Ancient Near East Civilization and Literature Define Civilization. It is a group of people working together to create an organized soc Study the Following Aspects of Civilization: 1. Geography 2. Economics 3. Architecture 4. ocial !. "olitical List the Ancient iver Civilization. 1. #esopotamia 2. $ile %i&er 'alley 3. Indus %i&er 'alley 4. (uang)*angtze +*ellow, %i&er. Descri!e "esopota#ia. It is an ancient -i&ilization around ri&er Euphrates and igris. #esopotamia is Gre the land /etween +meso), two ri&ers+)potamus,. #esopotamia co&er other cultures or ci&ilizations0 1. umerian ) rom around 3 to 1 -E 2. a/ylonian ) rom around 1 to 12 -E 3. Assyrian ) rom around 12 to !4 -E 4. #edo)"ersian ) rom around !4 or 33 -E. Descri!e the Fertile Crescent. It is the land stretching from Ancient Egypt in the 5est to "ersia in the East. o -rescent stretches from #odern Egypt to #odern Iran. Descri!e the $eographic Conditions of the Fertile Crescent. he ertile -rescent has0 1. 7ittle rainfall. 2. (ot and dry climate. 3. 5indstorms lea&ing muddy ri&er &alleys in winter. 4. -atastrophic flooding of the ri&ers in spring. !. Arid soil containing little minerals 8. 7ittle stone or tim/er resources eason why people lived in the fertile crescent. $A 9%A7 7E'EE pro&ided for em/ankments. hese le&ees were produced /y /uild)up of sediment o&er thousands of flooding. he ad&antages are0 1. It creates a high and safe flood plain. 2. It makes irrigation and canal construction easy. 3. It pro&ides protection. 4. It has surrounding swamps that were full of fish : waterfowl. !. It is near to reeds that pro&ided food for sheep ; goats and as /uilding res Descri!ed the "esopota#ian eligion. #esopotamia has a polytheistic religion consisting o o&er 38 gods and demigods. hese are the "rominent gods;goddesses0 1. Enlil +supreme god : god of air,. 2. Ishtar +goddess of fertility : life, 3. An +god of hea&en, 4. Enki +god of water : underworld, !. hamash +god of sun and gi&er of law, State the Capital of "esopota#ia. It <epends0 1. umerian -ulture ) 9r of -haldea.

Near Eastern Literature

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Mesopotamia Mesopotamian Civilization Literature HistoryFour CulturesHammurabiGilgamesh

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Ancient Near East Civilization and LiteratureDefine Civilization. It is a group of people working together to create an organized society.Study the Following Aspects of Civilization: 1. Geography

2. Economics

3. Architecture

4. Social

5. Political

List the Ancient River Civilization. 1. Mesopotamia

2. Nile River Valley

3. Indus River Valley

4. Huang-Yangtze (Yellow) River.

Describe Mesopotamia.It is an ancient Civilization around river Euphrates and Tigris. Mesopotamia is Greek Name for the land between (meso-) two rivers(-potamus). Mesopotamia cover other cultures or civilizations:

1. Sumerian - From around 3000 to 1800 BCE

2. Babylonian - From around 1800 to 1200 BCE

3. Assyrian - From around 1200 to 540 BCE

4. Medo-Persian - From around 540 or 330 BCE.

Describe the Fertile Crescent.It is the land stretching from Ancient Egypt in the West to Persia in the East. Today, the Fertile Crescent stretches from Modern Egypt to Modern Iran.

Describe the Geographic Conditions of the Fertile Crescent. The Fertile Crescent has:1. Little rainfall.

