fsTff&t.' /VV» ' <£> &®V •m? „«*<• 'ik Cv HOT SPRINGS STAR. PWFHU.IVIUL. LAFUUCM* & XTAXI.CT TERMS or ADVKKTISlsU: On* sqn*r*, one insertion ? t 00 Each nithmNiaonl Insurtion .. 30 One colaran, um year , W 00 One-half column, one yaw 4.MM One-fourth culntrtn, uns yuar SS 00 Onft-elghtli culniun, one year 10 00 BualnmM nail editorial not«*». per lino 10 Advertising bills ara payable monthly'. THE Sioux City Jmirnal fays that a railroad man lugli in mitfiority snys hr; has pood authority for saying the national rail way commission will, with- in a few days, give notice that the suspension of the long and short haul clause will be recinded July 1. ^ EXPIRATION When you see mi X marked on the margin of your paper it is a sign that your subscription ia duo for the year. If the remittance of |2.50 is not forth- coming, the paper will be stopped, as it is bettor for as to know at once, who are and who arc not in sympathy with an establishment of this kind in their midst. It costs us ca?h to run the es- tablishment , and if we gut no return. 1 - we certainly cannot furnish you wit I paper for nothing. Our liberality and forbears- ce ave been unbounded, and we J el hat c h a r i t y w e t o o t h e r * s h a w , i t - : 8h AV'il to us. Sparks seems to IXJ the taige* rf ALL the newspaper vituperation. He cer- ' tainly has given cause for complaint Although it may have been his purpo-' 'ID guard the public domain agains 1 •peculation and fraud, it has also made it rocky for the settler, so much so. that it has to a great degree, retarded the settlement and growth of the coun- try. THE Brookings Press has miH<» the discovery that each county has a right to pre-empt 160 acres of government land for a poor farm. Although Fall River county, with its healing waters, delightful climate and boundless re- sources, will prol>ably never need a poor farm, it might be well for the county commissioners to profit by this suggestion while there yet remains un- occupied government land in the county. A TGN. Ah! Major Pudden-hoad nt*" y>v < 1 of the opinion that a propah habitation could be excavated an-1 iwer -.vit S the native timbah of ouwah glowion hills and a propah amount of dirt la thro wed ovali it at a vewy small e.\- pe»::;, to confine our pvvL-oisahs in un- til we have ouwali cow-ntr -rat in it! propah place? The records, vo: know, can bo vewy conveniently kept in a dwy goods box in a small tint, yon know, subject to removal by ordah o' the citizens of the cow-nty. Well-er ah! Col. Hollow-cmk. it ap- pears to me that your argument is pro ductive of profound meditation, worth- thy of the massive expanse permeating the interior of your capillary domain— we will liqunli and pondah! THIS do settle it! Last week we made some remarks about the laudable combination of Rapid City and ltusli- ville papers in building the B. & M. \V e now learn from the Rapid City Journal that "those who know," mean- ing of course the laudable. Lave map- ped out their latest, if not last, map foi the B. & M. road to get into I»api</ . City, which is the object for which the B. & M. has built its last 500 miles The B. & M., according tho "those who -know, 1 ' will "junct ana cross"' at Rush ville: it will u»e balloons to "fly" across the Pine Ridge, and "dodging" the corner of the Indian reserve, it will "skip" along the foot hills to the mouth of Lame Johnnie. From this point it will be easy sledding to Rapid City. This flying, hop-dodge-skip-and-a-jump route thus succeeds in making very important junction points out or Rapid City and ltushville.-—Chadron Journal BUSINESS LOCALS. Shvtc J hits—For Ladies', Misses. Men, Youths and Bovs, cheap for cash S. 6."FARGO A- SON. I am positively closing out tin- agricultural business and will clean out all stock on hand this season re- gardless of price or time. Am offering self-binders and reapers on one year 1 ? time at 12 per cent, "to be extended OIK year longer without, interest, or taker, back, if crops are hailed out. A. T. VAN DKVORT. WANTED—A first-class white bar- oer. Apply at once to E. 1'HERSETTON. We are realiably informed that the B. & M. is fast approaching the Black Rills, that hundreds of men and teams are pushing the work along. Various predictions are expressed as to its prob able course in