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  • 8/14/2019 Nertz


    Nertz: Game Play

    Each player must have his or her own (clearly differentiated) standard deck of fifty-two

    playing cards, withoutjokers. Any number of players can (theoretically) play, thoughmost games have two to eight players. The game requires a large center area, such as a

    table. There are two types of playing areas: the central area and personal areas for eachplayer or team. The personal area can only be played on by the individual; the center areaanyone can play on.

    Starting out, players count out thirteen cards face down, and turn the topmost card up.

    This is referred to as the Bone Pile (aka Nertz Pile or Pounce Pile depending on

    preference). Then each player puts four cards face up next to the Bone Pile. These cardsare referred to as starting cards, because they begin the four separate, playable card

    stacks. In Nertz, there can never be more than four starter cards per each individuals

    personal area.

    Play begins with one player calling "Go." For the first hand, it is customary for the playerwith the best five card starting poker hand showing to say "go." After the first hand, the

    last place player, as a consolation, is said to be in the "Driver's Seat" and is permitted to

    say "Go."

    Players then move the cards in numeric sequence, according to alternating color. Forexample, a player has these five cards to begin with: KingRed,Queen Black, JackRed, 5

    Black, 6 Red. These five piles can be reduced to two, with the jack placed on the queen

    and then the queen placed on the king. The five can be played on the six.

    Once that is accomplished, a player can then move three cards off his/her Bone Pile to

    replace the three missing starter cards. Unlike Solitaire, any card can begin a new pilewithin a players personal playing area, not just a king. Any card that is playable on the

    Bone Pile can (and should) be played in any way possible.

    Players with aces available to play put these aces out in the center playing area. Anyone

    can play on card piles in the center area. Aces always begin the center piles. From there,

    depending on whether you are playing Standard Nertz or a variation, either a 2 or a king

    of the same suit goes on. In Standard Nertz, if an ace of hearts is played, a 2 of hearts canbe played thereon, and then a 3 of hearts, and so on. In the center area, all cards must

    follow what has been previously played both in suit and in numeric sequence. In Pounce

    when a pile is finished off with its king the player who lays the king yells "Stop!" and the

    pile is removed from play. Once the pile is out of the way "Go!" is yelled and playresumes. In a variant, instead of "Stop" the player who lays the king announces "I am

    now invoking Lyn's Rule!" or just "Lyn's Rule," for short, to alert players that play will bedisrupted while a pile is removed. Nonetheless, under the Lyn's Rule variant, the other

    players may continue play while the completed pile is removed from the center playing

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    Like Max-cards, each player flips over a predetermined set of cards from their remaining

    deck (generally one card or three cards) in search of playable cards. This is known as the

    turn deck. If the amount flipped is 3, then that means the player can only play the topmostof three cards within the personal playing area or the central playing area. If the third

    topmost card cannot be played, the next three cards are flipped, with the topmost again

    being the only playable card, and so on until the deck is gone through. At the very end ofthe deck, the bottommost card can be played regardless of whether it is the third card or

    not. Then the deck is turned over and the flipping begins again.

    While playing on ones own five card row (which no one else can play on) can aid

    eliminating the bone pile, in Nertz no points are gained in this manner. To gain points,you must play on the center piles. This naturally results in a very fast-paced game, as

    players naturally try to play on the center piles as much as possible. Whatever player lays

    his/her card down first on a sequence is awarded the play. When making a play, a personmay only lift one card at a time and place it on the ongoing sequence. If there are two

    valid plays that the person has, the person must lay the two cards down one at a time.

    Only one hand may be used to play to the common area, i.e. the player may not have onecard in one hand waiting to play it while playing another with the other hand.

