Page 1 of 56 January 24, 2018 Dear Representative/Senator: As you continue to negotiate a spending package for the remainder of fiscal year 2018, the 2,000 undersigned national, state, and local organizations urge you to help ensure adequate funding for programs funded through annual appropriations, by continuing the bipartisan practice of providing relief from sequestration budget cuts and opposing any new efforts to cut these programs more deeply. These "nondefense discretionary" (NDD) programs serve many vital national needs but have been subject to repeated cuts over the past six years, including through the appropriations caps and sequestration process established by the 2011 Budget Control Act. Full sequestration has returned in fiscal year (FY) 2018, as the two-year relief provided by the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 has expired. Congress should avoid making further reductions in these programs and work to replace the scheduled sequestration cuts through a package that is balanced—both in how such relief is paid for and how it is applied to defense and NDD programs. In doing so, we ask that you consider the following: 1. NDD programs are essential to national security. The fundamental job of the federal government is to secure the safety of its citizens at home and abroad. But America’s day-to-day security requires more than military might. NDD programs support our economy, drive our global competitiveness, and help Americans lead healthy, productive lives. Both the Budget Control Act and the Bipartisan Budget Acts of 2013 and 2015 recognized that defense and nondefense programs both contribute to the American way of life and to our security. In FY 2018, lawmakers should continue to adhere to this “parity principle” in fiscal policies, including a sequestration relief package. 2. NDD programs have already been cut too much. Despite the vast array of important, effective services provided through these programs—infrastructure and housing, veterans services, education and job training, National Parks and public lands, medical and scientific research, and public health, safety and security, to give just some examples—overall NDD appropriations have been cut dramatically and disproportionately in recent years as lawmakers work to reduce the deficit, even though experts across the political spectrum agree these programs aren’t a driving factor behind our nation’s mid- and long-term fiscal challenges. As a result of sequestration and other austerity measures enacted beginning in 2011, the cap on NDD funding in FY 2017 is 13.4 percent below 2010 levels, adjusted for inflation. Without action to stop sequestration, in FY 2018 NDD programs are projected to decline to 3.1 percent of GDP—equal to the lowest level in more than 50 years. 3. NDD cuts have consequences. As illustrated in NDD United’s impact reports, Faces of Austerity, and other accounts from across the NDD sectors, Americans are feeling the negative effects of the Budget Control Act’s austere spending caps and sequestration. These cuts are dragging down our economic recovery, hampering business growth and development, weakening public health preparedness and response, reducing resources for our nation’s schools and colleges, compromising federal oversight and fraud recovery, hindering scientific discovery, eroding our infrastructure, and threatening our ability to address emergencies around the world. Simply put, these cuts are bad for the country and are not sustainable.

NDD programs are essential to national security

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Page 1: NDD programs are essential to national security

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January 24, 2018

Dear Representative/Senator:

As you continue to negotiate a spending package for the remainder of fiscal year 2018, the 2,000 undersigned national, state, and local organizations urge you to help ensure adequate funding for programs funded through annual appropriations, by continuing the bipartisan practice of providing relief from sequestration budget cuts and opposing any new efforts to cut these programs more deeply. These "nondefense discretionary" (NDD) programs serve many vital national needs but have been subject to repeated cuts over the past six years, including through the appropriations caps and sequestration process established by the 2011 Budget Control Act. Full sequestration has returned in fiscal year (FY) 2018, as the two-year relief provided by the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 has expired. Congress should avoid making further reductions in these programs and work to replace the scheduled sequestration cuts through a package that is balanced—both in how such relief is paid for and how it is applied to defense and NDD programs. In doing so, we ask that you consider the following:

1. NDD programs are essential to national security. The fundamental job of the federal government is to secure the safety of its citizens at home and abroad. But America’s day-to-day security requires more than military might. NDD programs support our economy, drive our global competitiveness, and help Americans lead healthy, productive lives. Both the Budget Control Act and the Bipartisan Budget Acts of 2013 and 2015 recognized that defense and nondefense programs both contribute to the American way of life and to our security. In FY 2018, lawmakers should continue to adhere to this “parity principle” in fiscal policies, including a sequestration relief package. 2. NDD programs have already been cut too much. Despite the vast array of important, effective services provided through these programs—infrastructure and housing, veterans services, education and job training, National Parks and public lands, medical and scientific research, and public health, safety and security, to give just some examples—overall NDD appropriations have been cut dramatically and disproportionately in recent years as lawmakers work to reduce the deficit, even though experts across the political spectrum agree these programs aren’t a driving factor behind our nation’s mid- and long-term fiscal challenges. As a result of sequestration and other austerity measures enacted beginning in 2011, the cap on NDD funding in FY 2017 is 13.4 percent below 2010 levels, adjusted for inflation. Without action to stop sequestration, in FY 2018 NDD programs are projected to decline to 3.1 percent of GDP—equal to the lowest level in more than 50 years. 3. NDD cuts have consequences. As illustrated in NDD United’s impact reports, Faces of Austerity, and other accounts from across the NDD sectors, Americans are feeling the negative effects of the Budget Control Act’s austere spending caps and sequestration. These cuts are dragging down our economic recovery, hampering business growth and development, weakening public health preparedness and response, reducing resources for our nation’s schools and colleges, compromising federal oversight and fraud recovery, hindering scientific discovery, eroding our infrastructure, and threatening our ability to address emergencies around the world. Simply put, these cuts are bad for the country and are not sustainable.

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Deficit reduction measures enacted since 2010 have come overwhelmingly from spending cuts, with the ratio of spending cuts to revenue increases far beyond those recommended by bipartisan groups of experts. And there is bipartisan agreement that sequestration is bad policy and ultimately hurts our nation. Congress and the President must work together to protect NDD programs from further cuts and end sequestration. Such sequestration relief must be equally balanced between nondefense and defense programs, as strong investments in both NDD and defense are necessary to keep our country competitive, safe, and secure.

