N.01 May 2012 Enjoy!!! Make-Up YoUr Mind all aboUt art Let’s get to know a little bit about Meagan Park absolUte ConviCtion Let’s take a look into the lives of these 4 guys........ Join us behind the veil of the makeup artist........ Ryze Up

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Make-Up YoUr Mind

all aboUt artLet’s get to know a little bit about Meagan Park

absolUteConviCtionLet’s take a look into the lives of these 4 guys........

Join us behind the veil of the makeup artist........


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lor Sit Amet


ell us a little about yourself personally and if you attend-ed school or if you are a self taught makeup artist?

For as long as I can remember I have always been passionate about makeup! I would sit in my room for hours as a young girl experimenting with differ-ent looks that I saw in magazines and such. I al-ways recruited friends and family as guinea pigs, and am grateful they were willing to cooperate in my antics! I believe that makeup, as with any art, comes from the soul! It’s not something you can truly learn in a classroom! Of course anyone can learn the basics, but in order to make it your own and be successful at it you must have that pas-sion and drive that comes from within!

Do you think going to school for make-up artistry is important to excel in the business later on?

Some people/agencies may feel more comfort-able recruiting you if you have a degree or certifi-cate, but I feel that it’s not “Necessary” in the art world.

TLet your work speak for itself! If you are good, Pe-ople will notice!

Who or what inspired you to become a makeup artist?

I will have to say that the fashion world, magazines and such, played a big part in my up-rising. I would thumb though magazines looking at the beautiful models, all the while thinking to myself “I could to-tally do that look” or, “I could have done way better than that!” …..I still think that way! Haha!

What is your favorite or most exciting aspect about your job?

I LOVE being able to express myself through my art but to me, it’s all about the transformation! It’s almost like I am in charge of turning a plain old! caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly! I just love the beauty in it, and being able to bring that beauty out in everyone! I love to witness the look on my clients’ faces when they see themselves in the mirror for the first time after a makeup session! It’s priceless! It’s Elating!

The Many Faces Of Kae


What surprises you most about working as a ma-keup artist?

The fact that there are SO many women who do not see their true beauty! There are a LOT of wo-men who don’t wear makeup or don’t think that they could pull it off. Take Red lipstick as an exam-ple! I always hear “Oh NO that is TOO bold for me!” but when they see how fierce they look with their sexy red lips they are always taken aback! It’s an awesome feeling making a woman realize her inner sexiness!

Describe your “Classic Approach to Beauty.” how do you define beauty?

Beauty comes from within, no matter your skin type, weight, height, age, color, gender….none of that really matters! To me, It’s all about what ma-kes YOU feel truly sexy and beautiful! If you FEEL beautiful, everyone will notice! That inner light will shine through! I strive to bring that “inner light” out in all of my clients, and for some it’s the first time they see it and It’s just amazing!


What individual products and brands are you “ad-dicted” to at the moment and use on a daily basis?

I am a long time fan of M.A.C Cosmetics, although I have found that there are a lot of affordable drug store brands out there that are less expensive but very effective! Some of my recent favorite drug store finds are: “The Falsies” mascara by Maybel-line! I use it myself daily and It’s amazing! Espe-cially for the price, my lashes truly look like fals-ies! I LOVE the ELF brand crème eyeliner! It is long lasting, smudge proof, very easy to use, and one little jar lasts a very long time! I am also a big fan of the Revlon High Definition foundation. It’s blend ability and coverage are comparable to the more expensive brands! However, If you prefer not to use liquid foundation, I highly recommend the Bare Minerals line of foundation powders. Al-though more expensive, When it comes to maxi-mum coverage without the heavy feel of liquids, they rock! A little goes a LONG way!

What are some of the most basic but effective skin care tips in general that you have, that are really important?

MOISTURIZE!!!!!! Ladies, keep your faces moi-sturized, and also wash your makeup off every night before bed! This will prevent major brea-kouts! Use products that are made especially for your skin type! I personally recommend the Avon skincare line! It’s less expensive than department store brands, and they make it easy to target your individual needs!

Have you had an extreme, crazy or bad experien-ce with a skin care product or during a makeup session? If so, what happened?

I can’t say that I have really! I always use products that are hypo-allergenic and oil free!

“Believe!”… Believe in yourself, your dreams….Just Believe!”


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Lip gloss or Lipstick. Which product is best? Why?

