Year 11 Nepean Creative and Performing Arts High School Assessment Handbook Preliminary Course 2020

Nepean Creative and Performing Arts High School Assessment … · 2020-02-17 · Preliminary Assessment Calendar 2020 ... Assessment Task Cover Sheet ... • Demonstrate in class

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Page 1: Nepean Creative and Performing Arts High School Assessment … · 2020-02-17 · Preliminary Assessment Calendar 2020 ... Assessment Task Cover Sheet ... • Demonstrate in class

Year 11

Nepean Creative and

Performing Arts High School Assessment Handbook

Preliminary Course


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2 2020 Year 11 Preliminary Procedures and Course Assessment Booklet

Assessment Handbook Table of Contents Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................... 4

PRELIMINARY Checklist ..................................................................................................................................................... 6

The School’s Responsibilities ............................................................................................................................................ 7

Reporting to Students and Parent/Carer(s) ...................................................................................................................... 7

Course Completion Requirements .................................................................................................................................... 8

Assessment ....................................................................................................................................................................... 9

1. Assessment tasks ...................................................................................................................................................... 9

2. Completion of Assessment tasks ............................................................................................................................ 11

3. Non-Completion of Assessment tasks .................................................................................................................... 13

4. Student Malpractice ................................................................................................................................................ 14

5. N Awards ................................................................................................................................................................. 15

6. UPL (Unsatisfactory Participation in Learning) Process .......................................................................................... 16

Important Information to Read ...................................................................................................................................... 17

Tips for Being a Successful Student ................................................................................................................................ 19

NESA Directive Verbs ...................................................................................................................................................... 21

A Learning and Responding Matrix ................................................................................................................................. 22

Preliminary Assessment Calendar 2020 .......................................................................................................................... 29

ANCIENT HISTORY ........................................................................................................................................................... 31

BIOLOGY .......................................................................................................................................................................... 33

BUSINESS STUDIES .......................................................................................................................................................... 35

CHEMISTRY ...................................................................................................................................................................... 37

CIRCUS ARTS NON-ATAR ................................................................................................................................................. 39

COMMUNITY AND FAMILY STUDIES ............................................................................................................................... 42

DANCE ............................................................................................................................................................................. 44

DRAMA ............................................................................................................................................................................ 46

EARTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE ......................................................................................................................... 48

ENGLISH ADVANCED ....................................................................................................................................................... 50

ENGLISH STANDARD........................................................................................................................................................ 52

ENGLISH STUDIES ATAR .................................................................................................................................................. 54

ENGLISH STUDIES NON- ATAR ........................................................................................................................................ 55

EXTENSION 1 ENGLISH .................................................................................................................................................... 57

FOOD TECHNOLOGY........................................................................................................................................................ 59

INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY TIMBER ................................................................................................................................ 61

INFORMATION PROCESSES AND TECHNOLOGY.............................................................................................................. 63

GEOGRAPHY .................................................................................................................................................................... 65

LEGAL STUDIES ................................................................................................................................................................ 67

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MATHEMATICS ................................................................................................................................................................ 69

MATHEMATICS STANDARD 2 .......................................................................................................................................... 71

MATHEMATICS EXTENSION 1 ......................................................................................................................................... 73

MODERN HISTORY .......................................................................................................................................................... 75

MUSIC 1 ........................................................................................................................................................................... 77

MUSIC 2 ........................................................................................................................................................................... 79

PHOTOGRAPHY, VIDEO AND DIGITAL IMAGING ............................................................................................................. 81

PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT, HEALTH PHYSICAL EDUCATION - PDHPE ............................................................................ 83

PHYSICS ........................................................................................................................................................................... 85

SOCIETY AND CULTURE ................................................................................................................................................... 87

SPORT, LIFESTYLE AND RECREATION – NON ATAR ......................................................................................................... 89

TEXTILES AND DESIGN ..................................................................................................................................................... 91

VISUAL ARTS .................................................................................................................................................................... 93


VET CONSTRUCTION ....................................................................................................................................................... 96

VET ENTERTAINMENT ..................................................................................................................................................... 98

VET INFORMATION AND DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY .......................................................................................................... 100

VET HOSPITALITY – FOOD AND BEVERAGE ................................................................................................................... 102

VET SPORTS COACHING ................................................................................................................................................ 104

Application for Special Consideration for Illness-Misadventure .................................................................................. 105

Application for Elite Representation ............................................................................................................................. 106

Assessment Task Cover Sheet ....................................................................................................................................... 107

My Assessment Calendar 2020 ..................................................................................................................................... 110

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The award of the Higher School Certificate (HSC) is made on the basis of a student’s performance in HSC examinations, the student’s performance in class and through school-based assessment tasks. To be eligible to be enrolled in a subject for the HSC, students must first satisfy the requirements of the Preliminary course in that subject.

Each school has to develop an Assessment Program for every Preliminary (Year 11) and HSC (Year 12) course. In practical terms, this means that the school is required to:

• inform students of assessment requirements in each course • set tasks that will measure student performance in each specified component of the course and focus on

outcomes • specify the assessment weighting for each task • keep records of each student’s performance on each task • provide students with information on their progress

Assessment of student achievements begins at the commencement of the Preliminary course, at the start of Term 1 in Year 11, and continues until the HSC examinations in October and November the following year.

New guidelines for the Preliminary course came into effect from 2018 and for the HSC course in 2019. To reduce excessive stress and allow more time for teaching and learning, school-based assessment tasks are capped at three per course in Year 11 and four per course in Year 12 (including the HSC trial examination). The number of formal written examination tasks that mimic the HSC examination are capped at one per course in Year 11 and Year 12, with a maximum weighting of 40% for the Preliminary course and 30% for the HSC course.

Schools are required to submit to NESA an Assessment Grade based on student achievement for each Preliminary course. For the Higher School Certificate in Year 12, schools must submit an Assessment Mark based on student achievement in each course studied. The Assessment Grade and Assessment Mark will be based on achievement measured throughout the courses and will encompass performance in all syllabus objectives and outcomes, except those relating to values and attitudes. The moderated school assessment mark determines 50% of the Higher School Certificate Mark. The other 50% is determined by the HSC exam performance.

The Preliminary and HSC assessment program not only contributes to students’ rankings in courses they study, but also provides students, potential employers and tertiary institutions with an idea of the relative ability of students and their capacity to work over a period of time towards achievements in a wider range of objectives than can be measured by an examination.

NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) has set requirements for both schools and for students. This booklet contains the Assessment Procedures and Course Assessment Schedules for students beginning their assessment programs for the 2020 Preliminary course at Nepean Creative and Performing Arts High School.

Students need to ensure that they have read and understood the requirements so that they are aware of their responsibilities and those of the school with regard to HSC assessment.

This handbook is a useful guide for all students – it can assist them to effectively plan ahead and take responsibility for managing their own learning in 2020.

Maxwell Foord


Aspiring the heights

through care, opportunity

and success

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To promote, and sustain, a school wide culture of

high expectations and shared responsibility for

student engagement, learning, wellbeing and success.

To foster an environment where students, staff and parents

work together towards the collective goal of engaging every student

in rich learning experiences that develop the skills

vital for flourishing now and into the future.

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Term 1, 2020

Read my Assessment Handbook

Check I am eligible for the HSC, ensure my personal details and courses are correct by reviewing

and signing the Student Declaration on the Confirmation of Entry

Check I have received my syllabus outline including core and elective topics for all courses

Check I have been provided with the scope and sequence for each course I am studying

Go to Students Online to set up my account and check my postal address, personal email address

and mobile number

Read and become familiar with course and assessment requirements

Create your own assessment calendar (found on Page 110 in this handbook)

Term 2-3, 2020

Confirm dates for any project submissions, performance and oral examinations

Submit all projects on due dates

Attend any performance and oral examinations

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General requirements of students for the Preliminary course

The School’s Responsibilities

NESA requires that Nepean CAPA High School develops an assessment program for each subject course.

Schools are required to:

• Set tasks which will be used to measure student performance in each component of a course. • Specify the mark value for each task. • Inform students of the HSC assessment requirements for each course. • Keep records of each student’s performance in each task. • Provide students with information on their progress.

The assessment guidelines provided in this handbook are prepared from NESA’s subject guidelines.

It is provided to give students an indication of the number and timing of assessment tasks in each subject.

Students will receive more specific information from their subject teachers concerning what will be assessed, how it will be assessed and when it will be assessed.

Students may obtain advice regarding their HSC assessments from their subject teacher, the subject Head Teacher, from their Student Adviser or from the Careers Adviser.

Nepean CAPA High School reserves the right to make any changes considered necessary after this handbook has been issued. Students will be advised of any relevant changes.

Reporting to Students and Parent/Carer(s)

Students will receive feedback on individual assessment tasks, as well as formal reports twice per year.

Feedback on individual assessment tasks will include the mark obtained and constructive comments to assist the student.

Each report will provide an indication of the:

• Student’s cumulative grade, which is based on the assessment tasks completed during the reporting period.

• Student’s cumulative rank based on the cumulative assessment mark for that period.

Each student’s final school assessment marks are confidential as they are subject to moderation.

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General requirements of students for the Preliminary course

Course Completion Requirements

To be determined to have met the requirements for completion of preliminary component of the HSC Courses, students must be able to provide evidence to the Principal that they have:

NESA Terminology from Assessment, Certification and Examination (ACE) Manual:

For Nepean Creative and Performing Arts High School students this means:

“Followed the course developed or endorsed by the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA)”

• Follow NESA syllabus • Participate in all learning activities set by

the teacher

“Applied him or herself with diligence and sustained effort to the set tasks and experiences provided in the course by the school”

• Attend all timetabled classes • Make a genuine attempt to complete the

tasks set in class to the best of your ability • Actively participating in the learning

experiences provided • Completing all mandatory practical


“Achieved some or all of the course outcomes”

• Demonstrate in class that you have learnt concepts (as determined by your teacher in assessment tasks and other activities in the course)

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1. Assessment tasks

1.1 Each student is expected to complete and make a genuine attempt at all assessment tasks.

1.2 The Principal has the authority to grant disability provisions for assessment work.

1.3 Assessment for the Preliminary Course will begin Term 1, Year 11 and finish Term 3 in 2020.

1.4 Assessment tasks must be handed in personally to the class teacher or subject Head Teacher in their staffroom. Unless otherwise specified, all assessment tasks must be submitted as hard (paper) copies.

1.5 Assessment tasks will not be due in the period two weeks before school examinations without the permission of the Principal.

1.6 All My Own Work- All work done at home must be the student’s own work. The progress of home assessment tasks will be checked by the teacher where appropriate. Work submitted containing work not done by the student may receive zero marks.

1.7 Disability Provisions- During the Preliminary and HSC years, students with diagnosed disabilities are able to apply to NESA for Disability Provisions. Parents need to contact the Head Teacher Teaching and Learning to commence this application process. Students applying for Disability Provisions, will need to provide formal documentation in the form of a disability confirmation or a detailed doctor's certificate to submit support their application. The applicant will also need to undertake an interview and possibly complete a test with a member of the Learning and Support Team who will compile the application for the student.

1.8 Elite Representation- Assessment tasks take precedence over all other school activities, including excursions, competitions and sporting events. Under special circumstances the Principal may grant exemptions. Students who have a conflict between assessment due dates and elite representation dates are to submit an “Application for Special Consideration for Elite Representative Students” at least one week in advance of their assessment due date. Elite representative students may be: asked to complete the assessment task by the existing due date; granted an extension; asked to complete an alternative assessment task or; granted an estimate based on the student’s previous performance in the course. This process is only for school-based assessment and is not applicable to Examination periods or VET course.

1.9 Feedback of Tasks- Teachers should return marked assessment tasks within 3 weeks of due date and prior to the due date of any subsequent assessment task. Teachers will provide effective oral and written feedback to students, either individually or in groups, to allow monitoring and improvement of learning. Senior students will receive a mark for each component of the assessment task, a total for the task, their rank in the cohort for that task and their overall cumulative rank within the cohort.

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1. Assessment tasks continued

1.10 Invalidating Assessment Tasks- An assessment task may need to be declared invalid if it can be clearly demonstrated that: either one or more students were given an unfair advantage; the task was interrupted due to disruptions like an emergency evacuation or; the task produced results that are significantly different to those expected to be produced by the cohort. Students or their parents who feel that an assessment task meets the criteria to be considered an invalid assessment need to raise the issue with their class teacher and the faculty Head Teacher. The faculty Head Teacher will investigate the claim and in consultation with the Head Teacher Secondary Studies and Senior Executive will make a final determination on the validity of the task. In the event an assessment task is deemed invalid, all students affected will be issued a suitable replacement assessment task with a minimum of two weeks’ notice for the new due date.

1.11 Misplaced or corruption of files- Sometimes, but very rarely, issues arise where a student’s assessment task or digital copy of the task is lost or corrupted. Students will be asked to submit another copy of their task in the appropriate format. On the rare occasion that a teacher loses an assessment, another copy cannot be provided by the student and there is a clear record demonstrating the task was submitted by due date, the student will receive an estimate for the task based on their performance on their other assessment tasks. Students are reminded to keep back up copies of their assessments until after the results for the task have been returned.

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2. Completion of Assessment tasks

2.1 Work submitted late will receive a zero mark unless accompanied by a doctor’s certificate or an illness/misadventure application is made to the Principal.

2.2 Tasks Submitted Late- All tasks submitted after the stated time on the assessment task will be deemed late. Late work will receive a zero mark unless a student has an approved Illness/Misadventure Application. See Illness/Misadventure in this booklet. Students submitting late work will receive an N Award Warning Letter notifying parents they have received a zero for that task and a new deadline will be set for students to satisfactorily attempt and submit the task as per NESA rules. Failure to submit the assessment task could lead to an N Determination being granted for the course and ineligibility for the award of the Higher School Certificate in the following year.

2.3 Absence from an In-class Assessment Task- If a student is absent from an in-class assessment task, the student must complete an illness/misadventure form obtained from Head Teachers or the front office, and a doctor’s certificate, as proof of illness must be submitted. Students will be expected to complete the task on the first day of their return to school. The student has the responsibility of reporting to the Head Teacher of the subject concerned on their arrival at school on the day they return in order to arrange the task’s completion. Incidents of misadventure leading to absence from an assessment task will be considered by the Year 11 Deputy Principal and the relevant Head Teacher.

2.4 Prior Knowledge of Assessment Task- If a student knows he or she will be absent on the day that an assessment task is due, the student must submit the assessment task before the due date unless an extension has been granted. This includes students who are involved in sporting events, excursions or work placement and elite representation. Students may not be partially absent from school on the day an assessment task is due.

2.5 Assistance with Assessment Tasks-If you are having trouble completing your assessment tasks, don’t hesitate to ask for help! Talk to your teacher, the Head Teacher of the subject, the Learning and Support Teachers, the Head Teacher Teaching and Learning or the teachers in Homework Centre. It is our job to support you with understanding your assessment. If a student has a learning difficulty or special need that we need to be aware of they are to talk to the Learning and Support Teachers or the Head Teacher Teaching and Learning. We may be able to offer extra assistance in other ways through Disability or Special Provisions.

2.6 Illness during an assessment task- If a student is ill during an assessment task they must inform the supervising teacher immediately. The time of the student illness will be recorded and the student may be offered a period equal to the time missed due to the illness. The student must provide a doctor’s certificate for illness immediately upon their return to school and complete the illness/misadventure form. If a student becomes ill during an assessment task the Head Teacher will decide whether an estimate or a substitute task will be given.

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2. Completion of Assessment tasks continued

2.7 Attendance on the day of assessment tasks- Students must attend all classes on the day an assessment task is due. Students are not permitted to miss classes on the day an assessment task is due. Penalties will apply if students are deemed to have an unfair advantage.

2.8 Illness for Examination- In the event of illness for an examination, students are expected to see the teacher or Head Teacher of the subject to arrange an alternative time to sit the examination. A doctor’s certificate must be submitted with an illness/misadventure form. Students found truanting classes to work on an assessment task will receive an automatic zero for the task. Students absent for part of the day an assessment task is due must submit an Illness/Misadventure form justifying their partial absence with a doctor’s certificate in the event of an illness or suitable evidence in the event of a misadventure. Students suspended at the time an assessment task is due must submit their assessment to the Front Office on the day the task is due and immediately leave the premises.

2.9 Appeals of misadventure for illness- Students are entitled to appeal decisions to award no marks by submitting an appeal to the Principal no later than 5 days after the task was returned to the student. The appeal should describe the student’s concern regarding the assessment task procedures.

2.10 Genuine attempt of assessment tasks- Students are expected to attempt all tasks set. The minimum requirement is that the student must make a genuine attempt at assessment tasks that contribute in excess of 50% of available marks in the course.

2.11 Extension Courses-In the case of extension courses, students who do not comply with the minimum assessment requirements for any co- requisite course will not receive a result in either course.

2.12 Examinations- All students attending an examination at Nepean CAPA High School are subject to the rules of the school. This includes assembling for, undertaking and leaving the examinations. Students who do not comply with the school’s examination rules for a course may have their examination paper for that course cancelled. This may render the student ineligible for the award of a Higher School Certificate.

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3. Non-Completion of Assessment tasks

3.1 Non-Satisfactory Completion- Students awarded zero marks for assessment tasks totalling 50% or more of the final course assessment marks will be certified as not having satisfactorily completed the course. This means that the student will not receive an assessment mark or an examination mark for that subject.

3.2 Zero Marks- Students and parents will be notified if a student receives a zero mark and opportunities will be provided for the student to meet course outcomes. Parents and students should also be aware of potential consequences of non-completion of course outcomes.

3.3 Non-Serious Attempts- Students who do not make a serious attempt at an assessment task may receive a zero mark for the task concerned. This may render some student’s ineligible for an award for the subject in the preliminary component of the Higher School Certificate. Non-serious attempts include frivolous or objectionable material. Students who provide answers to examination questions in a language other than English (unless specifically instructed to do so) will have zero marks awarded. Non-attempts include those where only multiple-choice questions are attempted. Any student identified as making a non-serious attempt or a non-attempt will be asked by the school to justify why they should receive a result for the task concerned.

3.4 Appeal Requests- A student who wishes to submit an appeal request can do so when you have sought and been denied approval for an application for either an illness/Misadventure, an Extension for Elite Representation, zero mark for a non-serious attempt or you have been issued with a UPL Program or an N Determination Warning or Final N Determination Notice. Your appeal request must be made with 48 hours of receiving a rejection from the relevant faculty Head Teacher or been issued an N Determination Warning. Appeal requests should only be made in circumstances where you truly believe the Head Teacher has not considered all the facts in your case. You are to complete an Appeal request form and submit it to the Principal, with a copy of the Illness-Misadventure Request or Extension for Elite Performance Request or Notification of Final N Determination Award. It is at the Principal’s discretion whether to uphold your appeal to deny it after careful consideration of all the circumstances surrounding your appeal request.

3.5 Formal Appeals- A student who wishes to appeal formally against a decision not to award marks should submit the appeal to the Principal. The appeal must be written by the student and lodged no later than FIVE school days after the student is informed of the decision not to award marks. All relevant documentation must accompany the appeal when it is lodged. Relevant documentation may include a copy of the assessment task sheet, a copy of the student’s response, a supporting letter from parent or caregiver, a medical certificate and other documentation that may support the appeal.

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4. Student Malpractice

4.1 All My Own Work- Completion of assessment tasks must comply with NESA Policy: “All my own work” Student malpractice includes plagiarism and copying the work of others. Plagiarism is the use of the work of others without acknowledgement. The copying of paragraphs or sentences from someone else’s work is permitted, as long as it is appropriately acknowledged by footnoting or quotation marks. The copying of someone else’s ideas, including paraphrasing, is allowed, as long as it is acknowledged.

4.2 Misbehaviour- Student malpractice includes misbehaviour during the conducting of assessment tasks and breaching school examination rules. Students who have completely plagiarised their assessment will receive a zero and an N Award Warning Letter (Years 10-12). Students must show ethical scholarship by learning how to summarise and write in their own words. Students who misbehave during assessment tasks, including exams, will be given an appropriate consequence for their actions. Depending on the severity of the disruption, students may receive a zero for the task. Students who are ejected from an assessment task will have their paper removed and the time they left the assessment recorded on the top of their paper, including details of the disruption. The class teacher will negotiate a suitable penalty with the course Head Teacher.

4.3 Penalty for Malpractice- Malpractice in assessment tasks and examinations will be referred to the relevant KLA Head Teacher. This may result in the student’s assessment task being cancelled and receiving no marks. Claims of malpractice including plagiarism and cheating must be proven before mark reduction can occur. Students may only receive marks on their own work and the teacher will only mark the sections that have not been plagiarised and will mark according to the marking criteria.

4.4 Appeals for Malpractice- Students may appeal the decision not to award marks on the grounds of malpractice to the relevant KLA Head Teacher. If the student remains dissatisfied, a formal process may be initiated. The student lodges a formal appeal in writing to the principal clearly stating their grounds for appeal within five days from the date the assessment task was returned to the student. Appeal submissions will be recorded by the school. The principal will convene an appeals panel. The principal may convene an assessment review panel to consider the appeal. The panel may request the attendance of the student and teacher(s) to assist in its deliberations. If the student’s appeal is rejected, the student’s parent/caregiver will be informed of the assessment review panel’s decision in writing. The decision of an assessment review panel is final.

4.5 Malpractice Register- Nepean CAPA High School must submit a Malpractice Register to NESA each year.

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5. N Awards

Students can receive an N Award Notification for one of three reasons:

• Lack of Diligence and Sustained Effort: examples include, extensive unexplained absences below 85% therefore extensive non-completion of class work, practicals and homework.

• Unsatisfactory Completion of Assessment Tasks: examples include non-completion of an assessment task, plagiarism, non-serious attempts at tasks, continued/deliberate avoidance of examinations and tasks.

• Non-Completion of Work Placement: examples: non-attendance or poor performance, or non-serious attempt at mandatory 35 hours of work placement in either the Preliminary or HSC course.

A student who fails to complete their mandatory work placement in a VET course may be automatically N Determined from either the Preliminary or HSC course.

The N Award Notification letter will clearly outline: the number of times a parent has been notified of an outstanding assessment task; the details of the outstanding assessment task, class work or work placement; the weighting of the task or proportion of the course the work contributes to; the original due date and the new due date for the outstanding work. Students will be given two additional weeks to complete this outstanding work.

Each time a student receives an N Award Notification, the student’s parents will be contacted by the class teacher via telephone and a formal notification letter will be issued.