2. Hot and dry climate.

3. Windstorms leaving muddy river valleys in winter.

4. Catastrophic flooding of the rivers in spring.

5. Arid soil containing little minerals

6. Little stone or timber resources

Reason why people lived in the fertile crescent. NATURAL LEVEES provided for embankments. These levees were produced by build-up of sediment over thousands of years of flooding. The advantages are:

1. It creates a high and safe flood plain.

2. It makes irrigation and canal construction easy.

3. It provides protection.

4. It has surrounding swamps that were full of fish & waterfowl.

5. It is near to reeds that provided food for sheep / goats and as building resources.

Described the Mesopotamian Religion. Mesopotamia has a polytheistic religion consisting of over 3600 gods and demigods. These are the Prominent gods/goddesses:

1. Enlil (supreme god & god of air).

2. Ishtar (goddess of fertility & life)

3. An (god of heaven)

4. Enki (god of water & underworld)

5. Shamash (god of sun and giver of law)

State the Capital of Mesopotamia. It Depends:

1. Sumerian Culture - Ur of Chaldea.

2. Babylonian Culture Babel\Babylon.

3. Assyrian Culture Nineveh.

4. Medo-Persian Culture Babylon.

Identify the Inventors of Cuneiform Writing System.Sumerians.

List down the three main systems of writing.1. Pictograms: picture to show meaning.

2. Ideograms: signs to represent words / ideas.

3. Phonetics: signs to represent sounds.Describe the Cuneiform Writing System. It is a wedge-shaped writing representing sounds and numbers developed around 3500 BCE. It is written on wet clay tablets with the point of a reed and then dried in the sun to make a tablet. Scribes were only ones who could read and write and served as priests, record keepers and accountants. Cuneiform spread to Persia and Egypt and became the vehicle for the growth and spread of civilization and the exchange of ideas among cultures.

State the notable architecture of Mesopotamia.1. Sumerian Ziggurats.

2. Babylonian -Nebuchadnezzar's Hanging Garden.

Describe the Tower of Babel. Archeologists suspected that it is a Ziggurat dedicated to Marduk.

Define Ziggurat. Ziggurat is a worship place with a step-like structure.

State the main material for building the ziggurat. Mud bricks.

Give the purpose of building a ziggurat. Ziggurat substitutes hills and mountains as ''high places'' of worship. Ascending the high places is going to heaven, the dwelling place of the gods.

Describe the Royal Tombs of Ur, Chaldea. It is city famed in Bible as the home of patriarch Abraham. Archeologists discovered such as extravagant jewelry of gold, cups of gold and silver, bowls of alabaster, and extraordinary objects of art and culture. Some tombs have mass grave containing the bodies of 6 guards and 68 servants. The grave was a great funeral procession. Soldiers and servants drank poison after choosing to accompany the kings and queens in the afterlife.

Describe the Social Hierarchy of Sumer. These are the classes:1. Upper class - kings, priests, warriors, and government officials.

2. Middle class - artisans, merchants, farmers, and fishers. These people made up the largest group.

3. Lower class - enslaved people who worked on farms or in the temples.

Describe the Silk Road. The Silk Road is the trading routes among the four river civilization. Before the Chinese discovered/invented Silk, the four civilization already used the same passage for the trading other goods.

State the Inventors of the Wheel. Sumerian - 6000 BCE. Archeologist found the oldest chariot. But this may disputed.

Explain the Significance of the Wheel. It revolutionized transportation of Goods and People. The wheel eventually requires better roads. Both the wheel and road-making changed world civilization.

Describe Code of Hammurabi.It is the written law (in cuneiform) of the Sumerian. The code is based on the principle of ''An eye for an eye. A tooth for a tooth.'' Something of equal value. Punishments were designed to fit the crimes as people must be responsible for own actions. But consequences for crimes depended on rank in society (ie. only fines for nobility). It is the most extensive law code from the ancient world (c. 1800 BCE). The code is preserved by being carved on stone pillars and molded on clay tablets.

Hammurabi did not make the laws but collected and organized already existing laws. To express divine authority, Hammurabi Stone depicts Hammurabi as receiving his authority from god Shamash. These are sample translations:

1. If a son struck his father, the sons hand would be cut off.

2. If a judge makes an error through his own fault when trying a case, he must pay a fine, be removed from the judges bench, and never judge another case.

