the assets sur- rendered by the bankrupt, and belonging to the aforesaid estate in bankruptcy, tnere is ihe follow- ing described real estate, situated in the State of Louisiana, in the parish of Natcbitocues, to wit— The nonh halt of northeast quarter, north half of northwest, quarter, southwest quarter of northwest quarter of section twenty-eight; also the northwest quarter of northwest quarter of section twenty- seven, all in township twelve, north of range eight west, in the nonhwettern land district of Louisiana, containing two hundred forty-two and forty-nine one hundredths acres as per patent number seven thousand two hundred. . Tbe north half of section twenty-cine, m town- sh-p twelve, north of range eight west, in the nortn- western land district of Louisiana, containing hundred twenty-one and eighty one-bundredths acres as per patent number seven thousand one hundred and ninety-nine. Your petitioner further represents that the said hereinbefore described real estate is, as appears of record, encumbered and charged with the following hereinafter specified mortgages, judgments, liens and privileges resting thereon, to wit: Legal mortgage in favor of Mrs Breazea*©, wife of bankrupt, for $-----. And your petitioner further represents that it is impossible for him to determine the validity of said incumbrances and the amount due thereon; that he can not ascertain the value of said property by agreement between himself and the creditors hold- ing said security, as provided ic section twenty of the bankrupt act of 18i7. And that it is necessary in order to ascertain tbe value of said property, and for the "due, proper aod speedy administration of eaid estate, and for the interest of the creditors therein, that said estate be sold at public auction, free and clear of ail incumbrances. 1 hat ail said judgments, mortgages, liens and privileges re corned against said property bo canceled and erased, so that your petitioner can convey a clear and unincumbered title to any purchaser thereof, reserving to said Mrs. Breazeale. wife of bankrupt, and to all other persons, all their rights in law, to the proceeds of tee sale of said property upon the distribution thereof. Wherefore, your petitioner prays that he may be ordered and authorized to sell said property above described, at pub ic auction, free and clear from all incumbrances. That all said judgments, mortgages, liens and privileges recorded against said property be canceled and erased, so that your petitioner can convey a clear and unincumbered title to any pur- chaser thereof, reserving to said Mrs. Breazeale, wife of bankrupt, and to all other persons, all the rights in law to the proceeds of the sale of said prop- erty according to their rank. And he prays for ail other necessary orders. (feigned) A. De B. HUGHES, Attorney. On motion of A. DeB. Hnghes, attorney of E. E. Norton, assignee, and upon suggesting to the court that he has filed in this court the foregoing peti- tion, it is ordered that Mrs Breazeale, wife of bank- rupt, residence not stated, and all other parties in interest, do show cause upon the fourteenth day of May, A. D. 1870, at eleven o’clo k A. M.. before this court, why the said petition should not be granted, and said property^old, as prayed for, and why all incnmbiances recorded against said property should not be canceled and erased. And it is further ordered that notice of this petition and order be serve 1 upon said Mrs. Breazeale, wife of bankrupt, and all other persons, by serving a copy thereof upon them, or their ageDt or attorney, or by said E E. Norton, assignee, publishing a copy of said petition and order three times in the New Orleans Republi- can, a new’soer printed in New Orleans, the last pub- lication to be made at east fi\e days before the day of hearing. feigned April 6,1870. _ E. 1L DURELL, Juoge. A true copy: Clerk’s office, New Orleans, April 6,1870. aplO 21 myk CHARLKfe ULa IBORNl . Clerk UNITED STATKtft DI»T4CICT COIKT DISTRICT OF LOUISIANA. IN THE MATTER OF A. M. LISSO, Barfrupt. In Bankruptcy—No. 40. T OTHK HONORABLE K. H. DURELL. JUDGE of the District Court of the United States for the District of Louisiana—sitting in bankruptcy: The petition of E. K. Norton and Lewis Eldridge, of the city ot New Orle* ns, herein appearing as the assignees in bankruptcy of the estate of A. M. Lisso, bankrupt, respectfully represents, that, among the assets surrendered by the bankrupt, and belonging to the aforesaid estate in bankruptcy, there is the following detcribeh real estate situated in tbe State of Louisiana, in the parishes of Bien- ville and Natchitoches, to wit— Southeast quarter, soutneast quarter of section thirty-one. township fourteen range eight, contain - ing 40 31 ifiO acres. . . „ . Northwest quarter Fecticn and snuth hah of north- east quarter of section twenty-tnree, townsh’p twelve, range nine, containing 239 10 100 acres. Weal bait of southwest quarter section twenty- three, southeast quarter, Lortb.-i.st quarter, west halt, souiheas' quarter section twenty-two and west half, northeast quarter section twe.ity-seven, tjwn- snip twelve, range nine co tainmg 280 86-100 acres. Southeast quarter, southwest quarter section thirty, west half, northeast quarter, east half, nerth- ist quarter, north half, southwest quarter, north- west quarter, southeast quarter section tbmy-ooe, township thirteen, range nine, containing 2.9 71-100 acres. South half. 8onthwe«t quarter section thirty-one, township thirteen, range nine, containing 79 8 100 ac»es. West half, southeast quarter, section thirty-six, township thirteen, range ten, containing 79 61 1U0 acrej. Southeast quarter, southeast quarter section twen- ty four, nortueast quarter section twenty-five, town- snip thirteen, range nine, containing 78 3i-10t‘acres. One acre ot lata in Springville. Your petitioners further represent that toe said hereinbefore described real estafe is. as appears of record, encumbered and charged with toe fallowing hereinafter specified iLortgiges, judgments, Lena and privileges resting thereon, to wit : T.icit mortgage in favor oi Samuel and Pau. i-isso for $1172 77. . . Mortgage in favor of Mrs. Pauhne Elandge Mortgage in favor of James B DeBow for S9T0. And your petitioners further repre-ent that it is impossible for them to determine the validity ot said incumbrances aod the amount due thereon; that they can not ascertain the value of said proper- ty by agreement between themselves and the cred- itors holding said security, as provided in section twenty oi tee bankrupt act ot 1S67. And tha' it is necessary in order to ascenain the value of said property, and for the due. proper and hp^edy ad_ ministration of said estate, and tor the inrerest of the creditors therein, that said estate be sold at public auc ion. free and clear of all incumbrances, i hat ail said judgments, mortgages, liens ar a privi- leges recorded against said property be canceled and erased, 90 that your petitioners can convey a clear and unincumbered title to any purchaser thereof, reserving to said Samuel and Paul Lisso. Mrs. Pauline Eldridge. James B DeBow and to all other persons all their rights in law, to the pro- ceeds of the sale of aaid property upon the distri- bution thereof. _ , .. Wherefore, yonr petitioners pray that they may be ordered and authorized to sell sa.d property above described at public auction, free and clear from all incumbrances. Tnat all said judgments, mortgage*, liens and privileges recorded against said property be canceled and erased, so that youj petitioners can convey a e’ear and unincumbered LEGAL NOTICES. for the due, proper and ipeedy adm'nutration of said estate, and for tne interest of tbe creditors therein, that said estate be sold at public auction, free and clear of al' incumbrances, i hat all *Aid judgments, mortgages, liens and privileges recorded agaicst said property be canceled and erased, so that your petitioner can convey a clear and unin- cumbered title to any purchaser thereof, reserving to sain John Watt Co., New Orleans, Louisiana, Gordon A C'artillo, New Orleans, Louisiana, M. Gree!^, Franklin parish, Louisiana, and to ali other persons, ad their rights in law to the proceeds of said property apon the distribution thereof. Wherefore, your petitioner prays that he m*y be ordered ard authorized to sell raid property above deecribed at public auction, free and dear from all incumbranaes. Tha all said judgments, mortgages, Irens and privileges recorded against said property be canceled ard erased, so that yonr petitioner can convey a clear a d unincumbered title to any pur- cha er thereof, reseiving to said John Watt Uo., New Oriear s, Louisiana, Gordon «fc Castillo, New Orleans, Louisiana, M. Greely. Franklin parish, and to all other persons, all toe rights in law to the proceeds of the »ale of said property, acceding to their rank. And he prays lor all other necessary orde s. (Signed) A. Df.B. HUGHES, Attorney. On motion of A. DeB. Hughes, attorney of E. E. Norton, assignee, and upon suggesting to the court that he tas tiled in this court the foregoing petition, it is ordered— That John Watt, A Go., New Orleans, Louisiana, Gordon A Oastiilo, New Or.eaos, Louisiana, M. Greely, Franklin parish, Louisiana, and a.l other parties in intere-t, do show cause upon the four teen»h day of Bay, A. D. 1870, at elnven o clock A. M., before this court, why the said petition fchonid not be granted, and said property sold, as prayed for* and why all incumbrances recorded against said property should not be canceled and erased. And it is further ordered that notice of this petition arid order be served upon said John Watt A Oo., New Orleans, Louisiana, Gordon A Castillo, New Orleans, Loui-iana, M. Greely, Frank lin parish, Louisiana, and all other persons, by serving &copy thereof upon them, or their agent or attorney, or by said E. F. Norton, assignee, publish- ing a copy of said petition and order three times m the New Orleans Republican, a newspaper printed in New Orleans, tbe last publication to be made at least five dajs before the d.»v of bearing. feigned April 6, 2870. B E. H. DURELL. J dge. A true copy: Clerk’s office, New f'rieans. April 6,1879 aplO 21 ujy8 CHARLES CLAIBORNE. Clerk. UNITED HTJLEES DISTKICT COI KT DISTRICT OF LOUISIANA. IN THE MATTER OF. HENRY C. PETTY, R&nkinpt. I n B a n k r u p t c y —Afo. 1 0 5 0 T O THE HONORABLE F. H. DURELL, JUDGE of the District Court of the United fetates lor tbe District of Louisiana—sitting in Bankruptcy: The petition of E. E. Norton, of the city of New Orleans, Louisiana, and John H. Peton, of the city of Jefferson, Louisiana, herein appearing as tne assignees in bankruptcy^ the estate of Henry C. petty, bankrupt, respectfully represents that among ihe assets surrendered by the bankrupt, and belonging to the aforesaid estate in bankruptcy, there is the following described real estate, situated in the State of Louisiana, in tne parish of Orleano, ^Tbe lot and store known as No. 282 Rampart street, in the First District of the city of New Or leans, Louisiana, in the square bounded by Ram- part, or Mobile Landing, Triton Walk, Julia and Philippa strteta, being lot No 7 on a plan of said square deposited in tbe office of C. Boudousqute, late notary of t'n.s city, measuring twenty-t wo feet • three and one-half inches front on Mobile Landing or Rampart street, by a depth of one hundred and forty-two feet ore inch and four lin^s, being the same property which was allotted to Henry C. Petty as lot No. 7 in an act of partition made ard passed I before William Snaunon, notary of this city, on I May 18,1867. to effect a partition of property owned by the heirs of J. W. Wilder, deceased, aDd the said Henry C Petty, in undivided ownership, together with all the buildings and improvements thereon, consisting of a well-built two story brick store and outbuildings in good order, condition and repair. Your petitioner further represents that the said hereinbefore described real estate is, a9 appears cf record, incumbered and charged with tbe following hereinafter specified mortgages, judgments, liens and privileges- resting tnereon. to wit— The mortgage in iavor of the Citizen? Bank of New Orleans Louisiana, by act before F. Gnma, notary, on August 3, 1860, on undiv;ded lots Nos_^ and 8, to secure payment of stock notes given by JU W. Wilder for about $5320. The roorgage by act before Charles Stringer, in favor of H. W. Hied, subsequently assigned ana now probably held by 1L. Wiltz, ae far as knowa, for ab o u t $3500. . v 0 Judic ai mortgage m favor of the c:fy of N6W Or- leans for taxes of 1862, $120. Judicial mortgage in favoro: the minor children of J. W. Wilder, Geceasc-d, and H A Jordon, Mrs. Harriet Jordan, tutrix, for about $6469 75. Judicial mortgage in iavor of J . H. Fey ton ,or $5^6 95. _ Judicial mortgage in fr.vor of George Wilder, neir of full age of J. W Wilder, fo r ---- And your petitioners turtbf-r r-present that it is impossible for tnein to cetermine the validity of said encumbrances and the amount due tuerecn; that they can not ascertain tho vaiue of said prop- erty by egr-tment between themselves and the creditors holding said security, as provided in a c - tion twenty of tne bankrupt act of 1867. Ana tnat it is reces&ary in order to ascertain the va:ne ot sa.u property, and for the due, proper and speedy adnrn- inrauon of said e?-ate, and for the interest cl tne creditors therein, that said ee-tate be sold at public auction, free and clear of ail incumbrances. that all said judgments, mortgages, bens and privileges recorded against said property be canceled anu erased, so that tour petitioner can convey a c.ear and unincumbered title to any purchaser thereof, reserving lo said Citizens’ Bank, H. Ried, F Wilt ', minor children of J. W. Wilder, deceased, and ti. A. Jordan, Mrs. Harriet Jordan, tutrix, John H. Fevton. Geo*ge Wilder, and to ali other persons, ail their rights in law to the proceeds of th« sale oi said preperry, upon the distribution thereof. titicnera pray that they may be chaser thereof, reserving to said heirs of Mrs. Mar- tha Smith, viz: James Livingston, Uhariei Llvlnf- stoc, Martha Livincsten. Mrs. Ben smith. Kiiza Livingston, Mrs. Lynn, W Watson. Charles Ham- mood, Martha B. Hammond, Mrs. ihom ta ive&riiA- ghan, Jfc. 8. Hammond, wife of J. W. Stokes, M. A. Hammond. James Hammond, W. G. Hammond^ James K. Garrett, William Garrett, Mary *nn Gar- rett, wife of W. A. Curl, children of John M Gar- rett, deceased; descendants of Elizabeth Garrett, of Catlett Garretc and of John Garrett, Nancy Gar- ret! and Thomas Keys, Pierre Geilnrman, Joseph L. Jamison, Cummings. Brown <fc Go., and to ali other persons, all the rights inlaw to the proceeds of the sale of said property according to their rank. And ne prays for ail other necewsary orders. (feigned; A. De B. HUGHES. Attorney. On motion of A, DeB. Hughes, attorney of E. E. Norton assignee, and upon suggesting to the court that he has filed in this court the foregoing peti- tion, it is ordered that James .Livingston, Jackson- ville, Florida; Charles Livingston, Dcckton, Ten- nessee: Martha Livingston, Mrs Benjamin Smith, and Fkiza Livingston, Mrs. Lynn, W. Watson, both of Greenville, South Carolina; Charles Hammond, Martha B. Hammond, Mrs. Thomas Kearnaghan, E. G Hammond, wife of J. W. Sokes, aTl of Hamburg, South Carolina; M. A. Hammond, •James Hammond, W. G. Hammond, James K. Garrett, Williaim Garrett, ail of Edgefield Dis- trict, South Carolina; Mary Ann Garrett, wife of W. A. Curl. Hamburg, South Carolina; children of Joen H. Garrett, deceased, residence unknown, decendants ot Elizabeth Garrett, of Catlett Gar* rett and John Garrett, Nancy Garrett and Thomas Keys. Pierre Gellurraan, administrator. Vermiilion- vil e, Louisiana; Josepc L. Jamison, Bayon Gonla, Iberville parish,. Louisiana; Cummings, Brown A Co , New Orleans; and all other parties in interest, do show cause upon the fourteenth day of May, A D , 1870, at eleven o’clock, A. M Defore this court, why the said petition should not be granted, and said property sold, as prayed forKand why ali incumbrances recorded against said property should not be canceled ami erased. And it is further or- dered that notice of this petition a> d order be served upon said James Livingston, Charles Liv- ingston, Mari ha Livingston, Mrs. Benjamin Smith, Kiiza Livingbton. Mrs. Lynn, W. Watson, Charles Hammond. Martha B. Hammond, Mrs. (Thomas Kearnaghan, E. G. Hammond, wife of J. W. Stokes, M A Hammond, Janies Hammond, W. G. Hammond. James R. Gar- rett, William Garrett, Mary Ann Garrett, wife of W A. Cur!, children of John H. Garrett, deceased, decendants of Elizabeth Garrett, of Catlett Gar- rett- and John Garrett, Nancy Garreit, Thomas- Key?. Pierre Geliurman. administrator, Joseph L. Jaimson, Cunmraings, Brow.i &Oo., and ali other persons, by serving a copy upon them, or their ag»wt or attorney, or by said E K. Norton, assignee, pub- lishing a copy of said petition and order three times in tbe New Orleans Republican, a newspaper printed in New Orleans, the lust publication to be nnde at lea.^t five days before the day of hearing. Signed April 6,187U. E. H. DURELL, Judge. A true copy: • Clerk's office; New Orleans, April 6,187f. CHARLES CLAIBORNE, Clerk. AplO 21 my8 and seventy, and the ninety dependence of the United St ap3 17 my3 PHILIP POW fourth year of »he ites. ER, J k., Deputy Clerk. $13..., ....$15., ......$30 R«fmb:ee koM, wears like roM, and i* M good »» gold in all respects except intrinsic) rains. Also, American and Swiss Movement SILVER ■WATCHES. Every Watch enaranteed byspecia certificate. Ch&ios ana Jewelry in great variety. OaU and examine for yourselves, or send two tfcree cent stamps for circular. When Six Watcfce* are ordered at once, we send an extra one free. All goods sent U. O. D., customer can examine before paying, by paying .xorese chargee both ways JAMES GERARD A (JO., iylly Sole Igenta for “ United States,” No. 8r 'assan street (Up Stairs). N. V. BOOKS— BOOKS. THE STATE OF SEVENTH DISTRICT PARISH OF LOUISIANA. JRT FOP. JRLEANS. n o K CABINET ORGANS AND AEEJLO- ]> EON'S. THERE IS NO BOOK EQUAL TO IT ! Clayke’e New Method for Reed Organ*. i BY WILLIAM H. CLARKE. Already established as tbe leading text book for instruments of tbe Organ class, in Colleges, Semi- naries. Conservatories, etc , and used by the best teachers. For self instruction it is unexcelled. Full of the finest Pieces. Voluntaries, etc. (Copy- righted, 1869.) Price $2 50. Bent postage paid on reoeipt of »ric^ LlvKR DITSON A OO.. Boston. Apl9 26 G. H. DITfeON A GO-, New York. EUGENIE GIQUEL VS. MANUEL RIQUELME, HER HUSBAND—No. 2770. I HEREBY CERTIFY, THAT ON THE EIGHTH aay of April, 1870, judement was rendered in this court in the following entitled suit in tue words and fienres following, to wit: Eugenie Giquel vs. Minuel Riqueime, her hus b an d —No. 2770. In this case, subm itied for tne confirma* :on of the judgment bv default herein entered, the court con- sidering that the law and evidence are with the adjudged and decreed that tbe judgment by default herein entered on the t wenty first of March last, be now confirmed, that there be judg- ment favor of plaintiff, Eugenio Giquel, against defendant. Manue! Kiquelme ber husband, decree- ing &separation of property between tne said par- ties, aud the plaintiff to have the full management and control of her eeparate properly. That said piainnff do recover of her said husband the sum cf lorty seven thousand two hundred and sixry-nve dollar ? and ten cents in gold, with legal interest from judicial demand until paid, with the mortgage at d prviiege graated by law to married women, and that defendant pay the costs of suit. Judgment signed thirteenth of April, 1570. vfeigned) T. WHARTON OOLLENS, Judge. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the said court, at the city of New Orleans, on this thirteenth day of April, in tbe year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy, and tbe ninety-fourth year of the independence of the United States. ap!3 28 my 13 H. J. DUfefeOR, Deputy Clerk. I’MTfill STATUS UiaTKlCT COl'RT DISTRICT OF LOUISIANA. IN THE MATTER OF J. LEE PETTIT, Bankrupt. In DunkruptcF—No. 9CU. T O THE HONORABLE E. H. DURELL. Judge of the District <’ourt of tne United fetates for the District of Louisiana—suting in bink • ruptcy: i he petition cf F. E. Norton, of the city of Now Orkans, herein appearing as the assignee in bank- ruptcy of the estate of J, Lee Pettit, bankrupt, respectful'y represents— That among he astets surrendered by the bank- rupt, and belonging to the afor^siid estate in bank- ruptcy. thrre is tue following described real estate, situated in the State of Louisiana, parish of More- house, to wit— One undivided fourth interest in a tract of land situated in Morehouse parish, Louisiana, known as the Pettet Haee Your petitioner further represents that the said hereinbefore described real estate i-\ as appears of record, incumbered and charged with the following •hereinafter specified mortgages, judgments, liens and privileges resting thereon, to wit— Tacit mortgage iu favor of m.nor Heirs of James Pettit for $5200 Conventional mortgage in favor of J. H. Stevens, $2000; S. W. Riley, agent. And your petitioner lurtber represents *bat it is impossible for him to determine the va idiry of said incumbrances and tbe amount due thereon: thdt be can not ascertain the value of said property by agreement between himself and the creditors hold- ing said security, as provided in section twenty of the bankrupt actof 1867 And that it is necessary in order to ascertain tne value of said property, and for the due, proper and speedy administration of said estate, and for the interest of the creditors therein that said estate be sold at public auction, tree and clear ot all incumbrances, inat ail said jti< gments, mortgages, liens and privileges record- ed against sat J propertybe canceled and erased so that your petitioner can convey aclear and unin- cumbered title to &ny purchaser thereof, reserving to said minor heirs of Janies Pettit, J. H fetevens, S. W. Riley, agent, and to ail other persons, all their rights in law, to the proceeds of the sale of taid property upon the distribution thereof. Wherefore, your petitioner prays that he may be order d and authorized to sed said property above described at public auction, free and clear from all incumbrances. Tnat ali said judgments, mort- gages. liens and privileges reco-ded against said property bqcanceled and erased, so that your pen ur.ner can convey a clear and unincumbered title to anv purchaser thereof, reserving to said minor heirs of’James Pettit, J. M. fetevens. fe W, Riley, sgsnt, and to ail other persons, all tbe rights in law to tho proceed3 of tne sale of said prooOrtv according to their rank. And he prays for ail other necessary orders. (feigned) A. De B. HUGHES, Attorney. Op morion of A. DeB. Hnghes, attorney of E. E. Norton, assignee, and upon suggesting to tne court that te has hied in this court tae foregoing psti: ion, it is ordered teat minor he^rs of Ja nes Pottit, res- idence unknown. J. H. fetevens, S. W. Ri-ey, agent, of Bastrop, Louisiana, and all other parties in in- terest, do show cause upon the seventh day of May, A. D. 1870, ac eleven o’clock A M., before this court, why the said petition should not be granted, and said property sold, as prayed for, and wny all incumbrances recorded against 6aid property should not be canceled and erased. And it is fur- ther ordered that notice of this petition and order he served upon said minor heirs of James Pet-it, J. M. fetevens, S. W. Rbey. agent, and ail other per- sons. by serving a copy thereof upon them, or their agent of attorney, or by said E. E. Norton, assignee, publishing a copy of said petition and order three t'MTKl) ST ATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF LOUISIANA. IN THE MATTER OF JOHN W. CLARKE, Bankrupt. In flunk ruptcy—No. 057. rno the honorable e . h . durell . X Judge of toe District Court cf the United States for the District of Louisiana—sitting in Bankruptcy: The petit on of E. E. Norton, cf the city of New Orleans, herein appearing as the as-iguee in bank - ruptcy, ot the estate of John W. Clarke, bankrupt, respectfully represents that, among tue assets sur- rendered by the bankrupt, and belonging to the aforesaid estate in bankruptcy, tnere is the follow- ing debcrined real estate, situated in the State of Louisiana, iu tbe parish of Madison, to wit— A plantat ion, bituatc-d in Madison parish, Loui- siana, lying on »oes Bayou, containing seven hun- dred and seventy-nine acres of land, more or less, and known as the “ Wniraker Place,” together with eweiiing house, cab.ns, barn and all other improve meats thereon. Your petitioner further represents that the sa-d hereinbefore described real eetote is. as appears of record, encumbered and charged with the following hereinafter sp-cified mortgnges, judgments, liens and t»rivileges resting tnereon, to wit— fepeeial mortgage in favor of John F, Lewis New Or cans, on record in Madison parish, ti secure the payment of four notes, two for $6000, and two for $35i0, da,t*-rt January 27, 1866, drawn by John W. Clarke and F. H. G. 