Once a student has failed to complete more than 50% of assessment, missed their work placement or have completed less than 85% of course work, they will be required to meet with the Deputy Principal to commence the UPL and N Determination processes.

N Determination

Students studying a Preliminary course must complete and make a genuine attempt at assessment tasks (including examinations) which contribute in excess of 50% of the total marks for the course and satisfactorily complete in excess of 85% of the course work for each subject. Students at risk of receiving an N Determination in a course, will undertake the Unsatisfactory Participation in Learning Program to assist them to meet course requirements.

Students who do not meet the minimum assessment and course work requirements of a subject will receive a Final N Determination Warning for the course, which is their last chance to meet course requirements.

Failure to meet the deadline of the N Determination Warning, will result in the issue of a Final N Determination Notification letter to the student and their parent, advising the consequences of this process and the student’s right to a school based assessment appeal review and the appeal process with NESA.

An N Determination in any subject may make a student ineligible to graduate or receive their HSC depending on their chosen pattern of study.

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6. UPL (Unsatisfactory Participation in Learning) Process

Poor attendance and unsatisfactory progress are closely linked. Students’ attendance in each course needs to meet satisfactory levels in order to complete sufficient course outcomes.

Where attendance and/or course outcome completion are of concern the student will be notified by a telephone call and a letter will be sent home.

Hopefully, through early intervention strategies, students will be able to successfully complete their course requirements.

The Unsatisfactory Participation in Learning Program (UPL) will clearly:

• Schedule a preliminary interview time to discuss the UPL policy and procedures with the student or their parents;

• Identify the student’s non completed assessment tasks or course work in each course; • Provide a copy of the assessment tasks that need to be redeemed to satisfactorily complete the

outstanding tasks; • Outline a DUE DATE for the assessment tasks with at least two weeks notification from the date of

issue of the Program of Improvement documentation and; • Identify an interview time for the student to attend on the DUE DATE where they will be required to

submit their assessment and course work identified in the UPL plan.

After that time, if the student fails to satisfactorily complete the UPL plan, the Principal may:

In extreme circumstances the Principal may expel a student from the school. The grounds for expulsion will be “unsatisfactory participation in learning by a student of post-compulsory age, e.g. a documented pattern of non-satisfactory completion, non-serious attempts to meet course objectives and/or non-compliance with NESA requirements for the award of the Higher School Certificate”

Source: Department of Education and Training Suspension and Expulsion Policy.

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Important Information to Read

When will assessment begin?

Nepean CAPA High School Assessment program commences at the beginning of Term 1 and concludes at Term 3 (2020).

How much notice will be given of each task?

You will be notified in writing at least 14 calendar days prior to the due date of Assessment Tasks. The due date and information for all Assessment Tasks will be given to you on our Assessment Task Notice Cover Sheet (see Appendix 1) which will be issued when you are notified of the task. Any variation to the published Assessment schedule must be made at least 14 days prior to the due date of the original task. Students are to sign a register kept by the teacher on receipt of the task notification and on submission of the task.

What do I do when I am absent when an assessment is issued?

It is a student’s responsibility to find out what work has been missed whilst they were absent and to catch up on that work. The same condition applies if a student is absent when an Assessment Task is issued. You may not be entitled to any automatic extension of time for the task, if you were absent on the day a task was issued. If you have a prolonged absence, you may submit to the Principal an application for Consideration/Extension.

What happens if I am ill or unable to complete a task for some reason?

In cases of severe illness or other exceptional circumstances, an extension to the due date of an assessment task may be possible by completing either an Elite Representation Application or an Illness-Misadventure application ONE week before the due date of an Assessment Task. The completed application must be signed by your class teacher and given to the Head Teacher of the faculty who will submit it to the Principal or Deputy Principal for approval. A medical certificate will be required in cases of illness. Students cannot assume their request will be granted, so they are encouraged to commence work on their assessment tasks upon receipt of them. If an extension is not granted, you must submit the task by the due date. Unless prior application for an extension has been approved by the Principal, the late submission of a task will result in zero marks being awarded for that task.

How do I manage major works?

Major works or projects require students to be actively working on them over the 120 hours of the HSC course. NESA and Vocational Education rules stipulate that a student is expected to work on their major works and projects in front of their teachers, who must verify that the major work or project is the work of the student only. This work may include process diaries, design portfolios, essay or story drafts and work on the project or work to be submitted to NESA for marking. Students who do not show adequate progress on their major works and projects will receive periodic N Award letters advising parents of their poor progress.

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Important Information to Read

What if I know in advance that I will be absent?

If a student knows he or she will be absent on the day that an assessment task is due, the student must submit the assessment task before the due date unless an extension has been granted. This includes students who are involved in sporting events, excursions or work placement and elite representation.

What if I have been absent from school?

Occasionally there are special circumstances where a student cannot hand an assessment task in by the set time due to unexpected illness or for an exceptional circumstance. Parents must notify the course Head Teacher in the morning of the student’s absence. If illness is offered as a reason for late submission, a Doctor’s Certificate must be provided to cover the dates of the absence including the day the assessment task was due. If misadventure is offered as a reason for late submission, suitable evidence must be provided to verify the reason

What happens if I hand in Assessment Tasks late?

Students submitting late work will receive an N Award Warning Letter notifying parents they have received a zero for that task and a new deadline will be set for students to satisfactorily attempt and submit the task as per NESA rules.

What about students who get outside help or copy other people’s work?

A zero mark may be imposed for copying, plagiarism, cheating or disturbance in an examination. See the section on malpractice.

What if I do not make a serious attempt?

If you do not make a serious attempt in an assessment task, or produce irrelevant or offensive material, you may receive no marks. Each case will be considered by the teacher in consultation with the Head Teacher.

What about students who change schools or repeat?

NESA will be notified as soon as possible of all HSC student movements both in and out of the school. For students who transfer between the commencement of assessments in a particular course and before 30th June in an HSC examination year, the receiving school is to prepare the final assessment based upon those tasks which the students complete at the receiving school. Any information from the student’s previous school may also be taken into account. For students who transfer schools after 30th June, their previous school is to provide the assessments.

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Tips for Being a Successful Student

Be Organised

The first step towards success at school is to be organised. This means that you know where you keep your books and equipment, know when school work is due, and being able to find things when you need them.

If you have your own room, make sure that all your books and equipment are in one place.

Check your timetable each evening before going to bed. Then use this information to pack your school bag. If you have a system like this, you will never forget your books or equipment.

Your school diary is a very useful resource that can help you get organised. Your diary has a calendar and a weekly planner where you can write when homework, assignments or other school work is due. Develop a habit of regularly writing in your diary and looking up the things you write.

Your weekly planner not only tells you when school work is due, but it can also help you plan your time by allowing you to calculate, at a glance, how much time you have left before something is due.

Your weekly planner should be updated every week to reflect the amount of time you need to spend on different tasks.

You should have separate exercise books for all subjects. You should use headings and subheadings for things you write and you should always date your work so it's easier to sequence.

Prioritise Your Time and Work To prioritise means to make a decision on what is important and what needs to be done first. To help you prioritise you should have clear and manageable learning goals and know what you have to do to achieve those goals.

Being organised, knowing when work is due and knowing how much time you have to do it, will help you set priorities and find time to do things that are urgent and important.

Make a short list of the most urgent or most important things you have to do. This list should not be too long - five or so items at a time - and you should always complete the item at the top of the list first.

Your “To Do List” will help you always feel in control and it will give you a sense of achievement. Your list should have all your urgent tasks on it to help you to remember that they have to be done. The most urgent tasks should be at the top of your list.

Important things are not always urgent, but they have to be done - and you must find the time to do them. There is a range of important things, and these things are not just school work. However, by prioritising you will be able to find a balance between everything that is important to you.

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Tips for being a successful student continued

It is important to have learning goals. Learning goals should be realistic and manageable. For example, think about your learning goals a year from now, but also think about all the small steps that will allow you to get there. Plan on doing the small steps first, and then gradually build up. Knowing where you want to go makes getting there a lot easier. If you are not sure about your goals, talk to someone who can help you work out where you want to be and how to get there.

School work is very important, but so are the other things you do after school. The trick is to find a balance between the different things you do after school. Use your weekly planner to help you in this process. Work out all the things you have to do that week (prioritise), then see how much time is left for other things. Finding the right balance will reduce stress and help you stay on task.

Get Things Done Getting things done can be time-consuming and challenging, but if you are organised and you have your priorities right, it will make your workload easier.

Bigger tasks should be broken down into smaller parts. Each assignment or project should be broken down into smaller, manageable components, and then time should be allocated to each component in your weekly planner. This makes big jobs easier to do and it reduces stress.

When breaking things down, make sure that you understand all the steps that have to be completed, and then work on the first step until it is done. Only when you have completed the first step should you move on to the next step. Your study schedule should help you work out how much time you have to complete each step.

Going over your class notes and linking them to key skills and concepts should be something you do at home during the time set aside to do homework. Even if your teacher does not set this activity explicitly for homework, you should be doing this regularly at home.

Making study notes is the process of linking content learned in class to key skills and processes. Once you have your study notes you will find it is much easier to do assessment tasks and prepare for tests and examinations as these always ask you to link knowledge to key skills.

You should ask for feedback from your teacher on your progress to see that you are doing the right thing and that you are on the right track. If you give yourself enough time to complete your work, you should be able to show your teacher a fairly complete draft at least several days before the work is due. This will give your teacher time to get back to you and give you time to act on the feedback you get.

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NESA Directive Verbs

HSC subject syllabuses, school internal assessment tasks and examination questions have key words that state what students are expected to be able to do in examinations and assessment tasks. It is important to note that examination questions for the HSC will continue to use self-explanatory terms such as 'how', or 'why' or 'to what extent'. While key words have a purpose, they will not set limits on legitimate subject-based questions in examination papers.

Key Word Definition Account Account for: state reasons for, report on. Give an account of: narrate a series of events or transactions

Analyse Identify components and the relationship between them; draw out and relate implications

Apply Use, utilise, employ in a particular situation

Appreciate Make a judgement about the value of

Assess Make a judgement of value, quality, outcomes, results or size

Calculate Ascertain/determine from given facts, figures or information

Clarify Make clear or plain

Classify Arrange or include in classes/categories

Compare Show how things are similar or different

Construct Make; build; put together items or arguments

Contrast Show how things are different or opposite

Critically (analysis/evaluate)

Add a degree or level of accuracy depth, knowledge and understanding, logic, questioning, reflection and quality to (analyse/evaluation)

Deduce Draw conclusions

Define State meaning and identify essential qualities

Demonstrate Show by example

Describe Provide characteristics and features

Discuss Identify issues and provide points for and/or against

Distinguish Recognise or note/indicate as being distinct or different from; to note differences between

Evaluate Make a judgement based on criteria; determine the value of

Examine Inquire into

Explain Relate cause and effect; make the relationships between things evident; provide why and/or how

Extract Choose relevant and/or appropriate details

Extrapolate Infer from what is known

Identify Recognise and name

Interpret Draw meaning from

Investigate Plan, inquire into and draw conclusions about

Justify Support an argument or conclusion

Outline Sketch in general terms; indicate the main features of

Predict Suggest what may happen based on available information

Propose Put forward (for example a point of view, idea, argument, suggestion) for consideration or action

Recall Present remembered ideas, facts or experiences

Recommend Provide reasons in favour

Recount Retell a series of events

Summarise Express, concisely, the relevant details

Synthesise Putting together various elements to make a whole

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Identify or

NameDescribe Explain Analyse Evaluate

A Learning and Responding Matrix

The ALARM model has been created to support you to respond to your assessment task questions. Basically the matrix is a layer of thinking skills you will need to demonstrate in your assessment tasks across all subjects.

The skills overlap to help you develop your answers. Identify or name questions are simple questions that require a one word or short answer where as an evaluate question requires you to make a complex assessment of impact.

Every student should be able to do identify or describe or explain questions. Most students should be able to do analyse questions, and some should be able to effectively respond to evaluate questions. By using the images over the next few pages, you should be able to improve your ability to respond to all types of these questions.

Easiest Average Hard Hardest Easy

Degree of question difficulty

Well-designed assessment tasks should have access points for all learners, including learners with special needs and gifted and talented learners.

All students should be able to achieve at least 50% on every assessment task, if they apply themselves.

Students who are not meeting this minimum standard will be in danger of not meeting course requirements and may be ineligible for the award of Higher School Certificate.

A few students

Most students

All students

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A Learning and Responding Matrix

To what extent is the

effect/impact effective?

How is each area/feature positive

and/or negative? What are the advantages & disadvantages of the


How is each area/feature positive

and/or negative? What are the advantages & disadvantages of the


What is the impact? How does this

relate to the set criteria/main idea?

What is the impact? How does this relate to

the set criteria/main idea?

What is the impact? How does this relate to

the set criteria/main idea?

What is the function or

purpose? What is the effect of the

component? Give evidence. ‘Why’ may need to be


What is the function or

purpose? What is the effect of the

component? Give evidence. ‘Why’ may need to be


What is the function or purpose? What is the

effect of the component? Give

evidence. ‘Why’ may need to be addressed

What is the function or purpose? What is the

effect of the component? Give

evidence. ‘Why’ may need to be addressed

What are the features and


What are the features and


What are the features and


What are the features and characteristics?

What are the features and characteristics?

What is the

main component?

What is the main component?

What is the main component?

What is the main component?

What is the main component?

What is the main component?


(Main concept)


Degree of Difficulty Easiest

To do name and define questions properly you need to: Name, define, outline or list the answer to the question. You usually only require a one word or a sentence response. Usually need to identify or name or list something These questions are usually worth 1 or 2 marks each.

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Degree of Difficulty Easy

To do describe questions properly you need to: Name and define the topic and; Provide the characteristics and features of the topic. These questions are usually worth 5 to 15 marks. You generally will need to write a sentence, paragraph or short response to this type of questions. Use the allocated verb to guide the length of your response.

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Degree of Difficulty Average

To do explain questions properly you need to 1. Name and define the topic; 2. Provide the characteristics and features of the topic and then; 3. Explain the purpose of function of the characteristics or features. 4. Explain the effects of the characteristics or features. Back this up with evidence. May need to explain why the effects occurred. These questions are usually worth 5 to 15 marks. You generally will need to write a sentence, paragraph or short response to this type of question. Use the marks allocated to guide the

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Degree of Difficulty Hard

To do analyse questions properly you need to 1. Name and define the topic; 2. Provide the characteristics and features of the topic; 3. Explain the purpose or function of the characteristics or features. 4 Explain the effects of the characteristics or features. Back this up with evidence. May need to explain why the effects occurred. 5. What is the impact of the characteristics or features? How does this relate to the set criteria or main idea? Critically analyse questions require an extra step- 6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the characteristics or features and their impacts? These questions are usually worth 15 -25 marks. You generally will structured or extended response to this type of question.

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Degree of Difficulty Hardest

To do evaluate questions properly you need to 1. Name and define the topic; 2. Provide the characteristics and features of the topic; 3. Explain the purpose or function of the characteristics or features. 4 Explain the effects of the characteristics or features. Back this up with evidence. May need to explain why the effects occurred. 5. What is the impact of the characteristics or features? How does this relate to the set criteria or main idea? 6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the characteristics or features and their impacts? 7. To what extent is the effect or impact effective? These questions are usually worth 15 -25 marks.

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Topic Name

Summary What is this topic about?

Criteria What criteria should be used to decide how important or effective something is?

Name and Define Describe Explain Analyse Critically Analyse Evaluate

What is it? What does it do?

What is its function?

How does it work?

What are its pros and cons?

What does it lead to?

How important is it?

How well does it do it/ to what extent?

Component #1

Component #2

Component #3

Component #4

Component #5

Component #6


Critically Evaluate

How much does each component contribute and what is the overall effect?

Conceptualise What is the essential idea?

Appreciation How is this connected to the question?

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Preliminary Assessment Calendar 2020

TERM 1 2020 WKS 1-3 Swimming Carnival 13.02.2020





8 Year 11 Camp





TERM 2 2020




4 Parent Teacher Night Year 10-12 19.05.2020







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Preliminary Assessment Calendar 2020

TERM 3 2020







7 Assessment Free Week




TERM 4 2020

1 Principal N-determination 16.10.2020 Preliminary Grades due 16.10.2020

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ANCIENT HISTORY Course Outcomes: AH11-1 describes the nature of continuity and change in the ancient world AH11-2 proposes ideas about the varying causes and effects of events and developments AH11-3 analyses the role of historical features, individuals and groups in shaping the past AH11-4 accounts for the different perspectives of individuals and groups AH11-5 examines the significance of historical features, people, places, events and developments of the ancient

world AH11-6 analyses and interprets different types of sources for evidence to support an historical account or

argument AH11-7 discusses and evaluates differing interpretations and representations of the past AH11-8 plans and conducts historical investigations and presents reasoned conclusions, using relevant evidence

from a range of sources AH11-9 communicates historical understanding, using historical knowledge, concepts and terms, in appropriate

and well-structured forms AH11-10 discusses contemporary methods and issues involved in the investigation of ancient history

Task Description Due Date Outcomes



Course Component

Knowledge and

understanding of course content

Historical skills in the analysis and evaluation

of sources interpretations

Historical inquiry

and research

Communication of historical

understanding in appropriate


Task 1 Source


Term 1 Week 9


AH11-4 AH11-6 AH11-7 AH11-9

30% 10% 5% 10% 5%

Task 2 Examination

in Class

Term 2 Week 10


AH11-1 AH11-2 AH11-6 AH11-7 AH11-9

40% 20% 10% 10%

Task 3 Historical


Term 3 Week 10


AH11-3 AH11-4 AH11-5 AH11-6 AH11-8 AH11-9

30% 10% 5% 10% 5%

Total: 100% 40% 20% 20% 20%

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ANCIENT HISTORY PERFORMANCE BAND DESCRIPTORS Each band represents the typical performance of students at this level

Band/Grade Descriptors Band 6 - A • Demonstrates extensive knowledge and understanding of a range of historical features, people,

places, events and developments, and their significance • Demonstrates comprehensive understanding of continuity and change over time • Demonstrates comprehensive understanding of different perspectives of individuals and groups

in the past • Analyses and interprets sources for evidence and synthesises evidence • Evaluates differing interpretations and representations of the past • Demonstrates sophisticated understanding and use of historical concepts and terms • Communicates a high level and sustained argument through well-structured and comprehensive

texts Band 5 - B • Demonstrates thorough knowledge and understanding of a range of historical features, people,

places, events and developments, and their significance • Demonstrates a well-developed understanding of continuity and change over time • Demonstrates a well-developed understanding of different perspectives of individuals and

groups in the past • Analyses and interprets sources for evidence • Analyses differing interpretations and representations of the past • Demonstrates thorough understanding and use of historical concepts and terms • Communicates a coherent and sustained argument through well-structured and comprehensive

texts Band 4 - C • Demonstrates sound knowledge and understanding of a range of historical features, people,

places, events and developments, and their significance • Demonstrates sound understanding of continuity and change over time • Demonstrates sound understanding of different perspectives of individuals and groups in the

past • Uses sources for evidence • Discusses interpretations and representations of the past • Demonstrates understanding of historical concepts and terms • Communicates a general argument through well-structured texts

Band 3 - D • Demonstrates basic understanding of historical features, people, places, events, and their significance

• Identifies features of continuity and change over time • Demonstrates basic understanding of different perspectives of individuals and groups in the past • Makes reference to sources • Identifies interpretations and representations of the past • Uses basic historical concepts and terms • Communicates basic information through descriptive texts

Band 2 –E • Describes historical features, people, places and events • Recognises aspects of continuity and/or change • Demonstrates limited understanding of different perspectives of individuals and groups in the

past • Makes reference to sources • Uses limited historical concepts and terms • Provides limited information in narrative style

Band 1 - NA • Not achieving course outcomes

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BIOLOGY Course Outcomes: BIO11-1 develops and evaluates questions and hypotheses for scientific investigation BIO11-2 designs and evaluates investigations in order to obtain primary and secondary data and information BIO11-3 conducts investigations to collect valid and reliable primary and secondary data and information BIO11-4 selects and processes appropriate qualitative and quantitative data and information using a range of

appropriate media BIO11-5 analyses and evaluates primary and secondary data and information BIO11-6 solves scientific problems using primary and secondary data, critical thinking skills and scientific processes BIO11-7 communicates scientific understanding using suitable language and terminology for a specific audience or

purpose BIO11-8 describes single cells as the basis for all life by analysing and explaining cells’ ultrastructure and

biochemical processes BIO11-9 explains the structure and function of multicellular organisms and describes how the coordinated

activities of cells, tissues and organs contribute to macroscopic processes in organisms BIO11-10 describes biological diversity by explaining the relationships between a range of organisms in terms of

specialisation for selected habitats and evolution of species BIO11-11 analyses ecosystem dynamics and the interrelationships of organisms within the ecosystem

Task Description Due Date Outcomes (Syllabus)


Course Components

Skills in working


Knowledge and understanding of course


Task 1 Ecosystem Field


Term 1 Week 10


BIO11-1 BIO11-2 BIO11-3 BIO11-4 BIO11-5 BIO11-7


30% 20% 10%

Task 2 Depth Study

Term 2 Week 8


BIO11-4 BIO11-5 BIO11-6 BIO11-7 BIO11-9

35% 30% 5%

Task 3 Yearly


Term 3 Week 8-9


BIO11-2 BIO11-3 BIO11-4 BIO11-5 BIO11-8 BIO11-9


35% 10% 25%

Total: 100% 60% 40%

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BIOLOGY PERFORMANCE BAND DESCRIPTORS Each band represents the typical performance of students at this level Band/Grade Descriptors Band 6 - A • Demonstrates an extensive knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts, including complex and

abstract ideas • Communicates scientific understanding succinctly, logically, and consistently using correct and precise

scientific terms and application of nomenclature in a variety of formats and wide range of contexts • Designs and plans investigations to obtain accurate, reliable, valid and relevant primary and secondary data,

evaluating risks, mitigating where applicable, and making modifications in response to new evidence • Selects, processes, and interprets accurate, reliable, valid, and relevant qualitative and quantitative, primary

or secondary data, and represents it using a range of scientific formats to derive trends, show patterns and relationships, explain phenomena, and make predictions

• Designs solutions to scientific problems, questions, or hypotheses using selected accurate, reliable, valid, and relevant primary and secondary data, and scientific evidence, by applying processes, modelling and formats

• Applies knowledge and information to unfamiliar situations to propose comprehensive solutions or explanations for scientific issues or scenarios

Band 5 - B • Demonstrates thorough knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts, including complex and abstract ideas

