1 NETWORK OF GLOBAL CORPORATE CONTROL BANKRUPTS 65,000 COMPANIES IN SWEDEN, KILLS THORIUM TECHNOLOGY Karen Hudes Thu, Jun 30, 2016 10:02 PM Someone on YouTube was asking me what this means. Can you help with it? Here is the entire document: (Still Swedish) http://www.riksdagen.se/sv/dokument- lagar/arende/betankande/utvardering-av-riksbankens- penningpolitik_H301FiU41/html Hallo DEAR Karen !

NETWORK OF GLOBAL CORPORATE CONTROL BANKRUPTS · 2016-07-01 · + to the person that made ONE of 2 deep Inquiries about "the FIRST Swedish Bank CRISIS". Both showed that it was by

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Page 1: NETWORK OF GLOBAL CORPORATE CONTROL BANKRUPTS · 2016-07-01 · + to the person that made ONE of 2 deep Inquiries about "the FIRST Swedish Bank CRISIS". Both showed that it was by



Karen Hudes Thu, Jun 30, 2016 10:02 PM Someone on YouTube was asking me what

this means. Can you help with it?

Here is the entire document: (Still Swedish)




Hallo DEAR Karen !

Page 2: NETWORK OF GLOBAL CORPORATE CONTROL BANKRUPTS · 2016-07-01 · + to the person that made ONE of 2 deep Inquiries about "the FIRST Swedish Bank CRISIS". Both showed that it was by


I will Forward Your LINK below

to the person that wrote THE BOOKS about

how and in sequence the central Banks were


how they work, and on ....... , in Sweden + US +


+ to the person that made ONE of 2 deep Inquiries

about "the FIRST Swedish Bank CRISIS".

Both showed that it was by ORDER of Jacob


that 65.000 Companies in sweden had to RETURN

their Bank loans, thus putting them effectively


Both of the 2 Inquiries where STOPPED from


by ALL thinkable medias in Sweden.

Sweden is A DEMOCRACY.


democracy ?????????????

From: Mike Brakey Date: Fri, Jul 1, 2016 at 8:00 AM Subject: RE: Thanks for your radio interview on generating electricity on a bicycle - lets jump to EMP To: Karen Hudes Short introduction article also posted on my Facebook Page Part II. Now You See It-Now You Don't...The Perfect Crime of the 20th Century-Exposed? June 30, 2016 While fishing, golfing, and picking strawberries the last couple of days I have been pondering how I might begin explaining my revelation, from a six-year investigation, I began as a favor to an energy foundation in Cleveland. I believe I have stumbled

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across possibly the greatest perfect crime of the 20th century, which to now, forty-six years later, had still gone undetected. If you think this sounds a little crazy, wait until we fall through the rabbit hole together. The crime required setting up the "Mark" over a thirty-year time span. The caper had three specific milestones. The first milestone was triggered with the sudden death of one US President. The second milestone occurred about 70% into the sting operation with the murder of a US President. The final milestone, the crime's cover-up, occurred with the sudden resignation of three top politicians within the same year. One of these three resignations involved a US President. Thereafter the sting was complete and more importantly, no one was the wiser. The only way of achieving the huge future payout was to successfully hide the crime scene and body (of evidence). The ill-gotten gains from this sting operation began immediately flowing into this successful crime organization year in, year out, for the next five decades. How much? Approximately a trillion dollars per year! In the near future I will attempt to answer the questions: Who planned and executed this perfect crime? Who was the "Mark"? What Crime was committed? Where was the body finally found? Why does a crime from the 20th century even matter today? I figure if this perfect crime has lasted undetected for almost fifty years, I can take a little bit of time, over the summer, attempting to explain the true facts of the remarkable case. No matter how much time I take presenting the evidence, there will be those who will want to measure my skull for a tin-hat. No doubt, it comes with the territory. As for tomorrow I need to walk and play 18 holes of golf, for exercise, before going into town to buy 50 lobsters and clams for out-of-town guests staying with us at the lake lodge. Maine Question: How do you eat 50 lobsters? One lobster at a time! Have a great weekend! Mike Brakey From: Mike Brakey Sent: Saturday, June 25, 2016 4:50 PM To: James, Since your last email to me, titled, Unbelievable (to which I responded), I have now gotten to enjoy your most recent radio interview you were kind enough to send me

