1 ICP Test Report Certification Packet Company name: Littelfuse, Inc. Product Series: TVS Array for ESD Protection Product #: SP0503BAHTG Issue Date: July 19, 2011 It is hereby certified by Littelfuse, Inc. that there is neither RoHS (EU Directive 2002/95/EC)-restricted substance nor such use, for materials to be used for unit parts, for packing/packaging materials, and for additives and the like in the manufacturing processes. In addition, it is hereby reported to you that the parts and sub-materials, the materials to be used for unit parts, the packing/packaging materials, and the additives and the like in the manufacturing processes, are all composed of the following components. Issued by: <Global EHS Engineer> (1) Parts, sub-materials and unit parts This document covers the TVS Array for ESD Protection RoHS-Compliant series products manufactured by Littelfuse, Inc. Raw Materials Used Please see Table 1 (2) The ICP data on all measurable substances Please see appropriate pages as identifed in Table 1 Remarks. Form 585-047 Rev. A 2/21/06

New ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/electronics_technical... · 2013. 6. 17. · Monobromobiphenyl uclks Wlh reference 0o 1EC52321 Edition 1.0:2008, by solvent extradion

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Page 1: New ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/electronics_technical... · 2013. 6. 17. · Monobromobiphenyl uclks Wlh reference 0o 1EC52321 Edition 1.0:2008, by solvent extradion


ICP Test Report Certification Packet

Company name : Littelfuse, Inc. Product Series: TVS Array for ESD Protection Product #: SP0503BAHTG Issue Date: July 19, 2011 It is hereby certified by Littelfuse, Inc. that there is neither RoHS (EU Directive 2002/95/EC)-restricted substance nor such use, for materials to be used for unit parts, for packing/packaging materials, and for additives and the like in the manufacturing processes. In addition, it is hereby reported to you that the parts and sub-materials, the materials to be used for unit parts, the packing/packaging materials, and the additives and the like in the manufacturing processes, are all composed of the following components.

Issued by:

<Global EHS Engineer>

(1) Parts, sub-materials and unit parts

This document covers the TVS Array for ESD Protection RoHS-Compliant series products manufactured by Littelfuse, Inc. < Raw Materials Used

Please see Table 1 (2) The ICP data on all measurable substances Please see appropriate pages as identifed in Table 1


Form 585-047 Rev. A 2/21/06

Page 2: New ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/electronics_technical... · 2013. 6. 17. · Monobromobiphenyl uclks Wlh reference 0o 1EC52321 Edition 1.0:2008, by solvent extradion


Table 1: List of Raw Materials covered by this report

Total Parts Raw Material Part Number Raw Material Description Page(s) 1 A42 Leadframe (Ni+Fe Alloy) 3-11 2 EME-G600 Epoxy Molding Compound 12-19 3 N/A Tin Plating 20-25 4 N/A Gold (Au) Wire 26-40 5 2200D Adhesive ROHS 41-45 6 2200D Adhesive Halogens 46-49 7 N/A Wafer (Silicon Die) 50

Page 3: New ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/electronics_technical... · 2013. 6. 17. · Monobromobiphenyl uclks Wlh reference 0o 1EC52321 Edition 1.0:2008, by solvent extradion



Addrcss . +52, Banyeo-ldong, Haeundae{u,

Busan, Korea

Report No. RTtoR-U2202401-E1

Page: I of 9

Date: Nov 16,2010

Sample D€soiption

Name/type of Product

Name of Material

Sample lD No.


Sample received

Testing Date

Testing Environment

Test Methodc)

T€st Result{s)

:The following submitted sample(d said to be:-

Lead Frame

Ni+Fe Alloy-A42

RT10R U2202-001


Nov 11, 2010

Nov. 11,2010 - Nov 16,2010

TempeEture : ( 24 t 2 ) 11,

Please see the following pege(t.

Please see he following pagec).

' Nore l : The relr reaula plBered in rhk epon ebte 6t to the obied t$ted' Noie 2 : Thir repon rhall not bc r.pFducd qc.pt in lull wilhout $e wdtten appr@l oI lhe t$ling laboralory,

Humidity:(6015 )ryoR.H.

cr'"rz -aEYLee / Lab. Technical Manager H.WYoo / Lib- General Manager

fh r Ten Repon s trlued by the aompany 3ubed to ts Ten, and CoidLr'ois ot 3ur ie$ pi ed overle.l Attentoi trd6wn lo rhelffritons oa lab 41ndemn i{trror and tunsd{roral6ruer delned rhercin Thr Ten Repon shtl.or be repmdr.ed. ex.ept n ful, w'rhout pno.hr.ei.onlent ol th! CompaRy

Intertek Testing Servic€5 Korea Ltd.

Seoll Oal'.. Tel 02 6090 9500 tux 02 3409{026 iaegu OI{LG lel : 051 600 8647 Far 051.600 364t Web Site $Al&htsItskqgseoultlb Add.e$ l/F, A.u DgilalTower+234 56,5e0i95u 29a,songdotrg Gu 5eor ll3 333 KoEa

Ukrn Lab Addres +340 2,YoBam Ri, Clrig.yaig Myui, !l$Gur, Ul5ar 5Sq 3r!5 Kore,

Page 4: New ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/electronics_technical... · 2013. 6. 17. · Monobromobiphenyl uclks Wlh reference 0o 1EC52321 Edition 1.0:2008, by solvent extradion

TEST REPORTPage: 2 of 9

Report No. RTIoR'tJ2202{01-El Dab Nov 16.20lO

Test ltem Unit Test Method MDL Result

Cadnium (Cd) Ina/KgWith reference to

IEC 62321 Edilion 1.0:2008,by acid dig$tion and

det€rmined by ICP-OES

0.5 N.D.

Lead (Pb) Dg/Kg 5 N.D,

Mercury (H9) ne/kc N.D.

Hexavalent Chromium (G "'){For metal)

With reference toIEC 62321 Edition 1.0:2008,

bv SDot testNegative

Hexavalent Chromium (Cr 5')Gor metal)

With referen€e tolEc 62321 Edition 1.0:2008,by boiling water extraction

and deoermined by UV-VISSp€{irophotometer

0.02 ndke Negative

TesFd ry : YK Chq HS Kim

Sample lD No. : RT1oR-lJ 2202-001SamDle DesdiDtion : Lead Frame

Notes : ng/kg = ppm = parts p€r millionns/ks with 50 cm'z= milligram p€r kilogram with 50 squarc centimeter< = Less thanN.D. = Not detected ( <MDL )MDL = Method detecrion limitPositive = A positive test result indacat€d the presence of Cr(VD at the time of testing equal

to or greater than thre5hold of I ns/ks for spot Fst procedures or 0.02 ns/ksfor boiling water extraction procedues with a sample surface area ol 5ocm2used. However, it shall not be inteDreted as the C(Vl) concentradon in thecoaling layer of he sample and should not be u5ed as a mednod detedion limitfor this qualitati\€ lest

Negative = A negative test result indi(rtes abo\€ positive ob6ervation was not found at thetime of testing- When the spot test show€d a negative resull lhe boiling waterextradion pro(€dure shall be used to v€rify the result,

Th t Ten Repod s tssled by rhe Company iubed ro rs Teffi! atrd Coid rons ot 3ur.ee pDdr:d o!e,le.l Attentoi 6 dt{i ro rhe lrnr t.tLo.s oa llab !,nded. t.aior and turd{roralssu6 delin€d rherei Ths Ten Repod lhallior be eprcdr(ed, er.ept L. rul w(ro1r pior wr.e..orent oltrre comptny

Intenek Testing Services Ko.ea Ltd.

SeoulOft.e Tel:O26090 9500 Fax 0234090026 Daegu Ofii.e Tel 053 6003647 tux 0516oC 3645 vJeb Sne !444l&dfk0I!9$u lL ib Addrc$ l / lAuDlgr t i iTDt re i ,+23a56,seongtuz9a,seot rgdong 'GL,Seoo l r l333 l tu re ,

Ul$n Lab Addres +340 2, Yoigam Rl, Choigryarc-l,lyur, Ultu Gul Ul$i 689_865 turP,

Page 5: New ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/electronics_technical... · 2013. 6. 17. · Monobromobiphenyl uclks Wlh reference 0o 1EC52321 Edition 1.0:2008, by solvent extradion

TEST REPORTRepon No. RTIoR-U2202{01 EI

Pager 3 of 9Date: Nov 16,2O1O

Sample lD No. : RTloR-U2202{01Sample Des.riptrcn : Lead F|ame

Test ltem Unit Test Method MDL ResultPolvbrominated BiDhenvl 0BBs)Monobromobiphenyl uclks

Wlh reference 0o1EC52321 Edition 1.0:2008,

by solvent extradion anddetermin€d by GC/MS

5 N,DDibromobiphenyl nlc./Kc 5 N.DTdbromobrphenyl BC/K8 5 N.D,Tetrabrcmobiphenyl nc/kc 5 N,D,Pentabromobaphenyl 5 N.D,Hexabromobiphenyl 5 N.D,Hept.bromobiphenyl ng/lrg 5 N.D,Oclabromobiphenyl nB/fig 5 N.D,Nonabromobiphenyl m8/Kg 5 N.D.De<abromobiphenyl ng/Kg 5 N-D.Polybrominat€d Dipheflyl Ether PBDES)MonobromodiDhenvl ether

With rcference ioIEC 62321 Edition 1.0:2008,

by solvent extsaction anddetemined by GCIMS

5 N.DDibromodiphenyl ether nclke 5 N.DTribrcmodiphenyl ethel 5 N,D,Tetrabrcmodiphenyl ethel ne/kc 5 N.D,Pentibromodiphenyl elher 0s/lrg 5 N,D.Hexabromodiphenyl ether 5 N.D.Hepiabromodiphenyl ether wlke 5 N.D.Octabromodiphenyl ether ng/Kg 5 N.D.Nonabromodiphenyl ethel [19/Kg 5 N,DDecabromodiphenyl ether nclke 5 N.D