• Communicates scientific understanding, logically, and effectively using correct scientific terms and application of nomenclature in a variety of formats and wide range of contexts

• Designs and plans investigations to obtain accurate, reliable, valid and relevant primary and secondary data, evaluating risks, mitigating where applicable, and making some modifications in response to new evidence

• Selects, processes, and interprets accurate, reliable, valid, and relevant qualitative and quantitative, primary or secondary data, and represents it using a range of scientific formats to derive trends, show patterns and relationships

• Designs solutions to scientific problems, questions, or hypotheses using selected accurate, reliable, and valid primary and secondary data, and scientific evidence, by applying processes, and formats

• Applies knowledge and information to unfamiliar situations to propose explanations for scientific issues or scenarios

Band 4 - C • Demonstrates sound knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts • Communicates scientific understanding effectively using scientific terms and application of nomenclature • Designs and plans investigations to obtain primary and secondary data and evaluates risks • Processes and interprets primary and secondary data, and represents it using a range of scientific formats • Identifies scientific problems, questions, or hypotheses and applies processes, and formats to primary or

secondary data • Applies knowledge and information relevant to scientific issues or scenarios

Band 3 - D • Demonstrates basic knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts • Communicates scientific understanding using basic scientific terms and application of nomenclature • Implements scientific processes to obtain primary and secondary data and identifies risks • Processes primary or secondary data, and represents it using scientific formats • Responds to scientific problems, questions, or hypotheses • Recalls scientific knowledge and information

Band 2 –E • Demonstrates limited knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts • Communicates scientific understanding using limited scientific terms • Partially outlines investigations to obtain data and information • Provides simple descriptions of scientific phenomena • Recalls basic scientific knowledge and information

Band 1 - NA • Student is not achieving course outcomes

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Course Outcomes:

P1 discusses the nature of business, its role in society and types of business structure P2 explains the internal and external influences on businesses P3 describes the factors contributing to the success or failure of small to medium enterprises P4 assesses the processes and interdependence of key business functions P5 examines the application of management theories and strategies P6 analyses the responsibilities of business to internal and external stakeholders P7 plans and conducts investigations into contemporary business issues P8 evaluates information for actual and hypothetical business situations P9 communicates business information and issues in appropriate formats P10 applies mathematical concepts appropriately in business situations

Task Description

Due Date Outcomes



Course Components

Stimulus-based skills

Inquiry and


Communication of business

information, ideas and issues

Knowledge and understanding

of course content

Task 1 Nature of a

Business Assessment


Term 1 Week 7


P1 P2 P7 P8

30% 10% 10% 10%

Task 2 Business Planning

Research Task

Term 3 Week 5


P4 P6 P7 P8 P9

40% 10% 10% 20%

Task 3 Yearly


Term 3 Week 8-9


All Outcomes

30% 10% 10% 10%

Total: 100% 20% 20% 20% 40%

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BUSINESS STUDIES PERFORMANCE BAND DESCRIPTORS Each band represents the typical performance of students at this level

Band/Grade Descriptors Band 6 - A • Demonstrates comprehensive knowledge and understanding of business functions and

operations • Critically analyses the nature, role and structure of business • Evaluates the effectiveness of management responses to internal and external influences that

affect business • Interprets and applies specific numerical data to analyse and solve business problems and predict

future trends • Synthesises contemporary business issues when evaluating management responses and

strategies • Clearly communicates using business terminology, concepts and comprehensive case studies in a

variety of appropriate formats Band 5 - B • Demonstrates thorough knowledge and understanding of business functions and operations

• Analyses the nature, role and structure of business • Analyses management responses to internal and external influences that affect business • Interprets and applies numerical data to analyse and solve business problems and predict future

trends • Applies contemporary business issues when analysing management responses and strategies • Communicates using business terminology, concepts and comprehensive case studies in a variety

of appropriate formats Band 4 - C • Demonstrates knowledge and some understanding of business functions and operations

• Explains the nature, role and structure of business • Explains management responses to internal and external influences that affect business • Interprets and applies numerical data with some analysis to solve business problems • Summarises contemporary business issues with some analysis of management responses and

strategies • Communicates using business terminology, concepts and comprehensive case studies in

descriptive formats Band 3 - D • Demonstrates basic understanding of business functions and operations

• Describes the nature, role and structure of business • Describes management responses • Refers to numerical data when solving business problems • Displays limited analysis of contemporary business issues • Communicates using basic business terminology in simple formats

Band 2 –E • Demonstrates limited understanding of business functions and operations • Demonstrates limited knowledge of the nature, role and structure of business • Identifies management responses • Uses elementary numerical data • Shows limited communication skills

Band 1 - NA • Student is not achieving course outcomes

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CHEMISTRY Course Outcomes: CH11-1 develops and evaluates questions and hypotheses for scientific investigation CH11-2 designs and evaluates investigations in order to obtain primary and secondary data and information CH11-3 conducts investigations to collect valid and reliable primary and secondary data and information CH11-4 selects and processes appropriate qualitative and quantitative data and information using a range of

appropriate media CH11-5 analyses and evaluates primary and secondary data and information CH11-6 solves scientific problems using primary and secondary data, critical thinking skills and scientific processes CH11-7 communicates scientific understanding using suitable language and terminology for a specific audience or

purpose CH11-8 explores the properties and trends in the physical, structural and chemical aspects of matter CH11-9 describes, applies and quantitatively analyses the mole concept and stoichiometric relationships CH11-10 explores the many different types of chemical reactions, in particular the reactivity of metals, and the

factors that affect the rate of chemical reactions CH11-11 analyses the energy considerations in the driving force for chemical reactions

Task Description Due Date Outcomes



Course Components

Skills Working


Knowledge and Understanding

Task 1 First Hand


Term 1 Week 10


CH11-2 CH11-3 CH11-4 CH11-7 CH11-8

25% 20% 5%

Task 2 Depth Study

Term 2 Week 9


CH11-1 CH11-2 CH11-3 CH11-4 CH11-5 CH11-7 CH11-9


40% 30% 10%

Task 3 Yearly


Term 3 Week 8-9


CH11 -5 CH11-6 CH11-8 CH11-9

CH11-10 CH11-11

35% 10% 25%

Total: 100% 60% 40%

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CHEMISTRY PERFORMANCE BAND DESCRIPTORS Each band represents the typical performance of students at this level

Band/Grade Descriptors Band 6 - A • Demonstrates an extensive knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts, including complex and

abstract ideas • Communicates scientific understanding succinctly, logically, and consistently using correct and precise

scientific terms and application of nomenclature in a variety of formats and wide range of contexts • Designs and plans investigations to obtain accurate, reliable, valid and relevant primary and secondary data,

evaluating risks, mitigating where applicable, and making modifications in response to new evidence • Selects, processes, and interprets accurate, reliable, valid, and relevant qualitative and quantitative, primary

or secondary data, and represents it using a range of scientific formats to derive trends, show patterns and relationships, explain phenomena, and make predictions

• Designs solutions to scientific problems, questions, or hypotheses using selected accurate, reliable, valid, and relevant primary and secondary data, and scientific evidence, by applying processes, modelling and formats

• Applies knowledge and information to unfamiliar situations to propose comprehensive solutions or explanations for scientific issues or scenario

Band 5 - B • Demonstrates thorough knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts, including complex and abstract ideas

• Communicates scientific understanding, logically, and effectively using correct scientific terms and application of nomenclature in a variety of formats and wide range of contexts

• Designs and plans investigations to obtain accurate, reliable, valid and relevant primary and secondary data, evaluating risks, mitigating where applicable, and making some modifications in response to new evidence

• Selects, processes, and interprets accurate, reliable, valid, and relevant qualitative and quantitative, primary or secondary data, and represents it using a range of scientific formats to derive trends, show patterns and relationships

• Designs solutions to scientific problems, questions, or hypotheses using selected accurate, reliable, and valid primary and secondary data, and scientific evidence, by applying processes, and formats

• Applies knowledge and information to unfamiliar situations to propose explanations for scientific issues or scenarios

Band 4 - C • Demonstrates sound knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts • Communicates scientific understanding effectively using scientific terms and application of nomenclature • Designs and plans investigations to obtain primary and secondary data and evaluates risks • Processes and interprets primary and secondary data, and represents it using a range of scientific formats • Identifies scientific problems, questions, or hypotheses and applies processes, and formats to primary or

secondary data • Applies knowledge and information relevant to scientific issues or scenario

Band 3 - D • Demonstrates basic knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts • Communicates scientific understanding using basic scientific terms and application of nomenclature • Implements scientific processes to obtain primary and secondary data and identifies risks • Processes primary or secondary data, and represents it using scientific formats • Responds to scientific problems, questions, or hypotheses • Recalls scientific knowledge and information

Band 2 –E • Demonstrates limited knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts • Communicates scientific understanding using limited scientific terms • Partially outlines investigations to obtain data and information • Provides simple descriptions of scientific phenomena • Recalls basic scientific knowledge and information

Band 1 - NA • Student is not achieving course outcomes

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1.1 Explore the role of body awareness in training for circus performers. 1.2 Assess individual requirements for fitness, strength and conditioning. 1.3 Participate in individual fitness for circus performers program. 1.4 Prepare for elementary to advanced circus basics training. 1.5 Develop elementary to advanced circus skills. 1.6 Prepare for elementary to advanced skills training. 1.7 Develop elementary to advanced movement skills for circus. 1.8 Develop elementary to advanced creative and expressive skills for performance. 1.9 Develop elementary to advanced skills of inhabiting the performance space. 1.10 Establish requirements for elementary to advanced small group performance. 1.11 Apply performance skills for elementary to advanced small group circus or physical theatre performance. 2.1 Develop professional skills for working in circus and physical theatre. 2.2 Develop professional skills required to participate in elementary ensemble circus or physical theatre

performance. 2.3 Prepare for elementary to advanced group act training. 2.4 Develop elementary to advanced group acts. 2.5 Identifies and selects appropriate elements of circus movement/choreography in a personal style in

response to an intent or brief. 2.6 Demonstrates the use of the elements of act creation in response to an intent or brief. 2.7 Recognises and values the role of circus and physical theatre in achieving individual expression through

movement creation. 3.1 Understands circus from artistic, aesthetic and cultural perspectives through movement and in written and

oral form. 3.2 Understands the concept of differing artistic, social and cultural contexts of circus. 3.3 Recognises, analyses and evaluates the distinguishing features of major circus works. 3.4 Utilises the skills of research and analysis to examine circus as an artform. 3.5 Demonstrates, in written and oral form, the ability to analyse and synthesise information when making

discriminating judgements about circus. 3.6 Acknowledges that the artform of circus is enhanced through reflective practice, study and evaluation.

Task Description Due Date Outcomes (Syllabus)


Task 1 Individual Skill Acquisition and Performance

a) Skill acquisition of basic to advanced skills in aerials, manipulation, equilibristics, and acrobatics.

b) Application of anatomical and physiological systems, nutritional health, safe and sustainable training practices.

c) Analysis of the development of training goals and targets.

Term 1 Week 9


1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7. 1.8,

3.5, 3.6 40%

Task 2 Circus Analysis

a) Analysis of circus work.

Term 2 Week 9


8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, 8.6 20%

Task 3 Movement Skills for Circus and Physical Theatre

a) Multidisciplinary group act creation. b) Analysis of application of choreographic tools, theatrical elements and

communication strategies c) Process diary

Term 3 Week 9


1.4, 1.5, 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 2.1, 2.2, 3.5,

3.1, 3.6, 3.3 40%

Total: 100%

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Each band represents the typical performance of students at this level

Band/Grade Descriptors Band 6 - A • Demonstrates extensive knowledge and understanding of content to clearly and perceptively communicates

an appreciation of circus as an art form through their very high level of engagement in the interrelated practices of performing, composing and appreciating circus.

• Displays comprehensive understanding of content, processes, concepts to capably and skilfully perform circus with an accomplished circus technique and a sustained application of safe circus practice and performance quality.

• Critically analyses, synthesises and interprets information to insightfully applies their knowledge of the practical and theoretical aspects of circus and makes perceptive connections between the making and performing of the movement and the appreciation of its meaning.

• Demonstrates high-level competence in particular skills, processes to effectively manipulates the elements of movement to interpret a wide variety of circus styles and apparatus with a high level of competence

• Demonstrates high-level skills in critical judgement, reasoning, prediction, inference, evaluation, problem-solving, interpretation to consistently structure complex movement to create circus compositions that communicate ideas.

• Demonstrates high-level skills in the use of appropriate technologies effectively manipulates the elements of movement to interpret a wide variety of circus styles and apparatus with a high level of competence.

• Effectively communicates in a coherent, creative, succinct, logical, sophisticated manner with precision, originality or flair using terminology extensively and appropriately creates circus performances and acts.

• Critically analyses their own and others’ circus acts, through the elements of movement. • Critically discusses the characteristics of circus styles, performance quality and interpretation.

Band 5 - B • Demonstrates thorough knowledge and understanding of content to clearly communicate an appreciation of circus as an art form through their very high level of engagement in the interrelated practices of performing, composing and appreciating circus.

• Displays detailed understanding of content, processes, concepts to capably perform circus with a proficient circus technique and a proficient application of safe circus practice and performance quality.

• Analyses, synthesises and interprets information to combine and apply their knowledge of the practical and theoretical aspects of circus and makes connections between the making and performing of the movement and the appreciation of its meaning.

• Demonstrates competence in particular skills, processes to manipulates the elements of movement to interpret a wide variety of circus styles and apparatus with a proficient level of competence.

• Demonstrates competent skills in critical judgement, reasoning, prediction, inference, evaluation, problem-solving, interpretation to structure movement to create circus compositions that communicate ideas.

• Demonstrates accomplished skills in the use of appropriate technologies effectively manipulates the elements of movement to interpret a variety of circus styles and apparatus with a proficient level of competence.

• Communicates in a coherent and logical manner with precision using terminology extensively and appropriately creates circus performances and acts.

• Analyses their own and others’ circus acts, through the elements of movement. • Discusses the characteristics of circus styles, performance quality and interpretation.

Band 4 - C • Demonstrates sound knowledge and understanding of circus as an art form through their engagement in the interrelated practices of performing, composing and appreciating circus.

• Displays clear understanding of content, processes, concepts to perform circus with a sound circus technique and the application of safe circus practice and performance quality.

• Analyses and interprets information to combine and engages in the practical and theoretical aspects of circus and makes connections between the making and performing of the movement and the appreciation of its meaning.

• Demonstrates ability in particular skills, processes to manipulates the elements of movement to interpret a variety of circus styles and apparatus with a satisfactory level of competence.

• Demonstrates skills in judgement, reasoning, prediction, inference, evaluation, problem-solving, interpretation to structure movement to create circus compositions that communicate ideas.

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• Demonstrates skills in the use of appropriate technologies to manipulates the elements of movement to interpret a variety of circus styles and apparatus with a satisfactory level of competence.

• Communicates in a logical manner using terminology extensively and appropriately creates circus performances and acts.

• Discusses their own and others’ circus acts, through the elements of movement. • Describes the characteristics of circus styles, performance quality and interpretation.

Band 3 - D • Demonstrates basic knowledge and understanding of circus as an art form through their engagement in the interrelated practices of performing, composing and appreciating circus.

• Displays basic understanding of content, processes, concepts to perform circus with a basic circus technique and the application of safe circus practice and performance quality.

• Interprets information to combine and engages in the practical and theoretical aspects of circus and makes some connections between the making and performing of the movement and the appreciation of its meaning.

• Demonstrates skills in the use of technologies to manipulates the elements of movement to interpret some circus styles and apparatus with a basic level of competence.

• Demonstrates limited skills in judgement, reasoning, prediction, inference, evaluation, problem-solving, interpretation to structure movement to create circus compositions that communicate ideas.

• Communicates in a basic manner using some terminology. • Describes their own and others’ circus acts, through the elements of movement. • Describes some of the characteristics of circus styles, performance quality and interpretation.

Band 2 –E • Demonstrates limited knowledge and understanding of circus as an art form through their engagement in the interrelated practices of performing, composing and appreciating circus.

• Displays limited understanding of content, processes, concepts to perform circus with a basic circus technique and the application of safe circus practice and performance quality.

• Interprets some information to combine the practical and theoretical aspects of circus and makes limited connections between the making and performing of the movement and the appreciation of its meaning.

• Demonstrates limited skills in the use of technologies to manipulates the elements of movement to interpret some circus styles and apparatus with a limited level of competence.

• Demonstrates limited skills in judgement, reasoning, prediction, inference, evaluation, problem-solving, interpretation to structure movement to create circus compositions that communicate ideas.

• Communicates in limited manner using limited terminology. • Describes their own and others’ circus acts, through the elements of movement. • Describes some of the characteristics of circus styles, performance quality and interpretation.

Band 1 - NA • Student is not achieving course outcomes

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Course Outcomes: P1.1 describes the contribution an individual’s experiences, values, attitudes and beliefs make to the

development of goals P1.2 proposes effective solutions to resource problems P2.1 accounts for the roles and relationships that individuals adopt within groups P2.2 describes the role of the family and other groups in the socialisation of individuals P2.3 examines the role of leadership and group dynamics in contributing to positive interpersonal relationships

and achievement P2.4 analyses the inter-relationships between internal and external factors and their impact on family functioning P3.1 explains the changing nature of families and communities in contemporary society P3.2 analyses the significance of gender in defining roles and relationships P4.1 utilises research methodology appropriate to the study of social issues P4.2 presents information in written, oral and graphic form P5.1 applies management processes to maximise the efficient use of resources P6.1 distinguishes those actions that enhance wellbeing P6.2 uses critical thinking skills to enhance decision-making

Task Description Due Date Outcome (Syllabus) Weighting

Course component

Knowledge and Understanding

Critical Thinking, Research Methodology,

Analysing and Communicating

Task 1 Research

Methodology Research Task

Term 1 Week 9


P 4.1 P 4.2 25% 5% 20%

Task 2 Individuals and

Groups / Families and Communities


Review/Case Study

Term 2 Week 6


P 1.1 P 1.2 P 2.2 P 3.1 P 5.1

35% 15% 20%

Task 3

Yearly Exam

Term 3 Week 8-9


From all outcomes 40% 20% 20%

Total: 100% 40% 60%

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COMMUNITY AND FAMILY STUDIES PERFORMANCE BAND DESCRIPTORS Each band represents the typical performance of students at this level

Band/Grade Descriptors Band 6 - A • Demonstrates extensive knowledge and understanding about the influence of a range of societal factors on

individuals and on the nature of groups, families and communities • Demonstrates superior understanding and application of research methodologies to the study of social

issues • Predicts and draws valid conclusions by analysing data relevant to the study of social issues • Proposes, develops and sustains arguments based on relevant research and examples to justify points of

view • Comprehensively applies the management process and proposes relevant strategies in a wide range of

contexts • Evaluates the impact of resource management on the wellbeing of individuals, groups, families and

communities in a wide range of contexts • Demonstrates superior analysis of interrelationships between individuals, groups, families and communities • Effectively communicates ideas, issues and opinions in an organised, logical and coherent manner, using

appropriate terminology Band 5 - B • Demonstrates thorough knowledge and understanding about the influence of a range of societal factors on

individuals and on the nature of groups, families and communities • Demonstrates accomplished understanding and application of research methodologies to the study of

social issues • Successfully draws conclusions using available data relevant to the study of social issues • Sustains arguments using relevant research and individual experiences • Effectively applies the management process and proposes strategies in a range of contexts • Explains the impact of resource management on the wellbeing of individuals, groups, families and

communities in a range of contexts • Competently identifies and explains interrelationships between individuals, groups, families and

communities • Competently communicates ideas, issues and opinions in an organised, logical and coherent manner, using

appropriate terminology Band 4 - C • Demonstrates sound knowledge and understanding about the influence of a range of societal factors on

individuals and on the nature of groups, families and communities • Demonstrates sound understanding and application of research methodologies to the study of social issues • Interprets data relevant to the study of social issues in various forms • Draws on personal experience to support discussion • Demonstrates clear knowledge of the management process and provides some examples of strategies • Adequately communicates the relationship between resource management and wellbeing • Shows a sound understanding of interrelationships between individuals, families and communities • Communicates ideas, issues and opinions in a clear and logical way using appropriate terminology

Band 3 - D • Demonstrates a basic knowledge and understanding of the influence of a range of societal factors on individuals and on the nature of groups, families and communities

• Demonstrates basic understanding and limited application of research methodologies to the study of social issues • Demonstrates basic data-interpretation skills relevant to the study of social issues • Relies heavily on personal experience to support discussion • Demonstrates basic knowledge of the management process • Shows a basic understanding of interrelationships between individuals, groups, families and communities • Communicates ideas and opinions in basic form using some relevant terminology

Band 2 –E • Demonstrates some knowledge and understanding about the influence of a range of societal factors on individuals and on the nature of groups, families and communities

• Demonstrates limited understanding of research methodologies applicable to the study of social issues • Relies only on personal experience • Shows limited knowledge of the management process • Communicates simple and limited ideas and opinions using limited and elementary terminology

Band 1 - NA • Student is not achieving course outcomes

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44 2020 Year 11 Preliminary Procedures and Course Assessment Booklet

DANCE Course Outcomes: P1.1 understands dance as the performance and communication of ideas through movement and in written and oral form P1.2 understands the use of dance terminology relevant to the study of dance as an art form P1.3 develops the skills of dance through performing, composing and appreciating dance P1.4 values the diversity of dance as an art form and its inherent expressive qualities P2.1 identifies the physiology of the human body as it is relevant to the dancer P2.2 identifies the body’s capabilities and limitations P2.3 recognises the importance of the application of safe dance practice P2.4 demonstrates appropriate skeletal alignment, body-part articulation, strength, flexibility, agility and coordination P2.5 performs combinations, phrases and sequences with due consideration of safe dance practices P2.6 values self-discipline, commitment and consistency in technical skills and performance P3.1 identifies the elements of dance composition P3.2 understands the compositional process P3.3 understands the function of structure as it relates to dance composition P3.4 explores the elements of dance relating to dance composition P3.5 devises movement material in a personal style in response to creative problem-solving tasks in dance composition P3.6 structures movement devised in response to specific concept/intent P3.7 values their own and others’ dance activities as worthwhile P4.1 understands the socio-historic context in which dance exists P4.2 develops knowledge to critically appraise and evaluate dance P4.3 demonstrates the skills of gathering, classifying and recording information about dance P4.4 develops skills in critical appraisal and evaluation P4.5 values the diversity of dance from national and international perspectives

Task Description Due Date Outcomes (Syllabus)


Course Component

Performance Composition Appreciation

Task 1 - Performance Performance focused on Dance

Technique and Performance Quality, process diary record of performance development with

safe dance practice.