entering Dakota's boun- dary and of course all are vague; it does no£ look reasonable that a competing line would look favorably upon a route that would run counter to their inter- est, such as paralleling the Elkhorn for a long distance, as it certainly would have to do if it left Chadron to the west. Of course our views have no more weight than hundreds of others who have made expressions, or that it would vary the determination of the company a hair's breadth, yet facts are stubborn things and cannot be refuted. The fact? of the case are plainly evident that the B. & M. company have a cer- tain point in view, which they are de- termined ultimately to reach, but by gradual approaches, and that route will inevitably occupy or traverse that por- tion of Dakota most accessable, and the least deviating from the objective point. Now the country tj the west of Chadron is fully equal to any other por- tion of the country through which the B. & M. might run in a commercial point of view and if tho objective point is the region of the Yellowstone t he the most direct route is through Fall River county and on up the valley to Custer. A natural avenue penetrates this course through auuneqvialed farm and stock country as well as minerals. The immense ledges of jasper and mar- ble, the inexhaustable beds of gypsum, connected on the north by Custer with her tin and mica gold and silver mines, are a source of attraction that are equal to any other portion of the Hills. The Hot Springs alone with their ac- knowledged powerful healing proper- ties are sufficient witbiu themselves to attract the attention of railroad corpo- rations in this direction. We feel confi- dent we shall have a road to the Springs at no distant dav. Icon/Soap with each twelfth cake sold we give a "Creeping Baby." S. C. FARGO & SON. '' V" s !l ' and get one of those !>8.50 hammocks to do it in. S. C. FARGO & SON. 1 he Mountain Laundry is prepared to do all kinds of laundry work on short notice and in good workman-like man- ner. All work guaranteed. l-3W. GEORGE LOSS, Pron. Just Received—a line Basket Fired Jap- an Tea at81,00; another in Perfection Cans at 90 cts. May Flower at GO cts., and a good Basket Fired at. 50 cts. S. C. FARGO & SON. California Riveted Oreralls just in direct from manufacturers. S. G. FARGO & SON. "Perfect Rest Bed Springs." Fresh bread will be kept constantly on hand and for sale at. Ickes's Store, S. E. WILSON has a choice selec- tion of town lots for sale. no28 tiw Perfect Rest Bed Springs. FRESH OYSTERS at Thayer Bros, every Friday of each week. Fine Candies—a nice line just open- at S. C. FARGO & SON. Perfect Rest Bed Springs. ."Perfect Rest Bed Spring's" CHOICE BC LTER always on hand at S. C. FARGO & SONS. "Perfect Rest Bed Springs." TIPS OF TAFFY. The Hot Springs STAB has a new editor and it shows it* It is brighter than ever and "shines for all'.—Lead City Tribune. Will Stanley has purchased an inter- est in the Hot Springs STAR. Will is a rustler, and will publish a dandy local paper.—flhuy (Dak.) luier State. vVill Stanley, formerly of this place, r ~ purchased an interest in the STAU, ' ' iot Springs. Will will own a gold i -ie next, and perhaps build a rail- s' d.—Watertown Public Opinion. YiU Stanloy, brother of John A., tor and proprietor of the Hcrmosa j .I :iot, hu purchased an interest in the tot Springs STAB, and will we presume --' dd additional luster to that journal- istic orb when lie assumes his role upon - 1 lie editorial staff.—Custer Chronicle. The Hot Springs STAB reached us :kis week greatly improved. The new a litor, Mr. StanLsy, seems to he pos- .• -- 's*ed of the vim and went for news -3 ecessarjr for a sueoeasfuf compiler of v. Daneruasmalltown. Khewillkeeg DAKOTA HOT SPRINGS, THE: PIONEER mm Ifoqse I CJ ; i's-b£ 'in! i ife M ik i lii to] mi u bhi I M i ni _j *>•>< THIS MAGNIFICENT HOTEI Is now under the control and run exclusively by tlie Dako- ta Hot Springs Company. The house is perfect in all its appoint- ments and is the most complete hotel in Dakota. THE WONDERFUL DAKOTA HOT SPRINGS in close proximity. The best climate, most beautiful scenery and the grandest surroundings. If you are sick, come to the Dakota Hot Springs and get well. We can show more marvelous cures than were ever made