It’s totally up to the individual! Lip Gloss is sheer and shiny, Lip Stick can be matte or shiny but the colors are more intense. I love both! Depen-ding on my mood! And the occasion! The great thing about makeup is, you can create your own combina-tions! Your favorite Lipstick topped off with your favorite lip gloss….Epic!

What do you find to be the most common mista-kes women make with makeup? What’s the worst thing a woman can do to her skin?

Take it easy on the bronzers AND self tanners, especially when used together! Orange is not a good color….Unless you are actually an orange! I also find that a lot of women don’t wear blush! I think it’s because they are afraid to overdo it. Find a shade that is comparable to your natural “Blush” color. Light pinks or peaches de-pending on your skin type will re-ally bring out your cheekbones. Don’t forget about your eyebrows, ladies!!! Pluck, wax, shave and/or fill-in…whatever your preference...Your eyebrows and cheekbones can really define your face when accentuated! Most importantly, use a moisturizer that at least contains an SPF 15 sunscreen. SPF 15 will allow your skin to get SOME co-lor from the sun while blocking out most of the harmful rays that cause those unsightly wrinkles! It’s also a happy medium between looking like a lobster or a vampire!

What do you think are best/worst trends in the makeup / skin care in-dustry right now?

TRENDS are just that….trendy…and usually outrageous! Unless you are a runway model, rock star or actress/ac-tor keep it simple!

What feature(s) do you love to accentuate and why?

I like to accentuate a clients’ best feature, whether it be their eyes, lips, skin or all of the above…I have an eye for beauty and glamour and will make sure they stand out above all!

What are your steps for the perfect, flawless, nat-ural look?

For a natural look, I recommend a tinted SPF 15 moisturizer, with a bit of bronzer on the cheek-bones & temples. Fill-in the eyebrow with a wa-terproof eye pencil, not too heavy!! And a natural waterproof brown mascara (If you have black eye-lashes, use a waterproof black mascara). Finish it off with a light pink or clear lipgloss or an SPF lip balm and you’re ready for the beach!

What is a really quick way to change a day look to a special occasion or night-time face?

It’s all about the eyes! The classic smoky eye is easy to do and will make your eyes really pop! Especially if you are like most women and wear a light brown eye shadow during the daytime. 1. Add a darker brown (or black, if you are daring) shade to the outer crease of your eyes and blend well in-ward toward your nose. 2. Line the top eyelids with black eyeliner (If you wish) 3. Use a white or “bone” color eye shadow to high-light just underneath the eyebrow and blend well. 4. Refresh your lashes with a coat of mascara

5. Finish it off with a bit of a pink blush on the cheekbones, face powder on your shiny spots and a light pink or clear lip gloss for sultry shiny lips! Voila!

What do your clients think of you? What are some individual testimonials?

In MY opinion, they all love me!! Haha! But I guess you would have to ask them that question! I have a testimonial page on my website, any and ALL feedback is welcomed! (www.facesofkae.com)

- Ryze-Up Magazine

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What drives you to paint the way that you do?

I’m not really sure what drives me to paint the way that I do, painting has always been a love of mine –When I was in Kindergarten, we had to dress up as what we were going to be when we grew up - beside the mini-doctors and firefighters I stood in paint-splattered clothes and told my class I was go-ing to be an Artist. I think it’s in my blood, My Family and I Have always been the ‘artsy type’…

Walk us through a normal work day for yourself?

Well, the main part of painting is that I have to get myself prepared to sit for atleast a few hours at a time – and that involves the kinda quirky and weird set-up rituals that I have… It Goes Something Like This: I can’t paint in a dirty house, even though I have my own Studio to lock myself away in, I can’t relax and have a clear mind knowing my carpet hasn’t been vaccumed… After my house is some-what squared away - I have to brew some coffee, Light a Candle, Turn The Stereo Up ( I like to sing while I paint ), Make Sure I have Clean Brushes and Water, I like to wear my Slippers too – My Cat, Kiwi, will need her bed set up so she take a nap be-side me... After all of that, and probably more, I sit in my Chair and begin to unwind… the rest is his-tory, I get lost in what I like to call ‘Painting Land’…

These Are My Stories

Told to you throuh my art

et’s start off by introducing you to Charlotte. Who are you and what do you do?

My Name is Meagan Park - I am a Portrait Artist, a Painter, or What I like to Call a Paintslinger -



- Ryze-Up Magazine

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What’s your background, how did you start?

