Published Every ruesday and Friday Fords Section Page 8 Iselin News, Page 8 No. 12 WOODBRIIMIK. N. ,T., TCKSDAV, APRIL 1!?, li>2(i PRICE THREE CKNTB » e mand Retraction b Kih e mand Charge by Kish That Township Pays For Work Not Done Party Tonight Is For Fund Being Raised to Augment Perth Amboy City Hospital! Mrs. F, U. Valentine and a com- mittee composed of Mrs. Ellwood Johnson, Miss Victoria Brown, Miss Mildred Valentine, Mrs. James Wight and Mrs. Harold Van Syekle will hold .__ ^ | a rani party tonight in the Me ) Ward Committeeman is morwt HuiMing to Rive the residents Center of Shafts by"f Wm.dbridjre an opportunity to d<> " n thrir l>it toward Negro Pleads Fright And Self Defense After Slashing Throat Of Pinochle Player In Saloon George Miller, Wedgewood Avenue Resident, Cut By Carteret Man in Fight That Took Place In Remak's Saloon- Arrest Made Next Day By Local Police , , mm ittee and Contractors , Ull Refuses to Recant His on Road Work. fun() raisins' the quota; Many taws are treated each year at the hospital where everything pos- \TTl E LASTS 3 HOURS j sible is done for the comfort of the .. ; patients and many will doubtless con- ip Committee and con-'^ider it a privilege to aid in increas- v h ,,' u e,-e affected by state . ,,|,, recently by Committee-; ,,]i-. Kish that payment was ,,!,, for road repair work not, ,, M1 l,n,ed lust night at a | ,.,.e:mg in declaring Kish to vi ii,ng in his statement-' , , ni ],.,| that he retract them.' ,M'V discussion g !t 'w "" 1 " f : ; meeting on March 'Ji!. a , n.t of the meeting and an i,. A nith Kish as published in ,,, nrlent the following day. . i, •[ Ian night that he .('nut bis statements. M.K-c.'trelli, of Iselin, start- .:,• i ..vi-r-ty lust night by ask- K,-b either retract or deny Albert Miller, of Wedgewood ave- nue, escaped serious injury if not death Saturday night when his throat was slashed by a young negro as he sat playing pinochle with several friends at Remak's saloon. Detective Sergeant James Walsh, supplied with throat, the incision being a vertical one front the breastbone almost to the point of the chin. He turned and (led before the others could stop him. Dr. I. T. Spencer was called im- mediatelyto attend Miller and found that the knife had miswd import- ant arteries. Seven stitches were re- Crash Kills Railway Motorcycle Officer Yesterday; Second ; Tragedy for Force Skull Fractured When He Runs Into Car That Turned Left Across Highway—Police Al- lege Driver Failed to Sig- nal Change of Direction. Junior Show on Saturday '• Promises to Draw Crowd ins; the capacity and eflic.ency of the; f( deHcr i ptioil of thc n e p r o b y H e v e r a r | quired to close the wound. The fact " ls ' u " )n who witnessed thc stabbing, went to 1 that thc blow had been struck in an Carteret Sunday and arrested Henry upward instead of a aidevJiae direc- WAS WELL KNOWN HERE ls ' u " )n ' Noted Lecturer Will Demonstrate Electric Phenomena at Avenel Harry C. White to Appear as Entertainer With Electric- al Appliances; Is Employed By G. E. Corporation. Motorcycle Officer Frank Reiner, of the Railway police department, died at 4.45 yesterday afternoon of The Junior Class of the local HijrrK School is hard at work preparing to/ present "Miss Somebody Klse". a| enmedy in four acts which will he staged in the-Higb School auditorium' on the evening of Saturday. April | 17, at H.LV ! Thc play is heing ably poached by Miss Verna McKlroy of the high'; school faculty and promises to be a, big success. i The incidental music will be fur- nished by the high school orchestra under the personal supervision of Miss Anna ('. Frazer, teacher of mu- sic, in the township schools. , A large crowd is expected. High School Plays First Game Friday In League Schedule For County Honors Metuchen Again to Be Met in Curtain Raiser—First Game Last Year Marked Turning Point in Career of Locals , and Startled County Fandora BOYS HOPE TO REPEAT Sumter. aged 20, a laborer. Sumter tion probably,saved Miller's life. I injuries he received a few hours « nr -'[ YAlltilf111 Rlll19Ur0i/ 1C is said to have admitted 1 stabbing! Sumter was found in a boarding '""' wtlen ms machine plunged into lUUlUllll iMlilUTTUJ Id Miller. He was arraigned before Re- house at 4 Salem avenue, a section a l r u c k t h a t i s alleged to have turn- corder Ashley immediately and is often referred to as the "jungle". He held under $2,000 bail to wait the j offered no resistance in submitting to action of the grand jury on a charge < arrest and explained that he had done of atrocious assault and battery. ; the stabbing in what he thought was ed left on Lincoln Highway without the driver giving warning of his in- tention. Remer is the second Rahwny motorcycle officer to lose his life According to an investigation by self-defense. He wns the only negro] witnin t( » e s l ™ °f three years, the police Miller and three friends, in the saloon at the time the alter-1 According to information given all Woodbridge men, were playing cation arose, he said, and he acted to \ out al R»h*a>' police headquarters pinochle at a table in Remnk's es- ! defend himself against superior num- last night Rpmer was driving his m«- tablishment at the coiner of Fulton bers when the fight started, and New street when the negTo en-', It is alleged that the tight was in before Sumter te-red and asked for a drink of whis-, progress some time ' ky. When this was not forthcoming used his knife. Harry C. White, who gained a he flared up und was reprimanded; Miller is employed by the Phila- wide reputation in a scries of lee- | )v the men at the pinochle ta- delphia and Reading- Railroad as an tures after the wa r in which he (,| t , During the course of an argu- engineer. He was taken home af- served with the "V", will be in Avi 1 - nicnt Sumpter whipped out a large! ter being given treatment by the made in the paper that m-l Friday night to present his well- pocket knife and slashed Miller's physician. work done on Cor- known electrical lecture. The event will be held in Avenel school and on White there •turps, "fir- Kish had pointed outrun Comes to Town" and "Scenes in ! relli presented a bill fur Yellowstone Turk". Thc event is rx L -. f the 1 Middlesex County High School Itusebatl League gets under way with a bang this Fridny afternoon, the loi'iils opening their drive for a sec- ond pennant by clashing with Me- tuchen on the hitter's diamond. Metuchen opened the season with Wondbridge List year and it will be recalled that at that time the meet- ing was supposed to be a set-up for the strong team from the Brainy Boro. Woodbridge surprised both its followers and the other league its visitors to a Notwithstanding the showinp made in this game, spir- I its here again fell when within a ! week the league declared "Selly" fourteen-year-old Hoagland ineligible to compete fur- [>l and can- feet and he landed on his head. He j mother and step-father, among olh.|"',!! d . th f vic . t o r y o v c r Me u tachen ' was runbeH tn Bjihwnv Hnanit.nl I "is situation, more than any- was ruanea to nanway Ho9 P lU11 , er mistreatments had subjected him thino . pUp r m i w l th(1 l( ,.. m t o .,.„,:. where he was operated upon imme-l . . . . . : Wing else, roused the team to a keen Again in Trouble as Parent Fdes Charge Geza Banker, Let Off by Ju chine north on the highway near Sycamore street when a truck driven j by Joseph Marcus, of Roselle, which j he was following, suddenly turned i ' f the road The shock of venile Court, Still Fails to tcllms b >* trc ' llt '"K Gain Mother Approval; fearful druM)inK She Says He's Disorderly. Geza Banker, impact threw the officer several boy whose recent charges that his, 1 " 1 ' 1 " with th( ' n 'K h , i f >uml m ,,.,,„.• and Chain O'Hill road . . ' the program with Mr, „,. made a tour of inspection wjn bi , u<) movin(f diately in an effort to save his life 10 the g of sleeping in an un-j pitch and thereafter other teama in work done on the roads, '"* '""ranged for the benefit Miss Thain on Program For W.C. Guest Night March 5 and March 10. In i P"Jic libr«,ry ; I Besides being nt: bis demand for a denial an interesting lec- turer, Mr. White is a humorist, and usually manages to keep his audi Miss Thain, a professional enter- tainer from New York, whose « ^ - c j a i t j cs arv eharacter sketches and ( ij,,levt recitations, will be on the pro- i Moscarelli stated that h .d that Kish had said that ences alternately gasping and laugh- KTHm (> f th ,. Woman's Club's guest i! made the statement. Kish ing throughout his demonstrations. niRhl at tne Memorial Building, Lit In 1 bad made the statement l.at be was justified in making !,, had found no work done on uds vip to March 15. W, Smith, a Fords contractor, ,!i"Uu-r who took the floor to! ile livi. ployed (ieneral Electric Company. Among feats demonstrated by him will be the taking of high voltage current from an artificial lighting ma- tlie truth »f statements made chine, passing; it through the bodies ii.-li in connection with work al- of three persons, and lighting an in- hospitality and she in Bound Brook and is em-, Thursday night. Mrs. Lucy J. Acker, is a demonstrator by the ; p,.^^.^ n f the L -lub, will be the pre. siding officer of the evening. The Junior Woman's Club mem- bers and their CGTorts will be among ! \'i have been done by him. The candescent bulb held article connected Smith with a fourth person. He mi Summit avenue fur which ',,unship was said to have paid Smith said th'is amount was him l'or work ordered done by i Superintendent Rlum on Brant ;r. Wein street and upper r'..nl .<• mid that he had presented no : •! \uiik done (.m Summit aw- .'h demanded thai the second i ..niniitteeman reirucl the. ;' hi- statement which connect- i wi;h the work of Summit a-.e- ' again Kish ri'fusvd a retrac- ..\ing that when '.h.- u.:•:;.-' .JI >iti M a r c h 22 it «;ii M.iyoi -.'.!,.. injected Smith's n.mie m .r.i"- - made by Kish. Al 'Ir. • \\ iyi.i UyiiM asked Mavui-ii I." -.•,•-. . -.rl at '.be reporter'.- '.abV - |.ir-,'iitatiM- of The lnd.-i^-!'. ' ay whether Ki-h Lid nnnie •.I'i'iiicnts attributed to him. 1 " : •-•iiiietl tlle mayor that many ., .itioiis being made v.i the : '., were at variam e v> lib •!.•• ,j.ii|icr said Mi. Ki-h bad ,-.d .i-ked that the clerk Kni.ll> 'i.i- new- article in question. .:. .,- eoncucrvd in this sugges- ..'..-i Clerk Keyes rend the ar- t "• i '.he reading Smith again ask- . :. .1 he intended to retract his •ii'-n's and Kish responded that i*id nothing to retract--that •••! » m said to connect Smith '.hi- i-asc hail been said by M.iy- -,III, and not by him. v.ni- Ryan exhibited a bill of M-oin John Salaki <if Fords for ' doiii: on Fairfield avenue at day. He said Saluki supplied *, 'ruck driver, ashes, und two men, and that the charge WHS 'h.in the township could gel the - -A'li'k done for ill Woodbridge. ' >-ing the bill Kish said that this i Hull of which he knew nothing which be had not seen before. n the hand of ill exhibit the methods used in providing illumina- tion as far back us (iHO B. C. and will -hnw lamps in their progressive stages nf develi)]>meiit frmn that time until the present. The smallest incaiide.-ci'fit lamp in the world is ann.i.i; Mi. White', paraphernalia. WhileV -ei-vice- for the lecture were -ivired by .1. Ii. I.abat. a r>-<i- deii 1 . of Avenel rni|>l'>ycd by the cum- panv empbiving Wbitr. A -mall ad- IIH--I- n ; - tu be ..-barged, rf^o. the guests of the mother club. Mrs. chairman of is preparing for al least 400 guests. A number of the club women en- Hoffman Speaker On Jefferson at Meeting of Janet Gage Chapter Women Will Place Boulder at Presbyterian Church Park To Commemorate Revolu- tionary Heroes of Town»htp The Janet Gage Chapter of the. I). A. R. held a social meeting last night at the home of the regent, i Mrs. F. R. Valentine. It was a Jef- but he died after lingering but a lit-' heated cellar during the winter cans- j the league were not slow in finding tie over two hours. Marcus was ar-led quite a stir until an investigation' o u t t t l B t t h o t e a m w h i c h h a d a P ncared rested and arraigned in Railway's bv X U A~,, Asnlev di , e lose<t that the' 10 be the wt ' Hkll!1 K of the circuit ' police court on a manslaughter * f v v, IT , I W8S K ° inB lo rut » fe " rful SWath in charge. He was held in $1,500 bail to y ° un e ster Probably had sinned more, variou , pennant aspirations. But appear this morning before Judge i than he nlvd been alnne d against, was even though it was apparent that the Stern at the district court in Eliza-1 again apprehended on a charge pre- j locals had been greatly under rated beth. I f erre d by his mother, Sunday night.!" 0 one sus P Mtcd ot that tim « ^* Marcus claim, he put out his hand | Mr , Juli J Barcr , t h e m o t h e r , ^ \ j W J - good enough^to dnve thru to signal his intention of crossing the highway but police say they have witnesses who aasert there was no signal given. Remer was about 3ft years old. He joined the force in 1918 and has been regarded as a first rate officer. His father is a deslt sergeant. A wife and a daughter survive him. Various or- ganizations of which he was a mem- that thc boy is disorderly. She will | support her charge at o hearing be- fore the Recorder. Several weeks ago, when the youngster was tried on a charge of running away from home and in other^ ways refusing to submit to The showing of Coach Boehm's stu- dents against Mutuchen this Friday may provide a gunge of what can be expected of them in the league this year. There is no denying the fact that Woodbridge is not going to be content with resting on the laurels it gained last season but is out tooth fersonian evening. ] Hoffman of South Amboy, was thc j speaker, his subject being Thomas' to attend his funeral. myed Miss Thain at a recent appeal-1 fotf . prson Mr Hoffman spoke ,„ Siice in Perth Amboy and they are ciithusiaiitic at the prospect of hear- ing her again. On the program with her will be Mr. Hyatt, well-known tenor soloist of Jersey City. Mayor Harold | ber took^teps i as t night to arrange i nim t o f n c e thc j uven ii t . tribunal at I | New Brunswick. However, the high- | er count released Geza and sent him ! home with his parents for another parental discipline, the court sent aml nail tu K lirm ' r tht ' , tro P h y a * ain detail on the life of Jefferson literal- ly from the cradle to the grave. Fie dwelt upnn-1«»s public life and Girls' Club Held Benefit Party at Miss Fox's Home The S. & C. Girl's Club held Caseys 'All Set' For Their Minstrel Friday services. Many amusing anecdotes ( benefit card party Saturday evening were given as side lights upon his, at tlle hume of Miss Gladys- Fox on character. j Church street. There were four The musical numbers were fur-j tables of pinochle. nished by Mi.-s Elinor Eglinton of| ny M , ss Hc | en Kobb, embroidered To Friends Saturday Night i Metuchen, and included "Rhapsodic"! apron . Mrs. Raymond Moore, a tea I by List, "Scarletti Caprice," "Per-, an( j toast set; W. C. Danner, a half dozen glasses; Mrs. \V. C. a pair of wall vases; Mrs. Emma I.evi. towel; Roy Mundy, pair of trial. i Mr. and Mrs. Barer claim that the a ! boy will not go to school, and that he stays out till all hours of the if it can. A great infield was Io3t by graduation in June but the coach has been busy drilling another one to take its place. As u consequence it -now appears that the locals again Mrs. Fred Baldwin Hostess Mrs. K. <;. Haldwin of Rahway ave- club and potual Motion" and "Lullaby," a era-j h l die sonp. In Saturday; Miss Eglintn all of these selections displayed wonderful nui- entertained her card then guests at a party i'veiling. I her bridge in play. Miss Kliiine Logan' ability. Th \um fust prize, silk lingerie' and Mrs. to place the boulder to the town's W Wi-steigaard, the consolation Revolutionary heroes in the park ad- pri/.e, a vase. The litst men's prize i joining ere four tables of | technique and rare interpretation . f anc y oandles; Charles A. i.evi, tow- hapter voted last night el; A. Kobb, cigars; Mrs. Alfred Mun- will be the thorn in the aide of the Class A Schools, Amboy and Bruns- wick, who an 1 figuring to light it out between them after killing off the lesser fry. night. They claim they have clone-: Carteret is a newcomer in the . everything to steer the hoy into or- league, taking the place of South Irizes were won ( | l>r j y cn . iluu ,i s of ^ndiu't, ()„ the j Amboy. No one seems to know just other hand Geza maintains that he' now good the Carteret hoys are, al- is the victim of an injustice and that though it is assumed that they have his'cause for staying away from home', a first-rate team. They clash with Uanner, w . ls w u i t imiilum by his step-father 1 ]>erth Amlmy in their opener. New that he stay out of the house until Brunswick and South River meet in he had found a job. the third game of the day. ( i_ V| a j a r () f bath Siilts. The door p V \ Wi a f e rn was won by Charles A. 1'itli. l ,m. •! -h..« ilo'.i. > Fridas Jam.- 1 to be to dr given by II. .S,"i7, K n i g h t s evening. April S.-hool auditor- oiic of the big The litst men's prize i joining the Presbyterian Church j j0V j Refreshments of home-made WHS won by Mr. Westergaard, a pair | which occupies, what in Rovolutiun- of silk hose and Mr. Maxwell Logan j ilr y days was known as the Kirk. consolation, which was also j Green. ge-t li't- ••(" tin- year. Twenty i«ti- .-ical ii':nilp<-i- have been carefully selected ' and faithfully practised. Then. 1 are sixty voices in the chorus and the "lid men promise sonn- snap- py joke-, nf local application. The fiinniittee and cast have spar- ed no lime or effort in trying to make this a siccessful affair. There will he dancing after the shyw to music by Fred (V'llrieii's (Irihestia of Perth Amboy. ' The committee in chiitgi* of the minstrel show is us follows: Mich won tin a pair of hose fieshnli'lits cakes ami coffee were The following were ' Ru i Green. Mr-. Valentine end Mrs. After the playing re-j Tombs and Miss Mildred Valentine f apple pie a la mode, -will leave on .Saturday for the Na-. C ncc Van Tassel. tional Congress at Washington, D. Mr- C. Miss Valentine is to be the Page cake and coffee were served. The members assisting Miss Fox, were the Misses Mina Danner, Mar- guerite Price, Helen Kobb, and Flor- served. present: and Mrs. W. Westergaard, Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Logan, Mr. and Mrs. I)., Mansoii, Mrs. P. W. Logan, Mrs. H. Uevder, the Misses Clara Hansen, and KUiiiu- and Siithalie Logan, and Messrs. (i. 11. 1'rnll, (I- Stevenson and M, Perkins. Buildings Going Up Arthur Dunham, builder and de- elu|icr. it-ports that at the first of B. Craske, Mr. and Mrs. ,1. E. Breck- enridge, Mrs. S. B. Demarest, Miss Mittie Randolph, Mrs, John Kreger, Miss Rae Osborn, Mrs. A. V. Ran- dolph, Miss Helen Ensign, Mrs. H. \V. Von Bremen, Mrs. G. S. Willetts, »t the convention. Delicious refreshments were ser- ved and a social time enjoyed. Many of the members were accom- panied by 'heir husbands. Those present included Mr. and ( Miss Victoria | Mrs. Walter Warr, Mrs. ,1. H. T. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Kelly/ Martin, Mrs. C. A. de igusta Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. II. .1. Baker, Sr. Mayor Harold Hoffman, Iselin Asks Committee Begin Rehearsals for ror uarDage collection Local Musical Comedy Claim It Is Necessary Asking for immediate garbage col- lection, a large number of Iselin pen-, pie addressed the Township Commit- tee last nig^it. It was decided to hold an adjourned meeting Thursday night talent, will be produced here by the to receive a petition and map am| Junior Woman's Club on April 29 e.ly sevt bi'i'i plai All Alioard" thai proved •ral i <l. •es ' seasons .dighting , the a hit ago i audieii when played by musical In mil ces ca; New situ in s its o com- York e has matter f local Kilei-n. chairman; Joseph Grace Wm.' the month he had standing in \\ood- Fenton, (loerge O'Brien, William Call, Andrew Desmond, Kdward Kin- horn, Arthur Gttis, Joseph Deter, Les- ter N'eary, Hugo C.eis, Michael Kie-ly, structures. Joseph Flanagan. Thomas Summers, August Baiiiiiann, Heiiry N'eder, John Kinhoin, K. J. Flanagan, Walter S. Cray, M. P- Connie, jThe refreshment committee con- sists of the followiiiK members! of the I Catholic Daughters of America: Miss bridge flUS.OOO worth of new I'esi deuces ami that since that time he has sidd $3:!,000 worth of tljese Mrs. C. Brown, Miss Aug F. R. Vajlntine, Miss Mildred Val- entine, Mr. ami Mrfc. W. H. 'Tombs, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Baker Jr., Mrs. ,1. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vardtn, Mr. and Irs. ,1. I deRussy, - and 30. l.yle Wilson of .John Rogers Producing Company was in town last week to take charge of the produc- ! tion and met the cast at the home of Mrs. E. 11. lioyntoii. There will be Agans, Mr. and Mrs. O. Burr, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Miller, of South B. Myers Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Wall-, Amboy, Miss Louise McConnell, of ing, Miss Susie Freeman, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Moffett, Mrs. Conrad Stern, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Spencer, Mrs. W- A. Osborn, Mr. and Mrs. C. Perth Amboy, of Metuchen, Harriman Simmons, of Elizabeth, and Miss Wilson of Cleve- land, Ohio. replete with hu- ]K'P]>y choruses, [1 Public Hearing of Prohibition Question |J Building. Ityan hurrjedly took thc '''" / Mligaret Sullivan, Miss Mae Brown, i-'h and nsked for a recess. , ^j , Mu .| ult ,| i> t .j oy . Mrs. ,1. H. l-evi- ! \i,.i K. D. Baumaijin, Mrs. Edward ' Kiiihorn and Mrs, Joseph lloiiohue. lower for Bride Who^e Wedding Day is Tomorrow Alic Olive Sandholt Bride of Young Man From Virginia Weber, whose marnuge lak.' place tomorrow in Si. •' Church to John I 1 . Hughes, j JJJ SS ( ,IJ V( , druce Sandholt, dau-gh- i' 11 giest of honor ut a niim'el- [ , ( . r „[• M,. mid Mrs. Hans SaWholt, - shower given lust tiight nil 1)f s,',.],(,n street, was mauried on Sun-i i"ine of \\n sister, Mrs. .l»>li"!j uy al'teiiioon, to Claude Karle of, >>k ' of Alice Place. The JC" fts l Koain>ke, Virginia. l>e ceremony, 'HI a large hamper attached by i w . Li | UM foiincd by Rev. Robert w und white atreamers to a wed- ^chluKi'i 1 of Perth A'nb"y- lull which wtis suapended from 'o ni , atteiulants were Mr. and Mrs. | liandelier. The table «leet>r»-! j o n | 1 Tboinasof SeWareii. and u>-i-e ulso in yellow and white j ' M ,. s Kll| .| l . w ;i| make their home for I"- favors were yellow baskets j ho . m . si .,,i w ilh tlu- bride's purents. with candies. After the dis- j M ,. a £ ar | 'I the gifts, dancing was eiijoy-j ('| us . s ,,f 1!» the strains of music from tl'^fligh School The invited guests were: Mrs, wrj , pDpulnr id Weber, Mrs. Joseph Hya», •loseph Dunn, Mrs. Francis Mur-- ; •Miss Anna Fox and Miss Main.'!' V nf Habway; Mrs. I'. Hughes j was a member of the -l "f tlu ' Woodbridge and has always bom in town, Republican Club to Meet X. of Avenel; Mrs. O'Hiien Mrs. Petur Kent-, scheduled meeting ill'!!. i'L'U'r Keating Jr., Mrs. ! Wednesday mglit, '•i lies, Mrs. Jais. Keating, Mrs. | of April ^ . as wllh Bowers, Mrs. Bd. McKennu,; to the P»l'«' ""'"I" I Zunobiu, Mrs. .1. Ruutun, Miss on the 2.mi. lU: < Ituini, Miss Ethel Weber, Miss tanipaiB" will IH '•' Weber, ^nd Miss Mtti'y Li-mko, tioiiu will be 1 Wuodbi'idjfe. jiulilican t'liib u ' ill hold its next at Keirsbey on .iiiil 21, insU'ad ill,, II t •• fo i - 11 "' primary, Delegii Fords, I \ K«M*bey and highth in some places. He said a private collector had stopped'remov-i ing garbage several months ago and expressed fear of an epidemic. He, declared he would have to move away! from Iselin. Garbage dumped four feet deep in a park -in Iselin was claimed by Mr. Ashley. Mr. Albert Lax, president of the Iselin Improvement Association, stated that ill Iselin wantedj garbage collection. lie told of people "sneak- ing out at 'nigty and dumping gar- bage in ditches. He said the condi- tion made u bad impression on peo- ple visiting Iselin, some who come to buy property, Lax criticized the rep- ing" out at night and dumping gar- nut arranging ' for collection. Coni- mitteeinan Jensen said'that be had- not been asked for collection but de-j &u > Ktr ' lwo dared he would do all in his power | to arrange for it as soon as possible. Mr. Longluy said the private col : ( liction had been arranged for by the I A - b l )e " Kadio Associates and he did not blame Jensen. j A petition was presented against collection in Fire District No. 9. Michael Lewis explained that the pe- tition was signed by people living east of the Chuin-o-Hills road. He concurred with the demand uf the more thickly settled part of Iselin. ii take whatever action possible. The tow.Wship attorney stated that a petition for a garbage district had [ been presented too late to establish! a garbage district and (ncluded Si i in this year's taxes. He said that the ; \2;> in the cast, money might be advanced to such i The production i a district- if established for garbage ; niornus situations, „ .. t removal or it might b<! removed as a i mid graceful dances, one of the fea- tlinor ^S'» on ' Waltn measure by the Hoard of j tures being a chorus uf younger Health. girls ranging down tn the age of Mr. Ashley of Ist'lin stilted that eight years. garbage in Iselin was a serious men- 1 The first actual rehearsal was held ace, being piled up to three feet in yesterday afternoon at the Memorial Mrs. C. Williams Surprises Guests She Entertains On Anniversary of Weddings Mr. and Mrs. Carl Williams were the hosts at a delightful party, Sat- urday evening at their home on High street. Cards featured the evening, there being live tables of bridge in play. High scores were made by Mrs. ' 11amid Hayden and Martin Newcom- er, who were awarded autu-point pen- cils. Other prizes were won by Mrs. Merrill Moaner, a pair guest towel; Mrs, T. H. Stryker, a brass tray; 1$. W, Barnekov, a necktie; and T. tj. Parent-Teachers to Meet Till- Parent Teache-r Association of Schools One and Eleven will meet this evening in the auditorium of School Eleven. A special musical Saturday night being the wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Wjiyne T. Cox and Mr. and Mrs. Frederick r and Mr. and Mrs. Merrill A. Mosher, whu will celebrate their wedding anniversaries this week were pleasantly surprised when each cou- ple was presented with a plant from thu guest's. A round-robin letter wa» written by the guests to Harold Hay- den who is in an extended business trip in Missouri, Refreshments were served at midnight. The guests were: Mrs. Hurold Hay- den, Mr. und Mrs. F. A. Spencer, Mr. und Mrs. Lee Smith, Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Stryker, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Mosher, Mr. and Mrs. Frunk Varden, Mr. and Mrs, C. W. liarne- kov, Mr. und Mrs. Martin Newcomer, Mr, and Mrs. Wayne T. Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Julian Grow. > V' A I program bus bean arranged,

Negro Pleads Fright And SelfCrash Kills Railway Defense ...€¦ · Published Every ruesday and Friday Fords Section Page 8 Iselin News, Page 8 No. 12 WOODBRIIMIK. N. ,T., TCKSDAV,

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Page 1: Negro Pleads Fright And SelfCrash Kills Railway Defense ...€¦ · Published Every ruesday and Friday Fords Section Page 8 Iselin News, Page 8 No. 12 WOODBRIIMIK. N. ,T., TCKSDAV,

Published Everyruesday and Friday

Fords Section Page 8Iselin News, Page 8


»emand Retractionb Kihemand

Charge by KishThat Township Pays

For Work Not Done

Party Tonight Is For FundBeing Raised to AugmentPerth Amboy City Hospital!

Mrs. F, U. Valentine and a com-mittee composed of Mrs. EllwoodJohnson, Miss Victoria Brown, MissMildred Valentine, Mrs. James Wightand Mrs. Harold Van Syekle will hold

.__ ^ | a rani party tonight in the Me) W a r d Committeeman is morwt HuiMing to Rive the residents

Cen te r of Shafts b y " f Wm.dbridjre an opportunity to d<>" n thrir l>it toward

Negro Pleads Fright And SelfDefense After Slashing Throat

Of Pinochle Player In SaloonGeorge Miller, Wedgewood Avenue Resident, Cut By Carteret

Man in Fight That Took Place In Remak's Saloon-Arrest Made Next Day By Local Police

, , m m i t t e e and Contrac tors,U l l Refuses to Recant His

on Road W o r k .f u n ( )

raisins' the quota;

Many taws are treated each yearat the hospital where everything pos-

\TTl E LASTS 3 H O U R S j sible is done for the comfort of the.. ; patients and many will doubtless con-ip Committee and con-'^ider it a privilege to aid in increas-

v h,,' ue,-e affected by state .