by any other waters in the world. FOB A PLEASURE EESORT THIS HAS NO EQUAL. The Dakota Hot Springs are situated in Fall River, the Southwest county of Dakota, at the southern extremity of the Black Hills and twelve miles from Buffalo Gap, on the F. E. &• Mo. V, It. It.. For further particulars, address R. D. JENNINGS, Manager of Hotel or A. S. STEWART, Supt. Dakota Hot Springs Co. Hot Springs, Dakota. NEEB -v, wmmmsmm DRUGSTORE RiTer Avenue, Hot Springs, D.T, NOT DEAD BUT ALIVE AS EVER. The Finest and Bg Stocked Drug Store Ii\ Blqcl^ tjills. KEEP CONSTANTLY IN STOCK Drugs, chemicals, Patent Medicines, Drug- gists Sundries, Fancy and Medicated Soaps, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Bath Brushea Hair and Cloth Brushes, Fancy Glass Ware, Fancy Looking Glasses, Cutlet^, Trusses, Shoulder Braces, Chest Protectors, Drinking Cups, Toilet Sets, 8ehooI Books Blank Books and Ledgers, Stationery of all kinds. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO Combs, Towel, sponges &c Parties visiting the famous Hot Springs of Dakota can rely on being sup* plied with everything necessary for the bath at reasonable prices also ARTIST'S MATERIAL. Consisting of Paints in Oil and Bronzes, Brushes, Gold and Silver Bronze, Paints, Oils and Yarnislies, Potty, Pipes, Tobacco, Cigars, Fiddle, Banjo and Ghiitar ( Strings. Special attention given to filling prescriptions day or night by th« Metric system, or any other form by W. R. MORGAN, a competent Druggist. THE PUB LIC CAH BEST ASSURED That all mcdicines compounded by him will not only be FUSE but be put up in a most careful manner. , Do not forget the place at the Post Office on River Avenue. CashforCo., Warrants FRANK CALL AH AH PROP. BARBER SHOP. If you would sweetly sit. you down to slmve, in deep oblivion or on fancy's wings arise, ana visit a paradise of hap- py dreams—be not oppressed by duae or fop. hut hasten to the barber shop— 'neatti the Minnekahta Hotel and in- terview Doc Pierce the—Silent Man. PETTY BROTHER'S TALLY HO COACH LINE! ESKINS & SHANN, -DEALERS IN- CHOICE BEEF, MUTTON, LAMB, VEAL, Pork, Hams, Bacon, Corn Beef, Tongues, Etc. Poultry and GamcinScason. HOT SPRINGS, DAKOTA. FROM HOT SPRINGS TO Bulfalo Gap. •P. will certainly be ent o a front plaoa ia the list of weeklies fctheHilU. We Phillips & 3 nively Dealerts in Hardware. . .f, Tinware; V stoves. And Agricultural Implements. —WE ALSO— Carry a nice line of BOOTS, & SHOES HATS & OAFS, GENTS FURNISH- ING GOODS. Skandia Plow Compny's PLOWS & HARROWS VAN &RUNT WAGONS. Fancy Dry Goods— Such as India Linen, Nainsook Check, Laces, Edgings Ruchings, Collars and Cuffs, Ties, Hand- kerchiefs, and some Dress Robes—all offered at lowest cash "prices. S. C. FARGO k SON. DON'T YOULT WATCH KICEP TIME? If It does not, don't pay Black Hills prices, but send to \V. W. HALL, (508) Fourth St. Sioux City. Yonr watch will bo put in thorough good *liape and at prices which will not paralyin yon. FINAL PROOF NOTICES. ...jumt.ttid. *8 -BQTSPMlXGa.DAlZ,- Make Close Connections With the TWAINS jarSonttl qqd JCoi'iii-JS FINEST EQUIPPED LINE AND Best Stage Road in AMERICA! TRIP IS MADE IN ONE HOUR and fifty-four minutes! I A SPLENDID Livery Barn . is in connection, AT HOT SPRINGS. TEAMS AT COMMAND, ALL HOURS, DAY AND NIGHT With or without drivers JOSEPH PETTY, EDMUND PETTY ;v rropriBK. v OOTWUNQ8, /Pr 1 I.and Office at Deadwuod, Muy£, IK87. NOTICE is hereby jrlven that the following name t euftler has JUud iioticu ofhis intention K make final proof in support of his claim, anrithtr eaid proof will he m&dt* before the clerk of th< district court. Full Kiver <'oitn«y i>. T. at !!«• Springs, on June viz: John McKav 1). S. 4W7 for the nwl-I \% T 7, K. 5, E. It. 11 X lie names th«» following witnesses to prove hi continuous residence upon, and cultivation of bhW1 land, viz: John Wells.Thoflitts Hell.George Gin eon, William U. Germoml, ull of not Springe P. C. I>. T. JOUN It. WKITBSII**'. may 5 Register. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. tn the matter of the estate of Charles Jarett deceased. All persons having claims against said Chail*- Jarett, deceased, are required to exhibit t1> same,with the necessary voucher*, to the unde: signed administrator or said estate, at his nfllr inOelrichs, in the county of Fall Kiver, t«<rritoi of Dakota, and that four months hive been liini e4-as the time for creditors topreseuttheirclalir atainet said estate. Dated the 7th dav of Muy, 1687. PfUNK Ptff.i.. Adminlptrator. rrnmm r m&S Come to E. Phcrnetton's Old Stand an l get a clean sliave—Sliop No. 1. NOTICE-TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the estate of A. M. McKlnnev deceased. All persons bavins claims against said A. >1 McKlnuey, decease^,are required to exhibit lit* same, with the necessary vouchers, to the titid«*i- signed II. U. Ferguson, of said estate, at his pla< t of business in Hot Springs, in the county of Fall River, territory of Dakota, and tbat four montlir- have been limited as the time for creditors to present their claims airainst said estate. Dated the 4th day of Mar, A. D. 1887. 8 II. II. ^krol'xok. Administrator. S ummons—Relief.—Com- plaint Filed. Territory of Dakota I Klret JuiUclkl District f 8 III the District Court in and for Fah Hirer County. Dfenla Carrigan v*. 3t«lvln Oempwy. The Territory ol ualcota neada greeting:— To Melvln pcninKey defendant: You are here by summoned aua required to answer the com S laintof this action, which was tiled on the ISth ay of April, A. D. 1887, in the offlce of the Clerk of the District Court within and for the Count' of Fall Klver, Territory of Dakota, at the court house in HotHprings County of Fall River, D. T.. and to aerre a cop* of your answer on the sub scribera at thetr oflice on seventh street In the city of Rapid City, Dakota Territonr. w'lthln thlrtv days after the service of this summonV exclusive of the day of of service. If yot< fail to answer the complaint within that time, th< S UIntiff will apply to the court for the relic! emanded In the .complaint. Dated Rapid City D. T. this' Kth day of April. A. D. 1887. Fowucn A COAD. Plain UCs Attorney's. i Melcin Demote*: a will take notice that the eomplalAt' ia tA> rttore entitled action waa lied in the ofllce of the lertt of the district coart. at Hot Borings M' H ' ths Hth d>y of A^rUMW^- V K it ^ -ft FOR A GOOD SHAVE!! Elcgfaiitllaii'-cut. PATENT SHAMPO, —or anything ]it rtaining to— THE TGilSOilA I ART- drop into the O. K. W. H. ST. CLAIR, HOT SPRINGS DAKOTA DONT READ THIS I Stop Kicking, and go and try Those Elegant COCK-TAILS : , AT WILLIAM ENOCH'S. He Also Carries the Best Line Of WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, CIDER, Etc., I make a specialty of TABLE WINES. Also the finest PORT WINE in the Market, and the finest CHAMPAGNE made. ^lUQ&go Avenue, - - - - l(ot Springs, Oa^otq CARPENTERS JOINERS AND BLACKSMITH. The Undersigned are prepared to do all kind of work in Wood oi< Ii<oi\. Will contract to build houses, churches or bridges. Wagons made or repaired on short notice. FINE SHOP WORK A SPECIALTY, And horse-shoeing a specialty in the iron department. ALSO CARY ON TIIE BUSINESS OF UNDERTAKERS. Also Pay Especial attention to rafting. Shop on River Ave., Hot Springs, D. T.- HOWELL, <0 MILLER, PROPRIOTORS. PHOTOGRAPHS !! I'ilOTOURAl'IlS AXDSTUUEOSCOP1C Views Taken, «-\YiU make view* of the- Black I-Iillts and tlie The Magnificent Scenery around the HOT SPRINGS, A SPECIALITY. JSf" Photographs taken In fhe bent xtvte.^sfj L ull Early. Photograph Uallerv on Uiver Ave- nue, near the Bridge. JAMES It. CALE, PBOTOURAPUBB. 'inr «pniN«H, DAKOTA THE FAMOUS CUBTOM-MAtilf ?LYM0UTHRBCK$3PANTS Cnt tn order from wool en cloths caretullf ee> iected for etyle tnd wear. Every pair «aar- •titeed. ana XONKT RKO^IPTLY WrtTKUBD. or new pair made, if Roods are retained unaitlafactory. DO YOU WEAR PANTS? •front :olor yon like, send '• yonr WAUT, BV and J cts. for postas* (or prepaid v.,... »»i 4».u parlring. On ac«D * am either to ns, or to the ornci or TOIS r apackacs otssmplss will b«ni ailed ink * SAW UNA TAM HUM "witktlw Praprtetonof , . CASH GROCERY HOUSE! Chicago Avenue; —»s- WE ARE RECEIVING A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OB^y-.i STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, salt, Flour, Feed and Qrain. All new Roods bought (or cash, which we oiler to- consumers at the lowest 1 f. prices FOR CASH. Will pay market price for all kinds of produce.. Money can be saved by calling otf ua. ' We propoeete sell cbeaper FOR CASH than Wet

