August 2013 Old Home Day Issue Volume 30, No. 3 News for Nelson and Munsonville Old Home Day Speaker THE GRAVESTONE GIRLS “Welcome to the Graveyard - A Stroll Through the History of Cemeteries and Gravestones” GRAPEVINE-2 By Julio Razquin I have an old friend who happens to be a successful singer/songwriter. Back in the 80s, he wrote a song called “Silent City” for the soundtrack to a movie. I got to chat with him about his inspiration for the title and the lyrical content of the song, and learned about how he perceived cemeteries to be these “silent cities”. I begged to differ, offering my opinion that these so-called “cities” had a heck of a lot to say. Ask any historian, and she or he will tell you that much of any town’s history lies underground, beneath the dirt and stones of its cemetery. The window into the past that a name can reveal is often made that much clearer when the intricacies of the stonework and the symbolism of the characters and figures on gravestones are studied as well. For more than thirty years, Brenda Sullivan, Maggie White, and Melissa Anderson have been doing just that. Together, as The Gravestone Girls, they have not only strived to educate themselves and share their knowledge, but also practice a rich form of folk art tradition which is unique to this nation. In their own words: The Gravestone Girls’ mission is to “Keep Our Dead Alive”. “We create decorative artwork using the beautiful and primitive images carved on old New England gravestones; give lectures on cemetery art, history and symbolism; as well as teach gravestone rubbing classes! Our work aims to entertain and educate on the historical perspective of old cemeteries by documenting and preserving the beautiful art they contain.” They also produce beautiful three-dimensional pieces by way of a casting method uniquely their own. “To produce our three-dimensional pieces, we perfected a casting technique which exactly replicates the original gravestone carving. The creations in our collection derived from 17th to 21st century gravestones found in cemeteries throughout New England. All our pieces are hand-formed and finished in a process we have specifically developed. It is important to note that no stones are ever harmed by our techniques - preservation is our main concern!” Artwork by the Gravestone Girls is used to decorate the home and garden, provide a resource for historical education, and to do fundraising, as well as assist people in the genealogical documentation of people’s ancestral gravestones. They also collect images and physical representations related to a town’s history as a method to raise funds for cemetery restoration projects, or fund other historical related enterprises. Brenda Sullivan of The Gravestone Girls will be speaking on Old Home Day, Saturday, August 17 at 1:00 p.m.

Nelson Grapevine, August 2013

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Newsletter for the town of Nelson, NH.

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Page 1: Nelson Grapevine, August 2013

August 2013 Old Home Day Issue Volume 30, No. 3

News for Nelson and Munsonville


“We lc o m e to th e Grav e y ard - A Stro ll Th ro u g h th eHis to ry o f Ce m e te rie s an d Grav e s to n e s ”


By Julio Razquin

Ihave an old friend who happens to bea successful singer/songwriter. Backin the 80s, he wrote a song called

“Silent City” for the soundtrack to amovie. I got to chat with him about hisinspiration for the title and the lyricalcontent of the song, and learned abouthow he perceived cemeteries to be these“silent cities”. I begged to differ, offeringmy opinion that these so-called “cities”had a heck of a lot to say.

Ask any historian, and she or he willtell you that much of any town’s historylies underground, beneaththe dirt and stones of itscemetery. The windowinto the past that a namecan reveal is often madethat much clearer whenthe intricacies of thestonework and thes ymbo l i s m o f t h echaracters and figures ongravestones are studied aswell.

For more than thirtyyears, Brenda Sullivan,Maggie White, and MelissaAnderson have been doingjust that. Together, as TheGravestone Girls, they

have not only strived to educatethemselves and share their knowledge, butalso practice a rich form of folk arttradition which is unique to this nation.

In their own words: The GravestoneGirls’ mission is to “Keep Our DeadAlive”. “We create decorative artworkusing the beautiful and primitive imagescarved on old New England gravestones;give lectures on cemetery art, history andsymbolism; as well as teach gravestonerubbing classes! Our work aims toentertain and educate on the historicalperspective of old cemeteries bydocumenting and preserving the beautiful

art they contain.”They also produce beautiful

three-dimensional pieces by way of acasting method uniquely their own. “Toproduce our three-dimensional pieces, weperfected a casting technique whichexactly replicates the original gravestonecarving. The creations in our collectionderived from 17th to 21st centurygravestones found in cemeteriesthroughout New England. All our piecesare hand-formed and finished in a processwe have specifically developed. It isimportant to note that no stones are everharmed by our techniques - preservationis our main concern!”