It really started in High School Art Class, af-ter I decided that playing Clarinet and Softball just weren’t my thing. I’m not much of a team player. – That’s Where I painted my first real Portrait, my first real Paintings – That’s where I started entering art shows, and Had my first Offer on one of my Paintings, which I thank-fully turned down… High School is where my real true Love for Portrait Painting and not just my natural creativity began.

What role do you think an artist has in soci-ety?

It has a huge role – it’s how people express themselves when words can’t, then in return other people decorate their homes and every-thing else under the sun with it, and sit and wonder what the artist was thinking, how they were feeling when they were painting, and what’s the story behind the painting…

How has your style changed over time if at all?

My style, I don’t think has changed much, I think I have matured and learned a lot as an artist, but I’m pretty sure my style is still Mea-gan…

What art do you most identify with?

The very first painting I ever painted waayyy back was a recreation of Vincent Van Goghs, ‘Starry Night’ – After that I did my own thing, so I think some of my style and brushstrokes maybe in some way are similar to him…

Or, there are the people who see a painting, like it’s pretty colors and that’s as far as the thought process goes… But Whatever, even though every painting of mine has a story, whether you care or not, I’m just happy to have my paintings out there for people to see .


I work as a Veterinary Technician, My Other Love in Life is Animals. Animals are just awesome in every single way… Working With and Around Ani-mals and ‘Animal People’ really got me into Paint-ing Pet Portraits – It started with, ‘Hey I heard you paint, will you paint my Dog??’ And it took off from there… Last Year I Was Commissioned to Paint Seventeen Pet Portraits, and I’m Happy with that…

Why art?

Because that’s how I express myself – You know, sometimes I wish I didn’t have such a boring tal-ent. Sometimes I wish I could sing and play Guitar, or Dance. But, painting is what I have, so I’m just gonna go with it and be happy and thankful that I have been able to do as much work as I have, so far…

What memorable responses have you had to your work?Some of the most Memorable responses are from the ‘not an artistic bone in my body’ side of the family…

What kind of artwork do you most enjoying doing?

I Love to Paint murals on walls, abstract and free paintings on canvas, but my true love is to paint portraits, of People or Furry Friends

What themes do you pursue?

Lately, I’ve Been Painting Pet Portraits – Depend-ing on who I am Painting for and what exactly it is that they want will depend on the theme as well – Some people like their paintings more ‘traditional’ but I’ve also been asked to paint Pet Portraits that are Colorful and Funky and Fun –

What’s your favorite art work?

My Favorite painting that I finished is called ‘Cres-cent Sun’ , I painted it for Fun a Few Years ago and has been hanging on my wall since… I just love it, it was unplanned, it just came from within…

What jobs have you done/doing other than being an artist?

Pipe Dreams

I guess because I never really told my family I paint, I don’t really talk about it, I just do it – Then when they actually see my paintings they don’t be-lieve that I painted it… Then I don’t know how to respond, so I just get all shy when people make a big deal about it…

Are there any challenges with being a painter and having a husband who is a musician?

No Challenges Here! When He has Practice or a Recording Session that’s the perfect time for me to get it together and paint the night away… We Sometimes Visit Each other’s Studios for a Lesson in Painting or To Learn a Few Chords on a Gui-tar... We Love and Accept Each other’s Abilities, that’s what makes it work, that’s what makes it so awesome – We drive Each other to do better and Never Give up On Our Lifelong Dreams - You Only Live once, you know…

Is there anything you dislike about the art world?

I’m sure if I was out and about in the Art World a little more I could find a thing or two that I dislike

about it… maybe some people come off snobby or unaccepting of something new… But, the thing I’ve learned about being an artist is that people will criticize you, people will not like what you’ve spent hours and hours working on, and you have to learn to be okay with that. Same goes with any other type if artist, musician, or whatever, people always try to find what you could have done better and not what you did amazingly…

What do you like about your work?

I like that my work is a reflection of myself, I have basically no influences, I just paint from my heart…

What makes you angry?

If you know me, you know there isn’t much that makes me angry… So, I’m not really gonna elabo-rate on that…

What research do you do?

Research about Art isn’t really on the top of my list of things to learn about… If there is anything I research the most it would be about Nutrition, Physical, and Mental health... Painting is definitely one of the things that I practice to keep my mind healthy…

What superpower would you have and why?

I would be able to Fly! Because it would awesome and there isn’t any other Freedom like it… I dream about it all the time.

Name something you love, and why.

