IMP I”I don’t approve o “Sleep—W ew IMPaX Health store offers: S Benign Prostac Hyperplasia / U The ‘Fountain of Youth Bole Water = Get your water pH tested– ere are you on the scale? Refresh with Cold Alkaline Water ready to drink! aline Water Self-Filling Staon 50 per Gallon for Alkaline Water! ucaonal Seminars PaX WORLD Supplements A Sciences Hormone Tesng & Natural Customized èmes ming soon! Bring your home water for tesng! Award Winning Technology for filtering water in your own home for your family’s protection and drinking pleasure!

New IMPaX Health store offers: IMPaX Times€¦ · Most people would not consider how much oil it takes ... even include plastic plastic containers for soda, ... You can purchase

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Times IMPaX

This Issue

I”I don’t approve of energy drinks!” by Ben Greenfield

P. 1 The IMPaX Story

P. 2

P. 3

“Sleep—What’s that?” Arlene R. Taylor, PhD P. 5

New IMPaX Health store offers:


Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia / Urinary Tract Health Dallas Clouatre

The ‘Fountain of Youth’ Cary Nosler interviews Dr. Clouatre P. 4

Bottle Water = Wasted Water? By Justin Abramson P. 6

IMPaX Times Issue June-July 2017

189 Blue Ravine Rd,

Suite 110

Folsom, CA 95630

916.939.9800 ph

Assortment of Personal Water Bottles

Get your water pH tested– where are you on the scale?

2, 3 & 5 Gallon Water Bottles w/FREE Fill-ups

Water filtering accesso-ries for the home

Refresh with Cold Alkaline Water ready to drink!

1. Alkaline Water Self-Filling Station 2. $1.50 per Gallon for Alkaline Water! 3. Educational Seminars 4. IMPaX WORLD Supplements 5. ENA Sciences Hormone Testing & Natural Customized

Crèmes 6. Coming soon! Bring your home water for testing!

Award Winning Technology for filtering water in your own home for your family’s

protection and drinking pleasure!

When his daughter turned 2, this happy, healthy little girl with beautiful dark curly hair went for her normal immunizations. Later she developed a

fever as the doctor had said she might. However, her fever lead to other symptoms and within a few short weeks her hair began to fall out. She had devel-

oped an auto-immune disease. Greatly concerned, Greg sought out specialists and was told there was nothing they could do to change her condition. They

advised him to accept that his daughter’s health would never be normal and he would need to adapt their lives to this new reality. Greg, being an Engi-

neer, virtually locked himself in his office for 7 months researching medical databases for the root cause of this condition. By the end of his research, he

had met with over 200 medical, health and nutrition experts. Taking all that he had learned, he developed a formula for his daughter.

Upon witnessing success in his daughter’s health, he brought EnerPrime to the marketplace through network marketing in 1994. To date, selling

approximately 1,000,000 bottles through the past 23 years, Greg has brought many other products to the IMPaX WORLD Product line. Through prayer,

delta-E, MPX 100, Prost Elan , weight loss and women’s health to name a few have been added. The success of these products in his own family’s health,

thousands of others, and his desire to help children around the world, Greg began to feel there was more to be done. He began to review the spiritual level

of his life. In 2006 , through surrender and faith, Greg greatly deepened his commitment to God through his business and daily life.

Working long hours to achieve new goals, in 2011 Greg tested positive for Lyme’s Disease. Those who knew Greg best were shocked and dis-

mayed at the way this illness affected him. Greg refused to give in to his symptoms. Diligently, he made new goals for himself each day in movement, re-

search and prayer. EnerPrime helped in both detox and alkalinity, but he realized he was not doing enough by consuming purified water. He now knew he

felt better on fresh, filtered alkaline water. While still bed-ridden he began to research alkaline water machines and found a manufacturer winning engi-

neering awards around the world. As an engineer, he was intrigued and was rewarded with an opportunity to meet the doctor who developed the ma-

chine. Ion Thrive Alkaline Water Ionizer was brought to IMPaX in 2013.