,,|,, recently by Committee-;

,,]i-. Kish that payment was

,,!,, for road repair work not,

,,M1l,n,ed lust night at a |

,.,.e:mg in declaring Kish to

viii,ng in his statement-'

, , n i ] , . , | that he retract them.'

,M'V discussion g!t'w ""1 " f:

; meeting on March 'Ji!. a

, n.t of the meeting and an

i,. A nith Kish as published in

,,, nrlent the following day.

. i, •[ Ian night that he

.( 'nut bis statements.

M.K-c.'trelli, of Iselin, start-

.:,• i ..vi-r-ty lust night by ask-

K,-b either retract or deny

Albert Miller, of Wedgewood ave-nue, escaped serious injury if notdeath Saturday night when his throatwas slashed by a young negro ashe sat playing pinochle with severalfriends at Remak's saloon. DetectiveSergeant James Walsh, supplied with

throat, the incision being a verticalone front the breastbone almost tothe point of the chin. He turned and(led before the others could stop him.

Dr. I. T. Spencer was called im-mediatelyto attend Miller and foundthat the knife had miswd import-ant arteries. Seven stitches were re-

Crash Kills RailwayMotorcycle Officer

Yesterday; Second ;Tragedy for Force

Skull Fractured When He RunsInto Car That Turned LeftAcross Highway—Police Al-lege Driver Failed to Sig-nal Change of Direction.

Junior Show on Saturday '•Promises to Draw Crowd

ins; the capacity and eflic.ency of the; f( d e H c r i p t i o i l o f t h c n e p r o b y H e v e r a r | quired to close the wound. The fact

" l s ' u " ) n who witnessed thc stabbing, went to1 that thc blow had been struck in anCarteret Sunday and arrested Henry upward instead of a aidevJiae direc-


ls ' u ")n'

Noted Lecturer WillDemonstrate Electric

Phenomena at AvenelHarry C. White to Appear as

Entertainer With Electric-al Appliances; Is EmployedBy G. E. Corporation.

Motorcycle Officer Frank Reiner,of the Railway police department,died at 4.45 yesterday afternoon of

The Junior Class of the local HijrrKSchool is hard at work preparing to/present "Miss Somebody Klse". a|enmedy in four acts which will hestaged in the-Higb School auditorium'on the evening of Saturday. April |17, at H.LV !

Thc play is heing ably poached byMiss Verna McKlroy of the high';school faculty and promises to be a,big success.

i The incidental music will be fur-nished by the high school orchestraunder the personal supervision ofMiss Anna ('. Frazer, teacher of mu-sic, in the township schools. ,

A large crowd is expected.

High School PlaysFirst Game Friday

In League ScheduleFor County Honors

Metuchen Again to Be Met inCurtain Raiser—First GameLast Year Marked TurningPoint in Career of Locals

, and Startled County Fandora


Sumter. aged 20, a laborer. Sumter tion probably,saved Miller's life. I injuries he received a few hours «nr-'[ YAllt i l f111 R l l l 1 9 U r 0 i / 1Cis said to have admitted1 stabbing! Sumter was found in a boarding '""' w t l e n m s machine plunged into l U U l U l l l l iMlilUTTUJ IdMiller. He was arraigned before Re- house at 4 Salem avenue, a section a l r u c k t h a t i s alleged to have turn-corder Ashley immediately and is often referred to as the "jungle". Heheld under $2,000 bail to wait the j offered no resistance in submitting toaction of the grand jury on a charge < arrest and explained that he had doneof atrocious assault and battery. ; the stabbing in what he thought was

ed left on Lincoln Highway withoutthe driver giving warning of his in-tention. Remer is the second Rahwnymotorcycle officer to lose his life

According to an investigation by self-defense. He wns the only negro] w i t n i n t(»e sr»l™ °f three years,the police Miller and three friends, in the saloon at the time the alter-1 According to information givenall Woodbridge men, were playing cation arose, he said, and he acted to \ o u t a l R»h*a>' police headquarterspinochle at a table in Remnk's es-! defend himself against superior num- last night Rpmer was driving his m«-tablishment at the coiner of Fulton bers when the fight started,and New street when the negTo en-', It is alleged that the tight was in

before Sumterte-red and asked for a drink of whis-, progress some time• ' ky. When this was not forthcoming used his knife.

Harry C. White, who gained a he flared up und was reprimanded; Miller is employed by the Phila-wide reputation in a scries of lee- | ) v the men at the pinochle ta- delphia and Reading- Railroad as antures after the war in which he (,|t, During the course of an argu- engineer. He was taken home af-served with the "V", will be in Avi1- nicnt Sumpter whipped out a large! ter being given treatment by the

made in the paper that m-l Friday night to present his well- pocket knife and slashed Miller's physician.work done on Cor- known electrical lecture. The event

will be held in Avenel school and onWhite there•turps, "fir-

Kish had pointed o u t r u n Comes to Town" and "Scenes in !relli presented a bill fur Yellowstone Turk". Thc event is rxL-.

f the1

Middlesex County High SchoolItusebatl League gets under way witha bang this Fridny afternoon, theloi'iils opening their drive for a sec-ond pennant by clashing with Me-tuchen on the hitter's diamond.

Metuchen opened the season withWondbridge List year and it will berecalled that at that time the meet-ing was supposed to be a set-up forthe strong team from the BrainyBoro. Woodbridge surprised bothits followers and the other league

its visitors to aNotwithstanding

the showinp made in this game, spir-I its here again fell when within a! week the league declared "Selly"

fourteen-year-old Hoagland ineligible to compete fur-[>l and can-

feet and he landed on his head. He j mother and step-father, among olh. |" ' ,!!d . t h f v i c . t o r y o v c r M eu

t a c h e n 'was runbeH tn Bjihwnv Hnanit.nl I "is situation, more than any-was ruanea to nanway H o 9 P l U 1 1 , er mistreatments had subjected him t h i n o . p U p r m i w l th(1 l ( , . .m t o . , . „ , : .where he was operated upon imme-l . . . . . : Wing else, roused the team to a keen

Again in Trouble asParent Fdes Charge

Geza Banker, Let Off by Ju

chine north on the highway nearSycamore street when a truck driven jby Joseph Marcus, of Roselle, which jhe was following, suddenly turned i' f the road The shock of

venile Court, Still Fails to t c l l m s b>* trc'llt'"KGain M o t h e r Approval; f e a r f u l druM)inK

She Says He's Disorderly.

Geza Banker,impact threw the officer several boy whose recent charges that his,1"1'1" w i t h t h ( ' n'Kh

, i f >uml m,,.,,„.• and Chain O'Hill road

. . ' the program with Mr,„,. made a tour of inspection w j n bi, u < ) m o v i n ( f „

diately in an effort to save his life 1 0 t h eg

of sleeping in an un-j pitch and thereafter other teama in

work done on the roads, '"* '""ranged for the benefit

Miss Thain on ProgramFor W.C. Guest Night

March 5 and March 10. In i P"Jic libr«,ry;I Besides being

nt: bis demand for a denialan interesting lec-

turer, Mr. White is a humorist, andusually manages to keep his audi

Miss Thain, a professional enter-tainer from New York, whose «^-c j a i t j c s a r v eharacter sketches and(ij,,levt recitations, will be on the pro-i Moscarelli stated that h

.d that Kish had said that ences alternately gasping and laugh- KTHm (>f th,. Woman's Club's guesti! made the statement. Kish ing throughout his demonstrations. n i R h l a t t n e Memorial Building,

Lit In1 bad made the statementl.at be was justified in making!,, had found no work done onuds vip to March 15.W, Smith, a Fords contractor,,!i"Uu-r who took the floor to!

ile livi.ployed(ieneral Electric Company.

Among feats demonstrated by himwill be the taking of high voltagecurrent from an artificial lighting ma-

tlie truth »f statements made chine, passing; it through the bodiesii.-li in connection with work al- of three persons, and lighting an in- hospitality and she

in Bound Brook and is em-, Thursday night. Mrs. Lucy J. Acker,is a demonstrator by the ; p , . ^ ^ . ^ nf the L-lub, will be the pre.

siding officer of the evening.The Junior Woman's Club mem-

bers and their CGTorts will be among

! \'i have been done by him. The candescent bulb heldarticle connected Smith with a fourth person. Hemi Summit avenue fur which

',,unship was said to have paidSmith said th'is amount was

him l'or work ordered done byi Superintendent Rlum on Brant;r. Wein street and upper r'..nl.<• mid that he had presented no

: •! \uiik done (.m Summit aw-

. 'h demanded tha i the secondi . .ninii t teeman reirucl the.

;' hi- s ta tement which connect-i wi;h the work of Summit a-.e-• ' again Kish ri'fusvd a re t rac-. . \ ing that when '.h.- u.:•:;.-'.JI >iti March 22 it «;i i M.iyoi-.'.!,.. injected Smith 's n.mie m.r.i"- - made by Kish. Al 'Ir. •\\ iyi.i UyiiM asked Mavui-ii I."

-.•,•-. . -.rl at '.be reporter ' .- '.abV- |.ir-, ' iitatiM- of The lnd.-i^-!'.' ay whether Ki-h Lid nnnie

• .I ' i ' i i icnts a t t r i b u t e d to h im. 1 "

: • •-•iiiietl t l le m a y o r t h a t m a n y

., . i t i o i i s b e i n g m a d e v.i t h e

: '., w e r e a t v a r i a m e v> l ib

•!.•• ,j.ii|icr sa id M i . Ki -h bad

,-.d . i -ked t h a t t h e c l e r k Kni.ll>

'i.i- n e w - a r t i c l e in q u e s t i o n .

.:. .,- eoncucrvd in this sugges-..'..-i Clerk Keyes rend the ar-


" • i '.he reading Smith again ask-. :. .1 he intended to r e t r ac t his•ii'-n's and Kish responded thati*id nothing to r e t r a c t - - t h a t

• •••! » m said to connect Smith'.hi- i-asc hail been said by M.iy--,III, and not by him.

v.ni- Ryan exhibited a bill of• M-oin John Salaki <if Fords for' doiii: on Fairf ield avenue at

• day. He said Saluki supplied*, 'ruck driver, ashes, und two• men, and that the charge WHS'h.in the township could gel the

- -A'li'k done for ill Woodbridge.' >-ing the bill Kish said that thisi Hull of which he knew nothingwhich be had not seen before.

n the hand ofill exhibit the

methods used in providing illumina-tion as far back us (iHO B. C. andwill -hnw lamps in their progressivestages nf develi)]>meiit frmn thattime until the present . The smallestincaiide.-ci'fit lamp in the world isann.i.i; Mi. W h i t e ' , parapherna l ia .

WhileV -ei-vice- for the lecturewere - i v i r e d by .1. Ii. I .abat. a r>-<i-deii1. of Avenel rni|>l'>ycd by the cum-panv empbiving Wbitr . A -mall ad-IIH--I- n ; - tu be ..-barged,

rf^o.the guests of the mother club. Mrs.

chairman ofis preparing for

al least 400 guests.A number of the club women en-

Hoffman Speaker OnJefferson at Meetingof Janet Gage Chapter

Women Will Place Boulder atPresbyterian Church ParkTo Commemorate Revolu-tionary Heroes of Town»htp

The Janet Gage Chapter of the.

I). A. R. held a social meeting lastnight at the home of the regent,

i Mrs. F. R. Valentine. It was a Jef-

but he died after lingering but a lit-' heated cellar during the winter cans- j the league were not slow in findingtie over two hours. Marcus was ar-led quite a stir until an investigation'out t t l B t t h o t e a m w h i c h h a d a P n c a r e d

rested and arraigned in Railway's b v XUA~,, A s n l e v di,elose<t that t he ' 1 0 b e t h e wt'Hkll!1K o f t h e c i r c u i t 'police court on a manslaughter * f v v, IT , I W 8 S K ° i n B l o rut » f e"r f u l SWath in

charge. He was held in $1,500 bail to y ° u n e s t e r Probably had sinned more, v a r i o u , pennant aspirations. Butappear this morning before Judge i t h a n h e nlvd b e e n a l n n e d against, was even though it was apparent that theStern at the district court in Eliza-1 again apprehended on a charge pre- j locals had been greatly under ratedbeth. I f e r r ed by his mother, Sunday night.!"0 o n e s u s P M t c d o t t h a t t i m « ^*

Marcus claim, he put out his hand | M r , J u l i J B a r c r , t h e m o t h e r , ^ \ j W J - good enough^to dnve thruto signal his intention of crossingthe highway but police say they havewitnesses who aasert there was nosignal given.

Remer was about 3ft years old. Hejoined the force in 1918 and has beenregarded as a first rate officer. Hisfather is a deslt sergeant. A wife anda daughter survive him. Various or-ganizations of which he was a mem-

that thc boy is disorderly. She will |support her charge at o hearing be-fore the Recorder.

Several weeks ago, when theyoungster was tried on a charge ofrunning away from home and inother^ ways refusing to submit to

The showing of Coach Boehm's stu-dents against Mutuchen this Fridaymay provide a gunge of what can beexpected of them in the league thisyear. There is no denying the factthat Woodbridge is not going to becontent with resting on the laurelsit gained last season but is out tooth

fersonian evening.] Hoffman of South Amboy, was thc j

speaker, his subject being Thomas'

to attend his funeral.

myed Miss Thain at a recent appeal-1 f o t f . p r s o n M r H o f f m a n s p o k e ,„Siice in Perth Amboy and they areciithusiaiitic at the prospect of hear-ing her again. On the program withher will be Mr. Hyatt, well-knowntenor soloist of Jersey City.

Mayor Harold | b e r took^teps ia s t night to arrange i n i m t o f n c e t h c j u v e n i i t . tribunal at I

| New Brunswick. However, the high-| er count released Geza and sent him! home with his parents for another

parental discipline, the court sent a m l n a i l t u Klirm'r t h t ' , t r oPhy a * a i n

detail on the life of Jefferson literal-ly from the cradle to the grave.Fie dwelt upnn-1«»s public life and

Girls' Club Held BenefitParty at Miss Fox's Home

The S. & C. Girl's Club held

Caseys 'All Set' ForTheir Minstrel Friday

services. Many amusing anecdotes ( benefit card party Saturday eveningwere given as side lights upon his, a t t l l e h u m e o f M i s s Gladys- Fox oncharacter. j Church street. There were four

The musical numbers were fur-j tables of pinochle.nished by Mi.-s Elinor Eglinton of | n y M , s s H c | e n Kobb, embroidered

T o F r i e n d s S a t u r d a y Night i Metuchen, and included "Rhapsodic"! a p r o n . Mrs. Raymond Moore, a teaI by List, "Scarletti Caprice," "Per-, a n ( j toast set; W. C. Danner, a half

dozen glasses; Mrs. \V. C.a pair of wall vases; Mrs. EmmaI.evi. towel; Roy Mundy, pair of

trial.i Mr. and Mrs. Barer claim that the

a ! boy will not go to school, and thathe stays out till all hours of the

if it can. A great infield was Io3tby graduation in June but the coachhas been busy drilling another oneto take its place. As u consequenceit -now appears that the locals again

Mrs. Fred Baldwin Hostess

Mrs. K. <;. Haldwin of Rahway ave-club and

potual Motion" and "Lullaby," a era-jh ldie sonp. In

Saturday; Miss Eglintnall of these selections

displayed wonderfulnui- entertained her cardthen guests at a partyi'veiling. I herbridge in play. Miss Kliiine Logan' ability. Th\um fust prize, silk lingerie' and Mrs. to place the boulder to the town'sW Wi-steigaard, the consolation Revolutionary heroes in the park ad-pri/.e, a vase. The litst men's prize i joining

ere four tables of | technique and rare interpretation . fancy oandles; Charles A. i.evi, tow-hapter voted last night el; A. Kobb, cigars; Mrs. Alfred Mun-

will be the thorn in the aide of theClass A Schools, Amboy and Bruns-wick, who an1 figuring to light itout between them after killing offthe lesser fry.

night. They claim they have clone-: Carteret is a newcomer in the. everything to steer the hoy into or- league, taking the place of South

Irizes were won ( | l > r j y c n . i l u u , i s o f ^ndiu't, ()„ the j Amboy. No one seems to know justother hand Geza maintains that he' n o w good the Carteret hoys are, al-is the victim of an injustice and that though it is assumed that they havehis'cause for staying away from home', a first-rate team. They clash with

Uanner, w . l s w uitimiilum by his step-father1 ]>erth Amlmy in their opener. Newthat he stay out of the house until Brunswick and South River meet inhe had found a job. the third game of the day.

(i_V| a j a r ()f bath Siilts. The doorpV\Wi a fern was won by Charles A.

1 ' i t l i .

l , m .

•! - h . . «

i lo ' . i . >


to be

to dr given byII. .S,"i7, Knights

evening. AprilS.-hool auditor-oiic of the big

The litst men's prize i joining the Presbyterian Church j j0Vj Refreshments of home-madeWHS won by Mr. Westergaard, a pair | which occupies, what in Rovolutiun-of silk hose and Mr. Maxwell Logan j i l ry days was known as the Kirk.

consolation, which was also j Green.

ge-t li't- ••(" tin- year. Twenty i«ti-.-ical ii':nilp<-i- have been carefullyselected ' and faithfully practised.Then.1 are sixty voices in the chorusand the "lid men promise sonn- snap-py joke-, nf local application.

The f i inn i i t t ee and cast have spar-ed no lime or effort in t ry ing to makethis a s iccessful affair. There willhe dancing af ter the shyw to musicby Fred (V'llrieii's ( I r ihes t i a of Per thAmboy. '

The commit tee in chiitgi* of theminstrel show is us follows: Mich

won tina pair of hosefieshnli'litscakes ami coffee were

The following were

'Rui Green. Mr-. Valentine end Mrs.After the playing re-j Tombs and Miss Mildred Valentine

f apple pie a la mode, -will leave on .Saturday for the Na-. Cncc Van Tassel.tional Congress at Washington, D.

Mr- C. Miss Valentine is to be the Page

cake and coffee were served.The members assisting Miss Fox,

were the Misses Mina Danner, Mar-guerite Price, Helen Kobb, and Flor-


and Mrs. W. Westergaard, Mr. andMrs. Maxwell Logan, Mr. and Mrs.I)., Mansoii, Mrs. P. W. Logan, Mrs.H. Uevder, the Misses Clara Hansen,and KUiiiu- and Siithalie Logan, andMessrs. (i. 11. 1'rnll, (I- Stevenson andM, Perkins.

Bui ld ings Going U p

Arthur Dunham, builder and de-elu|icr. it-ports that at the first of

B. Craske, Mr. and Mrs. ,1. E. Breck-enridge, Mrs. S. B. Demarest, MissMittie Randolph, Mrs, John Kreger,Miss Rae Osborn, Mrs. A. V. Ran-dolph, Miss Helen Ensign, Mrs. H.\V. Von Bremen, Mrs. G. S. Willetts,

»t the convention.Delicious refreshments were ser-

ved and a social time enjoyed.Many of the members were accom-panied by 'heir husbands.

Those present included Mr. and (

Miss Victoria | Mrs. Walter Warr, Mrs. ,1. H. T.Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Kelly/ Martin, Mrs. C. A. deigusta Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. II. .1. Baker, Sr.

Mayor Harold Hoffman,

Iselin Asks Committee Begin Rehearsals forror uarDage collection Local Musical Comedy

Claim It Is NecessaryAsking for immediate garbage col-

lection, a large number of Iselin pen-,pie addressed the Township Commit-tee last nig^it. It was decided to holdan adjourned meeting Thursday night talent, will be produced here by theto receive a petition and map am| Junior Woman's Club on April 29



All Alioard"tha i proved


i <l.

• e s '



, the

a hitago i


when played by





in s

its o


e hasmatterf local

Kilei-n. chairman; Joseph Grace Wm.' the month he had standing in \\ood-Fenton, (loerge O'Brien, WilliamCall, Andrew Desmond, Kdward Kin-horn, Arthur Gttis, Joseph Deter, Les-ter N'eary, Hugo C.eis, Michael Kie-ly, structures.Joseph Flanagan. Thomas Summers,August Baiiiiiann, Heiiry N'eder, JohnKinhoin, K. J. Flanagan, Walter S.Cray, M. P- Connie,

jThe refreshment committee con-sists of the followiiiK members! of the

I Catholic Daughters of America: Miss

bridge flUS.OOO worth of new I'esideuces ami that since that time hehas sidd $3:!,000 worth of tljese

Mrs. C.Brown,Miss AugF. R. Vajlntine, Miss Mildred Val-entine, Mr. ami Mrfc. W. H. 'Tombs,Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Baker Jr., Mrs. ,1.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vardtn, Mr. andIrs. ,1. IdeRussy,

- and 30. l.yle Wilson of .John RogersProducing Company was in town lastweek to take charge of the produc-

! tion and met the cast at the home ofMrs. E. 11. lioyntoii. There will be

Agans, Mr. and Mrs. O. Burr,Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Miller, of South

B. Myers Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Wall-, Amboy, Miss Louise McConnell, ofing, Miss Susie Freeman, Mr. andMrs. E. C. Moffett, Mrs. ConradStern, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Spencer,Mrs. W- A. Osborn, Mr. and Mrs. C.

Perth Amboy,of Metuchen, Harriman Simmons, ofElizabeth, and Miss Wilson of Cleve-land, Ohio.

replete with hu-]K'P]>y choruses,

[1 Public Hearing of Prohibition Question | J Building.

Ityan hurrjedly took thc ' ' ' " / Mligaret Sullivan, Miss Mae Brown,i-'h and nsked for a recess. , ^ j , M u . |u l t , | i> t . jo y . Mrs. ,1. H. l-evi-• ! \i,.i K. D. Baumaijin, Mrs. Edward

' Kiiihorn and Mrs, Joseph lloiiohue.lower for Bride Who^e

Wedding Day is Tomorrow

AlicOlive Sandholt Bride of

Young Man From VirginiaWeber , whose m a r n u g elak.' place tomor row in Si.•' Church to John I1. Hughes, j J J J S S ( , I J V ( , d r u c e Sandholt , dau-gh-i'11 g i e s t of honor ut a niim'el- [ , ( . r „[• M , . mid Mrs. Hans SaWhol t ,• - shower given lust tiight ni l 1)f s,',.],(,n street , was mauried on Sun-i

i"ine of \\n s is ter , Mrs. . l»> l i " ! j u y al ' teiiioon, to Claude Karle of,>>k' of Alice Place. The JC"ftsl Koain>ke, Virginia. l > e ce remony ,

' H I a large h a m p e r a t tached by i w . L i |UM foiincd by Rev. Robertw und white a t r eamers to a wed- ^chluKi'i1 of Perth A'nb"y-lull which wtis suapended from 'o n i , a t te iu lants were Mr. and Mrs.

| liandelier. The table «leet>r»-! j o n | 1 T b o i n a s o f SeWareii. and

u>-i-e ulso in yellow and white j 'M,.s Kll |.| l. w ; i | make their home forI"- favors were yellow baskets j h o .m . s i . , ,i wilh tlu- bride's purents.with candies. After the dis- j M,.a £ a r |'I the gifts, dancing was eiijoy-j ('|us.s ,,f 1!»the strains of music from t l '^f l igh SchoolThe invited guests were: Mrs, w r j , pDpulnr

id Weber, Mrs. Joseph Hya»,•loseph Dunn, Mrs. Francis Mur--;

•Miss Anna Fox and Miss Main.'!'V nf Habway; Mrs. I'. Hughes j

was a member of the-l "f t l u ' Woodbridgeand has always bomin town,

Republican Club to Meet

X.of Avenel; Mrs.

O'Hiien Mrs. Petur Kent-, scheduled meetingill'!!. i'L'U'r Keating Jr., Mrs.! Wednesday mglit,

'•i lies, Mrs. Jais. Keating, Mrs. | of April ^ . a s w l l h

Bowers, Mrs. Bd. McKennu,; to the P»l'«' "" '"I"I Zunobiu, Mrs. .1. Ruutun, Miss on the 2.mi. •

lU:< Ituini, Miss Ethel Weber, Miss tanipaiB" will IH'•' Weber, ^nd Miss Mtti'y Li-mko, tioiiu will be1 Wuodbi'idjfe.

jiulilican t ' l i ib u '

ill hold i ts n e x t

at Keirsbey on

.iiiil 21, insU'ad

ill,,II t ••

f o



Fords, I

\ K«M*bey and

highth in some places. He said aprivate collector had stopped'remov-iing garbage several months ago andexpressed fear of an epidemic. He,declared he would have to move away!from Iselin. Garbage dumped fourfeet deep in a park -in Iselin wasclaimed by Mr. Ashley.

Mr. Albert Lax, president of theIselin Improvement Association,stated that ill Iselin wantedj garbagecollection. lie told of people "sneak-ing out at 'nigty and dumping gar-bage in ditches. He said the condi-tion made u bad impression on peo-ple visiting Iselin, some who come tobuy property, Lax criticized the rep-ing" out at night and dumping gar-nut arranging ' for collection. Coni-mitteeinan Jensen said'that be had-not been asked for collection but de-j & u > K t r ' l w o

dared he would do all in his power |to arrange for it as soon as possible.

Mr. Longluy said the private col: (

liction had been arranged for by the I A- b l ) e "Kadio Associates and he did notblame Jensen.

j A petition was presented againstcollection in Fire District No. 9.Michael Lewis explained that the pe-tition was signed by people livingeast of the Chuin-o-Hills road. Heconcurred with the demand uf themore thickly settled part of Iselin.


take whatever action possible.The tow.Wship attorney stated that

a petition for a garbage district had [been presented too late to establish!a garbage district and (ncluded Si iin this year's taxes. He said that the ; \2;> in the cast,money might be advanced to such i The production ia district- if established for garbage ; niornus situations,

„ .. t removal or it might b<! removed as a i mid graceful dances, one of the fea-tlinor ^S '» o n ' W a l t n measure by the Hoard of j tures being a chorus uf younger

Health. girls ranging down tn the age ofMr. Ashley of Ist'lin stilted that eight years.

garbage in Iselin was a serious men-1 The first actual rehearsal was heldace, being piled up to three feet in yesterday afternoon at the Memorial

Mrs. C. Williams SurprisesGuests She Entertains On

Anniversary of Weddings

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Williams werethe hosts at a delightful party, Sat-urday evening at their home on Highstreet. Cards featured the evening,there being live tables of bridge inplay. High scores were made by Mrs. '11 amid Hayden and Martin Newcom-er, who were awarded autu-point pen-cils. Other prizes were won by Mrs.Merrill Moaner, a pair guest towel;Mrs, T. H. Stryker, a brass tray; 1$.W, Barnekov, a necktie; and T. t j .

Parent-Teachers to Meet

Till- Parent Teache-r Association ofSchools One and Eleven will meetthis evening in the auditorium ofSchool Eleven. A special musical

Saturday night being the weddinganniversary of Mr. and Mrs. WjiyneT. Cox and Mr. and Mrs. Frederick

r and Mr. and Mrs. MerrillA. Mosher, whu will celebrate theirwedding anniversaries this week werepleasantly surprised when each cou-ple was presented with a plant fromthu guest's. A round-robin letter wa»written by the guests to Harold Hay-den who is in an extended businesstrip in Missouri, Refreshments wereserved at midnight.

The guests were: Mrs. Hurold Hay-den, Mr. und Mrs. F. A. Spencer,Mr. und Mrs. Lee Smith, Mr. andMrs. T. II. Stryker, Mr. and Mrs.M. A. Mosher, Mr. and Mrs. FrunkVarden, Mr. and Mrs, C. W. liarne-kov, Mr. und Mrs. Martin Newcomer,Mr, and Mrs. Wayne T. Cox, Mr. andMrs. Julian Grow.

> V' A

I program bus bean arranged,

Page 2: Negro Pleads Fright And SelfCrash Kills Railway Defense ...€¦ · Published Every ruesday and Friday Fords Section Page 8 Iselin News, Page 8 No. 12 WOODBRIIMIK. N. ,T., TCKSDAV,





• I , • •nrd the Walrus

I •

'•••••1 t h ' d a y we s t e e r c !

. . . ^ ' ; ted t h e lnout t i of 11

:..s«,..l II l .nr HI tilub l id.

' . ip-t iei im bi ' lweel l low.

. ••. • nr,.\vii wil l ) p ine f'.r

:].•• i e r t ' e of e v e n i n g we

poiiii of hind n n d d t o p p e d

•I-posltr H l i t t l e ti'ii huii-

,.. | ..ii H s a n d y hlun*

• I h id s H r e d I h e o p p o r l u

•M t,, t he m i l f'T a v iew of ou r

sin••., ' i i-dini:". nnd we w e r e s t a r

IniiiKriii ul t h i s ou tp . ' S t of clvl

ion u in n the Ihud t h u d of S i l v e r \

li »• u n d e d on tht" d e c k b e h i n d u s

., might th ink from t h e m j o i n ' s

si . .re H I t h e r e w i n » m i g h t y t r e a s

In Sn i i in i i i ih . " he o b s e r v e d ; "but

r e iiin't e n o u g h w n r t h t h e



"Fetch Aft thp Rum,McGmvv!

