t P , Y4YJ" .,.8, T:. A ` ,h fy ,r s:. Y .'rO._ YY1Ris r 3 _ I ' 4.;y ua ~ I~u~.'.x'1.'"rra _x~ iYw scif i:4* l r 1 Fb Tb. i Wb . bll{be ilatwou~jnuiu a n _ , y oIthe a c-I * b uft~ol wsedIsMe Viccuri eaaotu, yih in two st nn ' tp iW Is'kM, St~t onnen doito ,t. b: 3lip buer tha ji , Lnr O L J ollowt _ Lmnueero, July 14. in the Cotten market of s;-r bioh 4000 tWo tekt h1neonletee& Pnr~sahove been adanq wmbo- 4 34 M;. inddling Up- nn bly.J~evnthneme-r ne nlen would dta4 e4 bt 4meriop "bbp 4indrlln, *1 inn~l;l~dis~~ig; glnndi5~ ;July20. The marlets - Ieloniats:ta inettphu woreedtd & 6tt4taa thqtwtthtn the *t Nef inaaeyrn.' nolyetbeendeal, *giY Vi .% ed fVeo ~~~~'llttewt aleoh -ets.ael bytwit the ee of4e about 'iijtint oiy, aind- time icon. l ra' igh e of inn . tlb . g., setting in d' ~i e> a ~o~nd~ o shoul g !+p 4 ,'; r of Genh set mqf t Rageaait of.irngsone irt.l t Om an, , aboet rt bty nu nf N s . lAhardbt fite- `, > -ayespit iby the Nueaes .at Moon tto- Itutiqn~ ti s the Wioersenani~ tat h E us 1tht tdtlotqnt nor.-theppa edeis y baintee to sedk of oth t ti itthe t'ilsk theydagated o to TWehea 4yr1edto tO. a cr td ten Fif eitha eoal S .to b thead hS. h : _ate te, +W ~ ~ a "' V.dr:lthab t r e.o42 fe of a tteruti~nif etthe hi not pnhlilattettiOn l dt ltnioo .ta. '- Oedi Ahltter infen Vtt aeysthat seoeh deathe Itinwhelel tea t d,-in thatpla Ia Gon'Mb 14th itatot. ti Sohei eorte ahftesp uttti. ` de Qaera.-Tht tpare genetiraiy contitue to epeak of 'i ,o ttitng aoeeedtttote of the orops throughoutt the tteor to Lootera.-A t-Aeibt light oootrred in Louit- "ti8t eon nodl', fiellteeteant, the aotetdbotng Water iattestand the oteem eteeti trentt'tit to.Tenth. The Qiee- r tithat *' bunsoand he teatteearpom one pt fee "oata iyig ietrt prettybadlgybeated in.agae-b aqibygot ote t heydeegnted as eft* n ftoe hettollsrntg at alarm of tioe potoetttottetwharf. Theatare ttt tted to raise a crowd, as qtafeg, "dte it to the Irish, they aenough." Upon that signat ,down over'caa they met Z ta. agoedoauoy ewe and door mof sevocoa hose on Fith, andseteral oe teottmpietety atttd, andthteir ar ' ',p rtmd ui pn~pieee briokbate wer fleeeedtdal of as body'. head along it w - wotta whothey hot. eat, a molt shafed edmsof the k'hsbatot ortotee from ipts S te~ede staleta by a shower of q4 tpon hafoon allditrooeton. hto kept bs gir- th 6 eobmoresy drankhle liquor hee. 'hey teat pretended to ,aed thto re atled 0-good many likd a cbasedfrom along tolhepilot hao ofthe S ofefagoA. ged suaty their haste tatheir b he mob qOtletty di 4 etaty one that we knew , aetwt lerie tl~i den craw did-not pttielpato It thefight. E , Rff*8 By TELZPJGI4PI *aatie. Indebtedt to that meat ixeotlept paper, the .~Oni fell foehelbll .ewlngtelegapbio new: enorS-eW ,ia Juiy2ta--The lion WYm. Al ,ed n roeolution whioh wee of the t petuse attendion t to the east of Caiforno,. '' tl•g[td orla eeehollat o theftteas i S i.A~p!OilO lamsh,,wan tetken ep and ordered - tap prtition for the'onetruution e eraldd of Saut de St. Marie, in , poifwieP• of renderingthe naerigatton of S$ eeo impopoeta wastaken up aend -wentino rgoenlvefeed l o n n and tbet e ; adjoune•. t rubeesmed the oneiders. •' way throuug the e e. a and a cadlemieed tto.oL0 ob0t:tLntalulT Jr,,f Mseeh- lbeset, a eloletleon wslatve to e t ldherios op n thePe- d fer u "• - enlntoe tt 3Ul aoseeudtof petHt ueulea,ahd the prooedinge that 1M lrtiasaeel pLce in.'t tq der. b eals, bh•a, thi.deo off fixing the number of ,opMtte5d preovidit• for tpe fture apportion- bntdrth1ssaventheeelue, *0 paseed. By this bill otf aet obtseelb tep renttlve for her fraction. e irb d that the law tieeer anmlssleon provided 'ih lshe,- dt lea two until the next enumenration. i, a to hure w ot pefeoted. The whole number eoewesnntitivseooeeainently be24t interad of iB. Bs River and laborlneprovement Billwee then de- ated;, and the Hoi e adjourned. Aplemaoee.Xr•neeeon.-A telegrphico dispatch re- eoledie Lwepo ,e publin, etates that an election fight badtakenplaoe In that eity. towheioh onepoicen h een eilled. A.riot id oenoe•eu •lglan, Lanaosshire, on the 0th inst, ,t eti the Oma eon and the (tathol[es, which waquloed by' the ~olltory, not, however, until much blood leilbeen •lt." Th.e Drab Abdel Kader,and Haeeet Ben Ruta, Plahtepr•Il Jeraneee qoarreled recently in their pris. on. win the fo•emo rtableodthe latter dead. STh Lierpool Timesintimatoe that the Earl of Derby's letry will be In aminority of 100 in the new Ptrlia- ment. A ReoAwor torams.--Under this heed anu Eglish pae miatehe followinw : On Wednesday elteroon,. the driver of an engineon the Great Noethernltalwty habal .oooanion to go iuote the station at Yoe he lthis elnginelooIn oha of the etehr, wrho, i ooerd• io la v me hi e nt..he t. endea. wuedto aootito otno U ther line. Porte purpoe, he partly putron the eem, and the get off andwenet to nath poietlintendleg to jump on the engine as oneeithadlpased oa to the proper line. Unfortu- myhewoanr, the senapalve elosd, and way rushed 49e~s0unt of .the sttionat the rete of 80 milesan ber w• tos wien, eod to 00 mils. About a ee thwdeerof a cool train, who was pro. o ssan the down line. aw the runawayengine ht . e dhe hnstantly reverse hs engine. No tOwprbs o thl thla the therenglie was upon Th he tohkerjumped off just ee the olli- joe far. anJcrtwnItclyeeepsd uninjured. TLhe Seed by e bopptsing egloe wa tremendlouu. s f thenfth l nawgne weroowompletety ehottorel. and |k tols4* the nwa l weanfredl ue to the op of Sglw srelt txad fixed nd firm. The dam- a t uefweds of •000. The etoker ha @a iii cetedy. otahn d ! Itn nrld 4 npcEof!t o~ do b ted tIn n d United tonnage em le'tL t"te ved r twoanre thousandr e AoomweMbtot aonmeond- en~t ofth Nwor J aoCmmrc sy But Illa la omgreeeoaldMen t eac a tl. 'e a total lse of the tom, . d' oonidep Wt.end- to the "Volt rtt-the AM Is iatAke and sther In ream entoghn AfrS too th hwa#l" obloak raoe.' Tp Pj •oo Ur xee B oem.-There areten foun- .sjeje nbtn qgarese and places in Boston. The mrtneipal e, iupen the Common, and thrme one of the m aet naaiee ibatures of that pg of public resort. *j"heplt t which thwater L' 90 from the pipe in UChlMlt ln is twenty-ifb feet above tide level. The wtar is thrown ninety-eight feet above the coping. Boe- taens have reason to be proud of this fountain, as it throws eetely in the shade not only all other jets n this fo•ptry, yIt person• who have seeh the most celebrated foantains in Europe, afirm that there is not so beautiful andcoplous a jet of water to be seen in the old world. pew persons areawareof the immense quantityof water thrown by the largejets used uponthisfountain. The water comes outwith immense (fore, andthe discharge with the sixinch Jet is 6538 gallons.per minute, or 921289 gallons an hour. Rane on OrDo THE SoHIP PRERTICE.-The unfortunate tp Prentice,lylng at Charlest,took fire for the thirn e. on the evening of the 2d inst. It is onlyabout ten dys since sbe wastaken out of the Dry Dock,,where she badbeen newly codperodandthoroughly repaired; and when the fire broke out.eha had nearly completed her eargo, hbring some 1800bales of cotton anda quantityof lumber on board for Havre.. eo. ThdlCourler of the 3d sayt t up to half-past twelve b'aelok at night, the fre stil raging. , The whole of the cotton was then supposed to have been destroyed, and it was feared that th aehip would be entirely con- sumed. Williamn Condon fell into the hold while the fire was rgng and wasresned almostmlraulously. in time to ... ; hie life. The origin of the fire is involved in mys - M9 eon m SLAres.-JeamsIl.HonUteim, Irq., of MeO Intosh county, Ga., was mudered 'by a numberof his ownelaves on the 14th inst. On the evening of that day, Mr. H. left lhonmin a canoe tovisit an Island on which he had negroes at work. On the Wednesday following some of the negroes came from the Island and reported that they had not seen thelr mattr., As the night on which he left had been stormeu it was at trst thought that he had been drowned, but the canoe was subse- quently ftn4,tinder roemsetmanes which led to the be- lif that .le rd boeen murdered. Severalnegrdes who were euspeoted lrere at opoe arrested,when twelve of themcobhnseel tq having partiolpated in the murder, and the lpot where the bodwas buried wanspointed out. The criminals were oh committed for trial. Te Lqutn LAW mllesscHaoasrrre.-The Boston Pest of Mondtythte 19th itst., says "Thre arcerual e . that the new liquor )aw,.whlch goes intoeffeot on Wednesday, is to be enforced sternly by he Stateauthorities, under the Atlulns of the frendeof temperance, whoeven talk of "depos lag " the Mayor andAldermen of Boston ! An attempt of that sort nsy, lead to the formtmion of a city rights party. It has been frequently ~ld by 014 peepte thattheAmerCean evolutlon olad nothate been oom- jei4dhe ot ram,' . f.on hiouee.?A friend just on *uom TamlPS, says theat nas Gorgtan, informs uahti ta , e & la, of the Govertmentaloop Hinder, brought toi gmonltq, !O ni und*, A es on their wy to the Week ad t s•hoone ws expected to arrive a few days 'ffom ort aM s With morehomlies of Itdans, number. in boit Oi en, We are told that q . lake, the Id. , olip Vomm•l•loaer, thinks the prospeot of the removal of tibe 'libmemre orable than it wasa short im sOine. BEirse or "u Seamrreov Riareees,-There are nowin thelsione Aseylum at -ctitc, NewYork, frouen vletims t thefriitl rapping blimbug, wnceh is being so prof- tably el•rled an in dliferent parts of the cotltry. We aduid supokethat thereverbseientiflc men enough to tge and expose this pernicious falacy. When sn- rturalpwers arebrought down to dollars and cents ethink itttiqe that Gabrtel blows his horn. Koserso alito SoaHn,-ffhe stateroom engaged fore il"hi-tps~uugartan, Louis Koasuth, Governor of Hli' weto.;etc., onthe steamship Afiaes, was takenunder the t'erytroant ) name of Smith. Truly, there is a great contast'tba~ eeon the entralce of LouisKoesuth Lnto ,th dontry sad the exit of Mr. Alexander Aoi andyet they-are one and theameperson. Oh,hambnug howart thou'fallen ! GaLo.- The produce qf gold l•r 1852is estimated at 242 tons,which,although twelve times the quantity produced at-the commencement of the century, as respects b••k, sinksinto perfkdtinsignifcence; for, if cast in bar, a closet iine feet high, eight feet wide, andeight feet deep, will bold it all. 21,713 times the space wouldberequired tobhold al the ironmelted in Great Britain annually. .M3Uirsot To Panans YVcronv.--Col. A. P. Edwards, of Putaln-iiy island, has generously prpposedto cede the land npbooseafypor,the proposed inonument and encloss, together 'with al the stone, lime andbydraulic cement nsed in itsconstruption. The nmatmals, therefore, at- ready mostly provided, and nothing is now wanted but sullolentfunds to pay for the iahor employed. FATaL ArFFv.-We learnfrom the Winnsboro' (S. C.) Register that a difficulty occurred on the 19th inst., in the lower partof FairSeld District, near the Charlotte Rall- road, in the course of which Mathew Wooten,aged T8, wasstabbed to deathby one Jordon Beard, aged22 or 23. Theywere both of Fairfield DIltrict. Beard had notbeen arrested at last accounts. COLD-LooDEDo MuRosg.-In iouon:tos county, Ga.,on the 9th inst., a young Irishman named James Simpson was shotand instantly killedby a man named Gilder. A few angry words hadbeen passed between the partles,but no diffioulty was apprehended, andSimpson had taken a sent, when Gilder drew a pistol andblewhis brains out. The murderer made his escape. Fancer.-The President is saidto be preparing a decree on the importation of foreign corn,by which the present system of the liding scale will bemodifled,andthe duties lowered. In the ministryof justiooe there is preparing a decree of amnesty, which, it is thought, will be promulgated on the occasion of the flte of the 1lthobf August. Pnossnsa Loes or LIFe.-lIt is feared that the violent squall inMobileBay, on Friday last, has resulted in loss of lif. The yacht Kate, which wasexposed tolt, dragged her anohor, but managed to get home insafety. Anotheo boat, in which were two citinens of Mobile, and which was exposedto the Iqual has notsince beenheard of WunoT Oaor s ILLoaos.-Boats from the Ill0nois river report that the wheat crop is nearly harvested,and was naver known to be larger or of better quality. Sooh il the generl reportfrofom all soections of te ountry. These accounts areparticularly gratifyingto river men, as they are thereby ensured of plenty of business another sesosn. Lasoan•mn-Lamartine, we understand, has become disgustedwith polities andis about to takeleaveof them forover. lie has entered inta ontract with an l uglish ,ompany to settle and cultlvate the beautiful iseland pro- sented to him by the Sultan, and will embark himself. ery sh ortly, 1formyr•a, to join the Qolony. Axtenaerre ona. Tnaoo.-Tho Pottseille. (Pa.,) Minerso Journ lsays: "From the boet informationwe can glean. it will be almost impossible to supplythe market this year with coal, and consumera ought to aid the business by laying in their stock early. On the aint of September another advanoe inprice will take place." IMPonTANT Discovene.