Neophyte’s Guide to Numerology OLLI Fall 2017 [email protected] NEOPHYTE’s GUIDE to NUMEROLOGY TABLE of CONTENTS, OLLI Fall 2017 The general order is to introduce you to a group of numbers, then show & explain how to derive YOUR own numbers. Summary worksheets are pages 7, 16, & 24. Time-related numbers from your birth DATE are second and fourth groups. Personal characteristics from your birth (& currently-used) NAMES are 3rd group. PAGE TITLE, TOPIC(s) 1 Introduction to Numerology (Revolves Around Cycles & Symbols) 2 Key Words for Numerals 1-9 HIGHER-ENERGY Vibrations 3 Key Words for Numerals 1-9 LOWER-ENERGY Vibrations 4 Introduction to LIFE PATH & Birth DAY #s from DATE of birth 5 Calculating LIFE PATH # from Birth Date (& supporting Birth DAY #) 6 Key Notes for MASTER Numbers 7 Life Timeline & Numerological Influences Spreadsheet 8 Introduction to YEARs—Universal & Personal 9 Introduction to Major Life CYCLEs and Pinnacle & Challenge Cycles 10 Calculating the Life Cycles 11 Introduction to PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS from full birth-NAME 12 Calculating Birth NAME Numbers, assigning numbers to letters 13 Doing the Math; 13B Major Name #s and Each Part of Name 14 Introduction to MINOR Name Numbers, from DAILY Name 15 Calculating Minor Name Numbers from Current, Daily Name; added 15B for Listing all Major and Minor Name Numbers 16 Key Letters, Maturity#, & Challenge-Becomes-Achievement# 17 Introduction to Karmic LESSONS, including calculating one’s own 18 Introduction to Karmic DEBT Numbers: 13/4, 14/5, 16/7, 19/1 19 Introduction to ESSENCE #s & Planes of Expression, from Name 20 Sample Worksheet for Calculating Essence Numbers 21 Calculating the ESSENCE Numbers Spreadsheet 22 FREE PLAY with Miscellaneous Numbers around you, in your life 23 Bibliography for Neophyte’s Guide to Numerology class, 2017 24 Summary List of ALL Numbers

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Neophyte’s Guide to Numerology OLLI Fall 2017 [email protected]



The general order is to introduce you to a group of numbers, then show & explain how to derive YOUR own numbers. Summary worksheets are pages 7, 16, & 24. Time-related numbers from your birth DATE are second and fourth groups. Personal characteristics from your birth (& currently-used) NAMES are 3rd group. PAGE TITLE, TOPIC(s)

1 Introduction to Numerology (Revolves Around Cycles & Symbols) 2 Key Words for Numerals 1-9 HIGHER-ENERGY Vibrations 3 Key Words for Numerals 1-9 LOWER-ENERGY Vibrations

4 Introduction to LIFE PATH & Birth DAY #s from DATE of birth 5 Calculating LIFE PATH # from Birth Date (& supporting Birth DAY #) 6 Key Notes for MASTER Numbers 7 Life Timeline & Numerological Influences Spreadsheet 8 Introduction to YEARs—Universal & Personal 9 Introduction to Major Life CYCLEs and Pinnacle & Challenge Cycles 10 Calculating the Life Cycles

11 Introduction to PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS from full birth-NAME 12 Calculating Birth NAME Numbers, assigning numbers to letters 13 Doing the Math; 13B Major Name #s and Each Part of Name 14 Introduction to MINOR Name Numbers, from DAILY Name 15 Calculating Minor Name Numbers from Current, Daily Name; added

15B for Listing all Major and Minor Name Numbers 16 Key Letters, Maturity#, & Challenge-Becomes-Achievement# 17 Introduction to Karmic LESSONS, including calculating one’s own 18 Introduction to Karmic DEBT Numbers: 13/4, 14/5, 16/7, 19/1

19 Introduction to ESSENCE #s & Planes of Expression, from Name 20 Sample Worksheet for Calculating Essence Numbers 21 Calculating the ESSENCE Numbers Spreadsheet

22 FREE PLAY with Miscellaneous Numbers around you, in your life 23 Bibliography for Neophyte’s Guide to Numerology class, 2017 24 Summary List of ALL Numbers

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Neophyte’s Guide to Numerology OLLI Fall 2017 [email protected]

Introduction to NUMEROLOGY (Revolves Around Cycles & Symbols)

Humans have always worked to understand life, the world, the universe, and how we fit in with all of them. Eons of observations of natural cycles, related correspondences, and evolving interpretations led to the development of representative symbolic systems such as astrology and, later, numerology. People have used these systems of divination to provide insights into WHO they really are, WHY they are living here now, and WHAT is going on or may happen. Understanding and interpreting these sets of symbols is enhanced by intuition, which develops with practice, many spiritually-minded experts agree (and I hope they’re correct). However, one need NOT be psychic! Relax! Many of the world’s greatest thinkers lived about 2,500 years ago: Buddha, Confucius, Lao Tzu, and Pythagoras. Astrology predated them. Western Numerology’s origins are not known, but seem to be based on Pythagoras’s work. Another, more visual symbology system—tarot−seems much newer, only traced back to the 1300s. All three sets of symbols work together surprisingly well in my experience, corroborating each other. Numerology is, by far, the simplest and most straightforward. Let’s use it to learn more about our true selves beneath all our years of social conditioning and to discover more about the blueprint or road map of our life--themes, lessons, and purposes. Although no one really knows the beginnings of numerology, Pythagoras may have started or at least inspired it. Pythagoras, known to us from geometry classes and world-famous for 25 centuries or so as an amazing mathematician (remember A2 + B2 = C2?), was even better known in his day as a philosopher, with his own school (cult?). He apparently considered everything in the universe to vibrate with unique, defining energy. (Did the ancients understand quantum physics? Hmm.) He apparently held a different view of numerals from numbers. Numerals 1–9 symbolize basic characteristic vibrational ENERGIES, and all numbers and numeric codes can be “reduced” down to numerals 1 – 9, ironically, by adding their digits. The nine vibrations represent nine stages of any one cycle, an “epicycle.” Subsequent cycles are at a higher level of consciousness, spiraling up with development. This pattern of development applies MACROcosmically at the universal level and MICROcosmically at the personal level---“as above, so below.” At the personal level, level 1 is focused on the independent self, levels 2-8 develop connection with others and (self)awareness, culminating in learning about selflessness at level 9.