'J ayior, amounting to about $17 0(0 .... . And your petitioner further represents, that it is impossible tor him to determine the validity of said incumbrances and the ’mount duo thereon; that he can not ascertain tho vala« of said property by agree- meat between himself and tne creditors holding said security, as provided in section twenty cf the hark rupr act of 1-67. And r ;it it is necessary ip order tc ascertain the value of sa d property, and for the due, proper a ad speedy i.dtn nis r.p ion of sai( tate, and tor the interest ot tne creditors therein, that, eaid esta'e be sold at public auction, free and clear of all incumbrances. I’hat ail -aid j jdgments, mortgages, liens and privileges recorded against said proo-r v he canceled and erased, so th it yo^ir petitioner cud convey a clear and unincumbered title to any purchaser thereof, reserving to John F. i.ewis. and to all ether persons, all their riga’s in law, to me proceeds of the sale of said property upon the distribution thereof. Wherefore, your petitioner prays that, be may be ordered and authorized to seb said property anove described at public auction, free and clear from ail incumbr -nces That all said judgments, mortgages, liens and privileges recorded against said property be canceled and erased, so that your petitioner «an convey a clear and unincumbered title to any pur- chaser thereof, reserving to said .John K. Lewis, and to al! other pertons, a'l the rights m law to the pro- ceeds of the sale or said property according to their rank. And lie prays for ail other necessary ord rs. (Signed) A. De B. HUGHES, Attorney. On motion of A. DeB. Hughes, attorney of E. F. Norton, assignee, a'r>d upon suggesting to the conrt that be has filed in this court u e foregoing uetition it is ordered that John F. Lewis, and all *ther par t-iesui interest do show cause u on the seventh day of Mav. A D.. 1870 at el-ven o'clock A. M , before this court, why the said petition shoald not be granted, and said property sold, as prayed for, and why all incumbrances recorded against said property should not be canceled and erased. And it is fur ther ordered i hat notice of this petition and ordev be eerved upon said John F. Lewis, and all other per-or.s. by servirg a copy thereof^ upon ther tneir agent or attorney, or by said E. E. Norton, as signee, publishing a copy of said petition and order three times in tne New Orleans Republican, s newspaper printed io the city of New Orleans, Louisiana, tbe last publication ro be made at least five days before tue day of nearing. Signed April 4,1870. _ , . Atruecopv: E. H. DURELT* Judg& Clerk’s office, New Orleans, April 4, 1870 CHARLES CLAIBORNE, &p8 21 30 Cierk. title to any purchaser thereof, reserving to said Samuel and Paul Lisso, Mrs Pauline Eldridge; James B. DeBow and to all other persocs all the rights in law to the proceeds of the sale of said proper y according to their rank. And they pray tor ali other necessary orders. (Signed) **..■„ A. Df.B. HUGHES, Attorney. On motion of A. DeB. Hughes, Attorney of E. E. Norton and Lewis Eldridge, assignees, and upon suggesting to the court that they have filed in this court the foregoing petition, it is ordered t hat feain- u*l and Paul Lisso, of Natchitoches, Louisiana; Mrs. Pauhne Eldridge, of New Orleans, Lou- isiana; James B DeBow, of New Orleans, Louisiana, and all other parties in interest. show cause upon the fourteenth day of May, A. D. 1*70, eleven o’clock A M., before tnif court, why the said petition shnuld.not be granted and said property sold, as prayed for, and wny all incumbrances recorded against said property Bhould not be canceled and erased. And it is fur- ther ordered that notice of this petition and order be served upon said fearnue! and Pau* Lisso, Mrs. Pauline Eldridge, James B. DeBow, and all other persons, by serving a copy thereo their agent or attorney, or by taid L — ----- Lewis Eldridge, assignees, publishing a copy of said petition and order three lines in th* New O r- leans Republican, a newspaper printed in Ne v Or lean®, Louisiana, the last, publication to be made at leas' five days before the day of hearing. feigned April 6, 1670. E. H. DURELL, Judge. A trne copv: Clerk’s Office, New Orleans, April 6 1871. aplO 2i ra:-8 CHS CL IBORvE C *ra. Wherefore your petitioners pray tnat they may ne ordered an- a-d homed to sell said property above de-cribed at public auction, free and char from all incumbrances. That all sa d judgments mortgagee, liens and privileges recorded against eaid property be canceled aud erased, so that jour petitioners can convey a clear and unincumbered tit e to any pur- chaser thereof, reserving to said Citizens Bank. H. W. Hied, E. Wiltz, minor children ot J. W. Wilder and U. A. Jordan, Mrs. Harriet Jordan, tutrix,-J. H. Peyton, George W ider, and to all other persons, all the rights m law to the proceeds of the sate ot saio property, according to their rank. ,And they pruy for ad other necessary orders. ifeigned) A. De B. H U G H L > , (fesgned) JAfe. M. THOMPSON. Attorneys. On motion of A. DeB. Hughes and Jas. M. Thompson, attorneys of E. F. Norton and John H. bevtOD, aseignees, and upon suggesting to the Court that they have bled in this Court the foregoing peti- op , it is ordered— ^ That Citizens’ Bank, of New Oriear?, Louisiana; fi. W. tiitd, of New Orleans Louisiana; E. Wntz, of New Orleans, Louisiana; minor children of J. W. Wilder and H. A. Jordan, Mrs. Harriet Jordan, tutrix ot New Or.eans, Louisiana; J. H, Pejton, of New Orleans, Louisiana, aDd George Wilder, oi New Orleans, Louisiana, acd all other parties in in- terest. do shew cause upon tue seventh day of May, D 1870 at eleven o’clock A. M., betore this court, why the said petition should not r>e granted, and said property sold, as prayed for, and why all incaiu- trances recorded against said property should not be canceled and erased. And it is further ordered teat notice of this petition and order be served upon said Citizens’ Bank, H. W. Ried. E. WiLz, minor cbildr. n ot J. W. Wilder and H.. A . Jordon. Mr*. Harriet Jordan, tutrix, J. H. Peyton and George Wilder and ail other persons, by serving a copy thereof upou them, or their agent or attorney, or by said F. E Norton, assignee, puhlisbmg a copy of said petition and order three times in the New Orleans Republican, a newspaper printed in the ciiy of New Orleans, Louisiana, the last publication to be made at least five days before the day cf hearing. Signed Apnl 7,18.0. g H B U B E L L , J a d g e . Atruecopv; Clerk’s Office, New Orleans, April 7.J8i0. aplO 21 myl UNITED STATES DISTKICT CO (JUT DISTRICT OF LOUISIANA. IN TUE MATTER OF HENRY GASTER Ban kxnpb. In Bunkruptey-No. 1012, T O THE HONORABLE E. H. DURFLL, JUDGE of tbe Dis rict Court cf the United .States for the District of Louisiana—sit ing in Bmkruptoj: I he petition of K. t Norton, of the city of New Or'eane, herein appearing as tbe a«rignee in bank ptcy, of the estate of Henry G&ster, bankrupt respectfully represents— , . .. . . That among tbe assets ?n»*rennered nythebink rupt, and belong ‘g ro the aforesaid estaTe in bank ru tcy, th'-re is the following described real estate situared in the State of Louisiana, in the parish o Richland, to wit: . A tract of land, lying in Richland pan^n, Louis iana, in the forks of Cj press Bayou and Big Creek, containing three hundred and twenty t ores, more or less, supposed by bankrupt to be in township number sixteen, north of range number seven ea>-t, in section number twelve or thirteen, bounded on the north by land of J. W. Wilris, on the sou'h bj land of J. Caz-y, on the east by big Creek and on the we3t by Cypress Bajou. Atotuf twoacr*s, situated in the town of Rec- inoutb, K’chland parish. Louisiana, with building thereon, being the same lot and building occupied as a store iJOu«e by Frank P. Gerreau. and surren- dered herein among the assets oi this e3tate in bankruptcy. Your petitioner furiher repre-ents that t he said hereinbefore described r~al estate is, aappears of record, encumbered a d charged with tho following hereinafter specified mortgages, judgments, liens ard pr.v *eges resting thereon, to wit: Special mortgage in favor of Job a Wari A Co executed iu 1667, of record iu Franaiin parish, bear ing in erest, tor $100. Judicial mortgage in favor of Gordon A ^astillo, of New Orleans, resuming from judgment obtained in Twelfth District Oo irt of Loaisiaua, for franklin parish, in 1667, for about $’ .600, ? .Judicial mortgage in favor of M Greely, of Frank- lin pari.-h, Louisiana, resulting from a judgment obtained in Twelfth Distrios • -ourt of Louisiana, for parish of Franklin, in 1%6, for about $150 . And yonr petitioner farther represents, that it is impossible for him to determine the va! dity of said incumbrances and the amount due thereon; that be can not ascertain the value of said*property by agreement between nimsnlf and the creditors hold- ing said security, as provided in section twenty of tbe bankrupt act of 1867. And that it is necessary, in order to ascertain the value of said property, and V &TTJE.D STATES DISTKICT COURT / DISTRICT OF LOUISIANA. IN THE MATTER OF D. W. OGDEN. BANK rupt. I n B a n k r u p t c y —JTo. 6 8 8 . rpo THE HONORABLE E. H. DURELL, X Judge of the District Court of the United • fetates tor the District of Louisiana, sitting in bankruptcy: a Tee petition of E. E. Norton, of the city of New Orie.in«t, herein appearing as tbe assignee in bank - ruptcy of the estate of D. W. Ogden, bankrupt, re • spectfully represents— That among the assets surrendered by the bank* rupt, and belonging to the aforesaid estate in bank- ruptcy, there is the following described real estate, situated in the State of Louisiana, in the parish of Frarklin, to wit: 1 he east half of the poutbeast quarter of section our (4), and the east half of the northeast quarter of section nine (9): together with two acres adjoining the same on the west, all situated in township thirteen (13), north of range six east, and containing one hundred and sixty ifcres, and having about one nundred opened. , ,. Your petitioner further represents that the said herein before described real estate is, as appears of recot d, encumbered and charged with the follow- ing herein after specified mortgages, judgments, liens and privileges resting thereon, to wit: Mortgage and vendor's privilege in favor or Bloc's A Titche, Winnsborough, Louisiana, for $ 1000. Tacit mortgage in favor of Mrs. Dan W. Ogden, Winnsborough, Louisiana, for $2730. Aud your petitioner further represents that is is impossible for him to determine the validity of said incumbrances and the amount due thereon; that ne can not ascertain the value of said property by agreenr ent between bimselt and the creditors hold- ing said security, as provided in section twenty of the bankrupt act of 1667. And that it is necessary in ord^r to «sci-riatn tue value of said property, and for tne due, proper arid speedy administration of said estate, and tor the inteyent of the credittfra therein, that tho said estate be told at public auc- tion, free and clear of all incumbrances. That all said judgments, mortgages. Lens and privileges retarded against said proper y be canceled aud erased, so tnat your petitioner can conviy a clear and unincumbered tetle to any purchaser thereof, reserving to said Block <fc Titche, \Yinnsborough, Louisiana, Mrs. Dan W. Ogden, Winnsborough, Louisiana, and to all other persons, all their rights in law, to tho proceeds of the sale of said property upon tne distribution thereof. Wherefore, your petitioner prays that be may be ordered a^d authorized to seli said property above descrined at public auction, free and clesr from a'l incumbrances. Tnat all paid judgments, mortgages, liens acd privileges recorded again t said property be canceled and erased, so that your petitioner can convey a clear and unincumbered utle to any purchaser thereof, reserving to ^aia Block A 'Titche. Winnsborough, Louisiana, Mr-, Dan W. Ogden, Winnsborough. Louisiana, and to all other persons, ali the rights in law to the pro- ceeds of the sale of said property according to their rank. And he prays for all other necessary (Signed) A. DeB. HUGHES, Attorney. On ‘hiotion of A. DeB. Hughes, attorney of E. E. Norton, assignee, and upon sngge>*ting to tne court that he has riled in this coort the foregoing petition, it is ordered— __ , . _ , . That Ibock & Titche, Winnsborough, Louisiana, Mrs. Dan W. Ogden, Winnsborough, Louisiana, and all other parries in interpat, do show cause upon the fourteenth day of May, A. D 1870, at eleven o’clock A. M., before this court, why the said por- tion snould not be granted, and said property sold, ns prated for, and why all incumbrances recorded sgairu-t said property should not be canceled ana erased. And it is further ordered that notice of t his petition 8nd order be served upon said Bloch A Titche. Winnsborough. Louisiana, Mrs. Dan V>. Ogden. Wim sborougn. Louisiana, and all other persons, by serving a copy thereof upon them, or their agent or attorney, or by said K. K. Norto \ assignee, pub ishing a copy of said petition ar. 1 order three times in the New Orleans Republican, a newspaper printed in New Orleans, the last pub- lication to be made at lea^t five days before tho day of hearing, feigned April 6,1870. UHfe. GLAlBORNE, Clark E. H. DURELL, Judgd. A true cony: C ierk’s office. New Orleans, AprU apl" 21 my# CHS. CLalBORNF, Olerk UillTEIi STATES HISTKICT COFKT DISTRICT Ol LOUISIANA. IN THE MATTER OF THOMAS W. WAT1S, Bankrupt. In Bankrnpev-Ko. 1083. T O THE HONORABLE E. H. DURELL. Judge of the Diatrict Court of the tUnited States for the District of Louisiana, sitting in Bank- ■f-Dsfpetition of E. E. Norton, of the city of New Orleans, herein appearing as the assignee in bank- ruptcy of the ostate ot fhemas w. Watts, bank- rupt, respectfully represents, that among the assets surrendered by the bankrupt, and belonging to the aforesaid estate in bankruptcy, there is the fol UNITE!* STATES BISTBItT COUUT DISTRICT OF LOUISIANA. IN THE MATT-R OF JOSEPH I!. EK'.VIN, Individually, and aea member of Frwm A Co., Bankrupt. In Bankruptcy—So. "}85. T O THE HONORABLE K. H. DURELL, Judge oi the Diatrict Courtef tbe United Mat.s fertile Distric - of Louisutna—sitting in Bankruptcy : 'I be petition ot F. fc.. NortoD, of the city or Wew Orleans, herein appearing as the assignee in bank- ruptcy, of the estate of Joseph U. Fra ic, mdivitl- uary, and as a member «>f Frwiu A Go,, bankrupt, respectfully repr^eeur*, that, among the assets sur- rendered by rim bankrupt, and belonging to the aforesaid estate in o«nkrao*cy, there is t.ic follow- ing described real es’a*e. f«i uated in tne State of Loaisiaua, in tne parish of Iberville, to wit: he plantation know- as the Edgtfie d Plantation situared cm Bayou Grusse Te»e, described in full in the deed of sale of the same made by the Sheriff of the parisn ot iberviiie, on the firrt ot fee pr ember, 18b6. herein surrendered by tlie aforesaid bankrupt* Your ptrifmuerfurther represents that the arid hereinbefore described rea estate 3s*, as appear* of record Incumbered aod charged with ti:e following hereinafter spec lied mortgagee, judgment*, liens ard privileges rest ng thereon, 10 wit: Vender s in >r gage for the sum ot $3174 65 n favor of tbe htir-* ot Mrs. Martha t*m; h, deceased, name ty, James Livingston. Charles Liv ng^ton. Martha Livii.gs rn wife nr B*n Smith, F! /a Livingston w.feof Lynn W. Watson. Coarles Hammond, *Sar tha B Hammond, Thomas Kernaghan, E. G. H ramond. wire of G. w. fetukpg, M.A Hammond, J, m^.-* Hsmznond. W. G. Hammmd, James K. t>ar- reit, William Garrett, Marv Anu Garrett, wifaoi W. A. ' url, children of .John H. Garrott, deceased, de •cendantsot Eliza* eth Garrett, of Lrit'ett Gar*e t aLd tLuhn Garrett, Mary Garrett and 1nomas Keys Judicial m orga/e in favor of Pierre Geliurman. administrator, tor $90*i; judit ial,mortgage -n faver or Jt beph I . Jamison, for $i000; special mortgagem favor of ( uicmings Brown A Co for S4a!JU. And hat, petitioner tur.her represents, t-liat it is imposs b e for him to determine the vaiidity of said itcumbr&DCe* and the amo im due thereon; he can oot ascertain the value of M>>d prope> .y by W"*8' ment between himself ahd tne credit rs ho ding eaid secu-ity. as provided in section twenty of the Bankrupt ect of 1867. And that t is necessary I a order to ascertain the value of said property, aril f r the due, proper and speedy administration of said elute, acd for the interest of the creditors therein, that said estate be sold at puo io auction, free and clear of a I incum- brances. 1 hat a i said judgments, mortgages, ,iens and orivi'.grS recorded against ea'd property iia canceled m l erased, so tnat your petitioner can C'-nvey » clear and unincumbered title to any pur- chafer thereof, reserving to said heirs of Mrs. Mar- tha Smith, name'y; James Livirignton, Charles Ltv- ingston. Man ha LivingstomMrs. Ban Sin tn, Eliza I iv ngat .n Mrs. Lynn, W. Watson Charles Haul month Marina B. Hammond. Mrs. Thomas Kearna- ghan t G. Hammond, wife of J W. (stokes. M. A. Hammond. James Hanu-ooit, W. G. Hammond. James R. Gf.-r-.tt, William Garrett. Mary Ann ..ar rett, wife of W. A. Curl, children of John H Gar rf*t», deceased; descendants of hlizabeih .*arrett, of Catlett tiarrett. and of John Garrett, Nancy Gar uet1 ann Tnvma& Keys, Pierre Gellurm n. a m nis trator. Joseph C. Jamison , t lomningq Brown A Co , and i o all other prisons, all their rightb in law, to *ho proceedy oi the sale of said property upou the distribution thereof. ^ _ , Wherefore, your petit oner praysthat Ite may be ordered and authorized to &e‘l said proportv above described at pub'io auction, free and clear from all incumbrances. That all said judgments, mortgages, liens and privileges recorded against said property be canceled and erased, so that your petitioner can convey a clear and unincumbered title to any pur- lowing described real estate, situated in the fetate of Louisiana, in the parish of Richland, formerly Carroll parish, to wit— Tue following tract of land, being sections twen- ty-six, twenty-seven and thirty four in township seventeen, north of range eight east, north of Red river, containing nineteen hundred and nine teen acres of land, more or less, together with all the farm buildings, houses and improvements thereon . * . . Ycur petitioner further represents that the sai<l hereinbeiore described reai estate is^as appears of record, incumbered and charged with the feliowtng hereinafter specified mortgages, judgments, liens and privileges resting thereon, to wit— fet ecial mortgage, with vendor’s privilege, in favor of William fe. Pike, to secuie the payment of three notes f r the sum of f 3196 25 eacn, ar d one draft for $3260 30; said no^s and (Iran being the same frawn by Thomas W\ Watts an** John Antrobns, in soitaoj raid draft being subject lo a credit of $'.‘000. feaid note*s and draft being given in the spring or summer of i860. . . . . . Jud cial mortgage in favor o* Allen Eddings for the sum of $i00 . . And your petitioner further repre-ents that it is impossible for him to determine tne validity of «aid in ‘umb ances and the amount-dne thereon, that he can not ascertain the va'pe of said property by agreement b» tween bimselt and the creditors hold- imr f-aid‘-ecurity, as prov.ded in section twenty of the bankrupt act oM-67. And that it is necessary in order to ascertain the value of sai 1 property, and for the mie, proper and speedy administration or «aid esta e, and for the interest of the creditors therein, that aaid estate be sold at public auction, free and clear of all incumbrances, i’hat l i said judgmen s. mortgages, lien3 aa<l privileges recorded against said property be cancelled aod erased, so thatvonr pelitioner can convey a clear and unm- cumhered title to any purchaser thereof, reserving to said William S. Pte.e. of New Orleans Louisiana, aud A !**n Eddings, of W:nnsboro, Louisiana, and to ali other persons, a.i their rights in law, to the proceeds of the -<ale of taid property upon the dis - tribution thereof. therefore y >ur petitioner prays that ho may be ordered a rt authorized to 'sell said property above deecnbed at public auction, free and clear from all incumbrances. That all sa'd judgments, inor gages, liens and privileges recorded against said property be cancelled and erased, ro tr*at your petitioner can convey « e'ear and unincumbered tit e to any pur- chaser thereof, reserving to said William fe. Pike, j New Orleans, Louisiana, and Allen Fddings, of Winnsboro, Loui-tana, and to allother persons, all the rtghts in law to the proceeds of the sale of said property, according to their rank. And he prays for all other necessary orders, (feigned, On motion of A. DeB. Hughe1*, attorney of E. E. Nor1 ou, assignee, and upon suggesting to the court 'hat he h*s filed in this court the foregoing petition, it is ordered that William fe. Pike, of New Orleans, Louisiana, Alien Eddings.df Winnsboro, Louisiana, and all other parries in interest, do show cause upon the seventh day of May, A. P. 1-70, at eleven o'c'ock A. M.. before this court, why the said peti- tion should not be graated, and said properiy sold, as praved for, and why all incumbrances recorded against baud property should not b© cancelled and erased. And it is further ordered th u notice of this petition and order be served upon said William fe Pike, of New Orleans, Louisiana, and Alien Ed- dings, cf Winn boro. Louisiana, and all other per- sons,^ seiving acopythereot up6n thnm,or their agent or attorney, or by said E. K. Norton, assignee, publishing a co;>v cf -aid petition and o»-der three times -si the New Orleans Hep*i> l'can, % newspaper printed in New Orleans, Louisian u t ie last publi- cation to be made at least five days before the day of hearing. Siguefi April 4, UTO. £ H VVRKhu A trne copy: ............... .. Olerk's otfica, W*w Orleans, April 4,1W0. GHAKLEi CLa IB j KNE, Clerk. ap8 2130 A. De B. HUG HEW, Attorney.

