neha (SMS) student mangement

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  • 7/29/2019 neha (SMS) student mangement



    Student Management System is software which is helpful for students as well as the

    school authorities. In the current system all the activities are done manually. It is very

    time consuming and costly. Our Student Management System deals with the various

    activities related to the students. The student management system is an automated version of

    manual Student Management System. It can handle all details about a student. The details

    include college details, subject details, student personnel details, academic details, exam

    details etc...

    In case of manual system they need a lot of time, manpower etc.Here almost all work is

    computerized. So the accuracy is maintained. Maintaining backup is very easy. It can do

    with in a few minutes. Our system has two type of accessing modes, administrator and

    user. Student management system is managed by an administrator. It is the job of the

    administrator to insert update and monitor the whole process. When a user log in to the

    system. He would only view details of the student.

    There are mainly 3 modules in this software

    User module

    Student Module

    Mark management Module.

    In the Software we can register as a user and user has of two types, student and

    administrator. Administrator has the power to add new user and can edit and delete a

    user. A student can register as user and can add edit and delete his profile. The

    administrator can add edit and delete marks for the student. All the users can see the

    marks. Our project explains about the student management. This project mainly explains

    the various actions related to student details. This project shows some ease in adding,

    editing and deleting the student details. It also provides a less time consuming process for

    viewing, adding, editing and deleting the marks of the students.


  • 7/29/2019 neha (SMS) student mangement


    Our project includes

    Student Registration

    Subject Allocation

    Branch selection

    Semester wise selection.

    Examination marks entry

    Displaying branch and semester wise result.


    C++ is an Object Oriented Language. Initially name C with Classes, C++ was

    developed by Bjarne Stroustrup at AT & T Bell Laboratories in the earlier 1980s. The

    Features of C++ were a combination of the Object Oriented Features of a Language

    called Simula 67 and the power of C.

    Some of the most important features that C++ adds on to C are Classes, function

    overriding and Operator Overloading. These features enable developer to create abstract

    classes, inherit properties from existing classes and support polymorphism.

    C++ is a language for handling very large programs. It is suitable for virtually any

    programming task including development editors, Compiler, databases, Communication

    system and any complex real life application systems.


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    C++ is an object-oriented language. It was developed Bjarne Stroustrup at AT&T Bell

    Laboratories in Murray Hill, New Jersey, USA, in the early 1980s. Stroustrp, an admirer

    of Simula 67 and a strong supporter of C, wanted to combine the best of both the

    languages and create a more powerful language that cold support OOP features and still

    retains the power and elegance of C. The result was C++. Therefore, C++ is an extension

    of C with major addition of the class construct feature of Simula 67. Since the class was a

    major addition to the original C language. Stroustrup initially called the new language C

    With Classes. However, later in 1983, the name was changed to C++. The idea of C++

    comes from the increment operator ++, thereby, suggesting that C++ is an augmented

    (incremented) version of C.

    During the early 1990s, the language underwent a number of improvements and

    changes. In November 1997, the ANSI/ISO standards committee standardized these

    changes an added several new features to the language specification.

    Object Oriented Approach

    The fundamental idea behind Object-Oriented language is to combine into a single unit

    both data and the functions that operate on that data. Such a unit is called an Object. So

    With the Help of Object we can encapsulate the Data and its functions into a single


    The major motivating factor in the invention of object-oriented approach is to


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    remove some of the flaws encountered in the procedural approach. OOP treats data as a

    critical element in the program development and does not allow it to flow freely around

    the system. It ties data more closely to the functions that operate on it, and protects it

    from accidental modification from outside functions. It allows decomposition of

    problems into a number of entities called Objects and then builds data and functions

    around these objects


    Emphasis on data rather than procedure.

    Programs are divided into objects.

    Data Structures are designed such as they characterize the objects.

    Functions that operate on the data of an object are tied together in the data structure.

    Data is hidden and cannot be accessed by external functions.

    Objects may communicate with each other through functions.

    New data and functions can be easily added wherever necessary.

    Follows bottom up approach in program design.


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    Characteristics of Object Oriented Approach:-

    1) Classes :-

    In OOP we say Class is the Combination of Data and functions under a single name.

    A Class declaration in C ++ is largely similar to a Structure declaration in C.