NEEB -v, wmmmsmm DAKOTA HOT SPRINGS, DRUGSTORE · Shvtc J hits—For Ladies', Misses. Men, Youths and Bovs, cheap for cash S. 6."FARGO A- SON. I am positively closing out tin-agricultural

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Page 1: NEEB -v, wmmmsmm DAKOTA HOT SPRINGS, DRUGSTORE · Shvtc J hits—For Ladies', Misses. Men, Youths and Bovs, cheap for cash S. 6."FARGO A- SON. I am positively closing out tin-agricultural

fsTff&t.' /VV» '

<£> &®V •m?

„«*<• 'ik



TERMS or ADVKKTISlsU: On* sqn*r*, one insertion ? t 00 Each nithmNiaonl Insurtion .. 30 One colaran, um year , W 00 One-half column, one yaw 4.MM One-fourth culntrtn, uns yuar SS 00 Onft-elghtli culniun, one year 10 00 BualnmM nail editorial not«*». per lino 10

Advertising bills ara payable monthly'.

THE Sioux City Jmirnal fays that a railroad man lugli in mitfiority snys hr; has pood authority for saying the national rail way commission will, with­in a few days, give notice that the suspension of the long and short haul clause will be recinded July 1.

^ EXPIRATION When you see mi X marked on the

margin of your paper it is a sign that your subscription ia duo for the year. If the remittance of |2.50 is not forth­coming, the paper will be stopped, as it is bettor for as to know at once, who are and who arc not in sympathy with an establishment of this kind in their midst. It costs us ca?h to run the es­tablishment , and if we gut no return.1-we certainly cannot furnish you wit I

paper for nothing. Our liberality and forbears- ce ave

been unbounded, and we J el hat c h a r i t y w e t o o t h e r * s h a w , i t - : • 8h AV'il to us.

Sparks seems to IXJ the taige* rf ALL

• the newspaper vituperation. He cer-' tainly has given cause for complaint

Although it may have been his purpo-' 'ID guard the public domain agains1

•peculation and fraud, it has also made it rocky for the settler, so much so. that it has to a great degree, retarded the settlement and growth of the coun­try.

THE Brookings Press has miH<» the discovery that each county has a right to pre-empt 160 acres of government land for a poor farm. Although Fall River county, with its healing waters, delightful climate and boundless re­sources, will prol>ably never need a poor farm, it might be well for the county commissioners to profit by this suggestion while there yet remains un­occupied government land in the county.

• A TGN. Ah! Major Pudden-hoad nt*" y>v • < 1

of the opinion that a propah habitation could be excavated an-1 iwer -.vit S the native timbah of ouwah glowion hills and a propah amount of dirt la thro wed ovali it at a vewy small e.\-pe»::;, to confine our pvvL-oisahs in un­til we have ouwali cow-ntr -rat in it! propah place? The records, vo: know, can bo vewy conveniently kept in a dwy goods box in a small tint, yon know, subject to removal by ordah o' the citizens of the cow-nty.

Well-er ah! Col. Hollow-cmk. it ap­pears to me that your argument is pro ductive of profound meditation, worth-thy of the massive expanse permeating the interior of your capillary domain— we will liqunli and pondah!

THIS do settle it! Last week we made some remarks about the laudable combination of Rapid City and ltusli-ville papers in building the B. & M. \V e now learn from the Rapid City Journal that "those who know," mean­ing of course the laudable. Lave map­ped out their latest, if not last, map foi the B. & M. road to get into I»api</

. City, which is the object for which the B. & M. has built its last 500 miles The B. & M., according tho "those who

-know,1' will "junct ana cross"' at Rush ville: it will u»e balloons to "fly" across the Pine Ridge, and "dodging" the corner of the Indian reserve, it will "skip" along the foot hills to the mouth of Lame Johnnie. From this point it will be easy sledding to Rapid City. This flying, hop-dodge-skip-and-a-jump route thus succeeds in making very important junction points out or Rapid City and ltushville.-—Chadron Journal


Shvtc J hits—For Ladies', Misses. Men, Youths and Bovs, cheap for cash


I am positively closing out tin-agricultural business and will clean out all stock on hand this season re­gardless of price or time. Am offering self-binders and reapers on one year1? time at 12 per cent, "to be extended OIK year longer without, interest, or taker, back, if crops are hailed out.