New Orleans Republican (New Orleans, La.) 1870-04-28 [p 7] · 2017-12-14 · Also, of tbe Bate A Piokbam Attachment or Im- provement; also, of the Laareot Patent, and also of the

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Page 1: New Orleans Republican (New Orleans, La.) 1870-04-28 [p 7] · 2017-12-14 · Also, of tbe Bate A Piokbam Attachment or Im- provement; also, of the Laareot Patent, and also of the










Also, of tb e Bate A Piokbam A ttachm ent or Im- p rovem ent; also, of th e L aareo t P a ten t, and also of th e original p a te n t gran ted to Messrs. Carlier and Vignon, of P aris—which la tte r paten t underlies al Other P ortab le F ire Extinguisher! patents, and which p a te n t has ju s t been sustained by the Suprem e C ourt las per decision rendered by Chief Ju stic e Fisher), for the several S tates of Illinois M ichigan. In d ian a . W isconsin, Iowa, Minnesota', Louisiana, M ississippi, Alabama and Texas—hereby give notice th a t ail and every o ther PORTABLE E X T IN G U ISH E R , ENGINE or VESSEL, for the purpose of applying carbonic acid gas, or water satura ted w ith carbonic acid gas, for th e pu tting out of fire,la an Infrlmrement on the Rights of thl

Company,and will he tre a ted accordingly. The public are hereby cautioned against purchasing or using any PO R TA B LE F IR E E X TIN G U ISH E R , as above described, from any and all parties not duly autfloi- ized by us to act as agents. The possession of such m achine renders any person liable, as well as maker or vender of th e same.