Term 1 Week 10


P2.1, P2.2, P2.3, P2.4, P2.5, P2.6

30% 30%

Task 2 - Composition and Appreciation

Presentation of Core Composition with rationale and

interview. Process diary including analysis Australian

choreographer and one seminal work.

Term 2 Week 8


P1.2, P1.4, P3.1, P3.2, P3.4, P3.5, P4.1, P4.2,


30% 10% 20%

Task 3 - Yearly Examination Major Composition (live or film)

including rationale and interview.

Performance including analysis and reflection.

Written Core Appreciation Examination

Term 3 Week 8-9


P1.1, P1.3, P3.3, P3.4, P3.5, P3.6, P3.7, P4.2,


40% 10% 20% 10%

Total: 100% 40% 30% 30%

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DANCE PERFORMANCE BAND DESCRIPTORS Each band represents the typical performance of students at this level

Band/Grade Descriptors Band 6 - A • Synthesises extensive knowledge, understanding and skill, through the appreciation of dance as

an art form, which is communicated in movement, written and oral forms. • Demonstrates outstanding dance technique, performance quality, interpretation and heightened

anatomical awareness. • Demonstrates a high level of problem solving using the elements of composition/choreography

to communicate concepts/intent in a personal style. • Demonstrates in well structured text and in oral form the outstanding ability to analyse

information, present ideas and make discriminating judgements. Band 5 - B • Sustains a high level of knowledge, understanding and skill through the acknowledgment of dance

as an art form which is communicated in movement, written and oral forms. • Demonstrates a high level of dance technique, performance quality, interpretation and

anatomical awareness. • Successfully demonstrates problem solving using the elements of composition/choreography, to

communicate concepts/intent in a personal style. • Demonstrates in well-structured text and in oral form a high level of ability to analyse information,

present ideas and make competent judgements. Band 4 - C • Demonstrates sound knowledge, understanding and skill, through the awareness of dance as an

art form, which is communicated in movement, written and oral forms. • Demonstrates a sound level of dance technique, performance quality, interpretation and

anatomical awareness. • Demonstrates the ability to use problem solving in composition/choreography to present

concepts/intent in a personal style. • Demonstrates in clear, structured text and in oral form the ability to present information and ideas

and make judgements. Band 3 - D • Shows basic knowledge, understanding and skill through dance as an art form which is presented

in movement, written and oral forms. • Shows a basic level of dance technique and performance quality. • Shows a basic level of problem solving in composition and choreography and present movement

in a personal style. • Comprehends information and presents ideas in text and oral forms.

Band 2 –E • Indicates some knowledge, understanding and skill, relative to dance as an art form, which are presented in movement and/or written and/or oral forms.

• Demonstrates at a limited level some dance technique and performance quality. • Demonstrates at a simple level, some elements of composition in a personal style. • Recounts some information which is presented in text and oral forms.

Band 1 - NA • Student is not achieving course outcomes

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DRAMA Course Outcomes: P1.1 develops acting skills in order to adopt and sustain a variety of characters and roles P1.2 explores ideas and situations, expressing them imaginatively in dramatic form P1.3 demonstrates performance skills appropriate to a variety of styles and media P1.4 understands, manages and manipulates theatrical elements and elements of production, using them

perceptively and creatively P1.5 understands, demonstrates and records the process of developing and refining ideas and scripts to

performance P1.6 demonstrates directorial and acting skills to communicate meaning through dramatic action P1.7 understands the collaborative nature of drama and theatre and demonstrates the self-discipline needed in

the process of collaboration P1.8 recognises the value of individual contributions to the artistic effectiveness of the whole P2.1 understands the dynamics of actor-audience relationship P2.2 understands the contributions to a production of the playwright, director, dramaturg, designers, front-of

house staff, technical staff and producers P2.3 demonstrates directorial and acting skills to communicate meaning through dramatic action P2.4 performs effectively in a variety of styles using a range of appropriate performance techniques, theatrical and

design elements and performance spaces P2.5 understands and demonstrates the commitment, collaboration and energy required for a production P2.6 appreciates the variety of styles, structures and techniques that can be used in making and shaping a

performance P3.1 critically appraises and evaluates, both orally and in writing, personal performances and the performance

of others P3.2 understands the variety of influences that have impacted upon drama and theatre performance styles,

structures and techniques. P3.3 analyses and synthesises research and experiences of dramatic and theatrical styles, traditions and

movements P3.4 appreciates the contribution that drama and theatre make to Australian and other societies by raising

awareness and expressing ideas about issues of interest.

Task Description Due Date Outcomes



Course Component

Making Performing Critically Studying

Task 1 Class Production + Portfolio and


Term 1 Week 11


P1.1, P1.2, P1.3, P1.4, P1.5, P1.6,

P2.1, P3.1 40% 10% 20% 10%

Task 2 Group

Performance and Logbook

Term 2 Week 8


P1.1, P1.2, P1.3, P1.4, P1.5, P1.6, P1.7, 1.8, P2.1,

P2.2, P2.3, P2.4, P2.5, P2.6, P3.1

30% 10% 10% 10%

Task 3 Individual

Project and Logbook

Term 3 Week 6


P1.4, P1.5, P1.8, P2.2, P3.1, P3.2,

P3.3 30% 20% 10%

Total: 100% 40% 30% 30%

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DRAMA PERFORMANCE BAND DESCRIPTORS Each band represents the typical performance of students at this level

Band/Grade Descriptors Band 6 - A • Has extensive knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the elements of drama and can demonstrate

these using exemplary skills in making, performing and critically studying drama • Demonstrates flair and originality in conceptualising, developing and producing an exemplary dramatic

work • Collaborates at a sophisticated level to devise and present an innovative group performance which evokes

a powerful audience response • Demonstrates sophisticated analysis, synthesis and application of information and/or research about drama

and theatre, and ability to frame responses in an informed personal and coherent manner Band 5 - B • Has substantial knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the elements of drama and can demonstrate

these using high level skills in making, performing and critically studying drama conceptualises, develops and produces a high quality dramatic work

• Collaborates effectively to devise and present an engaging group performance which demonstrates an understanding of the actor and audience relationship

• Demonstrates skills of analysis and synthesis of information and/or research about drama and theatre which is presented through coherent, informed responses

Band 4 - C • Has sound knowledge, understanding and some appreciation of the elements of drama and can demonstrate these using well developed expressive skills in making, performing and critically studying drama

• Is able to develop and produce dramatic work of some quality • Is able to contribute towards devising and presenting a coherent group performance which demonstrates

an awareness of the actor and audience relationship • Can analyse and use information and/or research about drama and theatre to structure clear, relevant

responses Band 3 - D • Has basic knowledge and understanding of the elements of drama and can demonstrate these when

making, performing and critically studying drama • Can produce a satisfactory dramatic work • Co-operates to devise and present a satisfactory group performance • Can recall relevant information about drama and theatre to form basic responses

Band 2 –E • Has some knowledge and understanding of the elements of drama and can demonstrate this when making, performing and critically studying drama.

• Can produce an elementary dramatic work • Participates and performs to a limited level in group performance • Recounts some relevant information about drama and theatre to form limited responses

Band 1 - NA • Student is not achieving course outcomes

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EARTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE Course Outcomes: EES11-1 develops and evaluates questions and hypotheses for scientific investigation EES11-2 designs and evaluates investigations in order to obtain primary and secondary data and information EES11-3 conducts investigations to collect valid and reliable primary and secondary data and information EES11-4 selects and processes appropriate qualitative and quantitative data and information using a range of

appropriate media EES11-5 analyses and evaluates primary and secondary data and information EES11-6 solves scientific problems using primary and secondary data, critical thinking skills and scientific processes EES11-7 communicates scientific understanding using suitable language and terminology for a specific audience or

purpose EES11-8 describes the key features of the Earth’s systems, including the geosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and

biosphere and how they are interrelated EES11-9 describes the evidence for the theory of plate tectonics and the energy and geological changes that occur

at plate boundaries EES11-10 describes the factors that influence how energy is transferred and transformed in the Earth’s systems EES11-11 describes human impact on the Earth in relation to hydrological processes, geological processes and

biological changes

Task Description Due Date Outcomes



Course Component

Skills in working


Knowledge and understanding of

course content

Task 1 Depth Study

Term 1 Week 10


EES11-1 EES11-5 EES11-7


35% 30% 5%

Task 2 Research


Term 2 Week 9


EES11-4 EES11-5 EES11-7 EES11-9

30% 20% 10%

Task 3 Yearly


Term 3 Week 8-9


EES11-2 EES11-3 EES11-4 EES11-5 EES11-8 EES11-9


35% 10% 25%

Total: 100% 60% 40%

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EARTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE PERFORMANCE BAND DESCRIPTORS Each band represents the typical performance of students at this level Band/Grade Descriptors

Band 6 - A • Demonstrates an extensive knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts, including complex and abstract ideas

• Communicates scientific understanding succinctly, logically, and consistently using correct and precise scientific terms and application of nomenclature in a variety of formats and wide range of contexts

• Designs and plans investigations to obtain accurate, reliable, valid and relevant primary and secondary data, evaluating risks, mitigating where applicable, and making modifications in response to new evidence

• Selects, processes, and interprets accurate, reliable, valid, and relevant qualitative and quantitative, primary or secondary data, and represents it using a range of scientific formats to derive trends, show patterns and relationships, explain phenomena, and make predictions

• Designs solutions to scientific problems, questions, or hypotheses using selected accurate, reliable, valid, and relevant primary and secondary data, and scientific evidence, by applying processes, modelling and formats

• Applies knowledge and information to unfamiliar situations to propose comprehensive solutions or explanations for scientific issues or scenarios

Band 5 - B • Demonstrates thorough knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts, including complex and abstract ideas

• Communicates scientific understanding, logically, and effectively using correct scientific terms and application of nomenclature in a variety of formats and wide range of contexts

• Designs and plans investigations to obtain accurate, reliable, valid and relevant primary and secondary data, evaluating risks, mitigating where applicable, and making some modifications in response to new evidence

• Selects, processes, and interprets accurate, reliable, valid, and relevant qualitative and quantitative, primary or secondary data, and represents it using a range of scientific formats to derive trends, show patterns and relationships

• Designs solutions to scientific problems, questions, or hypotheses using selected accurate, reliable, and valid primary and secondary data, and scientific evidence, by applying processes, and formats

• Applies knowledge and information to unfamiliar situations to propose explanations for scientific issues or scenarios

Band 4 - C • Demonstrates sound knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts • Communicates scientific understanding effectively using scientific terms and application of nomenclature • Designs and plans investigations to obtain primary and secondary data and evaluates risks • Processes and interprets primary and secondary data, and represents it using a range of scientific formats • Identifies scientific problems, questions, or hypotheses and applies processes, and formats to primary or

secondary data • Applies knowledge and information relevant to scientific issues or scenarios

Band 3 - D • Demonstrates basic knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts • Communicates scientific understanding using basic scientific terms and application of nomenclature • Implements scientific processes to obtain primary and secondary data and identifies risks • Processes primary or secondary data, and represents it using scientific formats • Responds to scientific problems, questions, or hypotheses • Recalls scientific knowledge and information

Band 2 –E • Demonstrates limited knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts • Communicates scientific understanding using limited scientific terms • Partially outlines investigations to obtain data and information • Provides simple descriptions of scientific phenomena • Recalls basic scientific knowledge and information

Band 1 - NA • Student is not achieving course outcomes

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ENGLISH ADVANCED Course Outcomes: EA11-1 responds to, composes and evaluates complex texts for understanding, interpretation, critical analysis,

imaginative expression and pleasure EA11-2 uses and evaluates processes, skills and knowledge required to effectively respond to and compose texts in

different modes, media and technologies EA11-3 analyses and uses language forms, features and structures of texts considering appropriateness for specific

purposes, audiences and contexts and evaluates their effects on meaning EA11-4 strategically uses knowledge, skills and understanding of language concepts and literary devices in new and

different contexts EA11-5 thinks imaginatively, creatively, interpretively and critically to respond to, evaluate and compose texts that

synthesise complex information, ideas and arguments EA11-6 investigates and evaluates the relationships between texts EA11-7 evaluates the diverse ways texts can represent personal and public worlds and recognises how they are

valued EA11-8 explains and evaluates cultural assumptions and values in texts and their effects on meaning EA11-9 reflects on, evaluates and monitors own learning and adjusts individual and collaborative processes to

develop as an independent learner

Task Description Due Date Outcomes



Course Component

Knowledge and Understanding of Course


Skills in Responding to Texts and Communication of Ideas

Appropriate to Audience, Purpose and context across

all Modes Task 1

Imaginative text with

Reflection (Reading to


Term 1 Week 9

EA11-1 EA11-5 EA11-6 EA11-9

40% 20% 20%

Task 2 Multimodal

presentation (Narratives that

Shape our World)

Term 2 Week 9

EA11-2 EA11-6 EA11-7

30% 20% 10%

Task 3 Yearly

Examination (Critical Study of


Term 3 Week 8-9

EA11-3 EA11-4 EA11-8

30% 10% 20%

Total: 100% 50% 50%

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ENGLISH ADVANCED PERFORMANCE BAND DESCRIPTORS Each band represents the typical performance of students at this level

Band/Grade Descriptors Band 6 - A • Demonstrates extensive, knowledge, insightful understanding and sophisticated evaluation of the

ways meanings are shaped and changed by context, medium of production and the influences that produce different responses to texts

• Displays highly developed skills in describing and analysing a broad range of language forms, features and structures of texts and explain the ways these shape meaning and influence responses in a variety of texts and contexts.

• Presents a critical, refined personal response showing highly developed skills in interpretation, analysis, synthesis and evaluation of texts and textual detail.

• Composes imaginatively, interpretively, critically and reflectively with sustained precision, flair, originality and sophistication for a variety of audiences, purposes and contexts in order to explore and communicate ideas, information and values.

Band 5 - B • Demonstrates detailed knowledge, perceptive understanding and effective evaluation of the ways meanings are shaped and changed by context, medium of production and the influences that produce different responses to texts.

• Displays well developed skills in describing and analysing a broad range of language forms, features and structures of texts and explain the ways these shape meaning and influence responses in a variety of texts and contexts.

• Presents a critical personal response showing well developed skills in interpretation, analysis, synthesis and evaluation of texts and textual detail.

• Composes imaginatively, interpretively, critically and reflectively with flair, originality and control for a variety of audiences, purposes and contexts in order to explore and communicate ideas, information and values.

Band 4 - C • Demonstrates sound knowledge and understanding of the ways meanings are shaped and changed by context, medium of production and the influences that produce different responses to texts.

• Describes and analyses a range of language forms, features and structures of texts and explains the ways these shape meaning and influence responses in a variety of texts and contexts.

• Presents a sound critical personal response showing developed skills in interpretation and analysis of texts.

• Composes imaginatively, interpretively, critically and reflectively with confidence and control for a variety of audiences, purposes and contexts in order to explore and communicate ideas, information and values.

Band 3 - D • Demonstrates generalised knowledge and understanding of the ways meanings are shaped and changed by context, medium of production and the influences that produce different responses to texts.

• Describes a limited range of language forms, features and structures of texts and conveys an awareness of the ways these shape meaning and influence responses in a variety of texts and contexts.

• Presents a response showing some evidence of interpretation and analysis of texts. • Composes imaginatively, interpretively, critically and reflectively with variable control in using

language appropriate to audience, purpose and context in order to explore and communicate ideas, information and values.

Band 2 –E • Demonstrates elementary knowledge and understanding of the ways meanings are shaped and changed.

• Recognises and comments on basic language forms, features and structures of texts. • Presents an undeveloped response showing recognition of the main ideas in texts. • Composes with some awareness of audience, purpose and context in order to explore and

communicate ideas and information. Band 1 - NA • Student is not achieving course outcomes

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ENGLISH STANDARD Course Outcomes: EN11-1 responds to and composes increasingly complex texts for understanding, interpretation, analysis,

imaginative expression and pleasure EN11-2 uses and evaluates processes, skills and knowledge required to effectively respond to and compose texts in

different modes, media and technologies EN11-3 analyses and uses language forms, features and structures of texts, considers appropriateness for purpose,

audience and context and explains effects on meaning EN11-4 applies knowledge, skills and understanding of language concepts and literary devices into new and different

contexts EN11-5 thinks imaginatively, creatively, interpretively and analytically to respond to and compose texts that include

considered and detailed information, ideas and arguments EN11-6 investigates and explains the relationships between texts EN11-7 understands and explains the diverse ways texts can represent personal and public worlds EN11-8 identifies and explains cultural assumptions in texts and their effects on meaning EN11-9 reflects on, assesses and monitors own learning and develops individual and collaborative processes to

become an independent learner

Task Description

Due Date

Outcomes (Syllabus)

Weighting Course Component

Knowledge and Understanding of Course


Skills in Responding to Texts and Communication of Ideas

Appropriate to Audience, Purpose and context across

all Modes Imaginative

text with Reflection (Reading to


Term 1 Week 9

EN11-1 EN11-5 EN11-6 EN11-9

40% 20% 20%

Multimodal presentation (Contemporary


Term 2 Week 9

EN11-2 EN11-6 EN11-7

30% 20% 10%

Yearly Examination (Close Study of


Term 3 Weeks


EN11-3 EN11-4 EN11-8

30% 10% 20%

Total: 100% 50% 50%

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ENGLISH STANDARD PERFORMANCE BAND DESCRIPTORS Each band represents the typical performance of students at this level

Band/Grade Descriptors Band 6 - A • Demonstrates extensive knowledge, insightful understanding and sophisticated evaluation of the ways

meanings are shaped and changed by context, medium of production and the influences that produce different responses to texts

• Displays highly developed skills in describing and analysing a broad range of language forms, features and structures of texts and explain the ways these shape meaning and influence responses in a variety of texts and contexts.

• Presents a critical, refined personal response showing highly developed skills in interpretation, analysis, synthesis and evaluation of texts and textual detail.

• Composes imaginatively, interpretively, critically and reflectively with sustained precision, flair, originality and sophistication for a variety of audiences, purposes and contexts in order to explore and communicate ideas, information and values.

Band 5 - B • Demonstrates detailed knowledge, perceptive understanding and effective evaluation of the ways meanings are shaped and changed by context, medium of production and the influences that produce different responses to texts.

• Displays well developed skills in describing and analysing a broad range of language forms, features and structures of texts and explain the ways these shape meaning and influence responses in a variety of texts and contexts.

• Presents a critical personal response showing well developed skills in interpretation, analysis, synthesis and evaluation of texts and textual detail.

• Composes imaginatively, interpretively, critically and reflectively with flair, originality and control for a variety of audiences, purposes and contexts in order to explore and communicate ideas, information and values.

Band 4 - C • Demonstrates sound knowledge and understanding of the way meanings are shaped and changed by context, medium of production and the influences that produce different responses to texts.

• Describes and analyses a range of language forms, features and structures of texts and explain the ways these shape meaning and influence responses in a variety of texts and contexts.

• Presents a sound critical personal response showing developed skills in interpretation and analysis of texts.

• Composes imaginatively, interpretively, critically and reflectively with confidence and control for a variety of audiences, purposes and contexts in order to explore and communicate ideas, information and values.

Band 3 - D • Demonstrates generalised knowledge and understanding of the ways meanings are shaped and changed by context, medium of production and the influences that produce different responses to texts.

• Describes a limited range of language forms, features and structures of texts and conveys an awareness of the ways these shape meaning and influence responses in a variety of texts and contexts.

• Presents a response showing some evidence of interpretation and analysis of texts. • Composes imaginatively, interpretively, critically and reflectively with variable control in using

language appropriate to audience, purpose and context in order to explore and communicate ideas, information and values.

Band 2 –E • Demonstrates elementary knowledge and understanding of the ways meanings are shaped and changed.