    The main idea behind using classes is the binding of data along with its functionality. The

    class declaration starts with the keyword class followed by the class name. Then we

    declare the variables which form the data and member functions for processing the data

    are also declared along with return type for each. The class declaration ends with the

    closing brace ( } ) followed by semi-colon (;).

    2) Encapsulation :-

    Encapsulation or data hiding is the mechanism that associates the code and data that it

    manipulates into a single unit and keeps them safe from external interface and misuse.

    The Class features of C + + implements the concept of encapsulation by providing

    access specifiers. Access specifiers control the visibility status of the members of a


    There are three access specifiers in C + + :- private, public and protected.

    The members of a class declared private are accessible only within the class, i.e.


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    only to other of the same class.

    The members declared are public as accessible anywhere from within the class, or

    outside the class.

    The members declared are protected as accessible by the sub classes, which is

    going to

    inherit the main class.

    Access Specifiers serve the important purpose of defining the boundary between the

    accessible and inaccessible parts of a class

    3) Inheritance :-

    The Idea of classes leads to the idea of Inheritance. Inheritance is the concept by which

    the properties of one entity are available to another. It allows new classed to be build

    from the older and less specialized classed instead of being rewritten from scratch. C++

    allows a class to inherit properties and functions from another.

    The class that inherits properties and functions is called the subclass or the derived class

    and the class from which they are inherited is called the super class or the base class. The

    derived class inherits all the properties of the base class and can add properties and

    refinements of its own. The base class remain unchanged .


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    4) Reusability :-

    Once a class has been written, created and debugged, it can be distributed to other

    programmers for use in their own programs. This is called Reusability. However, in

    OOP, the concept of inheritance provides an important extension to the idea of

    reusability. A Programmer can take an existing class and , without modifying it, add

    additional features and capabilities to it.

    5) OBJECTS: -

    Are the basic runtime entities in object-oriented system?

    They may represent a person, a place, a bank account, a table of data or any

    item that the program has to handle. They may represent user-defined

    data such as vectors, time and list. When a program is executed, the

    objects interact by communicating with each other. Each object

    contains data and code for manipulation.


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    It refers to the linking of the procedure call to the code to be executed in response

    to the call. It mans that the code associated with polymorphism and inheritance.


    An OO program consists of a set of object that communicate with each other. The

    process of programming in an OO language, herefore, involves:

    Creating classes that define objects and their behavior.

    Creating objects from class definitions.

    Establishing communication among objects.


    C++ is a versatile language for handling very large programs. It is suitable for

    virtually any programming task including editors, compliers, data base system,

    communication system an any complex real life application systems.

    C++ allows s to create hierarchy related objects. So we can build special object

    oriented libraries, which can be used later by many programmers.


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    While C++ is able to map the real world problems the C part of C++ gives the

    language the ability to get close to the machine language details.

    C++ programs are easily maintainable and expandable.It is expected that C++ will

    replace C as a general-purpose language in the near future.


    All modes are fundamentally of two types:

    1. Text

    2. Graphics

    Some modes display only takes, some sport more number of colors whereas some

    are made only four graphics.

    As seen earlier, the display adapter continuously dumps the contents of video

    memory on the screen. Most text modes use B Block in the memory map.

    Whereas most graphics used A block.

    The amount of memory required to represent character on the screen in text mode

    and pixel in graphics mode various from mode to mode.

    Following are the graphics used in the software.

    Initgraph- Initialises the graphics style.

    Void for initgraph (int far * graph driver, int far * graphmode, char far * path to

    driver) ;

    Settextstyle- Set the current text characteristics.

    Void far settextstyle (int font, int direction, int char size);

    Outtextstyle- Displays a string at the specified location.

    Void far outtextstyle (int x, int y char far * text string);

    Setcolor- Set the current fore groundcolor using the palette.


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    Void far setcolor (int, color);

    Setbkcolor- Sets the current background color using the palette.

    Void far setbkcolor (int color);


    Hardware Requirements

    Processor : Pentium III 630MHz

    RAM : 128 MB

    Hard Disk : 20GB

    Monitor : 15 Color monitor

    Key Board : 104 Keys

    Software Requirements

    Operating System : Windows NT,

    Windows 98,

    Windows XP.

    Language : Java 2


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    Environment : Runtime

    Database : MS Access2007.

    Functional Requirements

    The functional requirements of the system are to the implement the solution

    for finding the train details and route information in the large existing rail system.