-An important discopery has been made in London by a Mr. Roberts, in the use of tin for zinc plates, by which a great saving of expense is effietld in thearts, thelarge quantitiesof nitric acid. zinc. platinum. etc., to produce electricity. being super. seded. Co.•omm•,so.-A combination of thecoal dealers of Cincinnati is abOut to be formed, ' for the protectionof the taode.' In consequence of this step, coals have ad- vancedto 14cents per bushel. It is claimed that. taking the year through, the interests of the consumers will not be injured. CAurroeNsAia s ltoaess .-Among thepassengers in the steamship United States, arrived at NewYork, are Lieut. Governor Purdy, of California, Major A. It. Sibley and others. who were robbed of all their baggage and valua- bles when coming across the Isthmus. MoR• STZeseuse Voeolc.-- O a recent trip of the eteamner Cornelia. from St. Louis to Louisvillo, a political vote wastaken,which resulted as followse: For Gen. Scott, 63 in the cabin and16 on dock ; total 78. ForiGen. 'ierce, 91n the cabin and 6 ondeck ; total, 15. IAeIL S•ono.-A severe hall storm passed over the southern portionof Jefferson county, Ky.,on the l0th iust., destroying the corn and fruit to a greatextent. Hail stones weghing over three ounces were picked up the next morning. THn Mlaon To ENGLanD -A dispatch from Wachington a•yo tIbi Mr. Weiter hbe positively declined to accept the mniln to Englnd. a nd it is now asserted that Mr. Critteie will be appointed in place to Mr. Abbott Law- Lonc AT Tr. Zs U.Ie.s-Delloious turtle soup will be srved at the abades to-day. tet, that when two _ ta to eaoh ether that .1 tee to their B "`' a g~ea said a Yankeea 1 eachap thiat;pmkik Pbetoc inapiration from a t m of t d~oeri , is writtlnl an epoic poem on te ware ofa tom- neecmpanld with Core. Our minds are lika ill-hung vehicles; when D they hate littl toearoTy y roaise a predigiou latter;' when heartily laden they neither creak nfor rmble. Mr. Adam Snyder had a piece of glass oex- traoted from hi kesn at aratoga, N. Y.,lust week, which heebeen there eighteen years. It had trnavered fom the place ofingreee aboutthree inches. A German paper in Philadelphia calculates the number of political risoners now confined in the prisons of Europe at 70, and that over 200,000 have r fled to avoid 4mptlecoment for the same caume. Francis I. having asked Castellan, Bishop of Orleans, whether he *Be of -bhi extraetion ? "Sir," re- plied he,"N0ah.hadthrseehs in the ark ; I cannoet ay fromwheih of themI descended." There are 400,000 Indians in the Unitedl State Territories wostof the Mielsilppl. Among them, 1 arrslaboring one hundred ordained mleionarles, besides eisetatso. and10.000 Indlansare communicanto. 1 Two yards of the "list, list, O list," which Old Hnmlet mentioned to his son in so sienn a manner, have been received atthis office andplaced in our cabinet. (Oins. Commercial. One half of mankind pass their lives in think- Ing howtheyshall get a dlinne•, land the otherin thinking what dinnerthey shall get ; andthe first are much less injured by occasional faestsha arethe latter by constant I feasts. The Jesuit Missionary Society, called "the Society for the propagatton of the Faith," wh•et head quartere are at Lyons, n Franro.distributedlast year over $600.000. of which $140,780 were sent to mslene hia Amer- iea. In Batavia, N. Y., is being exhibited a young Germangirl, namedMary AnnHeirilch. She is aged only'seren years, weighs one hundred and twenty-five pounds, and sports an enormous pair of whiskereand moustache. Cropple Crown Mountain is about five milesw from Wolfboron Town, NoewIampshiie rising to amajestlo height of 2700 feet, and from its summit tn had one of the most delightful vtewe of the surrroundtg ceountry that can be•idmagined. The fees of Judge (leo. H. Campbell, of Cala- verse county, California, formerly a reporter on the Bs- ton Daily Times, amount to something like $15000 per annum. He Is a co-partner in a grocery, also, which yields him no littlearoet. ':A man in Rochester, NewYork, supposed to lie dead, we reosdtly plaoed in a coffi, which wasabout td~be elaeed, when a physician happened to lookinto it. And pronounced the man not dead, whichproved to be the onae.' The moan is now alive, and likely to recover. Ik Marvel says after hearinig a dull sermon preached by a dandy, he asked a friend what he thought of the dlsourse. He replied in his usual quaint, queer style: "If theygo on preaching this way,the grass will soon be knee deepin Lthe streets of Heaven." A person ilr Detrpit has invented a planing machine, capable of folh g smoothly, (likhe the finishing of ahand-plane,) and of ev• thickness, 8500 feet an hour. It is remarkably emalland compact, andcan be nsed toadvantage in a very limitedbusiness. Lola Montes says the only objection she has ot to New EnCiand poetryis. that it is too low spirited. Ot of ninety-seven sonnete which che examinedin Bos- ton, ninety-five, she sayse emmenoedwith the bronchitis and ended with a newly made grave. It appears by an article in Hunt's Merchantse' kar•hale for July. that the offee consumed in the United States during the year 1851, moonted to the enormous sum of one handred nd forty-nine mlUlions pounds. Of this amount. 107 milions is from Brail, sad the Balance fronh CUba, St. Domingo andJava. Dr. Franoes sayn before you pronounce a man a eoward, you shoeld rst amertain whether hehas the darrhm or not ;for the emm manwho would shrink from a bnllrush, while under an attack of cholera morbus, will o sagner find his bowel tuned to health than he would Sbe ~li to bombard Glbaltar with a •e•rlt vun, The first inquiry of a woman after marriage she•ld beto "ow eshall I eontinuie the loveI have i. Spteed?Mow hatl I presere the hrt I havewont" Genthe lac, at the prst moment ~yeu husband thleks .. the loveliet, the sgentlerb l., Dutroy not adthe l I slon-- lovek stll--beypntl '"Oh, mother, mother, come quick-Angellna Arrabellah ee Gen.Pirced I " Wo i myohild' " An. 'gellna hu een a toad, and e. Piercd " "What does the childmeant Tellmethtsmintehwmtdreadf•l thing my pet darling has done." "Why, she's Oen. PiOed- she'o bintdsl' [Evansville Jsouirnal. The last triumphin the way of drihkables ad. vertieod at the shops in NewYo-k, I, Cs•eod, a moot de- lifolis mixture of ioe-ret'iami and lemionade--ool, refresth- I ing and palatable, and, what is beht of all, without a par- ticleof intoxication in it. In theehot daye'sunoch a drink is an acquisition. Engineers who have been sent to. explore the route etween the Atlantland Pacific omesans. byway of the river Atrnto in New Grenada, state that they have succeeded in finding an excellentpaseage frothe nGulf of Darien in the river Atairto: a point upon which much dpobta hitherto exlisted. The yotng man who, though he nevWe made a rhyme in his life.thinks he could write a better pem than Childe IHarold. has obtained a position eSited to his talbnt-havting been engaged, for a quarter a night, to do a up the sheet-iron thuoder for n.travtelitngtheatre. Gaenius, assisted by perseverance, will triumph in the end. We pee in the London papers accounts of the proceedings atthe anniversary festival of the"Society a for the Rleliefof Distressed Foreigners." The Chevalier Bunsen. Ambeassador from Prueia, presided. 8ubserip- o tion tothe amount of thirteen thousand dollars were madein the course of the evening, which sle more than double the amount subscribed int any former year. , The Barnstabie (Mass.) Patriot states that uSausannah Doty. aged ninety-nine years, died in that vi- ealnity lately. shehadthirty-eight great great-grand. ohildren. Whenshe was ninety-esx years old,a premium was awarded her at a town fair for the best specimens of hose. which were the work of her ownhands at that time. I lHer bodily vigor held out remarkably well untlabout a year priorto her decease. The expression of "Hobson's Choice" is pro- verblal both in Europeand America. The storyof its aorigin is as follows: Thomas Hbsonm was a celebrated barrier at Cambridge, England, who.to hi employment in that capacity,addedthe profession of supplying the stu- t, dents. In doingthis, he made it an unalterable role that . everyhorse should have anequal portion of time in which to rest. as well as labor; andhe alwaye refused to let a horse out of his turn. Hence thesaying, " H iobson's, ohoice : this or none." The NewYork Evening Post says that a large n species of grasshopper is stated to be making havoc with a the vegetation in some parts of Jamaic, Long Island, and that the farm of Capt. Suydam isinfested with millions of t these insects, which havedestroyed about three thousand heads of cabbage, together with a largeamount of grass, a corn and wheat; they also attack the potatoe tps ; and the potatoesifnothoused aoesoon a dug up. Themaa- nor in which they deetroy thewheat isby biting the etrawe about two inches below thehead, which aunses it to fall 0to the ground, and consequently its destroluction. t Mrs. S.N. Nichols, the Western poet, is the ewife of a printer. Her poems were published in the paper on which her hudand waorked, under the nrms dedlume of 'Kate Cleveland." Mr. Nichols put them in type. f without knoawing from what source they came. Upon hir. e return homem after the laborofthe day was over, he would give Mrs. N.glowing accounts of the articles they were receiving from Kate Cleveland, and tell her what it subject of wonder they were with the editor oun hie friends, among which were Win. D. Gallagheer, and others Sof themost eminent men in Cincinnati. Litle did Mr. d Nichols think "Kate Cleveland" was his own wife. 'r Somebody in NewYork has been getting ex- h tremely extravagant, according to the Newark Sentinel. That paper informs us that a NewJersey workman re- cently made the richest and mest costly piece of bUijouterie sever produced in the country. It is a gold watch.cane of elaborate workmanship eparkliog ald over with diamonds. It ic a hunting-ease, made for a eitizen of NewYort,. and besides the 48 brilliants acattered over both sides, is ora- mentod with w 'forg e t- m e- n ot" itower on one side, and dove upon thte other, both of them heavily lereled, and swelling the whole number of diamonds which sparkle uponthe case to eighty.six. In the tenth century, a question arose in Spain, whether the sons of a sonwho had died be- fore his father should be considered among the children of the family, andsucaceedto the inheritance equally with their unclese Thc Emperor. as he said being desirous of dealing honorably with his people and nobles," ap- pointed the matter to be decided by battle between two champions. The ohampion of heebhitdsenwan victerious. oad it was saiottsatd sn a perpetouo decree that they should theroaftre share in the inheritance with 0. their uscl . Iothe eleventh orntury, a question arese dhLo in Spain which bIf two kinds of ritual should be USed in the churches, andit eao tried frst by judicial combat, and finally detrcoinedl by throwing both bookshioto the Clames, andeiving the victory to thbt which remained un- teouhed. A Loxtox REPORTER.--Proby had never been out of London, never in a boat, never on the back of a horse.To the end of bag-wigs he wore a bag. He was the last man that walked with a cane as long as himself, ultimately ex- changed for an umbrella, which he was never seen without, in wet weather or dry; yet he usually reported the whole debates in the Peers from memory, without a note, for the Morning Chronicle, and wrote two or three novelsdepict- ing the social manners of the times! He was a strange feeder, and ruined himself in eatin; pastry at the confectioners' shops(for one of whose scores Taylor and I bailed him); he was always in a perspiration, whence George Colman christened him " King Porus ;" and he was al- ways so punctual to a minute that when he ar- rived within sight of the office window, the cry used to be, " There's Proby-it'shalf-past two," and yet he never set his watch. If ever it came to right time I cannot tell; bhut if you asked him what o'olock it was, he would look at it and calculate something of this sort : " I am twenty- six minutes past seven-four, twenty-one from twelve, forty-it is just three minutes past three." Poor, strange, and simple, yet eu- riously-informed Proby ! His last domicile was the Lambeth Parish Workhouse, out of which he would come in its coarse, gray garb, and call upon his friends as freely and unceremo- niously as before, to the surprise of Servants, who entertain " an 'orrid" jealousy of paupers, and who could not comprehend why a person so clad was shown in. The last letter 1 had from him spoke exultingly of his having been chosen to teach the young children in the house their A B C's, which conferred some extra accommo. 