f Keeping you up to date with the latest funding opportunities Funding Insight The weekly funding e-magazine from www.grantsonline.org.uk 14 th June 2021 New Funding Opportunities....................................1 £20 Million Brexit Support Fund (UK)......................................2 Grants to Promote and Secure Better and Safer Roads (UK)..................3 TikTok Launches Entrepreneurship Competition (UK).........................4 Cure Parkinson's Trust Grant (UK).........................................4 Funding for Projects that Engage the Public with Dementia (UK)............5 Funding to Reduce the Environmental Impact Packaging, Batteries or Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (UK).............................................5 Funding to Promote Science in Schools (UK)................................6 Virgin Media O2 Launches £500,000 Fund for Local Charities (UK)...........6 Funding to Build Resilience in Charities & Social Enterprises Serving Black & Ethnic Minority Communities (UK).................................................7 Grants Scheme to Help the Museum & Gallery Sector Recover from the Coronavirus Pandemic (UK).............................................................7 School Grants to Promote Physics (UK).....................................8 Asda Foundation Launched New Grants Programme (UK)........................9 The Classical Association Grants (UK).....................................9 Childs Charitable Trust (UK).............................................10 Funding for Rural Community and Education Projects (UK)..................11 Grants to Promote Latin and Roman Studies and Activities (UK)............12 Search for the City of Culture 2025 Launched (UK)........................13 Funding to Support Young Creatives to Launch a Project, Idea or Business (England, Scotland or Wales).......................................................14 Third Round of the Safer Streets Fund Launched (England & Wales).........14 Grants to Install Security Measures for Places of Worship Experiencing Hate Crime (England & Wales)........................................................15 Enovert Community Trust (England - Various Locations)....................16 Co-op Community Dividend Fund Re-Opens to Applications (Central England). 17 Funding to Support Improvements to Drugs Services (Scotland).............17 Funding to Help the Tourism Sector Recover from the Coronavirus Pandemic (Scotland) 18 Funding to Develop Indoor Tennis Facilities (Scotland)...................19 Funding to Support the Maintenance and Sustainability of Historic Places of Worship (Northern Ireland).......................................................20 Grants for Welfare and Art Projects (South West of England)..............20 Funding Available for Projects that Benefit the Local Community (North East) 21 Trust for London Announces New Application Deadline (London).............22 Funding to Tackle Poverty and Improve Health (London)....................23 School Holiday Activity Fund (London)....................................24 Funding to Support London’s Recovery from the Covid-19 Pandemic - Deadline Extended (Greater London).........................................................25 1

New Funding Opportunities1 - grantsonline.org.uk  · Web viewThe Places of Worship (POW) Protective Security Funding Scheme will award grants of up to £56,000 to individual places

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Keeping you up to date with the latest funding opportunities

Funding Insight

G InsightThe weekly funding e-magazine from www.grantsonline.org.uk 14th June 2021

New Funding Opportunities.....................................................................................1£20 Million Brexit Support Fund (UK)....................................................................................................2Grants to Promote and Secure Better and Safer Roads (UK)...............................................................3TikTok Launches Entrepreneurship Competition (UK)...........................................................................4Cure Parkinson's Trust Grant (UK)........................................................................................................4Funding for Projects that Engage the Public with Dementia (UK)..........................................................5Funding to Reduce the Environmental Impact Packaging, Batteries or Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (UK)....................................................................................................................................................... 5Funding to Promote Science in Schools (UK)........................................................................................6Virgin Media O2 Launches £500,000 Fund for Local Charities (UK).....................................................6Funding to Build Resilience in Charities & Social Enterprises Serving Black & Ethnic Minority Communities (UK) 7Grants Scheme to Help the Museum & Gallery Sector Recover from the Coronavirus Pandemic (UK) 7School Grants to Promote Physics (UK)................................................................................................8Asda Foundation Launched New Grants Programme (UK)...................................................................9The Classical Association Grants (UK)..................................................................................................9Childs Charitable Trust (UK)................................................................................................................10Funding for Rural Community and Education Projects (UK)................................................................11Grants to Promote Latin and Roman Studies and Activities (UK)........................................................12Search for the City of Culture 2025 Launched (UK).............................................................................13Funding to Support Young Creatives to Launch a Project, Idea or Business (England, Scotland or Wales) 14Third Round of the Safer Streets Fund Launched (England & Wales).................................................14Grants to Install Security Measures for Places of Worship Experiencing Hate Crime (England & Wales) 15Enovert Community Trust (England - Various Locations)....................................................................16Co-op Community Dividend Fund Re-Opens to Applications (Central England).................................17Funding to Support Improvements to Drugs Services (Scotland)........................................................17Funding to Help the Tourism Sector Recover from the Coronavirus Pandemic (Scotland)..................18Funding to Develop Indoor Tennis Facilities (Scotland).......................................................................19Funding to Support the Maintenance and Sustainability of Historic Places of Worship (Northern Ireland) 20Grants for Welfare and Art Projects (South West of England).............................................................20Funding Available for Projects that Benefit the Local Community (North East)....................................21Trust for London Announces New Application Deadline (London).......................................................22Funding to Tackle Poverty and Improve Health (London)....................................................................23School Holiday Activity Fund (London)................................................................................................24Funding to Support London’s Recovery from the Covid-19 Pandemic - Deadline Extended (Greater London) 25Kent Community Foundation (Kent).....................................................................................................25Funding for Charitable Organisations working with Disadvantaged Individuals (Greater Manchester)26Grants to Support Local Communities (Lancashire, Merseyside, Yorkshire, Cambridgeshire, Cheshire and the West Midlands)............................................................................................................................................. 26Funding to Tackle Crime & Anti-Social Behaviour (East Riding of Yorkshire).......................................27Funding of up to £5,000 Available for Road Safety Projects (Avon and Somerset).............................27Stronger Communities Fund (Manchester)..........................................................................................28

