Neha Dissertation Proposal

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  • 8/12/2019 Neha Dissertation Proposal


    Dissertation Proposal

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  • 8/12/2019 Neha Dissertation Proposal


    Dissertation Proposal


    Proposal on:


    Influence of Brand

    Image on consumer



    Presented By,

    Neha Upadhyay

    June 2014

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  • 8/12/2019 Neha Dissertation Proposal


    Dissertation Proposal

    Table o Contents

    Table of Contents........................................................................................................................3

    Research Question:..................................................................................................................... 9

    Research Objectives:................................................................................................................. 10

    Research Methodolo!:............................................................................................................. 10

    "ata Collection and "ata #nal!sis:............................................................................................1$

    %thical and &ractical Consideration: ..........................................................................................1'

    (antt chart:................................................................................................................................ 1'




    Influence of Brand Image on consumers buying decision making and consumer loyalty: A Case

    of A!"# A$% #&'$C'! #I&() *++%


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    Dissertation Proposal

    ,-e c-anging business en.ironment -as made com/anies to s-ift focus from being a /roduct

    dri.en to a more consumer dri.en focus +ne of t-e key factors for success of any business today

    is its knoledge of consumers buying be-a.ior "otler3 15 In t-is -ig-ly com/etiti.e and

    .olatile market com/anies try different strategies in #u//ly C-ain anagement3 6uman resource

    management3 &ricing3 Branding and ot-ers to get t-at com/etiti.e edge ot-ers "oont7 and

    8ei-ric-3 20095 +ut of t-ese branding -as been one of t-e latest management tec-niue ado/ted

    by businesses

    &re.ious studies conducted by !eic-eld and #aser3 10 and !eic-eld and %etrick3 200; s-o

    t-at a business /rofit could be increased u/ to Branding refers to any name3 term3 sign3 symbol or design or a

    combination of t-ese3 intended to identify t-e goods and ser.ices of one seller or grou/ of seller

    and to differentiates t-em from t-ose of com/etitios? 8-eeler 2005 furt-er e@tends "otlers

    definition and states >A Brand is a /ersons gut feeling about a /roduct3 or a com/any?

    (ou 20095 t-at a brand is any com/anys in.isible guarantee t-at t-e /roduct or

    ser.ices ill meet consumers need and e@/ectation

    ,-e abo.e definitions gi.e a t-eoretical e@/lanation of branding In common sense according to

    t-e researc-er branding is as sim/le as naming and t-e im/ortance of branding to t-e com/any

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    can be meta/-orically e@/lained by understanding -o im/ortant it is for a fat-er to gi.e name

    to -is c-ild ,-e name ould re/resent t-e c-ild for -is lifetime It ould create t-at first

    im/ression in /eo/les mind for -im It ould gi.e an o.erall s-a/e to -is /ersonality It can be

    better e@/lained it- t-e -el/ of folloing diagram:

    8it- t-e groing com/le@ity of business brand today is not only an identity and a name but also

    its a central idea by -ic- com/anies try to attract its target customers In ot-er ords

    com/anies create brands to connect emotionally3 become irre/laceable and create a long term

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    Dissertation Proposal

    relations-i/ it- t-e customers In modern marketing brand -as become t-e only factor t-at

    differentiates com/anys /roducts offered for buying (e.it3 19;5 6ealey3 20095 states t-at

    branding can actually strengt-en com/anys re/utation3 ensures uality and encourage loyalty

    ,ill no t-e abo.e .ies on branding ere only in conte@t it- consumers and its /erce/tion

    toards com/anies /roducts and ser.ices but3 Bac- 200

  • 8/12/2019 Neha Dissertation Proposal


    Dissertation Proposal

    ,aking t-is argument furt-er "otler 15 states t-at branding -el/s in formation of a dee/er

    emotional bond beteen organi7ation and end users of com/anies /roducts +nce t-e end users

    are able to connect it- t-ese si@ dimensions it influences t-eir decision making /rocess

    Brandings Influence on Customers Buying Be-a.iour:

    8-en e alk out on a -ig- street e see different s-o/s some it- familiar name and logo

    -ile ot-ers e.en t-oug- t-ey -a.e been t-ere for uite some time3 t-ey are .ery ne to us and

    e fail to recogni7e t-em 8-y a middle class orking em/loyee ould easily alk in a &rimark

    #tore but -esitate to alk in an Armani #-oroom It is because of t-e image t-at brand -ascreated in consumers mind ,-e de.elo/ment of suc- brand image is result .arious factors like