WANTED—A first-class white bar-oer. Apply at once to


We are realiably informed that the B. & M. is fast approaching the Black Rills, that hundreds of men and teams are pushing the work along. Various predictions are expressed as to its prob able course in entering Dakota's boun­dary and of course all are vague; it does no£ look reasonable that a competing line would look favorably upon a route that would run counter to their inter­est, such as paralleling the Elkhorn for a long distance, as it certainly would have to do if it left Chadron to the west. Of course our views have no more weight than hundreds of others who have made expressions, or that it would vary the determination of the company a hair's breadth, yet facts are stubborn things and cannot be refuted. The fact? of the case are plainly evident that the B. & M. company have a cer­tain point in view, which they are de­termined ultimately to reach, but by gradual approaches, and that route will inevitably occupy or traverse that por­tion of Dakota most accessable, and the least deviating from the objective point. Now the country tj the west of Chadron is fully equal to any other por­tion of the country through which the B. & M. might run in a commercial point of view and if tho objective point is the region of the Yellowstone t he the most direct route is through Fall River county and on up the valley to Custer. A natural avenue penetrates this course through auuneqvialed farm and stock country as well as minerals. The immense ledges of jasper and mar­ble, the inexhaustable beds of gypsum, connected on the north by Custer with her tin and mica gold and silver mines, are a source of attraction that are equal to any other portion of the Hills. The Hot Springs alone with their ac­knowledged powerful healing proper­ties are sufficient witbiu themselves to attract the attention of railroad corpo­rations in this direction. We feel confi­dent we shall have a road to the Springs at no distant dav.

Icon/Soap with each twelfth cake sold we give a "Creeping Baby."


'' V"s!l ' and get one of those !>8.50 hammocks to do it in.


1 he Mountain Laundry is prepared to do all kinds of laundry work on short notice and in good workman-like man­ner. All work guaranteed. l-3W. GEORGE LOSS, Pron.

Just Received—a line Basket Fired Jap­an Tea at81,00; another in Perfection Cans at 90 cts. May Flower at GO cts., and a good Basket Fired at. 50 cts.


California Riveted Oreralls just in direct from manufacturers.


"Perfect Rest Bed Springs."

Fresh bread will be kept constantly on hand and for sale at. Ickes's Store,

S. E. WILSON has a choice selec­tion of town lots for sale. no28 tiw

Perfect Rest Bed Springs.

FRESH OYSTERS at Thayer Bros, every Friday of each week.

Fine Candies—a nice line just open-at S. C. FARGO & SON.

Perfect Rest Bed Springs.

."Perfect Rest Bed Spring's"

CHOICE BC LTER always on hand at S. C. FARGO & SONS.

"Perfect Rest Bed Springs."

TIPS OF TAFFY. The Hot Springs STAB has a new

editor and it shows it* It is brighter than ever and "shines for all'.—Lead City Tribune.

Will Stanley has purchased an inter­est in the Hot Springs STAR. Will is a rustler, and will publish a dandy local paper.—flhuy (Dak.) luier State.

vVill Stanley, formerly of this place, r ~ purchased an interest in the STAU, ' ' iot Springs. Will will own a gold i -ie next, and perhaps build a rail­s' d.—Watertown Public Opinion.

YiU Stanloy, brother of John A., tor and proprietor of the Hcrmosa

j .I :iot, hu purchased an interest in the • tot Springs STAB, and will we presume --' dd additional luster to that journal­istic orb when lie assumes his role upon -1 lie editorial staff.—Custer Chronicle.

The Hot Springs STAB reached us :kis week greatly improved. The new a litor, Mr. StanLsy, seems to he pos-

.• -- 's*ed of the vim and went for news -3 ecessarjr for a sueoeasfuf compiler of v. Daneruasmalltown. Khewillkeeg




I CJ;i's-b£ 'in! i ife M ik i lii


mi u bhi I M i ni _j *>•><

THIS MAGNIFICENT HOTEI Is now under the control and run exclusively by tlie Dako­

ta Hot Springs Company. The house is perfect in all its appoint­ments and is the most complete hotel in Dakota.

THE WONDERFUL DAKOTA HOT SPRINGS in close proximity. The best climate, most beautiful scenery and the grandest surroundings. If you are sick, come to the Dakota Hot Springs and get well. We can show more marvelous cures than were ever made by any other waters in the world.