4atione upon hils. [Jerdaq'g Autobiography. (jcifarIt, PoocrsortesiQ-Eoalrd 4', A*Jictl't , Aldermen, Tuerday, July 27-l~i enst fourteen inembors. A message from the Mayot was roesOid transantingg certain coatmunloations heretofore puhblshed. iiauoaxitnesbtn.XO~nls.0 OsPOOOT. Balanceon hand at ast report ............... $18,157 79 sesoi s ................ .......... 71,043 54 ,uotar .t•T.. ................ t......9•4,801 33 Disbursed . 10,035 80 Balanceon hand....................... $33,65 47 A communication from the First District Board of Pub- lin Sohools.was referred to the Committee on Education. A communication from the Board of Aldermen notify- ing this Board of the concurrence in certain resolutions, wasreoeived. An amended resolution from the Board of Aldermen, relative to a contract for furnishing oil for lamps in the different Districts, was not concurred in. hs RoeoLLsrlONS r•ao THEBo•aao or ALDEnoan.-TO pay Mr. Hogan$60. Adopted. Authorising repairs to a house leasedto the late First i •Mutiolpatlty, provided the expense does not exceed $400. e FinanceCommittee. ul The following were adopted : Allowing $30 to Catherine Pogerdy for the maintenanoe of two destitute children. h, Permiession to J. B. Slaweon & Co. to ereot a black- iu smith's forge opposite the Pontchartrain Railroad Depot st Topay $90 to Mrs. Julia Kelly. for two months salary of her deceased husband. It Authorizing iron benohes in all the squares. Permislon to A. BonenvaI, to erect a crane at Trivolti Circle. Streets and Landings. Fiting of the salaries of the Commissaries of Markets at $60 per month each. Referredto a special committee of four. ti For newroofing the house of Creole Fire Company No. v 9. Adopted. Topaintand repair Port Market. Adopted. Topay various bills. Adopted. To pay $18 for sundries furnished to the Board of Al- dermen. Finance Committee. The ordinance from this Board, relativeto the under- wardens of the CityWork House and their salaries, amen- ded by the Board of Aldermen, was persisted in as origi- nally passed. A committee of conference was appointed on this ordlnance. Requesting the Srveyor to report the coat and advan- tagesof opening EnghLen street, in the Third District to the Lakeo; and also the cost of a road from the new canal along the Metalrie Ridge. Adopted. For repairing wharves in theFirst, Third and Fourth Districts. Adopted. Toaccept the securities of certainemployees. Adopted. To pay J. P. Freret such sums as maybe due him du- ringtheadjournmentof the Boardof Aldermen. Adopted. To pay John Youenes $100 for expenses incurred in recovering the dead bodies from the wreck of the steamer St. James. Adopted. Requesting the U. 8S. District Attorney to inquire into the cusea of the exploon of the St. James, andtobring the guilty parties to justice. Adopted. Voteof thanks to Capt. II. P Ensign, for assisting to bring to the city the dead bodies from the steamer St. James. and a like vote to Capt. Charles Walker, of the steamer Mobile, for like services. Adopted. Requiring the Surveyor to furnish specifications for certain buildings,and the cost of rebuilding the engine I house of Jefferson FireCompany No. 15. Adopted. To abolish the Police Jail of Third District. Adopted. Toextend a chain across St. Ann street, at its junction with Royal and Conde streets, during the sesion of the courts. Rejected. To exempt St. Peter's Church, in the Third Distriot, from the payment of $180 taxes for paving the street in frontof said church. Adopted. REerorsor ComerrEns.-The Finance COI mitteere. ported in favor of paying sundry bills. Alep, in favor of cancelling the bond of Armand Dupres late Coilector of Levee Dues in the Second District, Adopted. And against the collsetion of dues from drays, etcs, by any one save the Treasurer, Adopted. In fnvor of paying r. Judson $400 on his conveying to the city all right andtitle to the Breton Market. Adopted. In tator of exempting the ship Jenny Lind from pay. log wharfage while taking in her cargo a seoond time. Adopted. to favor of paying to David John Rogers $522, for the bubrial of 174 bodies. Adopted. To J. H. Maddox $2105 70. Adopted. The Committee on Streets and Landings reported in favor of entering into a contract for making a plank road on Fulton street, etc. Adopted. Also, not to concur with the resolution of the Board of Aldermen releasingD. Broderick from his contract in relation to a market in the FourthDistrict. Adopted. Also, for laying a round stone pavementin Roflgnae street, between New Levee and Front streets. And against the paving of Montegutstreet. Adopted. The Police Committee reported a resolution instructing the Chief of Police to close all balls and dance-housre in the Third District. Adopted. Afteh a very long debate about the shooting of a gun, the question became so mystified as to be incomprehensi. bl, and flashed out. The Fire Committee reported against the resolution of "the Board of Aldermen. appropriating $185 to James Gule Fire Company No. 17,forthe purchase of hores. Adopted. To pay to Chanmette Fire Company No. 23 $1175 for a new engine and for the rent of ahouso, andto appro. priate 500 feet of hoe to enidcompany. Adopted. The Committee on Work-houes reported in favor of paying $750 for provisions for the Work-houses for the month of June, 1852. Adopted. The resolution from the Board of Aldermen for the lay- ing out of a Park of forty acres was amended so as to add sixteen squares to the original limits of the Park, and adopted. The Board shortlyafterwards adjourned. BRASS WATcin.-John McBean was yesterday arraigned in the First District, on the affidavit of Jacob Henry Havens, who charges that he was, on the 25th instant, under false andfraudulent pretences, defrauded of the sum of thirty dollars by two persons, (one name John McBean.) who induced him to advance the afore- said sum on a watch, which said persons represented as gold, but which is brass and worthless, and which said persons knew to be so, as deponent verily believes. M Bean was required to give bonds in the sum of $1000 for his appearance for examination, or, in defhult thereof. to ' imprisoned. InEE NIoanRS.-A pair of individuals from Cincinnati, answering to the foregoing designation, were yesterday up before Recorder Genois, for being fon'nd riding about the streets in a cab, and for putting on 'quality airs,"as they "hadn't ought to." They stated that they had come down the river as stewards on a steamboat. They were required to sign declar ations to !.ave the State. A CRAsc.--Over one-half of the roof of the New Methodist Church on Carondelet strm t, near Hevia street, fell in night before last, with a gat noise. The accident occurred about 12 o'elock. fhechuirch was nearly completed, and large congrega ,ions had been in thehablt of assembling there forsome time past. It will require several thousands of dollars to repair the damage. fCOUNTEIFEIT.--The charge against Mr. Bur- ney, who keeps an apotheeary'a establishment at the I Dryades street Market, for passing a counterfelt twenty dollar note on John Rheinlanoler, was yesterday dismissed by Recorder Winter, as unfounded. DRowxN D.-A small boy, aboutten years old, fell into the river on Monday, at the footof Washinloton street, in theFourth District,. and was drowned. The Sname of the youth ia nk•on to s. FInE.-A fire occurred on Mondoy night at No. 04 Royal street. But little damage was dooe. The following report, by Mr. Jennings, from the Com- mittee on Compensation, belongs in the official proceed- ings of the Convention of the 10th. The French transla- tion was received; but, from some cause, the English copydidnot reachus. We have re-translated it. The committee, to whom was referred the compensation of the several offlicers of the Convention, have taken this matter into due consideration. and have agreed to fin the salaryof the Printer of the Convention as follows; all of which is respectfully submitted: 1. For two hundred copiesof the Journal of the De- batesof the Convention, in book form, in French and Engliah, printedin minion, and composed. with the mat- ter puboihed in the Journal,the pagesto have eighty-one lines in length, ncoluding the title, the blank line under the titl e andthe foot-line--the books to bestitched and boun •In the samemanner as the law-books,-two dollars odtbfitycents will be allowed for each page; and for every two hundred copies after the fist two hundred, two dollars per page. 2. For all reports, documents or'other matters printed in book or pamphlet form, in French and English, and composed in long primer, the pages to be of the same length as the pages of the Acts of the Legislature of 1852, two dollars anda half per page; end for overytwo hun- dted pages after the firsttwo h endred, one dollar and twenty-five cents, including the Ibinding, etc. 3. For the resolutions printed on foolacappaper, in French and English, in long 'primer or small picaleaded, having the width of twenty-five ems long primer, the length of eightylines, the iiesr andsections tobe counted as above, for one hundred :nd fifty copies, or less, three dollars and fiftycents per page, and two dollars for every one hundred pagesafter the firstone hundred. 4. For all illustrated works, one dollar will be allowed for one thousand ems over the prioes herein above fied, but these works shallbe distinctly specifiedin the account to be rendered to the ofmoer chrged witthe settlement. 0. For the blanks, the same compensation as allowed to the StatePrtnterby the rctof 1840. 6. For all matters pulehed in the Journal, per page (the space tobe covered by one hundred wordser more). fiftycents for the first ieertion, and twepty-fve centsfor eaobsubsequent ore. tf• the Louitevlls iotalle M O hMabITA1 ,... •.,. ,y O.,I OtauweL, Alie alone the nt ii at " " the upoe the•.lam.n nt A y tag L td err nig. 3, AIon 't ei aloner night's shades are i tg, i Theilent birds unto their nets arre gonee: The dovebeneathher wing her young is ealting, Tr hamveal mother, they arenot dane. Sad irtIe hour tome-mine ntey e filling With bittertears that wlll notb prmed; This sorrow evernew, my heart is thriliing, Untilit quivers wildlyinmy breat. Alone,I am alone! byhople forsaken, Life has noj oy for me sinoese te l po; JLore inthis heart sun nevermore aRIen- SPad ist my fate-alone, I am nalone! A Toxes editor,writing on obituary of his assistant, in whih he refers to the talent and virtureof hie deceased brother of the quill,concludes by obeervlng" that he was an honet man--much more than he ona say for the ma- iorety of his suboribers, and if they don't believe It,if they will l onhim he will eat it inl,,their ohad. He wnllt hbe at leIsure every afternoon at three o'cloek." His subscription list, as the storygoes, increased one hundred upon this announoement. OoaGNo or Tar. ttoLan.-At a recent religious meeting held at Exeter Hall. London,the great Benate Honse of the Engiish religlot world, a gentleman of authority stated the undenaable fact that thOtex levied on alt by Warren Hastings, during his tyranniual rule in IudL, was the caurse ofthe Aslatiuoeholera-a diease that h spread ets poimnons, putrid breath overr the world andsent mil- lons to the grave. The cholerawasunknown befbre the periodalludedto, and made its appearane immediately following the edlot which deprived the lower castes of inedoes of a healthfltt ingredient in their food. A MAYn,.aO YAnuon.