    Input / Output:

    The user select the type of training and enter the source and destination codes

    with which finds the student training details and route information.


    The information regarding student details are retrieved from the database.

    Storage Requirements:

    The information will be retrieved from the database.


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    Control Requirements:

    Alerts when any errors are there and when any of the field is not selected.

    System Study

    System study is the first stage of system development life cycle. This gives a clear picture

    of what actually the physical system is? In practice, the system study is done in two

    phases. In the first phase, the preliminary survey of the system is done which helps in

    identifying the scope of the system. The second phase of the system study is more

    detailed and in-depth study in which the identification of users requirement and the

    limitations and problems of the present system are studied. After completing the system

    study, a system proposal is prepared by the System Analyst (who studies the system) and

    placed before the user. The proposed system contains the findings of the present system

    and recommendations to overcome the limitations and problems of the present system in

    the light of the users requirements.

    To describe the system study phase more analytically, we would say that system study

    phase passes through the following steps:

    problem identification and project initiation

    background analysis

    inference or findings


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    System Analysis is a detailed study of the various operations performed by a

    system and their relationships within and outside of the system. Here the key question is-

    what all problems exist in the present system? What must be done to solve the problem?

    Analysis begins when a user or manager begins a study of the program using existing


    During analysis, data collected on the various files, decision points and

    transactions handled by the present system. The commonly used tools in the system are

    Data Flow Diagram, interviews, etc. Training, experience and common sense are required

    for collection of relevant information needed to develop the system. The success of the

    system depends largely on how clearly the problem is defined, thoroughly investigated

    and properly carried out through the choice of solution. A good analysis model should

    provide not only the mechanisms of problem understanding but also the frame work of

    the solution. Thus it should be studied thoroughly by collecting data about the system.Then the proposed system should be analyzed thoroughly in accordance with the needs.

    System analysis can be categorized into four parts.

    System planning and initial investigation


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    Information Gathering

    Applying analysis tools for structured analysis

    Feasibility study

    Cost/ Benefit analysis.

    In the current system we need to keep a number of records related to the student

    and want to enter the details of the student and the marks manually. In this system only

    the teacher or the school authority views the mark of the student and they want to enter

    the details of the student. This is time consuming and has much cost.


    In our proposed system we have the provision for adding the details of the

    students by themselves. So the overhead of the school authorities and the teachers is

    become less. Another advantage of the system is that it is very easy to edit the details of

    the student and delete a student when it found unnecessary. The marks of the student are

    added in the database and so students can also view the marks whenever they want.

    The proposed system would be used to overcome the problems faced in manual system.

    Updating records would not be the problem and also cross checking of records in the

    proposed system would not be required.

    Mathematical and logical errors would get automatically rectified in the proposed system.

    Reports can be generated on the click of a button. Design of the proposed system must

    take the following into consideration:

    All the information would be recorded in different data files


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    Our proposed system has several advantages

    User friendly interface

    Fast access to database

    Less error

    More Storage Capacity

    Search facility

    Look and Feel Environment

    Quick transaction

    All the manual difficulties in managing the student details in a school or

    college have been rectified by implementing computerization.

    Understanding Feasibility

    Feasibility study means the analysis of problem to determine if it can be solved

    effectively. In other words it is the study of the possibilities of the proposed system it

    studies the work ability, impact on the organization ability to meet users need and

    efficient use of resources.


    Whatever we think need not be feasible .It is wise to think about the feasibility of any

    problem we undertake. Feasibility is the study of impact, which happens in the

    organization by the development of a system. The impact can be either positive or


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    negative. When the positives nominate the negatives, then the system is considered

    feasible. Here the feasibility study can be performed in two ways such as technical

    feasibility and Economical Feasibility. An initial investigation culminates in a proposal

    that determines whether an alternative system is feasible. The feasibility study describes

    and evaluates Valuation Accounting System and provides for the selection of the best

    system that meets system performance requirements.

    To do a feasibility study, we need to consider the economic, technical, and behavioral

    factor in system development. First a project team is formed. The team develops system

    flowcharts that identify the characteristics of Valuation Accounting System, evaluate the

    performance of each system, weight system performance and cost data, and select the

    best Valuation Accounting System for the job.

