Network Safety Analysis HD 15 Collision Analysis on the National Road Network Louise Doherty NRA, Road Safety Section Email: [email protected]

Network Safety Analysis HD15

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Page 1: Network Safety Analysis HD15

Network Safety Analysis HD 15

Collision Analysis on the National Road Network

Louise Doherty

NRA, Road Safety Section

Email: [email protected]

Page 2: Network Safety Analysis HD15

Network Safety Analysis HD 15

• Background

• HD-15 process

– Data collection

– Identification of high collision locations

– Network Safety Ranking

– Diagnosis

– Priority ranking

– Implementation

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HD 15 Network Safety Ranking

Network Safety Ranking means a method for identifying, analysing and classifying parts of the existing road network according to their potential for safety development and accident cost saving.

European Parliament, 2008

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Collision Data

Injury Collisions:

January – December 2005

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Exposure to Risk: Population Data

Dublin = 3.5 per 100k

Cork = 7 per 100k

Carlow = 13.5 per 100k

Sligo = 13.8 per 100k

Donegal = 18.4 per 100k

Monaghan = 21.2 per 100k

Road Fatalities (2003 –2005) per

100,000 population by County

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Exposure to Risk: Traffic Volume (AADT)

AADT on national roads: 2004

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RP - Rural 2 Lane

RP - Motorway RP - Rural Dual Carriageway

RP - Urban Dual Carriageway RP - Urban 2 Lane

Reference Populations on the National Road Network

“Reference Populations are subsets of the Network which have similar features and, as such are expected to have similar safety performances”

European Commission, 2008

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Motorway Sites

Rural Dual Carriageway Sites Rural 2 Lane Sites

Urban Sites

Reference Populations on the National Road Network

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HD 15 Network Safety Ranking

Identify high collision locations and Network Safety Ranking

• Collision Frequency

– Number of collisions

• Collision Rate

– Ratio of collision frequency to AADT

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Calculating Collision Rates

∑ fi ×108 ________________________________________________

365.25 × P × ∑Lj × Qw Rrp =


Rrp = Average collision rate for the reference population

fi = Collision frequency at site j P = Period of analysis in years Lj = Length of section j (km)

Qw = Weighted average annual daily traffic (AADT)

SOURCE: PIARC: World Road Association – Road Safety Manual

2008-2010 Rural 2 Lane Roads

Collision Rate =

Collision Rate = 11.418 per 100 million

(10^8) Veh Km

1183 x 108

365.25 x 3 x 2040.99 x


Twice Below = < 5.709

Below = <11.418

Above = >11.418

Twice Above = >22.835

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Collision Frequency Vs Collision Rates

Collision Rate

• There is a bias towards low volume traffic


Collision Frequency

• There is a bias towards high traffic volume


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Below average rate

Twice below average rate

Above average rate

Twice above average rate

Collision Rates

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Collision Frequency

Twice below average frequency

Below average frequency

Above average frequency

Twice above average frequency

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Collision Cluster Sites



To help reduce the effect of the

bias inbuilt in both types of

analysis, sites are marked

CLUSTER when both thresholds

are twice above average.

Collision Frequency

Collision Rate

Hazard Sites

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Collision Rate Analysis 2008-2010


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• Collision data

• Reference Populations

• Collision rate

• Collision frequency