The Netherhall School and Sixth Form Centre May 2016 Dear Parents / Carers, Although the weather is doing its best to persuade us to the contrary, the summer term is upon us, and with it the annual exam season is well underway. Around the school, students from Year 11 to Year 13 are sing papers which will shape their futures and determine their desnaons in September: from Sixth form centres to gaining places at Universies across the country and abroad. During this period I am always struck by the commitment shown by parents, students and staff to work together to opmise their outcomes. Not an evening goes by without students gathering in classrooms to revise, pracse exam quesons and seek last minute advice. Of course, this isn’t limited to classroom acvies: twier feeds, online blogs, social media all play their part in the provision. I’d like to record my thanks for all staff who willingly invest their free me to deliver these sessions. This half term has been a memorable one in many ways. There have been some outstanding performances from many groups of our students. One example was the incredible Shakespeare Fesval where we were entertained by rendions of A Midsummer Night’s Dream and were treated to an amazing version of Hamlet performed by Ben Lynn (the eponymous hero) and the Sixth form Drama students. All of this was masterly shaped by our drama team: Emma Hayward, Zoe Hart and Lee Parry. Not to be outdone, the Year 10 music students, accompanied by a group of selected students from Year 9, are halfway through the experience of a lifeme. They have already enjoyed three days of workshops and exploraons into sound with the first Virtuoso Percussionist in the world, Evelyn Glennie and members of the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. Evelyn Glennie is a remarkable musician, not least because she is, herself, profoundly deaf. The students have worked to create a new piece of music which they will be performing with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra in the World Premier on 9 th June in the Cambridge Corn Exchange. It’s hard to see how this could be anything other than an experience that will live in their memories for the rest of their lives. But it’s not just been the large groups where Netherhall students have excelled. Our Sixth form team, led by our head of Product Design, Laura Heard, beat all-comers in winning the scholars Marshall bridge building project day. Congratulaons go to Lauryn Barnes, Yash Oon, Jamie Allin, Ellen Groom, Jonathon Popat and Stefania Di Bartolo. Jamie Shorey, Harry Jones and Jake Cowan succeeded in a rather different sphere: the wonderful world of Warhammer! These students represented Netherhall in the regional finals of this compeon having won through the Cambridge heats. Amazingly, the boys came third and have qualified to parcipate the Naonal finals to be held in London later this term. Many thanks to Luke Driscoll, Lee Parry and James Gould for leading this team. Other developments include: Our parental intranet breaking through the 60% mark of parents of students in Years 7-10 who have signed up. Increasingly, this site will be the source of all informaon on students and we will be acvely working to support the remaining 40% of parents to access this provision. The emergence of two new courses within our Sixth form curriculum, offering Diplomas in Sport and Media Substanal growth in applicaons for students to join next year’s Year 7 group with only four places remaining unl we are officially full. Finally, looking forward, we are making preparaons for our prize giving celebraons which will take place over two nights, 28 th and 29 th June. These evenings replace the annual event held at West Road in the Autumn term and will allow us to expand the number of students and parents who can aend and celebrate their achievements. We have so much to celebrate it couldn’t possibly fit into a single evening! And last, but by no means least, don’t miss the annual Netherhall Art’s Fesval on 16 th June which promises to be bigger and beer than before. You are invited to wander around the school and take in drama, music, art, photography and, when you need a rest, to visit our tradional café in our Inclusion Faculty. Can I finish by once again thanking you for all your support this year and I look forward to seeing many of you at events over the coming weeks. Chris Tooley Principal

Netherhall newsletter may 2016

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Netherhall School Newsletter May 2016

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The Netherhall School and

Sixth Form Centre May 2016

Dear Parents / Carers,

Although the weather is doing its best to persuade us to the contrary, the summer term is upon us, and with it the annual exam season is well underway. Around the school, students from Year 11 to Year 13 are sitting papers which will shape their futures and determine their destinations in September: from Sixth form centres to gaining places at Universities across the country and abroad. During this period I am always struck by the commitment shown by parents, students and staff to work together to optimise their outcomes. Not an evening goes by without students gathering in classrooms to revise, practise exam questions and seek last minute advice. Of course, this isn’t limited to classroom activities: twitter feeds, online blogs, social media all play their part in the provision. I’d like to record my thanks for all staff who willingly invest their free time to deliver these sessions.