We appreciate your consideration of this recommendation, and are eager to work with you to help produce another bipartisan budget agreement to protect critical nondefense discretionary programs.

If you have questions about this letter, please contact the NDD United Co-Chairs, Emily Holubowich ([email protected]), Joel Packer ([email protected]), Sheryl Cohen ([email protected]), or Ben Corb ([email protected]). An electronic copy of this letter, as well as Faces of Austerity, is available at www.nddunited.org.

National Organizations

9to5, National Association of Working Women

AASA, The School Superintendents Association

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

Academy of Radiology and Bioengineering and Imaging Research

Academy of Radiology Research


ACT for NIH: Advancing Cures Today

Ad Hoc Group for Medical Research

Adapt of Texas

Adult Congenital Heart Association

Advance CTE

Advocates for Youth

African American Health Alliance


Afterschool Alliance

AIDS Action Baltimore

AIDS Alliance for Women, Infants, Children, Youth & Families

AIDS United


Alaska Wilderness League

ALHFAM (Association for Living History, Farm and Agricultural Museums)

Alliance of Baptists

Allied Affordable Housing

Alpha-1 Foundation

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Amerian Library Association

America Forward

American Academy of Family Physicians

American Academy of Pediatrics

American Aging Association

American Alliance of Museums

American Association for Dental Research

American Association for Respiratory Care

American Association for State and Local History

American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases

American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education

American Association of Colleges of Nursing

American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine

American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy

American Association of Community Colleges

American Association of Neuromuscular & Electrodiagnostic Medicine

American Association of Service Coordinators

American Association of State Colleges and Universities

American Association of University Women (AAUW)

American Association on Health and Disability

American Astronomical Society

American Baptist Churches USA

American Bird Conservancy

American Brain Coalition

American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network

American College of Clinical Pharmacy

American College of Preventive Medicine

American College of Rheumatology

American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

American Council on Education

American Counseling Association

American Dance Therapy Association

American Dental Association

American Dental Education Association

American Diabetes Association

American Educational Research Association

American Federation of School Administrators

American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO

American Forests

American Foundation for the Blind

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American Geophysical Union

American Geriatrics Society

American Heart Association

American Institute for Medical & Biomedical Engineering

American Institute of Biological Sciences

American Liver Foundation

American Lung Association

American Mathematical Society

American Medical Women's Association

American Music Therapy Association

American Organization of Nurse Executives

American Physiological Society

American Psychological Association

American Public Health Association

American Rivers

American School Counselor Association

American School Health Association

American Sexually Transmitted Diseases Association

American Society for Nutrition

American Society for Reproductive Medicine

American Society of Agronomy

American Society of Clinical Oncology

American Society of Hematology

American Society of Nephrology

American Society of Pediatric Nephrology

American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

American Sociological Association

American Thoracic Society

American Veterinary Medical Association

American YouthWorks

Americans for Transit

AmeriCorps Alums

Ardinger Consultants & Associates

Arthritis Foundation

Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum

Association for Behavior Analysis International

Association for Career and Technical Education

Association for Clinical and Translational Science

Association for Equality and Excellence in Education, Inc. (AEEE)

Association for Prevention Teaching and Research

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Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology

Association for Psychological Science

Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology

Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries

Association of Academic Museums and Galleries

Association of Academic Survey Research Organizations

Association of American Medical Colleges

Association of American Universities

Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges

Association of Art Museum Directors

Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations

Association of Assistive Technology Act Programs

Association of Clinicians for the Underserved

Association of Departments of Family Medicine

Association of Educational Service Agencies

Association of Educational Service Agencies (AESA)

Association of Family Medicine Residency Directors

Association of Farmworker Opportunity Programs

Association of Independent Research Institutes

Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities

Association of Maternal & Child Health Programs

Association of Midwest Museums

Association of Minority Health Professions Schools

Association of Nurses in AIDS Care

Association of Population Centers

Association of Public and Land-grant Universities

Association of Public Health Laboratories

Association of Research Libraries

Association of School Business Officials International

Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health

Association of State Floodplain Managers

Association of University Centers on Disabilities

Association of University Research Parks

Association of VAWA Administrators

Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses

Association of Zoos & Aquariums

Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America

Atomic Heritage Foundation

Autistic Self Advocacy Network


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Baby Cafe USA

Behavior Genetics Association

Biophysical Society

BlueGreen Alliance

B'nai B'rith International

Brain Injury Association of America

Bread for the World

CAEAR Coalition

Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids

Campaign for Youth Justice

Catholics for Choice

Center for Biological Diversity

Center for Employment Training (CET)

Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP)

Center for Science in the Public Interest

Child Care Aware of America

Child Welfare League of America

Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disoder

Children's Defense Fund

Children's Environmental Health Network

Children's Hospital Association

Children's Leadership Council

Children's Mental Health Network

Citizen Schools

City Year

Clean Water Action

Clinical Research Forum

Coalition for Clinical and Translational Science

Coalition for Health Funding

Coalition for Juvenile Justice

Coalition for the Life Sciences

Coalition on Adult Basic Education

Coalition on Human Needs

Cognitive Science Society

College Possible

Commissioned Officers Association of the U.S. Public Health Service, Inc. (COA)

Committee for Education Funding

Common Sense Kids Action

Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA)

