i ILl F CANCER IS DEADLY Results Fatally in Nine Cases Out of TenA Cure Found at Last This often first as a more n pimple or in I tim breast too small to attract notice ntilin cases tho deadly disease dovclo Cancer can not bo pcdI oneration the poison in tho blood circulating throughout tho system and although the sore or ulcerknown as the Cancermay bo cut the remains in the blood and promptly breaks out afresh with renewed violence UTho wonderful success of S S S in curing obstinate deepooated blood diseases which wore considered incurable n few do IIpuirin sufferers to try it for Cancer after exhausting the skill of too cians a cure Much to their delight SSS proved Anlllli to the disease and nromptly effected cure The glad news n rapidly u and it was soon demonstrated beyond doubt that a cure had at last been found deadly Cancer Evidence has accu- mulated ¬ which is incontrovertible of which the following is a specimen a Cancer is hereditary in our family my father a sister and an aunt died from this dreadful disease My feelings may ie imagined when tile hor rlble dIsease made Its ance on side It was a malignant Cancer eating In such a way as to cause alarm The disease beyond the skl11 of the doctors for their treatment no good whatever the Cancer growingworse all the while Numerous remedies wero but the Cancer row steadily WflTP POmed that I was doomed MRS H IDOL I S tolLowth 0uiofthefamllyfor I know how deadly Cancer is especially when I was advised to Specific S S SI which front the first day forced out the poison I continued its use I had taken bottles when I was and well and have had no symptoms of the affliction though many years have elapsed S S S Is the cure for Cancer MRS S M IDOL Winston N C o Our book on Cancer containing other testimonials and valuable information will be sent free to any address by the Swift Specific Company Atlanta Georgia neF Piingles The word cheap has two meanings it may mean cheap 01 cheap price When I use the word it to the price Thats not egotism its business Ive built up the shingle business in this section ol the country just by sticking to I Highest Grades and Lowest Prices And I could not have done that if I had used the word cheap carelessly Of course I sell some lowgrade shingles but eveu on them the price is cheap same as on the higher grades BERE AELE TSE PRXCES Common grades sin dimension Shingles 1 75 per 1000 No i Yellow Poplar Shingles 2 10 per 1000 Best Star A Star White Cedar Shingles 2 85 per 1000 Best Red Cedar Shingles 310 per 1000 Grade for grade these prices cannot be equalled My Cedar Shingles I guarantee not to crack warp or curl up at the butts When put on a roof they lay flat and stay that way They make the best roof When you want any amount of any kind of shingles and want them at the lowest prices call and see me about it Write if you cant call Theo E ReoJltin9 DEALER IN AM KIMIH 1IUHI1IAU A1ATXII1AI fearful disease inherited EVANSVILLE IND A Easiness JdaeafiotL Is absolutely necessary to the young man or young woman who would win success in life This being it Is of first importance to get your training at the school that stands in the very front rank THE BRYANT STRATTON BUSINESS COLLEGE LOCINYIMK BOOKKEEPING SHORTHAND TELEGRAPHY Seven teachers each one a specialist in his line Graduates of this college prelerred by busi ¬ I ness houses Write for a beautiful book giving tes ¬ timonials Irom graduates occupying prominent positions all over the United StatesIt will be mailed to youFREE 28 L AN UNPRECEDENTED OFFER NEW YORKTRIWEEKLY TRIBUNE experienced MoxnI A DI Alilt Till cniAiisr KMOWM A new and remarkably attractive publication profusely illustrated with portraits and halftones contains all I the striking news features of the Daily Tribune Special War Despatches Do mestic and Foreign Correspondence Short Stories Illustrations Industrial Information Fashion Notts Agricultural Matters carefully treated and Comprehensive and Reliable Fi ¬ nancial and Market Reports It is mailed at the same hour as the daily edition reaches a large proportion 01 subscribers on date of issue and each edition is a thoroughly up to date daily family newspaper for busy peo > pie Regular subscription price 150 PER We furnish it with the Republican for 8175 PER YEAR appears scratch many because away induced without inwardly 8 eighteen quality applies biggest Cypress I conceded KENTUCKY Humorous YEAR NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE PUBLISHED ON THURSDAY For over fifty eight years a National Family Paper for farmers and villagers whose readers have rep resented the best our country population- It gives all important news the Nation and World the Market Reports Fascinating Short Stories unexcelled Agricultural Department Scientific and Mechani- cal Information Articles for the Women Humorous Illustrations lor old and young The Peo pies Paper for the entire United States Regular subscription price PER YEAR We furnish the Republican for 81 25 PER YEAR 7 SEND ALL ORDERS THE Republican Hartford Ky It will only cost you 50 cents extra to ride all day a Cotton Belt Parlor 25 cents for a half Seated a large revolving arm chair with plenty space around you can enlOY as much freedom and ease as you please If you are a smoker you will enjoy the large smoking room with Its arm chairs and i J couch The ladies will In the splendid ladles lounging room with Its lounge and inviting arm chairs and Its roomy dressing room adjoining You can have meals this car at hour you want them most anything you want from a t steak or a spring chicken to a sandwich take as porterhouseI please to eat It and you will only have to pay for what Tho Cotton Deltlt dlrtet line toTexat train run through from Cairo and Metnphli to Texaa Ulreet connection are mad at Its juuHlona all parts of Texaa Indian Territory Oklahoma and Far ut are gobs and when you will leare and we will tell rtr coat train nUke to mala th tttittlrue sod connection and will send you an Intereitlng little booklet 1 TRIP TO IHiJ J E f UtUCIEnl riur ill UL Ill ST LOUIS MO t lump any dreadful very element of ol most reliable an Fashion It is SlOO it with TO In in of ou delight In order down the Ita without change for the A IcOUSU IlIS = = Now is the time to subscribe I p i Hartford Republican FRIDAY JANUARY 26 I c R 3EtI- OCAI run TAIIIi HKA1 Kit I > A 51 MiitTii norn uiaIau in- uuuI230 P iii uJJii it in NIIITTII HOV- ItiuliIaI N m am ans i m I airiiJl p in O J voi1oter Aont Sample Industrial Boom Rosultof Placing National Af- fairs ¬ In Honost and Ca- pable ¬ Hands No better illustration oi our coun trys new prosperity can be obtained than in the work lit the Itre It loooruo tlve building plants Never before In the history of the concerns have lhe > hal so many ram on tht pay rolls never bt fore have they turned out so many locomotives in a year and nay er before have they been so far behind In their orders During last month the famous Baldwin works turned out 91 locomotives an average of three for eery working day in the month And they are bigger and better locomotives too than the roads used to order No railroadnow oaders for its main line Irclght and passenger service engines that weigh 40 1050 tons for everything now is from 100 to 150 tons in weight Un til prosperity