While Greg was improving and feeling much better, his usual vitality and stamina had yet to return. His good friend Cary Nosler introduced Greg

to a Nobel-prize nominated doctor in the area of Hormones and the Endocrine system. Through this doctor’s testing and protocol, Greg discovered his ad-

renal glands were affected by the Lyme’s disease. Dr. Michael Borkin created a laboratory for hormone testing. Once the medical history of the client is

reviewed and based on test results, the lab creates the customized transdermal crème’s containing amino acids and nutrients. This protocol assists the

patient in producing hormones themselves naturally through nutrition. Once Greg was on this protocol, his health dramatically changed. Again, his ability

to immerse himself in identifying root cause and then applying the best possible nutrition to the issue brought him from being bed-ridden for months to

finishing a Spartan Race in 2014!

Now IMPaX WORLD has embarked on new horizons! Greg’s vision of providing the education, nutrition, water and hormone health has expanded.

IMPaX now offers network marketing, affiliate marketing through Ion Thrive, ENA Sciences and www.mydeltae.com, but also includes wholesale and retail

sales. He now has an renewed world-wide vision of contribution and expansion! On May 13, 2017 we celebrated the Grand Opening of the IMPaX Health

retail store providing water, supplements, educational classes and hormone testing. This is just the beginning. Greg personally invites to you join with us

I.M.P.a.X (Improving Mental, Physical and Spiritual Health) for yourselves, your family and your community!

189 Blue Ravine Rd,

Suite 110

Folsom, CA 95630



Page 6

Bottled Water = Waste? There is a true need throughout the world for good, clean, nourishing water. Such need in fact, that the numbers of bottled water sold is staggering. In 2016 alone, over 12.8 billion gallons of water were sold in the USA alone. If we lined up the 59.3 million pallets of 16 oz water bottles, they would circle the planet 1.8 times. This would be enough for 70 million people to consume eight 8 oz glasses of water/ day for an entire year. Did bottled water help or hurt the drought?

Many water bottle companies use reverse osmosis to clean the water before bottling. The average reverse osmosis has 3-4 gal-

lons of waste water (some 10+ gallons) to produce 1 gallon of drinkable water. This means, 38.4 – 51.2 Billion gallons of water

is wasted in order to produce the 12.8 billion gallons of bottled water sold. The wasted water alone could have provided 210-280

million people with drinking water for an entire year (Eight 8-oz glasses daily)!

Recently, the state of California experienced less than normal rainfall for over 5 years causing a significant multi-year

drought. While the official drought is now over, we do not know what the future holds. Water conservation should continue

as a priority.

IMPaX WORLD offices are located near Sacramento, CA. During the drought, I recall walking up to a

store with a pallet of water bottles sitting in the hot sun. The stores were all so well stocked, they were plac-

ing them outside. I wondered where they were getting all this water. Well, it turns out, Alhambra, Sierra

Springs and Nestle Water uses water from the Sacramento area. Arrowhead uses water from the San Berna-

dino mountains. Crystal Geyser uses water from Shasta. A lot of this water was bottled locally. Using

reverse osmosis to filter the water before bottling, as stated above, produces wasted water of 3-4 gallons

per gallon of drinkable water. This would mean most of the bottles of water you see in the stores produced

3 to 4 times that much in water being wasted during the process.

Oil and Water?

Most people would not consider how much oil it takes to produce the water bottles. In order to bottle 12.8 billion gallons of water, it takes 26 million barrels of

oil. In gallons, that is 1.09 billion gallons of oil! This amount represents enough oil to provide power for 4 million households per year. This amount does not

include the amount of oil used to transport to warehouses and stores.

Water companies have created such a demand for bottled water simply by answering to our desire for convenience. They never want to run out of water. They’re

general getting their water from a single area to serve large areas around them. This can actually affect the water table in those specific areas.