Funding Reminders................................................................................................29Grants for Chemistry Outreach Projects in Schools and Colleges (UK & Republic of Ireland)............29Grants to Protect Biodiversity and Ecosystems (UK / Worldwide).......................................................30Funding to Support Disabled & Disadvantaged Children (UK)............................................................30Grants to Enable Disabled People to Play Tennis (UK).......................................................................31


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New Funding Opportunities

£20 Million Brexit Support Fund (UK)

The UK Government has announced a £20 million SME Brexit Support Fund to help small and medium sized businesses (SMEs) adjust to new customs, rules of origin, and VAT rules when trading with the European Union (EU).

Traders can apply for up to £2,000 in total through two types of grants:

1. Grant for Training: The grants can be used to provide training on the following: How to complete customs declarations How to manage customs processes and use customs software and systems Specific import and export related aspects including VAT, excise and rules of origin

2. Grant for Professional Advice: The grant can be used to get professional advice, so your business can meet its customs, excise, import VAT or safety and security declaration requirements.

The fund is administered by PricewaterhouseCoopers and will close to applications on the 30th June 2021 or earlier if all funding is allocated before this date.

Useful Links:

Frequently Asked Questions

Application Guidance

Terms and Conditions

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Grants to Promote and Secure Better and Safer Roads (UK)

Grants and bursaries of between £5,000 - £25,000 are available for research, education and community projects with the aim of promoting and securing better and safer roads in terms of design, engineering and aesthetics including enhancements of the experience of road users. Funded activity includes courses leading to qualifications related to traffic engineering and transport planning, research projects and programmes or schemes to improve the highway network and the roadside environment, for example roadside parks and open spaces.

The Rees Jeffries Road Fund Grants awards grants that:

Contribute to the cost of lectures, studies and scholarship calculated to foster the improvement of design and layout of public highways and adjoining land

Promote schemes for the provision of roadside parks and open spaces Encourage the improvement of existing and provision of additional public highways, bridges,

tunnels, footpaths, verges, and cycleways.... to secure the maximum of safety and beauty.

Priority is given to projects which lie outside the scope of other funders such as government agencies and research councils. The Fund also welcomes applications that include contributions from other funders.

Eligible applicants include educational institutions, charities and social enterprises. There is no upper or lower limit for grant applications although grants most commonly fall in the range £5,000 - £25,000.

Anyone considering applying to the Fund must, in the first instance, contact the Secretary at [email protected] with a short outline of their proposal including the level of funding being sought to register their interest and obtain an application form.

The next closing date for applications is the 20th August 2021.

Grants awarded previously include:

CIHT: £10,000 towards an exhibition to promote Women in Transport SATRO: £2,500 to support work to help young people to be inspired and enthusiastic about

their education and their future careers especially in the area of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM)

Plantlife: £18,233 to develop a new national ‘best practice’ standard for the management of roadside verges.

Useful Links:

How to Apply

Application Guidance Notes

Past Projects

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TikTok Launches Entrepreneurship Competition (UK)

A competition supporting young people in the UK with ambitious ideas to run their own business has been launched. Open to UK residents aged 18 and over, the TikTok #BeYourOwnBoss competition is seeking potential business owners with the knowledge and work ethic to turn their idea into a successful enterprise.

Entrants will need to create a 30-60 second pitch video on TikTok, selling their ideas and explaining the steps they would take to realise them. The competition has a winning prize of £5,000 along with mentoring sessions, marketing from TikTok and the Purposeful Project, and a year of financial and business advice.

Ten finalists will be shortlisted with one winner announced on TikTok on the 7th July 2021.

The deadline for entries is 11.59pm on the 30th June 2021.

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Cure Parkinson's Trust Grant (UK)

Commercial organisations, appropriately qualified scientists or clinicians based in an accredited university or hospital in any country worldwide can now apply for funding for laboratory or clinical research projects. Projects should have the potential to advance knowledge that might lead to a cure for Parkinson’s disease or that represent a substantial advance in treatment.

The Cure Parkinson’s Trust has a particular interest in projects that show the potential to delay, slow, stop reverse or prevent the progression of Parkinson’s disease. There are no specific limits to the amount of funding available but previous awards have been between £50,000 and £250,000 with a duration of 1-3 years.

Applications are considered four times a year, the next deadline for applications is the 1st October 2021.

Useful Links:

Detailed Information for Grant Applicants

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Funding for Projects that Engage the Public with Dementia (UK)

Alzheimer’s Research UK is to relaunch a public engagement funding scheme to help tackle misconceptions around dementia and promote the importance of dementia research.

The Inspire Fund will provide grants of up to £25,000 for innovative projects that engage the public with dementia and the progress being made in research into the condition. Networking opportunities will be an important feature in the application process, with the aim of creating and nurturing relationships between communities, researchers, creatives and other potential applicants.

The scheme will re-open to those both within and outside the research community in spring/summer 2021.

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Funding Available to Reduce the Environmental Impact Packaging, Batteries or Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (UK)

Over three years the Ecosurety Exploration Fund will invest £1million in projects that can reduce the environmental impact of packaging, batteries or Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment through innovation or research in the UK.