Tesred by : WH Park

Notes : ng/kg = ppm = p€rts FEr million< = Less thanN.D. = Not detected ( <MDL )MDL = Method detecdon limit

Ths Test Repon J n3!ed by rhe aompany irbLed to ft Teim5 and Condi'oi! ol B$ ne$ pnnled ovedeal Atteitoo 6 d"wr to Ihe !m lat'ons oa lablfy,ndemn i .a ror and tu rsCr . ro .a is

Intenek Testing Service5 Xo.ea Ltd.

sedltoft.e Tet 0260909500 tux 0234090026 taeguoft(e Tel 053 60G3647 tu! 0t3 600 3645 WebSie !444l!tedfkdr9eo! lLab Addt$ l / lAuDgr ta l - rwer ,+23456,Seonqru29a,seonqdongGu,seou, l : l lS3 lb rea

LJls:i Lab Addrcs +3402.Y..qam R. thor9rya19 Myun, Ultu Cun, Uhan 639 365kfea

Page 6: New ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/electronics_technical... · 2013. 6. 17. · Monobromobiphenyl uclks Wlh reference 0o 1EC52321 Edition 1.0:2008, by solvent extradion

TEST REPORTReport No. RTlOR-U2202-001 -El

Page: 4 of 9Date: Nov- 16,2010

Sample lD No. : RT10R-U2202-001

Test ltem Unit Test Method MDL Result

Bromine Gr)Wh reference to EN 14582,by ox,gen combustion withbomb and deFrmined bv lC

30 N.D.

Chlorine {CD nc/kcwith refurence to EN 14582,by oxlgen combustion withbomb and delermined bv lC

30 N.D.

Beryllium €e) ng/xgWth reference to US EPA

3052, by acid digestion andoetetmnec Dv tLr-uts

2 N.D.

Andmony (sb) ng/KgWitl rcference to US EPA

3052, by acid digestion andoetetmrneo Dv tLt -LJE5

2 N,D

Perfluorcocianoic acid(PFOA) mg/kg

with reference to us EPA3550C I 83218, by ultrasonicextraction and determined by


Perfl uorooctane sulf onate(PFOS) m8/KC

wth reference to u5 EPA3550C & 83218, by ultsasonicextraction and detemined by



Tested by : YK Chq Elen Jung

Sample DescriDtjon : Lead Frame

Noles : rlg/ks = ppm = pErts p€r million< = Less thanN.D. = Not deEcted ( <MDL)MDL= Method detedion limit

rh e Ten Repon s $ued by lhe Compary rlbe.l to rs rehs and Coid tcn5 ol sus ne$ pinted ovenear Attelton r dtwn lc $e I'fi taton! o' I'abrlly,ndeiil t$lor ard lunidi.roral sue! detned rhedn Th s T6l Repon shallDor be ftp.du.ed, ercel)l i full, w[h.ut pnorwnt.n..isenr oJ rhe aompany

Intertek Tsting Servic€s Korea ltd

seoulof'ce TeL 0260909500 tur 023409{026 9a.9uotfG Te:0516003647 Fa: 053 600 3645 'ntb 5te M.lnr'dek'dkrseou lLahAdd 'es . r /aA lu t 'q '1a lT .wer+23a56,5e0 i95u2qa,5@iqdDrgGu,seod, i l l3 : l lKored

lJlean Lrb Addres tl40 ZYoEam Ri, Crc.q.yriq.f4yui,llllr Cut, Ul5ar 68s-365 Korea

Page 7: New ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/electronics_technical... · 2013. 6. 17. · Monobromobiphenyl uclks Wlh reference 0o 1EC52321 Edition 1.0:2008, by solvent extradion

TEST REPORTReport No. RTl0R U2202'001'E1

Page: 5 of 9Date: Nov 16. 2010

$mple lD No. : RT10R-U2202 001Sample Description : Lead Fftme

'View of sample as received;-

Th6 Ten Repon ie s3ued by rhe aompaiy {bed to G Tenn and Cordirofs ol Buene$ prnted ove eal Atteitd 6 drtrwr tD rhe ii, tncis ol ldb tly,

i t demn l [ a tonand | ! ! c ] c t ona | t sUe l ce lL red t re l e iTh6TenRepc$5ha ] | no |be |ep |odU .ed ,ex .ep tn rd ' ! t ] o ! l p i o lw l t t

Intertek Testing Services Korea Lld.

5eoulOfi.e Tel 0260909500 Fax A234A94A76 taegu Oalic Tel 0516008647 Far 051600364t Web Sile ldldJlE4eklok5eoulLab Addre$ l/lA u D,g'LlToweq+184 56,seoigni 29a,setrgdorq Gu leou. il3 333 ftreo

ukan L:b Addrc$ +3{0 Z Yoigam Ri, Crong.yaig Myui, lltu G!r, !hr 639-365 Kor3,

Page 8: New ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/electronics_technical... · 2013. 6. 17. · Monobromobiphenyl uclks Wlh reference 0o 1EC52321 Edition 1.0:2008, by solvent extradion

TEST REPORTPage: 6 of 9

ReDort No. RTIoR'U2202-001-El Date: Nov 16,2010Sample lD No. Rt 0RlJ2202-001Sample Desciplion : Lead Frame

( EC62321 Edition I 0 2003)

L, ]Y1 J/ Sanpnnat \\---g!S!9i4q!c ,/

I o, $rwir €xt*ro I

I anaryzed bycc-Ms



Ih s Tesr Repon 6 6sued lJy rhe C.mpany rub ed to ts Ternn and Cond rons of 8rs ids plnred ove.edt Atteloi ! diawi rD rhe Lrintatoi! of tab'lty,.demnncbn arc lrd droEt rles detned $erern fh!te4 Repo r !h:lLnor be rcprodu.ed, ex.epr r frll, wlhout pio. wnt.n @i!em ol rhe aomp.ny

Intertek T€sting S€wices Korea Ltd.

SeoulOti.e Ie 02 6090 9500 Fax 02 3409 Oa26 Da€gu Off.e le : C53 600 3647 F:x 053 600 3645 Web 5le !4!!!{d!d!kokseotr liD Addrerj r/F,A|U ogta Tow.r+134 56,5eon9$ 2 qi, Seongdoig Gu, SBoul, rJ:l9l:l Kc,ea

!lanLlb Addre$ +3402,Y0n9am.3 Clrolqryang My!n, Lliu Gu., Uai 639.365turea

'1 : Lisr of appropriaF acid

'2 : It the rcsuh of soot t€sl is Do5iiive Chrcmium OD would b€ determined as deteatedNo tudheranalysis is r€quircd.


Page 9: New ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/electronics_technical... · 2013. 6. 17. · Monobromobiphenyl uclks Wlh reference 0o 1EC52321 Edition 1.0:2008, by solvent extradion

TEST REPORTReDon No. RTloR-U2202-001-El

Page: 7 of 9Date: Nov. 16,2010

Sample lD No. i RTI0R-U2202-001Sample Desdption : Lead Frame

Flow Chart (Halogen)

Cool ing, for lhr

Th6 f*l Repon 6 $!ed by !h. Compaiy strbrcr ro 's Temn.id Cordnor at Bu5:1e$ p.dted ovedeal Atteiroi s drawi ro rhe nrtiois ot abl'ly,indenrn'foton and u.sd d'ona 6ues def'ned the.en fft Ten Repci lhallior be.ep.odtr.eC. etrepr ir lu , dthour p'ofw.ten.onF of 6e Cdmp.ny

Intertek Testing Services Korea Ltd.

5 e o ! o f ' . e T e | 0 2 ' 6 0 9 0 ' 9 5 0 0 F a X 0 2 3 4 0 9 0 0 2 6 D . e g 0 o I f i ( e T e | 0 ' 3 6 c G 3 6 4 7 f u l 0 5 : ] 6 o 0 3 6 4 5 l ! e b 5 l e9ecu lL .b Addk$ l /F ,A !Dr9r . l -Dde, ,+23456,Seong iu2qa,Seonqdo iqGu,SeouL, l3 l3 l3Ko 'e t

Uk.i Lab Addre$ +340u,Yoiqam R, ChonEyadg fvlyun, Ulu Cun, UlJ 6S9 365 ftfei

Sample preparation


Collection of halidesmake upVol. 100m1

Analyzed by lC

Page 10: New ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/electronics_technical... · 2013. 6. 17. · Monobromobiphenyl uclks Wlh reference 0o 1EC52321 Edition 1.0:2008, by solvent extradion

TEST REPORTPage: 8 of 9

Repon No. RTI0R U2202-001-El Date: Nov 16,2010Sample lD No. : RTr0R-U2202-001SamDle DescriDtion : Lead Ftame

Flow Chad (Metal Testing)

" Remarks :The samples we.e dissolved lotally by pecondilioning method according to above flow char!

Th6 ren Repoft 6 $!ed by $e Compa.y subFd lo rti Tema and Coidltonr or Burne$ p..Gd ovedeal Arertoi s dcm io lrre .r6!ons or ,bllly,rdemn"Groi !id ursd dbna 6t!er derrned rherem thJTen leporl iha nor be reprodsced, er@pl rr au I, wthotrt pror$lleR.onse or the aorpany

Intertek Testing Services brea Ltd.

