NEURAL THERAPY AND NEUROFOCAL DENTISTRY COURSE Neural Therapy and Integrative Medicine Institute Buenos Aires - Argentina Registration sheet Addressed to: Medical doctors, veterinarians, dentists and other health and life science professionals. Certificate: Given by the NEURAL THERAPY AND INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE INSTITUTE OF ARGENTINA. Registration/ attendance: You will have to bring a copy of your college degree and professional license, 2 ID-size photos and your résumé. In virtue of being a theoretical- practical course, the attendance will be limited to 15 people. Goals: - To acquire essential theoretical and technical knowledge for the practice of Neural Therapy. - To expand and deepen our vision of life and the art of healing, exploring different fields of scientific knowledge, such as medical anthropology, the philosophy of science, quantum physics, advanced biophysics and biochemistry, cybernetics, complex thinking, the Chaos Theory, the System Theory, neuroscience, biology, developmental psychology, sociology, nonlinear mathematics, fractals, subtle energy research, intercommunication, thermodynamics and crystalline liquid properties of living organisms, etc.

Neural Therapy Course

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NEURAL THERAPY AND NEUROFOCAL DENTISTRY COURSENeural Therapy and Integrative Medicine Institute

Buenos Aires - Argentina

Registration sheet

Addressed to: Medical doctors, veterinarians, dentists and other health and life science professionals.


Registration/ attendance: You will have to bring a copy of your college degree and professional license, 2 ID-size photos and your résumé. In virtue of being a theoretical-practical course, the attendance will be limited to 15 people.

Goals: - To acquire essential theoretical and technical knowledge for the practice of Neural Therapy.

- To expand and deepen our vision of life and the art of healing, exploring different fields of scientific knowledge, such as medical anthropology, the philosophy of science, quantum physics, advanced biophysics and biochemistry, cybernetics, complex thinking, the Chaos Theory, the System Theory, neuroscience, biology, developmental psychology, sociology, nonlinear mathematics, fractals, subtle energy research, intercommunication, thermodynamics and crystalline liquid properties of living organisms, etc.

- To access a concept of the health/illness polarity as a process that is simultaneously physical, energetic, mental, spiritual, communal and social, and the conception of an integrative medical practice which treats the disease, the patient and also de doctor... A practice that begins by changing the physician.

Duration:  7 months (April through October) divided in 7 theoretical-practical modules.

Program Organization:It consists of theoretical classes that will take place one weekend per month (Saturday and Sunday, 9 hours a day), which makes a total of 126 hours of theoretical teaching, and 10 monthly hours of in-class participation at the Neural Therapy office (During Mondays, adding 70 hours of in-class teaching), reaching a total of 196 hours of training. Additional hours of in-class

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participation will be certified, since the students can assist to any class during the rest of the month.

Contents: Check the syllabus attached below.

Teaching Techniques: Teaching expositions with an active participation from the students. Access to book material. Readings between encounters. Debates about the consulted bibliography. Word exchange. In-class practice at the office.

With the registration, the following material will be handed in, which previous revision and study will make the optimization of the course easier:

- CD with: (a) Compilation of articles on Neural Therapy conferences and courses. FUNCOP, Colombia. (b) Illustrative Atlas of the Neural Therapy Technique by Dr. Matías Dosch, in PDF format. (c) Videos of the most used Injection Techniques in Neural Therapy by Dr. Hopfer.

At the end of each module, the students will get a CD or DVD with a copy of all the treated subjects plus additional teaching material.

Initiation and termination dates: Begins: April 9th, 2011 (Saturday) Ends: October 10th, 2011 (Monday)

Schedule: Theoretical classes: Saturday and Sunday from 9am to 7pm, with a lunch break. Practice at the office: Monday, from 9am to 8pm, with a lunch break.

Evaluation Techniques: The training of each student will be evaluated orally by the end of the course. Requirement to obtain the certificate: To attend at least 80% of the classes.

Facility in which the programmed activities will take place:Both the Saturday and Sunday theoretical classes and the Mondays in-class practices will take place at the Neural Therapy and Integrative Medicine of Argentina Institute’s Teaching Unit, in Sarmiento 1367 3d floor, Dpt. “F”, Buenos Aires city.

Course HeadmasterDr. Jorge Kaczewer. (UBA). Neuraltherapist, director and founder of the Neural Therapy and Integrative Medicine Institute of Argentina.