The Fund is looking to support ideas up to £150,000 that will go on to make a bigger impact beyond the initially funded project - especially those that may ordinarily struggle to get off the ground.

Innovation could include an innovative awareness campaign, technology, initiative, process, trial or material, for example. Research could include academic or industry research into improving existing systems, processes, infrastructure, technology, consumer behaviour or material use, for example.

The £1 million fund will be spread over three years and the application process is open to any UK registered company, charity, not-for-profit or academic organisation. Funds will be released in May 2020 and the project should be completed by May 2021.

The closing date for applications is the 24th August 2021.

Useful Links:

Application Guide

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Funding to Promote Science in Schools (UK)

The Royal Institution has announced a new round of its Science in Schools grant scheme for state-funded primary or secondary schools and academies in the UK. Through the scheme, fully funded school visits from Royal Institution professional presenters worth £800 are available to support children’s science education.

These visits are designed to support children’s science education at KS1, KS2 and KS3; meet career and personal development requirements for teachers; engage families; and raise funds for schools through an after school or evening community show. Priority will be given to disadvantaged schools.

To apply for a fully funded school visit, applicants need to be:

From a state-funded primary or secondary school/academy in the UK (shows can be adapted for ages 4-7, 7-11, or 11-14)

A member of the school staff who is involved in teaching a STEM subject in the school Able to demonstrate that your students would not otherwise have access to this opportunity

The closing date for applications is the 2nd July 2021.

Useful Links:

Application Guidance

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https://www.rigb.org/education/stem-grants?j=1359339&[email protected]&l=113_HTML&u=39040437&mid=7201764&jb=22&cm_ven=RIGB&cm_cat=STEM+Grants+NL&cm_pla=All+Subscribers&cm_ite=https%3a%2f%2fwww.rigb.org%2feducation%2fstem-grants%3fj%3d%25%25jobid%

Virgin Media O2 Launches £500,000 Fund for Local Charities (UK)

Virgin Media O2 has launched a new £500,000 fund for environmental and community projects which inspire people across the UK to get together and create positive change for the causes they care most about.

The Together Fund will award grants of £1,000 to local charities for projects and initiatives that aim to either reduce loneliness and isolation amongst disadvantaged communities and promote a sense of community belonging or inspire positive action to enhance and protect nature and the local environment.

Priority will be given to charities that use digital technology to support the delivery of their projects or activities. Funding will be made available in time for #ThankYouDay, which takes place on the 4th July 2021.

The deadline for applications is midnight on the 14th June 2021.

Useful Links:

Virgin Media O2 Together Fund Application Criteria

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Funding to Build Resilience in Charities & Social Enterprises Serving Black & Ethnic Minority Communities (UK)

The Ubele Initiative has joined Social Investment Business's £12.5m Enterprise Development Programme as the Black and Minoritised Communities sector partner.

Charities and social enterprises serving black and ethnic minority communities will now be able to apply for grants typically worth up to £30,000 along with support from the Black and Minoritised Communities Enterprise Development Programme which aims to build resilience in organisations and help them to develop their trading plans.

Organisations apply to the programme and, if accepted, work alongside the relevant sector-lead to outline a package of support that best fits with their specific needs.

The closing date for applications is the 6th July 2021.

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Grants Scheme to Help the Museum & Gallery Sector Recover from the Coronavirus Pandemic (UK)

To help the museum and gallery sector recover from the Coronavirus pandemic, the Art Fund has launched a new project grant scheme.

The Reimagine grants scheme will award small grants of between £5,000 and £15,000 and large grants of between £15,000 and £50,000 to museums, galleries, historic houses, archives, libraries, agencies and festivals across the UK to help them as they reimagine their activities following the pandemic, and build expertise, capacity and connections within and outside the sector.

Applicants must address at least one of the Art Fund’s four priority areas for support:

collections; digital; engagement; and workforce.

The deadline for applications is 5.30pm on the 5th July 2021.

Useful Links:

Guidance for applications


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School Grants to Promote Physics (UK)

The Institute of Physics has announced that UK schools, colleges or home school groups can apply for grants of up to £600 for small-scale projects or events linked to the teaching or promotion of physics and engineering to pupils aged 5 - 19. Grants can support a wide range of projects such as school-based science weeks, extracurricular activities, science clubs, careers event or a visit from a working physicist or engineer.

Grants may be used for the following purposes: materials/resources; transport; marketing and publicity; other purposes deemed appropriate by the judges; and supply cover (in certain circumstances).

The Institute of Physics is interested in proposals that look at:

particle physics astronomy space and nuclear physics energy transport information and communications design and promotion built environment.

Previous projects to receive funding include:

Ampleforth College for a visit to Jodrell Bank Radio Observatory. St John’s High School for a Practical Rocketry workshop to design a water-propelled rocket.

The next closing date for applications is the 1st November 2021 (for projects taking place in the following spring term).

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Asda Foundation Launched New Grants Programme (UK)

The Asda Foundation has launched a new grant to reunite communities, celebrate togetherness, and support groups as Coronavirus restrictions begin to ease across the UK during July, August and September.

Through the Bringing Communities Back Together fund, grants of between £250 and £1,000 are available to either get activities back on track such as gardening clubs, lunch clubs and recreational activities; hold a get-together event such as a welcome back party or community celebration; or a combination of the two.:

Applications forms are available from Asda stores.