returned to this coun try with the incoming of President McKinley the locomotive industry was paralyzed The last good yer was in 1893 and hem then on until Republicanism and Protection re turned tbe big shops were closed half the time and running on half forces and half time the remainder ol the year The railroads were order- ing about half as many locomotives as they needed to keep up the ordi nary wear and tear lor it was very plain to them that thre was a crisis in the affairs of the country and they wanted to be able to see day light be ¬ fore they made any great improve merit in their rolling stock The sud den revival of business compelled the roads to replace their worn out en gines and now the builders are hav lug a hard time filling the orders The policy ot Protection has also created a great foreign demand for American built locomotives and several hundred engines will be sent abroad this year In the one big shop in the Baldwin works there are now 7250 men at work and the company U planning extensions nnd improve meats that will make their plant still larger It is but a sample of the pros perity that comes to all when the af furs of our Nation are in capable and honest hands Des Moines la State Register Evolution of a National air Neither Dixie nor Yankee Doodle was written with any idea that it would become n national air In fact the latter are never written to order That was tried once at least to the writers knowledge In the first year of the civil war a patriotic asso elation raised a fund tobeawarded for national anthempart to the author of the words part to the composer of the music The mCey was awarded but nobody to day knows either the Headache Is often a warning that the liver Is torpid or Inactive More serious promptieOlclent liver troubles ta- keHoods Pills While they rouse the liver restore full regular action of the bowels they do not gripe or pain do not organsbut at all druggists or by mall ot- C I Hood < Co Lowell Mass DIitltK The Leading Sp3clallsls cf America 20 YEARS III OHIO 250000 Cur- edWECURESTRICTURE Thouunih if OIIIIIT rail taUJIoaicil inennro troubled iiItttila tlicaicinaiiyi- neouieioiilt They uiy lao a small Ins sen1 alien finall illiac itrcatn cutting olIIt llrac lliihtill TrnkI iiorvom dcbili ao bUtte If 111 Dont 1st iloctoMttixrlnifnt on you br eittlng ttrclclilcir or trnrlig you 11110 otCIIEO011 ndh1I rr turn Our Milt MUHIUl IUliAl lIuuolhcneoreruoc I I UI never return f oinlnuon3i IiC nn dofeii Ion from rf ritir laclhovl Itoxiclorgnrnrotrcoatic- ool flii nerve RID linlcotaUJunJ Iko blUs lit manliootl rcturnr WECUF GLT Tliouaili r burg anl lldloget Tarn nro having encinr anil vitality cxilliniall rai <ll > 10 Lucy no frequently imconiclous rf Ilinrautorf llierfotymt tnn Ucncrnl tYcafinci iJirchargee 111 lull 1tanbool Kcrvniunef 1oor Mem ¬ or IrritabIlity at tluipt LtnarllnnHen Hitlon liunkcn Vrtt with uaik circle Weak Uk Ucoerat JJcfreiln Lcc- lf Ambition lbrlrIL Part tie an I m tinilydoctors tbeio rpcclnl tlbratr ilont allow Uuael t > u rlwct I V ronralt tut7rfi5eiotLItit1me IWUlcl for n f 3 Ma t ir I nil > rt ci I cliuollaf iVrIUjCriof TCt = CURES GUARANTEED Wo Iret riIepoi ltItONS VAIIIiMiM ItVIMIIIIH Ill lV HltAlK < 111111 1IIIldIIIIIrll1tCl rltIl If ubl h cJI tyrifi fur fr nona EETrWliTL > 0 IcE NEDY e KERG N l2 IV FOUnill OTOCET CJI1CIHNATI O words or the air of the winning pro duction The air of Yankee Doodle has been traced back to the days of the English revolution when ribald wolds were sung by the Cavaliers to the joggling tune nritUh soldiers biought the latter to this side of the Atlantic and the red coats of Gigsi army in Boston sang fugitive camp songs to it Then it spread to the colonlil camps where It was fitted to appropriate words in much the same shape in which we sing them now Thus n purely British air came in time to be the camp song for the Yankees and from that has grown to be one of the most popular of Amer- Ican ¬ patriot airs Dixie is another instance of a war giving to a song a patriotic and after ward a national place It was written by Bob Emmett a noted negro mln ttrel in 1858 or 59 lor use on the stage It sprang at once into univer ¬ sal popularity Then came the seces- sion oi the Southern states As the word are the lament of a plantation negro for his old home the song was speedily adopted na distinctively southern though its author is a northern man and is still living at a green old agedown at Mount Vornon Ohio The southern bands played Dixie and the northern ones played Yankee DoodleDixle was the Yankee Doodle of the confederates Yankee Doodle was the Dixie of the north but in these days of united country either tune brings a wild cheer whether played north or south of Mason and Dixona line A new patriotic air is now in plO cess oi creationand similar steps to those which have put both Yankee Doodle and Dixie into an notional repertorieWhat the air Nothing less than Therell Be Hot Times in the Old Town tonight Yes laugh if you will but the fact remains nevertheless The process is going on before your eyes A Hot Time was written something like three or lour years ago when ragtime songs first came into vogue as a variant for the monotony of coonsongs ° It became the reg- Imental song of Roosevelts Rough Riders in this way The famous organizationwhich by the way is known as the First United States Volunteer Cavalry rendezvoused at Camp Wood San Antonio Texas The regiment was the cynosure of all oyes while there The San Antonio bands used to come out to the camp and play for the boys One of these was conducted by a fit jolly little Ger ¬ man with whom A Hot Time was an especial laverlte This band never visited Camp Wood without playing it several times The Rough Riders joked over it at first but there is an attraction about the tune to which the boys gradually seccumbed They whistled it they sang it and it gradu ly matured into the regimental air 01 course they took it with them to Tampa They sang it in camp there they sang it on the transport which took them to Cuba they sung it in camp at Daiquiri and they sang it with vim and vigor as they pushed their way up the bloody slopes of Sau Jaun Hilt Other regU ments took it upnot only volunteers but regulars The regulars tools A Hot Time to the Philippines The streets of Manila echo o its strains It has been sung in every camp in Luzon It is day by day becoming identified with battling with the flog It is slowly taking its place in the same class as Yonkee Doodle and Dixie There is a species of deviltry that especially appeals to the soldier in both words and music ol the refrain therell be a hot time in the old town tonight It was the battle song of San Juan it is developing into an American war songToleda Blade I want to let the people who suRer from rheumatism and sciatica know that Chamberlains Pain Balm relieved me alter a number of other medicines and a doctor had failed It is the best liniment I have ever known olJ A Dodgen Alphorelta Ga Thousands have been cured of rheumatism by thisremedy One application relieves the pain For sale by Z Wayne Grit finBro m How ItWas Settled During the palmy days of Free Trade talk when Mills and Wilson bills were the fashion of the hour it was actually prophesied that the pas- sage of the latter bill