M ; r r . . i ' • • . : • • • • • ' " • •

t r i e , . ' • • . s . • • , i

s o i i t h w u r ! w e r r . s . ' d : ' . . • i . . p s I s o f n

' . . f t i ' ' ; . ! : . » • ' • • » ; • :•, I 1 " ' i• • • • k . • ' . i » s

! d e n t i l ! e - l us n l- 'i L1 '- si :.;,

F l i n t , s u m m o n e d f r o m l iU p e ' - p w i i a l

w i t h t h e i r n n d . . r d - r e d i h e h - l ' i | ' » '

o v e r T h e W i i ' r u s h i ' i i d t " ! w e s t , MIVI

Uie s t r a n g e r f o l l o w e d l ie r S11>• . , i i i i (

t o u s t h r o u g h t h e d.iy i n , ' ! i i i r i , ' ;iii>!

In t l i e n i o r n l l n ; , . u r idt tss-es r e v e i l l e !

t h e o m i n o u s he ' . : of t u n j . o r ' s ..f n

t t l i t y - j u n t u r r e t . I t u i l i k v nil K n g l > « h

s e c o n d r a t e * , s h e » a < • iu r i inv In t h e

w a t e r , a n d F l i n t iv.is :i i -nod s e a m a n .

if n o t h i n g e l s e H e c o n t r i v e d t o k e e p

•tip «M

O|) II s | .

ure Inh l e r i s r

tHkWi" Ir. t h a t i i 'Wi i

B U i i p o w d e r t o b l o w

jmy fur theii the stock-

I [ i s l e t , l e d n i l ' ] I " l l l i ' ' « \ n l o f ' • H i m

f i i l n t l y ! ! i r r . i D . - t i t I n - t \ v i l i i : l i l •

..in theicd or leuned

s. I. t ] .

s i l , ,r : "

i i s f a ' i l t .

1. . h.


, i n thi.il il ti ;i

Man • C h u t

B u t l t »

1 Tt..

Wei si ii n d '

. • M e ' r u n I n ! " p - ' i n e

l i e ! • he.-k t h e f e v e r j

• u e ' . i h e ' r e i v , " i

.i i " T t s ' w e c t . i i b ! ;

FUnt "nrcniiticHlU jl,..nd up for i;

I l i l ' - r p ,

s u r e we ln>'

' I . I I T . • S . . i :

> f

beyond ciinnorushoi m(ind nlRhl shlfipd Illsnd gavr nur pursuer !ln

T o r uf ttirt 'P [irlsniHTi

n i l s :i Hunting tit'tilimi

nut s t i r from h e r stiiti-i-

h e at !il({tit w h e n I ' i i in

iu-lntc tlie *i'^

nir<.' i I f w r H

n' <llp.

ii (lie W n l r u s

Molru mI^ti 1

nti nn l i ' s s It

m•i iu«loii:illy

S H I I " t h e I I I

1 I ' , , . , i l i . i l , , 1 , r .

o i l t l l l l i i l l ' . ' l i I -

king's ships'I hem s Ihe 1

Self" t '\. 1II i 141' 'i f


slept and the most of the crew werecarousing In Ihe foc'sle; hut she nevercomplained nf the confinement Hintwashed the rolor from her ch.eks nndretained her buoyant spirits despitethe hideous dnnger which shudoweclher every hour.

Without Ilnrhy she would have I nin even worse case, "l'wiis lie spiedout the moments she roiild venturenhrond nnd thrust himself daiiiitlesslyhetwii l her nnd iinv threats. He our-rled her such f I us she would eitiand often did the MIIIIV for us for

Flint Wfls hecntiie "ilb.le.'t to s-.-l/ures

i s i,

g H l h s o l i . s t - e l l i '

e S t o ' x l l I t i e oi

F l i n t r e i i . - h e t l

s i d e h i m a n d l i f l e

h i « l i l o i i l h , i j i i r i m

p e r f u r l i i i i l i i e , , f d

lossni gulp tn Itu

jo for lo 'li? Hp theiiowe.1 away." sn.»rt1 i.now ;t I"

,he Island,"i lint would

niiouthesT•fs to pile "iir -ehes•i port ii' cull for thi

i.i words'I said mySi lwr "And wluii

lo "-iiviiiintih, cap'nlinei Mpot and b»n nos ileorK) in the new• tio's In Amerlky' '"b.wn to the decV bee.l II bottle of rum to

.•iiiich tlit- usualin* il at one eniiildemble nrtml-

I ' u r t . y ' 1 ' i i r l i y M e f l r i i w

l - ' . e t c l i n f i t i n 1 r u i n . 1 ' i i r l i y M i ' l l r a w ! "

" T l e V i! D i l i h u d F l i n t I s "

S i l i e r I t i n i c t ii i h i n n h o i e r h i s s h o n l

' l . - r

• ' W n i i ' t h a r d l y l a s t t i l l i n o i i i l n ' . H i l l

"uh, poor soul! ' I'M'lttlmfd Molrn"Aipl him with fo lituch wickedness toanswer for: 1 am thinking he willh'nve a grent need of prayers, so Ifyou will h e . a f t e r taking nle helowBob • - "

Flint colled out suddenly In a frenzy of fear:

"Bill! Where's Bill Bones? Standnfore me, Bill. There's them here Irunt face,"

The guttural mutter of Bones' voiceanswered the plea. Silver cocked his

:)ne side hand'cupperhpftd on one cupped to ear,listening eagerly. Hut the words werelmpoB«lbl<> to rllstliiguli'li.

"No, mi. not yet. Kill," wnllert Flint.'! sln't n-Koln' to die Where1? I 'urhjr'; Here, lad, ymi .OIIIP nnil sit hyme. You're my luck. I 'arhy I can'tdie with you hy m e "

Bonpa tpeke iiK'nin iind wllh' mi oathSilver cuddled his crutch In his iirmpitand hopped over the deck to the com

"Be off with r*. ?* r*( j row' i 'd "V.'il m i d yo

« fine Im k ye broughtI h e

I«• i t r

ru t t l e s ill t i l s t l i ;

M r i l r j w ! "

.> ' I ' e l . ' h l ift

I lie - . i i i teronni d o o r -

.HI i h e dylnt : l imn s pin:-

• tooi! f-.r an I n s t n n t s1

nt its gmnelii.

' M a y the p r i e s t fir

w o u l d he s n y l n ' ma.«?' f

tie . u r s r d "May h tm '

hire or sup put t h e lilt te-

May ye never k n o w ^;

rest ye or k i n d n e s s thi

In, U • Aye.l.,|in Flint.

\ , . j f l i n t

.1 I ' a r h v

h i - l i s t

.el t h a t

r -'-'Ul • "

•Vers y p

•n in ii :h.tl wil l\ ! i hut

vim to he

of niap pnpfi- froIt in t in ' ;<

a t e r him ; hutII Ain't do no

' crackling sheethi-i breast , and

i h e m "

, • • r t l l y .

HI n

i r u r words.""And 'Us plnln lo t'e

skipper Ihe ilids'HJ


i h e


for. Billwe nolle o' us ha

.Hs'ners how long

pHut I »'»" J"st

p v ' ' ''twill

"I.out; .Flint pi


he declared

>,ihn iher.- w,i«- ii 'ter II, butir it to Ti'.-. a* lo' snj-K." ! I-I says it r :!V" proceeded Sll- , i

ver, undisturbed "Hut whnt I Hitys. It.,o. is as we'll .muhter have H 'lectionns the Articles pr . . ih!e" '

A murmur of assent c ree led thisdeclaration Bones s.,.wlt>d.

" Taln"t necessary." he returned."Fin mule, and I'm H nl.v rc-ill niivi-(tutor >i' p ' l . But R" tiht'ii'l nnd ' ledwhoever ye please -only remember ICol the t reasure milp"

Yes. you cot the t r e a s u r e map.

,, i mup h

l« ne r s s

is Fl int I"1

t hough t I' '

II ni i te i'1

didn ' t "

1 could

i Unit treasure o' Murnki-H bold to suggest we• re nnd put 'em throughI'tiln't no wnyB right n»

oiihl be uR cloRe-mouthPdiiu bf He was n good

Flint was, but I nlllism swabs pulled the wool_ ,,IS ,.y(.s. blow me If 1

H o n

t i .HL'Ue " M T lliS .

„ „ . while He llke.V this IdeB.

did Ihe crew 11

for balllnc v-ln

slowly run hishllnkllid hi* eves

Si.In the tumi'ir

were at their

Bill," ucreed Silver, find his 'voice -mercy,somehow hccanie more ludeful than


"Have fin"But we il. n't allow us It's .lohn's rtfrhr'

know. You're what the law- "AreYou keeps crew

W e he !\e r shiiiks cnlls-a Itusiil fur the rest ..' us. nndchuckled M'!irimou»!y -"whyour eyes on you, 'Bill."

Bmies swore."liet on wl' ihe lectb.n," he nd-

1urod the crew, "Who's to be cap'n?Speuk up and tiimie some o n e '

A do/en sy.' 'i)limits shonled "B.'nes."

luix c••fluke

Silver's hnrd. Iwe keepf glinted iirmmd i!»

f a c e s iind, c a m e I'

s o i l d e n vi«;lt"c

"UilTi lift. 1 ' inl 'v

hid: " he sii.d. "•'"''

H e r s . "

- N o t i ••! h e r '

ruled Hones "I.oi)|t

„ out." yelled the

,!is|.ed iiL'iite eyes, ,i, le of Hfivtige

•rest upon Bones



tnke to «hlft th« trensureray had ye bury on the Iieui] j ' r

Molrfi's nose roninlned In n| r

"If ye wi re not Hfrnld of tl1(. |work it would maybe take j e nen« the half of n wntch," she nnsw,.

He addreHBed me with eiiunl r ( s

reiiulrlnn confirmation (lf wi1 ( 1 ,had mild. I save It, an did

w l l h n v t m w h i c h i n s p i r e d h i m w i t h h a l t i n g l y

. • I .c a l l e d "Yes. her. ' rc |

slight emphasis.And otie of his

and his stroiic tiIrish boy's ear I


•Be Off WJth Ye. Ye Red-Hjirtd Rat,11

He Growled

whnt will he the use

m l I oi l " f t he c r e w .

" A n a n u l l . " h e m u i i f r i ' i l , w i p i n g h i s

l i p s w i i h i h e bH.-k " f h i s h i i n d . " S n -

v n n t i t i h , e h ' : T h u f I I I I K I I I d o . B u t

m i n d y e . u i e i i . I 'll h a ' n o t u t k o ' d l s -

h . n i ' l i i i e i i t : h e r e o r e l s e w h e r e . W e ' l l i s t a t e r o o m a s w e s t e p p e d l n « l d e lh t ;

s l o p liy f .•!••:!ii u p t h e f e v e r m i d I c o n i ] i a n l i n i w i i y . W e c o u l d s e c h i m i l l s

nil? For

there will he innhjjif ini- .''1st tin1 Hrpsof hell to punish^ one tS.ut - us hurtas you,"

He turned wearily aiv! >aw me, andIhe tears . t r ick led down Us freckledcheeks.

"(Hi. Master Bull. 1i ap'n dead or close tohe lie drove me furthI'd spy on him. says h

"We better go," said I'cter, ".in. WD , "•'• i rensuremu| i he 'take der little sal lo her room. Bob , from Flint In his wenki,.I don't like this,"

Silver yenclied the door of Flint's

lliller,s . j i i a r i

. - " i i i i i .

iind. ' IT !

I" us 'li i!

thill's done ,we'lland collect wtmt's• head Mini's I'hcsl

thietly In thp HBIU of the fmlinit sun

f f i t '


of u u t t o v e r n i i b l e fern, llv, in i h e

of w h i c h he . l l s - in is ied a l l a h * r d

sh ip sav in i ; Bill I',..lie- mol t i - i rby .

imd w a s in t e r r o r of unsei-n p i v s e n o e s

I h a t l u r k e d ahoi i l Ihe . a h i n ' s , o r i . o r s

a n d niowei] a t h i m f rom t h e s(, .fn win


ill I l i ese S e i z u r e s he w.illhl l a k e h i s

p i s l o l s :iml stioot iii e i e r , i i h i r . t i o n ,

o r w i l h h i s h u n g e r he woiibl '•:.. I; ;it

t h e w a l l s n n d p u r s u e i innnli ini > c u e

JDlfS nl-.lii; Ihe -,,hi|i:in["i, ' , ' , .,;.. I'.ul

for H n r h y he wou ld h a v e s la in l ien

' • l i nn , u n d he did n c t u n l l y out d o w n

o n e u n f o r t u n a t e fellow w h o j.r"KKled nt

h im us he s t a m p e d out upon t h e d e c k .

foinnliii. ' aii ' l m o u t h i n g de f i ance in t h e

g h o s t s t h a t t o r m e n t e d h i m

It w a s soon a f t e r ihje ih iu t l ie f . - ier

first n p p e i i r e d In o u r m i d s t . 1 c a n slll l

dee i h e look, hnlf-doul i i ha l f l o N ^ u

Ing . In S l i v e r ' s face a« he h e a v e d h im-

self af t by o n e of tlie l i fe- l ine* w h i c h

g r i l l e d t h e m a i n tie.-k a n d h u l l e d F l i n t

OD t h e poop.

" T h e r e ' l l t e n Imls u r o a n l n ju t h e i r

h u m m o c k ! ' , c a p ' n . "

" T a k e y . iu r c r u t c h t o em, s n i p p e d

F l i n t .

" T h e m l u d s is s i ck , a n s w e r e d Si l-

ver . " B e l l y a c h e s a n d h e a d a c h e * a

t w l s t i i . ' i'in In k n o t s "

" T h e y ' r e s o l d i e r l n ' so n« i,n; t,, h a v e

to po alof t , r e t u r n e d F l in t . " H u t if

j o u ' r e k f ra :d ••' > » i 1 :t. riot "

T h e first ...- t!.p s;, K ii.oi: ' ,. p;-...i-

d e d w i t h h i - ImBuer » ! . V H ' 1 I W ; I J d^Md,

\ ; 11J

i t i i i m " ' n i l . l o r ' l

; i l i e r I l i l i ' l e i | M ! , k i s s i . n t

I l l i l l l f i l l ! A l i ' l l i t e M h i l c w e ' r e

'!' S : n |, 1 1 r . . 1 1 , I h e f l i ^ n l o s w ' i ! !

.- ii w e i i r l n ' i h . - ' n s e h i ' s o u t o n f a l s e

i . - i i i s . I t w o r k s l . o ' l i w a y * * . I M | I ' I I , "

" l i ' l l i 1 - " ! ' ' . : c . ' n a . i . " r i i p p e i l I ' l i n l .

H e s l i d . , ' T - 1 .• I , , ! - r , . I . b a l a n c e d d i z -

i l \ f o r a I h o l i ' . ' l l l . 1 1 ) . 1 s u l k e d I n t o i l l "

oiiipaiiioiiMiil illi'ler Ihe ( |i• I ' a r l . i M, i : : v w ' ' h e . - a l l e i l h a r s h l y

I I " P a r h i f r t . l , a'.'i H ie r u m "

e h a d a n o i h e r of h i s

lli.if A u d i ' e w M t u T i t i

!••! In s ] a , i l i i i n . H i '

f " " i i h i - c a h i i i h a n . ' e r

I w e r e none nf u« l i ke


T h a t i i ichi h.

tils, dec la r i l i i :

ivas i o m e ;.h,,.:

c h a s e d Bi.tn s f

In hi ind. n n d w a s ' o r s e i t i n u u p o n the

w a t c h oil d . c k w h e n Hn'rlij i esl ritilie.l

h im Milh a I,, ,tile oj' rum, a s s e r t i n g it

to coti t i i ln .Mur ray ' s h e a r t ' s b lood .

F l in t t o s s e d ii off wi th h o w l s of infer -

nal Klec a n d r e t i r e . ! to snor t 1 on tlie

c a b i n th.or. l w l i c h i n n ani l f numl i i x a t

t h e m o n t h In Ids s l u n i h e r l ike o n e pos-

s e s s e d The n e x t d a y a s w e r o l l e d tn

t h e nl i j swell u n d e r a w r r l d s u n wl lh

ihe n i l . h p r t c k l i u up III I m b b l e s f rom

i h e s t a i n s

upon him.

l i e b a b b l e d .1 l ldishly of Ms. lijvk.

"Ye wmi ldn ' t b r e a k my l u c k , H o d !

Hock o' I'ashel, I'm Inrates. They're a poorpi home."

"If wo only could, IU"He dashed il grimy |

set clnw which ctrflTc tlirongh the ' e.vf* imd K«ve me one •stem-windows. Ben liuiiii was crouch- looks.Ini; hy the door, with his back toward I "Troth. Master Bob.

us, hujrxinK his art'is nbout himselfand eihleiilly eai esdroppink: Upon whinivei i t o n In t h e s i i i l e i ' i i o i i i . A s w e

w a t c h e d S i l v e r s w u t i c h i s r i ^ ' b l n n i l |

mi.I ib 'Hl l l i u i i n :i b l o w w h i c h k n o c k e d I —

him ii.-j.ti " i e r heels Ink. the main C a p ' n B i l l B o n e soahin "I'he steward emitted nne aKon- ., , , ,

, , " riimip-cluinp-cluiup v.-:.' ilr/.t'd niw and scuttled under tlie cabin i . . , ,

, sea boots up hiul ilowti thet a b l e S ! ! i e r w r e n c l i o d n | i e n t h e s t a t e - '

I'i'oiii d o o r utid poked h i s b e n d Ins ide .

" W e l l , wel l , if Ib is a in ' t « t 'Hlchln '

pleri- i- ." he r e n i u r k e d . "Bi l l , 1 see

I 'Hi ' re <]<tin' t h e k ind a n d doot l ful by

• •iir lamei i t i ' i l s k i p p e r Bill t i n i h o d y

:|s k n o w t ' d Ve would e \ ] i e . t II of jt-

l s t h a t ' h e t r e a s u r e - l i m p ' : "

"What are ye c..!n' lo .In about II?"snarled Bones by way ••< answer.

Silver backed into Hie companion-way, as If In mule obedience to a lev-eled weapon,

"Iio?" he repeated. "Thill depends.Bill. Well see what the crew lias tosay."

"Aye, that we will," retorted Bones,

'•>'•• " 1 ( > t l l p

and Bonesr for fear

:i!id him wl'aiihaii.lerH

i - : By theM.ed wi' pl-. I.ouve us

'" I said.InTdSS Ills

h> shrewd

Mi ihlnklh'.,- else," he

sweatluK vanity, and seout : "Si lver" ' and "l.oiip .lohn

"Anyhody else'.•" chiilloiiBetl Bones.Nobody nnswered"Well, l .ont .lohn." he leered. "It

seems like ' twas you 'n' me TheAt t ldes siiys them what votes for onefeller goes to one side, and them whatvotes for t 'other toes opposite. So.seein' as you'r|Jf>n ihe ln'b'd side, I'llsiiy them as fT-tcs for you ^oes In'h'dand t h e m n s votes forme goes sin'b'U."

"Suits me." prunled Silver.There wus a subdued ntstlluK and

pat ter of feet as ihe men divided, andthe lanthnrnllght revealed two un-equal groups on either side of the Hones, "nr I'll ( l i t ' ye n ' a s ' e 'nilzzen with Bones slttiiiR on his bar- rny's trluiinlesrel between them 1'rc.hftbly three-fifths of the crew had voted for him

"Well, l.ong John," he said without Hie wench!"frying to repress ihe tr iumph In his I*nrl>y star ted toward u

s hands reached out.l i n e r s Iweitked theI'-'l 'V >-'lpfd

"l I' course. ; oil briUL' her SilverC'lltlmiPd, "Whl < -he l»o Ro'xl totoll us what she kn..»s, mules? Justb e m u s e she had Andrew Murray 'sfavor. 1 wonder "'

"Not- "

Imrby marled ' "Silver cut liini«o(Tdripped chill fen"

"Skip!""Fetch up the w

tain, hut.onl tha t

di'li l.".v " (trowledMur

"Fetch her upruhlil chorus

' " linv

L e t ' s

ihp crew InII lodk HI

echullicand the

and his voice vibrated with undls-

lenmJi of the ctiuipitnloMvmutter of voices beat mi io cmnpanl-nicnt to them.

"Aye, there 'he I'n-s.""—me, was there ever such ;\ nitlL'''"'"Ah, but vt-'d ouvl.ter hn' seed him

afore Long .lohn put the pennies tohis ei is !"

" "I'uln'i riglit to put pennies to.lohn Flint's eies him as handledotizas like other fellers does fanliii'»."

"Are ye dnft, matt-? Ve'd never putgold in a dend mun s shroud!"

"Mebbe nut! Mehhe not! N"t tnbe Hewed up, ii'."

| "Ah. what's It mutter? He's dead1 The river'll have him—11

the fever laid its hot hnnil gulsed triumph, "WIIO'B to come n'terye, cap'n?" he added.

"I aiu't goln1 m die. Bill , ' came

n i l , Ve w o u l d n ' t

n u u e "like J o h n F

.!..hn Klin: a - ..;

an<l WHS rhe end '

T h e droni i i i ; i . .

ilay uii'l nlfe'tit. w •' h int

l l M U S I e d s i , . . - ] . , t i l . l l i ' H a l l


mill h t h.fortit'.-'iheart! hi

"It s .-:it. May:slcki.ess

"Mai ; -llH l.T '

"If 1 '


In' ns !:


• . ! . • » t o

er I:




j "Hn I'mrl.)1 Fetch nft "..- v1 And a'-iiil,


mournful wail. "Where's theThere never was ' rum, Darby? I'm H-bundn' wl' i

tit to rovy the sens, ihlrst."witifd old Murray "Who's io mine a' ter ye. John?1 'f him." pressed Bones renmritflensly.e w mi Id ramble on Silver Indulged in a mocking laugh, i

rvul* "f e l "Aye, he know* what to answer!" ia-1' iiaied by awful. And Flint echoed him gaxplugly : i

"Bill's mate He-—has—map." II 'arb\ Mcti raw! i "Satisfied':" Jeered Bones, )

l i u r h . i " j "I be Kill, ' Slhrn- assured him. !* . ' "But we'll put li I " the crew first, nil I

n mi guts, Iiurhy, fair nnd reg'lur. And whatever they |ine to bu rn . Fi'tcl) • say. Bill, you reii.etiiber I'll he watch-ii ' ., ; In' ye li.in'i tri any tricks wl' thatWould sing, nnd ai- | map. I'm rendi for ye, and if ye; 'but had hern my \ start tricks we'll put Ihe Black Spot

The clumping became a measuredt ramp a» four tall ceumen carried out

I the canvas cylinder tljiat had been, John Flint

B- ;.. oiapany :

' 1:'-

•i.era<.- by

ad-! it


vised I KM jr . ; :

will s tay safe

A S*. Oli ' i IlUiI. •] e .) I ' y

b i n ! t h e i r w i - r t - t - . g : : e e ; i s i

t.f ten A |an',, possess*,!and Silver mustered 4 (•«of frightened piruies. lwho whjspered»ud nudiied each other a* they g a p d•westruck ai Fhu: * .jmijested v lsa j thtop of the barrel whicti wan his offi-cial throne Thorough »c.nindrtdsthemselves, they accorded him theiiiiicerest respect which was llit dueof one who utterly iurpitssed them Inwickedness. He was "a rare 'un." "amain ilesperair rncue"; "lead and»iteel w us .siinii' as bread imd meat tohiin "

"Whai ' l l ye have'.'" tie growled"Well, 'tis ilili w«y, eap'n." Silver

broached dlplniiiRtlcallv "Tlie crew

I1..;', w- ' t- ' l - - al;!,.it ' l . ' - . - r i l .^ H.e I,

r .-rs ,.? •; e « . , ^ wii',' ii s u . i e p d

F ' . r " i . - ! , i>- i:.en dind «t t h e r a t e o f !

th.ree fi dii,-, The i i iii., i | ; * » . f s e e m e d

I,, d'.-.i,'.i.lsh in i l tu ienre ami nlthoughwe ha ! i1* inaiiy us seventy sick atonce praei!••»!!i all survived. An arule. iii«ii who wvre stricken either jpen»hed within twenty.four hours or |eUe micde a «U»W I'ecnlery l-'lijtt WHS '

one of the few eiceptlons. »nd I can imi l suppose that tn his. case the 111-

Ks resolved Itself into a buttle be-I'll n imlumil l sinewy frame and

A babble of grief fromthe silence.

"Glory he to (iud. and him goneoverside In all his s in! Och, St. Brldget und St. 1'atrbk and Blessed Ve-ronlca anil Hol> Mark, do ye intercedefor him? Lei ye cry upon the Virginto be upeukln' for him in the heaven-ly riiUTtp. uh, win a. wirra, wirra.evil he was. imd U'""l in his wiiy, andthere 's none by to clve him the chanceof purgatory!"

A roar from I'.oi.es

"Stow that e'\f\ye strHiigif the, lr.1.

Iiarby wl.ii^],.-!'."I ii'iiii-.Mre:iin

"here to lii'h'dthut shot : 1-miitcs '."

A splash."And imw "

IB not cap'n n'eil Bones.

I 'eter touched my arm.open Molra's ihnjr >ery jj^ntly.

"Ye'll not tit*" leaving me?"breathed

•,'Neen," he denied. "But we betterhear whut they do."

Bones was talking again us we stole

tones, "dye want,+o tell over thevote?"

"No," replied Silver briefly. " l o uwin."

Bones rubbed his hands gleefully."Ah, 1 win, do IV""I said yes."The opposing frictions regarded each

other like packs nf wolves preparing•o dispute the c u n a s s of a fresh-killed moose. I suspected for an in-stant thnl they would fifiht, but I mis-judged Silver's self-control. Calledhe might lie. but he did not permit tin*sting lo his prhb> to Inlluence hispolicy.

"You win. Bill," he repeated, "andI'm the first t" wish ye Joy o' it. AndK'fln' as you're dimly elected, s'poseyou tell us what .mur pltius are forthe ship':"

"I'lansV" niiswer. d Bones warily."Whin plans iniu'hl ye mean?"

"Arc ye for lifiiti' tin1 t reasure nilthe two Islands or beutin ' up furm o r e ' "

It..nt's I'elle. led He was not nearlyso clever us Silver and 1 Imagine heI,new it. He feared a t rap , bin studyus he might be could in.t dele. I anypitfall behind Ihe innocent (|iiestion

"I'll be (.'iiided by the crew," he :m-lioim (•.] t r iumphantly. "You're gen-tli'tneti adventurers, ul! o' ye. Nameyour wishes !"

This l ime the crew looked instinc-tively in Silver for :i lead.

"We got plenty n' t r easu re iu themIsland i aches." he said tentatively"Speakln' for m/self. I'm for colleetln'whnt we got, lakin' three or four

op for differentlo whut men seek

There 's enough waitln' for our spadesto make us all coinf'tubli> fur life.and them lads us wnnts to go on theAccount again can easy do it Turnover the Walrus to 'em If they fun. yIt. I don't care lint some o' us Im'had enough o the sea. nnd welt tryour ease ashore

A shout of approval . tipped 'Msspeech ' There was i,,,[ u man but W a slured t>y ihe pros-|.e,-i of ihoUKundx "fpounds to spend on the right «i.|.. , fthe gull..w«. And like sill sailors Mf '^r

th the

tea ts rimnliHf <l»wn his ctieeks. Wecould see him 'pU-kini; his way slowlyIhrouifh the crowd. A man kickedhim us we wati lied. Poor I ' l i rhy!He had been Flint 's favorite, and Ithere are always men In any crew to (

hnte the nipla in s' petI looked lit IVier and he met my

with dumb f.,rel',"liir4

"We Hike \« Ihe water ," I

,.ke bchl1 do n.

id us.

1thing," sheWe ure not

Molra s"You w

answeredyet In such evil onse"

"You don't know -"They would sun1!.!

she argued "No. h".wult und pick u lii-Mt'i1 time ifcan "

".Ifl." uppnived I'cr.-rI t ink—"

He hesitated."Silver will be i.ur

den plan." Bupplcinen'c'! Molra.",1a." he said "II..w didt

know'. '"1 guessed." she ' said. "(llory. 1

will have been lisienln- boliiinl yethis Ullnrlei n'.nr--!', I:IP itiere was t

••T.min' It What I Said Ve N.tdtand Ttmln1 It What V»"U Get. VGirl," Ha Announced.

he announced "Leave the rest toSilver I'll tnke her lift nnd sunn :out all she knows ' '

"There's Rule Four, Bill," said svpr ijulckly.

"Blow Kule Knur! Murray aFlint wrote them Wanted Articles i.they rp liolli dead. Why nhotild WPuVe free Kentlenien adventurerK l.nany tomfool rules like we wan H k:;ship? I'll tHkP the lass and rhn. k :hundred pounds o' my share ..t reasure Into Ihe common fund In ,for her >ue, lads, d'ye. grudK'- :•ciip'n a litlle fun?"

Men .shouted. "Yes," and, "N. . 'niihoily WUB Inclined to Interfere

"('time on, my pret ty ," he In.'-Molra.

