Need for disaster preparedness & training Training need in low resource setting for physicians and other health professionals who intend to respond to an international disaster or work in a low resource setting. Disaster response training at the local level should be a community process involving the health sector (physicians, nurses, hospital, health clinics, private physicians), municipal agencies (fire department , police, sanitation and garbage) disaster response agencies, schools, churches, and community groups

Need for disaster preparedness & training · Need for disaster preparedness & training ... care personnel, rescue teams and community workers about the needs of children in disaster

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Page 1: Need for disaster preparedness & training · Need for disaster preparedness & training ... care personnel, rescue teams and community workers about the needs of children in disaster

Need for disaster preparedness & training

Training need in low resource setting for physicians and other health professionals who intend to respond to an international disaster or work in a low resource setting.

Disaster response training at the local level should be a community process involving the health sector (physicians, nurses, hospital, health clinics, private physicians), municipal agencies (fire department , police, sanitation and garbage) disaster response agencies, schools, churches, and community groups

Page 2: Need for disaster preparedness & training · Need for disaster preparedness & training ... care personnel, rescue teams and community workers about the needs of children in disaster

Pediatrics in Disasters (PEDS) program

goals• Educate Pediatricians, physicians, nurses, other health

care personnel, rescue teams and community workers

about the needs of children in disaster preparedness and

emergency response.

• Establish national and regional PEDS training centers to

carry out “train the trainer” activities.

• Facilitate collaborations among professional societies,

hospitals, medical schools, and local, regional, and

national governmental agencies related to pediatric

disaster preparedness and response.

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Pediatrics in Disasters training course

• The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) in partnership with the Johnson & Johnson Leadership Institute created a task force in 2004 to develop the Pediatrics in Disasters (PEDS) program

• Collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), the United States Military, and the Association for Health Research & Development (ACINDES).

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Course materials• Training manual

• Lecture slides

• Facilitator guide

• Student workbook of exercises

• Pretest and posttest examinations

• Evaluations of lectures, exercises, and overall course

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Thematic areas

• Disasters and their effects upon the population: Key concepts

• Preventive medicine in humanitarian emergencies

• Planning and triage in the disaster scenario

• Pediatric trauma

• Management of prevalent infections in children following a disaster

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Thematic areas (continued)

• Diarrhea and dehydration

• Delivery and immediate neonatal care

• Nutrition and malnutrition

• The emotional impact of disasters in

children and their families

• Toxic exposures

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Course structure

• Training manual provided prior to the course

• Lectures

• Problem based small group learning

– Scenarios appropriate for training site

• Technical skills training (toxic exposures, trauma and newborn care)

• Final simulation and integration exercises

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PEDS global courses

• Between 2008 and 2013, 21 Pediatrics in Disasters (PEDS) training courses have been held in 13 low income countries.

• All these courses were highly rated by the participants

• A six month post course survey found that the courses encouraged future participation in a variety of disaster planning, response, and training activities.

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Nine courses with the overall course

evaluation data( 5 point Likert scores)

• Course objectives achieved ranged from 4.1 to 4.9

• Personal objectives achieved 4.0 to 4.8

• Expectations exceeded 4.1 to 4.9

• Amount of new information 4.0 to 4.9

• Relevance and applicability 4.0 to 4.8

• Overall usefulness 4.1 to 5.0.

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Online PEDS

• The Center for Global Health at the Colorado School of Public Health in collaboration with the Maternal and Child Health Department of Maimonides University launched the online version of the Pediatrics in Disasters training course.

• http://cgh.mycrowdwisdom.com/diweb/start

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Advantages of having online material

• Greater access to the material

• Participants do not need to travel to attend a course or take time away from work

• Participants can work at their own pace

• Participants can select the modules that are most appropriate for their experience ie. nonclinicians versus clinicians

• Opportunities for blended courses that include traditional in-person format and online material

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Online PEDS module components and

time estimates• Learning objectives (10 minutes)

• Pretest (5 minutes)

• Chapter in manual (120 minutes)

• Video lectures and slides (45-60 minutes)

• Tutorial for problem based exercises (45-60 minutes)

• Interactive problem based exercises (60-120minutes)

• Posttests (15-30 minutes)

• Evaluations (15 minutes)

• Total estimated time for a module (4.5 -7 hours)

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PEDS course formats

• Traditional three or four day classroom setting with lectures, small groups, and final simulation (manual available one month prior to the course)

• Only online course with 10 modules (4.5-7 hours per module)

• Online course followed by three or four day traditional classroom course

• Online course followed by one or two day small group sessions and simulation.

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Online course cost structure• English material for the United States and Europe: $80-100

per module or $620 for all 10 modules

• English material for low and middle Income countries: $10 per module or $75 for all 10 modules

• Spanish material for low and middle income countries: $10 per module or $75 for all 10 modules

• Scholarships are available

• No cost for blended courses (train the trainer courses)

• Income generated from United States and Europe will be used for traditional and blended courses in low and middle income countries