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7/23/2019 Neapolitan Pizza Dough Recipe.docx

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Neapolitan Pizza Dough


1 1/2 cups of our

1 cup of water

2 tablespoons of yeast



 he water should be body te!perature" Pour the yeast in the water# !i$# and let sitfor 1% !inutes" & bubbly foa! will de'elop" In a separate# larger bowl# co!bine the

our and salt" (reate a well in the !iddle for the yeast and water !i$ture" &fter

the foa! de'elops# pour the yeast and water !i$ture into the dry ingredients and

incorporate by hand" )hen it co!es together# create a s!ooth ball of dough by

pushing upwards and s*ueezing the botto!" hen spin the dough on the botto! of

the bowl to twist into a tight ball" &dd a little our around so the dough does not

stic+ as it rises and e$pands" (o'er the bowl with a towel and store in the

refrigerator" he dough should rise for at least % hours and up to % days in the

refrigerator" his is +nown as a cold fer!ent" he dough will double in size and

yield two 1,- pizzas" hese base proportions !ay be !ultiplied by any nu!ber to

produce !ore dough"

)hen fully risen# di'ide the dough into two e*ual portions# and stretch by hand"

&i! for a thic+ness of 1/. inch and do not worry about for!ing an edge or crust-"

 he un0topped outer ri! will pu up naturally"

 his is a lean dough# !eaning that there is no fat# such as oli'e oil" New or+0style

pizza dough# for e$a!ple# will often include oli'e oil" he a'or will be crac+er0li+e#

and the te$ture will be crisp on the e$terior and tender on the interior with a

co!ple$ bubble structure" he dough is an e$tre!ely i!portant part of the pizza

and should not only be a 'ehicle for toppings# but also an e*ual a'or co!ponent"

3esides the salt# it is char or spotting- fro! high te!perature ba+ing that will

a'or the crust" 3ric+ o'ens can reach te!peratures 4,, degrees 5ahrenheit" &t

ho!e# si!ply use the highest setting on your o'en# which is li+ely between %,, and

6,, degrees 5ahrenheit for the best results"

 his crust is best topped sparingly" So!e tasty co!binations include:

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7/23/2019 Neapolitan Pizza Dough Recipe.docx

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Margherita: fresh !ozzarella# basil# hand0crushed to!atoes 7whole D.O.P. certifed

San Marzano tomatoes imported rom Italy are best 8# oli'e oil

Marinara (Mariner’s Style): crushed to!atoes# garlic# fresh oregano# oli'e oil

Other: ricotta# sli'ers of fried eggplant 7frst slice, salt, press with a paper towel to

dry, dip in a mixture o beaten es and Pecorino !omano cheese, and ry on both

sides8# basil# hand0crushed to!atoes