Directors of th e N orthw estern Fire Extinguisher Company.

HITCHCOCK, D U PEE & EV A RT8.ap.23 Attorneys.


144 Poydrai Street,Has now on hand th e largest, finest and best se­lected assortm ent of CH A N D ELIERS and GAS F IX T U R E S of every description—foreign and dom estic—th a t can be found th is side of Phila­delphia, and which he now offers for sale a t lowest prices th a t they can be bought in NewVork a t retail. He also keeps constantly on hand, a large supply of Iron, Gas and Steam Pipe and F ittings, which he will seli a t the lowest m arket prices.

He is also agent for the celebrated SPRING- F IE L D GAS MACHINE, which he recommends as being, w ithout doubt, th e best autom atic Gas Maohine now in use, and he is now prepared to put them up on p lantations, a t factories, hotels and dwelling houses, wherever a cheap, brilliant and reliable ligh t is required.

For fu rth e r assurance to the public of th e m erit of these M achines, he refers to the annexed certi­ficate of Mr. Bradish Johnson, whose Sugar house on his W oodland P lantat ion is lighted bj one.

Mr. F lem ing is also prepared to do Gas and Steam F ittin g s promptly and on th e most reason' able term s. Those w anting suck work done, would do well to give him a call bo'ore contracting else­where.

I hereby certify th a t th e SPR IN G FIELD GAS MACHINE, for which Mr. Jo h n Fleming is agent in •mis S tate, and one of which wa> pu t ud on my Woodland P lantation last fall, has worked well and given entire satisfaction.

BRADISH JOHNSON, W oodland Plantation, Parish of Plaquemines.

fe2J Im

T ° j

IN TH E .MATTER OF JAM ES F. feHEF- Held, Bankrupt.

I n B u n k r u p t c i - X a . 0 8 7 .

T H E HONORABLE E. K. DURELL. Judge of tiie D istrict Di tric t Court of the

United S lates for the D istrict of Louisiana, bitting m bankruptcy:

The petition of K. E. Norton, of th e city of New Orleans, herein appearing as the assignee in bank­ruptcy, of the esta te of Jam es P. feheffield.bankrupt, respectfully represents tn a t, among m e asreta su r­rendered by the%bankrupt, and belonging to the aforeFaid esta te in bankruptcy, there is the follow mg described real esta te , situated m the fetate of Louisiana, in the parish of Richland, to wit—

Southeast quarter of section twentv-five, township sixteen, nortn of range siz east, containing one hundred and sixty acres

Your p e t i t io n e r further represents th a t the said hereinbefore described real estate is, as appears of record, it cumbered and charged w i'h the following hereinafter specified mortgages, judgm ents, liens and privileges resting thereon, to wit—

Special mortgage and vendor’s privilege in favor of Shieveport, Vicksburg and Texas Railroad Com­pany for $1600.

And your petititioner fu rther represents, th a t i t is impossible for him to determ ine th e validity of said incumbrances and the am ount due thereon; tn a t he can not ascertain the value of said property by agreement between himself an 1 tho creditors bolding said security, as provided in section twenty of the bankrupt, act of 1867. And th a t it is neces­sary id order to ascertain the value of said property, and foi* the due, proper and speedy adm inistration of said esta te , and for the interest of the cieditors therein , th a t Faid estate be sold at public auction, free and clear of all incumbracees. ’ hat a}) la id judgm ents, mortgages, liens and privi­leges recorded against, said property be canceled and erased, so th a t your petitioner can convey a clear and unincumbered title to any purchaser thereof, reserving to said Shreveport, Vicksburg and Texas Railroad Company, and to all o her per­sons, all th e ir rights in law. to the proceeds of the sale of said property upon the distribution thereof

Wherefore. jo u r petitioner prays that he may be ordered and authorized <o sell said property above described at public auction, free and clear from all incumbrances. That all said judgm ents, m ort­gages, liens and privileges recorded against said property be canceled aqu erased, so th a t your p e ti­tioner can convey a e ’ear and unm eum bured title to any purchaser thereof, reserving to said Shreve­port. Vicksburg and Texas Railroad * -oinpany, and to all other persons, all the rights in law to the pro­ceeds of the sale of said property according to their rack. And he prays for all o ther necessary orders.

(Signed) A. DkB. HUGHES, A ttorney.

On motion of A. DeB. Hughes, attorney of E . E. Norton, assignee, and upon suggesting to the court th a t he has tiled in this court the lorepomg peti­tion, it is ordered th a t the Shrevepoit, VicKsburg and Texas Railroad Company, Monroe, Louisiana, and all other parties in interest, do show cauro upon the seventh day of May, A. D., 1870, at eieven o’clock A. M., before th is court, why the said peti­tion should Lot be granted, and said property roid, as prayed for, and why all incumbrances re ­corded against said property should not be can­celed and erased. And i t is further ordered th a t notice of th is oetition and order be served -pon said Shreveport, Vicksburg and Texas Railroad Com­pany. and all other persons, by serv'ne a copy there­of upon them, or their agent or attorney, or by said K. E . Norton, assignee, publishing a copy of said petition ana order three times in the New Orleans Republican, a newspaper printed in New Orleans, Louisiana, the last publication to be made a t leant five days before the aay of hearing.

Signed April 4,1870.6 E H . DURELL, Judge.

A true copy:Clerk’s office. New Orleans, Anri] 4, 1870.

CHARLES CLAIBORNE, ap9 21 30 Clerk.

^ B U S S E S .......................................... T B V 8 8 I I .



I f . S P I L L X A N N ,

I n v e n t o r A nd P a t e n t e e o f a . l . e v e r a n

S u p p o r t e r T r o t s ,

P aten ted Septem ber 7. 1869.

This Truss defies all coinpetitiqp for com fort aDd general satisfaction; can be worn by ail classes, as wel: as both sexes, in ail periods of life. I t stands without a rival in th is or any d its short existence^ won

wearers. f „ . , . .Also, srie proprietor for the State of Lou*Eiana for

tee highly recommendedW. JOHNSON S PATENT PAD TRUSS.

W ith these Trusses, I can promise more rapid im ­provement and relief than any o ther apply er o Trusses.

Also, A ttachm ents of all descriptions on Land, or made to order. H fePILLMANN,

M anufacturer and F itter,93 Baronne street. New Orleans, La.

Orders from abroad will receive prom pt atten tion . S ta te R ights for sale. J&6

M O N I T I O N .




TH E STATE OF L O U IS IA N A -T O ALL whom tnese presents shall come—Greeting—

W h e r e a s , Mrs. M ane Ernestine t uech, wife ot E rnest Fuech, having purchased a sale made . by N. J hoey, au c ­tioneer, the property hereinafter described has applied to the Clerk cf this Court, in whose office tbe process verbal of said sal* was recorded on th e twenty-third day of April, A. D. lr"G. for a M onition or Advertisement, in conformity to an act of tbe Legislature of the State of Louisiana, titled “ a d Act relative to monitions and mode of proceed ng, ’ approved March 15. 12c5

Now. therefore, know ye, and ail person? interest­ed hereio. are uereby cited and adm onished in the name of the S tate of Louisiana, and of the Second D istrict Court fo r the par sh of O r.-an .who can set up any right, title or claim in and to the properly h ereinafte r described, in consequence of any infor­ms ity in the order, decree or judgment of the court under which the sale was made, or any irreguarity or illegality in the appraisem ents and advertise m ents, in tim e or m anner of s&ie, or for any defect whatsoever, to show cause, wit .in thirty day from t r e day this Monition is first in er.ed m tn< ■aolic papers, why the sale so made, should not



IN T H E M ATTER OF JO S E PH HOLS, IN D I- vidually and as a member of the fi.in of Holz, Bloom A Co., and Ho»z A Bernheinicr, bankrupt.

In Bankruptcy—No. 1053.

TO TH E HONORABLE E. H DURELL, Judge of the D istrict Court of the United States

for the D isirict of Louisiana, kitting in bank­ruptcy: „ , .. . _T

i be petition of E. E. Norton, of tne city of New Orleans, herein appearing as the assignee in bank* ruptcy, of tha estate of Joseph Ho^z, individually and as a member of the firm of Holz, Bloom A Co., and of Holz. A B trnLeim er, bankrupt, respectfully represents te a t among the assets surrendered by the bankrupt, aBd belonging to the aforesaid estate in bankruptcy, there is the following descrioed real estate, situated in the State of Loui-tana, in the parishes of Orleans, Jefferson and St. Helena, to wit— . . , . JL .

1. A cerfain lot of ground situated in the r i r s t D istrict of the c ty of New Orleans, in the triangular islet bounded by Claiborne, Gravier and Willow streets designated as No. 1, on a plan made bv L. Pilie, November 27, I860, and deposited in toe office of C. E Fortier, late notary public, as plan No. 57, said lot measures forty-one feet four inches aDd two Lnes front on Ciaiborue street, forty-one feet eight inches aud three lines on Willow street, by a oepth and front of ninety-eight feet t ig h t inches ana two lines on Gravier street, and a depth or eighty two feet two inches and seven .lines on the siae of lot No. 2.

2. A certain lot of ground, together w ith the bu ild itgs 'and improvements thereon situated, in the First D istrict of the city of New Orleans, in the square bounded by W hite or Basin street, Franklin or Benton street, Thalia and Melpomene streets, designated as No. 2, aDd measuring city-five feet seven inches six lines front on W hite stree t by a depth of ninety seven feet.

3. A certain lot of groned situated in the Fourth D istrict of the city of New Orleans. Louisiana, in the tquare bounded by Jackson. W hite, Philip and Race streets, being lot No. 8. on a plan in the office of Joseph Loan, notary public in ihe city of New Orleans, ®aid lot measures t w e n t y - three feet five inches froet on Race street by a depth of one hun­dred and eigbty-three teet seven inches and seven lines, and bounded on the rear line by an alley four Jeet wide, common to *aid lot and all others border­ing t h e r e o D , wnich a ley divides said ot from the adjo ning cemetery of m e Hebrew congregation,

Chaugarae Chaped. ’’4. Twelve lots of ground, with improvements

thereon situated, in the town of Uarro ton, in the parisii of Jefferson, Louisiana, iu u ria re bounded t y Monroe, Fourth, Leonidas and Z.mpel streets, marked “A ” according to a plan of A. I). aH em e- court, November 1, 1845, and deposited in the office ot H. B. Cena?, notary public; said lots are desig­n a te ! Nos 6,7. 8,9 1U, 11. 14. 15. 16, 17, 18 and Id. on said plan. Lot* Nos. 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 adjoin eac h other, and ice%sure th irty feet front on Fourth street, by a depth of one hundred and twenty feet, between parallel lines L j t No. 10 forming the cor­ner of Leonidas and F ourth streets Lots Nos. II and 14 adjoin each other, and measure thirty feat seven inches and four lines front on Leonidas street, by a depth of one hundred aod titty feet, between parallel lines. Lots 15, 16, 17.18 and 19 are contigu­ous, and measure thirty feet front on Z mpel street, by a depth of one hundred and twenty teet. between parallel does; No. 15 forming the corner of Z;inpel and Leonidas streets.

5. A certain lot of ground, situated in the town of Amite, in tne parish of St. Helena, Louisiana, de­signated as lot No. 1 in square No. 7, comprised between the Railroad avenue, Pine, F irst and C hestnut s-treets, measuring tiity feet front on the said Railroad avenue, by two hundred and seventy- live feet m depth, more fully described in the act of sale of J . Coleman to Joseph Holz. paseed before Antoine Ab&t, notary public, on Ju iy 27,1858.

Your petitioner fu rther lepresents i h u m e eaid hereinbefore described real esta te is, as appears of record, encumbered and charged with tne following hereinafter specified mortgages, judgm ents, liens and privileges resting threon, to wit:

Special mortgage in favor of George Schactz, of the city of New Orleans, to secure t he payment of a certain piomissorv note for $12L0 and interest, dated January 12. 18C9, and payable one year after date, drawn by Joseph Holr to his own order, and by him indorsed, secured by mortgage on the prop­erty herein first described, by act of mortgage before F. tu d e , notary public, on January 12, 1869, ( $ 1200).

No*-ciai mortgage, by act before E. Eude, notary public cf date January 9, 1869. in favor of Ge.-rge fechantz, ot New Orleans, on the property herein fourthly described, to secure payment of a note *or S1C0U and interost, drawn hy Joseph Holz to his own order, and by him indorsed, dar*d January 9, letW. and payable oue year from date, v$1U1)

Special m ortg-ge. by act before h . Lude, notary public, ot date January 21, 1869, in favor cf Charles M eichert, of Nt-w Orleans, on the property here n secondly described, to secure paim ^ut ol & note for $1160 and in»erest, dated Jauua ty 21, i8t9, payable

irawn by Josepn Holz to his indorsed, ($IU)0). axes, etc . on al! property 69, am ount unknown, and Carrol.t >n taxes on city rilied • f


tim es in the New Orleans Republican, a. newspaper printed in New Orieaos. th9 last publication to be made a t least five days before the day oi hearing,

feigned April 4, lb7Q. , T .A true copy: E. H . DURELL, Judge.Clerk’s Office, New Orleans, April 4, 1870. ap8 21 30 UHA tlLES ULa IB o KNK. Clerk.

I 'A I T J E l l S T A T E S I I I S T B I C T 4 .0 C U T


J . GARNER,M ATTER OF T. Bankrupt.

I n B a n k r u p t c y —N o . 1 5 4 .

TO T H E HONORABLE E . H. DURELL, Juoge of th e District Court of the Unned States

for th e d istrict of Louisiana, s itting in bank

r “ftw petition of E. E. Norton, of tbe city of New Orleans, herein appearing as the assignee in bank­ruptcy of the esta te or T. J . G arner, bankrupt, re- spectluby represents— . . . . . .

I nat among the assets surrendered by the bank rup t, and belonging to the aforesaid esta te m bank, ruptcy, there is t tie following described real estate, situated in t be fetate ot Louisiana, iu th e parish of Union, to wit: . „ _ . . . .

A trac t of land, occupied as the homestead ox bankrupt, lying six miles east ot fepearsvil e, Louis­iana, known as the “ Ben D.lly” tract, and contain­ing two nundred aod eighty acres, more or less.

Your petitioner tu rtoer represents tn a t the said hereinbefore described real esta te is, as appears of record, encumbered and charged with the lo.lowing hereinafter specified icon gages, judgm ents, liens and priv.leges resting thereon to wit: .

Special* mortgage in favor of Benjamin Duly, Center Point, feevier county, Arkansas, lor $216.

And your petitioner further represents th a t it is impossib e for him to determine the validity of s&td incumbrances, aod the amount due thereon; that

* he can not ascertain the value of said property by agreement bet ween bim.-eit and the creditorshold- irg said security, a3 provided in section twenty of r . e bankrupt act ot 1887. a n d U a t. i t is necessary iu order to ascertain tbe value of as id property, acd tor the due, proper and speedy adm inistration of said e.-daie, and for the intere-Jfc of the creditors therein, tn i t said esta te be sold at public auction, tree and clear of ail incumbrances. T ha t all said judgm ents, mortgages, liens and privileges recorded against said property he canceled and erased, so th a t your petitioDercan convey ac learand unincumbered title to HDy purchaser thereof reserving to said Benjamin Dilly, Center Point. Sevier county, A r­kansas. aDd to ad other persons, ail their rights in law to the proceeds of the sale of said property, upon the distribution thereof.