Seou Oit.e lel 02 6090 9t00 Fax 021409 0026 Diegu Ofi(e Tel 053 6C0 3647 tux oil 600 3645 Web S'le IMI$e&kok9eoulL.b Addr$ /F,A ! DgtalTotrer+234 s6,Seongru U 9a,seotrgdoig Gu,9eod,ll3 331(o.ei

Ule. Lab Addre$ +34c 2 vonqam nr, aroiglyarq rvlyrm, Ultu 6u1, Ultii 6Sq 365 Kdre:

Sample preparation

Microwave digestionwith HNq/ Hct/ HF


Page 11: New ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/electronics_technical... · 2013. 6. 17. · Monobromobiphenyl uclks Wlh reference 0o 1EC52321 Edition 1.0:2008, by solvent extradion

TEST REPORTPage: 9 of 9

Report No. RTloR'u2202-001-El Dale: Nov 16.20lOSampleSample

lD No. : RI10R{J2202{01Descripdon : Lead Fmme

Flow Chart (PFOS, PFOA)

'.' End of Repon ***

Th ts fes rRepdna$ !edby t , eComp i . y , t r b r c r ro 'BT€mna .dCord roxc l& i r e5 !p fo tedove . l ea tAnen ro i sd f t Ln to rhe . l r a iD D l : b l t yrndenr.'ltrdon:nd ur5d d'.na sus def'rd therer I{ Ten Repon iha ior be reprodRd, ercepr rtr au l, Nthotrr p.orrL ler.onenr ollhe Conpaiy

Intertek Testing Services Korea !td.

seoulOf'.e Tel 0260s0et00 Fax a2ya9 Oa26 oaegu Orii.e Tel 0t3 60G8647 tur 051600 364s WebS(e rMlDlldekokSecu l L ib Addre$ r / tAuDig t ' l l ower ,+28456,5eot rg5u29a,seonqdongC! ,Seod, l l3a l l (o rea

Ukai Lab Addre$ +140.2, Yor9am Rr aron9ryan9.Myun, Ultu-G!r,lllsar 589-365 Koft,

Sample preparation

Loading in a vial

Filtering & Cleaning

Make up (Methanol)

Page 12: New ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/electronics_technical... · 2013. 6. 17. · Monobromobiphenyl uclks Wlh reference 0o 1EC52321 Edition 1.0:2008, by solvent extradion

TestReport No.10229583(8) Dale: April 04, 201 1

Sumitomo Bakelite Singapore Pte Ltd1 Senoko South Road, Singapore

The lollowing sample(s) was^^,er€ submitted and ictentified by/on b€haft ot the client as:

Page I ol I

Sample DescriplionTypeLot No.Manufacturing DateContact NameContact TelContacl Email

Sample R€ceiving DateTesting Period

Test Requested

El\4E-G600Type103204605-03-11Chen [email protected]

28-Mar2O1128-MaF2O11 to 04:Apr-201 1

In accordance with the RoHS Dhociiv€ 200295/EC, and its amendm€nidirectives.

Test Resull(s)


Please reler to next page(s).

Based on th€ perldrmed lests on submitted sample(s), the resultscomplywllh the RoHS Di.€ctive 2002/95/EC and its subseq!€ntamendm6nts.

Signed for and on behall ofSGS Tesling & Control Services Singapore Pte Ltd

Y C Tham (N,4s)Laboratory Manager

scs rGrinq & csr.o s.frrc€s sinoapoG Fre Lrd jllaHqah c

T6l to@lioi: 26 Ay€. Ratah c|E*nt, {0ru3, sing6poB 1399aThl. d@nsr r. lsu.d by the conFny *bj.cr ro ft. G.tftl coidntoB or s.tote .d..tbt. ar wnlllloadbgldl4ldue!*f,E.nd, lor €l.clro.lc to.m.l do.uh.nl!, subioct io Tsm and Condtdd. td Etetrontc oocuhdt3 .t !!d,!Cr,@E&!E!_9j!qJ .Alldrllon l. dRn lo th. llmlr.dor ol l|lblllty, Inddnrrtdtton .nd id3dtcrton t$u4 d.itn.d lhs.tn. Any hotd.r ot $b docun dlh.l |n|omnbn cont h€d h.E on r.ller.lh. contrny! lhdlng3.t th. sm. ot tt IntrEnbn dty.nd whhtn th. [mtr! ot c dtslh.trucllon!, r .ny, lh. cmp.ny'. 4lo EDon.l$lry Lr ro ft. cllgnt Dd rft dcum.nt dq hor d6.nr. Erd6 to . re3*dd tromelcno dl rhdr rlgM. .nd obrrgrtron. un.ld th. tr.Mcrbn d@uGnt. rnb d@uMt onhor b. EgEduc;j .re9t In tu ! *th@t Ftd$|rl.. rp9bvll ol lh. Conp.ny. Any uE{rhorlad dr.ndon, ld!.ry or r.ranrc.rron or rhc conr. or @@6n€ ot rhb docunmr ts@|fltu| .nd oli.hrr.r. m.y b€ [email protected] !o th. tltb.r .n ol lhE t.f,.ud.$ orh.rrl$ .t i.d rh. 6ult shdn h rhB r.t r.po r6Lr o.ty ro th. .amflqs) r..r.d &d such smpt (.) M rctah.d tor 30 dty. onry.

Page 13: New ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/electronics_technical... · 2013. 6. 17. · Monobromobiphenyl uclks Wlh reference 0o 1EC52321 Edition 1.0:2008, by solvent extradion

Test Report No. i0229s83(o) Date: April 04, 2011 Page 2 of 8

Test Result lsl:Sample DescriplionTypeLot No.Manulacturing Date


Test ltem(s): Unlt M€thod Resulls iIDL RoHSLimit

Cadmium(Cd) mg/kg With relerence to 1EC62321,Edl:2008. Analysis waspedomed bv ICP/AES

n.d. 2 100

Lead (Pb) m!yKg With refer€nce lo 1EC62321,Ed1:2008. Analysis wasD€rformod bv ICP/AES

n,ci, 2 1000

Mercury (Hg) m9Kg with .eference to 1Ec62321,Edl:2008. Analysis wasoerlon€d bv ICP/AES

n.d. 2 1000

Hexavalent Chromium {CrVl) mg/kg With ielerence to 1EC62321Ed1:2008. Analysis wasperlomed by UV r'isSoectrom€trv

n.d. 2 1000

Sum of PBBS mS/kS

with relefence to 1Ec62321,Edl:2008. AnalFis wasperformed by GC/MS

n.o. 't 000I\/onobromobiDhenvl mq/kq n.d. 5Dibromobiphenyl mS/kS n.d. 5Tribromobiphenyl ms4!g n.d.T€trabromobiphonvl mqKq n.d. 5H€xabromobiphenyl mgKg n.d.Pentabromobiphenyl mS/kS n.d. 5Heptabromobiphenyl MCYKq n.d. 5OctabromobiDhenvl ms/ks n,d, 5NonabromobiDhenvl mg&g n.d. 5Decabromobioh€nvl mg.4(g n.d. 5Sum of PBDE ms&s n.o. 1000Monobromodiohenvl ether mg/Kg n.d.Dibromodiphenyl €ther ms/Ks n.d. 5Tribromodiphenyl ether mS/kS n.d. 5Tetrabromodiohenvl ether mO/kO n.d. 5Pentabromodiphenyl ether meyK(l n.d. 5Hexabromodiphenyl elh€r MCVKO n.d.H€olabromodiohenvl €lher mc|/Ko n.d.Octabromodiphenyl ether mgKg n.d. 5Nonabromodiphenyl ether ms,4g n.d. 5Decab.omodiohenvl ether## mg/kg n,d, 5

Tssl Lo€lion: 26 Ayef Ralah C@s*il, 10744, Sinoapo4 139914Irll3 docuruhr |. lsEd by lh. C.mp.ny .ubFcr |o |t. G.mhl CondllloB o, S.dl6 .c@dbL .t.nd, to. .Lctrdrc lon.l [email protected] , subl@t to T€m. .nd C.ndnbn. lor El*tmlc Dodm.ht .i rAud.se,oBd!q€-d!4ord.hl!!.a$.ndon B drfln ro tn. rlnbtron or rr.brrly, hd{.fic.ion .nd iurl.dlc m l.rs d€lln€d rh.6ln. Any holder ol lhl. docm.nl b .dvl$drh.r Intod.don connrn.d he on r.rr.cr. iho cmp.ny. findhg8 .r rh€ rlm. ol ll3 lDr..Bdon only lnd *hhrn lh. lhll. .t cll.nt.h.rmfloh+ ll.ny. Th. conp.ny..016 @pd.rbrlrty 16 to ll. cllenl.nd lhl. deumnr do.. mr.xon*.t p.rt6lo a t nellm |'on6gddn! all rh.lr rlghl3 .nd obllg.uon. un.r.r rh. r.n{cdd [email protected]. rnb documl dnnot b. Epbduc.d .xc€ ln tull, *lthqn Fldwl$.n .ppdv.l ot rh. conp.ny, any uEothorlad .lt hllon, id!.ry of laldll@llon ot tlF 6nt nt or .p!..bd ol thl. d@um$r 13unlfltul .nd ofi.nrt r. m.y b. pr6@uted io rh. tulb.r .I|. ol rhe bw.u.Laorhwl$.ti.drh.6!lt.hMhrhbi6rr.ponr.|aonlytoin..ampr.(e)L.Ldedechmd.p)frt.t[r.dld30.*ry.@ty-

scs 16, n! a contD setoc s noapo€ Ple Lid _126 AFtB4ahc:Tl'fj"l:ig"ryj"11lij.^!ll'-.j"'ll*lilaif_ilNkmbefolSGSGrcup

Page 14: New ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/electronics_technical... · 2013. 6. 17. · Monobromobiphenyl uclks Wlh reference 0o 1EC52321 Edition 1.0:2008, by solvent extradion

Test Report

Sample DescriplionTyp€Lot No.lvlanufacturing Date

Note: (1) mg/kg = ppm ;0.lwt% = 1000ppm(2) n.d.= Not Oetected(3) MDL = Method Detection Limit(4) ## = The exemption ol DecaBDE in polymeric application according 2005/717lECwas

ov€rrul€d by th€ Europ€an Court ol Juslice by ils decision o101.04.2008. SubsequenllyDecaBDE will be included in the sum of PBDE alter 01.07.2008.