• Recognises and comments on basic language forms, features and structures of texts. • Presents an undeveloped response showing recognition of the main ideas in texts. • Composes with some awareness of audience, purpose and context in order to explore and

communicate ideas and information. Band 1 - NA • Student is not achieving course outcomes

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ENGLISH STUDIES ATAR Course Outcomes: ES11-1 comprehends and responds to a range of texts, including short and extended texts, literary texts and texts

from academic, community, workplace and social contexts for a variety of purposes ES11-2 identifies and uses strategies to comprehend written, spoken, visual, multimodal and digital texts that have

been composed for different purposes and contexts ES11-3 gains skills in accessing, comprehending and using information to communicate in a variety of ways ES11-4 composes a range of texts with increasing accuracy and clarity in different forms ES11-5 develops knowledge, understanding and appreciation of how language is used, identifying specific language

forms and features that convey meaning in texts ES11-6 uses appropriate strategies to compose texts for different modes, mediums, audiences, contexts and

purposes ES11-7 represents own ideas in critical, interpretive and imaginative texts ES11-8 identifies and describes relationships between texts ES11-9 identifies and explores ideas, values, points of view and attitudes expressed in texts, and considers ways in

which texts may influence, engage and persuade ES11-10 monitors and reflects on aspects of their individual and collaborative processes in order to plan for future


Task Description

Due Date

Outcomes (Syllabus)


Course Component

Knowledge and Understanding of Course


Skills in Comprehending Texts, Communicating Ideas, Using language accurately,

appropriately and effectively

Collection of Written Pieces

(Mandatory Module – Achieving

through English)

Term 1 Week 9

ES11-1 ES11-2 ES11-3 ES11-4 ES11-5 ES11-6


40% 20% 20%

Multimodal presentation

Term 2 Week 7

ES11-1 ES11-2 ES11-3 ES11-4 ES11-5 ES11-6 ES11-7 ES11-9

30% 15% 15%

Collection of Classwork

Term 3 Week 10

ES11-1 ES11-2 ES11-4 ES11-5 ES11-6 ES11-8 ES11-9

30% 15% 15%

Total: 100% 50% 50%

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ENGLISH STUDIES NON- ATAR Course Outcomes: ES11-1 comprehends and responds to a range of texts, including short and extended texts, literary texts and texts

from academic, community, workplace and social contexts for a variety of purposes ES11-2 identifies and uses strategies to comprehend written, spoken, visual, multimodal and digital texts that have

been composed for different purposes and contexts ES11-3 gains skills in accessing, comprehending and using information to communicate in a variety of ways ES11-4 composes a range of texts with increasing accuracy and clarity in different forms ES11-5 develops knowledge, understanding and appreciation of how language is used, identifying specific language

forms and features that convey meaning in texts ES11-6 uses appropriate strategies to compose texts for different modes, mediums, audiences, contexts and

purposes ES11-7 represents own ideas in critical, interpretive and imaginative texts ES11-8 identifies and describes relationships between texts ES11-9 identifies and explores ideas, values, points of view and attitudes expressed in texts, and considers ways in

which texts may influence, engage and persuade ES11-10 monitors and reflects on aspects of their individual and collaborative processes in order to plan for future


Task Description

Due Date

Outcomes (Syllabus)


Course Component

Knowledge and Understanding of Course


Skills in Comprehending Texts, Communicating Ideas, Using language accurately,

appropriately and effectively

Collection of Written Pieces

(Mandatory Module – Achieving

through English)

Term 1 Week 9

ES11-1 ES11-2 ES11-3 ES11-4 ES11-5 ES11-6


40% 20% 20%

Multimodal presentation

Term 2 Week 7

ES11-1 ES11-2 ES11-3 ES11-4 ES11-5 ES11-6 ES11-7 ES11-9

30% 15% 15%

Collection of Classwork

Term 3 Week 10

ES11-1 ES11-2 ES11-4 ES11-5 ES11-6 ES11-8 ES11-9

30% 15% 15%

Total: 100% 50% 50%

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ENGLISH STUDIES PERFORMANCE BAND DESCRIPTORS Each band represents the typical performance of students at this level

Band/Grade Descriptors Band 6 - A • Demonstrates extensive knowledge, insightful understanding and sophisticated evaluation of the ways

meanings are shaped and changed by context, medium of production and the influences that produce different responses to texts

• Displays highly developed skills in describing and analysing a broad range of language forms, features and structures of texts and explain the ways these shape meaning and influence responses in a variety of texts and contexts

• Presents a critical, refined personal response showing highly developed skills in interpretation, analysis, synthesis and evaluation of texts and textual detail

• Composes imaginatively, interpretively, critically and reflectively with sustained precision, flair, originality and sophistication for a variety of audiences, purposes and contexts in order to explore and communicate ideas, information and values

Band 5 - B • Demonstrates detailed knowledge, perceptive understanding and effective evaluation of the ways meanings are shaped and changed by context, medium of production and the influences that produce different responses to texts

• Displays well developed skills in describing and analysing a broad range of language forms, features and structures of texts and explain the ways these shape meaning and influence responses in a variety of texts and contexts

• Presents a critical personal response showing well developed skills in interpretation, analysis, synthesis and evaluation of texts and textual detail

• Composes imaginatively, interpretively, critically and reflectively with flair, originality and control for a variety of audiences, purposes and contexts in order to explore and communicate ideas, information and values

Band 4 - C • Demonstrates sound knowledge and understanding of the way meanings are shaped and changed by context, medium of production and the influences that produce different responses to texts

• Describes and analyses a range of language forms, features and structures of texts and explain the ways these shape meaning and influence responses in a variety of texts and contexts

• Presents a sound critical personal response showing developed skills in interpretation and analysis of texts

• Composes imaginatively, interpretively, critically and reflectively with confidence and control for a variety of audiences, purposes and contexts in order to explore and communicate ideas, information and values

Band 3 - D • Demonstrates generalised knowledge and understanding of the ways meanings are shaped and changed by context, medium of production and the influences that produce different responses to texts

• Describes a limited range of language forms, features and structures of texts and conveys an awareness of the ways these shape meaning and influence responses in a variety of texts and contexts

• Presents a response showing some evidence of interpretation and analysis of texts • Composes imaginatively, interpretively, critically and reflectively with variable control in using

language appropriate to audience, purpose and context in order to explore and communicate ideas, information and values

Band 2 –E • Demonstrates elementary knowledge and understanding of the ways meanings are shaped and changed

• Recognises and comments on basic language forms, features and structures of texts • Presents an undeveloped response showing recognition of the main ideas in texts • Composes with some awareness of audience, purpose and context in order to explore and

communicate ideas and information Band 1 - NA • Student is not achieving course outcomes

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EXTENSION 1 ENGLISH Course Outcomes: EE11-1 demonstrates and applies considered understanding of the dynamic relationship between text, purpose,

audience and context, across a range of modes, media and technologies EE11-2 analyses and experiments with language forms, features and structures of complex texts, evaluating their

effects on meaning in familiar and new contexts EE11-3 thinks deeply, broadly and flexibly in imaginative, creative, interpretive and critical ways to respond to,

compose and explore the relationships between sophisticated texts EE11-4 develops skills in research methodology to undertake effective independent investigation EE11-5 articulates understanding of how and why texts are echoed, appropriated and valued in a range of contexts EE11-6 reflects on and assesses the development of independent learning gained through the processes of

research, writing and creativity

Task Description Due Date Outcomes



Course Component

Knowledge and Understanding of texts

and why they are valued

Skills in complex analysis, composition and


Imaginative Response

Term 1 Week 10

EE11-1 EE11-2 EE11-3 EE11-5 EE11-6

30% 15% 15%

Comparative Essay

Term 2 Weeks 9-10

EE11-1 EE11-2 EE11-3 EE11-4 EE11-5 EE11-6

40% 20% 20%

Multimodal Talk

Term 3 Week 10

EE11-1 EE11-2 EE11-3 EE11-4 EE11-5 EE11-6

30% 15% 15%

Total: 100% 50% 50%

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ENGLISH EXTENSION 1 PERFORMANCE BAND DESCRIPTORS Each band represents the typical performance of students at this level

Band/Grade Descriptors Band E4 • Demonstrates insightful understanding and sophisticated evaluation of the concepts and values in texts

and the ways in which these are expressed • Displays highly developed ability to analyse and evaluate the nature of texts and the relationships

between them, and the different ways in which texts are valued • Integrates independent investigation with the student’s own reflection on both process and product to

develop insightful conclusions • Composes complex extended texts, imaginatively, interpretively and critically with a high level of

expertise • Demonstrates outstanding control of language to express complex ideas with precision in a form and

style appropriate to purpose, audience and context Band E3 • Demonstrates clear understanding and thoughtful evaluation of the concepts and values in texts and

the ways in which these are expressed • Displays well developed ability to analyse and evaluate texts and the relationships between them, and

the different ways in which texts are valued • Integrates independent investigation with the student’s own reflection on both process and product to

develop perceptive conclusions • Composes extended texts, imaginatively, interpretively and critically with substantial expertise • Demonstrates skilful control of language to express complex ideas with clarity in a form and style

appropriate to purpose, audience and context Band E2 • Demonstrates sound understanding and some evaluation of the concepts and values in texts and the

ways in which these are expressed • Displays developed ability to analyse and evaluate texts and the relationships between them, and the

different ways in which texts are valued • Integrates independent investigation with the student’s own reflection on both process and product to

develop informed conclusions • Composes extended texts, imaginatively, interpretively and critically with substantial competence • Demonstrates confident control of language to express complex ideas in a form and style appropriate

to purpose, audience and context Band E1 - NA • Student is not achieving course outcomes

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59 2020 Year 11 Preliminary Procedures and Course Assessment Booklet

FOOD TECHNOLOGY Course Outcomes: P1.1 identifies and discusses a range of historical and contemporary factors which influence the availability of

particular foods P1.2 accounts for individual and group food selection patterns in terms of physiological, psychological, social and

economic factors P2.1 explains the role of food nutrients in human nutrition P2.2 identifies and explains the sensory characteristics and functional properties of food P3.1 assesses the nutrient value of meals/diets for particular individuals and groups P3.2 presents ideas in written, graphic and oral form using computer software where appropriate. P4.1 selects appropriate equipment, applies suitable techniques, and utilises safe and hygienic practices when

handling food P4.2 plans, prepares and presents foods which reflect a range of the influences on food selection P4.3 selects foods, plans and prepares meals/diets to achieve optimum nutrition for individuals and groups P4.4 applies an understanding of the sensory characteristics and functional properties of food to the preparation

of food products P 5.1 generates ideas and develops solutions to a range of food situations

Task Description Due Date Outcomes



Course Component

Knowledge and understanding of

course content

Knowledge and skills in

designing, researching,

analysing and evaluating

Skills in experimenting

with and preparing food by applying

theoretical concepts

Task 1 Factors

Affecting Food Selection

Term 1 Week 9


P1.1 P1.2 P4.2

30% 10% 10% 10%

Task 2 Sensory and Functional

Properties of Food Practical and Research

Term 2 Week 9


P2.2 P4.1 P4.3 P3.2 P4.4

40% 10% 10% 10%

Task 3 Yearly

Examination Nutrition

Term 3 Week 8-9


P2.1 P3.1 P3.2 P4.3 P5.1

30% 20% 10% 10%

Total: 100% 40% 30% 30%

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60 2020 Year 11 Preliminary Procedures and Course Assessment Booklet

FOOD TECHNOLOGY COURSE PERFORMANCE BAND DESCRIPTORS Each band represents the typical performance of students at this level

Band/Grade Descriptors Band 6 - A Student…

• demonstrates extensive and detailed knowledge and understanding of food manufacture and product development, the Australian food industry, and contemporary food issues

• displays expertise in applying theoretical concepts to a comprehensive range of practical activities in food technology

• effectively communicates information using explicit technical language in a concise and focused format

• displays a high degree of interpretive, analytical and reporting skills in dealing with food technology concepts

• demonstrates evidence of well-developed critical thinking skills in debate and discussion of issues surrounding relevant food technologies

• designs creative solutions to food technology issues Band 5 - B • demonstrates a thorough knowledge and understanding of food manufacture and product

development, the Australian food industry, and contemporary food issues • displays competence in applying this knowledge to a range of practical activities in food

technology • effectively communicates information using specific technical detail and accurate terminology • clearly demonstrates the ability to interpret, analyse and organise information • shows evidence of critical thinking in discussion of issues surrounding relevant food technologies

Band 4 - C • demonstrates a sound knowledge and understanding of food manufacture and product development, the Australian food industry, and contemporary food issues

• displays skill in applying knowledge to a range of practical activities in food technology • communicates successfully using appropriate terminology • analyses and interprets information with attempts to organise thoughts and ideas • displays a broad understanding of the impact of technologies on society and the environment

Band 3 - D • recalls some specific food technology facts • displays limited skill in applying knowledge to practical activities in food technology • expresses ideas in simple form using correct terminology and with limited discussion and analysis • displays some awareness of the impact of technologies on society and the environment

Band 2 –E • recalls general information about food • communicates using basic terminology and simple explanations • applies basic food facts to a limited number of practical activities in food technology • displays some comprehension of content with a limited application of knowledge

Band 1 - NA • Student is not achieving course outcomes

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Course Outcomes: P1.1 describes the management and organisation of a business P1.2 identifies appropriate equipment, production and manufacturing techniques, including new technologies P2.1 describes and uses safe working practices and correct workshop maintenance techniques P2.2 works effectively in team situations P3.1 sketches, produces and interprets drawings in the production of projects P3.2 applies research and problem-solving skills P3.3 demonstrates appropriate design principles in the production of projects P4.1 demonstrates a range of practical skills in the production of projects P4.2 demonstrates competency in using relevant equipment, machinery and processes P4.3 identifies and explains the properties and characteristics of materials/components through the production

of projects P5.1 uses appropriate communication and information processing skills P5.2 uses appropriate documentation techniques related to the management of projects P6.1 identifies the characteristics of quality manufactured products P6.2 identifies and explains the principles of quality and quality control P7.1 evaluates the impact of the industry on the social and physical environment P7.2 identifies the impact of existing, new and emerging technologies of one related industry on society and the


Task Description Due Date Outcomes



Course Components

Knowledge and understanding of course content

Knowledge and skills in the management, communication

and production of projects

Task 1 Industry Study

Term 1 Week 10


P1.1, P1.2, P5.1, P7.1,

P7.2 20% 10% 10%

Task 2 Portfolio and Practical


Term 2 Week 8


P3.1, P3.2, P3.3, P4.3, P5.2, P6.1

40% 15% 25%

Task 3 Practical Skills Projects

Term 3 Week 6


P2.1, P2.2, P4.1, P4.2,

P6.2 40% 15% 25%

Task 3 Yearly Examination

Term 3 Week

8-9 2020

All Outcomes N/A

Total: 100% 40% 60%

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Each band represents the typical performance of students at this level

Band/Grade Descriptors Band 6 - A • Demonstrates a comprehensive knowledge of the technological, environmental, structural and

organisational factors relating to the selected focus area industry • Applies a comprehensive understanding of both written and graphical communication, and

information processing skills • Utilises a design process to critically evaluate and develop solutions to practical problems • Demonstrates expertise in the management of time and other resources in the development of a

practical project • Solves specific problems through in-depth knowledge and understanding of the implications and

impact of technology on society • Displays excellence in the selection of equipment and materials and in the application of practical skills

to produce a quality project Band 5 - B • Demonstrates a detailed knowledge of the technological, environmental, structural and organisational

aspects of the selected focus area industry • Demonstrates a thorough understanding in the use of written and graphical communication and

information processing skills • Justifies solutions to practical problems through the application of design techniques • Utilises a range of appropriate management strategies in the development of a practical project • Applies knowledge and understanding of the implication and impact of technology on society • Displays competence in the selection of equipment and materials and in the application of practical

skills to produce a practical project Band 4 - C • Demonstrates a broad knowledge of the technological, environmental, structural and organisational

aspects of the selected focus area industry • Displays information processing skills and a sound knowledge in the use of both written and graphical

communication • Uses design or design modification techniques to solve practical problems • Applies appropriate management strategies to the development of a practical project • Demonstrates an understanding of the implications and impact of technology on society • Shows understanding in the application of equipment, materials and practical skills to produce a

practical project Band 3 - D • Demonstrates a basic knowledge of the technological, environmental, structural and organisational

aspects of the selected focus area industry • Uses appropriate information processing skills and written and graphical communication forms • Attempts to use design or design modification techniques to solve practical problems • Recognises the importance of management to complete a practical project • Demonstrates an awareness of the implications and impact of technology on society • Identifies and uses a range of equipment, materials and processes to produce a practical project

Band 2 –E • Displays a simple knowledge of the technological, environmental, structural and organisational aspects of the selected focus area industry

• Uses a narrow range of written and graphical communication forms, and information processing skills • Demonstrates an adequate awareness of design • Displays minimal management skills in the development of a practical project • Demonstrates a limited awareness of the implications and impact of technology on society • Uses a limited selection of equipment, materials and processes to produce a practical project

Band 1 - NA • Student is not achieving course outcomes

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INFORMATION PROCESSES AND TECHNOLOGY Course Outcomes: A student … P1.1 Describes the nature of information processes and information technology P1.2 Classifies the functions and operations of information processes and information technology P2.1 Identifies and describes the information processes within an information system P2.2 Recognises and explains the interdependence between each of the information processes P3.1 Identifies and describes social and ethical issues P4.1 Describes the historical development of information systems and relates these to current and emerging technologies P5.1 Selects and ethically uses computer based and non-computer-based resources and tools to process information P6.1 Analyses and describes an identified need P6.2 Generates ideas, considers alternatives and develops solutions for a defined need

Task Description Due Date Outcomes



Course Component

Knowledge and understanding of

course content

Knowledge and skills in the design and development of

information systems

Task 1 Class


Term 1 Week 11


P1.1, P1.2, P2.1, P3.1, P4.1, P5.1, P6.1, P6.2, P7.1

30% 15% 15%

Task 2 Group Project

Term 2 Week 10


P1.1, P1.2, P3.1, P5.1, P7.1 35% 20% 15%

Task 3 Yearly


Term 3 Week 8-9


P1.1, P1.2, P2.1, P2.2, P3.1, P4.1, P5.1, P6.1, P6.2,

P7.1, P7.2

35% 25% 10%

Total: 100% 60% 40%

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Each band represents the typical performance of students at this level

Band/Grade Descriptors Band 6 - A • Demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of a specified information system and the relationship between each

of the components • Analyses and develops information systems with complete interdependence between the information processes • Demonstrates a high level ethical usage of systems and evaluates the effect of information systems on the individual,

society and the environment • Proposes innovative ways in which information systems will meet emerging needs within an historical context • Comprehensively assesses the ethical implications and justifies the selection of resources and tools to develop and

manage projects • Demonstrates extensive analysis of a situation to determine a need and develop a comprehensive and successful

solution using a methodical approach • Implements outstanding management techniques, possesses excellent communication skills and comprehensively

documents project work Band 5 - B • Demonstrates a thorough understanding of a given information system and the need for all components to work

together • Analyses and develops information systems with detailed interdependence between processes • Sustains ethical usage of systems and makes informed judgments of the effects of information systems on the

individual, society and the environment • Makes thorough suggestions on how information systems can meet emerging needs within an historical context • Thoroughly assesses the ethical implications and selects appropriate resources and tools to develop and manage

projects • Demonstrates detailed analysis of a situation to determine a need and develop a successful solution using a

methodical approach • Implements thorough management techniques, possesses effective communication skills and accurately documents

project work Band 4 - C • Clearly explains how all the components of an information system work together

• Broad understanding of the relationship between information processes within analysed and developed systems • Demonstrates sound ethical usage of systems and clearly explains the effects of information systems on the

individual, society and environment • Makes good suggestions on how information systems can meet emerging needs based on previous experience • Selects resources and tools to manage and develop projects with a good understanding of the ethical implications • Demonstrates sound analysis of a situation to determine a need and develops a good solution • Implements sound management techniques, possesses good communication skills and clearly documents project

work Band 3 - D • Describes the purpose of each of the components of a given information system

• Describes information processes within systems that have been developed • Describes basic ethical use of information systems and the effect of information systems on individuals, society and

the environment • Proposes an adequate information system to meet a need • Distinguishes between different resources and tools associated with the development of a project, describing ethical

implications • Comprehends a need and develops a basic solution • Demonstrates basic communication skills and produces a descriptive report of project work

Band 2 –E • Identifies the components of an information system for a given context • Identifies information processes within systems that have been developed • Demonstrates limited ethical usage of information systems and identifies the effects of information systems on the

individual, society and the environment • Suggests a basic information system for a given need • Identifies tools and resources associated with the development of a project, with limited understanding of ethical

implications • Attempts to understand a need for a given situation and to develop a basic solution • Demonstrates some communication skills and limited documentation of project work

Band 1 - NA • Student is not achieving course outcomes

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GEOGRAPHY Course Outcomes: P1 differentiates between spatial and ecological dimensions in the study of geography P2 describes the interactions between the four components which define the biophysical environment P3 explains how a specific environment functions in terms of biophysical factors P4 analyses changing demographic patterns and processes P5 examines the geographical nature of global challenges confronting humanity P6 identifies the vocational relevance of a geographical perspective P7 formulates a plan for active geographical inquiry P8 selects, organises and analyses relevant geographical information from a variety of sources P9 uses maps, graphs and statistics, photographs and fieldwork to conduct geographical inquiries P10 applies mathematical ideas and techniques to analyse geographical data P11 applies geographical understanding and methods ethically and effectively to a research project P12 communicates geographical information, ideas and issues using appropriate written and/or oral,

cartographic and graphic forms

Task Description Due Date Outcomes



Course Components

Knowledge and

understanding of course content

Geographical tools and


Geographical inquiry and research, including fieldwork

Communication of geographical

information, ideas and issues in appropriate

forms Task 1

In Class Skills Test

Term 2 Week 2


P2 P3

P12 25% 10% 10% 5%

Task 2 Senior

Geography Project

Term 3 Week 4


P7 P8 P9

P10 P11

40% 10% 5% 15% 10%

Task 3 Yearly


Term 3 Week 8-9


All Outcomes 35% 20% 5% 5% 5%

Total: 100% 40% 20% 20% 20%

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GEOGRAPHY PERFORMANCE BAND DESCRIPTORS Each band represents the typical performance of students at this level

Band/Grade Descriptors Band 6 - A • Evaluates a wide range of geographic sources in an integrated format

• Explains complex spatial and ecological relationships and processes, establishing cause by providing details of multiple links

• Applies detailed geographic knowledge and understanding from a variety of case studies at a range of scales • Evaluates ecological issues and human responses using appropriate, diverse criteria such as socioeconomic

and political factors • Integrates sample studies, statistical trends, geographic models and theoretical perspectives, providing

evidence of wide reading • Initiates, plans and implements geographic research and problem solving, including fieldwork, in a highly

organised manner • Efficiently communicates in written form characterised by use of appropriate text types, application of

precise and abstract geographic terms and the use of complex graphic forms Band 5 - B • Evaluates a range of geographic sources in a structured format

• Explains spatial and ecological relationships and processes establishing cause by detailing links • Applies geographic knowledge and understanding from relevant case studies at a range of scales • Presents major advantages and disadvantages of complex ecological issues and human responses by

outlining major advantages and disadvantages • Outlines sample studies, statistical trends, geographic models and perspectives in a structured format • Initiates, plans and implements geographic research and problem solving, including fieldwork, in an

organised manner • Communicates in written form characterised by use of appropriate text types, application of major technical

geographic terms and the use of graphic forms Band 4 - C • Interprets major features evident in a range of geographic sources

• Describes spatial and ecological relationships and processes, identifying major causes and impacts • Demonstrates general geographic knowledge through relevant sample studies at different scales • Describes main arguments relevant to major ecological issues and human responses • Describes sample studies, trends and significant geographic models • Plans and implements descriptive geographic research including fieldwork • Communicates in written form characterised by use of major text types, geographic terms and graphic

forms Band 3 - D • Describes major features evident in some common geographic sources

• Describes spatial and ecological features, identifying general interrelationships • Recalls general geographic knowledge of sample studies at different scales • Identifies some arguments relevant to major ecological issues and human responses • Outlines sample studies and trends and identifies simple geographic models • Implements descriptive geographic research including fieldwork, attempting to use source information • Communicates in written form characterised by use of some major geographic terms and concepts

Band 2 - E • Lists some general features and information evident in simple geographic sources • Identifies some spatial and ecological features • Demonstrates some general geographic knowledge in a sample study usually at a local scale • States an environmental issue and states a response • Makes simple reference to a sample study and states a simple trend • Follows some steps of a geographic research sequence to study an obvious environmental problem • Communicates in written form characterised by use of general geographic terms and brief phrases

Band 1 - NA • Student is not achieving course outcomes

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LEGAL STUDIES Course Outcomes: A student…