Professors responsible for the training, updating and improvement of the activities on payroll:

Dr. Roberto Castro (veterinarian neuraltherapist)

Dr. Fernando Estévez (neuraltherapist)

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Dr. Horacio Galitelli (neurofocal dentist)

Dr. Pablo Gigena (neurofocal dentist)

Dr. Raúl Guglielmino (neuraltherapist, homeopathic doctor)

Dr. Fabiola Limardo (neurofocal dentist and anthroposophical doctor)

Dr. Andrés Peralta (neuraltherapist)

Dr. Rosa Zambiasio (neuraltherapist)

Inquiries: Neural Therapy and Integrative Medicine Institute of Argentina Secretary’s office. Sarmiento 1367 3d floor, Dpt. F., Buenos Aires city. Tel.-fax: 4374-1957, Monday through Friday, 10am to19pm. Dr. Jorge Kaczewer. Cell phone: (011) 1559376508 E-mail [email protected]

Suggested bibliography: Dosch P., Manual of neural therapy.

Adler E., Neurofocal dentistry. Illness caused by interference fields in the trigeminal. Amerika University foundation, Quito, Ecuador, (2002).

Speransky A.D., A basis for the theory of medicine.

Payán J.C., La Medicina Biológica, Una Medicina no Comprometida.

Vischñevsky, A. V. y A. A., El bloqueo novocaínico y los antisépticos óleo balsámicos como una forma especial de terapéutica patogénica. Cártago publisher, Bs. As., 1958.

Payan J.C., Lánzate al Vacío, se Extenderán tus Alas. Diálogos sobre sociedad Salud y Libertad. Mc Graw Hill publisher, Bogotá, 2000.

Barop H., Techniques of neural therapy, 2003.

Fischer L., Manual of neural therapy according to Huneke. Mexico, 2000.

Prigogine I., The end of certainty. Taurus publisher, Spain, 1997.

Penrose R. Shadows of the mind. Drakontos, Barcelona, 1996.

Goodwin B., How the leopard changed its spots. Tusquets publisher, Barcelona, 1996.

Wienner N., Robotics and society. Sudamericana publisher, B. Aires, 1996.

Pavlov I., High nervous activity. Fontanella publisher, Barcelona, 1973.

Khun T.S., The structure of scientific revolutions. Fondo de Cultura Económica publisher, México, 1962.

Capra F., The web of life. Anagrama publisher, Barcelona, 1996.

Foucault M., Lives of infamous men. La Piqueta publisher, 1990.

Rivera Rojas, F. (compilador), Medicina de las Regulaciones Biocibernéticas. Asociación de Medicinas Complementarias, España, 1993.

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Dr. Jorge Kaczewer’s CV summary

- 1987: Doctor graduated from UBA (University of Buenos Aires).

- 1992 -1998: Doctor in rural practice for six years in San Marcos Sierra, Cruz Del Eje department, Córdoba province, Argentina.

- 1997: “In-class theoretical training in Neural Therapy” with Dr. Julio César Payán de la Roche in Popayán, Colombia (January 28th through February 28th, 150 hours.).

- 1997: Lecturer in “Neural therapy according to Huneke”, First Biological Medical Conference in Internal Medicine. Integrative Biological Medicine Society of Argentina.

- 1998: Lecturer in “Treatment of Chronic and Degenerative Diseases with Neural Therapy” at the second Biological Medicine Conference in Internal Medicine. Integrative Biological Medicine Society of Argentina.

- 1999: “First International Course of Neural Therapy”, Dr. Payan de la Roche in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

- 2003: Neural Therapy and Neurofocal Dentistry World Conference, Bogotá, Colombia. CIMA (Alternative Medicine Research Center) Colombia, ACONMB Colombia (Neurofocal Dentistry and Biological Medicine Association of Colombia).

- 2004: International Neural Therapy and Neurofocal Dentistry Course, 160 hs., Dr. Julio César Payan de la Roche, Dra. Yoseth Osorio. Bogotá, Colombia. International Medical Association of Neural Therapy according to Huneke, CIMA Colombia, ACONMB Colombia (Neurofocal Dentistry and Biological Medicine Colombian Association).

- 2003-2004: Chief of the Neural Therapy Unit at the Department of Complementary and Integrative Medicine, Maimónides Medical School, Buenos Aires.