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on Thursday, June 23 (others can see link: http://www.wvomfm.com/play_window.php?audioType=Episode&audioId=7397667 ). You gave down-to-earth examples of how much slave labor would be necessary, just for even running simple lights in our homes, without our national energy grid. We need contiguous power, operating around the clock, to be life sustaining based on the size and needs of our present population. Windmills and solar panels don't cut it unless you live in isolate rural areas. There was an excellent interview on an internet program I have listened to for more than a decade called Financial Sense. They interviewed Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, on May 21, (see link: http://www.financialsense.com/financial-sense-newshour/big-picture/existential-threat-emp ) concerning the real threat of an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) knocking out our national electrical grid. It would take a minimum of 18 months to become operational again. I seem to recall you may of spoken about EMP before on some program. If the US lost our electric grid, for even 12 months, experts estimate 90% of the American population would perish. We are most dependent on electricity in the large cities for water and other basic survival needs. Man might live without food, for weeks on end, but perish without water in just a few days. Knowing that Earth just missed a major EMP solar flare in 2014 (discussed in the link), by two days, with respect to our planet's orbit around the sun is not very comforting. As Dr. Pry details, the sun is not our only concern. A strategically exploded nuclear device, at a certain altitude (see image to right) above the US, would result in the same EMP with a 12 month causality rate once more at 90% of the American population. With the ten trillion dollars wasted by our government in just the last 7 years alone, recent Presidents continue to refuse to spend a few billion dollars to harden our electrical grid against at EMP for reasons unknown. We might want to ask government officials why this cannot be done ASAP to likely save up to 300 million US citizens when (and not if) this happens one day. Promising Technologies, Past and Present, on the Horizon: There are some promising technologies on the horizon which might eliminate a need of a national dependence on the GRID within another decade or two. I recommend readers to follow the exploits of Brilliant Light Power (http://brilliantlightpower.com/1375-2/ ), out of Maryland. They have a chemical process of breaking down water and using the hydrogen to create an intense brilliant plasma light as intense as being next to the sun with the same wavelength. If this white intense light can be run continuously (while surrounded with solar panels, a device, the size of a kitchen refrigerator, could generate over 10,000 kW of electricity per hour, twenty-four hours per day, year-in, year-out. Cost of creating electricity might be less than a penny per kilowatt. Some updated plasma tests, from just June 16, 2016, can be viewed at the link: http://brilliantlightpower.com/plasma-video/ .

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The other technology on the near horizon, Geothermal Atmospheric Liquefied Thorium (GALT) chemical reactors, should have been with us since the 1970s. My six year investigation suggests this remarkable technology was suppressed by corrupted rich and powerful global elites which were recently identified and confirmed on September 19, 2011 as the Network of Global Corporate Control. To learn more about this international cabal I recommend any of you to look up Attorney Karen Hudes, whistleblower, on the internet. As I have commended previously, It is fascinating and frightening read to say the least! The identical bad guys keep popping up in my own investigation of technology sabotage and suppression associated with the GALT technology. Below, in a new article, I have disclosed more facts from my ongoing research concerning the successful suppression of GALT technology. In later episodes I will present my evidence of how I believe this same group of ancient maritime families successfully sabotaged and imploded our young nuclear industry in the 1970s. I am disclosing much of my evidence in the next few months because the epic book I am writing (with a present working title of Kid Atlas) will span over 3,000 years of human history. It begins around 1200 BC and will end in present times. The manuscript follows the struggle for society to advance and prosper through science and technology while, until recently, unseen trillionaires elites have leveraged their power and wealth to suppress and sabotage democratic advancements at every turn through assassinations, war, disease and plunging civilizations into Dark Ages when they fear they are losing total control. As I release my findings over the summer, I hope the style of presentation will be entertaining enough to gain a wide audience by word-of-mouth. Thereafter it will be up to each individual voter to verify the facts presented and then also ask themselves by November 8, 2016, if one or both major Presidential candidates is actually controlled by the Network of Global Corporate Control and thus a trader to our way of life. Which of the candidates seeks to end democratic rule, destroy our Constitution, and pursue one world government? The evidence I will present indicates up until the time President Reagan was almost assassinated, he have been the last President to defy the Network of Global Corporate Control. I will also be presenting facts surrounding other US Presidents who have defied this powerful cabal over the last two centuries. That is for another day. The article I have generated below concerning GALT was spurred by a question I received from a friend on Facebook. He commented on the "Unbelievable" article I posted on June 19, 2016. That article is found at the end of this email. Sincerely, Michael Brakey The All-Star Thorium Team from the 1940s