Conference of Educational Administrators of Schools and Programs for the Deaf

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Conservation Legacy

Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities

Consortium for Ocean Leadership

Consortium of Social Science Associations

Cooley's Anemia Foundation


Council for Exceptional Children

Council for Exceptional Children-Division for Research

Council for Opportunity in Education

Council of Administrators of Special Education

Council of Professional Associations on Federal Statistics

Council of Scientific Society Presidents

Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists

Council of State Community Development Agencies

Council on Social Work Education

Council on Undergraduate Research

Crime & Justice Research Alliance

Crop Science Society of America

Crow Canyon Archaeological Center



CURE (Citizens United for Rehabilitation of Errants)

Cure Alzheimer's Fund

Digestive Disease National Coalition

Disability Power & Pride

Disciples Center for Public Witness

Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children (DEC)

Dystonia Medical Research Foundation


Ecological Society of America

Endangered Species Coalition

Endocrine Society

Environmental Defense Fund

Epilepsy Foundation

Eta Sigma Gamma

European PTA

Every Child By Two - Carter/Bumpers Champions for Immunization

Every Child Matters

EveryLife Foundation for Rare Diseases

Faith Link, Inc.

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Family Network on Disabilities

Family Voices

Farm Aid

Federal Lands Impacted Schools Association

Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology

Federation of Associations in Behavioral and Brain Sciences

Feeding America

First Five Years Fund


Forum for Youth Investment

FrameWork Health, Inc.

Friends Committee on National Legislation

Friends of Agency for Healthcare and Quality (AHRQ)

Friends of National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS)

Friends of National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research

Friends of NCBDDD

GBS|CIDP Foundation International

Generations United

Geological Society of America

Girls, Inc.

Global Justice Institute

Global Justice Institute

Goodwill Industries International

Great Appalachian Valley Conservation Corps

Great Old Broads for Wilderness

Green Science Policy Institute

Grounded Solutions Network

Habitat for Humanity International

Harm Reduction Coalition

Health Global Access Project

Health Professions and Nursing Education Coalition


Healthy Teen Network

Heartland Alliance

Hep B United

Hepatitis B Foundation

Hepatitis Foundation International

Higher Education Consortium for Special Education

Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU)

HIV Medicine Association

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Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association

Housing Assistance Council (HAC)

Housing Partnership Network

Housing Resource Network

Housing Works

Human Rights Campaign


IDEA Infant Toddler Coordinators Association (ITCA)

IJIS Institute

Infectious Diseases Society of America

Innocence Project

Institute for Educational Leadership


International Association for College Admission Counseling

International Association for Indigenous Aging

International Association of Jewish Vocational Services

International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners

International Center for Innovations in Civic Participation

International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders

International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW)

International Society for Developmental Psychobiology

International Society for Technology in Education

Interstitial Cystitis Association

ISTE Librarians Network

Jeffrey Modell Foundation

Jobs for the Future

Justice for Families

Justice in Aging

Knowledge Alliance

Lakemary Center

Lakeshore Foundation


League of Conservation Voters

Learning Disabilities Association of America

Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC)

Love That Max

Lupus Foundation of America

Lupus Research Alliance

Lutheran Services in America

Lutheran Services in America Disability Network

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Magnet Schools of America

Main Street Alliance

March of Dimes

MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger

Meals on Wheels America

Medical Library Association

Medicare Rights Center

Mended Little Hearts

Mental Health America


Metropolitan Community Churches

Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research

Military Impacted Schools Association

Monroe Group, Ltd.

Mr Friendly

Museum Education Roundtable

Museum Trustee Association

NAADAC, the Association for Addiction Professionals

NAPHSIS: National Association for Public Health Statistics and Information Systems


National Adult Protective Services Association

National Advocacy Center of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd

National Affordable Housing Management Association

National AHEC Organization

National Alliance for Eye and Vision Research

National Alliance of Community Economic Development Associations

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)

National Alliance to End Homelessness

National Alopecia Areata Foundation

National Asian Pacific American Families Against Substance Abuse (NAPAFASA)

National Association for Children's Behavioral Health

National Association for College Admission Counseling

National Association for Hispanic Elderly

National Association for Music Education

National Association for the Education of Young Children

National Association of Area Agencies on Aging

National Association of Chronic Disease Directors

National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists

National Association of Community Health Centers

National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities

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National Association of County and City Health Officials

National Association of Development Organizations

National Association of ESEA State Program Administrators

National Association of Federally Impacted Schools

National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials

National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities

National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs (NANASP)

National Association of Private Special Education Centers

National Association of Regional Councils

National Association of RSVP Directors

National Association of School Psychologists

National Association of Secondary School Principals

National Association of Social Workers

National Association of State Directors of Special Education

National Association of State Head Injury Administrators

National Association of State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Programs (NASOP)

National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA)

National Association of Workforce Boards

National Birth Defects Prevention Network

National Black Justice Coalition

National Black Women's HIV/AIDS Network, Inc.

National Blood Clot Alliance

National CAPACD

National Center for Learning Disabilities

National Center for Lesbian Rights

National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence

National CMV Foundation, Inc.