P1 identifies and applies legal concepts and terminology P2 describes the key features of Australian and international law P3 describes the operation of domestic and international legal systems P4 discusses the effectiveness of the legal system in addressing issues P5 describes the role of law in encouraging cooperation and resolving conflict, as well as initiating and responding to change P6 explains the nature of the interrelationship between the legal system and society P7 evaluates the effectiveness of the law in achieving justice P8 locates, selects and organises legal information from a variety of sources including legislation, cases, media, international instruments and documents P9 communicates legal information using well-structured responses P10 accounts for differing perspectives and interpretations of legal information and issues

Task Description

Due Date Outcomes



Course Components

Knowledge and

understanding of course content

Analysis and


Inquiry and


Communication of legal Information, issues and ideas in appropriate forms

Task 1 In Class


Term 1 Week 11


P1, P2, P3, P7, P9 30% 20% 10%

Task 2 Research

and Written Response

Term 2 Week 8


P1, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8,

P9, P10 40% 10% 10% 10% 10%

Task 3 Yearly


Term Week 8-9


All Outcomes 30% 10% 10% 10%

Total: 100% 40% 20% 20% 20%

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LEGAL STUDIES PERFORMANCE BAND DESCRIPTORS Each band represents the typical performance of students at this level

Band/Grade Descriptors Band 6 - A • Analyses, synthesises and interprets information to evaluate the effectiveness of the domestic and

international legal system in addressing issues • Demonstrates extensive knowledge and understanding of the operation of the legal system and the

processes involved in law reform • Synthesises and analyses legal information from a variety of sources including relevant legislation, cases,

media, international instruments and documents to support arguments in a domestic and international context

• Communicates coherent arguments on contemporary issues from differing perspectives and interpretations

• Communicates an argument using relevant legal concepts and terminology Band 5 - B • Analyses and interprets information to evaluate the effectiveness of the domestic and international legal

system in addressing issues • Demonstrates detailed knowledge and understanding of the operation of the legal system and the

processes involved in law reform • Uses legal information from a variety of sources including relevant legislation, cases, media, international

instruments and documents to support arguments in a domestic and international context • Presents clear arguments on contemporary issues from differing perspectives • Communicates using relevant legal concepts and terminology

Band 4 - C • Provides some analysis of information and issues related to the effectiveness of the domestic and international legal system

• Demonstrates good knowledge and understanding of the operation of the legal system and the processes involved in law reform

• Uses appropriate legal information from sources including legislation, cases, media, international instruments and documents

• Uses appropriate legal concepts and terminology Band 3 - D • Demonstrates some knowledge and understanding of the issues related to the domestic and /or

international legal system • Demonstrates some understanding of the operation of the legal system • Makes reference to sources including legislation, cases, media, international instruments and documents • Uses some legal concepts and terminology

Band 2 –E • Recognises some issues in the legal system • Demonstrates a limited understanding of some aspects of the operations of the legal system • Uses some legal terminology

Band 1 - NA • Student is not achieving course outcomes

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MATHEMATICS Course Outcomes:

MA11-1 uses algebraic and graphical techniques to solve, and where appropriate, compare alternative solutions to problems

MA11-2 uses the concepts of functions and relations to model, analyse and solve practical problems MA11-3 uses the concepts and techniques of trigonometry in the solution of equations and problems

involving geometric shapes MA11-4 uses the concepts and techniques of periodic functions in the solutions of trigonometric equations or

proof of trigonometric identities MA11-5 interprets the meaning of the derivative, determines the derivative of functions and applies these to

solve simple practical problems MA11-6 manipulates and solves expressions using the logarithmic and index laws, and uses logarithms and

exponential functions to solve practical problems MA11-7 uses concepts and techniques from probability to present and interpret data and solve problems in a

variety of contexts, including the use of probability distributions MA11-8 uses appropriate technology to investigate, organise, model and interpret information in a range of

contexts MA11-9 provides reasoning to support conclusions which are appropriate to the context

Task Description Due Date Outcomes (Syllabus)


Course Component

Understanding, fluency and


Problem-solving, reasoning and


Task 1 Test

Term 1 Week 11


MA11-1 MA11-2 MA11-8 MA11-9

30% 15% 15%

Task 2 Assignment

Term 2 Week 6


MA11-1 MA11-3 MA11-4 MA11-8 MA11-9

30% 15% 15%

Task 3 Yearly Examination

Term 3 Week 8-9

2020 All 40% 20% 20%

Total: 100% 50% 50%

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MATHEMATICS ADVANCED PERFORMANCE BAND DESCRIPTORS Each band represents the typical performance of students at this level

Band/Grade Descriptors Band 6 - A • Demonstrates extensive knowledge and skills appropriate to the course

• Demonstrates sophisticated multi-step reasoning and justification • Integrates and applies ideas from across the course to successfully solve problems • Demonstrates modelling and problem-solving skills in a wide range of familiar and unfamiliar

contexts • Communicates effectively using appropriate mathematical language, notation, diagrams and

graphs Band 5 - B • Demonstrates thorough knowledge and skills appropriate to the course

• Demonstrates multi-step logical reasoning and justification • Combines ideas from across the course to solve problems • Demonstrates a range of modelling and problem-solving skills • Communicates appropriately using mathematical language, notation, diagrams and graphs

Band 4 - C • Demonstrates sound knowledge and skills appropriate to the course • Uses logical reasoning and justifies answers • Uses appropriate approaches to solve problems • Communicates using mathematical language, notation, diagrams and graphs

Band 3 - D • Demonstrates basic knowledge and skills appropriate to the course • Applies reasoning in familiar contexts • Solves simple problems • Uses mathematical language, notation, diagrams and graphs

Band 2 –E • Demonstrates limited knowledge and skills appropriate to the course • Solves simple familiar problems with limited accuracy • Uses some mathematical language, notation, diagrams and graphs

Band 1 - NA • Student is not achieving course outcomes

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MS11-1 uses algebraic and graphical techniques to compare alternative solutions to contextual problems

MS11-2 represents information in symbolic, graphical and tabular form MS11-3 solves problems involving quantity measurement, including accuracy and the choice of relevant

units MS11-4 performs calculations in relation to two-dimensional figures MS11-5 models relevant financial situations using appropriate tools MS11-6 makes predictions about everyday situations based on simple mathematical

models MS11-7 develops and carries out simple statistical processes to answer questions posed MS11-8 solves probability problems involving multistage events MS11-9 uses appropriate technology to investigate, organise and interpret information in a range of contexts MS11-10 justifies a response to a given problem using appropriate mathematical terminology and/or


Students studying Mathematics Standard need to be aware that in the HSC course, students will have an opportunity to elect to study either the Mathematics Standard 1 or the Mathematics Standard 2 course. The Mathematics Standard 2 course is more rigorous than the Standard 1 course.

Towards the end of Term 3, 2019, the Head Teacher Mathematics will interview students whose performance indicates that Mathematics Standard 1 is more appropriate for their learning needs.

Task Description Due Date Outcomes (Syllabus)


Course Component

Understanding, fluency and


Problem-solving, reasoning and


Task 1 Test

Term 1 Week 9


MS11-1 MS11-2 MS11-5 MS11-6 MS11-9


30% 15% 15%

Task 2 Assignment

Term 2 Week 6


MS11-3 MS11-4

MS11-10 30% 15% 15%

Task 3 Yearly Examination

Term 3 Week 8-9

2020 All 40% 20% 20%

Total: 100% 50% 50%

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MATHEMATICS STANDARD 2 PERFORMANCE BAND DESCRIPTORS Each band represents the typical performance of students at this level

Band/Grade Descriptors Band 6 - A • Demonstrates extensive knowledge and skills appropriate to the course

• Applies appropriate mathematical concepts, skills and techniques consistently and accurately in a wide range of familiar and unfamiliar contexts

• Selects and uses a wide variety of problem-solving strategies to solve mathematical problems • Demonstrates mathematical reasoning and justification, and interprets and analyses

mathematical models • Communicates effectively using appropriate mathematical language, notation, diagrams and

graphs Band 5 - B • Demonstrates thorough knowledge and skills appropriate to the course

• Applies appropriate mathematical concepts, skills and techniques accurately in a range of familiar and unfamiliar contexts

• Selects and uses a variety of problem-solving strategies to solve mathematical problems • Demonstrates mathematical reasoning and interprets mathematical models • Communicates using appropriate mathematical language, notation, diagrams and graphs

Band 4 - C • Demonstrates sound knowledge and skills appropriate to the course • Uses mathematical concepts, skills and techniques in familiar and some unfamiliar contexts • Uses problem-solving strategies to solve mathematical problems • Uses some mathematical reasoning and mathematical models • Communicates using some appropriate mathematical language, notation, diagrams and graphs

Band 3 – D • Demonstrates basic knowledge and skills appropriate to the course • Uses mathematical concepts, skills and techniques in familiar contexts • Uses some mathematical reasoning • Uses some mathematical language, notation, diagrams and graphs

Band 2 – E • Demonstrates limited knowledge and skills appropriate to the course • Uses basic mathematical concepts, skills and techniques to solve problems with limited accuracy • Uses some mathematical language and simple diagrams

Band 1 – NA • Student is not achieving course outcomes

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ME11-1 uses algebraic and graphical concepts in the modelling and solving of problems involving functions and their inverses

ME11-2 manipulates algebraic expressions and graphical functions to solve problems ME11-3 applies concepts and techniques of inverse trigonometric functions and simplifying expressions

involving compound angles in the solutions of problems ME11-4 applies understanding of the concept of a derivative in the solution of problems, including

rates of change, exponential growth and decay and related rates of change ME11-5 uses concepts of permutations and combinations to solve problems involving counting or ordering ME11-6 uses appropriate technology to investigate, organise and interpret information to solve problems in a

range of contexts ME11-7 communicates making comprehensive use of mathematical language, notation, diagrams and graphs

Task Description Due Date Outcomes (Syllabus)


Course Components

Understanding, fluency and


Problem-solving, reasoning and


Task 1 Assignment

Term 1 Week 11


ME11-1 ME11-2 ME11-6 ME11-7

30% 15% 15%

Task 2 Test Term 2 Week 6


ME11-1 ME11-2 ME11-6 ME11-7 ME11-8 ME11-9

30% 15% 15%

Task 3 Yearly Examination

Term 3 Week 8-9

2020 All 40% 20% 20%

Total: 100% 50% 50%

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MATHEMATICS EXTENSION 1 PERFORMANCE BAND DESCRIPTORS Each band represents the typical performance of students at this level

Band/Grade Descriptors Band E4 • Demonstrates extensive knowledge and skills appropriate to the course

• Synthesises mathematical techniques, results and ideas effectively to solve problems • Demonstrates insightful and sophisticated multi-step mathematical reasoning and justification • Interprets, explains, justifies and evaluates solutions to problems across a wide range of

familiar and unfamiliar contexts • Applies mathematical models to efficiently solve problems • Communicates complex ideas and arguments effectively using appropriate mathematical

language, notation, diagrams and graphs Band E3 • Demonstrates thorough knowledge and skills appropriate to the course

• Synthesises mathematical techniques, results and ideas to solve problems across a range of familiar and unfamiliar contexts

• Demonstrates well-developed multi-step mathematical reasoning and justification • Interprets, explains, justifies and evaluates solutions to problems • Communicates effectively using appropriate mathematical language, notation, diagrams and

graphs Band E2 • Demonstrates sound knowledge and skills appropriate to the course

• Uses mathematical techniques, results and ideas to solve problems across a range of contexts • Demonstrates logical reasoning and justification • Communicates using mathematical language, notation, diagrams and graphs

Band E1 • Student is not achieving course outcomes

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Course Outcomes:

MH11-1 describes the nature of continuity and change in the modern world MH11-2 proposes ideas about the varying causes and effects of events and developments MH11-3 analyses the role of historical features, individuals, groups and ideas in shaping the past MH11-4 accounts for the different perspectives of individuals and groups MH11-5 examines the significance of historical features, people, ideas, movements, events and

developments of the modern world MH11-6 analyses and interprets different types of sources for evidence to support an historical account or

argument MH11-7 discusses and evaluates differing interpretations and representations of the past MH11-8 plans and conducts historical investigations and presents reasoned conclusions, using relevant

evidence from a range of sources MH11-9 communicates historical understanding, using historical knowledge, concepts and terms, in

appropriate and well-structured forms MH11-10 discusses contemporary methods and issues involved in the investigation of modern history

Task Description

Due Date Outcomes



Course Component

Knowledge and

understanding of course content

Historical skills in the analysis and evaluation of sources and interpretations

Historical inquiry

and research

Communication of historical

understanding in appropriate


Task 1 Case Study #1

Term 1 Week 9


MH11.1 MH11.2 MH11.3 MH11.4 MH11.8 MH11.9

30% 10% 10% 10%

Task 2 Historical


Term 2 Week 10


MH11.6 MH11.7 MH11.8 MH11.9


30% 10% 5% 10% 5%

Task 3 WW1


Term 3 Week 8-9


MH11.5 MH11.6 MH11.7 MH11.8 MH11.9

40% 20% 15% 5%

Total: 100% 40% 20% 20% 20%

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MODERN HISTORY PERFORMANCE BAND DESCRIPTORS Each band represents the typical performance of students at this level

Band/Grade Descriptors Band 6 - A • Demonstrates extensive knowledge and understanding of a range of historical features, people,

ideas, movements, events and developments, and their significance • Demonstrates comprehensive understanding of continuity and change over time • Demonstrates comprehensive understanding of different perspectives of individuals and groups

in the past • Analyses and interprets sources for evidence and synthesises evidence • Evaluates differing interpretations and representations of the past • Demonstrates sophisticated understanding and use of historical concepts and terms • Communicates a high level and sustained argument through well-structured and comprehensive

texts Band 5 - B • Demonstrates thorough knowledge and understanding of a range of historical features, people,

ideas, movements, events and developments, and their significance • Demonstrates a well-developed understanding of continuity and change over time • Demonstrates a well-developed understanding of different perspectives of individuals and groups

in the past • Analyses and interprets sources for evidence • Analyses differing interpretations and representations of the past • Demonstrates thorough understanding and use of historical concepts and terms • Communicates a coherent and sustained argument through well-structured and comprehensive

texts Band 4 - C • Demonstrates sound knowledge and understanding of a range of historical features, people,

ideas, movements, events and developments, and their significance • Demonstrates sound understanding of continuity and change over time • Demonstrates sound understanding of different perspectives of individuals and groups in the past • Uses sources for evidence • Discusses interpretations and representations of the past • Demonstrates understanding of historical concepts and terms • Communicates a general argument through well-structured texts

Band 3 - D • Demonstrates basic understanding of historical features, people, events, and their significance • Identifies features of continuity and change over time • Demonstrates basic understanding of different perspectives of individuals and groups in the past • Makes reference to sources • Identifies interpretations and representations of the past • Uses basic historical concepts and terms • Communicates basic information through descriptive texts

Band 2 –E • Describes historical features, people and events • Recognises aspects of continuity and/or change • Demonstrates limited understanding of different perspectives of individuals and groups in the

past • Makes reference to sources • Uses limited historical concepts and terms • Provides limited information in narrative style

Band 1 - NA • Student is not achieving course outcomes

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MUSIC 1 Course Outcomes: P1 performs music that is characteristic of the topics studied P2 observes, reads, interprets and discusses simple musical scores characteristic of topics studied P3 improvises and creates melodies, harmonies and rhythmic accompaniments for familiar sound sources

reflecting the cultural and historical contexts studied P4 recognises and identifies the concepts of music and discusses their use in a variety of musical styles P5 comments on and constructively discusses performances and compositions P6 observes and discusses concepts of music in works representative of the topics studied P7 understands the capabilities of performing media, explores and uses current technologies as appropriate

to the topics studied P8 identifies, recognises, experiments with and discusses the use of technology in music P9 performs as a means of self-expression and communication P10 demonstrates a willingness to participate in performance, composition, musicology and aural activities P11 demonstrates a willingness to accept and use constructive criticism

Task Description Due Date Outcomes



Course Components

Performance Composition Musicology Aural

Task 1 Viva Voce

Term 1 Week 9


P2, P4, P5, P6, P8 25% 25%

Task 2 Composition

and Aural Examination

Term 2 Week 6


P2, P3, P4, P6, P7, P8,

P10 40% 25% 15%

Task 3 Performance and Analysis

Term 3 Week 6


P1, P2, P5, P6, P8 35% 25% 10%

Total: 100% 25% 25% 25% 25%

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MUSIC 1 PERFORMANCE BAND DESCRIPTORS Each band represents the typical performance of students at this level

Band/Grade Descriptors Band 6 - A • Displays extensive knowledge and skills about the concepts of music and of music as an art form

in a variety of cultural and historical contexts • Displays extensive understanding of the concepts of music in a diverse range of aural experiences • Communicates a comprehensive understanding of the concepts of music and makes extensive

musical observations on the chosen topic • Performs with a high level of technical skill and stylistic interpretation • Composes with a high level of stylistic understanding and musical discrimination

Band 5 - B • Displays detailed knowledge and skills about the concepts of music and of music as an art form in a variety of cultural and historical contexts

• Displays a detailed understanding of the concepts of music in a diverse range of aural experiences • Communicates a thorough understanding of the concepts of music and makes detailed musical

observations on the chosen topic • Performs with sustained technical skill and an understanding of style • Composes with a thorough stylistic understanding and musical discrimination

Band 4 - C • Displays sound knowledge and skills about the concepts of music and of music as an art form in a variety of cultural and historical contexts

• Displays a clear understanding of the concepts of music in a diverse range of aural experiences • Communicates a clear understanding of the concepts of music and makes sound musical

observations on the chosen topic • Performs with sound technical skill and a sense of style • Composes with a sound stylistic understanding

Band 3 - D • Displays basic knowledge and skills about the concepts of music and of music as an art form in a variety of cultural and historical contexts

• Displays a basic understanding of the concepts of music across a range of aural experiences • Communicates a basic understanding of the concepts of music and makes musical observations

on the chosen topic • Performs with a basic technical skill and an inconsistent awareness of style • Composes with a basic stylistic understanding

Band 2 –E • Displays limited knowledge and skills about the concepts of music and of music as an art form in a variety of cultural and historical contexts

• Displays a simplistic understanding of the concepts of music in aural experiences • Communicates a limited understanding of the concepts of music and simple musical observations

on the chosen topic • Performs with a limited interpretive and technical skill • Composes with a limited stylistic understanding

Band 1 - NA • Student is not achieving course outcomes

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Course Outcomes:

P1 confidently performs repertoire that reflects the mandatory and additional topics, both as a soloist and as a member of an ensemble

P2 demonstrates an understanding of the concepts of music by interpreting, analysing, discussing, creating and notating a variety of musical symbols characteristically used in the mandatory and additional topics

P3 composes, improvises and analyses melodies and accompaniments for familiar sound sourced in solo and/or small ensembles

P4 creates, improvises and notates music which is representative of the mandatory and additional topics and demonstrates different social, cultural and historical contexts

P5 analyses and discusses compositional processes with stylistic, historical, cultural and musical considerations P6 discusses and evaluates music making constructive suggestions about performances and compositions P7 observes and discusses in detail and concepts of music in works representative of the mandatory and

additional topics P8 understands the capabilities of performing media, explores and uses current technologies as appropriate to

the contexts studied P9 identifies, recognises, experiments with and discusses the use of technology in music P10 performs as a means of self expression and communication P11 demonstrates a willingness to participate in performance, composition, musicology and aural activities P12 demonstrates a willingness to accept and use constructive criticism

Task Description Due Date

Outcomes (Syllabus)


Course Components

Performance Composition Musicology Aural

Task 1 Musicology and

Aural Skills

Term 1 Week 9


P2, P5, P6, P7 25% 15% 10%

Task 2 Performance with

Background Research

Term 2 Week 7


P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8,

P9 35% 25% 10%

Task 3 Composition Portfolio and Aural Analysis

Term 3 Week 10


P2, P3, P4, P5, P7

40% 25% 15%

Total: 100% 25% 25% 25% 25%

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Each band represents the typical performance of students at this level

Band/Grade Descriptors Band 6 - A Student…

• displays extensive knowledge, skills and understanding of music in social, cultural and historical contexts and of music as an art form

• makes high level musical observations reflecting comprehensive musical experiences • demonstrates excellent development of ideas, musical discrimination and stylistic understanding

in composition • performs with expertise displaying stylistic interpretation and a high level of technical skill • demonstrates comprehensive analytical skills supported by an excellent understanding of the

musical concepts Band 5 - B • displays detailed knowledge, skills and understanding of music in social, cultural and historical

contexts and of music as an art form • makes detailed musical observations reflecting diverse musical experiences • demonstrates successful development of ideas, stylistic and technical competence in composition • performs stylistically with musical sensitivity and technical accomplishment • displays detailed analytical skills supported by a thorough understanding of the musical concepts

Band 4 - C • displays sound knowledge, skills and understanding of music in social, cultural and historical contexts and of music as an art form

• makes sound musical observations based on broad musical experiences • demonstrates musical merit and stylistic awareness in composition • performs with musical style and proficiency • demonstrates broad analytical skills based on a good understanding of the musical concepts with

stylistic inconsistencies Band 3 - D • displays basic knowledge, skills and understanding of music in social, cultural and historical

contexts and of music as an art form • makes musical observations based on their musical experiences • demonstrates inconsistent musical merit and stylistic awareness in composition • performs competently but inconsistently • demonstrates basic analytical skills and understanding of the musical concepts

Band 2 –E • displays limited knowledge, skills and understanding of music in social, cultural and historical contexts and of music as an art form

• makes simple musical observations • demonstrates limited musical merit in composition • performs with limited interpretive and technical skills • demonstrates limited analytical skills and simple understanding of the musical concepts

Band 1 - NA • Student is not achieving course outcomes

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PHOTOGRAPHY, VIDEO AND DIGITAL IMAGING Course Outcomes: Making: M1 generates a characteristic style that is increasingly self-reflective in their photographic and/or video and/or digital

practice M2 explores concepts of artist/photographer, still and moving works, interpretations of the world and audience

response, in their making of still and/or moving works M3 investigates different points of view in the making of photographs and/or videos and/or digital images M4 generates images and ideas as representations/simulations in the making of photographs and/or videos and/or

digital images M5 develops different techniques suited to artistic intentions in the making of photographs and/or videos and/or digital

images M6 takes into account issues of occupational health and safety in the making of photographs and/or videos/and or

digital works

Critical and Historical Studies: CH1 generates in their critical and historical practice ways to interpret and explain photography and/or video and/or

digital imaging CH2 investigates the roles and relationships among the concepts of artist, work, world and audience in critical and

historical investigations CH3 distinguishes between different points of view and offers interpretive accounts in critical and

historical studies CH4 explores ways in which histories, narratives and other accounts can be built to explain practices and interests in the

fields of photography and/or video and/or digital imaging CH5 recognises how photography and/or video and/or digital imaging are used in various fields of cultural production