The types of groups that can apply include PTAs, local community groups, charity, Community Interest Group, sports group, not-for-profit, elderly clubs, lunch clubs, arts and crafts groups, other hobbyist clubs, council-run groups and parish councils.

Registered charities, not-for-profit organisations, CICs, and unincorporated clubs or associations have until the 16th August 2021 to submit their applications instore to an Asda Community Champion.

Useful Links:

Grant Criteria Guidelines

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The Classical Association Grants (UK)

The Classical Association (CA), which awards grants to support classical projects and conferences, has announced that the next closing date for applications is the 1st September 2021.

The Association will consider applications for summer schools and to institutions offering courses in Greek, Latin, classical civilisation; and bursaries for teachers attending courses abroad to support their professional development. The Association will also support school teaching and outreach work such as Greek and Latin reading competitions, regional Greek/Roman days and school conferences; etc. The Grants Committee meets four times a year.

Schools and other organisations that are applying for a grant of over £2,500 for your project, please contact the CA before submitting an application.

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Childs Charitable Trust (UK)

The Childs Charitable Trust is a grant-making trust, supporting Christian UK registered and excepted charities and organisations both in the UK and overseas. During 2017 the Trust awarded grants to 81 different organisations all based in the UK but operating in more than 100 different countries worldwide.

Projects will be considered that fall into the following categories:

Youth - the trust looks to support projects working in schools and with vulnerable and disengaged young people in the UK. Supported activities may include RE Lessons; School Assemblies; Lunchtime/After school clubs; Evangelism; Personal Development Programmes; Homelessness Prevention.

Outreach - the trust works to share the gospel of Christ by supporting all aspects of Christian outreach both in the UK and overseas and can fund, for example, Church Plants; Overseas Mission; Training in Evangelism; Chaplaincy.

Society - the trust believes people of faith bring a valuable contribution to social action and justice and support initiatives that have a positive impact in their society. Grants could support, for example: Counselling; night shelters; alcohol/drug rehabilitation; homelessness; or prison/ex-offenders work.

Education - the trust supports initiatives involved in all areas of Christian education including Bible Translation; Media Initiatives; Bible Colleges; Literature; Apologetics.

Applicants must be registered with the Charity Commission of England and Wales, the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator or the Charity Commission of Northern Ireland or be ‘excepted’ charities. Organisations with a turnover in excess of £5,000,000 should contact the office prior to submitting an application, to check eligibility.

No minimum or maximum funding amounts are specified.

The primary focus for grants allocated in 2021 will be on those organisations who actively share the Christian gospel in their work.

Please note that in view of the present Coronavirus pandemic and international financial instability, the trustees are having to critically review all applications with regard to the financial viability of both the organisation and project. Applications for funding should not be made if the project in question has been postponed or is likely to be cancelled.

The next closing date for applications is the 31st August 2021.

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Funding for Rural Community and Education Projects (UK)

The NFU Mutual Charitable Trust, which supports charities in the UK working in agriculture, rural development and insurance has announced that the next closing date for applications is the 29th October 2021. The Trustees are particularly interested in initiatives in young people's education in rural areas and the relief of poverty within rural areas.

Trustees are particularly interested in funding larger initiatives, which would significantly impact the rural community.

Grants of between £1,000 and £50,000 are available. The NFU Mutual Charitable Trust has donated almost £3m to fund education and social welfare projects in towns and villages across the UK in the last ten years.

Projects supported in the past include:

Farms for City Children, which aims to expand the horizons of children from towns and cities by offering them a week in the countryside living together in one of their farms and the Royal Highland Education Trust which aims to create an opportunity for each child in Scotland to experience the countryside and to facilitate a wider understanding of the environmental, economic and social realities of rural Scotland. Its key activities include farm visits, classroom speaker visits and a number of high profile national competition.

The NFU Mutual Charitable Trust also provides small grants of up to £1,000 through the NFU Mutual's Community Giving Fund which supports worthwhile community events, charities, schools and community group activities that are local to their operations. In 2019, it helped 88 community groups and charities across the UK.

Useful Links:

Recent Initiatives

Frequently Asked Questions

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Grants to Promote Latin and Roman Studies and Activities (UK)

The Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies has announced the next closing date for applications is the1st November 2021.

The Roman Society makes grants to schools to help promote Latin and Roman studies. Most of the grants are awarded for the purchase of textbooks and other books on Roman topics. The Committee also makes awards to groups and schools and museums organising lectures or study days on Roman themes, and money has recently been made available for archaeology fieldwork bursaries.

Schools that have recently been awarded funding include:

Hereford Cathedral School that received funding to run weekly Latin masterclasses; A grant from the Roman Society enabled Feniton C of E Primary School to buy books and

extra resources to help their pupils have fun learning; A grant from the Roman Society enabled thirty pupils in Year 9 at Ysgol Brynhyfryd to study

Classical Civilisation GCSE; The Sir Robert Hitcham CEVAP School Robert which received a grant to help Year 4 pupils

study aspects of the Roman invasion and its impact.

Applications from schools planning to start courses in Latin are particularly welcome. Grants usually range from £50 to £600.

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Search for the City of Culture 2025 Launched (UK)

The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport has launched a new competition to find the UK’s next City of Culture.

The competition, delivered in collaboration with the devolved administrations, will use culture to level up areas outside London and to aid recovery from the Coronavirus pandemic. Towns and cities across the UK must be able to deliver a substantial programme of cultural activity to run throughout 2025 that can demonstrably lead to regeneration in the area concerned.

Grants of up to £40,000 will be offered to up to six longlisted places to help develop their applications.