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June 24, 2016 Dear Kevin Thanks for your like & question concerning Thorium energy possibly solving many environmental issues around the world. If I can, let me expand your question a little more, for the benefit of others who might read my reply. Let me apologize for any typo's in advance should they occur. I have to take off soon but I wanted to get an answer to you while you are still on vacation. QUESTION: If Geothermal Atmospheric Liquefied Thorium (GALT) chemical reactors were so outstanding, inexpensive, safe and green, why hasn't a private company built one yet? IMMEDIATE ANSWER: As incredible as this sounds, a few powerful, corrupt Washington D.C. politicians, from both sides of the isle, conspired and eventually passed legislation in early 1970s to making it illegal to consider any domestic atomic energy program which did not focus on the primary fuels of Uranium and Plutonium. Thorium was excluded for reasons noted below. Today, almost a half century later, this federal law is still on the books! The rest of the world could build a GALT like chemical reactor today-but not here in America! An attempt was made in Congress just a few years ago to lift the Thorium restriction. It failed to even getting out of committee! Thorium groups are raising awareness at the "State" level to have them, in turn, put pressure on the Federal Government. We have done it in Ohio and possibly in Maine along with other states. Why Did Our Federal Government Say No to Thorium? After WWII, the Cold War suddenly arose between ourselves and the Soviet Union. A nuclear arms race was going strong. Atomic scientists made the US military aware of the fact that Thorium was incredible good at creating clean, inexpensive and abundant heat energy for all the electric power mankind would ever need. Thorium not only solved future energy issues for humanity, its decaying stream of unique isotopes were incredibly valuable to medical research. What little waste product remained was a great value to the future space industry. Thorium was essentially a miracle element for mankind. The scientist went on to detail one minor drawback to the military. Thorium exhibited an internal safety mechanism which successful defeated any possibility of extracting stable weapons grade material, from decaying isotopes, for nuclear weapons production. Bottom line...Thorium technology can

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offer a treasure-trove of benefits for humanity but you cannot blow of the world with any of its byproducts! Now You See It-Now You Don't As I will detail in a later section, there was a lot written about Thorium even into the early 1960s but then one day, Thorium disappeared from the consciousness of the world. It was nowhere to be found in print, or in news articles. Thorium research disappeared from scientific magazine articles and nuclear textbooks in a very short period of time. I majored in Engineering Physics back in 1971 and yet I too knew nothing about Thorium. I revisited all my nuclear engineering books recently. Some were copyrighted as early as 1966. They have all been scrubbed of any information concerning Thorium-that is with the exception of being listed in the Periodic Table. It is no wonder, if you asked any physicist about Thorium, up until recently, almost all of them would inform you they know nothing about the element! What is Happening in the 21st Century with Thorium Revelations? Billionaire Bill Gate's TerraPower's interest in alternatives such as molten salt reactors (MSRs) operated at atmospheric pressure, came to light by July, 2013 when the company's director of innovation, Jeff Latkowski, surfaced in the audience at the Thorium Energy Alliance Conference in Chicago. The two-day gathering included presentations on thorium fuel and on reactors including molten salt reactors which have a huge advantage of operating at atmospheric pressure, high temperature solid fuel reactors, accelerator driven reactors, and others. China may catch-up to where America was in the 1960s by completing a Phase III GALT chemical reactor by the early 2020s. Just this month an article was published on Thorium technology titled: A 50 Quadrillion Dollar Discovery. The link is found at https://jaideepprabhu.org/.../a-50-quadrillion-dollar-discov.../<https://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fjaideepprabhu.org%2F2016%2F06%2F01%2Fa-50-quadrillion-dollar-discovery%2F&h=8AQF8NUC0AQHJy2yECcOCv9vDGltpH3t1EXUBVmSJZgvgSA&enc=AZMz9UJYvNWPjKaNMOQy5v-X-g0hgnvrbpbUFv6l1qUt6prySja4dsO_13zHtbty-qIHGpr0Qv3shAeMw_WSpqaezJO7-3lP52mUrMU27YY3JWWXI2uY62w-BnHGoFlwqMVOwtq0uiaZ1mIqXPAnSgAkdqFesxv4HCngKEqvNGC1sdRJyyaqc5AtTq59CdO5iYU6oQOV6cMl66-jC8btcqAm&s=1> . It provides a concise history of atomic discoveries in the 19th and 20th centuries and Thorium's place within all this. The article references Frederick Soddy, who saw the enormous potential of their atomic discovery and wrote that here was a virtually inexhaustible source of energy that could, properly applied, "transform a desert continent, thaw the frozen poles, and make the whole earth one smiling Garden of Eden." Suppressed History: FDR launches The Age of Thorium:

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On February 02, 1942, at 9:44 PM, upon confirming Thorium 232 could be modified, such that, it underwent fission via slow neutron absorption, future Nobel Prize winner, Glenn Seaborg exclaimed to assistant, Gofman, "we have just made a $50,000,000,000,000,000 (fifty quadrillion) discovery!" In 2016 dollars, you can multiply this figure by at least ten-a five hundred quadrillion ($50,000 trillion) discovery. By the early spring of 1944, key politicians such as President Franklin Roosevelt (FDR), his 3rd term Vice President, Henry Wallace, and the tremendously popular and brilliant Congressman Jerry Voorhis, from Manhattan Project Robert Oppenheimer's Los Angles district, were all champions of future Thorium based technologies. V.P. Wallace had worked closely with Manhattan Project leader and was also a very close friend of Congressman Voorhis. They shared Nobel Prize winner, Glenn Seaborg's optimism about civilization's future, thanks to the properties and abundance of Thorium throughout Earth. Based on a series of events suddenly taking place around March of 1945, FDR sent a confidential and urgent message to Oppenheimer to proceed with the Thorium research at the secret and remote government laboratory at Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Unknown to the world, until 1998, Richard Oppenheimer met twice with a Hollywood screenwriter and author and revealed some highly guarded secrets to the writer concerning the GALT technology and about a shadowy group of elites who intended to stop it at all costs. Based on the screenwriter's future book, which was published more than a decade after the session, FDR might have sent Oppenheimer something as simple as a confidential Western Union telegram with the following thirteen words: White House-Oppenheimer: Joint Operational Homeland Nuclear: Geothermal Atmospheric Liquefied Thorium: Initiate Strategy: However FDR sent word, Oppenheimer immediately proceeded to contact Manhattan Project protégés young Alvin Weinberg and future Nobel Prize winner, Eugene Wigner, in Chicago. They departed for Oak Ridge, Tennessee and settled in by early May, 1945 to begin the momentous research and development of abundant peacetime energy from atoms. While Alvin Weinberg is credited as the inventor of the pressurized light water nuclear reactor fueled with uranium and/or thorium, Weinberg reminded society throughout his life, this application was intended only for navy vessel propulsion, not for commercial industry as a whole. Weinberg, like

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Eugene Wigner, was committed to Thorium solutions for the greater good of humanity. In 1947, Congressman Voorhis wrote about the promise of Thorium in his autobiography, Confessions of a Congressman. He excitedly wrote about the fact that Thorium had a remarkable internal safety mechanism which prevented the military from utilizing the processed isotopes of Thorium for weapons of mass destruction. Voorhis correctly anticipated the US military would seek to maintain control over nuclear secrets and only pursue weapons grade bomb making material involving uranium and plutonium in the future. Congressman Voorhis and Senator Brien McMahon of Connecticut filed joint papers to create the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy (JCAE). Not only did Voorhis have a major hand in successfully wrestling nuclear power oversight away from the military and delivering a bright energy future into the hands of the American people, the Speaker of the House, Sam Rayburn, had confirmed that by House rules, based on his unique actions, Voorhis would become the rotating JCAE Committee Chairman on the House side while McMahon would represent the Senate. All Voorhis needed to do to help elevate the world to [cid:[email protected]] the promising Age of Thorium, was to win a 6th consultative term in office at the next election cycle in 1947. It is now the 1950s. Thorium research, under the successful directorship of Alvin Weinberg, proceeded at the remote governmental facility, Oak Ridge National Laboratories. With all the amazing successes noted from the prior Facebook review. Senator John F. Kennedy concluded he would choose Alvin Weinberg as his scientific advisor should he win the Presidency in 1960. President Kennedy championed and spoke enthusiastically of Thorium in speeches as late as October 26, 1963. In this speech, President Kennedy promised all Americans that by the end of the 20th century most electricity would be produced from Thorium, a transformative technology which would change mankind's future for all time. Based on the success of Phase I Thorium energy in 1953, the 1961 independent energy study confirming geothermal atmospheric liquefied Thorium (GALT) chemical reactors were the breakthrough energy technology for all ages, JFK earmarked some Executive funds to immediately launch Phase II, GALT technology no later than by 1965. President Kennedy wanted GALT to aid his promise of having a man on the moon before he ended his second term in office. Thanks to American exceptionalism, the "Age of Atomic Thorium" was going to eliminate future energy shortages and wars resulting from them. GALT technology would help transform Earth into a remarkable paradise of capitalism and independence around the globe. Thorium would also propel man to the heavens and beyond. JFK expected inexpensive and safe GALT chemical reactors would be running commercially across the nation by the end of the 1970s. At the same time,