Solid Waste from Water?

The amount of waste and pollution caused by placing water into a plastic vessel may be the single most tragic decision made in this century. It would be nice if all

of them were recycled. However, only 1 in every 5 bottles are recycled properly. 4 out of 5 bottles clutter our beautiful coastlines, roadways, rivers, lakes, forests,

landfills and take up to 450 years to decompose! Roughly 2.86 billion pounds of plastic was used to provide the 102.4 billion 16 oz water bottles in one year. Only

573,000,000 pounds made it to recycling bins while the rest of the 2.29 billion pounds of plastic across America in one year. This staggering amount does not

even include plastic plastic containers for soda, juice, milk and cleaning supplies which are also provided in plastic.

What choices do we have to be part of the solution?

You can filter your drinking and cooking water right from your home! This helps spread the water of the water tables, rivers and lakes. You will only filter the

water you will use. You can purchase your own filtering system or visit your local water store. Use refillable water containers for all of your drinking and cooking


These options will reduce the amount of water taken from your local water table and greatly reduce the amount of plastic you dispose of. Find out for yourself

how much different water systems waste as they are filtering your water. If you recall, many

systems waste 3-4 gallons of water per gallon of drinkable water. Choose a system that does

not waste so much water.

Ion Thrive Alkaline Water Machines found at IMPaX Health, is a great place to start. This

home filtration system is simple enough to travel with or easily install in your own home.

Our machines only waste is less than a gallon (7/8th) as it filters 1 gallon for you to drink.

The 7/8th of a gallon is not alkaline, but acidic. Acidic water is great for cleaning skin, water

plants, cleaning and more! This water too can be captured too to avoid waste of any water.

We have many customers who say their plants are growing bigger and thriving on the acidic

water from their Ion Thrive Alkaline machines.

Drinking water from your own Ion Thrive machine is truly like drinking fresh spring water

from the convenience of your own home. No more guilt for plastic waste, no more buying

bottles, simply fill up your own favorite water bottle with this refreshing great tasting water!

Written by Justin Abramson

Justin Abramson Holistic Health Coach

Page 1

Ben Greenield and Greg Im

Greg Im, Founder

Page 5 Page 2

Zinc— Metabolism If you don’t have enough zinc in your diet your insulin response is decreased resulting in insulin insensitivity. With a lower insulin response, blood sugar levels become hard to control resulting in a catabolic hormone response that can depress your metabolism. Zinc is a key component in the metabolic process by which your cells produce energy. Low zinc levels will not only directly impair your metabolic rate but can also decrease thyroid hormone pro-duction further depressing your metabolism even further. Prost ‘Elan is a great way to increase your levels of zinc! Ben Greenfield, NSCA-CPT, CSCS, MS, C-ISSN

“Benign Prostatic Hy-perplasia (BPH) “ Dallas Clouatre, PH.D

Ten million American men suffer from the uncomfortable and often painful

symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), commonly known as

prostate enlargement.

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (formerly

called hypertrophy) in some ways is the male equivalent of menopause. The primary effect of BPH is a progressive decrease in the ability to empty the bladder as the prostate enlarges and applies pressure to the urethra. Retained urine from this obstruction at first can interfere with sleep as the sufferer wakes up in the middle of the night. At other times, pressure may make it impossible to properly control urine flow (incontinence). Retained urine in the bladder can allow bacterial growth and infection.

Pollen extracts have been proven clinically

through double-blind crossover studies to be useful in the prevention and treatment of prostate disor-ders, such as BPH and prostatitis. Not just any pollen will do. The composition of pollen varies according to the plant species that produced it.

ProstÉlan by IMPaX utilizes a specialized

flower pollen extract from Rye, synergistically combined with powerful prostate support nutrients. This provides optimal nutritional support for healthy prostate function. Individuals using ProstÉlan often experience benefits in half the time of the common nutritional supplements. Many see positive results within weeks.