National Coalition Against Domestic Violence

National Coalition for LGBT Health

National Coalition for Literacy

National Coalition for Mental Health Recovery

National Coalition for the Homeless

National Coalition of STD Directors

National Community Development Association

National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC)

National Congress of American Indians

National Council for Adult Learning

National Council for Behavioral Health

National Council for Community and Education Partnerships

National Council for Diversity in the Health Professions

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National Council of Churches

National Council of State Directors of Adult Education

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

National Council on Aging

National Council on Independent Living

National Crittenton Foundation

National Development Council

National Disability Institute

National Disability Rights Network

National Domestic Violence Hotline

National Down Syndrome Congress

National Education Association

National Environmental Health Association

National Family Planning & Reproductive Health Association

National Fragile X Foundation

National Ground Water Association

National Head Start Association

National Health Care for the Homeless Council

National Healthy Start Association

National Hemophilia Foundation

National Hispanic Medical Association

National Housing Conference

National Housing Institute

National Housing Law Project

National Housing Trust

National Indian Education Association

National Indian Health Board

National Indian Impacted Schools Association

National Job Corps Association

National Juvenile Justice Network

National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty

National League for Nursing

National League of Cities

National Leased Housing Association

National Low Income Housing Coalition

National Military Family Association

National Multiple Sclerosis Society

National Network for Youth

National Network of Health Career Programs in Two-Year Colleges

National Network of Public Health Institutes

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National Network of State Teachers of the Year

National Network to End Domestic Violence

National Nurse-Led Care Consortium

National Organization of Nurses with Disabilities

National Parks Conservation Association

National Partnership for Juvenile Services

National Partnership for Women & Families

National PTA

National Recreation and Park Association

National Resource Center on Domestic Violence

National Respite Coalition

National Rural Education Advocacy Consortium

National Rural Education Association

National School Boards Association

National Senior Corps Association

National Skills Coalition

National Superintendents Roundtable

National Urban League

National Violence Prevention Network

National WIC Association

National Women's Law Center

National Working Positive Coalition

National Writing Project

National Youth Employment Coalition

National Youth Leadership Council

Native Amercian Disability Law Center

Native Plant Conservation Campaign

Natural Resources Defense Council

Natural Science Collections Alliance

NephCure Kidney International

NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice

Network of Jewish Human Service Agencies

New Jim Crow Movement

Newborn Foundation

NHT-Enterprise Preservation Corporation


North American Primary Care Research Group


Oral Health America

OraSure Technologies, Inc.

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PACER Center


Parents as Teachers National Center

Parent to Parent USA

Physician Assistant Education Association

Pediatric Congenital Heart Association

Physicians for Social Responsibility

Planned Parenthood Federation of America



Population Association of America

Population Connection Action Fund

POZ Military-Veterans USA INTL

Power to Decide

Preservation of Affordable Housing (POAH)

Pretrial Justice Institute

Prevent Blindness

Prevention Institute

Project Inform


Psychonomic Society

Public Health Advocates

Public Health Institute

Public Housing Authorities Directors Association

Public Lands Alliance

Pulmonary Hypertension Association


Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities Coalition


Reading Partners

Rebuilding Together, Inc.


Research Allies for Lifelong Learning

Restless Legs Syndrome Foundation


Results for America

Retirement Housing Foundation

Robert F Kennedy Children's Action Corps

Rocky Mountain Association for College Admissions Counseling

Rooted in Rights

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Ryan White Medical Providers Coalition

Safe States Alliance

School Social Work Association of America

School-Based Health Alliance

SchoolHouse Connection

Scleroderma Foundation

Seasoned Partners

Senior Service America, Inc.

Service Year Alliance

Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS)

Sierra Club

Sisters of Providence

Sleep Research Society

Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology

Society for Judgment and Decision Making

Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine

Society for Mathematical Psychology

Society for Neuroscience

Society for Psychophysiological Research

Society for Public Health Education

Society for Research in Psychopathology

Society for Text and Discourse

Society of Experimental Social Psychology (SESP)

Society of General Internal Medicine

Society of Multivariate Experimental Psychology

Society of Teachers of Family Medicine

Soil Science Society of America

Sound Thinking, LLC

Southeastern Museums Conference

Southern Association for College Admission Counseling

Southern HIV/AIDS Strategy Initiative (SASI)

Southwest Association of Student Assistance Programs

Spina Bifida Association

St. George's University



Strategies for Youth, Inc.

Student Aid Alliance

Student Conservation Association


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TB Alliance

Teach For America

Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children

Technical Assistance Collaborative

The 317 Coalition

The Advocacy Institute

The AIDS Institute

The American Academy of HIV Medicine

The Arc of the U.S.

The Association of Jewish Family and Children's Agencies

The Cave Institute

The Community Builders, Inc.

The Conservation Fund

The Constitution Project

The Corps Network

The Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America

The Daniel Initiative

The Gazelle Giggles Play Institute

The Jewish Federations of North America

The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights

The Marfan Foundation

The National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care

The National Crittenton Foundation

The Nature Conservancy

The NROC Project

The Science Coalition

The Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America

The Society for Research in Psychopathology

The State Science & Technology Institute (SSTI)

The Sturge-Weber Foundation

The Trust for Public Land

The United Methodist Church - General Board of Church and Society

The Wilderness Society

Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership (TRCP)

Thornton Tomasetti

Tourette Association of America

Treatment Action Group

Treatment communities of America

Trust for America's Health

Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance

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Turtle Island Restoration Network

U.S. Hereditary Angioedema Association

UCHAPS (Urban Coalition for HIV/AIDS Prevention Services)

Union of Concerned Scientists

United Cerebral Palsy

United for Medical Research

United Negro College Fund

United Spinal Association

United States Breastfeeding Committee

United States Tour Operators Association

Upward Bound

Valley Forge Park Alliance

Voices for National Service

Voices for Progress

W. Haywood Burns Institute

Western Association of Educational Opportunity Personnel

Western National Parks Association

Whistlestop Meals on Wheels

WNC & Associates

WomenHeart: The National Coalition for Women with Heart Disease

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

World Education

Young Invincibles

Youth Service America

YouthBuild USA

State and Local Organizations (Organized by State)


