
New Dear l.! rt1. Th011p110 n 1 - Marist College · 2013. 10. 23. · Dear l.! rt1. Th011p110 n 1 1 ha .. fOUl" n o te o r Jamut17 2 • W1 t;b •1• JOU \ranalllt the a :;>!) an4ec!

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Page 1: New Dear l.! rt1. Th011p110 n 1 - Marist College · 2013. 10. 23. · Dear l.! rt1. Th011p110 n 1 1 ha .. fOUl" n o te o r Jamut17 2 • W1 t;b •1• JOU \ranalllt the a :;>!) an4ec!

• .

Page 2: New Dear l.! rt1. Th011p110 n 1 - Marist College · 2013. 10. 23. · Dear l.! rt1. Th011p110 n 1 1 ha .. fOUl" n o te o r Jamut17 2 • W1 t;b •1• JOU \ranalllt the a :;>!) an4ec!


Dear l.!rt1. Th011p110 n1

1 ha .. fOUl" note or Jamut17 2• W1 t;b •1• JOU \ranalllt the a:;>!)an4ec! l etter tr01a Ill". Plctett ot the t.:aerloan PrleiW!e s an1oe Oo.UU" la •h1eh he eaka that Mrs. RooeeYal t p erait h er ... e t o 'be uoe4 ae a oc.tler of t he Collllll ttee A;~onao.,. 1ng the eatebllebaent or nut~ent acmole.rtlh1pe ta tbh countl")' tor 7 oung people rroa a'broa4 - ~18 being a pert or the ao. .. ent t o e.alat re~aH &eek1ng adalaa1 on t o thla oountr~. I note that IIPI. RooeaYelt •ould l Ute to haYe rq oplnlota d t o whether llh• ehould pel'IIU th11 uta or her n-. 1n tb1e oonneotlon.

'!'he 'lOb ole <>Urpose or the COtiiU ttH la 8)'~ eor1ng the eetabl1ehaent or these atudellt ulhole.,. fth1pe ••- t o 11e e o edldrable and the proJeot 1taelt ••- to b e la 10be beDc!e or ptabllo epl.,. 1te4 pereone of euch hl gtl etendlng ln t hle oou~ tr"J that I MA't aM &IIJ reuon 11117 ""· f\ooee .. lt should not ~ee to 'beoome ~ eponaor t or the ao.­alttee. 1 belle•• Hre. RooaeYelt1 a eoopernt1on waul~ 1n f act be dee1ruble rroa an7 potnt or Yle•.

Bel 1en ae

Wisa MalYlaa o. Tha.paoa. !1Hreta17 to UN. Rooa8'relt.

The White H-•·


Page 3: New Dear l.! rt1. Th011p110 n 1 - Marist College · 2013. 10. 23. · Dear l.! rt1. Th011p110 n 1 1 ha .. fOUl" n o te o r Jamut17 2 • W1 t;b •1• JOU \ranalllt the a :;>!) an4ec!



J anuary 2?, 1939

Jo:r . Well!e:

or the two tponeorth1p~ or ~h 1ch ~r . Pickett aoeaka 1n hla letter to Mr& . Roosevelt I am not oartloularly concer ned 6bout the flrtt . Th1A 1• to eponsor ~ committee on student eaholeraht pe; the !mphaela lA on the echolarehlp~ rather than on the adm1ae1on or reru~ee students and ~ould not, ln •Y o~ln1o~. g1ve rlee to mle­underetencUnJ'.

On the other hand, I am iN' __ ._,.. concerned over the tnvlt&tlon to ~ •• Roo~e­velt to aponaor a CODQ1ttee to &14 the rpec1a1 ~ouo or chlldr•n rhlch lt le 3o~e4 •Ul be acklltted by Act or Conn-eat . Even tboucb n~ connection ~111 be announced unle!& 6n6 untll a 8111 11 ~•••ed, 1 feel 1t will lnevltably reca1n a contrDvers1&1 leeue. Ho~ever, I r.Qte, on re-readlnR Kra . Tbo.oeon ' t letter, tl".at her 1nautry reterred Qnly w the t1~~t co~ltt•e. ~ttt

~' ~ er .. epont l!otfat



Page 4: New Dear l.! rt1. Th011p110 n 1 - Marist College · 2013. 10. 23. · Dear l.! rt1. Th011p110 n 1 1 ha .. fOUl" n o te o r Jamut17 2 • W1 t;b •1• JOU \ranalllt the a :;>!) an4ec!





January 26, 193e .

Before I send the suggested letter, which

llr . lle saeremit.b hae been good enough t o draft t or me,

to lira. T.bompeon, for the information of llrs. Roosevelt

I should like to have your v1ewa and those of llr. Achilles.

While I ahare emphatically the general viewe ex­

pressed by llr. Meaeeremlth, it would aeem to me rather

difficult f or me t o expre ss the opinion t o lira. Roosevelt

that ehe should not permit the uee other name on this

committee which ie appar ently composed ?f some or the

outstanding people in this country and which , at the a&llle

t ime , i D headed by an indlvidual who is in such close

touch wtth the Advisory Co~l ttae and with the Red croes

and who, I understand, ia cooperating moat effective l y .