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America, under JFK's NASA space Rover program expectations, would have colonies on the moon energized by Thorium. Humanity will have also visited Mars before the end of the 20th century. This is how President Kennedy intended to close out the 20th century. How could twenty billion dollars of successful tax-payer research on Thorium technology just suddenly disappear after November 22, 1963? Now You See It-Now You Don't...Part II CONTINUED next week? From: Mike Brakey Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2016 11: To: Jim Subject: Yesterday's Radio Show WVOM http://www.wvomfm.com/play_window.php?audioType=Episode&audioId=7397667 Subject: RE: Unbelievable -June 19, 2016 Jim, Thanks for the email, with the subject line, "Unbelievable" and the link: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/436228/wind-energy-subsidies-billions . Our government will put taxpayers on the hook for $176 billion for antiquated wind energy and forbid America from building successful proven geothermal, green energy technology, for pennies on the dollar, which we developed in the 1940s/1950s and completed our tests in 1969 (the same year America stepped on the moon)! The Rest of the Story: Between 1945 and 1969, our government budgeted the equivalent of $833 million/year on an energy research project which arose out of the Manhattan Project of World War II under Richard Oppenheimer. Polymaths Eugene Wigner and Alvin Weinberg had figured out the geothermal process taking place inside our planet to heat its interior to over 10,0000F . In 1953, under Phase I (see image below right), they built the first successful Geothermal Atmospheric Liquefied Thorium (GALT) chemical reactor which could produce an endless supply of clean, cheap, green electricity. Dr. Weinberg knew this technology could transform world deserts into rich farm land; Thorium is so plentiful, it could supply humanity an endless supply of energy for the rest of our existence on Earth. GALT could also provide humanity a treasure trove of medical isotopes for lifesaving cancer treatments and special fuel

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isotopes for space craft! Even better yet, you could not make stable nuclear weapons from Thorium fuel! In 1961, an independent study for President Kennedy confirmed GALT was the environmental energy technology for the ages. Phase II confidential results had leaked out to some major utility companies in 1968/1969 (see equipment to right). GALT would be 1/10th the cost of pressurized reactors with none of the dangers. The fuel was 200 times more efficient than Uranium. These energy companies, cited above, clamored for the U.S. government to allow them to begin the commercialization of GALT chemical reactors. Hell, if need be, they offered to pursue a Phase III, full-scale trial at no cost to the government...the technology was that outstanding! This was one of the rare times taxpayer money funded a worthwhile project and it was ultimately suppressed and hidden away (thanks to Freedom of Information Act, we have the actual phone call, from the White House eleven days after JFK's assassination, to initiate the suppression process)! The government destroyed all film concerning GALT but there were still pictures, eyewitnesses and the actual technology behind a vault at Oak Ridge National Laboratories. Thanks to NASA scientist, Kirk Sorenson, this terrible injustice to all of humanity was uncovered in 2000. It has taken the last 16 years to piece this puzzle together. The suppression of this technology, by some individuals in our government, cost America alone, $20 trillion in higher fossil fuel prices over this period of time. Now other countries know what our US government suppressed from the 1960s. China and other nations are racing to catch up to where American GALT technology was in the 1950s and 1960s and file for industrial patents. What about America jumping into the race? We can't by Federal law. Our government, in the early 1970s actually put in legislation barring America from pursuing one of the greatest energy discoveries of the millennia. So getting back to your subject line, Unbelievable, all I can say is any government which suppresses and sabotages its own successful breakthrough environmentally friendly energy technology, and then sixty years later puts up $176 billion of taxpayer money, for intermittent, unreliable, wind energy, which scars up the environment, kills thousands of birds including our national eagles, and also creates health issues...I'm sorry but what is so unbelievable about this...that is if you know the root cause! I am sad to say our government is the best money can buy, and unfortunately, Americans have been outbid by foreign interests who hate our Republic and wish to see it end like the great bald eagle in the image to the right. Surprising, our enemy is not China or Russia; it is an outfit described under many names over the centuries but on September 19, 2011 it was officially identified as the Network of Global Corporate Control. To learn more about this international cabal I recommend any of you to look up

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Attorney Karen Hudes, whistleblower, on the internet. It is fascinating and frightening read to say the least! The identical bad guys keep popping up in my own investigation of technology sabotage and suppression. Jim, thanks again for your email! Sincerely, Mike Brakey sitting in my hotel room in LA, I am too technologically challenged to upload all of Mike Brakey’s attachments. I am sorry not to include this detailed evidence.