Explain the key features of the Epic of Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh is an ancient story or epic written in Mesopotamia more than 4000 thousand years ago. It is the first known work of great literature and epic poem. The Epic of Gilgamesh mentions a great flood. The Epic is similar to the Nippur Tablet, a six-columned tablet telling the story of the creation of humans and animals, the cities and their rulers, and the great flood. Take note that Epic of Gilgamesh and the Nippur Tablet both parallel the story of Noah and the Ark. By the way, modern science argues an increase in the sea levels about 6,000 years ago (end of ice age) and there was an actual King Gilgamesh of Uruk. The melting ice drained to the oceans causing the sea level to rise more than ten feet in one century

The Epic of Gilgamesh is the story of King Gilgamesh of Uruk. Gilgamesh is a ruthless and oppressive leader, and the gods punish his prideful behavior by killing his best friend (Enkidu). Horrified by Enkidus death and the prospect of his own demise, Gilgamesh undertakes a quest for immortality which brings him to the home of Utnapishtim, the only mortal saved from the Great Flood and granted immortality. There he finds the truth about life and death.

The Epic expressed the ancient belief of divine retribution for transgressions such as violence, pride, the oppression of others, and the destruction of the natural world.

Give reason/s for the invention of irrigation. Early river civilizations control the source of water for agriculture and no longer depend on unpredictable flooding or rising of the river. Irrigation solves the following problems:

1. Unpredictable floods destroy crops and houses.

2. Marshes unsuitable for farming.

3. Invasion from other tribes.

List the contribution of the Sumerians.1. They Irrigated fields and produced 3 main crops (barley, dates and sesame seeds).

2. They built canals, dikes, dams and drainage systems.

3. They developed cuneiform writing.

4. They invented the wheel.

5. Because of the abundance of food led to steady increase of population (farm, towns, cities), they developed the first city of the world.

6. They developed a trade system with bartering: mainly barley but also wool and cloth for stone, metals, timber, copper, pearls and ivory. Individuals could only rent land from priests (who controlled land on behalf of gods); Most of profit of trade went to temple.

State the culture that unified lower Mesopotamia.1. Akkadians under Sargon the Great. Sargon unified lower Mesopotamia (after conquering Sumerians in 2331 BCE). He established capital at Akkad and spread Mesopotamian culture. However, it was a short-lived dynasty as Akkadians were conquered by the invading barbarians by 2200 BCE.

Hammurabi (6th Amorite king) conquered Akkad and Assyria (north and south). He built new walls to protect the city and new canals and dikes to improve crops. He established an economy based on agriculture and wool/cloth. Under his rule, individuals could own land around cities. Artisans and merchants could keep most profits and even formed guilds/associations. He decreed that the grain shall be used as the medium of exchange which lead to the emergence of measurement of currency:

shekel = 180 grains of barley; mina = 60 shekels Mina was eventually represented by metals which was one of first uses of money (but it was still based on grain).

2. Babylonians under Nebuchadnezzar. But later descendants were defeated by the Assyrians.

3. Assyrians later defeated the Babylonians. Around 10th century BCE, Assyria emerged as dominant force in the north City of Assur. Assur became important trading and political centre. After Hammurabis death, Babylon fell apart and kings of Assur controlled more of surrounding area and came to dominate. Assyrians made conquered lands pay taxes (food, animals, metals or timber). The Assyrian are very militaristic. They rule by fear as kings were first to have a permanent army made up of professional soldiers (estimated 200 000 men). They made superior weapons of bronze and iron. Iron changed lifestyles in Mesopotamia in weapons and in daily life as it replaced wooden wheels and applied to horse drawn chariots.However, states began to revolt and ONCE AGAIN, Assyrian Empire collapsed by late 7th century BCE

4. By 539 BCE, Mesopotamia part of the vast Persias under Cyrus the Great (Xerxes in the "300" Film). Persian Empire dominated for 800 years until Alexander the Great.

State the Civilization that rose after Mesopotamia. Ancient Egypt around the Nile River/Delta.

State the Notable Architecture of Ancient Egypt. The Pyramids of Giza and the Great Sphinx.

Define Mummification. It is the art of preserving the dead for religious or scientific purpose.

Give the Belief for Mummification. Resurrection. The Cycle of life and death.

Describe the Ancient Egyptian Mummification Process.1. Using a knife, they cut open the abdomen and take-out the organs except the heart.