Groups of towns will now also be able to join together and apply for the title to be awarded to their local area.

Expressions of interest must be submitted by 23.59 on the 19th July 2021.

Useful Links:

Criteria for UK City of Culture 2025

Portal to submit an expression of interest

More information on how to apply for the UK City of Culture expert advisory panel

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Funding to Support Young Creatives to Launch a Project, Idea or Business (England, Scotland or Wales)

Grants of up to £2,500 are available to support young creatives in England, Scotland or Wales to launch a creative project, idea or business.

Youth Music, in partnership with TikTok and the People’s Postcode Lottery, has launched the NextGen Fund to help emerging musicians and behind the scenes creatives aged 18-25 (and under-30s who identify as Disabled) who do not have the financial means to invest in themselves.

Funding could help artists to start a record label, launch a single, or provide a platform that supports underrepresented voices. Funding can also cover costs linked to career development, audience development or marketing, equipment and software, and business development.

Applications from people who have never applied for funding are particularly encouraged.

The deadline for applications is 5pm on the 9th July 2021.

Useful Links:

Application Guidance

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Third Round of the Safer Streets Fund Launched (England & Wales)

The third round of the UK Government’s Safer Streets Fund has opened, providing £25 million in funding to help make women and girls feel safer in public spaces.

The Fund will enable Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) across England and Wales to work with local partners in areas that are disproportionately affected by neighbourhood and acquisitive crime, investing in preventative approaches to make communities safer.

This round of funding particularly encourages innovative bids for plans primarily focused on helping make women and girls feel safer on the streets, as well as projects which could include an emphasis on changing attitudes and behaviours in local communities.

PCCs will be encouraged to work in close consultation with representative groups and those with lived experience.

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Grants to Install Security Measures for Places of Worship Experiencing Hate Crime (England & Wales)

The UK Government has made funding available to reduce the risk and impact of hate crime at places of worship and associated faith community centres in England and Wales.

The Places of Worship (POW) Protective Security Funding Scheme will award grants of up to £56,000 to individual places of worship of all faiths, apart from the Jewish community, for the installation of up to three protective security measures and improvements. This could include CCTV, fencing, lighting and intruder alarms etc.

Below are some examples of those eligible to apply for the funding, but this is not an exhaustive list:

churches gurdwaras mosques temples associated faith community centres (we define this as a community centre run by a place of

worship or near a place of worship that is faith based, and where regular worship takes place)

The Jewish community are not eligible for funding from this scheme as a separate commitment was made to fund security measures at Jewish community sites through a grant administered by the Community Security Trust.

Applicants will need to demonstrate their vulnerability to and experience of hate crimes and/or hate incidents.

The deadline for applications is 23:59 on the 2nd July 2021.

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Enovert Community Trust (England - Various Locations)

The Enovert Community Trust has announced that the next closing date for funding applications is the 10th September 2021.

The Trust is committed to supporting community and environmental projects, such as improving community halls, creating new children’s play areas, restoring green spaces and habitats, and enhancing community sports and recreation facilities.

Funding is available to non-profit making organisations, constituted organisations or groups within 10 miles of a landfill site operated by Enovert Management Limited, or within ten miles of a waste facility managed by the company. These are:

Bristol (BS16 9NN) Cheltenham (GL52 7RS) Cirencester (GL7 1YG) Colchester (CO3 0NN) Gloucester (GL2 5FR) Kingswinford (DY6 7JS) Lydney (GL14 4EJ) Sevenoaks (TN14 5BP) Walsall Wood (WS9 9AH) Weston-super-Mare (BS22 8NA)

Most grants are up to £50,000 but there are no maximum or minimum grant levels given.

To discuss the project before submitting it, please contact Angela Haymonds, Trust Secretary, Enovert Community Trust, PO Box 3138, Slough SL3 9ZH, or email: [email protected]

Useful Links:

Frequently Asked Questions

Areas of Operation

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Co-op Community Dividend Fund Re-Opens to Applications (Central England)

The Central England Co-operative has relaunched their Community Dividend Fund to support good causes, groups and charities in central England.

Grants of between £100 and £5,000 (the average grant is £2,000) are available to members of Central England Co-operative for projects that aim to develop and improve communities by supporting access to food; health and wellbeing; inclusion of vulnerable, excluded, or hard to reach groups; and the environment.

Grants are available to full members of Central England Co-op in the following areas: West Midlands, Warwickshire, Worcestershire, Staffordshire, Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Rutland, Nottinghamshire, Northamptonshire, Lincolnshire, West Yorkshire, South Yorkshire, Suffolk, Norfolk, Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire.

The deadline for applications is the 31st July 2021.

Useful Links:

Fund Criteria

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Funding to Support Improvements to Drugs Services (Scotland)

Not-for-profit organisations working in the drugs sector are invited to apply for a share of £18 million in Scottish Government funding to support improvements to drugs services.

Organisations including integration authorities, alcohol and drug partnerships, third sector organisations and grassroots/community organisations can apply for funding from four separate funds:

a £5 million Local Support Fund to increase capacity in community and third sector organisations;

a £5 million Improvement Fund to improve outreach services, treatment, rehabilitation and aftercare, with dedicated support for women;

a £3 million Families and Children Fund to support children, young people and families affected by drug use;

a £5 million Recovery Fund for additional residential rehabilitation capacity.

Each scheme will run for five years, and multi-year funding will be available with grants awarded on a rolling basis.