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Neophyte’s Guide to Numerology OLLI Fall 2017 [email protected]

KEY WORDS for numerals 1–9 HIGHER-ENERGY vibration: 1) Independent, unique, strong sense of identity, self-discovering, driven, self-motivated, pioneering, energetic, tenacious, courageous, confident, dominant; known for vision, forward momentum, and leadership. 2) Personable, cooperative, adaptable, gracious, considerate, emotional, intuitive, understanding, balancing polarities, detail-oriented, indecisive; known for connection, harmony, sensitivity, mediation; generally a follower. 3) Sociable, imaginative, artistic, expressive, eloquent, entertaining, zestful, open-minded, expansive, inspired, looking for fulfillment; known for uplifting & inspiring others through creative communication to enjoy life and expand. 4) Practical, organized, logical, self-disciplined, grounded, seeking security, steady, loyal, determined, diligent, conscientious, strong physically and emotionally; known for stability, responsibility, providing strong foundation for others, too. 5) Expansive, adventurous, freedom-craving, risk-taking, resourceful, energetic, visionary, versatile, enjoys challenges & change, enjoys busy social interactions; known for curiosity, passions, action/travel and sharing the resultant learnings. 6) Dedicated to family/home/community; responsible, nurturing, loyal, artistic, affectionate, fair, understanding, fostering Truth/justice/service, humanitarian; known for social consciousness and providing beautiful & harmonious environments. 7) Deeply intellectual AND spiritual, seeking/sharing Truth, philosophical, wise, observational/analytical, sensitive, intuitive, withdraws to think, dignified, aloof; known for being a deep thinker with a need for the quiet & beauty of Nature. 8) Materially accomplished/respected/expanding; affluent, influential, capable, confident, authoritative, ambitious, shrewd, visionary, persevering, resourceful, organized, serious; known for mastery and for empowering others under them. 9) Studious, developing understanding/tolerance/compassion/forgiveness; connecting to Collective consciousness; lessening ego-focus & becoming more humanitarian; developing faith in life & soul. [End of this cycle 1-9, time to wrap it up; the now-accomplished/thinker/ artist must share what (s)he has learned, in service to the Collective.

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Neophyte’s Guide to Numerology OLLI Fall 2017 [email protected]

KEY WORDS for numerals 1-9 LOWER-ENERGY vibrations: (Based mostly on Michael Brill’s Numerology for Decoding Behavior, 2011, and Michelle Buchanan’s The Numerology Guidebook, 2013.) (These “negative”-energies may be positives-run-amuck or their opposites. For further, related descriptions, see Karmic Lessons, double-page 17.) 1) Issues with self-esteem, sense of self, the ego: too-externally-oriented, egotistical & self-centered, but insecure; opinionated & competitive; bossy & controlling, even aggressive; impatient, blunt, & (self-)critical. 2) Issues with relationships: moody & hypersensitive; shy; jealous; lazy; indecisive, can’t defend own boundaries (especially say “no”), codependent; uncooperative; (self-)critical. 3) Issues with self-esteem & social interaction/communication: scattered, disorganized, irresponsible; superficial; attention-seeking, melodramatic, gossipy, dishonest; (self-)critical. 4) Issues with follow-through & details: judgmental & intolerant, inflexible, stubborn, controlling, critical; too serious, pessimistic, restrained emotions; lazy. 5) Issues with change: prone to overindulgence & addictions; impatient, intolerant; rigid but impulsive; irresponsible, noncommittal, restless; scattered & superficial, exaggerates, dramatic, dishonest. 6) Issues with responsibility & family/community: perfectionist & worrier; detached or “gives” to point of martyrdom; (self-)critical, self-righteous, interfering, bossy; jealous; irresponsible. 7) Issues with abandonment, trust, & control: fearful, defensive, secretive; untrusting, skeptical, pessimistic; overly analytical; emotionally restrained, withdrawn; perfectionistic, intolerant. 8) Issues with money, status, power/control: workaholic, greedy, bully; prone to poverty-consciousness & worry; egotistical, rebellious, intolerant; domineering; superficial. 9) Issues with selflessness & birth family: intolerant, unforgiving; selfish; temperamental, intense, defensive, dramatic, controlling, even aggressive; codependent.

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Neophyte’s Guide to Numerology OLLI Fall 2017 [email protected]

Introduction to LIFE PATH# from BIRTH DATE

The Life Path # (LP) is THE most important number in the numerological “chart.” (I’ve seen 40%- & 50%-weighting suggested.) The birth-date-based numerals are constant energies in the chart, since we can change our names and often use other versions. (For instance, my birth name is Virginia, but I have been known as Ginny my entire life.) Like all numerological vibrations, each Life Path number/energy has both POSITIVE and NEGATIVE expressions. The “HIGHER octave” LP reflects the more admirable characteristics and suggests our opportunities, talents, and MISSION to accomplish in this life. The “LOWER octave” LP reflects our challenges, limitations, fears, and major LESSONS to learn in this life. Every numeral has its downside, and you may recognize many lessons that you remember learning as a child. (Numerology is a great way to see how much we have matured---in a GOOD way, ‘whew!) Considering our designated Life Paths, we often think of all the detours we have taken over the years, sigh. Do NOT worry. All those experiences, good and bad, have advanced our wisdom and guided us forward. For example, early jobs may have been drudgery or stressful, but think of all we learned from them, if only what to avoid in the future! Look at favorite activities and hobbies from childhood; they may fit better with the Life Path. And again, in later years, our focuses in life tend to better reflect the LP, as our talents and abilities emerge and develop. The more our daily life aligns with our Life Path, the easier life tends to flow, as if the wind is at our backs, encouraging us to use those gifts, talents, and abilities.

BIRTH DAY Number The number of the DAY of birth complements the Life Path by revealing what gifts/tools we have to best pursue our LP. And if you are feeling clever, you can look closer to determine more details of those gifts. For days numbered 10 – 31, we can examine the meanings of the separate digits, as well, for nuances. (Personally, I can’t always tell the differences, but have fun.) (The other numbers we will determine later from the letters of our names will work with the Life Path #---either to reinforce it, complement it, or counter possible tendencies toward excessive characteristics.)

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Neophyte’s Guide to Numerology OLLI Fall 2017 [email protected]

CALCULATING LIFE PATH # from BIRTH DATE (Remember, we “reduce” numbers by adding their digits!)