She met his hot eyes with ••

v " 1'1. we Ililist I t ' l tber bf t h e d e u t h of you or niye.

she warned Mm.

He lauirhed uncertainly nm! s t a -toward her. and as I lifted my r10 step between them the hiltknife WHS thrus t into my right hut.

"Un to It." Silver's voice bndc"Tell him ye l l right for her."

1 tlnlslied my step aulomatl ,und found myself a pace. InsideI I of light surrounding Boiien' urel ltones himself had come t'

for I had 11 feeling j hall and was e iamln lng ro* with s. •w wiikediiess asilr, evHlen.p of disconcertion.


..nip bid-


U-.it here's I 'arb. i . and fur his sake "He says he'll tight ye fur her, H;we'd h«si be gnini: i|iiickly." Sii ier called oftichnisly over my sli

Iiarby fronted us wilh a gulp. | (l<"r l l l l l ] »H Bones discharged « sir-"Siiier hade me " ' of ciiriies, he muttered In my ear

ships and dlvldiifcountries, aocordin'

Moirn tlipj.ftl between I 'eter iiml "I'ui \"Uf mark on her. Tha t !me and dropped 1,,-r lnii.il on his ! liiiceaiiiVr law."shoulder I And us I atm heil tated. a. ar.f

"Iion't re be tnk;ni£ heed tij what | ilei'»tiiiidliig him and uunil l ing 'the) s a y " she conif.irtod him "Kalth, " "tls win are Hit' grand knight. Darby

iarl. and 1 am thai proud o' ye 1 couldlie gh;ng I P a bit of u kerchief or

Here, n pairif he'll tioi h u s h "

• i. ; nnd w,aslotitinued

F.a-e him up Wh.-rt;t -t..-i1 Let him v


say as Bill B..neWalrus':" ilein;ltn



only ihat ye will have no h i t nnd 'meneither ribbun nor kerchief! But let 'she after t r i i n g what th> rogues wantwith US."

Ami nut•-Me before one1,-II!,I step ahead

Ihe ranks of

tnar l,ed at the hoy's..r ihe . iher of us

ml' «t he stl'ai p

nf har,I vi.i .IK'C-S, th

t h e ! t h o u g h t .

Ti l ' e s p a r t e d l o l id

ir p r . i . - f r s l . i i i , a : , . | w ( . t i i r e a d o d

. u d o W s t o i ; , , . ( . i | k v of ' h e c e t l

o.... o f t i ^ ' b ' H ! , . ' r . ' s ; j ; w . r l . - i ^ ^ i j

!i ;s . P I ' , ii H - i i io i . • • ] us . , ) , . , •- ,

r • -r u s :,ii,|l | f,,,iii,,i . . .

r i g ! ' ' . . ! ; • • ! !'••[ :,.i7"( n f t e . - | i

e my eyes friiin Boned, who •dra* im.' his own knlftt:

"(Jo on, ye foul ' Anywhere'ITIKIM on her hund'll d'>- » i ' 5

kni fe!"Molra heard him and gratped

nieanlti^. She shot her left hand

she » '

And wi th Ihe point of Slhf-r » k:

1 t r a c e d a c r i m s o n e m u s up"i ;

pulni, c.eries. Ihe oil.lest he t ru tha , a

coiij.le ever had

der my"<;<id


arm.be toe"Sure.


t o


> **,

) "





1i . i l l d l l

he word " f


I II . 1 . 1

a \ i.

e wenkneaneK dex eloped by thebud been



stroiit; l lquora wi th which

sat un i t ed .

Tliitt we t h r e e 11ml I i a rby were un-

loiictied I . i t t r lh ine 11s much us any-

th ing to the m e a s u r e s which IVief

look. H<* hrewed 11 d ra s t i c p u r g a t i v e

of rum. Ue 'Usses and &uup<'wi|er, and

he was ins i s ten t iliut I ' a i h i should

! p r n c u r f 11 Uirge ea r then crock lo con-

' la in Imiled wKi<*r which wv kept In

I Mi .Ira's Miili'i'inim. Hones s i h e r , 1'ew

I and thosf m h e r s of ihe n e w who cs-1 e a p i d Ihe infecll lid >o dimply he-

, cause of il ielr physical UK"!1, or per-

I haps h . ' . a i i se i he i i \ere sn a c u s l t u n e d

io I n l i m in rtltli i h a l i h e i-vu'KKt'niivd

" T o • u T i i , -I mi , I y o u r B l u c k

S p . i t ! " r o a r e d I ' . i . t i . - ••• ;•-! o u t . , ' h e r e

l i t . . r e 1 t a k e tiiiy k n , ' . 1 t o y e "

Silver stumped toward us. his facedistorted with nitre.

"He has it." he rasped. " — - himfor the .shifty scuindied he Is! Well,

| Ihe next move i- for is- tn pint, Mas-ter l irmerod."

"I see It not . ' 1 said coldly."Walt fill he thinks <>' the maid

here." replied the o'ne legged man andhopped out HE (iet-ki

From Flint's stateroom Darby ' ivoice rose In protest.

"Take your hand oft me, ye— Ah,If he wants the rum do he lettln' himhave it ! Sure. wh»t will tt matther—"

" ' T a i n t no ime wustiu' good rumon a dead man," said Bones, chucklingthickly.

There was it gurgle of liqiii.r. andFlint moaned:

"Where* my nun? Ketch aft theruin. I lardy McCraw '"

"Ah. >«'. black hem ted wre t ch ' " , , , , , ,. ... , , , . . . , , . , ' i ha nil the rum ye want, Ku be ye sa

shrilled Iiarhy, May the banshees I . . . . , rf..... . . . .whistle for ye, a n d - I'll not! Be-WHJV do ye louch me. I Kuy, or I'll- "

The i]. r. of the siale-rtiom crashed ,„open iigaliii and Iiarby was bundled J ' ' , , Iout Into the companlonwuy. I , " " ' . . " , " _ '

" "1'U bad luck, and imi good, I'llwish on j e ! " he soreained.

Bones' ugly face was pro jet ted frmnI ihe doorway lont enough to squirt H

stream of lobuccn juice ul the buy.

into the deter ted eompanionway. He»at on the burrel which Flint hadbeen us^d to occuby. A bat t le lamhornhung o i t r his head, und the pule yel-low light showed him to be nigh asjdrunk as his dead commander.

"—»nd to wl' luck! He wua agood-pal, Flint was; hut he thoughttoo much o' luck I'm a seaman , I amGive me Bun and stars, and I'll steerye a course, liive me sight o' IOJJU'IH,and I'll fetch ye 'lunxiilde u' a prise.I'm no man for fuss. I'm not. Ye tun

the ship ami right her."Now. what ha ye to say? Speak

Up, any "' you swiibs as Is for trou

' A.i.1 .1.11 las |U inon un.i'einl Man

And het h e —• • I• tc I


lie ;lifl:l Wi-'i;

W o l l i e l l

1 111 t

l , i : l I,

f ' . ' W I . . . r s off fo l

Ii .-Lali

i , . t F l i


of ii.

stare:,. h,,i j , ,oier Ihe

Mil :" i i !

V . y - t i . , - ! , , , , m i d , I I •

D r i n k i i n d d i * i i * i : ! i . u . i

( ' h u t —

Y i . - h o - h u . a n d a l ^ o i t l t

rum;• IJ the

Whi-ll heiliiL-k "f fat n:


u rher nipn Joined in, and as if bymagic puniiiklns ,.f rum appeared

ilia dugprjhlng,


It w a s h i s w a y

' I m . ^ - r , i . e h i i . d I h e l r

o t t i e e y e s w e r e d u r t -

f r o m f n r e t o f l l ' e .

• | ' , " k e [ i r s l

h e r e t r i e ! h e . B i l l . "

l i ' l l f k ' ti.lig-U.- t r i n . . | , . , | I h e clr ' ,

I i i « | l i p s t w i t e h e f n r e l ie r e p l l e i ,

d i d ni . t m i . e t a k e h i s j r u / e f r n i n i

" A | i r o p « r w e r e li u l n ' t v e '"All easy nklpper U Uvn<f(l j u f > " '

I ' I I y e t«,ll nit- t in"1 t ; b e l e x e l i ,

Koims ili'ank several whilstwatched,

"You drink wi me. bullies '" he hailhis supporters

Siiier spoke froip theshadows, his' words flowing smoothlywilh 1111 iiisiniidiiiiK. oily Inflection.

"We better make It nil leg Inr, BillYou're mate, und you buy HB how Flintgive you the trpusure-map apd says

Bill Bones. Hum for all and towl' discipline"1 '

They 'howled Joyfully over this, andwhat I bud expected to provide a freerl^ht Beemed nb,.ut in develop intonothing worst- I him such an orgy ofintoxication as incurred almost everynigh I aboard Ihe Walrus . Bui It didnot suit Silver.- phuis i,, l^ve all ivstraiiii cast off at that point. }{*-siumped forward Into the circle .iflunlhorii li|{ht. with 1'evr, Hluck Uo^.Ihirhy and a dozen others at hisback

"Belav, males." ht> cried, "We gota vast msk li. sellle heiv. Time toI'uroiisi' a f le rward . '

' I tiere's in. time for driukin' likehe linn- le ha' tlie liijuor at ynur

bow " I'fiortetl Bones

scree tied withAnd the pirates

I.Usty i> are. sani'fil titirtii,', arid I hUlK'- .le |1, hHIld '

" "Iwi.uld

rei-rled Mi'lra. lu.seSiuer i n t e r r e d | n tl1H in | , |K t „,, a

>!',„[,,| bin-Ht .,f ImiKliter. I had in ad""'•" l h p Ki'ouiiUrel'fi deflness. He•"idilit-d I., uppegr to he ci>minK to

"red Bom's. "Yea liuiikerln", to

''•'i of y o u r l ike,"

Hi- r e s . j , , . ,,f Hon,.K | , , B m . n H 4 t y „„

' " '•"""!• s ! l il"- m a n ' s r eae i l tmen tag.iM.st the % . a , i . se ,,f (he impll.1 ,! hu-iniliatioii. .

m«'." 1 '"FurtherF o n t 1' : . . . . !.a

h e r o r a n i <.r i s

" F l i n t 1 " w - r - l

KniUli-d Bol.fK.

li.ol no '.-•• I'fi'

f ' - M - n t , a : , - I t i r « .

• • . i i i i i h ' u i i d I1.'K

I ! ,e l i I ' , ; - l i t \ o t i r

!•!! K.' i IK'- !

H e u . i i t - d l o t . . i r i a | . n r e ! p - - : v

" I ' l l l l l i l u i d o w n , i i i a i t " ! I ' ••'•'• '

l e . i h f r f i l t l j i l i j^n. a p r U ' i i t - r

S e v e r u l n f ' l l l l N r o l i l l ^ I l lBr le '

thi» command ; but Silver. JUlic * '•and a number "f oilier* «et up '•< 1teat

"(llv* the Bu.'kikln a fair si.they shouted. " H t ' s put his marklier1 Took her hlmwlf. ' ' ^ « l | ( l *Mul-ray csrr ted the f*antl#t 1 ' r

4" : *lionet' <rienil» 'hung.,

the. rear rtnks of the / , ctine >1 nr HIKI ..pluloDi of W1 ladfrt I'Silver's fiction rauit,' been I'rtafor the Incident, for1. ^ workedmich a furor In roT support that ' 'swayed the gecirril ..pinion by «hvnlunif of noise Silver eien rji-Mo!)a> hand with hloudy .ross up"',and held It up for those behind to

"Fiir play for nil," pro. lulmf'lSlenloriiiii \olce. "The Buckskin »one 11' Murray's cr<«H. and he look«lrl In fair fight. He's put hU in"on her, and If he want* ti> fight f "i :he etui, iirlsner or no prWner

Bom* o|,wried the lmoll wllh an obvious uiin^llug of








tlitns. l i e reulUed he hurl



Page 3: Negro Pleads Fright And SelfCrash Kills Railway Defense ...€¦ · Published Every ruesday and Friday Fords Section Page 8 Iselin News, Page 8 No. 12 WOODBRIIMIK. N. ,T., TCKSDAV,

,-oiiii.rolionil th* ulterior I ftllfflns one hy onr. n , , .,

j, '.,. ,ir doubted Ilia1.1 ], knl''' ttxlil, f»r

,,.,,,,11 to ctlilhlt my skill with,,, 1,1'fiire tin' pirates. He sltn-

.„,« timi I"1 hnd been lured Intoi ,,ti where lif1 muftt. R((lit per-

, ',.. iiiiilniHlu l l l s authority over,,M nnil tin1 initial flare of his

„„ , niitiimlly directed againstI'.ui lif 'I'1' n o t '»rit«t HMTM.

,,,1,1,1 thin." »e flung at the one-• i,mi HI* he crouched forwnrd to• ,,,. knife pirfsed across hli chest

wrist or puny • Stall from the

.,!„ i ruj ilnln'R. Bill. If ye will,. tli,!. reinoiinlitiUMl Silver. "1i ,,. D' Rule Four. And tlie

, ,,ll HIP sanifl flu nny other In a,M (i1 linnor."

• H right," shouted a Score of

H 'Ciip'n'a got to inpft any-

hurl swung will,»l«rn wn* tnwnnl" I "ml I t..nk i(llllPtly Hl.»t,K Hi- p

nil! In III., direction ,,f „,,. ,catt,.r.>d>KMa that ri'|,rps..ntPil SavnmmV Hnw

Hi Me

Hie tide until herthe tnwii, Hml I)nr-ii1 onrn mid rowedlllftSM Of HlO

beautiful they

tiny gllinim.ru ofto



and Innt jwilderness! I

homo, im sure nf ourvessel loomedlike II row of


I'cler wus UIIU In his element. He™uld flnd his way iilmui n strunge'•oiintryhl.li' by day nr nlKhl n* easily»" n sailor cniilfl nnvlgnle tlie truck-les* wantpR uf tlie •!», nnd lie led usIn n twllnp north iind east In the

S a v > i n n n h «»•' •"<" Carolina.. An houro r * ' « « « T Hewn w« M«,iiWd npoi, «

ini.p( others a'tor I (Inluli

sr,li'«l nw«y from him. .. „ „r, t ,,( die nw*ylng lanthnrnlljht

t!,c deck (haiiows and th* fwl ofplirliv plunks underfoot,

^imul tn It, • ye," he snarled.n i let him break from the rlnj.

. .,„ I want hli heurt fur thati, >,< .hew on ami mini) the fat

.. i.tnnn doesn't Jump on my hark.. ., i.nil 'un' lift l«."

. xn* prompt to munition half...t, UIPII to block nff I'eter. who,., •".-. uiv U*H the ticalpinK knife

• ., frnntler nlnco rlifldhoiid. n t )•;• !in> m y concerned BH to what

. i tie able tn dn uKututit II hnlf. • i . "iiilur whom? one Idea of•'«:• • inn WHN to «rah til* op• ^ i rUi ut the Hinne lime ttie. :.' KPIMII-II his, nnd then stniln

• • i .•' until iint- uf tllH pulr tore

• w worry. Hill," r(uinnel<Ml the, • .-<• I innn soothingly "We won't

•!i. Iiiiiclimtin nor nobndv pine••: i ' .lint you hop In nnd Rut the

,;»kiii If ye ran ': I un ' hlxsed II. mr* "Watch

i. .|r..ppeil to nil foiirH «ni| hounded•I..' ulr III II clumsy fmhlon not

i. .ii mi IroriuulR warrior would. :••::' It, hurtling like a prolectlle,: i,.- uhnle luidy brhlnd the knife'.-H'.-.l to tin- left Find HtnhlieM

i:, !ilniliig in drive liiMlriv tlic cnllnr" Hut the light or tumt'UiInx

••! ino unit my blade sla«lied M«'f ' r^m eye to mouth, II Kreiil Hear

:' Itlflt Wild open Ihp whole slilf

. '..-'.lowed with Mirpriiie, und 1• ; .;• "lit iiiyHelf, fur L hml tin.lightt'.-.Sli him . Not ;v man mojod f,,r

r three breiithn |n the circlei;ii'1 us. fnr nwic hml e j e c t e d -,,

• ' ' • flRlit tentilnnti 'd do n,i|i.-kly••I tfld me afterward thm H «n«.i.'iil to <i'e him Sl l \ e rn ];\\\ uiipeil.

' '-^ ntti^niTi'd rini'k. ttie spiniliK*1 inMnllug him HI Unit lie h.nl InI.!- M-H.V 1 followfil him KIOW1>,

prepiired for n ni»e, mid 11• - niuiti' ln-urd me, f..r he rulleil "lit :

'"lit lei him sliiy me 111,ill— ' It •" -• mid he's h rnihlll' II I, r si,,.' •

' '1 i« II di./i'ii jiir,m>- J.ilti ,| III I,,'• i •.-. ' • i i i v l i i i f . u i ' l l l i r e i i i e n i i i t : i n " .

i _-;i\r irriMiinl t"wnr,l where mi

and the elaxhlnjr of steel and anpintol nhot.

W« ptunt<\ the Hunter of hnat*moor»d by Hie aide ladder, unwillingto rtak the time It would take to outthem • »drttt. We punned the pony.wher« a particularly aavage, fray wasgoing ou. M«n were batterlm? at th«door to the cabin cumpnrilonway and

a chai*-Kun,a nniud

one o.aJle-1 to "roll upand glte theIn hli belly."

W» rowed on under the Walrus'«t«m, and there we rame upon anamailng sptttacle.

A longboat WSH always tewed astemfor the greater convenience In cas«there was a sudden necosBlty for Itsnse at tea. This boat bad beendrawn benenth the stern windows.

These people hnd never hefore Beenfold, ami for II doubloon and HII nnxiithey R<.1.1 IIH an ,,WI but. Hervlreablerauaket with bullet-jioiich, powder-horn and ntore of animiinltlon, anddeerRltln KimneiiK They iilno Bold Usa aniBll nimntlty of salt anil flour, andput un on the trull to (tinrlMton Inthe Carollnan.

Of our Journey tliltlier t can »ayonly thnt It was such an odysney a*th« frontier rtwellerH of our provlnceRhave long been acctmtomed to. Tol'eter anil me ltn perlln of foreit anditreoni, red navmten. Bnd wild beasts,worn fur leas formldiiblp than thoseof the den, and Mnlru and Durhythrived upon the e«pe1rleni:e--fio muchno that when at lust, lirler-torn andfnotaore, we entered rimrlestnn'Hwxlate Ntreets nnd found awallliiK u«uti ample choice of packet ships to thenorth we four were unanimous forcontinuing our Journey by land.

"Niwn," said Peter. "I don't everKo to der sea nxiiln. Bob."

"Ah, who would he fool enough Inhis Ignorance to he wiindherln' wetand hedragitled on the Rait witveK ofHie sen when he inlulit venture theforests and be Hhuotlu' »t the red deer"nil the boars nnd the catamountsnnd It inuy he an Injun. If he WBH In'he full tide o* his luck?" snortedI 'arhy

"I seem In remember one who wasall for the sea, mid would wave theskull und erosuboties In anybody'sface," I Jeered.

"Troth, and I knew less then thanI do now," he replied unhlushln(«ly."Them pirates was enough to breakHIM heart of I'millus 1'llnte. Harrln'Hint, there wuHii't a one uf themwould he ahl"ii'li as IIH."

Silver illicit"lie WIIM a e

the' I I N K MT"I

.Incbl,,. Mend., ,,f the hoard thatwnn burled on the IH-,,,1 M l l I , ' B r h p H |

and for n time si,,, i,.,,,,,,,, ! , m . ( i r ( ] t | l | s

course; bnl afl.M- .|,,. ,„„, ( , w , . l t „WIIIIH Ii, t|,,' Iliuiinerl.,,, prnsprrlty of

iKew York she iv\.,|i,.(l aKalnnt'theIdea of tiiklnn imy step which wouldembroil the pei yf , h l l , , 1 | l l m „„,,any UnRerliiK ilmijits In |,,,r nilndwere dissipated by ,(„. tllimir ronfllct

, of the Seven Yenrs' wnr, with ltdworldwide i'otivuU|,,n ,(f „„„„„,, t n n t

i set armies march|»>4.Q |,,,,U(¥ „„ | n < 1

| way from the parched p>«|nfl <* i n d | H

to the forestR of nur wlli|«rne*» ruun-

Rttt t am gnltoplng n | , 0 l l l l n f m y |story. Drop buck armm the yenrs- -"tls no more of un i»ffl)rt man It was '

0 F Y U K W I S


And What Happen.d to Bill Bon»»?

for us to Hllde down the cable overthe bow of ihe Wnlrii* Hint night offSavimnuh to the nettle mi the porchof the tHvern In Charleston. BenUunn was dliipnqeii ,,f; nUr plans weremade for the northward Journey along

1 the seaboard. All that remained toI he done wag to come b j t u priest towed Motra and me; nnd that, Itseemed, wus Impossible short of Bal-

to hold his own against ' t l tn '""e. In Marylntid. Yet at the lastour luck IIHIII, for thH day we were toHt H Tl t It m a r l Ulni ' int ' •• » .1 . . . . . ,1., i M <

Scene of 1900 Gold Rutl. Slip-ing Into Oblivion.

Hawsim City, Yukon. A l.nn.h ofUie boys no lnnKei whoop It up In iheMalanmte snlooii, iUir Is there n tintime kl,| Kviilbihle u, |,it a Jaw tlm.tune on the music ho*. The episodedenlhiK with th,. deinlne of iMiiiuermKI>an Mriirew and the r.iKn ,.f thrlady known IIB |.(,n are but mmiememories ,,f hyuone days ns fur usthis tOMIl Is cnjieerlied.

When Robert Service wrote the

, "Shuotliut ,,f |iHit Mctirew," the Mnlnmute sal,,,,!, W11H o n e o f t n B m r t | ) J .

: bright H,,,.ts during the mad K»UI nisi.! of '2.-. yP,irs IIKO. Togrthor with scores

of other such places, It played hum tothe hordes the frenzied gold seckem.Today, with It, kindred renorts. Itstands In the l»»t stages of decay.

•'mm the status of a thriving cityof 80,1100, Ihiwson City today hatdwindled to a struKKHuK vlllaR*. uf lessthan 1,000.

DnwHin's mushroom growth bad lt«genesis In the great Klondike strlkn»f 11XX). Mln«rn, adventurers, con mennnd courtesans swept Into the froieudty nf the North. Fortunes were wudeand lost over night. Th* miners maiU'the fortunes, the hmiRptt-on imilcti'dthoin. Winnings at the f»ro tables luHie, scintillating gambling halls wentthe same way. Thousnndn druggedtheir bodies over the frozen wnstes—ninny to full from exhaustion beforethe journey ended to the gold-madcity. The North exacted a heavy trib-ute from those who would wrest for-tune from the Hrnnnd.

With the exception of the Cnllfor-nlfi strike of '-HI, the rush uf 11)00 wagthe richest in the history of mining.Hundred* of millions of dollars In dustnnd nuggetB was taken from theground. For more than ten year* theyield stood up under the terrificpressure.

Then heKnn the fading of the strike.From 1900's peak of JU'J.atiO.OOO Roldproduction In the territory dropped to»1.450,000 In 1024. Treasure-seek eradwindled and other sources receivedthe rainbow chasers.


er one, I,nn>; John

> nil nee"Too Kfii

A Man Wa» Lowennfl i Heavy Bo» orCh«tt, Which a Second Man WaiReceiving Into Its Bow.

' in leviedHill I

. H e -Iliil

uhd. lieliil

"••orii UOI'

mini hupped <nit

heil the K I • I f - -

liu l.'W, spilt

l s » i | ] l lMi l h . |

I f. nil

it me

from u l i h l i II ni;in « H - : |nw.>rlnj; a

l i e m y IM.X ,,r rbei.1. wllii'll II sel'Ollll

Ilian wits r e r e U I n i ; Ilit i. Its Imw. T h e

mini In t he loiighnui henrd t h e r u t t l e

of o u r i»iirn IIIHI ^rnve us one li^hinliihc

Kliiiice before lie - lushed ut Ihe moor

ln« r.ipe and b-:ipeil to his own num.

1 l,e t ide i-uri'ii'il nun Immeiliii t tdy lie

bind I I - . nnd 1 h.id II M - | , I I I nf u lilomly

,fn.-e w n i p p e d In mi -. | i | sb i r t . If he

llll.'W Who Me were lie t'HVe no sl'^ll

II.- huddled n [l .uail :

I t l l t I t i " H i m III M i r - t . - l l i

W H S t i n t s o l r t l r i - 1 , 1 H e I

o u t . w r l i i i M l i i ; 1 . 1 M l i n i n g i i n d

In I

usvlnn onm towns

| . i i i lnl

lined fur



' I said tow the porchimrili with

" i l l ,

• I i t \

: A - pnr h im:n^ \>v II

•- frlell'• T IV.:,. I

-Wi l l - .

t ,ll

oil ii- blind, nnd

I . IV

f..rh\ "

lul l ! .

smed :

, l e a \ e p. i

' s t . ih ' Ii t,

n 1',,'ti I


\ \ | | l

.' wouldn't goi'illEI MS s tnn t l

IIIHI h e l d Die

J e sin.I | lie

'. i l l i l i ln l i re

'Ii', I loii'l 'ee

Hi l l 1 'I'hey'll'Ihey'll trice

II .lU.-r Id.lies W;i• i- nun- of friinil•••: . i l . i l l l l ' l t i l e I

Ihe till11 of tl

•if Hie I>n.ip.

. |ilil<kcd ut my »|e>'\i

'•II! d e f e n s i v e ^ In .

humanityilnded spiici'

mlf/eli ail.l

i i f ron t

•I'.ii. i\ " i i r - i';irl.y " I suld. " W e

l l ' l . |eil\e Hie I • !.'li.,w "

him wi th I t . d i e s ' " p r . d e s t e d

'•' i i" » MidrnV" 1 p a n t e d

' ':i:'l.j took her He tin* « pUui for

• net fix- Hurry, I'.ob: We gnt- • ••'•' • limce. ]» Till)* Ii what Sll-

• «,.rke,| fnr, t.i hafe you kill Honed••' .IIT ' rew HKHluKt him."i" ' l>nl Unit Teter slet-red nip

1 n i l where the deck was deser ted;1 I u-ked no i|ucKHon». fnr Sllwr'rt• e itpurred me ,on

I H I lift, laiU," he WUH Hhoutlng.•>''II «bnw V I I I whut'. We won't let

I'-TlHliln" f..nl like Hill Hones KO forhold nut that treasure-umij on us.

didn't even handle the Buckskin, he

Mnlm huljed us from the shelter of

"Will Ii be you. Hob? l)h. thank"•I. thimk Iind ' "' An.i your hand';" 1-le pivKswt It to my llpji•I l iere- HiitdUhe. "If you w|lll lie. ', to' Inuy of oth#r placeii."

1 Mrnve to redress my fm*lt. und1 iity for one precious moment In

'AmiI ijirliy

" "1'was ii.it tils fiiult

We tow.' i l u n d e r th

called up to th

" J u m p into tlie

pick you up, H e n "

" U h o ' r e you"'" lie ii

" ' T I N M a s t e r l l r i n e ^

I could heur tlie h1o\W on thut the i-ii'l of the I'otnpiinbinwuy.

"lliisteii. man' We cun'i wall for-ever "

He Jumped ami we bailleil him,drlppiiiK, Int.. our midst.



stewardw . i i e r

stern, and I

und we'll

vd shakily,


f yelping certified ti> theimiln cnbln, but Itswus changed to con-

Silver's bliiodhouiidstheir bird had tlowu.

"M i


'• you sure ye will liuve1 iiicunt•lie jinked shyly. / *

:i»t It ' Since the iiinniinj; 1" " ! the lilt nf your yolce lu -"\ l.iw wldntle 1'iuiir from over

l |l- 'o lurbonrd.U s barby!" she cried. "He nlld

•«M the anchor ctlMe to (jet lit oneihe boats they will have lowered'hi- hide ladder fur the water party

"' wan t;iiin|| ashore, and didn't.1'l'eter heckoneil urgently from the

A chorusInvuMon of IIIHole of tiiumplsternatlun usdiscovered thut

"(ionu!""The kniive's scooped us!""llouts, lud»; Ixiutu'"AIKI preRently the click-clock of

oars behind us caused Darby mid nit)redouble our liiimrs. We drove

ashore several rods dowiiMrj>um fromthe town on the nlmlhi\v bluff, mid wediircd not wait to seek hlifltcr withinHH loj; wtills. Truth lo tell, we doubt-ed now that the town Itself spelledsafety to us. Tin' W'ulnis' carronudeswuuld muke short work (if mich de-fenses us Suviiuniih hud to boiint.

Mo we [M-lti'd up tlie hlulT by asandy put Ii ihut debouched upon the

d field* olilsUV the stockade,ilbl ; cleiireid <>n by Unit persistent oiirrattle

mid the shouts the plruteu exchanged


• " r »ly ,

d,,irt talk,"

hetwlxt their several boat*. Whethertliey were following ua wo could not

i dUcikver. fnr tbu ni»ht wan black as1 a cellurviiult; hut wje left nothing to

he ordered grimly. I chaaoe. «ml ran hot-foot through the

e was a coll of spare i-ahlehiul we dropped It uverstde,

For feminine hygiene

Enlightened womtn «ie nowuBtng Zonite instead of|K)iBonoua compound! (orthis important purpose.A)tiito is thoroughly effec-tive but humltiti to d«UcaU>tlwuei.

plajt of the IUIMIIS,lug as we piisaed, the excited com-menu of the wen on the flrlug-ulat-


hut he'll be In thrmiblel i e s t i n t . " I l l i t s l e i l l l i l l b y .