    Three key considerations are involved in the feasibility analysis: economic, technical, and


    Technical Feasibility:

    We can strongly says that it is technically feasible, since there will not be much

    difficulty in getting required resources for the development and maintaining the system as

    well. All the resources needed for the development of the software as well as the

    maintenance of the same is available in the organization here we are utilizing the

    resources which are available already.

    Economical Feasibility:

    Development of this application is highly economically feasible .The organization

    needed not spend much money for the development of the system already available.


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    The only thing is to be done is making an environment for the development with an

    effective supervision. If we are doing so, we can attain the maximum usability of the

    corresponding resources .Even after the development, the organization will not be in

    condition to invest more in the organization .Therefore, the system is economically


    Behavioral Feasibility

    People are inherently resistant to change, and computers have been known to facilitate

    change. An estimate should be made of how strong a reaction the user staff is likely to

    have toward the development of a computerized system. The design of the VA System is

    very easy to understand easily adaptable by the DOT staff. It also includes behavioral

    feasibility. Behavioral feasibility deals with the runtime performance of the S/W the

    proposed system must score higher than the present in the behavioral study. The S/W

    should have end user in mind when the system is designed while designing s/w

    theprogrammer should be aware of the conditions users. Knowledge input, output,

    calculations etc. The s/w contains only a minimum no. of bugs. Care should be also taken

    to avoid non-working means & buttons.


    Proposed projects are of course beneficial only if they can turned into information

    systems that will meet the organizations operating environments. Simply stated this

    feasibility asks that whether the system work when developed and installed.

    Sufficient Support:


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    Is there sufficient support for the project form the other members, management? Yes,

    proposed system is well liked by every one involved in management and officials

    Acceptable to users :

    We hope that users will welcome this step. And will accept the proposed system as this

    will be help them in various ways. It will be useful for the students of modern

    algebra, applied mathematics ,atomic physics ,mathematical problem of

    economics etc. Chances of resistance by the other people are less.

    Result :

    Is the results of proposed system will be harmless, or they may create problems. Will

    there be any loss of result control ? No, it will not cause any such type of

    problem because it is planned to be developed in proper way, and these type of

    issues can be tested during testing phase.

    Slow Performance :

    No, system will not perform poorly. In fact it would be able to perform well because it is

    developed in C++ which is a high level language.


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    After, discussing the aspect related to operational study it is clear that it is almost

    operational feasible. Now next it is check whether is feasible economically or




    System design is a process through which requirements are translated into a

    representation of software. Initially the representation depicts a holistic view of software.

    Subsequent refinement leads to a design representation that is very close to source code.

    Design is a place where quality fostered in software development. Design provides us

    with representation of software that can be assessed for quality; this is the only way that

    can accurately translate the customer requirements into finished software product or

    system. System design serves as the foundation for all software engineering and software

    maintenance steps that follow.

    We look the design process from three distinct perspectives:

    Conceptual Design

    Logical Design

    Physical Design

    The higher view is the conceptual view, followed by the logical viewand finally the physical view. In designing an application, we generally begin and end

    each phase in a sequentially order, although they may overlap one another along the way.


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    Conceptual Design:

    Conceptual Design is the process of acquiring and evaluating, documenting

    and then validating what the user envisions to be the business relation. It identifies the

    user and business requirements of the application and leads to a business solution as seen

    by the user.

    All applications are built to solve business problems, and it is important to pay close

    attention to principle that the business need drives application development. At any point

    in the design process, the current state of the design should be directly traceable to abusiness problem and requirements.

    To achieve this conceptual design is driven by developing usage scenarios. These

    scenarios are a direct representation of the users view of the solution to a specific

    business problem. A conceptual view places the emphasize on solving a business

    problem and deriving a solution that corresponds to the needs and requirements of the

    users. It is based on deriving the behavior of the solution with a primary emphasizes on

    the user. Beginning with a emphasis on the activities of the business rather than aspects

    of software development, underscores the fact that systems exists to serve the business. A

    strong focus on the user in the beginning of the project will help in maintaining a proper

    perspective throughput the development lifecycle.The conceptual design results in the

    first description of what the system does to solve the business problem articulated in the

    vision/scope document.

    Logical Design


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    Logical Design derives business objects and their related services directly

    from these usage scenarios. The logical view of the solution provides a basis for

    evaluating different physical options. It also formalizes the solution for the project team.