Other than Art and Animals – My natural, lifetime Loves… I Love Yoga! Because it has taught me more than I ever imagined… it has taught me to be patient and accepting of things that I cannot change, it has taught me to be strong willed and determined, it has taught me to Stop, Breathe, and Let Go of things that do me no good. And, I’m sure the longer I practice there will be more posi-tive things I will be able to take from it and put into my everyday life and relationships…


What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been giv-en?

The best advice I have been given, came from my Uncle Blake (who is an artist as well) when I just wasn’t feelin’ a painting I was commissioned to paint, and I was having trouble getting into it… And this is what he said:

“Michelangelo, Rembrandt and all the other greats did commissioned works that hang in museums today. They had patrons who supported them and gave them work to push them to be better.

Try to get your head into your work and do it with all you’ve got. Learn to be thankful that you are blessed enough even to get commissions. That’s a major accomplishment in itself that should not be overlooked.

Take on your commissions like they are for the Medici and then make your masterpieces. Make your commissions come from your heart too. You can do things to make them that way. I’m sure that you have the creativity to figure out how to do that. All artists need encouragement every now and then. We are emotional creatures. Pour your emo-tion out in your work.”

Professionally, what’s your goal?

I would love to eventually sell my paintings to major Retail Businesses (Target, Kohls, etc.) and have prints sold Nationwide… that would be awesome.

What wouldn’t you do without?

I Wouldn’t do without Wonderful People, Like Yourself, Who Want to Let the World Know about People Like Myself…

Name something you don’t love, and why.

Public Television, because I think it does nothing but suck you in to watching and believing things that do not matter, which can keep you from being productive and doing things that actually do mat-ter.

What is your dream project?

I’d love to be commissioned to paint portraits for some of my favorite Recording Artist…

Name three artists you’d like to be compared to.

I’d rather not be compared to anyone, I like to just be Myself…

Favorite or most inspirational place (in Charlotte)?

Besides my Art Studio and my House – You know Artist of every kind like to visit NoDa, because there are so many likeminded people in the area, and others who just appreciate art in general… Not like I go there to chat and tell people about my paintings, but it’s fun to go hang out in the sum-mertime and support musicians (and artist) from around the town…

Lorem Ipsum Do-

lor Sit Amet

Travis Lakeman


Travis Lakeman Interview

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con-sectetur adipisici elit, sed

- Ryze-Up Magazine

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adip-isici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim ve-niam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequat. Quis

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LSome Quote that I will put here from his interview


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna ali-qua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi conse-quat. Quis aute iure reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint ob-caecat cupiditat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequat. Quis aute iure reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint obcaecat cupiditat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con-sectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut la-bore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequat. Quis aute iure reprehende-rit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint obcaecat cupiditat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est labo-rum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquid

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GM has always been great at marketing its cars, and it showed with the Volt. A lot of people knew what it was, with one driver jumping from his truck at an intersection to tell me that he was going to buy one. That being said, Chevrolet has not sold many Volts at all, which is surprising to me. Before I sink my teeth into the meat of the matter, an explanation is needed first. Traditional hybrids like the Ford Fusion hybrid or the Toyota Prius are assisted by electric motors. These electric motors will propel the car from 0 up to a certain limit, whe-ther that limit be speed or distance. Typically this distance limit is around 34 miles or so. Once this limit is reached, the gasoline engine kicks in and propels the car.

The Chevrolet Volt is similar but different. It is si-milar in that it has a gasoline engine too, but it is also a plug model. It is different because this gasoline engine is only used as an electric gene-rator. This engine/generator does not propel the car but only generates more electricity, which in turn moves the car. Unlike electric models such as the Nissan Leaf, which has a tested range just over 100 miles, the Chevrolet Volt can continue far beyond that.

When using a standard 110v outlet to charge the Chevrolet Volt as I did, it will take between 12 to 14 hours for a full charge. A 220v power conver-sion kit will no doubt cut this charge time to six to eight hours, or the amount of time the typical car sits overnight before the next work day. When it comes to models like the Chevrolet Volt, the most demanded and most important informa-tion is one of efficiency. The fact that the Chevrolet Volt has the low slung stance and style of a sports car is secondary. Even the Volts near luxury ride and four supportive, but comfortable sport seats is secondary. The Volts good trunk space in the Volt is secondary. As you would expect, the Volt is quiet, but it is very smooth as well. Even in the most luxurious mo-dels, vibrations from internal combustion engines and traditional transmissions are all but impercei-vable. However, when you drive an electric mo-del like the Volt, the absence of these vibrations is magnified. But again that too is secondary.