Artwork by the Gravestone Girls isused to decorate the home and garden,provide a resource for historicaleducation, and to do fundraising, as wellas assist people in the genealogical

documentation of people’sancestral gravestones.They also collect imagesa n d p h y s i c a lrepresentations related toa town’s history as amethod to raise funds forcemetery restorat ionprojects, or fund otherh i s t o r i c a l r e l a t e denterprises.

Brenda Sullivan ofThe Gravestone Girls willbe speaking on Old HomeDay, Saturday, August 17at 1:00 p.m.

Page 2: Nelson Grapevine, August 2013


Please note that the dates and hoursfor the Selectmen meeting for thesummer are:

• Aug. 7 6:00 p.m.• Aug. 21 6:00 p.m.• Sept. 4 6:00 p.m.

On September 11 we return toalternating 2:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.

Susan Hansel, Selectboard


Th e N e l s o n

Conservat ionCommission isagain sponsoring

the annual RoadsideClean Up on Saturday,August 10th, so thatour town will look itsbest for Old Home Week.

Bags and gloves will be available atOperation Clean Up in front of NelsonTown Hall from 9:00 a.m. til Noon. Atthis time you may sign up for the sectionof road you want to detrash.

If it is raining, come anyway, chooseyour road, and pick up when the sunshines.

Full bags can be returned to thecenter of town or if they are too heavy,they may be left on the roadside for MikeTarr to pick up.

If we have volunteers from all partsof town, Nelson will look even morebeautiful and you will have thesatisfaction of helping.

This effort will be rewarded withdaffodil bulbs to be planted in the fallThey will add to the others nowbrightening up the roadsides....a niceexchange for trash!

Please join this community project.


This year during Old Home Weekthe Nelson School Alumni andFriends are once again sponsoring Carnivalcopia, Monday, August

12, at the Nelson School, from 4:00 to7:00 p.m.

This Old HomeWeek Event is gearedtowards children ages 4- 10, but all are welcome. Come play a variety ofgames and win prizes(both new and gently used). This event isopen to residents from any town.

Questions? - Please contact CindyBenner at [email protected] call at 357-2274.


The Nelson

Congregational Church andthe Nelson

Agricultural Commission sponsoredFarm Table will continue on Sundaysthrough the local growing season toSeptember 15. Available local produce,foods, even flowers will be at table on thegrass strip to the right side of the churchfrom 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Sundays.

Call David Voymas at 847-3137.(Ag.Com. chair) for more information, ideasand questions.


Dudley Laufman will lead thedancing at a special Old HomeWeek edition of the NelsonSaturday Contra Dance on

Saturday, August 10, at 8:00 p.m. in theNelson Town Hall. This dance issponsored by the Monadnock FolkloreSociety.

For more information call603.762.0235 or visit the website at www. monadnockfo lk . o rg . TheMonadnock Folklore Society haspresented contra dances and concerts oftraditional music since 1982.


The Old Home Days CommunityHam ‘n Bean Supper will be heldWednesday, August 14, at theNelson Congregational Church

from 5:00-7:00 p.m.Come enjoy this summertime

favorite with ham, old fashioned bakedbeans, coleslaw, homemade pickles,homemade rolls, and homemade piesfrom Nelson’s best bakers.

Prices for the supper are adults:$9.00 and children under 10: $6.00

Donations of items are beingaccepted and volunteers needed andwelcomed for the Supper. Love tobake? We are in need of 27 homemadepies for this event to be delivered to thechurch by the morning of the 14th.

Call or email Joy Birdsey Smith847-9533 or [email protected] tosign up.

This event supports the Chapel by the Lakeand Nelson Congregational Church.


Nelson Congregational Church willagain offer the Old Home DayChicken Barbecue on Saturday,August 17th, at 12 noon

The menu for the feast includes: Famous BBQ chickenLocal corn on the cobPotato saladLocal cukes and tomatoesHomemade rollsWatermelon wedge

The price is $10.00 a plateVolunteers and donations are

welcome and needed! You may call NCC 603-847-3280 or Joy Birdsey Smith603-847-9533 or [email protected]

Do you have a 25th anniversaryT-shirt? Don’t forget to wear it! Younever know….

Proceeds support the Nelson Congregational Church.