- 2004: Consultant at the Neural Therapy for Doctors and Dentists International Practice Course (50 hs.) held by Dr. Augusto Pazán León (Ecuador) at the Maimónides Medical School, Buenos Aires.

- 2004: Headmaster of the Neural Therapy and Pain Course, at the Department of Complementary and Integrative Medicine, Maimónides Medical School, Buenos Aires.

- 2004: Founder and Director of the Institute of Neural Therapy and Integrative Medicine of Argentina - Buenos Aires, Argentina.

- 2005: International Neural Therapy and Alternative Thinking Symposium, Dr. Julio César Payán de la Roche, in Buenos Aires, CIMA Argentina.

- 2005: VIII Neural Therapy and Neurofocal Dentistry World Conference, Quito, Ecuador. Neural Therapy Society of Ecuardor.

- 2006: Neural Therapy and Neurofocal Dentistry World Conference, Villa La Angostura, Neuquén province. CIMA (Alternative Medicine Research Center) Argentina.

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- 2007: Lecturer at the First Neural Therapy, Neurofocal Dentistry and Complex Thinking conference in Colombia held by CIMA and ACONMB in Bogotá. “Crystalline liquid Organism and Neural Therapy: Towards a Thermodynamic of the Organized Complexity”.

- 2008: Coordinator of the First Neurofocal Dentistry Argentine Course during the continuing formation on Neural Therapy, held in Buenos Aires by Prof. Dr. Odont. Yoseth Osorio Díaz, president of ACONMB (Colombia), accompanied by professors: Dr. Sandra Payán (Colombia), Dr. Odont. Horacio Galitelli (Argentina).

- 2009: Headmaster of the 2nd through 9th Neural Therapy and Neurofocal Dentistry annual editions from year 2005 through late 2010, taught at the Neural Therapy and Integrative Medicine Institute of Argentina - Buenos Aires.

- 2009: Headmaster of the First Neural Therapy and Neurofocal Dentistry Provincial Course taught at the Provincial Hospital of Posadas - Misiones, Argentina, held by the Holistic Center of Neurotherapist Rosa Zambiasio.

- 2010: NEURAL THERAPY AND COMPLEX SYSTEMS, a different approach of Life” Symposium. Dr. Julio César Payán de la Roche, November 12th and 13th, 2010, Buenos Aires city, Argentina.


- Member of CIMA, Alternative Medicine Research Center, Popayán, Colombia.

- Member of the International Medical Association of Neural Therapy according to Huneke.

- Member of the Argentine Society of Integrated Medical Biology.

- Member of the Doctors Research Society of Alternative Medicine (AMIT), Bogotá, Colombia.



● Presentation: What is Neural Therapy?● Planetary distribution of healing complexes.● Disease and healing: image and process in medicine.● The concept of the health/illness polarity.● Old and new medical paradigms.● Doctor-patient relationships.● History of the universe.

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● Plato’s Cave.● Neural Therapy history: Pavlov, Speransky, the Hunekes.● Neural Therapy and public health.● Legal world status of Neural Therapy.● Ethical and philosophical concepts of Neural Therapy.● Embryology, anatomy and physiology of the Nervous System.● Basis of neurochemistry and neuroscience.● Neural plasticity, neuromodulation and self-organization on the Nervous System.● Neural and psychic spaces.● The vegetative nervous system.● Miscellaneous, central vegetative nervous system, peripheral vegetative nervous system, terminal distribution.● Ricker’s pathology of relations.● Neural interference field: definition, basis, objectification.● Neural, emotional vegetative and holographic memories. ● Local therapy.● Segmental therapy. The segment in Neural Therapy.● Interferential field therapy.● Neural therapy indications.● Counterproductive effects and failures of Neural Therapy.● Neural therapy complications.● Clinical history and medical exams on Neural Therapy.● Diagnosis and Neural Therapy.● Basic system according to Pischinger and Heine.● Rekeweg’s Homotoxicology.● Progressive and regressive vicaration.● Cybernetics and neural therapy. Biocybernetics.● Mathematics of the Chaos theory. Logistic equation.● Mathematics, geometry and fractals in biology.● Quantum physics and neural therapy.● Quantum entanglement.● Bose-Einstein condensate.● Quantum action of Neural Therapy.● Thermodynamics of closed and open systems.● Beyond Prigogine. Thermodynamic of organisms.● Complex systems.● Interference noise and fields.● Emergent orders.● Endosymbiosis as an emergent order.● Shape and organization patterns.● History and pharmacology of local anesthetics.● Pharmacology of procaine and its metabolites.● Chemistry and relationship between structure and activity.● Action mechanism according to the old theory of ionic nervous activity.● PH effect.● Pharmacological effects of procaine (Hahn-Godeffroy).● Difference between anesthetic and neurotherapeutic effects.● Update on the properties of local anesthetics.● Different sensitivity of nerve fibers to local anesthetics.