This half term has been a memorable one in many ways. There have been some outstanding performances from many groups of our students. One example was the incredible Shakespeare Festival where we were entertained by renditions of A Midsummer Night’s Dream and were treated to an amazing version of Hamlet performed by Ben Lynn (the eponymous hero) and the Sixth form Drama students. All of this was masterly shaped by our drama team: Emma Hayward, Zoe Hart and Lee Parry.

Not to be outdone, the Year 10 music students, accompanied by a group of selected students from Year 9, are halfway through the experience of a lifetime. They have already enjoyed three days of workshops and explorations into sound with the first Virtuoso Percussionist in the world, Evelyn Glennie and members of the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. Evelyn Glennie is a remarkable musician, not least because she is, herself, profoundly deaf. The students have worked to create a new piece of music which they will be performing with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra in the World Premier on 9th June in the Cambridge Corn Exchange. It’s hard to see how this could be anything other than an experience that will live in their memories for the rest of their lives.

But it’s not just been the large groups where Netherhall students have excelled. Our Sixth form team, led by our head of Product Design, Laura Heard, beat all-comers in winning the scholars Marshall bridge building project day. Congratulations go to Lauryn Barnes, Yash Ootin, Jamie Allin, Ellen Groom, Jonathon Popat and Stefania Di Bartolo. Jamie Shorey, Harry Jones and Jake Cowan succeeded in a rather different sphere: the wonderful world of Warhammer! These students represented Netherhall in the regional finals of this competition having won through the Cambridge heats. Amazingly, the boys came third and have qualified to participate the National finals to be held in London later this term. Many thanks to Luke Driscoll, Lee Parry and James Gould for leading this team. Other developments include:

Our parental intranet breaking through the 60% mark of parents of students in Years 7-10 who have signed up. Increasingly, this site will be the source of all information on students and we will be actively working to support the remaining 40% of parents to access this provision.

The emergence of two new courses within our Sixth form curriculum, offering Diplomas in Sport and Media

Substantial growth in applications for students to join next year’s Year 7 group with only four places remaining until we are officially full.

Finally, looking forward, we are making preparations for our prize giving celebrations which will take place over two nights, 28th and 29th June. These evenings replace the annual event held at West Road in the Autumn term and will allow us to expand the number of students and parents who can attend and celebrate their achievements. We have so much to celebrate it couldn’t possibly fit into a single evening!

And last, but by no means least, don’t miss the annual Netherhall Art’s Festival on 16th June which promises to be bigger and better than before. You are invited to wander around the school and take in drama, music, art, photography and, when you need a rest, to visit our traditional café in our Inclusion Faculty.

Can I finish by once again thanking you for all your support this year and I look forward to seeing many of you at events over the coming weeks.

Chris Tooley


Netherhall Local Governing Body would like to thank Jenny Koenig, who recently stepped down as Parent Governor. Jenny has been very active since 2013, chairing the Curriculum Committee, and acting as Link Governor in three areas - we will miss her energy, organisation and enthusiasm. There will be elections to the LGB in the Autumn Term. LGB work this half term has centred on how best to support Netherhall's School Improvement Plan. This is a summary of all the projects - short and longer term - that knit together to support all our students in achieving to the best of their ability. Governors are working with members of the school's Leadership Team on ten activities, ranging from leadership development and achievement and standards, through to data and IT, and finance. Finally a big tip of the hat to all the Netherhall Staff who took part in the Waterbeach Running Festival earlier this month to raise money for charity - an impressive turnout! I hope to persuade some governors - and parents - to join them next year. Full details of the Netherhall School Local Governing Body and how to contact us can be found on the school website athttp://www.netherhall.org/school-information/our-governors/. We welcome your feedback on any aspect of school life.