--The Easton (Mld.) Star eay that Col. Edward Lloyd, of that county, with hie own sr- vants-numbering near four hundred-Rome nine or ten foarm--about ,000t acres of land, Including timbher-land, raises annually between 30,000 oand 40,00 hbunheis of wheat and a muchlarger quantity ofcorn, besides varlone other valuableproduots. Belside these extensive operations in Talbot he has a plantation carried on in the Stae of Mio- sisslppi. worth severalhundred thosantd dolars and his annual income cannot fail short $15l.t000. His resi- dence is one of the most splendid iihtis nobitity and has been the homestead of the Lloyd toiiiiHy'nc thteir first settlementin Maryland. "My dear what shall we hove for dinner to- day .".. One of your smiles," replied the hus- band, "I can dine on that any day." ' "B ut I can't," said the wife. "Then, take this," and he gave hera kissm and departed. He returned to dinner. "eThis is excellent steak," said he, " what did you pay for it ?" "Why, what you gave me this morning," said the wife. "The deuce you did !" said he, " then you shall have money the next time you go to market." On 0m.dny, Jidyr , by tre. Mr. Dor, Me JOIIN T•MMY end Mt. ANN KtLthAMI , bot, ofIreland. On Saetua Jey 94 the tov.D. e. Baker, WILLIAM C.RAY- MOND end i1•t.OY" AN-• H., eond daootoer of the tai eoter Laid- Died: oo Tu.l.ay f 3 nirg, July 97, Mr. JAMBS A. . LABAR, aped abort ( yo• a totiee of North a mpton com'ty, Penn. On Tuetday deeruooee, July 9, at hulf-l .t 4 o'C de. Wlble., aged 9 yea., I tn noth ad 19 eay., on ofJ.f. .na Ctlte, mWeber. SOThe funeral twill takeplaeo Tlirt MOtttNOtO, .glO olotk, frem the rea.idebee, corer ofCaeondelat Od Julia treets.t The frinbrds ofthe fmnily ate eqeetd toattend. On Meoday evenlng, July06, at h 9t-pat 9 o'elotk, of chelera, MAoY ALLKN, ged 4 year, a ntive ofCork, ltrehm SOn Modaymorning July96, Capt. J . W.'VYMOUTH, sced4• ryaor, ormerly ofl NuhilleN Tene. On Saturday taeui Jul y 94, MARTIN GOLDEN, p4•d 45 yearh, = mr•Ue of cotmty Sitgo, lladl. ,AN At a called meeting of the WAo of the City1 Jobe o o, the 14th of Jolty, taot,tthe otot~t. adopted " W, tho ttolmdergotd, totioog tht the p0oetpty, the pptoooo eOd glory ofOto Utittd Stateo. w11t bo to.00 by the p, 0000 of -od and ootghteed Whigs to to-o - tt ptedge 7to0e tO. 400010000o oo ntm olicy as st fh intheP1.oto.w0 es, dop4 by tioe Batimore Whit Coonatioo-thoto00o pledge ooHotoo00ttg yitioowyo otdottoo~stieyt tom t bopoatoitomb otoo andMoitotowitot tits oteotltnoo WfNlFIKL Z5CCOrP000tot eod WA. tIAJOAI , ,6.. plroodiol, tt the opprochinlog ion inNfontmt r 111t." A Otob weetoamed, to to 0.0.0 fm th. WHIf CLUB 01 THZ CtIT OP 101730ON. 1'$, following enU pln were elected as oQt.0 o gold Club Prudent....W. P. COLEMAN. Vt,, PYfodtO00....D. NAPE, A. BEAVES,J.3. WAIOKU, WOO. PORS00EY, J.A. VZADE. tttariee.. JUL00 tItc l.,, C. YOUNo. Too.mer...0U.H.VVIROIN. Dotogato to the Cootot ttoooetiveo Committee of T tboPo of JstOt T. 0.KONOL. T8OC8tAYt t.h lb. ogotlo dy of teoottot this Cltb. jyt? It **- MaDin. RUous DQLBEDO , (La Canal Street, wish.. att who4001,. to takoolot..either toWRITING o BOOK- KEEPING, ,tioog tIohootl Rp too tobogin otoodlotoJy. fit Of Tto rr oA r N ew O3.tt , My.111809. j ieTO COFPFo0 HOU00, OROCGIttO , RTC. - to ottootooo with th. Oohlsetion of Oh. Act ofCooot.totlo, , otllt poo. doin; huoo..n uoto LICENSE .r eequtood pto p t the told oooo .in th. ooooaw. Nottio t. therefore hotoby Iloo., note . ptontto oad propty aptheoa. .tth thisprovitionot the ottr will b. eopotted andr..f...d. jlo 7tot WMO. H. OARLAND, Towooofr. Reeof rd That all COB..-hoowe~rmkiig-homos, R staurau, RIWI Groceries. hillierdl-monyr ay other ple. or pluoc where dqnor, wtn beebor I. Add atturn 1, which w or may b opauad In conventiono of taw shahltoor veay.' noo tt o too 0ive bttheT o..,.r I. writing, to olood by the PoLio. of stthottbtoriet, rorde of sold Troeasurr. itoo i, Thot ott PotoLo0000000 ad Watohloooo 000 thd tIo to Poootdot 8000, ofAtdoooto. delhsI.ado ~i~n ldn~ Etigoot ItOA1 n. ALPUNOOI, eon. Pooote' 7d oot oIf Assioototot AtAdooo Preside nt Bau d o rmen.n~nulioyo~ Approeed 'jI MOBNNtL July, 1852.,r Ap n ooodt th1ttY, A.D.C8OUSMAK, Mtoyt,. e WASmHotGTON FIRa CoxPAlY No. 20. Thot f e to ootond theoooboo.fthto~t6o10O'tO~hofo OCUNDAT OORKNtNG Ao6. ot t ot otook,oomt 0 a,~Uooot yeting ootONDAO1 EipoiNiob. ot toto-poot 8 ,-oeok. V. oto H totto adoootaorOwotly requ.0OooM bid JEituuEPin f C. ROSE,~~O~ Secretary. .. CKLMETTE F•E•COMSANY No.23.- T m osre•ad memes f thiCompiy are hoi rebd onerti.d attend a r 6dnstiog YONDAY EVENING, July u, 1t o'•l•kr t the EEro- . 1y u,- of the Fomn, [jy8] R. TALBOT, Sesretary. SA E.TION WASEINoTON ARTILLERY oF W. .. -ORDER No. ,.-Th. m...•.-•T .fOr. 66 T heareby erto.dsapF d SonSUNDAY MO[N6, S___ Ao , , t8o5clock, t thIA Ana-' G(rod 5t0.5 a Hy d of r . B A N IS T , L i eut. C o sm mdo g. Dr .0I, S.Bret y The Cbmu ,y waill prade in 6ltsle uniform, wit.hout idar, Ti e SChaooL VACATION will enable STs 'hsn or Pupile to perLet tlheir WTINQ AND BO )K-Ir•PIN6 at DOLBSEAR'S ACADEMIY, 6 Cm ul t. _ jyS tf 6entlem en "L ft .r'ew I ork SI. LEIGHTON cO.'S FIRST PREMIUM IHDIT AND GENT'S FI'RNISBHING SYORE, No. 5h COal .tt, on do-d-ormSt. CmroIssS I.t, whers h thryt 01 hhre ther 1A ,6ti 60 their rriva l t theM0n6 U- foetery oo. 15Park ,lo;kc N0w6ork5. Me bers oft h e'"1n 't 1st awy rclb" a,0h0 eth6, delivered in NewOrle0as within s16 weekL. ;__ _ ,pt • _d J'aluable Law Books, I" JUST RECEIVED AlD FOR SALE BY THOMAS L. WHITE, NO. 58 CALNAL STREET. BIECK'S ME SICAL JURISPRUDENCE--Eleute f Medicall Juri. porud.e- -By T. L Rek, M.D., LL. D. Teoh, dtion. COMSTOCK'S REPORTS OFNEW YORK COUIT OF AEPO4LS. CONKLINO'S UNITED STATES ADMIRALTY-The, JrrdoSlon, Lawr, Pr6ti00, Pioadi.g tod Forme of tle Colrt ofAdmiradty te Unitelod Sir0es. Rvid EditiEAo. 161 ol,. GALLISON'I ADMIRALTY REPORTS. GORDON'S DIGEST OF THE RXVENUE LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. I STORY'S WORKS--Complete. JUI)GE STORY'S LIFE AND LETTERS. LAW BOOKS cono&.otly o0 hood ot oOd..rate pric.s. y9o l110, Keep Coot-dKeep Cool. TREMENDOUS SACRIFICES! ALFRED MUNROE & CO., 84 MAGAZINE STREET, tAre selling their nw Iarge stock of SUIMME CIOTHING for GENTLEMEN, BOYS a.d CHILDREN atextremely small pro with hegreat objet of . ling it off ers thi fll an eomua . They are linggood LINEN PANTS for $1 5; COATSS175 to $295; SHIRTS from $1 00 to $171, very fin, and made inthe best manner. I Every artie in tore warranted ineveryl respect. I ONE PRICE FOR GCODS AND NODIVIATION. jy96 ptf Clothing .MIade to Order. I The bohriber are prepared to take mtenanre and receive ordun I or CLOTHING for.the cominL g seaon, with the understaodlg that all a rtl , ordered shar prove stsfctory inevery respect, or those order- ion g will b under no obligationintoake them. THOMPSON & NIXON, j. y4 Eptf 19Camp street and 903 Broadway, NewYork. .,orrrs a Way, FASHIONABLE CLOTHINGSTORE, CORNER OF CAMP AND COMMON STREETS, Y7s _ .. . Ud., the CityHotel. STHs SCHOOL VACATIONS will enable Teoaherm or Pupisto bcome ELEGANT WRITERS. S lAumsdarIin v--fiti . expreugy f 6 such, from 7 A. u. E E .t . tog E t . DOLBEAR.S WRITING AND BOOK- KEEPh'l ACAD dEMY, SE Conl street (E.Ib.ihed HIS.) I Pi'te Clacl.s for Laie.. xII•Ul attended It.al. jy53 1t RUFUS DOLBEAR, 56 Canal tet. Paul E. Theard, TRANSLATOR, coke No.13 ELI CHA E ALLEY, btween St. Louis and Conti ,.. I- MI.THEAED oter bhi Drle to the pbl, cad ,aoonose. S.at. .w.it .Eat.-AoeOh d M OM info FrPah LEITERS, CmCDAb r wasoas CONTRACTS ACTS R P NOTAKIE ARTICLO NE V PAPIkSM 00hM•RCLL NOTICYS ANt OTHRS. LASHS, METIGS OF COUNCIL AND OTHER PUS. LIC MEyINGS, xa, thLoet, al kinds o writo Ha wi alnes IO. Artil or Advertiem for Newspapn, CLttr, Cirulan etc., et. Hewilt devote hisavanigp to the Boobk ofay commerial Irmn. ir OU. hors from 9 ,SA.t. p.. apYpt SHERIFF'S SALE. Tan. DRrIETCounE.I S.J. ADLER E.. FRED. H.KNAPP AND oA NrOaNLS,,. I eIMON SCHLOSS, Ii. fI. gdoInt SIm,. Sela.--.iiOhDistrt Court of NewOrlu-W-No. 5I4•....WILLIAM R•EAN vs. SIMON SCHLOSS AND JOSEPH RAFFEL, S.fa. .g.oast Shloss, infavor of J. R-15-, lubeopteI... ,N. O4". Y•T VIRTUE of two writs of fieri faeis to me idiveste by the Hono,. the ulIdDlItrit Court of N.w Orleaus in the slove untitsi•.lues, Iwilt pced to salatpublic wae- Wet,141,t Rot5d. lof the CityEcha, t. LouSisstrt, btween C&.aD ad Royal tet, on SATURDAY, Augt.t S8,1862, at 19 17aoive DIl aod CHARLOTTE. .iuved in t1e absv= Wut•. 'T'.rm e.Ih on. the .pt. JAS.P. PRESET I,e IIE 'S9 herlh oftIhe Parish eof OrlOs. AJ LRONDS-50 bales fresh Languedoc Al- SondS, int norsdfr x1s•, H oL Jye A i. COHR~i CO., >7 TahoaltoeW altxr . ? LAOIDE'B VARIETES.-- The public are reepErcrU I islormnd thatasA TURM PJaodi A TTYlt[Th maomu l man P"21Q 6AM1<~pC &BC6lw i. B I W ANTD TxO A very cape= rit R o.h 'U or Pl o plAntlnR and uulwn of.s Ia41a. App i0 TXa NTS A IT`AI youngp maa T ompoteet toatlad W Say OotmoW ao a e hultt 1. Eke le a Rad eraa o4 asape aha a It tery mtsllro Io uillax. An ohtpaimadutdt V' l Lf., atthe Creecat o~aa, wil be t. 3k,=. __ W~LANTED-By~ a resident of the city, who a u be well rerommend~ed by hleprl mtemprtitlu tau that will Pay NI pe molUth. EN is rompat(alkoo-r Pr le confect, eC!(/ ie a yoaRma o fmily, Sa v0"etio Soy olzrlhr t LAP{ ttl omae, by lettraddrljed b,w 41 baTANTED TO B [R'E-A Nero Girl RS " isa smll Gmlr aewhopado Pd k TO : RENT--For the eimmer or, 1oog hM-tP~The lea", aoolo . doa -riy kee~d '= "tWlI. NrtmuApplA M tUOU i I. or O RENT-Three lerge well TentilatEik FRT ONT OFFICES ONE RER in Ppodieg'.hI11d hIm aorarOewl gad St.Cherlw M.W~l. raowreleire-iwantt .t.Iy, a. on Ih.Itof OtMhI-t. A tO Ic' 1. JOHNS. MAIM __ FOR RENT-Boqrd of Di eotf Odd 1- 321 - 41.0011t.-Th. SeTORES it A. I.wttI I. IlH.ITIII lOd il 1.13117. MnpIIII pbIIApptoolhe f lb. osaelgod. H.l OdbtO 4.1. M UMER RIt8IDX NOE .-Thze D-I.Poroa 3Med . wE bieJteIIet. " Inlle fare A6IUI 9bltl * FOGY L *SALE.-unid .n, NGRO WQ OR SAL e-The tegimbovt i. C M b tl irrU Duda ry. yr jr0: "' or .H. r SALE.- h *1q p I .. U.. Mutuaal Benlefit Life and ffimr ROMPANT N. Z.se CAMP WO. 1' t THI1IIJS A~4NUAL BT WTh , SA t I.b.t the 50.1 55111 i, = .. I ldbtthl hlbt ; Lem............ di mrd ft_ r J _ lmrtklbi B ISREd ,...lbd..,..,4Ga E..ibkrdyuu,.,dbgel hJthS p E11Pa11 Me ))e4 _ .. . *L 6 T ci..dllbb ... b..... 3i p.4rtm and s,. We Mi P.14 -, .4 t wu.. '1611t 1 opr~- + 00- 1 !,1 i0St PR~OiP ANfD G.U. S thU.d S.a l .lp Idis~od.b (t. OS~RInM, Fm. lA tld Wiese dRull Ar! ..t ............ .. 9.. U1 is Por phi.td . by de..ebwrd .... djl.t. usjrg u Pot pa. .. Al.I..k IlEtly, tu .............. S...L.....iiS OCCUPATIONB oWHIyTEP. PBbE~bLSUSR tbIP S Cls~..' F. cullmfi b et ... lbU.. S.... .. . Judlu. .. U. .dl.- crt u2...... Fw -i ll'.iphi. b Wkdr.,rlg' Rgt.. Iits ! F u1 . ... :d i ..... " " 1 Fdior We-mL....p lobe kr :.eg pooW.....i ,f1 eft Menutgl "-+"'""""..:n,.l4M.f1o m..:.:i:. 4 * .. A.I.....S. 0 bt..bbttCe......::.ptbi.1 N ee U .St Poblw....... :.O E. t Judfwlc......................:. US .::.... gtuyen ....................... etu ' a:: ::..... S WI ...................... 5..1..1 t TSge .e........ . .f rlb ea .. .. 50 U. EORGEm Oicn....:. 4 TEEVER, V...4S.4.......T..... Dc..ilt.................... e.. Stew ... .. o, Jly t I.........S S Tudn . .. ......... i,,yty.... hei t b dd yM * ...... ISde .1d..,. b.tcan..)t, .......... R .. ebsb b rtsh .. "4...tb R ...... A~...E... - Totl ......... by .. ^.bl lb.....b. ... ........ t .T ..... GeorGEp O. STECVER, ViolpniddmlP. T Mutual Benefit Life and Fitrsnnrl}Rae Compay, N~w0.tor, JII 21, 1651. Er The B-di of Direat0o biro drelup4 . lalp'dMIIwd ofAft... Set .. L (m~kigiltytto. par cent Kp dirYieod an three r~n Lmi- olumlfobt Blc~l year .. dint 00th June, IfM, LhrtiohPip Eaw,0- .am.wll be inced to the members, im. nrordmea with the chat.'. jyf45t.1tW By 104.101 theBoord. 10.0.HEARTT. Astuul. 13- Chartres aired. -. k l P. W. WdoOVLIBF, (,r In dditlon t his g..,l staoc, has on han F AANY, LARDS ST0lf 01 STAPLE WA LARGE STOCK OP VW rl . yINOUAGSIANS PRIN ,S,..... sap. '5,T. 61 CAMP ST:RE ON BOSTON, CINCDiNAx,' NEW YORK, LOOJSVUE, PNILADELPNLL, .T. LOUIS, W- Parohud sadld by sASI Ipip MATTGOUWS, )' LEY &a O. ~ Lunchat thPearl, TONS MORNING. From. hsl.. Iast 10 lpast IS l h. Mark fuly r.ps...sIdd j.O Lunch tit the 8ha4.ePm THlS MORNIN, From Mtlpu 0to hlf-pull6'apl Ia' L 1'r ll!1th the Grks4 (aly repnse .y'aa. 9. SnapD p' Atte t thp dI l p.. M sW psk...ls DENTIST a cocrdinLeo theb bs,( aa hlblpity t his M. sod ..ldc , 1 ,tA. ( Bs. g PItYE BTSiET,.r 5 Ra.OET W vN s..p. o..,,ihoklpdc. T....s.h. 'sd.. Dr .. lUlen'a Impr' ,ementtn rtf. DWjEOTRY AT "S PRICER. CHAELFSR. M DE N. f, PERFECT ADAPTATION TO T UIrich I.]den hem o (onaWe ad Mlul to 1dsm6 hithino ub .kon. Th., insefSss.? an InriRrd totell and aaamiw lurlem [Wael'ueaLLuflolm n ioaagtl . lae Rps m"8at8 CT S,*aft. M AT WHOIAL&. Ow konehurad ow HATS. eo~rtln[ MS atvari PAM ty Uof and UABMPti CH HATS, w We JyIS9pt 5W VIOST&COO,.SFqM lbuS.Ehl Fa BOots, Shoes and Brogans, -- AT WHlOLEBAL ru Now InndnE from ehp NoR' stre e l a S. eortm.B*t ofHOTS, e ANS, HA, CAP, ate. PiB •.a,.suplied with prime R RSOANB WUOL SPALM TRAW .ad CHYSiATS, s th lowest Mtarat prie, hby jylS pd.w YROSThEcO..,I0BM estre...L T HE GREAT FIRE IN CHILICOTHE, OHIO. ONE-THIRD OFTHE TOWN BURNT TO ASHEBI BE...E., RsB.Bx & ,LOBioB A tiI3l, ISSB. MIaaes. 8nraxrS & Mo olto fe.lllen-Yourb o•fthe ith is at haooind. I r.eply, every Sa in the Bire, ILXCEPT YOURS B.. eyaed BdB I nothingB Ibtoot rSafe-itws PERFEUTL5 DESTROY. D--bBt In th BSMALL SA'S. MANIDER I BOUGHT FROMI YOU, NOTHINGT WAS INJURED. Yorbobedienv l nrato , WM. T. CLaA N. TB. EbB,. ABEt~ .BBEBE,.t.h~ I I B ., BICH'S SALAMIAN- DEES ABE THE ONLY BAFES TO RE DEPENDED UPON. In the pearl wreet 0, ELEVEN AFPBo difrenBt maEers, were TOTAL•Y DESTROIEB-RLCH B SAFE ALONE bidding dt-ne to tbe amE, P re*avI note,, bdE and meorte to -be sae o' 0RI {'0. SThe DESRiOYE fir IsaBpnllelea. EVERY SAFE BUT SLEB'S IS DESTROYED. TheBrepeatd owe rrI BB* prose te,. t.otbl tbhat WOd.r's PFt•Bt SlrimBBd,. with RICH'S IMPROy. MEET, rthe beet SEe. made in Lthe UBiBd Stabt, or inthe ,bole worbld S1Theycao bbadLtho~l~ep(ot slb.l/6A, b f~ They eWB S. Bd .5 the Dt46Waer stret, Btd ths e Fis t erNSerf St. bI7 ane d MB SAe saiA, N tw Yotr. RTEARNS & MARVIN. SThA iblibr., etSU toeu b the. eSolo AgIE ti ths eltyi of Lbthe above-named mnu t0 rsn, sad ha cootantl for sle nre Iek and good aBrtment af thrlAFES. Tha. wirn a aw o the im- pruce of EFFECTI INSURANCE on btheir booIBs, ppeRn and oher aS.a meof mall BBk but ruale, e invBtd i tosallt nd EoE. Eine FOURTEEN TESTED SAP B, togbwur with E tEHB e certli. Jelo4s thew who a Isave M GORE THAn N AMtION DOL. LARD IN RICH'S SARF.S J.104 ISAAC SBRSSE,!S Mepajn.e .stS,