Task Description

Due Date




Course Components

Art Making Critical and Historical

Design Studies

Task 1 Photographic

Portfolio Submission of photographic

works and PDMJ

Term 2 Week 2


M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6

30% 30%

Task 2 Photographic Case Studies Art Criticism

and Art History


Term 2 Week 8



30% 30%

Task 3 Photographic

Portfolio Submission of photographic

works and PDMJ

Term 3 Week 10


M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6

40 % 40%

Total: 100% 70% 30%

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Each band represents the typical performance of students at this level

Band/Grade Descriptors Band 6 - A Student…

• demonstrates extensive knowledge and understanding of content • displays comprehensive understanding of content, processes, concepts • critically analyses, synthesises and interprets information • demonstrates high–level competence in particular skills, processes • demonstrates high–level skills in critical judgement, reasoning, prediction, inference, evaluation, problem

solving, interpretation • demonstrates high–level skills in the use of appropriate technologies • demonstrates outstanding performance and technique • effectively communicates in a coherent, creative, succinct, logical, sophisticated manner with precision,

originality or flair using terminology extensively and appropriately Band 5 - B • demonstrates thorough knowledge and understanding of content

• displays detailed understanding of content, processes, concepts • analyses, synthesises and interprets information • demonstrates competence in particular skills, processes • demonstrates competent skills in critical judgement, reasoning, prediction, inference, evaluation, problem

solving, interpretation • demonstrates competent skills in the use of appropriate technologies • demonstrates accomplished performance and technique • competently communicates in a coherent, creative, succinct, logical, sophisticated manner with control or

originality using appropriate terminology. Band 4 - C • demonstrates sound knowledge and understanding of content

• displays clear understanding of content, processes, concepts • analyses and interprets information • demonstrates ability in particular skills, processes • demonstrates skills in critical judgement, reasoning, prediction, inference, evaluation, problem solving,

interpretation • demonstrates skills in the use of appropriate technologies • demonstrates sound performance and technique • communicates in a creative, succinct, logical, manner with coherence, control or originality using

appropriate terminology. Band 3 - D • demonstrates basic knowledge and understanding of content

• displays basic understanding of content, processes, concepts • interprets information • demonstrates basic ability in particular skills, processes • demonstrates basic skills in judgement, reasoning, prediction, problem solving, interpretation • demonstrates basic skills in the use of appropriate technologies • demonstrates basic performance and technique • communicates with adequate control or originality using some appropriate terminology

Band 2 –E • demonstrates elementary knowledge and understanding of content • displays simple understanding of content, processes, concepts • interprets information • demonstrates elementary ability in particular skills, processes • demonstrates elementary skills in argument and problem solving • demonstrates elementary skills in the use of appropriate technologies • demonstrates elementary performance and technique • demonstrates limited communication abilities

Band 1 - NA • Student is not achieving course outcomes

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P1 identifies and examines why people give different meanings to health P2 explains how a range of health behaviours effect an individual’s health P3 describes how an individual’s health is determined by a range of factors P4 evaluates aspects of health over which individuals can exert some control P5 describes factors that contribute to effective health promotion P6 proposes actions that can improve and maintain an individual’s health P7 explains how the body systems influence the way the body moves P8 describes the components of physical fitness and explains how they are monitored P9 describes biomechanical factors that influence the efficiency of the body in motion P10 plans for participation in physical activity to satisfy a range of individual needs P11 assesses and monitors physical fitness levels and physical activity patterns P12 demonstrates strategies for the assessment, management and prevention of injuries in first aid settings

(Option 1) P14 demonstrates the technical and interpersonal skills necessary to participate safely in challenging outdoor

recreation activities (Option 4) P15 forms opinions about health promoting actions based on critical examination of relevant information P16 uses a range of sources to draw conclusions about health and physical activity concepts P17 analyses factors influencing movement and patterns of participation

Task Description

Due Date Outcomes



Course Component

Knowledge and Understanding

Critical Thinking, Research Methodology,

Analysing and Communicating

Task 1 Body in Motion Video

Analysis/in class response

Term 1 Week 9


P7 P8

P10 P11 P16 P17

25% 10% 15%

Task 2 Better Health for Individuals

Group Presentation (class time


Term 2 Commence

in class week 5/ present

week 9/10, 2020

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6

P15 P16

35% 10% 25%

Task 3 Yearly


Term 3 Week 8-9


All outcomes 40% 20% 20%

Total: 100% 40% 60%

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PDHPE PERFORMANCE BAND DESCRIPTORS Each band represents the typical performance of students at this level

Band/Grade Descriptors Band 6 - A • Demonstrates extensive knowledge and understanding of the range of concepts related to health and

physical performance • Comprehensively applies theoretical principles to design and evaluate specific strategies for improving

health, participation and performance • Demonstrates a superior understanding of the interrelated roles and responsibilities of individuals, groups

and governments in the management and promotion of health • Critically analyses movement and the range of factors that affect physical performance and participation • Provides relevant and accurate examples to justify complex arguments about health, participation and

performance Band 5 - B • Clearly expresses ideas that demonstrate a thorough understanding of health and physical performance

concepts • Identifies strategies for improving health, participation and performance and discusses the links between

individual health behaviour, social issues and community health status • Demonstrates a detailed understanding of the interrelated roles of individuals, groups and governments in

the management and promotion of health • Demonstrates an understanding of the interrelationships between the various factors that impact on

physical performance • Supports particular arguments thoroughly by using relevant examples and current information on health,

participation and performance Band 4 - C • Demonstrates a clear understanding of the broad concepts that relate to personal health and physical

performance • Relates strategies for managing the major causes of sickness and death to the contributing risk factors • Demonstrates a sound understanding of the roles of individuals, groups and governments in promoting

health • Describes a range of factors that affect the quality of physical performance • Communicates information in a clear and logical way providing some examples about health, participation

and performance Band 3 - D • Uses basic definitions and facts when explaining health and physical performance concepts

• Identifies the major causes of sickness and death and understands that a healthy lifestyle is a desirable goal • Demonstrates an understanding of the need for government and community action in relation to promoting

health • Identifies some relevant factors which influence physical performance • Provides basic support for the arguments presented on health, participation and performance

Band 2 –E • Recalls some simple facts and writes brief descriptions • Demonstrates an understanding of elementary terms and recognises simple cause and effect relationships

as they apply to health and movement • Outlines some factors affecting health and identifies relevant illness prevention measures • Demonstrates an understanding of general movement principles • Provides limited support for the arguments presented on health, participation and performance

Band 1 - NA • Student is not achieving course outcomes

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PHYSICS Course Outcomes: PH11-1 develops and evaluates questions and hypotheses for scientific investigation PH11-2 designs and evaluates investigations in order to obtain primary and secondary data and information PH11-3 conducts investigations to collect valid and reliable primary and secondary data and information PH11-4 selects and processes appropriate qualitative and quantitative data and information using a range of

appropriate media PH11-5 analyses and evaluates primary and secondary data and information PH11-6 solves scientific problems using primary and secondary data, critical thinking skills and scientific processes PH11-7 communicates scientific understanding using suitable language and terminology for a specific audience or

purpose PH11-8 describes and analyses motion in terms of scalar and vector quantities in two dimensions and makes

quantitative measurements and calculations for distance, displacement, speed velocity and acceleration PH11-9 describes and explains events in terms of Newton’s Laws of Motion, the law of conservation of

momentum and the law of conservation of energy PH11-10 explains and analyses waves and the transfer of energy by sound, light and thermodynamic principles PH11-11 explains and quantitatively analyses electric fields, circuitry and magnetism

Task Description Due Date Outcomes (Syllabus)


Course Components

Skills in working scientifically

Knowledge and understanding of course


Task 1 Research and

Data Processing

Term 1 Week 10


PHY11-1 PHY11-5 PHY11-7


35% 30% 5%

Task 2 Depth Study

Term 2 Week 9


PHY11-4 PHY11-5 PHY11-7 PHY11-9

30% 20% 10%

Task 3 Yearly


Term 3 Week 8-9


PHY11 2 PHY11-3 PHY11-4 PHY11-5 PHY11-8 PHY11-9


35% 10% 25%

Total: 100% 60% 40%

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PHYSICS PERFORMANCE BAND DESCRIPTORS Each band represents the typical performance of students at this level

Band/Grade Descriptors Band 6 - A • Demonstrates an extensive knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts, including complex and abstract

ideas • Communicates scientific understanding succinctly, logically, and consistently using correct and precise scientific

terms and application of nomenclature in a variety of formats and wide range of contexts • Designs and plans investigations to obtain accurate, reliable, valid and relevant primary and secondary data,

evaluating risks, mitigating where applicable, and making modifications in response to new evidence • Selects, processes, and interprets accurate, reliable, valid, and relevant qualitative and quantitative, primary or

secondary data, and represents it using a range of scientific formats to derive trends, show patterns and relationships, explain phenomena, and make predictions

• Designs solutions to scientific problems, questions, or hypotheses using selected accurate, reliable, valid, and relevant primary and secondary data, and scientific evidence, by applying processes, modelling and formats

• Applies knowledge and information to unfamiliar situations to propose comprehensive solutions or explanations for scientific issues or scenarios

Band 5 - B • Demonstrates thorough knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts, including complex and abstract ideas

• Communicates scientific understanding, logically, and effectively using correct scientific terms and application of nomenclature in a variety of formats and wide range of contexts

• Designs and plans investigations to obtain accurate, reliable, valid and relevant primary and secondary data, evaluating risks, mitigating where applicable, and making some modifications in response to new evidence

• Selects, processes, and interprets accurate, reliable, valid, and relevant qualitative and quantitative, primary or secondary data, and represents it using a range of scientific formats to derive trends, show patterns and relationships

• Designs solutions to scientific problems, questions, or hypotheses using selected accurate, reliable, and valid primary and secondary data, and scientific evidence, by applying processes, and formats

• Applies knowledge and information to unfamiliar situations to propose explanations for scientific issues or scenarios

Band 4 - C • Demonstrates sound knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts • Communicates scientific understanding effectively using scientific terms and application of nomenclature • Designs and plans investigations to obtain primary and secondary data and evaluates risks • Processes and interprets primary and secondary data, and represents it using a range of scientific formats • Identifies scientific problems, questions, or hypotheses and applies processes, and formats to primary or

secondary data • Applies knowledge and information relevant to scientific issues or scenarios

Band 3 - D • Demonstrates basic knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts • Communicates scientific understanding using basic scientific terms and application of nomenclature • Implements scientific processes to obtain primary and secondary data and identifies risks • Processes primary or secondary data, and represents it using scientific formats • Responds to scientific problems, questions, or hypotheses • Recalls scientific knowledge and information

Band 2 –E • Demonstrates limited knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts • Communicates scientific understanding using limited scientific terms • Partially outlines investigations to obtain data and information • Provides simple descriptions of scientific phenomena • Recalls basic scientific knowledge and information

Band 1 - NA • Student is not achieving course outcomes

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P1 identifies and applies social and cultural concepts P2 describes personal, social and cultural identity P3 Identifies and describes relationships and interactions within and between social and cultural groups P4 identifies the features of social and cultural literacy and how it develops P5 explains continuity and change and their implications for societies and cultures P6 differentiates between social and cultural research methods P7 selects, organises and considers information from a variety of sources for usefulness, validity and bias P8 plans and conducts ethical social and cultural research P9 uses appropriate course language and concepts suitable for different audiences and contexts P10 communicates information, ideas and issues using appropriate written, oral and graphic forms

Task Description

Due Date Outcomes



Course Component

Knowledge and

understanding of course content

Application and evaluation

of social and cultural research methods

Communication of information, ideas and issues in appropriate


Task 1 Personal and social Identity

Term 2 Week 2


P1, P3, P5, P6, P7, P10 30% 15% 10% 5%

Task 2 Intercultural


Term 3 Week 5


P1, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8,

P10 40% 10% 20% 10%

Task 3 Yearly


Term 3 Week 8-9

2019 All outcomes 30% 25% 5%

Total: 100% 50% 30% 20%

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SOCIETY AND CULTURE PERFORMANCE BAND DESCRIPTORS Each band represents the typical performance of students at this level

Band/Grade Descriptors Band 6 - A • Demonstrates high level analysis of the complex nature of cultural diversity and commonality and the

relationships within and between social and cultural groups • Demonstrates high level application and justification of a range of social and cultural research methods • Critically evaluates appropriate course concepts and their influence in societies and cultures • Selects and organises information from a range of sources and critically evaluates sources for usefulness

and bias • Communicates complex analysis through well-structured and detailed texts using a range of appropriate

terms associated with society and culture • Critically evaluates continuity and change, strategies for change and implications for societies and cultures • Provides evidence of comprehensive use of planning and review strategies to manage a range of complex

tasks and makes effective use of time and resources Band 5 - B • Demonstrates a thorough understanding of cultural diversity and commonality and analyses the nature of

relationships within and between social and cultural groups • Demonstrates thorough application and justification of social and cultural research methods • Analyses appropriate course concepts and their influence in societies and cultures • Selects and organises information from a variety of sources and makes some judgments on the usefulness

and bias of the sources • Communicates a well organised and sustained argument through well-structured and detailed texts using a

variety of appropriate terms associated with society and culture • Evaluates continuity and change and can assess strategies for change and implications for societies and

cultures • Provides evidence of thorough use of planning and review strategies to manage a range of complex tasks

and make effective use of time and resources Band 4 - C • Demonstrates a sound understanding of cultural diversity and commonality and explains the nature of

relationships within and between social and cultural groups • Applies appropriate social and cultural research methods • Explains appropriate course concepts and their influence in societies and cultures • Interprets data from a variety of sources forming sound conclusions • Communicates a sound argument through well-structured texts using appropriate language • Demonstrates a sound understanding of continuity and change, and some strategies to manage change • Provides some evidence of the use of sound planning and review strategies to manage a number of tasks

and to use time and resources effectively Band 3 - D • Demonstrates a basic understanding of cultural diversity and commonality and the nature of relationships

between social and cultural groups • Applies basic social and cultural research methods • Describes course concepts and their influence in societies and cultures • Gathers evidence from different forms of data and draws basic conclusions • Writes basic explanations of ideas and issues using some appropriate language • Demonstrates a descriptive understanding of continuity and change • Provides evidence of basic use of planning and review strategies to manage tasks and organise the use of

time and resources Band 2 –E • Recognises cultural diversity and the relationships between social groups

• Demonstrates limited application of basic social and cultural research methods • Outlines course concepts and their influence in societies and cultures • Provides simple interpretations from a limited range of data • Writes simple descriptions of ideas and issues and demonstrates comprehension of basic terms • Describes continuity or change in limited terms • Provides evidence of limited use of planning and review strategies to manage tasks and organise the use of

time and resources Band 1 - NA • Student is not achieving course outcomes

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SPORT, LIFESTYLE AND RECREATION – NON ATAR Course Outcomes: 1.1 applies the rules and conventions that relate to participation in a range of physical activities 1.2 explains the relationship between physical activity, fitness and healthy lifestyle 1.3 demonstrates ways to enhance safety in physical activity 1.4 investigates and interprets the patterns of participation in sport and physical activity in Australia 1.5 critically analyses the factors affecting lifestyle balance and their impact on health status 1.6 describes administrative procedures that support successful performance outcomes 2.1 explains the principles of skill development and training 2.2 analyses the fitness requirements of specific activities 2.3 selects and participates in physical activities that meet individual needs, interests and abilities 2.4 describes how societal influences impact on the nature of sport in Australia 2.5 describes the relationship between anatomy, physiology and performance 3.1 selects appropriate strategies and tactics for success in a range of movement contexts 3.2 designs programs that respond to performance needs 3.3 measures and evaluates physical performance capacity 3.4 composes, performs and appraises movement 3.5 analyses personal health practices 3.6 assesses and responds appropriately to emergency care situations 3.7 analyses the impact of professionalism in sport 4.1 plans strategies to achieve performance goal 4.2 demonstrates leadership skills and a capacity to work cooperatively in movement context 4.3 makes strategic plans to overcome the barriers to personal and community health 4.4 demonstrates competence and confidence in movement contexts 4.5 recognises the skills and abilities required to adopt roles that support health, safety and physical activity.

Task Description Due Date Outcomes (Syllabus)


Course Component

Knowledge and understanding Skills

Task 1 Athletics Carnival

Term 1 Week 9


1.1 1.3 1.6 3.2

25% 10% 15%

Task 2 Coaching

Term 2 Week 8 2020

1.4 2.4 4.2 4.3 4.5

35% 25% 10%

Task 3 Practical Application

Term 3 Weeks 6


2.1 2.5 3.2 3.6 4.4

40% 15% 25%

Total: 100% 50% 50%

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Each band represents the typical performance of students at this level Band/Grade Descriptors Band 6 - A • Demonstrates extensive knowledge and understanding of content

• Displays comprehensive understanding of content, processes, concepts • Critically analyses, synthesises and interprets information • Demonstrates high–level competence in particular skills, processes • Demonstrates high–level skills in critical judgement, reasoning, prediction, inference, evaluation, problem

solving, interpretation • Demonstrates high–level skills in the use of appropriate technologies • Demonstrates outstanding performance and technique • Effectively communicates in a coherent, creative, succinct, logical, sophisticated manner with precision,

originality or flair using terminology extensively and appropriately Band 5 - B • Demonstrates thorough knowledge and understanding of content

• Displays detailed understanding of content, processes, concepts • Analyses, synthesises and interprets information • Demonstrates competence in particular skills, processes • Demonstrates competent skills in critical judgement, reasoning, prediction, inference, evaluation, problem

solving, interpretation • Demonstrates competent skills in the use of appropriate technologies • Demonstrates accomplished performance and technique • Competently communicates in a coherent, creative, succinct, logical, sophisticated manner with control or

originality using appropriate terminology. Band 4 - C • Demonstrates sound knowledge and understanding of content

• Displays clear understanding of content, processes, concepts • Analyses and interprets information • Demonstrates ability in particular skills, processes • Demonstrates skills in critical judgement, reasoning, prediction, inference, evaluation, problem solving,

interpretation • Demonstrates skills in the use of appropriate technologies • Demonstrates sound performance and technique • Communicates in a creative, succinct, logical, manner with coherence, control or originality using

appropriate terminology. Band 3 - D • Demonstrates basic knowledge and understanding of content

• Displays basic understanding of content, processes, concepts • Interprets information • Demonstrates basic ability in particular skills, processes • Demonstrates basic skills in judgement, reasoning, prediction, problem solving, interpretation • Demonstrates basic skills in the use of appropriate technologies • Demonstrates basic performance and technique • Communicates with adequate control or originality using some appropriate terminology.

Band 2 –E • Demonstrates elementary knowledge and understanding of content • Displays simple understanding of content, processes, concepts • Interprets information • Demonstrates elementary ability in particular skills, processes • Demonstrates elementary skills in argument and problem solving • Demonstrates elementary skills in the use of appropriate technologies • Demonstrates elementary performance and technique • Demonstrates limited communication abilities

Band 1 - NA • Student is not achieving course outcomes

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Course Outcomes:

P1.1 describes the elements and principles of design and uses them in a variety of applications P1.2 identifies the functional and aesthetic requirements and features of a range of textile items P2.1 demonstrates the use of a variety of communication skills, including computer-based technology P2.2 develops competence in the selection and use of appropriate manufacturing techniques and equipment P2.3 manages the design and manufacture of textile projects P3.1 identifies properties of a variety of fabrics, yarns and fibres P3.2 justifies the selection of fabrics, yarns and fibres for end-uses P4.1 identifies and selects textiles for specific end-uses based on analysis of experimentation. P5.1 examines the status of the Australian Textile, Clothing, Footwear and Allied Industries within the global

context P5.2 investigates the range of career options in design, consumerism, manufacturing and retail sectors of the

Australian Textile, Clothing, Footwear and Allied Industries P6.1 identifies and appreciates the factors that contribute to the quality and value of textiles in society

Task Description Due Date Outcomes



Course Components

Knowledge and understanding of

course content

Skills and knowledge in the design,

manufacture and management of textiles projects

Task 1

Case Study

Term 1

Week 10


P2.1, P5.1, P5.2, P6.1

25% 15% 10%

Task 2

Folio and Practical Task

Term 3

Week 6


P1.1, P1.2, P2.1, P2.2, P2.3, P3.1,

P3.2, P4.1 40% 10% 30%

Task 3

Yearly Examination

Term 3

Week 8-9


All Outcomes 35% 25% 10%

Total: 100% 50% 50%

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TEXTILES AND DESIGN PERFORMANCE BAND DESCRIPTORS Each band represents the typical performance of students at this level

Band/Grade Descriptors Band 6 - A • Demonstrates an extensive knowledge and understanding of the properties, performance, design, and

production of textiles and the development of new textile technologies • Displays expertise in a variety of design and technological skills in the development and production of the

major textiles project • Communicates ideas and information clearly and comprehensively in written, visual and graphic forms • Generates, modifies and evaluates complex, aesthetically pleasing and functionally appropriate textile

designs • Selects and extensively justifies fabric, yarn, fibre and manufacturing techniques for specific end uses • Critically evaluates the historical, cultural and contemporary influences on the australian textile, clothing,

footwear and allied industries Band 5 - B • Demonstrates a thorough knowledge and understanding of the properties, performance, design, and

production of textiles and the development of new textile technologies • Displays proficiency in a variety of design and technological skills in the development and production of the

major textiles project • Communicates ideas and information clearly in written, visual and graphic forms • Generates, modifies and evaluates creative and functionally appropriate textile designs • Selects and justifies fabric, yarn, fibre and manufacturing techniques for specific end- uses • Evaluates the historical, cultural and contemporary influences on the australian textile, clothing, footwear

and allied industries Band 4 - C • Demonstrates a sound knowledge and understanding of the properties, performance, design, and

production of textiles and the development of new textile technologies • Displays competence in a variety of design and technological skills in the development and production of

the major textiles project • Communicates ideas and information adequately in written, visual and graphic forms • Generates and modifies creative design ideas • Selects fabric, yarn, fibre and manufacturing techniques for specific end-uses with limited justification • Analyses the historical, cultural and contemporary influences on the australian textile, clothing, footwear

and allied industries Band 3 - D • Shows a basic understanding of the properties, performance, design, and production of textiles and the

development of new textile technologies • Displays sound design and technological skills in the development and production of the major textiles

project. • Communicates information and ideas in simple diagrammatical and written forms. • Generates and modifies design ideas in a basic way • Selects fabric, fibre and manufacturing techniques for specific end-uses • Explains the historical, cultural and contemporary influences on the australian textile, clothing, footwear

and allied industries Band 2 –E • Recalls elementary textile concepts and processes

• Displays limited design and technological skills in the development and production of the major textiles project

• Communicates ideas and information using simple textile terminology and diagrams • Generates design ideas in an elementary way • Uses a limited selection of fabrics, fibres and manufacturing techniques • Describes the historical, cultural and contemporary influences on the australian textile, clothing, footwear

and allied industries Band 1 - NA • Student is not achieving course outcomes

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VISUAL ARTS Course Outcomes: P1 explores the conventions of practice in artmaking. P2 explores the roles and relationships between the concepts of artist, artwork, world and audience. P3 identifies the frames as the basis of understanding expressive representation through the making of art. P4 investigates subject matter and forms as representations in art making. P5 investigates ways of developing coherence and layers of meaning in the making of art. P6 explores a range of material techniques in ways that support artistic intentions. P7 explores the conventions of practice in art criticism and art history. P8 explores the roles and relationships between concepts of artist, artwork, world and audience through

critical and historical investigations of art. P9 identifies the frames as the basis of exploring different orientations to critical and historical investigations

of art. P10 explores ways in which significant art histories, critical narratives and other documentary accounts of the

visual arts can be constructed

Task Description Due Date Outcomes (Syllabus)


Course Components

Artmaking Art criticism

and art history

Task 1 Portfolio of Experimental Works

and Ideas Submission of exploratory ideas

and artworks VAPD

Term 2 Week 1


P1,P3, P4, P5, P6 30% 30%

Task 2 Portfolio of Body of Work Submitted artwork(s) of

exploratory ideas and concepts. - VAPD and artworks.