(1) The date of birth is ___ / ___ / 19__ . (Example: 09/12/2017) First, add VERTICALLY:

# MONTH __ __ (Ex: 0 9)

# DAY __ __ (Ex: 1 2)

# YEAR + == == == == (Ex: + 2 0 1 7) SUM (Ex: 2 0 3 8) (2) Next, add the four digits of the sum: (Example: 2+0+3+8 = 13) ___ + ___ + ___ + ___ = _____ (3) Finally, add both digits of last sum, “reducing” until you derive a # 1 - 9. (Since 2+0+3+8 = 13; 1+3 = 4.) ___ + ___ = ____*

This is the Life Path number. (4a) Now, double-check that Life Path number by adding all the digits of the birth date HORIZONTALLY: (day + month + year =) (Ignore zeros.)

(Example: 9 + 1 + 2 + 2 +1 + 7 = 22*) _2_ + _2_ = 22/4* ___ + ___ + ___ + ___ + 1 + 9 + ___ + ___ = _____* (4b) Now, further reduce that sum down to 1 – 9. ___ + ___ = ___ (3 &4b should be same numeral; if not recheck #s.) *IF any of the numerals is 11, 22, or 33 SAVE THAT NUMBER! Duplicate digits are “Master” numbers. They are usually written as 11/2, 22/4, or 33/6. (Similarly, 10, 20, 30 are more emphatic energies than 1,2,3, although not so super-powered as “Master” #s.) If results of 3 & 4a show one Master # and one regular #, there is a third way to determine Life Path #: Reduce birth Day #, Month #, and Year # FIRST, BEFORE adding them together. If two of the three techniques show the same doubled digits, the Life Path IS a Master-level energy. Congratulations & good luck! (Example: 9/12/2017 = 9 + 3 + 10 OR 1 = 22 OR 13 ! Master # is better than 13!)

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Neophyte’s Guide to Numerology OLLI Fall 2017 [email protected]

(5) DAY-of-birth # shows the type of GIFTS accorded to a person, to

assist along one’s Life Path--the smoothest way to achieve life goals. As usual:

___ + ___ = ____, and each digit’s energy influences the NUANCES of the overall energy’s expression, IF you can see that. (It can be tricky.)

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Neophyte’s Guide to Numerology OLLI Fall 2017 [email protected]

KEY NOTES for MASTER NUMBERS 11, 22, 33 are “Master” numbers, with the power of the doubled digit AND the reduced sum of the pair: 11/2, 22/4, 33/6. Usually, people operate at the lower vibration. As they mature, they seem to “grow into” the higher vibration and operate from that level more of the time. These more-powerful vibrations are focused on serving the Greater Good, NOT the self. People with these intense energies have more gifts and potential but also have more challenges and responsibility to develop & use their power in service. They often feel strong, innate pressure to perform; and these people—more than most of us--need to master & balance themselves and overcome their negativity and fears of their power & of failing to fulfill their potential. If they remain at the lower vibration, they will feel unfulfilled and frustrated with life. ZERO—10, 20, 30, etc.--- amplifies the vibration. Michael Brill thinks it relates to more direct connection with the Divine. Glynis McCants believes zero signifies extra intuition/connection with the Collective*, and: 10s work best through mentoring; 20s work best through encouraging & supporting; 30s work best through communicating—counseling & advice. *Collective (Un)Conscious: Jung’s term for universal/shared mind. 11/2 is the most intuitive number and combines the influence of both the sensitive, collaborative 2 with the leadership, drive, & self-esteem issues of the doubled 1. 11/2s are sometimes called Inspirational Teachers, learning and teaching uplifting truths. Intuition is often expressed through tremendous creativity. 11/2s connect better than most of us to the (Collective) UNconscious*, receiving accurate insights that little involve the rational mind. Their success depends on (1) their learning to ACCEPT & trust their intuition and (2) using it to help others access their intuition & subconscious, promoting their own personal growth of consciousness, too. 22/4 is the most physically effective number and combines the influence of both an organized, practical 4 with an inspiring & community-building (also very insecure) doubled-2. 22/4s are often called Master Builders; they have the gifts of large-scale vision AND of making those dreams come true. These projects serve many people and promote humanity & compassion. 33/6 is the most compassionate; Nature/justice/service-oriented HEALING energy and combines the influence of both the caregiving, responsible 6 with the joy & creativity of the double 3s. 33/6s are very rare & sometimes called Cosmic Parents---their pure love heals. They can teach spiritual teachers! Their lives often involve willing self-sacrifice--mostly of their ego as they detach from it, to accept & nurture others unconditionally and work to heal suffering in the world.

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MajorLifeCycles Pinnacles Challenge SpecialEventsOccuringDuringPersonalYear(betweenbirthdays)

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MajorLifeCycles Pinnacles Challenge SpecialEventsOccuringDuringPersonalYear(betweenbirthdays)

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Neophyte’s Guide to Numerology OLLI Fall 2017 [email protected]

Intro to YEARS−UNIVERSAL & PERSONAL Perhaps the most convincing evidence for numerology comes from looking at the timeline of an individual’s life. If an individual lists the important life events by the year when they occurred, then adds and compares the personal numerological energies, remarkable correspondences show. These coincidences match up with either the UNIVERSAL and/or the PERSONAL YEARS. The UNIVERSAL YEAR matches the CALENDAR year. This Universal Year 2017 is a 1-year for everyone, globally, because 2+0+1+7 = 10, which reduces to 1. (Only reduced 1 -9 are used for universal years.) The Universal Year Number reflects external influences on everyone. The Personal Year # reflects external influences on one’s own life. The PERSONAL YEAR, depends on one’s own Life Path #. (Recall: the Life Path # is the reduced sum of all birthdate digits.) One begins personal-years cycle with the Life Path# in BIRTH year.

(For example, I am a 9 Life Path born in 1954, so I start my Personal Years list with a 9 in the 1954 space. Then I list 1 in 1955, 2 in 1956, etc., #1-9 over & over, down the calendar years of my life & future.)

WHEN TO START the PERSONAL YEAR? It depends…. Many numerologists believe that the Personal Year coincides with the calendar year. Many others believe that the personal year runs from each birthday to the next birthday. They all say, choose whichever you think works better for you. If the individual’s birthday is, say, within three months before New Years, it will be much simpler to consider the Personal Year as coinciding with the NEXT Universal one. The energy of a year starts subtly and builds for several months. I have read--somewhere--that the peak energy of a Universal Year is in September. Then that energy ebbs over the next few months, dissolving by New Years. (Personally, I prefer birthday to birthday. My own birthday is midyear and coincides well with school years, around which my life has always been organized. Even after retiring from schools, life here is summer-tourist seasons and rest-of-year (school)! However, I use the next calendar year for my son and son-almost-in-law, since their birthdays are in October.)

