Netaji death mystery – an attempt towards Through 64 years has already passed but the death mystery of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose is still yet to reveal. Along with 3 Indian enquiry commission a total of 12 commissions were set up all over the world for resolving mystery. But no one could get precede towards its destiny. One of the reasons may be that there were no such evidences found about the mysterious legend after the day of 18 August 1945. Through various scholars has given emphasis on various incident that might be took place with the father of Indian National Army, but each of the opinion was opposed by other scholar or scholars with their logic and opinion. Here I am trying to put forward some of the evidences and proofs on the most possible incidents took place with him after the above mentioned specific date. ‘I am writing this letter, because I am going for a long journey. Who knows I won't get into a plane accident.’ Netaji's Confidential Personal Assistant, E.Bhaskaran gave this statement before the Shah Nawaz commission about a letter by Netaji, addressed to John Thivi, a minister in the Azad Hind government, written on 1945 August 17 at 3 am. The letter contains these words

Netaji Death Mystery-An Attempt Towards

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Through 64 years has already passed but the death mystery of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose is still yet to reveal. Along with 3 Indian enquiry commission a total of 12 commissions were set up all over the world for resolving mystery. But no one could get precede towards its destiny. One of the reasons may be that there were no such evidences found about the mysterious legend after the day of 18 August 1945. Through various scholars has given emphasis on various incident that might be took place with the father of Indian National Army, but each of the opinion was opposed by other scholar or scholars with their logic and opinion. Here I am trying to put forward some of the evidences and proofs on the most possible incidents took place with him after the above mentioned specific date.

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Netaji death mystery – an attempt towards

Through 64 years has already passed but the death mystery of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose is still yet to reveal. Along with 3 Indian enquiry commission a total of 12 commissions were set up all over the world for resolving mystery. But no one could get precede towards its destiny. One of the reasons may be that there were no such evidences found about the mysterious legend after the day of 18 August 1945. Through various scholars has given emphasis on various incident that might be took place with the father of Indian National Army, but each of the opinion was opposed by other scholar or scholars with their logic and opinion. Here I am trying to put forward some of the evidences and proofs on the most possible incidents took place with him after the above mentioned specific date.

‘I am writing this letter, because I am going for a long journey. Who knows I won't get into a plane accident.’

Netaji's Confidential Personal Assistant, E.Bhaskaran gave this statement before the Shah Nawaz commission about a letter by Netaji, addressed to John Thivi, a minister in the Azad Hind government, written on 1945 August 17 at 3 am. The letter contains these words

The photograph has found showing Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose came to give his attribute to Jawaharlal Nehru’s dead body. The date was as shown 27 May 1964. much later than 18the August 1945.

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what happend to Netaji after august 1945

Did Netaji really die in the 1945 plane crash? Incredibly hard facts have now emerged from Moscow vaults. Netaji was in fact very much alive till at least 1946 one full year after his supposed "death". Russian archives had yielded two precious documents. The first concerned a discussion that Joseph Stalin had with his defense minister Voroschilov and foreign affairs minister Molotov in 1946. The second was a report filed by a Soviet field agent stationed in India, also in 1946.

One more British archive document also states that the entire theory of the plane crash, in Taihuku (Japan), was pre-planned and contrived. In fact as late as December 20, 1945, a Japanese newspaper even reported that Bose was on his way to the Soviet Union and passed through Tokyo.

Prof.Purabi Roy found out a report of a KGB agent in Bombay written in 1946 about the political situation in India.  The report is saying, "…. it is not possible to work with Nehru or Gandhi, we have to use Subhas Bose”. That implies in 1946 Subhas Bose was still alive.