would settle the question of the Tariff for a generation In fact it lId settle it It brought in so little revenue that President Cleve land was obliged to borrow right and left and business went into a hole and drew the hole in after it It Is a curious fact that the passage of Pro tective TerM acts is always followed by periods of prosperity and the as cendency of Free Trade has always just as surely brought on panics and hard times Ashland Vis Press Having a Great Run on Cham ¬ berlains Cough Romody Manager Maftin cf the Pierson drug- store Informs us that he is having a rert run on Chamberlains Cough Remedy He sells five bottln of that medicine to nnc ol any ither kind ind it gives great Mtialictlon In these dtys of U giippc there is roth ing like ClimiitierWnV Cough Ktiiie dy to t top the cough htlllIlI the sort throat anti lungs anil give lelkf with ill a very short time The sales wrr growing aId all who try it lire pirated with its prompt action Suth Chica go Daily Calument For sale by Z Wat re Griffin Bro In t The Eminent Kidney and Bladder Specialist Tbe Discoverer of SwampHoot at Work U EU laboratory There Is a disease prevailing In this country most dangerous because so decep- tive Many sudden deaths are caused by itheart disease pneumonia heart failure or apoplexy are often the result of kidney disease If kidney trouble Is allowed to ad ¬ vance the kidneypoisoned blood will attack the vital organs or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by cell Then the richness of the blood the albumen leaks out and the sufferer has Bright Disease the worst form of kidney trouble Dr Kilmers Swamp Root the new dis- covery Is the true specific for kidney bladder and urinary troubles It has cured thousands of apparently hopeless cases after all other efforts have failed At druggists In fiftycent and dollar sizes A sample bottle sent free by mall also a book telling about Swamp Root and Its wonderful cures Address Dr Kilmer Co Bjnghamton N Y and mention this paper It Educated the People In 1894 2 the FreeTraders entered upon a great campaign of education And the people learned the truth of the old proverb A little learning is a dangerous thing They voted for FreeTrade moreover they got an approach to it Howbeit the Wilson Tariff swindle experience completed the education And lol wage earners soon learned that any approach to ward FreeTrade is good to kick It has been demonstrated repeatedly in every State in the Union and in many foreign countries that Chamber lains Cough Remedy is a certain pre ventire and cure for croup It has become the universal remedy for that disease M V Fisher of Liberty W Va only repeats what has been said around the globe when he writes I have used Chamberlains Cough Remedy in my family for several years and always with perfect success We believe that it is not only the best congh remedy but that it is a sure cure for croup It has saved the lives oi our children a number times This remedy is for sale by Z Wayne Griffin Bro m a Fortunately the reaction in indus ¬ trials has not yet reached the dimen ¬ slons of a reaction in industry There is here a distinction with a difference which we regret to add the Free Traders do not point out Philadel phia Inquirer r Z Wayne Griffin Bra guarantee every bottle of Chamberlains Cough Remedy and will refund the money to anyone who is not satisfied alter using two thirds of the contents This is the the best remedy in the world for la coughs colds croup and whooping cough and is pleasant and safe to take It prevents any tendency of a cold to result in pneumonia nov feb Our subscribers can have the Louisville Evening Post and the Republican one year for only 8250 If you are taking The Re ¬ publican send in the 150 and the Post will be forthcoming WANTED Several persons for District Office Managers in this State to represent me in their own and surroundlngcountles Willing to pay yearly 600 payable weekly Desirable employment with unusual opportunities References ex- changed ¬ Enclose addressed stamped envelope S A Park 320 Caxton Building Chicago 19 i6t Ladysmlth Named For Lady Smith Ltdysmith the town of Nital that has lately been the scene ol the Bore English encounters has a roman ¬ tic story connected with its christen ing It was named for the wife of Sir Harry Smith Hart and his meeting with his future wif was romantic In the extreme Sir U Irrywas a famous African fighter when the English first betrnn to turn longing eyes toward the dak continent He achieved rank as a colonel and was severely wounded at the battle of Coa In tjosedays there wire no ambulances and the wounded suffered untold agony an they wrre hauled over the rough road in shaky I cartsHarry Smith was in a bad condition from want of attention When he was brought into the hospital the young doctor who came to attend him un bandaged the injured knee with one hand with the other heldii bo net to his own noso lhk cnntr d Smith who troumtrd th ugh he was klked the fastidious doctor down ntsirs- He WKH up for htroch > f dl riptre and at the siege ol Uadjjos iutt the SplIlh Counttsfj whom lie niterwaid lUll rr It 1 She Iii comr Ii JII1 fr prnfTlion irnm t ie Iprltttl nJ Ins stiff Sr tolUulltltn hy tlc chVrnis if the fair petitiirw pressed hi < suit anti was rrcnptfil The toUn now KM famous WHO named in iier hon orNew York Journal ran bo cured with Dr JlUcSwEuVB ILABTBU Only So o iri TIlE LOCATION Of the Southern School of Os ¬ toopathy By Lawronco D Finn Attorney At Law Franklin is situated in the sou h western palt of Kentucky on the maui line of the Louisville Nashville Railroad about one hundred anti thirty four miles from the former city and about fiftyone miles from the lat terIt is an enterprising little city of about three thousand Inhabitant and besides its numerous uptodate mer cintlle firms it has three banks to- bacco factory planing mill and the famous Franklin Woolen Mills On a lovely eminence in the south- ern ruburbs of jhe town is a handsome brick female college while a good public fchool and several private and prepaiatory schools are successfully conductedFranklin has all of the modern con veniencies of any city such as a tele- phone system water works and elec ¬ tric light system while her natural advantages are superb being so locat- ed as to escape the excessive winters of the northern cities and the the op- pressive heat felt in the more southern townsCentrally located in the courtyard square and towering above the bower ol trees that surrcunds it is one ol the most elegant court houses in the State and the broad shaded prome ¬ nades and grassy plats make it an in- viting ¬ place of resort in the sumner evenings fur both young and the old while at the corner ol the quare is a bountiful supply cf Franklinstenown ed mineral water filling the hundreds of glasses that are held lor the cooling draught that freely flows to slake the thirst still Franklin is a dry town Franklin is a noted health resort hav- ing ¬ several mineral wells whose prop- erties are seldom excelled- It is a clean well kept town with broad shady streets and no stranger ever visited the little city without be ¬ ling impressed with the beauty of the town and the cordiality ol it hospita ble refined and cultivated southern peopleIn point of business