Page 3: Nelson Grapevine, August 2013


Looking forward to making new friends in September? PreliminaryRegistration Numbers for the Nelson School show that we expect 44students for the 2013-14 school year.

Sullivan parents of Grade 5 and 6 students have the choice to remain inGilsum or transfer to Nelson, so that class is still small.

Our school configuration this fall will consist of 4 main classrooms. Therewill be a separate Kindergarten class, a combined grades 1 and 2 class, acombined grades 3 and 4 class, and a combined grades 5 and 6 class.

Based on current confirmed registration class sizes are as follows:

Class Registered Combined

Kindergarten 13 13

Grade 1 514

Grade 2 9

Grade 3 410

Grade 4 6

Grade 5 47

Grade 6 3

Totals 44


Please mark your calendars for theLibrary Book Sale Preview set forFriday evening, August 16th at7:00 p.m.at the Town Hall.

We have an amazing array of booksthis year, including travel, anthropology,mathematics, cookbooks, how to, and theusual fine collection of new fiction withlots of mystery and science fiction as well.We received books from a number ofestates this year, so we will have a widevariety of titles.

The Friday preview is for Nelsontown residents only. This is a chance forlocal residents to buy books before thedealers arrive on Saturday.

On Old Home Day the doors willopen at 9:00 a.m. and the sale will lastuntil 1:00 p.m. We have many volunteersready to help you with you purchases andto renew your Friends’ membership orhelp you to join.

All the money from the sale goesdirectly to the Library for books, orprogramming.

We look for ward to seeing you at thesale. Happy shopping!

The Friends of the Olivia Rodham Memorial Library


Olivia Rodham Memorial Librarywill be sponsoring a presentationfrom Critters ‘N Creatures onTuesday, August 13, at 6:30

p.m. in Nelson Town Hall.This is a live animal show featuring 8

live animals, all of which dig, burrow, orlive underground!

You will see a live armadillo, ahedgehog, a turtle, a ferret, a snake ANDMORE!!!!!! This is a fast paced show, recommendedas best for kids 5 years or older.


603-867-2223 We are, USDA Inspected

& State Licensed


The Olivia Rodham MemorialLibrary in Nelson, NH will present"Playing and Teaching AmericanMusic in the 21st Century" on

Thursday, August 8th at 7:00 p.m. Paul Klemperer will talk about

American music, which is comprised of agreat variety of world music traditions.

American music has a distinct identity,but it is made up of influences fromaround the world. New hybrid musicalstyles regularly emerge and yet traditionalmusical styles do not necessarily die out aslong as there are new generations to playthe music and older generations to teachthe music. Many examples will be playedat the presentation.

Paul has been playing and teachingprofessionally for over 30 years. Bands inwhich Paul performs or has performedinclude Marcia Ball, Doyle Bramhall,Malford Milligan, PK Sax, Manteca Beat,The Klemperer Group, My Exotic Other,Mark Rubin's Rubinchik YiddishEnsemble, James Hinkle Band, The JazzPharaohs, The Jitterbug Vipers, GoldenArm Trio, Austin Jazz Band, AlpineExpress, La Strada and many more.

For more information call the libraryat 847-3214 or email: [email protected].


The Nelson Trails Committee issponsoring a hike on its newesttrail: the Murdough Hill Meander,Thursday the 15th at 5:00 p.m.

Meet hike leader, Al Stoops, at KathySchillemat's house at 221 Murdough HillRoad.

The trail is 1.5 miles long with overhalf its length along the wetland oppositethe Nelson School. There's also abeautiful grist and saw mill site datingfrom 1820.

The hike should take a little over anhour.


Page 4: Nelson Grapevine, August 2013


Saturday, August 10

Ne ls o n Cle anup DayNelson Town Hall 9:00 a.m.Meet at Nelson Town Hall to start trash pickup and prettyup the town before Old Home Days. (See page 2 for details.)

Dud le y & Jac qu e lin e Lau fm anNelson Town Hall 8:00 p.m.A wonderful tradition before Old Home Days begin. (Seepage 2 for more information)

Sunday, August 11Old Home Week Officially Begins

Old Ho m e We e k Ch u rc h Se rv ic e

Nelson Congregational Church 9:30 a.m.Old Home Days Sunday will be celebratedat the Nelson Congregational Church. People are invited to bring vases offlowers from their gardens to decorate thesanctuary.