(5) 1" = Not regulated(6)' :Exceedslimit

R€marks: Sampl€ received was totally dissolved by preconditioning .nethod.Lab Analyst: Jay, Jenny and Jojo

No. 10229583(8)


Date: Apri l04, 2011 Pag€ 3 of 8

Test lteh(s) Unil tilethod Result MDLAnlimony (Sb) mg/kg With refsr€nce lo US EPA3051A.

Analysis was perlormed byICP/AES

n.d. 2

HaloqenHalogen - Bromine (80 mgKg With relerence to BS EN 14582.

Analysis was perlormed by lC.n.d. 50

Halogen - Chlorine (Cl) mg/kg With reference to BS EN 14582.Analysis was perlormed by lC.

n,d, 50

Halogen - Fluo ne (F) m9Kg With reference to BS EN 14582.Analysis was performed by lC.

n.d. 50

Halogen - iodine (l) mgKg with relerence to BS EN 14582.Analysis was p€rform€d by lC.

n.d. 50

T6sr Loeiion: 26 Ar€r Fal.h CEs6nt, ro743, S noapoc 139944Ilrl. doc!@ht l. l{6d by rh. coht.ny .ubl6r ro lt G.EEI cmdhloB .l s.nl6 .csdbr. .tsd, ld .Lclrolc lom.l [email protected].,.ubl..t to T.d. .nd condlrbm lor Eletmlc Dodm.nt .r !dad.5atE44!@_!3!s/E!!!!tE,at ndon l! drtun lo $. llhlr.rlon ot ll.bllry, hdmn|nc.non .nd lu|3dlcrrd r.da d€flmd rh.Ern, any hor.r€r or $ra docurenr r. .drlsdihlt lhldnldoh couh.d h.E d dt.ct3 rh. cdp.ny. llndln!3 at tlF iln. ol lt Inr.rEnrlon only .nd wlthln rh. llnh. ol clknr'!In.!8t6., ll .ny. Th. comp.nyt .ol. r6pon.lbllhy l. ro lr! cll6t sd rhl. docum.d d@ nor dondlr. p* 6 b a e.nscrbn lronqNl.rn! .ll th.lr rEhr. lnd oblE.$oF und.r rh. t.n.e on docun.nt . Thl. docum.nt 6nmr b. Eproduc.d dc€cr In tull, drhout ptorwdn n .pFoul ol lh. cdD.ny. Any un.ulhorr4d .t nrbh, rorqsy or fal.lfddd ol rh. ohrohr or .pp.o!n6 or |nrr docF.nt raunlfltul and oti.nd.r. n.y b. [email protected] lo !E rurre.l e{enl or th. r4.unl.$ otlE *l* d.r.d rh€ r6.ufi. shdn h $|. r..r B?on d.r onry ro rh. snpq.) i..hd rd Ett tt aiDle(.) M Bt k d tu n d.y. 6nly,

scsT€slinq & conrrclsdios sing€Fore Pte Ltd 26Ay€rRalah crscont{o}07slngaporc 139944r +65 6379 or11r+65 67t 29r4ww..os.com

Page 15: New ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/electronics_technical... · 2013. 6. 17. · Monobromobiphenyl uclks Wlh reference 0o 1EC52321 Edition 1.0:2008, by solvent extradion

Test Report No. 10229583(8) Dalei April 04, 2011 Page 4 ol I

Sample photo:

Sample DescriptionTypeLot No.I\ranufacturing DateSample Submission Qty


SGS ar.rthenticate the pholo on original repori only

TBsl Loeiion: 26 Ar€r F.l.h CEsent, *o7{4, Srnoaporc 13994,(Ilrlr docurunt l. lc6d br rh. comp.ny .ubl€cr r. lt G.mhr cohdlr|oG or s.tur6 .@dbb .t uar4u@aEEr_ral-eau4!*!@s4h. . r .d 's lc |on . |[email protected] ' {b l . . t lo ' 'm.ndcondh ld . lo lE |@toh | .oM.Ati..llm l! drdn lo lh. llmh.llon ol ll.bllliy, hd.mhffi4no ..d lurlldlcrld bs6 d.nBd th6Eln, Any hold.r ol tnE docum.ni r. advr!.dnEt lhldn.don @rt ln d h.b m .6lLct tha comprny. rrndho. lt th. rh. .l h! Int mntlon only .nd whhln rh. lhh! ol cllst!h.n!ct6., rt any. Th. complhyr .ol. rGpon.lblllry l. ro ll3 cll.nr sd rhrs documdrr d@ nd€El.l.g .ll th€k rlghi. .nd oblE.lloB und.r $. n.n.e on deun.nl8. Thl. dodm.nt c.nnol b. EpEdqc.d .rc€91 In iull, sllhod pnorwftt n .pDrofl ol rh. cdp.ny, ^ny un.urhod4d .ri.Erbni roro€ry d r.r.rrrdrroh or lh. @nrsr! or .pp4nh6 6r rhr. documhr r.unlawtul ud othrd.r. nrv b€ !rcsqt d to rh. tulb{ *bnr ol rh€ law.unf.$ othdl$ trlt d rrE rslr3 3h4n ln rhr. r..i EDon E|g onry lo rh...npr<.) brErl &d swh snpt (.) n.dakt.r 16 30.t yt oary.

Ar€ Fa.1C€sc61 ra347S'lapo€ r399.14r'6s63790r | | r,6s67772!r4ww.sgs.cotrscs l6sring & conrbr s6toic4 sinsapo.e Pre Lid

Page 16: New ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/electronics_technical... · 2013. 6. 17. · Monobromobiphenyl uclks Wlh reference 0o 1EC52321 Edition 1.0:2008, by solvent extradion

- SGSTest Report No. 1o22sss3(B) Dato: April 04, 2011

Process Flow ot US EPA 30508/3051A,/3052


T€61 L@lion; 26 Ayor Bajan Crcsent, ,07-03, S ngapoe 139944Ilrl. docom.nt b l$o.d by Or. Cmp.ny {bi*l lo ll3 Gon.El CddhloD ol s.rvle ac@ltl€ .tm4 lor €l.ct@lc lorm.t d@unF|a, Bublet to Lm3 ..d Co.dltton. lor Etetrontc tlodh.nl. .r


Page 5 of I

Sample measuroment

Digeslion (EPA3050B)/I\ricrowave Digeslion with

HNO3 or HF

Alt ntlon 16 dwn to tn lhltatlon ol ll.bllhy, Indmnlfic.don .nd iurlldlc$d l.r4 d.lln€d lh.Fln. Any hold€r ol thb docurenl l. .drlsdrh.l Ltod.rlon conhln.d lFr€ on Ell.cr. rh. C6p.hy. llndln$ al th. nru or rt htcruntroh ohry .nd wrthrn th. rrmh. ol Cnst.In.lrcdon., || .ny. lh. Conp.ny3 .ol. rcpd.lbllliy l. to lr! Cllor .nd rhl. d@|lmnr do.! nor .xond.t p.r s ro a l6nec on tronffildng dl fi.r dghl. .nd oHlgadon. und.r lho IEG*lon docunqrb. Thl. docundl on.ol be D!.odu..d exc.pt ln lul,, allhout prlorwrltbn ltFovrl ol lh. Company, Any on.uthorl4d .lt 6llon, iorgsy or |.l.lfi€to ol lh. @nl.nl or .Dpl4.ne ol lhle [email protected] lslnlstul .nd ollen.||r. m.y b. F66d.d ro th6 tulLst.xLnl ol tho l.w,unl.s otn.rwis af.led ih. @uft3 3hown h tnr. ie.l Epdl Bl.r only ro rh. empL(s) r6$6d ad su.t anulo{s) *e Ebke.t rq 31, .b$ onty.

s G s I 4 l i n 0 & c o d l o | s 6 r u i c 6 s s T " : l : * " ' 9 ] " ' ] 1 9 , . - : . : : : 1 . '

Member ol SGS Gloup

Page 17: New ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/electronics_technical... · 2013. 6. 17. · Monobromobiphenyl uclks Wlh reference 0o 1EC52321 Edition 1.0:2008, by solvent extradion

Test Repon No. 102as583(B) oate: April04, 20r 1 Page 6 ol 8

Proc€ss Flow of BS EN 14582 (Halooen Analvsis)

Sample lleasur€ment0.1o - 1

Burn lhe sample and lransler theabsoJbent to l00ml flask

IAnalyse by


T€6t L@llon: 26 Ayor Fdah CG@m, #07 03, SinsapoE 139944lhl. d.cum.nr la lar.d by $. Comp.ny $bi*r lo |r. O.n.ht CondhtoN ol S..vt6 .ccstbL .tsd, lor .l.c&onlc ldm.r docum.nL, .lblect ro T.ms .nd Condt on! lor Etetbnlc Documdl3 .r !0d&t!a,qo&@!_d!!!OCd.!8.Atbmbn b drun ro iE llnlllton oi ll.blllty, Indsn bnbn rnd llrtsdt.don t.$.. d.ttn d ft.Btn, Any hotd* ot rhb docm. t. ady$d


Putthe sample on sample cell

IFr*r"t"r to Corb""ti"" Uil (*lth-lI absorb.nt) and fill with oxygen I


rhar Inlom.rbn oont ln.d ls. on r.llei. rh. Cmp..y. findhq8 d rh. tm. or |r. r erqdon onry ahd whhrn rh. rmri. or Crr.nf.lBrrucrlona, fi .ny, th. cMp.ny. sre qpon.rbrrrty |3 ro |t. ctlonr and dll. d@umfl doG nor don*.t pant6 lo r lhn$c o trcnudcLhg.lllh.lr tht .nd obllo.tlon. on.tlr th. l6nsc{d dc|lmnr!, ftb docuMr 6nnot b€ Eproduc.d.rc.pt In lull, wlthod Florwlti.. .ppbval ol lhe Comt.ny. Any umo$orltd dr.E on, ldg.ry or llbllledm ol lh. @nt nl or .pp€.r.E ol thl. [email protected] l.unlfltul .nd olt n.r.r. may b. pr6&ui.d ro rh. lullBr .rr.nr .l rh. l*,ud.s orhwle sf.ird rh. b.!h3 lhM ln rhl! 16r .6pdr r€Lr only to rh. .dpq.) t .t d ,rd .udt 4'tpt44 e Qtttred lq t0 &y. atw.