Netaji was reported to be alive even after 1945 by the British intelligence from Teheran and Kabul quoting the Russian embassy officials. This was even stated in the Shah Nawaz commission report (File No. 10/ Mis/ INA-pp 38, 39). Reports of the officers appointed by Mountbatten and McArthur, and the reports of BACIS (British American Counter Intelligence Service) have all completely discarded any possibility of such a plane crash to have happened. They all provided statements that Habibur Rahman hasn’t told the truth; most possibly he has promised Netaji to hide the facts

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This is the official death certificate of ‘Netaji’ issued by the Health and Hygiene Bureau in Formosa, where it was necessary to produce the death certificate for cremation.

Person died - Ichiro Okura

Date of birth - 1900 April 9

Cause of death - Cardiac arrest

Job - Soldier, temporary

Date of death - 19 August 4:00 pm

Date of permission for cremation - 21 August 1945

Date of cremation - 22 August 1945

Person requesting for the cremation - Dr Thaneoshi Yoshimi; doctor treated

The time of death in Habibur Rahman’s statements to different commissions vary between 5 PM August 18th to 12 AM August 19th, and 4 PM 19 August.

It is well known to all of us that Netaji born on the date 23rd January 1297 not 9th April 1900.

A 102-year-old man claiming to be Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose's driver-cum-bodyguard has claimed that the freedom fighter was not killed in an air crash in 1945, but died a natural death in oblivion, decades later in Faizabad district of Uttar Pradesh. the name of the person was was Nizamuddin."He did not die in the air crash. The plane did not carry him, but instead had on board Captain Ekram, Lal Singh, a Bengali soldier and a woman, all AHF members, besides two to three Japanese,'' Nizamuddin said.He reminisced that he met Netaji and brother Sharat Chandra Bose in 1946 over a bridge on a river in Thailand, a year after the alleged death the in air-crash.''Jo jaisa karega woh waisa bharega,'' Netaji had told me when I asked him what he thought of the Indian leaders trying to pronounce him dead.

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Did he goes to Soviet Russsia after August,1945?

some proof were found which state that the greatest leader of India went to Russia after August,1945.On December 20, 1945, a Japanese newspaper even reported that Bose was on his way to the Soviet Union and passed through Tokyo.

On 14th August 1945, Japan has surrendered. There were literary hundreds of Allied battleship and aircraft carriers all around Japan and USA had complete control over the airspace of Japan.  It was impossible for any Japanese military aircraft to go from Taipei to Tokyo without being attacked by the US.  Why on earth Netaji would like to go back to Tokyo to surrender himself to the U.S army who would definitely hand him over to the British to be killed “ on the spot” as demanded by Lord. Mountbatten!  Given the fact that Japan had no hostility with the USSR during the whole of the Second World War, it was only natural for Netaji to go back to the Soviet Union, where he went first in 1941 to seek the help of Stalin to liberate India.  

The statements by the INA officials, Japanese military officials, British intelligence reports, and The Top Secret Files published by the British government in 1976 all say Netaji was alive in Soviet Russia

It is not known in India that the Soviet Union, along with Japan, Germany, Italy, Imperial China, Hungary, and Romania, has recognized the Azad Hind Government of Netaji and allowed Netaji to open a consulate in Siberian city of Omsk, as the most of the Soviet administrtation was moved to Siberia during the Second World War.

Dr S.Radhakrishnan became the representative to Russia. Dr Saroj Das of Calcutta University told his friend Dr R.C.Muzumdar that Radhakrishnan had told him that Netaji was in Russia.

Former Indian ambassador Dr Satyanarayana Sinha once Georgy Mukherjee met, the son of Abani Mukherjee, a revolutionist in the Russian communist party; who told him that his father and Netaji were prisoners in adjacent cells in Siberia. He also told Sinha that Netaji had assumed the name ‘Khilsai Malang’ there.

As reported in every newspaper at that time(1970’s), daughter of Stalin Swetlana said in Delhi that Netaji was in Siberia’s yarkutask jail. She also gave barrack No.

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also. But since no initiative was taken by India Government that time, it can not be said whether Netaji was in Soviet Russia that time or not.

Was Netaji Subash and Bhagwanji /Gumnamibaba of Faizabad same?