2. Using a special hook-like tool, they take out the brain through the nostrils.

3. All organs, except the heart, are put inside special canopic jars and sealed.

4. Natron and spices, a nitrate-based preserving substance, fill the inside of the abdomen.

5. The abdomen is closed by sewing.

6. Natron and spices are rubbed all over the body.

7. The body is left to dry in a room for 40 to 50 days.

8. At the end of the 40 to 50 days, the body is wrapped in cloth.

9. After wrapping in cloth, the body is put inside the sarcophagus.

Give reason/s for not taking-out the heart. The heart is believed to be the place of reason and emotion. It is where the soul resides.

Define Natron. It is a disinfectant and dehydration agent, was the main ingredient used in the mummification process. It is a compound of sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate (salt and baking soda). Natron essentially dried out the corpse.

List down the material for Mummification.1. Linen

2. Sawdust

3. Lichen

4. Beeswax

5. Resin

6. Natron

7. Onion

8. Nile mud

9. Linen pads

10. Frankincense

Describe Papyrus. Papyrus is reed that grows along rivers and in wet or muddy soil. Ancient Egyptian harvests the Papyrus and beat into a fibrous material for writing.

Describe the Nile River. It is the longest (not the widest) river in the world stretching from the heart of Africa to the Mediterranean Sea. Length = 6650 km.

Describe Nile River Flooding. It is deepest and widest during October. And it is most narrow and most shallow around April or June. The Source of flooding comes from tropical rains of Ethiopia.

State the most widely acceptable theory for building the pyramids. Ramp Theory.

Give the source of workforce for building the pyramids. Salaried pheasant farmers and unskilled laborers. Since most of the year fertile land was flooded, the farmers became paid workers to have another source of food and income. The Pharaoh and other nobles gather grain in warehouse during harvest season while the pheasants are paid in grain during work season.

Describe the Ancient Egyptian System of Government. The government is not separated from religion. The Pharaoh is both the king and the representative of the gods on earth. The government and religion organized:

1. Temple Construction.

2. Lawmaking.

3. Labor Organization.

4. Trade with other nations.

5. Defense.

Describe the Hierarchy of the Ancient Egyptian Society. First. Pharaoh.

Second. Viziers and High Priests.

Third. Royal Overseers.

Fourth. District Governors.

Fifth. Scribes and draftsmen.

Sixth. Artisans and Craftsman.

Last. Farmers and unskilled Laborers.

State the female Pharaohs. Hatshepsut, one of three women-pharaohs in Egyptian History.

Describe the marriage customs of the nobility ( Pharaoh's Family). The Pharaoh can marry many wives. He can marry his half-sister and his daughter for purposes of preserving the bloodline/property rights.

Describe the function of the Vizier. The vizier is the ''superintendent of all the work of the king.'' He is a judge and executive arm of the Pharaoh. He relays the Pharaoh's Laws and Orders to the overseers and district governors. He also supervised the collection of taxes.

How does a farmer or unskilled laborer rise in the social hierarchy. By becoming a soldier, artisan, or a scribe.

State the Ancient Egyptian Writing System. Hieroglyphics.

State the first appearance of Egyptian Hieroglyphics. Around 3000 to 3100 BCE. Last Inscription = 394 CE.

Define Hieroglyphics. Hieroglyphics means "sacred writing" because they are always carved into the walls of tombs and temples. They are found in:

1. Tombs.

2. Sheets of papyrus.

3. Wooden boards covered with a stucco wash.

4. Potsherds.

5. Fragments of limestone.

Describe the function of the hieroglyphics inside the pyramids. These hieroglyphics are called pyramid text for guiding the Pharaoh to the afterlife.

Describe the work of the draftsmen. Draftsmen are scribes who can do wall paintings and drawings for tombs and special documents.

Describe the Egyptian Concept of the Soul.1. KA is the life force or spiritual double of the person.

2. BA is represented as a human-headed bird that leaves the body when a person dies. The face of Ba was the exact likeness of that of the deceased person.

3. AKH is the spirit of Re (representing light), the transfigured spirit of a person that becomes one with light after death.

