University of Nebraska - Lincoln DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln US Fish & Wildlife Publications US Fish & Wildlife Service 1997 Nesting Piping Plover and Least Tern on the Kansas River William H. Busby Kansas Natural Heritage Inventory Daniel W. Mulhern U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service P. Gregory Kramos U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service David A. Rintoul Kansas State University William C. Tule University of Nebraska-Lincoln Follow this and additional works at: hp://digitalcommons.unl.edu/usfwspubs Part of the Aquaculture and Fisheries Commons is Article is brought to you for free and open access by the US Fish & Wildlife Service at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. It has been accepted for inclusion in US Fish & Wildlife Publications by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Busby, William H.; Mulhern, Daniel W.; Kramos, P. Gregory; Rintoul, David A.; and Tule, William C., "Nesting Piping Plover and Least Tern on the Kansas River" (1997). US Fish & Wildlife Publications. 55. hp://digitalcommons.unl.edu/usfwspubs/55

Nesting Piping Plover and Least Tern on the Kansas River

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US Fish & Wildlife Publications US Fish & Wildlife Service


Nesting Piping Plover and Least Tern on theKansas RiverWilliam H. BusbyKansas Natural Heritage Inventory

Daniel W. MulhernU.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

P. Gregory KramosU.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

David A. RintoulKansas State University

William C. TuttleUniversity of Nebraska-Lincoln

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Busby, William H.; Mulhern, Daniel W.; Kramos, P. Gregory; Rintoul, David A.; and Tuttle, William C., "Nesting Piping Plover andLeast Tern on the Kansas River" (1997). US Fish & Wildlife Publications. 55.http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/usfwspubs/55

Page 2: Nesting Piping Plover and Least Tern on the Kansas River

Nesting Piping Plover and Least Tern on the Kansas River


Kansas Natural Heritage Inventory, Kansas Biological Survey, 2041 Constant Avenue, lawrence, KS 66047-2906 (WHB)

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 315 Houston, Suite E, Manhattan, KS 66502 (DWM, PGK)

Division of Biology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506-4901 (DAR)

ABSTRACT - A portion of the Kansas River in northeastern Kansas was surveyed by boat and air in 1996 and 1997 for nesting colonies of piping plover (Charadrius melodus) and least tern (Sterna antillarum).· Both species were found breeding on sandbars at a total of five sites along a 30-km reach of the Kansas River. In 1996, at least two breeding pair of piping plovers and seven breeding pair of least terns were documented. In 1997, at least one pair of piping plovers and five pairs of least terns bred. These are the first known breeding records for the piping plover in Kansas and the first breeding records for the least tern on the Kansas River. We suspect that breeding habitat for these species increased after heavy flooding in 1993 scoured riparian vegetation and created new sandbars. Such flood events are now rare on the KansasRiver because much of the flow in the basin is controlled by impoundments constructed since the 1950's.

Key words: Charadrius melodus, Sterna antillarum, breeding biology, shorebirds, Great Plains, Kansas River.

The piping plover (Charactius melodus) and least tern (Sterna antillarum) occupy beaches, alkali flats, and open sandy habitats in North America. In the Great Plains, the piping plover is a threatened species that breeds from Nebraska north to the southern Prairie Provinces in Canada (Haig 1992). In the central Plains, nesting occurs mostly on sandbars on the Platte, loup, Niobrara, and Missouri rivers in eastern and central Nebraska and the Missouri

The Prairie Naturalist 29(4): December 1997

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River in South Dakota (Haig et al. 1988). Breeding also has been documented In the Oklahoma panhandle at Optima Reservoir (Boyd 1991) and in southeastem Colorado (Kingery 1989). No breeding records exist for Kansas where the species is a rare transient (Thompson and Ely 1989). The least tem Is an endangered species that breeds along rivers and salt flats at scattered locations throughout the Great Plains (Whitman 1988, Thompson et al. 1997). In Kansas, It presently breeds at Quivira National Wildlife Refuge (Boyd 1990, 1992), along the Cimarron River (Schulenburg et at 1980, Boyd 1990, 1992), and at the Jeffrey Energy Center in Pottawatomle County (Kansas Natural Heritage Inventory unpubl. data).

