New church coming to Brisbane Australia

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Page 2: New church coming to Brisbane Australia

Table of contentsAustralia 3Brisbane 4Ben and Cindi 6Church plant 7Vision 8Values 9Strategy 10Fund-raising and budget 11Lett er from Pastor Frank Damazio 12


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AustraliaAustralia. It is a land of adventure and mystery. It is a place of contrast, with major urban citi es converging with beaches and nature.

The original name given to Australia by the Spanish explorer Captain Pedro Fernandez de Quiros was “Australia del Espiritu Santo” or “Southland of the Holy Spirit”. Implied in the name is a desti ny for the country.

At present, there is a real need for healthy churches in Australia. Only 2% of the populati on goes to church each Sunday.

However, whilst there is a great need, there is also an opportunity. 90% of Australians believe in God, and many are searching for answers.

Australia is also a very strategic country as it plays a leadership role in the Asia-Pacifi c region. This region includes Japan, China, India, Singapore, Indonesia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, and Korea.

Ayres Rock at sunset 3

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BrisbaneBrisbane is the capital of the state of Queensland, which is 2.5 ti mes the size of Texas. Brisbane has a populati on of 2 million people, and is the fastest growing city in Australia, and the second fastest growing city in the Western world. Each week, 2000 people move to Brisbane.

Brisbane is a major metropolis, known for its cosmopolitan lifestyle and its close proximity to world class beaches and the Great Barrier Reef.

The Brisbane lifestyle is one of variety. Take a long walk down an empty beach at dusk, enjoy the nightlife of the bustling downtown district, enjoy a game of footy with some of your mates, or have lunch at one of the many alfresco cafes along the river.

Of course, there’s no denying the selfi sh moti vati on to live in a city that has more sunny days than Florida and warmer winter days than the Bahamas!

Words that describe Brisbane:- secular- irreligious- lifestyle- affl uent- contemporary- young- growing- opti misti c- urban- spiritual- cosmopolitan- sports- multi -ethnic


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Brisbane City at night 5

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Ben and CindiBen and Cindi have both been raised in ministry families, and have dedicated their lives to serving God and the local church. For almost 7 years they have felt a call to plant a church in Brisbane.

Ben was raised in a church planti ng family. His parents planted 6 churches all around Australia. Cindi’s parents are also in full ti me ministry.


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Ben: GradCertMgt [Qld.UT], GradCertBusAdmin [Deakin], MBA [Deakin]Ben has worked full ti me in ministry for 8 years, has writt en two books, and recently completed his Masters of Business Administrati on (MBA) through Deakin University in Melbourne.

Cindi: B.Ed [Qld.UT]Cindi completed her Bachelor of Educati on and worked as a school teacher before coming to the USA. She is passionate about ministry and the propheti c.

Ben and Cindi served as pastors for 5 years in Australia, before having the privilege to serve on staff as Youth Pastors at City Bible Church for the last 3 years. Recently, they had their fi rst child, Houston Gregory.

Church name:


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VisionOur vision is to build a multi -site Bible based local church. In ti me, we also see the development of a signifi cant Bible College.

Our vision is to be both a soul winning church, and an equipping church.

Our vision is to be a church that has a heart for the Brisbane community, a nati onal focus on Australia, and a regional infl uence on the Asia Pacifi c.

Vision statement: Empowering people to infl uence their world for Jesus.

Key vision scripture: Matt hew 28:19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nati ons, bapti zing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Early morning, Manly Boat Harbour, Brisbane


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- Bible- Local Church- Leadership- Relevance - Holisti c- Presence-driven Worship- Community - Evangelism- Discipleship- Family- Multi -nati onality- Generosity

Surfers Paradise and Q1, 45 minutes from Brisbane 9

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Brisbane City and the ‘Gabba’ football stadium


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A Lett er from Pastor Frank Damazio

October 16, 2008

Ben and Cindi Windle have served as an integral part of the youth ministry at City Bible Church since moving to Portland from Australia in 2005. Their heart for young people and their ability to pastor has been clearly evident during their ti me as youth pastors of our 217 Campus.

In December we are sending Ben and Cindi back to Australia to plant a church in Brisbane. We send them with a great sense of honor and expectati on as to the future. They have the capacity to build a life-impacti ng church that will infl uence all who are touched by their ministries.

For the Harvest,

Frank DamazioSenior PastorCity Bible ChurchPortland, Oregon


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The Story Bridge, a Brisbane icon13

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H Fun and fascinati ng facts about AustraliaAustralia is the largest conti nent occupied by one nati on and is the least populated.• Populati on 20 million. Just under that of Texas.• Queensland is 2.5 ti mes the size of Texas.• Melbourne has the second largest Greek populati on in the world outside of Athens• Australia is the smallest, fl att est, and driest inhabited conti nent in the world. It is the only country which • is also a whole conti nent.Over 90% of Australia is dry, fl at and arid. Almost three-quarters of the land cannot support agriculture in • any form. Emus and kangaroos cannot walk backwards, and are on the Australian coat of arms for that reason.• We have 8 of the top 10 most deadly snakes in the world.• People: 92% Caucasian descent, 7% Asian descent, 1% Aboriginal descent.• Kangaroo - The name for the Australian marsupial Kangaroo came about when some of the fi rst white • sett lers saw this strange animal hopping along and they asked the Aborigines what it was called. They replied with ‘Kanguru’, which in the nati ve language meant ‘I don’t know’ .Homicide - Australia was founded by Convicts. Its homicide rate is 1.8 per 100,000 populati on. The United • States was founded by religious people. Its homicide rate is 6.3 per 100,000. Almost 400% greater than Australia.Newspaper readership - Per capita, Australians read more newspapers than any other nati on.• Urban dwellers - Australia is one of the world’s most urbanised countries, with about 70 per cent of the • populati on living in the 10 largest citi es.With less than 1 percent of the world’s populati on, Australia has more than 20 percent of its poker • machines.

Area:Total: 7,686,850 sq km land: 7,617,930 sq km water: 68,920 sq km note: includes Lord Howe Island and Macquarie Island Area - comparati ve: slightly smaller than the US conti guous 48 statesDrought – the most severe drought in history means thre are children that are 7 years old that have never seen rain.

Australia is the Worlds Largest Exporter of:• Coal • Wool