SGS-r*r nq & Cont,o S.fric€s Srng"por" er" r,a i:Oey",n"J"nor6@nlro307sngaporct39944t+6b63790111r+bs677729t,rww.sgs.oom

Page 18: New ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/electronics_technical... · 2013. 6. 17. · Monobromobiphenyl uclks Wlh reference 0o 1EC52321 Edition 1.0:2008, by solvent extradion

Test Report No. 10229583(8) Dale: April 04, 201 1 Page 7 ol I

Process Flow of IEC 62321 (Pb. Cd. Ho & Cf1

R€marks: Sample .eceived was lotally dissolved by preconditioning method. {CrVl mgihod excluded)

SGS Togrhg & Contrc S6to c* s igapo€ Re rld 2€ Ayer F.j.h C€s*nr Ja3{7 sinoapo€ I39944 r +65 63rc 011 1 t+6s 6777 2914 *w.sgs.od

16.r L@rion: 26 A'€r Rajah Ccs@n| *07,03, S nsaroB 139944Thla doc!@nt l. lsed by lh. Conp.ny .ubler lo lt c.mEl condltloB oi S.wle .c€dble at !4!{.rgr,eoA{Er_!!C_r$!l!!!$&.ndilo..|.c'Mlclom.lddm.ht.'4bl.dtoTdn..ndcond|lI63lolE|[email protected]$.nlld l! drdn lo $. llmlLllon ot ll.blhy, Ind.mhlfi€to .nd lurlldlcrld hu€ dotFd th€Eln, Any nold.f ol thl. docum.nr r. advr..d[Et Int .maton 6nLrh.d h.E o r.n.ct th. conp.ny. flndhg. ar r|E r|me or [. rht embn dry .nd whhtn th. mtr! ot clt6t!hdtkdms, lt .ny. lh€ comp.nya .or. cpon.lbllhy b ro lt3 cll.nr sd rhls doclmq{ d@ nol don.r.t D6r!6 to . tr.n.f,don trom.x.rcbl4 .!l th.lr rEn. and oblEa oc und.r ih. r.n.erlon deum.nr.. Thr. ddn.nt cannot hG bpbdoc.d .xdpt tn tu[, strhout prtdwln n rpFosl ol rh. cmp.ny, tuy un.lthorr4d arl.Elro, tor!.ry or i.llilletlon ol th. conkn or .ppdEn6 ot tht. documoit t.unbrtul hd othnd.r. n.y b6 prc*or.d to lh. turr.3t di.m ot $. l!w.unf.a orhwl$.r!t d tts rsll3 3hfln ln rhlr t .t cport cts onlyro rh...hpl.{!) i.!bd ed sch tznpL/!,M rctah6dldtu day. ely.

Cutting / Preparation

Sample Measuremont

Acid digestion by suitableacid depended on ditf€rentsample matedal

I\ricrowave digestionWiIh HNO3/HCVHF

Add appropriate amounlol digestion reag€nt

Heat to approprialet€mperature 1o exlract

'l) Alkali Fusion2) HCI lo dissolve

Add diphenyl'cabazidetor color developmenl

Measurc the absorbanceal 540 nm by UV-VIS

Page 19: New ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/electronics_technical... · 2013. 6. 17. · Monobromobiphenyl uclks Wlh reference 0o 1EC52321 Edition 1.0:2008, by solvent extradion

SGS-Test Report No. 1o22es8s(8) Date: April 04, 2011 Page I oI8

Process Flow of PBBS and PBDES bv GC/MS (lEC 623211

First Tesling Process . Optional screen process......

I samp|e I

, - . - - . - - . . : . . - . . _ . . .

ScreenAnalysis by XRF


'*'End ot Report"'

Tesr Lo€iion: 26 Ay€r R4ah C66nt, {47{3, Sinq6pore 1399,{lThb d@umnr l. l$u€d by rh6 Comp.ny .ublect to rt o.ad Condtrbn. ot S.wtc. .@.$tbt..nd, ld .r.cl'dlc lom.t docm.nr., .uq.d b Tdm. and condrdo. ror Et€rronrc Docundn 'l !dtdt!!,eEaa!I4!__al|!&E!!t!!o.Ari.hrro r. dnwn lo ft. llhltarbn ol ll.blliy, lrd.mnlllerl.n .nd !tudcfl.n ls6 d.rlmd rh€Ern, Atry hord.r .r rhE [email protected] l. dvl*doEt Intdmrton @nn|n€d h.b @ ronrcb tlE conp.ny . tlndlng. .t !E nne ol llt Int rcnrbn 6ly .nd wlrhln tB rht or crr6f3h.tucc4., ll any. Tn company. br. spon.lbllry b b tr. cll.nt Dd rh|! docur.nt d@ not [email protected] purl6 to . rim.xdoh lrom.rml.ln! .ll E|| rlglrr. rnd oblb.noB und.r lrF i.n@lron deum.nr.. Thr. d@n. cahnor hc Bprcdoed .x49r rn rurl, srlhour prrorwllt r .PFoul ol rh. Cop.ny. Any uh.ulhodrd .h.r.llon, lorg€ry o. t l.llldllon oi lho conkn or .ppdr.ne ot lhb docum.nl l.unl$tu| Md ofhnd.r. n.y 6€ prosur.d to lh. rurreal erlen or lh. raw.Unl.s otnsh. {.r.d rho .sulr. 3hfln ln rhr. r..r repon E|* onry b rh6 6npr<.) b8E<r fld .!d) anpt (.) e 6.ht d td 30 d.yt 6ty,

scs l€sring & conrors€did4 sinoapo4 Ple Lid 26Ar€fF43h crcsceni *o3{TsingapoE 1399!14r+€s 6379 01111+656r/72914$W.egs.com

Conlkmation process,..-

_ ._ . -_ . . t .



Page 20: New ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/electronics_technical... · 2013. 6. 17. · Monobromobiphenyl uclks Wlh reference 0o 1EC52321 Edition 1.0:2008, by solvent extradion

Test Report o. LPCU00093rll OatG: Osrol/2ottCTS Rcf. CTS,I lritgg4Rcddng


TI|c tollowing m..ch.ndi.c war (we]!l {bnincd and id.ntifiGd by thc client as:

Pag . :1o f?

Sample OescdptionSample ReceivcdT€stir€ D.t

PURETIN SOLDER03rc120110301201 1 to 05/01201 1

Teat Re+lated

Trst Melhod

T6.t R€ults


In accordance wih the RoHS Diredive 2002r'95/EC, and itsameidrnent dileclilr3-

Pl€ase Gfe.to next pagqs).

Pleas. rlGr lo ne)d pqqs).

NE Mei Kheng, Ld Woan Yec & Lim Meng Hoe


gCS t.bq&y g..tia 00 8.h h.lcd'.r' Nd {3t72{



rbr6J.LrAtanl!* 31/616r Ndtui! {01e S&!fo.il EM, rby*tlr6(B)sl2t 2?O 116005121& M.{.m

Page 21: New ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/electronics_technical... · 2013. 6. 17. · Monobromobiphenyl uclks Wlh reference 0o 1EC52321 Edition 1.0:2008, by solvent extradion

Test Reportlelt rrlrrlb:

Tast Pan Oe$iotlon :

Stmde Dolcfiplion

RoH3 DiEctiw 20O2,'5/EC

o. LPCg00003,ll D.t!: O5OtnO11CtS Ret CTSrl lr4gg4rncd.ing


f526 Jdr rq!:* V6 3lIB Xd rdui{ ao{e Sohr$.o.ii EE, MC.nar+q|B)5i2lZ3C0 r+6(}|)5t21 sB2 w..a.on

P'{'et2 oll



SCA khodry g..ri... 00 S.h h-{CqF{ lb 6ol2ra

T.!t li.m(i): Unlt Ta.t iretiod Rasulb ldcLC.dmlum(Cd) fig/tg Wfifi ruf.ranc. to IEC 62321 :2008,

lncl rffbanad w lcPoEs N.D.

L.d (Pb) me/xg Wllh relbnnc. b IEC 62321 :2008,l|lc paafonnad w lcPoEs 7

i,hrc.r/ry (H9) mdxg wnh r.|lr.nc. b tEc 62321:2008,md p.tfotnl.d W ICP.oES N.D.

H.x.vdent Chrc.nlum (CM)by Spol Llt / boillng wrho(i..don (oplbnll),

Wflh reLrfica io tEC 62321 :2006,lnd partlorm.d by UV.V|S Spectrophotomotry

(bolllng v/lt r.xflctkft only)Nagatl'/e

0.o2n'gikgPar 50crn'almP|e In


t|rn ot PBa. Wnh rorr.nc. to IEC 62321 :2008,lnd o.tbrm.d bv GC-.tlrS N.D.

li&no6.omotiph.nyl mg/xg Wlth r!f.r.n6 to IEC 523:tl :2008,lrd tartbrm.d W GC-{US N_O. 5

Dlbrohoblph.nyi ntgkg Wnn r.f€Fnca lo IEC 623212008,dtd Pa.lbfihad W GC{t S N.D. 5

fdb.ornoblphsryi ncfts Wnh r€irFnca to IEC 623212@8,|x$ r*lb.nrd bv GdMS N.O.

T.t!b.ornoUph.ny{ mckg Wnh nbnn . b IEC 62321:2008,lnd !.rlb.n d bv GdtJfq N.D.

Harobro.noblph.nyl mcilg W|l|r ra|||rnc. b IEC 62321:a)08.and per{brnd by OC+,S N.O. 5

Pent$.ofioUpheny r g/kg wth rEhl|nc. io tEc €;2321:it0a..nd parfom.d bv Gc+ls N.O. 5

lbptrbrumOlptenY mdlq Wttr r$rtnca b IEC 623,i11 :2008,.nd 6.rlbm.d bv Gc.us N.O_ 5

Oci!brcntoblph.rryl itgkg wlll r.tlr.nca to IEC €4321 :2008,.nd o.rf6nn.d bv Gc-Ms N.O.