    The idea of the application is that the system first emerges in logical

    design.Its boundaries and business objects and it contains the system definition. Logical

    design specifies the interfaces between the system and external entities,such as users and

    other systems. Within a system there may be a number of sub-systems, and these

    boundaries are also specified.

    Logical System Design consists of the following steps:

    Input/Output Specifications

    File Specifications

    Processing Specifications

    Logical design should be technologically independent as possible, inorder to

    separate system behavior issues from system implementation issues. Implementation

    constraints should only be considered only after the project team verifies that the

    essential behavior has been incorporated onto a logical design. This approach does not

    establish a technical direction until the system is well understood and documented.

    Physical Design

    The purpose of Physical Design is to translate the logical design into a

    solution that can be implemented effectively, according to performance, administration

    and development process requirements. This physical view should correctly implement

    the desired system behavior while meeting the constraints imposed by the technology.

    In Physical Design, the perspective shifts from an abstraction of system

    behavior to an implementation of the behavior. Whereas the logical design is largely

    technology independent, physical design is necessarily tied to chosen set of technologies,

    these being the hardware and software on which the application will run.


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    The aim of physical design is to specify how to build portioned

    applications from software components. The interaction of these components through

    defined interfaces results in the desired behavior of the system as a whole. The rules for

    communicating between components are defined by interaction standards: what a

    component does and how it communicates are major considerations in physical design.

    Physical design consists of the following steps:

    1. Design the physical media

    Specify input/output media.

    Design the database and specify backup procedures.

    Design physical information flow through the system.

    2. Plan the system implementation

    Prepare a conversion schedule target date.

    Determine training procedure, courses and timetable.

    Performs the necessary calculations through the existing files

    Produces (displays) the report on the screen.

    Maintains and update the database at all times

    3. Device a test and implementation plan.

    4. Specify any new Hardware/Software usage.

    5. Update benefits, costs, conversion date and system constraints.

    UML Diagrams


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    Design is the first step in the development phase for an engineered product or system.

    Design is the place where quality is fostered in software development. Design is the only

    way that we can accurately translate a users requirements into a finished software

    product or system. Software design serves as the foundation for all software engineers

    and software maintenance steps that follow. Without design we risk building an unstable

    design -one that will fail when small changes are made, one that may be difficult to test,

    and one whose quantity cannot be accessed until late in the software engineering process.

    Taking software requirements specification document of analysis phase as input to the

    design phase we have drawn Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams. UML

    depends on the visual modeling of the system. Visual modeling is the process of taking

    the information from the model and displaying it graphically using some sort of standards

    set of graphical elements.

    UML Diagrams are drawn using the Pace Star UML Diagrammed Software. We seem to

    able to understand complexity better when it is displayed to us visually as opposed to

    written textually. By producing visual models of a system, we can show how system

    works on several levels. We can model and the interactions between the users and the


    Types of UML Diagrams


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    Each UML diagram is designed to let developers and customers view a software system

    from a different perspective and in varying degrees of abstraction. UML diagrams

    commonly created in visual modeling tools include

    Use Case Diagram:-

    displays the relationship among actors and use cases.


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    Class Diagram:--models class structure and contents using design elements such as

    classes, packages and objects. It also displays relationships such as containment,

    inheritance, associations and others.

    Interaction Diagrams:


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    Sequence Diagram displays the time sequence of the objects participating in the

    interaction. This consists of the vertical dimension (time) and horizontal dimension

    (different objects).


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    Collaboration Diagram :-

    displays an interaction organized around the objects and their links to one another.

    Numbers are used to show the sequence of messages.


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    State Diagram ;-

    displays the sequence of states that an object of an interaction goes through during its life

    in response to received stimuli, together with its responses and actions.

    Activity Diagram :-


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    displays a special state diagram where most of the states are action states and most of the

    transitions are triggered by completion of the actions in the source states. This diagram

    focuses on flows driven by internal processing.

    Component Diagram:-

    displays the high level packaged structure of the code itself. Dependencies among

    components are shown; include source code components, binary code components, and

    executable components. Some components exist at compile time, at link time, at run

    times well as at more than one time.

    Deployment Diagram:-

    displays the configuration of run-time processing elements and the software components,

    processes, and objects that live on them. Software component instances represent run-

    time manifestations of code units.


    A data-flow diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation of the "flow" of data through an

    information system. DFDs can also be used for the visualization of data processing

    (structured design).