Women benefit too. Many of the

properties that make ProstÉlan effective in pro-moting prostate health apply to women’s urinary tract health as well. Bladder and urinary tract infec-tions are among the most common of all health complaints. The anti-inflammatory and smooth\ muscle-relaxing actions of flower pollen extracts are active in the bladder and the urethra. Approximately one in five women will have some form of urinary tract problem at least once a year.

Evidence is accumulating that flower pollen extracts

may also strengthen the bladder. Weak bladder is often associated with incontinence. Other health benefits. In addition to urinary and prostate health, flower pollen extract has been used in Europe as a sports supple-ment and as a general tonic to increase immune capacity, to combat chronic infections, to speed re-covery and the healing of wounds, and to reduce inflammation. Men under the age of 50 who do not have any apparent urinary tract

ProstÉlan is rich in important nutrients for men and women. A Synergistic formula pro-moting healthy prostate function, giving quicker and more comprehensive results. issues may be saying to themselves, “But why should I use pollen extracts?” One response is “Would you like to avoid these problems?” Remem-ber, virtually all men risk developing one or another prostate problem as they enter later life. These issues are much easier to prevent than to treat. And the other benefits of the pollen extracts, of course, are available at any age. For more information order a copy of:

“ProstÉlan for Prostate Health”—By Dal-las Clouatre, PH.D. “For several years I have suffered from the symp-toms of benign prostate hyperplasia with frequent trips to the bathroom during the night. I tried saw palmetto and other prostate concoctions but they didn’t remedy the situation. Sometimes they helped somewhat, often they didn’t. I was introduced to ProstÉlan about three years ago. I followed the company’s game plan and took the “loading dose” (6 capsules per day) for the recommended 3 month period. Then I maintained on just 2 capsules per day. I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly ProstÉlan worked from the very beginning to allevi-ate my symptoms. Just as important, the ProstÉlan works consistently. The most I get up now is once per night, and I can often sleep right through. My father has also benefited from ProstÉlan. He was diagnosed with prostate cancer two years ago, and had a PSA reading of 13. I started him on ProstÉlan about one and a half years ago and his PSA count went down to 6 almost immediately. He used to get up 3- 4 times each night to run to the bathroom. Now he gets up only once per night. My father and I are both quite impressed with ProstÉlan. It is a very reliable product.” P. Penney- Sacramento, CA

Sleep—What's That? ©Arlene R. Taylor PhD


The sound of a disembodied voice drifted through my Bluetooth: “I’m always tired. Is this what I have to look forward to as I grow older?" The words leaped from the e-mail: “The host of a TV program yesterday said that on any given night some 30 to 40 million Americans have difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or wake earlier than they would like and cannot get back to sleep. I’m one of them!” The couple who came up to me at the break, obviously distraught, were talk-ing over each other: “He’s (she’s) irritable from the moment of awakening until it’s time to turn out the light. Sheesh. It’s no fun anymore.”