New Orleans daily crescent (New Orleans, La.) 1852-07-28 [p ] · 2017. 12. 15. · tteor to Lootera.-A t-Aeibt light oootrred in Louit-"ti8t eon nodl', fiellteeteant, the aotetdbotng

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Page 1: New Orleans daily crescent (New Orleans, La.) 1852-07-28 [p ] · 2017. 12. 15. · tteor to Lootera.-A t-Aeibt light oootrred in Louit-"ti8t eon nodl', fiellteeteant, the aotetdbotng

t P , Y4YJ"



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i W b .bll{be

ilatwou~jnuiu a

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a c-I* b uft~ol wsedIsMe

Viccurieaaotu, yihin two st nn ' tp iW

Is'kM, St~t onnen

doito ,t. b:

3lip buer tha

ji , Lnr O L J ollowt

_ Lmnueero, July 14.in the Cotten market

of s;-r bioh 4000 tWo tekt

h1neonletee& Pnr~sahove beenadanq wmbo-

4 34 M;. inddling Up-nn bly.J~evnthneme-r

ne nlen woulddta4 e4 bt 4meriop

"bbp 4indrlln,*1 inn~l;l~dis~~ig; glnndi5~

;July20.The marlets

- Ieloniats:ta

inettphu woreedtd

& 6tt4taa thqtwtthtn the*t Nef inaaeyrn.'nolyetbeendeal,

*giY Vi .% ed fVeo

~~~~'llttewt aleoh -ets.ael bytwit the eeof4e about

'iijtint oiy, aind- time

icon. l ra' igh eof inn . tlb . g., setting in d' ~i

e> a ~o~nd~ o shoul

g !+p 4 ,'; r of Genhset mqf t Rageaait of.irngsoneirt.l t Om an, , aboet rt bty nu nf

N s . lAhardbt fite-

`, > -ayespit iby the Nueaes

.at Moon


Itutiqn~ti s the

Wioersenani~ tat h E us 1tht tdtlotqnt

nor.-theppa edeis y baintee to sedk of

oth t ti itthet'ilsk theydagated

o to TWehea4yr1edto tO. a cr td

ten Fif eitha eoalS .to b thead hS.h : _ate te,

+W ~ ~ a "' V.dr:lthab tr e.o42 fe of a tteruti~nif etthe

hi not pnhlilattettiOnl dt ltnioo .ta.

'- Oedi Ahltter infen Vtt aeysthat seoeh deatheItinwhelel tea t d,-in thatpla Ia Gon'Mb 14th itatot.

ti Sohei eorte ahftesp uttti.` de Qaera.-Tht tpare genetiraiy contitue to epeak of

'i ,o ttitng aoeeedtttote of the orops throughoutt the

tteor to Lootera.-A t-Aeibt light oootrred in Louit-"ti8t eon nodl', fiellteeteant, the aotetdbotng Wateriattestand the oteem eteeti trentt'tit to.Tenth. TheQiee- r tithat *' bunsoand he teatteearpom one

pt fee "oata iyig ietrt pretty badlgybeatedin.agae-b aqiby got ote t heydeegnted as

eft* n ftoe hettollsrntg at alarm of tioepotoetttottetwharf. Theatare

ttt tted to raise a crowd, asqtafeg, "dte it to the Irish, they

aenough." Upon that signat,down over'caa they met

Z ta. agoedoauoyewe and door mof sevocoa

hose on Fith, and seteraloe teottmpietety atttd, and thteir

ar ' ',p rtmd ui pn~pieeebriokbate wer fleeeedtdal

of as body'. head alongit w - wotta whothey hot.

eat, a molt shafed edmsof thek'hsbatot ortotee fromipts S te~ede staleta by a shower of

q4 tpon hafoon allditrooeton.

hto kept bs gir-th 6 eobmoresy drank hle liquorhee. 'hey teat pretended to

,aed thto re atled 0-good many

likd a cbasedfrom alongtolhepilot hao oftheS ofefagoA. ged suaty

their haste tatheirb he mob qOtletty di 4

etaty one that we knew

, aetwt lerie tl~i den craw did-not pttielpato Itthefight. E ,

Rff*8 By TELZPJGI4PI*aatie. Indebtedt to that meat ixeotlept paper, the

.~Oni fell foehelbll .ewlngtelegapbio new:enorS-eW ,ia Juiy2ta--The lion WYm.

Al ,ed n roeolution whioh weeof the t petuse attendion

t to the east of Caiforno,.'' tl•g[td orla eeehollat o theftteas i

S i.A~p!OilO lamsh,,wan tetken ep and ordered

- tap prtition for the 'onetruutione eraldd of Saut de St. Marie, in

, poifwieP• of rendering the naerigatton ofS$ eeo impopoeta was taken up aend

-wentino rgoenlvefeedl o

n n andtbet e ; adjoune•. t

rubeesmed the oneiders.• •' way throuug the

e e. a and a cadlemieed

tto.oL0 ob0t:tLntalulT Jr,,f Mseeh-lbeset, a eloletleon wslatve to e t ldherios op n thePe-d fer u "• - enlntoe tt

3Ul aoseeudtof petHt ueulea, ahd the prooedinge that1M lrtiasaeel pLce in.'t tq der.

b eals, bh•a, thi.deo off fixing the number of,opMtte5d preovidit• for tpe fture apportion-

bntdrth1ssaventheeelue, *0 paseed. By this billotf aet obtseelb tep renttlve for her fraction.

e irb d that the law tieeer anmlssleon provided'ih lshe,- dt lea two until the next enumenration.

i, a to hure w ot pefeoted. The whole numbereoewesnntitivs eooeeainently be 24t interad of iB.Bs River and laborlneprovement Billwee then de-

ated;, and the Hoi e adjourned.Aplemaoee.Xr•neeeon.-A telegrphico dispatch re-

eoledie Lwepo ,e publin, etates that an electionfight badtakenplaoe In that eity. to wheioh onepoicen

h een eilled.A.riot id oenoe•eu •lglan, Lanaosshire, on the 0th

inst, ,t eti the Oma eon and the (tathol[es, whichwaquloed by' the ~olltory, not, however, until muchblood leilbeen •lt."

Th.e Drab Abdel Kader, and Haeeet Ben Ruta,Plahtepr•Il Jeraneee qoarreled recently in their pris.on. win the fo•emo rtableod the latter dead.STh Lierpool Times intimatoe that the Earl of Derby'sletry will be In aminority of 100 in the new Ptrlia-


A ReoAwor torams.--Under this heed anu Eglishpae miatehe followinw :

On Wednesday elteroon,. the driver of an engine onthe Great Noethernltalwty habal .oooanion to go iuotethe station at Yoe he lthis elnginelo oIn oha of theetehr, wrho, i ooerd• io la v me hi e nt..he t. endea.wuedto aootito otno U ther line. Porte purpoe,he partly putron the eem, and the get off and wenet

to nath poietlintendleg to jump on the engine asoneeithadlpased oa to the proper line. Unfortu-myhewoanr, the senapalve elosd, and way rushed

49e~s0unt of .the sttionat the rete of 80 miles anber w• tos wien, eod to 00 mils. About a

ee thwdeerof a cool train, who was pro.o ssan the down line. aw the runaway engineht .e dhe hnstantly reverse hs engine. NotOwprbs o thl thla the ther englie was upon

Th he tohkerjumped off just ee the olli-joe far. anJcrtwnItclyeeepsd uninjured. TLheSeed by e bopptsing egloe wa tremendlouu.

s f thenfth l nawgne weroowompletety ehottorel. and|k tols4* the nwa l weanfredl ue to the op of

Sglw srelt txad fixed nd firm. The dam-a t uefweds of •000. The etoker ha

@a iii cetedy.

otahn d ! Itnnrld

4 npcEof!t o~ do bted tIn n d

United tonnage em le'tL t "te ved rtwoanre thousandr e AoomweMbtot aonmeond-

en~t ofth Nwor J aoCmmrc syBut Illa la omgreeeoaldMen t eac

a tl. 'e a total lse ofthe tom, . d' oonidep Wt.end-

to the "Volt rtt-theAM Is iatAke and sther

In ream entoghn AfrStoo th hwa#l" obloak raoe.'

Tp Pj •oo Ur xee B oem.-There are ten foun-.sjeje nbtn qgarese and places in Boston. The

mrtneipal e, iupen the Common, and thrme one of them aet naaiee ibatures of that pg of public resort.*j"heplt t which thwater L' 90 from the pipein UChlMlt ln is twenty-ifb feet above tide level. Thewtar is thrown ninety-eight feet above the coping. Boe-taens have reason to be proud of this fountain, as it

throws eetely in the shade not only all other jets n thisfo•ptry, yIt person• who have seeh the most celebratedfoantains in Europe, afirm that there is not so beautifuland coplous a jet of water to be seen in the old world.pew persons are aware of the immense quantity of waterthrown by the large jets used uponthisfountain. Thewater comes out with immense (fore, and the dischargewith the six inch Jet is 6538 gallons.per minute, or 921289

gallons an hour.

Rane on OrDo THE SoHIP PRERTICE.-The unfortunatetp Prentice, lylng at Charlest,took fire for the thirn

e. on the evening of the 2d inst. It is only about tendys since sbe was taken out of the Dry Dock,,where shebad been newly codperod and thoroughly repaired; andwhen the fire broke out.eha had nearly completed hereargo, hbring some 1800 bales of cotton and a quantity oflumber on board for Havre.. eo.

ThdlCourler of the 3d sayt t up to half-past twelveb'aelok at night, the fre stil raging. , The whole of

the cotton was then supposed to have been destroyed,and it was feared that th aehip would be entirely con-

sumed. Williamn Condon fell into the hold while the firewas rgng and was resned almost mlraulously. in timeto ... ; hie life. The origin of the fire is involved in mys


M9 eon m SLAres.-JeamsIl. HonUteim, Irq., of MeOIntosh county, Ga., was mudered 'by a number of hisown elaves on the 14th inst. On the evening of that day,Mr. H. left lhonmin a canoe tovisit an Island on which

he had negroes at work. On the Wednesday followingsome of the negroes came from the Island and reportedthat they had not seen thelr mattr., As the night on

which he left had been stormeu it was at trst thoughtthat he had been drowned, but the canoe was subse-quently ftn4,tinder roemsetmanes which led to the be-lif that .le rd boeen murdered. Several negrdes whowere euspeoted lrere at opoe arrested, when twelve of

them cobhnseel tq having partiolpated in the murder, and

the lpot where the bodwas buried wanspointed out. The

criminals were oh committed for trial.

Te Lqutn LAW mllesscHaoasrrre.-The Boston Pest

of Mondtythte 19th itst., says "Thre arcerual e . thatthe new liquor )aw,.whlch goes intoeffeot on Wednesday,

is to be enforced sternly by he State authorities, underthe Atlulns of the frende of temperance, who even talkof "depos

l a g" the Mayor andAldermen of Boston ! An

attempt of that sort nsy, lead to the formtmion of a city

rights party. It has been frequently ~ld by 014 peeptethattheAmerCean evolutlon olad nothate been oom-jei4dhe ot ram,'

. f.on hiouee.?A friend just on *uom TamlPS, saystheat nas Gorgtan, informs uahti ta , e & la, ofthe Govertmentaloop Hinder, brought toi gmonltq,

!O ni und*, A es on their wy to the Weekad t s•hoone ws expected to arrive a few days'ffom ort aM s With more homlies of Itdans, number.in boit Oi en, We are told that q . lake, the Id., olip Vomm•l•loaer, thinks the prospeot of the removal oftibe 'libmemre orable than it was a short im sOine.

BEirse or "u Seamrreov Riareees,-There are nowinthelsione Aseylum at -ctitc, NewYork, frouen vletimst thefriitl rapping blimbug, wnceh is being so prof-tably el•rled an in dliferent parts of the cotltry. Weaduid supoke that there verbseientiflc men enough to

tge and expose this pernicious falacy. When sn-rturalpwers are brought down to dollars and cents

ethink itttiqe that Gabrtel blows his horn.

Koserso alito SoaHn,-ffhe stateroom engaged foreil"hi-tps~uugartan, Louis Koasuth, Governor of Hli'

weto.; etc., onthe steamship Afiaes, was taken underthe t'erytroant ) name of Smith. Truly, there is agreat contast'tba~ eeon the entralce of Louis KoesuthLnto ,th dontry sad the exit of Mr. Alexander Aoiand yet they-are one and theameperson. Oh, hambnughow art thou'fallen !

GaLo.- The produce qf gold l•r 1852 is estimated at 242tons, which, although twelve times the quantity producedat-the commencement of the century, as respects b••k,sinks into perfkdt insignifcence; for, if cast in bar, acloset iine feet high, eight feet wide, and eight feet deep,will bold it all. 21,713 times the space would be requiredto bhold al the iron melted in Great Britain annually.

.M3Uirsot To Panans YVcronv.--Col. A. P. Edwards,of Putaln-iiy island, has generously prpposedto cede theland npbooseafypor,the proposed inonument and encloss,together 'with al the stone, lime and bydraulic cementnsed in its construption. The nmatmals, therefore, at-ready mostly provided, and nothing is now wanted butsullolentfunds to pay for the iahor employed.

FATaL ArFFv.-We learn from the Winnsboro' (S. C.)Register that a difficulty occurred on the 19th inst., in thelower part of FairSeld District, near the Charlotte Rall-road, in the course of which Mathew Wooten, aged T8,was stabbed to death by one Jordon Beard, aged 22 or 23.They were both of Fairfield DIltrict. Beard had not beenarrested at last accounts.

COLD-LooDEDo MuRosg.-In iouon:tos county, Ga., onthe 9th inst., a young Irishman named James Simpsonwas shot and instantly killed by a man named Gilder. Afew angry words had been passed between the partles,butno diffioulty was apprehended, and Simpson had taken asent, when Gilder drew a pistol and blew his brains out.The murderer made his escape.

Fancer.-The President is saidto be preparing a decreeon the importation of foreign corn, by which the presentsystem of the liding scale will be modifled,andthe dutieslowered.

In the ministryof justiooe there is preparing a decree ofamnesty, which, it is thought, will be promulgated on theoccasion of the flte of the 1lthobf August.

Pnossnsa Loes or LIFe.-lIt is feared that the violentsquall in Mobile Bay, on Friday last, has resulted in lossof lif. The yacht Kate, which was exposed tolt, draggedher anohor, but managed to get home in safety. Anotheoboat, in which were two citinens of Mobile, and whichwas exposed to the Iqual has not since been heard of

WunoT Oaor s ILLoaos.-Boats from the Ill0nois riverreport that the wheat crop is nearly harvested, and wasnaver known to be larger or of better quality. Sooh ilthe generl reportfrofom all soections of te ountry. Theseaccounts are particularly gratifying to river men, as theyare thereby ensured of plenty of business another sesosn.