I cannot see that a student scholareh1p proJect would be

likely to create any particul ar ill will in thls country -

much leas, in fact , than the proposal to admit a large

number or children.

I should be glad to have your viewa.

,,\ U: SW:F'UB:SS

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Dear Mr. 'Nelles:

I have prepare·d the apnended reply which you may wish to send to Mrs . Thompson.

I am perhaps overly cautious but I have the very definite impression that before we are through with it we are going to have quite a bit of unfavorable criticism with regard to these movements tending to bring in refugee students and professors. Ther e is already a good deal of feeling in som~ of our colleges and universities on the question of professors P.nd I feel t hat this may ext end in a measure to s tudents. Then too , oore and mor e attacks are being made on the g~ound that we are facilitating the admissi on of people in one way or another out side of the quotas. I think it would b e ju~t as well if Mrs . Roosevelt did not per mit the u se of her name in t his con­nection.

G. s. M.


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J anuar " 25 , 1939

~;~ Mess~h: Pti/0 Mr . Dunn :

Please be kin d enough to l et me know what reply you think I should make to t he le t t e r at t ached herewith .


Page 7: New Dear l.! rt1. Th011p110 n 1 - Marist College · 2013. 10. 23. · Dear l.! rt1. Th011p110 n 1 1 ha .. fOUl" n o te o r Jamut17 2 • W1 t;b •1• JOU \ranalllt the a :;>!) an4ec!

COPY: v::G



2Q South Twelfth St reet

Ph1l11.cl".l r-hln, PenneylvMia.

Ure. Frnnl:Hn D. Rooaevel t The 'Rhi te House ~aeh1ngton, D. C.

D~ar llre. Rooe~velt :

J~uary 16, 1939.

~ith r egard to the two refueee co~~itteeB that I mentioned to you, thP first has to do with the Committee on Student Sch?larshipc. This comnittee , having its ori g i n with " gr o>tp of students &t HArvard, has now raised a~out 310,000 nnd h11.s secur~d 11.bout one hundred scholarships in vnrlOUA coll~ges and unlvllrs itiee. Presid~nt Hutchins , President l!cCracken and Presi"-ent Conant nre amonG the aponsor a. Uy understanding 1e thrt you are to con~ult the State Depcrtment nnd , if there la no oompltention there, you wlll be wlll ins to beoom~ A sponsor.

The other committee 18 a ,ubllc sponporlng committee for t hP speciAl group of children which it is hoped will be admi tted by net or Congreaa. The suggPst ed committ ee i @: Urs. Fr11.nklin D. Roosevelt, V~ . J ohn D. Rockefeller , Cnrdlnnl !lunil.eleln , Gov"!rnor Lohmnn, lt.r s . Orncc Coolidge, Bishop Freemnn and Clarence E. Pickett . I undnret11.nd thr.t , while you would b., happy to join this oponsoring ~oup, Jt ls not per~1saible to Rnnounce your connection ~th lt until the bill is p11.esed.

I need hardly say how ~~oh we appreciate your interest ln both of the~e Mntters; And, also, I wlah to &1\Y thnt ! feel you mnde About the moat pertinent pr~sentntion ~t. Phll11.delp~in t~~Y that I hnve ever known you to do . It hit exActly the note thnt WAs ne~ded hPr e , and I wish to t h11.nk you for ooming.

Sincerely youre ,


Executive Seoretnry.

Page 8: New Dear l.! rt1. Th011p110 n 1 - Marist College · 2013. 10. 23. · Dear l.! rt1. Th011p110 n 1 1 ha .. fOUl" n o te o r Jamut17 2 • W1 t;b •1• JOU \ranalllt the a :;>!) an4ec!

Mr deer M14e ~~o" '

Wl t h r ef11rence t o Jt111l' •~re.nll• ot Apr 11 6 and to t he lett~r attached th~reto e ddrn4el1 11o t1r11 . 'loo~enlt b7 1118 & :v a L. r rohl1oh, H lll ae P'rohl l oh will !lh '! the Mile a nd t ht ~er.3an addrt•~ or her rt ~o• lt • 111 te noul ble to obtain tro.s the CoMul lkn ,.ral e t aer lln " ""'"ort on th~ ,r~·Mt 11 tn t ue or ~~~ appl l catloa as well ~s on l ndl catSon ot tha probwle will t~n.,. p4rt oct blo!'ore "'t :.q expect a Yl ta.

l'l a!ID t hat 1:1!11 be !l11l•le t o enablot hll!l to a walt h l t tUJOn on t h" 0e1"!llan nu'>t ll l l • t t n eOQe oount r r ot lnter.se~ t ate ret~• asy te aff ected by thf ~table 1ent t"1 ot t~~ ~olt­

lnr. ?tr l od. &etore I could o~ko AR1 ~peo1 flc tU(!R&A t1one H would rtallr bt' n ee•••"'" t o h~·· t~~~ c rectt.

l!>e llev~.o ••

IHSI !olal<rlna c. 'f t.oapton, ~ecretBrJ ta Ure . no one<re1t ,

'fhe '~hlte HOUI'It .