In' lie Is by half."

Molru, ulttlng beside tile on |l»> set-tle of the tmern porch, luined herurui in mine with u HIIKIU shudder.

l'.nt l 'eler shook Ids bead solemnly,"Neen," he said. "Iler -ten did not

Hike them nil. They died from dergreed dot cankered | n t)w>lr hearts.I do not like der sen, but der sea Uder snmo us der Inn,It. It worksr.ott'H will."

We were silent for n sp;iee, lookingnut upon the bii<y life nb.iul us, theiii-Krnes In their l.ri_ lit biiiidimniiheaddresses. Ihe planter-*half thnri'Ui;hbred-. the illfolk III hodden Krny

And you. Hen It i l e K t e W l i r d W h o Sill

from us. "Will yni|I!--*? My fnllier "

lie Jumpivl up, writlitun mill twlst-ItiK In mi levviH of etnlnirrnssliieiit,aye. and wiNi M.|iietliin« of fear In hisfare. r,^>

" "I'was yourself was juomisln' meI'd in.t lin' In wear ii llvery-shult." beprotesiiid. ''And before iliat ye suldin IH'W yed iind me .a berth us a real,lurry MiUnr-nnm, a-piillln' on rnpesand siiindin' tricks at I lie wheel. Yes,ye did. Master i ninernd; and I be-Ihed ye, I did tlmii^h theres a mnnythink nniiKht .>" roolln' poor Henliiinn "

! "I'll not fool y,,u, lien," I answered."If you would p . to sea, to sea shallyou KO."

i And on the morrow I found him aherib upon a HiirlmiliM packet, c*u-Ib.lilliK him lo emplny dlscietlon la

j dlncuKBlng his pu^t life, lest he behntided over tn ihe adiniriilty orticluln

! us a former plriHe. lie was nur lasti link with the iiifiiinmiH coiiipnny thati hud owned the j.ilut rule of my givnt-| uncle Htnl .lulm lUul, nnd whul b«-[ ciime uf him or nf the remnants nf

Hint's crew ubourd lh» Walrus I doI not know lo this day. lint from the

(fact that tin' Wnlrus was never re-ported iiKnln 1 hnve Huspected thatslit' nm.sl either hnve been wrecked

i or voluntarily nbiuidoued by her1 people. She left Siivniinnh with-

in twenty-four hourtt uf our landingI there—so much 1 discovered by cor-1 respondetice with a merchant of that


Did she put back tu the Rendezvousund nuisnck the Isliind'a surface forthe treasure Flint had burled? Ordid she try for Hie Kohl w» concealedon the I lead Man's Chest? Hopelessventures, either of the two! As wellsearch for a certain grain of corn In aheaping bin.

And what happened to Hill Hones?Did liu elude the pui'HUlt of his desert-ed comrades und seek un opportunityto lift Flint's treuHurn for hlnmelf?I'll swear that was Ilia Intent from theBrut--precisely as I'll tuke oath thathad Silver been first to get his handsU|MIII Flint's map he would have plot-ted so that only he and a smiull circleof his immediate fiiintllurs shouldhave shared In the prize. Uuthleussxouudre.U, one and all! Uut perhapsHones never won cleur. Perhaps Sil-ver fastened upon Ids trull und pur-Piled him with that fantastic vpnge-unca they culled the Hluck Spot. Ihave often wondered whut it might b».

AH to the treasure, they are wel-come to U or any part »f II If they

Babies Love ItFor all stomach and intestinaltroubles and disturbances dueto teething, there is nothingbetter than a safe Infants1 andChildren's Laxative.

start turned stormy HIK! we delayedour departure; nnd Hint afternoon a IFrench We,gt Itidlainau put Into the !harbor under stress of the. weather.Aiming her romp my watt a kindly iKruuclsciui, and he readily agreed to

j perform the ceremony. \

j For the rest, we rode Into New York :i iibmii four of the clock on the after- |noon of April the :Uih. In the year j17o.'i. My father was In tlie counting- 'room of our house in Henri street, ;nnd lie eniiie In the door at Hie soundof ihe horses' hoofs on the cobbles. '<The sun WHS sloping out of the wesl •full Into his eyes; and for the time!ihut It took me tn dismount ami swlnt; !Moira down from bei- saddle lie stooddazed, fenrful lesi Hit' dnw.lliiK liiflitwas iiliiylna tricks with him.

'Is It truly you, Hubert'!" IIP cried."Hut It luiiM he, for there are I'eternnd liarliy." ,

"Yes. fill her," 1 uiisvvcreil. "And I Ihave bronchi home iinniliei'.''

| lie opeiii'd his urhis with nn eaifersmile.

"There's ronin here for two nf you, I| hoy, (Vrti's, you have but followed[ In my footsteps and fetched houie n

yvife from j,.ur adventures.""She is the little Irish mnld I--""Whoever >he Is, she's more than

welcome, l'.nt come In. come in, thepair of you Sufe and well -und withII wife! lli.hert, I enn scarce credilIt. After u whole year! I'eter, (lodbless you' 1 knew with you he'd cometo tin liana Ah, Darby, you have !more sense in that red tiixlijle of yoursthan when ynll left here; •mid if yon '.sluck by Master HobiTt y'ari- forniven. !What u tale you'll all have tn tell '"

That nlj;ht us I lay in the upperroom I had occupied since childliood !I wus aroused by u distant clutter nnd ,JmiKlIng which became louder und ',louder. At the conier it broke off Iwith a liemy cbuii;. and a pompousvoice proclaimed'.

"I'nst twelve o'clock of a fine,bright til^lit, mid Muster Huberi Or-merod is home from bis captivityamongst the West India pirates, tiodBuve the kiiiK and the worshipfulmagistrates of Sew York'."

Twns DlKKory the. vvnti-hman; nnd.llstenliiK lo him, I recalled how Silverhud cozened him, the night I wus kid-naped, und thereat I fell u-ehuekllnguntil Molru stirred sleepily and eom-plulned—

"'Tls un ill thing If ye'll not sleepthe first nltfht we will he In your ownhome. Hob."I "No, no, swiuHlieurt," I suld. "I

was but thinking what nn odd bundleof accident Is this life we live. ForIf thut fellow braying upqn the comerhud not been a stupid fool I shouldnever hnve seen you after I took yooto :the Whale's Head."

;'I)o you think ao!'1 she retorted."Then 'tls you will be the fool, for IfCaptain Murray had not carried youafter me 1 should haw contrived toreturn to New York, though It keptme treadliiK the highways and bywaysofithe world some Ufty years. NowKetj you to sleep! 1 urn none of yourwives to encourage u husband Inloose fancies and romuntlcHl longings.Your wandering daya lire by unil donewith, and the soouqr you square yourbuck on them the, belter will I bepleased. I'll not lot you forth uKaln,and of thnt you may be prime confi-dent !"

Su I turned over nnd went to sleep, i[THK END]

John M. Keye- or Cimcird, Muss.,who many declare tn he n perfectdouble of ihe hue President TheodoreUllOSCM'lt,

183,000 Ladybirds aProfit to Insectary

I'.ns Angeles, Ciil, -A checkup Justmade on tin. Siiuiii P.nrbiiru county(I'ulifoi'niu) iliM'cinry, estiiblished twoyears :i^n, shows Hint u suinll profitlias resulted from tlie operation of the.plnnl, according lo I'. I', lireer, enio-moloL'Ist in cbitrKe. After all expensesincluditiK s;ilaries were puld anil HIper cent allowed for depi'eclutlon ofbuildings nnd oi|uipiueiit, the county

• Hindi1 n prolit of SKK) from the sule ofISJt.lKRl ladybirds ut '.! cents each, Mr.(ireer found.

The ttrsl year the insectiiry \vi\s Inoperation the county raised 'A0d0ludyliiids, which cleaned up mt'ulybun infestations in n number of f!ar-plnteriu lemon orchards, Tho mi'iilyInt^, however, hus been Hpri'iulinK rap-Idly, although prevetitfld from doin^'greul. diuiiuge by its enemy insects.This year Mr. (iveer will try to raise•JOtl,(*H) IIUKK In an cll'ort to keep thelemon orchards conimerclully clean.

The ladybird Is lieitiK employed notonly In the lemon nrcluinls hut In thqwalnut orchurds u« well, nnd on let-tuce nud other vegetables. j

Service for One/I.lttle Hock.-Hecuuse Its one BUP>

scrlher opposed dlscoutliiunnce of theservice, the Sheiidun Telephone rom-puny bus withdrawn Us petition to dis-continue the service between Sheridannnd Spi'iisut", Ark.

Call Saves TeacherOvercome With Ga*.

Superior, Win—A friendly vis- |it to learn why Mrs. Helen L.Hurhuns wus not present to In-struct her KUBIISII rlusses (itCentral high school suved HIBlife of the toucher.

When MUs .Nellie McConnell,UIHO u hlgli school Instructor,culled ut Mrs. Kurhaus' homeshe found the Woman lyini; unconscious un I lie kitchen floorund KUK iiuurliiK from un openJet ou u ruiice. Witer beliigheated hud hailed over und put

out thecovering.

The teacher is re


Stop Constipation INujol relieve! and prevent!cotiatipatlon. It it a bowel lu-bricaut— not alaxatlve—»o can-not gripe. Gentle, aafe mideffective. No treatment likeNujol. Try It today.




gg Ta&teUu Cutor Oiltlit original c&steltts cucor

UJI, made ror medititlfll use only.

liiti*tmeJANVLLK, hu., i

truest to WAJ.TBB,UiuL St., N«w Yoik

maty ami yoc.il &o*iii Jruj tttittt.

I'honf Mctuchi'ti BIG



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ABE KOItB, Ptop.

165 Fayette St. Perth Amboy

Buy a Good Standard Make Tireand Save Money. Fiik Solidt,Federal Blue Pennant Cordt andPenmylvania Vacuum <£upi.

Bring your old tiros in, we willmake you an allowance when youbuy new ones. If your tire blowson the road phone—Day Phone

3052; Night Phone 2913-K.

TllKKK'S one miphty Roodway yon can Ket uut of the

iloctor habit and that it to makeyour homo so smitury thnt yourhealth will pet it chnm-e to sleepnights um| enjoy itself duringthe ilny time. Our Rnnitnryphimhinjr will put your residencein proper shnpo,



Phone Perth Amboy 831



65 Fulton St.Woodbridge,

N. J.Telephone

Woodbridge 51

Phones 2141-2071


Associate ArchitectsRaritan Building

Perth Amboy, N. J.


— and —

Building Contractor643 Linden Ave.,

WoodbridgeTel. 178

JOHN P . JOHNSONWinter Enclosuresand Winter Tops

Phone P. A. 1067165 New Brunswick Ave.




268 WHflHWflY A

N.J. .



YOUR NAMEIs it on our subscrip-

tion list?We will guarantee

you full valueFOR YOUR MONEY

,—Please mention this paper whenpurchasing from our advertisers.*—

Phone 1249

CHRISTIAN ANDERSENRoofing and Sheet Metal Contractor

575 Sayre k\<i. Perth Aiiboy, N. J.


Thomas Jardine & SonMONUMENTS

Cemetery Work of Every Description

Work*: St. George's Ave., near Grand St., JUhway, N. J.


CHAS. TRAUTWE1N, l'rop.Machine Shop and Welding—Battery Service

Towing767 St. George's Ave. Woodbridge, N. J.

Page 4: Negro Pleads Fright And SelfCrash Kills Railway Defense ...€¦ · Published Every ruesday and Friday Fords Section Page 8 Iselin News, Page 8 No. 12 WOODBRIIMIK. N. ,T., TCKSDAV,

PAGE routAY, AfWfc 13, 1926

3luiuxpmiuutt USubscription, $1.50 Per Year

I > , | . ! i - . i . i - i •••••• T . , < ! : ; > • a n . ] F r . ' l i - ,

MIDDLESEX PRESS, 23 Green Street, Woodbnd&eTelephone, Woodbridiro •>'•>

Editor.Mai.apinR Editor

Ailv.r'. : ' c Representative

r,. HAI:I;IS I T . \ nM A M V r X t . l . " t . \ N

r . H ]:YKNK .

. . , MI-.-IUSS mat te r M<- h:.;,.,, N\ J., under the --V t

' ' • » ' t h l % 1 > o i l t -

l s r n : ! It AT1"N ••k r i . - - . i - . • r r : \ w i i ! t : r • l : r

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• untruthful

;erv e to prehe splice =et. ,,ll'dge,l ! •nil anil li(rhi

V. i l l . O . l - t ' l 1 ! ' ,

:"i. . j n n - ; i H -


T h e Va'.f

i l i p t . - - > : i > ' ' • > ' 1 1 '

w r i t e . - "ii t h e su

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w a g e d a". Wii>tiin_rt-•!;

fe?S"f m a k e

!>nr:N an intt-i"' -t

an ro>nnmis t

^ ' i v - s " . T h e wri l -

Near the ConcreteHub Notesn Hub No

W P r i ,

ti.I "•'

i ;idii^ Weekly T«'ii will• :!,• l ini iH1 o f M

' .,:•;,,I r i m ;ift<' l 'ni icin i l l 2.'

the home of Mito. Haroldupper Green street.

The following offired : ['resident, Miss Grace r i-Vire I'resulrnt, Miss Am,;, 'i:Secretary, Mrs. Marcus si ,

A r l h " , r1 Tre i i s i i r r r . Mrs. Charles KII'||,'I',M' I The chapter on

W...ti-.i 'l.iy. I P, M. Junior Prny-

' , | ' M, Midweek Services,\t :l-,|. bu-iiiess mcMinft of tlw

,i , , ; . • • ; , . , Kt,demur Society heldS I'-.'iay .it't'i noun, it \v»s decided•lut :lie S.'nety conipete for tho ree-

1 , , , | ' i ivinlaine a' ' ' u ' Middlesex

("iHif.ty Rally to he held in Ale

• ' i i , K r i d i i v •'

Or, April -'.''h

. i t t i nil :i ">ass tnei

wuk :o hear l>r. li'.» H- I-nndrith,

mombrrs willBruns-in


i | ; | , :, -,,,

d . i y S > - ! - • • • i l

, , • , \ ' i i i '

' 'hristian Kn-

1>P bold in

'r l i a s - will

Study Book, Looking Alin;i,iLatin America, was ciiscusjiivithe lenderahip of Miss Grar(, n

Tho trensurer roportpd ;l ;of $fiO. A. social time w a P , ,during the serving of i<-frr- |,,, „

The next tneetnig will |,,.' .2(!lh with Mrs, J. E. Hrcck.i,-

Mrs. J. E. Breckenrid(rf, \],W. Von Bremen, Mi-a. .Fnhn -•'•Mr?. A. G. Erh, Mrs. Adam | |Mrs. A. L. Huber, Mrs. Ei. H \\inp, Mrs. S. B. Brewster, Mis \iMonpr, Rev. L. Y. Dillenor aiv v ,ing the annual meeting of t|,,. •,nuin'n Home nnd MisHi<mary ^of the Presbytery of Kli/.aluMing held in the First Prr-l,-,Church lit Plainfii'ld, tixlny.

\].,inlay r\i n - -• A Classified Adv. Will Sell

" l . . i \ v , L i b e r t y ;i!iii i

r.-st in vi . ' \v ,.!' •h.i- h«-i-tie - t n i v r g i e be i i i^ '

b e t w e e n W e t s a ii i i l > r y s , f o r in il t h e p r o -

vi-s the w r y tr i te asser t ion t h a t ; "I t i- a m e r e plat i -

tude tA condemn a h.w b-.-caii^ it inf r in^

Thf-rc aro iV'.v laws which d" not."Thu truth nf wl-.at Farnum ->ay> is demonstrated in laws

ii"\v flying in several places in England.As the New York Commercial puts i t :"This new attempt to win recognition for S"'i^t Hussia

personal liberty, should get no further than those that have gone before, Until".he people of Russia take posession ot' their government, re-establish the private property rights, recognize \h<- right of

Methodist Class StudyingLife of Fanny Crosby

The Kantiy ' ';• ,s!.y class ,,f tinMethodist Ep:siop:i| Sunday So!i"omet at -he home of Mi-< Kniily Piivu;on Linden aven :e. Kudiiy afterni'ot:The president, Miss l;-.i',h Aujjustini .opened ihe meeting. A chupter " r

the study t>o,,k, ' 'The !.'.(•• "f Fann\Crosby." was read and di-eu*-eil.

At the business session, plans wereperfected for the play "Whiskers."

••• • , , jwhkh will be pie.-ented in "he Sun-

a licensed dniggbi and then "I Maintain That the Correct and Comprehensive day s hm-i mom. May nth. MU>Vesta Peterson was appointed tiekelehairman. It was decided to sidl at-tractive packages of home made can-


which prevent :i car driver from exceeding a certain speed; individual contract, show a disposition to pay their debts, andlaw- which pre\ .! ; t him fmrn "peraiintr his machine, bought stop their everlasting propaganda the world over against otherand paid fur', v\.t limit tirst having taken an examination tu se- -nvernments, it would be an act of sheer insanity t" Kri\cure a license: laws which constrain pedestrians to crossing' any encouragement."streets at certain designated points; laws which prohibit thesale of narcotics by any other thanonly mi prescription by a physician: laws which regulate condi-tions of employment in dangerous trades such as match manu-facturing and lead factories; laws which make a landlord keep

Secure InvestmentsTin man who invests'his money has every right

t l , ,ir!nand in advance proof of two things:

Certain protection for his capital.

Assured sound returns upon his invest-


Our Six Per Cent

First Mortgage Securitiei

meet the»« requirement!.

Amounts small

and large.


Reform of Senate Rules—"

his own tenement buildings up to certain requirements in* theway of sanitation; laws which prevent a man from erecting onhis own land buildings of over a certain height or which do notcoincide with building lines—and a host of other laws all ofwhich infringe personal liberty to the « n<l that the greatestnumber of people may benefit.

XaturalK i-ach one of t lnse law- i. evaded at times butall are aimed so as to contribute t" tnV u>mm"ii welfare. Theydemonstrate that personal liberty must often he infringed toprotect general liberty and assure public safety.

Whether or not free trallic in intoxicating liquor will evercome back under legal provision is not known at this time. Herein .Jersey we are commonly lonkeiWipoi: as wet; other parts(if the countrv are dry. Hut if one fact is certain it is that drink

By CHAK1.KS {]. HAWKS, Yii-e President United s-.a'es.

M A I N T A I N " Hini blind ii

MVP refnrm uf the senate

r r s o l i n * t i n . w l i n ' l i . w l n l e p

fnlh heard, upholds il

« ! t ( l " l l l l " ! l ! L r r e n d i ' l e d j i ' U

•'• u f t i n - 111' ' - ' - [ I t l " . i l e s .

' • u r i ' e i t a :

• d i e , ] i l l I 1

lor \\ nil '

of the nia •

:: nr*h«ti-

: '111 U be

l in t r, • e n t ts in the


• e l u i i ' ' n ;

or any other agency that has the faculty of depriving a man of m

i i h i , i v | i o « » i ! i i y l i n u k e I ' . s s i

• i l i < ] i r o ] i o - i i i i . n , n i ' f u ' l u i a j ' -

i r r e n i - f - i n l i i e s e i m i e h a \ » ' : ; i .

T l i a l w h ' T ' . t i n - t « t i - t l i i r i l « i n

i h e n i ' T . v i d ' n i u i o r i t i i s n : i • 1 :

t o 1


t!,.' Lar-.-l

ythe intelligent use of his limbs and his senses is dangerous to its lns:i,r-.the public welfare. We are living in an age in which highways1 •\-\,M w\,,\r

are crowded with fast-moving vehicles; there is no place among ,u\ ,-„],.< Wouii|

:i^' of il.'bllte 1

dies at the pl.iy. MUs- Kthel Valen-tine will bi' i haivmav., The jrirU sell-iiiC eandie- will !"• dre-M-d in n.'Veltyfustumes.

D'.irinir the -m-ial h"Ur r h m u s sineing- was rii.io.wd and refre.-hmentswere -erved. The members presentwere Mrs. Allirt K. Hertreii, t e a i h e r ,Mis-es Kli /abeth Spenei-r. liiith Auj;-u.-tine, \'ii'U't nrunnr.-Mid. Ktliel Ca-laida. .Ira'irift'<• i..;-i-:i and KmilyDavid.


A \ " ' a ! a t l i ' e l e - M . K. I L

! i h . . i i . . , , i s NI-.N l . . , i t . !.. A . P .

t r a n s f e r - Y. I I

y o u r ' l . a l t . ' r r a p i d l y . - M . ] l .


V e i i r l i i . e n

( l i \ f j u t t r t


P E R N E T T 0 N l D E L I V E R E DC\C\<iii n P E R N E T T 0 N > 1N 5 T 0 N L 0 T S



Perth Ambov 2781 PERTH AMBOY, N. J.

••'• i (

p l l l ' i h

us for u d r u n k a r d — w h e t h e r he be d r u n k from h o o t - l e g r u m or B

w h e t h e r he U*»--<tNjnk from r u m sold ove r t h e b a r in a lega l it rammi operate when a majority less than iwn-tliin!

m a n n e r . / ••" ^ tinier to exerrise ijs constitutional right to jiass -in h

l istnirt purely business measures like t i n imd f*I• s• r.iprititi^">ri hiilp, :

re? H vote iu |

l. 'mler thpse

•ly jiostponed j

As feroII, H.

TakeE L\ ('.


i . ' i i n t e r " i i t l ^ a t

i'«» i i i ' l c r i n i tNo m\itter what view one may take of the personal right, eireinnstaiices tax and appropriation hills runof a man t V d o with his body as he sees lit, to drink what he • hy minority obstructionists. ,sees lit, it cannot be gainsaid that his action does jeop- | That if. in the ,ase of ux ami apiTupnitiou bills ah'tic. whi.,h HTPardize the safety of others. In such a case the welfare of the purely busiiiese measures, » majority ilosure rale pr^uding fur ani|'!emajority comes first. • I opportunity for every senator to be heard •m b* adopted it. will prevfnl

—, ' the holding up of appropriation anil revenue hi'is by ir.diviihniU and

, 4 r j ! l i a n t

w. H.; i , a

As idle us a snow in the SH


Woodbridge Township' has no hospital facilities of itsown. It has to depend on either Rahway or Perth Amboy foremergeneies. In an effort to repay authorities of the neigh- j [ I L ,boring cities who are responsible for maintaining the service '

minori t ies seeking tu ioer re the nuijori tv iiito legislative , o iue-?ions ,

Tha t sin-h a nile-vtiU destroy the power of iml iv i i la iU a n d mii

ties in Ihe short session to foree the Pres iden t uf the T i n t e d S t a t e .

\>A% (1ft,.n happened in the past , to rail ex t ra "sessions

t f l s e , . l i r e t |1 ( ! m i . a u . ; , , keep the niachiucry of the ^ ^

Plif'll \niir se, ret ; ke^p it elr-V, H.

As nei-essHry HSfunnal M. E. S.

.ingress in

'-iit in fuiu

through which we benefit it. has been tin- custom of people hereIn contribute in one way or anothei toward the hospital's ex-penses. It is a good practise and should be continued.

Tonight at Che Memorial Building a committee of townwomen are sponsoring a card party, the proceeds of which areto be given to the fund being raised to improve the hospital inPerth Anibov. It might appear to the thoughtless that Wood-bridge can h a w little interest in a hospital for a neighboring,city but the reverse is the i.a>e. In fact we are vitally interestedin seeing facilities ai both the Amboy a m | Rahway hospitals in-creased for they are facilities for our use, the only hospitalfacilities, available for us. The women i tinning tonight's cardparty are deserving of support for they are doing nothing morethai; paying a just debt that the township uwos. We must as-sume our share of tile hospital expenses.

Mother and the Girls Were the Only Real Vietohin the World War

H e l ,ee |


H e ' s s.. linn

b r e a k uf dli.v

SI P t l i i nks si



••[•air t l ; e

K A. U.



II. K n

A. «'\

I.:,.! • l i t e r

t i l l s

\jiK-ficaii bone, of

• in liie same l.omf


S • • i . n - . d i - r t l i r i i o i i i p . p a n i ' - t i i a r l \ I N

i ; < \ i i l e i - a d e . \ \ h e r e i n d o e s i t «11 *T. - r

r . v . t h i i i ; . f U ! t . y e a r s U L ' U ?

l i u - i t n s W ' T ,- n t n i u l i . - l v i l l H , a i i i i n e : -

i n v i l i g e o n i f o r t s . e n i a i u i j i a t i i i " l i i x i i r i e s . ' I ' l i e t h i i i ^ u : . . r h t h i t

is doing for woni'-n. in Anien . ' a at least, i^ plivsn a 1 in ;'..•, ou tward expre»-

.-ion. Mailii t ies di''1 l iberuiuig the pliAsieal boily'of woim-u from ihe toil

thai their mutl iers and i r raudniolhers luid to knuw. Tiif iiours of SPP.ii-e

not merely fur woiiiril in . [ j idibtry, J-hii-h have been steadily derrea,-nj>

I" Y.


jfc>r two deraijei-. but for Wtinen in the home, are shorter all the


lturing the past two years the Russian Soviet govern-ment has been seeking to secure recognition from the UnitedStates by holding out tempting bait in the way of profitable

lime. \\ ires and tubes are bringing service wlmh onet wit back-breaking

Hiid kmirkle-rai king a H4; " eye-«,i r* i II i ii jf upon the mut Ifr and wife and

sister. 'J he. moik'ni honie is dpsi^ucd with »I.S,|,IPI and love, Wuineii

lv eniamiputed today. But

S . . J I . C

sullsfy Wullsa:';.fy Main

[', i i»• ( f* ' {r. \ , , f e ,

HI gr.v "J :he

l a l H ^ n : > t a l i . i - c n . i l l _ t i fci

s t r e e t a n i l w i i i l ( - n i . u y h I u

»re ing p|i\Mial

No one who looks at the world

liberty L- in nianv ca.-es transgressed

f.ateii for what' '

an doubt vmaislv that the new

bv i-onsidfraltle .ai-use of breiise.

n g a m o n g u o i i i . - n i s a g e s t u r e w i t h w l i i . - h t h , ) m d u u t e t l i f i r . f r e e -

t aretie,

M ( . r ' ,

r . -unonal more or less M:I l ep t i t ious d—n, t | ie

lor-^irl a p a r t m e n t s are toe overflowing froth

eVm. t h "lat.j.kin- to

ip ,,f women's freedom, h >. \)lM t h a t woman

pa-t. Soon ihe froth wil l tdis>o!\r and tin- euj> will

brim Mithout it. |

Fur woman is eoming into a new n>lati<iiishi|' in we-iern life. Wi th

pliy-ii al e inaneipa t ion she is ge t t i ng wider sp i r i tua l la t i tude t h a n she ever

t rade . Much of this propaganda work was cleverly executed, ' Smokbut .some uf it was overdone. The statements of the prospect-ive business were absurd and. they did not get anywhere. Itnow begins to be evident that this plan of securing recognition! upon, tin- brniiiniiiL'by trade bait is going to prove unsuccessful. S> the report f".^ '-vim-u'llv at !;<•comes from Uussia that a iuv, method is to be ' t r ied.

The new scheme is tu work through American newspapers,through any ot' our newspapers in fact which can be made totall for the plan. The plan is to offer contracts financed by the . had before. She is seeing, examining, questioning, ihttlleng-ing the goodSoviet government, working through third parties, to American, *'«! e\il uf the wurld. Ami if *lie blinks and giggles and is si bit f.ivo-newspapers to make surveys of the "great t rade possibilities" '0 U 6J ' ! '" passing hvai-rja which will soon leave her e»lm and unafraid,ill Russia. The newspapers will be invited to send special rep- ' unabashed and free. •:•resentatives to Russia and to print from time to time stories The war, w> far as boundaries are uoiuerned, so far at indemnitiescoming out" of Russia of these "great possibilities" and the aft-1 *"(^ reparations go, has left victor and vanquished unwtisfied. Thevisability of our recognizing Sovet Russia.

Of course the first thing to do will be to "catch the news->ot'be a "soft" task us it is usuallv not

V i ' i i ' ' u i i s n y (, i , ( . t h i n g fi>r i h e f a m i l y

> k t * l r i o n . S h e n e v e r . W C H T B aD I in-

I f j n i i t l i i i i k y 'Mjr s o n ha* ' n v e r y jtiM.r

m p i i i ' i r y . | i r i i i n ! < f t u t u k t l i i i u i o H i e

•il-i-lis u h e n il e f l l l i 'K .

