Symptoms suggesting that your chakras are out of balance: - The first chakra, or root chakra or “Muladhara,” is located at the base of the spine. The primary symptoms of an unbalanced Muladhara chakra are paranoia, feeling faint, insecurity, and lack of faith in the future. The lack of activity in the Muladhara chakra triggers a lack of energy, digestive problems, and stress. - The second chakra, or Swadhistana, is located three or four finger widths below the belly button. Blockage of this chakra may manifests as emotional problems, compulsive or obsessive behavior andsexual guilt. - The third chakra, solar plexus chakra, or “Manipura,” is found in the center of the solar plexus. Symptoms of stagnant energy within the Manipura are increased worry, anger, frustration, lack of direction or a sense of victimization. - The fourth, or heart chakra, also called the Anahata, is located within the heart . Symptoms of stagnant energy within the heart chakra include sad thoughts and loneliness. - The fifth, or throat chakra, the Vishudha, is located at the throat . Symptoms of a low energy Vishuddha include a lack of emotional stability, and difficulties communicating. - The sixth chakra, brow chakra or Ajna, is located between the eyebrows, an inch back, and is known as the “third eye.” If the Ajna stops functioning properly, a decrease in intellect, headaches , and psychological problems may result. - The seventh, or crown chakra, also called the Sahasrara, is at the top of the head, and is where an individual’s energy vibrates at the highest frequency. A stagnant crown chakra results in a lack of inner wisdom, as well as a lack of intuition.

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Symptoms suggesting that your chakras are out of balance:- The first chakra, or root chakra or Muladhara,is located at the base of the spine. The primary symptoms of an unbalanced Muladhara chakra are paranoia, feeling faint, insecurity, and lack of faith in the future. The lack of activity in the Muladhara chakra triggers a lack of energy,digestiveproblems, and stress.- The second chakra, or Swadhistana, is located three or four finger widths below the belly button. Blockage of this chakra may manifests as emotional problems, compulsive or obsessive behavior andsexualguilt.- The third chakra, solar plexus chakra, or Manipura,is found in the center of the solar plexus. Symptoms of stagnant energy within the Manipura are increased worry, anger, frustration, lack of direction or a sense of victimization.- The fourth, or heart chakra, also called the Anahata,is located within theheart. Symptoms of stagnant energy within the heart chakra include sad thoughts and loneliness.- The fifth, or throat chakra, the Vishudha,is located at thethroat. Symptoms of a low energy Vishuddha include a lack of emotional stability, and difficulties communicating.- The sixth chakra, brow chakra or Ajna,is located between the eyebrows, an inch back, and is known as the third eye. If the Ajna stops functioning properly, a decrease in intellect,headaches, and psychological problems may result.- The seventh, or crown chakra, also called the Sahasrara,is at the top of the head, and is where an individuals energy vibrates at the highest frequency. A stagnant crown chakra results in a lack of inner wisdom, as well as a lack of intuition.