On Tuesday 10th May, almost 500 Key Stage 3 students completed a one-mile course around the school playing fields. Despite some rather wet weather, the event was very popular with students completing the mile in a variety of ways, including three, five and seven legged! Other students were carried around the course by their friends and one was taken around in a wheelbarrow! The event was organised by the Year 10 Vocational Studies group, who had to organise an event as part of their course. The event brief asked the group to run an event to raise money for Great Ormond Street Hospital. They were responsible for the planning, organising and delivery of all aspects of the event including promoting it around school. One member of the group gave assemblies to Years 7, 8 and 9 and even mentioned both Charles Dickens and J M Barrie in his talk! The group also had to set up on the day and ensure that the event went as smoothly as possible. The day itself saw some very wild conditions with heavy rain in the morning. Still, the event went ahead with Mr Tooley starting the mile as the conditions eased. Some of the group sold refreshments from the hub as the competitors finished the mile. Then came the hard part of collecting the money in! At present there is still some further money to come in, but the current total stands at an amazing £1721.00 The money will be used by Great Ormond Street for a range of uses, including funding specialist equipment, research into new treatments and illnesses, the redevelopment of the hospital and patients and family services like the patient hotel that allows parents to stay close to their children whilst they are in hospital. The group are now planning to visit Great Ormond Street to hand over the money raised in the summer.

Governors Report

Art Exhibition begins 6 June - 17 June

Yr 10 Music Class Project/Dame Evelyn Glennie - 6 June

Yr 10 GCSE Catering Group Practical Exams 8 - 10 June

Yr 10 Music Class All Day Rehearsal at Corn Exchange

Concert 7.30pm - 9 June

Year 10 Work Experience 13th - 24 June

Sports Day -13 June

District Athletics - 15 June

AS Level Cambridge Arts Theatre Visit -16 June

Arts Festival -16 June

Year 8 Isle of Wight Departs -17 June

Year 9 Work Shadowing Day -17 June

Yr 12 Duke of Edinburgh practice Expedition 20 - 24 June

Year 8 Isle of Wight Trip Returns - 20 June

Reserve Sports Day - 20 June

Olympic Cup - 22 June

Year 12 UCAS Conference at ARU - 22 June

Year 7 Science Museum Trip - 23 June

Sixth Form Taster Day - 24 June

Post 16 Parents’ Information Evening - 27 June

Sixth Form Induction Morning - 28 June

Year 7 & 8 Prize Giving/Celebration Evening - 28 June

Jubilee Cup - 29 June

Years 9 & 10 Prize Giving/Celebration Evening - 29 June

Wimbledon Trip (PE Leaders) - 30 June

Year 11 Signing Off Day - 30 June

Year 13 Signing Off Day - 30 June

Year 12 UEA Trip - 1 July

Year 10 GCSE PE Hillwalking Trip - 1 July

Year 7 Author Visit - 1 July

Sixth Form Summer Ball - 1 July

Year 10 Art Trip to Cambridge - 5 July

Year 6 Induction Evening - 5 July

Year 6 Induction Days 6 - 7 July

Careers Day Botanical Gardens - 6 July

Year 11 Prom - 8 July

Inclusion trip to GOSH - 12 July

Year 9 Options Art Trip - 12 July

Spinney Show - 13 & 14 July

Sixth Form Taster Day - 14 July

Year 7 Trip to Pleasurewood Hills - 15 July

Year 10 GCSE Hillwalking Trip - 15 July

Year 12 Work Experience - 18 July

Autumn Term 2016

Thursday 1st September: Training Day

Friday 2 September: Year 7 & Year 12 only

Monday 5 September: Whole School opens

Thursday 13 October: Training Day & Open Evening

Half Term: 24 - 28 October

Monday 28 November: Training Day

Friday 16 December: Last day of term

Dear Parents/Carers,

The Cambridge News is running its

Education Awards to celebrate the

outstanding achievements of pupils,

staff and schools in Cambridgeshire.

Last year a group of Netherhall Year

10 students won the award for

contribution to the local community.

It would be great to see more

Netherhall nominations this year.

There are eight categories: Pupil of

the Year, Teacher of the Year,

Support Staff Member of the Year,

School of the Year, Contribution to

the Local Community, Young Sports

Personality of the Year, Creative

Arts Award and Science Project of

the Year.

If you know of a worthy candidate for

any of the awards please use the link

below to submit your nomination.

Students are encouraged to nominate

too. The deadline for nominations is

Friday 17th June 2016.






Mr Chris Tooley


Netherhall students to perform their world premiere alongside the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and world-renowned percussionist, Dame Evelyn Glennie at the Corn Exchange!

Netherhall students have been given an amazing opportunity to work alongside a world famous orchestra and world-renowned percussionist, Dame Evelyn Glennie to create a composition commissioned for Dame Evelyn’s 50th Birthday.