Lasoan•mn-Lamartine, we understand, has becomedisgusted with polities and is about to take leave of themforover. lie has entered inta ontract with an l uglish,ompany to settle and cultlvate the beautiful iseland pro-sented to him by the Sultan, and will embark himself.

ery sh ortly, 1for myr•a, to join the Qolony.

Axtenaerre ona. Tnaoo.-Tho Pottseille. (Pa.,) MinersoJourn lsays: "From the boet informationwe can glean.it will be almost impossible to supply the market this yearwith coal, and consumera ought to aid the business bylaying in their stock early. On the aint of Septemberanother advanoe in price will take place."

IMPonTANT Discovene.-An important discopery hasbeen made in London by a Mr. Roberts, in the use of tinfor zinc plates, by which a great saving of expense iseffietld in the arts, the large quantities of nitric acid.zinc. platinum. etc., to produce electricity. being super.seded.

Co.•omm•,so.-A combination of the coal dealers ofCincinnati is abOut to be formed, ' for the protection ofthe taode.' In consequence of this step, coals have ad-vanced to 14 cents per bushel. It is claimed that. takingthe year through, the interests of the consumers will not

be injured.

CAurroeNsAia s ltoaess .-Among the passengers in thesteamship United States, arrived at NewYork, are Lieut.Governor Purdy, of California, Major A. It. Sibley andothers. who were robbed of all their baggage and valua-bles when coming across the Isthmus.

MoR• STZeseuse Voeolc.-- O a recent trip of theeteamner Cornelia. from St. Louis to Louisvillo, a politicalvote was taken,which resulted as followse: For Gen. Scott,63 in the cabin and 16 on dock ; total 78. ForiGen. 'ierce,91n the cabin and 6 on deck ; total, 15.

IAeIL S•ono.-A severe hall storm passed over thesouthern portion of Jefferson county, Ky.,on the l0thiust., destroying the corn and fruit to a great extent.Hail stones weghing over three ounces were picked up thenext morning.

THn Mlaon To ENGLanD -A dispatch from Wachingtona•yo tIbi Mr. Weiter hbe positively declined to acceptthe mniln to Englnd. a nd it is now asserted that Mr.Critteie will be appointed in place to Mr. Abbott Law-

Lonc AT Tr. Zs U.Ie.s-Delloious turtle soup will besrved at the abades to-day.

tet, that when two_ ta to eaoh ether that .1

tee to their B"`' a g~ea said a Yankeea

1 eachap thiat;pmkik Pbetoc inapiration from at m of t d~oeri , is writtlnl an epoic poem on teware of a tom- neecmpanld with Core.Our minds are lika ill-hung vehicles; when D

they hat e littl to earoTy y roaise a predigiou latter;'when heartily laden they neither creak nfor rmble.

Mr. Adam Snyder had a piece of glass oex-traoted from hi kesn at aratoga, N. Y.,lust week, whichheebeen there eighteen years. It had trnavered fom theplace ofingreee aboutthree inches.

A German paper in Philadelphia calculatesthe number of political risoners now confined in theprisons of Europe at 70, and that over 200,000 have rfled to avoid 4mptlecoment for the same caume.

Francis I. having asked Castellan, Bishop ofOrleans, whether he *Be of -bhi extraetion ? "Sir," re-plied he,"N0ah.hadthrseehs in the ark ; I cannoet ayfromwheih of themI descended."

There are 400,000 Indians in the UnitedlState Territories wostof the Mielsilppl. Among them, 1arrslaboring one hundred ordained mleionarles, besideseisetatso. and 10.000 Indlans are communicanto. 1

Two yards of the "list, list, O list," whichOld Hnmlet mentioned to his son in so sienn a manner,have been received atthis office andplaced in our cabinet.(Oins. Commercial.

One half of mankind pass their lives in think-Ing how they shall get a dlinne•, land the otherin thinkingwhat dinner they shall get ; and the first are much lessinjured by occasional faestsha are the latter by constant Ifeasts.

The Jesuit Missionary Society, called "theSociety for the propagatton of the Faith," wh•et headquartere are at Lyons, n Franro.distributedlast year over$600.000. of which $140,780 were sent to mslene hia Amer-iea.

In Batavia, N. Y., is being exhibited a youngGerman girl, named Mary AnnHeirilch. She is agedonly'seren years, weighs one hundred and twenty-fivepounds, and sports an enormous pair of whiskere andmoustache.

Cropple Crown Mountain is about five mileswfrom Wolfboron Town, NoewIampshiie rising to a majestloheight of 2700 feet, and from its summit tn had one of themost delightful vtewe of the surrroundtg ceountry thatcan be•idmagined.

The fees of Judge (leo. H. Campbell, of Cala-verse county, California, formerly a reporter on the Bs-ton Daily Times, amount to something like $15000 perannum. He Is a co-partner in a grocery, also, whichyields him no littlearoet.

':A man in Rochester, NewYork, supposed tolie dead, we reosdtly plaoed in a coffi, which was abouttd~be elaeed, when a physician happened to look into it.And pronounced the man not dead, whichproved to be theonae.' The moan is now alive, and likely to recover.

Ik Marvel says after hearinig a dull sermonpreached by a dandy, he asked a friend what he thoughtof the dlsourse. He replied in his usual quaint, queerstyle: "If they go on preaching this way, the grass willsoon be knee deepin Lthe streets of Heaven."

A person ilr Detrpit has invented a planingmachine, capable of folh g smoothly, (likhe the finishingof ahand-plane,) and of ev• thickness, 8500 feet anhour. It is remarkably emalland compact, and can bensed toadvantage in a very limited business.

Lola Montes says the only objection she hasot to New EnCiand poetry is. that it is too low spirited.Ot of ninety-seven sonnete which che examinedin Bos-ton, ninety-five, she sayse emmenoed with the bronchitisand ended with a newly made grave.

It appears by an article in Hunt's Merchantse'kar•hale for July. that the offee consumed in the UnitedStates during the year 1851, moonted to the enormoussum of one handred nd forty-nine mlUlions pounds. Ofthis amount. 107 milions is from Brail, sad the Balancefronh CUba, St. Domingo and Java.

Dr. Franoes sayn before you pronounce a mana eoward, you shoeld rst amertain whether he has thedarrhm or not ; for the emm manwho would shrink froma bnllrush, while under an attack of cholera morbus, willo sagner find his bowel tuned to health than he wouldSbe ~li to bombard Glbaltar with a •e•rlt vun,

The first inquiry of a woman after marriageshe•ld beto "ow eshall I eontinuie the loveI have i.Spteed? Mow hatl I presere the hrt I have wont"Genthe lac, at the prst moment ~yeu husband thleks

.. the loveliet, the sgentlerb l., Dutroy not adthel I slon-- lovek stll--beypntl

'"Oh, mother, mother, come quick-AngellnaArrabellah ee Gen.Pirced I " Wo i myohild' " An.'gellna hu een a toad, and e. Piercd " "What doesthe childmeant Tellmethtsmintehwmtdreadf•l thingmy pet darling has done." "Why, she's Oen. PiOed-she'o bintdsl' [Evansville Jsouirnal.

The last triumphin the way of drihkables ad.vertieod at the shops in NewYo-k, I, Cs•eod, a moot de-lifolis mixture of ioe-ret'iami and lemionade--ool, refresth-I ing and palatable, and, what is beht of all, without a par-ticleof intoxication in it. In theehot daye'sunoch a drinkis an acquisition.Engineers who have been sent to. explore the

route etween the Atlantland Pacific omesans. byway ofthe river Atrnto in New Grenada, state that they havesucceeded in finding an excellentpaseage frothe nGulf ofDarien in the river Atairto: a point upon which much

dpobta hitherto exlisted.

The yotng man who, though he nevWe made arhyme in his life.thinks he could write a better pemthan Childe IHarold. has obtained a position eSited to histalbnt-havting been engaged, for a quarter a night, to doa up the sheet-iron thuoder for n.travtelitngtheatre. Gaenius,assisted by perseverance, will triumph in the end.

We pee in the London papers accounts of theproceedings at the anniversary festival of the "Societya for the Rlelief of Distressed Foreigners." The Chevalier

Bunsen. Ambeassador from Prueia, presided. 8ubserip-o tion tothe amount of thirteen thousand dollars were

made in the course of the evening, which sle more thandouble the amount subscribed int any former year.

, The Barnstabie (Mass.) Patriot states thatuSausannah Doty. aged ninety-nine years, died in that vi-ealnity lately. she had thirty-eight great great-grand.

ohildren. When she was ninety-esx years old, a premiumwas awarded her at a town fair for the best specimens ofhose. which were the work of her own hands at that time.I lHer bodily vigor held out remarkably well untl about ayear prior to her decease.

The expression of "Hobson's Choice" is pro-verblal both in Europe and America. The storyof itsaorigin is as follows: Thomas Hbsonm was a celebrated

barrier at Cambridge, England, who. to hi employment inthat capacity, added the profession of supplying the stu-

t, dents. In doing this, he made it an unalterable role that

.everyhorse should have an equal portion of time in whichto rest. as well as labor; and he alwaye refused to let ahorse out of his turn. Hence the saying, "


ohoice : this or none."

The NewYork Evening Post says that a largen species of grasshopper is stated to be making havoc witha the vegetation in some parts of Jamaic, Long Island, and

that the farm of Capt. Suydam isinfested with millions oft these insects, which have destroyed about three thousandheads of cabbage, together with a large amount of grass,a corn and wheat; they also attack the potatoe tps ; and

the potatoesifnothoused a oesoon a dug up. Themaa-nor in which they deetroy thewheat isby biting the etraweabout two inches below the head, which aunses it to fall0to the ground, and consequently its destroluction.

t Mrs. S. N. Nichols, the Western poet, is theewife of a printer. Her poems were published in the paperon which her hudand waorked, under the nrms dedlumeof 'Kate Cleveland." Mr. Nichols put them in type.

f without knoawing from what source they came. Upon hir.e return homem after the laborofthe day was over, hewould give Mrs. N. glowing accounts of the articles theywere receiving from Kate Cleveland, and tell her what

it subject of wonder they were with the editor oun hiefriends, among which were Win. D. Gallagheer, and othersSof themost eminent men in Cincinnati. Litle did Mr.d Nichols think "Kate Cleveland" was his own wife.'r Somebody in NewYork has been getting ex-h tremely extravagant, according to the Newark Sentinel.That paper informs us that a NewJersey workman re-cently made the richest and mest costly piece of bUijouteriesever produced in the country. It is a gold watch.cane of

elaborate workmanship eparkliog ald over with diamonds.It ic a hunting-ease, made for a eitizen of NewYort,. andbesides the 48 brilliants acattered over both sides, is ora-mentod with w 'forg



not" itower on one side, and

dove upon thte other, both of them heavily lereled, andswelling the whole number of diamonds which sparkleupon the case to eighty.six.

In the tenth century, a question arose inSpain, whether the sons of a son who had died be-fore his father should be considered among the children ofthe family, andsucaceedto the inheritance equally withtheir unclese Thc Emperor. as he said being desirousof dealing honorably with his people and nobles," ap-pointed the matter to be decided by battle between twochampions. The ohampion of heebhitdsenwan victerious.oad it was saiottsatd sn a perpetouo decree that theyshould theroaftre share in the inheritance with

0. their uscl . Io the eleventh orntury, a question aresedhLo in Spain which bIf two kinds of ritual should be USedin the churches, and it eao tried frst by judicial combat,and finally detrcoinedl by throwing both bookshioto theClames, and eiving the victory to thbt which remained un-teouhed.

A Loxtox REPORTER.--Proby had never beenout of London, never in a boat, never on theback of a horse. To the end of bag-wigs hewore a bag. He was the last man that walkedwith a cane as long as himself, ultimately ex-changed for an umbrella, which he was neverseen without, in wet weather or dry; yet heusually reported the whole debates in the Peersfrom memory, without a note, for the MorningChronicle, and wrote two or three novelsdepict-ing the social manners of the times! He was astrange feeder, and ruined himself in eatin;pastry at the confectioners' shops (for one ofwhose scores Taylor and I bailed him); he wasalways in a perspiration, whence George Colmanchristened him " King Porus ;" and he was al-ways so punctual to a minute that when he ar-rived within sight of the office window, the cryused to be, " There's Proby-it'shalf-past two,"and yet he never set his watch. If ever it cameto right time I cannot tell; bhut if you askedhim what o'olock it was, he would look at it andcalculate something of this sort : " I am twenty-six minutes past seven-four, twenty-one fromtwelve, forty-it is just three minutes pastthree." Poor, strange, and simple, yet eu-riously-informed Proby ! His last domicile wasthe Lambeth Parish Workhouse, out of whichhe would come in its coarse, gray garb, andcall upon his friends as freely and unceremo-niously as before, to the surprise of Servants,who entertain " an 'orrid" jealousy of paupers,and who could not comprehend why a person soclad was shown in. The last letter 1 had fromhim spoke exultingly of his having been chosento teach the young children in the house theirA B C's, which conferred some extra accommo.4atione upon hils. [Jerdaq'g Autobiography.