Useful Links:

Fund Guidance

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Funding to Help the Tourism Sector Recover from the Coronavirus Pandemic (Scotland)

To help the Scottish tourism sector recover from the Coronavirus pandemic, the Scottish Government has made £3 million in funding available to promote key visitor destinations in a responsible and sustainable way.

The Destination and Sector Marketing Fund will help destination and sector groups promote visitor experiences to the UK and Irish markets year-round, while also working with communities to rebuild local visitor economies.

The Fund will be split into three tiers:

City Region Award Programme (with awards on offer between £50k and £100k); Regional Destination Organisations and Pan Scotland Sector Groups (with awards between

£40k and £80k); Local Destination Organisations, Marketing Groups and non-Pan Scotland Sector Groups

(with awards between £10k and £20k).

The Fund will be managed and delivered by VisitScotland.

Useful Links:

Destination and Sector Marketing Fund guidance

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Funding to Develop Indoor Tennis Facilities (Scotland)

Sportscotland will be investing a total of £15 million over the next 10 years to develop indoor tennis centres in Scotland. The Transforming Scottish Indoor Tennis Fund is being delivered through a partnership between Tennis Scotland, sportscotland and the LTA.

The programme aims to work with organisations that are committed to developing indoor tennis facilities, and to ensuring that more people have the opportunity to enjoy the sport, all year round – whether they are a social player or a future champion.

Aiming to establish a network of regionally based indoor tennis centres across Scotland, funding will initially be focused on six priority areas: Dumfries & Galloway; Dundee; Edinburgh; Glasgow; Highland and the Scottish Borders. Projects outside these areas may still be considered.

Priority will initially be given to projects which involve a minimum of 3 indoor courts with funding of up to 66% project costs is available up to a maximum of £250,000 per court. The fund will be delivered through a series of funding rounds each year.

To discuss an indoor project further, complete the Expression of Interest Form.

For examples of indoor facilities, please see the TSIT case studies document.

The next closing date for submitting a Stage 1 application Form is the 1st September 2021.

Useful Links:

Programme Guidelines

Application Form

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Funding to Support the Maintenance and Sustainability of Historic Places of Worship (Northern Ireland)

The National Churches Trust have launched their Treasure Ireland Project which will provide a new community grants programme that aims to support an improvement in the maintenance and sustainability of historic places of worship in Northern Ireland.

Grants of between £500 and £10,000 are available for urgent and essential maintenance and repair projects costing up to £100,000 at listed and unlisted churches, chapels and meeting houses of any Christian denomination built originally as places of worship more than 30 years ago. This might include roof repairs, rainwater goods maintenance and repairs, lime mortar and masonry repairs, stonework repairs, and repairs to window and door structures.

The deadline for applications is the 27th September 2021.

Useful Links:

Guidance Notes

Frequently Asked Questions

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Grants for Welfare and Art Projects (South West of England)

Grants are available to not for profit organisations and schools in the counties of Cornwall, Devon, Somerset and Dorset in the South West of England through the Elmgrant Trust for welfare, education, social science and art projects which help to improve the quality of local life. Grants can cover the core running costs or project costs of small established organisations who have a proven record of making a significant difference.

The Elmgrant Trust also provides grants to individuals who are further educating themselves to improve their job prospects with a clear compassionate need.

Previous projects supported include the Dartington Hall Trust which received a grant to support a bursary scheme that enables young musicians to take part in their Summer School.

The board of trustees meets three times a year, usually on the last Saturday of February, June and October. Applications need to be submitted one clear month prior to the meeting date. The next closing date is the 30th September 2021.

Useful Links:

How to Apply


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Funding Available for Projects that Benefit the Local Community (North East)

Charities, community groups and social enterprises that can demonstrate that their aims have identifiable public benefit in Tyne and Wear, Northumberland and County Durham including Hartlepool can apply for funding to the Sir James Knott Trust. Special consideration will be given to charitable activities that are known to have been of interest to Sir James Knott including:

Military and maritime organisations Youth clubs Projects to help the elderly Education and training

Small grants of up to £1,000 can be applied for at any time, larger grants average around £4,500 and the trustees meet to consider applications three times a year.

For applications over £10,000, the project will probably require a visit from an independent assessor or a member of the Trust Staff Team. It would therefore be advisable to discuss funding application with a member of staff beforehand and to submit it well before the application deadline date in order to allow for this.

The closing date for applications in the next round is the 31st August 2021.

Useful Links:

Frequently Asked Questions

How to Apply for a Grant

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Trust for London Announces New Application Deadline (London)

The Trust for London has announced that the next closing date for applications is the 5th October 2021 at 1pm.

Each year the Trust awards around £8.5 million to community and voluntary organisations for new and innovative projects that address the root causes of London's social problems. In particular, the Trust wants to support work which falls under its seven funding programmes. These are:

Good homes & neighbourhoods Better work Decent living standards Shared wealth Pathways to settlement Connected communities Stronger voices.

Whilst the Trust's funding priorities have remained the same, they are particularly interested in supporting work that:

Responds to emerging needs as a result of the pandemic e.g. an increase in demand for advice, casework and representation

Gathers evidence, data insights and learning about the impact of COVID-19 on London’s communities, particularly those who are on low incomes and disadvantaged

Campaigning, advocacy work and strategic communications to strengthen the safety net and to bring about longer term change as a result of the pandemic

There is no minimum or maximum size of grant and the amount you request should be the amount needed. However, most grants will be around £80,000 over three years. The Trust will occasionally fund work to tackle poverty and inequality which falls outside the priority areas.