Franklin is the greatest shipping point between Louisville and Nashville which tact of itself shows the fertility of the neighboring soil and the energy 01 the farming classes The tbimes from nine churches In ¬ vite her people to worship yet a sec- tarian ¬ spirit has never pervaded her sanctuaries and the different branches ol the church live in perfect harmony The town has a bcaltful continuour growth ard tverjthlng points to a successlul future The people are broad indeed ever willing to render unto Caesar that which is Caesars and therefore firm defenders and rr lent advocates of the science of O tt opathyAny person desiring to investigate the New Drugless Science of Healing either us a prospective rturtent or pa ¬ dent can get full information and also catalogue and Journal by address ng theSouthern School ol Osteopathy Incorporate Franklin Kentucky Smith Premier Tabulating and Billing Machine An Ever Rudy Effective Tine sad Labor SaTlat Device for Premier Uen Simplifies Dill Making and writing figures of different denominations In columns It In no way Interior with the typewriter for usual lInes of work uro Di5O5lPTV5 TAaiflATOM CATAkOOUC The Smith Premier Typewriter 215 5th St Louisvillo Ky n LYONS1LAXAT1VI SYRUP NATURES cum FO- RCONSTIPATION Ms made from tlr cokcct extracts of vegetables nnJ frt J contains no In nJ h lw best pre ¬ scription that cn I the cure of con > oitillousness Side HMilacho lcunc aiul to Jlsl Colds nd iv It drives Jout all < i t blooJ and smakss thz connks i cr If you do nct lic j LIter than any youriJrugglst An Ideal remedy as tas aJults For sab by druggists at I pcr bottle N oe CAC in A II ilFJKtlCOW d CO 1 1 ii ml rr Ky- J II t 1111 Ins Ilariforil its It It tlrAVNiiiiliiirNprli Ky I A It tl111 A IO IIIN IliAI CO Mrllrnry JOhN XTAYLOI1 fruumrll Ky jlt l a t THE OLD > RELIABLE 4 S CINCINNATI J ISIell9a WEEKLY Weekly Edition of the Cincinnati Commercial Tribune The Family Newspaper Special Departments devoted to Agriculture Poultry Matketa Literature with itiier Special liMtutcs IMPROVED f ENLARGED TIN NEW FORM NOW TWENTYPAGES I Ipublished WANTED AGENTS I SIE61 IiII SPECIAL TERMS I Look In Yew Mirror I Do you us fpwkltnK eyes a healthy tlntril skin a aweet etpreaaion and a < fnl form > Thei attraction arc th result o good health If they as oifnhbdl It alwayaaonw l > tlntlT feminIne organs present Healthy tnentrial organs mean health beauty everywhere McELREES i Wine of Cardui makes women beautiful and healthy It strikes at the root of trouble There is no menstrual dis- order ache or pain which it will not cure It is for the budding girl the busy wife and the matron approaching the change of life At every trying crisis in a womans life it brings health strength and happiness It costa Iroo of mediclno For advice in cases requiring special directions address giving symptoms- I I Tho Ladles Advisory Department The Chattanooga 1c Co Chat tanooga Tone silts noZEMV irWlB of OmarlUc ui1 waa troubled it monthlr Interval with terribU Cain In my toad and I bACk but hat been Urell nOised WIDe ol Cartful Who m thin of omeitmpl PIoolJ p General Directory CONGRESSIONAL Senator Hun William C Lindi say lion W J Deboe Representative Fourth District Hon D H Smith STATE LKOISLATUIIK CountyJIlinR OHIO COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT Hon W T Owen Judge Oweni boro Hon J Edwin Rowe OlensboroI Commislsionol G B Likens TruBteeJury Fund Hartfoid 8 T Stevens Sheriff Hartforl- lDeputiesD M locker T ti Ben- ton it 11 Martin and W H Tintley Court convenes first Monday in March and August antI continuesthree weeks anti third Monday in May and Novembertwo weeks CUNTY COURT Jas P Miller Judge Harttnrd M B ltaglautfClerkHartford- M L Heuvrin AttorneyHartford Court convenes Grst Mi in each monthI CCJUIt1I in mouthCOURT OF CLAIMS JalIIdrYI in October I OTHER COUNTY OFFICERS N Moxley Surveyor O D Iliya Assessor Fou UoLcrs School Supt CoronerSulphurSprings JUSTICES COURTS T A EVANS Court will be held nt Fonhville on March lot June 1st September Island December 18th B F GltAIsCntIrt will ho held HI Butord on March 80 Juno 20Sep le uber 28 nnd Dscormiber- 2bVEIiFItCtllrt 8 J wil bo hold I a Sulphur Springs on March t8 June j27 September 2li awl December 23 t II B TAYIOII Court wl ho he d 1111 JroniWH I on March oJ June 10 j Htfiif inhrr 2 ann Uccniiibor 0 W A HKK Court wil be held at ifenleriinvM im February 13 May 20 August 28 ulid Novrtnliei 1 Prvfiton Morton Post No 4 G A R hold their regular meeting Satur day before the firft Sunday in each j month in Court Hall at i oclock p in W A CAFSON Com I JOHN C ClIAMDERLAIN Alt L t d 15o C C PER Year Seen for sample AllltI copitsI TIlE COMMERCIAl cTcTaTA Our let rr turned If welsh Any one sending sketch and dncrlptlon of say invention promptly receIve our free concerning Ihe rutcaubllity ol umt How to Obtain a latent eDt ufl request 1tlcntf Mcurrd through udlulO4 rMlcitour ip nt Calculi liken out through tie receive special oftec without charge In rims IATHHTlUconn in Iliuitratnl and widely circulited journal contulled try Manufacturer and Inrettora Bern crumple copy rREC Addieu VICTOR J EVANS A CO Patent Attorneys Eunlulldlnl WASHINGTON DC IAT THE RATE OFI 4 CENTS A WEEK For the OLDEST ant IIC3T AP TERN ON Newspaper In the South The Louisville Evening Post Contain 10 II or r6 pages dally Coml t halls Markets All the Abttracti ol the Oflnloni ol the Court ol Appeala All the Washington and lrinklorl Newt EVERYTHING THAT A DAILY NEWSPAPER SHOULD CONTAIN lila be luutij In the livening Iosl ditty Tho Rates Arc 101 fir Threi Months t ran for MI riontha 1200 for On Year JI2 topic tor 200 centa Send rottil card lor sample copUt A llliooi Central Ratal AND MOST POPULAR ROUTK TO iDF8T Memphis New Orleans AND AIt lUNnI11l tlUANAN TEXAN MEXICO AND tAIJtUItNIA Gas Lighted Vcstibuled Trains with Cafo Cars Pullman Hleeiwrsflnd Free Reclining Chair Cars to and New Orleans Pullman Tourist Car leaves Luuis ¬ ville every Thursday night and runs through to California via New Orleans and tho South Pacific Sunset Route Double berth rate from Louisville to IroporI ¬ points Tho Truo Winter Routo to California No Blizzards Cold Weather Snow BlookadosI J R hot lie Traveling Passenger Agent lor C R U Louisville Ky Also ask him to send you a copy of tbo South era Homo Seekers Gnidewhich is re- plete with interesting information concerning the Southern terri ry It will be mailed to you free 1 On the first and third Tuesdays r- each month Home Seekers tickets are aold to Southern Rod Southwestern points at Special Low Rates good to return within twentytouo days from dato of sale Liberal stopover ar ¬ rangementsAHHANSONGPA CHIOAOO ILLINOIS W A Kelloud A G P A Louisville Ky DROPSY eUM regotabliRmedisL man thoniaixl cello celled honelsa In tea days at least twothird of all aymutona rumor Ml T atlmonla1a and Tl S DATS treatment free- ha B B GUEBS Sons Box R Atlanta GaI and WUk07 Futltl at home with earttctilars DLuM WSOIlEY eff riaoa ta ufiie 104 Martfe rr as Itelttbla pcriont ot a mechanical or Inysnitre mind goodlaaeanle1nnaptd MI A KINGS TOE la aa liable to hayo oorn aa a peaianfa lOUR cored will quickly II If you uu A V 0 Ii N Saiv B rnsalar pain No for IS centa Trial sins sent for ii lamp U1ANT C11UX1IPAL 00 tOt Cherry St Plum a