Wherefore your petitioner prays tn a t he may be ordered and authorized to sell sa.d property above described at public auction, free and clear from all incumbrances. That ail said judgm ents, m ort­gages, liens and privileges recorded against said property be canceled and erased, so th a t your peti­tioner can convey a clear and unincum bered title to any purchaser thereof, reserving to said Benjamin D ull, Center Point, .'evier coumy, Arkansas, and to all other persons, all the rights in law to the pro­ceeds of the sale of said property, according to their rank. And he prays for all o ther necessary orders,

(feigned) A. De B. HUoH Efe, Attorney.

On motion of A. DeB. Hughes, attorney of E. E. Norton, assignee, and npoa suggesting to the C oart th a t he has tiled in this Court the foregoing petition, it is ordered— ^ ,

That Benjamin Dilly. Center Point, Sevier county, Arkansas, aod all other parties in interest, do show cause upon the fourteenth day nf May, A. D., 1870, a t eleven o’clock A, M., before th is Court, why the said petition should not be granted, and said prop­erty sold, as prayed tor, and why all incumbrances recorded against said property should not be can­celed and erased And it is tu rth er ordered th a t notice of th is petition and order be served upon said Benjamin Dilly. CeDter Point, Sevier county, Arkan^a?, and all other persons, by serving a copy thereof upon them , or their agent or attorney, or by said E. E. Norton, assignee, publishing a copy of

d petition and order three times in the New Or- ••MiC8 Republican, a newspaper printed in New O r­leans, the last publication to be made a t least five days betore the day of hearing.

Signed April t, 1878.* £. H. DURELL, Judge.

A true copy:Clerk’s Office, New Orleans. April 6 18*0. aplU21 my8 CHS. CLAIBORNE, Clerk.






In .Bankruptcy—Bfo. 8 5 8 .

TO T H E HONORABLE E. H. DURELL.Ju d g e of tne D istrict Court of the United

S tates for tho D istrict of Louisiana, sitting in bank­ruptcy:

•ket.ition or n,. ssi. Norton, or tne __ _;nee in bank

The petition of E. E. Norton, of the city of New _Tleans, heiein appealing a»~ the as-ignee in bank­ruptcy, ot the estft'e of W. W. Breaze&le. bank rap t.


one year fro n ^e, down older, aiic him

fetate ct Lou.siananerein descr.b<=d, tor U

City of Nev Orleansproperty herein desc

o"her coantrv I t has i Pat,llc P*P*rs, why the saie so maa th ^ x d S .rS o n of ! be confirmed and homologated, th e tG hnrtu.cn or ita T property was sold bv N

C. K A T U R 4 N ,


And Dealer In

>»!, C H a r e e a l C o k e . W h i t 7 * n 4 f i r e w o o d ;

Hoey, anctioneer, aforesaid, on th e second day ot * pr !, A D. 1870, by virtue ot a decree of th is court, rendered on the sixteenth day of feepiember, A . p . I6©?,‘in the m atter of the minors Montgomery, No. 32 5-5 of th e docket of t h i s ‘court, a t which ?a:e Mrs. Marie E rnestine Fuech, wife of Ernest Puech. 1 eu m e the purc haser for the price of eighteen thousand th ree hundred ar d fifty dollar?.

Description of the property as contained in the judicial conveyance, viz—

1. A portion of ground, with the improve­m ents thereon, si-uated in the Second D s tr.c t of th is city, in tbe squar« bounded by Esplanade, Barracks, Bourbon and Dauphine street^; said ground forms the corner of Esplanade and Bourbon streets, anc measures 62 teet 7 inches on Efplanade

. street, by 103 feet 7 inches cu Bourdon street. Tb • improvements comprise a brick house, etc , know I as No. 88 F>p*anade street.

Gierk'g office. New Orleans, A rri! 23,1870.M. O. TRACY.

} &p26 my7 21 28 U erk.

2S4 Bien^ihe c-treat, corner of M arais, New Urieani j O rders le f tk t the above place, or C or 53, Mechanic* j

Kxcnange. will receive o w n n * a tten tio n .

S.M E A T B -



Windcw Bttdea, Cornices, Fringe* Gimp*, Cord* Tteeei*, Dxmuke, Broe&tel.'ee, Temfs, Piashe* Hollxndx, Enamelled and Hair OJoth, Piotnree, Picture Frames, Munidings, Mirror Plate* acd Irames. »o26 ly d



]3 f ..................Poydrai Street...................IWBETW EEN CAM P AND ST. CHARLES STS.,

New O rieanaA full supply of P rinting Presses, Types, Inks and

Papers constantly on Rand a t m anufacturers’ prices. oc!2 lydAw

wAN AT24........... ..............WIXATA


G U A C O B I T T E I W ,

T H E WANATA GUACO B ITTER 15 A GOOD TONIC and STOMACHIC, composed entirely of txe vegetable substance of Gnaco.

Being very agreeable to the taste, cpn be taken by th e m ost delicate persons. I t rids th e system of all im purity and promotes health and vigor.

This celebrated B itte r is a preservative againrt Cholera and a cure for Dyspepsia, Chronic and Neryous Debility, D iarrhea, Weaknees of the L o A , and all disease > proceeding from the Liv^r th e 8tom ach or th e Bowels.

This B itter can be taken either w ith a little eugar ac d w ater, in Anisette, or any o ther sp irits, or even pure. A small glass of it, taken before a meal, sharpens the appe tite and facilita tes digestion.

F or sale by J» LLADO, Agent,Druggist, corner C hartres and D om ains.

aulS 6m _____ ______________ _

T I I E S T A T E O F L O U 8 I A K A


FRANCIS LOUISIANA *AUSTIV. W IF E OF Albert W icker, vs. Her Husband—No. 1380.

I H EREBY CERTIFY THAT ON TH E SEV- enth day of April, 1-70. judgm ent was rendered

in th is court, in the following entitled suit, in the words and figures following, to wit:

Francis Louisiana Ausiin, Wife of Albert Wicker, vs. Her Husband, No. 1380

On motion of T. S. McCay, of counsel for p’a ir tiff, and on producing to the court due praof of said plaintiff 's demand—

I t is ordered, adjudged and decreed th a t the judg ­m ent by default herein entered on the nineteenth February, 1870, be now confirmed and made final, and th a t there be judgm ent in favor of plaintitf, b ranciH I*ouij ian& Austin, and against defendant, AlberA Wicker, her husband, decreeing a separation of property and a dissolution of tbe community of acquets aDd gains heretofore existing between them , and th a t the furn iture described m the peti­tion be decreed the separate jyoperty of plaintiff, and tnat she be entitled to th e possession thereof; and, further, th a t said plaintiff recover of defendant one tnonsacd dollars is cash? with five per cent in terest per annum from judicial demand until paid, a rd costs of suit with privilege as a lowed by law.

Judgm ent rendered and signed April 7,1870. (feigned) CHARLES LEAUMONT, Judge.

In testim ony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the Eaid court, at the city of New Orleans, on th is n in th day of April, in the year of our Lhrd one thousand eight hundred and seventy, ?nd the ninety fourth year of the in dependence of the United States.

P H IL IP POW ER, J R , aplO 25 mylO Deputy Clerk.

known.ansh and town t*ixe? en properly fifth 's

scribed ce*fe»n, am en t unknown.•And your petitioner fu rther represents that it is

im ro s ib ie for h.m to oet*-rm ct- the v.J dity of said incumbrances and the am ount due th ereon : that he L-an not ascertain the value of said property by agreement between himself ana the creditors hold ingsa.d -e tu rpy , as provided id sect on twenty of the bankrupt act of lbt>7. And that it is neces in order to ascertain tbe value ol sa*d properry, and tor the due pr.-per and speedy adruunsirauc said es t-te , and for the inte-est ot the creditors therein , th a t said e la te be sold at pubbe auctn n, free and clear of a;l lncum brarces. T ha t ali said judgm ents, mortgages, liens and priv i'eg ts re­corded against said property be canceled and erased, ?o th a t your peiitior.er can convey a e 'esr acd uninccmb(-rt-d title to any purchaser thereof,

eservirg to said George Schautz, ol New Orleans, Louisiana, C har'es M eichert, of New Orieacu. Mate of Louisiana, ci y of New Orleans, town of (.'arrollcon, Louisiana, Am ite town, o f parishes St. Helena, Jctiersou and Orleans, i ouisiana, and to a 'i o ther persons, ad th e ir rights in law. to the

ceeds of tne sale of said properTy upon the dis­tribution thereof.

Wh refers your petitioner p ra ts th a t ne may be ordered and authorized to sell sa.d pmper»y above described at pub ic auction, freeund cltar irom ail incumbrances. T eat all said judgm ent?, mort- * gage?, hens and privileges recorded against sa d property be canceled and erased, so that your petitioner can convey u ciear and unincumbered t r i e to any porcuasrer thereof, reserving to said George fit cam z, of New Orleans, Louis.ana C ha’Ies M eichert, New Orleans, S tate of Louisiana. New Orleans, town of CarrolitoD, Louisiana, town of Amite, Louisiana, parishes of Si. Helena. Jefferson and O riear?, Louisiana, aDd to all otDer per.-ons, all the rights inlaw to the proceeds of the Sale of said property according to their rank. And he prays lor ail o ther necessary orders.

(feigned) A. D>.B HUGHES, Attorney.On motion of A. DeB. Hughes, attorney or E, E.

Norton, as-ignee, and upon suggesting to the court th a t he has tiled in th is court th* foregoing p eti­tion, it is ordered th a t George Schantz, New Or JeaDS. Louisiana. Charles M elcnert, Ne*v Orleans, fetateot Louisiana. New Orleans, town of Carroll­ton , Louisiana, t .wn of Aunta, Louisiana, parishes of .fet. Helena, Jefferson and Orleans, Louisiana, and all o ther parties id inter* s t. oo snow cause upon the th irteen th day of May, A. D. 1870, at eleven o’clock A. M.. before th is court, why the said petition should not be granted, aDd said prop­erty so d . as prayed for, ami why ah incumbrances recorded against sa d property should not be can­celed and erased. And it is further ordered that notice of this petition and order t e served upon said George >chantz. New Orleans, Charles Mei­chert, New Orleans, S tate of Louisiana, New O r­leans, town of Carrollton, Louisiana, town of Amite, Louisiana, parishes of S t. Heiena, Jefferson and Orleans. Louisiana. a*d all o ther person?, by serving a copy thereof upon them , or their agent or a tto r­ney, or by publishing a copy of said petition and order three times in the New Orleans Republican, a newspaper printed in New Orleans, Louisiana, the last publication to be made a t Isast five d a js before the day of hearing.

feigned April 12, 1870.E. H. DURELL, Judge.

A true copy:Clerk s office, New Orleans, April 13, 1870.aol7 30 m>7 K. LOEv%. Deputy Clerk.

I n B a n k r u p t c y —N o . 7 # 2 .

To t h e h o n o r a b l e e . h . d u r f l l .Judge of tne District Court of the United

States for the D istrict of Louisiana, sitting in bank rup tcy : _ , , , „

1 he petition of E. E Norton, of te e city of New Orleans, herein appearirg as th e assignee in bank- ruptev of the esta te ct L .J . Phillips, bankrupt, ro spectfully ret resects tha among the assets surren­dered bv th e b a m ru p i and belonging to the afore said esta te in bankruptcy, there is the following described real estate, situated m the M ateof Lou lti&na, in he parish of Cla.borne, to wit—

Tne foprhw tst quarter oi th e northwest quarter of section twenty-four, and *he nr»r:hea-t quarter of section tw tnty turce in township twenty of ran, nine west, except'ng tn a northwest, quarter oi t: last name quarter section; also, the northwest quarter of.the seatnw est quarter o t section twenty lour, township twenty, range nine west.

Your i et it loner tu rth e r represents that the here in before de*cribed real e la te is. as appears of rec ird. incumbered and charged with trie following hereinafter specified mortgages, judgm ents, iieno and privileges re"ttDg thereon, to W:t:

Mortgage in iavor of F i». K rous for $400 And your peti; loner further represents th a t it

impossible for hffii to determine tbe validity of said incumbrances and tne amount due tocreon : that he wan not ascerta n the value of said property by agreement between himself and the creditors hold­ing s-aid security, as provided in section twenty ot the bankrupt act of 1867. And that it is necessary in order to ascertain the value oi said property, and for the due, proper and speedy adm inistration of said estate, and for the interest of the creditors therein, i hat said estate be *old at public auction fre^ and clear of a l incumbrances, i hat all *ak judgm ents, -aortgares, liens and privileges recorded against said property be canceled and erased, so that yowr petiuouer can convey a clear and unin­cumbered title to any puruhaser ihereof, reserving to said F. O. K roui and to all other per-ens, ai their rights in law to tbe proceeds of the sale of said properly upon the distribution thereof.

Whereft rw your petitioner O 'ajs th at he m aybe ordered and authorized to sell said property above described at public auction, free and Gear from all incumbrances I hat a.i said judgm ents, mortgages, hens and r*r vileges recorded against said property be canceled ana erased, so th a t your petitioner can convey a clear and unincumbered title to any pur­chaser thereof, reserving to said F. O. Krous, and to all other person**, all the right-, in law to tne pro­ceeds of the s-.le of said property according to their rank And h e p ra js fo r all o ther necessary orders,

(feigned; A. De B. HUGHFfe, Attorney.

pR YSTA LIZBO 0 1 4 ,-



fealesroom a t No. 176 C arondelet stree t, and the corner of Royal and Dumaine. &Ph


O R O I D E W A T C H .

T H E ( T A T E O F L O U I S I A N A .



1 H EREBY CERTIFY THA T ON T H E FIR «T day ot February, 1870. judgm ent was ren

dered in th is court in the following entitled su it in the words and figures following, to wit:

Rosa Gugenneim vs. Marx Gugehneim, her hu s ­band—No 1369

On motion of J . A. Dejean, of counsel for the plaintiff, and on showing to th e court the writTen confession o f defendant on fife, i t is ordered, ad­judged and decreed th a t there be judgm ent in favor of plaintiff. Rosa Gug-nheira, and against defend­ant. Marx Gugenheim, her husband, decreeing a sep­aration of property for th e fu ture between her and the defendant, her said husband, and th a t the said plaintiff have the exclusive m anagem ent and control over tbe property she may hereafter acquire. I t is fa rth e r ordered th a t defendant pay the costs of nit.Judgm ent rendered F eb ru a ry !. 1870.Judgm ent signed Febm rav 2, 1870.

(Signed) C H a RLES LEAUMONT,------- Judge.

In testim ony whereof. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seai of the said court, at the city o i New Orleans, on th is second day a4 Febnary,

i the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred

On motion of A. DeB. Hughes, attorney of E. E. Norton, assignee, and upon s-uggest'ng to the court th a t he has tiled in th is court the foregoing peti­tion, it is ordered that, F. O. Krous, Germantown, Louisiana, and all o ther parties io interest, do show cause upon the fourteenth day of May, A. D 1870, at eleven o'clock A. M., before th is court, why the said petition should not be granted and eaid property sold, as prayed for, ana wny all incumbrances re ­corded against said property should not lie can­celed and erased. And it is fu rther ordered th a t notice of this petition and order be served upon saidF. O. Krous and ■*!! o ther persons, by serving a copy thereof upon them , or ta e ;r ageut or attorney, or by sa'd E. E Norton, assignee, publishing a copy of said petition and order three tnn«s in tne New O r­leans Republican, a newspaper pointed in New Or leans, the la-t publication to be made a t least five days before the day of h e a r rg .

feigned April 6,1870. _ ,A tru e copy: F . H. DURELL, Judge.