Monday, August 12

Carn ivalc o p iaNelson School 4:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m.Geared towards children ages 4 - 10, but allare welcome. Come to our Carnivalcopiaand play a variety of games at differentstations (e.g. bean bag toss, sponge throw,cookie walk). Free - Sponsored by Nelson Schoolalumni and friends

Co n tra-Dan c eNelson Town Hall 8:00 p.m.This has been a weekly event, rain or shine, summer orsnow, for many, many years. No experience necessary, justthe will to have fun. If you’re not a dancer come to hear thegreat live music. Admission is still just $3.00 per person.

Tuesday, August 13

Critte rs an d Cre atu re sNelson Town Hall 6:30 p.m.The Olivia Rodham Memorial Library in Nelson PresentsDiggers and Burrowers. (See page 3 for details.)

Ap p le Hill Ev e n in g Co n c e rtApple Hill Music Center 7:30 p.m. Concert

Featuring the Session 5 Faculty. J. S. Bach, Sinfonias and Arias from the Cantatas of J.S. BachAlberto Ginastera, Impresiones de la PunaRobert Schumann, Trio in G minor for violin, cello, and piano, Op. 110All concerts are free and open to the public. To reserve a seat,the suggested donation is $25 or more.

Wednesday, August 14

Co m m un ity Ham & Be an Sup p e rNelson Congregational Church 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.Ham, baked beans, rolls, coleslaw, homemade pies. Adults -$9.00; children under 10 - $6.00. Sponsored by NelsonCongregational Church and Chapel by the Lake.

Thursday, August 15

Old Ho m e Day s Gu id e d Hike221 Murdough Hill Road Meet at 5:00 p.m. Al Stoops will guide a hike on the Murdough Hill Meander. This is a moderate hike that takes about an hour. (See page3 for details.)

Mo nad n o c k Mu s icNelson Congregational Church 7:30 p.m.Majestic Brass Quintet• Eric Berlin, trumpet; Richard Watson, trumpet;

Whitacre Hill, horn; Darren Acosta, trombone;Takatsugu Hagiwara, tuba

Ludwig van Beethoven (arr. Hill): Overture to EgmontGiles Farnaby (arr. Howarth): Fancies, Toyes and DreamsGiovanni Gabrieli (arr. Watts): Contrapunctus No. 4Victor Ewald: Brass Quintet No. 3Maurice Ravel (arr. Bergler): Pavane for a Dead PrincessEric Ewazen: Colchester FantasyLeonard Bernstein (arr. Gale): Selections from West Side Story

Free Concert - Open to the Public.

Friday, August 16

Cap tu re Th e FlagNelson Ball Fields 5:30 p.m.Fun and laughs for all! Any age is welcome to play.Call Maureen Lord for more information 827-3646.

Mo v ie Nig h tNelson Town Salt Shed After the GameJoin your friends for the movie “Winn Dixie”. Bring yourown lawn chairs and snacks (and bug spray).

Pre -s ale Bo o k SaleNelson Town Hall 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Friends of the Library sponsored event. Come browse atyour leisure before the crowds on Saturday. All proceedsbenefit the library. Town of Nelson Residents o n ly , please. Nodealers.

Do n ’t fo rg e t y o u r fro g s fo r to m o rro w ’s g am e s .


Page 5: Nelson Grapevine, August 2013

Old Home Day takes place rain or shine. For safety’s sakeparking is not permitted around the common or in front of theTown Hall and Old Brick Schoolhouse. There is parkingbehind the library. If you have a handicap tag, Chief Pratt oran Old Home Day Committee member will direct you to a goodparking spot.

ChairsRemember to bring your own lawn chairs toOld Home Day. You’ll be much more comfortable while eating lunch and watching the festivities.

Please visit the Information, Food and TeeShirt booths – proceeds benefit non-profit

organizations in town.


Old Ho m e Day Gam e sTown Common 9:00 a.m.Possibly the last bastion of amateur excellence in Americansports. Foot races, frog-jumping, tug of war, egg toss, andmore. Nelson OHD games are more fun to watch thanthe London Olympics and they don’t cost a penny. Youmight even find a penny!

Rac e sTown Common 9:00 a.m.Bike race (helmets required) and Nelson Marathon. Please notethat the races start at 9:00 a.m.

Bo o k SaleTown Hall 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.There’s still time to get your summerreading done. Thousands of great (andonce-great) books on every imaginablesubject – priced to move! Get thereearly for best selection and to beat thedealers. Dollar a bag sale at 12 noon. Sponsored by the Friends of the Library andall proceeds benefit Olivia Rodham Library.

Make A Craft Library 10:00 a.m. til 1:00 p.m.The library will be open with a craft table for children to makeand take. Come in and relax, read, use a computer and cooloff.

To w n Band Co n c e rtOn the Church Lawn 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.Enjoy your latest toe-tappers from one of the MonadnockRegion’s most requested bands. Nelson’s own communityband playing marches we all love.

26 Annual O ld Ho m e Day Ch ic ke n Barb e c u eth

Nelson Congregational Church Lawn NoonThe most memorable feast of the summer, and a great timefor visiting with old friends and new. Barbecue price is$10 per plate.

Old Ho m e Day Aw ard sNelson Congregational Church Lawn 1:00 p.m.A brief recap of the business side of Old Home Days,capped by awards for the day’s game contestants.

Old Ho m e Day Sp e ake rOn the Church Lawn 1:30 p.m.The speaker this year is Brenda Campbell - Colonial NewEngland burial grounds (See story on page 1.)

Wate rb allMackenzie’s Field Following the speakerBring your A-game and a towel (or two or three)! All theyouth in town like this event. Most years it’s girls againstthe boys!

So ftb all Gam eEagle Field 3:00 p.m.For those with energy left to give, here’s achance to test your skills with and againstNelson’s formidable ball-playing talent.Bring a cooler, a glove, and pick a side.

Ne ls o n Fo lks Co n c e rtNelson Town Hall 7:00 p.m.Join your friends for an evening of wonderful music playedby your talented Nelson neighbors or folks with strongNelson connections, organized by Geoff Williams andMaury Collins. Always an enjoyable and varied show.


Page 6: Nelson Grapevine, August 2013


For Sale

Cus to m Wo o d e n Jig s aw Puzzle s -From your artwork, photos, prints, etc.Call David Beffa-Negrini at Fool'sGo ld , 827-9825 o r e m a i l :®

[email protected]

Gran ite Lake Map le Pro d u c ts - PureNH Maple syrup by Nick Barrett, 66 OldTowne Road, Nelson, NH, 03457. 603-847-3457. Email: granitelakemapleproducts@ yahoo.com.

Ne ls o n g ro w n y arn , f le e c e and rovingfrom our flock of Romney sheep. Alsoavailable are knitting kits and finishedproducts: scarves, hats, mittens, blankets,etc. Call Susan Weaver 847-9763

Hid d e n B irc h Farm - Chevon (GoatMeat) raised on our farm, choice of cuts;meat chickens & Thanksgiving Turkeys.Farm fresh eggs; Livestock Fenceinstallation - 96 Nubanusit Rd - Tiger &G i g i B a t c h e l d e r 8 2 7 - 2 9 5 0 ;www.hiddenbirchfarm.com

Personal Services

Tale n te d y o un g w o m an will help youwith your childcare needs, office needs,clerical needs, housecleaning needs, orother miscellaneous projects. CallGwyneth Tolman 827-4194


Harris v ille Ch ild re n 's Ce n te r -year-round programs for children 6weeks to 6 years old. 827-3905.

Writin g Le s s o n s -Will teach you, childor adult, to write better than you do now.Ph.D. Tufts, taught writing at Tufts andHarvard Extension. Elizabeth ChapmanHewitt. 847-3118 or 401-2666

Fo r Re n t – Granite Lake summercottage. Call Mable Bergeron, (603)363-8086.

Fo r Re n t – Seasonal Cottage on GraniteLake. Ca l l 603-520-5615 or304-594-3539

Art Le s s o n s - for children and adults. Watercolor, oil, composition, and

drawing. Summer/Fall. Beginner thruadvanced instruction. Marylise ReillyFajal, 847-3382 or 355-7337.

Building, etc.

Eth an To lm an - Excavating, bulldozer,truck, loader/tractor work. Field,driveways, building, moving. Years ofexperience. 827-3414

Ne w h o m e s , decks, kitchens, and baths- Remodeling our specialty. NubanusitBuilding and Remodeling. Ron Trudelle,827-3251.

Exc avatio n - Septic Systems, Driveways,Site work, and Foundations, Trucking,Plowing and Sanding: Phil Hamilton847-3288

Ad d itio n s , renovations, remodeling,barns, - Steven Reilly. 847-3382 or 355-7337.

Re s id e n tial Pain te rs - Interior, exterior.Experienced, reasonable, reliable. HeidiTompkins and Tal Gregory. 847-0000

Home Services

Rub b ish re m o val - Granite LakeServices, Ed Schillemat, 847-3290.

Gard e n in g , pretty, manicured lawns,spring and fall clean-up, brush & chainsaw work Owen Iselin- 933-0680.

SPCo m m Starp o w e r - Home TV andSatellite Systems, High Speed Internetaccess , 2-way Radio , SoundReinforcement, Home Theatrewww.STARPOWER-satellite.tv [email protected].

Yard Wo rk - Will do yard work for you.Call Marcus Bean, 847-3042


Music Le s s o n s - Allison Aldrich &Hunt Smith - Voice, Fiddle, Guitar,Ukulele, 5 String Banjo, Mandolin,Recorder, Beginning Piano, Accordion,Concertina, Flute. A relaxed, friendlyatmosphere where you can learn to singor play the instrument you have always

wanted to master. Call: 603-209-3304

Email: [email protected]

Munso n v ille Aud ioLocation & Studio Recording / SoundReinforcement. Pro-grade mixing, highresolution digital recording, microphones& signal processing coupled to custommonitor mixes and an extremelypowerful yet well mannered FOH soundsystem. High quality recordings expertlymixed, mastered & made ready fordistribution. Demo recordings aspecialty. 603 499-2904 Web: www.MunsonvilleAudio.Com Email: [email protected]

Mus ic Le s s o n s - Banjo, Bass, ElectricGuitar and Acoustic Guitar. Rock andRoll, Bluegrass, Country Western, Folk.All levels. Ages 12 to 112. Teachingmusic for 20+ years. Jonathan Smith827-3036

***Note: Grapevine ads are free to localresidents. Ple as e in fo rm u s if y o u n e e dto c h an g e o r d e le te an ad . Thanks.


Many thanks to Eric Bower forhis dedication and service ascustodian of the NelsonCongregational Church.

We wish him well as he goes off tostudy Physics at the University of NewHampshire. Eric's last day is August 17.

If anyone is interested in a small parttime job, please see one of the ChurchTrustees soon to apply so we can arrangea smooth transition.


Page 7: Nelson Grapevine, August 2013

GRAPEVINE-2Grapevine-2 is a quarterly newsletterserving the Nelson/Munsonvillecommunity and is sponsored by theNelson Congregational Church. It ismade possible mostly by voluntarydonations from readers, with somesupplementary assistance from thechurch. Should donations exceedcosts, the surplus goes to the church. Contributions of articles, ideas,photos, or art are always welcome.

To contact the Grapevine-2, callElizabeth Williams at 847-9064,

or email to:[email protected],

or snail mail to:Grapevine-275 Log Cabin RoadNelson, NH 03457

Grapevine-2 Committee& Friends: Hope Lothrop Kelly FrenchBert Wingerson Susan HanselElizabeth Williams


Have you been hearing strangesqueaking noises - like a tsit, tsit - around your house recently,mostly at night? You are

probably hearing a Katydid, of whichthere are many varieties.

T h e s einsects live intrees and eat theleaves. They mayfind their wayinto your houseas they did withus. We caught

five of them last night.They are like crickets, not harmful,

and are nocturnal. For more informationvisit: http://watchingtheseasons.blogspot.com/2011/07/katydids-and-other-nocturnal-insects.html

The Grapevine-2 is printed by our

friends at Keene State College

in Keene, NH

Please visit our own Town of Nelson

website at:http://www.townofnelson.com

NELSON DIRECTORYEmergency (Mutual Aid). . . . . . . . . . . 911

All fire, illness, and accident callsSelectmen.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 847-0047

[email protected] Brick Schoolhouse;Tuesday, 9 a.m. - 12 noon & 5 p.m.- 7 p.m.Tuesday, 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. MeetingThursday, 9 a.m. - 12 noonDavid Upton, Maury Collins, Susan Hansel

Town Clerk/Tax Collector. . . . . [email protected]@townofnelson.comOld Brick Schoolhouse,Tuesday, 9 a.m.-12 noon,Tuesday, 5 p.m.-8 p.m.Thursday, 9 a.m. - 12 noonJulie Lennon - Town Clerk(Notary Public)Teri Upton - Deputy Town Clerk