FOB A PLEASURE EESORT THIS HAS NO EQUAL. The Dakota Hot Springs are situated in Fall River, the Southwest county of Dakota, at the southern extremity of

the Black Hills and twelve miles from Buffalo Gap, on the F. E. &• Mo. V, It. It.. For further particulars, address R. D. JENNINGS, Manager of Hotel or A. S. STEWART, Supt. Dakota Hot

Springs Co. Hot Springs, Dakota.

NEEB -v, wmmmsmm DRUGSTORE

RiTer Avenue, Hot Springs, D.T,


The Finest and Bg Stocked Drug Store Ii\ Blqcl^ tjills.


Drugs, chemicals, Patent Medicines, Drug­

gists Sundries, Fancy and Medicated Soaps, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Bath Brushea Hair and Cloth Brushes, Fancy Glass Ware, Fancy Looking Glasses, Cutlet^, Trusses, Shoulder Braces, Chest Protectors, Drinking Cups, Toilet Sets, 8ehooI Books Blank Books and Ledgers, Stationery of all kinds.


Combs, Towel, sponges &c Parties visiting the famous Hot Springs of Dakota can rely on being sup* plied with everything necessary for the bath at reasonable prices also

ARTIST'S MATERIAL. Consisting of Paints in Oil and Bronzes, Brushes, Gold and Silver Bronze,

Paints, Oils and Yarnislies, Potty, Pipes, Tobacco, Cigars, Fiddle, Banjo and Ghiitar ( Strings. Special attention given to filling prescriptions day or night by th« Metric system, or any other form by W. R. MORGAN, a competent Druggist.

THE PUB LIC CAH BEST ASSURED That all mcdicines compounded by him will not only be FUSE but be put up

in a most careful manner. ,

Do not forget the place at the Post Office on River Avenue. CashforCo., Warrants


BARBER SHOP. If you would sweetly sit. you down

to slmve, in deep oblivion or on fancy's wings arise, ana visit a paradise of hap­py dreams—be not oppressed by duae or fop. hut hasten to the barber shop— 'neatti the Minnekahta Hotel and in­terview Doc Pierce the—Silent Man.




CHOICE BEEF, MUTTON, LAMB, VEAL, Pork, Hams, Bacon, Corn Beef,

Tongues, Etc. Poultry and GamcinScason.



Bulfalo Gap.

•P. will certainly be ent o a front plaoa ia the list of weeklies

fctheHilU. We

Phillips & 3 nively

Dealerts in

Hardware. .

.f, Tinware; V "»

stoves. And Agricultural Implements.


Carry a nice line of BOOTS, & SHOES



Skandia Plow Compny's



Fancy Dry Goods— Such as India Linen, Nainsook Check, Laces, Edgings Ruchings, Collars and Cuffs, Ties, Hand­kerchiefs, and some Dress Robes—all offered at lowest cash "prices.


DON'T YOULT WATCH KICEP TIME? If It does not, don't pay Black Hills

prices, but send to \V. W. HALL, (508) Fourth St. Sioux City. Yonr watch will bo put in thorough good *liape and at prices which will not paralyin yon.


...jumt.ttid. *8 -BQTSPMlXGa.DAlZ,-

Make Close Connections

With the

TWAINS jarSonttl qqd JCoi'iii-JS


Best Stage

Road in AMERICA!

TRIP IS MADE IN ONE HOUR and fifty-four minutes! I


Livery Barn • . is in connection,


HOURS, DAY AND NIGHT With or without drivers


;v rropriBK. v OOTWUNQ8,

/ P r 1

I.and Office at Deadwuod, Muy£, IK87. NOTICE is hereby jrlven that the following

name t euftler has JUud iioticu ofhis intention K make final proof in support of his claim, anrithtr eaid proof will he m&dt* before the clerk of th< district court. Full Kiver <'oitn«y i>. T. at !!«• Springs, on June viz: John G» McKav 1). S. 4W7 for the nwl-I \% T 7, K. 5, E. It. 11 X lie names th«» following witnesses to prove hi continuous residence upon, and cultivation of bhW1 land, viz: John Wells.Thoflitts Hell.George Gin eon, William U. Germoml, ull of not Springe P. C. I>. T. JOUN It. WKITBSII**'.

may 5 Register.

NOTICE TO CREDITORS. tn the matter of the estate of Charles Jarett

deceased. All persons having claims against said Chail*-

Jarett, deceased, are required to exhibit t1> same,with the necessary voucher*, to the unde: signed administrator or said estate, at his nfllr inOelrichs, in the county of Fall Kiver, t«<rritoi of Dakota, and that four months hive been liini e4-as the time for creditors topreseuttheirclalir atainet said estate.