Nom&o.mblph.nY 'rlg/kC Wi$ rcf.nnc. io IEC 62321 :20Oa,.nd padomrd w Gc+/ts N.O. 5

D.c.brortoblph.|lY nvrg Wth ribrtnc. to IEC 52321 :2008,.nd D.rbrn <l W GC-lis N.D, 5

Page 22: New ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/electronics_technical... · 2013. 6. 17. · Monobromobiphenyl uclks Wlh reference 0o 1EC52321 Edition 1.0:2008, by solvent extradion

T.al lLm(!): Unn T.3t irehod R.3ultr uD!tum ot PIDEa mg/kg witl rctbr ca b tEc €2321:2008.

.nd p.ftrm.d by GOMS N.O.

iboobrorhodlphrryl .trar rakg Witr r€fronca to IEC 62321 :2008,and a.l|brm.d bv GlAirs N.D.

Dibromodlphant ethar r gftg Wnh reibEnca to IEC 623212006,&rd D.rlbrm.d bv GCMS N,D,

Tdb.lrnodtph.nY .nl.r ng/tc With tr{bt.ic. b tEC 623i,t1:2008.and oadbnrid W (|OMS N.D,

T.tabro.nodlph.ny at rr ms/kg W[h rei.rancr b IEC 62321 :2008..nd o.rbm.d bv GoMs N.D.

PantaDrofi odlphcnt ahar firg/l(g witl r.lb'loc. b IEC 62:,21 :2008..nd o.rlb.r.d bv 6dMs N.O.

tl.labmrnodlphanyl athar mg^s Wllh r.lbGnc€ b IEC 62:121 :2(b8.dtd D.rbm.d bv 6cMs N.D.

tbPtlbroriodlphenyl .trr m9fi9 Wfli rdlr.nc. b IEC 62i|21 :20Oa.tr|d mrb.h.d bv G(:-MS N.D.

Octabroilodlphany eth€r mgxg Wnh ra{aranca b IEC 62321 :2008,rm !6dormad bv GOMS N.D.

Nonabdriodlphanyl alhar rncxg wlth r.f8r.nc. b lEc 62321 :2008..nd EdL6.d bv ac-Ms N.D.

Dacabrofiodlphan9 af|.' nt rtltl€ wlih r€,'lr.nc| b tEc 62321 :2008.tnd E ilom.d bv GC.MS N.D.

Test Report o.LPCUooogJll Datc:osDlrz)ltCTS R.f. CTS,I lrilgo1,,Rcdring

P.g.: 3 of 7

Nole : (a) mg/kg = ppm i (0.1wt% = 100oppm)(b) N.D. t Not Det ct.d(c) MDL. M.thod D.lectlon Lttntt(d) * = Spot.?..r:

r. Nagdlva maan3 ttra lbrancc of C(Vt) on the talt€d ara$b. Politiv. maan3 fia praxnc. ot C(Vl) on th. t.rtad raaa3(Tha ta3tad rampla thould ba furthar vadned by boiflng-wttar-€xtrlcton mathod I th. apottd r.ault 13 na9{lva oa clnnol ba confiinad)lolllng watar anadbn:!. Nagaliva mean3 tia rbtance ol C(Vt) on tha taltad ara|!b. PoJtva maaB lha pot€nca of C(Vl) on tha ta3tad are$i

Tha drtacLd concanHbnln 50 mL bol ng watar axlrrclion 3otuflon t3 6qu!t or gleaterthan 0.02 mgl(g wlth 50 cm' !.mpt. .u.f.ca ar.a.

For coroslon pFtacton coatngr on metabt Inionnaton on ltolrge condiflons and prcducton.ht of th. ta.lad aimpl.l. un.vrllabta and thw relutts otC(Vt) r.pf$ont !t tu3otth.l.mPla at th. llm. of Ldng.




gCS L.ldby Sdir 00 S.h. Nid.Gz'F rbsFz{

llo-ra .Ir r,leri vriL 3lrs lob Kari! 4re 8ds!o. &nr EM. rkbt*lr t6(615r2r 2320 r.0(03)512tgt2 fr.a.m

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Test Report

Tc!t| rclub ry dt.mical mettbd:

1{o, LPCUqXtOtll D.t!: ostolrzxlCT8 Rcf. Ct3rl1r49g/UR.ddng

P.gGi 4 ot 7

TG3t ltlm (r): Unit 1{cthod R€ult sertulimoiy (Sb) ppm With reterence b EPA Melhod 30514

.nd pefomed by ICP.OES N.D.


Halogen€hlorinc (Cl) mdks Wih refeErc€ b AS EN 1682. AnatFis wlsperbnned by lC melhod b Chlorine content. N.D.

H.logen-Fluorine (F) mdkg Wih rebrencr b 83 EN 14582. Analysis wrsp€.forn.d by lC mellbd tor Fluorhe conbr . N.D. 50

Halgg€n-Bromine (Br) msft9 Wilh rd.rence io BS EN 14582. Anrlysb wasperfo|rncd by lC mefiod for Brornine contenl. N.D.

Halogen-lodin. (l) mSr(SWilfi refcrenca !o BS EN 14582. Anatysis v/aspe.bmed by lC rnethod br lodine conient. N.D.

Tesl Pa.t De3caiolion :

S.mpl. Description : PURE TIN SOLOER

NOTE: (a) N.D- = Notd6t ded (<MDL)(b) pprn " ttrgftg(c) MDL= M.{hod gailction Limn



SGg |.nqe.y S..ti... 00 &r. ti.{cdrF rb|3oztra

rb20J.brLitr*!* 3t/gl rorloEad a0{4 g.b{e.tb^t SB, t|c Fi.$qB)512r 290 rr8 ('13) 5121 dt2 m.d.d

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Test Report

Iegt Part D.sc.iotion :

S.mplc D..cdption

No. LPcgdm3,llCTS R.t C?Sfi ll|g9,0Rcdrino


D.tc : osrolri'ol{ P.gc: 5 ol t



scs [email protected] s..vn- (b gft En.{ccrr.' h m72la


rb25J.h.Ataril\d3l/CllobKdflhCat{eS.!{abuArl', l$yd.I|6{@)5121 23Q0 tr6 (@) 5121 P wl!.m

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1.Offi ll|anol{ oF capt|rut| coi{fEr{t tytEc ezt2t 2m8

samds Rad*vt d R€{tstrgrin

Cd s.rd€ n srndl dscts

woisli sanpro (0.2{ f)

inio d*r6tid vsd

A.rd dir€srion (M(rsweve)

_roialiy Dis6dr€(f


Amtyses by lCP

Test Report 1{o. LFCU00093rl ICtS Ref. qTSrl 1/it90{R!dring

Ddc : 0tol/2011 P.g.: 0 of t

Clt samplo in snall pioc€6+

w€tti srmprs (0 1-0.59) ifito dg€6ton v6.€l+

Acrd dir€slin (Micrd6va)J'Tc{al9 Dis.oni€d'l


Matylas by tCP

5. DEIUIXAIOLO; ?ftiFgDE Wmr OC{StY EC 6,x}2l 200a

Cri srmDb in smsll liac€s+

W.!tn samd€ {0.5-1 0g) inlo sxrracrin himbt€J

Sorhl€t Enladbn wih Tdu€noJ

F||€. thrdgh 0 45 um m€rnbrans nltor+

Andys€s by Gcr'rs {wfln appro0i6la dMj6n)

2, OIIEEUI{A'|oI Ot LEAp Coit?ll{t !ytEc 6i2321 2008

SaBds R€cgivinq 8r|d R.gistration!

Cd samplo in smarr d€.ssJ

W€ig s6mpl€ (0.2-0.59) hio dgesian vsss€l.J.

Acjd diFlbn (MEb'.,!v€)+'Totafly ossotv€d'


amtys€s ty tcP


sand€ Recoivirtand R€gistation

Samdo PlopsmrionJ

spor-!8sr fu6r'tstiv.)


ar€ts€6 by w- rtoeholo|l'sror

T66t R€poi



gCgLeabyg..li8006.b.'id. ||0.26 Jdr rio-r vrih 5/A Xd XduiE aoldl3.b{.. D{r Es,{cdF tlo6o,,{. ;.r *g-L!111q. !,t q.,3)-.5'1,1-!9. *,r.9.

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Validi ownFor QPlease


Test Report No. : KA/2010/B 17074-07 Dale : 2010112124 P a g e : 1 o f 1 5


The following sample(s) was/we.€ submitted and identified by/on behatf of the client ai :

Sample DescriptionSample ReceMng DateTesting Period

: Au BONDING wlRE| 2010111125': 2010h1125 TO 2O10112n3

Test Re3uq6) Pleas€ refer to next page(s).

Slgn d no. .nd on bch.lt3G3 T.nfin Llmlt d

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Test Report No. I KAJ201 0/8 1 707A-07 Da\e:2O1U12n4 Page. 2 of 15


Test Resultlsl

tl||lttt][ [tllltl

RT NAME NO.1 Au BONDITest ltem (s): Unit Method MDL Result

No. lCadmium (Cd) mg/kg Wilh reference lo IEC 62321 : 2008 and

performod by ICP-AES.2 n.d.

Lead (Pb) myKg Wnh reference to IEC 62321: 2008 andperformed by ICP-AES.

2 n.d.

Mercury (Hg) msftg With reference to IEC 62321:2008 andperfomed by ICP-AES.

2 n.d.

HeEvalent Chromium Cr(Vl) bySpot lesl / boiling water odraction

With reference to IEC 62321:2008 andpefofined by Spot test / boiling water e{ractiorl\Iethod, confirm by UV-Vis. (See Note 5)

0.02mg/kgwith 50 cm'


He)€\€lent Chromium Cr(Vl) byalkaline extraction

mg/kg With reference to tEC 62321 : 2])08 andperformed by UV-VIS.