NEW FORM Ipublished · 2017. 12. 14. · AELE TSE PRXCES Common grades sin ... Best Star A Star White Cedar Shingles 2 85 per 1000 Best Red Cedar Shingles 310 per 1000 Grade for grade

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Page 1: NEW FORM Ipublished · 2017. 12. 14. · AELE TSE PRXCES Common grades sin ... Best Star A Star White Cedar Shingles 2 85 per 1000 Best Red Cedar Shingles 310 per 1000 Grade for grade




Results Fatally in Nine

Cases Out of TenACure Found at Last

This often firstas a more n pimple or in


tim breast too small to attractnotice ntilin cases tho deadlydisease dovclo

Cancer can not bo pcdIoneration thepoison in tho blood circulating throughout tho system and althoughthe sore or ulcerknown as the Cancermay bo cut the

remains in the blood and promptly breaks out afresh withrenewed violence

UTho wonderful success of S S S in curing obstinate deepooatedblood diseases which wore considered incurable n few doIIpuirin sufferers to try it for Cancer after exhausting the skill of

too cians a cure Much to their delight S S S provedAnlllli to the disease and nromptly effected cure The glad newsnrapidly

uand it was soon demonstrated

beyond doubt that a cure had at last beenfound deadly Cancer Evidence has accu-


which is incontrovertible of whichthe following is a specimen

a Cancer is hereditary in our family my father asister and an aunt died from this dreadfuldisease My feelings may ie imagined when tile horrlble dIsease made Its ance on side It wasa malignant Cancer eating In such a way asto cause alarm The disease beyond theskl11 of the doctors for their treatment no goodwhatever the Cancer growingworse all the whileNumerous remedies wero but the Cancer

row steadily WflTP POmed that I was doomedMRS H IDOL I

S tolLowth 0uiofthefamllyfor I know how deadly Cancer is especiallywhen I was advised to Specific S S SI which front thefirst day forced out the poison I continued its use I had takenbottles when I was and well and have had no symptoms of the

affliction though many years have elapsed S S S Is the curefor Cancer MRS S M IDOL Winston N C o

Our book on Cancer containing other testimonials and valuableinformation will be sent free to any address by the Swift SpecificCompany Atlanta Georgia

neF PiinglesThe word cheap has two meanings it may mean cheap 01

cheap price When I use the word it to the price Thats notegotism its business Ive built up the shingle business in thissection ol the country just by sticking toI Highest Grades and Lowest PricesAnd I could not have done that if I had used the word cheap carelesslyOf course I sell some lowgrade shingles but eveu on them the price is

cheap same as on the higher grades

BERE AELE TSE PRXCESCommon grades sin dimension Shingles 1 75 per 1000No i Yellow Poplar Shingles 2 10 per 1000Best Star A Star White Cedar Shingles 2 85 per 1000Best Red Cedar Shingles 310 per 1000

Grade for grade these prices cannot be equalled My Cedar Shingles Iguarantee not to crack warp or curl up at the butts When put on a roofthey lay flat and stay that way They make the best roof When you wantany amount of any kind of shingles and want them at the lowest prices calland see me about it Write if you cant call


fearful disease



A Easiness JdaeafiotLIs absolutely necessary to the young man or young woman who would winsuccess in life This being it Is of first importance to get yourtraining at the school that stands in the very front rank



Seven teachers each one a specialist inhis line Graduates of this college prelerred by busi ¬ I

ness houses Write for a beautiful book giving tes ¬

timonials Irom graduates occupying prominent positions all over theUnited StatesIt will be mailed to youFREE 28





MoxnIA DIAlilt Till

cniAiisr KMOWMA new and remarkably attractive

publication profusely illustrated withportraits and halftones contains all

I the striking news features of the DailyTribune Special War Despatches Domestic and Foreign CorrespondenceShort Stories IllustrationsIndustrial Information Fashion NottsAgricultural Matters carefully treatedand Comprehensive and Reliable Fi ¬

nancial and Market Reports It ismailed at the same hour as the dailyedition reaches a large proportion 01

subscribers on date of issue and eachedition is a thoroughly up to datedaily family newspaper for busy peo >

pie Regular subscription price150 PER

We furnish it with the Republican for





















For over fifty eight yearsa National Family Paperfor farmers and villagerswhose readers have represented the best

our country population-It gives all important news the

Nation and World theMarket Reports Fascinating ShortStories unexcelled AgriculturalDepartment Scientific and Mechani-

cal Information Articles for

the Women Humorous Illustrationslor old and young The Peo

pies Paper for the entire UnitedStates Regular subscription price

PER YEARWe furnish the Republican for

81 25 PER YEAR


Republican Hartford Ky

It will only cost you 50 cents extra to ride all day a CottonBelt Parlor 25 cents for a half Seated alarge revolving arm chair with plenty space around you canenlOY as much freedom and ease as you please If you are a smokeryou will enjoy the large smoking room with Its arm chairs and

i J couch The ladies will In the splendid ladles loungingroom with Its lounge and inviting arm chairs and Its roomy dressingroom adjoining You can have meals this car at houryou want them most anything you want from a

t steak or a spring chicken to a sandwich take as porterhouseIplease to eat It and you will only have to pay for what

Tho Cotton Deltlt dlrtet line toTexat train run through from Cairoand Metnphli to Texaa Ulreet connection are mad at ItsjuuHlona all parts of Texaa Indian Territory Oklahoma and Farut are gobs and when you will leare and we willtell rtr coat train nUke to mala th tttittlrue sodconnection and will send you an Intereitlng little booklet 1 TRIP TO IHiJ

J E f UtUCIEnl riur ill UL IllST LOUIS MOt



veryelement of


most reliable



It is

SlOOit with



of ou




the Itawithout change

for the

A IcOUSUIlIS==Now is the time to subscribe I



Hartford RepublicanFRIDAY JANUARY 26

I c R 3EtI-OCAI run TAIIIi HKA1 Kit I> A 51

MiitTii nornuiaIau in-

uuuI230 P iiiuJJii it in

NIIITTII HOV-ItiuliIaI N mam ans i m I

airiiJl p in

O J voi1oter Aont

Sample Industrial Boom

Rosultof Placing National Af-


In Honost and Ca-



No better illustration oi our countrys new prosperity can be obtainedthan in the work lit the Itre It loooruotlve building plants Never before In

the history of the concerns have lhe >

hal so many ram on tht pay rollsnever bt fore have they turned out somany locomotives in a year and nay

er before have they been so far behindIn their orders During last monththe famous Baldwin works turned out

91 locomotives an average of

three for eery working day in themonth And they are bigger andbetter locomotives too than theroads used to order No railroadnowoaders for its main line Irclght andpassenger service engines that weigh