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Neophyte’s Guide to Numerology OLLI Fall 2017 [email protected]


LIFE CYCLES The PARTS of the birth DATE can be used to determine various cycles running different, underlying thematic lessons in the background as your life progresses. They are what I like to call Ages & Stages. MAJOR LIFE CYCLES Life CAN be seen as splitting into three Major Life Cycles, each comprised of three 9-year “epicycles”:

The Youth Cycle covers little-kid, big-kid, and early-adulthood phases. The Maturity Cycle includes three epicycles of parenting and/or working. The Wisdom Cycle is when children are grown & gone, and career is at or after its peak. This includes retirement and the mid-to-later-life stage of taking stock of life-so-far and perhaps changing direction. These vague “ages & stages” operate in the background and evolve gradually from one to next.

We’ll CALCULATE these ages & stages, using Michelle Buchanan’s terminology: The Major Life Cycles, best seen in retrospect, come from our full birth date:

“formative” years are characterized by your MONTH number: _________ “productive” years are represented by your DAY # (reduced): _________ “harvest” years are symbolized by your YEAR number (reduced): _______.

(Coincidently (?), Astrology talks about the sudden, major life changes that tend to occur at “Saturn Returns.” Saturn takes about 29 years to return to its position where it was when one was born. Personally, I became a parent at 29; at age 60, I moved to Colorado to take care of my aging father—& turned onto a spiritual path.) PINNACLES and CHALLENGES These cycles (or “Periods” in some books) run concurrently with the Major Life Cycles; however, Pinnacles & Challenges are stronger, better defined, and can be observed consciously and clearly. The Pinnacles (Pyramids in some books) show the types of opportunities and skills likely to intrigue you during that time frame. Confronting you at the same period, the Challenges represent the types of obstacles & lessons in your life. The more you take advantage of these proverbial “carrots & sticks,” the more you will develop and grow into your potential. It’s ALL good, despite appearances to the contrary. The first stage is from birth to age (36-Life Path #); the second & third stages last 9 years apiece; then the last stage begins and continues for the rest of one’s life. These cycles tend to change abruptly and all too noticeably. It may help to know they are coming. We can try to be philosophical about the Universe changing our life’s direction for our greater good; time to work on new lessons—or the same ones in a new form, maybe so we don’t get stale—sigh.

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Neophyte’s Guide to Numerology OLLI Fall 2017 [email protected]

CALCULATING THE LIFE CYCLES MAJOR LIFE CYCLES (or Periods) are very general, subtle, and change gently. (First cycle could be 27 years for 3 epicycles, but I prefer to match it to Pinnacles.) Month # (reduced) represents your “formative” years , age 0 to (36-LP#). ______ Day # (reduced) represents your socially “productive” years, next 29± yrs. _______ Year # (reduced) represents your “mature” “harvest” years, for rest of life. _______ PINNACLES (pyramids) and CHALLENGES These are a paired series of four cycles that overlap with the Major Life Cycles. They include the UP side (Pinnacles) and the DOWN side (Challenges). These cycles register consciously. They are stronger and tend to change more sharply. Pinnacles and Challenges are based on formulas using reduced birth date #s. *REDUCING Birth Date. _______________ (Example: 9-12-2017 = 9-3-1) (The Challenge #s involve subtracting the smaller from the larger of both #s.) First stage is age (36 - Life Path#). Month – Day= Pinnacle is Month + Day= _________; Challenge Day – Month= ___________. Second stage lasts next nine years. Year – Day= Pinnacle is Day + Year. __________; Challenge is Day – Year=___________. Third stage lasts next nine years. Pinnacle: 1st+2nd Pinnacles= ______; Challenge Bigger–Smaller Pins=_______. Last stage continues to the end of your life. Month - Year Pinnacle is Month + Year=________; Challenge is Year – Month= _________. SUMMARY of PINNACLES & CHALLENGES: The first, youthful stage, (ages 0- ____) Pinnacle___; Challenge___ The second, 9-year stage. (ages ____-____) Pinnacle___; Challenge___ The third, 9-year stage (ages ____-____) Pinnacle___; Challenge___ The fourth stage is last, wisdom stage Pinnacle___; Challenge___

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Neophyte’s Guide to Numerology OLLI Fall 2017 [email protected]

CALCULATING THE MAJOR LIFE CYCLES MAJOR LIFE CYCLES (or Periods) are very general, subtle, and change gently. (First cycle could be 27 years for 3 epicycles, but I prefer to match it to Pinnacles.) MAJOR LIFE CYCLES are based on formulas using reduced birth date #s. REDUCING Birth Date. REDUCE any number by adding its digits together. Examples: 9-12-2017 î 9-3-1 ; 11-23-2017 î 2-5-1 & 12-25-2000 î 3-7-2

______ MONTH Reduced ______ DAY Reduced ______ YEAR Reduced

Month # (reduced) represents your “formative” years , age 0 to (36-LP#). ______ Day # (reduced) represents your socially “productive” years, next 29± yrs. _______ Year # (reduced) represents your “mature” “harvest” years, for rest of life. _______

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Neophyte’s Guide to Numerology OLLI Fall 2017 [email protected]

CALCULATING PINNACLES & CHALLENGES CYCLES PINNACLES (pyramids) and CHALLENGES These are a pair of four cycles that overlap with the Major Life Cycles. They include the UP side, opportunities, “carrots” (Pinnacles) and the contrasting, DOWN side, obstacles, “sticks” (Challenges). The energies of these cycles register consciously, noticeably. They are stronger and tend to change more sharply. Pinnacles and Challenges are also based on formulas using reduced birth date #s. REDUCING Birth Date. REDUCE any number by adding its digits together. Examples: 9-12-2017 î 9-3-1 ; 11-23-2017 î 2-5-1 & 12-25-2000 î 3-7-2 ____ MONTH Reduced; ___ DAY Reduced; ___ YEAR Reduced AGE RANGE of each stage of the PINNACLES & CHALLENGES: (The first stage ending varies with the Life Path #--36 minus LP# LP 1: 36–1= 35 years old LP 2: 36-2= 34 LP 3: 36-3= 33 LP 4: 36-4= 32 LP 5: 36-5= 31 LP 6: 36-6= 30 LP 7: 36-7= 29 LP 8: 36-8= 28 LP 9: 36-9= 27 The first, youthful stage, (ages 0-____) Pinnacle___; Challenge___ The second, 9-year stage. (ages ____-____) Pinnacle___; Challenge___ The third, 9-year stage (ages ____-____) Pinnacle___; Challenge___ The fourth stage is last, wisdom stage Pinnacle___; Challenge___ (The Challenge #s involve subtracting the smaller from the larger of both #s.) First stage is age 0 - (36 - Life Path#). Month – Day= Pinnacle is Month + Day= _________; Challenge Day – Month= ___________. Second stage lasts next nine years. Year – Day= Pinnacle is Day + Year. __________; Challenge is Day – Year=___________. Third stage lasts next nine years. Pinnacle: 1st+2nd Pinnacles= ______; Challenge Bigger–Smaller Pins=_______. Last stage continues to the end of your life. Month - Year Pinnacle is Month + Year=________; Challenge is Year – Month= _________.