Now let us get down to it. The Chevrolet Volt achie-ved a combined city/highway average between 66 & 68 “mpg” during my week long test.


2K12 Chevrolet Voltby Larry Cornwell

My shortest range in assisted electric mode was 27 miles on one gallon of gasoline generated electricity. This was impressive because this was achieved in the mountains where the elevation put the most strain on the generator. The fact that I had two adult passengers with me on this trip made this even more impressive. My longest non-assisted electric charge was 62 miles. By my estimation, the Volts range could be exten-ded far beyond the 622 total miles that I achieved. These 622 miles was covered on neighborhood streets, busy roads, highways, mountains and speeds up to 101mph. When I ride my all carbon-fiber Specialized Rou-baix bicycle into work, it’s a 15 mile ride each way covering 30 miles round trip. Even with stops by restaurants, or errands runs to the grocery store or pharmacy most of these points are along my ride route. This means that someone with a 220v charger could get a full charge every night after work. In turn, they could drive the Volt for days without tapping into the gasoline generator.

Unlike most vehicles, when you pull on the turn signal stalk to flash the lights in the Volt, the horn blows too. I asked an OnStar representative why and was told that it was a safety feature, because the Volt is so quiet. This is true, but the problem is that most people are not use to this and did cause some potentially raw reactions. Long story short, the Chevrolet Volt delivers the goods. While the $40,000+ price is steep, I am surprised that Chevrolet has not sold more Volts. If you are looking or considering the Nissan Leaf, or a tradi-tional hybrid take a serious look at the Chevrolet Volt. For additional information, find the Facebook page 2k11 Chevrolet Volt.

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Barbara F- How did the band form?

Andy - In May of 2011 Andy Rogers placed an ad on Craigslist and it was responded to by drummer Paul Fleuret’. Then the foundation for Absoulute Convixtion was formed.

Paul - I actually called into work that day so Andy and I could jam. I never call into work, just kind of felt the need to get together with Andy before it got too late, and thankfully we did. This is by far the best band I’ve been involved with. We started out as a three piece,and back in November I was fortunate enough to meet Corey, shortly after that we were introduced to Ray and he became the final piece to the puzzle. All four of us are like long lost brothers, always joking and pranking on one another, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love all these guys, and consider them all family.

Barbara F - What does the name mean?

Andy - When it comes to song meanings or the meaning of the band’s name I don’t like to give a concrete answer because it takes the ability away from the fan to make it something personal to them. It’s much better for a band or a song to make you think of a time or place in your life than to be stuck with something only being one way.How can you connect to something if the mea-ning I give you has nothing to do with anything you have been through.

Ray - To me it means that while at the core of it all we share the same musical beliefs, even though we come from different musical backgrounds. Our individual experiences unify our musical per-spective, through this language system (music) free from restriction or limitation. That’s Absoulute Convixtion!

Paul - I agree with Andy and Ray, only we know the real meaning behind the name. At some point, I am sure we will share that meaning, but for now...we enjoy having people guess and wonder what it’s about.

Barbara F - Why the odd spelling?

Andy - Two reasons. 1. To make you ask que-stions. One focus of this band is to make people question and not just accept what they’re told and 2. It was a typo that ended up making sense. Paul and my girlfriend where having a conversation via text and while discussing band names Absolute Conviction ended up getting spelled Absoulute Convixtion. I don’t know about you but I put soul in everything I do even the word absoulute.

Ray - Why not??

Paul - Like Andy said, it just kind of happened, and stuck. There is of course a larger meaning drawn from the mistake, but again, it will be revealed in time.

Barbara F - Where are you all from?

Andy - I was born in Fayetteville, NC.

Corey - I’m from all over the place, I’ve lived in so many states its ridiculous, but Charlotte is my home now.

Paul - Charlotte, NC.

Ray - I’m originally from Providence, R.I. After that, I moved to Miami Fl, and have now been in Charlotte for around 6 years.

Barbara F - Why did you all get into music?

Absoulutly Convictedby Barbara F of ZeroLinez


Andy - I have loved music my whole life and it’s all I ever wanted to do. Around the age of 13 I got my first guitar and started learning songs. I joined my first band at 15 and started playing shows for money around age 20.

