PATHOLOGY Dipartimento di Patologia Animale, FacoltaÁ di Medicina Veterinaria, UniversitaÁ di Pisa, Pisa, Italy Necrotizing Cerebellitis due to Neospora caninum Infection in an Old Dog C. CANTILE 1,2 and M. ARISPICI 1 Address of authors: 1 Dipartimento di Patologia Animale, FacoltaÁ di Medicina Veterinaria, UniversitaÁ di Pisa, Viale delle Piagge 2, I-56124, Pisa, Italy; 2 Corresponding author With 3 ®gures Received for publication January 12, 2001 Summary A severe, necrotizing, non-suppurative in¯ammation of the cerebellum associated with Neospora caninum infection was identi®ed in a 14-year-old male Labrador Retriever. On presen- tation, clinical signs included mild depression and head tremor, marked ataxia of both thoracic and pelvic limbs, and abnormal postural reactions. In the central nervous system, in¯ammatory lesions were mainly restricted to the cerebellar leptomeninges and cerebellar cortex, which appeared necrotic and atrophic. Protozoal organisms were positively stained with an anti- N. caninum antibody in an immunohistochemical procedure. Introduction Neosporosis is recognized world-wide as a cause of encepha- lomyelitis in the dog, recognized as the de®nitive host of Neospora caninum McAllister et al., 1998). Because parasite oocysts have been demonstrated in dog faeces, this animal can serve as both intermediate and de®nitive hosts. Tachyzoites and tissue cysts are the other known stages of the life cycle. The presence of tachyzoites has been demonstrated within a variety of host cells, whereas tissue cysts have been observed only in the central nervous system CNS) Dubey and Lindsay, 1996). Most cases of clinical neosporosis aect congenitally infec- ted young dogs. Dogs less than 1 year old develop rapidly progressive myositis with hind limb paresis evolving into a severe ascending paralysis, often with rigid hind limb hyper- extension Dubey and Lindsay, 1996). The most common sites of infection involve the lumbosacral spinal cord and the muscles, but lesions throughout the CNS, peripheral nerves and several organs can be observed. In these cases, no clear relationship between parasite distribution and clinical signs is reported Barber et al., 1996). Infections in adult dogs are diagnosed infrequently and do not have a consistent clinical course. Adult dogs with N. caninum infection have signs of multifocal CNS involvement, polymyositis or multiorgan infection Dubey and Lindsay, 1996). Here we describe the clinicopathological features of an unusual case of neosporosis in an old dog with chronic cerebellar syndrome. Case History Clinical ®ndings A 14-year-old intact male Labrador Retriever was presented with a history of progressive ataxia of several weeks' duration. Vaccinations against canine distemper virus, parvovirus, leptospirosis and canine adenoviruses and annual boosters had been given at appropriate time intervals. On physical examination the dog was normal, except for a mild muscle atrophy of pelvic limbs. The dog was mildly depressed, showed mild head tremor and marked ataxia of both thoracic and pelvic limbs with inability to stand without assistance. Postural reactions were abnormal with dysmetric and delayed respons- es. Patellar, cranial, tibial and ¯exor re¯exes were normal. Cranial nerve examination was normal, except for a mild bilateral reduction of menace response. The owner declined other diagnostic procedures and a neuroanatomic diagnosis of cerebellar disease of unknown aetiology was made. The dog was discharged, but a week later was presented again in similar conditions. Considering the advanced age of the animal, and the guarded prognosis, the owner requested euthanasia. Pathological ®ndings Post-mortem examination did not reveal macroscopic changes of major organs and the CNS. The brain and the ®rst segments of the cervical spinal cord were ®xed in 10 % buered formalin solution and routinely processed for histology. Tissue sections were stained with haematoxylin and eosin and an immuno- histochemical procedure for N. caninum, Toxoplasma gondii, and canine distemper virus antigen. The sections were treated with goat polyclonal antisera directed to N. caninum and T. gondii VRMD, Pullman, WA, USA) for 1 h at room temperature in a moist chamber. Sections were washed and incubated with biotinylated rabbit anti-goat secondary anti- body Biogenex Laboratory, San Ramon, CA, USA) for 30 min, then washed again before incubation for 1 h in a streptavidin±horseradish peroxidase complex Biogenex). The reaction was developed in an n-aminoethylcarbazole substrate for 10 min. An immunohistochemical examination was also performed with the streptavidin±biotin±complex method and a monoclonal antibody against the nucleocapsid protein of canine distemper virus antigen VRMD). Histological examination revealed a chronic, severe, non- suppurative in¯ammation of the cerebellum comprised of lymphocytes, macrophages and many plasma cells. The in¯ammation mainly involved the overlying leptomeninges with extension through the cerebellar folia, which frequently appeared atrophic and collapsed Fig. 1). There was extensive loss of Purkinje cells and granular cells with marked reactive U. S. Copyright Clearance Center Code Statement: 0931±184X/2002/4901±0047 $15.00/0 www.blackwell.de/synergy J. Vet. Med. A 49, 47±50 2002) Ó 2002 Blackwell Wissenschafts-Verlag, Berlin ISSN 0931±184X

Necrotizing Cerebellitis due to Neospora caninum Infection in an Old Dog

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Page 1: Necrotizing Cerebellitis due to Neospora caninum Infection in an Old Dog


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