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● Frequency and usage dependency.● Pharmacological actions: Central nervous system, neuromuscular junction and ganglia synapse, cardiovascular system, flat muscle.● Hypersensitivity to local anesthetics.● Intravenous procaine: Historical data. Dose and administration technique, answers and toxicity.● Parabiosis concept according to Wedensky.● Dermatome, myotome, sclerotome, viscerotome.● Head’s zones.● Internal organs and their painful segments and related reagents.● Pseudoradicular syndrome according to Brügger.● Adler-Langler pressure points.● Gate Control Theory according to Melzack and Wall.● Superficial and deep segments.● Reflex points (Viscerocutaneous, cuti-visceral, viscero-visceral, psychosomatic, somatopsychic).● Neural therapy and acupuncture.● Microtubules, nervous system and neural therapy.● Exofocal phenomenon, nervous system and neural therapy.● Crystalline liquid organisms and neural therapy.● Mae-wan Ho and the biophysics of living organisms.● Brain and physical consciousness.● Action potential myths.● Cells, gels and phase transitions. Gerald Pollack.● Least effort and least action biology.● Global intercommunication in a living organism.● Huneke seconds phenomenon, reconsidered.● Interfacial or biological water. ● Microtrabecular lattice and cytomatrix.● Gilbert N. Ling and the adsorption/induction hypothesis.● Proticity, proton cables and body consciousness.● The science behind the “Water messages” by Martin Chaplin.● New visions of the procaine’s neurotherapeutic effect.● Neurotherapeutic phenomenon according to Hopfer:● Phenomenon during the treatment on the disease area: Reaction phenomenon. Retrograde phenomenon.● Phenomenon during the interfering field treatment: Huneke’s second phenomenon. Immediate phenomenon / Neighborhood reaction. Reversed phenomenon. Retarded phenomenon. Euphoria. Forced crying.● Regulation lockouts: therapeutic methods for their interruption and neutralization.● General follow-up.● Injection techniques and indications.● Papules.● Serpiginous infiltration.● Scars.● Intra and peri articular injections.● Intra and peri vascular injections.● Correct preparation of procaine to 1% for superficial and deep injections.● Anatomy lab.

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● Usage of multimedia programs for the study of neuroanatomy.● Ecological nutrition, organic diet. ● Digestive system Immunology and diet according to the metabolic typing and blood type. ● Neurofocal Dentistry.● Conceptual basis of neurofocal dentistry.● Interference fields in the maxillomandibular area.● Dentistry materials.● Oral pathologies.● Maxillomandibular field: anatomy, innervation, pathologies, diagnosis.● Temporomandibular joint.● Osteopathy notions applied to neurofocal dentistry.● The tooth test in neural therapy.● Tooth/ molar root injection.● Injection between ligaments.● Pathological findings’ map in dental ground and its energetic relations according to R. Voll and F. Kramer.● Panoramic dental X- ray’s interpretation.● Neurofocal dentistry and nutrition.● Trigger points: each point will be explained fully. ● Electrical features of trigger points.● Histopathology and physiopathology of trigger points.● Clinic: etiology and diagnosis of trigger points.● Trigger points’ treatment. ● Clinical scenarios.● Material needed for neural therapy practice.● Essential elements for the doctor’s office.● Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation. Brief theoretical-practical course.● Veterinary and neural therapy.● Neural therapy on horses.● Neural therapy and neurofocal dentistry on small animals.● Clinical scenarios.● Veterinary neuroanatomy.● Neurofocal Dentistry: revision, outlook interpretations, toxicology of dentistry materials.● Feature film “Naqoyqatsi” showing, directed by Stephen Reggio.● Debate and analysis.● Final exam to test the acquired knowledge and conception from the students.● Certificate handing and end of course celebration.