·; \ , '


r ! )


..... -' ,:­- ' r. : ~r

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April 13, 1939

'l'o : u l • '" / - .r . . ,e£tJ From : VD - l!r . Warren

If L!iso Frohlich will give the

German add r ege of h er fiance it will be possible to

obtr. tr. from the Conoulf' te Gener• l at Berlin A r e!'<)r t

on the pr e oe nt stt'l tus of hi~ 11ppl1ontion as well as

an 1nd1ont1on of th~ n robable ~e!ttng neriod before

he ruA.y e xpect a v i eo. .

Pl anq tnat e~p;· be mP.de t o enable him to 1\1'181 t

his turn on the German 0 uot a list ir. some cou'ltr;;

of 1ntermedi r~ e r efuge may be affected by the urobable

length of t he waiting , ertod and before any specific

suggectione may be made 1 t wil l be desir able t o nave

the Re ft:ot s .

A. M. .'la r ren

VD:AI:It: es

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April 12 , 1939

VD - Mr . Warren :

Please let me have a

memorandum maki ng the sug­

gestions desired by Mrs .

Roosevelt and have such

action taken in accordance

~1i th her request as may

be poss ible.

U: 8'11 :IJ

Page 11: New Dear l.! rt1. Th011p110 n 1 - Marist College · 2013. 10. 23. · Dear l.! rt1. Th011p110 n 1 1 ha .. fOUl" n o te o r Jamut17 2 • W1 t;b •1• JOU \ranalllt the a :;>!) an4ec!


April 6, 1939

My dear Mr . Welles:

Mrs . Roosevel t asks whether the young man mentioned in t he enclosed letter could be advised to go to some other country through our Consulate and if there is any way in which he could be helped.

Very sincerely yours,

~@.~ Secretary t o Mr s . Roosevelt

Honorable Sumner Welles Under Secretary of State Washington D. C.

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Oe~r Ur. . RooeeYelt :

5006 ?th Ave ., N.t . Seattle, \loah. Apr1l l', 1939

uy parent• h$4 to le,ve oe~n7 on ~ccount ot th~'lr race , "'e tour ch114re1l a.re Protestant• . "l'he l&r~• factor y my rath,.r owned - he ooployed 1800 men -hed to be pt ven e••Y at tncre~lble teres . ~e all have to ~ork here and we do l t wlllln~ly , con.c tous or betn~ in & tree am\ bet t er count rr .

'rhe- only trouble I hftve 1s abou t •Y rtanco' e rate . He at111 lives 1n Oena~ny and up t ill no~ all hl1 etrorta to ~et out were wtthout rP.tults, thouRh th~re la an aftldavlt given by & cousin . He ••• rcl@aAed trom oon­oentretlon c~ only two ~aya before our departure eo ~hat there was no tlDI lett to v~t mnrrle4 . His • altlng nunber tor the lml"'ratton nuota at the A:aerlCAn Coneulate ln B•rl1n ls l.ncrecUbly hlfth . It would lu:t •ore tMn tour .reus unUl he 11 due .

Could you P'rhape kindly sho~ =e & •ar to help hlm out of a cOtlntry •here he 1a oureued and 1n oon­ato.nt i1arur'er . I would be aoAt grat~t'u l lf with your help th1t d~'ep eotTow would be tl\ken rrom me.

We are all ver-y ,:-llld. to be ln th1fll I"Ont1ertul country 8nd admire you nnrt the Pr~pldent deeply ••••

XoU!'e v,.ry l' lnceralr,

$1/A L. 1"1lO!U.ICH

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Dear Mrs. Roosevelt :

• •• •


5006 ?th AvG .,M.E. Seattl e , 'lfnsh. April ?. , 1939

ll:r parente had to l ea·u Germ&n:r on nooount ot th l.!l r raoe, we t our child r en are Protestants. The lar ge taotor:r .,- t ntber owne d - be emplo;red 1800 men -had t o be gi ven awa:r at incredible t erm8. ~e all have to worlt here nl'l'l we do 1t wilUngl:r, conscious or beinp: in a tree and better oountr:r.

The onl:r troubl e I have i8 about my f i ance ' s fate. He s till lives in German:r and up t ill now all hie erforte t o get out were without r esul ts , t houp:h th~re i 8 an artl dnvit given by a cousin. He was r el en8ed f rom oon­oentra t1on camp onl:r two day8 before our departure 80 that there wae no time lett to get mar r i ed . Hie waiting number ror the i mmigr ati on quota at the American Consulat e ln Berlin le inoredibl;r hi gh . I t would l a8t more than tour years until he 1s due .

Could you pnrhape k1ndl:r show me a W83 t o help hlll out ot a oount r:r where he i s pur11ued ancl i n con­stant danger. I would be moAt gr ateful 1f with :rour help this dPep sorrow would be taken from me.

We are all very f?lnd to be l n th1P wonderful count ry ann admire you and t he PreRldent deeply • •••

Your e v er:r s incerely,