    On a DFD, data items flow from an external data source or an internal data store to an

    internal data store or an external data sink, via an internal process.

    A DFD provides no information about the timing or ordering of processes, or about

    whether processes will operate in sequence or in parallel. It is therefore quite different


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    from a flowchart, which shows the flow of control through an algorithm, allowing a

    reader to determine what operations will be performed, in what order, and under what

    circumstances, but not what kinds of data will be input to and output from the system, nor

    where the data will come from and go to, nor where the data will be stored (all of which

    are shown on a DFD).

    Context Diagram



    User Sytem Report


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    Implementation is the stage in the project where the theoretical design is turned

    into a working system. The implementation phase constructs, installs and operates the

    new system. The most crucial stage in achieving a new successful system is that it will

    work efficiently and effectively.

    There are several activities involved while implementing a new project. They are

    End user training

    End user Education

    Training on the application software

    System Design

    Parallel Run and To New System

    Post implementation Review

    End user Training:

    The successful implementation of the new system will purely upon the involvement of

    the officers working in that department. The officers will be imparted the necessary

    training on the new technology


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    End User Education:

    The education of the end user start after the implementation and testing is over.

    When the system is found to be more difficult to understand and complex, more effort is

    put to educate the end used to make them aware of the system, giving them lectures about

    the new system and providing them necessary documents and materials about how the

    system can do this.

    Training of application software:

    After providing the necessary basic training on the computer awareness, the users

    will have to be trained upon the new system such as the screen flows and screen design

    type of help on the screen, type of errors while entering the data, the corresponding

    validation check at each entry and the way to correct the data entered. It should then

    cover information needed by the specific user or group to use the system.

    Post Implementation View:

    The department is planning a method to know the states of t he past

    implementation process. For that regular meeting will be arranged by the concerned

    officers about the implementation problem and success.

    Project Modules

    Our application deals with three modules

    User module

    Student Module

    Mark management Module.


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    User Module:

    In the Software we can register as a user and user has of two types, student and


    Administrator has the power to add new user and can edit and delete a user. A

    student can register as user and can add edit and delete his profile.

    The administrator can add, edit and delete marks for the student. All the users can

    see the marks.

    Student Module:

    In this student module Administrator will register the details of the student.

    Administrator can view the details of the student by giving admission number.

    Administrator can also edit the details of the student by giving admission


    Administrator can also delete the details of the student by giving admission



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    Marks Management Module

    In this module Administrator register all subjects and also provide subject code

    to each and every subject.

    Assign subjects to every branch in semester wise.

    Using subject code Administrator edit and delete the subjects.

    Administrator enters marks of the Student in semester wise.

    Administrator can also edit and delete the marks of the student.


    Is the menu bar displayed in the appropriate contested some system related features

    included either in menus or tools? Do pull Down menu operation and Tool-bars work

    properly? Are all menu function and pull down sub function properly listed ?; Is it

    possible to invoke each menu function using a logical assumptions that if all parts of the

    system are correct, the goal will be successfully achieved .? In adequate testing or non-

    testing will leads to errors that may appear few months later.

    This create two problem

    1. Time delay between the cause and appearance of the problem.

    2. The effect of the system errors on files and records within the system


  • 7/29/2019 neha (SMS) student mangement


    The purpose of the system testing is to consider all the likely variations to which it will

    be suggested and push the systems to limits.

    The testing process focuses on the logical intervals of the software ensuring that

    all statements have been tested and on functional interval is conducting tests to uncover

    errors and ensure that defined input will produce actual results that agree with the

    required results. Program level testing, modules level testing integrated and carried out.


    Unit testing is the testing of a single program module in an isolation environment. The

    testing of the processing procedure is the main focus. In this regard the entire module was

    separately tested first as isolated and complete entities. This help a lot in discovering

    problems related to single module and rectifying them in the context of the module itself,

    rather than considering module related problems in a global context.

    Integration Testing:

    Integration testing is the process of the testing the interfaces among system

    modules. Such testing ensures that data moves between system are intended. In the regard

    of integration testing, it was seen that all the data was expected to be the output of a

    particular module was obtained in the correct format, so that the next module could

    accept it appropriately. This could be done either after the entire system was developed,

    or in stages after more than one module was developed.

    Recovery Testing


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    In this test the system is tested by forcing it to fail in a Varity of ways and verifies

    that the recovery is properly performed. The re-initialization, data recovery, and restart

    are each evaluated for correctness.