H i l n - l » ' s s f u i j , i | , , n s ] , k e a s i i u | , | i h i ( {

t a n l e . j m i l m , w ; , b . " K w l u i i i d s g u l f

s e m e w a s } c s t e r d : i V

' n r r e i - i t h N s e n l U - e : ' " I ' l . n t \ \ , i s u

v e r y l . a i t . i l e c i h i n n , " s . i i d U i e u i i i | > i r e . '

" a n d 1 uHf- v u i i « n k |>u l ->^> . "

I t i s e j i i t t i a ' e i l i h u t T'i p e r r e u i uf

f l l l ' S f Wi l l . 11,11,1; | | , » - r i . l l l i l r y i s j j i i i t i ; ;

t i j t h e i l i ^ b n c i c r h i i v e t i m e t o M i l e .

( M r r e r t | l , i ^ ^ n u - n r e : • • _\ 11 r\f\\\.

of men on both sides were the lowre. Mother and the girls wereoah i n this «w, They came out freer than they went iu.

The. recognition of Russia by Great Britain and otherEuropean government has not proved an unmixed blessing.Since that recognition came about t'lieiv has been an increaseof communist propaganda in those countries, and the red flag

News of Ail Woodbridge Township in the Inde-pendent, the most widely read paper

in Woodbridge.

said the small h u y * " | ' | imy |i|i'cc for ui(. i,

nmnima,_lad tomHU."--I>etrolt Kree


Speaking of hard ]nhi, th« world'ihardtgl Job In trying to build i repu-.tatton.

Henlth1 hint—If jruu have anytMnfto nay (o a mule, don't say Ittil* liuik Say It tu hit fine.

rrimiilve limn U»i one udsantagfHe never inrue tium« to a It-ttiu-etsMidu.leh spread wilh m:i>i.nna1h«

powerWhen you step

on it you get ac

tion in a Flint

* • r>'

yo,u never get

cadght in the



For DemonstrationCall or Phone

Rahway 691 - - 754


Page 5: Negro Pleads Fright And SelfCrash Kills Railway Defense ...€¦ · Published Every ruesday and Friday Fords Section Page 8 Iselin News, Page 8 No. 12 WOODBRIIMIK. N. ,T., TCKSDAV,


School Alumni Bows to Varsity by Score of 18-4( ,i Terrific Batting Trout Season Opens [ "THAT LJTTLE GAME" ~ When the 15th ComM on Friday 1 Steve Kaminsky Smacks First

ii'VClvci whelms Mohicans Thursday, Promising>"jzt.\£ ?«ry

! Joys for Fishermen;, | n ,,1,'iwhelminK victory " ' V ~ I

i.,..,„« of Port Readinc *-»*rne Commission Suggests',„,. i,,in(r one-sided to; Way in Which Sportsmen

' :!:1 L . J* J A K M** Assure Thrive, ofGreater Pleasure With Rodand Line.

, i i r j , . own wny with Stark

m i , | . jensim f» r m> w h i l p

.,,..; w,,re pummelini? two' ;, |ot nl nf twen ty-one

, , , m p l e s i i n d doubles KmphiiHizinK t h r fact the , ^ l , , , , -

. .;, I.,,nd. iitid R<»> ' ' 'ad t u r e has changed the daily haK limitirifi'i'^ hy bann ing " u t on trout fiom twenty-live to fifteen.!

i,,.iweeii them. ,!. Kuh- | | , , , Xew Jersey Kish and (lame C o n !

I, , , , i |y loral player who servation League lias sent out, t h r u '

,..,i,i,.,I « i t h a hit al the j | s secretary, John S. Sehwinn of Ml!

Clinton street , Newnrk, s-uK(testion<|

oflYnlivc learn ing l imi t Ushinn season will l,e n hap j.vile* sliM/ltl Iljriun p y on,, for Vverybody. The seas,,n

"ii the , , ,„ .„ . ,,„ •[•Innsilny and will con t inue !to .Inly ; ( | , incfusive.

A 1,1. U.l l . .Some ,f the lenifiio's "happ iness"'- " siiepestioiis are as follows; |

•' ' ' ~ "II y"n (to out with a party otij

"> 1 - the opening , | l ty, o r a n v .^h,.,. , | , 1 > v

"> : l » be sure they all know tl'nit tin. dai ly

"> ' ' bii(T limit luis licvii 'ehanited tii t i f t c rn . |-1 '2 :f Our old friend, Ignorance of th<• •<"> ' II 2 Law, is no excuse if anybody K e t s in '

!i 4 -1 t rouble , you know.

•r> 1 2 "If you ciitt-h a trout so small

J~ — — that it would b o n e c c . ^ a r y tn m e a s u r e .•Ill 2!1 21 it to de lcnnine whether or not il i"AH. R. H. river legal length <>f six inches, tcive'

2 1 1 if the henotit of the doubt and ca rc - [ .

Mil's UVIN" A r>VTHfV w n MSAO OF us. \


Homer Of Season In HelpingMates Trample On Old Timers

"Dave" Gerity Play& Great Gamr for Alumni and Wants An-other Game Between the Two Teams on Alumni Day; Erst-

while LeadeV Praises School—Wishrs He Were back

I 'olni(r n i t 'J'_' h i t s Jtoiin»-t t h e of u n l a y ii-id i l . dn ' t -eom t,, he b o t h e r -

f i r u u - - .if M.-Hotiahl, VutOi- D r u m . e ( | a: all by la, k ,.f p r a c t i c e In

mni id , and Have ( i e r i t y , t he hi(rh fact he wa-: M a p p i n g up vrr .und bal l*

1eho.1l va r - i ty o v e r w h e l m e d the a l u m - in preat s ' j-le, o: f l u . ;.,>ps s t a r t -

in by a -1 o 'v nf \K I on 1'av.isli Hou«c i n g a doub le p l a y l lvomdi S t e r n and

Kiehl S a t u r d a y i i f l i ' rno . 'n . " L O U R T o m Kee t h a i cut , bc \n what looked

S t o i e " Kamim-ky officially deeli iret l l ike a b ig rn l ly by the vav- i ty .

an o p e n i n g to the h o m e run -ea»on The box ••cure:

b \ - m a s h i n g a tretn< nilmi-i , n , nil A l u m n i

' I " " ' to tl.e far n . u h c . nf . r n t r r S ' c r n , :|b..'_'!>

Held, the hit Iv.ni); in:tde on a i;-i,iiiv ( jooper . c

. ' I n;ill -iiit e v e r t h e pan by Mruni Uei ' i ' v , --v '

nioinf, I 'MI I I , Ih

• I . inn" I t i d d h k . left tieMev for t he Tom Kce. l l i .

\ a r - i ! y . ciinie thi 'outrh wi th .,ilinn-t a Praire-a-et t. '.Mi., i f

pel fee l record at ha t . II I l ive t l l j . - M . l l . l l i l l d . p.. ,-f.

to the plate the younp man Iiit •-afc Habnsky. If!!y four tune-. Hoka hit Hue,- t,in,,s Deter, If.mi three ofVa'ial t r i e and Dirk Richard--. i"f.Krauss »;i. u)i live times to garner Ptummond, if., p.hits. itesiJes Kamiu'sky's home run R Fee, th.the only other, extra ha^e wallopswere accounted for hy Poincroy and

\H II Ii.1 -J. 1):\ 1 u:i I ()11 n 0

:i 0 0

2 ii 0

:t 0 1

•1 n 0

•1 1) 0

1 II l>

•1 I 2

•:! 2 1


The Yanks believe they have set, a world's record in beat-

:l 0 (I fully put it buck. ing Brooklyn in overy one of the twelve pre-season As"He careful about trespassing on fur as is known no big-league club ever took every «ame from

l•A I) 1

1 (i 0 posted land, A written permit is re- ano the r such d u b in a prac t i se series.•I II (I quired to enter it, Land-owners:i 0 1 however, aren't as black as some World's record or no, the fact that the Yanks have won2 0 1 folks wniiii have us think they are 1 *' consecutive victories means that Miller HugK'ns has 'A team:i 11 0 and usually will gladly respond to a that may make the American League sit up ami take notice.

During the liijst week of the training season the Yanks lookedj hopeless hut they've got the spirit now and it will take some

2 «> 0 c o u r t e o u s rei j l iest . T r y i t - w h e t h e r— - — or nut the land is pos ted .

«1 1 I " T h e a v e r a g e g a m e w a r d e n is i

pn-tty K""d ^eout. He takes hi« life s t rong ba t t l ing to gain ii decision over t h e m .1 'J '.\ -I -i Ii 7 in h is h a n d s e v e r y t i m e he i ;oes o u t

(I II 0 'I II 1 0 — 1 ( t o ' n n f o r r e t he l a w s t h u t a re fo r t h e

| . , , | . f. •> 1 X ti 0 x - 2:t bene t i t 1,f all of u s , L e t ' s co o p r r a t

t h r e e h a « e h i t s , I I . K u h - 1 w i t h h i m t o t h e l i m i t .i. ;!; t w o b a s e h i t s , K a t r a u -

, ', | | . Kubinak :i, Mezik, any satisfai tioii in ,-ati hiiiK will t ak i

ii.pcr. . a fairly l;:ie;e hook. The minnow

Of course they may not win a pennant—Connie Mack,. says he has an option on that this year—but lliller Huggins

has revived the New York outfit by injecting new and young

«|j ! Tilth, each of whnni^rontribiited a i Vanityi double. 1 Warren,

Kaminsky, Tilth, ami (lerns did j I'linieroy,Tilden for P a r t n e r ' ' n r P''l'hintr f"r the varsity and had ' Krnnss, .'f

Helen WIllH Wiintfl ItlB >UUmore or less of an easy time nf it. Knminxky, p., rf.

J The alumni showed result-; of the Reddick, |C .i luck of practice in their intieUI work, Hoka, :ib

anil at the plate. Dan Kee and Mullen, 2h.

I Ttlden to go across the o,• and piny with her In Ilie mI doubles Bt Wimblpdon. She ei- ' "' ,' pressed tlie view Iliat by June J <-hlck Stern were the only old-timers I Toth, 2b.\ she would he In sucli form that J l» K1'1 m"'-1' t h l ' " »"•' n l t ' , ('nn"' P-' »hp would prmr H worthy part- ,\ Respite the onesidedness ,if the de-! Lund, lh.I Her for him ' f(• !• t "Red" O r i t y is cnnlident thatJ "Of couw I bHvf no SHJ- III ! • the alumni .an produce a tall team« the matter mill must piny with J that will tfive the vsirsity an even bat-J the partner chosen for me liy t tie and is trying to arrange a name .._ t . ,* the fnlted Klntes Lawn Tennln J ! on Alumni Day in .lunc. Unvid ' )ilays—Hoka to Mullen to Lund,

.\». II.R.r» ii \r, ;2 \r. :t 2r> 2 3•ri 4 1

:i ;! :(

:i 1 2

:i 1 2

I I 1

:s •: 2

:t'.i 22 \HTwo base hits — I'omevoy, Toth.

Home runs—Kaminsky.

"The ..,,ly si/.,. of trout there's i,iO(,,i j n ^ 0 persons oi' Lazxeri , Combs, Koenig, Cullop, and

t assoeiullon,1' slie mid. "Hut I r' cannot help feelinK tliat (iny (

{ • mixed (loviblpB pair defeating J' Tihlen mid me nt Wimbledon ,I would know that they hud been J' tlirough a tennis match."

played shoitstop for tin' alumni Sat-Ulerity to Stern tn T. Fee.

Frisky Fly Chaser

coun t ed '


And then , of course , Babe Ruth mus t still

•K laniK the kind that illi- usual ly ' o n a s S o m i - w h a t of a l l a s s e t . 'killed when the f i s h e r m a n I n n s t o •.

riOease t hem. N'o. :i Spr.ijit. S n e c km I'arli-ie arc plenty ,mi,ii enough. W h a t the deuet1 is the m a t t e r ? Never before has Spring

"A dry hand i- almost certain to jr()| S() j ' . , , . j n Woodl t r idge without some t e a m signing up "Bil l"' a'i>c the death of the trout with . , , , , , , , , -m. , , ,, , , . 'which :l , , „ „ . . ,„ contact, Therefor,. M ' " S U ' k t o l>hl>' ^ 1 » ' ^ t ( ) l 1 - I ! l 1 1 w : l s b>T f a V l h t ' m " s l a c t l v u

if you ai.. i^oint' to fiee a fi-h wet p l a y e r iii t l i e t o w n s h i p l a s t y e a r , p e r f o r m i n g on a l m o s t e v e r y

:••'""• h I- before you t . u i h him. i , . i i n i m\\] j l h u ' s s f o r c e d h i m t o q u i t . " T a n k W a g o n " M o r i a r - i

a f e V r i - ' ' ' ! " i n ! i • i i ' l ' 1 ' ' i ' . , 7 ; ! l " . ' ' ! i ! , . : " ! ' l » r t y ' i ; i l l ' s f r U '1 1 1 1 f r " m U l ^ a n ' s ^ ° r n « r , h a s w r i t t e n a n d c a l l e dw " l f ( ; ' '"y- l- ' '"1 | a l m u c h I ' . - i n i n ' y . ' . ' u r y ' l u • a n d ' w'!l! l | u r a t t e n t i o n l o t h e f a c t t h a t M e s i c k h a s n o t p e r f o r m e d t o d a t e


Pilot of Phillies

LASSIFIED ADS,:inl iidvertiaementa only ont

: minimum charge 25c.


H ,

l l e t i i r i r . • ' . l l l i p i u i i i f ,

• . '. l-e|ill, N, .1.

WANTEDi !-.,,• old d i s a b l e d h o r - e - .

N r w l!ruii-'Ai< k 1 111'.

in tuiv-'n'y ha to iy

SportfloiesH l ' . L P W A N T E D

, . . r w i t h h o u - c w . u l . a n d ( | | i ] f is- l n h l , . , , , , , , , , , . ,1 | , ,

• c h i l d r e n . M) 11 i v^h s t r e e t , , . ,

!,.. , N . ,1 . I ' h n n e M S - W . H ( ( ( 1 ) ( i ( k , , , ; t ,,,lW p i i . j r i

III Meier. ,1, .tn|.iill• t •

\ ale linn m m 12 InKv

,'iiuiuinK i Imiiiiiioiixlilin tH n

lu i(if ma l l e i of eiiKiitiltii! Ill a

. 1 HI". HOY wiinted hy A.i : . . -AITS ' M a c h i n e S h o p . Ki'e'--

• • • • and I ' e m i . K. K., Wo. .d-

•A an t u l i ve , w i l l i n g , ' l ' l i :

• • ' man to j o i n s u c c e s s f u l sell Mr I'riiip*«*> " I " '* " " ''is- * u r

I'.I!;•..•atioti; p r e f e r m a n h a v i n g

• l-.iii>e e x p e r i e n c e . T o s u c h Jo lm J u r n . i o l , ilif MHI of t h e

,M. olTi-r i i w u r e d e a r u i n i r - lilent »t i'«iri,'-ll uniMTHlt)

i'liisiii(t nf >a!"s in s lur ,

d i r e c t i o n of sale

t'nis year. It will be ivmembeml that the bard of Roman'sCorner started a newspaper battle last fall by insinuating that1 he WooilbridR" firemen were prepared to let their basket-ball team use a bowling ball to beat the basketball team ofI'ords lire company. Whether this battle inlluenced the mat-ti'r one way or tin1 other is not known but the fact remainsthat the two teams did not thereafter carry out their plans fora scries. What Moriarety now suggests is that Bill Mesuk or-jjatuze a Woodbrrdge fire company baseball team to meet ateam of the Fords company. The only stipulation is that Bill ipromise to use no ball except a regulation baseball.

'' • I'lilladelphla National IPH(U« ";«»'• ' M n P ' B Hollywood HturH. Kocllm l« nDavid Gerity, fiery little captain of las. year 's successful '« - - "J",-" ^ ^ J \<r^ <* . w , a — , ,ea;,-ofr

hiRh school baseball team, saw the present varsity squad per- „„ ,^,,,,(1,1,,,, I.IH team win n'niHi, well ,™« ^ , ^ ^ . " ' i T ' i J m i i.Uform Saturday afternoon and was impressed by the progress »i> m the race, u not in tlie nm <il- •

Keasbey Bowls Well But| Lose* Match to Triple X

The Keasbey Keds bowling teamlost its r e tu rn mutch with the TripleX team of New Brunswick \)\\ thnAr^oline alleys in Per th Ainhoy Kri-day iHtjhl. The winners took I w n o u tof the th ree i;ann's by a wide mai-n'ni. The I'Yds won the lirst matchin Highland Pail: last week by clo-'i!

H c u l ' e s .

The l.uii! liowl.-rs had h i^h -coresInn failt d In bowl lo j j e the r . C. V'ull-ei t . ' i i wa.- l»i>;h man f,.r t h e m a t c hwilh an a v e r a g e of IK.I. II . Kullcr-tun had t h e hinhef-t indiv idual scorein Ilie '. ecuntl uame wi th '.' I I. • Tilphad a t w o hundred p in i i ' as did (1.Ful le r l . in and Musulf. Another^anie i- lif'inic a r r a n g e d .

1 Scull1;' of- Knilay I l iuhl ' - Ham1'".I were TT'.l-SMIl, S 10- 7r>:i. SKI-S1K.

Here we have Friinkle 7,oellern, whocunt the TankeoK a coul ten Kniml lo

„. , , „ ge t him from Atltintn wi thill tlieyMHrafer ArtItur Hete l ie r of the " . » n i m o

R eould turn htm over to Uncle Fill

•V '

» track1 niade by several of last year's second string men who are now,varsity material. Dave had plenty of opportunity of guagingthe hitting ability of this year's team while playing short-1

fttuff In the I'm-IOr CoHBt league.

Wimbledon "Sold Out"The primped thai Helen WlllH and

1 Slimline WTKIHI will inept at Ilie; , , „•,. .,,, „,..,.• ti.,ie,H to " , " • ,,„, , '-, <• ., • , iT e u i L- u . l U U l L N U L C u : Suzitnne UT(;leii will nieel at mecooperat.on of entire ( uni.-h. ^ «i- ^"* _™ ^ J ^ stop for the a lumni . " T a k e it from m e ' , salll t he little tellow | J | » — • - | ^ j Wlmhledom toi,rnamei,t In June liaaIVrmiuiciit p-.sitioii -o snui >••"''••"' ' - " "• sorrowfullv, as he wa lked in to ba t a f te r scooping up a hot one , ie,i N, an ui.prece.ieiited amnicititm

: ; nu s ? . ! " ^ " • * ; • „ , , , . , „ -d w i n*»v s i— t o f i i- s t-" ! w o u l d*™" t h i i i g t o b u W k » ^ ^ . «---'•>• - - — ' r ^ - r : ^ t s s ; : r , . ; : : ;

- l n i l i """ | U 1 S " " / : " " ' , t IIMVIO in school to play with t he t e a m this year , " m n.iifnrni,.. „; nrms (if ,,,„ .,,,,))llim,,,lltll>I1H. T t l t .l i l t ! . f..r t f e n c a l ho l l -e - ke , ln.ll rn.ni-> » n h i|l-«..>«l- l • . • • • m ( j n , H ^ m m ,,,,,„

I," t f d a r a v e n u e . W o o d p layer s .

I, .

. •,'. anted

- - - I I , , . p,-ii,.-e ..f « ; . ! « Is i .n- i . i lent of

will t t l l . r , | l ( . Yaclil It l inl. i : A-Soclllliell of

lioka is proiiably the most promising candidate for Dave's 'Id third base position this year. The youngster is shaping

: ; . m r ; . , 1 7 f r i l . i r i t w i i u e . , ; r , .H , i t r i i a u i , , | , | i | U . . i m i w i n | K . t j i i t i r e l y s a t i s f a c t o r y i f h e c o m e s a n y w h e r e ! T h e r e » i i i be n1 . - O a y s of i i i o r i n i s i i

. V :'• ,.,„. T .ell .!r L i. .. ly »... n ,a r -illing t h , shoes of his predecessor: | J - ' ^ ^ ^ !" **« ¥ " r t

n.e Meji^liriue nrar i i , , , , . .„ , . . .„ . . . . i appllrallonH In l i r a wereIn Tnkui is the artest ill hletic heltl „ , , ,, . , , , . , ," "" '>"• . ' h i slightly more Hum half lliose wlilcli

' " " l11 l ' r l 1 " 1 - have been rejected |hl^ year.


llili 'KKN COOP, will bold w " r " ! ' '. • i! -. $'J(l or best offer. ;"

four new

I lil1- .ve.il'.

,. , St w a l e i i , 1*. O. I tox - 1 .

'•l ' r e e s , -11) i n c h e s hl(jh, :l

. and Seven Sister Uo-<-.

. ach. John Sabadkii, P. O.A'.euel, N, .),

!• W Wri i tb i , • - • • - " ' lS"Uev..e. Ohio,

run rtM>l.-cte.| r a p t n i n »f Hi.- Wilfclltius

ol lfge lillHkel ball teiiin in Il ' -T.

« • •

v Helen Wi l l s I wo

Norwegian Track Star Tries Grid

If we had I " I'b'V "

, . , , out i.f t l i ree. * e donjlt know ba t

i ; , t w e d l»e u littb- ncivoU!. a lso .• • <

.11,.1 h a t h , c h e s t n u t t r i m , o a k s t i m f o n l iniU.-rsliy will be the

am heu t . L o t -J« x 11".!. t l a - g e n i e of Ibe an imal I 'aeillc r " n s t con

Hi Crov^. Avi ' . , I ' l i c e $8 , r .0p . fe i r i ice t ruek BIHI tield »porU M'O —• < * I

I I ' I ' I ' U , ho l l t iw- t i l e ho jM- , I'.

•I W


C r o v ^ AVI'., 1'lice $8..r.Ol). fenlice In

oodmu'n, Mill Muule Avi| . , . ^


,-lubs In he l ! ' " 7 ^ S l a l t ' K ' " r " "SALK:::

Duns, (hows, Setters, I'uioli.

" ; " " ' l ) " lll"CUU"t " ' ' ,T k " / ' HHw.ll h»< .."swImmlnK s l . r . "IA,l! accept any rcasonab e o - , - I I .« ^ ^ ^ M

! : ; . : ! : u f f : t f ; : M i ; S „ ,„.„..., w^,.,»..-,< II i ,i fbiiioui- i luke.

''••'£-• I n ine o n e , c o m e a l l , n u t • " " , , ,' • i l ly a m i avo id t h e l u s h . r l | ( 1 | l l l , , -oi .per. vc le r i ln" ni | l l ieltlfr,

. • l i r .nl . Kel i i i eU, N e w l l i u n s ^ ^ i i ( | i h | s , | l l roinl i t ioi i i t l re• I., T e l , M l l i - W 2. j 1 " ^ , ! v 1^,. i i a U a m l c lub of tlie I'll

i iHe f i iusl league.• * •

I t r l lUl i uoveriiinrii t p l a n s I"

. *1.»»«>.»H«» I " V i l l r » l h l < l l i l '

, , , | S in . l inerelll pal'l« »• I1" ' ' 1" 1" 1

(or I ts il>H service c inph 'M'fS.


KoiiMS AND HATH at Jan- The11 .-ft, Avunel, N. J. All iin spen-l

1 nt-., near School niul Station, nt""• .till a month. 'r> * • •

Vale won Ibe Kasieru InleicolleKiale

»mir t i l l * l»''"Hi »*ll"!"l"*"1"11..?".!.

CARPENTERO|1S done promptly. Joe l)ur'iSlI Wat.sun uvenue, Wooil-!|»r p"l» by -N. j . JHwImmeixlU in'JH.imd.be I

I ' f i l e s * . l i e l i f t s i l t h i s l i m e . S i r

' r i i o i n a s l . i p t t i i i m a y b e i o m c o f t l i e

o p i l l i e l l t l l l l t t h e f l i p i s l U l i l e i l ' I ' l l - I .

DRAFTSMEN WANTEDA — Kxpei ie l l t (d mall capable of

making detailed druwin^.[; — uuisy man with knowledge ainl|

some experii'iice on r-implc" . ' " drawings.

The huit:e«t oild- ever pahl i race ].;x,.,,||(.nt ujiportiinity for ri^hl men.horse was I he $ I <••• "'I' for ,f- paul on Apply by mail or in person.Wlsldni; Hint,' in J»n", I1'1-. <a '•"• Engineering Department


,„ Hrea.er New York theiWire CM >1ON, AVENEL, N. J. "sclioolspliivinj! s o c e r football wilh "45 ' Fennsylviiniii lUtilroiid and Public

elans elevens and ~,''W Uds on HIP 'Service lines direct In factory.

l e l t n i H . " "

* ' * i "^ " ~~J_ , ~ ^ _ ,m^. .-

titt-uers (if American Ihurei igl i l imlsspend more than $1.:«HI,IMHI a yearsliiiipihl! their horses troll! one i rack

Save Pennies-Waste Dollars{][ Some users of printing•" save pennies by get-

ting inferior work and losedollars through lack of ad'vertising value in the workthey get. Printers as a rulecharge very reasonableprices, for none of themget rich although nearlyall of them work hardMotat: Glue your printing toC good printer and save monty.

Our Printing IsUnexcelled

Want Something?Advertise

for it inthese columns


20 Green Street, Woodbridge

lo unoilier.


a • «

ofller. crack outfleltler, who

Hoff w o r l d s .littsiiidoii vuuller mid Norway's blue ribbon

' w a s pu rchased from Allanlii l'.v Hit-

Yankees mill l i irneil over lo Hill '

1.line's llollywotiil club (if tlie I 'oas l

: league, U w o n d e r i n g if he l ' » s been

pl'ollioled.I . . .

Wrestling bus becoine iplite a spor t1 ;tl Illinois, especially since I'oacli Paul' I'rehii lotili over lnal, demiuies at t h ei t'liii|ii|iHiKn in.-tllinion. Kmir t i t u l a rjtenniH have beiii Iui'iu-il •ml i» Ihe last

live seasons,

A ininiieiiHil stioliuiii Is under conKtriiciion in ( iuui la lajura , Meslco, havInn a cupacity of lielweeti 18,<H)0 and



Poat Office Building,',', street, Woodbridye. Hour*:I "t'JiduvH Hurt Fridays.and Fridgya.

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irL (otallng »B7ft.tM*»iiled wh*!^ th* Illinois

IIH Hl-diy nifetlnR ,Waithhilllon I'

fliarlle Hoff wor lds i i. i n k l e who liw>' been ir.itnliig on ll.» (iei.rgelt.wn uolveritlty c»nipu», weutm l with the football M)..ud for I.U first U s l e of the great American eolfefe

l " J U U l ••freHlnuan" In the nil.ldle of the boCharll, UfreHlnuan" In the nil.ldle of the bottom


liuvu ue*n "stake events.u( $n,(*K>. <"Ing grand circuit in

• • »


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News of All Woodbridge Township in the Inde-pendent, the most widely read paper

in Woodbridge.

•JO.tKKI iieihtms. will lie ec|id|i|icil

»ltli a K.vniiia»Iinn, Bhower baths,swimming pnol.aiid Inckt-ri!.

• • • .KiiintiH Oulinel WUK the Hist «iua I

Uur to wtn lht? national npen ci'Ifcrown. He dUl It In WA beatlutj thetwo HrltiHli stars, Verdop -and Utiy,aft^r a tennatloual playoff. Ouimt-twus Just a kkl at ihe time, too.

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87Smith StreetPerth Amboy

ForValueQuality andService

Prices, Fit and Material Always RightI'

L ,i __ '• -i "i.1! • a l i i i iHS^nS

Page 6: Negro Pleads Fright And SelfCrash Kills Railway Defense ...€¦ · Published Every ruesday and Friday Fords Section Page 8 Iselin News, Page 8 No. 12 WOODBRIIMIK. N. ,T., TCKSDAV,



Woodbridge Personals• [ v i:


\ t • \ |

l.in , I1

M , - - .1 I !••

I I .Y..rk.

M r K ! l W " " . l . l o h n s o r . . . f l\r--><-. .Vfi- . i : . - - ] H r , : S n ' . ' . i r d a y • r . - . j rht w : ' l i ^ ' '

.,. , ' " M i i n . I M r -i ; , ' • . t . ; u t l ' l "

| . \ \ Hi m i f tr . ' Ki'ii

\ , . : .1 ii1 w r r i ' 1 h

1 • • ' ( i > . " f M ' : < "

. . • • : - l - , , i i : -

i|r, \ I" lUi'.'l.'Ipl

,.f M-'Tn. .! I>f upp"

Notes to HomemakersMAY TRUMAN

_ . Mr- (;.' litre S. Willct^ n'tuvncil( „ | , , . , ,, ,iMr ' .n f ' r ' M ' i n i i n j f n > < ' \ S n '

, , , . , ] , , •,:••. t i ; . . . H I H H ' T • . p e n d i n g »

i , , . . i V K:i i - r t o r ' . N . •!

| |,,, , , , | . l , . h i i - . i r : " f ( l i - ' . v *'•''

, , , . . , , , , . , 1 t , . T r e n t o n S : i ! i i r i |M>

„ ] ' . . . . I .. [ .Liyi' .I w i t h t h e I ' i ' r t h A n -

I,.,,, .<) M < A V<.l l . -v-bnl! t . - a m .