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Intro to Personal Characteristics from Letters/Numbers in Full NAME at BIRTH

All letters have a numeric equivalent, # 1 – 9 for A – Z. The CONSONANTS represent one’s external presentation, your public mask. These consonant-energies are what other people recognize as YOU. These are the parts of you that you are willing to expose. There are many more consonants than vowels, so these letters better describe identity. (Sonia Ducie added that consonant-characteristics are particularly noticeable during childhood, before socialization pressures encourage us to change, conform.) The first letter of the first name symbolizes one’s leading energy, one’s attitude toward life, opportunities, & obstacles, and is usually a consonant. The VOWELS represent one’s internal needs, true motivations, and deep drives to accomplish meaningful goals. Because vowels reflect the inner self, vowel-energies are not usually noticed by people around you. But YOU need to recognize your inner motivations or you will never really feel satisfied or fulfilled. The energy of the FIRST vowel in your first name & the dominant vowel (if any) of your entire birth name DO show externally. The first vowel of your first name reveals your dominant energy-expression---seen especially in your typical first emotional reactions. [Mary Greer asserts that LONG vowels (pronounced like their name) show a more active style; SHORT vowels express a more receptive style.] Similarly, any dominant vowel that is repeated conspicuously throughout the entire birth name also expresses in your personality. And, if your first vowel is also your dominant vowel and/or very-first letter, that energy is quite pronounced! (We’ll use these p. 16.) A/1: independent; honest; full of ideas, energy, initiative, & action; work hard & well but take criticism badly; a bit scattered & poor follow-through. E/5: need freedom; enthusiastic, adventuresome; emotional, inspiring; curious, instinctive & intuitive—great detectives; into expansion & change. I/9: pursue completion & compassion; intellectual & intuitive; leader; idealistic; high-strung, emotional; motivated by old issues with (birth)family. O/6: centered in family/community responsibilities; must be in charge; organized, methodical; value law & order & traditions; grounded, cautious. U/3: communicator, the most intuitive, self-expressive (& flaky) of CLU; charismatic; U’s symbolically hold onto emotions, loved ones, &/or stuff. Y/7: seeker; intellectual & intuitive; extra focus on choices (wishbone?).

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Letters must be translated into numbers 1 – 9 for these name-numbers. All 1s All 2s All 3s All 4s All 5s All 6s All 7s All 8s All 9s


Note: Ys are usually vowels unless sounding like Y in yes or yellow. Print each name on separate GRAY line, 1 letter per GRAY BOX. (NOTE: If you’re called by your MIDDLE name, switch w/ FIRST.) VOWELS: write the # for each VOWEL ABOVE the name, in RED. CONSONANTS: write # for each consonant BELOW name in BLUE. Print your FULL FIRST, GIVEN name assigned to you AT BIRTH. (1 letter to a gray box) Print your FULL MIDDLE name assigned to you AT BIRTH. (one letter to a gray box) Print your FULL LAST / SURNAME assigned to you AT BIRTH. (one letter to a gray box)

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DOING THE MATH (smile!) COUNT UP VOWELS & CONSONANTS, SEPARATELY, horizontally: (1) VOWELS IN RED, write numerals above each vowel in all your names, (2) Count up only vowel numerals; write the sum IN RED to the right of red #s. (3) Double-check where you counted any Ys; in names, Y is usually a vowel.

(It is a consonant only if it sounds like in “yes,” “yellow,” or “yoyo.”)

(4) CONSONANTS IN BLUE, write #s below each consonant in all your names, (5) Count up only the consonant numerals; write their sum in BLUE to their right. SUMS: We want “reduced” sums, each name (unless 11,22,33). REMINDER: We “REDUCE” numbers by ADDing their digits together! For example, my vowels add up to 72, which “reduces” 7 + 2 = 9. (1) In table below, for EACH name:write red VOWEL sums on upper lines across, and blue consonant sums on middle lines. (2) Then we will add HORIZONTALLY all VOWELS to their right (still red) and all consonants to their right (blue).

(3) Finally, add VERTICALLY the VOWELS + consonants of EACH name,

Then the summed vowels + summed consonants of the ENTIRE name.



VOWELS (red) ____, ____, ____, ===V

CONSONANTS (blue) ____, ____, ____, ===C

Now, GRAND Totals: + ==== + ==== + ==== + ==== (black?) (given name) (middle) (last name) (ALL)

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Introduction to PARTS of (full birth) NAME

MAJOR #s come from the FULL name on birth certificate (These numbers come from bottom of page 13, right-most column.) From VOWELS in full name: INNER MOTIVATION, Soul, Heart’s Desire # ___ From CONSONANTS of name: OUTER PERSONALITY, Persona # ___ FROM ALL LETTERS of full name: DESTINY or Expression # ___ The numbers derived from the FULL name on the birth certificate are powerful all through one’s life, whether or not one uses them. They reflect the general Life Plan or Soul Contract with which one’s body incarnated. The Destiny# is second only to the Life Path# in influence. The Inner Motivation# is close 3rd. The Personality# shows how other people tend to see one; it’s not as significant although interesting. Each PART of name also reflects part of one’s persona: (These numbers come from bottom row of page 13.) The given name shows how one sees oneself--the CONSCIOUS self. # ___ The middle name shows one’s HIDDEN, EMOTIONAL self. # ___ The last name reflects influence of the FATHER’S FAMILY HERITAGE. # ___ The HUSBAND’s FAMILY HERITAGE may influence a woman over time. # ___

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Intro to MINOR NAME #s from DAILY NAME