Some proofs were also found in this regard. Bhagwanji was a mysterious but opulent monk who resided in various places of Uttar Pradesh like Lucknow, Sitapur, Faizabad, Basti and Ayodhya for three decades till his death on September 16, 1985. He not only commanded his personal security men but was in touch with Dr Pavitra Mohan Roy of Dum Dum Road, Calcutta, once the foremost functionary of Secret Service of Indian National Army. A few local people of Ayodhya like Teerth Ram Purohit who knew him, found him referring to foreign countries like Germany, Japan, Burma and Tibet. Curiously, the first three countries feature prominently in Netaji’s life. At Neemsar (Sitapur), where the monk stayed during 1956-60, he had planted different trees. That place is now famous as Subhas Chandra Bose Park.

However, what that “Man of Mystery” left behind is still more curious - spectacles with golden frames resembling the ones worn by Netaji in his photographs, powerful German binoculars, a coloured picture of Swami Vivekananda, some Bengali books, an original copy of the summons issued to Suresh Chandra Bose to appear before the GD Khosla Commission, several editorials and articles dealing with the Netaji mystery, a national flag, a map of undivided India, an album of foreign origin consisting of 13 family photographs of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose in different settings. Out of these, two have never been seen by the public before, and not even available with the Bose family.

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These are inferences pieced together from evidence Bhagwanji's belongings have yielded, and include, among other things: A torch pencil, generally used by military personnel for map-making at night, Maps of houses in which, not only he, but also his associates stayed, Documents and newspaper clipping on Netaji's 'death' probe, His followers' letters, and His notes on margins of books.

''Netaji died a few years back in Faizabad and the Bengali lady who had given him shelter also passed away later,'' said Nizamuddin .his ex driver.

An important letter of July 24, 1973, by a person who went with the Khosla Commission of Inquiry to the 'Taiwan crash site', also points in the direction. In the letter, the person (he does not want to be named) reports to Bhagwanji: "We got only 15 days in Taihoku (Taipei). Formosa's task is over... I cannot write everything in this letter, if you permit, I can come over for a week."

In 1963, there were rumours that the sadhu of Shoulmari was Netaji. The rumours were so strong as to compel Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru to send a Member of Parliament, Surendra Mohan Ghosh, to look into it. Some letters - including a one that reports on a conversation between a revolutionary, Vishwanth Roy, and Ashok Sen - that were found among Bhagwanji's belongings, also show he was detailed on the matter.

There had been at least four known occasions when Bhagwanji said he was Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose.

Bhagwanji addresses Sarat Bose, Netaji's elder brother, as 'mejda’ as the same way did Netaji addressed his elder brother Sarat. Dr Priyabrat Banerjee, who took over from his father as Bhagwanji's physician, in an interview with HindustanTimes.com, recalls a family get-together at Bhagwanji's house in 1975, when the latter said: "Dekho to, kahi main Subhas Chandra Bose to nahi hoon?" (Look, am I not Subhas Chandra Bose?) When the senior Dr T Banerjee persisted, Bhagwanji said: "Hoon!" (Yes, I am he!) Durga Prasad Pandey, who was Netaji's companion for many years, also recalls a meeting in 1967 when Bhagwanji said: "Take me to be Netaji if you will." Bhagwanji's landlord at Faizabad, Gurubasant Singh, also remembers an interview during which the former said his mission was to see India free, and since the task was achieved, he had taken sanyas (renounced his worldly life). Many

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rumours were afloat then that Bhagwanji was Netaji, and Gurubasanot had sought an interview to verify them.

Letters and photographs found among Bhagwanji's belongings indicate that his birthday was celebrated on January 23, the same day that Netaji was born.

On January 23, 1984, a person who did not want to be named, quoted Gurudev Ravindra Nath in his wishes to Bhagwanji, calling him "the greatest son of mother India"

. Bhagwanji's birthday: Written in his own hand

A revolutionary freedom fighter Charan's (pseudonym) letter in Bangla - marked 2523 in the inventory list - says: "I wait for this day the whole year. My holy mahamanav (great man), I bow at your lotus feet."