Day 1 The project began with students visiting Wimpole Estate for a guided tour of the working farm and exploration of the estate’s picturesque landscapes and heritage. Students spent the rest of the day in a beautiful open barn, working alongside world-renowned percussionist, Dame Evelyn Glennie, members of the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and Creative Leader, Dr Tim Steiner exploring and creating sounds for their original piece.

Day 2 and 3 Students worked with Dr Tim Steiner and the Royal Philharmonic to shape and develop original ideas into an extended composition. Some tried their hand at conducting! Day 4 - 6th June 2016 Dr Tim Steiner will work with students to rehearse the composition and make any final changes. Day 5 - 9th June 2016 A final rehearsal with Dame Evelyn will proceed the students joining the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra to rehearse and perform their world premiere on stage at the Cambridge Corn Exchange as part of the Orchestra’s residency concert on 9th June, 7.30pm.

Interested in attending this event?

Look out for the code on the Netherhall website for discounted tickets. Please contact Mrs E Snow [email protected] for more details.

Induction Parents’ Evening

Year 6

Tuesday 5th July 2016

7.00pm Atrium

● Introduction Mr Tooley - Principal

● Information from Mrs Wilders -

Key Stage Director

● Reflections from current Year 7


● Questions - meet staff

● Refreshments

● Information about School Uniform

● Information about Cashless Catering

& WisePay

Arrangements for the

Induction Days

Wednesday 6th and Thursday 7th July 2016


Year 6 students should assemble in the main playground.

Ambassadors will be on hand to help Year 6 find which form tutor group they are in and where to line up.

Students will be dismissed from the school site at the end of each at day 3.00pm

Please make arrangements for your child to get home safely.

Please let the school know of any changes to personal details i.e home address, telephone number (particularly mobiles) and email addresses.

You can email directly to [email protected]

or telephone 01223 242931 ext 200

18th August 2016 A Level


25th August GCSE Results

On Friday 13th May the Year 11's went on study leave. For many students this

was an end to 5 years at Netherhall and was an emotional moment in their

educational journey. Students are still able to attend revision sessions with

staff at Netherhall and we look forward to seeing them at the Prom on Friday

8th July. Tickets are on sale now in the Reception.

Students need to bring their "Passport" to get a discount on their ticket.

Multi Skills Festival 2016

On the 29th April 2016, Netherhall School ran a Multi Skills Festival for Year 2 Colville Primary School and Cherry Hinton Primary School students in the sports hall. The festival involved 80 children, a number of Year 10 leaders and some teachers.

Part of the year 10 Leadership course involved running a session for children, so this day was well suited to them. They were given a brief on how to set up the activity, but the organisation, leadership qualities and overall running was all down to them. Working in groups of 3 to 4, they ran a variety of activities suited to the age range, including dodgeball, running through ladders and balancing the tennis ball on the tennis racket, among others. Each session lasted 10 minutes and was full of high quality leadership, fun games, and development the children’s skills and teamwork.

Team leaders helped to guide groups round the course and helpfully motivate & encourage them. Qing, a team leader from Year 10, said ‘’the day has been a great experience’’. They were responsible for making sure the transition from session to session was smooth. Mr Millar, who helped organise the event, said ‘’It’s great to see the students working as a team and showing their skills as excellent leaders. They are a credit the The Netherhall School’’

There was a brief break during the session to ensure everyone could regain their energy, but that didn’t stop all the leaders from working hard to ensure their sessions would be ready for the next hour. A wide variety of equipment was needed, including cones, dodgeballs & bibs, all available thanks to the excellent facilities available. Overall, the festival was a fun-filled, day which was enjoyed by all. The Year 10’s now have now a broader experience of leading, and the Year 2’s an enjoyable day out to increase their health and fitness.

Written by Noah Keate, Year 10

Once again Netherhall students have triumphed at the

Innovators Project day held annually at Marshalls.

Students were required to design and build a bridge which

was then tested to destruction. They were up against Stephen Perse, Bottisham and NCA. and after a tough battle of

brains, staying power and skills, they demonstrated why Netherhall School is the best.

Congratulations to Hafiza Rahman, Anna Dunkerly, Gracie Kay, Chloe Whitmore, Ramisa Miah, Julia Rogowska for

fantastic teamwork, designing and building skills and for being superb ambassadors for our school.