A variety of factors likely impact the lives of these individuals. One of those may be sleep deprivation. Consequently, one of my first questions to comments such as these is: “Does your brain get sufficient sleep in every 24-hour period or is it sleep deprived?” Emerging research has shown that not only are many individuals sleep deprived but also has pointed to potentially lethal consequences to both brain and body from lack of quality sleep. Such as what, beyond just feeling tired, you may ask? Following are a baker's dozen: 1. Weight Gain Appears independently associated with weight gain, particularly in younger age groups and is associated with obesity in a large longitudinally-monitored United States sample. 2. Diabetes May lead to type 2 diabetes by influencing the way the body processes glucose, the high-energy carbohydrate that cells use for fuel. 3. Language Causes the brain to work harder (although it tends to accomplish less) and portions of the brain's language centers may actually shut down. 4. Brain Process Increases the time the brain requires to process and utilize information related to ath-letic skills, which can result in difficulty with mental focus, a decrease in reaction time, and impaired coor-dination. 5. Blood Pressure Can cause an elevation in blood pressure—and in those who have existing hyperten-sion, even one night of inadequate sleep can cause elevated blood pressure throughout the following day. 6. Emotions Tends to trigger irritability, declining levels of optimism, increased feelings of sadness and anger, along with increased anxiety and depression, while chronic sleep deprivation may lead to long-term mood disorders. 7. Immune System Weakens the immune system, increasing the risk of illness (e.g., the number of white blood cells within the body decreases, as does the activity of the remaining white blood cells; the amount of growth hormone produced decreases). 8. Alcohol Can trigger an increased use of alcohol, which may act as a mild sedative initially but is only temporary and can be followed by brain stimulation that can cause sleep problems later during the night. 9. Learning Tends to make learning more difficult as the brain experiences problems with memory, crea-tivity and logical thinking skills; prolonged sleep deprivation can result in hallucinations. 10. Injury Contributes to a greater than twofold higher risk of sustaining an occupational injury. 11. Auto Accidents Responsible for at least 100,000 automobile crashes, 71,000 injuries, and 1,550 fatalities—conservative estimates by The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) for consequences of drowsy driving. 12. Brain Cells Can actually result in the death of brain cells. 13. Life Expectancy Has been associated with lower life expectancy (perhaps due to an acceleration in the rate of developing symptoms of aging).

Several of my questioners asked: "What three things do you do to ensure you get a good night's sleep and avoid sleep deprivation?"

1) Follow the old adage to eat like a King for breakfast, like a Princess for lunch, and like a pauper in the evening. Eating too much and/or too close to bedtime can decrease one’s quality of sleep to say nothing of sending the calories to your “waist.” 2) Get in a fifteen-minute walk sometime during the day and aim for consistent going- to -bed and getting-up times. Having no muscle tissue itself, the brain is dependent on the body getting suffi-cient physical exercise. The brain also tends to function most effectively with a balanced routine for sleep. 3) Take a rounded teaspoon of green superfood in water just before climbing into bed and laying your head on your favorite pillow. My personal favorite is EnerPrimeTM by IMPaX World Inc. That green stuff helps me fall asleep and stay sleep—to say nothing of the repair work that this salad of micronutrients is accomplishing in my brain and immune system while I’m blissfully sawing logs!

Try my sleep formula or develop one that works for you. Your brain and immune system will likely appreciate your efforts. You can find additional information on my website (www.arlenetaylor.org)

under Brain References, Care of the Brain, Sleep and Your Brain.

Arlene R. Taylor, PhD

We are so grateful to offer products produced in the best GMP labs with the finest in-gredients. For more than 22 years we have been providing natural health to those looking for products to help them take control of their own health. I encourage you to attend a class featuring our world class health experts at our new loca-tion in Folsom! Greg Im, Founder

“The ‘Fountain of Youth Secret’ through insulin control with MPX 100Formula”

Cary: “When is comes to aging we are all experts! We are all aging. We can’t stop it. We are talking about “age-management”. IMPaX understands people’s desire to move forward in a healthy way. There is a big difference living a long life and

a long active life! Major challenges we face today: obesity threatening to derail opportunity to live longer than par-

ents? First time in history this serious concern that this generation will not outlive their parents?”

Dr. Dallas Clouatre: “First off, it’s nice to have ‘high science’. Even better to have ‘high science’ that is tested on human beings! What’s to be released October 13th has both! Formulation based on ingredients actually worked in real life in areas known for extreme longevity. Unfortunately, in this country, our life expectancy is artificial and our last 10-15 years are not good. Obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure do no lead to a good old age! A few years ago a study was done in Eastern Europe. They followed people with extreme longevity – took blood tests and identi-fied what distinguished longevity versus all other (current day) average lifespan individuals including those who lived longer but experienced illness, disease and diabetes. What they found wasn’t smoking or drinking, eating habits or even exercise. The real distinguishing point was whether they had naturally high insulin levels or low insulin levels. Insulin was revealed to be the key factor in health and old age and also a key factor in areas we don’t look – take the group of apparently healthy individuals blood pressure, lipids, etc. all tested within normal range. This group was followed for 13 years. It was determined that the group had the lowest levels of insulin or highest level of insulin sensitivity level had the lowest levels of