AIDS Alabama

Alabama Association of Community Development Associations

Alabama Museums Association

American Lung Association in Alabama

City of Florence, Alabama

North Alabama Medical Center

Shoals Community Clinic

University of North Alabama

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Alaska PTA

American Lung Association in Alaska

Annette Island School District

Cook Inlet Housing Authority

Disability Law Center of Alaska

Museums Alaska

Sitka Community Land Trust



American Lung Association in Arizona

Arizona Center for Disability Law

Arizona Coalition to End Homelessness

Arizona Coalition to End Sexual and Domestic Violence

Arizona Conservation Corps

Arizona Conservation Partners

Arizona Housing Alliance

Arizona Science Center

Arizona South Asians For Safe Families

Arizona State Impact Aid Association

Arizona Technology in Education Association

Arizona Wilderness Coalition

Catholic Community Services Yuma

Chinle Unified School District No. 24

Community Outreach Program for the Deaf

Fort Thomas Unified School District No. 7

Friends of the Ironwood Forest

Grand Canyon Wildlands Council

Kayenta Unified School District #27

Mt. Graham Safe House

Museum Association of Arizona

Parker Unified School District #27

Pinon Unified School District

Sacaton Elementary School

Safe House

Sanders Unified School District #18

School Social Work Association of Arizona

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Arizona (cont.)

Time Out, Inc.

University of Arizona

West Valley Neighborhoods Coalition

Western Association of Educational Opportunity Personnel - Arizona Chapter

Window Rock Unified School District


American Lung Association in Arkansas

Arkansas Association of Student Assistance Programs (AASAP)

Arkansas PTA

Arkansas Public Health Association

Better Community Development, Inc.

City of Fort Smith, Arkansas

Crawford-Sebastian Community Development Council

Crisis Intervention Center

Disability Rights Arkansas

Fort Smith Children's Emergency Shelter

Fort Smith Housing Authority

Good Samaritan Clinic

Jacksonville Senior Wellness & Activity Center, Inc.

Morrilton Human Relations Council, Inc.

Next Step Day Room, Inc.

Office of Community Development, City of Jacksonville

The City of Fort Smith, Arkansas


9to5 California

American Academy of Pediatrics, California

American Lung Association in California

APLA Health

Area 2 AAA LTC Ombudsman Program

Asian Pacific Policy and Planning Council

Bakersfield Senior Center

Bay Area Community Resources


California Association of Housing Authorities

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California (cont.)

California Association of Local Housing Finance Agencies

California Association of Museums

California Consortium of Addiction Programs & Professionals

California Family Resource Association

California Housing Partnership

California Long Term Care Ombudsman Association (CLTCOA)

California Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman

California Partnership to End Domestic Violence

California Polytechnic State University

California Public Health Association - North

California State PTA

California Wilderness Coalition

Californians for Western Wilderness

Center for Domestic Peace

Central Union School District

Ceres Community Project

Child Abuse Prevention Center

City of Salinas, California

City of San Jose, California

City of Temple City, California

Civic Center Barrio Housing Corp.

Coalition for Adequate Funding for Special Education

Community SeniorServ, Inc.

Disability Rights California

Domestic Abuse Center

Downtown Women's Center

Eden Housing

EveryOne Home

First 5 LA

Food For Thought

Fred Finch Youth Center

Habitat for Humanity for San Luis Obispo County

Home Health United

Housing Now

Independent Living Resource Center San Francisco

Inyo County Superintendent of Schools

Jewish Family Service of Los Angeles

Klamath-Trinity Joint Unified School District

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California (cont.)

Laurin Associates

LIFE ElderCare



Long Term Care Ombudsman

Long Term Care Ombudsman Services of San Luis Obispo County

Los Angeles LGBT Center

Los Angeles Unified School District

Los Arcox

Mammoth Lakes Housing, Inc.

Many Mansions

Maternal and Child Health Access

McSwain Elementary School District

Meals on Wheels San Diego County

Meals on Wheels Yolo County

New Horizons Caregivers Group

Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California

Northern California Community Loan Fund

Ocean View School District

Oceanside Unified School District

Ombudsman Services of Contra Costa County

Ombudsman Services of San Mateo County, Inc.

Placer Independent Resource Services

Prevent Child Abuse California

Resources for Community Development

Round Valley Unified School District

Sacramento Regional Coalition to End Homelessness

Safe Alternatives to Violent Enviornments - SAVE

Samuel Dixon Family Health Centers, Inc.

San Diego State University

San Francisco AIDS Foundation

Sanctuary of Hope

Senior Nutrition Program of SLO County

Shelter Partnership, Inc.

Shoreline Unified School District

Sierra Sands Unified School District

Silver Valley Unified School District

SOS Meals on Wheels

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California (cont.)

Southern California Public Health Association

Teach For America, Bay Area

Teach For America, California Capital Valley

Teach For America, Los Angeles

Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation (TNDC)

The People Concern

Transition House

Travis Unified School District

United Administrators of Oakland Schools

University of California System

VELA, Inc.

Vernazza Wolfe Associates, Inc.

Western Association for College Admission Counseling

Western Association of Educational Opportunity Personnel, Southern California Chapter

Wheatland School District

WISE & Healthy Aging

Women Organizing Resources, Knowledge and Services

Women's Economic Ventures

Yolo Housing


9to5 Colorado

Academy School Distict 20

Adams County Housing Authority

Advocate Safehouse Project

Advocates of Lake County

American Lung Association in Colorado

Bright Future Foundation for Eagle County

City of Longmont, Colorado

Colorado Association of School Executives

Colorado Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault

Colorado Coalition for the Homeless

Colorado PTA

Disability Law Colorado

Domestic Safety Resource Center

Estes Valley Crisis Advocates

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Colorado (cont.)

Fountain-Fort Carson School District 8

Gateway Domestic Violence Services

Golden West Communties, Inc.

