Net Bans Shortcuts 6.0

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  • 8/9/2019 Net Bans Shortcuts 6.0


    Highlights of NetBeans IDE 6.0 Keyboard Shortcuts & Code Templates

    Finding, Searching, andReplacingCtrl-F3 Search word at insert pointF3/Shift-F3 Find next/previous in fi leCtrl-F/H Find/Replace in fileAlt-F7 Find usagesCtrl-Shift-P Find/replace in projectsAlt-Shift-U Find usages resultsAlt-Shift-H Turn off search result

    highlightsCtrl-R RenameCtrl-U, then U Convert selection to

    uppercaseCtrl-U, then L Convert selection to

    lowercaseCtrl-U, then S Toggle case of selection

    Alt-Shift-V Paste formattedNavigating through Source CodeCtrl-O/Alt-Shift-O Go to type/fileCtrl-Shift-T Go to JUnit testAlt-O Go to sourceCtrl-B Go to declarationCtrl-G Go to lineCtrl-Shift-M Toggle add/remove


    Next/previous bookmark


    Next/previoususage/compile error

    Ctrl-Shift-1/2/3 Select inProjects/Files/Favorites

    Ctrl-[ Move caret to matchingbracket

    Ctrl-K/Ctrl-Shift K Next/previous word matchAlt-Left/Alt-Right/Ctrl-Q

    Go backward/forward/to lastedit

    Coding in JavaAlt-Insert Generate codeCtrl-Shift-I Fix all class importsAlt-Shift-I Fix selected class's importAlt-Shift-F Format selectionAlt-Shift Left/Right/Up/Down

    Shift lines left/right/up/down

    Ctrl-Shift-Up/D Copy lines up/downCtrl/Alt-F12 Inspect members/hierarchyCtrl-/ Add/remove comment linesCtrl-E Delete current line

    Coding in C/C++Alt-Shift-C Go to declarationCtrl-F9 Evaluate expression

    Coding in RubyCtrl-Shift-A Jump Rails action > viewAlt-Shift-Period/Comma

    Select Next/Previouselement

    Ctrl-Shift-Space Show documentationCtrl-Shift-T Jump from test file to file

    SOA Tab-Shift-Arrows Move through elementsAlt-Shift-F Advanced searchAlt/Shift-Enter Expand/collapse elementsCtrl-Shift-9 Show BPEL Mapper

    UMLAlt-Shift-A/O Insert attribute/operation

    into selected elementCtrl-Shift-F Fit diagram into windowF8 Toggle Overview windowCtrl-Shift-5 Select active UML diagram

    Compiling, Testing, and RunningF9 Compile package/ fileF11 Build main projectShift-F11 Clean & build main projectCtrl-Q Set request parameters

    Ctr l-Shift-U Create JUnit testCtrl-F6/Alt-F6 Run JUnit test on file/projectF6/Shift-F6 Run main project/file

    Opening and Toggling betweenViewsCtrl-Tab (Ctrl-`) Toggle between open

    documentsShift-Escape Maximize window (toggle)Ctrl-F4/Ctrl-W Close currently selected

    windowCtrl-Shift-F4 Close al l windowsShift-F10 Open contextual menuAlt-Shift-D Undock window

    DebuggingCtrl-F5 Start debugging main projectCtrl-Shift-F5 Start debugging current fileCtrl-Shift-F6 Start debugging test for file

    (JUnit)Shift-F5/F5 Stop/Continue debugging

    sessionF4 Run to cursor location in fileF7/F8 Step into/overCtrl-F7 Step outCtr l-Alt-Up Go to called methodCtrl-Alt-Down Go to calling methodCtrl-F9 Evaluate expressionCtrl-F8 Toggle breakpointCtrl-Shift-F8 New breakpointCtr l-Shift-F7 New watch

  • 8/9/2019 Net Bans Shortcuts 6.0


    Highlights of NetBeans IDE 6.0 Keyboard Shortcuts & Code TemplatesWhen typing in the Source Editor, you can generate thetext in the right-column of the following list by typingthe abbreviation that is listed in the left-column andthen pressing Tab.

    Java Editor Code Templates

    En EnumerationEx ExceptionOb ObjectPsf public static finalPsfb public static final booleanPsfi public static final intPsfs public static final StringSt Stringab abstractbo booleanbr breakca catch (cl class

    cn continuedf default:dowhile do {

    } while ( condition );eq equalsex extendsfa falsefi finalfl floatforc for (Iterator it = collection .iterator();

    it .hasNext();) { Object elem = ( Object ) it .next();}

    fore for ( Object elem : iterable) {}

    fori for (int i = 0; i < arr .length; i++) {}

    fy finallyie interfaceifelse if ( condition ){}else {

    }im implementsiof instanceof

    ir importle lengthnewo Object name = new Object (args );pe protectedpr privatepsf private static finalpsfb private static final booleanpsfi private static final intpsfs private static final Stringpst printStackTrace();psvm public static void main(String[] args){

    }pu publicre returnserr System.err.println (" |");sout System.out.println (" |");st staticsw switch (sy synchronized

    tds Thread.dumpStack();th throwstrycatch try {}

    catch (Exception e ) {}tw throwtwn throw newwh while (whilei while ( it. hasNext()) {

    Object elem = ( Object ) it .next();}

    JSP Editor Code Templates

    ag appl ication.getAttribute("|")ap application.putAttribute("|",)ar application.removeAttribute(" |")cfgi config.getInitParameter("|")


    jspg j spi


    jsps jspu oup out.print("|")oupl out.println("|")pcg pageContext.getAttribute("|")


    pcgs pageContext.getAttributesScope("|")pcr pageContext.removeAttribute("|")pcs pageContext.setAttribute("|",)pg pga pgb pgc pgerr pgex pgie pgim

    pgin pgit pgl pgs rg request.getParameter("|")sg session.getAttribute("|")sp sess ion .setAttribute("|", )sr sess ion .removeAttribute("|")tglb

    To Change Default Settings:

    1. Choose Tools > Options from the main menu.

    2. For code templates , select Editor and clickthe Code Templates tab. Here you can alsochange the expansion key , from Tab tosomething else.

    3. For keyboard shortcuts , select Keymapand choose a profile from the Profile drop-down list.

    Complete List of Keyboard Shortcuts: