Neil Strauss - The Annihilation Method - Style's Archives - Volume 5 - The Next Level - How to Get Models and Threesomes - Guaranteed Lines and Routines for Advanced Situations

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Page 2: Neil Strauss - The Annihilation Method - Style's Archives - Volume 5 - The Next Level - How to Get Models and Threesomes - Guaranteed Lines and Routines for Advanced Situations

Style's Archives: Book V

-l el$d[rca||uon-

StyTe wriEes:

Subject.: Rer Hazardg of dating 1OE

Fi !s ! of f , I was going ro pos! on sonerhi lg t ike th is . Many of us, v ,ho were nor poputar wi rh

wonen when we were younger, are hawing lh is new e*per ience. IE is cal ]ed enler ing rhe wort i t o f

ho! women. We have lhese gtrls now qho sir in Ehe car \rirh us, and lhey yammer away abour howhot Ehey are and at l lhe guys who l ,ere h iEt ing on !hem. And rhen lney mee! anothergi ! ] , lhey run,rp !o her and say, roh my godl r tove your hai r /ehoes/be] ! . , , And rhey begin rh is

weird comper i t ive r i luar vrhere lhey keep compl imenr ing each o lher . Funniry enough, r ,ve never

seen or been par ! of rh is r i ,or rd unl i r rhe rasr couple vears, ani t i ! cracr<s me up because i ! ,s solame and shal los and insecure and r id icu lous and weird and surreat and awesone.

Now, as for you and your silualion

guess wha!? you 1o6e. I "ar . " "

a. t ,

guys and watching orher guy6 rrying

end of the nigh!, we are going hone

crusl , and respec! .

i f you a l lows yoursel f

ny g i r ls , I lowe going

to h i ! on you, because

Logelher . A11 I requi re

to feet any jealousy or insecur iEy,

out and warching you f l i r ! wi rh o lher

I know and chey a l l know Lhar aL Lr ,e

ts David x,s !h!ee ru les: honeery,

anvrav, lhe wav !o ger her for good, and r nos know rh is , is Lo be a t i r l le a l i6ran! , Lo creare ajealousy p lobt ine, !o ler her feet t ike you,re rak ing her for granted. And rhen, jus! as she,s

beginning to complain to her friends abour you, you rurn around and do somerhing super sweer.

You send her fl.wers or lake her ou! on an anazing dare or fry her somevhere .he wanr6 !o go or

finally rel1 her you tove her (assuming 6he atready toves you). And noll' you are a coupte iimty

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SeyTe writeg,

Su.bject: Itlr eDt€rlng a new phese Lrr ay PUAdeve lopsen t -a ranE

they do weiral chings like

hittlng on lhen. Yet lhey beconEI'm in th16 new norlil no!t. I am alt ays alound ho! chickB' And

conElantLy talk about hov hot lhey are and how guys are al\tays

lnstantly completely tucklng obseaBeil with ne,

I have one l,[,TR piBEeil off anct Bulcicta] because I donr! watr! to Live {ith her and reEcue ber

fron her sbi l ty deb!-f i l led l i fe.

I have another MIJTR cotnpletely

every two fucklng tnlnuteg.

9o I canr! gel

for not Paying

reuurn her phone callE

on tbe phone lha! r get

ln love wilh rne anal obsesslng over me, and calling and lexEiDg te

I have anothet MLTR plssed at ne becauae I'n loo buEy

liveB ln Florlda, and shers Eo fucking boring to talk

so hard !o keep the calls ]lvely.

every d,ey.

r i !ed

any fucklng work done, because lhese glrls are codstanlLy caLling to

enough atcentlon !o lhen. Anal Lhe mole they fucking critlcize me for it'

them even IJESS altentio[ because a1l rhey do is give me grief'


somehow, someone exPerienced ou! lhere

can give me 6ome sage advice. And the

!rying to figure oul hon.

$lth nanaging mulliple relationBbipE (zan, r need you),

sage aalvice is thal I am brirging thts on nyself Juat

The lessolr nanaging nulriple be a fuck of a lot hardet' more emotiolral ard more

Etressful Eo aleat wich than learnlng Ps.

Page 4: Neil Strauss - The Annihilation Method - Style's Archives - Volume 5 - The Next Level - How to Get Models and Threesomes - Guaranteed Lines and Routines for Advanced Situations

Ae careful wha! you wish for.

{ . . . rant ower. . . )



.Style wrieeBt

Subject! vlaLon cragh€E to a low point - AGAIN




lley Man,

I lo ta lLy understand where you,re a! . I fee l lhe saf te way. And t have a loE more pelEpecl ive on

whal l rve been noclc ing in your posls lare ly af ter reading th is , and your response to my pos! in

the Quie! Party Ehread. Here are a few lhoughts:

1. You are only as good as your 1a6s Earge. I l Eucks, buE lha s how we al l fee l nos! of lhe

!ime. If you go! a ONg, you feel like a PUA god. Bu! rhen you can crash and burn lhe nexr day

and feel l ike lhe b iggesr loser in the wor ld. So the answer here is to Eeparate yoursel f f lom

ouEcome, and no! lake i r personal ly . Easier sa id lhan done.

2. Yes, lhe sel f awareneBs rha! you get f ron lh is communi ty is a b iEch. af ler Eo nucb t ime

invesled, Eo NOT be lhe moB! money guy in a room is aggravaling. You! staDdards and expeclations

of yourself are raised too high. ce! lid of !hem, and focus on hawing a good time when you 90

L Hele 's the b iggest i6sue: Your NEl , l se1t . IE 's s l i l l NEw. I t ,s not a lways there for you.

Youire st i l l waci l la t ing back and for th belween your o1d model /bel ie fs and the new one. And i t 's

hard !o te l l sonet imes I iEICE is r ight . I 'm not expla in ing th is vel1, bu! i r is a MAJOR

difficulty to make true fundamenlal changes a! the deepeet core of your personality. Makes

more lime lhan just six n'onthE or a year. Ard iE lakes more repetitions of the new behaviors. I

knos for nyself I have SOME new beliefs and attitudes DowNr bur a! the same iime I stilt see

myself sonetines as ny onD AFc self rirh this NEl{ Ii{ASK on that can sonetimes be lransparenr. I'n

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rea1ly expla in ing th is badly, but the point is : I t 's harder lhan you th ink to change pat ts of

your personality and idenlity !o get the results you vant coneislentfy.

4. with the flake problem, l sonder if your mode of connunication- - the answering/Ewing service-

nakes i! hard !o gel phone rapporl. Try making MEET cloEes instead. Then juet phone/message

only to CoNFIRM i f necesEary.







StyTa vtLCdE !

Sublect: FR: fh€ Be6t Otrporluni ly and the Worgt garging

so today 1 l 'as rny Last day wi th lhe g i r18. and a l l en! wel l F inal ly . I am beginntng lo ge! lh is .

af rer being around for a whi le , nor l ry ing !o qual l fy mysel f , and get l ing socia l proof f rom lhe

guys and lhe g i r l€ I 've befr iended, the wal ls came down. The g i r ls \dere of f ic ia l ly opened.

Then phase lwo, which realLy got me in, aE learned here in th is thread/ was NoT Leaping through

the door once i r l ras opened. In fac! , I rd pre lend l ike I prefe l led to ta lk !o lhe guys over

Ehem. And I rd s lop my conwoe wi th them Eo ta lk to guys.

Then, $hen I had then rogether iD a group, I lreated then like a group set, demonstrating value

to the g i r ls and guys who weleD' t the target and running Ehe rouEines (or s imi lar ones) chal

d idn ' t work before. Suddenly, tbey were MONEY ins lead of suPPLIcaTIoN.

So, at lhe end of lhe day today, I at least made it so lhat lhey are all friends and sould be

exci ted to Eee me again. I got a #c lose wirh one {not a ronant ic lead because she's most ly in lo

girls). And r 90! HUGE rapport rith my target. what suckE is tha! sbe lefr shile 1 was away for

a l i t r le whi le , so I d idn ' t get to #c lose her . IE 's too bad, because not only was she the

hotlest bu! she had jus! golten out of a relationship. By conweying value lo everyone else and

being to la l ly cool and s l ight ly negging wi th her , I f ina l ly 9ol her in leres led in ne. I 'n so

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bunmed, because a #c lose $ould have been Eorat ly possibte. Bu! r d idn,r ger ro do i r before she

No worries, Lhough- I! was a HUGE learning siruarion. And rhey ALL say that rhe mosE atrraciive

thing in the world is a guy who can go up !o Ehem, atready (NOw that rhey HAVE rhem, and show a

conplete lack of needinesE when la lk ing, as i f rhey reat ty don' r g ive a shi ! . (Mosr guys are so

scared to even la lk to them.) This of course was where r fa i led by suppl ica l ing ! i i !h rour lnes a!

f i r8 t . I ! 's hard to maEEer you! s ta le enough ro do lh is wi rh a porn s lar on HER tur f , because

lh is is ALL lnner game. You can Eay lhe same bhing a6 every o lher toser , but i f you a lo i t wiEh

your INNER GAltlE dom, like you are the shit and they could be your next ex-gf if rhey ptay their

cards r ight , you are the man.

Styla wtlEee t

Subject: Re! Venue Poacocklng & HeIp Flon Tho6e I Have !{et

For your part icular look/ you have rwo choices:

1. You can go rock sEar: model eomeone l ike Mark Mccralh f rom Sugar Ray, l ike a pre l ry-boy, bad-

boy, ar ! is t , s inger , rocker .


2. {Thle is my preference and new sty le) co !o!aL ovERDREssED, in an ORrclNA! ce eryte wi lh a

el ight DANDY element . Thie means wear inq l ike wery wel l -cur , modern sui rs . And lhen jusE adding

a small touch of androgynous peacocking, like eyeliner and a btack scarf around Lhe neck. One of

my favorite things that I uas wearing before Ehe a long dark iacke! Ehar goes down !o

mld- lh igh, l { ' ibh just the lop bur lon done up and lhe resr open, and ruf f ted steeves sr ick ing

eLight ly out . wi lh my goatee, people said r tooked l ike the devi l , Lot . r , l f rxy ro f ind a p ic .

Anylray, if you do this, you have !o go !o Ehe righr srores/designers and ger coot, originat,

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WET-L-FITTING shi l . The goal

out of the sroxe vindow of

Furrhernote, MYeEerY's la lest MLTR

when she saw how he ltas dressed and

here is AI,WAYS !o be

the cooleEE boutique

lhe best-dressed at lhe party, like You stepPed

gEyLe wtiteg t

subjects: Re: venue Peacocking & Eelp Flom Thoee I Hava Met

Here's my opin ion on peacocKlngl

I t is no nagic Pi l ] (whar is?) , bul i l is usefu l The point is to WEAR an opener ' Tbrs aav vou

c a n b e n o l i c e d i n l h e c l u b , l ] ' o m e n c a n o p e n y o u , a n d i t ' E x A c c E r A T E s a n y s o c i a l p r o o ! y o u m a y

have. AIgo, i f you dress I ' ike tha! , l t forces you to l ' iwe up !o the image Yes' i t backf i res i f

you hang ou! alone in the corner hugging lhe waIl, \"hich is vhy if you peacock vou t'on't a1low

yoursel f Eo do tha! . A lso, peacocking isn ' r a whole oul f i l r i t can be just wear ing SOMETHING

lhat a1lov,s a {oman to oPen You.

! was at Myslery's last week, and he showetl ne a video of a London PUA FoT fun' lhe London PUA

puE on Mysterv 'B c lo lbeB-- lhe Eop hat , lhe g ian! bools ' the la lex panls ' lhe evel ine! ' lhe

ekinlighr shitr, lhe arm banils, and probably the underv'ea! and he videolaped himself as he

walked rhrough lhe slreels of l,on.lo!1. It \,ra6 insaDe. ?eople wele slopping him in lhe srleels and

aEking if they could be photographed wilh him and he becane RE;ALLY FUNNY and FUN' because ne

had to come up wi th a pelsonal i ly !o l ive up Eo lhe image'






Now, fot nyEe] f , I do not reat lv pea'ock I

commen! on my cloEhing. I have mv oton look,

advexEe !o peacocking-- I just l ike to do i t

( I im 6ure he ' ] l poel a v id soon) is someone q 'ho oPENED HIM

thaE he vas leading the cooversation (it vas during a

just dress VERY cooL and sTYLrsE, so that chicks

which I 'm ref in ing ewery dav. That eaid ' I 'm not

wi tn c loEhes Lnar are CooIJ ard no! s :mp-v LoUD '


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StyTe wtites,

Subjects: FR: The Best Opportunity and the Wor6t Sarging

A quick storv: Tonigh!, r wenr ou! wirh a girt r mer wirh crimbre ar a bar las! week. she 6aidEo neet her a! a f r iend'e house l ,ho she had ro cheer up. I natked in, and iE was some acl ress

naned lJara who was wearing a see-rhrough lop rha! showed her whole breasls. r was my usualcharming self, and teft making plans ro go .wimning wilh rhem borh nexr week. when r gor hone, rsearched on Google Eo rry and figure our who Lara was, because rhey borh maale refexences !o rraraberng wel l -known. Turns our iE $as Lara Ftynn Boyte. A!d, for what i r ,s worth, she r rovED rhe

StyTa wrltaet

Sublect: Doubl€ IrRt f.wo new layE in a day and a ques!:lon about 1ock6d uD women

You may wonder why you don,t have lons of responses !o lhese awesome

nor glvtng us a 10! !o go on in lhese FR6.

I t ' s b / c y o u , r e

wha! ,E lhe opeoer you' re us ing when you \ {ander lhe campus?

!'iha! lE your phone game lhar sels lhe frame?

Thar said, wirh I{Br,toody, since ir was ctear ir was

the date abruptly aDd make ir seem tike i|s your

HBMoody, I 'm real ly enjoy ing my r ime v i lh you, bur

me. I had plans this morning, and r have a lon of

great connecLion on rhe phoner and r wanreit to see

terr ib ly of fended i f r pul1ed a d isappear ing ac! .

and nor d is t racted. "

just a brood sugar rh ing/ r woutd have ended

faul t - -1 ike you' re the o l1e d iss ing her . nHey,

L o t e l l L h e E r L _ h . E o d a v ' s p * e ! E y c r a z y l o r

vrork to do tonighr. r realty rhoughr we had a

you as soon as possib le, bur would be

I jus! want to be a l l here when |m wi th you

I t would l -ave - tef ! you wi lh Lhe pIGsT E\D oI Ehe tedsh.

Page 9: Neil Strauss - The Annihilation Method - Style's Archives - Volume 5 - The Next Level - How to Get Models and Threesomes - Guaranteed Lines and Routines for Advanced Situations

That 6aid. who cares

Nicole Snith show) .

AROUSED. You can do this

shers on your frane or not? Sone women {i11 never be (ever 6ee

goal iE to make her feel" CoMFoRTABLE, and lhen ATTRACTED, and

r{ l th in ber f rame !oo. {Hey, lba l 'E what SS is fo! . lsn ' ! i t?)

glyle wrlteE !

gubj€qfr varLou€ coclEy ald Funny suljects/fr.!€s


There 1B Bone AflEgOME

j.n the fleld, beca$e

I 'm def lnl tely golng

hilarious. and uslng

posti4g tht6 stuff,

shi! here. A IJoT 1n one post. Ilnat I can tell a Io! of

I kno$ i! al1 {orkB.

thla was developed

to start uslng tlre

the Phole nI never

ndon'! cry notdn joke. And keeplng a

liked you any ay'r frame 18 awesome.

lab for lbe gitl is

Great Bhl ! . Keep

of course, there

Anong then:

ale bet ter " job8' to nenLlon than the on€s you have ]i8!ed helel

"slawe trader...you know, inpor!/expott"

"disposable Lighlet repaiflnan" (from l4IL PUA)

the irhole "ass modeltr gadbit

Profe66ional hopscoEch player

Page 10: Neil Strauss - The Annihilation Method - Style's Archives - Volume 5 - The Next Level - How to Get Models and Threesomes - Guaranteed Lines and Routines for Advanced Situations

Profcc6ional boy roy



Style wtltest

SubJect: IrEortant for me lateLy - rethlnking chaslng & eff iciency

T D ,

I haven,t read rhis whole rbread ye!, Just your or iginat lwo posrs, bur lhis curs !o a to! ofthings on my nind roo. r ! 's nor jus! one issue yor: ,re wri l ing abour. Here are Eone rhouqhls:

l Yes/ \de g ive up verv easi ly . or a! leas! r do. r f ehe does! , ! hawe boEh beauly and bra ins, rjus! s lop cal l ing i f l ike ONE phone cal l is no! re lurnei t or whalever . h lhe meart ime, you

CoNSTANTLY hear of guys daring women -- a.1d rhe girt always 6ays !ha! he catred and caLted, andevenlua] ]y she gave in. r ,m no! a chaBer. Never have been. Too proud, too annoyed by re ject ion,and too lazy. But i t c lear ly works f ,or eome.

2. As far as these g i r ls reEponses !o

you baven, ! h i r a l l Ehe swi tches yet .

again, bur in a way rhar is safe (such

but not I t you juEt s top by for a sec,

rhem for afler work rhat nighr. I! may

player .

you ln your examptes, i r seems l ike chey,re in lo you b l r

ThuB, lhey are leaving the door open ro seeing each oEhex

as at work) . yes, i r 's Euppl icar ing ro see rhem ar work,

say you' re on your way somewhere etse, and insra dale

be the IoI rhey need ro prove you,re ser ious and no! a



3. As far as the idea rhar gaming is onty for af t racr iwe women, r d isagree. r feel t ike r cangame anv girl Bur r onfv give her as much as she rNsprREs in me. For example, r vas our onenight recentlv, nor ewen Earging, and was introatuceit !o an average Lalin gir1. r did NorHrNG

other than just being sociat ty proofed (Ehree g i r ls , inc lual ing the barrender, handed me rhei rnumbers in fronr of her r meE a guy and he asked wha! r itid, anit r lotd him I jusr slood bv rhe

Page 11: Neil Strauss - The Annihilation Method - Style's Archives - Volume 5 - The Next Level - How to Get Models and Threesomes - Guaranteed Lines and Routines for Advanced Situations

b a r f o r a l i v i n g a n . l t ' o o k g i r f s l p h o n e n u i b e r s , I , o L ! ) A n d I i ' a s n a t u l a l l y f u n n y . T b a t ' s i l - - n o

walue denonEEration6, no qualifyitlg/challenging. Ard by night's end we *ere bolding hands and

m a k i n g o u l . N o ! o n l y d i d l k n o w l . t i d n ' t n e e . l t o d o a n y l h i n g e l g e , B u I s h e d l d n ' l i n 6 p i r e m e t o

bolher to do anyEhing else.

4, I notice a lo! of your recent PoelE have one thing ln conmon, and this ls sonething lrn

t h i n ] < t n g a b o u t l a t e l y : T h e w A t ! o g e t l h e n o € ! d e s i r e d l q o m e n i n c h e r o o n l s V E R a e l m p l e . A u y o u

h a v e ! o d o i s H o o K ! H E M , b u t w l T l l o u ! I , E T T I N G T H E M K N o w Y o U ' R E H I T T I N G o N T l i E t " l . A n d t h i s i s a

challenge, because of,ten Ju€t giving lhen ANY speclal atlenilon is an IoI rlrs crazyr tthen I

waB hanging out with the Poln starE, they sald lhat' they NEVER get hit on becauEe guys are too

inllml.late.l !o !a]k !o !hem. Bu! lhe fact iE, they're shooting do!*n guyE as aoon as tbe guy

opens his mouth. becau€e lhey -agBune tha! he just $antE to €leep {1!h then'

5 . o f c o u r s e , l h e c a g e g y o u n e n t l o n o f g i l ' l y s w h o h i t o n a g i ! ] . c o n s l a n t l y a n d l h e n l a k e i ! a l ' a y - -

anal then sualdenly the glrl falls for them. Tha!'s a chapger rlghl out of Aos'

5. Ancl, in regarcls to your olher maln point, lf a glrl is cbaBlng you, and lhen you ]e! her

calch you, ln sone casea Bhe will ENJOY you more becauBe she's worked for you' In olher caEea'

she w111 lose lntereB!, like you say. The anEner here ls to Ie! her Lhink that 8he iE STARTTNG

TO WIN YOU OVER, bu! hasn'! r',on. The!e!6 mole wolk to be done--you're s!il] nor eold yel'

gtyle wtltea,

SubJ6c!! AfrLcaDized KilLor Bee gtyle

I love your f-ing fteld reports, bro. Do you tatite fiction? You 8hou1d'

Note for the Thin-skinned: I am aot implving Ehat this is ficlion al aU'

taughed ny aes off when you Lold her, dI'n noE coning fron a scarcitv frane "

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A160, . t la ix does wel l for LIFESTVLE and ROUTINE, Aclual fy , that 'E two reasons.

Any{ay, he has a RoLTINE tha! he rakes Ar,r, rhe girls rhrough. and ir is TEN TrMEs as effecrive

as just r ing ing i ! or doing a cof fee date. Ee rakes them to c lubs that axe I { Is TURF, shere he is

socially proofed, where he can perfom for them, and then has a whole loutine sith his roommales

for when he br ingE then home. Everybody should have a sys lem l ike th is . . .

roreplay lS goocl . congratu lat ions on making Lhis d iscovery

StyTe wtitae t

SubJect: Conveyl,ng Acllve DlELntErsgt

I '11 reply more on thLs la te! . Thie is def in i le ]y a h igh Eociat proof scene. I t was much smaLler

and scene- intense lhan \ , ,here I look you guys. And i t 's exacEly whar TD said: qe have lhe

maler ia l !o b lov, lhem ou! of lhe water , but unt i l c 'e convey ac l ive d is interes! we won' ! even be

You a16o added an impor lant point he!e: i f ar any momenr, you fa l rer and g ive IOls, you ' re

loast . AI I o f a sudden, yourre back to Equare one. This is SARDCORE game. And there 's no bet ter

feel ing lhan winning. I ! '6 l ike ger l ing through one of those real ly hard v ideo games where

lhere ls no rsaven or ncont inue" buClons,

Le! me also add to Vi6 ion,s pos! is !ha! you muEt REEL THEM BACK IN. I ! was okay to insu]E her

nole, and don' ! apologize for i t . Bu! conl inue--g iv ing tota l mixed messages, compl imenls and

nege conlcined-- say, 'rHey wha! ar:e you getting so upser for. I didn,t say anyLhing negatiwe or

posi l ive about i t . c indy crawford has a mole. I th ink I ,m going to cal l you Cra,r f ish. , , Then when

she gers upset again, eay, ' l rhat are you ta lk ing about? That '6 the n icesr compl iment ever . r

c a l l e d n y s i s f - - c r a w f i s \ . l n t a c l , I s L . i 1 l d o . 1 c o r s l a r r l y r e t r a m e :

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The way tha! most PUAS I know {includinq myself and Gr:imble) pu]1 from lhese places is lhac the

rnew sirln on the scene sees you talking to ewervone and starls hitting on vou. so vou caa leave

wi th i :he new gi r l or ouls iCler , bu! the g i r ls who are real lv IN are nore c losed-of f . A lso ' guvs

here are boring as fuck. They are conversation terrorists, and all lhev do is lalk about {ork

and thei r poseesEions. They ' re no! too haxd to befr iend, but thev a lso t rap vou in l ike hal f_

hour conversar ions (probably because they ' re so coked up) .

Anway, 1 q ' i1 l def in i le ly t ry ou! your solut ions. Maybe lhe fo l low-up opener af ter

she asks "wha|s your nane' r (vh ich is EXACTLY l ,ha! she' l l do) is , " Is that t t }e best you can do?'

F inal ly , here 's a quesr ion !ha! I KNow you have an answer: when I was in l roduced lo lhose g i r ls

who d idE' t even l is len when r la1ked and juar scanned the room, 1 jus! cur mysel f o f f mid_

senlence and walked avay. I rn no! going to \ , taste my l ime. Bu! lhac is PAssIvE behavior . I wasn' t

Etrong there - - lhey won and I fa i led lhe shi l !eB! . Wha! wouLd you do here? My curren! so lut ion

I '11 l ry is a var iat lon of lhe Rick H l ine: "You kno\ ' r wha! , I don' l know how you l^ 'ere ra ised,

bu! where r come from nanners are not opllonal. when someone is speaking lo me, chey have rhe

enllre focus of ny allenlion. So unril you can do somelhing abou! your ADD problems, vou and I

{on ' ! be ta lk ing. i ' (Xf lh is seems harEh, i ! 's NOT tor th ls scene; I rve used somelh ing l ike i l

when one g i r l was t ry ing to drag her f r iend away; af ler I used i l , !ha! g i r l apologized inv i ted

me ro go !o an af ter-par ly wi lh lhem.)

style wil.teB ?

Subject: Conveying Act ive DLEinte!€El




F u c k i n g a w e s o m e s h i t i n t h i s t h r e a d . T o e c u l t e r , I l o v e v o u r t i n e s l v i t l u s e v o u r m a n n e r s l e a s e

stuf f , for sure. and lhe "shaking ' l ine.

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TD, you totally nailed it. Mystery, NrGHTr,rGET9 and r in r}1 played a game of Hot sear sith some

gixts we mer. And E\IERY ONE of then said rhey didn'r like us when rhey firEr me! us. We were

cracking up, because we kllew we were playing the game and had won, and tha!'s vhy rhey were

ower. So, as you said, yes iE's itrrpoltant to convey active disinEerest_ Even to nake rhem

STRONGLY DISLIKE you. BUL rhen you reed lhat nomen! -- and it only takes thirty seconds -- to

enlirely turn i! alound. And roulines llkel

My leaslng as af fec l ion scr ip!

we're llke (narne a classic Ho]l)'$ood couple who alvays bicker in thetr movles/Tv-ehows -- irom

cary Grant/Audrey Hepburn !o Sam and Diafle from Cheers)

A beauty is conmon variation

A puppy dog lype routine

E ! c ,

Styla wtlEas,

Sublect: Mixeal Messege E[a1,1: Thoughtd

Some of you nay lemenber in rhe Old Lounge, X sarged an Asian HB in London who tiwes in Toronro.

I v{anted to hook her up with Mys. Anyway, I started getting phone calts from her, and decided ro

keep her for myself. After ttro rourds of enall, r get this. l,ihat are your rhoughts? To sarge or

not Eo sarge? I t 6eens I 'U!L of IOIg. At lbe same t . ime, Ehere 's lhe ' ,surpr ise. , , rs i r lea l love

or convenience? A16o, she vrites like a retald.

Oh, and ber coment a! the beginning i6 itr reference co the fac! rhat she said ny previous enail

was sveet. I wrole her, trTha! rasn,! a sweet email. 1r vras a mean enail. Style = Mean. ReDea!

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It soo vas a sweet emaill Trv all you want to be a bad as6 but I can see lhru !ha! toush

exlerior. Isnipl I dont beliewe there is a link !o RS Oz but I will 1el you knot if I can track

one down. I \toutd love !o be a siar in oz haha ISHE SAID THAT gIlE wAs GoING To BE IN RoLLING

S T O N E A U S T R A L I A ; l S A f D G O O D , h ' l l E N S I { E B E C O M E S A S T A R T E E R E I C A N F R E E L O A D A T I I E R V I L I ' A A I \ T D S U R F


lsn ip l








r '11 be in I"A Jusl for a shorl l ime. I !e11 you a secret '

how r workeal ou! lbe greencard. r'm a lucky ducky


Psr r enjoy Your Eense of

m y s e 1 f . . . w e 1 1 , o k . . . j u s ! a

!o come byl Nigh!, baby.

Briefly, the FR on meeling her waE that in

obstacle anal another guy. I walked in wilh

I rm going to v is i ! mY f tance Thals

sEyIe vrltea t

Subject: Idj.xed Dteesage Elral'I I fboughtsd

Thanks guys. It iE definilelv ON. I am slaving ON game' l\nd' afEer reading !his' l'ton't take

those IOIS for granteal and !'ti11 conlinue to push-putl and play hard !o get' Bn!/ from vour guvs

opin ions, i ! seens l ike I 'n in i f I donr t fuck th is up The cooles! th inq is lhat lMEo she looks

BETTER in person. She has an amazingly cool eighties style of dressing l'11 1eE vou know wbar

humour. . i t reminde ne of mysel f . hal but nooo i 'm nol lha l in lo

bit, t really enjoy tha! you can take lhe pisB boy6 like you are hatd

back bar roon a! a show, I saw her lalking {ith an

ueual generic opinion opener, and totatlv ignoted IIII

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ber- I befriended the guy so well that he gawe me his businesE card and inviled me ro hang ouE

ar lhe FETISH CLLB he promotes. Found ou! lhat she wa6 visiling London, and staying eirh rhem a6

fr iends.

I negged her (1 forget on vhat). did an M, and, sben she said sonething about being Asian,

negged her for having a complex abouE it (but taclfutty). Atso did some mind-reading, got some

rapporE, and tben tried to set her up vith Mystery in Toronto (which hetped because iE Ehowed r

wasnr l h iEt ing on her) . I th ink I may do lh is in rhe furure. come Eo rh ink o! i t , that ,s hor{ r

met my f i rs ! g i r l f r iend belore d iscover ing AsF.


*il,lhen you ge! rapporr q'ith an HB, TRY to Ber her up wilh your bes! fliend. Say she'll be

perfec! for h im, and €eI I HIM to het .**

Though!E ?

Style wrltes!

Subject: Instant lnteractive Value Demonatrations

Just read TD's post, more awesome shit. Still can't believe I've hung

out with that dude twice but still never actually sarged with him to

witness his game first-hand. It feels very reassuring to KNOW that

this stuffwork ifyou put in the commitment that TD and Papa have.

In the meantime, as he mentioned in his post, here's what I've been

into lately:

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Since l've gotten into this game, I've come uP with a lot of stuff

that is regularly used - probably over-used - in the community' And I

think that the reason is that because, although I'm pretty good at

this by now, I have a shong aversion to failurc' Who doesn't' right?

Nobody wants to fail. Nobody wads to crash and burn Not even as

,'practice" or "experienog."

So everr4hing I've come up with since I started this bizarre

journey has been tweaked to ensure the MoST and EASIEST succass When

I first met Mystery, he suggested using as an opener' "Do you think

spells work?" That was it. Where can you go from there? So I made up

the Spells story, whioh is true by the way l'm not a big fan ofthe

Elvis opener either, so I mad€ up others that were just very easy and

interactive and almost rejection-free Things like Dental Floss'

Jealous Girlfriend, etc.

The next step after you open is to get IN- And this is what my

post is about. I want 100 percent tight game' and too many guys just

trust luck (finding a receptive girl who shows interest orjust

automatically continues the conversation)'

No sarge can even prcperly begin until you HOOK the girl ln

other worals, you must transform, in her eyes' from a friendly stranger





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to a guy she doesn't want to leave. This means having value. That's

one ofthe first things I learned about in this corununity. So I tauglt

myselfthings like the Cube and mind-reading and runes and so on. But

those are long ioutines that require a womat or $oup,s total

concentration and attention. They don't necessarily work well ifused

right after the opener. (Whoa, I'm starting to get wordy and overly

basic here. Better cut to the chase before I begin to sound like the

Dating Wizard,)

So what I've been doing now is INSTANT NTERACTIVE VALUE

DEMONSTRATIONS. If l made a living offseduction, I'd call them Ms

and sellan e-pamphlet and seminars.(lfl was Formhandle, I'd call

them "PosFpAIm pre-iso ilVD in vitro."j/k. ) These are quiok ways to

naturally and casually HOOK a girl into your conversation. Atd they

work whether itrs a cold approaoh or you're introduced to someone.

These have become CRUCIAL to my game. In fact, it hurts to give them

away because I use them ALL the time.

What interests a stranger are things like telling her something

about herselfthat she do€sn't know, leaching her something that

benefits her, making her laugh and have a good time, and, in general,

making her dght suddenly better and more interesting than it was

before she met you. So I have about five routines I use to accomplish


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all ofthe above QUICKLY in a fun and interactive way - unlike othcr

value demoNhations like, say, the wonderful ring finger pattem, in

which she just LISTENS to you expound. And they INSTANTLY make you

stand out fiom every other guy she's m€t, they make h€r laugh and

enjoy herself, and il's somefting she oan xalk about with others

later. Many ofyou even know this stufrfrom your self improvement

studies, but may not use it in your sarges.

Notiee too how ALL ofthes€ can be launch€d into right away - ard

naturally - without knowing an)'tling about the other person.

M #1: Best Friend Test

Style: Oksy,I have to ask how long have you guys known each other

for? (lfyou think theyle sistffs ask Are you guys sisters or b€st


HBs: blabla

Style: See, I knew that.

HBs: How could you knolv that?

Style: I'll show you. In fac! l'll give you lhe best friend test.

I{Bs: (they always get exaited here-they love iests for some tuckiog


Style: Okay. . ,(pretend like I'm about to ask a sqrious question-you're

hooked, right, so you know they're already hooked) ' .do you both use the




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same shampoo?

HBs: (look at each other, and then open their mouths to answei)

Style: Okay, the answer doesn't matter. You already passed.

HBst ???????.

Style: See, ifyou weren't alos€ to each ofter, you'd keep eye co sct

with me as you answered. But iftwo people have a connection, fiey

look at €aoh olher first. Kind oflike you'r€ doing right nou.

HBs: giggle (Ihis is where the s€ductioo newbies youjust met see you

making two shang€rs lsugh and think you're a PUA God, LOL)

Style: See, you don't even n€€d to say anldftrg !o e3€h other, It's

like youjust communioate tclepa$icslly.

Then, ftere are a million plsc€s to go from here: Ofren they'lljust

open up and start telling you &bout how they mct. (Now yout€ REALLY

in,) lfone looked at tlrc othe. one first, then you say that sh€ is

submissive and the other is dominant in fte ftiendship. (Can be I

gr€at neg,) Ifthey want more, I get penonal herc €nd aslq "IIas orc

ofyou ev€I kissed someone th€ odl€r person dated?" They fircking love

this one - but dotrl make it your first qwstion. You oan also use the

telepathy line to leuDch iato I dtrd-rading/cold-reading routine if

you do that. You'll figurc the rcst ofthis out as you do it in the

field. It fuckine rocks.

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IvD #2: cs vs Us

This one is AWESOME ifyou re sargng achesses, models, shippers' or anyone who uses their looks for their career'

It's also oompletely true.

Style: Smile again for me.

llB: unL okay.

Stylc (to wing)r Se€, she's a U.


StylE: I dated & girl who want€d to bc a pop sbl' And she had a

th€ory that pcople with U'sluped smil€8 ra'ere perceiv€d 8s unfiiendly'

And people with C-shaped smiles were perceived as friendly'

HB: So what's a U then?

Style: A U is lvhen your tceth 8o sbaight back in you mouth (ean add

"kind of like a ho$e" ifshe's a SHB). A C is when ftere's a big row

of pearly whites in the front. And to my e& it ri'as more then a

theory. she aptually got her teeth surgically rcshap€d ftom a U to a


HB: No way.

Style: Antl she had me go look at pioturcs oftike Christina Aguilera'

who is a U, and Britn€y Spears, who is I C' Look at th€ cover ofus or

any magazine, and you'll see thot it's always a C sudle on the cover'

From here, me and the target start inspecting the t€eth ofrandom

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shangers looking for the pefect C or U. It,s flm. This next section

isn't part ofthe I\rD, but this is the rest ofthe routine ifyou want


Style: lt's crazy how many plastic surgeries they have for celebs now.

She had her eye makeup and her lipstick taftooed on, and when she

changed her hair color, she had her lips re-tattooed, (lfthe HB seems

open-minded, I continue with the following: ) And do you want to hear

the grossest thing? One day I noticed that she had two round dots on

her upper thighs. She worked out two hours a day and was super_fit,

but evid€ntly she got lipo too. But here,s what's cr&zy. Because she

uscd to work as an exotic dancer, she got the fat injected into her

labia so that she always looked aroused. (I REALLY say this to HBs,

then afterward Ijokingly wave,,bye,,and leave like I,m embarrassed.)

Thcn I throw in thisjoke, with oredit going to Nightlightg: She was

fiom LA, and you have to be careful with them, Whenever you go out

with girls in LA, everything can be really fake. Fake hair (point to

your hair), fake eyes (PTE), fake nose (pTfg, fake teeth (pTT), fake

breasts (cup yow brcasts). You have to take them to the doctor fi$t

to lmd out which parts are real... They put her through a machine,

and you get a print-out al the end,"


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IVD #3: Name Mnemonios

IIB: What's your name?

Style: I'm Style.

HB: I'm Janet. This is Donna. And that's Tony

Style: Okay..,....Janet...Donna...Tony. You know' I used to be really bad with


HBs: Omigod, I'm so bad with names.

Style: But you donrt have to be anymore. Here, I'll show you in hvo

seconds. All I do when I'm introduced to you is make a picture in my

head. So ifyou're Janet, I picture you with the head of Janet iiom

Thr€e's company. No offense. And for Donna, ljust picture like the

dawn, and the sun rising over your head. And for Tony, I see you on

the front ofa box ofFrosted Flakes. Here, I'll show you.

Now, in the old days, I'd have them memorize my whole name: First,

Middle, and Last. But it came offas too gimmick-y. Now, I grab my

wing, or a shanger in the olub (like another gbl I want to me€t) and

teach them how to memorize his/her First, Middle, and Last name' Leam

about mnemonics ifyou don't know this. But for it to work, you MUST

have them really SEE the picture in their minds. It also becomes fun

testing them later in the sarge to see ifthey still remember'





The theory behind these Ms is that sometimes it's enough value to a

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to be cocky/funny or deeply spi tual or in a high sexual state

or use grcat pattem language, but not always. On their own they're

not enough to consistently GRAB someone's attei ion dght away. So you

can still do all that - be oooky/funny, be sexual, use pattem

language, whatever -- AS you arc being interesting, exhaordinary,

tun, and bette. than the competition. You are displaying INSTANTLY

that you are a KEEPER.

There are more ofthese routines. Let me know ifyou want them, And,

please, share yours. But this should keep you busy for a while.

Style, /€$

Subjectr Re: Instani Interactive Value DemotrstratioDs

I one hundred percent agree (well, 95 percent) with your post. But,

for a lot ofguys, what you $rit€ is going fiom A to D. There are

steps that they ne€d to take in between to build up that confid€nce

and become interesting. This is where routines come in. They are

training wheels.

Wlat you w te here is the ULTIMATE goal for everyone here, But, fact

is, I (and othe$ here I've met) am very interesting, well-traveled,

and have a wide array ofknowledge so that I can have an interesting

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conversation on any topio. And that's geal. But it didn't help me

meet strangers in a crowded nightclub' That's where ASF came in'

And, fact is, ofall the people l've met (and I've met lots of guys),

the ones who are thg most successful are the ones who say the EXACT

same things all the time. Wly? Because they work.

It's easy to sayi be the c/f leader all the time and naturally exude

value. But I think you're over-simplifuing it. lfyour aren't, I'd

love to knowi how does one keep it ON all the time? Pe$onally' every

time I need to get in TtlE MOOD first.

StyLe wtlteg t

subject: 6P! rnconELstents ApProachlng

corra say, seevie PUA, r was thinking of Miring lhis exact poeE And for lhe exac! reason vou

write. Ewerything you say here has happened !o me a! sorne Poin! And coolwaler qives greaE

ai lwice-- tha! rs lhe answer_-but i ! 's not !ea]1v going lo solve i t fo ! you Because i t 'E easv lo

inleLlecluatly uDdersland wbat be wriles, buL vout problen is an emotional {i e ' inlernal'

behavioral ) problem.






I call lhe problem Approach Freeze. We are all in two

boring, anil anyone you approach is going to know lhat

that. State tso is that you'le fun and ra'liating good

at i f ferent s tates. s lare one is quiet and

you,re hitting on ihern -- and lamelv at

ener :gy and lhere 's no ooe you can' t ta lk

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Bu! i! can be hard to wark into a crovded crub whexe you knor nobody anat you,re in stare one and

need to puss yourself 60 hard for thar firsr approach. And rhe tonger you {airr as orhers say,

the more you retreat. inro your olrn head.

The mos! usable solut ion here is TD,s: Focus onty on rhe opener. I f you erar ! th ink ing of how

FAR you need to get with each girl to meer your expeclarions of yoursetf, you,tl ato much berler.

wribe down lwo of your nomal openels anal one nev, one rha! you \ranr !o lesr out before you go

ou!. Every tine you Leave the house. have openers prepared so you don,t have ro lhink.

This brtngs ne to lhe moE! imporrant poinr: vou need to go insiare yourselt and lake a survey oftthat beliefs/feafs/mi6conceptions you have lhat are slopping you flom approaching. In my

experience, and lm Bure yours, rhe MArN problem ie THTNKTNG before acrrNc. rn oEber worits, you

see an HB, you think of an opener, and ihefi you rhtnk of how !o do i! or say i!. By lhen you,re

so nervous and uncomfortable that you can't do it. The Kly ls !o Acr as you TBTNK, you see an

HB, you walk towards ber, and you throo out an opener. I! just comes ro you because tt I{jqS TO.Yourve afready approached. you can' ! Btraleglze anymore once you,re ro lhe f ierar. you musr jusr

Anl 'way, r ' |a l l ike !o conl inue lhis diEcu6si.on. so i f you can, r ,m curious: whar are rhe bel iefs

and fears and enolions and even feetings that preven! you frorn approaching sonetine. r STILIT

have lhese nightB, And Ilwe been ou! with TD when he had one of rhese nighrs. and I've seen

Mystery have lhese nlghls. And we've Ar,L had them for DIFFERENT rea6ons. For ne, I geE

unconfortable in rny o$n skin, ior TD, he blanes someEhing exlernal 0n his own 106s of srare; for

Mysrery, i r rE al l nfubarr because lhere aren,t any targets worEhy of him OR he,e ro! DRESSED

And the craz ieeL th ing i6 : we,re some of rhe besr . When we

rejec led. I l ,s ent i re ly i l log ica1. So whar is i r and where

approachr we alnos! NEVER 9e!

does it come fron then?

Style wriEeE,

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subject: Nonveraatlotrs

This isnr t necessar i ly a problem v i th my

you. You get the number, you call her a

you hawe prepared a slorv to stalt with

minules aflersards, and lhen You nake a

gamet but iL 1s a problem l 'm Eure i t 's happene' t to

few days latet. The object of tbe Phone conwo is sinple:

to make he! feel confortable' vou fluff for a couple

p1an. EasY.

to gor and wl t l la lk !o her

Bu! wha! haPPens \then You call' on her mobile' and she picks up but she's reallv noE THERE

Things are going on in lhe background or ehers driving or people ale around' and she's nor

REALIY paylng a!!en!ion. No rnaEler wha!' i! makes that all_importan! firs! call avkwatd so \that

1, Tel l her you' I ] cal l her back when she can focus (a l i t . e suppt icat ing)

2. Tel] her to cal l you back nhen sbers f lee (but ! rha! i f she doesnrl)

3. Barlel through and nake a Plan'

4. Pretend l.ike someone jusl arrlved a! your house and vou nave

I ju6! tboughl of four, t'hi'ch mlghc be lhe beBl oplion But lbese lypee of phone callB -_ I'm

going to coin the worit NotwERsaTroN for !hem' a non-conversaEion -- drive me crazv l hang up

feeLing l ike I musl have Los! Ehe sarge ln i l r rm sure lha! i f i ! 's a border l i 'ne El r l who ien ' t

suRE yet abou! you, ttlat nay De crue' Because il's inportant to bolh feet conrforcable on !ha!

f i rEE cal l a f ler lhe sarge'

Thoughts or experiencee?

sEyLe wtiteB t

subject: si lP1if, ted oB / 09 /2003 FR and OMG I just Ehaved lry head!

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Looks alre6one. soty shir. ft,s so weild. E"very

shave their head, LoL.

okay, some adwice:

time I hang out with someone, rhe nex! day rhev

1. Get a Mach 3 razor and do i ! thar l 'ay. Ct ippers don,r ge! c lose enough. JuEr rry i r once.rr 's a grea! razor and vou non' i ! cu! yoursetf . r r ined ir . rr takes 15 ninules. Hawe a fr ieni tinspec! when you,re alone ro nake sure you dldn' t niss any spols.

2. Make sure you shave (or cl tpper i f you sr ick !o !har) every orher day. I r ts par! of etayingv,e11-groomed.

3. Get a !an. Seriou8ty, f ind a spray- lanning ptace f i rs! and go lhere. Just do i ! as an

experimen! and see how vou r{ork. Then report back. r t , t l make a woRLD of di f ferencet vou' l ] qo

up one ful l point on lhe al l racl lveaess scale.

4. I don,! know 1f you vork ouE. you don'r have to go crazy wlEh i ! , bu! get into a rout ine anatimprove your shoulders and cheEt jus! a LITTT,E. Starr wtth lhe Dconslruk! torkou!.

s. A n ice l i t t le touch is !o get 6ome earr ings - - reat or fake - - !o pu! on you!

l ips. Adds sorne l i fe and g l i r ter !o lhe mass of sk in rhar is now your head.

welcome to lhe c1ub. . . I '11 put my before and af ler p ics up here one day.

Style l rr i teg:

Subject: LR-: Jtaix,s Big Fuckl! , Saturday Night

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I!'s !o discu66 PASSIVE lgnorance wereus AcTIvE ignorance. For

that iras aclive ignolance. rihen you just igBored her. thac was

she sEEs thar flon guys trho are attracled but ju€t dplaying it

exanPler when you dissed her,

passive igDorance. and I'm sure

coolr or trtoo shy to !a1k ro

so, IMHO, your attitude wieh EBNlne, lhough it $as probably lbe beEt game you could play under

the circumstances wilh BBTexaE ghere, !,ta€nrt lhe best gane you could play.

I B!it] don't have lhls nastered, but I l.!tto!t I've been much more effeclive wich these suPerdodel

lypes in Eels tlrat are falrnlng over them when I alo the tollowlng ln this orde!:

1, Acllve dlslnterest

2. Hardcore neg

3. Chlck gets upaet and confrongs ne.

4, I Er lck up fo! nygeLf, donr! apologlze,

5. She 1B reelei l in.

6. I reward h6r wlth a compllmen! based on

7. I nay NOw begln the game I nolmally uae

and reel her ln.


r19h! away.

I'm s!i.11 wolki.ng on !hls, and as far as I knov,, it doesn'! get digcusBed. Bu! wouLd Love to

hear lhought s.

oh, aE fo! your, , I wanna t ick i l " l ine, t r led l ! once and didn' t $ork for me. so I 'n sl lcklng lo

lo!-verbal connrunication lhere, Maybe I'd have to see you do 1! ln conlex! to undersland, LOL.

Jlaix.s I!-Bed t{orkshop: you can have 6ix Eludent6 ove! for $500 eacb'

Sqle Ntites:

subject: What most people do wrong when approaching

When I lvent out th€ first night on Mystery's workshop, I tri€d an experiment. I

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approached a set, opened, and then Dlved. And not a SINGLE set stuck. I

didn't reach the hook point. Everythingjust sort of seemed flat, until I

excused mysell This is because I dropped TWO important pieces out ofmy

game. Ifyou know what they are already, then you are obviously already

successful in the field.

The next day, I did the exact same thing, except I added NEGS and TIME

CONSTRAINTS to the approach. Everything flew open. I was pulling girls offof

guys left and right.

So, ifyou are approaching, but not having success getting lN with the set, go

out tonight and add negs and time constraints to the lirst THREE minutes of

your approach. It makes a HUGE difference.

For those who dont have this material, here's an examDle:

TIME CONSTRAINT: I can only stay for a minute, because I have to rejoin my

fiiends over there.

NEG: Oh my cod, is she always like that? How do you roll with her?

And, a third point, which I've made often. In order for an approach to work in

a bar or club, you MUST enter the set with an energy/fun level EeUAI to or

SLIGHTLY greater than its cunent energy level. lfyou walking in not smiling,

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talking softly, and with bad body languagg you're going to get blown out, no

matter WIIAT you say right.

Hope this helps some people...



gEyle wtlEeB,

gubject: A few good lLned anil n€98


A great neg I used rhe other day.. . , for gir ls qrho aay Ehey work al t rendy bars/c]ube.. .

HBNon-rarger: Hey, did you hear rhar HB gor a job a! Lolus?

Style: l,lo\,r. As a barback?

HBTarger: aB a barlender. only guys are barbacks lhere.


My new favor i te l iDe is ' ,Newer heard ot i t . " Said real ly s t la ight and dry, wi th eye contacr .

Then, af ter pausing fo! a fe$ secl ions, break in to a 6ni le le t t ing her knol r yourre k idding.

EB: I 'n f rom Cal i forn ia.

The oprional ending to this is: Af ler, I satd, "oh, I know i l 's real ly hard !o gec jobE at lhose

places, and il you don'r have a Lot of experience you have to slart off as a barback. n

I t 's funny, becauge i ! putB a model /ac l ress/ l rannabe in the posi r ion of having lo say, r r l have a

1ol of e lQer ience. . . (as a bar lerder) , r r LOL.

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sty le: Never heard of i r .

HB: Yeah, we v,ent to see a

Slyle: what mowie?

EB: Matr ix Retoaded.

sty le: Never heard of i r .


I just d id tb is once and i t anused me, but maybe they ger i! aI1 rhe Lime. .l\n)4vay, use if you

With FBs with latrooes, just Etart rubbing

say, 0I was try ing !o see i f i ! cones off . ' r

?hen Ehe, l ] say j . t ,s real . Don't bel ieve

already), we! your finger anit try harder

si.!h you. saflva on he! arm, jusr rub 1t

It wilh your finger. Then, when she looks a! vou.

her and (if you have


altractlon or have

d o n i t t h i n k s h e , 1 1 be confor!able

Then aay, , , !ook, i r 's coning of f . Righ! there.r

A NOTE ON FVNNY LINES: They don'r ge! you a nakeout or

personality and sense of humor, ard rhey can be realty

rdorktr to a girl i6 nor going to geL you a naKe ouE or

fun lhingE !o add in laler when you have lhe BIG CHUNK

language, and the progression of a sarge.

anylbing. They contrlbute !o your

enjoyable to say. But saying lhe word

number. l tusr remembe! !h is . Theee are a l l

basics dom of inEernat s ta le/ body

StyTe wrlEes,

Subject! The gtr l iE a gold mLn€ of Lnformatlon

Page 33: Neil Strauss - The Annihilation Method - Style's Archives - Volume 5 - The Next Level - How to Get Models and Threesomes - Guaranteed Lines and Routines for Advanced Situations

Ilere are some Ehoughts. Not'

one: The btonde girl. what happened? Irm

distanl, fron h€r and her frlend, tn lhe

only reflects on my ablUty !o read body

T!'o t You alreEs llke RoEE ifefferles. go,

a. No necklaces l'oin OmaIDE of shi!83.

l e a d B m e t . o . , . .

on tbis post, but o! the Photos.

lrondering only b/c Ehe body

photo. Th16, btll,l, in Ito l,llay


lang]rage waa a little

reflecta on your gane,

They ghoulal AIWAYSbe flueh agalne! your chesl, which

$ear form-filtlng Bhlrts thaL are utlbuteoned, and tbu€b. No collars llghl agalnat you! thtoat.

Bhow your che€t aDd necklace.

c, No !-Ehlrts unaler button dlown BhlrtE.

d. Go !o a place that glves Epray tans, tshe healthy allernativ€ to Iry rays Try 1! TruE! me

e. In genelal, change your Elyle. You'rie a gooat looking guy' Your sgyle of dleBsr yotr colol

selecLl.on, adal lhe way you wear yout clotbeB are holding you back' Go Bhopplng vllh a 9ir1 wittt

gootl taste' buy wha! Ehe Lells:!'ou to, don't 6ay "but thatrs tlot me'"

gtyLe vflEeg,

subjecl: LR, d€s9ttg a cB'lsg fri,€nd, followod by . thtg Tost

Quick IrR:

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one l{hole year ago I wenE ro

bel lydancer there atso. so I

Anyway, it seems sherE been

The ff,iend warned, howewer/

did the cologne

bellydance. There was a

oPener, and then just

young, thin, cuEe

f l i r red. Tha e i t .

asking her friends about me since and they ser us up lwo nigbrs ago.

that HBBellydancer is a reat man-killer. Awesome, r lhoughb, r love

r did the usual dav lwo reirh her: look her our wilh a buncb of friends. r had an 19 year olar kiill,i!h me. Anal the kid was a Eota} CB. He kept asking togical quesrions, like. rttey, whar do you

rhink of the net, )qxxx cDr and sruff. And rhen he,d say, "remember when you were hilling 0n

lhose lwo 9ir1E. doing rba! face reading sht! , and they loral ty dtdn,r bel ieve you., 'ne was

doing rhia accidenEalLy. t te,s Jue! an tdio! . Bu€ r did NOT Ie! i t ruf f le ne, I jusr laughed

abou! it vrilh hin and lhen made fun of him for putEing bj.s foor in hig nourn.

Final ly, I grabbed lhe gir1, EBBel lydancer, by rhe hand and satat, ' IJe s rake a watk. i r

isolared her in the bar, dlal the cube, and made ou!. AfrerlratdE, my frlend drove her friend

Haff an hour of rapport and making ou! later, I suggesled we leawe. We haat Beparale car6, so I

needed !o figure somelhing out.

Sty le. Where do you l ive?


Slyle: tlow far is that from here?

HB: 10 minutes.

sEyle. (saying noth ing, just keepirs eye coDracr)

rlB: Are you inviting yourself ovelt

styfei I can only Elay unril 2:30 lhough, becauee r have a tor of work !o do.

so went over , nade our , sh i r r o f f , ny panrs of f , bur sropped by LMR. No worr ies s ince I ,m in.

leawe at 4 am or Eonelhing.

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Tbe nex! day, I tetl her I neeil to ltalch a novie for work She cones ower, I show her the

nake out , s tar t che novie. anat lhen fu l l c lose wi thout res is lance. she's awesome in bed'

norning, t hawe her lake a cab home (I told her lhe light befote that r did!'t hawe time

dr ive her) . she 's dei in i le ly MLTR mater ia l . Lowe th is gamel

h lhe



StyLe wtitea t

Subject: The Tr.o- Part KLas Open€r

I p o g l e i l r h i 6 o n A s F . I ' m t r y l n g ! o e p e n d a l i l l l e m o r e l j m e l h e r e l a l e l y , b e c a u s e t h e r e a l e s o

many nisguialeil ne$bles there fucking proslituteE and gelling confused by the guru wars and jus!

Bcreamrng for help, Kooper, likeal your junk-food gounner loutine therel You should repos! thal

hele (as weLl as lhe reeponse that adds mole l lnes to i ! . )

anway, moving on !o lhe PoBt. .

Yeah, I knov,, new oplnion openers are getting ttred. Bu! chere IS a hole in

opinion openerE, and lhiE one fills ir' Tbe problem iB thaE lhe mos! commonly

uEed opin ion openerB ( jealous g i rLf r iend, david bol t ie , who l ies mole, eEc)

appeat moslly to ltomen. And most of us are approaching MIXED €er6'

so lh is neq one, which I 've been using consis lent ly for months now {and am

loalhe to g ive aqay bu! juEt can' t help nv6el t for some reason), is designed

do seweral lhings. 1! appeals to guvs firEt and foremos!; vonen ge! super-

into it also; anat it prowides a wav !o Al4oG guys in front of sonen '

So, without furEher ado (okay, naybe a litr1e more aalo), I bumblv present for

your coneideraEion. . T l 'e Tvo-Par! K-sE Opener.




PUA: Hey guye, lterre having a debale and need a quick opinion on

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something. If a guy is daring a girl, anat she goes ou! ro a bar lrirh her friends

one night and makes out with a guy jusr for fun, is ir chearing?

CROUP: Yeahr i r 's cheal ing.

PUA. Okay, lhat makes sense. so here 'E lhe real quesr ion. And r ,1I ret t you why

I'm asking in a 6econd: rf she goes our and gels drunk and makes our walh a

GIRL for fun, is i t cheaEing?

GRoUP: (Ehe responses l r i l l vary/ bu! i f any guy6 say, ,no. , ' you can bus! on

lhem for having a doubte-srandard etc. )

PUAj Okay. ln teresr ing. The reason r ' f t ask ing is because my f r ienal over Enere

haE been daling Ehie gir]. And sbe tikes to go ou! anal ge! drunk anil make ouE

with 9 i r1s. Now, some guye mighr be inro !har , but i r p isses h in of f and he

th inks i ! 's cheal ing. She says i t isn, t . go we were l ry ing to f igure ou! wr1o was

GROUP: (dlecussion ensues, which you ottl have !o soon cuE off and move inro

your nex! piece of marerial because lhey wilt go on and on about rhtE and

slale lhe toplc and convo)

Enjoy. I r ,s a n ice change of pace for lhose $ho tove Jeatous Gt l t f r iend but are

l i red of i t . Repor! back on your resut tE.

StyLe aatd.a,

As for the guys who worry about the opener lasflng not long enough or too

long, you worry too much. An opener ls simply meant to open. And it only

needs to last until the conversation or energy level begins to flag. And then

you hit them up with yorrr next piece. If you,re a newbie, here's your next

piece (credit to Mystery):

How do you all know each other?

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-IIIIIAs for the question about Glvi style, this is a delicate balance. Because I am so

non-threatening, I can get away with frank sexual talk or kidding.

The subtle distinctlon with this kind of talk is: it's okay to come off as

sexual BUT it's not okay to come olf as horny or perverted.

Seyle wrLtest

SubJec!: A lant on sballgwDeFg

YeE, you n€ed outer game to apploach succeE8fully. Yes, you need ime! game ro close succeEEfutly. But ln

belteen/ gll1E ale looktng tor value dd staluE, tte, rhlE soundB houibte. Bu! I norlce rha! when MyEteiy

o! Eomeone gi.veE me an AccoMpLrsgMBNT INtRo {o! r do so fo! then) , the g1!1s afe all ove! rne and sometlmes

I 6anrr get ltd of them. orhe! !1re8, ohen I do lc for orhe! puAs, r' . notice thel! whole demeanor change

and theyrll 1lEten to any bE he haE to say. irrd I've Eeetl rhe way women behave around celebE hele o!

backgtage a! conceltE: It doeB no! nalte! whethe! rhey have a bf o! nor.

Thls po€t is not in any aay b1tler. In fact, r've been having GREAT EuccesE 1are1y, And o! coulge Ehe

Ehings I mentlon hele ale ju6E FACTORS ln a g1!1'E decislon. your game if iE's righr can ourrelgh tbose

factols, But, Ia!ge1y, E1!ls ale attracted !o theEe elenenrs of HTGHER STATUS, and if rhey ale hrgh

enougll, you can circumvent the6e rules. Remembe! rhen I was nigraken fo! Moby? The 9ii1 @de out in6Eanrly

and wanted lne to .one ove! to her house lare! rhar nighr. I{hy? She wa€n'r even a fo. she lusr eanled

blagging alghrs or the validaEion.

of coulse, rhi€ doe6n't mean glve up all ltope oD the game, because chicks will inveEr in you. h olher

FAME is the sare thing as the IOTEIITIAI, TO BE AAMOUS

RICE i6 the sane thing as lhe POTENTIAT TO BE R1CH

eooD IJooKING is dlfferenr ro every girl

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These are all considerarions that I believe uitt make pRoJEcT Hot Lti,{ooD wolk fo! Ehose of us doing it.

For evelyone e1se, rhen, make sure you have loutines bhab demonsrrale this porenrlal or, much berre!,

have your {ing do then to! you,

I 'd be cu l lous to hear o !he !s ' thoughts on rh is , esp t f you are r i v ing in c i r ies l i ke Mian i , Ny , and In .

Fowever, this is tlue evellrhef,e; rhele i6 lusr a louer rhreEhold ar which someone i6 famous/coothich in

€maller cities, You know: a SCREENiTRITER fo! an Adafr Sandle! movie woutd be a cereb in a smal1 tom.

rhereas he'd be lust anolhe! screenw!fte! tn rrA,

Style wrlEeB t

subj€ct: re: Shallowness

Nice lesponses and thoughls. In general , f ty mol iva l ion for wr i r ing th is pos! $as LEAVING LA and

sarging e lsev,here and seeing !ha! , when confronred wi lh lhe opportuni ry , g i r ls everFvhere were

luEt ae s la lus-seeking and i .mpressed by the bs as in LA. Not a negal ive by lhe way, just an

observal ion. And, yes, i ! 's l rue what Toecutre! says: you can, ! brag abou! i r or quaLi fy

yourset f , orherwiEe you lose. You must carry iE t r iEh you ae parr of who you are, and o lher

people mu6t te]1 her who you are for her !o be impressed. Try an exper imen! ; af ler you! wing

scops la lk ing wirh an HB or even crashes & burne, say, , ,Do you kno{ who rhar was? He's the heix

L o L h e c a a p b e L l ' s s o u p f o r l u r e ' o r w h a L e v e r . S e e w r a r h a p p e n s .

14ha! Toecut ter is saying here is thar every g i r l has her ! ) 'pe. True. Bur 6he of len wi t t eeI I our

her t l?e in a SEcoND for a shor wiEh a l imired-edi l ion ceteb or a chance to be on the am ot a

mega-mi l l ionai re or a r id icu lously handsome guy. I see i ! happen at t rhe r ime, and nor jusL in

LA. A11 of a eudden th is lorat ty weak-kneed, srarsrruck, caughe-up s ide coneB our of g i r ts . They

juBt donr ! ADMIT i t , and l ike !o BIAG somet ines they turned dom a h igh sra lus mate (because i t

makes them seem even cooler) . And, sure there are excepr ions: peopte have rurned a l l sorrs of

celebsr n i l l ionai res, and loo-a l t ract iwe guys down. And, again, i i 's no! abour wealrh, tooks, 01:

money: it's about PERCEIVED STATUS, Hett, took a! who fenate cetebs date and marry: cI]uB owNERs.

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In fact, celebs kis6 aEs to uler-nerd PAUL AILEN, because of his extreme wealth he is of GREATER

STATUS than !hen. Fuck. Mick iragger irA.!4S sith Paul A]1en.

Bur Irm getting vray off topic and into a langent I don't nrant to 90 into. I guess the reaeon I|m

ir r i t ing th is is because!

1. Once again, it reaffiiM the importance of llfestyle over sarging pick-up barE. Those girls

e8pecially, lhe party glrlE, vlll go for lhe Lifesryle guy over lhe solitar"y player with game.




2. Same's 6t l l1 lmporlan!:

value a guy can have for a

i.s PART ol game.

3. I t 's a real l ty check,

lone of high slatus maleE do not 9e! laid. But rhere's a hierarchy of

glrl, anal gTAfiIS is near the very rop. Tbus, the ILIJUSION OF STATUS

5. There are new routineB, Iike lhe acconpllshment' lnlro, !ha! can be devetoped around rhls.

6. Engineering 6ocj.a] proof should be the next flonlier for PU.

I dod,t klrow wttere exacrly atl this ls leading, but I was hoping to post lt here, r leally

notice that lhe CREW I hang out with affect8 lhe DEGREE of ny success when I'm in rhe club

4. Ilta somelhlng !o keep ln ml.lrd when winging and sargtng.

sEyle adde,

Righ!, Toeculter. The life6tyle i6 conveyed not by yourself direccly. It is best told ro your

target {hen you are out of earshor. A rich nan does not. have ro flaunc hi6 realth iE words,

dress, or lavigh ependiDg; he enbodies i!.

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Lifestyle lhen is conveyed not by your words bur by vhat,s around you: itow women rrear you, whar

your f r iends say, how the c lub manager l rears you. r ! is somerhing roo !ha! a g i r t jusL f inds

out abou!, on her own. 1! is conveyed by lhe facr rhar you don'r need ro and have no inreres! in

being par t of her wor ld. she must abandon her unfut f i t t ing rour ine and s lep inro your exc i r ing




Roul ines inc lude, Ehen:

1. Accompl ishment in l ro {as d iscusEed), and having orhers le t t Eror ies about you.

2. Pivols , \dho are p lepped l r i rh l ines l ike lhe ones Nigh] ighrg poste i l way back {hen, abour how

biggest crush on h im for so long, bur he,s atways raken.

3. Myslery celeb ideas: being io l lowed around by a r / r ing vr i lh a canera, br inging headshors ro

autograph/ having people s lop !o take photos wi lh you.

4. Your body Language (geslures, the way you hold yoursel f ) and dress. very conf idenr and set f

5. Going ou! ln envi ronmenls where you are known by lhe staf f (or i f new, can befr iend rhe sraf t

q u i c k l y ) .

6. Krowledge of what ,s going on in !own, especiaLly larer !ha! n ighL, and the more exctus i .ve or

vIP Lhe be! !er . In o lher words, you' re her t icket .

6a- I rere 's a rnoney L ine. r re] l HBs tha! people in !A a lways r ry to befr rend me Lo go !o rhe

part ies. So she ha6 to hang ouE lJ i th f re three EimeB and do normat th inge before I ,11 rake her !o

any of my cool p laces.

?. Appear ing lo be the leader of your group: The leaders, a6.ruggter ( I Ehink) sa id, is Ehe one

who people are TALKING TO and trying ro irnpreas.

8. Berng busy/ having a fu11 socia l schedule. I l ike to te l1 EBs/ , 'My dance card s futL. ' i r

kno! , r a few of you v, i l l be us ing th is t ine ronigh! , lo t . )

9. Having an entourage/ of len eeared (as opposed ro aander ing rhe ctub tone-wot f s ty te) . Thar

doesnrt mean you hawe !o be s i l t ing wi th thern at t rhe t ime, bu! jusE having a home base in rhe

club where you,re sul rounded by a protect iwe enclave of hangers-on.

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lPs Of course celebs get te jec led; of course g i r ls l ike to sav thev 've re jected a celeb i f thev

get an IOI . Bu! I 'a l a lso be! that same gi r1, i f she was b i t on in the RIGHT (non-creepv ' non-

asD Eriggering) way by lhe celeb, soulal have gone for it And, ves' status i6 ius! oNE prEcE in

E h e p u z z l e . B u ! i t ' s a p i e c e l d o n ' ! t h i n k u e e h o u l i t n e g l e c t b / c i t ' s b i g f o r a } o t o f g i r l s .

A n d l e E l s n o t f o l g e ! l h a t g i r l s . t o n ' t s A Y w b a t t h e y M E A N ' l , i h e n s h e s a Y s , , ' t { e k e p t b r a g g i n g a b o u l

h is i laguar. Whal a jerk l i Wha! she means is , r I would love to r ide around { iEh a ho! quv I 'm

alaling in his Ltaguar, bul DoE some lose! who feele he needs to brag about il !o inpress me "l

Style vtltea I

Subj6ct: Project Holl lntood IE a GOI Room for ONE more"'


So, we goh lhe house.

Locat i .on lool Eerers

rr ,s lhe old Ra! Pack houae.

I t , 6 f i v e s l e p s

any other p lace

No! lbe one Papa posted piclures of, bu! a differenl place lluch belter






The plan is ro l ive the l i festv le. r t 's

!oo. tJe hawe one bedroon open. flrs not

9eL! ing.

gunEe! Boulevard, walking distance from Skv Bar, Barfly, Saddle Ranch and

can rhink of in Lhe lrollveood scene

also big enough lhat yourll hawe irhe option of privacv

cheap. But i t 's noE expeneiwe e i lher for whaE you' re

o f i

rr ,s four bedrooms, wirh a huge ouldoor pool/ jacuzzi lbar deck overlooking sunset BouLevard' I !

is fucking beaut i ful : lhe nicesE ptace I 've ever l ived in or seen

It'e nice enough to rent out for afler-Graftly

movie 6tudios. hagine . .

Do you have wbal i! takes?

and after preniere Parrres from record labels and

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gtyLe w'.Lbe4:.

Subjecl: Project Holl l rood L6 a cOI Roon for ONE nore...

I christened rhe houEe todayt snuck in with one girl. (a iirs! nreeling) and nade our for a \rhite.

Then snuck ln with a FB and had sex on lhe liEtle calpeled slairs leadtng flom the tiving loom

lo the dtning a!ea. She also happens to be an lnterior designer. And she wrole me up a foltowing

con!!ac! saying lhat Ehe would do inlerlor design for rhe house in exchange for otle sushi

d lnner . sounds f a l f .

Style wrltest

Subj€ct: Re: A Vialeo ot ilystery, Includlng r R€vl€w by Destlntg

Wow. I can,! nake it rhrough lhis whole rhread. Bu! catting lhe glrls we me! in Canada coke

whores lras really fucking wrong-headed and, frankly, hurtful. I don'r reatly nind the personal

dlsses, bu! those girls DO NOT do coke and coke had nolhing to do ar atl with pg'ing rhoBe

9ir1s. Dude, Mysrery doe6n,t ewen fucking dr ink. obwiouEly, the review is leposled from

elsewhere, bul I just lrant Eo emphasj.ze thar not a drug waE touched or menrioned att nighr. That

may be in Dest ing'B real i ly ( i f she sees people staying up lare oi louching t .heir no6e), bur noE

That 6aid, lhe video was in no !^'ay neant for PU or promorional purposes. It 11\'as iusr a fun home

movie menerro of a crazy nigh! and nex! day.

Itope rhose who sas the leaked wideo enjoyed it anlaay.

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ugty bald one" - - 1ol ,

of my looks novr. )

at least th is wi l t keep people f ron rat ional iz ing lhat I get

Stvle w tes:

Subject: Rer A Video of ilystery, Including a Review by Destinig

Now that I've read the whole thread, a few more thoughtsi

1. moever made the comments on voice tonality is RIOHT ON, as far as I'm

concerned, lt's really the one SP I haven't gotten past, despite even taking

voice lessons. lt's never hurt me, but I'd like it to be better.

2.lt seems like only one or two ofyou here were using the vid as an excuse to

flame Mys, the girls, or me. But most people get it: like Thundercat says, it

was a videojust for Mys and I to show our fiiends. Not in any way a PU or PU

instructional video. For those who havg seen it, I suppose it makes a nice

supplement to the FR: now you have the visuals. (And you know at least that

nothing was made up.)

3 . That said, it was never posted in the Lounge or anywhere online' I have no

idea how it got out there. I talked to Mys and he said he didn't let anyone

copy it. So that is a mystery, But either way, neither him nor myselfhave any




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interest in the video being public. And obviously no one signed releases for a

home movie, So please take it down, espeoially because not only do we show the

faces ofthe girls but we also mention their names. Hi, mom.

5, Do you know what my favodte part ofthe video was? No one mentioned it.

It's the next moming, at breakfast, when the blonde girl tooks at me. She

looks at me in a whole different way than she did the night before. Like, she's

in love now. It was so interesting to see that change ovemight when watching

the video later. She was a really sweet girl and became an MLTR after this, so

that's really why I found Desting's post so disgusting and hateful.

6. On the bright side, at least some ofyou here can stop rationalizing that my looks

get me laid now that you've seen what I look like. What's really interesting is that I

hadjust anived in Canada that day. And I hadn't shaved my head or cleaned up or

prepared to PU at all, And afterwards, when we watched the video, w9 were amazed

that it didn't matter, that it was still possible to go home with a cute girl who was abou!

I 0 years my junior, that maybe what we leam her really is (gasp) true.

Okay. I'm sure I'll think ofmore later. But this has been an interesting

thread. And I really do feel after reading it that, overall, this is a grcat

community offriends (and a couple enemies but, hey, that's part ofa community

too). To be honest, I'm really fucking pissed and freaked out that the video

was made public. And I want more thar anything for it to be taken down. But, in

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the meantime, one thing I've leamed fiom all those books we recommend here is

not to lose sleep over something you can't control.

StyTe wtiEeBt

Subject. : Does Lt ever jusb not work?

so, a fol low up to ny personals experimenr. I wen! ouE

my l i fe. The f i rs! one r did, r ended up steepins wi lh

on the second ever Personals neeEing of

her . This Eecond one \ {as s l range.







So we sat down at a l rounge, and 6he never reatLy opedei l up. I did at i Ene usuatEr spet ls, Es!,r'Ds, etc. Maybe x lalked roo nuch, but she never realry conrribureat to anyrhing. Then r had herwalk me to qet a wideo. And ir was jusr clear in my mind lhe whote r ime, ,rThis jusr isn,tworking our. ' r ! l las clear ro her atso.

The girl was realt"y cu!e. And she reEpondeat to ny asshole profite. Then r madehoops, l raded insutrs via emai l , and tolat her !o br ing me a gi f ! !ha! was undermeeling. She rnade me a CD.

The Ehing is : I can, ! f igure ou! wHy. r don, t knot^, . r f I had !o i to i r

rhat nucb I ,d do d i f feren! ]y . The bes! r can rb ink of i6 rhar she had

rhe guy she waE looking for , and r d idn ' t march bhar cr i rer ia_

her jump lhrough

a dol lar to the

over again, lhere's nor

some sort of cr i ter ia for

lnere ever jusr No

so, wi th the fa i lure f resh in my mind, I ,m cur ious wi th orhere who hawe been

lhrough lhe personats. Ewen lhough the girt nay be physicatty alrracErve, is

vibe between you, no nalEer whaE you do?

Does anyone have any other ideas as ro wby she never reatty opened

Ioulines rithout reatly connecting with her, bur r was newer qiven

up? At wors!, I

the opporruniEy

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oh we]1. L ive and lealn. I ! 's a problern lve seen orher have: you forger to reat ly ] isren to the

girl and sense l,hat she needs.

have lhis feeling as I write this rhar she reatty wanred !o latk abour her favorire novies and

booke aDd camping trips, and I'm so brainnashed into wow,ing girls vrth rvDs and ESp anal alt

that I d idn, t just re lax and ratk abou! rhe bor ing sruf f !o ger those at ] imporranr


go I l,en! out tonlgh! with the second 9ir1 tron my asshote profite. SeriouEty, of lhe TIiREE

gir ls I emai led, a l l responded. ThlB one had a happy ending. r d id i r tora l ly d i f fe lent .

I wonder if my boring nerdy pre-ASF setf woutd have connecred wirh this girt betrer lhan sryle?

I guesE l,we answered nV own quesrlon now, bur would be curious to hear olher thoughtE?



gtyle wtiEes t

Subj6ct: gequel to DoeE Mve! No! Work! Molk€d

I met her a! a trerdy bar, {here I knew rbe wailress (Myerery's new Mr,TR)

neet me tbere. So now 6be was in my world, where r bad sociat proof.

I a lso had a f r iend

As soon as I sar her , I was atLracred. Bet ter than her photo. a lh in btonde wi lh a lora l Bo,s

new vave haircut. ,fu6t a great energy and sense of style. Anyrcay. we sat down. And INSTANTLY,

got IoDs. Eer body language wa6 REALIY bad and she lr'loutd NoT look ne in rhe eyes. (Tha s lhe

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worst IoD.) So I lurned aeav and talketl to mv friend for a fell minutes and just let her sit

Then, when r was ready, r turned back to her' we ttid lhe cube Bul instead of doinq i! aE a

routine, I used it to convev mv personalilv - fractionating a lot for jokes and things'

Aftetwar.t, {e were Starllng co geL rapport. Then, I Pointe.l oul a guy in lhe bar, and we joked

around making fun of him sudalenlY, her bo'tv language \das changing l rold her my fliend was nv

GooN { lhanks , luggler) , and that he protecEs ne and makes causes anv r iouble '

on lhe way out of lhe bar, anocner thing lhal gor me poinrs' was inleractinq wiEh a randon

couple -- being reatly funny and reasiEg Ehe 9ir1 also' introducing mv HB ae lf \{e had great

rapporr . I real ized that she EXPECTED lhe asshole; ins lead, she 90! sEyle And' s lo$l"v ' she

d i s c a r d e d h e r E x P E c T A T l o N a n d g r e \ , t o l i k e s l y t e e v e n m o r e . I r e a l i z e l h a r w o n ' t ' h a p p e n e v e r y

! ine, bu! i l d id in lh is inElance.

Aflerwarit, r wen! !o $eet chrlBtophe a! a concert l

happeneal to love lhe band. Perfec! The venue change

rhe p lace. I knew al l the phases had been passed __

anal lhe Bociat proof of lhe bar demonsl la led value '

and joked around a lol

During the show, I leaned in close and brushed cheeks

cel l her something. Her react ion waE to laI ly po6i l ive '

brushing up against me a lot.

jusE happened lo be going lhere, and she

was grea! , and no$ lhere wele IOIS aL1 over

she d idn ' l l ike me a! f i rs t , rhe$ the cube

The fac! lhah we had s imi lar tas le 1n nuslc

or pu! ny arm around her {hen I wanred to

she was giving me klno opporlunlrles Dv

Afrerward, at lhe bar, my fltencl wenE !o ernoke a cigarelle Time to Pha6e shif! r did mv

e w o l u l i o n s c r i p c . I ! w e n t o v e r j u e l o k a y . F i n a ] l y , l j u s t E a i d , B i l e m y n e c k ' s h e d i d w i t h o u l

hesitating. Then I tolat her she $as 'toing iE wtotlg' an't bit her neck' soon' we llere making o'rl'

I must say bhe b iggest rush r bave is when, on the f i rs t k ies ' the g i r l just RESpoNDS so wel l

a n . l h a s h e r h a n d s a l l o v e r y o u . I l o l . I h e r l p a i . l n y g o o n l w e n t y b u c k e t o l e a v e u s a l o n e . l

coulal just !e11 from the eav she wae respon'ling ilaughing at even mv stupid bad jokes) lhat I

was just lN.

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of fof the night, Ehe dropped ne

20 minules and talked abour

at ny car. we made out

surpr ised we were lhal

ArF ay, like I said, you're only as good as your lasr sarge. .t\nd now rrn in a good mood. Thanks

. . , f r c i d v i - a i h - t - s - r . e r . r r i c - r rn i n9 l rom You! misrakes,

correc l ing yoursel f , f igu l ing ou! a method tha! works.

Al tnvay, I real ly l ike rh is g i r l , add wi l t nake her an MLTR.

StyTe wtLEea,

SubJ€ct: CalLblal lng *C1o6e

Someone had aEked how I could !e11 wiEh an HB, afler saying \r,n lrying so hard nor ro kiss

you/ ' whelher I l ra8 in or not . When a g i r l does NOT wan! to k iss you afrer you say rh is , she

eilher comes up wirh an excuEe righ! alray or jusr gives you an unconscious WTF? took or her body

Language c loses of f r ight away. El lher way, you rorow i f your cal ibra l ion was of f .

I f a g i r l WANTS you to k isE her , she e i rher € lays exacr ly as Bhe is af re! you say i t and keepe

up Ec. Or, she lurns her head a'ray demurely and Emiles. or, as happened recenrty, a girl says

"You can i f you wan! . r Anolher g i r l recent ly d id the f i rsb lh ing: d idn ' r move her head or change

her BL. she a lmost {anted me to k iss her rhen.

I was r ry ing ro exper iment wi lh David D'6 sexual communicar ion sruf f when we were on rhe bed.

I 'd get c loee to her , then rearrange my posi r ion and be very far at ray. r ,d put my am around

her, and Ehen be d ls lant . EEc. I don, t know i f i r u t t inare ly conrr ibuled !o lhe facr rhar r

d idn ' t ge! any LMR or not , though i t could hawe.

StyTe iEl tes,

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subject: go sh€ tel ls You sher8

quea t ion)

married on the Eeconal meeting (91u4 3Eome

personals) . We hang out for a couple

"whal do you have in the refrigeraEorr

she le l ls ine shers rnarr ied l don' t bel ieve her at f i ts t ' but

lrirh che lerriEory on lhe Personals )

wilh EBNewave (from lhe

then at 11, r do lhe o1d






so, I 'm out on ny second neel ing

hours, hold hands, make out, and

I ine. she is hesi tant , and then

i ! 's r rue. ( I suppose that comes


and llying !o flgure o!.1! how

show rhe nosl inlerest are 1

l$y$ay, so HoW would you respoDd? I ius! sot! of ignored it Bul it felt a liltle weird afler'

I l a lso made me real ize: Fuck, she's jus! in i ! for the sex; I fee l eo used and d i r lv '


lhrough my elable (which is fucking big righ! no11', bu! nol sHBs)

old brunel le who's never been

misftatched. would You try !o

AND a 35-year-

d i f feren! and

wi lh each g i r l?

I carl get lwo of lhe girls together for a threesome'

19 vear o ld b londe who's very comfor lable ! l i !h women

wi.th a wonan before. Problem is: Thev jus! 6een so

do it any1 ay, or keep searching for a better malcrr

StyLe vrLtea t

Subject: Gil I lE *too* inco 4e -- helPl

Yeah, man. t have tbis exact same problen And it's a calch 22 You

A. Not encourage her wilh poEitive feedback and rewards But !hen' the

more th is fuels her obsession

nore you v,ithdraw, Lbe

B. Be eweet back to her and plav along. Bu! then, this onlv leads her on and fuels her

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I would love to know a way to get out of this situacioD withour hurring rhe girl. I have a FB

r{ho's like thac right nor. She actually Eaid, "I lowe you'r before we hung up on rbe phone rhe

olher day. I sa id, 'Talk to you la!er . ' , IE seened so cold and cal tousr bu! whar e lse waE r

Eupposed to say?

The orher problem i€ that shen a girl (who r do nor towe) does rhis and gets loo ctingy & needyr

she becomes SO unacLractiwe and I lose interest in her -- sexual aDd other\rise.

Now l,e know how girLs feel (and irhy Davld D's non-wusglness stuff works).

Style wrltest

Sublectr OE! fh€ !donl,. ncosediantr !€ pU analogy

l'tyslery read about lhe,Je!.ry Seinfeld movte Conedian eilher here or on ASF, so c'e renred it. I!

i3 a GREAT netaphor for the game. And it is GREAT lnEplralion for sarging. r,BD askedt When are

you good? The anave! j.n conedian is NEIER. Evely set is a new one.

An)4\'ay, I nanted to write do$n my though!6 before I forget then. Eerers wha! I learned:

No one wants !o go lnlo a Bet. Thele's tha! moinent right before you walk in !ha! you're scared

EhitleE6. Then you jusr push youraelf and do ir. And once you r^'atk in, there is nothing you can

do but perfonn youl best.

Sr lck co f ie ld- lesled maler ial . Don,! inprovise a new rhoughr or roul ine or opener wirh a se!

lbal you vatue. scick to wba! works: you don't have to keep comlng up lrith nelr materiat.

c o n t i n u e ! o r e f i n e y o u r b e s E n a E e r i a l u n ! i 1 i E , s L o r a l l y k i t t e r .

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You stat! over from square one \{tith ewery set You

rhem over fron scratch. If you have social proof or

yourBel f a l iL t le t ime. But tha! 's i t .

watk into each 6et tith NOTHING and mueE win

are incredibly handsome, navbe vou can buy

You have NO adwantage because of who vou

a chick isn ' t going to lowe you. Yourre

You are only as good as your

your control; somelines you

dif ferenl ly. Ei ther way, you

AII of the above

Seinfe ld just aB

are. \ tust because you' re

judged on ho\,, you Present

Mystery o! S!Y1e

las! eet. SoneEimes you botrib because thete are circumslances bevond

bonb because you could have done beller or done sornelhlng

alvays lake i! hald unril your next eet.

I t never s lops gel t ing i l i f f icu l ! . I t ts a lways a chal lenge. Your sel f -es leem is a lways on t r ia l '

And rhe6e people who are lolal slrangers l4'ho have no credenlia]8 v'halsoever lo Judge vou

s u d d e n } y h a v e g l e a t i n t ] u e n c e o v e r y o u a n . t y o u r g e l f - e e l e e m a n d h o w y o r . r a c ! i n t h e f u l u l e . T h e i r

rejecllon or acceplance can affec! how vou act in Ehe fulure I! is wrong They should NOT have

tha! nuch pol rer . But lhey a lo, because !ha! 's rhe game vou' re pLaving

apply as $.lch !o stand-up as to lhe PU arcs. And it ltas great to see Jerrv

nervouB as an amaleur before qalking on slage to lrv to win over vet another

SEyle wiTtes,

s!.bj€ct: Fidellhy and Halet! Management






I re ]1 every g i r l th is ,

ON CHEATING: "I an not

belween good and evit.

sometimes wben I firEt neet her:

a jealous person. The way I look at

T g-ve any g i r_ T 'm wirh Lhe cho.Lce

ib is, cod gave nan the choice

between good and ewil also. sbe


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free to do what she vants. And if she chooses good, grear, she gers ro 6ray in lhe garaten_ AniI

i f she chooseE evi l , she is expel led. I t ,s rhar s imple. '

That sa id. I real ly DO NOT care i f my FBs are steeping wirh o lher peopte. r expec! lhem Lor

because I 'm not g iv ing then ewely lh ing rhar they need. rn fac! , i f Ehey areD' ! s leeping, i rh

olher people, then they become obeessed wi th ne and get unreat isr ic expeclaEions, and !ha! ,s nor

good or heal thy.

Style wrlteo,

Subject: More on my onllne aE6hol€ €xpe!1ttt6nt (wlth r€Epec! to Lovedrop and


This is a contlnualion of an o1d thread. I still jusr do no! understand vrhy women respond to my

asshole prof i le . And l t 's a lso hard for me !o be congruen! wi !h. Bu! so far I have a 100 percenr

response fa!e. And any gt r l r 'we wanEed Eo nee! , I had that opt ion. of !h !ee meels, r ,ve step!

wi th lwo of the g l r l8 . Bolh very cu!e.

So yesrerday I did an experlment I I sent one 9ir1 an emait flom the nice guy profile. r sent

another g i r l an emai l f rorn the asshole prof i le . cuees which one responded? Tha! ,s l ighr . Onty

the g i r l who got lhe asshole emai l responded. I t bog91e6 my mind. Here,6 here responee. what ,s

intereEEing i6 lhat she SAYS !ba! she hare6 me in lhe emai l , ye! sr i t l she responds ( ror) , 6ends

an EXTRA pic lure ( IOI 2) , and p layE along wi th my f rame ot qual i fy ing herset f Lo ne ( IOI 3) .

She !,ritee: "You sound like a r:eal asshote actually. I am gtad you !,arned me rhere are ,setfi6h

pricks' like yourgelf all over the world. I $i11 indutge your fanrasy by adniLrinq Eo rhe

following three Ehings, I don,! beliewe nen can be monogamous, I hawe been knoldn ro have fun

wi lh g i r ls , I ea! raw f ish in the moming. "

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SEyTe vi.'Eeq,

gubjeqt: sttcklng Polnb3 TranEltj'onj'lg to the close

For llumber€, SEED the convelsation nlth a futule Ptan lhat you lhtnk sheru be idtelested in' r!

othe! worals, if she's lnto muslc, ne[ti on that you'I] be going lo sone concett on Thursday'

Dorl't invile her. But as lhe conversatlod hits a high o! nears lhe endr say'| trHey' you should

done !{1!h r If she agrees, you 'lonrt even hav€ !o geL the nulibe! Before you exit' sherll

usual ly lus! glve 1t to you'

For klsses, once you ge! the tequislte IoIs ol DDB' Just ito lhe money_back-gualanteed evolution

phase shif t .

sEyie wt l tea,

Eubj€clr lRt I .PR (LeEl PUA ReElgtanc')

okay, this one was where the whole pua thlng really backflreil in a !tav' llerers lhe story:

EBblaceB ls a supe! cuee blonde wilh braces l'ho t reaLly like' r me! her lltrough nry 6ocial'

circle, anal Ehe sent me a shore emal] one 'Iav out of lhe blue' I took i! as an tol' sbe ]lves rn

NY, so r net he! !he!e. The vthole exact bo'ly ranguage lhirg 'lescribeil virh gexvlibrarian abowe

was i{hat happeneal. t nec het aE a bar a!r'I dlld Lhe cube andl lols of ceaBinq' Ueuallv' during a

first neeling, r'lL go to the bathroon halfway tbrough an'I iust sot! of rake a surveY of rry

fee1ing6. r ' l l bave a feel lng in the pi t of ny stonach thal el ther iE's qoing wel l or icrs noL'

rt's non- in!el1ec!ua1. Antt the feeling $46 EhaE it sas goirg good' she plav6 her car'I6 close to

her cheEE, so ic va6 hard to tel l_

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I talked abour a short novie I had nade, and tried to get invited back to her hou6e to watch it

on DvD. tuxns out shers ln a real ly sma1l apar lnren! wi lh a roonrnale, so I !e l1 her wer11 {a!ch

i t in my horel roon. Of course, I know fu l l wel l Eha! I don, t even have a D\ .D p layer lhere. she

si ts in my lap in lhe cab, and we hake oul a l ] lhe way lhere. She spends rhe n ighl , buE i t

pret ry much s lays abowe the vais ! .

Al rvay, she v is i ls LA a tew ' reeks la ter . IE,s awesome !o Eee her . But she knows aboul lhe vhole

PU th ing and \ rho I ,m l iv ing wi th. So I9e! TONS of I rMR each n igh! . She s no! r rusr ing hersel f to

tu l ly le t go. l t ts annoying as fuck, esp because I ac lual ly real ly l ike her . So aMough we

lechnical ly had sex, we never real1y ge! ln lo i ! because she,s just ro! re lax ing, This happene

borh n ighls l le spend EogeEher. IE 's incredib ly a noylng. And do you know what? lerhaps i t ,s my

faul t . I never d id - - and s l l l f hawen, ! done - - the hardcore f reeze-ouls !ha! Mysrery has

maslered. I r11 be seeing her again lh is q 'eekend, and i f she,s s t i l l not comEorEable, I 1 I r ly

venue-changed !o another bar, where I knew ewerybody. great social proof. lhen we sat down on a

couch, evolut ion phase shi f t , and make ou! .

Style wtlt6s,

Subject: Questlon for Style and othe! travellng PUaE

P m a . T r e v e - a r a l y z e d r h i s p a r ! o f m y g a r e b e r o r e . i J e r r e r r y t o b r i e r l y . - ! ' e e l s l r k e y o u a - e

doing the right thing, because the6e girls are ca11in9 you and staying in touch, so you don't

have to vorry too much.

There are Two k inds of long d isrance s i ruat ions:

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If you havenrt hact Eex wilh a glrr' chen vou needl to keep ber ll,atn unliI vou see trer again Adt

you neecl to see he' l,ithin a fel,t montlrs' or er€e risk losine her attla:tron :"T']l- l,l"T"ivou neecr to - --" -l

lh.m r rbloti that can run tor six ltee*j

do thie by perfonnlng Styl'ers EV via €mail This glves lhen a "pIot"

1. Gills you bave already ha'I 6ex oith'

2. Glr l You haven' t '

I think a16o, and I suPPoEe this

kind of Person I know t '11 aLway8

reninal each olher !ha! we have a

i6 a routine, a! Bome Polnl' I

be fliends ltith. llndl we donrt

connect lon. i t 's alwaYs there'

either: but I never ju'tge lhen o! care rrtho

ale golng to have Be:' (lhough ite alwavs 'Io

rdl] telMen tltat lheY ate the

have to talk every weeR Eo

else they may be Beeing,

-- unleBs I happen to D€

i.f you 1et- lt, ancl keeP everychLng fte€h an'I evotvldg belr'een the gvro of vou'

wiEh girls you BAVE had sex lrIth' I feel that Ehe 'loo! is aL{aYE open whelher lheY are in a

relatlonship or no!, t dolr't a6k and uhey dontt lelt There are sorne {ornen trv€ been Eleepiag

lrith fo! yearB -- anal nay only s€e them once evely six montbB an'l talk !o lhen ol email lhem

t$ice in beti|e€n. t thlnk that becaus€ I traveL' they know that I w111 be in and out of their

llvee. Arlal at sorne polnt, they lfl11 get tsha! enail or call or !ex! tha! BayB' rl'm going to be

ln to!,,n lomorfovt. lfhat are you doi4g on F!i'lay' troubLemaker?i An'l lhev'll do the Eane when

theyrle in $Y to$al.

I a!o!'t kI!o$ if LhiB heIPE

and I never assume that lle

$ich another girl, 1of) '

Don't kno\t i! this helpE at all' let me know lf I

be!!er. I Ehink therers just che frame tlrat I.n a

I appreciate thern atrd \te are good in bed together

sbould elaborale on anyEhing or try to explain

busy guy anat dod't have time to maintain' but

and we enjov seeing each olher when our live6

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The ru les, of coulse, are enr i rety d i f ferenr for a ]ong_di ' rance s i ruat lon in which case lhegi r l lh inks she's going ro be your g i r l f r ienal . Tha! Eakes mainrenance, and i f you,re leading her

on in lhat respecrr i ! b lows up in your face. . .nor reconmenaled unless you/re ser ious abour her .

Style writes!

Subject! Re: Date Flake, Why did this happen?

Formhandle's right, She gave you her reason, Then you want all loglcal

on her, and suddenly found yourself gotng down a dark all€y


I've done thls enough to know RIGHT AWAY when a conversauon is

starting to take a bad turn. And if you get lnto a i'flght,, ltke that

thls early, it wlll destroy your chances. So what you have to do ts

lust CUT IT OFF rlght away, What I'll usually do lf a conversaflon

with someone IJust met (or In your case haven,t met) starts golng

down a bad path ls just sayi

"You know what, we'rejust tlke Cybjl Sh€ppard and Bruce Willis on

Moonlighting.r'And then change the topic, (Alternately, you can use

"Sam and Diane on Cheers,,,)

It's a GREAT reframe. Because now suddenly your bickeinq has changed

from 'noL getting along, to "romantic tension,


SSle writes:

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subieqt! Re: On€ of the KEYS to sex on the first meet

Gotta stand with Cassius here' Hardcore'

Here's where it's come in handy for me especially: A flrst meetlng'

especlally if ifs from the personals' I don't know the WHY of lt' but

It's true. ln the flrst locatlon, I c,n s€e her body language go from

ctosed off to lnterested, But then lt hits a celllng Sowetakea

walk to the next locatlon (a lounge or bar), and on the walk and

arrlval, the rapport bullds for some reason so In the second

locatlon, a *close Is now posslble lf we had stayed ln the flrst

locatlon too long, the mood would have eventually staled and we both

would have become uncomfortEble'

I don't know lf I'm explalnlng lt well enough' but locatlon changes

(though not ALWAYS necessary) are GoLD for bulldlng rappon'

Especlally if you make them at the rlght tlme'


8t!,7e ttlEea t

SubJ.cs: A r,IttsIe Ellall frlqk for lbo RePeltolte

Oue of my ULTRg aloeB this al-1 the Eime' an'I I love i! so inucb that I'n qoing !o steal it'


lhoughl of You

while i $as gnitabrutsan

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are you doing anything tontgbt?

other rhan gnikcuf ne?

It,s sexy yet suggestive. Cute thlng to add r.o the repertoire.




Style vritesr

SubJecU litor€ on Soclal Robota

Wow, lots ofgood responses h€re - and honest ones. I think this post

ftom IN I oSE actually answels a lot ofyou questiols, especially with

what he says about PUA being a skillset and not an identity.

Ard he is correct on the Cold Reading book I m€ntion: Completely Cold

is the title. It's about eight pages long, and it aptually works.

London asked about a solution; Besides what INI oSE says, you have to

leam this all like you'd lealn bodybuilding. It's notjust about

weight-lifting in the glan, it's also about ealing and sle€ping right

Io other wotds, traking care ofyourself.

So PU, as I see i! is actually notjust about sarging, as IVe said

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b€fore, lt's about lifestyl€. And it's notjust about girls, it's

about yowself.

The problem is that the Social Robot leams the progam' And the

program only really lasts, as best I can tell, for the first I 5 to 20

minutes or so, After that, you must rely on charact€t and intuition'

And th€se take time and expedence to leam'

In other words, I can tak€ ANY guy' And I can tell him EXACTLY what to

say and when. And he can get a girl VERY interesied in a short amount

oftime. But a social robot lt'ill have No day 2 game; he will have a

lot ofphone flumbers, but no gfs or ov€n regular FBs'

The theory these days on here is that it iak€s roughly seven houls to

go tom begiming to end. That's a lot of time for a HB to tell if

you re CONGRUENT and have something more going for you'

So what's the solution? Here are e few things I can think of offthe

top of my head:

-Make ASF a hobby, rct a lifestyle'

-Realize that you are not sup€rior than anyone else because ofASF


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-Hang around with people/$oups who are more experienced./well-rounded

than you (as opposed to clones or sycophants)

-Have an ambition for youself, and take the steps necessary to

achieve it (Having direction and ambition is a huge plus both on and

offthe field.)

-Get a girlffiend, especially ifyou've never had one. Even allow

yourselfto fall in love at sorne poinq it's a beautiful thing, though

we all fear it because it makes us vulnerablc.

-lfyou're around college age, figure out your IDEAL work, then get an

intemship at that place; few will deny free labor.

-Travel, meet people. be open ro new experiences

-Stop blowing offmeetings with girl you,ve met so you can ,'sarge


-ln general, spend morg time in the company ofwomen, All women are

not either MLTRS, FBs, or Pivots, Some make awesome friends.

-As they always say, live in your own reality and don,t seek the

approval ofothers.

-Wlen you do sarge, try, every so often, just lefting go and being in

the moment. You may not succeed as well as with shucture or routines,

but you'll leam something.

-Pursue a hobby or activity you love that,s completely not related to


-Learn to love enjoying the company ofpeople WITHOUT either wanting

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an]4hing fiom them or rcedilg to be the center ofatt€ntion'

Ifyou don't love people, women, and yourself -- all thr€e - you will

never get gr€at at this

You'll find that the more you groom yourselfa's a complct€ human

b€ing, that it's ALL ultimately r€lated to sarging' And' 8t the same

time, YES, you should keep leaming here and you should keep

Facticing in the field. Butjust step back €very so oftoq and ask

yourseE Am I tuming into a soai8l robot?

Hope this answ€rs the questions abov€' And

looking b&ck ov€I it' som€ may sound even AFcish' but nothing you do

will ever be AFC ifyou are making your choia€s for yours€lf"'

Styl. vtlgea,

gubJecg: oPlDionF on Ul Gtrt (plus velbaElt! routj'Deg)

so I'm online, antl a gilL I donrt know rMs me'

tha! she's sol ic i l ing for a \ tebEite or vebcam

sarge her anFay. The respon€e I gel is great '

1. r t ' I1 show You how I

inepiraLion for style 's

this larelv happens, andl by the name r asaune

or someuhirg. But I 'Ieci'Ie co assune the be6t'

But I'm posting Ehis for two reasons:


my routines. (AnaI I mu6l cte'IiE' if t haven'! alreadly' Lbe

rouline to INloSE. )

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, ) . S o m e l h i r g o o e s n ' t s e e m l j g h r a b o u L E h j s 9 _ r l : S h e

handle of a sex worker, and her opener is super weak.

a bunch of men to lry ro ge! lheir atlenrion, ye! she

af ter reading th is , does th is seem reat? Do you th ink

sex website rhing, bur lhen gor drann inro the conwo?

of f . A lso, see her p ic I posred.

lives in Vegas, and she haE rhe rnlerner

I t Eeens l ike Eomething she'd send our ro

in lerac ls wi th me l ike a regular g i r l . So,

she ',,as originally going ro selt me some

Can, t f igure th i6 out , bur somerhing seems

3 This is onlv lhe second Eime lve ever sarged on rM. seen6 l ike lhe 6arne E!ur ! works. Nore:

I 've Bl ighl ly a lEered her name tor pr iwacy rea6ons, obviousty.

sexyBlondchickoos l8:a9 pMl: her do we know each olher?

SexyBloDdchicko05 18:49 pMl ' th i

S!y1e ter51 PMI I Hmm. No! sure. you seem l tke l roub]e.

Style [8151 PM] | In {hich case, we probably do knos' each olher.

sexyBlondchlcko05 [8:52 pM]: 1o1

SexyBlondchickoos 18:53 pMl ' \ , rhy is lhaE

sexyBlondchicko0s 18.54 pMl: so i rhat B your name?

Styte [8:54 PM] | My ir lends cal t me Style. And the why is because your name is so shady. A r ichman doesn,! have !o rel l you he's r ich.

sexyBlondchickoos 18 | 54 pMl : 1o1.. . . inreresr ing vay of putr ing i !

Slyle [8:55 PM] | But as long as you,re here, you can hetp wirh a femate opinion.

So I do the jealous g i r l f r iend openerr then Ev. This goes on a whi te. she,s sucked in lo i t . and

suggests exchanging p ics_ she is supER cure-

sty le [9:3s PM]: One lh ing ve have in common iE

Sty le [9.37 PM]: t lnm. You seem l ike a good egg,

tha! we' re no! smi l ing

perhaps a l i l l te pouty

our pics. shame.

Eimes. I knew you were

sexyBlondchickoos t9:3? pMl: i donr l ike to sni te on pics

SexyBlondcbickoos [9:3? pM] : 1o1. . . O

Sly]e 19:37 PMI: Are you hiding braces?

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sexyBlondcbickoos 19:3? PMI : noooooooo

SexyBlonalchickoo5 I9:3? PMI: lo l

sexyBlondchickoos 19:37 Pl" l l : pret ty s l ra ighl teeEr l

sryte t9:38 P!41 | sane l f ind good teeth to be impoi lant '

s ty le t9:3S PMI: so, her iers lhe p lan" '

SexyBlondchickoos 19:38 PMI: aha '

s ly le [9:38 PM] : Aha?

SexyBlondchickoo5 t9:38 FMI I l is leninq

Sty le [9.38 PM]: I 'm going to 90 eaE But f i ls t "

Sly le 19:38 FMl r " $e ' l ' I exchange nanee 'and then "

s ly le 19:39 PMI ' l , 'e ' t l p ick Ehis up t .onol row By phone '

sexyBlondcbickoos t9 '39 PMI: soundB good' 1 '$ lname lemoved]


Any!,ay, we now have plans !o meet in

\{ebcam-!}?e girls or someEhing' bu!

vegas. r st i l l feel though

rhen BHicched gears because

lhat she waB ]lke one of those

she l iked me. Can' l !e l l - '

scyle wtlEeB I

subject! - - >IIow

Wait a minute. Bul

stuf f t r rour ine. I !

basical lY You kept

vhat You Post here Is a

nay nol be 100 Percenl

yourself f rom stal l ing

roui ine. r ! 'e the

scr ip led, but iE 'e

oul in t lu f t wi lh

lrhole r'1 need a rich 9ir1 lo buy ne

a c/F frame \{e use here so

To fhlolf Your RouglneE In The Tra6h And eets Lalal Li.ke crazyl

on rhe orher hand, r Do see whar you're Eaying anar a'ree. Hoqewer, lhere are cases -- like in ny

Heidi F1eiss experience -- unere vou do need ro blow soneone awav {ith a routine lf I'n at a

bar in Oxange countv, f ine - - r can jus l "be mysel f ' " But i f I 'n in a mocle l ' f i lLed LA c lub

scene, I NEED the touEines' An'I vou know what? It sucks to be depen'tent on them l reallv onlv

use a rouEine r',hen I nee'I to plcK things upr open'l or n\owe fon"ard in some v'av; otherc'ise I am

jusl mote naturallv fumv and cool But thevrre sli]t necessarv'

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I know, in ny hearr. rhat they're jusr Eraining lrheers to be renoved one day. But vhen...FFFFI


Style wtLtea,

Eubj€ctr Help NeedEd t{tth glEh-proflt€ garge

I $as hanglng out nlth a busidesBperso[ r,ho

Eaid Ehe want€d !o se! me up vrlth a sort_of

sbe,E vefy reorlhy and lf i! work6 out, 1r1I

r aort of know the olher

hlgh-profile pop Elnger,

post about 1t.

alay, and afieri?arat, she

I cantt say who i t tE but

My friend Euggested havlng a dinner ac

r{ould be awkward, and i! mlgh! be harat

in a bright house vlth bableE anat at1.

her house, and tnvitlrlg lhe two of us. Bu! I thorrgh! lhatro ge! atlraction golng in that forced_dinner situation

So inslead, she sent me the pop

where the Lounge comes iflr what

BCar'B €mall address and asked ne to enail ber. anal HBRE isdo I Bay ln tha! firs! emalt.

The challenge, IUO, ts tha! itrs a vely AgC stluaeion, because now I,m in the postlionchasing her a''d perhaps just dccepting her because she rs famous, so r neeat !o wrrle aenaif that has SOUE etetnent' of push-puU/quallfying (without being a totat asshote) . Ionce I ge! the meet, it'll be easy. But f!ft stunped oll lhe icebleaker emalt.


gtyle {rites 3

gubjects Eelp [eeded With High_profile garg6



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gere,s the enBil r eniled up senaltng her (thanks to all' {ith big credit to David D for sone of

t b l s ) :

IMutual Friendl seens to think {e''I hlt lt off' an'l auggestedl geEting togeLher a! her house fo!

passover atinner. i{oweve!, r lhought a ehorrer, nore casuar. ger-together migh! be a betrer idea'r

Thls !qay, if you're a compl€te freak shon' I can Just escape !o go i{ax $y dog'r or somethtn'' r

I giuesE we have a couple of oPtslonB fron here' lle

in lova. and naybe even get a plle6t to inatry ua

Then agatn, mayb€ we coul'l get together for a cup of lea and Eome 'stinulaling

conversatlon call

mer or Eend me your nunbel, and werlL makc planB' And then' if'you tuln ou! to be all !ha!

lfrienall saye ]|ou arc, $e can go fllrd that online prle6t"'


phone *

HER REsPoNgE (sen! Just a f,ell| hour€ I'ater);

Dear sEyle,

well, t'm ln NYc this \te€k' My nudbar iE x)oaorx' anil I atBo really reaLlv love plzza lsmall

talk snippedl Talk to you laler' [BBPoDchick]

p.S. Yes, a s}toft get together woul.I be gogil- that \'ay lf you are a fleak shoi|, I can quickly

escape !o fiy very urgent antl taBc nilrute neeting $ith my caLs' psychic'

Bnylray, r take the enal1 aE a goo'I sigiD:

wilh lhe jokeE, aIld the phone nunber'

lbe pronp! teply, the fact Lhac 6he'6 plavlng along

NexL step ls Eo call her lonorrow:

could star! an enait relallonshlp' fa11 na'llv

in a live chat celemony '



trying lo think of a good openins slory or opinion

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Sty1e writ€s:

SubJecb! HBPopchick: Firet ueeting

So t had ny filst meelirg with rhe ,,high-profile" salge that you guys helped me our on. Thanks.

First, before our rneeting time, t $ent Eo Ebe lounge wbere we had pl.ans half an hour earty. 1

gave lhe manager there 9100. I told bln the ei!ua!i.on. then told him ro make Eure we were

lreateal we]l., lhat we got a cotne! lable lrith a couch, and that all our drinks were ion lhe

house,r Then he could Epl l l whalever money waE lef t -over af terwards wi th the wai t ress.

My plan wa€ fo! gelbal, Myslery and hi6 (gulp) wife to meeE us lhere, then get us back Eo rhe

house for rrhome vldeoE. tr Bu! MyB and the mlssus look loo long !o get ready, so no probten.

Ins lead, Eerbal and a gay f r iend of MyE's wi fe ( l?) came to rhe bar . HBpopchlck arr i .wed exacr ty

on l ime, looktng qui le cute. the 's in her ear ly 3O,Er and looks fantas l ic and is very sf tar ! . I

introduced her, and did an ILID I nane nemorizing, which wa6 a grea! l,ay to avoid an}-way airkri,ard

in i t ia l convo,

Then I paced her real.iry, and rold her !ba! this waE my first blind dare like rhi6. (t,ihich is

rrue.) She definitely felt retievedr it \das a gieat connecling momen!. tte then lrenr !o eir dow!.

(Herbal -- you weren,t supposed to FOILOW tJS, LoL. she a6ked, ,,Are you like babysirting chen or

some!hing?' r )

Did Spells to start up the conversation

easy mind-reading game, and then played

over. I had hi! the hook poinl. she ra6

her. One problen cane when a rock star I

but then he looked at my date and 6aid,

lrith a slory. She started to relax. When I did a rnini,

the ]ying game lrith Herbal and his gay buddy, it was ALL

realty brighl and ajOT sluff, I lras really impressed sirh

knew walked in- I go! lhe social proof b/c he knew me,

"Oh, are you inlervie\,ring her?' ouch!

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she lras hungry. MYs and the wifev ha'tn'! sbown up ve! to {ing us back to the bouse' so I had to

abanilon lhe plan- That'e one of the kevs to this: being flexible we dexe comfortabfe now' so I

rhought a venue change woulat be perfecl rt buil'ls so fruch tapporr !o move around i're wenr to a

place nearbY for the best creserE 1n LA (she has a elreet tooth) I ilid the cube lhere' which I do

so fuck ing we1l . she said at 's accutacv l tas a 9 ou! of lO Then Mvs an ' I h is o ld ladv came bv '

Bu! lhey had HerbaL and the gay friend vltb chem (and Forrihandle) ' which was REAI'LY veird lt

was supposed to look like I njuel tan inLo" MYs and his bitch' bul {hen rhe olher lwo guYs were

v-Eh Ehem, i t seemed real ]y c leepv and p lanned'




Anyway, they go! che hint and went to tt1e

wanteal Mys !o watch our vibe, and he said

and Ea! next !o ne on the coucbes.

l,{e Ealkeal, and got a liltle kino gotng she's only

been three LTRg forever. So the nhole daling thing

crazy was going to happen. so I walked her back to

!o my cheek for a kiss, and nade a plan for Friday'

There was no way l coul.d have gotten a rnake-out

was Do! raking her hand a! sone point near tne

romance/connecl ion/BF f rane. People yel led ou!

bela, which q 'as in leres l lng.

Srandard. EBPopchick and I met lhem over there l

i r was oN. J as getL jng Eons of ro ls she cane around

been on ONE dale in her 1 i fe . Olherwise ' i ! 'E

ls new !o her , and t ! was c lear !ha! norh lng

her car, had her drop me off at hone, poinled

session or anylhing crazv, IMo Mv onl-v mislake

end of Ehe night, and SETTING a

her name a feq l ines, which made me feel a I i l t le

As i t is , r know i ! went \ te ]1 lor HER and for ME r real lv d ig her ' she 's emart '

comes i ron a good fami ly , doesn' t nave obvious "baggage" ' and she's not easv and

with other guys seens trustworlhv so vhen I see her nex!' I just ree't !o make

and proceed accordingly.


Iu*l.lay, it wae interesling.

sEyIe wri leg,

she's an aweEone cbick, and I reallv hope I can Mke her nv !lr'

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Subjecl : A Note to AIL Sargers

It leads to MASSIVE rrMR when rhey see how rhe guys are ratking abour girts, b/c rhen rhey rhink

lhey, l l jus! be another erory l ike cnar .

This has happened to me on ny One nigbr a! rhe srandalil, crinble and

Thunderca! come to the lable !o elarr discussing game when I,m with a girt wbo is atreaity alirrle freaked ou! bv rhe fac! thaE my roomnare teaches Ehis stuff. rhen she sees mole quvs wirh

nlcknames coine up and starr ralking abour it. weirded her our.

turcEher nighr, I ,m in beat with a HB I haven,! stepr wirh ye!. And Myslery comeE up and sEarts

doing a breakdown.

te ! ,s make a new ru1e. Do NOT

a group with a voman lhey are

Everyone is no! aE coof h,1th lh is d6

connecl ion wl lb us. And i ! wi l l lead

as one of rhe g i r ls to ld ne 1ater .

discuss salging or give FRs !o orher pUAs when rhey are wrTH or in


eEp i f lhey Ehink !hey ' re formins a specia l

so !ha! she doesn, ! seem l ike i ' jusr anothe! b inrbo,!O LMR

so, ar lhe VERY r,EAsT, ask

game/ or give a breakdolm. I love hearing

i f there 's a g i r l around !o g ive a FR, d i6cuss rhe

b u t n o ! v , h e n I , m i n s e r . . .

Styie wt i teBt

gubjectt Some N6w Lines

Not ice lhat I haven' t posted much

enough in the field. Now rhat |n

monlhs. I t 's because

is f lowing. h facr /

havenr l been act ive

f ind i t impossib le !o

nes marerial in

back, new stuf f



Page 69: Neil Strauss - The Annihilation Method - Style's Archives - Volume 5 - The Next Level - How to Get Models and Threesomes - Guaranteed Lines and Routines for Advanced Situations

beliewe that anyone l'lho i6

Playboy's !'RB. So POST ruE


By lhe !tay, Irve gtartetl using sorne of the AMOG lines otr

an exampte lrith ny favorite Al'toc line I've come up with'

can't use it on you guys. Afld somen get che nos! anesome

Style: I have Eo ask. And thi6 mav eoundl obnoxious '

middle or hrgh school?

nB: Yeelnol{hatewer.

in the fietal regiulaily i6 NoT coning up witb

STUFF YoU'FE USTNG TheTe shouldn ' l be jus l

nelr naEerial Look at

a fen of us shating.

gir l3 X'm sarging. I t 's anazing' I lerera

I hate givlng ir away, because nol]ll I

expression {hea You use lhe female

For a guy: Check lhiB ltuy ouL: rIe'E so fucktng funny' llonen love hln' (a11 Baid compllmentarv

anal settouEly then pause ancl Bay) woultt you believe he's stlL1 a virgin'

For a girl: ol'tc, thts girl ls anazing'

ahe'6 never hadl a boyfriend.

She,e Bo snart and !{itty and funny...rqould you belleve


since Mystery laught ne LhiE L1ne, I u6e il tn every single set after the opener' Ilrs rrHow

you all kllow each other, I lt's ao llulocent rvay to flnal ou! lf lhe girl you're intereBted ln

laken or not. Iloctevel, ln naLe_ienale Ev'o-se!s' I notice't lhat if you use lhiB line lhe giuy

I N S T A N T L Y k n o w g l h a L y o u ' f e f i s h l n g t o g e e l f l h e y l r e l o g e l h e r o r n o E . s o I ' v e b e e n u a l n g

lnslead ellher rHo\trd you guys meettr

If you have a betler line for n_f tito setB' Iet ne k[o!f'


You l{ere fa! Pueh-Pulr neg



but lt'€ noc. were you fa! when you ltere in


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slyle: The reason I/n asking is because girls who were fat in grade school always had to develop

thei r personal i t ies to be popular . And you hawe al l these cutesy l i t t le gesrures and manner isms

rhat are so original. tcan inser! 'beauly is comnon' xouline here if desired, then continue

with:l You knolv !ha! rhe bes! girls !o dare are girls who were fa! in grade school but 9ol

a l t racLive laEer in l i fe , because they had to dewelop Eheir personal iEy and thei r sense of humor

and their attitude to get friend6 and guys.


OMG, your Ehouldera shake l rhen you laugh. IL 's so cuEe. topt ional reference i f you know i t : l

You' re l ike Mut t ley f rom lhe Dascald ly and Mul l ley car loons. [Ehe'11 laugh again, then go: i

There i l goes again. I l 's awesome.

Sty16 wl l teg !

gubJect ! TR: Anolher Threesome

so herers an updale on a lor of Eluf f :

Firsr, and most important, Ty and I lhrev in lhe Eowe] on lhe sl.eep experiment. The adjustnent

period was too lough. Af,le! so rnany days of Eleeping in 20 minute naps, we couldn'E keep our

eyes open and vere sEarEing Eo have rhese st range micros leep hal luc inal ions. we wldeo- laped a

1o! of il, so maybe MyElery will make a WTF episode or somelhing. INOTE FRoM STYI,E, 2006. HERBAL



speaking of Mystery, I haven' r ta lked ro h im yet , but he d idn ' t ju6t wing the CB, he lc losed

her. r am in total shock abouE that one. sounde nore like someEhing I would do. And, by rhe way,

dude (and I'll say it here because i!'s lhal imporlant !o me): ALWAYS usE a coNDoM THE wHoLE

TIMEI (That 6aid, the cB is f ine and d isease f ree, and has a boyfr iend even.)

Page 71: Neil Strauss - The Annihilation Method - Style's Archives - Volume 5 - The Next Level - How to Get Models and Threesomes - Guaranteed Lines and Routines for Advanced Situations

And I ' , l l posL a

ki l ler rout inesr l

going on in lhat

full Mo afler I field tes! it one note lime l hate vrhen people posls 'rnew

after they ldork jus! oNE !ime, becauEe vho kno\ts what olher variables were

one iso la led s i tual ion. Ar leas! th is is going to be a fun one lo f ie ld tes! '




Final ly , and somewhat imPortantr is that TEE REASON i t 'e so ' t i f f icu l t to ger g i r ls Lo do lh ings

l i k e t h i s i s t t l e r e a r e C O N s E Q u E N c E s F o r t h e f i r s t t h r e e s o m e , i t t u r n s o u ! ! h a t ' s l n c e l m e l m v

MLTR through Gabby (lhe nutly girl who Mvsterv was brieflv sleepiDg {ith) ' lhe guys in the house

T o n D G a b b y . w h o e v e r t o l t l s a b b y , p l e a E e l e t r n e k n o w ' l w i l l n o t b e m a d ' B u ! o b w i o u s ] y i ! , s V E R Y

bad form, and bad for your buddy. Girls wiLl only do this stuff if lhey lhink thal no one elEe

qi l l f in t l ouE. {Tha! sa ia l , I ta lkeal !o nv MITR and she's s ! i11 g lad she d id i t and enjoved lhe

As for lhe second experience, I talketl !o my FB veBEetday Sheid never seriously been wilh a

9i r1 befo le, and nei lher hai l exper lenceal a threeeome before ' They bolh real lv enjoved iE '

H o ! ' e v e r , l h e o T l { E R g i r l ! o l . l h e r B F a b o u t i l . I h a v e n o i d e a w h a ! s h e w a s l h i n k i n g , b u l r e g p e c l

her for being hones! $ l !h h im. Now al l he] ] 's breaking loose, so I doub! thal wi l l happen again

with !hem. Antl I doubr ny FB will brj.ng any of her female fliends lo the Projecr Holl] vood

mansion again, to I .

Style wrlt€E:

Sublect: LR: ThleeEome Attel lpt (wl ' th feealback)

This rnay prove to be an intetesling

lhreesone. Afterward, I got an enait

A good peek inlo chick logic.

FR, becauEe I was lraweling the olher day and bried for a

f rom lhe g i r l who backed out , rat ional iz ing whi le she d id '

anlray, l was lraweting and I inviteil three diffetent FBs to the partv You'we seen pics here of

al] of lhen befole: lhe one in the T-ounge with black hair, EBBigEyes; lhe b]ack-haired gir] who

t as my first conmunity succees (HBFirst); and lhe blonde v/ith braces (HBBraces) Then I invited

o n e q i t l v h o l h a . I n e v e r n e t , b u b h a d b e e n c o r l e s p o n . l i n g w i t h v i a e m a i l o n ] i n e ( H B P e r s i a n ) . A n d

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then HBPers ian brought EBFr iend wi th a fanrasr ic , spark l ing personal i ry . s ickboy was wirh me

thaL n igh! and saw i t a l l un io ld.

The par ty was pret ty crazy. I was a l t ower the ptace ratk ing !o peopte. Bur my p lan was to Lake

ihe lwo glrls I liked the mos! and thoughr woutd be mosr responsive, and rry !o bring rhem back

to the p lace I was sray ing. Atong rhe way, r mer Tera pal r ick and her husband, and #ctoseal rhem

to hang in LA. Her husband, who was in Biohazard, te l ls ne he,s ihe bes! pUA ewer. His Mo

sounded s imi lar to Myslery '8, 60 when r see h im, I ,n going to p ick h is bra in and pos! i ! here.

I 'm a! a whole new lewe] wi th lh is pUA lh ing, which r ,11 expta in in aroLner posE.

Anyway, so I got my group togerher , and we wen! ro a horet lounge. Ar rh is poinr , I knew r coutd

have ANY of lhe g i r rs . A11 I needed !o do was p ick. r ! was crazy: the sociat proof of lhe n ighE

sas so fuck ing powerfu l . They AL! v ,anred me/ and i r was fun !o have the opl ion for once. s ickboy

to ld me HBBraces and HEFirs! were gerr ing a long wet l , and s ince lhey wexe the mos! aErrac l ive

too, I chose them !o work.

Fi rs ! , I went wi th HBFirst ours ide 60 she could smoke. We made our prerry insranr ty , ewen rhough

pe hadnr l seen each orher in l ike lvro years. she has an amazing th in, t igh! body (scorr f rom lhe

Lounge,s L}?e) . And af terward, she said she hadn' r k issed a guy in L ike rhree monlhs. ! , rhar a

Af teruard, we exi ted to a d iwe bar . r made ou! wi lh HBBraces rhere. r a tso venr in to rhe

bathroorTr wi lh HBPers ian, and we made ou! . HBFr iend mer an Asian guy she was qoing ro 90 home

pi th, bul passed ic up !o go back to r , ,here r qas sray ing for a shor wi th me. So r goL in a cab

ui lh , rUsT HBFirs! and HBBraces. This was my isotar ion. r go! in f i rBr , rhen Braces, lhen Fi rsr .

I iurned to face lhem and, ratk ing/ pur ny arm6 around HBBraces and pu] Ied her in ro

me. Then, as we laughed abour someLhing, HBBraces pulled EBFirEr inro her. Even rhough r rhough!

HBBraces wa6 prude and ItBFirs! was advenrurous, HBBr:aces seemed !o know what was uD.

HBFirs! te lar<ed into HBBrace's arms, lhen euddenly jumped up and sald. ' ,Jus! so you guys know, r

don'b l ike g i r ls . I on ly t ike guys. , ' r s ama?ing hov chicks p ick up on rh is sruf f . r acEed

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unconcerneal , and f igu led we' ]1 just f reeze he! out a l i t t le , le t ' her th ink about i l , and see

what happens when we ge! hone.

Back at my place, we hung out. Everyone was on separale couches and chairs watching Tv'

Eventually, Persian and her Friend 1eft, disappointed. The real bumner is that thev had made

our, as a johe, a! some point in the night, so I probablv could have been with them Bu! I

*anred the other g ix ls , and 1real ly l iked thei r personal i l ies. Now r needed !o f igure our a way

!o iso late mysel f wi lh F i rs l anal Braces. So I sa id, rwanna see something cool " And I pul led

Ehem inro ny room, anat naale a prosthellc scar on one of the girls's face. (anolher sign oi

inpending doom vaE lhac ABFirEt lta€ too uptlght lo let me pul a scar on het face, eo I did it on

EBBrace's ins lead.) I learned hotd to do Prosther ic scarE on lhe ee! of a movie. any sk i l l . vou

learn comes in handy in the sarge.

I,{e were all on lhe bed nov. and r was slarliog !o feel lhe vibe. I knew I didn't even need a

dual induclion massage, because ttral \tould bave made it too obvious. I jus! needed lo start



But suddenLy HBFlrs! s lood up and said, ' r I

ou! lhe f ronE door. I chased af ler her ' In

you. Tha! 's what yor l guys want , isnr t i !? ' r

lare. I ,d hale for her to leave l ike lh is

have to go." And Bhe rockeled lhrough lbe room and

lhe hal l . , Bhe Eaid, ' I 'm nol having a Ehreesorne { t iEh

I s a i d , n o . D o n ' l w o r r y . L e ! e J u s ! g o ! o s l e e p I ! ' s

E l c .

s o s h e c o n e s b a c k . N o w l ' m i n b e d . H B B l a c e s i s o n m y l e f l , v l t h h e r b a c k t o m e . I { B F i r s l i s o n m y

r i g h l , s i r h h e r b a c k ! o n e . I ' m l y i n g i n t h e n i d d l e t h i D k i n g , v , t f ? H o t d o l w o r k t b i s ? S o I t u r n

l l B B r a c e s o v e r , s o s b e ' s r e g t i n g o n m y E h o u l d e r a n d f a c i n g n e . T h e n l t u r n g B F i r s ! o w e l s o s h e l s

r e s t i n g o n n y s h o u l t l e r a n a t f a c i D g m e . T h e n l s t a r E m a k i n g o u ! l ' t i l h H B F i r s t , f i g u r i n g s h e n e e d s

the a l tent ion f i rs t .

B u ! g u d . I e n l y l ' B B r a c e g s t a n . t s u p a n . t l e a v e s l h e r o o m . F u c k ! s o l m a k e o u t w i t h H B F i r s l a l i t t ] e

nore, tben te! her go to s leeP. IErs l ike 4:30 am at th is point . I go outs ide, and see HBBraces

s t e e p i n g i n a n a r m c h a i r . s h e s a i . t 6 h e f e l t b a d f o l E B F i r s t a n d d i d n , t k n o w i f 6 h e $ a g w a n t e d , s o

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she left the room.

out, then go !o the

I le l l her that i t 's EER I wan! /

batrhroom and hawe uncomfortable

not the other girl

sex on the l ino leum

After, I bring her back !o lhe room and v,e all steep logether in peace. h rhe norning, HBFirsr

leawes righ! away. she'6 wery huffy, and I figure I've bloi,n mysetf out sith her. r spend Lhe

tnorning wi th EBBxaces, and iE 's cool .

Anyway, a fun experimen! . . . and lhe funny thing is rhe pUA mentatity I have no\,,. I never woutd

have even thoughr oi t ty lng lbis before. and I WIIJIJ l ry i t again.. .

In ret rospec! , I g ive my6e1f points fo! r ry ing and pusbing i t . My only misrake $as Eetect ion. I

should have palred HBBraces up trith one of the olher girts. HBFriend seriousty would have done

anyEhing. And even though her looks are just okay, Ehe had a rocking personaticy and woutd have

been fun. The fact i6 , unt i l i ! cornes doun to l r , you can, t a l i rays te l t wbo's going to be up for

being ll'ith anolher girl or not. I!,s like choosing a rarger: yor.r real1y CAN'T te]l !rha! lheir

ae:(].ral preferences and nolaLs and rules are, no natter wha! they say or hov lbey act, unEil i!

comes down !o lhe momen! o! ttulh.

StyTe wtlteg t

Subject: TR: Ulxlng and ldatchlng FBE

For lhe pasc week, I 've been th ink ing about a nel r MO. The orher day, r decided !o t ry i ! .


I invited ower nBlibrarian, a really thinr cule FB rho gives amazing deep rhroar.

She came ower, and lre t,'ent up to ny room and fooled around vith our c1olhes on. when she starred

!o get hot , I to ld her , r I ,m going to cal l ower a 1 i t t1e ptaFhing for us."

she asked, 'You think 6o?n

Page 75: Neil Strauss - The Annihilation Method - Style's Archives - Volume 5 - The Next Level - How to Get Models and Threesomes - Guaranteed Lines and Routines for Advanced Situations

I to ld her , 'Eer name'e EBTats. You'11 l ike her ' r r

she was a l i t t le he6i lant , so I !o1d hex, ' t , ie donr t hawe

i f you don' t l ike her , no worr ies. we' ] l have her teawe'

She askeil how t knew lhe gir1, and 1 eaid she worked at

Laler , Ehe said, i 'The only g i r ls I 'we been wi th were mv

l whispereat in her ear, "Let me Eel] vou sonelhing: the

t i rs t p lace is that I thoughE she'd be per fect for you'

amazing la t looeE. r '

T h e f a c E i s , I w a B w o r r i e i l , b e c a u s e t h e o t h e r H B i g r e a l l y y o u n g a n d h a s g r e a l s k i n , b u E h a s

some baby fa! chunk going on.

Anway, r wen! !o lhe batbroon anal called EBTats 0where are you?" I aEked'

she said she vas nearbv and coming ovet.

,,I juEl want !o ]e! yor.1 kno!'t, r' I tol.d her, rlhat r have Eomeone over hele fo! us lo plav wilh'l

she didn,t say anyrhing, so I addeal, soon.rr Atld hung up. Not eaying trnor is

agreeing in lheBe asD lype caseE.


I,ihen HBTars came upBlailE !o ny room, I said, "Hey, I waE jus! on mv way !o give HBlibrarian a

rune reading. r

I broughc rhem downslairs, and gave them a rune reaillng Ryans and NaturalLJ and all these otber

guys were running a1l' over lhe bouse, anil I was worrieit all' the nale enelgv would fuck it up'

But I ignored ir, nade lhem gin and lonice, and did a grear rune readinq l kepl accidenlally

naking double enlendres, l ike le l l ing l IBTats, t r I r11 ' lo vou too" ( in reference Lo lhe runee)

This wasnrr game: i ! waE k iDd of funnv, though'

Afterwalals, I eaid, nlrlt be ngllt back r I left lhem alone for: a godd fiwe minutes to qet

I gor paparazzi rd. You gol la check i t out " ( I t 's t rue: I

we got descenited on by photograPhers lrll post the link at

to a lo th is . wer l l inwi te her ower, aDd

Urban Out f i t ters.

only reason 1 was wi th lh iE g i t l in the

she's very open and sexual , and has

when I reLutned, I !o1d rhen, r 'HeY,

was at Me1's ltilh courlney Love and


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I brought them up to ny roonr vhere a cD vas atreaaly playing and rhe tighrs eere tow. r sholredthem lhe phoroE. rhen a coupte videos on ny computer. My beal is the only ptace to Eir in myroom, so they were boEh on lhe bed bur silring far aparE.

I could feet the energy srarL !o bui1d. The conwersaEion just naEuralty rurned !o lhe ropic ofsex. At one poinr , HBt ibrar ian s lapped my ass anat lhe orher g i r l sa id, i r t is a n ice aEs. , So rcould lell lhey were ready, and jus! wa.led me !o srar! rhinqs.

so the onlv obsEacle le f r v ,as srarEing lh inge: so iDstead of lhe dual inducr ion massage, r l i rup lhe hookah and shared the sfroke. INoTE FRoM sTyLE, 2006: T1{1S ItAIr RrcuLAR TOBACCO IN IT, NOTDRUCS, FYI]

As soon ae I nade a move for one of rhe girts, everylhing happereil so fasE. r made out with her.Then I made out wi rh rhe o lher g l r t . Then rhey borh s lar ted making our passlonarety. HBTars go!off rhe bed and look off aLL her crolhes excep! her panlies. r removed liBrribrarian,s shlrt anai

thev were so in to each o lher i ! wa. r id icutous. r ! was as i f e lecrr rcr ly haar se! lhe room onf i re. I t waE tota l porn shi ! .

There were rv ,o lh ings I wanted !o r ry t The f i rsr was lhe famous Tr iangl_e poEi l ion,Jta ix hasdiscussed tn h is FRE. I ,e ! me ret l your I a l idn, ! l tke i ! . The probtem iE lhaE when a g i r t iss l r l lng on your tace, vou can' ! see. The grea! lh ing abou! a threesonre is rhe vrsual , for ne.Af ler I had sex wirh Ehem both, I d ia! the other rh ing I a tways sanlear ro do. HBl ibrar ian saidsbe wanted rne !o cum in he! mouth. So ehe !ren! dov,n on me, lhen r gently pushed Nhe head of Eheother one down. I ! v ,as grear : f i rs ! ooe was jack ing me of f r rh i te lhe orher sucked nre, lhen rheywere lak ins lurnE. I came in EBl ibrar ia. ,s moulh ( r know, graphic) , rhen mid_srream she pu. rhehead of the o lher g i r l ower i t . when r vas done, HBl ibrar ian (god b less her) juer sp i r my \dadin lo lhe mourh of Ehe orher g i r t . Anat they s larced naking ouE in my mess paseionalety. I can,rbel iewe th is happened ro ne. . .and r can, ! bet iewe !m shar ing i ! .


But the fun lrasn't over. we fooled arounat a lirEre more, wenr domsrair. and qor sone drinke andwatched the begidring of Napoteon Dtmanice on my compurer. Some of my roommaEeE kep! turkingaround: Tolaf cB shir, because r didn'! !ran! Ehem !o be nade unconfortable by guys in rhe houseknowing wha! was up. Sone rules nust be ser, esp in proEo no!, that i s cra{ting wirh dudes.

Page 77: Neil Strauss - The Annihilation Method - Style's Archives - Volume 5 - The Next Level - How to Get Models and Threesomes - Guaranteed Lines and Routines for Advanced Situations

There are times for guys to be axound (to make lhe house seen like a fun par:!v) and there are

times for the girls bo have privacv {!o keep away ASD antl keeP lhem jn the bubble of intimacv) '

Ant'{ay, I warmeat up lhe Jacuzzi and we got in' and lhe girls went to wof,k I kep! trying !o lurn

thei! heads awav fron Papa's bathroon' because Thomas Crown (an'I probablv half a dozen otner

guye) uae sP/rng on me k- i !h the l igh ls out ' orobabl / lak jn9 p icE'

I a l s o s p i e . I G e o f f , s H B f l o n t } i s l i w e - r n i n u t e s . t o ] a y r e p o r t l o o k i n g a t u s f l o m t h e k i t c b e n , g o l

wen! do! \ ,nsta i rs , ani t sa id, I 'You' !e {e lcome !o jo in us ' i f you 'd 1 ike " I f igured mavbe we could

get something ctazy gotng on {ith the girls'

l{oll'ever, as Geoft lells i.t. they were watking up the staira !o join us' bu! she chickened out

\ , { h e n g h e h e a r d m y l w o E B s m o a n i n g r e a l l y l o u d l y . T h e y q e r e g o i n g c l a z y : f i n g e r i n g e a c h o r b e r u p

the ass, eal lng each other ouE on the s ide of lhe jacuzzi ' and g iv ing me double head on the s ide

of the jacuzzi (but I couLdn'! ger hard enough with lhe image of ThoftaB Crown walching ny Lily-

whire nakeil asB f,lom Papa's balhroom' lol) '

AnF,ay, tols of fun positlonB exploted in lhe jacuzzl l even figured out how !o use a condom

The nex! day, I made Bure

lhreesone. Jus! wanled to

Eo cal . I or rex! each g i r l , and jus! la1k I d idni t menlron lne

make Bure lhey know they were in my good books so i! could happen


I guess lhere are not a loL of lac l lcs

perverls. see ny other chreesorne post

in rhis TR. r ! 's s lr ict lY for lhe

repear expe! iences

and lechniques

ior lhe Mo for

Style wtiEeq t

Subjecg: ltixtng and matcbtng

Hnm. A11 interesting coftrnents BuE' filsl' though eome

this is WORKING for me, so I'm not' Soing to change it'

new gi r ]6 sec up to* sat l rday a idhr '

of this may make more senee logica1lv'

I alreaaly have alolher threesome sirh tvo

aE for getting

COMPLICIT. I lhink maybe

not, ae sensei anal Nightbtue sav, r think

I Ehould explain a little nore: I hawe the

i t 's bet ler tha! we' re a l l

FRAME !ha! that is nornal

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I t rs somethi rg I

horr caEuar it is

do aI I the t ine. I t 's l ike saying, t r I 'n in rhe nood for Mexicd

proposed, and then. like a meal, i! is not' inertioned again unt.it ire ea! ir.

{n]loa ! Good metaphor. )

I thi.nk if you JuEt a€sume aucceaE and Bet it up, ar Eofte poinr, sith some gtr1e, you may bave

resistance to deal vith, e8pecially lf lt seems ttke you,re beilg sneaky.

Also, geneei, irhen I scteen for biEexuallry, lt ie SEPAIATE from lhe lime uhen r ptan it. In

othe! uords, lf you'le talklng leith a FB, at some poht, it,s JuB! going !o become clea! lhat

Ehe,e either had an experlence with a glll or tB culious. you just make a rneatat nole of it, and

lhen at aome polnt later, make tt happen $lthou! dj.scuBslon other than the trp1aylhingi line.

gtyL. wtlte't

Subj€cl3 Ul:rlnE rld [atcbLng

will read your TR tonlgh!. Psyched. I

Irm clouching outaiale soneore'B blalg

don,! have lntefiet coffrection where I'n at' right now,

in the cold. Holr paLhetic. gtealing thelr bandiridth.

llnyway, if a roullde goes nrong, one of

1. You inade a[ error ln ch€ atcp BEEoRB

lrrro probfema haa happcneal I

the loutire, whlch ls usually the case.

2. You ditlntt deliver its wilh confldedce and congruence, ot an

h tbi6 case, I'n betllng It wa6 one: ellher you berrayeat your

just wasr' r comforlable yer.

under8tanding of it.

inlention ahead of !ime, or 6he

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A tlp: The frame is that it's a lun ching you .JuST experienced an't are exciled about' an'l il's

really cool anal they'dl be into il I!'s not a quescion' It'e like saving' "ney' check ouE nY net,

shoe6. Thev ' re so cool . youtu love chen l

geyTe writee,

suuectr the Dual rDduetlo! gtrtke€ aEalu

I v e n t ! o N l r f o ! t h a $ e € k e n . l , a l ] ' o w i l l g m e t l m e ! o c a l c h u p l f l t b 6 o m e F B € a r l . I d o g o m e s a l g l n g . I

had a fucklng amazing e:q)ertetrce that Bur?li8ed me'

I happened !o flln lnto a well-hnown nusician I kllovr' white I !'tas ln his ho!€t roon' h13 daughler

w a l k € d t n . A n . l s h e w a s a € m o k i n g l t o ! A f l l c a n l l m e r i c a n - . t a l l , t h t n b u ! t h i c k , w i l h g l e a t

breastB lifled hlgh ltr her Blteacer an'l pelfectly snooth Bkin AB soon aa I aa$ her' ny hearc

starteat flultering anal I krlew I llacl !o have her' I ran JealouB Girlfllend !o B!a!! a

converBatlon, and also to fltr'l out her age' the lvaB 21' Pe!fec!'

gberal never been Lo !{Y before, and norl{ she !'as 6cuck in a holel room with her father tel]1ng

Eeories Ehe was ltred of. I felt llke I ltas lhe bad guy -- another whiie tnusic fan pumplng he!

farhe! for rrivia from fi.tty yealB ago. go I sngg€Ble'l $e all go shopPing l hyped her llp on

goiog to my lavorlte clothing store in NY Atd' after lunch' lthen her fatber vas Llre'l' I

offer€il gallantty to take het tlrere

She $as super guleE. anal shy, attl I kept trying to 'llan her out l{hat !*"o!ked the besc wag

cocky/funny role-playing lvhtle Bhopptng' Choosing goofy oulflcs for each other' and lelling ber

t h a t 6 h e h a . l t o c o n e b a c k t o l , A a n c l b e n y s t y t i s t a n d l t d g e l a $ o n o g r a f f i n e d b e a n b a g c h a i r f o r

her (TD 1i4e -- firBt tlme usilrg ie' money) I also ma'le sule not to fotlolt her around lhe

6tore, buts to ato ny own lhlng' r took her for ber first subi{av tide afeerward ilus! so sr}e

. l i i h t E t h i n k l t l A s h i t t i n g o n h e r ( t o o e a r l y i n r h e 6 a ' g e ) l l h a d b e r h e l p n e b u y a p ' e s e n t f o '

ny !TR. She €aial she hatt a b!' No needl to BF deslroy' though' lhere waB liqht kino' but no 1016

ye!. I began to think thaE lhe maEerial wasnrt working'

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Our lasE Etop was a record 6tore. I boughL a

tisten to it and giwe ir back bo me when she

mysel f , gawe i t ro her , and ro ld hc! Lo

nexE. (Great lechnique which I '11 use in rhe

CD for

lrhen we parled, I told her I \ras going Eo a concert thar nighr, and rrd call her if r haal an

extra l icket . Unfor lunarely , r had pronised an FB ld see he! rhac day, and was atready f iwe

hours la le af ter spending a l l day wirh HBDaughrer . so r lo td HBDaughler r couldn, ! ge! an ex l ra

Licke! / and ven! over t .o rny FB's house. The FB ro ld me, ryou,re l ike hero in. . .a t1 my f r iends say

!o stay aeay f ron you because |m s lar t ing ro fa l l in lowe wi th you.u wow, is Lhar ever a rurn_

of f in a g i l l you,re just nor rha! in to. Shame. Each r ime I had sex wirh her , I imaqided beinq

wl th l lBDaughter .

on ny las! n igh! in Ny, r had p lans wi lh l ike four g i r ts . r ner HBBigNosrx i ts and took her to

Lhe fa lher 's concer! . There, FBDaughter ran up !o f ty table ani t gave me back ny CD. Nice.

Af lerward, I to ld her we wele going ro some fun par l ies, and she shouLd Join us. She said she

had !o go home and change, and so we p icked her up hal f ad hour La!e! a! her hore l and Eook hex

to an e lect roc lash par ty at a fancy New york hoEet . on the wayr i . tBDaughEer sai i t she ratked ro

her bovfr iend for lhe f i rs t l i f te in a week, and was bored and fer ! r ike she haar nolh inq ro sav.

I look l t as an lOL

a! 1 am, I9or a cal l f rom EBHar lequin, a per i re btack-hai led g i r t who,s lhe noate l fox t lar tequin

ro ' r 'ance novels. I rd hooked up wi th her once before, way back. r had her meet me at lhe horel . as

soon as she arr iwed, looking fanrast ic in a r iny leopard-pal lern rop, she asked i f r wanted ro

sp] l t a ! Ecslasy p i1 l wi lh her . I don' ! do drugs, but r Baid yes and f igured I ,d just palm iL

and prelend to lake it - because ir would at teasr pur her in a rouchy-feety mood. Bur as she

broke lhe p i l l , i ! shat tered in to dusr and she jusr opened my mourh ani t dumped rhe p i l t ins ide.

I lhought , , ,Oh, fuck. I don, ! wanr ro t r ip ! " so r prerended ro lake s ips of my dr : ink and kepr

spi l r ing lhe dust and p i l t powder inro i t_ r was scared shi l tese rhat r ,a t s larr x , inq ar anv

moment, but for tunarely r never d id.

I d ldnr ! have a p lan yet wi th these g i r ts , and th ings were gerr ing confusing because one orher

FB lras supposed to mee! me Ehere. r nov, had FoUR options, sith HBDaughrer being ny number one

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priority. t notice'I that the more girls I bad wITs Iner lhe noie aitractlon blossoned and lhe

more lols I 90! I realized at a cer:tain monent that I could hawe had anv of them'

An)4\,ay, we all qent to another barr and eaL dosn togettler' I did rlouse race on HBliarlequin' then

she dlat rhar childhood 'rroee gardenn game on nv arm Then I had her rlo it on HBDaughter' and

afterlratal, I shoq'ed tbem rroi'r !o pdralYze their fist -- anotber childhooil qame (let ne know if

you donlt l<now it) 411 of bhis' of course' involved group kino'

Then HBnarlequin, btees ber bearc, srarred giving flBDaughcer a massaqe, anil I srarled Eo realize

where che nigh! migh! head rtle group kino was rea1lv a lurning point'

Every now and lhen, nBHarlequin leaned io and made ou! wilh !ie' vhich I didn'l like because r

didn'! wan! to scare a{ay EBDaugnter' t^'ho waB very shy and innocenc and wide-eyed'

As the nlghl wen! on' tbe otner girls lett' and just HB'arlequin and flBDaughler and I were IefE'

I \tas Blaying at a friends' foit' ana r lold lhen thar they usualLy hail snall" parlies lhere

every night and ''e Bhould check it ouE'

so we gor ro rhe lof!, and of, cou!6e, everyone era6 sleeping. My turon iB in lhe corimon room' and

tlro oEher guys q'ere B1eeping on couches there around the corner' I sat on the bed $it!1

HBEarlequin, and HBDaugbler 6aE on a labLe ealidg a ganitwich she had bought'

After a few ninules' I called nBDaughEer over ro lhe fulon lo sho her a VmF video on my laprop'

Afleflald, wilh my beart poundilg wilh fear' I Eo1it lhem abou! the dual induction nassage' I had

EBHarlequin tie dolln to receive it fitst Afcerward' I got one And' finalty' we gave one co


r ferr rike we {ere being a r*rle creepy, and freaking her our. r fiqurear sbe was thinking'

I'Tbese tvo nust do lhis all the time' hot' do I get out of here r {Do vou ewer feet really

predaEory doing lhis' 'Jlaix' like the girl vou're nassaqing is aboui to iump up' n out' and

te1l a1I her ftientls abouE lne two cteePs wbo tried lo get her rurned on?)

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-Aryncay, aflerward, I starled naking our {irh EBHarlequin ower rhe back of HBDaughrer. But:

sBHarlequin didn,! know the p]an, and was being a titrle dislant. Anal EBDaughler \ras juEr lying

on her back unconfortable. so, I stopped kissing tiBEartequin, and leE HBDaughrer get up and pur

her Ehirt back on. while she wen! ro rhe bathroom, r asked t{BHartequin whar she though! -- r

kne\r sIlE was up for the threesone. She said she wasn'r sure \rhar HBDaughler \,,as thinking. So lre

decided !o just check out lhe wibe when she retumed, and i f i ! wasn,r on, we'd iusr s teeD wirh

At th i6 poinE, I was rea1ly feel ing l ike a lorat fa i ture wirh HBDaughter af ler put t ing ouE a} t

the big guns, and getling nowhere wirh her. ghe relurned and saE uncomforlably on lhe 6iite of

Lhe bed. so I f igured tb ls was an IOD.

rr l , le l l , you should ge! some 6Leep before your plane lonorrow/ " r cotd her, ' ,so le|s get you a

she lay down on the bed, hugged me, and said, nThanks.n

As soon as ehe gave me that t i l l le hug, r jusr XNEW ir vae on. She WANTED i ! !o happen. Fuckl

These days, q'hen I have lhreesomes, r nake sure r don'r come litt rhe very, wery end. r van! !o

make sure I ,m up Eo enjoy i t ALL, because r noEice rhe g i r ls NEVER seen ro get r i red. . )

So I began ro kiss her, and 6he respondeat. lBHartequin was tying behind u€, so I pulteal he! over

and starled making out lrith her. Then we reftoved HBDaughle!'s !op, and each look a breas!.

Anylray, throughour lhe whole lhing, lhere was absotuEety no LMR from any of rhem. Ewen $hen ir

iook me like five ninuEes to find a condom (which sucked because I l^'as vorr:ied lhey'd tose

Btate) , lhey vere Et i l l up for i t . I had sex wirh rhem borh, and we pretry much a l ia t eweryth ing.

HBDa'rghter was near-per fect naked. I had do idea wherher she,d done anvrh inq t ike th ie before.

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lilyslery, when he has 6ex ltith great vonen' Ehinks ' I'I de6erve thie " Me'

Briu think, nt,{ha! the fuck? r car't believe this is bappening Eo meli r

lhal this is mY lifeslyle nov'

lhe other band, I

stlll b1o!m awaY

afternaral, we took lBDaughte! back to her hoteL room in

the expetience. She calLe'l ne $h€n 6he reLurned home to

aroudit lW. I thtnl I'lt 6ee he! again' I itt1l be naking

I hear! litY. . .

a cab. she seerneal to have

t'he South Eo thar* ne tor

both of these girl6 IILTR€ '

rea11y enjoyed

gEYI. wtlLaa.

gubjectt An Er.Y li€tbod for Eff,.cel've c/F PuEh-Pull

I've slarted aloing th16. florks great !01th any wonan at any Elage'

1, Say sonething loea]ly AlC

2. Try to recover from Ehe coflnent with a PUA njndse!'

3. Repeat

If you do

tolal rne,

I canrt remenber woral f,ol itot'l aJIy of the shit I've been saying lacelv' So' instead' tor

exarnpl-e, hete'B a po6gible Eerle6 of gtatements:

1. I ltould love to take you out co dtnner (AFC)

2. BuE you're going to bave to pav ad'I Pick ne up aE eight in a nice car that vroD'! enlcarraEg

me. (PgA recovery)

gB: Yourre 60 mean" '

lhiB like three tineB, you en'l up l0ith a really hilarious slring of pusb-0u11

x aliscovereal tlds rhell I $as ln be'l with the rnusiciatr's 'Iaugbter ' (Bv lhe vtay' 6he

her faiher askeal her: iare you black-lopping slyle?" wTF?)

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3. I 'm sorry, You knoe |m

4. But you l ike i l so nuch

just k idding- {AFC)

when I 'm mean. I can

is the bes! example. Bu! l ry speaking wirh

Arc sLaLemenL, t ry !o recover the f rat re as

see how it makes lhe hair on your arms sland up.

Don' t know i f th is

Youiself making an

funny push-pu1I.

a PUA, and i ! 's

if you ever caLch

i n c i : r i . ^ - L v -




Sty76 wtlEeg:

Su.bject: TR! Tr i6d fo! a Flvesom€, but End6d Up !d.th a Thr€edome


1. There areni ! going to be a 1o! of rac l ics here, because i ! was rhe gt r ts who real ty made i !


2. Afrer reading Badboy' s parody of mysel f , I reat ize how neurot ic I am, consrant ly dwet l ing

over l i l r le deta i ls afEer every Eeduct ion. r t was eye-opening in i ls o$,n speciat way.

3. The funny lh lng abou! lh is is tha! I 'm home f rom a lhreesone, and 6! i . t t l ry ing ro f igu le out

whar I d id wrong becauEe lhere could have been u{o more chick6 in i t . Don,r ger ne qrong, r ,m

happy--ecatat ic even--bur I l rant to be p lay ing pel fect game a1way6. Tha! 's how r ger berre! :

looking ar ny lasr Earge, add figuring ou! whar r would hawe needed Eo do ro take i! one slep


All you need !o have all the threesomes, foursomes, and orgies of your lritdeer drean is.

A. One adventurous b isexual g i r l who isn ' ! a f ra id ro be sexuat ty predalory.

B. A comforlable private roon wilh a bed


one of the reasons I vent up !o San Fran this {eekend wa6 because a good friend said she wa6

going to hook me up wiEh her girtfriend lqho gives amazing deep rhroar and has alone kegels hatf

Page 85: Neil Strauss - The Annihilation Method - Style's Archives - Volume 5 - The Next Level - How to Get Models and Threesomes - Guaranteed Lines and Routines for Advanced Situations

tler life. {wetll call her ItB BiI ) Mv frien'I actuallv lives in anothet citv' so' I arrive'I at the

gan Fr.an airport an'l ltas picked uP by this lotal slranger r 1{as suppose'l to hook uP 1dilh rt lras

very 6tratge. She itas a hoL' slighlly o1'Ier blonile woman' l}iLh a kjck-ass car and huge cleawage'

Anit she 1das a li.tEle lthlEe trasb-y' which kicke'I ass because I'm a cily boy an'I am never axound

girls like t.hat '

any{ay, all is goo'l: t charrn her' an'l exceeil he! expectallonB ltrs iue! undererood tha! a! Ehe

enat of the night, we wj'l1 9o up co ny hotel loom and have sex' ne tlo' ar1't sbe lives uP Eo her


sh€'s biseroal, 60 6he says trrat for night t-tdo' she's going to brlng alons a giruriend rrl lhe I

neantime, 6ince it's nv onlv nish! Lef! itl san F!an' I bave also t"u" nt-:-:t t:::"::::t" "


girl I net 'luring MysEety's \{orkshop ' }nyone who was Ehele way back ltth€n wlll renedber me

sarging the amazing lranlan' r vtaE doing style'6 Ev on her as like five gllys cro{ited around and I

listeneil. I waB tnpreBse'l' becauae she 'ltdnrt get unconf,orlable as all these guys hovered

around. I

My plan was to go for a lour6olne' and I ha'l preparect' The tlanian ltB ha'l enailed * *til""' 1" I

saicl she boughl a book on Rumi (the poet) and one on Tantra l emalled her back' and Baid lhal


by coinclttence r rvas $eetl4g up with a lantra teacher th€le' an'l navbe iE would be fun ro al1


have dinner rogethef. lhen r tor.ar ltB BJ the pran, andl she sarar she'cr go along wilh rr and talk



so, an)'way, HB B'J slto\ts uD ac ny room on night lvo wtth her frlentt' HB Neurolic lrm not lhar


excite.l, but nhacever' 1lB Neurotic i6 a16o one of the most neulotic *-t" : l" :::: ::::"::" I

live6 oit Ehe pity of otherE' of courEe' x give her none ' lIB BJ tetls ne 6he's been lrying lo


get FB Neuroric into beal ror years, anar Eonight,B the night. to go fo! ir. r'we rord lhem co boqf

peacock, anat |in alressed up Loo, 60 we nake a preurv crazy group (probabry like r er*n "rtrr ttl

gTost i luEes, lol) l

I {arn HB lranian that inv frien'IE are goi'g to be a lilt'le differFnt than the people *t ' *f

to. we go to 'lirrner aE a place where' converiently' Last Tango in Paris ie -* -"t"cled ""1

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movie screen. I s tay the cenler of at tenr ion ar f i rEr by just doing rour ines--spet ts , ana! a wery

LITTLE but powerfu l lease of magic. Af ler I do rhe magic, HB BJ comes up wi th an AwEsoME t ine

Lhat a l l WINGS should use. she ret ts EB l ranian, ' r f he can send h is energy ro objecrer inagine

wha! he can do wi lh par ts of your body. , 'Awesome, huh? Mysrery, i f you ' re reading th is , you l ,4UsT

have ivingE say this afler you do strav mowingt

Evenrually, HB Neurolic takes over ihe conversarion, and ir ie jusr exhausEing rrying to keep up

wi th her neuroEes. I ac lua] ly ge! a headache, and just wanr !o go hone and forge! the foursome.

so, af ler dinner, r le l ] rhen rhar r '11 mee! rhem back at rhe horel bar, and go in the car wirh

HB Tranian. I f igure maybe r '11 jus! spend lhe nigh! v, i rh her. The lwo HBs erop by a fr iend of

theirs house, and gB Iranian and I go to a parly she knows abour.

- t 's elrange, because ir seems l ike

al l nighr abou! lantra and ESP. ( I

EsP experimenE, wheEhe! you bel ieve

By coincldence, HB BLI and HB Irania! have arrived. And

S h e , s a s u p e r - c u l e , o e - i L e p a ! r - L a ! r n g i ! I , a b o u ! r i v e

I ranian regards me as a guru of some sor! . She quizzes me

a nod-rnagic ESP rout ire; in i t we do a real/ non-magic

i ! or noE; I wi l l post iE here 6oon.)

A6 we,re la lk ing, I can jus! sense tha! i ! ,s on. Tatk ing now jusr Eeens t ike a v,asre of t ime,

because I at leady feel l lke she's hor f ron lhe d inner convo. Our ]egs are ower each o lhers, and

a] t lhe IOIS a le there. I go in for lhe k iss, and she k iEses back, bu! lhere is none of the

paesion rha! should be lhere. I t ,s ju6! pol i te responding. I f igure maybe she jusr doeen,c ] ike

PDA, so we go ro the car . l lowever, I ge! Ehe 6ane response. Ei ther she sees me as a guru ( ra iEed

myself TOO high) or she lras uncomforlable wirh rhe olher girts Ehe mer at dinner (and she

though! lhey vere my sex par tners) . I 'we never before fe l ! th is af t racr ion, and noE hai t i r tead

lo an in tense make-out se6sioD, a! lhe very leas! .

Anyway, she drops ne off at my hotel, and I donrr really lry hard enough ro have her come

upsrai rs . Maybe I could hawe.

a r e w i L h a E h : r d f r i e . r o , H B D r e a d s .

vith long hair extensions down toirIirlrI

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This is !,hen vour boy style 'lecl'leB Lo pull a irLaix/Turnces I have a feelinE that lhere ia a

P A R T o f H B N e u r o t i c t h a t D o E S w a n ! t o J o i n . b u t w a n t s t o b e w l E h a m a n a n . l n o E a g o n a n . s o l

leave the tno gi!]s alone on lhe be'I for a !0h11e' anil valk lnto lhe bathroon witlt a EoweL

nrappetl alound me. I sit' on lhe sicte of the ba!b' an'l talk to HB Neurotic Then I just take off

tbe !o\rel, anat slip into lhe other en'l of EIle bath' (Fuck' I canr! believe I'm {riLtng all thi6:

r aritkr'r even pl-an to wfiEe a rJR on thiB') I

we Lalk, alal x maEsage hel arms and legs' Then x suck her breast a tlttle But 1leach be!'/''een


her legB, antl she caEcheB ttry band an'I puLls it away' t shotid have turne'I her or more before


leaching right fo! it' so Brlers ucomtorLable agaio' okay' no Problen' r've got lwo gfrls ou! ilf

the ot'be! toon, so I leave lrer lnere to think about ithat shels m_i6sinq lIIII


I .Ion't leally kno$ lrhac the p}an is, buL figure they have one. {e 90 into the room, and they

h a v e G q B . H B B i r a n t l g B D r e a . t s n a v e g o l n e , b u ! g B N e u r o t i c a n d I . I e c } i n e . T h e n t h e y a l l s E a l t

trylng on clothe6 out of each othet's overnlght bags' (BTw' rrve founit lhaE playing dress up is

a great lhing to alo once youlre Dack at your place vtith glt16' to set a fun' ractile noo'l')

EB BiI anal l{B DleaalB have hooke't up once bef,ore' 8o ar1 of, a eud'Ien' EB BJ is eallng out HB

DleaalB otl tlre beal' I JuBt tle on the be'l next !o ghen and \tagch

r nove io, vra the neares. avall.ble bf€a€t, any$ay, since thrs rsnrt a .ex newsgroup, ar1 r'r'1

Bay iB tbat a fu1I on sesslon o! every inaginable conbo e4auea But EB Neurolic ls being REALIY

annoylng. HB BiI keeps hlttillg on hel aIId inviglng her lo Join us' bul HB Neurotlc keeps saylng

Bhe neeals air and lranEs !o leave'

To rnake her feel \rBefur, r give !re! rry canera and she takes photos. Anway, we evenluarly t!1ne

ou! ItB N€Urotlc becauge Bhe keeps talking an'l asoyj ng us Eventually' HB Neurotic go€B in !o

Ehe bathroon. tlB Bir follo\,ls her ln there, anil tlles !o get i! on, bDt HB Neuro!'c decideB to

chill out alone ln Ehe bath'


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Mole shenanigans fo l low, and eventual ly bolh g i r ls fa l1 asteep sar is f ied. (sryte, qui te proud of

h inset f , can, t 90 to s leep.) EB Neurol ic doesn' r jo in uE in bed, bur s i rs in rhe \ r indov s i t t and

ta lks my ear of f . s ince she says she's an insomiac, r have her make me tea and i ron nv 6hi r r .


h the morning, while HB B.t and HB Neuroric are in rhe balhroom, sB Dreads and r have sex agaiD.

I t 's funny, because when I s lar t to moan, HB Dreads shushes ne, as i f we shouldn ' r be doing lh is

s ince I am, in th is re lat ionship, rechnical ly HB BJ's man. hreresl ing ins igh! in lo menage

AIso, in lhe morning, I an gelring rOIs from HB Neurotic. she rubs my hanits and keepE saying ho$

So, I check our of the ho!e1 wi lh three g i r ls in !ow, and t ! 's c lear !o ewelyone in the tobby

lhal eome crazy eacapades have occurred. They dlive me ro lhe airporr. Ae they do, I ask HB

Neurolic €o tetl me !.'hat she waE thinktng tas! nighr. She wrires ne a nole and seate ir in an

envelope, \ rh ich Bhe proceeds to cover wirh l tps l i .ck k isses. r open i r on rhe ptane, and rh is is

' ! I wa6 gel r ing mixed 6 ignals. F i rsr was in lereered in having sex wirh a l l . Bur rhen you were

rh ink ing of gewing to know me. Ya know 6ex. Bur rhan r read rhat you fet ! I needed some hetp l


#+#-+##+ or emai l ne. You turned me on, wery much. f t was a retax ing, sexual feet ing, a turn on

lhat I never fe l r . I would of real ly l iked !o e)Aer ience being wirh youl r wan! to rhank you for

making me feel the way you did, and you didn,r even know rhar you diat. r sure vaDteal !o suck

l l t r6 in lerest ing, because th iE pelson she's vr i r ing !o is rhe Dew me lhat 's emersed in rhe ]aer

few weeks, lhe guy on the pumped-up Dconslruk! work-our who now betieves he,s a 9. The guy sho

can lean be back and be coo1, ewen ftuff, and no! worry abou! rrying ro inpress evelyone. l


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I don'! Ieally kno\' lgbat Ehe p].an ig, but figure lhey lrave one. lce go lnto t'he roont aE.I they

have GHB. HB E,f, antl IIB Dleaals have sone, bu! HB Neurotlc and I decline Then thev aI1 sEalL

trying on ctothes out of each other's overnlght bagB {81'W' I've found chat playing dress up 16

a great chj.ng to ato once vou re Dack at your place $ith girler to set a f,un' tactile nood')

H B B . ' a n . l H B D l e a d s b a v e h o o k e d u p o n c e b e f o r e . s o a l l o f a e u d d e n , q B B , ' i B e a l l n g o u l H B

Dreaals on lhe bed. I jusl lie on the bed nexE to then and r"atch'

I nove in, via lhe nealest avallable breaBt ' Anyx'ay' since lhiE j'e['t a sex newBgroup' all IrlI

say ls ghat a fu1L on seBBj.on of every tnaglnable combo enaueB But EB Neuroulc l€ belng REALLY

annoying. llB Bir keeps hltLlng on her an'l lnvillng her to join ue' but HB Neurollc keepB saying

Ehe neeals alr and wanls to leave.

To dEke her feel useful, I give he! ny canera altt she lakeB pholoB' Anlt{ay' ve eventually tune

ou! HB Neurollc because she k€eps !a1ki4g and annoying us, Eventually, IIB Neurotic goeB ln !o

the bathloom. HB B,l folLoNs her ln lhere, anil lrle6 t'o 9e! it on' but HB Neurotlc decl'leE !o

chill ou! aLone in lhe batlr.

This is v,hen your boy style ileciales Lo Pull a 'Ilaix/Tuilrces ' I have a feeling thal lhere is a

PART of ltB Neurotlc !ha! DoEs !{ant to joln, bul vants to be with a man and 4ot a wonan' so I

Ieave the tuo girlE alone or! the bed for a !0hi]e' an'I {alk inlo Lhe bathroom nllh a tovrel

rrappeat aroulld ne I sit oI! the B:lde of, thc bath' an'l ta]k Eo HB NeuroEic' Th'en I luat lake off

tbe tovel, anit sllp into lhe other en'I o; lhe bath' (zuck' I cantE believe lrm wllcing all this:

I atialnrl even plar to lrlite a LR on !hls')

we talk, anil r nassage tle! afinE andt legs' Then r suck he! bleaat a little But r reach belween

her 1e98, antl she catcheE ny han't an'l puus it aitay' I shoulil have luned her on nore betore

reachirg lighr fot it. So 6hers uncomfollable again' OkaY' no probten' I've got tr"o girls out in

the oEher toon, so I leave her there to think aboul !tha! she's mi6sing'

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More shenanigans fo1]ow, and ewentual ly both g i r ls fa l l as leep sat is f ied. (Sry]e, qui te proud of

h imsel f , canr l 90 to s leep.) EB Neurot ic doesn' t jo in us in bed, but s i ts in the windos s i ] l and

ta lk6 my ear of f - S ince she says she's an insomiac, I have her make me rea and i ron my shi r t ,

t o l .

[ I t 'E in terest ing, because lh is person she,s wr i t ing to i6 the new ne tha! 's emerged in the ]ast

few weeks, lhe guy on the punped-up Dconslrukt work-ouE who now beliewes he,s a 9. The guy who

can lean be back and be coot, even fluff, and not worry about Erying to impress everyone. l

In the norning, vhile EB B.T and IiB NeuroEic are in the bathroom, EB Dreads and r have sex agaiD.

I t ts funny, because vheD I s !ar ! to moan, HB Dreads shushes me, as i f \ re shoutdn,r be doing rh is

s ince I am, in th is re la l ionship, technical ly HB B! t 's man. In leres l ing ins igh! in lo menage

Also, ln ihe morning, I an gelting IOls from HB Neurotic. She rubs my hands and keepE saying ho\t

So, I cbeck out of lhe ho!e] wi lh lhree g i r ls ln t .o l ' , and i t ,s c lear to everyone in lhe lobby

lhar aorrre crazy eacapades have occurred. They drive ne to lhe airporE. as they do, r aEk HB

Neurol ic to !e1.1 me ! rha! she was lh ink ing lasr n igh! . She \dr l reE re a nole and seals i r in an

envelope, whlch ehe p loceeds !o cover wirh l lpst ick k iBses. I open iE on lhe p lane, and rh is is

r I l raB gel l ing n ixed s ignals. F i rs t was in tereEted ln having sex wi th aL1. But then you $ere

lhinking of getling lo kno1]' rne. Ya knov sex. Bu! lhan I read that you felE I needed 6ome help!


#+*-+*** or enai l ne. You turEed rne on, very much. I t t ,as a re lax ing, Eexual feel ing, a lurn on

!ha! I never felt. I trrould of really liked to experience being with youl I wanL to thank you for

making ne feel the way you did, and you didn,t ewen know !ha! you did. I sure wanled to suck

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so I coulat hawe easilv had lhree girls tha! nigh! Bov' do I

sticking point here was sometbing Ross ileffries obsered on

be very forcefu l and not care."

suck But, txutb is, mY onlY

Cli f f 's l , ist about me: "You hawe to





Thanks for reading a l l !h is . . .nan, l i fe has been crazY 1ate lv '

gtyle wtiEea:

SubJ€cC! IJR IN PROGRESS: SargLng in a lduglim Country

so the ihing I like moEt aboul knowing the game is !ha! it's just lotally changed my life In

high school and college, when I wen! on vacalion, I Dever ever hooked up I lhlnk r was jusr roo

serious and uptight !o get vacatlon girlfriends l don't knol,' r could never understand i!'

because !hat '3 when everyone'E Eupposed !o be hooklng up '

Bu! now tha! r know game, it's lucking insane r'm having threesones everyr/vhere r lravel But

n o w l l m i n a M u E t l m c o u n E r y , w n e l e l h e r e i e n o a l c o h o l , n o c t u b s , a n d r h e m a r l i a q e E a r e

arrangeit, and r fucking bave oplions. 1!'B nule Here's the story would love sone advice loo

f lom Lounge members wirh expel iences $ i !h wonen r .n Musl im counlr ies '

lm aLso wr iEing rh is in

happened. she works for a

miniscers so! . so oo Ene

case anythlng bail happen6 to ne or I disappear' vou guys will know what

guy l/lho's a tillle shaily and is Eupposedlv friends wilh the prime

very 6ma11 chance that I'm breaking Bome laboo here' vou guvs knoq lthar

so l ln here for tb is weir . l nagic convent ion, I t ,s a long story. And at f i rs ! , t ly only opt ion 1E

a chinese nagician who's super cute and very fil fron hawing been trained as an acrobat eince

l h e a g e o f l h r e e . B u t s h e d o e s n ' t s p e a k a { o r d o f E n g l i s h A n d l c a n ' t d o a n v m a g i c o n b e r ' l i k e

I Nould normally do fo! non Englieh sPeakers, because' !te1t' she's a fuckinc amazing nLagictan

anat has seen i t a l l .

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T h e n T / a a ! a p r e E s c o n t e r e n c e r o r L h e m a g i c i a r s . a n c t s e e a c u c e t h i n g i r _ i n 9 t d 6 6 e s a t l

wrapped up in a sarong or whatewer they lrear here. she speaks EngIiEh, 60 r ralk !o her. she

thinks my earrings and bald head are very slrange and unconnon. I geE her phone nunber, anal Ehe

says she has exams ttlis $eek. I te11 her she should come Eo rhe magic Ehow lhe next nighr.

The next morning, aE I,m leaving my hotel !oom, Ehere,E rhis rea11y cure vonan wrapped up in atl

white. She's t{i!h one of the magic conference organizexs, and they,re looking for one of Ehe

magic ians. She'e real ly pre! !y , wi rh long btack hai r , 6exy l ips, nor lhe besr reelh, and n ice

sized natural breasts. She 6ay6 she likes ny earrings and rouches then. Since women newer louch

nen i ! th is countryr I assume i t ,e an IOI . I ler Engl iEh i6n/ ! very gooat . Bur she te l ls me she,E a

fashion designer and a magic ians assiEtant , and she asks i t I ,m in fashion roo. I !e11 her no,

bu! my f r tende cal l me Sly le (1o1) . LaEer, at the e levalor , she asks !o touch my head, So I

f iguree she's jus! super f l i r ta t ions, which is real ly rare here. r go tn lo an I \D on name

memorizing, but I lealn !ha! II'DE are way too compticated ro explain to peopte who barely speak

Engl ish.

Later , she is 1n the hote l lobby sel l l l rg l ickels larer !o lhe nagic show { i !b eone o lherE, and

every l ine I walk paEE, Bhe g ives me ser ious eye con!ac! . So r decide !o 90 down ro the t icket

labLe, and ask her !o come eat wl lh me. Fowever, Bhe i6 wi th a guy. And lhe guy has just broughr

back some kind of 6picy rice dish from lbe s!ree!. r ftnd Eorreone I know, and casuatty ask who

lhe guy is . Ue says i t ,s her cousin. I f igure noi r that noth ing,E going !o happen, s ince nen here

are Euper-prot.ective of the lromen.

Bu!...I'n SlyLe. I have lo try anFray and see wha! happens. So r rell lhem I,m hungry, and rhey

o f f e r m e o n e o f t h e b o X e s o f s p i c y r i c e . I l e 1 1 t h e n ,

the g i r l and lhe couEin. (Disarrn ing the ob€lac]es, r ighr?) so qe go !o one of rhe magic ians,

rooms and eat. l get my computer, and do rhe photo rouline wilh then, jusr because it,s abour

the only non nagic, non-verbal rouline I have for peopte vho don,t speak Engtish rhar vet1. She

i6 6 iL! in9 next to rne, and I can jusE feet rhe sexuat energy. r t /s s lar l ing to make me

uncomfortable - lhal, combined with rbe brutal spiciness of rhe rice dish and lhe fear rbar rhis

stree! tood is going to nake me REALrry sick larer.

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so af te l we ea! , 1 te.L] lhen 1,m going back domstai rs . i lowewet, vhen the guy 9et6 leady to jo in

us, the g i r l - we' ]1 cal t her HlJsarong - th ispers somethjng to h im and he s lavs ' In the e lewator

bank, I fee l the lension, so I do the cologne oPener on her to s tar ! k ino when she sni f fs mv

hanal , she k isses i t and snl les at me. so 1 st roke her hai r ' I 've tacched some loca1 movies ' and

I know they a lways cone c lose to k iss ing but ' ton ' t , so I tease her l ike thal a l i l l le '

Then I !ef1 her I need to drop mv computer off in mv roon she folLows' and I leave lhe door

open to nake sure shers comfottable. on the be't, we hold hands Then sHE sets up and closes the

door. wTF?

i,le lie ilo1lln, and 11'e make out for a while Then she savs somelhing abou! BilI Clinton and Monica

Lewinsky, which !o!a l ]y conluses me because I wonder i f she 's of fer ing me a b lot ' job or just

la lk ing abouE Aner ica. Every t ine I louch her , she shivets and noves ny hand away l ike she's too

sensi l ive !o louch. Bu! she's a l l over me, and ly ing on lop ot me, and ro\ rching my baie chest '

ani l leanlng her arm against ny d ick lhrougb ny pants l ' lon ' l push i t loo far ' because I 'm jus!

l o t a l l y c o n f u s e d a n d d o n l ! k n o w h o v l h i n g s w o r k h e ! e ' s h e k e e p s w h i s p e r i n g s o m e l h l n g l i k e

"chol"o" or t rchula !e, realLv 6ensual1y in my ear ' ( I la ler aBk someone what i t mean6' and besl r

can figure out, it eilhel means thangirlg

making ou! , she 6ays lhat l l le can' ! te l ] anyone, especia l ly her bos6' because he \ " i11 be wery

u p s e t . I t e l l h e r l k n o w w h a c l h e m e n a r e l i k e i n l h i s s o c i e E y . A n o r h e ! f u n n y t h i n g i g ! h a ! l h e

whole good g i r r /bad g i r l Ehing is uniwersal she keeps saying lhal Ehe is a qood 9 i r1 ' and I

aqree, antl she's not a bad girl for coning in ny roorn v'i!h mer because she likes ne

T h a r n i g h t , I s e e h e r a t E h e m a g i c s h o t l ' . w e s i l i n r h e b a c k r o w ' w h e r e i t ' s e n p l v ' a n d h o l d

hands. she puts her hanil on my inner thigh anit squeezes every now and then Then' suddenlv' one

of the conference organizers 6its next t'o me, anit like puts his arm around me Tolallv

c o c k b 1 o c k i n g . T h e n h e a s k s , " A r e y o u m a I x i e . l ? / I t e 1 1 h i n ,

h e ! ? ' I t e l l h i m c h a r s e j u s ! m e E

A ] g o , t h e j o u r n a ] i s t I * c l o e e d s h o { s u p w h i ] e I , m l a l k i n g t o $ B s a r o n g , a n d s a y g h i ' I g e t a

l i l t ] e n e r v o u s , a n d r h e j o u f n a l i s ! I c a n t e l ] i s a l i t t l e p i s e e d i h a ! 1 , n c l e a r ] y a p ] a y e l , s o

she says she has Eo neeE t never see ne- agaj r '

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Anylray, for the rest of the night, all these Muslin guys are cockblocking ne. They newer leawe

ne alone wilh her. They just lotally follow us around, and stand between us shenewer lhey can,

and invade ny perEonal space as much as possible. And every nov, and then say sone Ehit about

marr iage. Nolr I 'm get l ing fuck ing nerous, and jus! decide, fuck i t , i t /s not worrh i t .

Bu!...I'm Style. The next day, she,e Bitting at the ticket !ab1e again. I come dolrll and invent a

war iat ion of 80 's dog. (This I lh ink iE the new ul t lnate l lawel ing- in-a-st range-country opener:

we' ] l cat l i t the FORETGN CATS OPENER.) I le l l them a f r -end aL home jusE emai led me, and Eaid

she wanled !o give her ca! (I figured a dog nighr sound degrading) a Bangladeshi nane/ and ask

i f lhey have any suggest ions. AnFray. af !e! lhat , HBgarong - who/s in aLl b lack loday - - re l ls

me !ha! her bos6 hae fo lb idden her f rom leaving the lable loday. I !e11 he! !o t ly !o come up !o

my room an).ray. I sllp her an exlra loon key.

Then, when I leave lhe t lcket lab le, I leave my sunglasses lhere, jusr so she has a pre lex! to

Ieave - !o relurn lhen to me. While I,m lraitlng, I come up wilb a FORCED MARRIAGE DESTROYER. If

she or anyone Blar ls la lk lng abou! malr iage, I '11 reLl lhem I 'm Mormon and have rhree l r lves at

hone. Bu! i f she \ , rants to be wi fe nun'ber four , I , ] f be g lad !o marry her . I f igure rhat way,

lhey can't force rne inlo marriage, becau€e ir would be degrading for her co marry me. (Note to

sel f : Whac rhe fuck an I a lo lng?)

Anway, 6he comes up. since she Baial the Clinron/Lewinsky stuff las! rine/ I decide !o see how

far I can push it. l{e make oul, and I puc her hand on ny dick through my pants. She calls it a

"baba," I th ink. She k isses i t rhrough the pants. I Etar t !o uDbuckle, bur she stops me. So

anrray, I do some bieas!-Eucking and she does sorne hand-jobbing. But she haE Eo go do$ngtairs

soon. go I te l ] he! , I 'n going to pre leod l ike I ,m s ick and miss tonigh! ,s nagic shol r , and she

should slip ai!,ay and meel me in the room. She 6ayE yeE. Then I slip off one of my sEring

bracelets, and put it around he! v!is! !o renind her.

Suddenly, sbe slarts talking about hor local guys sben they have sex, jus! open a woman/s robes,

pump for ten minutes, then go to s leep- She says she l ikes i t for hal f an hour. so I th ink now

whar I've found is not a girl who {ants to trap a guy into marriage bu! a rare n}frpho. l don/t

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fucking know. ALl I know is now I'm in mv hotel room with blue ba116, waiting for her to show

up. I am ius l to ta l ly confuseal because i t 's such a st range, a l ien cul ture_ There 's so mucb

sneaking around and fxustralion involweil \'ith gettilg hel a1one, and making sure no guys knou

anat lhe hoEel staff doesn't know. Tbis is a counlrv !''here they lhrow acid in the faces of loose

']\'omen. so I just don't wan! !o get her or mvself in trouble'



I'11 update you lomorroli. Bu!

their interPrelation of vhat

in the neantime, if anyone {iih a similar exPerience can tetl me

is going on, I 'd appreciate i t

Style wtlteE I

subject: Al8oFt IJR contlnued: Th€ PoEBI'bly Gay !firBlln cockblock (and lhe pov'er

of, peacocklng)

so, finalty, r arrange for the girl lo eneak thlough lhe lobbv and come up !o mv holel loon I

open the door !o see her looklng maale up and radian!, and slanding righ! nex! !o her is one of

lhe cockblocks. Not{, I neglecled ro sav lhis before because when I wrote the fi!8t FR I lhouqhl

i ! l las regu}ar Musl . im male f r lendl ineEE (s l ra igh! guvs of len hold hands bere) ' buE he acls

REALLY weird around me. He doesn' ! lusr hug ne, he l ike touches ny bul ton f lv and asks ' "what is

rhis?" and touches my ass and massage6 my hand. and he vorks for the magician she a16o {orks

So, anyvay, he will NoT leawe her alone in lhe roon wilh

k iss. Then hers back again, and ewenEual lv walks her out

do: because ehe's teally worr:ied about these guvs ox her

can, t te l f h im to juEt leawe us a10ne t i lhout making her

Then, the whole car ride ro dinner lonight, he's gtoping ne And I

avay. I to lat h is f r iends, I f be d id th is in ny counlrv , I 'd smasi l

nar t ia l ar ls lessons are get l ing to ne, lo t . )

me. whenewer he leaves for a Eecond, we

of lhe hole l . And there 's noth ing I can

boEses knowing shal shers up to/ s ' r

look l ike a s lut .

keep pulling nY hand or arm

his face in . { l ' rhoah - - those

Page 96: Neil Strauss - The Annihilation Method - Style's Archives - Volume 5 - The Next Level - How to Get Models and Threesomes - Guaranteed Lines and Routines for Advanced Situations





So now here 's what I can ' t f igure out :

1. Is he jusl cockblocking to keep Americans away fxon 1oca1 women, and preEending ro be gay?

2. Is he cockblocking, and real ly gay and jealous?

3. Is he maybe Erying to save me, becauEe she wants to use me to get a visa !o Anerica or

4. Is lhis jueE parr ot her plan -- to fead me on hardcore buE have rhia guy around !o prevenr

her from acEually hawing to follolr through on the sex, because she has sohe sort of ulrerior

Ae Versity sa1d, lhe gender/social tbing is so complex here, anai |n a! a huge disadvantage no!

L n ^ u i n d r h a 1 . n ^ , , ! ^ -


Today, \re wen! !o a bunch oi really small villages to Eee nedicide wonen and all kinds of crazy

Ehr! . And even though I ,m t ravel tng wi th a large ret inue of locaL celebl i l ies and fore igners,

everyone in each toBrr flocks around me. EBpecially lhe women. Why? Because |m peacocking {a!

leasl for here). They keep asking abou! my earrings and my jel,elry and my bald head. And EEaring

ac me and asking to louch i t . IE 's crazy. So at f i rs ! I rh ink !m a novel ry , bur then one of Ehe

guys !e]1s me, "A11 the women real ly l ike you. t r And I th ink: Everyone l ravels ro exol ic locales

and trie6 to don naEive garb and blend in. Fuck that. You night as welL be exoric for then -- as

long as your clothing is aE t'he Eane lime practical. It i'as crazy here: a few of lhe women in

the willage vere so beautiful. (Obviou6ly, there was no porenrial \,rharsoever ro inreract wilhout

geEting narried -- but it really taught ne about standing out wersus fitring in.)

StyLe wrlCes t

Subject: Baclnrard stack yer roullneg/How to deal with si lent male ln 2get

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w e n t o u t l a s t n i g h t a n d w e n t f u c k i n g c r a z y s a r g i n g ' l t j u s t e x p l o d e d o u t o f m e , b e c a u E e i t , s

been a whil.e 6ince r've been an cne field or even poste'lr betveen the work and general conmunllv

d is i l lus ionnent (The problem, I real ize ' is NOT the comerc iaLizat ion of the game' i ! 's lhe

coMpETITIoN of lhe people tho've commercialized )

so, I had one insight and one Problem:

Trle insighE: Structure vour entire rouEine slack on vour best piece of maLerial h othet lrotds'

if you are crying a completely new opener'| it tilt throw you! enlire solid gane off' because you

lose your t ransj . l ions in lo eadb p j "ece You have !o run a l igh l set l ike a comic You canr t jusE

freef lo l r f lom piede !o p lece. Mv gane vas aE i ls bes! ' r lh ink ' when I wen! f ron spel lB to EsP

! o D o n l ! l b i n k - f e e l p a ! ! e r n , b e c a u s e t h e y v l e r e a l l o n e c o n v e r g a l i o n a l f 1 o { .

So lhe poin! is lh is t f i 'gure out vour bes! ptece ot maler ia l ' ' Ehe one rha! gels you lo the HOOK

poin!, and rhen develop an opener rha! nalurally leads you !he!e And from lhere' develop a

phase shi ! (or k ino escalar ion pal lern or iBola l ion gani t l ! ) lhat comes ouT of !ha! '

You need !o have a tIGllT se!. Make Bense? Maybe

new mater ia l , bur h i t a Et ick ing poin! each t ine

escala! ing lo iEolat ion/k ino/e lc '

i t ,s obvious. Bul r waB playing greal gane' wi lh

where I tlialn'! have a transilion into

l.ly faworite set of the flight was lhi6 cute-as-a-bullon rich l'A girl' who was lhere wilh ber

s i s r e r a n . t h e x m o m ( 1 1 ' h o l o o k e . t l i k e P a m e l a A n d e r s o n , b u r h a d t h r e e k i d g ' s h e w a s d r e s s e d l i k e a

to!a! lrarnp) Anlavay, this girt LovED ne But lhe wHoLE !ime' some guv (probablv her bf) was

just Btanding wilh ber, hol'ting her hand some of the tinie ile was confident and qood-looking'

and did not intetrupl ne But a! the same line' 'tid not reepon'l to anvthing either'

I l \ l ' a s n , E l i k e h e 1 , t t a s b e i n g a j e r k , h e w a s p r o b a b l y j u s t a q u i e t g u y . I f h e ! , a s a r o o ] , I w o u ] d

have just atone ewervthing in tronr of his face But he was cool' but conplelely not open !o

rapport. Il flustered ne an'l threw ne off IE was teallv interesting

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StyLe wtitedt

Subject: N€utra1 Rapport datingr to low€r flaking? A]ro, sotle C&t' lineg for

f lakes w€'re tesbLng

I NEVER do the daling frame. I see your point, but I DO applove of value ptans. In other vrords,

Ehe knows she's of value to her because you,re tnvt l ing her Eo somerhtng cool, bu! Iou,re nor

aEking her for a date technlcauy, so she's not in dal ing i lane anit she doesn,r knov wbat you

r{'an!. This keeps her on her loes looklng for eignals from you. The problem v,irh the dating frane

is tha! li inplies SHE has lhe choice anat power to SEIECT you or not. And rhe game ts ptayed

beEt when Bhe,a unsure of what YOU wan!.


Pg IOVE the unfamouB Paris Hilron linel

Style wrLles:

Subject: Projec! Hollywood Guys lD lhe NewE

The nerd thing pissed rne oif, but I like lhat they call i! a mansion a d nake i! ctear lln not

sleeping lriEh Courlney Love.

Aince everyone has been pretty discreet here in the Lounge, r guess r can share thar |we been

6eein9 Courtney 's b londe gui rar isr . She,s l ike rhe f i rs t g i r l l ,ve had a crush on in a! teasr a

year. I t '6 c tazy. r to ld her tha! she sas , 'ny onei r is ,n to l . And, fumi ly enough/ one n ight when

I was out wiLh her, I ran into EBPopstar (fron that otd thread) wbo gave me rOTs and wanr6 ro

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see me again. lieird. so allrs been good here. I'n winging the RsD workshop tonight. which sbould

bake care of any l inger ing approach f teeze. . .

EtyLe wrtEee t

subjeclr Rer Qu€Ellon on Ealanclng you! Llf€ wLtb beLng a PUA

Duate, lf you're Eaylng that you never want !o have another LTR, then vou havent! featned

anylhlng flom lhiE conmunity, FlrB!, you will have olher 'TRE 1n your llfe. It's a grea! and

t/ronderful thtng. Bu! in lbe fulure, you wllf be slro[ger. And you w111 sPenil the amount of line

lrirh your lTR lhat You want, and you wlll spend tbe amount of line workiag tha! You want, and

you will Epend the amount of time {ith your buddles lhat Yov want. Yee, there's never enough

time -- unless you use 1! wisety and productively, and draw boundaries \there lhey need !o be

You,re being a slave !o lhe needs and denands of olherB. glart being you! own master'

Style wtite',

Subj€cl! FR: Nighl tdllh tbe guper.$ode16

Though I have an rJTR, x can still post FRs. This

1. Faiehfu lness - - i6 i t Possib le?

2. The LA guys who get lhe HoTrEsT girls.

4. RouLine Dependerce.

one oets a! a bunch of ideas:

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so Iget there, and the g i r ls arr ive. Three were top models/ one wa6 a hoc btonde f r iend of one

of the models, and the th i rd v ,as - ger Lhis - - one of rhe g i r ls r sa lged when r had lhac pU

compe! i l ion wi th Eeid i F le iss.

Now, here 's the lh ing: This f l iend of mine i6 l ike 6,5" , bur ef t remely dorky. He is nor

at t rac l iwe ln any aay whalsoever, and h is personat i ry i6 ext remely bor ing. rn shor ! , he,s nor

cool or good- looking or in teresr ing. ( I kno\ , , how ro p ick 'em, huh?) Hovewer, he does hawe a

high-prof i le enlerEainment induslxy job and can ger the g i r tE in to rhe mosr exclus iwe parr ieE.

And he lakes them ou! !o the expensiwe reslauranrs and pays for chem. There axe many guys who

can do lh is a]so, I €uppose, bu! Ehis guy is a lways surrounded by amazlng Looking v,omen. L isa

(my l t r ) saye i l '6 because in o lher x 'ords caf ,es enough Eo do aI I rh is for rhem.

Anyway, l juEt s i t and hang ouE and conl r ibute !o the conversal ion. These g i r ls hawe NO

al lent lon span \ rhatsoever. And one in par t icu lar is dumb as a br ick. However, th is bLonde model

- - who is v ,ear ing Do makeup and an overs ized s l rerched our undershi r ! and is 6r iL l per fecr is

comparal ive ly br ight and cool . So I t ransi t ion inro Egp. AE soon as r bust out sone magic, at l

o f a sudden EVERY gi r l ar the table f locke ro me. They ' re a] t fuck ing over me. As soon as Lhe

rout ine ends/ I bask in a couple more n inutes of at rent ion and io is . Then, because r don' !

fo l low up wi th the next p iece, i r 's back ro normal .

And rh is is very amoying !o rne/ because I can ' !JuST hang and chi l l and geE arLracr ion. r ser t l

need the naler ia ] . As many know, th is has been one of my greaLesL f rusrrar ions over rhe years.

A11 n ight , th is was t rue.

Anlray, so I got a call from a friend who's a nusic nanager. He said he vas going our ro dinner

wi th a bunch of top models and asked i f I ! 'anted to jo in h im. As we vere ra lk ing/ I sa id: ' , rs i t

o k . 1 i ' - b r - n g m y g l r l r r i e n c l ? ' A n d h e g o e s , ' t h a E ' s l i q h - f o - g o ! .

After, we sen! !o a Prada parly. Dude, for rhe guys here v,ho say rhere are ho! LA 9ir.L6 aL

Eighlande, you're out of your ninds. This was srcK. And guess whar? No one was having fun.

Alrnosr no one wae smiling. Eweryone was just looking around, watking around/ bored wirh ADD.

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s o v e a l l t o o k o f f a n . I r r e l t t o a n o t h e r c l u b . A g a i n . a t l b o r e d b e a u c i e s . ! i 6 a a n . l I ] e f t n y n n t s i c

manager frientl SURROUNDED bv four gorgeous wonen' lle lqas hol'ting lhe hand of the blonde I liked'

I juel emailed hin to find ou! r"bat his cloBing rate is lrn curious to see if this {ORKS ' or if

he gets Looleit. Lisa and I think ultlmately wha! atlracts Ehe girl6 to hin ls one thing' Ee geEs

rhem inlo the top parlies rigtrt away, {lEhout waiting' (rtrs not enough ln I-a to jusc be ho! and

tenale to ge! paEt the velvet ropes') Alld how 'toeB he get lnto the parties himseu? Ee brings

r o c k s t a r s a n . l f e m a l e g . s o l i n s n o r ! , l l l s n o ! h i s m o n e y t h e Y ' r e a t t r a c l e d t o o r h i s l o o k s ,

it's his LIFESTILE. hagine tf he had game ! I may even bltng hlm lnlo ihe coftnrunitv' NoL sure'

Styta wrlt#,

Subiect! R€! PoBt for styl€: R€ply to hl8 Quertlon

Hey Man,

You weren't halluclnaHng. I wrote the post And then, when I reread

It, I saw thEt the answer \{as oovlous'

I wlll wrlte up a FR on thls glrl For the record, I have, for the

flrst time stnce I got Into thls communlty, found a glrl who I feel a

sedous emotlonal connectlon to. She's HSE, hlghly Intelllgent'

loves to peacoc& ls a constant challenge, ls confident as fuck' ls a

total snob, and rules any room she walks Into She's the klnd of girt

I never would have been able to handle wlthout the exped€nce and

resources I've gotten here. She was my oneltis, and against the odds'

I ended up wlth her -- I even told her she was my 'oneitls'" lol'

To sound a llttle sappy: tt ls so tucklng amazing to have sex with a

girl you feel great emotion for and connection to lt really makes

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everything else pale In comparison, just lying next to her. And she

constantly tells me that she's never felt tiis way about a guy before.

never let a guy h6ve power over her before, etc, The question I had

asked was: What the fuck do I do with all the other girts I was

sleeping with? And the answer isr stop sleeping with them. I don't

want to blow thls, because jt's so rare.

That said, I'm still going to go out and sarge. And I'm stitt gojng to

be part of this community. I'm just not gotng to get physacal wtth

anyone else -- because this girl adually FULFILLS me.

Herbal has an LTR tooi, I\4ystery's ex not-wife, adually. And TD and

Playboy have been experlenclng some shortltved oneitlses. It's been

slrange tlmes in project Hollywood these days,..

style writest

Subjectr FRr H€re's an Unusual # Close

This happened a month bac( but I had to post tt because it was so

r idiculous:

I was at a concert in San Diego with Vision, And while we were

waiting to qet out of our parking space, we noticed a girl in a car in

front of us (and perpendlcular to us) was giving us the finger. We

couldn't figure out why, then noticed it was because our headlights

were shining In her eyes. So I told Vlslon, "Flip on the brights."

The girl then flipped us off more vehemently. Then we turned them off.

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she was ln the car with an older manr which seemed strange Anyway' I

notlced that she had a FoR SALE sign on the car, wlth a phone number'

So, lust to be an ass, I called the number. But I got her volcemail l

left a message, Somethlng like, 'Hey, you know, you have terrlble

manners. You could have asked nlcely, and we would have been glad to

tum off our headllghts."

Half an hour later, I was drlvlng home from san Dlego t{hen my phone

range. lt was the glrl who was fltcklng us off (HBFlnger we'll call

her). So, lnstantly, I declded: why not go for lt'

After we fluffed about the Inaident, fl sald, "Hey, before I let you

9o, let me get your oplnlon on somethlng..."

I dld the lealous glrlfrlend opener, then I dld Style's EV' weloked

around and got EpPort She mentioned her car was stlck shlft, and I

don't know how to drlve stlckshlft. So, to close, I sald, "l1l tell

you what: we'll make a deal You teach me to drlve stlckshlft, and

rll take you to the xxxx concert that I'm golng to In San Dlego ln a

Unbellevably, she went for lt We talked a few tlmes on the phone

after, and then met at the concert In San Dlego Fortunately, she was

really cute, though a llttle plaln. I SO badty wanted itto work out,

because lt was one of the funniest #closes I've had ARer th€ show'

we sat down, and ran through the Cube and Joked around ln her car' I

did a plss poor verslon of my Evolutlon Phase Shlft routlne, but it

worked anyway and we made out for half an hour (also known as a +ctose

for loyal asF ers who mlght not know the technical term "make out ')

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The bad news is that I haven't been to San Diego since, and now I have

an LTR so wouldn't go there anyway. But, nonetheless, I tett the story

nov/ as a ROIJTINE -- it's a good one.

There's been some great FRs and tactics here lately, Wllltry to check

in more!




StyLe wriC66 t

SubJect: The Future

Therers no need !o respond to th is pos! . Just read i ! .

I was looking over Lounge archives, ard jusr wanled !o remind eweryone of wha! rhe rrounge qas

l ike a year ago. Mysrery had lh is idea tha! lhe game wasn,r ju6r abou! re la l ionships, i r pas

abou! heal lh and weal lh as wel l . And we decided we weren' ! a communiry of !UAs, bu! a

f ratern i ly . And v,e eere a l l go ing Eo hetp each orher geE !o rhe lop of our respecr ive f ie lds.

Ard when se teached Lhe Eop, we were going Eo pu] l each oEher up.

Now, rhree rhings are happening. Everyone,s bat!]ing each orher over whose schoot of pUA is rhe

best . Theyrre f ighEing ower g i r1s. And tho6e who are having real -wortd success { r know rwo

speci f ica l ly qhose careers are fuck ing rocking) are nor shar ing rhe good news wirh thei r

so, just a reminder:

1. wetre here ro help and suppor! each othex. cr i l ic ism of courEe is a lways wetcome -- even

desi red 60 long as i ! 's honeet and cons!rucr iwe.

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2 . I f s o m e o n e s l o o p E t o b r e a k i l g c h e c o d e o f h o n o r , d o n . t E t o o p t o l h e i r l e w e l . T a k e t h e h l g h

roaal anat you'tl at$tavs come ou! clean' and ahead'

see lhiB ptace t.utn back into a tracernity of brothers on the road Lo guccesE in

heallh, anal lrealth togelher'would fove to

98y7. fitrceat

SubJect: K.€PInE chtcks l1lv' Ltr dLf,forent ar€eg


1. Be gooit in bedl. (Note: ti you've luE! fooled aroun'l ltith a girl but have no! hail aex' i!'s

I , o T h a ! . l e ! t o k e e p t h e m w a f i n t o ! n e x ! t i m e i f y o u ! o n l y l n t e n t i B t o h a v e a F B . )

2 . D o n ' t a B k t h e n a b o u t ' w h a ! e l s e E h e y h a v e g o i n g o n , l e l a l l o n s h i p - w t € e .

3. ?ry to sleep with lhem a secoa'l llme limPortant ro get rid of asd) before vou reave to\'rn '

4. slay in louch enough to keep Ehem lrafln (occaslonal ahort emall) ' bu! no! so nuch !ha! i!'s a

conslant eflorE !o leturn emails and phone cal'Is'

5. call then a couple dlays befole you're coming !o !or"n nex! alrd make a p]'an

ilhen I waE 8ing1e'

have to do is let

f, i{ontE have tsaLked to a 9ir1

lhem kno\t r'n coning Eo tonn!

f,or 6ix rnodlhs (Eometines years) ' and all I

geyTe wtiCee,

SubJect.: ore €:E erimetttatioD r'ritsb GrouP-ilirect gase

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Not to r:eopen the whole debate, but WxY keep trying direct when i! doesn'r work as wel1. Think

a b o u t i L : A - L h e p e a k o t m y s a r g i n g , w . ! h a n _ n d _ r e c L o p e n e r , T l a d i u s ! a o o J L r o o p e r c e n r

success ln opening groups (!,,ithout ever gelring blown our) and pxobably 80-90 percenr chance of

getting the phone nunber of my larget. It vorked from rhe beginning; ir works nou.

Here 's the secre! of d i rect : i t general ty onty works i f lhe g i r t is inreresred in you ro begin

w i l h . T h a E t s r i g h l .

Now, gent lemen, here 's the eecret of openers, d i recL or ind i rect : they don' r HAVE !o be an

opin ioo. They have !o APPEAR SPONTANEoUS. Tha! 's i t . i ihe lher you do an d i rect OR indi recr opener

matlers less rhan if you do a SPONTANEOUS OIENER.

I wonder how YOU came of f , The One? SponEaneous or nor?

Style wrltest

Subiect! The Attraction Switches

Lately, l've only been checking this board once a month or every few

months, so apologies for not being around. Have a lot ofthoughts to


My concem lately has been the bigger picturc in a PU. That, I think, is

what should be focused on once you can get rid ofthe training wheels

of constantly scripted sarges and learning to be


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For a while, I've be€n discussing with my collcagues the SWITCFIES that

must be flipped itr a woman in order for her to fe€l athaction. we put

together a really long list. Ffom it,l boiled it down to jusi a few

mah switches. There is no ord€r to th€m' They shouldjust b€

consciously flipped at somc point. So lv€ mnowed this dovn, and would

love to heer dpughts and contributionsl

1 . You must show her that you'r€ safe. Trust is 8n important issu€ for

most women. This must be d€monstrated. So switch #1: in order to

proaeed, you need SAFETY aod TRUST.

2. You must show her that you hsve eith€r smbition, motivation, or

cun€nvfttur€ job/financial security. tn other words, you must have a life and goals'

So switch #2 is dcrnonstating to h€I that you hav€ STABILIry and

AMBITION. You don't have to be succ€ssfirl' youjust have to show fte

Dotential to be succassful.

3. You must show her tfi&t you'rc dilTcEnt dun th€ odrer guys, tlnt you

are rct generia or boring, that she asrt l€am somelhing from you or grow

with you, thst you hav€ a sense ofadventure or orcativity or

spidtuality. So switch #3 is showing her that you HAVE SOMETIIING TO

OFFE& even ifyou dont give it to her in the momed' This is where


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DHVS are useftl.

4. You must be the PRIZE ofthe room. She wants a guy others willenvy

her for, that she can brag about to her friends. This is where social

proofoomes in, where story-telling comes in. It's also where alpha

qualities come in, cocky/funny, and not supplicating. So switoh #4 is

demonstrating all ofthe many qualities ofCONFIDENCE, LEADERSHIP,


5. lt's a big world and we all feel alone in it, so ifyou can

demonstrate that you TJNDERSTAND her and where she comes from, she will

feel chemistry. This can largely be done through dgmonstrating either

cultural, mental, emotional, world view, humor, or life/background

commonalities. The more obscure and rare a trait that you connect on,

the more chemistry you create. So Switch #5 is demonstrating


6. You need an aura ofdepth and mystery. You must maybe show a

vulnerable or wounded side ofyourseli you must not give away

everfhing for free, you must be a puzzle she wants to figure out and

maybe even have a wound she oan heal. Switch #6 then is hooking her with


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7. You must show her that you are NOT homy, but sexual' This is where

sooial proofcomes in too, also demonstmting an understanding ofher

world (liking her for who SHE is). So switch #7 is demonstrating your

own LACK OF DESPERATION while showing her that you RECOGNZE SOMETHING


useful, in other words demonshating that you like hel for who she

is--even ifyou are a player.

Styte wrttes.

subi€ct! Re! The Attraction switch€a

You've raised a good point on this, Formhandle, It's better for

MLTR 4,TR€ven FB game Though I may go for same day situations,

I NEVER go for ONS. ln fact, I have almost NEVER had a ONS for the

simple reason that I'm only going to sleep with a woman ofquality, and

ifshe is ofquality, whyjust sleep with her once?

However, I do think that for a guy to talk with PASSION about

something he feels strongly about is a HIIGE turn-on for women, whether

ONS or LTR. lt flips a switoh.

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In large part, this point probably came ftom hearing my LTR'S close

friend talk in my living room. She hadjust met a guy who she \'r'as in

love with. However, she was breaking up with him because he was 30 or

so, and wasnt on any career track. That was her SOLE criteda for

breaking up with him, And it had nothing to do with her wanting to

marry him. Shejust needed to be with a guy who was heading somewhere.

But, in general, Formhandle, I think you are right. Perhaps I've been

bninwashed by the materialists in this cify,






Style wtlEea,

gubj€cl! Con$on fruglratlon - no glr l fr lend

I don, t buy any of rh is . Sorry. In my exper ience, and I

Ewen al super-exclus ive l rendy Hol lyvood

have become good f r iends. I fe ] ! l ike, especia l ly at a

make a grea! conneclion wich a t^'oman of quaLily because

play most ly n ight game, I 've met lors of

nighls. And some have been MIrTRs, some

shal low txendy par ly , I ,ve been able ro

l re recognized 6ome depth in each o lher .

I Lhink !hat , in general , before ne poinr out at t rh is 6ruf f - LA women suck, you can' r f ind a

gf in c lubs, e lc - we hawe to poin! Ehe f ingers a! ourselves f i rsL. Maybe rhe gane we' re ptay ing

in a c lub isn, t a t t ract ing gfs; maybe rhere are inner game problems !ha! are creal inq rhas

behawior for women. sorry, guys, I do nos! of my game ar nighr and in lhese clubs, and hawe mer

lore of asesome, qual i ty g i r ls . Mink sone of us here are d iequal i fy ing ALL wonen who 90 ou!

to c lubs at n ight ( r id icu louE, brw) s inpty because of bad exper iences v iEh a coupte.

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I,m just SoinS to add that some of us bave been in the game for years' And vre bit a poinl wtlere

lre geE great results, anct then we backsli'Ie a l1ltle and get stuck there for a while we forget

ro naintain the work we're aloing on oursetwes; a Little success makes us lazv so the point

being: Work on yourself first. lhe other point being that' an),1there in the world' ic lakes a

{hite to find an LTR MrrlRs are easv' BuE lhat sPecial girl who co rects with vou on everv level

is rare -- an)avnere.

I can 90 on and on, so le t me know l f vou 'd l ike me to" '

sEyLe Jritgeg,

gubj€ct! chlckE who offer tou Other Chlckg

There afe ltdo optionEi

A . f t ' a a E h i ! t e 6 ! ! o s e e i f you' le a plaYer

B. She l lkes you bu! has a bf o! Jus! got a bf ' and is pasEing You on co a i r iend'

My advice: Play i ! safe ' Tel l her lhe g i r l Beemg

you're type (or vou're not reallv in rhe narkel) '

together. Then hang oul, leall back, be cooL' and

he! nuriber and rhen Eake her oul indiwidually'

cool anal 6eems smar! , Lhough Ehe's nol real lv

It lroulal be fun for all three of you to ge!

if you ger the IoIs from the Japanese girl. ge!

In oEher. 1,eord6, alo NoT srlow Eoo nuch inlereEt but a! the sane lime al1ow it

!ha! raises my suspicions is lbal lt's a modeling Pholo -- not a real photo

hanging our together. It rnav be a TES! to see if yourre an Asian feliehist'


happen. The lhing

lhe lwo of Ehern

This exact sane situation bappene'I to ne' But/ in nv caser it sas B'

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StyTe w?itee,

Subjects: LTR LEEu€s

None of the above.

The solurion: PIay the game. Aos-styte.

I! sounds like maybe you,ve been somewhat needy lrirh her. l,tithdraw (disappear for a day or two

and alonrE cal l ) or creale a Jealousy plot l lne (where a beaul i ful gir l i€ tnlerested in you).

Tha! should do the trick and make her feel rhe lequisile ernottons for you.

I leave you with my general theory of relationshtps:

Power 1n a relarlon8hip beLongs ro the person vho rran!6 lhe feasr coffinilment.

SEyIe wr!,te6t

Subject: Quegtj,on for STYLE and otshele - Netwolklng lrlth Celobrltl€e thIE


Okay. In your par t icu lar posi t lonr here,s l rhat ld do.

celebs are used to being taken car.e of. Every{here they arive, there's a SAFE pelson (or tv,o)

who take care of i:hen, make sure they're comforrable, giwe rhem vrp rleatmen!. Anal once rhey

feel SAFE wirh rhis person (because all noD-famous srraDgers are EhrearE and annoyances), they

let dokr) their guard.

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muEt take care

crying loo har'I '

they've enEeted'

of Lhem. You nnrst

Like You os'rl Ehe

seem confidenE, in

place and hawe eoneSo as 6oon as tbeY atrlwe'| You

authoritacive, Iaid back' not

this snall llttle micto vorld

so al f i rsc, jusE

grouP. Bring them

introduce Ehem to

be funny and cool' Donrt

to hhelr seat, make Bure

thelr $al t-reBs, etc '

try fo! rappot! at

€verythtngrs okaY,


then drinks if they nee'I any'

once yourva establiBbe'l yonrseLt aB a safe person \tho uheyrre confortable t'ith' Noi'{ you can open

for reat. Retud to cbeck on cnem' an'l nold open the g!or'lp' give yourself a tim€ consgrallrc {VERY

lmportan!), andl very ltghtly an'I teasingly neg the targeE' (an obvlous naE $i11 backfile llere'

buE a snilitlg rroh my goct' i" "nt

tft"y" ftft thlsi cyPe of neg nlIt b€ powerful') If you can get

in rhiB fa! antl capture lheir lnEereBL an'l altenEion' af1 you have !o 'lo is denonBlrate value

antl You're ln'

glyl€ vrl t .s 3

gu.bj.ct t tR: r lrEg Dgubls tniluctloa A Eucc€EF

Though lhi6 stuff works ' I dlon'! necessalily undlelstand liltY '

BecauBe everv tlne' ilrs like trtac vou tlescribe'l: **'.t::-"]:::.":::-:: .::':::.:BecauBe every t1ne, rL p

, crazy on each other'

"n." "t, ", a su'r'ren' that spark of passion t"*"""' "u ,111.l:"::' '." o! Ehree .tayB go(

::'. "t"t.-"

' jl],,';;;" u'"" ""'giog

an'r co leccrng !'ith ror t."o o! three 'ravB goes


you hook up sith her for lhe first tr'me'

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any ins ight in to th is , guys. t ike rhe g i r lE don' r even become f r iends

they only (in my cases) lacitly agree to the rhreesone monenrs before i !

nake p lans af ter , and

Theyrre not f r iends before; then they woraciousl .y 6exual1y devour each o lher ; rhen they jusr 6ay

goodbye and never speak again.

StyJ.e wt i teB:

Subject: I ' IJuck be a Lady" by Frank Slnatra

Hey Man,

This problem occurs a 1oE \{iEh you. I always read FRs abou! how rhese 9ir1s you go ou! wirh run

around lhe c lub h i l l ing on other guys and you get p issed and teave lhen for hol rer g i r ts . Now,

l\,hile lhis nay be a conmon probLem even back in the Rar pack days, hawe you ever lhoughr abour

how YoU may brtng lhis on.

FirsE, you are srrucEuring your second meeriDgE a! rhe ptaces where you Earge. MTSTAKE. Do t ike

stevi.ePuA does: take lhem to a bar where you and her ca! ger intimare. you ONLY knov sarging.

You HAVE to 'riden your holizons.

secondly, I 'm bet t iDg tha! somel imeE you sarge v,h i te on a second meer ing, perhaps even only to

creale a jealousy p lot l ine or demonsrrare value. This creares an a lmosphere rha! pERMrTs her !o

sarge in her om way. And then you can, ! take i r when SHE does exacr ty wha! you were just doing.

So the solution is for second meelinge: rake lhem !o an inrimale bar, or rake lhen our wirh a

non-sarging group of f r iends. when you' re at t s i r r ing on a sofa ar the Slanatard, Iaughing,

drinking, and playing games with your buddies and nor sraring aE every EB tha! v,atk6 by, she,s

not going to v,aBt to talk to other guys and she witt be sucked inlo your reality.

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The probleR is NEVER Ehe wonen ltr6 in ho\t YoU dleal lrith tben'

;;."'t"' ."'- aituation' so !ha! rt car be avoi'led'

Donrt nix gARGING days ao'l medcallties {i*r sEcoND uBETING days

There shoul't be a contingency

anal mentaLltiee '



gtrle $tlce6'

aubJeccs Epace a{aL1'b16 ac Prol'cg gollynood

By rhe l,lav, {hat Plavbov *- : "":'"1":,':"ff;lJ ::: ::T":H':"il"lJ-""1'"lhe Bmalles!, but very af€or'lable

:"tff;": ;";"-'''"" Boneone elBe to sleep wiuh Mvsterv' B €x'a'

EEYT, lrtlE s'

EubJ.qE3 trb' nay Wo4'a RqsDoDil i'tr Bed: l DLscu96lon

There are a fetd chings Ehac happel to me regularly tbat I ltant to diFcuBs bere' because I'n

".rtlou" "o see that lhey'le a cofiunon experlence amongs! all nen


Ninety-nine pelcen! of the tlne' once x sleep l'ilh a {onan' I don'c hav€ Lo i{olry abo\rt Gane


antnrore. It's on and al'I nttd '*'tl-t"* "" "n" *unt it !o lasE' I feel' like befor€ the aex'


lrol'ever, she {a6n't ag atlached "" ;* ;"t-" af,ter lbe Bex At thal point' I can set any El4)e


of frane on Ehe reLationstrip r vatrt l tbink thi6 may be because' evoLuuioBarily' when a wonen


orgasrne, she enits chenicals t"""";: tt;" brain and nake he! bon'I Eo the man she has had sex


{ith. Thought6? ]

Einally, on the aecon'l o! third or fourth tine t tlave sex wit}. he!' aftet I give he! a grea!


orgasn, I can lileraIly see tnt"'"*"" flip in her head' she thinks' in her bodv 1n tbe nonent'


"r love tlti6 suv; r coul'I ""t";; deepll atrached ro this euv'' somelinea she'll "'"

* ""




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toud; other t imes Ehe'11 ger scared and need reassurance. i s qeir i i . Has anyone erse noriced

we never discuss rhis here -- rhe way women reepond ro us during sex anil orher non rechniquedetai ls of rhe inreracr ion. would be cur ious !o hear orher people's experiences, and i f rhey ar lmalch or are wi ldty di f ferent? rn olher wordE, is Ehe above a cornnon archerlpaj experience, oram I doing something rigbr I shoutd backr^,ards engineer?

StyTe writes,

Subject: ?he Way lfomen Respond ln Bed: A DlEcusslon

Yeah, Madbad, oha! you describe sounds REALLY siftjlar ro

get . You lora l ly get i t , In fac! , just f rof t reading guys

the vay I an in bed and rhe resporses r

responses/ you can break it down rc,lhree l !?es of people:

1. T i re rovers in bed, oho focue on lhe e 'oman' s preasure ani l are inrox icaled v i lh her submiss ivefeminin i ty

2. The takers in bed, who $aI1! a g i r l ro get them of f

3. rhe doubters in bed, who ler the doubrs and heairancy qhich p lague tshem in real t i fe conl inueon into lhe eack.

so, af ler reading th is , r lh ink lhe Lhings r ato lhat enable !h iE:

1. I am ACCEPTING. h orher !,ord6, v,harewer 6he wanr6 !o do or express, and ho!rcwer she wanrs roreac! and howewer far she *anrs !o 90, r sUppORT. I jusr wanr her !o te! go and tive her

fantas ies. So r g ive her pERMrssrON ro be he! r rue sexuat set f .

2. I focus on HER pteasure and making lhe experience posirive for her. My goal is !o ge! rhegirl off. No! io an egorisricat way, but because r wanr her !o teawe hawang had a good

exper ience. And, ewen afrer she's le f r , I wanr !o make sure rhe exper ience was good for her .Even i f |n never going !o see her again (vhich i6 very, very rare) , r r l r be n ice ana! respecr fur

and cal] her, because r don,r wanE ro ruin her for a1t lhe other guys and pUAs ou! lhere.

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3. I have decenE TECIAiIQUE andl SIZE Glrls say it touche6 all che right spots' allowing

have vaginal orgasns l al'so enloY oral 6ex andl' eved if I gec off' till slill go dor"n

to nake Bure she g€t6 off. rn actdition, thiE etrong, inEense, f,ocusear, passioDate si.dle

iton't really atiBplay ia !ea1 life (but deed to nore) juBt coneB out in bed'


gir ]


4, I enjoy the A.FTER-ct'ol{ I Iove cha! nonen! af,ter sex' lthen it'6 juBl the lwo ot you rrr

to hold anythilg back

lwo of You in bed,

and you'ire not tryins to get anv'hrng o" n"'"":."::-:-"::":::::::,Tti;"::il;"" ;"-,

you,re ju6. both !ear. :rnal tien rrou can aek her alr. lhoEe questions yourve been oya!,, uv q--'

v^irr rantasy? Do You uBuaIlY have

l,'hen atid vou flrst reatlze vou }.'e!e attracte'l to ne? llhaltB vour ::trt:sv

nulliple orgas$s, or have one bLg one and feel ]lke you'te done afiet?

afLel leaallng lhls diBcussion' Great lhoughtB an'l

sone of this Blufi from You'I guess thatrs the besl

insights I And, Di iIaY'

can break iE ilown'

sti1l gotla learn



S.;,,e wrlt€, t

Subtecti Rootlng! Thc ProblGm Y'lth th€ who Ll€t op'nor

whenever fm wlnglng workshops' and l9o around the room and ask guys

what opener they use, half of them say' "Who lles more' men or women?' And

then I see them go out and use lt th't nlght' and half the women usually

respond by elther by asklng, 'Why are you asklng us thls?' or'Are you taking

a suNey or somethlng?'r Or by Just glvlng them bad body language and W|ng

to end the conve6ation as soon as posslble' then laughing at them behlncl

thelr back.

I remember the opener suddenly appearlng in the commuity llke a year and

a half ago, and can't remember who made it up' though I think lt was a

workshop sfudent. And it is a great opener to leam' because les so short'

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But here's the problemt it's imperfect and incomplete, In an earlier post, I

discussed subtleties that are necessary to make walk_ups airtight __ namely

time consbaints and negs. Well, there,s also a sub ety to the opener: THERE


In other words, you are Just walking up to a group and asking a random

question for no purpose. It's weird. you need to ROOT it in the time andplace, For example, when I say jealous girlfriend. I mention that I,m askingbecause I just got a phone call from my brother about lt or 'we were trylng togive my friend over there advtce.', When I do spelts, I say tt's about 'my

friend Will, who tsn't out wtth us tonight because he,s wtth thts 9irl. you must

ROOT your opener to make jt a valid reason ro approacn a group.

lvlaybe some peopje who use Who Ltes More actua y gtve it a cont€xt, but noone 1've heard. So lf you are golng to conlinue to use this opener, you MUST

fiodlfy it, or flnd a new one. Examples of roots for the who lles more opener


"I was readtng Esquire today and they dtd this study, and guess what the

resulls were? l{y friends and I have been debatang about it ajt day. We



'My friend over there just broke up with his girlfriend because she kept tying

to him about ljttte things, And we thought it was funny, because guys are the

ones who have the reputation for lying. But now he think5 women are worse,

So we're trying to save htm from being bjtter about women for the rest of hislife, Only you can help save him from ending up a lonely, miserable old man,

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eatlng dog food In a studio apartment down@wn -

These are iust random roots rve put inrc me opener' ofr the top of my head'

lll field test them and, In the meantlme' lf anyone field tests a rooted

veFlon of who lles more and lt works as solldly as everythlng elser please post'

Lefs complete thls opener so that everyone can start uslng lt corectly and


Styte wrlt6c!

Subt€.t! r.! Fl.w to Thrlhnd

Dude, gotta Jump In here and cladfy a few thlngs' Congrdts on the sexual

experlence, but be awarei

1, These glds are runnlng game on you; you are not runnlng game on


2. I hope to God you are havlng sate sex onlyl Be protected lf you want to use

It on a real glr! In the future'

3. While you are havlng sex' you are misslng otlt on other important

components that are part of sex and you should start worklng on as soon as

you get backl valldatlon (lees face lt' we're all In the game for the

validatlon of a beauuful woman wanting to get naked with us because they llke us)

AND emouonal connection (trust me' the sex ls MUCH better wlth this



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agah. You dld it, cool, You experlenced it, cool. you have nothlng to fear

now, cool. Now go get a girlfriend -- she doesn't have to be perfect, any

girl you enjoy belng with wttt do -- and get to know everything about hel

body, until you are a ssxual god,

gtyJe wtLteEt

Subject: Re: f ,B L0 gte*aldess

2. Can she keep her air l tne

Trush me, becauEe X've done

- 9ucc€s6 gtso!,y. Ihenkg Cuys.

congrars, sher s gorgeous. Bu!. . .

L I f ehe,s done ! r l !h her exans in June, why no! jusr x,ai! a monlh?

job bu! be baBed 1n rJondon.

lh le. You wi l ] h l ! problems because:

1. I f ahe comeB lhere, wi th no job or school

depeDdent on you.

2. This wi l l turn you OFF. you wi t t resenr her

atrenlion. And lf you slart gefting Cli6lant or

wil] totally resent you for naking her give up

6tow1y, ower a period of Eix months after lhe

or frlendE or money, she will be COMPLETELY

because she takes up all your lime and money and

raking her for granted or abandoning her, she

everylbing fo! you. This witl occur Eublty and

initial three-month honeymoon period.

9o, prevent this fron happening by:

1. SeEt ing her up wiEh her OwN f ! iend6. co

gi r ls n igbt out .

2. Making sure 6he gers a job AsAp so 6he

sarging for friends for her. Encourage hei to do a

is no! . compleEely, f jnancia l ty dependerr on you.

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eating dog food In a sfudio apartment downtown."

These are just random roots I've put tnto the opener, off the top of my head

I'llfleld test them and, In the meantime, lfanyone fleld tests a rooted

version ofwho lles more and lt works as solldly as everythlng else, please post.

Let's complete thls opener so that everyone can start uslng lt corredly and


SVe wrttost

SubJed! r€! Fl€w to ThallEnd

Dude, gotta tump In here and clarlfy a few thlngs. Congrats on the sexual

expedence, but be altare:

1. These glds are runnlng game on you; you are not runnlnq game on


2. I hope to God you are havlng safe sex onlyl Be protected lf you want to use

It on a real glrl In the future.

3. whlle you are havlng sex, you are mlsslng out on other lmportant

components that are part of sex and you should start worklng on as soon as

you get back valldauon (lefs face It, we're all In the game for the

valldauon of a beautlful woman wantlng to get naked wlth us because they llke us)

AND emotlonal connectlon (trust me, the sex ls MUCH better with thls


Dude, take a workshop, get some good wings, and do NOT ever pay for sex


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again, You did it, cool. You experienced it, cool, you have nothing to fear

now, cool, Now go get a girlfiiend -- she doesn,t have to be perfect. any

girr you enjoy being with wi do -- and get to know everything about her

body, until you are a sexual god.

SEyZe wtltas:

subject: Re: gB 10 Stewaldesg - gucceas Story. Thank€ cuys.

Congrate. She ' s gorgeous. Bu!. . .

I . I f she,s done with her exans tn June, ldhy no! jus! wai! a nonth?

2. can Ehe keep her air t ine job bu! be baEei l tn London.


TrusE rne, because I ,ve done thtE. you wt t t h i !

1 . I f 6he come6 lhere, s ' t th no job or sc i loot or

dependen! on you.

problems because:

fliend6 or noney, she wift be COMIr]ETELY





2 This !di]l lurn vou oFF you vilr reEent her because 6he rakes up ar1 your Eine and money andatLenEion. And i f yo l r s tarr gerr ing d isrant or rak ing her ,or granted or abandoning her , shewill rotally resenr you for making her give up eweryrhing for you. Thrs witt occur subrly andslowly, over a period of Eix monrhs afre! the inirial rhree monrh honeymoon period.

so/ prewent rhi6 fron happening by:

1. Setting her up irirh her OWN friends. co sarging for friends for her. Encourage her to do agi r ls n igh! our .

2. Making sure she gers a iob AsAp so she iE nor compterely, financially dependen! on you.

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Einally. coDgrat6l

Chickg are nol lnlerested ilr rcu vrhen you fal1 ln love vtith them too eatly, but they becone very

interegted when you fall OUI of love qrith them.

gEyLe |'tlLeEl.

subJect: My ex told ry gsB frlond nJustj,ce llkeg youn... what norr?

Styla wrlt€st

subtect! Thc Llght .nd Darlcot The comnrunlty

Whenever I dlscuss the communlty wlth outslders, the same questlons always

come up. And there ls no clear-cut answer for them. A lot of people want to

pass ludgment on us ior belng here, lf they know about lt, But I know for

sure that lt's made me a MUCH better person. When people see vldeos or

photos of me prlor to thls, they can't even belleve lt's the same guy,

But there are also people Itve met who were really cool guys when they

entered the communlty. And now they are completely passlonless soclal

robots (and I've posted about that already In the past).

So the way I see it now is that the communlty is a forking path. And it can

lead you into the light or the darkness. The choice is yours.


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The l jght is a place where you are at your best al l the t jme. It is where youfinal ly f ind yourself and bring out al l the personatity and spark andconfidence and charm and humor and talent that only your mother ever knewyou had before, I t is where al l the schools of seduction and routjnes are justtraining wheels on the journey to self_realization. (Whoah, this js soundjngmore new-agey than I intended,) But i t ,s true: women are EXTREIUELY

attraded to guys when they do somethrng __ even a small gesture __ that istotal ly orjginal and pure and unselfconscious, and at the same time lovable.So if the community is bringing you out of your shell , improving your socialski l ls in al l areas of your l i fe, making you move through the world moreconfidently, making you the mEster of your reali ty, improving your physical

appearance, widening your circle of fr iends, acquaintances, and women, __

and ult imatejy maktng you a happler person __ then you are in the l ight,

The dark js a place where you lose yourself. It,s where you stavishly imitateand model other people. I t ,s where somewhere deep inside you hate yourselfand don't believe that people will like you jf you reveal yoLrr true setf. It,swhere you start hurting or deceiving peopre __ men, women, whatever, It,swhere you look at yourself in the mirror and see Tyler Durden, Mystery, Style,or Badboy staring back at you. It ,s where you lose touch with your fr iends andfamily, and only hang out with sargers. And the only reason you pull womenis so that you can win the respect of other sargers. lt,s where you makelearning pickup the number one priori ty in your l i fe, and neglect the thingsthat wjll lead to a real caree.. lt's where you look at the world through deadeyes because you,ve lost your soul,

step back for a momentr and look at your experiences in the community.

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Make sure that you are on the right path. If not, separate yourself from your

communlty frlends, enjoy some non-sarging-related activities or take a road

trip to the beach, and then return reinvigorated and ready to begin the

vigorous course of all-round self-lmprovement that we're here for.

Style wrltes:

Subject: FR-CIlffsemlnarsarg€ 4wayorgyFu meet Gonesavag€

Awesom€ post. ly€ b€grl ther€ b€fore, in those rcoms so full ofsexual

tension that th€ right v,rord can get some insane hijinx going, or ftek up th€

whole thing.

Sq my thought Everyone in that room wad€d it. But as soon as one person

gets uBcomfofieble, it's ell over. (Kinda like TD's s€er€t sooiety post.)

So the lesson is,,,Your wings can gct you laid. Also, your wings c-sn get you


Next time, don't crunt on someone to do the right thiug ifyou haven't

winged with them enough. You will have to take the lead. And you'll hav€ to

do that by arangiog everybody, like a conduotor.

Page 126: Neil Strauss - The Annihilation Method - Style's Archives - Volume 5 - The Next Level - How to Get Models and Threesomes - Guaranteed Lines and Routines for Advanced Situations







So this was not a mistake. It was a leaming lesson for next time. The lesson:

Get FOTIR games/routines together that you an pull out next time this

happens. Like the dual induction massagq or a game ofAsshole, or a

garne ofspin the Cell phone (better than spin the bottle because it doesn,t

have the assooiations), etc.

Nicejob, otherwise.

Styla wtlteg t

subject: sarglng Wlth Eleve Coogan

r had Eo pos! lhis here. r suppose onry lhe Bri ls wirr appreciale this. of course, rhis is norro be ahared oulside rhe r,ounge I

Anyway, r \ra6 ou! las! niqht, and \ras introduced Eo Sleve coogan (of rhe Atan partridge Showelc. ) . we la lked for a vrh i te and he said he wanled to meer some gi r ts , so r ran rhe JeatousGirr f r iend opener on a ser . He pravea! a l .ng fuck ing per fecr ly . Then r wenr lnro rhe Besr Fr iendsTest , and negged lhe larqer on her boaly tanguage. He was f toore i t , s i r l ing rher :e quiet ty , Eo !ocompere, he put led our a maqic t r ick. he i t id sone ste ighr of hanat wi rh a c igare l re, and h isperfor:nance of i! was rearlv funnv. Ee sa6 a good wing, lhough he sometimes did afc rhings likeint roducing h imsel f to rhe g. i r ts roo soon. A t i r t te cocky, he ro ld me ro go up Lo h is roorn andhe'd br ing lhe g i r ls up. r Eot i t h in !o use L isa (my r ,TR) as a wing so rhe g i !1s woutd feel safe.An}aay, he ended up coning up vilhouc rhe girts.

Eovewer, upsra i rs , he ptayed a cool game wirh us. r rh ink i ! woutd be fun !o do in sers.

Page 127: Neil Strauss - The Annihilation Method - Style's Archives - Volume 5 - The Next Level - How to Get Models and Threesomes - Guaranteed Lines and Routines for Advanced Situations

we'll call it the Coogan cane

RULES: Sreak up into leans of, t{o.

Eacb person lrrttes doltn ten ranes of celebs or vell-t<nom

paper, then folds tt. in half and doesn't shoo anltore. The


tigures on ter separate scrape of

names are aLl rossed into a haE or a


Each rturntr is exaclly one minule, Aad one person in a tean grabe one name at a lime out of the

hat, glveE lhe olher !,erson ln lhe leam clueE, and moves on onLy when the other person haE

gueEaed lhe nane. Each person guesslng can i,passir on a nane they don'! know only once. The goal

].s ro gue6e as many nanes a€ poBEibLe in a nritrute. ultlmalely, if you have two teams of !r,ro, the

game w111 last four ninutes as each person takes a turn as clue-giver and guesser.

The clues can be aNYTHING, aE Long as lhey don't. spelt the nane of lhe petson or u€e a cbeap

rhlane (like saying nRaBhton Bushetu as a clue fot "Aslon Kucher).


So, afler lhe f,irst lounil of guesslng j.s done, you put atl the nanes back in the hat anit repea!

the Proceaa. Hoirever, thlB t,lme, since evetyone already knows lhe nanes, lbe clu€s can only be

TWO WORDS and no PLSSAS are allolred.

Itrs lea]ly fun, because le's such an adrenaline rush trying !o ger through a6 many namea a6

posslble in a minute.

Style writes:

Subject: American girls don't dig Japanese men : (

Page 128: Neil Strauss - The Annihilation Method - Style's Archives - Volume 5 - The Next Level - How to Get Models and Threesomes - Guaranteed Lines and Routines for Advanced Situations

Wow, what a load of shit. I know SO many woman who LOVE a cool looktngJapanese guy. They all say you have the best fashion and style. Check out,say, James lha (Smashtng pumpkJns/perfect Circle)

If you want, send me your plcture, and I'll glve you

some advlce. Remember the rulei What you can,t fix, you feature. you Justneed a cool look, and women wlll be approachlng youl There are actuallvplaces In LA (llke the glant robot store) where you can FIND cool women (of

all races/colo6) who totally dlg Japanese men. Sarge someone there, thenclose her by suggesung 9otn9 clothes shopptng the next day.




Style wrltas:

Subject! gggg Issues when golng out

I had that same problem. I'll never forget. I got the number of thts ta[,intelllgent, classy black-hatred woman wtth modet looks yet no atutude. Shewas Just perfect, And for our flrst meeung afterwafd, I took her to a hotelbar. We each had a drln& and then the check came. I remembered the rule of no_supplicatlon, and so I Inslsted that we spllt the check. As a .esult, I endedup lookhg Incredlbly cheap. It was so Incredibly stupld and embaffasslno.

That's when I realized: there are NO rules, only guldelines. And tf youunderstand the end purpose of those gutdelines, you,ll know when to us€!nem,

Page 129: Neil Strauss - The Annihilation Method - Style's Archives - Volume 5 - The Next Level - How to Get Models and Threesomes - Guaranteed Lines and Routines for Advanced Situations

So one ofthe purposes of not buying drinks Is so that you don't look like you

need to buy her time or that she can use you for things, However, if you are a

guy who naturally buys drinks for all his buddies, and lf by buying her a drink

you are not treatlng her any more speclal than you treat anyone else, it's


So better sometlmes to buy her a drlnk or a coffee than look cheap. If you're

at a bar, Just say, "I'll get this round; you can get the next one." At a cafe,

"I'll get thls; you can plck up desert." You don't have to hold her to tt. The potnt

is simply to convey that yourre not someone she can use for money or free

dlnners. And I have a feellng you're not that klnd of guy anyway.


Style wfif€st

Subjectr False Tlme Constraints?

Your goal AFTER dolng a false time constralnt ls to demonstrate enough value so

that they DON'T want you to leave. (In other words, to reach the HOOK POINT.)

Once you do that, you can start to pretend to leave, then reluctantly stay, and

give THEM shlt about keeplng you from your friends. (Alternately, you can merge


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SEyie wr lEeEt

Subj€ct: OT! Leavlng prollo - Space AvailabLe

seiers lhe deal : I l ive in rhe be6t ( IMO) and mo6t pr iwale room tD r ine house. There,s no noise,t r lere,s a locked door, lhere 's rorat seclus ion. you have your o$n l t t t te balcony, p ic turesirdolu8 wiih {oltywood wiew, big tralk_in closer, and a Ehower/barhroom !ha! no one etse uses.'ve painred and kept up rhe roorn real ry n ice ly . i r 's a l r t ! ]e oasie of l ranqui l i ry in lhe busyProHo world.

If you wanr to negorlale the

Itosever, 1f you wanr !o ftnd

alao, ao you kno$,

oplion !o renev if

Prrce, you can brlng tha! up wlth Fapa. se may be arnenable.a roommate or nore !o €bare the coEt r{l!h you, lhat,s flne too.

itrE a short-lefin conmilrnent. The lease !o lhe houBe expiles ln June, wilh anPapa decldes to keep the house.

I f you,d Like to dlecuss this fur lher, or i f

honest breakdo!^rr of the pros, lhe co[s, and

yourre inlere€led, I 'd be glad !o give you an

lbe expeliences of living there.