For a list of recently funded projects please click here.

Useful Documents:

Funding Guidelines

Frequently Asked Question

Covid-19 Information for Applicants

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Funding to Tackle Poverty and Improve Health (London)

London Catalyst is an independent grant making trust that provides funding for charities and not for profit organisations to deliver projects and improve their services. The trust aims to make a difference by acting as a catalyst for change, they aim to: improve health and wellbeing, help to remove people from poverty and raise awareness of poverty and ill health in London.

The annual grants budget is £300,000 divided between three grant programmes:

Project Grants - supporting new initiatives and service developments for disadvantaged people;

Samaritan Grants - this is a hardship fund offering immediate help to people in an emergency, 70% of all these grants are for food and travel;

Partners for Health - grants of between £3,000 and £10,000 for projects that can demonstrate:

o positive outcomes for people experiencing significant barriers to health and well-being,

o a new approach or a thoughtful development of service,o partnerships between health and community organisations.

Examples of the type of project that have previously been funded include:

A programme of community-based art therapy workshops to extend a relationship with, and support clients of, a local Drug and Alcohol Service.

A new structured support group for carers and people with Primary Progressive Aphasia caused by neurodegenerative disease.

Health and wellbeing sessions for homeless and vulnerably housed adults which included health promotion workshops, specialist check-ups, counselling on-line, health appointments and group therapy.

The next Grants Scrutiny Committee meetings for Project and Samaritan grant applications is the 7th September 2021. Grant applications must be received at the very least, four weeks before this date.

The next closing date for the Partners for Health programme is 5pm on the 10th August 2021.

Useful Links:

Frequently Asked Questions

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School Holiday Activity Fund (London)

Grants of up to £4,000 are available to enable registered charities and mainstream state schools to deliver fun and accessible activities for children and young people during the school holidays.

The John Lyon’s Charity’s School Holiday Activity Fund (SHAF) will pay for the running costs of holiday programmes which provide activities in accordance with current Government Guidelines for young people in the boroughs of:

Barnet, Brent, Camden, Ealing, Hammersmith & Fulham, Harrow, Kensington & Chelsea, Westminster, City of London.

Costs could include sessional staffing costs, transport for children with special needs and/or disabilities, digital delivery, equipment, and food during activities.

Applications for the October half-term 2021 must be submitted by the 21st September 2021.

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Funding to Support London’s Recovery from the Covid-19 Pandemic - Deadline Extended (Greater London)

The Mayor of London has launched, in partnership with the Design Council, a new open innovation programme that places design-led innovation at the heart of London's recovery from Covid-19.

Public bodies, charities, businesses, social enterprises and educational institutions can apply for a share of £500,000 from the Designing London’s Recovery programme to help them respond to three key challenges.

These are:

Helping Londoners into good work; Building strong communities; Green New Deal and High Streets for All.

Successful applicants will form multi-disciplinary innovation teams that will work with the Greater London Authority boroughs and communities to co-design and test solutions with expert coaching, mentoring and support to address the city’s most pressing challenges.

The programme is funded by the London Economic Action Partnership and delivered in partnership with the London Office for Technology and the Design Council.

Expressions of Interest must be submitted by midday on the 30th June 2021.

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Kent Community Foundation (Kent)

Kent Community Foundation (KCF) grants support a number of primary issues in the county, contributing towards everything from specific projects to everyday running costs.

In order to maximise the impact of KCF’s grant making to support the people in greatest need, four overarching grant making themes have been established:

Children, Young People & Families Elderly & Isolated Vulnerable Adults Employability, Skills & Enterprise

Priority will be given to groups with an annual income up to £1 million; grants of up to £5,000 are on offer (£7,500 considered for exceptional applications).

Themed Programmes are open all year round and decisions are made every 3 months. To be in time for the next assessment date apply by the 31st August 2021.


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Funding for Charitable Organisations working with Disadvantaged Individuals (Greater Manchester)

Funding is available to registered charities and other not for profit organisations working with disadvantaged communities and individuals in the Greater Manchester area.

The Charity Service’s Grant Fund will assist with the purchase or supply of amenities, activities or equipment to improve the general welfare of the local community or individuals. The average grant awarded is £1,000, with larger grants of up to £3,000 considered in exceptional circumstances.

Priority will be given to applications which focus on providing emergency support for vulnerable families & children, reducing social isolation, preventing homelessness and improving access to employment.

Applications for funding, which can include multiple applications from one organisation, will be assessed on the proposed impact, outcomes and budgetary detail.

Applications can be submitted at any time.

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Grants to Support Local Communities (Lancashire, Merseyside, Yorkshire, Cambridgeshire, Cheshire and the West Midlands)

Jack’s Supermarkets are inviting applications from good causes within ten miles of a Jack’s store that benefit local communities.

Jack’s Supports grant scheme donates proceeds from the sale of carrier bags to local good causes chosen by local communities in Lancashire, Merseyside, Yorkshire, Cambridgeshire, Cheshire and the West Midlands.

Four applicants will be shortlisted to be entered into a customer vote in each store. All groups shortlisted will receive a donation of £250, the winner of the in-store vote will receive an additional donation of £500.

The Fund is administered by Groundwork, and is open to registered charities, voluntary and community organisations, social enterprises, schools and some other not-for-profit organisations.

Applications can be made at any time.

To see Jack’s store locations click here.


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Funding to Tackle Crime & Anti-Social Behaviour (East Riding of Yorkshire)

Registered charities, voluntary and community groups, and other not-for-profit organisations can apply for grants of up to £10,000 for projects which tackle crime and anti-social behaviour across the East Riding of Yorkshire.