40 1050 tons for everything now isfrom 100 to 150 tons in weight Un

til prosperity returned to this country with the incoming of PresidentMcKinley the locomotive industrywas paralyzed The last good yerwas in 1893 and hem then on untilRepublicanism and Protection returned tbe big shops were closedhalf the time and running on halfforces and half time the remainder olthe year The railroads were order-

ing about half as many locomotivesas they needed to keep up the ordinary wear and tear lor it was veryplain to them that thre was a crisis in

the affairs of the country and theywanted to be able to see day light be ¬

fore they made any great improvemerit in their rolling stock The sudden revival of business compelled theroads to replace their worn out engines and now the builders are havlug a hard time filling the ordersThe policy ot Protection has alsocreated a great foreign demand forAmerican built locomotives andseveral hundred engines will be sentabroad this year In the one big shopin the Baldwin works there are now

7250 men at work and the companyU planning extensions nnd improvemeats that will make their plant stilllarger It is but a sample of the prosperity that comes to all when the af

furs of our Nation are in capable andhonest hands Des Moines la StateRegister

Evolution of a National air

Neither Dixie nor Yankee Doodlewas written with any idea that itwould become n national air In factthe latter are never written to orderThat was tried once at least to thewriters knowledge In the firstyear of the civil war a patriotic assoelation raised a fund tobeawarded fornational anthempart to the authorof the words part to the composerof the music The mCey was awardedbut nobody to day knows either the

HeadacheIs often a warning that the liver Istorpid or Inactive More serious

promptieOlclentliver troubles ta-keHoods Pills

While they rouse the liver restorefull regular action of the bowelsthey do not gripe or pain do notorgansbutat all druggists or by mall ot-

C I Hood < Co Lowell Mass

DIitltKThe Leading Sp3clallsls cf America


250000 Cur-

edWECURESTRICTUREThouunih if OIIIIIT rail taUJIoaicil

inennro troubled iiItttila tlicaicinaiiyi-neouieioiilt They uiy lao a smallIns sen1 alien finall illiac itrcatn

cutting olIIt llrac lliihtillTrnkIiiorvom dcbili ao bUtteIf 111 Dont 1st iloctoMttixrlnifnt onyou br eittlng ttrclclilcir or trnrligyou 11110 otCIIEO011 ndh1I rrturn Our Milt MUHIUl IUliAllIuuolhcneoreruocI I UI never return f oinlnuon3iIiC nn dofeii Ion from rf ritirlaclhovl Itoxiclorgnrnrotrcoatic-ool flii nerve RID linlcotaUJunJIko blUs lit manliootl rcturnr

WECUF GLTTliouaili r burg anl lldloget

Tarn nro having encinr anilvitality cxilliniall rai <ll >

10 Lucy no frequently imconiclousrf Ilinrautorf llierfotymt tnn UcncrnltYcafinci iJirchargee 111lull 1tanbool Kcrvniunef 1oor Mem ¬

or IrritabIlity at tluipt LtnarllnnHenHitlon liunkcn Vrtt with uaik circleWeak Uk Ucoerat JJcfreiln Lcc-lf Ambition lbrlrILPart tie an I m

tinilydoctorstbeio rpcclnl tlbratr ilont allowUuael t > u rlwct I V ronralttut7rfi5eiotLItit1meIWUlclfor n f 3 Ma t ir I nil >rt ci I

cliuollaf iVrIUjCriof TCt =



111111 1IIIldIIIIIrll1tClrltIl If ubl h cJI tyrifi fur

fr nonaEETrWliTL> 0



words or the air of the winning production

The air of Yankee Doodle hasbeen traced back to the days of theEnglish revolution when ribaldwolds were sung by the Cavaliers tothe joggling tune nritUh soldiersbiought the latter to this side of theAtlantic and the red coats of Gigsiarmy in Boston sang fugitive campsongs to it Then it spread to thecolonlil camps where It was fitted toappropriate words in much the sameshape in which we sing them nowThus n purely British air came intime to be the camp song for theYankees and from that has grown tobe one of the most popular of Amer-


patriot airsDixie is another instance of a war

giving to a song a patriotic and afterward a national place It was writtenby Bob Emmett a noted negro mlnttrel in 1858 or 59 lor use on thestage It sprang at once into univer ¬

sal popularity Then came the seces-

sion oi the Southern states As theword are the lament of a plantationnegro for his old home the song wasspeedily adopted na distinctivelysouthern though its author is anorthern man and is still living at agreen old agedown at Mount VornonOhio The southern bands playedDixie and the northern ones playedYankee DoodleDixle was the YankeeDoodle of the confederates YankeeDoodle was the Dixie of the northbut in these days of united countryeither tune brings a wild cheerwhether played north or south ofMason and Dixona line

A new patriotic air is now in plOcess oi creationand similar steps tothose which have put both YankeeDoodle and Dixie into an notional

repertorieWhatthe air Nothing less than

Therell Be Hot Times in the OldTown tonight

Yes laugh if you will but the factremains nevertheless The processis going on before your eyes

A Hot Time was written somethinglike three or lour years ago when

ragtime songs first came intovogue as a variant for the monotonyof coonsongs ° It became the reg-

Imental song of Roosevelts RoughRiders in this way The famousorganizationwhich by the way isknown as the First United StatesVolunteer Cavalry rendezvoused atCamp Wood San Antonio Texas Theregiment was the cynosure of all oyeswhile there The San Antonio bandsused to come out to the camp andplay for the boys One of these wasconducted by a fit jolly little Ger ¬

man with whom A Hot Time was anespecial laverlte This band nevervisited Camp Wood without playingit several times The Rough Ridersjoked over it at first but there is anattraction about the tune to which theboys gradually seccumbed Theywhistled it they sang it and it graduly matured into the regimental air

01 course they took it with them toTampa They sang it in camp therethey sang it on the transport whichtook them to Cuba they sung it incamp at Daiquiri and theysang it with vim and vigor as theypushed their way up the bloodyslopes of Sau Jaun Hilt Other regUments took it upnot only volunteersbut regulars

The regulars tools A Hot Time to

the Philippines The streets of Manilaecho o its strains It has been sungin every camp in Luzon It is dayby day becoming identified withbattling with the flog It is slowlytaking its place in the same class asYonkee Doodle and Dixie There isa species of deviltry that especiallyappeals to the soldier in both wordsand music ol the refrain therell bea hot time in the old town tonightIt was the battle song of San Juanit is developing into an Americanwar songToleda Blade

I want to let the people who suRerfrom rheumatism and sciatica knowthat Chamberlains Pain Balm relievedme alter a number of other medicinesand a doctor had failed It is the bestliniment I have ever known olJ ADodgen Alphorelta Ga Thousandshave been cured of rheumatism bythisremedy One application relievesthe pain For sale by Z Wayne GritfinBro m

How ItWas SettledDuring the palmy days of Free

Trade talk when Mills and Wilsonbills were the fashion of the hour itwas actually prophesied that the pas-

sage of the latter bill would settle thequestion of the Tariff for a generationIn fact it lId settle it It brought inso little revenue that President Cleveland was obliged to borrow right andleft and business went into a holeand drew the hole in after it It Is acurious fact that the passage of Protective TerM acts is always followedby periods of prosperity and the ascendency of Free Trade has alwaysjust as surely brought on panics andhard times Ashland Vis Press