2 n.d.

He)avalent Chromium Cr(Vl) mS/kg Wilh reference to BS EN ISO 361 3:2001 forHe)0avalent Chromium for metallic samples.Analysis was performed by UV-VISSp€ctrometry.

(See Note 6)n.d.

Ho€valent Chromium C(VD mS/kS With reference to uS EPA Method 3060A &71964 for He)avalent Chromium. Analysis wasperformed by UV-Vis Spectrcmetry.

2 n.d.

Sum of PBB6

mgftg With reference to IEC 62321:2008 andperfonned by GC/MS.

n.oIvlonobromobioheNl 5 n.d.DabromobiDh€nvl 5

5Tetrabrohobiohenvl 5Pentabromobiohenvl 5 n.o.HeEbromobioh€nvl 5 n.o.HeptabromobiDherM 5 n.d,Octabromobiphenyl 5 n.d.NonabromobiDhenvl 5 n-d-Decabromobiohen\ 5 n.d.

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Test Report No.:r \A2010/B1707A-07Dale : 201U12J24 Page : 3of 15



Te6t ltem (s): Unit Method [IDL Resutt]{o.l

Sum ot PBDE9

mSikS With refe€nce 1o IEC 62321 i 2008 andperfomed byGC/IIS.

n.d.MonobromodiDhenvl elher n,o.Dibromodiphenyl ethel 5 n.d.Tnbrcmodiohenvl ether 5 n.d.TetrabromodiDhenvl ether 5 n,d,PentabromodiDherM ether 5 n.d.ll€Iabromodiphenyl €ther 5 n,dHeptabromodiphenvl ether 5 n.d.Octabromodiohenvl ether 5 n,d,Nonabromodioh€nvl ether 5 n.dDecabromodiDherM ether 5 n.d.Antimony (Sb) mg/Kg with rcference to tjs EPA Method 3052 for

Antimony Content. Analysis was performed bytcP-AES.

2 n,d.

Phosphorus (P) mgKg Wilh reference to uS EPA lt4ethod 3052 forPhosphorus Content. Analysis was perfonnedbv ICP-AES

2 n.d.

PFOA (CAS No.: 000335-671) mS/kS With reference to US EPA 3540C: 1 996method for PFOA Content. Anatysis wasperfonned by LC/N4S.

10 n.d.

Perfl uorooctane sulfonates (PFOS)PFOS - AcidPFOS - Metal SaltPFOS -Amide

mg/Kg With reference to L,S EPA 3540C: 1 996method for PFOS Content. Analysis wasperformed by LC/[4S.

1 0

Dimethyl Fumarate (CAS No.:000624{9-7)

mg/Kg With reference to US EPA 3550C method.Analysis was performed by GC/l\rS.

0 . 1

Ho€brcmocycjododecane(HBCDD) (CAS No.: 025637-994)

mgK9 With reference to US EPA 3g0C: 1996method. Analysis was pedormed by GC/IVS.


qnavsis was performed by FTIR and FLAMEIest.


ddrcDctomndo4m€iB aqodrr

I s ! rc ,n , u i

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Test Report No.: K4,i2010/81707A-07 Dale 2010h2n4 page:4 of 15



Teat Kcm (3): Unit Method MDL Result

H4!9qenHalogen-Fluodne (F) (CAS No.:014762-94-8)

mg/kg Wilh feference to BS EN 14582:2007. Anatysiswas Derformed bv lC.

50 n.d.

Halogen-Chlorine (Cl) (CAS No.:022537-1+1)

mS/kS wilh rcference lo BS EN 14582:2007_ AnatFiswas oedormed bv lc.

50 n.d.

Halogen-Bromine (Br) (CAS No.:01 0097-32-2)

mg/Kg With reference lo BS EN'14582:2007. Analysaswas performed by lC.

50 n.d-

Halogenlodine (l) (CAS No.:014362-4+a)

mgag Wilh reference to BS EN 14582:2002. nrratysiswas perfomed by lC.

50 n.d.

PhihalatesBBP (Benzyl butyl pF,thalate) (CASNo.:00008$68'7)

% With reference to EN 14372. Anatsis wasperformed by GC/MS-

0.003 n-d.

DBP (Djbuv ptthatate) (cAs No.:00008,4-7+2)

With reference to EN 14372. Analysis wasperformed by cC/ltIS.

0.003 n.d.

DEHP (Di- (2-ethylhexyD phthalate)(CAS No.: 000117-81-4

% With reference to EN 14372. Anaty6is wasperformed by GC/I\,4S.

0.003 n.d.

DIDP (Di-isodedt phthalate) (CASNo.:02676140-0)

o/o With reference to EN 14372. Analysis wasperformed byGC/I\,4S.

0.01 n.d-

DINP (Diisononyl phthalate) (CASNo.:02855312{)

vo With reference to EN 14372- AnaDsis wasperformed byGC/[4S.

0.01 n.d.

DNOP (Di-n-ocryt phthatate) (CASNo.:000117-8f i )

% With reference to EN 14372. Analysis wasperfomed by GC/MS.

0.003 n.d.

DNHP (Di-n-hexyl phthalate) (CASNo.:000084-713)

With referenc€ lo EN 14372. Analysiswaspedormed by GC/MS.

0.003 n.d.

DIrEP (Bis (2-metholyethyl)phthalare) (cAs No.i 0001 1 7-82-8)

% With reference to EN 1 4372. Analysis wasperformed by GC/lVlS.

0.003 n.d.

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Test Report No. : KA/2010/81707A-07DaEt2111h2f24 Page: 5 of 15



Note : 1. mg/kg = ppm ; 0.'1M% = 1000ppm2. n.d. = Not Detected3. MDL = Method Detection Limit4."-"=NotRegulated5. Spot-test:

Negative = Absence of Cr(Vl) coating / surface tayer,Positive = Pr€s€nce of Ci(VD coating / surface tayel(The tested sampte shoutd be further verified by boiting-wateFe)draction method if thespol test result cannot be confirmed.)

Boiling-wateFenraction:Negalive = Absence of Cr(Vt) coating / surface tayer.Positive = Presence ot Ci(VD coating / surface tayerllhe detected concentration in bojling-water-e{raction solulion is equal or greaterlhan 0.02 mg/kg with 50 cm2 sample surface area.

6. Method Delection Lmi = O.O2vstcm, .Based upon the custome/s requirement and information to calculate the coating thickness,lhe unit of the lest result was conversed into mg/kg.

7. '* = Qualiiative anatysis (No Unit)8. Pvo:Negative = Undeteclabte / positive = DetectabteL The PVC test was subcontracted to other SGS Laboratory.'10. This is th€ additionaltesl report of KA/2010/81707 which was issued on 2olol12/03.

Please refer to KA/201 0/B 1 707 for originat information.

PFOS Reference lniormation : Directirc 2006/12ZEC(1) May nol be placed on ihe ma*et or used a6 a substance or constituent of DreDafalions in a

concentration equal to or higher than 0.005 % by mass.(2) May not be placed on the market in semi-finished products or articles, or pad6 thereof, ff the

concent ation of PFOS is equal to or higher than 0.1 % by mass calcutated with rcference to themass of slructurally or microstructurally distincl parts that contain PFOS or, for textiles or othercoated materials, if the amount of PFOS is equallo or higher lhan 1Ug/m2 of the coaled maledat.

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Test Report No. : KA/2010/81707A-07Dal€ : 201U12f24 P a g e : 6 o f 1 5


'r) Th.r rhDl.. {n dF}ad tdly by pG 6nd{.ni^O hdnod .ooodhg b b.too low oh. (CG+nn

N.h. olth. D.Fn $ho mt. mrar.h.ntAhx Ch.frO

Nrh..ltr t.Fn ih d.rg. olhusnm.nt Fry Ch:n!

Sl.d, c.or. atim. $ld- Aq nd., N[O! HCI HF. H!0]

G.ld, ,ldu, p-4r. olrra


lrr50.. H:0.. Hftor Hd

Ac.|l, d$nim bysiLH..dd

d.Fnd.d 6 llt r-tsr9l.

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Test Report No. : KAl2010/B 1707A-07 Dele : 2010h2n4 P a g e : 7 o f 1 5


PBBIPBDE analytical FLOW CHART1) Name of the person who made measuremenl: Anson Tsao

2) Name ofthe percon in charge ofmeasurement Ray Chang

I Sample extraction/ |

I Soxhlet melhod

I_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I Concentrate/Dilute II Exlracted solution I

I Filter I_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

fl||I rrrr|l||t|lr

First lesling process

Optional screen process

Confirmation process

Sceen analysis

Analysis by GC/MS

Sample prelrealmenl

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Test Report No. : KAI2010/81707A-07 Oaie.2010112124 Paoe :8 of 15


1) These sampleswere dissolved totally by p.e-conditioning method according to betow

2) Name of the person who made measurement: Alex Chang3) Name of the person in charge of measurement: Ray Chang

Flow Chart of digestion tor the elemenb analysis perfolmed by ICP-AES


Steel, copper, aluminum, solder Aqua regia, HNO3, HCl, HF, HrO,

Glass HNOs/HF

Gold, platinum, palladium, ceramic Aqua reg|a

Silver HNO3

Plastic H,SO+ H,O,, HNOs, HCI

Others Any acid to totaldigestion


y abied b {5 6$eBr cond$ons d s€tr

t , . m D D r r

Cutling ' Preparation

Sample I\/easulement

Acid digestion by suitable acid depended on dilferent sample matedd (as betowtable)

2) HCI to dissolve

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Test Report No. : KA/2010/B17074-07Dale:2010t12J24 P a g e : 9 o f 1 5


r|||||tl|l |ll|Iltltlr

Analytical flow chaft of PFOA/PFOS content

1)Name ofthe person who made measuremeni: Anson Tsao

2)Name oflhe peEon in charge ofmeasurement Ray Chang

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Test Report No. I KA,/2010/81707A-07Date : 2O1O112f24