- Case study

Term 2 Week 8


P1, P2, P3, P4, P7,

P10 40% 20% 20%

Task 3 Yearly Examination

Art Criticism and Art History

Term 3 Week 8-9


P8, P9, P10 40% 30%

Total: 100% 50% 50%

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VISUAL ARTS PERFORMANCE BAND DESCRIPTORS Each band represents the typical performance of students at this level

Band/Grade Descriptors Band 6 - A • A highly developed understanding of practice and a sustained reflective engagement informed by a

knowledge of possibilities, conventions, processes and ways to proceed both practically and conceptually • An authoritative understanding of the art world acknowledging the complex and subtle relations among the

artist, artwork, world and audience • A sophisticated understanding of how different interpretive frameworks can be employed to represent a

point of view • A sophisticated understanding of how ideas and interests may be represented involving a synthesis of the

interpretation of content/subject matter and the form of the work • A highly developed understanding of how meaning is sustained at a number of levels through engagement

with practice, art world agencies and interpretive frameworks • Resolution, coherence, completeness which is outstanding, innovative and cutting edge

Band 5 - B • A well-developed understanding of practice and a sustained engagement involving a knowledge of possibilities, conventions, processes and ways to proceed both practically and conceptually

• An accomplished understanding of the art world involving relations among the artist, artwork, world, and audience

• An accomplished understanding of how different interpretive frameworks can be employed to represent a point of view

• A well-developed understanding of how ideas and interests may be represented involving a synthesis of the interpretation of content/subject matter and the form of work

• An accomplished understanding of how meaning is sustained at a number of levels that involve practice, artwork agencies and interpretive frameworks

• Resolution, coherence, completeness which is accomplished Band 4 - C • A sound understanding of conventions, processes and possibilities of practice

• A sound understanding of the art world and relations among the artist, artwork, world and audience • A good understanding that interpretive frameworks inform a point of view • A sound understanding of representation by attempting some synthesis and interpretation of the

content/subject matter and the form of the work • A good understanding that meaning can be sustained at a number of levels by makers, audiences and

artworks • Consideration of the need to adapt, refine and select ideas and approaches employed to achieve resolution • Resolution, cohesion, completeness which is sound

Band 3 - D • Some understanding of conventions, processes and possibilities available to them yet demonstrates a limited engagement

• A basic knowledge of the art world understood and described as artist, artwork, world and audience • A foundational understanding of how different points of view may be possible but has difficulty presenting

their own point of view • A basic understanding of representational issues by attempting to select and organise the subject

matter/content and form of the work • Some basic awareness that different meanings are possible in the visual arts • A foundational understanding of ideas and approaches to achieve resolution

Band 2 –E • Some understanding of conventions, processes and possibilities of practice • A simple understanding of the art world involving some knowledge of a few artists and artworks • Some understanding that points of view are possible and may differ from their own • A limited understanding of how ideas and subject matter and materials can be represented • A belief that meaning is self-evident or apparent in their own and others’ work • A limited selection of ideas and approaches to achieve resolution

Band 1 - NA • Student is not achieving course outcomes

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• Construction • Entertainment • Hospitality • Information and Digital Technology • Sports Coaching (NON- ATAR)

All students successfully completing a VET Course will be eligible for one or all of the following credentials:

1. An HSC 2. Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Certificate I, II or III

Students wanting to use their VET course for the Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR) need to sit the external examination. IMPORTANT: VET courses are categorised as Category B courses and only 1 Category B course to the value of 2 units may be included in the calculation for the ATAR. Assessment for AQF Certification is competency based. Competence incorporates all aspects of work performance including communication, problem solving and the capacity to apply skills and knowledge in both familiar and new situations, as well as industry specific skills. Students are given the opportunity to develop skills over time and have multiple opportunities to demonstrate competence. Competency Record A record of the units and elements of competence achieved will be kept in a separate competency log for each student, as well as in a data base retained by the teacher. Evidence of competence will be gathered on an ongoing basis through specific tasks and events, such as projects, assignments, written and practical tests. There are no marks awarded in competency-based assessments. To be satisfactory in these courses students must:

• Show diligence and sustained effort in achieving competencies by attempting all competency based assessment, participating actively in all class activities and attending on a regular basis.

• Attend mandatory work placement for assessment of work site competencies. HSC Examination The HSC Exam is independent of competency-based assessment requirements for AQF Certification for the purpose of an Australian Tertiary Admissions Ranking (ATAR), students will sit an external exam. The completion of internal examinations will be used to determine an exam estimate should one be required in cases of illness and misadventure during the HSC exam. These exams will also be used as sources of evidence of competence in some units, and therefore will contribute to the competency-based assessment program. Work Placement Work Placement is a mandatory requirement for every VET course. Failure to complete Work Placement in either the Preliminary or HSC year will render the student ineligible for the award of a Preliminary and HSC credential. If a student exits the course at the end of the Preliminary year they MUST have completed a minimum of 35 hours work placement to satisfy NESA requirements. *Assessment schedules for courses offered outside of Nepean CAPA HS will be supplied by the schools offering those


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Assessment Tasks for

Certificate II Construction Pathways CPC20211

Cluster A Cluster B Yearly Examination

Safety Organise to Communicate

Assessment due Week: 9 Term: 1

Week: 8 Term: 2

Week: 8-9 Term: 3

Code Unit of Competency






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CPCCWHS1001 Prepare to work safely in the construction industry X

CPCCOHS2001A Apply OHS requirements, policies, and procedures in the construction industry X

CPCCCA2002B Use carpentry tools and equipment X

CPCCCM1012A Work effectively and sustainably in the construction industry X

CPCCCM1013A Plan and organise work X

CPCCCM1014A Conduct workplace communication X

Depending on the achievement of units of competency, the possible qualification outcome is Certificate II Construction Pathways CPC20211 or a Statement of Attainment towards Certificate II Construction Pathways CPC20211.

Schools may schedule examinations in preparation for the HSC exam. These do not form part of the RTO assessment requirements.

The assessment components in this course are competency based. This means that students need to demonstrate that they have gained and can apply the specific knowledge and skills of each unit of competency. Competency assessment is graded as “not yet competent” or “competent’. In some cases other descriptive words may be used leading up to “competent”. A course mark is not allocated.

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Each band represents the typical performance of students at this level

Band/Grade Descriptors Band 6 - A • Consistently and correctly communicates using precise industry terminology, in a manner appropriate to the audience

and situation. • Demonstrates a thorough understanding and application of the performance required in the use of a range of tools,

plant and equipment. • Applies an in-depth knowledge and understanding relevant to specific competencies. • Consistently and reliably applies the skills required to interpret plans, and calculate dimensions, quantities and costs. • Demonstrates an extensive understanding of legislation, regulations and practices as they apply to the construction

industry. • Exhibits a comprehensive understanding of the organisation of work operations and sequencing of trades and their

importance in the construction industry. • Demonstrates critical judgment and sound reasoning to select, organise, synthesise and evaluate relevant information

from a variety of sources. Band 5 - B • Communicates, using specific industry terminology, in a manner appropriate to the audience and situation.

• Demonstrates a detailed understanding and application of the performance required in the use of a range of tools, plant and equipment.

• Demonstrates a detailed knowledge and understanding relevant to specific competencies. • Demonstrates a detailed ability to interpret plans and calculate dimensions, quantities and costs. • Demonstrates an understanding of legislation, regulations and practices as they apply to the construction industry. • Exhibits a thorough understanding of the organisation of work operations and sequencing of trades and their

importance in the construction industry. • Demonstrates accomplished judgement and reasoning to select, organise and evaluate relevant information from a

variety of sources. Band 4 - C • Communicates, using industry terminology, in a manner appropriate to the workplace.

• Demonstrates a sound understanding and application of the performance required in the use of a range of tools, plant and equipment.

• Demonstrates a sound knowledge and understanding relevant to specific competencies. • Demonstrates a basic ability to interpret plans and calculate dimensions, quantities and costs. • Demonstrates a basic understanding of legislation, regulations and practices as they apply to the construction industry. • Exhibits a general understanding of the organisation of work operations and sequencing of trades and their importance

in the construction industry. • Frames written responses in a descriptive manner.

Band 3 - D • Communicates using basic industry terminology. • Demonstrates an understanding of the performance required in the use of a limited range of tools, plant and

equipment. • Demonstrates a basic knowledge and understanding relevant to specific competencies.

Demonstrates a limited ability to interpret simple plans and perform some calculations of dimensions, quantities and costs.

• Demonstrates a limited understanding of legislation, regulations and practices as they apply to the construction industry. Exhibits a general understanding of work operations and sequencing of trades.

• Frames written responses using unsupported generalisations. Band 2 –E • Communicates using non-industry specific terms.

• Demonstrates a superficial understanding of the performance required in the use of a limited range of tools, plant and equipment.

• Demonstrates a limited knowledge and understanding relevant to specific competencies. • Demonstrates a limited ability to interpret simple plans. • Displays an elementary understanding of legislation, regulations and practices as they apply to the construction

industry. • Exhibits some understanding of work operations and/or sequencing of trades. • Frames written responses using unsupported generalisations and irrelevant material.

Band 1 - NA • Student is not achieving course outcomes

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Depending on the achievement of units of competency, the possible qualification outcome is a Statement of Attainment towards Certificate III in Live Production and Services CUA30415.

Schools may schedule examinations in preparation for the HSC exam. These do not form part of the RTO assessment requirements.

The assessment components in this course are competency based. This means that students need to demonstrate that they have gained and can apply the specific knowledge and skills of each unit of competency. Competency assessment is graded as “not yet competent” or “competent’. In some cases other descriptive words may be used leading up to “competent”. A course mark is not allocated.

Assessment Tasks for

Statement of Attainment towards

Certificate III in Live Production and Services CUA30415

Cluster A Cluster B Cluster C Cluster D Yearly Examination

Safety The Entertainment Industry Audio Operations Lighting Operations

Week: 7 Term: 1

Week: 3 Term:: 2

Week: 10 Term:2

Week: 10 Term: 3

Week: 8-9 Term: 3

Code Unit of Competency






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CPCCOHS1001A Work safely in the construction industry X

CUAIND301 Work effectively in the creative arts industry X

CUAWHS302 Apply work health and safety practices X X

CUASOU301 Undertake live audio operations X

CUASOU306 Operate sound reinforcement systems X

CUALGT301 Operate basic lighting X

CUASTA202 Assist with bump in and bump out of shows X

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ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY PERFORMANCE BAND DESCRIPTORS Each band represents the typical performance of students at this level

Band/Grade Descriptors Band 6 - A • Demonstrates extensive knowledge and understanding of the HSC mandatory focus areas

including Audio, Customer service, Lighting, Safety, Staging, Vision and Working in the entertainment industry and workplace

• Communicates in a coherent, succinct and logical manner • Uses industry terminology accurately and appropriately • Supports responses with relevant workplace examples

Band 5 - B • Demonstrates thorough knowledge and understanding of the HSC mandatory focus areas including Audio, Customer service, Lighting, Safety, Staging, Vision and Working in the entertainment industry and workplace

• Communicates in an effective and organised manner • Uses industry terminology appropriately • Supports responses with workplace examples

Band 4 - C • Demonstrates thorough knowledge and understanding of the HSC mandatory focus areas including Audio, Customer service, Lighting, Safety, Staging, Vision and Working in the entertainment industry and workplace

• Communicates in an effective and organised manner • Uses industry terminology appropriately • Supports responses with workplace examples

Band 3 - D • Demonstrates basic knowledge and understanding of the HSC mandatory focus areas including Audio, Customer service, Lighting, Safety, Staging, Vision and Working in the entertainment industry and workplace

• Communicates in a basic manner • Uses some industry terminology

Band 2 –E • Demonstrates elementary knowledge and understanding of the HSC mandatory focus areas including Audio, Customer service, Lighting, Safety, Staging, Vision and Working in the entertainment industry and workplace

• Uses generalisations and non-industry specific terminology Band 1 - NA • Student is not achieving course outcomes

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VET INFORMATION AND DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY Course: Preliminary – Information and Digital Technology (Web and application stream) 2020

Assessment Tasks

for Statement of Attainment towards

Certificate III in Information, Digital Media and Technology ICT30118

Cluster A Cluster B Cluster C Yearly Examination Communicate

at work Prepare for

work Systems and


Week: 7 Term: 1

Week: 2 Term: 4

Week: 3 Term: 3

Week: 10 Term: 3

Code Unit of Competency




le U


of C




ICTICT202 Work and communicate effectively in an ICT environment X

BSBWHS304 Participate effectively in WHS communication and consultation processes



(This unit is assessed over 3 tasks)

Operate application software packages

(Part =14 hours of 20 hours & not fully assessed till Year 12) X X

ICTICT302 Install and optimise operating system software- X

ICTSAS308 Run standard diagnostic tests X

Depending on the achievement of units of competency, the possible qualification outcome is a Statement of Attainment towards Certificate III in Information, Digital Media and Technology ICT30118.

Schools may schedule exam items in preparation for the HSC exam. These do not form part of the RTO assessment requirements.

The assessment components in this course are competency based. This means that students need to demonstrate that they have gained and can apply the specific knowledge and skills of each unit of competency. Competency assessment is graded as “not yet competent” or “competent’. In some cases other descriptive words may be used leading up to “competent”. A course mark is not allocated.

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Each band represents the typical performance of students at this level

Band/Grade Descriptors Band 6 - A • Demonstrates extensive knowledge and understanding of the HSC mandatory focus areas

including Working in the industry; Operating system software; Diagnostic testing and Safety • Demonstrates extensive knowledge and understanding of one HSC stream focus area – Web and

software applications or Networking and hardware or Digital animation • Communicates in a coherent, succinct and logical manner • Uses industry terminology accurately and appropriately • Supports responses with relevant workplace examples

Band 5 - B • Demonstrates thorough knowledge and understanding of the HSC mandatory focus areas including Working in the industry; Operating system software; Diagnostic testing and Safety

• Demonstrates thorough knowledge and understanding of one HSC stream focus area – Web and software applications or Networking and hardware or Digital animation

• Communicates in an effective and organised manner • Uses industry terminology appropriately • Supports responses with workplace examples

Band 4 - C • Demonstrates sound knowledge and understanding of the HSC mandatory focus areas including Working in the industry; Operating system software; Diagnostic testing and Safety

• Demonstrates sound knowledge and understanding of one HSC stream focus area – Web and software applications or Networking and hardware or Digital animation

• Communicates in an organised manner • Uses some industry terminology appropriately • Includes some workplace examples in responses

Band 3 - D • Demonstrates basic knowledge and understanding of the HSC mandatory focus areas including Working in the industry; Operating system software; Diagnostic testing and Safety

• Demonstrates basic knowledge and understanding of one HSC stream focus area – Web and software applications or Networking and hardware or Digital animation

• Communicates in a basic manner • Uses some industry terminology

Band 2 –E • Demonstrates elementary knowledge and understanding of the HSC mandatory focus areas including Working in the industry; Operating system software; Diagnostic testing and Safety

• Demonstrates elementary knowledge and understanding of one HSC stream focus area – Web and software applications or Networking and hardware or Digital animation

• Uses generalisations and non-industry specific terminology Band 1 - NA • Student is not achieving course outcomes

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Assessment Tasks for

Certificate II Hospitality SIT20316

Cluster A Cluster B Cluster C Yearly

Examination Getting ready for

work Practical Café

Skills Working


Week: 9 Term: 1

Week: 3 Term: 3

Week: 10 Term: 3

Week: 8-9 Term: 3

Code Unit of Competency






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ncy SITXFSA001 Use hygienic practices for food safety X

SITXWHS001 Participate in safe work practices X

SITHFAB005 Prepare and serve espresso coffee X

SITHCCC003 Prepare and present sandwiches X

SITHFAB004 Prepare and serve non-alcoholic beverages X

BSBWOR203 Work effectively with others X

SITXCOM002 Show social and cultural sensitivity X

Depending on the achievement of units of competency, the possible qualification outcome is a Certificate II in Hospitality SIT20316 or a Statement of Attainment towards Certificate II in Hospitality SIT20316.

Schools may schedule examinations in preparation for the HSC exam. These do not form part of the RTO assessment requirements.

The assessment components in this course are competency based. This means that students need to demonstrate that they have gained and can apply the specific knowledge and skills of each unit of competency. Competency assessment is graded as “not yet competent” or “competent’. In some cases other descriptive words may be used leading up to “competent”. A course mark is not allocated.

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HOSPITALITY PERFORMANCE BAND DESCRIPTORS Each band represents the typical performance of students at this level

Band/Grade Descriptors Band 6 - A • Demonstrates extensive knowledge and understanding of the HSC mandatory focus areas

including Hygiene, Safety and Working in the hospitality industry and workplace • Demonstrates extensive knowledge and understanding of one HSC stream focus area – Food and

Beverage or Kitchen Operations and Cookery • Communicates in a coherent, succinct and logical manner • Uses industry terminology accurately and appropriately • Supports responses with relevant workplace examples.

Band 5 - B • Demonstrates thorough knowledge and understanding of the HSC mandatory focus areas including Hygiene, Safety and Working in the hospitality industry and workplace

• Demonstrates thorough knowledge and understanding of one HSC stream focus area – Food and Beverage or Kitchen Operations and Cookery

• Communicates in an effective and organised manner • Uses industry terminology appropriately • Supports responses with workplace examples

Band 4 - C • Demonstrates sound knowledge and understanding of the HSC mandatory focus areas including Hygiene, Safety and Working in the hospitality industry and workplace

• Demonstrates sound knowledge and understanding of one HSC stream focus area – Food and Beverage or Kitchen Operations and Cookery

• Communicates in an organised manner • Uses some industry terminology appropriately • Includes some workplace examples in responses

Band 3 - D • Demonstrates basic knowledge and understanding of the HSC mandatory focus areas including Hygiene, Safety and Working in the hospitality industry and workplace

• Demonstrates basic knowledge and understanding of one HSC stream focus area – Food and Beverage or Kitchen Operations and Cookery

• Communicates in a basic manner • Uses some industry terminology

Band 2 –E • Demonstrates elementary knowledge and understanding of the HSC mandatory focus areas including Hygiene, Safety and Working in the hospitality industry and workplace

• Demonstrates elementary knowledge and understanding of one HSC stream focus area – Food and Beverage or Kitchen Operations and Cookery

• Uses generalisations and non-industry specific terminology Band 1 - NA • Student is not achieving course outcomes

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VET SPORTS COACHING School: Nepean Creative and Performing Arts High School Student Competency Assessment Schedule

Course: Preliminary - Sport Coaching 2020

Assessment Tasks for

Certificate II in Sport Coaching SIS20513

Cluster A Cluster B Cluster C Cluster D Cluster E





Coaching Principles





Week: 9 Term: 1

Week: 9 Term: 2

Week: 10 Term: 3

Week: 9 Term: 4

Week: 10 Term: 4

Code Unit of Competency


Organise and complete daily work activities X

SISXCAI102A Assist in preparing and conducting sport and recreation sessions


SISXWHS101 Follow work health and safety policies X

SISSSCO101 Develop and update knowledge of coaching practices X

ICPDMT263 Access and use the Internet X


Conduct basic warm-up and cool down programs X


Implement Sports Injury Prevention X

HLTAID003 Provide first aid - outsourced Credit Transfer (outsourced)

Depending on the achievement of units of competency, the possible qualification outcome is a Certificate II in Sport Coaching SIS20513 or a Statement of Attainment towards a Certificate II in Sport Coaching SIS20513.

The assessment components in this course are competency based. This means that students need to demonstrate that they have gained and can apply the specific knowledge and skills of each unit of competency. Competency assessment is graded as “not yet competent” or “competent”. In some cases other descriptive words may be used leading up to “competent”. A course mark is not allocated.

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Application for Special Consideration for Illness-Misadventure

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Application for Elite Representation

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Creative & Performing Arts

High School

Assessment Task Cover Sheet

Task Description

Course Name:

Due date for first draft submission:

Assessment Task Number:

Assessment Task Title:

Assessment Weighting:

Mr M Foord, Principal

115-119 Great Western Highway

Emu Plains, NSW, 2750

Locked Bag 6004, Emu Plains 2750

Phone: (02) 4728 7200

Fax: (02) 4735 6141

Email: [email protected]

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Things you need to KNOW to complete this task:


Skills (verbs)

Things you need to DO to complete this task:

Step Things I will do What I will see as a result






My Assessment Task Planner:

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7

Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14

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Outcomes to be Assessed

• • • •

Assessment Marking Guidelines

Grade Performance Descriptors Marks


• • • •


• • • •


• • • •


• • • •


• • • •


• • • •

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My Assessment Calendar 2020

TERM 1 2020












TERM 2 2020











TERM 3 2020










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115-119 Great Western Highway

Emu Plains NSW 2750