The Humberside Police and Crime Commissioner’s East Riding Crime Reduction Fund aims to enhance community engagement, build public confidence in the agencies involved in creating safer communities, and provide services to victims and the vulnerable that meet their needs.

Parish and town councils can also apply for funding provided that the project is for work outside of their usual remit. Funding will be administered by the Two Ridings Community Foundation.

The next deadline for applications is the 26th July 2021.

Useful Links:

Guidance Notes

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Funding of up to £5,000 Available for Road Safety Projects (Avon and Somerset)

The Avon and Somerset Police Community Trust is currently accepting applications through its Road Safety Grant. Grants of up to £5,000 are available to local community and voluntary groups in Avon and Somerset for projects that improve road safety and prevent road traffic injuries.

When reviewing your application, Trustees will look to ensure the Trusts aims and objectives are met:

To improve road safety in order to reduce accidents and casualty figures in the Avon and Somerset area

To improve education and training for children, young people, learners and inexperienced and older drivers

To support local communities in becoming safer and better places to live To reduce the economic and personal costs of fatalities and serious injuries To improve driving skills To improve awareness and educate drivers about non-vehicle road users, including horse

riders and cyclists

The Road Safety Scheme does not cover funding for Community SpeedWatch. Find out how to apply for Community SpeedWatch Scheme funding.

The closing date for applications is the 1st September 2021.


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Stronger Communities Fund (Manchester)

We Love MCR have re-launched its Stronger Communities Fund.

Charities, community groups and individuals are invited to apply for grants of up to £5,000 for initiatives that will bring their communities together.

The Fund wants to celebrate and invest in Manchester's diverse, multicultural neighbourhoods, and is looking to support projects which have one or more of the following themes:

helping in the Early Years; combating loneliness and social exclusion; protecting and improving open spaces; offering positive youth activities.

The next deadline for applications is the 25th June 2021.

Useful Links:

Stronger Communities Fund Guidance

Terms and Conditions

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Funding Reminders Grants for Chemistry Outreach Projects in Schools and Colleges (UK & Republic of Ireland)

The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) is making grants of up to £25,000 available to support the design and implementation of chemistry outreach programmes for school students. This grant scheme is open to all organisations that provide outreach activities to secondary school-aged children. This includes, but is not limited to, universities, not-for-profit organisations and charities.

Through their Chemistry for All Outreach Grants: Putting Research into Practice, the RSC are seeking applications which interpret the findings from their Chemistry for All project which set out to explore and address barriers to participation in UK chemistry undergraduate study and apply these in the design and implementation of a two-year outreach programme for school students.

Through this fund the RSC aims to:

Develop and test design principles for chemistry outreach, based on the findings from the Chemistry for All project, in a new set of contexts.

Bring about reflective, evidence-based practice to address the barriers to progression in chemistry for target students.

Provide insights into the success, or otherwise, of the intervention activities in overcoming barriers to progression in chemistry.

Build on our collection of outreach resources using the findings of Chemistry for All.

Organisations must provide an in-kind contribution or match funding.

The deadline for applications is 12pm on the 28th June 2021.

Useful Links:

Check Eligibility


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Grants to Protect Biodiversity and Ecosystems (UK / Worldwide)

Outdoor clothing company Patagonia has funding of up to $12,000 available for projects that address the root causes of environmental problems.

Small, grassroots, activist organisations around the world, working on action orientated and multi-pronged campaigns to preserve and protect biodiversity and the environment, can apply for grants to run projects that protect local habitats.

Applicants must be able to produce measurable project results, and Patagonia are particularly keen to support efforts that force the government to abide by laws. Creative methods to engage communities to take action, including film, photography and books will only be supported if they are tightly linked to a direct-action campaign on the issue, with specific goals that go beyond education and awareness.

The deadline for applications is the 30th June 2021.

Useful Links:

Grant Guidelines

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Funding to Support Disabled & Disadvantaged Children (UK)

Grants of up to £5,000 are available to registered charities to fund equipment and services to support disabled and disadvantaged children under the age of 13 across the UK.

The Toy Trust fund:

helps disadvantaged children and their families to alleviate suffering; supports children through awful experiences; encourages achievement through adversity; purchases vital equipment; provides care; bolsters existing initiatives; initiates brand new projects; and satisfies basic needs.

Groups that have carried out some form of effective fundraising by themselves are particularly encouraged to apply.

The next deadline to apply is the 30th June 2021.

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Grants to Enable Disabled People to Play Tennis (UK)

The Dan Maskell Tennis Trust has announced that the next closing date for applications is the 29th June 2021.

Individuals can apply for grants of up to £500 for support for sports wheelchairs, tennis rackets, coaching lessons with a Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) licensed coach or course fees for official LTA development/coaching courses.  Groups can apply for a maximum of £1,500.

Groups can apply for: Wheelchairs; Court hire; Coaching fees; and equipment packages which will include:

Rackets Balls Mini net Coaching aids such as cones and throw down marker lines.

In the case of wheelchairs, a deposit will be required; for individuals, the amount of deposit required will depend on the wheelchair type requested, clubs will need to raise a deposit of £200.

Useful Links:

Application Guidelines

Application Form

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The Funding Alert is part of the Grants Online subscription service and should not be circulated to

outside organisations.

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Grants 4 Schools www.grants4schools.info


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Local Funding Portals for your area www.grantsonlinelocal.uk