Paul - I’ve been around music my entire life. My father is an audio engineer as well as a musician himself. Music came natural to me, so for me ma-king the transition from aspiring musician, to mu-sician was a pretty natural thing. I’ve had a deep love and passion for music as long as I can re-member. Music has helped mold me into who I am, so at the time I started playing drums, I knew it was what I am meant to do.

Ray - For me it is the greatest form of communi-cation. I mean the ability to extract an emotional response through manipulating sound and time is something I am deeply grateful to be a part of. I could not imagine persuing anything else that ful-fills me as much as music does.

Corey - As long as I can remember, I could always sing, it was just something that always came na-turally to me. It took me quite sometime though to realize that singing and lyric writing is what I am born to do. I have always wanted to tell stories since I was a child and singing/lyric writing finally gave me the outlet I have been searching for to tell the stories I wished to tell. My lyrics range from very personal subjects to, political subjects, to the strange and surreal, but what is certain about all of the lyrics no matter what the subject matter is, there is always a story being told and a message to take away.

Barbara F - Who are your influences and why?

Andy - I have had many over the years. What kid didn’t want to be Eddie Van Halen when they whe-re little. I know I did. As I got older and discovered that music wasn’t just about how sick nasty you could make a guitar solo I discovered Billy Cor-gan. He showed me that music was much more than just a cool song. It could move you and make you feel something more than just happy. It could cry with you it could get just as mad as you and yes it could also make you smile.

Paul - First and foremost: my father, for instilling a great deal of pride and passion for music within me. The first drummer I was ever drawn to is Nick Mason, but I wouldn’t say I have a favorite drum-mer, or musician. Danny Carey, Joey Jordison, Josh Freese, Dave Silveria...all of those guys are just amazing musicians and have had a pretty pro-found impact on my style, outside of musicians, I’d have to say Ayrton Senna. I’m drawn to F1 racing, and Ayrton had a huge impact on how I live my life and treat others.

Corey - I have many musical influences but if I were to narrow my singing influences down to a few individuals, the list would have to include: Corey Taylor, David Draiman, Claudio Sanchez and Maynard James Keenan. From a writing standpoint Claudio and Maynard have definitely inspired and shaped me as a writer, in many of my lyrics I enjoy taking the audience on an esca-pist journey to a different place, where they can both unplug from their everyday boring life, but at the same time are able to walk away feeling more in tune with the world. And from a performance standpoint I without a doubt take huge inspiration from Draimen and Taylor, when it comes to giving the audience a larger than life show that assaults them from all angles.

Ray - Wow, that’s a big one. It would be easier for me to say that I have been influenced by everything that I have come in contact with, good or bad. But for the sake of brevity I will keep it sim-ple. As far as bass players who have had a major impact on me it would go like this....Steve Harris, Geezer Butler, John Paul Jones, Billy Sheehan, Cliff Burton, Jaco, Jeff Berlin, Percy Jones, Stu Hamm, Victor Wooten...just to name a few. As for music in general I like a lot of different stuff. Most of it has very little commercial potential but I love it just the same. I listen to a lot of classical (Beetho-ven, Liszt, Chopin, Paganini, Rachmaninov, Sho-stokovich, Stravinsky). Jazz Fusion groups like Mahavishnu Orchestra, Return To Forever, Brand X, Weather Report... In the rock/metal world: AC/DC, Sabbath, Zeppelin, Iron Maiden, Slayer, Co-roner, Death, Cynic and I am really diggin Blotted Science. Then there are the oddball influences like Scott Bradley or Delia Derbshire or even Ravi Shankhar. Also and most of all Frank Zappa.

Barbara F - What is the band out to accomplish?

Andy - Honestly I’m just trying to help fund The Evil Dr. Q in his quest for world domination.`

Paul - Helping Andy fund his quest for world do-mination. Umm, I mean the Evil Dr. Q;s quest for world domination. On a serious note: I’ve wanted to become a professional musician for years, and now I finally feel as those I am on the right path. I’m playing with the 3 most talented musicians I’ve ever had the pleasure of playing with. I hope people can listen to our music, and in some way gain something from it. If something I helped cre-ate can help one person, than I have succeeded. I would just prefer to help people on a much larger scale that we have so far, so we are going until we accomplish every goal we set out to do.

Ray - To make great music and to attempt to give people the same overwhelming feeling that I get when I go to a concert or when I hear a great pie-ce of music.

