NEUTRON MODERATING I~OWER OF INELASTIC SCATTERING MEDIA D.A. Kozhevnikov and S.S. Chekanova UDC 621.039.51 In almost all moderators, especially those containing a large quantity of nuclear fuel and construc- tional materials, inelastic scattering plays a determInative role in the slowing down of neutrons with ener- gies greater than 1-2 MeV. The effect of inelastic scattering on the slowing-down length of neutrons was first estimated in [1], in which there was given an approximate numerical solution of the equations for the spatial moments of the neutron distribution function. Considerable progress has been made in recent years in the study of the space--energy distribution of neutrons slowed down as a result of inelastic scattering. This has been due to the construction of multi- group programs with grouped constants estimated from the statistical model (see [2], for example). The advantages of being able to directly calculate the moderating power of an inelastic scattering me- in dium SM (E) are obvious. This quantity is given by in in -in E SM(E)--~M (E)~M(), (1) where ~ and ~ are respectively the cross section for inelastic scattering and the mean variation of the lethargy for the inelastic scattering of neutrons with a fixed energy E by a given nucleus M. Knowledge of this quantity facilitates the interpretation of existing experimental data and, with the aid of known analytical and numerical techniques, enables a quantitative allowance to be made for the slowing down brought about as a result of inelastic scattering. The mean lethargy ~(E) of neutrons of energy E in a moderator of arbitrary composition is given by: = ~M (E), (2) (M) (M) el and in where h M hM are the partial probabilities of elastic and inelastic scattering respectively by a given nucleus (the summation is carried cut over all mass numbers), or by = (E) A-S~, (E)], (2') (M) el and Sin(E) are the macroscopic moderating powers of the nuclei where k (E) is the total free path, and SM for elastic and inelastic scattering respectively. By definition E ~ (E) = <In E/E'>M -= l d(o' SIn (E/E') W~ (E--> E', (o ---> o~')dE'. (3) ~q 0 In the statistical model of the nucleus, the inelastic scattering indicatrix for neutrons is given by [3]: W~ (E --> E', o --->co') : ~ E' e-~'/T(E) , ( 4) where CM (E)=TM (E) -~ [t --(1 -~ E/T (E)) e--E/T(E)] -1. (4') Translated from Atomnaya ]~nergiya, VoL26, No.4, pp.334-337, April, 1969. Original article sub- mitted March 11, 1968. 378

Neutron moderating power of inelastic scattering media

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Page 1: Neutron moderating power of inelastic scattering media



D . A . K o z h e v n i k o v a n d S . S . C h e k a n o v a UDC 621.039.51

In a lmost all modera tors , especial ly those containing a large quantity of nuclear fuel and cons t ruc- tional mater ia ls , inelastic scat ter ing plays a determInative role in the slowing down of neutrons with ener - gies g rea te r than 1-2 MeV.

The effect of inelastic scat ter ing on the slowing-down length of neutrons was f i r s t est imated in [1], in which there was given an approximate numerical solution of the equations for the spatial moments of the neutron distribution function.

Considerable p rogres s has been made in recent years in the study of the s p a c e - - e n e r g y distribution of neutrons slowed down as a resul t of inelastic scat ter ing. This has been due to the construction of mult i - group p rograms with grouped constants est imated f rom the stat is t ical model (see [2], for example).

The advantages of being able to direct ly calculate the moderat ing power of an inelastic scat ter ing me- in dium S M (E) are obvious. This quantity is given by

i n in - i n E SM(E)--~M (E)~M(), (1)

where ~ and ~ are respect ively the c ross section for inelastic scat ter ing and the mean variat ion of the lethargy for the inelastic scat ter ing of neutrons with a fixed energy E by a given nucleus M. Knowledge of this quantity facili tates the interpretation of existing experimental data and, with the aid of known analytical and numerical techniques, enables a quantitative allowance to be made for the slowing down brought about as a resul t of inelastic scat ter ing.

The mean lethargy ~(E) of neutrons of energy E in a modera tor of a rb i t r a ry composition is given by:

= ~M (E), (2) (M) (M)

el and in where h M h M are the part ia l probabili t ies of elastic and inelastic scat ter ing respect ively by a given nucleus (the summation is ca r r i ed cut over all mass numbers), or by

= (E) A- S~, (E)], (2') (M)

el and Sin(E) are the macroscopic moderat ing powers of the nuclei where k (E) is the total f ree path, and S M for elast ic and inelastic scat ter ing respect ively.