On 10 July 1996, one adult piping plover on a'nest with three eggs was found along the Kansas River upstream of Wamego, Kansas. When flushed from the nest, the adult performed a broken wing display before returning to the nest (Fig. 1). Only the one adult was seen during 20 min. of observation. The nest was located on a shallow ridge of coarse sand less than 20 m from the river. The site was on a new channel of the river created during high water in 1993. The sandbar was approximately 700 m long, up to 500 m wide and was onvegetated except for patches of recently established willow (Salix sp.). When this site was revisited on 17 July the nest contained two eggs and one chick (Fig. 2).

Figure 1. Piping plover performing broken wing display near nest on the Kansas River.

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Figure 2. Piping plover nest on the Kansas River containing one chick and two eggs.

Also on 17 July at another site approximately 1 km upstream, a nesting colony of least tem was discovered on a large (approximately 200 m x 700 m) sand spit. Fourteen adults, 12 juveniles, and one egg were counted. The sand spit was along the old channel of the river that had been cut off during the 1993 flood. The tem nesting activity was located on the highest portion of the spit about 500 m from the river. Also at this site were two adult piping plover with at least two fledged young. The plovers were foraging near the river on the same sandy spit and on an adjacent sandbar.

Duling an aerial survey of the Kansas and Republican rivers on 18 June 1997, least terns were seen on the Kansas River at Silver Lake (one bird), ca. 6 km downstream of Wamego (fIVe birds) and ca. 6 km upstream of Wamego (eight birds). On 16 July 1997, the Kansas River was surveyed by boat from the confluence of the Big Blue River to 6 km downstream of Wamego. Least tems were observed at two sites. The first site was the 1996 least tem nesting site where a pair of adults was observed. The second site was ca. 2 km farther downstream on a large sand island where nine adults, one fledged juvenile, and four nests with one or two eggs each were observed. Piping plovers were also seen at two sites. One adult with two downy young was observed on a large sandbar downstream of the confluence of the Big Blue River, and a second adult was seen foraging on a sandbar downstream of Wamego. In addition, on 6 July 1997 one adult piping plover was observed foraging near the 1996 plover nest site.

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These are the first breeding records for the piping plover in Kansas and also the first breeding record for the least tern on the Kansas River, although it has bred on upstream tributaries in the watershed (Schulenberg et al. 1980) and nested at the Jeffrey Energy Center site (ca. 10 km north of the Kansas River) Since 1994. Little is known about historic use of the Kansas River by piping plover and least tern.

We speculate that the recent presence of these two species on the Kansas River is due to habitat created by the 1993 flood. Peak discharge at Wamego in 1993 was 199,000 cfs (USGS 1997), which is over six times greater than the average peak annual flow on the Kansas River for the previous 30 years (Table 1). Extensive flooding along the Kansas River in 1993 scoured sandbars of vegetation and created new sandbars. These open, sparsely-vegetated sites were being used by piping plover and least tem for nesting in 1996 and 1991. However, in the absence of additional scouring floods, these areas are likely to become increasingly less suitable for nesting by these species due to vegetation encroachment. The hydrology of the Kansas River basin has been substantially altered by construction of impoundments and other developments. At present, 18 large reservoirs and over 13,000 smaller impoundments (Mundorff and Scott 1964) control over 80% of the Kansas River drainage (Simons, Li & ASSOciates 1984). Water release practices from these reservoirs have changed natural flow conditions on the Kansas River by reducing peak flows, altering the timing of peak flows, and trapping sediment (Simons, Li & Associates 1984, Saunders et al. 1993). Annual peak flows on the Kansas River at Wamego were substantially higher prior to a major dam construction period in the 1950's and 1960's (Table 1). On other prairie rivers, the effects of water release practices from upstream reservOirs have allowed vegetation encroachment of sandbars, reduced sandbar formation, and produced higher flows during the nesting season, all of which have negative effects on nesting piping plover and least tern (Schwalbach 1988, Sidle et al. 1992, Ziewitz et al. 1992).