Dated the 7th dav of Muy, 1687. PfUNK Ptff.i.. Adminlptrator.

rrnmm r m&S

Come to E. Phcrnetton's Old Stand an l get a clean sliave—Sliop No. 1.

NOTICE-TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the estate of A. M. McKlnnev

deceased. All persons bavins claims against said A. >1

McKlnuey, decease^,are required to exhibit lit* same, with the necessary vouchers, to the titid«*i-signed II. U. Ferguson, of said estate, at his pla< t of business in Hot Springs, in the county of Fall River, territory of Dakota, and tbat four montlir-have been limited as the time for creditors to present their claims airainst said estate.

Dated the 4th day of Mar, A. D. 1887. 8 II. II. ̂ krol'xok. Administrator.

S ummons—Relief.—Com­plaint Filed.

Territory of Dakota I Klret JuiUclkl District f 8

III the District Court in and for Fah Hirer County.

Dfenla Carrigan v*. 3t«lvln Oempwy. The Territory ol ualcota neada greeting:—

To Melvln pcninKey defendant: You are here by summoned aua required to answer the com

Slaintof this action, which was tiled on the ISth ay of April, A. D. 1887, in the offlce of the Clerk

of the District Court within and for the Count' of Fall Klver, Territory of Dakota, at the court house in HotHprings County of Fall River, D. T.. and to aerre a cop* of your answer on the sub scribera at thetr oflice on seventh street In the city of Rapid City, Dakota Territonr. w'lthln thlrtv days after the service of this summonV exclusive of the day of of service. If yot< fail to answer the complaint within that time, th<

SUIntiff will apply to the court for the relic! emanded In the .complaint. Dated Rapid City D. T. this' Kth day of April.

A. D. 1887. Fowucn A COAD.

Plain UCs Attorney's. i Melcin Demote*:

a will take notice that the eomplalAt' ia tA> rttore entitled action waa lied in the ofllce of the

lertt of the district coart. at Hot Borings M'H ' ths Hth d>y of A^rUMW^-

V K it ^ -ft

FOR A GOOD SHAVE!! Elcgfaiitllaii'-cut.

PATENT SHAMPO, —or anything ]it rtaining to—

THE TGilSOilA I ART-drop into the

O. K.


DONT READ THIS I Stop Kicking, and go and try Those Elegant


WILLIAM ENOCH'S. • He Also Carries the Best Line Of

WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, CIDER, Etc., I make a specialty of TABLE WINES. Also the finest PORT WINE

in the Market, and the finest CHAMPAGNE made.

^lUQ&go Avenue, - - - - l(ot Springs, Oa^otq

CARPENTERS J O I N E R S A N D B L A C K S M I T H . The Undersigned are prepared to do all kind

of work in Wood oi< Ii<oi\.

Will contract to build houses, churches or bridges. Wagons made or repaired on short notice.

FINE SHOP WORK A SPECIALTY, And horse-shoeing a specialty in the iron department.


Also Pay Especial attention to rafting. Shop on River Ave., Hot Springs, D. T.-



Views Taken, «-\YiU make view* of the-

Black I-Iillts and tlie The Magnificent Scenery around the HOT SPRINGS, A SPECIALITY.

JSf" Photographs taken In fhe bent xtvte.^sfj L ull Early. Photograph Uallerv on Uiver Ave­

nue, near the Bridge. JAMES It. CALE, PBOTOURAPUBB.

'inr «pniN«H, DAKOTA


?LYM0UTHRBCK$3PANTS Cnt tn order from wool en cloths caretullf ee> iected for etyle tnd wear. Every pair «aar-•titeed. ana XONKT RKO^IPTLY WrtTKUBD. or • new pair made, if Roods are retained a« unaitlafactory.


PANTS? •front

:olor yon like, send '• yonr WAUT, BV and

J cts. for postas* (or prepaid v.,... »»i 4».u parlring. On ac«D * am either to ns, or to the ornci or TOIS r — apackacs otssmplss will b«ni ailed ink * SAW UNA TAM HUM

"witktlw Praprtetonof , .




STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, salt, Flour, Feed and Qrain.

All new Roods bought (or cash, which we oiler to- consumers at the lowest • • • 1 f.

prices FOR CASH. Will pay market price for all kinds of

produce.. Money can be saved by calling otf ua. '

We propoeete sell cbeaper FOR CASH than