Describe the process of the soul's journey through the afterlife. The journey to the afterworld was considered full of danger. The soul travels on a SOLAR BARK, the mummy passed through the underworld, which was inhabited by serpents armed with long knives, fire-spitting dragons and reptiles with five ravenous heads. Upon arriving in the realm of the LAND OF THE GODS, the deceased had to pass through seven gates, reciting accurately a magic spell at each stop. If successful, they arrived at the HALL OF OSIRIS, the place of judgment.

Describe the afterlife/judgment of the dead of the Ancient Egypt. The soul/spirit ("ka") is judged before Osiris. The heart of weighed in a scale against a sacred feather representing the Maat, the goddess of truth and justice.

If heart = feather, then proceed to afterlife.

If heart not equal to feather, soul/spirit is swallowed by Amemet, the swallower goddess.

Describe the Book of the Dead. It contains approximately 190 chapters of spells to assist the deceased on their voyage to eternity. Texts were originally written on papyrus and placed near the dead. One spell was inscribed on a heart scarab an amulet placed over the heart either within the mummy's bandages or inside the body. Later, the spells were written on strips of linen that were wrapped around the mummies.

Describe the concept of the supernatural in Ancient Egypt. Before the concept of God existed, magical power was encapsulated in the hieroglyph of a SCEPTER (or rod or staff).

Describe the Development of Ancient Egyptian religion.In the MAGICAL Stage of human thought, the concept of God did not exist. Our early ancestors were concerned about natural phenomena and the powers that controlled these phenomena. They did not worship a personalized form of God.

In the MYTHICAL stage and as human society evolved, people gradually gained a degree of personal identity. With a higher sense of individuality, humans began to conceive the gods in a personalized form.

Apply the Magical and Mythical Concept on Ancient Egyptian Religion. Gods have animal heads with human bodies. The Animal heads represent the Natural events associated with Magic and Magical Stage while the human bodies represent the human attributes and activities associated with myths and Mythical State.

State the three main gods/goddesses of Ancient Egypt. Osiris, Isis, and Horus. All other gods are local gods.

Describe structure of the Belief system of the Ancient Egyptian. The belief system is NOT MONOLITHIC. There was no centralized belief system, but the Egyptians shared a common understanding about the CREATION OF THE WORLD and the possibility of REVERTING TO CHAOS if the destructive forces of the universe were unleashed.

List the agricultural products of Ancient Egypt. Barley, emmer (a coarse wheat), VEGETABLES, onions, garlic, leeks, beans, lentils, peas, radishes, cabbage, cucumbers, and lettuce. There were also FRUITS such as dates, figs, pomegranates, melons and grapes.

The abundance of flowers provided nectar for the bees to produce HONEY, which the Egyptians processed. FLAX was grown for making linen, and PAPYRUS was harvested to be converted into paper, ropes, mats, sandals and light boats.

A variety of DOMESTICATED ANIMALS were raised, including cattle, oxen, sheep,

goats, pigs, ducks and geese. Peasants probably enjoyed meat on special occasions.

DRAFT ANIMALS such as oxen increased agricultural productivity.

State the source of linen. Flax.

Describe the shaduf. The SHADUF is a mechanical irrigation device used to conduct water from the canals to the fields.

Describe the entertainment of the nobility. Hunting, fishing, and fowling.

Describe the simple home of the pheasant farmers and unskilled laborers.Houses made of mud bricks. Furnitures included stools, boxes, baskets, low tables and beds.

Describe the process of brick making.1. Water, mud, and straws are mixed in a muddy pit.

2. Laborers use their feet to mixed the mud and straw.

3. The mixture is placed in molds.

4. The mixture is sun-dried and not baked.

5. When dry, the wet mixture is now the hard bricks.

List down the Skilled workers and artisans of Ancient Egypt. Carpenters, furniture makers, stone makers, sculptors, bead makers, brick layers, potters.

Describe the Role of women in Ancient Egypt. WOMEN engaged in WEAVING, PERFUME MAKING, BAKING and NEEDLEWORK. Very few artistic creations were signed, and exceptional ability was rewarded through increased social status.

Women of all classes COULD EARN WAGES, OWN PROPERTY and EMPLOY WORKERS, but their main role was within the family. The title most women had is "MISTRESS OF THE HOUSE". They were considered EQUAL WITH MEN BEFORE THE LAW, and could sue for damages and divorce.