Habitat For Humanity Mesa County

Housing Colorado

Ignacio School District 11-JT

Kavod Senior Life

Lake County School District

Latina Safehouse

Metro West Housing Solutions

Mile High Connects

Project Hope of Gunnison Valley

Region 10 Area Agency on Aging

Rocky Mountain Youth Corps

Safe Shelter of St. Vrain Valley

SafeHouse Denver

San Juan Citizens Alliance

Southwest Conservation Corps

Teach For America, Colorado

The Arc of Colorado

The Colorado School Social Work Association

University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus

University of Colorado Boulder

Volunteers of America


American Lung Association in Connecticut

Center for Latino Progress - CPRF

Columbus House

Connecticut Association of Area Agencies on Aging

Connecticut Association of Public School Superintendents

Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Connecticut Federation of School Administrators

Connecticut PTA

Connecticut Public Health Association

Disability Rights Connecticut

Federation Homes

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Connecticut (cont.)

Neighborhood Housing Services of New Haven, Inc.

Putnam Administrator’s Group

San Juan Center, Inc.

Teach for America, Connecticut

District of Columbia

American Lung Association in Washington, DC

American University, Justice Programs Office

Assistive Technology Program for the District of Columbia

Coalition for Nonprofit Housing and Economic Development

DC Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Georgetown University

Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance

Teach for America, DC

University of California Washington Center

Washington Legal Clinic for the Homeless

We Are Family Senior Outreach Network


American Lung Association in Delaware

Delaware Academy of Medicine / Delaware Public Health Association

Delaware Family Voices

Delaware PTA

University of Delaware


Affordable Homeownership Foundation, Inc.

Allapattah Business Development Authority, Inc.

Alliance for Aging, Inc.

American Lung Association in Florida

Cape Coral Housing Development Corporation

City of Daytona Beach, Florida

City of Miami Gardens, Florida

Community Training Works, Inc. aka Young American Conservation Corps

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Florida (cont.)

Council on Aging of Volusia County, Inc.

Deaf Service Center

Disability Rights Florida


Affordable Homeownership Foundation Inc.

Florida Alliance of Community Development Corporations, Inc.

Florida Association of Museums

Florida Home Partnership

Florida Housing Coalition

Florida PTA

Greater Miami Service Corps

Habitat for Humanity of Collier County

Habitat for Humanity of Florida

Habitat for Humanity of Greater Orlando

Meals on Wheels South Florida

Miami Beach Marian Towers

Metro North Community Development Corp.

Nemours Children's Health System

Northwest Florida Area Agency on Aging, Inc.

Osceola Council on Aging

PACE Center for Girls

Southwest Social Services Programs, Inc.

Teach For America, Orlando

United Way South Sarasota County


9to5 Georgia

American Lung Association in Georgia

Athens Community Council on Aging

Campbell-Stone Apartments

City of Rome, Georgia

Colquitt County Serenity House Project, Inc.

Columbus Community Center

Direct Services

Fayette Senior Services, Inc.

Georgia Advancing Communities Together

Georgia Advocacy Office

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Georgia (cont.)

Georgia Alliance to End Homelessness

Georgia Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Georgia Congress of Parents and Teachers

Georgia Public Health Association

Georgia School Superintendents Association

Jewish Family & Career Services

Liberty County Board of Education

Morehouse School of Medicine

Northwest Georgia Family Crisis Center

Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman

Open Hand Atlanta

School Social Workers Association of Georgia

Teach for America, Metro Atlanta

Vienna Woman's Club


Guam Coalition Against Sexual Assault & Family Violence


American Lung Association in Hawaii

Assisitve Technology Resource Cetners of Hawaii

CHOW Project

Hawaii Association for College Admission Counseling

Hawaii Disability Rights Center

Hawaii State PTSA

Hep Free Hawaii

Kauai Habitat for Humanity, Inc.

Maui AIDS Foundation

State of Hawaii Department of Education

Teach For America, Hawai`i


American Lung Association in Idaho

Bingham County Senior Center

Idaho PTA

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Idaho (cont.)

Idaho Public Health Association

Lapwai School District

Twin Falls Senior Citizen's Federation, Inc.


Ability Chicago Info

Agape Missions, NFP


Aging Care Connections

American Lung Association in Illinois

Arab American Family Services

Boone County Housing Authority

Brothers Health Collective

Burr Ridge Community Consolidated School District 180

Chicago Area Fair Housing Alliance

Chicago Jobs Council

Chicago Urban League

Claretian Associates

Coalition for Equitable Community Development

Crisis Center Foundation

Elwood Community College School District 203

Englewood Community Connection Outreach Corp

Guardian Angel Community Services

Habitat for Humanity Chicago

Habitat for Humanity of Champaign Co., Inc.

HOPE of Ogle County

Housing Action Illinois

Housing Authority of Cook County

Housing Choice Partners

Illinois Alliance of Adminstrators of Special Education (IAASE)

Illinois Association for Behavioral Health

Illinois Association for College Admission Counseling

Illinois Association of Area Agencies on Aging

Illinois Association of Museums

Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Illinois Computing Educators

Illinois PTA

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Illinois (cont.)

Illinois Public Health Association

Illinois-Iowa Center for Independent Living


Joseph Corporation

Lemont High School District 210

Mercer County Senior Center

Naperville Heritage Society

North/Northwest Suburban Task Force on Supportive Housing for Individuals with Mental Illness

Palatine Township Senior Citizens Council

Safe Passage

South Suburban Family Shelter

Teach for America, Chicago

Turning Point, Inc.

United Methodist Homes & Services

Unity Parenting and Counseling, Inc.

Violence Prevention Center of Southwestern Illinois

West Central IL Area Agency on Aging

Western IL Regional Council-Community Action Agency

Western Illinois Area Agency on Aging

Wilmington Community Unit School District

Winnebago County Housing Authority

Winwood Apartments, Inc.