MAJOR #s come from the FULL name on birth certificate (These numbers come from page 13b.) VOWELS in full name: INNER MOTIVATION, Soul, Heart’s Desire # ___ CONSONANTS of name: OUTER PERSONALITY, Persona # ___ FROM ALL LETTERS of full name: DESTINY or Expression # ___ The numbers derived from the FULL name on the birth certificate are powerful all through one’s life, whether or not one uses them. They reflect the general Soul Contract or Life Plan with which one’s body incarnated. The Destiny# is second only to the Life Path# in influence. The Inner Motivation# is close 3rd. The Personality# shows how others see one. MINOR #s come from the DAILY name used casually (These numbers will be calculated on next page, page 15.) The numbers from one’s current, daily name—how one introduces oneself—augment the main, major name #s above, sometimes balancing too strong a power and sometimes countering too weak a power. They are secondary, complementary. From VOWELS, daily name: INNER Motivation, Soul, Heart’s Desire # __ From CONSONANTS of name: Minor OUTER PERSONALITY # __ FROM ALL LETTERS of daily name: Minor DESTINY or Expression # __ Each PART of name reflects part of one’s identity (major & minor): (These numbers come from pages 13b and 15.) The given name shows how one sees oneself--the CONSCIOUS self. # ___ One’s current NICK-NAME reflects one’s active self-perception. # ___ The middle name shows one’s HIDDEN, EMOTIONAL self. # ___ The last name reflects the FATHER’S FAMILY HERITAGE. # ___ Husband’s FAMILY HERITAGE is another influence a woman may use, too. # ___

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Letters must be translated into numbers 1 – 9 for these name-numbers. All 1s All 2s All 3s All 4s All 5s All 6s All 7s All 8s All 9s


Note: Ys are usually vowels unless sounding like Y in yes or yellow. (NOTE: HERE’S the PLACE to USE the NAME YOU ACTUALLY USE, DAILY.) VOWELS: write the # for each VOWEL ABOVE the name, in RED. CONSONANTS: write # for each consonant BELOW name in BLUE. Print the first name one gives to introduce oneself. (1 letter to a gray box) Print the surname one introduces oneself with (“married” name?). (one letter to a box) Spare, just in case. (one letter to a gray box)

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DOING THE MATH AGAIN (smile!) COUNT UP VOWELS & CONSONANTS, SEPARATELY, horizontally: (1) VOWELS IN RED, write numerals above each vowel in all your names, (2) Count up only vowel numerals; write the sum IN RED to the right of red #s. (3) Double-check where you counted any Ys; in names, Y is usually a vowel.

(It is a consonant only if it sounds like in “yes,” “yellow,” or “yoyo.”)

(4) CONSONANTS IN BLUE, write #s below each consonant in all your names, (5) Count up only the consonant numerals; write their sum in BLUE to their right. SUMS: We want “reduced” sums, each name (unless 11,22,33). REMINDER: We “REDUCE” numbers by ADDing their digits together! For example, my vowels add up to 72, which “reduces” 7 + 2 = 9. (1) In table below, for EACH name:write red VOWEL sums on upper lines across, and blue consonant sums on middle lines. (2) Then we will add HORIZONTALLY all VOWELS to their right (still red) and all consonants to their right (blue).

(3) Finally, add VERTICALLY the VOWELS + consonants of EACH name,

Then the summed vowels + summed consonants of the ENTIRE name.



VOWELS (red) ____, ____, ===V

CONSONANTS (blue) + ____, + ____, + ===C

Now, GRAND Totals: ==== ==== ==== (black?) (given name) (last name) (whole name)

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VOWELS (See page 11) show how one expresses energy, most characteristically. CONSONANTS are more personal and nuanced, describing one better. REFER TO JUST the FIRST, GIVEN NAME (see page 12): The FIRST VOWEL shows one’s dominant energy: _____. Key words: The FIRST letter, usually a CONSONANT, shows one’s leading energy, one’s first reaction: ______. (Look at letter-chart to find the numeral for this letter.) Key words: Now look at your ENTIRE birth name and TALLY all the vowels. Which are emphasized? Any dominant vowels? See page 11 for Key words:

A _____ E _____ I _____ O _____ U _____ Y _____

MATURITY# or Life Calling#--later-Life Potential

Life Path number from the birth DATE (page 5): ____ Destiny Number from ALL the letters in full NAME (p.12): + ____ ===== Further reduces ____ + ____ = _____ Key words: CHIEF-CHALLENGE-BECOMES-ACHIEVEMENT # (from Michael Brill) (Similar descriptions as for Karmic Lessons on double-page 17, next.) Birth date DAY + MONTH: ____ + ____ + ____ + ____ = _____ Further reduces ____ + ____ = _____ Key words:

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Introduction to KARMIC LESSONS

MISSING LETTERS and KARMIC LESSON #s Another way to see what life lessons are intended for this lifetime is to TALLY up all the numbers used by the letters of one’s full birth-certificate name. Letters of name must be translated into numbers 1–9: 1) Write full name & for each letter put a TALLY in the matching box. 2) Add tallies vertically for each numeral 1-9 & write SUM in each gray box. NAME: All 1s All 2s All 3s All 4s All 5s All 6s All 7s All 8s All 9s


WHICH COLUMNS HAD ZERO LETTERS? Missing numbers indicate one is intended to work on developing these energies during this lifetime. Probably, these numbers figure prominently in the numbers already derived from the birth date and names. Karmic lessons add emphasis, acting like a cross-check. Any karmic lesson NOT in one’s numerological chart shows an additional challenge. K#1: Challenge is to develop independence, self-confidence, assertiveness, & leadership; develop courage to stand up for oneself, face one’s fears, take the initiative, express individuality and own opinions; and learn to have faith in and honor oneself. On the other hand, one may act overly arrogant and controlling—but that is a cover for secret feelings of powerlessness. K#2: Challenge is to develop cooperation, patience, diplomacy, and ability to support the team/committee; learn to understand and respect others’ needs and feelings. One may be overly critical and impatient, to cover preoccupation with one’s own fears, especially of abandonment & neediness. K#3: Challenge is to allow joy, social interaction, and creative expression; learn flexibility, spontaneity, & conversing; develop optimism, playfulness, imagination, & willingness to take risks. One is an overly busy, self-critical & self-controlled perfectionist, who needs more social connectedness and fun. Relaxing, expressing self, & developing a social life will build self-esteem. (Interestingly, this is only energy with K# advised to upgrade appearance!)