By definition


~ (E) = <In E/E'>M -= l d(o' S In (E/E') W ~ (E--> E', (o ---> o~') dE'. (3) ~q 0

In the s tat is t ical model of the nucleus, the inelastic scat ter ing indicatrix for neutrons is given by [3]:

W~ ( E --> E', o ---> co') : ~ E' e-~'/T(E) , ( 4)

where CM (E)=TM (E) -~ [t --(1 -~ E/T (E)) e--E/T(E)] -1. (4')

Transla ted f rom Atomnaya ]~nergiya, VoL26, No.4, pp.334-337, April, 1969. Original ar t ic le sub- mitted March 11, 1968.


Page 2: Neutron moderating power of inelastic scattering media

Here the angular distribution of the inelast ically sca t te red neutrons is taken to be isotropic; E and E' are the neutron energies before and after scat ter ing; T(E) is the final nuclear tempera ture .

Substituting (4) into formula (3), we obtain


~I'~(E)=C(E) I E'ln(E/E')e-~'/v(Z)dE' V--t+lnz+e-~+Et(x) - - t _ _ ( t _ _ x ) e - X ,


x=E/T(E) , (5)

where Et(x) is the f i r s t - o r d e r exponential integral function and y = 0.5772 (Euler 's constant). Formula (5) was f i r s t obtained in [9].

In this manner ~in (E) is determined by the rat io of the incident neutron energy to the target nuclear t empera ture in the final s tate.

A cer ta in amount of experimental data has been gathered to date on secondary neutron energy spec t ra for va r ious nuclear excitation energies [4-8]. This enables ~in (E) and S in (E) to be calculated for a number of elements di rect ly f rom the measured nuclear t empera tures .

Discrepancies exist, however, in the nuclear tempera tures reported by different authors, due to im- p rec i se est imation of the contribution of secondary neutrons f rom (n, 2n) react ions and to the fact that the nuclear tempera tures were determined f rom different portions of the spect rum. Also, for some abundant elements of the Ear th ' s core there is no experimental data at all. One must therefore r e so r t to a theore- t ical calculation of this important pa rame te r . This calculation can be ca r r i ed through with the aid of the F e r m i - g a s model.

The F e r m i - g a s model leads to the following expression for the nuclear tempera ture :

/ - ~ - 1


where a is a p a r a m e t e r charac te r iz ing the nuclear level density, ~ is the target nucleus excitation energy, and n = 5/4 for the total level density. The pa rame te r a is independent of the target nucleus excitation energy and depends only on the proper t ies of the nucleus itself.

The mos t successful express ion for the level density pa r ame te r a is that obtained by Newton [10], who took shell effects into account:

a = 2a (]-N + -]z + t) A 2/~, (7)

where J'N and J'Z are the effective neutron and proton angular momenta. For a value of a in this expression of 0.0374 (obtained by Lang [11]), the quantity a given theoret ical ly by expression (7) is in accord with ca l - culations based upon experimental ly determined nuclear t empera tures .

The excitation energy e of the residual nucleus is the difference between the energies of the incident neutron and the inelastically sca t te red neutron. The mean energy of the sca t tered neutrons E' equals 2T, i.e., the excitation energy of the target nucleus

e = E - - 2T. (8)

In the F e r m i - g a s model, upon which expression (6) is based, the nucleons are considered as a gas of weakly interacting par t ic les which occupy energy space f rom an upper boundary E F (the F e r m i surface) . On account of the pai rwise corre la t ion of nucleons in a real nucleus, the Fe rmi surface lies lower than that given by the F e r m i - g a s model. Some of the incident neutron energy goes on breaking up the nucleon pa i r s , so that the effective excitation energy of the residual nucleus equals:

U = E - - 2 T - - A e , hp = hz + AN. (9)

Here A Z and A N denote the reduction of the proton and neutron Fe rmi surfaces for an even number of the respect ive par t ic les . The total level density pa r ame te r s neglecting and allowing for pairwise nucleon c o r - relat ion (a and ap, respectively) are given by the following express ions:

a=e/T2+2,5/T, e = E--2T; (10)


Page 3: Neutron moderating power of inelastic scattering media

a , = U / T ~ + 2 . 5 / T , U = E - - 2 T - - A p . (10')

F o r m u l a (5) was employed to calculate the contribution of inelastic sca t t e r ing to the modera t ing power of more than thi r ty e lements with exper imenta l ly known nuclear t e m p e r a t u r e s .

In the calculat ions on Na, K, Mg, Cr, Ti, Si, Ca, and S, the p a r a m e t e r a was de te rmined f r o m Newton's fo rmula (7) and the nuclear t e m p e r a t u r e s thereby calculated. The modera t ing powers of these e lements were conqurrent ly calculated f r o m the exper imenta l ly de te rmined [4, 7] values of the p a r a m e t e r

a. The values of t / 'ws- : ( cE :n :bd :~a~d :d~ iune:Oo~d angf : ;mc : t f o r Cr and Ti. There a 1 and C. There a re two explanations for this .