(jcifarIt, PoocrsortesiQ-Eoalrd 4', A*Jictl't ,Aldermen, Tuerday, July 27-l~i enst fourteen inembors.

A message from the Mayot was roesOid transantinggcertain coatmunloations heretofore puhblshed.

iiauoaxitnesbtn.XO~nls.0 OsPOOOT.Balance on hand at ast report ............... $18,157 79

sesoi s ................ .......... 71,043 54

,uotar .t•T.. ................t......9•4,801 33Disbursed . 10,035 80

Balance on hand....................... $33,65 47A communication from the First District Board of Pub-

lin Sohools.was referred to the Committee on Education.A communication from the Board of Aldermen notify-

ing this Board of the concurrence in certain resolutions,was reoeived.

An amended resolution from the Board of Aldermen,relative to a contract for furnishing oil for lamps in thedifferent Districts, was not concurred in. hsRoeoLLsrlONS r•ao THE Bo•aao or ALDEnoan.-TO pay

Mr. Hogan $60. Adopted.Authorising repairs to a house leased to the late First i

•Mutiolpatlty, provided the expense does not exceed $400. eFinance Committee. ul

The following were adopted : Allowing $30 to CatherinePogerdy for the maintenanoe of two destitute children. h,

Permiession to J. B. Slaweon & Co. to ereot a black- iu

smith's forge opposite the Pontchartrain Railroad Depot stTo pay $90 to Mrs. Julia Kelly. for two months salary

of her deceased husband. ItAuthorizing iron benohes in all the squares.Permislon to A. BonenvaI, to erect a crane at Trivolti

Circle. Streets and Landings.Fiting of the salaries of the Commissaries of Markets at

$60 per month each. Referred to a special committee offour. ti

For newroofing the house of Creole Fire Company No. v9. Adopted.

Topaint and repair Port Market. Adopted.Topay various bills. Adopted.To pay $18 for sundries furnished to the Board of Al-

dermen. Finance Committee.The ordinance from this Board, relative to the under-

wardens of the City Work House and their salaries, amen-ded by the Board of Aldermen, was persisted in as origi-nally passed. A committee of conference was appointedon this ordlnance.

Requesting the Srveyor to report the coat and advan-tages of opening EnghLen street, in the Third District to

the Lakeo; and also the cost of a road from the new canalalong the Metalrie Ridge. Adopted.

For repairing wharves in the First, Third and FourthDistricts. Adopted.

To accept the securities of certain employees. Adopted.To pay J. P. Freret such sums as may be due him du-

ring theadjournmentof the Boardof Aldermen. Adopted.To pay John Youenes $100 for expenses incurred in

recovering the dead bodies from the wreck of the steamerSt. James. Adopted.

Requesting the U. 8S. District Attorney to inquire intothe cusea of the exploon of the St. James, and tobringthe guilty parties to justice. Adopted.

Vote of thanks to Capt. II. P Ensign, for assisting tobring to the city the dead bodies from the steamer St.James. and a like vote to Capt. Charles Walker, of thesteamer Mobile, for like services. Adopted.Requiring the Surveyor to furnish specifications for

certain buildings, and the cost of rebuilding the engine Ihouse of Jefferson Fire Company No. 15. Adopted.

To abolish the Police Jail of Third District. Adopted.To extend a chain across St. Ann street, at its junction

with Royal and Conde streets, during the sesion of thecourts. Rejected.

To exempt St. Peter's Church, in the Third Distriot,from the payment of $180 taxes for paving the street infront of said church. Adopted.

REerors or ComerrEns.-The Finance COI mitteere.ported in favor of paying sundry bills.

Alep, in favor of cancelling the bond of Armand Dupreslate Coilector of Levee Dues in the Second District,Adopted.

And against the collsetion of dues from drays, etcs, byany one save the Treasurer, Adopted.

In fnvor of paying r. Judson $400 on his conveying tothe city all right and title to the Breton Market. Adopted.

In tator of exempting the ship Jenny Lind from pay.log wharfage while taking in her cargo a seoond time.Adopted.

to favor of paying to David John Rogers $522, for thebubrial of 174 bodies. Adopted.

To J. H. Maddox $2105 70. Adopted.The Committee on Streets and Landings reported in

favor of entering into a contract for making a plank roadon Fulton street, etc. Adopted.Also, not to concur with the resolution of the Board of

Aldermen releasing D. Broderick from his contract inrelation to a market in the Fourth District. Adopted.

Also, for laying a round stone pavement in Roflgnaestreet, between New Levee and Front streets.And against the paving of Montegut street. Adopted.The Police Committee reported a resolution instructing

the Chief of Police to close all balls and dance-housre inthe Third District. Adopted.Afteh a very long debate about the shooting of a gun,

the question became so mystified as to be incomprehensi.bl, and flashed out.

The Fire Committee reported against the resolution of"the Board of Aldermen. appropriating $185 to James GuleFire Company No. 17,forthe purchase of hores. Adopted.

To pay to Chanmette Fire Company No. 23 $1175 for anew engine and for the rent of ahouso, and to appro.priate 500 feet of hoe to enid company. Adopted.

The Committee on Work-houes reported in favor ofpaying $750 for provisions for the Work-houses for the

month of June, 1852. Adopted.The resolution from the Board of Aldermen for the lay-

ing out of a Park of forty acres was amended so as to addsixteen squares to the original limits of the Park, andadopted.

The Board shortly afterwards adjourned.

BRASS WATcin.-John McBean was yesterdayarraigned in the First District, on the affidavit of JacobHenry Havens, who charges that he was, on the 25thinstant, under false and fraudulent pretences, defraudedof the sum of thirty dollars by two persons, (one nameJohn McBean.) who induced him to advance the afore-said sum on a watch, which said persons represented asgold, but which is brass and worthless, and which saidpersons knew to be so, as deponent verily believes.M Bean was required to give bonds in the sum of $1000for his appearance for examination, or, in defhult thereof.to ' imprisoned.

InEE NIoanRS.-A pair of individuals fromCincinnati, answering to the foregoing designation, wereyesterday up before Recorder Genois, for being fon'ndriding about the streets in a cab, and for putting on'quality airs," as they "hadn't ought to." They statedthat they had come down the river as stewar ds on asteamboat. They were required to sign declar ations to!.ave the State.

A CRAsc.--Over one-half of the roof of theNew Methodist Church on Carondelet strm t, near Heviastreet, fell in night before last, with a gat noise. Theaccident occurred about 12 o'elock. fhe chuirch wasnearly completed, and large congrega ,ions had been inthehablt of assembling there forsome time past. It willrequire several thousands of dollars to repair the damage.

fCOUNTEIFEIT.--The charge against Mr. Bur-ney, who keeps an apotheeary'a establishment at theI Dryades street Market, for passing a counterfelt twentydollar note on John Rheinlanoler, was yesterday dismissedby Recorder Winter, as unfounded.

DRowxN D.-A small boy, aboutten years old,fell into the river on Monday, at the foot of Washinlotonstreet, in the Fourth District,. and was drowned. TheSname of the youth ia nk•on to s.

FInE.-A fire occurred on Mondoy night atNo. 04 Royal street. But little damage was dooe.

The following report, by Mr. Jennings, from the Com-mittee on Compensation, belongs in the official proceed-ings of the Convention of the 10th. The French transla-tion was received; but, from some cause, the Englishcopy did not reach us. We have re-translated it.

The committee, to whom was referred the compensationof the several offlicers of the Convention, have taken thismatter into due consideration. and have agreed to fin thesalary of the Printer of the Convention as follows; all ofwhich is respectfully submitted:

1. For two hundred copies of the Journal of the De-bates of the Convention, in book form, in French andEngliah, printed in minion, and composed. with the mat-ter puboihed in the Journal, the pagesto have eighty-onelines in length, ncoluding the title, the blank line underthe titl

e and the foot-line--the books to be stitched and

boun •In the same manner as the law-books,-two dollarsodtbfity cents will be allowed for each page; and forevery two hundred copies after the fist two hundred,two dollars per page.

2. For all reports, documents or'other matters printedin book or pamphlet form, in French and English, andcomposed in long primer, the pages to be of the samelength as the pages of the Acts of the Legislature of 1852,two dollars and a half per page ; end for overy two hun-dted pages after the first two h endred, one dollar andtwenty-five cents, including the Ibinding, etc.

3. For the resolutions printed on foolacap paper, inFrench and English, in long 'primer or small pica leaded,having the width of twenty-five ems long primer, thelength of eighty lines, the iiesr and sections tobe countedas above, for one hundred :nd fifty copies, or less, threedollars and fifty cents per page, and two dollars for everyone hundred pages after the first one hundred.

4. For all illustrated works, one dollar will be allowedfor one thousand ems over the prioes herein above fied,but these works shall be distinctly specifiedin the accountto be rendered to the ofmoer chrged witthe settlement.

0. For the blanks, the same compensation as allowed tothe State Prtnter by the rct of 1840.

6. For all matters pulehed in the Journal, per page(the space to be covered by one hundred words er more).fifty cents for the first ieertion, and twepty-fve cents foreaob subsequent ore.

tf• the Louitevlls iotalleM O hMabITA1 ,... •.,. ,y O.,I OtauweL,

Alie alone the nt ii at

" " the upoe the•.lam.n ntA y tag L td err nig. 3,

AIon 't ei aloner night's shades are i tg, iTheilent birds unto their nets arre gonee:

The dove beneath her wing her young is ealting,Tr hamveal mother, they are not dane.

Sad irtIe hour to me-mine ntey e fillingWith bitter tears that wlll notb prmed;

This sorrow ever new, my heart is thriliing,Until it quivers wildly inmy breat.

Alone,I am alone! byhople forsaken,Life has noj oy for me sinoese te l po;

JLore inthis heart sun never more aRIen-SPad ist my fate-alone, I am nalone!

A Toxes editor, writing on obituary of his assistant, in

whih he refers to the talent and virture of hie deceasedbrother of the quill, concludes by obeervlng" that he wasan honet man--much more than he ona say for the ma-iorety of his suboribers, and if they don't believe It, ifthey will l onhim he will eat it inl,, their ohad. Hewnllt hbe at leIsure every afternoon at three o'cloek." Hissubscription list, as the story goes, increased one hundredupon this announoement.

OoaGNo or Tar. ttoLan.-At a recent religious meetingheld at Exeter Hall. London, the great Benate Honse ofthe Engiish religlot world, a gentleman of authoritystated the undenaable fact that thOtex levied on alt byWarren Hastings, during his tyranniual rule in IudL, wasthe caurse of the Aslatiuoeholera-a diease that h spreadets poimnons, putrid breath overr the world and sent mil-

lons to the grave. The cholera was unknown befbre theperiod alluded to, and made its appearane immediatelyfollowing the edlot which deprived the lower castes of

inedoes of a healthfltt ingredient in their food.

A MAYn,.aO YAnuon.--The Easton (Mld.) Star eaythat Col. Edward Lloyd, of that county, with hie own sr-vants-numbering near four hundred-Rome nine or tenfoarm--about ,000t acres of land, Including timbher-land,raises annually between 30,000 oand 40,00 hbunheis of wheatand a much larger quantity of corn, besides varlone othervaluable produots. Belside these extensive operations inTalbot he has a plantation carried on in the Stae of Mio-sisslppi. worth several hundred thosantd dolars and hisannual income cannot fail short $15l.t000. His resi-dence is one of the most splendid iihtis nobitity and hasbeen the homestead of the Lloyd toiiiiHy'nc thteir firstsettlement in Maryland.