Clerk’s office, New Orleans, April 6, 1*70. aplO 21 m>8 CHARLES Ob Al BORN E. Clerk.

respectfully represents th a t among the assets su r­rendered by the bankrupt, and belonging to the aforesaid esta te in bankruptcy, tnere is ihe follow­ing described real estate, situated in the S tate of Louisiana, in the parish of Natcbitocues, to wit—

The non h halt of northeast quarter, north half of northwest, quarter, southwest quarter of northwest quarter of section tw enty-eight; also the northw est quarter of northwest quarter of section twenty- seven, all in township twelve, north of range eight west, in the nonhw ettern land district of Louisiana, containing two hundred forty-two and forty-nine one hundredths acres as per patent num ber seven thousand two hundred. .

Tbe north half of section twenty-cine, m town- sh-p twelve, north of range eight west, in the nortn- western land d istrict of Louisiana, containing hundred twenty-one and eighty one-bundredths acres as per paten t num ber seven thousand one hundred and ninety-nine.

Your petitioner further represents th a t the said hereinbefore described real estate is, as appears of record, encumbered and charged with the following hereinafter specified mortgages, judgm ents, liens and privileges resting thereon, to wit:

Legal mortgage in favor of Mrs Breazea*©, wife of bankrupt, for $-----.

And your petitioner further represents that it is impossible for him to determ ine the validity of said incumbrances and the am ount due thereon; th a t he can not ascertain the value of said property by agreement between himself and the creditors hold­ing said security, as provided ic section twenty of the bankrupt act of 18i7. And th a t i t is necessary in order to ascertain tbe value of said property, and for th e "due, proper aod speedy adm inistration of eaid estate, and for the in terest of the creditors therein, th a t said estate be sold a t public auction, free and clear of ail incumbrances. 1 hat ail said judgm ents, mortgages, liens and privileges re corned against said property bo canceled and erased, so th a t your petitioner can convey a clear and unincumbered title to any purchaser thereof, reserving to said Mrs. Breazeale. wife of bankrupt, and to all o ther persons, all their rights in law, to the proceeds of tee sale of said property upon the distribution thereof.

W herefore, your petitioner prays that he may be ordered and authorized to sell said property above described, a t pub ic auction, free and clear from all incumbrances. That all said judgments, mortgages, liens and privileges recorded against said property be canceled and erased, so th a t your petitioner can convey a clear and unincumbered title to any p u r­chaser thereof, reserving to said Mrs. Breazeale, wife of bankrupt, and to all o ther persons, all the rights in law to the proceeds of the sale of said prop­erty according to th e ir rank. And he prays for ail o ther necessary orders.

(feigned) A. De B. HUGHES, Attorney.

On motion of A. DeB. Hnghes, attorney of E. E. Norton, assignee, and upon suggesting to the court th a t he has filed in th is court the foregoing peti­tion, i t is ordered th a t Mrs Breazeale, wife of bank­rupt, residence not stated, and all other parties in interest, do show cause upon the fourteenth day of M ay, A. D. 1870, a t eleven o’clo k A. M.. before th is court, why the said petition should not be gran ted , and said property^old , as prayed for, and why all incnm biances recorded against said property should not be canceled and erased. And i t is further ordered th a t notice of th is petition and order be serve 1 upon said Mrs. Breazeale, wife of bankrupt, and all other persons, by serving a copy thereof upon them , or their ageDt or attorney, or by said E E. Norton, assignee, publishing a copy of said petition and order three tim es in the New Orleans Republi­can, a new’soer printed in New Orleans, the last pub­lication to be made a t east fi\e days before th e day of hearing.

feigned April 6,1870. _E. 1L DURELL, Juoge.

A true copy:Clerk’s office, New Orleans, April 6,1870.aplO 21 myk CHARLKfe ULa IBORN l . Clerk

U N I T E D S T A T K tft D I » T 4 C I C T C O I K T


IN TH E M ATTER OF A. M. LISSO, B a rfru p t.

I n B a n k r u p t c y —N o . 4 0 .

TOTH K HONORABLE K. H. DURELL. JU D G E of the D istrict Court of the U nited S tates for

the D istrict of Louisiana—sitting in bankruptcy: The petition of E. K. Norton and Lewis Eldridge,

of the city ot New Orle* ns, herein appearing as the assignees in bankruptcy of the esta te of A. M. Lisso, bankrupt, respectfully represents, th a t, among the assets surrendered by the bankrupt, and belonging to the aforesaid esta te in bankruptcy, there is the following detcribeh real esta te situated in tbe State of Louisiana, in the parishes of Bien­ville and Natchitoches, to wit—

Southeast quarter, soutneast quarter of section thirty-one. township fourteen range eight, contain­ing 40 31 ifiO acres. . . „ .

Northwest quarter Fecticn and snuth hah of n orth ­east quarter of section twenty-tnree, townsh’p twelve, range nine, containing 239 10 100 acres.

Weal bait of southwest quarter section twenty- three, southeast quarter, Lortb.-i.st quarter, west halt, souiheas' quarter section twenty-two and west half, northeast quarter section twe.ity-seven, tjwn- snip twelve, range nine co tainm g 280 86-100 acres.

Southeast quarter, southwest quarter section thirty, west half, northeast quarter, east half, nerth-

ist quarter, north half, southwest quarter, n o rth ­west quarter, southeast quarter section tbm y-ooe, township th irteen , range nine, containing 2.9 71-100 acres.

South half. 8onthwe«t quarter section thirty-one, township th irteen , range nine, containing 79 8 100 ac»es.

West half, southeast quarter, section thirty-six, township th irteen , range ten, containing 79 61 1U0 acrej.

Southeast quarter, southeast quarter section twen­ty four, nortueast quarter section twenty-five, town- snip th irteen , range nine, containing 78 3i-10t‘ acres.

One acre ot la ta in Springville.Your petitioners fu rther represent th a t toe said

hereinbefore described real estafe is. as appears of record, encumbered and charged with toe fallowing hereinafter specified iLortgiges, judgm ents, Lena and privileges resting thereon, to wit :

T.icit mortgage in favor oi Samuel and Pau. i-isso for $1172 77. . .

Mortgage in favor of Mrs. P auhne E lan d g e

Mortgage in favor of Jam es B DeBow for S9T0.And your petitioners further repre-ent th a t it is

impossible for them to determ ine th e validity ot said incumbrances aod the am ount due thereon; th a t they can not ascertain the value of said proper­ty by agreement between themselves and the cred ­itors holding said security, as provided in section twenty oi tee bankrupt act ot 1S67. And th a ' it is necessary in order to ascenain the value of said property, and for the due. proper and hp^edy ad_ m inistration of said estate, and tor the inrerest of the creditors therein, th a t said esta te be sold at public a u c ion. free and clear of all incumbrances, i hat ail said judgments, mortgages, liens ar a privi­leges recorded against said property be canceled and erased, 90 th a t your petitioners can convey a clear and unincum bered title to any purchaser thereof, reserving to said Samuel and Paul Lisso. Mrs. Pauline Eldridge. Jam es B DeBow and to all o ther persons all their rights in law, to the pro­ceeds of the sale of aaid property upon the d is tri­bution thereof. _ , ..

Wherefore, yonr petitioners pray th a t they may be ordered and authorized to sell sa.d property above described a t public auction, free and clear from all incumbrances. Tnat all said judgm ents, mortgage*, liens and privileges recorded aga inst said property be canceled and erased, so th at youj petitioners can convey a e’ear and unincum bered

LEGAL NOTICES.for th e due, proper and ipeedy adm 'n u tra tio n of said esta te , and for tne in terest of tbe creditors therein, th a t said estate be sold a t public auction, free and clear of al' incumbrances, i hat all *Aid judgm ents, mortgages, liens and privileges recorded agaicst said property be canceled and erased, so th a t your petitioner can convey a clear and un in ­cumbered title to any purchaser thereof, reserving to sain Jo h n W att Co., New Orleans, Louisiana, Gordon A C'artillo, New Orleans, Louisiana, M. Gree!^, F ranklin parish, Louisiana, and to ali o ther persons, ad their rights in law to the proceeds of said property apon the d istribution thereof.

Wherefore, your petitioner prays th a t he m*y be ordered a rd authorized to sell raid property above deecribed a t public auction, free and d e a r from all incumbranaes. Tha all said judgments, mortgages, Irens and privileges recorded against said property be canceled a rd erased, so th a t yonr petitioner can convey a clear a d unincum bered title to any pur- cha er thereof, reseiving to said Jo h n W att Uo., New Oriear s, Louisiana, Gordon «fc Castillo, New Orleans, Louisiana, M. Greely. Franklin parish, and to all other persons, all toe rights in law to the proceeds of the »ale of said property, ac ce d in g to th e ir rank. And he prays lor all o ther necessary orde s.

(Signed) A. Df.B. HUGHES, Attorney.

On motion of A. DeB. Hughes, attorney of E. E. Norton, assignee, and upon suggesting to the court th a t he ta s tiled in this court the foregoing petition, i t is ordered—

T hat Jo h n Watt, A Go., New Orleans, Louisiana, Gordon A Oastiilo, New Or.eaos, Louisiana, M. Greely, Franklin parish, Louisiana, and a.l o ther parties in in tere -t, do show cause upon the four teen»h day of Bay, A. D. 1870, at elnven o clock A. M., before th is court, why the said petition fchonid not be granted, and said property sold, as prayed for* and why all incumbrances recorded against said property should not be canceled and erased. And it is fu rther ordered th a t notice of th is petition arid order be served upon said Jo h n W att A Oo., New Orleans, Louisiana, Gordon A Castillo, New Orleans, Loui-iana, M. Greely, Frank lin parish, Louisiana, and all other persons, by serving & copy thereof upon them , or th e ir agent or attorney, or by said E. F. Norton, assignee, publish­ing a copy of said petition and order three times m the New Orleans Republican, a newspaper printed in New Orleans, tb e last publication to be made a t least five dajs before the d.»v of bearing.

feigned April 6, 2870.B E. H. DURELL. J dge.

A tru e copy:C lerk’s office, New f'rieans. April 6,1879aplO 21 ujy8 CHARLES CLAIBORNE. Clerk.




I n B a n k r u p t c y —Afo. 1 0 5 0

TO TH E HONORABLE F. H. DURELL, JU D G E of the D istrict Court of th e U nited fetates lor

tb e D istrict of Louisiana—sitting in Bankruptcy: The petition of E. E. Norton, of the city of New

Orleans, Louisiana, and John H. Peton, of th e city of Jefferson, Louisiana, herein appearing as tne assignees in b an k ru p tcy ^ the esta te of Henry C. petty, bankrupt, respectfully represents that among ihe assets surrendered by the bankrupt, and belonging to the aforesaid estate in bankruptcy, there is the following described real esta te , situated in the State of Louisiana, in tne parish of Orleano,

^ T b e lot and store known as No. 282 R am part street, in the F irst D istrict of the city of New Or leans, Louisiana, in the square bounded by Ram­part, or Mobile Landing, Triton Walk, Ju lia and Philippa s trte ta , being lot No 7 on a plan of said square deposited in tbe office of C. Boudousqute, late notary of t'n.s city, m easuring twenty-t wo feet • th ree and one-half inches front on Mobile Landing or R am part s treet, by a depth of one hundred and forty-two feet o re inch and four lin^s, being the same property which was allotted to Henry C. Petty as lot No. 7 in an ac t of partition made a rd passed

I before William Snaunon, notary of th is city, on I May 18,1867. to effect a partition of property owned

by the heirs of J . W. Wilder, deceased, aDd the said Henry C Petty, in undivided ownership, together with all the buildings and improvements thereon, consisting of a well-built two story brick store and outbuildings in good order, condition and repair.

Your petitioner further represents th a t the said hereinbefore described real esta te is, a9 appears cf record, incumbered and charged with tbe following hereinafter specified mortgages, judgments, liens and privileges- resting tnereon. to wit—

The mortgage in iavor of the Citizen? Bank of New O rleans Louisiana, by act before F. G nm a, notary, on August 3, 1860, on undiv ;ded lots Nos_^ and 8, to secure payment of stock notes given by JU W. W ilder for about $5320.

The roorgage by act before Charles S tringer, in favor of H. W. Hied, subsequently assigned ana now probably held by 1L. Wiltz, ae far as knowa, for about $3500. . v 0

Jud ic ai mortgage m favor of the c:fy of N6W O r­leans for taxes of 1862, $120.

Judicial mortgage in favoro: the minor children of J . W. W ilder, Geceasc-d, and H A Jordon, Mrs. H arriet Jordan, tu trix , for about $6469 75.

Judicial m ortgage in iavor of J . H. Fey ton ,or $5^6 95. _ •

Judicial m ortgage in fr.vor of George Wilder, neirof full age of J . W Wilder, f o r ----

And your petitioners turtbf-r r-present th a t it is impossible for tnein to ceterm ine the validity of said encumbrances and the am ount due tuerecn; that they can not ascertain tho vaiue of said prop­erty by eg r-tm en t between themselves and the creditors holding said security, as provided in a c ­tion twenty of tne bankrupt ac t of 1867. A na tn a t it is reces&ary in order to ascertain the va:ne ot sa.u property, and for the due, proper and speedy adnrn- in ra u o n of said e?-ate, and for the interest cl tne creditors therein , th a t said ee-tate be sold a t public auction, free and clear of ail incumbrances. th a t all said judgm ents, mortgages, bens and privileges recorded against said property be canceled anu erased, so th a t to u r petitioner can convey a c.ear and unincum bered title to any purchaser thereof, reserving lo said C itizens’ Bank, H. Ried, F Wilt ', m inor children of J . W. Wilder, deceased, and t i . A. Jordan, Mrs. H arriet Jordan, tu trix , John H. Fevton. Geo*ge Wilder, and to ali other persons, ail their rights in law to the proceeds of th« sale oi said preperry, upon the distribution thereof.

titicnera pray that they may be

chaser thereof, reserving to said heirs of M rs. M ar­tha Smith, viz: Jam es Livingston, Uhariei L lvlnf- stoc, M artha L ivincsten. Mrs. Ben sm ith . Kiiza Livingston, Mrs. Lynn, W Watson. Charles Ham- mood, M artha B. Hammond, Mrs. ihom ta ive&riiA- ghan, Jfc. 8. Hammond, wife of J . W. Stokes, M. A . Hammond. Jam es Hammond, W. G. Hammond^ Jam es K. G arrett, William G arrett, M ary * nn G ar­re tt, wife of W. A. Curl, children o f Jo h n M Gar­re tt, deceased; descendants of Elizabeth G arre tt, of Catlett G arretc and of Jo h n G arrett, Nancy G ar­ret! and Thomas Keys, P ie rre Geilnrman, Jo sep h L. Jam ison, Cummings. Brown <fc Go., and to ali other persons, all the rights inlaw to the proceeds of the sale of said property according to th e ir rank . And ne prays for ail o ther necewsary orders.

(feigned; A. De B. HUGHES. Attorney.