    Stress Testing

    In this test the application is tested in a manner that the application is demanding

    resources in an abnormal manner. The application is tested for maximum memory usage.

    The boundary conditions are also tested for arrays and other data structures used in the


    Performance testing

    Performance testing for the application is performed for finding the actual run-

    time performance. Time taken for search and locate the required data is tested. The data

    conversion accuracy and speed for the converter tool is also tested. Connectivity and data

    transfer performance for live update facility of the application is tested by using test data

    sets provided by the system testing specialists of the company

    Objectives of Testing :

    Testing is vital to the success of a system. Testing is done at different stages

    within the development phase. System testing makes a logical assumption that if all parts

    of the system are correct the goals will be successfully achieved. Inadequate testing leads


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    to errors that may not appear until months later when correction will be extremely

    difficult. Another objective of testing is its utility.


    Software testing methods are traditionally divided into black box

    testing and white box testing. These two approaches are used to

    describe the point of view that a test engineer takes when designing

    test cases.

    Black box testing

    Black box testing treats the software as a "black box," without any

    knowledge of internal implementation. Black box testing methods include: equivalence

    partitioning, boundary value analysis, all-pairs testing, fuzz testing, model-based testing,

    traceability matrix, exploratory testing and specification-based testing.

    Specification-based testing

    Specification-based testing aims to test the functionality of software according to the

    applicable requirements.[16] Thus, the tester inputs data into, and only sees the output

    from, the test object. This level of testing usually requires thorough test cases to be

    provided to the tester, who then can simply verify that for a given input, the output value

    (or behavior), either "is" or "is not" the same as the expected value specified in the test

    case.Specification-based testing is necessary, but it is insufficient to guard against certain


    Advantages and Disadvantages


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    The black box tester has no "bonds" with the code, and a tester's perception is very

    simple: a code musthave bugs. Using the principle, "Ask and you shall receive," black

    box testers find bugs where programmers don't.But, on the other hand, black box testing

    has been said to be "like a walk in a dark labyrinth without a flashlight," because the

    tester doesn't know how the software being tested was actually constructed. That's why

    there are situations when (1) a black box tester writes many test cases to check something

    that can be tested by only one test case, and/or (2) some parts of the back end are not

    tested at all. Therefore, black box testing has the advantage of "an unaffiliated opinion,"

    on the one hand, and the disadvantage of "blind exploring," on the other.

    White box testing

    White box testing, by contrast to black box testing, is when the tester has access to the

    internal data structures and algorithms (and the code that implement these)

    Types of white box testing:-

    The following types of white box testing exist:

    Api testing - Testing of the application using Public and Private APIs.

    Code coverage - creating tests to satisfy some criteria of code coverage. For

    example, the test designer can create tests to cause all statements in the program

    to be executed at least once.

    Fault injection methods.

    Mutation testing methods.

    Static testing - White box testing includes all static testing.

    Code completeness evaluation

    White box testing methods can also be used to evaluate the completeness of a test suite

    that was created with black box testing methods. This allows the software team to


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    examine parts of a system that are rarely tested and ensures that the most important

    function points have been tested.

    Two common forms of code coverage are:

    function coverage, which reports on functions executed

    And statement coverage, which reports on the number of lines executed to

    complete the test. They both return a coverage metric, measured as a percentage




    //Password : abcde











  • 7/29/2019 neha (SMS) student mangement




    class student


    char name[50];

    int r_no;

    int classs;

    float marks;

    char grade;


    int modify1();

    void modification();

    void getdata();

    void display();

    void search();

    int getrno()


    return r_no;



    student ob1[10],ob2,ob3[10],ob4;

    void student::getdata()



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    char ch;






    if(marks>=75) grade='A';

    else if(marks>=60) grade='B';

    else if(marks>=50) grade='C';

    else if(marks>=40) grade='D';

    else grade='F';


    void student::display()



  • 7/29/2019 neha (SMS) student mangement


    void student::modification()


    char clas[4];


  • 7/29/2019 neha (SMS) student mangement


    else if(marks>=60) grade='B';

    else if(marks>=50) grade='C';

    else if(marks>=40) grade='D';

    else grade='F';



    int passwords()


    char p1,p2,p3,p4,p5;



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  • 7/29/2019 neha (SMS) student mangement