Corey - What I hope our audience takes away from our music is that they are transported to a sonic world that expresses thought provoking ly-rical content and sounds that they can enjoy on every level, whether it be intellectual value, for en-tertainment value or purely as kick ass rock music.

Barbara F - How does the band go about writing material, and how do you choose which songs to cover?

Andy - As for covers we don’t do many but we have been known to throw Stinkfist in the set list from time to time. Writing for me has always been the same. I want the music to make you feel so-mething. Whether it’s anger or sadness or melan-choly the song has to grab you and say something.

Paul - As far as writing goes, we work extremely well together. I’ve never witnessed 4 individuals come together so effortlessly for a common cause before in my musical career. It’s almost second nature at this point to construct a song and build upon that foundation until it reaches a point where you know that song has gotten to best effort, both creatively and emotionally that we could give it.

As for covers: we don’t do many, but we are wor-king on a few at the moment. I enjoy covering a song I have a personal attachment to, it always seems to make it mean a little more.

Ray - There hasn’t been a set way. We just get get together start talking about an idea then one or more of us will present a riff or a beat and we sort of piece it together from there. It’s been a re-ally natural process so far. As for covers, each one of us will make a suggestion and we either agree or disagree and we either learn said cover or we don’t. It’s a refreshingly simple process that works really well.

Corey - When it comes to what I contribute as a writer I usually wait until the music itself is done being pieced together, before I contribute vocal melodies/lyrics. Once a song is laid out I simply let the music dictate which direction my writing and singing will take. I might have an idea on a topic prior to the music being completed, but when it co-mes to vocal melodies and even lyrics, I generally wait until I have the music to work off of.

Barbara F - Who are some of your favorite bands/venues in this scene?

Andy - Local Bands: SkinKage, The Jupiter Tide, Eyes Down, 8OTree, Lucky 5, Something Clever, Waking Tera, Consider the Source, Luna’s Lament and Schmegma, and Venues: Amos’ Southend, Tremont Music Hall, The Money, The “World Fa-mous” Milestone.

Paul - Bands: Eyes Down, Skinkage, The Jupiter Tide, Waking Tera, The Reticent, and so many more that deserve mention but would take up way too much bandwidth. Venues: Amos Southend, The Money, Tremont, and I’ve always enjoyed playing at The Wizard in Hickory.

Corey - I’d have to say that at the moment I have two favorite local bands, the first would be Eyes Down and the second would be The Reticent. Eyes Down right now has got to be the most en-tertaining and visually striking band I have had the privilege of watching and playing with on a couple of occasions.

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Know that when you see an Eyes Down show you will definitely be entertained as well as educated by their song’s messages and their intensity. On the complete opposite end of the spectrum, The Reticent and their music touches so many diffe-rent styles and genres and what I personally enjoy about their music is their willingness to experiment with different sounds and not worry about being thrown into one particular genre. Their music can range from the somber and beautiful, to straight up the dark and atmospheric. As far as venues go, I’d have to say the best performing experience I have had would be playing at Amos’ Southend, making it my favorite local venue to play at.

Ray - Most of the bands we have played with I have liked so far. Like SkinKage and Eyes Down, both of those bands can throw down. I also like what I have heard from Jupiter Tide. Seems to be a lot of talent in this area. As far as venues are concerned, I really liked Amos Southend. I’m loo-king forward to playing there again.

Barbara F - What has been the toughest challen-ge so far?

Andy - Many things. Being Homeless for awhile. Big thank you to Paul and his family for helping us get back on our feet. Wondering how we’re get-ting to and from shows. Fighting with my 2 best friends. “Paul and Keely DeGroat.” Working dead end jobs just to try and keep this band going. Ea-ting ramen noodles for dinner. Walking home from work in the hot sun and just basically doing all the things I don’t want to do just so I can have the few hours a week with 3 of the most talented guys I know. Corey, Paul and Ray.

Paul - For the first 8 months we were a band I was out of work. It got very discouraging not ma-king money and not being able to find work, which definitely spilled into my creative process. Finding the right line-up wasn’t easy either, but I definitely appreciate meeting, and playing with some of the people I have so far.

Ray - Coming up with money for new gear.

Corey - I think like any band in any local scene our toughest challenge has just been getting the music out there for people to hear and to deve-lop a following. We have been able to use current technologies like the internet to really help us, but at the end of the day, Youtube views can only do so much for you. You still need to hit the ground hard and earn fans the “old fashion way” in many cases, like playing shows and meeting people face to face.