On motion of A, DeB. Hughes, attorney of E. E . Norton assignee, and upon suggesting to the court th a t he has filed in th is court th e foregoing p eti­tion, it is ordered that Jam es .Livingston, Jackson ­ville, Florida; Charles Livingston, Dcckton, Ten­nessee: M artha Livingston, Mrs Benjam in S m ith, and Fkiza Livingston, Mrs. Lynn, W. Watson, both of Greenville, South Carolina; Charles Hammond, M artha B. Hammond, Mrs. Thomas K earnaghan,E. G Hammond, wife of J . W. Sokes, aTl of Hamburg, South Carolina; M. A. Hammond, •James Hammond, W. G. Hammond, Jam es K. G arrett, Williaim G arrett, ail of Edgefield D is­trict, South Carolina; Mary Ann G arrett, wife of W. A. Curl. Hamburg, South Carolina; children of Jo e n H. G arrett, deceased, residence unknown, decendants ot Elizabeth G arrett, o f C atlett Gar* re tt and John G arrett, Nancy G arre tt and Thom as Keys. Pierre Gellurraan, adm inistrator. Vermiilion- vil e, Louisiana; Josepc L. Jam ison, Bayon Gonla, Iberville parish,. Louisiana; Cummings, Brown A • Co , New O rleans; and all other parties in in te re s t, do show cause upon the fourteenth day of May,A D , 1870, a t eleven o ’clock, A. M Defore th is court, why the said petition should not be gran ted , and said property sold, as prayed forK and why ali incumbrances recorded against said property should not be canceled ami erased. And it is fu rth e r or­dered th a t notice of this petition a> d order be served upon said Jam es Livingston, Charles Liv­ingston, Mari ha Livingston, Mrs. Benjamin S m ith , Kiiza Livingbton. Mrs. Lynn, W. W atson, Charles Hammond. M artha B. Hamm ond, Mrs. (Thomas Kearnaghan, E. G. Hammond, wife of J . W. Stokes, M A Hammond, Janies Hammond, W. G. Hammond. Jam es R. G a r ­re tt, William G arrett, Mary Ann G arrett, wife of W A. Cur!, children of John H. G arrett, deceased, decendants of Elizabeth G arrett, of C atlett G ar­rett- and Jo h n G arrett, Nancy G arreit, Thomas- Key?. P ierre Geliurman. adm inistrator, Joseph L. Jaim son, Cunmraings, Brow.i &Oo., and ali o ther persons, by serving a copy upon them , or their ag»wt or attorney, or by said E K. Norton, assignee, pub­lishing a copy of said petition and order three times in tbe New Orleans Republican, a newspaper printed in New Orleans, the lust publication to be nn d e a t lea.^t five days before the day of hearing.

Signed April 6 ,187U.E. H. D U RELL, Judge.

A true copy: •Clerk's office; New Orleans, April 6 ,187f.


and seventy, and the ninety dependence of the United St ap3 17 my3 P H IL IP POW

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Already established as tbe leading tex t book for instrum ents of tbe Organ class, in Colleges, Semi­naries. Conservatories, etc , and used by the best teachers. F or self instruction i t is unexcelled. Full of th e finest Pieces. Voluntaries, etc. (Copy­righted, 1869.) P rice $2 50. Bent postage paid on reoeipt of »ric^ L lv K R DITSON A O O .. Boston.

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I H EREBY C ER TIFY , THA T ON T H E EIG H TH aay of April, 1870, judem ent was rendered in

th is court in the following entitled su it in tue words and fienres following, to wit:

Eugenie Giquel vs. M inuel Riqueime, her hus band—No. 2770.

In th is case, subm itied for tne confirma* :on of the judgm ent bv default herein entered, the court con­sidering th a t the law and evidence are with the

adjudged and decreed th a t tbe judgm ent by default herein entered on the t wenty first of March last, be now confirmed, th a t there be judg ­m ent favor of plaintiff, Eugenio Giquel, against defendant. Manue! Kiquelme ber husband, decree­ing & separation of property between tne said p ar­ties, aud the plaintiff to have the full management and control of her eeparate properly. T ha t said piainnff do recover of her said husband the sum cf lorty seven thousand two hundred and sixry-nve dollar ? and ten cents in gold, with legal in terest from judicial demand until paid, w ith the mortgage a t d p rv iiege g raated by law to m arried women, and th a t defendant pay the costs of suit.

Judgm ent signed th irteen th of April, 1570. vfeigned) T. WHARTON OOLLENS, Judge.

In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of th e said court, a t the city of New Orleans, on th is th irteen th day of April, in tb e year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy, and tb e ninety-fourth year of the independence of the United States. ap!3 28 my 13 H. J . DUfefeOR, Deputy Clerk.

I ’M T f i l l S T A T U S U ia T K l C T C O l 'R T



I n D u n k r u p tc F —N o . 9CU.

T O TH E HONORABLE E. H. DURELL.Judge of the D istric t <’ourt of tne U nited

fetates for the D istric t of Louisiana—suting in b in k • ruptcy:

i he petition cf F. E. Norton, of the city of Now O rkans, herein appearing as the assignee in bank ­ruptcy of the esta te of J , Lee Pettit, bankrupt, respectful'y represents—

That among he aste ts surrendered by th e bank ­rupt, and belonging to the afor^siid esta te in bank­ruptcy. th rre is tue following described real estate, situated in the State of Louisiana, parish of More­house, to wit—

One undivided fourth interest in a tract of land situated in Morehouse parish, Louisiana, known as the P ettet Haee

Your petitioner further represents th a t the said hereinbefore described real esta te i-\ as appears of record, incumbered and charged with the following

•hereinafter specified mortgages, judgm ents, liens and privileges resting thereon, to wit—

Tacit mortgage iu favor of m .nor Heirs of Jam es P e tt it for $5200

Conventional mortgage in favor of J . H. Stevens, $2000; S. W. Riley, agent.

And your petitioner lu rtb er represents *bat i t is impossible for him to determ ine the va idiry of said incumbrances and tbe am ount due thereon: thd t be can not ascertain the value of said property by agreement between himself and the creditors hold­ing said security, as provided in section twenty of the bankrupt ac to f 1867 And th a t it is necessary in order to ascertain tne value of said property, and for the due, proper and speedy adm inistration of said estate, and for the in terest of the creditors therein th a t said esta te be sold a t public auction, tree and clear ot all incumbrances, in a t ail said jti< gments, mortgages, liens and privileges record­ed against sat J p ropertybe canceled and erased so th a t your petitioner can convey ac lear and un in ­cumbered title to &ny purchaser thereof, reserving to said m inor heirs of Jan ies P e ttit, J . H fetevens, S. W. Riley, agent, and to ail other persons, all their rights in law, to the proceeds of the sale of taid property upon the distribution thereof.

Wherefore, your petitioner prays th a t he may be order d and authorized to sed said property above described a t public auction, free and clear from all incumbrances. Tnat ali said judgm ents, m o rt­gages. liens and privileges reco-ded against said property bqcanceled and erased, so th a t your pen ur.ner can convey a clear and unincum bered t itle to anv purchaser thereof, reserving to said minor heirs o f ’Jam es P ettit, J . M. fetevens. fe W, Riley, sg sn t, and to ail other persons, all tbe rights in law to tho proceed3 of tne sale of said prooOrtv according to th e ir rank. And he prays for ail o ther necessary orders.

(feigned) A. De B. HUGHES, Attorney.

Op morion of A. DeB. Hnghes, attorney of E. E. Norton, assignee, and upon suggesting to tne court th a t t e has hied in this court tae foregoing psti: ion, i t is ordered te a t m inor he^rs o f J a nes Pottit, res­idence unknown. J . H. fetevens, S. W. Ri-ey, agent, of Bastrop, Louisiana, and all other parties in in ­terest, do show cause upon the seventh day of May, A. D. 1870, ac eleven o’clock A M., before th is court, why the said petition should not be g ranted , and said property sold, as prayed for, and wny all incumbrances recorded against 6aid property should not be canceled and erased. And it is fu r­ther ordered th a t notice of th is petition and order he served upon said m inor heirs of Jam es P et-it, J . M. fetevens, S. W. Rbey. agent, and ail o th er per­sons. by serving a copy thereof upon them , or th e ir agent of attorney, or by said E. E. Norton, assignee, publishing a copy of said petition and order th ree

t 'M T K l ) S T A T E S D I S T R I C T C O U R T



I n f l u n k r u p t c y —N o . 0 5 7 .

rn o t h e h o n o r a b l e e . h . d u r e l l .X Judge of toe D istrict Court cf the United

States for the D istrict of Louisiana—sitting in Bankruptcy:

The petit on of E. E. Norton, cf the city of New Orleans, herein appearing as the as-iguee in ban k ­ruptcy, ot the estate of Jo h n W. Clarke, bankrupt, respectfully represents that, among tue assets su r ­rendered by the bankrupt, and belonging to the aforesaid esta te in bankruptcy, tnere is the follow­ing debcrined real estate, situated in the S tate of Louisiana, iu tbe parish of Madison, to wit—

A plantat ion, bituatc-d in Madison parish, Loui­siana, lying on »oes Bayou, containing seven hun­dred and seventy-nine acres of land, more or less, and known as the “ W niraker Place,” together with eweiiing house, cab.ns, barn and all other improve m eats thereon.

Your petitioner further represents th a t the sa-d hereinbefore described real eetote is. as appears of record, encumbered and charged with the following hereinafter sp-cified mortgnges, judgm ents, liens and t»rivileges resting tnereon, to wit—

fepeeial mortgage in favor of John F, Lewis New Or cans, on record in Madison parish, t i secure the payment of four notes, two for $6000, and two for $35i0, da,t*-rt January 27, 1866, drawn by John W. Clarke and F. H. G. 'J ayior, am ounting to about $17 0(0 . . . . .

And your petitioner fu rther represents, th a t it is impossible tor him to determ ine the validity of said incumbrances and the ’mount duo thereon; th a t he can not ascertain tho vala« o f said property by agree- m eat between himself and tne creditors holding said security, as provided in section twenty cf the hark ru p r act of 1-67. And r ;it it is necessary ip order tc ascertain the value of sa d property, and for the due, proper a ad speedy i.dtn nis r.p ion of sai( tate, and tor the in terest ot tne creditors therein, that, eaid es ta 'e be sold at public auction, free and clear of all incumbrances. I’hat ail -aid j jdgm ents, mortgages, liens and privileges recorded against said proo-r v he canceled and erased, so th it yo^ir petitioner c u d convey a clear and unincum bered title to any purchaser thereof, reserving to John F. i.ewis. and to all ether persons, all their riga’s in law, to m e proceeds of the sale of said property upon the distribution thereof.

Wherefore, your petitioner prays that, be may be ordered and authorized to seb said property anove described at public auction, free and clear from ail incumbr -nces That all said judgm ents, mortgages, liens and privileges recorded against said property be canceled and erased, so th a t your petitioner «an convey a clear and unincum bered title to any pur­chaser thereof, reserving to said .John K. Lewis, and to al! o ther pertons, a'l the rights m law to the pro- ceeds of the sale or said property according to th e ir rank. And lie prays for ail o ther necessary ord rs.

(Signed) A. De B. HUGHES, Attorney.

On motion of A. DeB. Hughes, attorney of E. F. Norton, assignee, a'r>d upon suggesting to the conrt th a t be has filed in this court u e foregoing uetition it is ordered that John F. Lewis, and all * ther par t-iesui interest do show cause u on the seventh day of Mav. A D.. 1870 a t el-ven o'clock A. M , before th is court, why the said petition shoald not be granted, and said property sold, as prayed for, and why all incumbrances recorded against said property should not be canceled and erased. And it is fur th er ordered i hat notice of this petition and ordev be eerved upon said Jo h n F. Lewis, and all o ther per-or.s. by servirg a copy thereof^ upon ther tneir agent or attorney, or by said E. E. Norton, as signee, publishing a copy of said petition and order th ree times in tne New Orleans R epublican, s newspaper printed io the city of New Orleans, Louisiana, tbe last publication ro be m ade at least five days before tue day of n ea ring .

Signed April 4,1870. _ , .A tru e co p v : E. H. DURELT* Judg&

Clerk’s office, New Orleans, April 4, 1870CHARLES CLAIBORNE,

&p8 21 30 Cierk.

title to any purchaser thereof, reserving to said Samuel and Paul Lisso, Mrs Pauline Eldridge; Jam es B. DeBow and to all other persocs all th e rights in law to th e proceeds of the sale of said proper y according to th e ir rank. And they pray tor ali o ther necessary orders.

(Signed) **..■„ A. Df.B. HUGHES, A ttorney.

On motion of A. DeB. Hughes, A ttorney of E. E. Norton and Lewis Eldridge, assignees, and upon suggesting to the court th a t they have filed in th is court the foregoing petition, i t is ordered t hat feain- u*l and Paul Lisso, of Natchitoches, Louisiana; Mrs. Pauhne Eldridge, of New Orleans, Lou­isiana; Jam es B DeBow, of New Orleans, Louisiana, and all o ther parties in in terest.

show cause upon the fourteenth day of May, A. D. 1*70, eleven o’clock A M., before tnif court, why the said petition shnuld.not be gran ted and said property sold, as prayed for, and wny all incumbrances recorded against said p roperty Bhould not be canceled and erased. And it is fu r ­ther ordered th a t notice of this petition and order be served upon said fearnue! and Pau* Lisso, M rs. Pauline Eldridge, Jam es B. DeBow, and all o th e r persons, by serving a copy thereoth e ir agent or attorney, or by taid L — -----Lewis Eldridge, assignees, publishing a copy of said petition and order three lines in th* New O r­leans Republican, a newspaper printed in Ne v O r lean®, Louisiana, the last, publication to be made at leas' five days before the day of hearing.

feigned April 6, 1670.E. H. DURELL, Ju d g e .

A trn e copv:Clerk’s Office, New Orleans, April 6 1871. aplO 2i ra:-8 CHS CL IB O R vE C *ra.

W herefore your petitioners pray tnat they may ne ordered an- a-d hom ed to sell said property above de-cribed a t public auction, free and c h a r from all incumbrances. That all sa d judgm ents mortgagee, liens and privileges recorded against eaid property be canceled aud erased, so th a t jo u r petitioners can convey a clear and unincum bered tit e to any p u r­chaser thereof, reserving to said Citizens Bank. H. W. Hied, E. Wiltz, m inor children ot J . W. W ilder and U. A. Jordan , Mrs. H arriet Jordan , tu trix ,-J . H. Peyton, George W ider, and to all o ther persons, all the rights m law to the proceeds of the sate ot saio property, according to their rank. ,A n d they pruy for ad other necessary orders.

ifeigned) A. De B. HUGHL>,(fesgned) JAfe. M. THOMPSON.


On motion of A. DeB. Hughes and Jas. M. Thompson, attorneys of E. F. Norton and Jo h n H. b e v t O D , aseignees, and upon suggesting to the Court that they have bled in th is C ourt the foregoing peti-

o p , i t is ordered— ^T hat C itizens’ Bank, of New Oriear?, Louisiana;

fi. W. tiitd , of New O rleans Louisiana; E. W ntz, of New Orleans, Louisiana; m inor children of J . W. Wilder and H. A . Jordan, Mrs. H arrie t Jordan , tu trix ot New Or.eans, Louisiana; J . H, P e jto n , of New Orleans, Louisiana, aDd George W ilder, oi New Orleans, Louisiana, acd all o ther parties in in­terest. do shew cause upon tue seventh day of May,

D 1870 at eleven o’clock A. M., betore this court, why the said petition should not r>e granted, and said property sold, as prayed for, and why all incaiu- trances recorded against said property should not be canceled and erased. And it is further ordered te a t notice of th is petition and order be served upon said C itizens’ Bank, H. W. Ried. E. WiLz, m inor cbildr. n ot J . W. W ilder and H .. A . Jordon. Mr*. H arriet Jo rdan , tu trix , J . H. Peyton and George Wilder and ail o ther persons, by serving a copy thereof upou them , or th e ir agent or attorney, or by said F. E Norton, assignee, puhlisbmg a copy of said petition and order three tim es in the New Orleans Republican, a newspaper printed in the ciiy of New Orleans, Louisiana, the last publication to be m ade a t least five days before the day cf hearing.

Signed A p n l 7,18.0. g H B U B ELL, Jad g e .