    The point of the game is to get rid of the Bone Pile as quickly as you can. One must

    either get rid of the Bone Pile or all players must run out of moves for a gaming round to

    end. In a variant, if all players run out of moves, each player simultaneously moves thetop card of such player's turn pile to the bottome of such player's turn pile and play

    continues. Who ever eliminates the Bone Pile yells Nertz!, "Pounce!," etc. depending

    on personal preference, and all game play must cease immediately. If a player is in the

    middle of making a play in the center area when Nertz is called, the player only getspoints provided the card has left the players hand before the call. If the player still holds

    the card and Nertz is called, the play is void and the player gets no points. Naturally, thisonly applies to plays made in the center game area. Immediately after a player eliminateshis Bone Pile he should call "Nertz!" as play doesn't end until it is called.

    If Nertz is called in error (which has a large scoring ramification; for more info see

    below), the player who falsely called Nertz takes back the original card from its Bone

    Pile, as well as taking three more cards from its deck. These cards are taken from the topof its turn deck, regardless whether it has flipped numerous cards over. The three

    additional cards added to the Bone Pile are not taken from cards already turned over. If

    the turn deck only has one or two non-turned cards, the remaining cards are flipped overand the top one or two cards fill the remaining quota.

    Some critics of the game Nertz contend that it is incredibly easy to cheat if the person

    against whom you are playing is paying too much attention to their own cards.

    [edit] Scoring

    Once Nertz is called and verified, the cards in the center area are returned to theirrespective decks. This is why it is important to play with highly distinguishable decks, so
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    the points are awarded accurately and each decks playing integrity is maintained. Each

    player is awarded a predetermined number of points for each card they have played in the

    central area (often one point per card). Each player is then penalized a (possibly different)number of points for each card left in their bone pile (often two points per card). So,

    using the one/two point system, if a player has fifteen cards played in the central area,

    and ten cards left in their Bone Pile, they are awarded fifteen points, but penalized twentypoints, for a total of negative five points. In some Nertz games, Aces are given the point

    value of twenty, while all other cards are worth ten. In this version of the game, Aces are

    double the predetermined value assigned other cards. Some scoring variations includeawarding a preset point value to the person who calls Nertz.

    If Nertz is called incorrectly, all other players are awarded ten points, and the total

    amount of players times ten is taken away from the player who called it incorrectly. For

    example, if four people are playing, and one calls Nertz incorrectly, that player is charged30 points, 10 points being awarded to each of the other players. In the variation where

    Aces are worth 20 and one of the three cards added to the players Bone Pile is an Ace,

    the points awarded to the other players is upped to 20. In this instance, the three playersare each up 20 points, and the incorrect player is automatically penalized 60. Who evercalls Nertz correctly once it has been called incorrectly gets an additional 25 points. If the

    player who incorrectly called Nertz actually gets rid of his Bone Pile legitimately, he

    suffers no penalties.

    Players decide on an ending total (generally 500), so whoever reaches that total first wins

    the game. It is highly possible to never call Nertz in an entire game and still win.

    [edit] Lottery Scoring

    Some Nertz variations includeLotto Scoring. In Lotto Scoring, if points are taken awaydue to penalties, the next hand these are in lotto, and whoever scores the most gets the

    additional points. For example, if one player is minus 60 on Round 1, Round 2 has a lottoof 60 points. Whoever scores the highest on Round 2 gets the additional 60 points. You

    can also score it whoever calls Nertz gets some of the lotto points as well. However, if a

    player is 60 in the hole and he gets 70 points, he comes out 10 ahead, and nothing goesinto lotto.

    [edit] Face Cards or Low Cards Worth More

    It is generally not recommended, unless in variation games such as Swinging Door Nertz,

    to give face cards a higher value, because other than Aces face cards are not played oftenin the central playing area, and if face cards are in the Bone Pile their full value is

    subtracted from points won. If full value is not assigned for face cards in the Bone Pile,then giving face cards higher levels result in more interestinggaming strategies. Some

    play that Ace through 5 is worth more.

    [edit] Cards Represent Face Value
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    For scoring, cards can be assigned face value. 2 is 2 points, 3 is 3 points, etc. The face

    cards (10 through Ace) can either be 15 each with Aces 20, or Jack 11, Queen 12, King

    13, and Ace either 1 or 15.