    /roduct design3 /rices3 /ackaging3 customer and t-e o.erall brand e@/erience t-at a

    consumer -en -e alks in to t-e store But t-e results generated by com/anies by

    ado/ting Branding as a marketing strategy -as been -ig-ly debatable +ne set of management

    e@/erts belie.e t-at branding does not influences consumer be-a.ior &roducts and ser.ices

    offered by t-e com/any are more im/ortant t-at its name and t-us does not /ro.ides any

    com/etiti.e edge ay3 200 and Dreenlad E "-an 200F5 8-ereas ot-ers belie.e t-at

    branding -el/s to connect emotionally it- t-eir target consumer -ic- influences t-eir buying


    Assael 195 differentiates consumer buying be-a.ior into four different /atterns -ic- could

    be e@/lained it- t-e -el/ of folloing diagram

    'igh (n%ol%e)ent $o& (n%ol%e)ent

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    Signii!an!e dieren!e

    bet&een brands

    Com/le@ Buying Be-a.ior ariety #eeking Buying


    *e& Dieren!e bet&een


    %issonanceGreducing Buying


    6abitual Buying Be-a.ior

    #ource: Assael3 19F5

    Consumers -o are -ig-ly in.ol.ed in /urc-asing and tend to gat-er information on .arious

    brands a.ailable in t-e market so as to facilitate t-eir final decision alays s-o a com/le@

    buying be-a.ior in t-e beginning but later on de.elo/ a /ositi.e attitude toards t-e /roducts

    t-ey buy

    Consumers #-oing %issonanceGreducing buying be-a.ior ould -a.e -ig- in.ol.ement in/urc-asing but unlike consumers s-oing com/le@ buying be-a.ior t-ey differentiate less

    beteen .arious brands instead belie.e in de.elo/ing t-eir on o/inion based in t-eir


    &eo/le -o -a.e lo in.ol.ement in /urc-asing but are keen in different brands a.ailable in t-e

    market ould tend to s-o a more .ariety seeking buying be-a.ior 8-ereas /eo/le it- least

    in.ol.ement and interest in different brands and t-eir s/ecialty ould dis/lay a .ery -abitualbuying be-a.ior Assael3 19F5

    Branding and Customer (oyalty:

    Brand loyalty is de.elo/ed because of a strong brand image of t-e com/any $eguyen E

    (eBlank3 195 and t-is brand image could be e.aluated by Hudging o.erall attitude ofconsumers toards t-e organi7ation Brand loyalty could be Hudged on to /arameters:



  • 8/12/2019 Neha Dissertation Proposal


    Dissertation Proposal


    ,-ere are more t-an dee/ly -eld commitment to rebuy or

    re/atroni7e /referred /roductser.ices consistently in t-e future3 t-ereby causing re/etiti.e same

    brand or same brand set /urc-asing3 des/ite situational influence and marketing efforts

    t-e /otential to cause sitc-ing be-a.ior?

    ,-e Attitudinal a//roac- consists of customers inclination3 buying intent and commitment

    #ome aut-ors like #ing-aniaa 2005 belie.e t-at a mi@ed a//roac- is most suitable to describe

    brand loyalty of customers

    Resear!h +#estion:

    Based on t-e /reliminary literature folloing researc- uestion and researc-

    -as been set

    1 ,-e researc- aims to e@amine if a brand image influences consumers buying decision and

    t-eir loyalty toards a /articular brand

    2 ,o identify .arious brand management tec-niues ado/ted by A!"# A$% #&'$C'!

    #I&() *++% to differentiate itself from t-e com/etitors

    ; ,o e.aluate .arious factors taken in to consideration for de.elo/ing a desired brand


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    4 %oes brand influences consumer decision making

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    #ource: #aunders et al 200;5

    According to #aunders et al 200;5 entire !esearc- et-odology could be di.ided in to fi.e

    different layers:

    !esearc- &-iloso/-y

    !esearc- A//roac-

    !esearc- #trategy

    ,ime 6ori7on

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    %ata Collection

    ,-is !esearc- et-odology of t-is dissertation is constructed on t-e basis of saunders et al

    200;5 researc- onion and is e@/lained as follos:

    Resear!h Philosophy:

    ,-ere are t-ree main ty/e of researc- /-iloso/-y: &ositi.ism3 Inter/reti.ism and !ealism 'ac-

    of t-is /-iloso/-y -as its on ay of de.elo/ing t-e knoledge It is .ery im/ortant to select an

    a//ro/riate /-iloso/-y as it sets u/ t-e direction of t-e researc- #aunders et al 200;5

    *or t-e current researc- ork t-e researc-er ould ado/t /ositi.ism /-iloso/-y As /er/ /-iloso/-y any /-enomenon could be e@/lained it- scientific reasoning and results

    generated could be used for future generali7ation #ince t-e researc- is carried to understand

    influence of brand image on consumer loyalty and buying decision making /rocess It is belie.ed

    t-at t-e branding as a /-enomenon could be e@/anding it- scientific reasoning and could be

    used for future generali7ation oos 200

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    t-e researc- more de/endable cressell 145 #areneimi 2005 also used same a//roac- in -is

    researc- %estination Branding

    Resear!h Strategy:

    !esearc- #trategies could be e@/lained as tools t-at a researc-er em/loy to find solution to a

    researc- /roblem ,-e .arious strategies t-at could be ado/ted are '@/eriment3 #ur.ey3

    Drounded ,-eory3 't-nogra/-y3 Action !esearc- and Case #tudy #aunders et al3 200;5 In t-is

    dissertation case study and uestionnaire are t-e to strategies used3 in line it- t-e ado/tion of

    bot- inducti.e and deducti.e a//roac- ,-e ado/ted researc- strategy seems a//ro/riate as

    #ing-aania 2005 and (ou 20095 also used t-ese strategies -en t-ey studied branding and its

    im/lication on .arious organi7ational acti.ities

    Ti)e 'ori2on:

    According to #aunders et al 200;5 t-ere are to ty/es of time -ori7on for a researc- ork:(ongitudinal and Cross #ectional (ongitudinal time -ori7on e@/lains and e@amines a /articular

    /-enomenon and its im/act a /eriod of time and crossGsectional time -ori7on is focuses on a

    /articular moment

    In t-is researc- ork longitudinal time -ori7on is ado/ted as effect of brand image is seen a

    /eriod of time and it /lays a .ery crucial role in creation of brand loyalty

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    Data Colle!tion and Data Analysis:


    #am/ling is a tec-niue t-at is used by researc-er to collect t-e most a//ro/riate data from t-e

    -uge /o/ulation under consideration #am/ling is generally done in to ays &robability and

    $on &robability ,-e /o/ulation consists of all t-e customers of A!"# A$% #&'$C'!

    #I&() *++% A sam/le si7e of 100 customers ould be selected from t-e .icinity of

    different stores located at 8estfield #tratford53 8estfield #-e/ards Bus-5 +@ford #treet and

    friends and -o s-o/ from A!"# A$% #&'$C'! #I&() *++% ,-is ould be

    done on t-e basis of /ur/osi.e sam/ling ,-e /artici/ants selected ould be belo ;< years of

    age as target customers of A!"# A$% #&'$C'! #I&() *++% is young generation ,-e

    sur.ey ould be conducted it- t-e -el/ of self administered uestionnaire

    (ikert #cale:,-e researc-er aims to use fi.e /oint (ikert scale collect data ,-e #cale ould

    contain folloing fi.e /oints it- eac- res/onse a numerical .alue:

    1#trongly %isagree3 2%isagree3 ;$eutral3 4Agree3

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    Dissertation Proposal

    Ethi!al and Pra!ti!al Consideration:

    All t-e /artici/ants must /artici/ate .oluntarily

    Care must be taken t-at /artici/ants liking and confidentiality is res/ected

    All t-e /artici/ants s-ould be made a.ailable it- t-e co/y of results /roduced from t-e

    researc- ork

    ,-e contact information of all t-e /artici/ants s-ould be /rotected and ke/t confidential

    ,-e researc- s-ould be not influenced by any /ersonal bias

    ,-e researc- s-ould be conducted in suc- a manner t-at t-e researc-er is able to

    com/lete it in time it- t-e limited a.ailable funds

    Kse of ## s-ould be done diligently

    3antt !hart:






    8eek 2


    4 %ec


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    aims and








    Case of





    &re/aring 1st


    !e.ise %raft

    &rint and



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    ,-e literature on t-e current to/ic under consideration s-o t-at t-ere are contradictory

    .ies on t-e influence of brand image on consumer buying decision making -ic- leads to

    consumer loyalty toards a /articular brand +ne set of researc-er belie.e t-at branding is Hust

    an in.estment and Hust /roduces return on in.estment Hust like ot-er assets of t-e firm 8-ile t-eot-er set of researc-ers belie.e t-at unlike ot-er assets branding and creating a [email protected] brand

    image in consumers mind touc-es t-e emotional cord of t-e consumers and consumers start

    relating to t-e com/any and its /roducts emotionally -ic- ultimately leads to t-eir loyalty

    toards t-at brand ,-is !esearc- ould -el/ to deduce relations-i/ beteen brand image and

    consumer loyalty in an e@/licit manner


    Assael3 6 195 Customer Be-a.iour and arketing Action3 9 t-edn Boston: "ent &ublis-ing


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    Dissertation Proposal

    Ader3 J 20095Advising on Research Methods $et-erland: Centraal Boek-uis

    Bac-3 # 200

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    Dissertation Proposal

    ay3 ! 2005 !Why Branding isn$t a source of Competitive Advantage.$ A.ailable at:


    MAccessed: 1t-$o.ember 2011N

    oos3 " 200he mediating role of corporate image on customers$retention decisions: An investigation in financial services3? International Journal of Bank

    arketing3 1253 // /ero defections: 0uality comes to services3? 6ar.ard Business

    !e.ie3 9