Page : 10 of 15


Analtdical flow chart of Dimethyl Fumarate content1) Name of lh€ D€rson who made m easurement Anson Tsao2) Name of lhe pe6on in cha€e ofmeasurement Ray Chang

trt rrrtt||tl:t :l

Sample exlrcction by organrc solvent

Concentrate/Dilute Extacted solution

Analysis was perfomed by GC/MS

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Test Report No. : KA/2010/B 1707A-07 Dare :2010h2124 Page : 11 of 15


lt tllll|llttttltttt

HBCDD Analytical FLOW CHART1) Name oflhe person who made measufemenl: Anson Tsao2) Name of the person in charge of measuremenl: Ray Chang


i h . ; a d . i d ! ; ; , . d b i h ; c o m D ; ; i & q e d i o G . e n e d c m d ! a 5 d s e f u

i , ' m m F D r ) l

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Test Report No.:1(42010/81707A-07Dale 201011221 Page : 12 of 15

1) Name ofthe person who made measurement Joyce Chiu2) Name ofthe person in charge of measurement Roger Lin


Analysis flow chart for determination ofPVC in polymer material

I I|lIl]IlI|lt||ttt

Sample analyzed by FTIR

Check wave-number of C-Cl bond

rhEio;med: ;qa by se cqrean

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Test Report No. : KA,/2010/81707A-07Dale:201U12n4 Page : '13 of '15


Analyticalflow chart of halogen contont

1) Name ofthe person who made measurement: Jean Hung2) Name of the person in charge ofmeasurement Ray Chang

llrl[ttt][ [t|lttl

Sample picture and report number

Weighling and putting sample in cell

Oxygen Bomb Combustion /Absorption

Dilution to fxed volume

Analysis was performed by lC

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Test Report No. : KA,/201 0/81707A-07 Date : 2011t12t24 paqe | 14 of 15


Analytical flow chart of phthalate content

1) Name of lhe person who made measurement Anson Tsao

2) Name oflhe person in charge of measurement Ray Chang


rtl tflrr rrl|t|l||r

( : l . d I . 1 I r L

Concentrate/Dilute Exlracted solution

Analysis was perfomed by GC/MS

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T Report No.:M/2010its1707A-07Oale : 2O10h2124 Page i 15 of 15



"' End of Report '*

"v*,l.1f ,Ff"tli: gel;5i f""is'iT#1?.gtrritl?,'rf:;:i,pib{ 40n €md s @d!e4 q@rel:e.! ddrsqElli: n-Er.ii i }.:R,4+{Ea1.s-+rj j:.rii,it4u -' . .&d by s. cmp!ry sbied b b

I mouro:

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No. : CE/2010/41942Date : 201 0/1 0/'1 8 Page : 1 of4

Validi nownFor QuegliPlease Co ith scs


Test Report

Sample DescriptionStyl€/ltem No.Sample R€ceiving DateTesting Period

The followlng sample(s) uras/were submitted and identified by/on behalf of the client as :

ADHESIVE2200D2010t10t12201U10h2 10 2010|1011A

Test Result(s)

$t"-$ldytslfnd fof

Cl|qrlcrl l$q.to.y - T.ltd

Pleas€ rofer lo next page(s).

&+4 Fi;ri€r . rnt0,Jt6Rt{9i$!d2hdtRf . **-"*$+4da6;tq1 , lilclttt& .ftLrenRlFhit5qdby6e.onFiyB dnm brh mdon dbbnlly, idemnfldbtr andjuid 4ron reBdnd I 4 $econFn/s indiner

ny'fuconFl')/ l30eh5F5ibilyi5lodo$uid.,futr| ikbnddmens|ry


GddFaiFi'r!o4did6qdu r4rhrzo*,riiEid y,rdw&/6lrqn!11*Efi frt6lcf t+@6loa2

Ms&, o.rh. s65 cep 66s sA)

Page 47: New ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/electronics_technical... · 2013. 6. 17. · Monobromobiphenyl uclks Wlh reference 0o 1EC52321 Edition 1.0:2008, by solvent extradion


Page:2 of 4

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No. : CE/2010/A1942Date : 20 1 o/1 o/1 8




Test Resultla)

PART M[rE No.1

Test lt.m (s): unlt lrethod MDLResultNo.t

HalogenHalogen-Fluorine (F) (CAS No.:014762-94-8)

mgikg With reference to BS EN ft5A2:2OO7 .Analysis $ras p€rfomed by lC.

50 n.d.

Halogen€hlorine (Cl) (CAS No.:022537-15-1)

50 n.d.

Halogen-Bromine (Br) (CAS No.:01 0097-32-2)

50 n.d.

Halogenlodine (l) (CAS No.:01,136244€)

50 n_d.

Note : 1 mg/kg = ppm; 0. 1u/t% = 1000ppm2. n.d. = Not Detected3. MDL = lvethod Detection Limit

BI 9qJ8q { f i iU6A f t ' 3z } i ! $9a ,4 *e { . - " t a rF . j i _a { Jes .rhBrd bFn ts e!.d trh.6mFry

nrid$n:idtuddidb i$85 ddi.d I & 6tsi/r 6dr4,.rrh.rn.oftur&mndonontrd, tu 6mtsi/5 de G@Nibirir 6 6 tuf u . n r c b i 9 d l f t ' I i 9 i a i d o b | i 9 l l i i f t & d a h . d b ' r o 4 4 o ' f d l f toftndsm.yb.!resRcdbd'.fuh'&ntof'h.|a*'

rdlid.l6m,rdts| cdiv, r:tuin /fill*nttT*dns*!h I + e {d)2a,

M.mk d6e scs Goup (s6s 5^)

Page 48: New ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/electronics_technical... · 2013. 6. 17. · Monobromobiphenyl uclks Wlh reference 0o 1EC52321 Edition 1.0:2008, by solvent extradion

Test Report No.: CE/201C/A1942 Dde:2010t10h8 Page: 3 of 4


6 J s i ; loE ! f ld - tg l4 l l t . ;nzd*ar . 4 f i - ^ rx4_d: f t " r . . r r0 rdnhLl T6l l€Fn is is:!.d b,lh.6mp.ny

nrft*hn:ndludrdidd n5E5 &frr.d I $. conFn/r find ar{ rr'. {me of B icrcndon ont dd d r ri. hFiyr ror. r*Ftrlrri.y is b iBtun *rcLrnr dr 6er 'rEhts d obrbr ry un.urhdL:.d :he'rb, toE ry d 6L

Analttical flow chart of halogen content1) I'lanle of the person who dtade nEasurenEnl Rita Chen2) NanE of the person in charge of mea6ure(€nt: Troy Ch€ng

rd@rbm,rrFjcd@rrtorn/?rlt(n&tr*6n:€hj* I re(@Dae

Sanple pretreatrnent / Separation

Weigtrting and putting sadF e in cell

Orygen Bomb Conbustion / Abooption

Dilution to fixed volunE

Analysis was perforrEd by lC


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Test Report No.:CE20l0/A1942Date : 2010/10/18 Page : 4 ol 4


|r][ttl]r|l l

" End of R€port '*

i in rh! sr €Fn rct' ont 6 e smpkc) rd.ftn 6r cFr @ind b EpA&riBFleN/9. !tle-4€!Rlt!l9l;{21r&Ft ",ttaF*B6ri;lgd;f il j1.rJg{r}lnA.

.€9!..lhttp/lwj9lIodEfi.Bd'&n6rhennbdmdhdrvidmii&ilon.ndtui5didrhk rd.rr'di $lcohts'yrnndrErdr*{m.ofBhGrundononrymd* $.6mtsiyrdel@ bn! 3b bn 6 4 ( 6 n 9 d | l h . [ , | ! h c $ d o b | | o l r y ! i . u d b & d : h . , n b i ' i o 4 4 o ' r d l

Gds.tutsi swuchqn b4trbrdEdrbiqiaadcdirrdw:n/6lLLn&r*d6fi3$s,t I +e@DrsrE r+&6lor)1lr 3a7 w{sqsffi

Mdb.' of rh. scs eep [c q)

Page 50: New ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/electronics_technical... · 2013. 6. 17. · Monobromobiphenyl uclks Wlh reference 0o 1EC52321 Edition 1.0:2008, by solvent extradion

Littelfuse, Inc. Data No.: AD120-ICP-1Date : 2010/12/3

Result of ICP test

Product No.: WF001003Customer Type No.: RC109A

We report the results of the tests about this product as below.

Cd Pb Hg Cr+6 PBBs PBDEschip silicon Result < 2 < 2 < 2 < 2 < 5 < 5

SANYO-CH Pre-conditioning acid digestion acid digestion Microwave decompos Alkali fusion Soxhlet method Soxhlet methodSANYO_A1 Method ICP-AES ICP-AES ICP-AES UV/VIS GC/MS GC/MS

Measurement Date 2010/08/24 2010/08/24 2010/08/24 2010/08/24 2010/08/24 2010/08/24Report No. CE/2010/84322 CE/2010/84322 CE/2010/84322 CE/2010/84322 CE/2010/84322 CE/2010/84322

Measurement Institute SGS Taiwan Ltd. SGS Taiwan Ltd. SGS Taiwan Ltd. SGS Taiwan Ltd. SGS Taiwan Ltd. SGS Taiwan Ltd.

Akira.NishiguchiGeneral ManagerEnvironment, Health & Safety Promotion Dept

Quality , Environment & CS Division,SANYO Semiconductor Co.,Ltd.

Contact WindowMitsumasa Takanoe-Mail:[email protected] : 1-1-1 Sakata, Oizumi-machi, Ora-gun, Gunnma-ken, 370-0596 Japan

Name of the partSubstance

Name of the MakerName of the material

ItemsResult(Detection Limit)   Unit:ppm

1 / 1