Having a Great Run on Cham ¬

berlains Cough Romody

Manager Maftin cf the Pierson drug-

store Informs us that he is having arert run on Chamberlains Cough

Remedy He sells five bottln of thatmedicine to nnc ol any ither kindind it gives great Mtialictlon Inthese dtys of U giippc there is rothing like ClimiitierWnV Cough Ktiiiedy to t top the cough htlllIlI the sortthroat anti lungs anil give lelkf withill a very short time The sales wrrgrowing aId all who try it lire piratedwith its prompt action Suth Chicago Daily Calument For sale by Z

Wat re Griffin Bro In


The Eminent Kidneyand Bladder Specialist

Tbe Discoverer of SwampHoot at Work UEU laboratory

There Is a disease prevailing In thiscountry most dangerous because so decep-tive Many sudden deaths are caused byitheart disease pneumonia heart failureor apoplexy are often the result of kidneydisease If kidney trouble Is allowed to ad¬

vance the kidneypoisoned blood will attackthe vital organs or the kidneys themselvesbreak down and waste away cell by cellThen the richness of the blood the albumen

leaks out and the sufferer has BrightDisease the worst form of kidney trouble

Dr Kilmers Swamp Root the new dis-covery Is the true specific for kidney bladderand urinary troubles It has cured thousandsof apparently hopeless cases after all otherefforts have failed At druggists In fiftycentand dollar sizes A sample bottle sent freeby mall also a book telling about SwampRoot and Its wonderful cures AddressDr Kilmer Co Bjnghamton N Y andmention this paper

It Educated the People

In 1894 2 the FreeTraders enteredupon a great campaign of educationAnd the people learned the truth ofthe old proverb A little learningis a dangerous thing They votedfor FreeTrade moreover they got anapproach to it Howbeit the WilsonTariff swindle experience completedthe education And lol wage earnerssoon learned that any approach toward FreeTrade is good to kick

It has been demonstrated repeatedlyin every State in the Union and inmany foreign countries that Chamberlains Cough Remedy is a certain preventire and cure for croup It hasbecome the universal remedy for thatdisease M V Fisher of LibertyW Va only repeats what has been

said around the globe when he writesI have used Chamberlains Cough

Remedy in my family for several yearsand always with perfect success We

believe that it is not only the bestcongh remedy but that it is a surecure for croup It has saved the livesoi our children a number timesThis remedy is for sale by Z WayneGriffin Bro m

aFortunately the reaction in indus ¬

trials has not yet reached the dimen ¬

slons of a reaction in industry Thereis here a distinction with a differencewhich we regret to add the Free

Traders do not point out Philadelphia Inquirer

rZ Wayne Griffin Bra guarantee

every bottle of Chamberlains CoughRemedy and will refund the money toanyone who is not satisfied alterusing two thirds of the contentsThis is the the best remedy in theworld for la coughs coldscroup and whooping cough and ispleasant and safe to take It preventsany tendency of a cold to result inpneumonia nov feb

Our subscribers canhave the LouisvilleEvening Post and theRepublican one yearfor only 8250 If youare taking The Re ¬

publican send in the150 and the Post

will be forthcomingWANTED

Several persons for District OfficeManagers in this State to represent mein their own and surroundlngcountlesWilling to pay yearly 600 payableweekly Desirable employment withunusual opportunities References ex-


Enclose addressed stampedenvelope S A Park 320 CaxtonBuilding Chicago 19 i6t

Ladysmlth Named For LadySmith

Ltdysmith the town of Nitalthat has lately been the scene ol theBore English encounters has a roman ¬

tic story connected with its christening

It was named for the wife of SirHarry Smith Hart and his meetingwith his future wif was romantic Inthe extreme

Sir U Irrywas a famous Africanfighter when the English first betrnnto turn longing eyes toward the dakcontinent He achieved rank as acolonel and was severely wounded atthe battle of Coa In tjosedays therewire no ambulances and the woundedsuffered untold agony an they wrrehauled over the rough road in shaky

I cartsHarrySmith was in a bad condition

from want of attention When he wasbrought into the hospital the youngdoctor who came to attend him unbandaged the injured knee with one

hand with the other heldii bo net tohis own noso

lhk cnntr d Smith who troumtrdth ugh he was klked the fastidiousdoctor down ntsirs-

He WKH up for htroch > f dl riptreand at the siege ol Uadjjos iutt theSplIlh Counttsfj whom lie niterwaidlUll rr It 1 She Iii comr Ii JII1 frprnfTlion irnm t ie Iprltttl nJ Insstiff Sr tolUulltltn hy tlcchVrnis if the fair petitiirw pressedhi < suit anti was rrcnptfil The toUnnow KM famous WHO named in iier hon

orNew York Journal

ran bo cured withDr JlUcSwEuVB ILABTBU Only So




Of the Southern School of Os ¬


By Lawronco D Finn AttorneyAt Law

Franklin is situated in the sou hwestern palt of Kentucky on the mauiline of the Louisville NashvilleRailroad about one hundred anti

thirty four miles from the former cityand about fiftyone miles from the lat

terItis an enterprising little city of

about three thousand Inhabitant andbesides its numerous uptodate mercintlle firms it has three banks to-

bacco factory planing mill and thefamous Franklin Woolen Mills

On a lovely eminence in the south-

ern ruburbs of jhe town is a handsomebrick female college while a good

public fchool and several private andprepaiatory schools are successfully

conductedFranklinhas all of the modern con

veniencies of any city such as a tele-

phone system water works and elec ¬

tric light system while her naturaladvantages are superb being so locat-

ed as to escape the excessive wintersof the northern cities and the the op-

pressive heat felt in the more southern

townsCentrallylocated in the courtyard

square and towering above the bowerol trees that surrcunds it is one olthe most elegant court houses in theState and the broad shaded prome ¬

nades and grassy plats make it an in-


place of resort in the sumnerevenings fur both young and the oldwhile at the corner ol the quare is abountiful supply cf Franklinstenowned mineral water filling the hundredsof glasses that are held lor the coolingdraught that freely flows to slake thethirst still Franklin is a dry townFranklin is a noted health resort hav-


several mineral wells whose prop-

erties are seldom excelled-It is a clean well kept town with

broad shady streets and no strangerever visited the little city without be ¬

ling impressed with the beauty of thetown and the cordiality ol it hospitable refined and cultivated southern

peopleInpoint of business Franklin

is the greatest shipping point betweenLouisville and Nashville which tactof itself shows the fertility of theneighboring soil and the energy 01

the farming classesThe tbimes from nine churches In ¬

vite her people to worship yet a sec-


spirit has never pervaded hersanctuaries and the different branchesol the church live in perfect harmony

The town has a bcaltful continuourgrowth ard tverjthlng points to asuccesslul future The people arebroad indeed ever willing to renderunto Caesar that which is Caesarsand therefore firm defenders and rrlent advocates of the science of O ttopathyAny

person desiring to investigatethe New Drugless Science of Healingeither us a prospective rturtent or pa ¬

dent can get full information andalso catalogue and Journal by addressng theSouthern School ol OsteopathyIncorporate Franklin Kentucky