coronary heart disease. Those with the worst insulin sensitivity had the highest level of coronary heart disease. Insulin sensitivity refers to how effective insulin is at disposing of glucose from blood, e.g. 2 individuals both with fasting blood sug-ar, say normal of 90, both have roughly same rate of increase blood sugar after a meal. The one controls blood sugar with one-half the insulin than the other . The one who uses little insulin to control is ‘insulin sensitive’. The one who uses a lot of insulin to control blood sugar is ‘insulin resistant’. This does NOT include diabetics, but those who appear to be normal and healthy. They discovered a random group of apparently healthy individuals, 25-30% will have most insulin resistance and will have serious risk of coronary heart disease! This tells us insulin is NOT your friend! Inflammation - the way to regulate blood sugar has a large role in how much inflam-

mation generating directly to the arteries.” Cary: “A recent study determined people in high normal range for blood sugar also had greater risk for cognitive decline.” Dr. Dallas Clouatre: “What people refer to as Alzheimer’s is actually diabetes type 3! Discovery was made if the body has poorly regulated blood sugar, it also affects the brain. If one has a lot of blood sugar in the system – you will have a depressed amount of glucose getting into the brain. Brain runs on glucose – because insulin influences circulation into the brain (even high normal blood glucose level) because of insulin being used to regulate and influences the circulation into the brain – little is getting into the brain. If glucose is not getting into the brain, processes don’t work right.” Cary: When you have proper insulin sensitivity – weight regulates itself – a key factor in maintaining ideal weight. Dr. Dallas Clouatre: “Insulin is a storage hormone. Insulin regulates fat storage – so ‘wear it rather than use it’ applies. High insulin levels inhibit your ability to use fat: your ability to metabolize fat for fuel.” This results in low energy levels. Also what is hunger level? The real regulator for hunger is insulin. If having to count calories and portion control to maintain weight, it’s probably an insulin issue. Cary: “What’s important in terms of October 13th is the difference of doing externally (as in pharmaceutically) to get insulin under control is not health promoting. The difference here is finding something that complements the overall health of the body.” Dr. Dallas Clouatre: “With this new formula people will be able to improve insulin sensitivity, cut down on inflammation, hunger control, weight management and seriously be contributing to their longevity. ‘Exercise in a bottle’ can help a body move in the same direction as caloric re-striction and exercise do.” Cary: “You are saying components of the formula will regulate same genes as when people incorporate a healthy lifestlyle?” Dr. Dallas Clouatre: “What we are doing is helping the body do the right thing.” Cary: “Dr. Clouatre, you have wetted our appetite! This is key to laying a foundation for our health in our future.”

Please Note: Individual experiences with IMPaX products may vary. IMPaX Healthprime makes no therapeutic claims on any of its products. Information contained in this website should not be used as a substitute for personal medical attention, diagnosis or hands-on treatment. If you are concerned about your health or that of a loved one, please consult your family's health provider immediately. Page 3 Page 4

3) Excessive Acids

Finally, carbonic acid, citric acid and phosphoric acid in popular carbonated energy drinks can dissolve tooth enam-el (causing tooth rot and yellow teeth), raise the risk of stomach damage and ulcers, cause bone breakdown, osteo-porosis, and bone fractures, and upset the fragile “acid-alkaline” balance in the human body. And that is why I am not a fan of energy drinks.

But a few years ago, a friend gave

me a packet of powder called “delta-E”. Of course, I immediately took note of the fact that it was not in carbonat-ed and acidic soda form. It was an effervescent powder that I could mix with pure, natural water!