Their prize is a day trip to the Jaguar Factory.

Innovators Project Day

Netherhall Shakespeare Festival 2016

As the 400th commemorative year of Shakespeare's

life draws to a height of celebration, students at

Netherhall decided to honour the Bard as only we

know - by staging 2 of his greatest Tragedies.

For the past 3 months in Drama Club or after school

rehearsals, students and pupils have been developing

short versions of Romeo and Juliet as well as Hamlet

for an audience.

Romeo & Juliet, directed by Ms Hart and Mrs

Hayward featured a large cast taken from years 7 to

10. The performance featured fantastic choreography,

a rich use of music and bright vivid passions of the

young. The more sombre Hamlet, directed by

Mr Parry, utilised the incredible acting talent that we

have in the Sixth Form - ably supported by our Year

11 drama class!

On the night of the 22nd April - the night before

Shakespeare's untimely death 400 years ago, the

support from our audience was incredible! While

some parents and friends only stayed for 1

performance - our numbers never dropped below 100

seated for the entire evening.

The Festival was a real celebration of Shakespeare's'

life and times as well as his work - and the evening

was superbly supported by:

Mrs Snow & Mr Glazebrook - leading a string

quartet that played 'Greensleeves" as the audience

arrived. The History, Languages and English

Departments for display material, the Site team and

Mr Berry for his lighting and technical support.

This is now the second Shakespeare Festival we have

staged and plans for next year are already in place.

Thank you all for your support and of course, to our

fantastic students.

Year 8 and 9 'Mathletes'

excel against

independent schools

Netherhall students celebrated

success at the recent regional

finals of the UK Mathematical

Trust Maths challenge (15 March). There were 30

schools participating in this event and the

Netherhall team managed to come second out of

30 schools, just behind the Perse.

Great thanks must go to Mrs Prince for leading the

team and for preparing them for the event.

Obviously we're

aiming to go one

better next year!

Amazing Maths Success

A Level results for Product Design students at The

Netherhall Sixth Form have recently been announced as the

best in the country for 2015. What is more, the results come out as

being in the top 5 for any subject nationally.

This information was released by Oxford Analytics, an organisation

which studies A level results across the country. They calculate the

“Value Added” score, considered by many to be the best measure

of progress as it judges the actual result against where students

started at the beginning of the course.

This news comes on the back of last year’s record breaking results for the Netherhall Sixth Form as a

whole. Chris Tooley, Principal of Netherhall, stated, “We’re absolutely delighted with this news,

recognising as it does the huge dedication of our students and staff. Design Technology is a shrinking

area, particularly at A level, so we are even more pleased that provision at Netherhall is seen as a

centre of excellence not just for Cambridgeshire but for the country.

Netherhall A Level Product

Design Results



RLSS UK’s Rookie Lifeguard programme gives your

child the skills they need to be confident in the pool or

the sea – which means peace of mind for you. Developed

especially to appeal to 8 to 12 year olds, with colourful

materials and fun, varied activities, the Rookie Life-

guard scheme teaches children how to swim and enjoy

water safely, whether in shallow or deeper water. (Limited spaces per class)

Monday 5:30 - 6:30 pm

Rookie Lifeguard Bronze

Thursday 5:30 - 6:00 pm

Rookie Lifeguard Silver & Gold

To book please contact the Sports Centre Team

[email protected]

01223 811121



UPDATE! Since the Games Clubs latest success in the

Regional Finals of Games Workshop's Schools League for Warhammer 40,000 - we have news! As you might remember, the Netherhall team played 12 games during the tournament day at Nottingham and finished in a valiant 3rd place, narrowly missing out on a place at the National finals. Well, it turns out that the Netherhall team won so many games and achieved so many tournament points that they have actually achieved 10th best placed school overall and so automatically book a place in the National Finals! The team will once again travel to Nottingham's Warhammer World on 28th June 2016 to play for honour, glory and at least finish in the top 3! Good luck team!

English Blog Want to know what your children have been

getting up to in English this term? Recent ar-

ticles include: 'Year 9 Have Blood on Their

Hands', 'Year 11: The Gift of Written Word'

and 'Year 12 Challenge Beauty'. Read,

comment, follow and share:


Happy reading! Mrs Hayward