Smith PremierTabulating

and Billing MachineAn Ever RudyEffective

Tine sad Labor SaTlat Devicefor Premier Uen

Simplifies Dill Making and writingfigures of different denominations Incolumns

It In no way Interior with thetypewriter for usual lInes of work


The Smith Premier Typewriter215 5th St Louisvillo Ky




RCONSTIPATIONMs made from tlr cokcct extracts of

vegetables nnJ frt J contains no InnJ h lw best pre¬

scription that cn Ithe cure of con > oitillousnessSide HMilacho lcunc aiul toJlsl Colds nd iv It drives

Jout all < i t blooJ andsmakss thz connks i cr

If you do nct lic j LIter than any

youriJrugglstAn Ideal remedy as

tas aJults For sab by druggists atIpcr bottle

Noe CAC inA II ilFJKtlCOW d CO 1 1 ii ml rr Ky-

J II t 1111 Ins Ilariforil itsIt It tlrAVNiiiiliiirNprli Ky

I A It tl111 A I OIIIN IliAI CO MrllrnryJOhN XTAYLOI1 fruumrll Ky







Weekly Edition of the Cincinnati Commercial Tribune

The Family NewspaperSpecial Departments devoted to Agriculture Poultry

Matketa Literature with itiier Special liMtutcs







Look In Yew Mirror I

Do you us fpwkltnK eyes a healthytlntril skin a aweet etpreaaion and a <fnl form > Thei attraction arc th resulto good health If they as oifnhbdlIt alwayaaonw l >

tlntlT feminIne organs present Healthytnentrial organs mean health beautyeverywhere


i Wine of Carduimakes women beautiful and healthyIt strikes at the root oftrouble There is no menstrual dis-order ache or pain which it will notcure It is for the budding girl thebusy wife and the matron approachingthe change of life At every tryingcrisis in a womans life it bringshealth strength and happiness Itcosta Iroo of mediclno

For advice in cases requiring specialdirections address giving symptoms-

I I Tho Ladles Advisory DepartmentThe Chattanooga 1c Co Chattanooga Tonesilts noZEMV irWlB of OmarlUcui1 waa troubled it monthlr

Interval with terribU Cain In my toad and I

bACk but hat been Urell nOised WIDeol Cartful

Who m thinof omeitmplPIoolJp

General Directory

CONGRESSIONALSenator Hun William C Lindi

say lion W J DeboeRepresentative Fourth District



CIRCUIT COURTHon W T Owen Judge Oweni

boroHon J Edwin Rowe


G B Likens TruBteeJury FundHartfoid8 T Stevens Sheriff Hartforl-

lDeputiesD M locker T ti Ben-

ton it 11 Martin and W H TintleyCourt convenes first Monday in

March and August antI continuesthreeweeks anti third Monday in May andNovembertwo weeks

CUNTY COURTJas P Miller Judge HarttnrdM B ltaglautfClerkHartford-M L Heuvrin AttorneyHartfordCourt convenes Grst Mi in

each monthICCJUIt1I in


JalIIdrYIin OctoberI

OTHER COUNTY OFFICERSN Moxley SurveyorO D Iliya AssessorFou UoLcrs School Supt

CoronerSulphurSpringsJUSTICES COURTS

T A EVANS Court will be heldnt Fonhville on March lot June 1stSeptember Island December 18th

B F GltAIsCntIrt will ho heldHI Butord on March 80 Juno 20Seple uber 28 nnd Dscormiber-

2bVEIiFItCtllrt8 J wil bo holdI

a Sulphur Springs on March t8 Junej27 September 2li awl December 23t II B TAYIOII Court wl ho he d1111 JroniWH I on March oJ June 10j Htfiif inhrr 2 ann Uccniiibor 0

W A HKK Court wil be held atifenleriinvM im February 13 May 20August 28 ulid Novrtnliei 1

Prvfiton Morton Post No 4 G AR hold their regular meeting Saturday before the firft Sunday in each

j month in Court Hall at i oclock pin W A CAFSON Com


L td



Seen for sampleAllltI copitsITIlE COMMERCIAl


Our let rr turned If welsh Any one sendingsketch and dncrlptlon of say inventionpromptly receIve our free concerningIhe rutcaubllity ol umt How to Obtain alatent eDt ufl request 1tlcntf Mcurrdthrough udlulO4 rMlcitour ip nt

Calculi liken out through tie receive specialoftec without charge In rims IATHHTlUconn

in Iliuitratnl and widely circulited journalcontulled try Manufacturer and Inrettora

Bern crumple copy rREC AddieuVICTOR J EVANS A CO

Patent AttorneysEunlulldlnl WASHINGTON DC




TERN ON NewspaperIn the South

The Louisville

Evening PostContain 10 II or r6 pages

dally Coml t halls MarketsAll the Abttracti ol the Oflnloniol the Court ol Appeala All theWashington and lrinklorl NewtEVERYTHING THAT A DAILY


lila be luutij In the liveningIosl ditty

Tho Rates Arc101 fir Threi Months

t ran for MI riontha1200 for On Year

JI2 topic tor 200 centaSend rottil card lor sample copUt



Memphis New OrleansAND AIt lUNnI11l


Gas Lighted Vcstibuled Trains withCafo Cars Pullman Hleeiwrsflnd FreeReclining Chair Cars to andNew Orleans

Pullman Tourist Car leaves Luuis ¬

ville every Thursday night and runsthrough to California via New Orleansand tho South Pacific Sunset RouteDouble berth rate from Louisville toIroporI ¬


Tho Truo Winter Routo toCalifornia No Blizzards

Cold Weather Snow

BlookadosI J R hotlie Traveling Passenger Agent lorC R U Louisville Ky Also askhim to send you a copy of tbo Southera Homo Seekers Gnidewhich is re-plete with interesting informationconcerning the Southern terri ry Itwill be mailed to you free 1

On the first and third Tuesdays r-

each month Home Seekers tickets areaold to Southern Rod Southwesternpoints at Special Low Rates good toreturn within twentytouo days fromdato of sale Liberal stopover ar¬



W A Kelloud A G P ALouisville Ky



regotabliRmedisLman thoniaixl cellocelled honelsa In tea

days at least twothird of all aymutona rumorMl T atlmonla1a and Tl S DATS treatment free-ha B B GUEBS Sons Box R Atlanta GaI

and WUk07 Futltlat home with

earttctilarsDLuM WSOIlEY effriaoa ta ufiie 104 Martfe rr as

Itelttbla pcriont ot a mechanical or Inysnitre mindgoodlaaeanle1nnaptdMI

A KINGS TOEla aa liable to hayo oorn aaa peaianfa lOUR coredwill quickly II If youuu A V 0 Ii N SaivB rnsalar painNo for IScenta Trial sins sent for iilampU1ANT C11UX1IPAL 00tOt Cherry St Plum