A truecopv ;Clerk’s Office, New Orleans, April 7.J8i0. aplO 21 myl

U N I T E D S T A T E S D I S T K I C T CO ( J U T



In Bunkruptey-No. 1012,

TO TH E HONORABLE E. H. D URFLL, JU D G E of tbe Dis rict Court cf th e United .States for

the D istrict of Louisiana—sit ing in B m krup to j:I he petition of K. t Norton, of the city of New

Or'eane, herein appearing as tbe a«rignee in bank ptcy, of the esta te of Henry G&ster, bankrupt

respectfully represents— , . .. . .That among tbe assets ?n»*rennered n y th e b in k

ru p t, and belong ‘g ro the aforesaid estaTe in bank ru tcy, th'-re is the following described real esta te situared in the S tate of Louisiana, in the parish o Richland, to w it: .

A tract of land, lying in Richland pan^n, Louis iana, in the forks of Cj press Bayou and Big Creek, containing three hundred and twenty t ores, more or less, supposed by bankrupt to be in township num ber sixteen, north of range num ber seven ea>-t, in section num ber twelve or thirteen, bounded on the north by land of J . W. Wilris, on the sou 'h bj land of J . Caz-y, on the east by b ig Creek and on the we3t by Cypress Bajou.

A to tu f twoacr*s, situated in the town of Rec- inoutb, K’chland parish. Louisiana, w ith building thereon, being the same lot and building occupied as a store iJOu«e by Frank P. Gerreau. and su rren ­dered herein among the assets oi th is e3tate in bankruptcy.

Your petitioner fu rih e r repre-ents th a t t he said hereinbefore described r~al esta te is, a a p p e a r s of record, encumbered a d charged with tho following hereinafter specified mortgages, judgm ents, liens a rd pr.v *eges resting thereon, to w it:

Special mortgage in favor of Job a Wari A Co executed iu 1667, of record iu F ranaiin parish, bear ing in erest, tor $100.

Judicial mortgage in favor of Gordon A ^astillo, of New Orleans, resuming from judgm ent obtained in Twelfth D istrict Oo i r t of Loaisiaua, for fran k lin parish, in 1667, for about $ ’.600, ?

.Judicial mortgage in favor of M Greely, of F rank ­lin pari.-h, Louisiana, resulting from a judgm ent obtained in Twelfth Distrios • -ourt of Louisiana, for parish of Franklin, in 1%6, for about $150 .

And yonr petitioner fa rth e r represents, th a t it is impossible for him to determ ine the va! dity of said incumbrances and the am ount due thereon; th a t be can not ascertain the value of said*property by agreement between nimsnlf and the creditors hold­ing said security, as provided in section twenty of tbe b ankrupt act of 1867. And th a t i t is necessary, in order to ascertain the value of said property, and




I n B a n k r u p t c y —JTo. 6 8 8 .

r p o T H E HONORABLE E. H. D U R ELL, X Judge of the D istrict Court of the U nited • fetates tor th e D istrict of Louisiana, s ittin g in bankruptcy: a

Tee petition of E. E. Norton, of th e city of New Orie.in«t, herein appearing as tbe assignee in bank - ruptcy of the esta te of D. W. Ogden, bankrupt, re • spectfully represents—

T hat among the assets surrendered by the bank* rupt, and belonging to the aforesaid esta te in bank­ruptcy, there is the following described real esta te , situated in th e State of Louisiana, in the parish of F rark lin , to wit:

1 he east half of th e poutbeast quarter of section our (4), and the east half of the northeast q u arter of

section nine (9): together with two acres adjoining the same on the west, all situated in township th irteen (13), north of range six east, and containing one hundred and sixty ifcres, and having about one nundred opened. , , .

Your petitioner fu rther represents th a t th e said herein before described real esta te is, as appears of recot d, encum bered and charged with the follow­ing herein after specified mortgages, judgm ents, liens and privileges resting thereon, to wit:

Mortgage and vendor's privilege in favor or Bloc's A Titche, W innsborough, Louisiana, for $ 1000.

Tacit m ortgage in favor of Mrs. Dan W. Ogden, W innsborough, Louisiana, for $2730.

Aud your petitioner further represents th a t is is impossible for him to determ ine the validity of said incumbrances and the am ount due thereon; th a t ne can not ascertain the value of said property by agreenr en t between bimselt and the creditors hold­ing said security, as provided in section twenty of the bankrupt act of 1667. And th a t it is necessary in ord^r to «sci-riatn tue value of said property, and for tne due, proper arid speedy adm inistration of said estate, and tor th e inteyent of the credittfra therein , th a t tho said estate be told a t public auc­tion, free and clear of all incumbrances. T h a t all said judgm ents, mortgages. Lens and privileges retarded against said proper y be canceled aud erased, so tn a t your petitioner can conviy a clear and unincum bered tetle to any purchaser thereof, reserving to said Block <fc Titche, \Yinnsborough, Louisiana, Mrs. Dan W. Ogden, W innsborough, Louisiana, and to all other persons, all th e ir rights in law, to tho proceeds of the sale of said property upon tne d istribu tion thereof.

Wherefore, your petitioner prays th a t be may be ordered a^d authorized to seli said property above descrined at public auction, free and clesr from a'l incumbrances. Tnat all paid judgm ents, mortgages, liens acd privileges recorded again t said property be canceled and erased, so th a t your petitioner can convey a clear and unincum bered u tle to any purchaser thereof, reserving to ^aia Block A 'Titche. W innsborough, Louisiana, Mr-, Dan W. Ogden, W innsborough. Louisiana, and to all o ther persons, ali the rights in law to the pro­ceeds of the sale of said property according to th e ir rank. And he prays for all o ther necessary

(Signed) A. DeB. HUG HES, Attorney.

On ‘hiotion of A. DeB. Hughes, attorney of E. E. Norton, assignee, and upon sngge>*ting to tne court that he has riled in th is coort the foregoing petition,it is ordered— __ , . _ , .

That Ibock & T itche, W innsborough, Louisiana, Mrs. Dan W. Ogden, W innsborough, Louisiana, and all other parries in interpat, do show cause upon the fourteenth day of May, A. D 1870, a t eleven o’clock A. M., before th is court, why the said p o r ­tion snould not be granted, and said property sold, ns prated for, and why all incum brances recorded sgairu-t said property should not be canceled ana erased. And it is fu rth e r ordered th a t notice of t his petition 8nd order be served upon said Bloch A T itche. Winnsborough. Louisiana, Mrs. Dan V>. Ogden. Wim sborougn. Louisiana, and all o ther persons, by serving a copy thereof upon them , or th e ir agent or attorney, or by said K. K. Norto \ assignee, pub ishing a copy of said petition ar. 1 order three times in the New Orleans Republican, a newspaper printed in New Orleans, th e last p u b ­lication to be made a t lea^t five days before tho day of hearing,

feigned April 6,1870.

UHfe. GLAlBORNE, Clark

E . H. DURELL, Judgd.A tru e cony:C ierk’s office. New Orleans, AprU apl" 21 my# CHS. C L alB O R N F, Olerk



In Bankrnpev-Ko. 1083.

TO TH E HONORABLE E. H. D URELL.Judge of th e D iatrict Court of th e tU nited

States for the D istrict of Louisiana, sitting in Bank-

■f-Dsfpetition of E. E. Norton, of the city of New Orleans, herein appearing as the assignee in ban k ­ruptcy of the ostate ot fhem as w . W atts, bank­rupt, respectfully represents, th a t among the assets surrendered by the bankrupt, and belonging to the aforesaid esta te in bankruptcy, there is th e fol



IN TH E M A TT-R OF JO S E PH I!. EK'.VIN, Individually, and aea member of F rw m A Co., Bankrupt.

I n B a n k r u p t c y —S o . "}85.

TO TH E HONORABLE K. H. DURELL, Judge oi the D iatrict C ourtef tbe United M at.s

fe rtile Distric - of Louisutna—sitting in Bankruptcy :'I be petition ot F. fc.. NortoD, of the city or Wew

Orleans, herein appearing as the assignee in bank­ruptcy, of the esta te of Joseph U. F ra ic, mdivitl- uary, and as a member «>f Frwiu A Go,, bankrupt, respectfully repr^eeur*, that, among the assets sur­rendered by rim bankrupt, and belonging to the aforesaid esta te in o«nkrao*cy, there is t.ic follow­ing described real es’a*e. f«i uated in tne S tate of Loaisiaua, in tne parish of Iberville, to wit:

he plantation know- as the Edgtfie d P lantation situared cm Bayou Grusse Te»e, described in full in the deed of sale of the same made by the Sheriff of the parisn ot iberviiie, on th e firrt ot fee pr ember, 18b6. herein surrendered by tlie aforesaid bankrupt*

Your p trifm u erfu rth e r represents th a t the arid hereinbefore described rea estate 3s*, as appear* of record Incumbered aod charged with ti:e following hereinafter spec lied mortgagee, judgm ent*, liens a rd privileges rest ng thereon, 10 w it:

Vender s in >r gage for the sum ot $3174 65 n favor of tbe htir-* o t Mrs. M artha t*m; h, deceased, name ty, Jam es Livingston. Charles Liv ng^ton. Martha Livii.gs rn wife nr B*n Sm ith, F! /a Livingston w .feof Lynn W. Watson. Coarles Hammond, *Sar th a B Hammond, Thom as Kernaghan, E. G. H ramond. wire of G. w . fetukpg, M .A Hammond, J , m̂ .-* Hsmznond. W. G. H am m m d, Jam es K. t>ar- re it, William G arrett, Marv Anu G arrett, wifaoi W. A . ' url, children of .John H. G arrott, deceased, de •cendantso t Eliza* eth G arre tt, of Lrit'ett Gar*e t aLd tLuhn G arrett, Mary G arrett and 1 nomas Keys

Judicial m o rg a /e in favor of Pierre Geliurman. adm inistrator, tor $90*i; judit ial,mortgage -n faver or Jt beph I . Jam ison, for $i000; special m ortgagem favor of ( uicmings Brown A Co for S4a!JU.

And hat, petitioner tu r.h e r represents, t-liat it is imposs b e for him to determ ine the vaiidity of said itcumbr&DCe* and the amo im due thereon; hecan oot ascertain the value of M>>d prope> .y by W"*8' m ent between himself ahd tne credit rs ho ding eaid secu-ity. as provided in section twenty of the B ankrupt ect of 1867. And that t is necessary I aorder to ascertain the value of said property, aril f r the due, proper and speedy adm inistration of said e lu te , acd for the interest of the creditors therein, th a t said esta te be sold at puo io auction, free and clear of a I incum ­brances. 1 hat a i said judgm ents, mortgages, ,iens and orivi'.grS recorded against ea'd property iia canceled m l erased, so tn a t your petitioner can C'-nvey » clear and unincum bered title to any pur- chafer thereof, reserving to said heirs of Mrs. Mar- tha Smith, nam e'y; Jam es Livirignton, Charles Ltv- ingston. M an ha LivingstomM rs. Ban Sin tn , Eliza I iv ngat .n Mrs. Lynn, W. Watson Charles Haul month M arina B. Hammond. Mrs. Thomas K earna­ghan t G. Hammond, wife of J W. (stokes. M. A. Hammond. Jam es H anu-ooit, W. G. H am m ond. Jam es R. Gf.-r-.tt, William G arrett. Mary Ann ..a r re tt, wife of W. A. Curl, children of John H Gar rf*t», deceased; descendants of hlizabeih .*arrett, of C atlett tiarre tt. and of John G arrett, Nancy Gar u e t1 ann Tnvma& Keys, P ierre Gellurm n. a m nis trator. Joseph C. Jam ison , t lo m n in g q Brown A Co , and i o all o ther prisons, all their rightb in law, to * ho proceedy oi the sale of said property upou the distribution thereof. ̂ _ ,

W herefore, your petit oner p ra y sth a t Ite may be ordered and authorized to &e‘l said proportv above described a t pub'io auction, free and clear from all incumbrances. That all said judgm ents, mortgages, liens and privileges recorded against said property be canceled and erased, so th a t your petitioner can convey a clear and unincum bered title to any pur-

lowing described real estate, situated in th e fetate of Louisiana, in the parish of R ichland, formerly Carroll parish, to wit—

Tue following trac t of land, being sections tw en­ty-six, twenty-seven and th irty four in tow nship seventeen, north of range eight east, north of Red river, containing nineteen hundred and nine teen acres of land, more or less, together with all the farm buildings, houses and improvements thereon ’ . * . .

Ycur petitioner fu rth e r represents th a t the sai<l hereinbeiore described reai esta te is^as appears of record, incum bered and charged with the feliowtng hereinafter specified mortgages, judgm ents, liens and privileges resting thereon, to wit—

fet ecial mortgage, with vendor’s privilege, in favor of William fe. Pike, to secuie the payment of th ree notes f r the sum of f 3196 25 eacn, ar d one draft for $3260 30; said n o ^ s and (Iran being the same fraw n by Thomas W\ W atts an** John Antrobns, in soitaoj raid draft being subject lo a credit of $'.‘000. feaid note*s and d ra ft being given in the spring or sum m er of i860. . . . . .

Ju d cial mortgage in favor o* Allen Eddings for the sum of $i00 . .

And your petitioner further repre-ents th a t it is impossible for him to determ ine tne validity of «aid in ‘umb ances and the amount-dne thereon , th a t he can not ascertain the va'pe of said property by agreement b» tween bimselt and the creditors hold- imr f-aid‘-ecurity, as prov.ded in section twenty of the bankrupt act oM-67. And th a t it is necessary in order to ascertain th e value of sai 1 property, and for the mie, proper and speedy adm inistration or «aid esta e, and for the in terest of the creditors therein, th a t a aid esta te be sold a t public auction, free and clear of all incumbrances, i’hat l i said judgmen s. mortgages, lien3 aa<l privileges recorded against said property be cancelled aod erased, so th a tv o n r pelitioner can convey a clear and unm - cumhered title to any purchaser thereof, reserving to said William S. Pte.e. of New O rleans Louisiana, aud A !**n Eddings, of W:nnsboro, Louisiana, an d to ali other persons, a.i th e ir rights in law, to th e proceeds of the -<ale of taid property upon th e dis­tribution thereof. •

th e re fo re y >ur petitioner prays th a t ho may be ordered a r t authorized to 'sell said property above deecnbed at public auction, free and clear from all incumbrances. That all sa'd judgm ents, inor gages, liens and privileges recorded against said property be cancelled and erased, ro tr*at your petitioner can convey « e'ear and unincum bered t i t e to any pur- chaser thereof, reserving to said William fe. Pike,

j New Orleans, Louisiana, and Allen Fddings, ofWinnsboro, Loui-tana, and to a llo th er persons, all the rtghts in law to the proceeds of the sale of said property, according to th e ir rank. And he prays for all o ther necessary orders,


On motion of A. DeB. H ughe1*, attorney of E. E . Nor1 ou, assignee, and upon suggesting to the court 'h a t he h*s filed in this court the foregoing petition , it is ordered th a t William fe. Pike, of New Orleans, Louisiana, Alien Eddings.df Winnsboro, Louisiana, and all other parries in interest, do show cause upon the seventh day of May, A. P . 1-70, a t eleven o'c'ock A. M.. before this court, why the said p e ti ­tion should not be graated, and said properiy sold, as praved for, and why all incum brances recorded against baud property should not b© cancelled and erased. And it is further ordered t h u notice of this petition and order be served upon said W illiam fe Pike, of New Orleans, Louisiana, and Alien Ed- dings, cf Winn boro. Louisiana, and all o ther per­s o n s ,^ seiving acopy thereo t up6n thnm ,or th e ir agent or attorney, or by said E. K. Norton, assignee, publishing a co;>v cf -aid petition and o»-der th ree times - si the New Orleans Hep*i> l'can, % newspaper printed in New Orleans, Louisian u t ie last publi­cation to be made a t least five days before the day of hearing.

Siguefi April 4, UTO. £ H V V R K h u

A trne copy: ............... ..Olerk's otfica, W*w Orleans, April 4 ,1W0.

GHAKLEi CLa IB j KNE, Clerk.ap8 2130

A. De B. HUG HEW, Attorney.