"My dear what shall we hove for dinner to-day .".. One of your smiles," replied the hus-band, "I can dine on that any day." '

" But I

can't," said the wife. "Then, take this," andhe gave hera kissm and departed. He returnedto dinner. "eThis is excellent steak," said he," what did you pay for it ?" "Why, what yougave me this morning," said the wife. "Thedeuce you did !" said he, " then you shall havemoney the next time you go to market."

On 0m.dny, Jidyr , by tre. Mr. Dor, Me JOIIN T•MMY end Mt.ANN KtLthAMI , bot, of Ireland.

On Saetua Jey 94 the tov.D. e. Baker, WILLIAM C. RAY-MOND end i1•t.OY" AN-• H., eond daootoer of the tai eoter Laid-

Died:oo Tu.l.ay f

3 nirg, July 97, Mr. JAMBS A. . LABAR, aped abort

( yo• a totiee of North a mpton com'ty, Penn.On Tuetday deeruooee, July 9, at hulf-l .t 4 o'C de. Wlble.,

aged 9 yea., I tn noth ad 19 eay., on of J.f. .na Ctlte, m Weber.SOThe funeral twill take plaeo Tlirt MOtttNOtO, .glO olotk,

frem the rea.idebee, corer of Caeondelat Od Julia treets.t The frinbrdsof the fmnily ate eqeetd to attend.

On Meoday evenlng, July 06, at h 9t-pat 9 o'elotk, of chelera,MAoY ALLKN, ged 4 year, a ntive of Cork, ltrehm

SOn Moday morning July 96, Capt. J . W.'VYMOUTH, sced 4•ryaor, ormerly ofl NuhilleN Tene.

On Saturday taeui Jul y 94, MARTIN GOLDEN, p4•d 45 yearh, =mr•Ue of cotmty Sitgo, lladl.

,AN At a called meeting of the WAo of theCity1 Jobe

oo, the 14th of Jolty, taot,tthe otot~t. adopted

" W, tho ttolmdergotd, totioog tht the p0oetpty, the pptoooo

eOd glory of Oto Utittd Stateo. w11t bo to .00 by the p, 0000 of-od and ootghteed Whigs to to-o - tt ptedge 7to0e tO.400010000o oo ntm olicy as st fh in the P1.oto.w0 es, dop4

by tioe Batimore Whit Coonatioo-thoto00o pledge ooHotoo00ttgyitioowyo otdottoo~stieyt tom t bopoatoitomb otoo andMoitotowitottits oteotltnoo WfNlFIKL Z5CCOrP000tot eod WA. tIAJOAI ,,6.. plroodiol, tt the opprochinlog ion in Nfontmt r 111t."

A Otob wee toamed, to to 0.0.0 fm th. WHIf CLUB 01 THZCtIT OP 101730ON.

1'$, following enU pln were elected as oQt.0 o gold ClubPrudent....W. P. COLEMAN.


tttariee.. JUL00 tItc l.,, C. YOUNo.Too.mer...0U.H. VVIROIN.

Dotogato to the Cootot ttoooetiveo Committee of T tboPo of JstOtT. 0.KONOL.

T8OC8tAYt t.h lb. ogotlo dy of teoottot this Cltb. jyt? It

**- MaDin. RUous DQLBEDO , (La Canal Street,

wish.. att who 4001,. to takoolot.. either to WRITING o BOOK-

KEEPING, ,tioog tIohootl Rp too to bogin otoodlotoJy. fit Of

Tto rr oAr N

ew O3.tt , My.111809. j

ieTO COFPFo0 HOU00, OROCGIttO , RTC. - to ottootooowith th. Oohlsetion of Oh. Act of Cooot.totlo, , otllt poo. doin;huoo..n uoto LICENSE .r eequtood pto p t the told oooo .inth. ooooaw. Nottio t. therefore hotoby Iloo., note . ptontto oad

propty aptheoa. .tth thisprovitionot the ottr will b. eopotted

and r..f...d.jlo 7tot WMO. H. OARLAND, Towooofr.

Reeof rd That all COB..-hoowe~rmkiig-homos, R staurau, RIWI

Groceries. hillierdl-monyr ay other ple. or pluoc where dqnor, wtnbeebor I. Add at turn 1, which w or may b opauad In conventiono of

taw shahltoor veay.' noo tt o too 0ive btthe T o..,.r I. writing,to olood by the PoLio. of stthottbtoriet, rorde of sold Troeasurr.

itoo i, Thot ott PotoLo0000000 ad Watohloooo 000 thd tIo to

Poootdot 8000, of Atdoooto.delhsI.ado ~i~n ldn~

Etigoot ItOA1 n. ALPUNOOI, eon.Pooote' 7d oot oIf Assioototot AtAdooo

Preside nt Bau d o rmen.n~nulioyo~

Approeed 'jI MOBNNtL July, 1852.,rAp n ooodt th1ttY, A. D. C8OUSMAK, Mtoyt,.

e WASmHotGTON FIRa CoxPAlY No. 20.Thot

fe to ootond theoooboo.fthto~t6o10O'tO~hofo

OCUNDAT OORKNtNG Ao6. ot t ot otook,oomt

0 a,~Uooot yeting ootONDAO1 EipoiNiob. ot toto-poot 8,-oeok. V. oto H totto adoootaorOwotly requ.0OooMbid JEituuEPin f C. ROSE,~~O~ Secretary.

. .CKLMETTE F•E• COMSANY No.23.-T m osre •ad memes f thiCompiy are hoi rebd

onerti.d attend a r 6dnstiog YONDAYEVENING, July u, 1t o'•l•kr t the EEro-

. 1y u,- of the Fomn, [jy8] R. TALBOT, Sesretary.

SA E.TION WASEINoTON ARTILLERY oFW. .. -ORDER No. ,.-Th. m...•.-•T .fOr. 66T heareby erto.dsapF d SonSUNDAY MO[N6,

S___ Ao , , t 8 o5clock, t thIA Ana-' G(rod 5t0.5 a

Hy d of r . B A N IS T , L i eut. C o sm mdo g.

Dr .0I, S.Bret


The Cbmu ,y waill prade in 6ltsle uniform, wit.hout idar,

Ti e SChaooL VACATION will enableSTs 'hsn or Pupile to perLet tlheir WTINQ ANDBO )K-Ir•PIN6 at DOLBSEAR'S ACADEMIY, 6Cm ul t. _ jyS tf

6entlem en "L ft .r'ew I orkSI. LEIGHTON cO.'S


whers h thryt 01 hhre ther 1A ,6ti 60 their rriva l t the M0n6 U-foetery oo. 15 Park ,lo;kc N0w6ork5. Me bers oft

he'"1n 't 1st

awy rclb" a,0h0 eth6, delivered in NewOrle0as within s16 weekL.

;__ _ ,pt • _d




porud.e- -By T. L Rek, M.D., LL. D. Teoh, dtion.COMSTOCK'S REPORTS OF NEW YORK COUIT OF AEPO4LS.


Lawr, Pr6ti00, Pioadi.g tod Forme of tle Colrt of Admiradtyte Unitelod Sir0es. Rvid EditiEAo. 161 ol,.



JUI)GE STORY'S LIFE AND LETTERS.LAW BOOKS cono&.otly o0 hood ot oOd..rate pric.s. y9o l110,



tAre selling their nw Iarge stock of SUIMME CIOTHING forGENTLEMEN, BOYS a.d CHILDREN at extremely small pro withhe great objet of . ling it off ers thi fll an eomua . Theyare ling good LINEN PANTS for $1 5; COATSS175 to $295;SHIRTS from $1 00 to $1 71, very fin, and made in the best manner.

I Every artie in tore warranted in everyl respect.I ONE PRICE FOR GCODS AND NODIVIATION. jy96 ptf

Clothing .MIade to Order.I The bohriber are prepared to take mtenanre and receive ordun

I or CLOTHING for.the cominL g seaon, with the understaodlg that alla rtl , ordered shar prove stsfctory in every respect, or those order-

ion g will b under no obligationintoake them.THOMPSON & NIXON,

j. y 4

Eptf 19Camp street and 903 Broadway, NewYork.



Y7s _ .. . Ud., the City Hotel.

STHs SCHOOL VACATIONS will enableTeoaherm or Pupis to bcome ELEGANT WRITERS.

S lAums darIin v--fiti .expreugy f 6 such, from 7 A. u.E E .t .tog E t . DOLBEAR.S WRITING AND BOOK-KEEPh'l ACAD dEMY, SE Conl street (E.Ib.ihed HIS.)

I P i'te Clacl.s for Laie.. xII•Ul attended It.al.jy53 1t RUFUS DOLBEAR, 56 Canal tet.

Paul E. Theard,TRANSLATOR,

coke No.13 ELI CHA E ALLEY, btween St. Louis and Conti ,..I- MI.THEAED oter bhi Drle to the pbl, cad ,aoonose.


Artil or Advertiem for Newspapn, CLttr, Cirulan etc.,et. He wilt devote his avanigp to the Boobk of ay commerial Irmn.ir OU. hors from 9 ,SA.t. p.. apYpt


oA NrOaNLS,,. I eIMON SCHLOSS, Ii. fI. gdoInt SIm,.Sela.--.iiOh Distrt Court of NewOrlu-W-No. 5I4•....WILLIAMR•EAN vs. SIMON SCHLOSS AND JOSEPH RAFFEL, S. fa. .g.oast

Shloss, in favor of J. R-15-, lubeopteI... ,N. O4".Y•T VIRTUE of two writs of fieri faeis to me

idiveste by the Hono,. the ulId DlItrit Court of N.wOrleaus in the slove untitsi•.lues, I wilt pced to sal at public wae-Wet,141,t Rot5d. lof the City Echa, t. LouSisstrt, btweenC&.aD ad Royal tet, on SATURDAY, Augt.t S8,1862, at 19

17 aoive DIl aod CHARLOTTE..iuved in t1e absv= Wut•.'T'.rm e.Ih on. the .pt. JAS. P. PRESET

I ,e IIE 'S9 herlh of tIhe Parish eof OrlOs.

AJ LRONDS-50 bales fresh Languedoc Al-SondS, int norsdfr x1s•, H oL

Jye A i. COHR~i CO., >7 TahoaltoeW altxr .

? LAOIDE'B VARIETES.-- The public arereepErcrU I islormnd thatasA TURM

PJaodi A TTYlt[Th maomu l manP"21Q 6AM1<~pC &BC6lw i. B I

W ANTD TxO A very cape=rit R o.h 'U or Pl o

plAntlnR and uulwn of .s Ia41a. App i0TXa NTS A IT`AI youngp maaT ompoteet to atlad W Say OotmoW ao

a e hultt 1. Eke le a Rad eraa o4 asape aha a

It tery mtsllro Io uillax. An ohtpaimadutdt V' lLf., at the Creecat o~aa, wil be t. 3k,=. __

W~LANTED-By~ a resident of the city, whoa u be well rerommend~ed by hleprl mtemprtitlu tau

that will Pay NI pe molUth. EN is rompat(alkoo-r Pr le

confect, eC!(/ ie a yoaR ma o fmily, Sa v0 "etio Soy olzrlhr t

LAP{ ttl omae, by lettr addrljed b, w 41baTANTED TO B [R'E-A Nero Girl RS

" isa smll Gmlr aewhopado Pd k

TO :

RENT--For the eimmer or, 1ooghM-tP~The lea", aoolo . doa -riy kee~d '=

"tWlI. NrtmuApplA M tUOU i I. or

O RENT-Three lerge well TentilatEikFRT ONT OFFICES ONE RER in Ppodieg'.hI11d

hIm aorar Oewl gad St.Cherlw M.W~l. raowrele ire-iwantt.t.Iy, a. on Ih.Itof OtMhI-t. A tO

Ic' 1. JOHNS. MAIM __

FOR RENT-Boqrd of Di eotf Odd 1-321 - 41.0011t.-Th. SeTORES it A. I.wttI

I. IlH.ITIII lOd il1.13117. MnpIIII pbIIApptoolhe f lb. osaelgod.H.l OdbtO 4.1.

M UMER RIt8IDX NOE .-ThzeD-I.Poroa 3Med .wE bieJteIIet. "

Inlle fare A6IUI9bltl


*SALE.-unid.n, NGRO WQ

OR SAL e-The tegimbovt i.C M b tl irrUDuda ry. yrjr0: "' or .H. r

SALE.- h

*1q p I ..U..

Mutuaal Benlefit Life and ffimrROMPANT N. Z.se CAMP WO. 1' t


WTh , SA tI.b.t the 50.1 55111 i, = .. I

ldbtthl hlbt ;

Lem............ di mrd ft_ r J _ lmrtklbi B

ISREd ,...lbd..,..,4GaE..ibkrdyuu,.,dbgel hJthS p


Me ))e4 _ .. . *L 6

T ci..dllbb ... b.....3i p.4rtm and s,. We Mi

P.14 -, .4 t wu.. '1611t1 opr~- + 00- 1 !,1 i0St

PR~OiP ANfD G.U.S thU.d S.a l .lp Idis~od.b

(t. OS~RInM,Fm. lA tld Wiese dRull Ar! ..t ............ .. 9.. U1 isPor phi.td . by de..ebwrd .... djl.t.

usjrg u

Pot pa. .. Al.I..k IlEtly, tu ..............S...L.....iiS


Cls~..'F. cullmfi b et ... lbU.. S.... .. .

Judlu. .. U. .dl.- crt u2......Fw -i ll'.iphi. b Wkdr.,rlg' Rgt.. Iits !

F u1 . ... :d i ....." " 1

Fdior We-mL....p lobe kr :.eg pooW.....i ,f1 eft

Menutgl "-+"'""""..:n,.l4M.f1o m..:.:i:. 4* .. A.I.....S. 0

bt..bbttCe......::.ptbi.1 N eeU .St Poblw....... :.O E. t

Judfwlc......................:. US .::....

gtuyen ....................... etu ' a:: ::.....

S WI ...................... 5..1..1 t

TSge .e........ . .f rlb ea .. .. 50

U. EORGEm Oicn....:. 4 TEEVER, V...4S.4.......T.....

Dc..ilt.................... e.. Stew ... .. o, Jly t I.........SS Tudn ... ......... i,,yty.... hei t b dd yM * ......ISde .1d..,.

b.tcan..)t, ..........R ..ebsb b rtsh .."4...tb R ...... A~...E... -

Totl .........by .. ^.bl lb..... b. ... ........ t .T .....

GeorGEp O. STECVER, Viol pniddmlP. T

Mutual Benefit Life and Fitrsnnrl}Rae Compay,

N~w0.tor, JII 21, 1651.

Er The B-di of Direat0o biro drelup4 . lalp'dMIIwd of Aft...

Set ..L (m~kigiltytto. par cent Kp dirYieod an three r~n Lmi-olumlfobt Blc~l year .. dint 00th June, IfM, LhrtiohPip Eaw,0-

.am. wll be inced to the members, im. nrordmea with the chat.'.

jyf4 5t.1tW By 104.101 the Boord. 10.0.HEARTT. Astuul.

13- Chartres aired. -.k lP. W. WdoOVLIBF,

(,r In dditlon t his g..,l staoc, has on han





PRIN ,S,..... sap. '5,T.



W- Parohud sadld bysASI Ipip MATTGOUWS, )' LEY &a O.

~ Lunchat thPearl,TONS MORNING.

From. hsl.. Iast 10 lpast ISl h. Mark fuly r.ps...sIdd j.O

Lunch tit the 8ha4.ePmTHlS MORNIN,

From Mtlpu 0to hlf-pull6'apl Ia' L1'r ll!1th the Grks4 (aly repnse

.y'aa. 9. SnapDp' Atte t thp dI l p.. M sW psk...ls

DENTISTa cocrdinLeo theb bs,( aa hlblpity t his M. sod..ldc , 1 ,tA. ( Bs. g PItYE BTSiET,.r 5 Ra.OET

W vN s..p. o..,,ihoklpdc. T....s.h. 'sd..

Dr .. lUlen'a Impr' ,ementtn rtf.DWjEOTRY AT "S PRICER.


PERFECT ADAPTATION TO T UIrich I.]den hem o(onaWe ad Mlul to 1dsm6 hithino ub .kon. Th., insefSss.?an InriRrd to tell and aaamiw lurlem

[Wael'ueaLLuflolm n ioaagtl . lae Rps

m"8at8 CT S,*aft.M AT WHOIAL&.Ow konehurad ow HATS. eo~rtln[ MS atvari PAM ty Uofand UABMPti CH HATS, w We

JyIS9pt 5W VIOST&COO,.SFqM lbuS.Ehl

Fa BOots, Shoes and Brogans,-- AT WHlOLEBAL

ru Now InndnE from ehp NoR' stre e l aS. eortm.B*t ofHOTS, e ANS, HA, CAP,

ate. PiB •.a,. suplied with prime R RSOANB WUOLSPALM TRAW .ad CHY SiATS, sth lowest Mtarat prie, hby

jylS pd.w YROSThEcO..,I0BM estre...L


MIaaes. 8nraxrS & Mo olto fe.lllen-Yourb o•fthe ith is athaooind. I r.eply, every Sa in the Bire, ILXCEPT YOURS B.. eyaedBdB I nothingB Ibtoot rSafe-itws PERFEUTL5 DESTROY.


TB. EbB,. ABEt~ .BBEBE,.t.h~ I I B ., BICH'S SALAMIAN-DEES ABE THE ONLY BAFES TO RE DEPENDED UPON. Inthe pearl wreet 0, ELEVEN AFPBo difrenBt maEers, wereTOTAL•Y DESTROIEB-RLCH B SAFE ALONE bidding dt-neto tbe amE, P re*avI note,, bdE and meorte to -be sae o'0RI {'0. SThe DESRiOYE fir Is aBpnllelea. EVERY SAFE BUTSLEB'S IS DESTROYED. TheBrepeatd owe rrI BB* prose te,.t.otbl tbhat WOd.r's PFt•Bt SlrimBBd,. with RICH'S IMPROy.MEET, rthe beet SEe. made in Lthe UBiBd Stabt, or in the ,boleworbld

S1Theycao bbadLtho~l~ep(ot slb.l/6A, b f~

They eWB S. Bd .5 the Dt46Waer stret, Btd ths e Fis t

erNSerf St. bI7 ane d MB SAe saiA, N tw Yotr.


SThA iblibr., etSU toeu b the. eSolo AgIE ti ths eltyi of Lbtheabove-named mnu t0 rsn, sad ha cootantl for sle nre Iekand good aBrtment af thrlAFES. Tha. wirn a aw o the im-pruce of EFFECTI INSURANCE on btheir booIBs, ppeRn andoher aS.a meof mall BBk but ruale, e invBtd i tosallt nd EoE.Eine FOURTEEN TESTED SAP B, togbwur with E tEHB e certli.

Jelo4s thew who a Isave M GORE THAn N AMtION DOL.LARD IN RICH'S SARF.SJ.104 ISAAC SBRSSE,!S Mepajn.e .stS,