Albion Fellows Bacon Center

Alternatives Incorporated

American Lung Association in Indiana

Asbury Towers Retirement Community

Center for Nonviolence, Inc.

Coburn Place Safe Haven

Crisis Connection, Inc.

Domestic Violence Network

God's Helping Hand

Heminger House

HOPE of Evansville

Indiana Association of Area Agencies on Aging

Indiana Association of Public School Superintendents

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Indiana (cont.)

Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Indiana Connected Educators

Indiana PTA

Indiana State Division of HIV/STD and Viral Hepatitis

JB Real Estate Consultants

Kosciusko County Shelter for Abuse, Inc.

LifeSpan Resources, Inc.

LifeStream Services, Inc.

LifeTime Resources, Inc.

Loogootee Community Schools

Meals on Wheels of Central Indiana

Mental Health America of Vigo County

Middle Way House, Inc.

New Directions of Decatur County

North Central Indiana Rural Crisis Center

Prevail, Inc.

Region III-A EDD & RPO

Rush County Victims Assistance, Inc.

Southern Indiana Center for Independent Living (SICIL)

Teach For America, Indianapolis

Thrive Alliance

Turning Point Domestic Violence Services

West Indianapolis Development Corporation


Aging Resources of Central Iowa

American Lung Association in Iowa

Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Mississippi Valley

Boys & Girls Clubs of the Mississippi Valley

Chickasaw County Public Health and Home Care Services

Community Health Partners

Crisis Center & Women's Shelter

Crisis Intervention Services

Disability Rights Iowa

Domestic Violence Intervention Program

Family Promise of Greater Des Moines

Friendly House of Davenport, Iowa

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Iowa (cont.)

Iowa Association for College Admission Counseling

Iowa Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Iowa Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman

Iowa PTA

Iowa Public Health Association

Iowa Technology & Education Connection

Kirkwood Community College


Prevent Blindness Iowa

Waypoint Services


Achievement Services for Northeast Kansas, Inc.

American Lung Association in Kansas

Arrowhead West, Inc.

Big Tent Coalition of Kansas

Brain Injury Association of Kansas and Greater Kansas City

Central Plains Area Agency on Aging

Developmental Services of Northwest Kansas, Inc.

Disability Rights Center of Kansas

Doniphan County Services and Workskills

Great Plains Associate for College Admission Counseling

InterHab, Inc.

Kansas Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence

Kansas Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence

Kansas Developmental Disability Coalition

Kansas Museums Association

Kansas PTA

Kansas School Social Work Association

Kansas School Superintendents Association


Nemaha County Training Center

New Beginnings Enterprises, Inc.

North Central-Flint Hills Area Agency on Aging, Inc.

Northwest Kansas Area Agency on Aging

ResCare Kansas Parsons

The Arc of Douglas County

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Kansas (cont.)

Three Rivers, Inc.

University of Kansas

Wyandotte County Public Heatlh Department WIC Program


American Lung Association in Kentucky

Audubon Area Community Services, Inc.

Barren River Area Agency on Aging

Bethany House Abuse Shelter

Bluegrass Area Agency on Aging & Independent Living

Jewish Family & Career Services of Louisville

Kentucky Association for Gerontology

Kentucky Association of School Administrators

Kentucky Coalition Against DV

Kentucky Protection & Advocacy

Kentucky PTA

Matthew 25 AIDS Services

People's Self-Help Housing, Inc.

Teach For America, Appalachia

Tri-County Community Action Agency, Inc.


A & E Enterprise Management

American Lung Association in Louisiana

Belle Chasse Academy

City of Shreveport

Greater New Orleans Fair Housing Action Center

Louisiana Association of Computer Using Educators

Louisiana Association of Student Assistance Programs

Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Louisiana Office of the State Long-term Care Ombudsman

Louisiana PTA

NO/AIDS Task Force (dba CrescentCare)

Southern Mutual Help Association, Inc.

Union Parish Section 8 Housing

Vernon Parish School Board

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American Lung Association in Maine

Aroostook Area Agency on Aging, Inc.

Avesta Housing

Bath Housing

C&C Realty Management, LLC

Coastal Enterprises, Inc.

Community Concepts

Community Housing of Maine

Disability Rights Maine

Family Crisis Services

Freeport Housing Trust

Maine Affordable Housing Coalition

Maine Coalition to End Domestic Violence

Maine Parent Federation

Maine PTA

Maine Public Health Association

Maine Real Estate Managers Association

Maine School Administrative District #30 PTA

Maine School Superintendents Association

Murray Plumb & Murray

Northern New England Housing Investment Fund

Penquis CAP

Raise-Op Housing Cooperative

The Genesis Fund

The Szanton Company

Westbrook Development Corporation

Westbrook Housing

York Housing


American Lung Association in Maryland

Area Agency on Aging

Association of Supervisory and Administrative School Personnel

Comprehensive Housing Assistance, Inc.

Court Watch Montgomery

Crisis Intervention Center

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Maryland (cont.)

Department of Housing and Community Development

Disability Rights Maryland

Family Crisis Resource Center, Inc.

Hagerstown Housing Authority

Homeless Persons Representation Project

HopeWorks of Howard County

Housing Authority of St. Mary's County

Howard County Public School System

Maryland Affordable Housing Coalition

Maryland National Organization for Women

Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence

Maryland PTA

Maryland United for Peace and Justice

Mid-Shore Council on Family Violence

Montgomery Housing Partnership

PeterCares House

Potomac and Chesapeake Association for College Admission Counseling

Public Justice Center

Public School Superintendents Association of Maryland


Somerset Development Company

Teach For America, Baltimore

The Freedom Center

The Women's Law Center of Maryland


American Lung Association in Massachusetts

Cambridge Neighborhood Apartment Housing Services

Career Counselors' Consortium

Citizens' Housing and Planning Association

City of Chicopee, Massachusetts

City of Lawrence Community Development Department

City of Lawrence Community Development Dept.