  • 7/29/2019 neha (SMS) student mangement


    case 48 :score=9;break;

    case 46 :score=5;break;

    case 44 :score=22;break;

    case 8 :score=26;break;

    case 21 :score=82;break;

    case 43 :score=77;break;

    case 50 :score=91;break;

    case 54 :score=93;break;

    case 62 :score=96;break;

    case 66 :score=87;break;

    case 80 :score=100;



    void main()



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  • 7/29/2019 neha (SMS) student mangement


    int passwords();



    for(int i=0;i

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  • 7/29/2019 neha (SMS) student mangement



    coutn ;


    ofstream cpp("name.txt",ios::app);

    for( i=0;i

  • 7/29/2019 neha (SMS) student mangement



    break ;


    case 2:


    ifstream cpp("name.txt",ios::app);





  • 7/29/2019 neha (SMS) student mangement



  • 7/29/2019 neha (SMS) student mangement












    else cpp.seekg(pos,ios::cur);


    if(cpp.eof()) cout

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  • 7/29/2019 neha (SMS) student mangement














  • 7/29/2019 neha (SMS) student mangement



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    case 6:


    char found='f',confirm='n';

    ifstream cpp("name.txt",ios::in||ios::app);


  • 7/29/2019 neha (SMS) student mangement


    ofstream cp("temp.txt",ios::out||ios::app);




    {*)&ob2,sizeof(ob2)) ;







  • 7/29/2019 neha (SMS) student mangement



    cp.write((char*)&ob2,sizeof(ob2)) ;



    cp.write((char*)&ob2,sizeof(ob2)) ;




  • 7/29/2019 neha (SMS) student mangement





  • 7/29/2019 neha (SMS) student mangement



    case 5:


    int player1=0,player2=0,lastposition;

    char player1name[80],player2name[80];





  • 7/29/2019 neha (SMS) student mangement




  • 7/29/2019 neha (SMS) student mangement


    else if(player1>lastposition+6)


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  • 7/29/2019 neha (SMS) student mangement




  • 7/29/2019 neha (SMS) student mangement




  • 7/29/2019 neha (SMS) student mangement


    Enter password abcde

    Following details will occur


  • 7/29/2019 neha (SMS) student mangement


    enter 1


  • 7/29/2019 neha (SMS) student mangement


    enter 2

    enter 3


  • 7/29/2019 neha (SMS) student mangement



  • 7/29/2019 neha (SMS) student mangement



    My project STUDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM will be able to implement

    in future after making some changes and modifications as we make our project at a very

    low level. So the modifications that can be done in our project is to add one major change

    which can be done in this project is that to add the snaps of the student of which the

    record is entered. This will result in total identification of the given student. Similarlyvarious modifications can be done to enhance the usability of the given project as suitable

    for users requirement.


    Our project is only a humble venture to satisfy the needs in an Institution.

    Several user friendly coding have also adopted. This package shall prove to be a powerful

    package in satisfying all the requirements of the organization.

    The objective of software planning is to provide a frame work that enables the

    manger to make reasonable estimates made within a limited time frame at the beginning

    of the software project and should be updated regularly as the project progresses.


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    Less time is consumed.

    This project offers user to enter data in simple manner.

    Data storage and retrieval will become faster and easier.

    Transactions can be made with in a fraction of seconds.

    Calculation process becomes easier.

    Modification process becomes easier.

    Through these features it will increase the efficiency and accuracy.

    Disadvantages of the project:

    As nothing is perfect in this world, we also not claim that our software is perfect as all

    other ,our project also has some limitations which are as follows::

    Differentiation is made between the upper case and the lower case limits that is

    if we type 'y' instead of 'Y' indicating yes, software will not respond.

    Date of transaction is not shown .

    It runs on a single system that is there is no networking.

    It is not suitable for a large no. of entries.


  • 7/29/2019 neha (SMS) student mangement



    While making this project, I have referred the following books for getting an idea to

    make this project and also for understanding the complete C language. The names of the

    authors of the books referred by me are as follows: -

    Turbo C++ : Robert Lafore

    Object Oriented Programming : E. Balagurswami

    Computer Science C++ : Sumita Arora

    Software Engineering : Sushil Goel

    Complete Reference to C++ : Herbert Shiled

    New stylebook for C++ : Rohit Publication

    C++ Programming : Yashwant Kanitkar