Town Administrative Asst.. . . . . [email protected] DrinkwaterFinancial Administrator: Anita Treloar

Planning [email protected] Brick Schoolhouse2 Thursday, 7 p.m.nd

Eric Sandberg, Chair. . . . . . . . . . 847-9156Zoning Board-Adjustment

[email protected] Brick Schoolhouse1 Tuesday, 7 p.m.st

Richard Popovic Chair. . . . . . . . 847-3192Highway Department. . . . . . . . . 847-9705

Town BarnMike Tarr, at Town Barn

Fire ChiefCall 911

Police. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355-2000Richard C. Pratt, Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected]

Building SextonWayne Fulton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 933-0680

Cemetery BoardTown Offices, 3rd Tuesday, 4:00 p.m.Edith Notman, Chair. . . . . . . . . . . 847-9681

State Representatives, District 3:Dan [email protected]

State Senator, District 10:Molly [email protected]

Supervisors of the Checklist. . . 847-3206Betsey Church, Chair,Carol NewcombeHope Lothrop

Olivia RodhamMemorial Library.. . .. . . . . . . 847-3214Kris Finnegan, LibrarianHOURSMonday 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.Tues, Wed, Thurs 3:00 - 7:00 p.m.Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Library TrusteesLinda Cates, Chair

Nelson School. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 847-3408School Board - Nelson School2nd Wednesday, 4:30 p.m.Kelly French, Jessica Walter, MargaretSchillemat

Conservation CommissionBud French, Chair. . . . . . . . . . . 847-9995

Agricultural CommissionNelson Library1 Wednesday, 7:00 p.m.st

David Voymas, Chair. . . . . . . . . 847-3137Old Home Day Committee

Nelson Library2 Monday, 6:30 p.m.nd

Kathy Blaudschun, Chair. . . . . . 847-9082Youth Groups:

Cub Scouts - Elaine Giacomo.. . 847-9019Boy Scouts, Rich Crowe. . . . . . . 827-3521Civil Air Patrol. Marcus Bean. . . 847-3042NCC Teen Youths. . . . . . . . . . . 847-3280


Do you have old photos ofNelson and Munsonville –people, scenes, events – thatyou are willing to share? A

group of local residents has beenmeeting informally to start puttingtogether a digital archive of historicphotographs of our town. Nelson’s250th anniversary in 2017 is not faroff, and we hope to be able to publishas many photographs as possibleonline (on the History page atwww.townofnelson.com) or (if westumble upon a pot of gold) in print.

During Old Home Week,August 10-17, we are asking peopleto bring their treasured old

photographs to the library where wewill be set up to scan them, writedown caption information, and returnthe originals. We do not want to keepany original photographs. We wouldbe happy to email you a digital file ofyour photographs. Watch for noticesin the Old Home Day issue of theGrapevine II, the Moving in Stepcalendar, and posters around town forspecific times for scanning.

The Nelson History Groupusually meets on the second Thursdayof each month at 7 p.m. at the library.The group is informal and voluntary,and anyone interested in local historyis welcome to take part. For more


Page 8: Nelson Grapevine, August 2013

Non-Profit Org.U.S. Postage

PAIDNelson, NH 03457

Permit No. 101

830 Nelson RoadNelson, NH 03457

Address Service Requested

Bailey Brook GardensNelson, NH

Fresh Vegetables in seasonFresh Breads year around

Customer Favorites:

Sourdough, Cinnamon Also:

Burger buns, English muffins, and pizza crust

Finest ingredients - Local when possible

Inquiries invitedAll baking done on weekends with beginning

of week pickup

Barbara & David Voymas603-847-3137

There are two more dinners coming up at Mayfair Farm.

• September 22: A Moroccan meal withwhole lamb roast and produce fromTodd Horner’s Walkabout Farm

• October 6: Octoberfest, featuringlocally-brewed beer, Mayfair Farmartisanal sausage and produce fromFarmer John’s Plot.

Cost is $58/person including tax andservice. Advance ticket purchase is required.

Mayfair Farm 31 Clymers Dr.

Harrisville, NH 03450 (603)827-3925

[email protected]

Sunday September 1, 3:00 p.m. Nelson Congregational Church

Nelson Town Band will be playing.

Ice cream is $5 a bowl and all thetoppings you choose.

And there’s Homemade Hot Chocolate and Butterscotch!!