• > * % ; : \ : : : ; ; : : \ Z n ^ . .» , . , - T I , . «„ . . h ^

n , , | , V . : : " „ . . ' . t h . - a f t e r n . H i , i »! t h . l ^ n n i n * y o - J r F.a-


At Woodbridge TheatreAll R-.ro Ch«r.n Of Old F.n*Lnd

In "F.ml Lynnr

- - ' IAnrr.tr. l E . t a t " »nd Qiminl V.l-

l«g«» Plrlurrfl Beautifully in IVVillium Fo« Srr*«i Vmion ,

All thein t h e p i " - j

,„ (; t h < >

• • • - >



'.< irksome.I wrote you


. ' Mr. ;in,

<;r , . , -n -

. J l i -

. , . , „ • ' - i v

... W . i f •!- !

• Mr

rciilistii-ally pvt'sentcd. IT.i fully enhance the charm of the .

storv the urndui'pr has se

»( Vr

,vi - 1 ' < • fl hori, 'f r i ' i ' H i , .-

Mr-April 13—' . . r t y t.kej,


li.in-tit ..f huililllifT f»iyi. n f a " U l 0

t ( , very, most booomfor instance. Do r-* th« th.-


. *

artists in pii1-turodom to portray the fpaturo rnW'v

atdtnund Lowe and Aima Hubon*roles with j

H I T p . i r .

C : i ! t . :'

II. ••

_ M i

\ \ \ . '...IV.

K Car

' -K- ..rvi. l , . ,,v<.r t l , . m,,..ir,.l »h,.w .n St. .Ume.' School ' pven quite old ladieril2»--<-»rd rKHyjUSt ; .Urn<.s ' j t l | i s d u s ( y r Q g e c ( ) .

rKM (li.rref. is th«' a . r - . Mr- ' I - •'"•"'••

•.', .-.awn,,!. M- K. Mr ..M Mr- ' - - — ' r.«

A::-.!,. h . i , i^ a t ' . - n ^ . ' S ^ 1 - h . : 1.-r: vi-i:*.'.l M r a n . .

r . f e W . v V,.-!.! ir. N V I . : . l " s -f K: .h» :>y. . ^ n , 1 » y

( ; , : . . • i ' V . . . h . , i .--:• • - • ' « - T . , . , H ; ! . h . . - ; • « ' ' • • • • ;

t "k

"J l

" " ' • • ""• ' • • ' ' "

M r - K ' • " • ' K . . ; : v

S o l n i i i . s!i.-|)ife,-s f o m l i i n o i l S o c i e t i e s ' G r a y s h o ' u i , j ^ e c h . ' - " " " ' v h V t h e >

with a clor beifre ahito many.

ihnt I.oslio Kenton and? in other mnjor M


E E A O L E 1 - -

"The Hoodoo' will be prc-,,„ , , (- E_ tflMMt.ty of the


, . a r , much

f r , , m R i l v y to

Ad«n*ur e .

• e , . r n - ' » • ' h i i . - ! ' : n i i l < i v . a r r i n l :i l i t t l . ' | t y | . » ' s n f w o r l d - f n m o u s M , , ,

m o r e t h : i f . ,i y : > r , « ' h . . - . n l . l - ' n l y .M


s ^ , ^ |» rv iibr.enan Church of , h dolicate shades -•; «" in suminor. I ) I , ( I , I I I I f,,,r ; h t . h l , n i . f i l „( the ! , . , , , . , „ N

V l l l , , ; i c , . , , i p | , - s Orehe.tr., of-the I,.- ^ „„;„„,.hot » made s

, ,v , . r .-•:>.-h

r i . . p , . c l i v e

. ^ , h

i:»» wh.-ri t h e


ol . l .

i l i m , d w l f l . , . n h l ^ al,..«tafter aV l l l , , ; i c , . , , i p | , - s Orehe.tr., of-the I,.- B n d ^ n \ m , / B , ;l,:ln wh,, can- entertammvnt VW™*- » *" " a n c x r h , r l p , . ,.f , ,v , ' , . ra.-h. after a

.^1 C.,nKrl.e.tional Cbur.-h at tl.o Mo-" „„, w e a r n b u . , - u . always said r h a n ^ o . \ \ .ves which ^ ^ s h ( , , , t i m r ; , , : l ! , , , , what a P-art h.-ni >r,,l Municipal Hu.ldinR. The play U m t j f , m J t c h ... ;l f r i , , k for r.wV attraction at the _ W oodbndRl ^ ^ ^

w l ; | , . a r * at » 'cJink sharp. I)HIIC- S O I , u , , , m , i ' v e n e w , ,.,:-, I'd take a Theatre. _ ,


TIRES ANDTUBESPrices and Quality Talk Here

Sire1 Type Price Each

>--. C.n-il , 1 5 .

^ ( itr.i . . 1 5 .

'.•K '.' j i'!i:i Curd $7.75

: K 1 . S f i t i l . 14.50



; i x ! >.-. i'.n-il . . 15.75

\\\\^ j .-v^i ,,rd . . 18.50

;. ' ' \ ! ' - MS C ii-(i . 19.50

: K l 1 •_ MS Cord . 19.75

; '.\."i S.1 ('i>r.l . 25.50

Specials on Balloons

•.:>\:V7 IVi'.n. Cd. $18.50

::^\V77 K-'lly Cd. 23.50

•!>:•-.77 C. S C:l. 23.50

Distributors for Kelly-SpringfieldSolid Tire»

Jersey Tire Company147 New Brunswick Ave ; Perth Amboy

Tel. 2218-1775

mi; will f.ill.m- U. the strain., .'f the . h ; u l f l , o n n a v y bli:-'

\ i i rh : owl i inhc>; ra . T h c p r i n t s . a r e i.April 29 and 30— Musical I ' " * , , u t f,,r t n e p a t t o r r

.,lv ••All Al . ' .ur . r hy Juiiinr Wmnan's , . h , , n : i m K mater ia li Inh u, Hich S. h.ml auditorium. buying a ready- t t . - - . n r "!"'• The

May 14 A lium.ir.ius play, --WhU- s m a , j a | | . , ) V e r des i t^- •"< worn !is

'•Exchnnce of Wives" propounds

,t il.. watch no weighty nueMion, nor does it R e , j ' ( ; „ , • .

hvr you are- I 1 0 ' " ' t l ' n moTa] u " ' 1 ^ " 1!~ u ' tr>"

•i fr .uk or •' t r i a ' ox thang* of wives beforeing for divorce. • -p1(. K , . , , n . | i n . ,,:il:inThis Mut ro -Oldwyn-Mayer pro- ) ; ; | ; i n l / , i i i« Mosc.w, w.i- l.-nlt

In V»lrnlino Mo*if

f ' h i ' f n r n i i ' i -

k.-rs" will l.e p ^ o n t e . i in the Sunday r H ' , : | v a V p | a lr

n f a b n " •-r. hy the tiny Auction brings Elvarnor l W r d m a n ' ^ ^ V l h e K:iKl. '." Rudolph V;ii- r.S,-h..ol r....ms of the Methodist Epis- w o m a , ; . ! i n d w h e n , , r l , s t.. select- and Lew Cody to the fore ;>s ex ^ ^ h r s . , - , „ „ , ( A r ! l . t . - , , , , . .„- , . ,:c p a l Church at S I>. M. hy the • a ' j n , f o r , h , v , , y ! i U-B 0 w o - oellcnt comedians, and give* Krne,' t h i i W n m i l , r | ( l p . T h , . ; l t r e l h u r x l . u N f w , o f

F:,i,r,v r r . , , l , y cla.s.s under the direc- n ^ n L i r 5 h c j n s i s t ! ; ,. hlivinK o n e - Adoree and O v . g h t o n Hale their ^ p r j d ; i > .

,,.,„ -,,f their teacher . Mrs. Albert r j a i h i s ( > , 3 m a l , , . , . . . , . l 0 , , The greatOHt oppor tuni t ies to date. , mil)r,,„•,,.„.,,,-. . , . , : , „ , , . . . c u p , , - t h . IndH B.-re-n • .„ ,„! , „ . „ „ . „ ™;J- ' , . . . . • .. craver The theme has been rare ly , if C M T , ,. : . ; _ ... v..i....

The real Kremlin was li.'i",coiisidrrably durinjr tin- l:ri 'vohition, hut has now l>ei •eil, lUTnnlint; to Michael |'!.former irciu'rnl in the I{'i«...;i.who a i t e l us technical ;i.|\••The KJIRUV"

Str ik inp uniforms. <'..-;i. '.'he I j jar ina nnd her c u r t l:i ihine to mnke this «'pi^...||. •..Hire one of spectacular I -Valentino appears as a y.. :<wiek "tlicer. and he ne\ . •

I in,,re , |a-hinp.

f their teacher . Mrs. Albert r d a t h i j ( > g 3 m a l ]

small woman mig!.—js " print than her l a r p

will find that the

ARCHITECTURAL *>«" a r t t0° Pron

by any.mo whose '

The <\ :i\.ii"'l i.'ii.|i>-i ne;ir Bum- yond reproach. Th

r. to... The greatost opportuni t ies to date. m i lgnit icu-n: s r e i n p o . c u p , , -a l . a R a y c r The theme has been ra re y > f , v e r ; i t s t a m i . r p i i s . l j ( i n ; l t V ; l l , . , ,

,ster |^ut you used before, and lends UM/K nl1"-1 ; l V . ,„ , , ,„ . l t l l , , ,1 ( , th,. various otherirgc designs ! readily to screen t r ea tmen t . It con-

rd to be worn ^.. _ ""'" ~"•i. is not be-

All Woodbridge Tonn.l,,,, ..

the Independent , the m<nt %. ,-i, |,

r r»d paper in

•V., one must\uing clothespatterns and

i.',iii'r.illy e.inip.iscd of a mound of>urih fii-e.l with sl.int'.

hha>. in lull t, w-ml'1 require tin1 labor have a real knack :of 40,IHM in.-ii for 4-1 >.-.iri. to ci<nipli>t*. to dare choose the '

— brilliant colorings.Nim-v.'h «ns r . liy 0 mill's. The Two-piece fmi'r.- are gaining in

wa'u ii.T.' 1'W feet hich and thick popularity every .i iy. And. wljileciioiii;!i for '.liiee eh:irii>l.s to driv* VVt. ,,lder women w.:1-. a Lit scare^ 'nf.ilirc.i-t them in the fall. v . tind now, t ha t

— you can wear them r - ry bit a 4 wellT!:.r.' were over HM niLMSarMatues H^ , l U r daugh te r s l! ••'..>• are proper-

iii ihf City of Kliodps. bes ide the ] y p l . 0 p 0 I . t i o n e c j , j , .. ' : ,mger jump-greni h-m/.e iiii-ijje that bestrode the p r , i n J t h p { u l ] e r ^ ... , , , a k l , t h i s t y p ( .

h.irbor o f jrt-ss more wear:.1 '•• and the snug-~" Cer fit adds to •- r - ' cn i inpness .

S..»eral .'f II,.- A,!.'- iiym.nl.l-. « - , , | ( . a U ; U . h i . .,,.. ,, .... ,,f , ,„ .o«..| -J.n> fee. ,.. liei.ht. T h e y ^ r e > k l r ( p , v e a l o n R , : ; > , h a . i s V l , r y

desirable, and, v.i'..-n this line isc a r r i e d s t i l l h i g h e r y ] . l a c i n g a w e l l

Clnnnu.vs w P r r , , , , K n o w i , to the proport ioned pocke ' r. the jump- r

;,u.-,e,,K ' .n . l i i r t mentioned by ju^t over the pleat.-, •.:•,• whole effect

any Creek or Koman architect. A l s pleasing.hole III the roof let out the smoke. ^' :1PCS a r e h e r p - •'" l l l h t ' n ' K "

cape for everyone . m sure. They

Solomon's temple was M7 feet long, ai'e dilli.'uh for th woman with a:?3 feet broad ami ".4 feet lii^h. Though sloping shoulder but for tho.-e whodeemed a wonder of the world, ii » a - i i v bless«d with beautiful sh*.'jlde!>,nut larger than ninny private houses nothing is uir.-r than a cape. Theyof the present time, a re graceful ai;d, ohoMT. with care,

— they add much '..• one's . . . - tunie.The largest of the pyrmnids w MP. | Hats are simple—felt. l.ungk..k,

feet liii;li and >y.n> feet on the sides; ' balHbuntl, o . i h e l e d and i-i-rle vis-as hiise c.tvers eleven acres. Many ' c a i — t o say nothing of th.- ribb.ir,• if the floni's are :H> f.-et lung, 4 feet | i a t s and those made of sit;!: . U-nca-l.roail an.K! feet thick. . : lin,- and taffeta . Still, af'-t-r L';V.I-,K

— ! this l-.nir list 4... ihoose fr..m. I n -The iiuhi-e of the kli.ijs »f r.aby- I p i , , l t _ _ h a t , a r ( , . ; . ! l p | e , M ; , , , . , | , ; i U .

Ion may still he . .^ily tr.ieed. Tt is a , V l . ] v ( . t „,. ,:),,„,„ , , , , n d s w i . ( . .," , , , j i r h ,vust ini.uii.l T.HI .u,,.!- s-mare. Tli^walls u>ir.. ,i_'li. f.'-t tldck and


Local and Long Distance Moving of Furni-ture or Pianos Given Personal Attention

P H O N E 2 3 1 8P E R T H A M B O Y

w i t hU e . ] n


l u , , p l . i i l l l v ,,f a

_ a ( ] r a . ) ( ; ^

! a r t i s t — b u t . w h i l e y o u l o o k t

• fders tand why f..r i t looks simple| | j very simple indeed!

—Please mention this paper whenpurchasing from our advertiser.-.—

"Doirsey Service"

Service makes the difference

where you buy that Ford.

i i

When many trayeling men consider it worth their while to Igo miles

out of their way to get "Dryrsej Service" it surely must be worth while.


Get "Dorsey Service" with that new Ford for a real latjUfacto'ry com-


DORSEY MOTORS Inc.Maple & FayeUe Su. Perth Amboy, N. J.

Phones 3G6-G73 „ , Open EveWng8


Electric RadiatorPrices Reduced tor

Fiha! ClearanceAll the best makes. Sup- •

plies just that little extraheat needed on spring mom-ings ajad evenings.



NUMBER TWOState-wide distribution of Ga«, Elec-tricity and Transit to a population

of 3,000,000 people.


Electric Waffle IronsOrder your wiflU iront MaV*

waffle* at you like them andwhen you waul (hem during thenext thirty daya, Recipe with•very irou.

Should y«u like to own thiaelectric iron that make* ddidouagoldcn-tinicd waffle*, pay #9.95caih. On term. #10.45—*1.4Jdown—$1 a month.


J i - r v y C i t y i - , i n | n . i n t nf |> . . | i u l . i 1 i . i n , s c c o m l a i n o n ^ t l i c c i t i c i n f N e w J t - r s c y .

W i t h i t s m l j u c c i i t i i i m i i i i ] u l i t ! < • - , i n y l l u i K i i i i < ' o u n ! y i t c n n t i i i i i s i i m r t ' t l i u nC.»0,l>()0 [H'ii]>lr. Its water irnnt i- |fia/t of the Port nf New York, it is the ter-in ui id of son ii.' i if llic nation's j_'r«';il trunk line railrowU, it Linn industrial centerof importniice ;ind ;i ^rc;it re^idcnlial community. Public X rvire provides forJersty City aijd its vu.viroiL>, electric, gas and loc-ul truiisporltitiou service.

Become a Parttier!

ON January 1, 1920, ik-ru wi-re more tluui -17,000 satisfied stocklioKlersof Public Service Corporation which controls public utility companies

supplying essential service to iuo>t of the people of the State.

The opportunity to join this ^reat army is now open to YOU. Underour Popular Ownership Plan, you can invest your savings, large or small,as they accumulate, in

•o% C-umulativelreierred Stock

rublic IService Corporationot I\ew Jersey

The price per share is $100 and accrued dividend. The terms are (10 a.month, withinterest paid you on iiisUllmenU.


Page 7: Negro Pleads Fright And SelfCrash Kills Railway Defense ...€¦ · Published Every ruesday and Friday Fords Section Page 8 Iselin News, Page 8 No. 12 WOODBRIIMIK. N. ,T., TCKSDAV,

•• V *

TUESDAY, A?ht 13, 10*0•• '1- lVT,-?: 7-

Odd Beauty Recipe,\ t l ir i 'r pliyHli-iniiH A 'H"|> » f li"1' III'HIII ln'i i i ' i i l l i II r o w

.•lire h i m . T h a t Rlvi-s IIII«1I W H S f o r m e r l y SU| I |HIHCI1 | , I l i r l in :

, , , ••Kill or c u r e " Ii jrii-l l">nmy

'/rrrestful night on Lake Eriegt Shtpi of the C « B Una make* a pleaiant

. A good bed In a l l: ° • ~*-y. k good bed In a clean, cool stateroom,ad «n appetliing breakfaat in the morning.

, „ ••SEEANP*EE"-"OTY OF ERIE"~"crTY OF BUFFALO"Si«n>"« i>t^X^iy May l,t to Novmbtr ISth

Etitrrn \ L«vt CiwLpd-WX) P. M-Snrd^td Time I Artivt Buffilo- '7«l A. M.

• OP BUFFALO" >rrlvei 7i3O A. M.t'ced" Point, Pnt-jn-Biy, Toledo, Detro^ind other polnti.

. »_ — ..i. » . N«wTouii»tdar Point. P u t v , d , Detroit indt of toutlrt «»«ocv fot tick«u vU C & D U a * .

FourC & B StttmenIn Dally Service

, ,. WiimlliridK'' '-'I" IK Main Street,

Slate Roofing and Contracting CompanySpecializing in the Application of

GENASCO LATCTE SHINGLESBuilt-up Roof* and Roll Roofing

...,i ,.s furnished on—slate, Slag, Tile, Asbestos and Metal Roofs

All Work, Including RepairingDone by Competent Mechanic*


14 T Iff

17 18


*r I 31

33 j W3fc j ] 37


|» r-. r- ,0

—L ....

1LI 2 *

3IA 3X

Malachite Is One of

the Greens That Paris

Finds Chic


rn Nfwppftp«r Union,

Horizontal.1- Til I.OBKl4 i lur ta9—Ptivrrty s tr icken

10 A llnrtli.li

12 ATIK1"-SUTCII Trrr a l tpudant on alord

U KuthfrU AKrd

It; -(U-i'upl'ii a cliiilrII— N f j a f l v e1» -Knld nf c lothIS T" g i v e fnrth'Jft— 1'Hdt ry


CANDY KITCHENy ,, :f irt urers and Dealers in

Strictly Purei ANP1F.S AND ICE CREAM

v ,.., St., WniidliridKc Tel. 4.1.


WuMilbridRc. N. JPlumbing Fi*tur«»Spring H«rdw»re

. , i | in and Poultry Suppliei

MAIN ELECTRICI Kctrical Contractor!

I i I , Woodhridije 549

„ & William Sti.. Woodbridgc


Groceries and Provisions

MAIN ST. Woodbridg

CHARLES M. MUELLER:: G A R A G E ::Cylinder Reboring

Tel. Woodbriage 202

.•'• Ourgv's AVB.,


:;i n..ily <

26 -A inrt

luni surroundrd

\ a r i a n t )

LOUIS MORRISONShoes, Clothing and General

Merchandise)p«D Every Day Except Saturday


Resources $325,000



i. i;.n> M, 'Jfi4«.


Carting of til rCrndi

62S Psrihc Ave., PERTH AMBOY


G. A. FULLERTONAuto Trucking

local and Ljn| Distance Hauling

78 Albert St., Woodbridge

Tel. 7i.ri Woodiiidge

!2 |> l i ' l »>* l l i "U^;i < ' i i i iMuniMl r, 4 l l ^ n t t l i e ho r ly3b - I l i n i T t :tC - ' I V I I u r i u I n i a l i b r . 1 -

37 — In-eim-H-rt :IK•- M.: i» | rpr:;o - i ' hfi l u i ' Ifii^ri* frurn ;i l a w nI I I A l l i M I K l " I ' . "

41 Kin.us invli y to 42 llnuinlaulutloa Trill npprar In *t»t !•••».


A ln/.y niiiii (.'UK !i tiiitip nf I'liiiifurtn l l t n f l i l t ' [ i r n M T t l t l l i n t l t t i l l ' ni<'<> I s

n o t n l w i i y s I n t i n ' s w i f t .

T ' x i ' t i n n y o f y t ' p h s l u r ' s c l l i ' h t i - l**

UM- l l l t ' i l - r r l k i l U I II- I! l i f t ' | i r« 'SITVIM'.

'I l l l '> I I I ^ I T U s e it l l t l U ' S ^ l l l ( ' \ l l i l \<* t u .

M u n i m e n l i r e l i i i : I m t i i i ' s . I t u n l y

1 i i k c s ii iHi i in i ' ( I M n i i i l i u i i t u rn i ik i*

l l u ' l l i I n - I l l . \ e | | I I . w l i i ' l i ' W i l r l i l i s " 1 1 ^ o f; Jnlnt.

I I T n r r i m i n i w l i n i< t r y i n g ' I " t c t

(I i - n n n ' l " m i k l i ' m l f i l c e I h i ' l ' e l i ve :i

I | I I / I - I I w t i ' i nrv | r > i n ^ I n };i't it b u r l i e r

m i I ^ ' I I M I m i l l ' .

T h e r e m:iy he lil'':il I n i s l i i u i i l s n i n l

IJi-iil w i v e s in tlii-- u-nrl i l . I tnt s u n i e -

lmv\ or i i l l i e r 111»• v m e n e \ e r i n n r r U ' d

t'l I'lirll nllHT.

p n h T (jet" ilnwnlieiirl ei | l ieri iuse yoti

li:i|i |ien to iiiiike a tnistiiki1. Kvery

', t ime ii siniiri man niiikt's ;i m i s t a k e h e

leurns siiinellilutf.

Vertical,1—Coutateoua2—Linear mm»ur>I--I<ard mranuri.t—To break In Hfr««I -Quite a fewe—Part of "to t.e"7-Note of »CBUI - A flight BU|!H-(lrl»l

(pi.)>—Ciame plar*d on luirsebaek

10—Shallow plare In waterH— Sel«« by public authority11—Pedal digit1 3 - American wrlUrIS—Tn milK—To strikeIt Stringed ln>trumattt19—To go In20—Flat dlnh.12— Kxudefl24—Black writing nurTacaIt—Lowers In rmili21—Manipulated u amall b**l31 A— To marry32—T» «)K-t34—To make a iHke ^86-Same an 1 •vrtlcalJ7- To prohibit39-^-lnnei't3!> Tiun g"d ««—J-Wlll**


Woodbridge Radio Clubat

Mmicipal Building

Friday Eve. April 1 6 ! !r Mutic Furnished


Dance with the SPARKS and have a GOOD TIME!!

First impressions are ai error when

the one-piece frock bands iisdj at

the hip with a bell thai carries the

conviction oj a bloust and skirt, iI "ALMOST anything in the shape of »woman am weir this particular ty|w i,(dress of one-piece cut and two-piece SUR.gestinn. The groups o( fint pUils dividethe front and back for the larRt fiRure'

! ami fill in the hollows ol the woman whoU nverslim. The full sleeve veils thefat arm and the bony elbow alike, andthe collar is an easy one to wear, Theplain colors in flat crept, crepe Roma,etc., are the best choice for the womanover forty bust, while her slim sister conindulge in prints.

! DON'T READ THIS !If satiMtiril w i t h lift-. Hill if nii l i . i | i | iy,i l i i foumirrr i , h a v i n g tmul iU' ut lumu' .a fnilur

help ynt'umt.1 nmake tu


m^-up: is f,r>'<.!v "i.",'!,1,,1 T h a t w e d o t h e very1 nvti'i"!IU> U1 i""'1'- best l ine of Commercialw. latrr m:iy In' ton late

tyey in ailvtuu e ;it\il noiu'if not sati'ifiu-torii'. All wi'lronir..

Stanley, AMrnliiKist, IUI7Mnplc Street, opp. I'osl OIVicc. PerthAmhoy. N. .1.- AdviTlis'i'ment 1 Kl,

Let Us PrintYour Sale Bills

best line of CPrinting and at reasonableprices. Give us your nextorder and let us prove ouiassertion.

Bear in mind, we wantyour business, and we pro-pose making ourselves de-serving. Are you with us?


20 Green St., Woodbridge

— I'leii.se mention t1ii« paper whenpuiThasinj; from "t"' advertisers.—


I v n h . ' i n v I s oT I ' v ' f ii ^ri ' i i t r t - v c -

l i n e . Cir i ' l ' i i .

T i i n c i s i i n l i l ; I' I'IIVV n u t i m p i n l m i t p

o f it i i w u y . t m t | Ittri1 I'tH'h o u r t i i tii'-

c i i t i n l . - ,Ii i l i! i M' 1 ' I ' I I U K I I .

Complete in ItselfSharpens the blade in thera:or without removing i tQuick. Convenient. Easyto clean. Complete sets—ra:or, with strop and extrablades, $1.00 and up.


131 Grove Avqnue, Woodbridge

Tel. 595 Estimates Cheerfully Furnished

ValetAiioStrop Razor

Iinst Ilinu Imp life? Then ilo nutKi|unmliT tlnir. fur time is tin- stufflife Is iimtit "f Hcnjiitnln Franklin.

A'mini "ii ''('Html avptun1 wnnts to

know HIP .llrTpirtin- hPhveen H ftlwpr N',, m n n |p rii-h wliosp pi|n-nillturpNnml H fmlmv A fiiiliif Is H nlvver with ( , I ( ,pl , (1 h i s „„.;„,«; , i n , | no rme is ]v,mn limousine n.[.. .lotft-i-ha kpiiwV- w l i n s ( , l n < , i m i l l ( ; s M l - e , , , | | , | s ( l l,t|.olii^.




WHIZ ALEMITEService Station

G. Lucas, 240 Amboy Ave.Free Crank Case Service

Mortgage LoansFIDELITY M(Jim;ACE COMPANY, mortgage loan

correspondent Tor The Prudential Insurance Co., ofAmerica, for Muiimtnitli, lUiddli'sox and Mercer Countiesannounces the opening of offices in The Middlesex liankBuilding, New Brunswick, where it will be prepared toconsider applications for mortgages upon centrally locat-ed business and residential properties in amounts from$2,500 and upwards on the following plans—straightmortgages for a term of five (5) years on a basis of 50%of appraised value at f»Vi% Interest rate. Monthly in-stallment loans in amounts up to $8,000 on a basis of 60%of the actual appraised value at 6% interest rate on residential property. Monthly installment loans on businessor residential property in amounts from $8,100 and up-ward. Construction loans will be considered on either ofthe above plans by submitting plans and specifications.Prompt service, reasonable charges.


WILLIAM. J. RLA1R, I1 res. & Treas.Tel. N. Bruns. 277IJ

Middlesex Title Guarantee & Trust Bldg.

y - Y. I w j%n-l l i k i ng j n v i n j r u r.\ on l1"il_nJll,l_|,h. _P_J_

By Charlrs Sughrot



u- mt&x.HIS <i«TV



ih:.^Mm€M *-m


. \ wemee, BefiAuse -rHe, AU.





AccommodatingBy L F. Van Zelm






Ouv Motto: I,ow r:iU'.-s, • Big


ars for fimi'iuls,and alt o

G. M. AGREENReal Estate


Houses for sale in Perth Amboy,Woodbridge and Asbury Park

Secure your lot before pricesgo up in the Spring

.-I Perth Amboy '32 State St. Woodbridge

Tel. 769 Tel. 56-W

6 6 6 "is a prescription for

Colds, Grippe, Flu, DengueBilious Fever and Malaria

It kills the germs.

Service, Courtesy andEconomy

That's what yon want andwhat you get when you


Woodbridge 859

Page 8: Negro Pleads Fright And SelfCrash Kills Railway Defense ...€¦ · Published Every ruesday and Friday Fords Section Page 8 Iselin News, Page 8 No. 12 WOODBRIIMIK. N. ,T., TCKSDAV,



Club Committee's Party Lahey Commodore ofDrew Large Attendance Land and Water Club

Flood of Improvement They're Not Real Indians; Don't You Know T VProjects Up For Action

FOR I i K S D A V . A I ' I U I

- T h eMissinnThursday

M l " Mai


h'.nl NO.



' , Club held: i i u r d a y a f t .

K i . n l -

ii i t: tit •I-.'ITD.'1'I'

The affair

• •. - .ne . ik i r . f T!ie,..| ' . . a t ' e rd, . ; , ' ; • < I V 1 . , , f

•' r.il nie«'1i''i; '•'i , rnmpli ' te nSei'iin.l Annualh.-ld in S'l l""l

I I r i i e K l '


I ' V -

H .Yi'.MiC.I"1



Mi1-, t

r>, Mrsr : i I ' i i j r . c . M i

--. Arthur C M

.t::d they wish! , . i i :k. tn


Mr, Mi'


iTson ar.d <1a»j:Newark. Satir1

( ' • ' ' • " • I ' j r 1 ' K 1 ' ! ' - 1 1 -

• t o r -d t. I'« i -h ut I."

T h e W o m a n '

r.-.i 'etmg a', t h e In

I .uMle . ' i \ u - d a y <

- A nuir,:..1!- <•

> n d e d •(;• ' l . . r . " -

Hfln-\ .-li-:.- A- "

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M:, ai. ' i Mr-

< , n , . . y in . ' r e ! :•

. ,i-. - . : ~ i ' - K I" ' '" "'

.....Mr. William '.\mi i . 'V '• -il i 'T S

- - M - . .Vijrust

• i i i i f s i a i . i i i n t ' t T *

:' i ' i . i i i . S u n d a y .