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Continue MISSING LETTERS and KARMIC LESSON #s K#4: Challenge is to develop focus, discipline, diligence, & follow-through; develop practicality & responsibility; learn to organize schedule & finances. One is likely to be scattered, fear lack of time/resources/credit, take too many shortcuts, and tend to blame others/circumstances for problems. Must use reason & methodical approach to set a foundation for one’s life. K#5: Challenge is to accept, even embrace change, risk, & adventure; learn through actual new & different experiences, such as travel; develop more openness to expanding horizons and develop faith in living life fully; meet, communicate with, & learn to appreciate a wider variety of people. One may be egocentric, intolerant, critical, impatient, & hasty. On the other hand, one may succumb to addictions such as gambling & substance abuse. K#6: Challenge is to develop deep, committed relationships & ability to express own emotions, especially affection; willingness to accept social responsibility & even to sacrifice one’s own preferences/convenience to take care of others. Tuning into others’ feelings & needs tends to broaden awareness & open-mindedness, which awakens more creative abilities. One is likely a perfectionist and socially detached; relax & entertain guests more. K#7: Challenge is to focus on developing BOTH mental and spiritual depth; developing analytical & observational skills and an expertise; learning to face fears, especially of losing self-control or over other people. Spend quiet time alone, especially with Nature and beauty, and learn to trust one’s own inner self. One may be overly self-critical & defensive; must find trust & faith. K#8: Challenge is to develop self-control (especially of material resources), sense of abundance, wise judgment, responsibility, respect for others, and leadership skills. Must overcome victim mentality and fear of poverty. One is likely to be overly independent & status-conscious, tend to overlook personal responsibility for own decisions, and may also tend to defensively manipulate others. One must grow into sense of abundance & power and wield it kindly; leading & empowering others, without trampling them. K#9: Challenge is to change one’s view from egocentric to universal; to learn empathy & forgiveness and develop acceptance & compassion for ever-expanding groups of people. Develop gratitude for beauty of all kinds and of loving connections all around. One must learn to sacrifice some personal preferences & conveniences to better serve the Greater Good. Learning compassion comes through opening one’s eyes further, listening to one’s intuition, paying heed to own emotions, and learning to recognize other’s needs. One may be narrow-minded, self-serving & needy, but has powerful potential as a humanitarian if one can make this leap of faith.

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Introduction to KARMIC DEBT NUMBERS 13/4 14/5 16/7 19/1

A refinement to any numerological feature in one’s chart is that these four particular numbers have a potentially “malefic” aspect that may help clarify the meaning of that chart feature. They emphasize the special lesson to be learned, giving it higher priority in the core numbers and life cycles. These emphasized lessons are likely to surface again and again during life, until the lesson has been learned thoroughly. (Most numerology authors assume that these 4 Karmic #s show long-unlearned lessons or abuses in other lives.) Chances are good that if an OLLI student has a Karmic #, one has already learned the required lesson in this life. The Universe trains us early & often! These are not necessarily “bad.” My house number provides a good example: 2077 reduces to 16/7. The builder’s lively family moved in; several years later, their family broke up. MY family has lived here happily for 25 years; but all of us are consciously working on expanding our self-awareness and raising our consciousness. The allegedly “malefic” 16/7 supports our desire for personal growth, so is a “good” number for us. 13/4: Apparently, in other lives, one tended to be TOO lazy and scattered, predominantly negative, took shortcuts & had a careless approach to work, all of which led to abysmal self-esteem. So now the task is to build a strong foundation for this life: learn order & structure, attend to details, work hard & long, WITH A GOOD ATTITUDE, despite all the obstacles that WILL pop up. Do NOT quit! One must master discipline, determination, & integrity. 14/5: Apparently, in other lives, one misused freedoms, privileges, & maybe power, choosing ego’s preferences at other people’s cost. So now the task is to learn moderation, self-control, & to honor one’s responsibilities & others’ boundaries. This life will have excessive change & unpleasant surprises, such as illness, job loss, or calamity. One will be tempted often. RESIST addictions, minimize possessiveness and maximize positive, can-do attitude. One must enjoy the gifts of freedom & adventure, while BALANCING them with respecting commitments & responsibilities. 16/7: Apparently, in other lives, one may have loved inappropriately (?!?) & thereby caused much suffering to others; and in this life one tends to be superficial, negative & resistant, proud of intellect AND intuition—often with attitude of superiority--and be socially withdrawn. The overinflated ego WILL be knocked down, over & over, until humility and respect for others is learned. Generally, in this process, one also develops higher goals, which lead to more hope & faith in self, others, & the Divine. Spiritual growth is key.

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Continue KARMIC DEBT NUMBERS 19/1: Apparently, in other lives, one abused authority, and, in this life, one may try to control everything and everyone, or AVOID all control, ceding personal power. One is likely to be manipulative, seeming selfish and/or clingy. The key lesson here is that “No man is an island.” One cannot be perfectly independent, resisting all assistance; nor can one cede all power to someone else. One must learn balance, to stand up for oneself while respecting others’ opinions & needs; to develop the courage to accept support; and to respect mutual interdependence. We are all in this together.

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Introduction to ESSENCE Numbers and the PLANES of EXPRESSION

The Universal and Personal Year energies influence our lives EXternally. To find how we influence ourselves INTERNALLY through the years, we use the letters of the full BIRTH name to see how, in certain years, one was prone to feeling & focusing physically, emotionally, and intuitively.

The 1st name reveals Plane of Physical Expression (health, wealth). The middle name shows the Plane of Emotional/Mental Expression. The surname reflects Plane of Intuitive Expression (connectedness).

We need BOTH the letter AND its numerical equivalent. Each letter is listed sequentially as many times/years as its numerical equivalent.

(For example, my first name is Virginia. In the column for Physical Plane, I will list V 4 for the first four years of my life, 1954-’57, followed by I 9 for the next nine years, etc. Wow, I have a LOT of 9s!)

All 1s All 2s All 3s All 4s All 5s All 6s All 7s All 8s All 9s


We do the same process for the middle name in the Emotional Plane and also for the last name in the Intuitive Plane. This is very tedious & MUST be done accurately, to work. CAREFUL!! (Women, use your MAIDEN name! When I did my own Essence chart, I used my married surname instead of my maiden name, which gave me meaningless results.) When all the names are spelled out vertically, with the numerical value next to the letter, it is time to ADD ACROSS the numbers of all three planes. These are the ESSENCE Numbers---our overall inner state of mind during each Personal Year. If the sum is greater than 9, write both the sum AND reduced numbers, separated by a slash. Watch for Master#s 11/2, 22/4, 33/6 and also the Karmic Debt#s 13/4, 14/5, 16/7, 19/1 HELPFUL TIPS: I found it simpler to: write all the letters first; adding the numbers later to double-check the count. Write the letters in one color and the matching numerals in a different color, so that the last step of adding the numbers horizontally becomes easier. Refer to example on next page.