Bhagwanji's helper Rajkumar also told Mukherjee Commission recently that on January 23 every year people from Kolkata, including Indian National Army's secret service chief Dr Pabitra Mohan Roy, would visit Bhagwanji to celebrate his birthday. It was a custom which began in 1964 after Netaji's friend Leela Roy had met and identified Bhagwanji.

Gumnamibaba's handwriting ia also matched with Netaji's . Handwriting analysis expert and former Additional Director of the National Institute of Criminology and Forensic Science, Dr B. Lal deposed before the Justice Mukherjee Commission of Inquiry that probed into the disappearance of Netaji, that the handwritings of Bhagwanji and Bose did match.

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handwriting of Bhagwanji

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(An Indian Pilgrim. p-208)handwriting of Subhas chanra Bose

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Why congress betrayed with Netaji in such a way?

After the end of 2nd world war,Netaji became very famous specially among the youngstars of India.That makes the congrees leaders very jealous about him.Another reason is to stay faithful to the british government,they betrayed with netaji.since Netaji was the biggest enemy of british govt. in India that time and maximum congrees leaders love to stay faithful to the britishers and for which ready to do everything..

Shyamlal jain, the confidential steno of the INA Defense Committee, in the course of his deposition, made a shocking revelation about Nehru's attitude toward Netaji,”Later Nehru asked me to type a letter on his letterhead. Mr.Nehru addressed that letter to Mr.Clamment Attlee the then PM of Britain, in which Mr.Attlee was informed about the contents of that hand written note regarding Mr.Subhash entry into Russian territory. "I solemnly affirm and state on oath that thereafter Shri Jawaharlal Nehru gave me four papers from his writing pad to make four copies of a letter, which he would dictate to me on typewriter, which I also complied. The contents of the letter, as far as I could remember, were as follows

Dear Mr. Attlee:

I understand from a reliable source that Subhas Chandra Bose, your war criminal, has been allowed to enter Russian territory by Stalin. This is a clear treachery and betrayal of faith by the Russians. As Russia has been an ally of the British- Americans, it should not have been done. Please take note of it and do what you consider proper and fit.

Yours sincerely, Jawaharlal Nehru.

why nehru betrayed with NETAJI?

Netaji was the leader who had already defeated him in Congress President Election. He did not want him to come back and win again. Netaji was too strong a competition and would have taken over.In that case his dream of becoming prime minister of India wwill not fulfilled. Netaji was opposed to his ideology of communist, Shantidoot weak nation.

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Why Mukherjee Commission Report rejected?

Findings of Mukerjee commission-

Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose is dead He did not die in the plane crash, as alleged To the question Whether he has died in any other manner at any other place and, if so, when and how? no answer is given in the absence of sufficient proof.

Congress does not want the nation to know Jawaharlal Nehru's actions and role in betraying Netaji. The previous two Commissions: Shah Nawaz Committee and the Khosla Commission were appointed by the Congress government. For bringing truth BJP let NDA Govt. appointed Mukherjee Commission.

“I saw Netaji alive after his alleged plane crash” is disclosed by Capt Abbas Ali, an old INA freedom fighter. “It was ‘unbelievable’ that Netaji died in an air crash” said by Suresh Chandra Bose elder brotherThe ashes in the Japanese temple are not of Netaji of Subhash C.Bose. He deposing before the Khosla Commission charged Mr Shah Nawaz Khan with "playing Netaji false" Deposing before the Khosla Commission, Dr Satyanarayan Sinha said Colonel Habibur Rehman had confessed to him at Patna in 1946 that he had had told a lie when he said that Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose died in a plane crash in Taipeh on August 18, 1945.


Here it should be worth mentioning that the entire matter yet needs thorough research. Through which all the happenings will come in light with more and more details and reasons. So that people will get the actual life story of the greatest son of India without any assumption and beyond all type of controversies and confusions.

Jai Hind

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