Upon an inspection of the label,

however, I noted that it only contained 75mg of caffeine – the equivalent of just one-half cup of coffee. Sure, it wouldn’t destroy my adrenal glands, but how could this possibly enhance my energy levels?

And with no processed sugar and

artificial sweeteners, would I even be able to stomach the taste?

Despite my doubts, I tried the little

pink packet, pouring it into a bottle of water that sat on the table. After a surprisingly delicious and refreshingly fruity swig, I then sat back, completely expecting the same feeling that I had previously experienced with commer-cial energy drinks jitteriness, lack of focus, a short-lived high, then a mas-sive slump in energy levels and enor-mous stimulation of appetite.

My expectations were completely

wrong. For the next 4 hours, I had

what I can only describe as a laser focus, a positively pleasant mood, and completely enhanced energy levels without the jitters!

Later, upon researching this unique

feeling, I discovered that this feeling was due to the presence of pure L-Theanine, which had actually crossed my blood-brain barrier and caused a release of mood-enhancing dopamine and serotonin, without destroying my adrenal glands in the process!

With a full spectrum of immune-

system enhancing vitamin C, cellu-lar metabolism-boosting vitamin B12, the muscle-exciting amino

Who is Ben Greenfield? In 2008, Ben was voted by the National Strength and Conditioning Association as the America's top personal trainer, and in 2013 was named by Greatist as one of the world's top 100 most influential

people in health. He holds a Master's degree in exercise physiology and biomechanics from University of Idaho, and is also a certified sports nutritionist (C-ISSN) and strength and conditioning coach (CSCS). He has over a decade of experience training professional, collegiate and recreational athletes from all

sports how to be healthy on the inside and healthy on the outside – and also coaches people of all ages and from all backgrounds for performance, fat loss, nutrition, lifestyle management and wellness.

Cary Nosler, Health,

Nutrition, Fitness Ex-pert; Consumer Advo-cate, Radio/TV Host

Who is Dr. Dallas Clouatre,? Dallas Clouatre, Ph.D. earned his A.B. from Stanford and his Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley. A Fellow of the American College of Nutrition, he is a prominent industry consultant and a published author as well as a principle in Glykon Technologies Group, LLC, an intellectual property holding company. He is an Associate Editor of TotalHelath magazine and a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Nutritional Outlook magazine and Recent Pa-tents on Cardiovascular Drug Discovery. He is the author of numerous books. Recent publications include “Grape Seed Extract” in the Encyclopedia Of Dietary Supplements (2nd edition, 2010), “Tocotrienols in Vitamin E: Hype or Science?” and “Vitamin E – Natural vs. Synthetic” in Tocotrienols: Vitamin E Beyond Tocopherols (2009), “Kava Kava: Examining New Reports of Toxicity” in Toxicology Letters (2004) and Anti-Fat Nutrients (4th edition 2004). Dr. Clouatre’s primary research interests are the components of the metabolic syndrome / Syndrome X.

2. Overdosing on Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners One can of energy drink contains the

equivalent of nearly 10 teaspoons of sugar! This amount of sugar caus-es your sensitive pancreas to create a literal flood of insulin in an attempt to manage all the extra glucose (sugar) that ends up in the bloodstream. Some of this sugar may be used by the muscles, but usually only if you are exercising quite frequently.

The remainder of the sugar is

converted into fat by the liver. In addition, the body releases both epinephrine and cortisol from your adrenal glands (as if they weren’t already stressed enough from the caffeine!). The result is a quick swing in energy, followed by a sub-sequent crash, a severely compro-

mised immune system, a surge of cell-damaging free radicals , thick-ened blood and an eventual insensi-tivity to insulin, also know as type II diabetes. And you just thought sugar was bad for your teeth!