Table 1. Annual peak discharge figures for Kansas River at Wamego, Kansas. The 1922-1952 period is prior to most impoundment construction in the watershed, and the 1962-1992 period is after substantial impoundment construction. Data are from U.S. Geological Survey (1997).


1922-1952 1962-1992

Mean annual peak discharge (SE)

60,258 (72,660) 32,012 (14,199)

No. years with peak discharge >70,000 cfs

9 1

Maximum dische!ge(year)

400,000 (1951) 72,900 (1973)

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Boyd, R. L 1990. Habitat management and population ecology studies of the least tern in Kansas and Oklahoma. Nongame Wildlife Project Report, Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks, Pratt.

Boyd, R. L. 1991. First nesting record for the piping plover in Oklahoma. Wilson Bull. 103:305-307.

Boyd, R. L. 1992. Habitat management and population ecology studies of the least tem in Kansas and Oklahoma -- 1992. Nongame Wildlife Project Report, Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks, Pratt.

Haig, S. M. 1992. Piping plover (Charadrius me/odus). in The Birds of North America, No.2 (A. Poole, P. Stetenheim, and F. Gill, eds). The Birds of North America, Inc., Philadelphia, PA.

Haig, S. M., W. Harrison, R. Lock, L. Pfannmuller. E. Pike, M. Ryan, and J. Sidle. 1988. Recovery plan for piping plovers of the Great Lakes and northern Great Plains. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Twin Cities, MN.

Kingery, H. E. 1989. Mountain West Region. American Birds 43:1347. Mundorff, J. D., and C. H. Scott. 1964. Fluvial sediment in the lower Kansas

River basin. Kansas Water Resources Board Bulletin 7. Saunders, R. M, Jr., D. G. Huggins, and F. B. Cross. 1993. The Kansas River

system and its biota. Pp. 295-326 in Restoration planning for the rivers of the Mississippi River ecosystem (L. W. Hesse, C. B. Stalnaker, and N. G. Benson, eds.). National Biological Survey, Biological Report 19, U.S. Department of Interior, Washington, DC.

Schulenberg, E., J. Schulenberg, and M. Schulenberg. 1980. Distribution and ecological study of the least tern in Kansas. Report to the Kansas Fish and Game Commission, Pratt.

Schwalbach, M. J. 1988. Conservation of least terns and piping plovers along the Missouri River and its major western tributaries in South Dakota. M.S. Thesis. South Dakota State University, Brookings.

Sidle, J. G., D. E. Carlson, E. M. Kirsh, and J. J. Dinan. 1992. Flooding: mortality and habitat renewal for least terns and piping plovers. Colonial Waterbirds 15:132-136.

Simons, Li & Associates. 1984. Analysis of channel degradation and bank erosion in the lower Kansas River. Report to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City, MO.

Thompson, B. C., J. A. Jackson, J. Burger, L. A. Hill, E. M. Kirsch, and J. L. Atwood. 1997. Least tern (Sterna antillarum). in The Birds of North America, No. 290 (A. Poole, and F. Gill, eds). The Birds of North America, Inc., Philadelphia, PA.

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Thompson, M. C., and C. By. 1989. Birds in Kansas, Volume I. University of Kansas Museum of Natural History, Lawrence.

U.S. Geological Survey. 1997. Data from U.S. Geological Survey on-line files of historical surface-water data for Kansas. URL:http://h20.usgs.gov/swr/KS

Whitman, P. L. 1988. Biology and conservation of the endangered interior least tern: a literature review. Biological Report 88(3), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Dept. of Interior, Washington, DC.

Ziewitz, J. W., J. G. Sidle, and J. J. Dinan. 1992. Habitat conservation for nesting least tems and piping plovers on the Platte River, Nebraska. Prairie Nat. 24:1-20.

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