Describe the clothing of Ancient Egyptian Society. FLAX grown by farmers was woven into fine linen for clothing. WORKING-CLASS MEN wore loincloths or short kilts, as well as long shirt-like garments tied with a sash at the waist.

WEALTHY MEN wore knee-length shirts, loincloths or kilts and adorned themselves with jewelry a string of beads, armlets and bracelets.

WORKING-CLASS WOMEN wore full-length wraparound gowns and close-fitting sheaths.

ELITE WOMEN enhanced their appearance with make-up, earrings, bracelets and necklaces.

Both men and women wore SANDALS made of papyrus or went barefoot.

The Egyptian ELITE HIRED HAIRDRESSERS and took great care of their hair. Hair was WASHED and SCENTED, and sometimes LIGHTENED WITH HENNA.

CHILDREN had their HEADS SHAVED, except for one or two tresses at the side of the head, called a SIDELOCK.

Both men and women sometimes wore HAIRPIECES or WIGS made of human hair.

Compare the form of government of Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. Both are Monarchical System.

Compare and Contrast the religion and government of Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia.1. Similarities: Position of King was enhanced and supported by religion. Kingship believed to be created by gods and the kings power was divinely ordained. Each god had control of certain things and each city was ruled by a different god. Kings and priests acted as interpreters as they told the people what the god wanted them to do.

2. Differences: Belief that gods lived on the distant mountaintops.

Describe the Indus River Valley Civilization. It is ancient civilization that stretched from East of Persia to Northwestern India. It covers modern-day Iran to Pakistan and Northwestern India.

Describe the Notable Architecture of the Indus Valley.The culture built strong brick walls against the Indus River Flooding.

Define the Indus Script. It is a writing system of the Indus Valley Civilization. Until now, no one can read it.

State the beginning of the Huang-Yangtze River/Yellow River Valley Civilization. Around 4000 BCE.

State Notable Architecture of Ancient China. Great Wall of China (2000 BCE).

Lists the inventions of Ancient China. Silk. Paper. Bounded Books.

Explain the symbolism of Yellow. Color Yellow means "center."

Distinguish the Ancient Chinese Writing System from Cuneiform System. Ancient Chinese System is Logographic while Cuneiform is Consonantal. Logographic means that a character or letter represents an entire word, sentence, or paragraph. Consonantal means that a character or letter represent consonant sounds.

Distinguish Hieroglyphics from Ancient Chinese Writing System. Both systems are logographic but Hieroglyphics can represent consonant(phonetic-consonantal) sounds and objects (Pictographic).

Give the source of silk. The Cocoon of the Silkworm.

Distinguish Papyrus from Chinese paper. Papyrus is the beaten and fibrous material from the insides of the Papyrus plant while Chinese paper comes from many sources of fibers such as silk, rice, etc. Papyrus used its own resin to bind the fibers while Chinese paper uses starch or other sticky substance.

State the first appearance of Chinese paper. 200 BCE.

State the name of the inventor of Chinese paper. Some says it was Tsai Lun.

Describe the process of ancient chinese paper-making.1. Beat the material (silk, wool, cotton) into fiber.

2. Mix and boil with starch or other sticky substance.

3. When soft, used a screen made of fine bamboo strips to gather the pulp.

4. Spread the pulp evenly on the screen.

5. Let it dry.

Describe the Dynastic Cycle.1. Capable and talented Leader becomes emperor and built a political family/dynasty.

2. Reform and prosperity.

3. Raised Standard of living, low taxes, agriculture improved.

4. Problems: war, invasion, natural disasters, etc.

5. Increased Taxes, forced conscription in army, little agriculture.

6. Increased government spending, corruption.

7. Lower classes loses respect for government and rebel against landlords and government.

8. Rebels are united under a new capable and talented Leader.

9. Capable and talented leader defeats emperor.

10. Repeat.

Describe the Chinese Concept of Mandate of the Heaven.1. The leader must lead by ability and virtue.

2. The dynasty's leadership must be justified by succeeding generations.

3. The mandate could be revoked by negligence and abuse; the will of the people was important.