— Mis. \\ o 'N,. i-iT iiiK In r


, f .Mv• I , : i .H

AprilI * . - i - t I t

M ! I " I I

M : - s

• : . . ; i : \ r t



f , - r t b .

e.Hi- .s ' " i u r n : l > ' ' '

;., h " i d .i l . o n e l i l

i v I i . i l M u n i c i p a l

•ught. The c mof Mrs. II.

K. <ha-e, Mi-.W. F. Ifiirns.

Anna |)uni•is and Mrs. If.I to extend thfirthose wh" help

r|y and contributedmany ways.

Members and Guests Dine a l

Blue Hills On OccasionOf Annual Meotin«


a ll


be'.h Sleasliey.

on Ki, Cll'll'iloll vs ll

Th.' .day.

h inF:|l

.:>• i n

prize J'.'.M) in gold. J. H. 'Myers and the noil•i', II fern, went to Mrs.

a: M"tnehMr. \ l f r

A e k . - r• T h . 'l o w , : WhImrn Ul.li

7" - WlTl'is! Mrs,.•over; Mr:

Over ninety men '•'of |be Sowaron IJIIM •enjoyed the annual d :Fiicluy night whiiiyear at the "Blue IIiK-nr Dunellcn. The 1of jonquils, the di"' •etrellpnt, and the ir,:i

WHS, ing.As is the custoir, •

dicers was held a' '.'•J. A. Lahey was ' I

El. I). CbuK.a'

\\: o - -. h i l i

: ilar..1!' last

. he ld t h i s

I ' l . m t a ' . i i m "

.i*:.itis w e r e

iii.l s e rv i ce

p a s s e d hv !

!.i-t n i | j h t .

I ' e t l t l ' i ' i -

K K u i d a t l i "Vi

wi i 'k m e t i i e

i-,.| ri.sohition.- t'<• 1'e reeeived amui-h ip eninniUte


n nf

awarded asC. R. Chase, a j modore; W. H. Ton'

l-; modore;

James Itiiuth-



: s i ) f a


i . • • - ' •

- K .I ' . . ;


rthliii.iy mis aunlay night.Anderson '-T-.t.-vf r i > ' ! : d i f l ' o l l l " ' I

.• ' i i . ia

idorff u f n j o y n g>n, II, C. ,

--.Mr. F lunk Dunham of S-Irei't i- b'iiblin(r :\ new hou:Ki'iirtii -trvet.

—Mi. and Mrs Martin Ralajiiekhave moved fro«n King George'sroad (o Ford iiveime.

- •The H. II. C, f lub met at Mrs. ; ^ ^Mi-nr-.-ll ' 's r.f Oak -.tri-ct, Per th Am [ [',..,'." j ] r > , .

l,..y Fr.d.iy """•"'"I-' ' I t a r d ' c u p s ; Mrs. Harold Whi t t ake r ,Mr, ar.d Mis. H . n m s e n of Perth n v r ( , x ^ M p s R

••>t of howls; Mrs. F. S. Mayo,in set; Mrs. Charles Farr,

pillow. Pinoehie— Mrs. D. J.1 Ryan, plan'.; W. Keifer, lemonade

(set; F. W. Kuth, box of candy; Mrs.' Kinniii I.evi, towel; Mrs. William Ttt-'jhrnwsky, electric light shades; Miss| Helen Klein, towel; Andrew Knth,

cases; W. C. Danner. brass

and C. F". Lewis ai.'lwere elooted to the

a- S.

v. if.I', -aril

u- ( ' .ml-

r e - t ' i i m

cretary;Turner,of Ouv-

and Mrs. H. Dins.Mi of Perthu-it'-d friends here Sunday pyrex

ernors.The 'retiring ci:•.""'•"! '" ' t-'- *•

Lewis was the host f-he evening.Those present iii.l'-d.'d: Mr. and

Mrs. 0. B. Ames, Mr- :«"! M l s - [ ! l

Rankin, Mr. and Mv < S. Wiswa/.Mr. and Mrs. H. 1'. Clark, Mrs.Eborn, W. N. Ebor-.. Mr. and Mrs.

Kniifht, pyri'x rus-i j,._ }J T l l r n o r i M r . vdith Walker.

Mrs. C. M. Cooper, Mv. :>"'' Mrs. V.V. Rush, Mr. and Mi- 1" f Aimess,

I impr.ivement wen1:ivad, from New Hnin-;,. West I'oml road;

Park avenue, Aveiii'l. curb, putt.'iand einders; l.ivinpston avenue, Ave-nel, sewer; Chestnut street, Oniatavenue. Kd^.'ilon Himlevard. Kabway Park, -ewer; permissionWoodbridRe Healty Co., to lay sewerin Runn's, bine; repairs to Thavenue, Aveliel.

Plans were ordered for 1-foot e.m-rroto sidewalk, curb and putters onAvonel street, froni Rahway avenueto Woodruff avenue. Valentine placei-oiu'rete pavement,'curb and putter,iH'cker s'y^ej,, concrete curb nndRtitter, IHRII street "pavement andblut1 stone curb.

Estimates were accepted for curb,RUtUT. Rrndinjr, laying slone on Ham-ilton street. Fords, from Hoy avenuetu Hurnsby street, Woodbridpe Har-dens sewer.

Advertisements were ordered forbids for Criiiiipton avenue sewer andtrunk line.


i n M i ' t u r h i ' t i .

—Th." <•{

i ' k - i n i h i ' Y

" r y

< i



Mr-. I'. DK c"ii!:reil

«hl i- out -to her ho


n afterliy ill-

Mrs. K. T. R 'ed, elec-trif light shades; S. Horowitz, writing Mr_ a n d M r l l i j _paper; Mrs. Marry Conanl, nest <»f

j ;

K e a s b e y

Imwls; Harry Cotiard, handkerchiefs.Kridpe—Mrs. G- F. Brewster. silkvest; Mrs. Thomas Vincent, towel;Mrs. S. H. Demurest, towel; Mrs, W:

last week. UaintyThe

—Mr. and Mr-. W;!l;..r.i II.-r.ranJr . . Jul ia ar.'l M:-ry Mat. ' .-ky^W'in:fre.l Mr*,;:-,,\v, Mar(M"r i :^TQ lishCharles I'f.'-rr-'i- Jr. . Krieh. V. Schus-ter. William Mclliaw and i'lmrli-s U.Pfeitfer were annniR 'ihr local | » r -t ' in i wh<' were puests at the Patrol-men's da iuc m Woodbridpr Satur-day night.

—Miss Mabel Mullins, of P e n hAmboy, will prpsont an "Evening "fWit and Humor" at the Fords SchoolNo, 7. Thursday evening under theauspices of the Indies 'Guild of St.John's Mi-Moii. There will also belocal talent. Joseph Fitzgerald willrender several vocal selections andMrs. Churle.s Haberkorn will accom-pany at >ho piano. Refreshment.* willbe on pale. The advance ticket saleinsures a good sized audience.

—The local lire company was call-ed out to a brush fire near Roman'sCorner. Saturday afternoon at 3 o'-clock,

—The- board of fire eommis-sion-<rs of thf fourth lire district isscheduled to meet tonight at the firehouse.

—Chief John Damback andChief Michael Parsler, of thefire company, attended a meeting ofthe chiefs at Huhway, Sunday morn-ing.

—Mr. and Mrs. Fra*ik 1'esle.r andchildren attended the Hungarian con-cert in New lirunswick, Sunday even-ing. Olga and Irene Fesler rendered

at l-.er h >nif re .~ l imcr . t - . « e rinrliideil M's, A. P. Jolinson, Mrs. W.Rimer , Mr-. William J. Ful ler tnn.

Mr.,. James Qui-h, Mrs William J.I Bertram, Mr] Schuster, and Mi! —Mr. and Mrs

children v.si'.'d friends in New' Kiinswirk, Friday.

—The Ladies Guild of St. John'sMission of Fords, heldthe 'Kirch, Friday.

I Mr*. T. F. Zettl.ii. •><i Mrs.A. F. Sofield, M--ly, Barron McNulty. Mr.J. Adams, Mr. and Mi

i Mr. and Mrs. Emil S'.ri nF. Burns, syrup pitcher; Miss Helen, w

guests pfeitfer, .silk stocking; Mrs. Robert \ J,. ' s m i t h " ^ " and Mr-Ring^ood, silk vest; Mrs. J. H. T . ; m n , f r i M r . a n d M,.. ,.Martin, writing paper; Mr.s. R. R.Moore, towel; Mrs. G. V. Hunter,

Fred Peterson, Mr-. <".. towt*!; Mrs. Harold Haydon, writingCharios Pfeitfer, j

Frank Fesler and,

Mis.s E. Haddy, compact; Mrs. N. H. j Mr""a"nd "Mrs""Ha'pGuth.towel; Mr.s.J. B. M y e r s ^ w e l ; I M r a n ( j Mra

B. Miller, Mr.

comer,Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S1

i Gano, Renec deRus-y,i ant, Irving Dcmare-

..,,.1, Mr. and Ir. Mr, and!Vugu'ta Kel-nml Mrs. F.

l.ihn Kreger.lau, Mr. andand Mr<. I..Martin New-A. Spencer,

in. Miss RitaMonroe Wei-Val Brown,

paper; Mrs. John Coyne, silver lemon t M i s s victoria Brown. Mi- Madeleinefork, Mrs. C. A. ileRussy. towel; ( i t , R u s a y > Mr. and Mr-. W. II. Tombs,

pact Mrs N H j Van Syckle,weaver, Mr.

Mi-ss E. Dolan. holders; Mrs. Thomas ^ M r g

Contracts Awarded forCoal and Water Line

T. F. Dutiigan Co. \vas awardedcontract fur UW ton.- coal at $l'J.i">per ton. The other bids were T. A.Raymond $l!i.r.O* T. A. Leber Jl'J.^H. Navical$10.25. The Nnvicoal bid was re-turned because it did not meet withspecifications,

Contract tor laying Rahway WaterLine was awarded W. ('. Fritz Co.,for $4,2 44.52. 0. S. Uunigali's bidwas $4.:ir>:uo.

Of cours.' the passing of forty years makes a difference ,i,son's looks, but the two young people in the above photograph 1.recoKniz''d by many of our readers, for l.oth are of sufficient pronur.have wide circles of aoiuainUrnVs. Hundreds know them. Tin

, prominent in club activities; the gentleman at the present writticularly prominent.

The photograph, now faded so that u half-tone reproductionlu'iilt. wa.s taken W years ago at a Presbyterian "Bazaar (.r Natwhich the young gentleman and his lady friend represented Anieia matter of fact they actually arrayed themselves in the cloth,'(lians. The young brave, reclining gracefully on one elbow, is aptoying with ii long pipe. Behind him, in the door flap of the tip,his young lady friend. The background appears to be non«- othdAmerican (lag. and although it seem* to constitute an inconsistencyIndian regalia'it was probably justified by the title of the picfIn enable the

Jospeh Klein SI -•• represented.Who can

none canlished.

od folks at the bazaar to ascertain just what th,.

m, tli,. names "f the two In<lia"ns? So certain an- 'ii:',e them that they hnve consented to have the ph ••


Schusterpie wh

Mr. and Mrs. |•A meeting at Wand, apron; Mrs. Chester Peck, ice j ^ j Demurest., Mr. and Mrs. Louis

| box dishes; P. J. Quackenhush, can-] N e u b e r ? ) Roy Ander, :.. Miss HelenQuish, Ch.irU'.= and Erich _ dies; Mrs. C. F. Campbell, handker- | H a l l > A r t h u r i ^ n , Pr,,f, and Mrs. G.

w(»re among the local peo-j chiefs; Mrs. W, F. Jones, bath salts; Brown, Schuyler Vo'.rhees, Mr. and

-The county riad department ispreparing to patch the holes inCrows Mdl road.

—A number of local people at-tended the funeral services of Mrs.Hamilton Saturday afternoon. Abeautiful floral piece wa.s -ienl fromthe employees of the local plant of,Barth, handkerchiefs; Mrs. W. H,

Griswold, handkerchiefs; Miss Jane,

; M n , , L. H. Suydam of New Bruns-Miss Agnes Brown, powder b o x ; | w i c k j M i s s Muriel Har.ey and Miss

witnessed the boxing matches j Misi Elizabeth Peterson, bath salts;Amhny, Thursday night.

Mrs. Thomas Peterson loaf of bread i1 KatherU.e"HowTl of Perth Amboy,William Vincent, candy jar- Mrs. J. j W i l l i a m R c g a n a n d t-,.ly F r c d c r i c k s

A. Compton. water bottle; Mrs. » ! , , p l a i n f i e l d M l s s hilMl(. P e r r y o f

Hoffner. bath salts; W. F. Bums, wallj s u t o n I s , a n d M j s s A | k . r o f l o f B e U .flower holder; Mrs. R. A. Hirner, a v j U e M i s s M i l d r e d B , a u m a n c a m p o f

vase; Mrs Lewis Frankel, apron;. N e w Y o r k M a r k M l . c , a i n a n d j . , y h n

Mrs. John Blair, silk socks; Mrs, i . | S _ C o , Mr_ ftnd Mrs_ R . C . Mag-

ii violin duet. Mr. Joseph Fitzgerald tertained friendsrendered several saxaphone solos. their home Sunn

—Mrs, James Fullerton visited of Mr. fi'terson'Walter Bertram at the Elks' Crip- were played andpled Kiddie's Hospital in Newark, serviSunday. , Mrs.

— Miss Frances Romer entertain- ; ,)oli:iid at her home over the week end.

— Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wargo en- Jugan and ,-lertained a number of relatives and Mr..-. Robertfrirmls at their home Saturday even-ing, in hmi'ir of the marring1.1 of theirdaughter, Julia.

—Mrs. Charles Pfeilfer entertaii.-ed the member;- of h-r I.iirkin's Club

the National Fireproofing Company.—Joseph Adeleski, of Metuehen,

visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.Claus Lund, recently.

— Mrs. Samuel Mi'Graw is rapidlyrecuperating a* the Perth Amboy jCity Hospital. j

1 —Five trees were planted on the!ex-: local playground Friday by children i

oca]; of the local school, in keeping with]the Arbor Hay custom.

—-Fire Sunday night, 'ompletclydestroyed the garage and FunJ car frulCtH,owned hy Frank Esposta at Rogan's,Corner. AH three lire companies ofthe district responded.

— Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peterson en-;\nd relatives at,• r.jght in honor

Dunigan, apron; Mis* Elaine Logan,loaf of home-made bread.

Barber Asphalt SafetyShow Next Tuesday

The Safety Organization of theBarber Asphalt Co., of which Mr. A.R. Bush, the employment managerfor the factory, is head, will holdits third annual entertainment in theauditorium of the Perth AmboyHigh School on Tuesday evening,April 20. The entertainment willconsist of a play, the cast of which

Court Mercedes to HaveGuest Night Program

Court Mercedes, No, 7',, CatholicDaughters of America, will hold"guest night" at Columbian Hall, onThursday evening, April 22nd. Thefollowing program will be given:

Six Table* at Party asMr», Johnson Entertains

Mrs. Ellwood Johnson, oi iavenue, entertained at six ta!bridgi1, Saturday afternoonJames S. Wight, with high sc,,r.awarded a pair of silk stockingother prizes being won as f.,Miss Elizabeth Dolan, n pair

» " " • ' • « f « * • • - • • • •;••• • • " „ , ! j a n h e m s t i t c h e d g u e s t t o w e l s ; MWelcome to Our Guests by Grand , ^ R R a n d o l p h t w k

Miss May Brown.Chorus of the Club Song written

Miss Rose Nash.

;R a n d o l p h i t w o p ! l ck ; iK ,

playing cards; Mrs. J. Willamdrewa, a pair of linen table

ed Miss

i A i

IT. a'

•Tickets Please" direct-' Refreshments were served dunnt; i(,.Marie I)uniKun. Those' afternoon.

Young Lady Entertains onBirthday of Her Fiance

nus and D. J. Hardenbrook of Brook-lyn, Miss Edna Jones Nixon of Hart- companyford, N. C , Mr. and Mrs. L. F. •"''•"U "Hornsby of Baltimore. Mr, and Mrs.Clinton Ferris and Mr. and Mrs. E.

| B. Ford of Newark. Mr. Steele of! Roselle and Mr. and Mrs. Albery Bur-ley of Cranford.

wilTbe picked* from" employees of the [ t a k i n * P a r t a "I. „„.) ( k ^ j . f , ; o n , u ..^^nn.1 Bernadette Delatheir friends, among

ladiesfrom Woodbridge and Sewaren, andsome interesting talks and wiews onsome interesting talks and views onsafety methods as employed by vari-

Miss Carolyn Tier of Ridgedaleavenue entertained a number offriends at her home Saturday even-ing in honor of the birthday of her

Mr. Harry Schoeffer of Rah-

WoodbridgeLarge Crowd Delighted at j

1 Affair by Local Polieemen

Kathryn Romond,aney, Marie Gerity,

and Margaret Dalton.Specialty dancing by Anna Marie

I and Kathleen Ryan, accompanied onthe piano by Mrs. Conrad Schrimpe.

Piano duet by Mrs. J. J. Grace andMiss Alice Kelly.

Vocal solo by Mrs. John Powers,accompaniedSchrimpe.


by Mrs.




Guests were Mrs. J. Willar.i A;.drews, Mrs. D«rben Barthii!,::,, uMisses Barbara McLcod and M;inrHaney of Perth Amboy; Mrs. (),cirKaus, of Highland Park; Mrs. II,-rbert Rankin, of Sewaren; Mrs Ki.ter Bussinger, of Elizabeth; Mr- Vdrew A. Jackson, Mrs. Carl Wilhhiv .Mrs. F. Spencer, Mrs. Lee Sin,1;',Mrs, Harold Hayden, Mrs. ,! .-Wight, Mrs, George Miller, Mr-. MiHI A. Moshcr, Mrs. Harold V.,:,


e.ibments wereI. The guest., included Mr. and

A. P. Johnson, Miss Sadie-"ii, Thomas Jolinson, and Ala-[•Icrgnian, Ml. and Mrs. George

ii, of Fords, Mr. andHalbert and children,

Mr. ar.d Mrs. liimes Quisb and daugh-ter, Margucriti', Jai'iib Bertram,Krich Sclui.sti-r, Mr. and Mr.s. C'UiusLund, Mrs Fred Peterson and child-ren.

—rMrs. Emily Deckei- of Fords,,-ay. y ] and Miss Daisy Madsen of upper

Dancing and music were enjoyed Green street motored to Greenwoodthroughout thf evening. | Lake Sunday.

Ri.frushineiUs were served at a late ; —,Mrs. Carl Augustine who under-hour. The guests included Mr. Harry w e n t an operation in the Rahway



Mr. and Mrs. Herman SchoeflUer, proving nicely.Mr. and Mrs. K. G. Schoeffler, Miss I _ M r . Thomas Coupland haMarie Mundrane, Miss Elizabeth, turned to his home on Wedgew.md

avenue after a month's .sojourn inNorth Carolina.

—Mr. and Mr

of Al. Hitter's .Society Orchestraseemi'd to plea.-e the crowd whichthoroughly enjoyed itself. Refresh- M l ((>sgrove;ments formed part of the evening'sentertainment.

Corde.s, Mr, William Schuoller, Mr,'Harry Mundnuie, Mr. Alfred Miller;of Rahway; Miss flene\ievl.- Ryan ofFords; Mr. ami Mrs. Walter Tier/the Misses Klsie Schrimpf, Ruse Dog-'lor, Mary Desmond, Kthel Tier, theMessrs. Herbert Sehriiiipf, RobertSullivan and U'stor Neary nf town.

Iselin NewsFriday Afternoon Club at

Home of Mrs. J. Wight

— The Ladies Aid .SocietyUnion 1 'r i ' totaHt Church heldt ia l at the Church on Fridayiiifr. A niu.-'.icul feature of the

nf th" subj.v*, thata .so- )>e held, Tueven- "1 itlif>. a1 S (peven-

ing was the rend.-ring of several se-lections liy th

tbi> first meet ing wil•vlay nigh.t, April 13m., at the home of Mr

j Mrs. James S. Wight of Grove ave-•• nue entertained the Friday After-j noon Card Club last week. There

were two tables of bridge in play.Mrs. Harold Van Syckle was award-

the club prize,* a half bozen um-

Walter Warr en-tertained the hitter's sister Miss l'"l-othy Cold of Plea-antville over theweek end.

—Jack Copeland is ill with thegrippe at his home on Wedgevoudavenue.

—Mrs. John Camp and daughterOlive visited Mrs. Camp's mother,Mrs. Sarah Green, in Tuttenville,Sunday.

Congregational Men's ClubTo Meet Tomorrow Night



liiTan/.io family, com-posed of a father an.i threecal seleitiuiis hy Miss Carrie Mahan,uf KoselK1, accompanied by WilliamSilence, of Dover, and Miss Henri-etta Shohli of Iselin, uccumpuniud byMr.s. F, lleiiser, of Menlo Park, werewell received hy the audience. Ajiiaiio recital by Mr. William Silenceand ins t rumenta l selections by thyNnhass hoys wci e ^ri-:ijtly appri-ciut-ed. Several Sciitch songs were s a n gby Mr. Alfred Neary. A turnedy tictby the pii.stor, Mr. Mahan, cunclud-«d the enter tainmi ' i i t , a l t e r which re-freshment , cuiisi.-ting of ice c ream,home ina If cake and coffee, wereserved by tbr roniiniitec in charge.The next meeting of tin- sociuty willbe held at llir ihi irch un Wednesdayaf te rnoon . April 1-1.

- - M r . Harry Scbaedler and Mr. F.Barnewyld, of Snii thamptun, L. I.,were the wick end visitors at thehome of Mi. and Mrs. Kdward O'-Connor , 'if Trii 'sle street .

- -Mr-. Louis Karbi'r, Miss RoseFarliHi1 and Louis- Farber Jr . , visitedruliitijios and,1 frii'iuls in l i t t l e Fer ry ,N. J.1 Siiudiiy.

• •-Ainioiiiicenienl is made thatclasses in "American CiU/.i-ii-ship"ure hein^ furmed, In older to oncourage the residents of f'reign birthto obtain citizenship papers, all ^eu.l-ers of The Woodbridge Independentare urged to till any friend who de

Alfred D. Hyde,tin: classes. Tinportunity for all

who I, conducting! ber glasses and caster and Miss Mil-, Valentine, the guest prize, a

sons. Vo- sirous of becoming citizens and onein which Mr. Hyde shows the capacityof his generosity in offering his homeand tnre fur .so noble a purpose.

, is indeed un op- i 'those who are d e - 1 " 0 7 0 ' ^ ' P 0 WJ l ' r iAT- Refreshments

were served. IThose present were; Mrs. Andljew

A. Jackson, Mr.s. Merrill A. Muster,Mrs. Ellwood Johnson, Mrs, George

- M i s s Mamie Brown of New Vorkj « ! » " • ™™\ Harold Va.i Syckle, Miss


wns a Sunday visitor at tJheof Mr. juul Mrs. George Men-

Mildred Valentine and Miss VictoriaBrown of town.

ing of Fiat' awuii ' .—Mr. and Mrs. Frank

and family were visitors ill Philadel-jphia, Sunday. ^ I

— Mr. and Mr-.. Schlessingi'r had;as their jjuost on Sunllay, Mr. Max '

f New VoVk City, |

I Superstition Basis of PlayTo Be Given Here Monday

Is | there



umli'r-for the

of garage keepers t start at 8 o'clock,repair nieii,IH15, will .v al

To Whom it may Concern:TAKK NOTICE, thu.1 the

signed, by virtue of an "Actbetter pmt«ctionand aw tn mobileproved April M,public auction —

ONK ItUIOK ROADSTKK.dVsner un-knowii; ni.ulel number j^'J-.1! 1; se-rial nfimber HIISTill; motor num-ber Ki;r>771; licen.v number 1K-7 0;;, New Vork, l'.l^fi;

subject io llii.i sale at The IselinGarage, Inc., Grand Street, Iselin,N. J., on Wednesday, April 21, 192C,at V'MO o'clock.


Art1 you suiK'rstitious?such a thing as bad luck? Yrtu canfind out at the Memorial Municipalliuilding, Monday evening, April 19,when the C. E, Society of Princetonpresents "The Hoodiii()" for thebenefit of the Y. P. Orchestra of thelocal Congregational Church. Theplay is a three-act comedy and will

It will be follow-ed by dancing to the strains of theNight Owl Club Orchestra.

Booht Not Hit HobbySamuel Hutler. the famous author

of the great satirical poem on Puri-tanism, "Hiiililiri.s," written betweenHW3 and 1078. Is said to have ownedthe smallest ll!>rnry of any literaryman In London of his tfme.

The Men's Club of the Ctioniil Church will hold ameeting tomormw evening. Diino'iwill be served at ii.;ji) under the di-rectiun of Henry Stettin wh" is tak-ing the platv of the hospitalitychairman, Kuiirad Stern, whu i? mia business trip in Ohio. Mr. Su'llinwill be assisted by the Young l.:l-dies of the Church.

A-prominent speaker has liecn pro- jty,cured and a delightful program ha- (iuuk. andbeen arranged by the president, Mr. —Frederick A. Spencer. There w"

Charles Kenny; F.ben Smock,Helen Sullivan; Ned Riples, Mrs,

Country Girls, MaryBrown, Miss Mae Thompson; Lucin-,da Freeheart, Miss Margaret Sulli-van; Priscilla Perkins, ; \ j r s . ('. Cau-lield; Mynt Waddles. Marie Gerity;Kuhe's Man, an old woman. Mrs. J.Barron Lcvi. .

Chorus singing, "'Till We Meetngrega- Again.

Refreshments will be .-orved at the-close i.if the program. F.very mem-ber !.- a.-keil to be present ami bringa guest.

Mrs. Frank S. Mayo i.- chairnuui,assisted by Mrs, Maurice D.inigan,Mrs. M. t'ti.sgrove. Mrs, KhiabethJaeger, Mrs. Charles. Kenny:. Mrs.John Cuinanii. n, Mi--.i<- Main- Ci-r-

Alice Samlahl. Kathl.-en Me-Mr.-. Katbr.Mi Cautieiii.

Mrs. Donovan Elected AsSunshine Class President

i an important business meeting,j

Newi of All Wocxlbrldg* Town.hip int ie Independent, the moil widely

d paper in Woodbridge

One Back AnyhowI.Htle l i i r l t.. Neli ; t ih. .r I

Mrj . S in l t l i . niie ofi rowed f rom I M | | | W H

II L i c k Ttii 'h>n\

maHill- Ifl-llt

I'm fin.

At the annual meeting of th,shine Class held last night .home of the leader, Mr.s, II. Apen the following oflieers HC:YI'll for the ensuing year: Pr,Mrj, William Donovan; Viwdent , Mrs. Harry Baker Jr. ,tary , Miss Daisy Madsen; T H ,Miss Klnu Bergh; Flower ' I,:.Mrs. John Lewis.

During the past year '.!.•have sent out 1-10 bouquet-. -S baskets of fruit, 7 book-. 1 "•groceries, coal, supplied t!-'\v>Church Sundays, t 'n t . r ta i i i-mothers on Mother's Day :.:.>postage charges on MowersHenry Street Settlement d1..::1

summer by the Sunbuams.

A social hour with r*fi> -;

was ciijnyed at the close uf tr.ness sessit>n. The next m<b<' with1 Mrs. John Lewi-evening, April 2ijth.

Ml '

a a


sires to obtain infiii'inatiun on the 4, Ll-lfi-UOF. Scanlon,



High Grade Tools, House Furnishings,Paints, Glass, Oils, Varnishes

i A 1 Complete Line of General HardwareBALINTS HARDWARE

Hoy and New Brunswick Avenue* FORDS, N. J.

Run Ovef by Truck, ManEscapee With Minor Injuries

Andrew Saligi, of Vesper avunue,suffered lacerations of the scalp andsevere bruises of the body when hewast knocked down and run over by atruck on Wou«lbridi;u avi-inie, nearPort Reading, at 5.1)0 Saturday even-ing, *

Fortunately the truck wiis. a lightmachine. It was 4 r ' v t ' n by JosephKisler, 635 Court street, Elizabeth.


You Need a Garage

See Illustrations in Our Store WindowNo. 1—10 x 16—All material for $98.60

No. 2—12 x 18—All material for 136.75

No. 3—14 x 20—All liaterial for 184.40

No. 4—12 x 18—All material for — 144.20

No. 5—20 x 20— (two car) all mafl for 229.30

No. 6—20 x 20—(two car) all mat'l for 224.90

No. 7—30 x 20—(three car) all mat'l for 316.70

—Call at our office or 'Phone for free plant—

St. James' School FundParty Tomorrow Night

Tomorrow night a card party for!the. benefit of St. James' School Fundwill be held at the school in the ward jroom. Dancing will be enjoyed inHi,- auditorium. Nearly mi ' hundred'prizes have been donated and a hund-

I .s.iim; dour prizu will be given. Mrs.J. lit IA-'V\ i» chairman uf the com-mittee in