Neutralization reaction

Neutralization reaction. A-Review What’s an acid? Example? What’s a base? Example?

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Page 1: Neutralization reaction. A-Review What’s an acid? Example? What’s a base? Example?

Neutralization reaction

Page 2: Neutralization reaction. A-Review What’s an acid? Example? What’s a base? Example?


• What’s an acid? Example?

• What’s a base? Example?

Page 3: Neutralization reaction. A-Review What’s an acid? Example? What’s a base? Example?

B- What is neutralization reaction?

B1- Neutralization reaction occurs when acid reacts with a base to form a salt

General formula:

Acid + Base Salt + Water

E.g. HCl + NaOH NaCl + HOH

Which type of reaction is it? - Double displacement

Page 4: Neutralization reaction. A-Review What’s an acid? Example? What’s a base? Example?

C-More neutralization reaction examples

1. HCl + Ca(OH)2

2. HBr + KOH

3. HF + NaOH

Page 5: Neutralization reaction. A-Review What’s an acid? Example? What’s a base? Example?

C-More neutralization reaction examples

1. HCl + Ca(OH)2 CaCl2 + H2O

2. HBr + KOH KBr + H2O

3. HF + NaOH NaF + H2O

Page 6: Neutralization reaction. A-Review What’s an acid? Example? What’s a base? Example?

D-Applications of Neutralization reactions

D1. Antacids are base (e.g Mg(OH)2, Al(OH)3) that neutralize excessive stomach acid

Our stomach lining

Page 7: Neutralization reaction. A-Review What’s an acid? Example? What’s a base? Example?

E-Salt production

E1- Commercially done by evaporation of sea water

E2- Chemically done as

HCl + NaOH NaCl + HOH

Page 8: Neutralization reaction. A-Review What’s an acid? Example? What’s a base? Example?

F-Detergent and Soap

F1-What the texture of the base? F2. Slippery

F3. Because base reacts with the acid of your skin in a neutralization reaction to form soap

Page 9: Neutralization reaction. A-Review What’s an acid? Example? What’s a base? Example?

G. What would in case of?

G1. neutralize H2SO4 with strong bases such as NaOH or Ca(OH)2

Page 10: Neutralization reaction. A-Review What’s an acid? Example? What’s a base? Example?

H-Neutralization reaction in a swimming pool

H1. Hypochlorous acid (HClO) kills bacteria and algaeH2. NaOCl (bleach) is added to pool to produce HClO (H+, ClO-):

H3. OCl- + H+ HClOH4. How is bleach produced?Cl2 + 2NaOH + → NaOCl + NaCl + H2O

Page 11: Neutralization reaction. A-Review What’s an acid? Example? What’s a base? Example?

H.Neutralization reaction in a swimming pool (Cont.)

H5. If the pool is too acidic, metal pipelines get corroded. What should be added to neutralize?

H6. Na2CO3 is added

H7. If the pool is too basic, CaCO3 will form. What should be added to neutralize?

H8. HCl is added

Page 12: Neutralization reaction. A-Review What’s an acid? Example? What’s a base? Example?

I-Hazard with household chemicals

I1. Never mix NH3 and NaClO (bleach)

NH3 + NaClO NaONH3 + Cl2

I2. Cl2 is a very toxic gas, used as weapon during WWI & II

I3. Exposure can lead to death


Page 13: Neutralization reaction. A-Review What’s an acid? Example? What’s a base? Example?
Page 14: Neutralization reaction. A-Review What’s an acid? Example? What’s a base? Example?

J- Acid rain & its sources

J1. CO2 + H2O H2CO3

occurs naturally

J2. Human contribution to acid rain:J3. Cars produces:NO2 + H2O HNO3 and

J4. Industry: S8 +O2 SO2

SO2 +O2 SO3

SO3 +H2O H2SO4

Page 15: Neutralization reaction. A-Review What’s an acid? Example? What’s a base? Example?

Acid rain impacts?How to remedy acid rain?

Page 16: Neutralization reaction. A-Review What’s an acid? Example? What’s a base? Example?

K. How to remedy acid rainK1. Liming: adding CaCO3 into pond to neutralize the acid from acid rain and mining run-offs

K2.Use scrubbers on smokestacks of industrial plants K3.cycling

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L. Bee sting

When bee stings, formic acid is releaseBases should be used to neutralize and reduce pain