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1950 0 6 F6 M4 L3 13/4 Born1951 1 7 F6 M4 L3 "1952 2 8 F6 M4 L3 "1953 3 9 F6 M4 A1 2-Nov1954 4 1 F6 I 9 S1 16/71955 5 2 F6 I 9 T2 17/8 Kindergarten1956 6 3 I 9 I 9 T2 20/21957 7 4 I 9 I 9 L3 21/31958 8 5 I 9 I 9 L3 " Movedacrosstown1959 9 6 I 9 I 9 L3 "1960 10 7 I 9 I 9 A1 19/1 Brokemylegin3places;startedreading;discoveredastronomy1961 11 8 I 9 I 9 S1 "1962 12 9 I 9 I 9 T2 20/21963 13 1 I 9 D4 T2 15/6 Grandmamovedinwithus1964 14 2 I 9 D4 L3 16/71965 15 3 R9 D4 L3 "1966 16 4 R9 D4 L3 "1967 17 5 R9 D4 A1 14/51968 18 6 R9 D4 S1 " Graduatedfromhighschool1969 19 7 R9 D4 T2 15/61970 20 8 R9 D4 T2 "1971 21 9 R9 L3 L3 "1972 22 1 R9 L3 L3 " GraduatedfromcollegewithBachelorsdegree1973 23 2 R9 L3 L3 "1974 24 3 S1 E5 A1 7 WorkedonMastersthesis1975 25 4 T2 E5 S1 8 GraduatedwithMasters1976 26 5 T2 E5 T2 9 JoinedthePeaceCorps1977 27 6 F6 E5 T2 13/4 StillinAfrica1978 28 7 F6 E5 L3 14/5 Backhome,dovolunteerworktogetbackintowork

1979 29 8 F6 M4 L3 13/4 Startgreatnewjobinmyfield



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CALCULATINGESSENCENUMBERS(overallframeofmindduringPersonalYear) Page21









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CALCULATINGESSENCENUMBERS(overallframeofmindduringPersonalYear) Page21









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FREE PLAY with miscellaneous NUMBERS

Street Address (# only---road name applies to all neighbors)

Phone Numbers (NO area code, since that applies to so many)

Car License Plate #

Driver’s License #

Social Security #

DATES of wedding, graduations, etc.

Professional License #

Business’s Names

Internet Passwords

Bank/Investment Accounts

Other people’s names/birthdates

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BIBLIOGRAPHY, Neophytes Guide to Numerology, 2017

The Complete Illustrated Guide to Numerology, Using the Language of Numbers as a Personal Life Guide, by Sonia Ducie, 1999, published by Element Books. The Complete Idiot’s Guide Numerology Workbook, by Patricia Kirkman & Katherine A. Gleason, 2009, published by Alpha, a member of Penguin Group. Glynis Has Your Number, Discover What Life Has in Store for You Through the Power of Numerology!, by Glynis McCants, 2005, published by Hyperion. Idiot’s Guides, As Easy As It Gets! Numerology, by Jean Simpson, 2013, published by Alpha, a member of Penguin Group (USA) Inc. I See Your Dream Job, A Career Intuitive Shows You How to Discover What You Were Put on Earth to Do, by Sue Frederick, 2009, published St. Martin’s Press. Numerology and the Divine Triangle, by Faith Javane & Dusty Bunker, 1979, published by Schiffer Publishing Ltd. (This book connects numerology with tarot & astrology.) Numerology for Decoding Behavior, by Michael Brill, 2011, by Destiny Books. Numerology for Healing, by Michael Brill, 2009, by Destiny Books. The Numerology Guidebook, Uncover Your Destiny & the Blueprint of Your Life , by Michelle Buchanan, 2013, published by Hay House, Inc. Numerology, Key to Your Inner Self, by Hans Decoz, 1994, published by the Penguin Group--basis of paid charts through Numerologist.com. Who Are You in the Tarot? Discover Your Birth & Year Cards and Uncover Your Destiny, by Mary K. Greer, 2011, a numerology book published by Weiser Books. www.Numerologist.com Note: As far as I can see from my limited research so far, each numerologist uses the same foundation of numerology and then develops his/her own focus and intuitive understanding. So all books will have own nuances and flavor. Choose what suits you. Each book I’ve read has been my favorite until I read the next one. Each book built my background, so I got more out of the next one. Have fun!

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Neophyte’s Guide to Numerology OLLI Fall 2017 [email protected]

SUMMARY LIST of ALL NUMBERS TIME FACTORS, from DATE of birth: _____ LIFE PATH # (page 5) THE most important #. General life plan. _____ Birth DAY #, the supporting GIFTS to help fulfill Life Path. MAJOR LIFE CYCLES (page 10) _____ YOUTH (age 0 – 27) OR match Pinnacles, from birth to (36-Life Path#) _____ MATURITY (age 28 – 53) OR (next 27 years) _____ WISDOM (age 54 on) OR (for rest of life) PINNACLES to left and accompanying CHALLENGES to right(p.10) _____ YOUTH (from birth to (36-Life Path #) _____ _____ Next 9 years (age ____ to ____) _____ _____ Next 9 years (age ____ to ____) _____ _____ WISDOM years throughout rest of life _____ PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS, from NAME (page 14) MAJOR #s to the left & complementary daily-name MINOR #s to the right _____ INNER MOTIVATION, Soul, or Heart’s Desire # Minor INNER ______ _____ OUTER PERSONALITY or Persona # Minor OUTER ______ ____ DESTINY or Expression # Minor DESTINY _____ _____ CONSCIOUS SELF from first name /Nickname, Minor Conscious Self______ _____ EMOTIONAL SELF from the middle, unused name _____ SOCIAL SELF from the father’s family name, MAJOR _____ SOCIAL SELF from husband’s name (optional, MINOR) MATURITY #, Life Calling, or later-life Potential (page 16) _____ Sum of LIFE PATH # plus DESTINY # CHIEF-CHALLENGE-BECOMES-Source of ACHIEVEMENT # (From Michael Brill) _____ Sum of Birth DAY + MONTH KARMIC LESSON(S) (p.17) from missing letters/numeric equivalents in full birth ______ name.

Page 35: NEOPHYTE’s GUIDE to NUMEROLOGY TABLE of · PDF fileNeophyte’s Guide to Numerology OLLI Fall 2017 ginny.mcdowell.ak@gmail.com NEOPHYTE’s GUIDE to NUMEROLOGY TABLE of CONTENTS,