F i r s t ly , the p a r a m e t e r s a of the la t te r nuclei a re de te rmined in [4] f r o m reduced values of the nu- c lea r t e m p e r a t u r e s (from the effective t empera tu res ) , which cor responds to an increased ~in.

Secondly, these nuclei a re even-even, so that pa i rwise nucleon cor re la t ions a re important . Allow- ance was made for the la t te r fac tor by reca lcu la t ing the nuclear t e m p e r a t u r e s through the Newton p a r a - m e t e r a in t e r m s of an equation der ived f r o m express ion (10'):


S t o




O l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 tl) fl 12 E~MeV

o ,I:, • ~ _ ~


2 cu

2 \ / A~

/ / .

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lO ff t2. E, MeV

2 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 iO li 12 E~MeV 5

' ! I

r .....

7YV , ,

0 ~ 2 3 4 5 5 I0 II 12 E~MeV

Fig. 1. Macroscopic modera t ing power of some e lements with allowance made for inelast ic sca t t e r ing as function of neutron energy E. The resu l t s of calculat ions based upon exper imenta l ly de te rmined nuclear t e m p e r a t u r e s depend on data ob- tained or sys t ema t i zed in the following works : A) Buccino [6]; T) Gordeev et al. [7]; | Thomson [5]; O) Seth et al. [8]; m) Sal 'nikov et al. [4]; []) Malyshev [13, 14].


Page 4: Neutron moderating power of inelastic scattering media

a~;T ~ - - 2 T - - ( E - - Ap) = 0. ( i l )

The values of Ap were taken f r o m [12].

Curves showing the calculated energy dependence of the modera t ing power of var ious e lements with inelast ic s ca t t e r ing taken into account a r e shown in Fig. l ( a , b, c, d). Some of the curves we re drawn through points calculated f r o m m e a s u r e d nucleax t e m p e r a t u r e s taken f r o m [4-8]. The inelastic sca t t e r ing c ro s s sect ions employed in the calculat ions were taken f r o m [15, 16]. Fo r pu rposes of compar i son we have included curves of the modera t ing power of hydrogen as a r e su l t of e las t ic sca t te r ing .

F o r e lements with A < 30, the quantity s in (E) does not exceed the modera t ing power SH(E ) of hydro- gen, or is comparab le with it. Fo r e lements with 30 < A < 130, the quantity sin(E) exceeds the m o d e r a t - ing power of hydrogen by a f ac to r of 3-4 for E > 5 MeV. For e lements with A > 130, sin(E) exceeds SH(E ) by a fac tor of 6-8 over a wide range of energ ies (E > 3 MeV).


1. H. Volkin, Phys . Rev., 91, 425 (1953). 2. T . A . Germogenova et al., in: P r o b l e m s in the Phys ics of Reac to r Pro tec t ion [in Russian] , Vol. 2,

Atomizdat , Moscow (1966), p .22 . 3. J . Blat t and V. Weisskopf , Theore t i ca l Nuclear Phys ic s [Russian t ranslat ion] , IL, Moscow (1954). 4. V . B . Annfrienko et al., Yadernaya Fizika, 2, 26 (1965). 5. D. Thomson, Phys . Rev., 129, No. 4, 1649 (1963). 6. S. Buccino et al. , Nucl. Phys . , 60, 17 (1964). 7. I . V . Gordeev, D. A. Kardashev , and A. V. Malyshev, Constants of Nuclear Phys ics [in Russian] ,

Gosatomizdat , Moscow (1963). 8. K. Seth et al. , Phys . Rev. Le t t e r s , 1__1.1, 301 (1964). 9. J . Chernik, P a p e r s p r e sen t ed at the 1955 Geneva Internat ional Conference on the Peaceful Uses of

Atomic Energy [Russian t ranslat ion] , Vol. 5, Izd. AN SSSR, Moscow (1958). 10. T. Newton, Canad. J . Phys . , 34, 804 (1956). 11. D. Lang, Nuc. Phys . , 2_6_6, 434 (1961). 12. P . 1~. Nemi rovsk i i and Yu. V. Adamchuk, Nuc. Phys. , 3 ! , 533 (1962). 13. A . V . Malyshev, Zhl~TF, 4_~6, 1187 (1963). 14. A . V . Malyshev, P roc . Intern. Conf. on the Study of Nuclear Structure with Neutrons, Holl. Publishing,

Antwerp (1966), p. 236. 15. Phys ic s of Fas t Reac to r s [in Russian], Atomizdat , Moscow (1965). 16. Bulletin of Informat ion Center on Nuclear Data [in Russian], Vol. 2, Atomizdat , Moscow (1965).