But what about artificial sweeten-

ers? Don’t they eliminate this prob-lem? Unfortunately, research has shown that there is still a release of gastric hormones when you con-sume an artificial sweeteners. This gives your brain a confusing mes-sage: that food is present, but that the food has no calories . Subse-quently, you develop an appetite craving typically 30-60 minutes after consuming an artificially sweetened beverage.

In addition, these artificially sweet-ened chemicals (yes, chemicals!) such as aspartame (Nutrasweet), sucralose (Splenda), acesulfame potassium, and sugar alcohols have been linked to upset stomachs, mood swings, birth defects, cancer, diabetes, emotional disorders, epi-lepsy, seizures, a variety of neuro-logical disorders and even obesity!

barrier and caused a release of mood-enhancing dopamine and serotonin, without destroying my adrenal glands in the process! With a full spectrum of immune-system enhancing vitamin C, cellular metabolism-boosting vitamin B12, the muscle-exciting amino acid taurine and a deli-cious pomegranate juice extract as a natural sweetener, I was suddenly finding

my paradox challenged – was there actually such a thing as a “healthy” energy drink? For the past few years, I have used delta-E to achieve that same successful feeling over and over again, with zero “tolerance build-up”, afternoon energy slump, or compromised immune system health. Perhaps even more impressively, I have double-dosed with delta-E prior to my intense athletic competition in Ironman triathlon, and experi-enced the greatest athletic suc-cess of my life, which I believe is also due not only to the novel properties of delta-E, but also to my synergistic use of the entire family of Impax health supple-ments. As a nutrition consultant and personal trainer, I have utilized delta-E to wean clients from caffeine addictions, enhance sleep levels and assist with in-somnia, instill inspiration and energy to complete a fat-burning workout after a long day of work, boost the immune system prior to airplane travel, and naturally flavor water without risking chemical consumption. And I must say, I’m still not a fan of energy drinks. But delta-E is not an energy drink. Just like all the IMPaX products, it was formulated for energy and enhanced mental and physical function, but from the perspec-tive of complete mental and physical health, and because of that, it stands out among the crowd of unhealthy energy alter-natives. Try it just once. I think you’ll agree.

“I don’t approve of energy drinks” Imagine this: I am writing this article in a magazine that features an energy drink!

I’m not a big fan of energy

drinks. As a nutrition consultant, for the sake of my clients I have sometimes wished in the past that energy drinks did not exist. And here are the reasons why:

1) Danger of Caffeine Overdose

and Addiction The average energy drink contains nearly 4 times the amount of caffeine found in commercial soda beverages and several of the more popular brands cont ain the caffeine equiva-lent of 14 Cokes.

A 6-ounce cup of coffee has 80-150 milligrams (mg) of caffeine, but the caffeine content of energy drinks ranges from 50-500+ mg, with one popular energy drink topping out at 570mg, which gives you the equiva-lent of about three and a half cups of coffee with a single sip!

Why should this concern you? Because caffeine forces your adrenal glands to secrete enor-mous amounts of adrenaline and “energy” hormones, even when those glands are depleted. The result is a growing tolerance to the effects of caffeine, and even-tual burn-out and severe adrenal depletion. This is accompanied by a feeling of increasing tired-ness and a need for higher and higher amounts of caffeine to achieve an energy boost.

Attempts at quitting the addiction can result in withdrawal symp-toms such as severe headaches and complete loss of mental focus and function.

In addition, by inhibiting the activ-ity of the vitamin folate, B12 and B6, high levels of caffeine may interfere with your body’s ability to regulate two significant cardio-vascular disease risk factors: ho-mocysteine and cholesterol. By causing blood vessel constriction and increased risk of blood clots, the caffeine content in some en-ergy drinks can literally be deadly for someone with high stress levels or high blood pressure.

Finally, high levels of caffeine consumption have been associat-ed with increased risk of stroke and arthritis, insomnia, heart palpitations, tremors, sweating, nausea, diarrhea, chest pain, and neurological symptoms!