City of Newton, Massachusetts

Community Servings

Domus Incorporated

Elder Services of Worcester Area, Inc.

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Massachusetts (cont.)

Eliot Community Human Services

Engine 6

Hilltown CDC

Hilltown Chautauqua

Hilltown Community Development Center

Hilltown Community Development Corporation

Homeowners Rehab, Inc.

Housing Corporation of Arlington

Immigrant Service Providers Group/Health

Jane Doe Inc., the Massachusetts Coalition Against Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence

Krimski Design and Communications

Lynn Housing Authority & Neighborhood Development

Massachusetts Association of Community Development Corporations

Massachusetts Computer Using Educators

Massachusetts PTA

MetroWest Legal Services

New England Communities, Inc.

New England Museum Association

Open Table

Pine Street Inn

PrintSynergy Solutions, LLC

REACH Beyond Domestic Violence, Inc.

SWAN Society in Boston

The Massachusetts Administrators for Special Education (ASE)

University of Massachusetts Medical School

Urban Edge Housing Corporation

Bedford Youth & Family Services

CFS Group


AAA Association of Michigan

American Lung Association in Michigan

Ann Arbor Housing Commission

Area Agency on Aging of Northwest Michigan

Area Agency on Aging of Western Michigan

Baraga Area Schools


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Michigan (cont.)

City of Westland

City of Westland Community Development

Community Development Advocates of Detroit

Community Economic Development Association of Michigan (CEDAM)

Detroit Association of Planners

Ewen-Trout Creek Consolidated School District

Health Emergency Lifeline Programs

HIV/AIDS Alliance of Michigan

Housing Resources, Inc.

Housing Services Mid Michigan

Lansing Area AIDS Network

Metro Community Development, Inc.

Michigan Association for College Admission Counseling

Michigan Association for Media in Education

Michigan Association of Administrators of Special Education

Michigan Disability Rights Coalition

Michigan Long Term Care Ombudsman Program

Michigan Museums Association

Michigan PTA

Michigan's Children

Neighborhood Legal Services Michigan

Senior Resources of West Michigan

Southeasat Michigan Census Council

St. Ann's Lake County Senior Services

United Methodist Community House

Wellness AIDS Services


American Lung Association in Minnesota

Cass Lake-Bena School District

Community Emergency Assistance Programs

Conservation Corps of Minnesota & Iowa

Dayton's Bluff Neighborhood Housing Services

Hope House of St. Croix Valley

House of Charity, Inc.

Local Public Health Association of Minnesota

Mahnomen Public Schools

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Minnesota (cont.)

Minneapolis Highrise Representative Council

Minnesota Administrators for Special Education

Minnesota Association For College Admission Counseling

Minnesota Association of Area Agencies on Aging

Minnesota Association of School Administrators

Minnesota Coalition for Battered Women

Minnesota PTA

Minnesota Public Health Association

Minnesota River Area Agency on Aging

Neighborhood House

Open Arms of Minnesota

Red Lake Independent School District 38

Rural AIDS Action Network

Saint Ambrose of Woodbury Social Justice Committee

Seward Redesign

The Metropolitan Consortium of Community Developers

Three Links - Cottage on Forest

Three Links Care Center

Voyageurs National Park Association

Waubun-Ogema-White Earth Schools


American Lung Association in Mississippi

Delta Housing Development Corporation

Mississippi Association of School Administrators

Mississippi Museums Association

Natchez Housing Authority

Starkville Area Habitat for Humanity


American Lung Association in Missouri

Bonne Terre Senior Nutrition Center

Chadwick R-I School District

Covenant Place

East Missouri Action Agency, Inc.

Empower Missouri

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Missouri (cont.)

Episcopal Community Services - Kansas City

Greater Kansas City Coalition to End Homelessness

Habitat for Humanity of Springfield, Missouri

Hep C Alliance

Midwest Education Technology Community (METC)

Missouri Assistive Technology

Missouri Association for College Admission Counseling

Missouri Association for Museums and Archives

Missouri Association of Area Agencies on Aging

Missouri Association of School Administrators

Missouri Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence

Missouri Congress of Parents and Teachers

Missouri Council of Administrators of Special Education

Teach For America, St. Louis

University of Missouri, Columbia School of Medicine


ADAPT Montana

American Lung Association in Montana

Area I Agency on Aging

Browning Public Schools

Child Care Resources, Inc.

Diversified Resources Group

Flathead County/Area IX Agency on Aging

Frazer Public Schools

Housing Authority of Billings

Lame Deer Public Schools

Montana Association of Elementary and Middle School Principals

Montana Association of School Superintendents

Montana Association of Secondary School Principals

Montana Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence

Montana Conservation Corps

Montana PTA

Montana Public Health Association

Montana Public Health Association

Poplar High School District #9B

RiverStone Health

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Montana (cont.)

Ronan School District No. 30

Roy Public Schools

School Administrators of Montana

Superior Public Schools

Winifred Public Schools


American Lung Association in Nebraska

Brain Injury Alliance of Nebraska

Disability Rights Nebraska

Nebraska Coalition to End Sexual and Domestic Violence

Nebraska Educational Technology Association (NETA)

Nebraska Statewide Independent Living Council

Sisters of Mercy West Midwest Community Justice Team

The Arc of Nebraska

The Bridge

Walthill Public School

Western Nebraska Resources Council

Winnebago Public Schools


Adam's Place

American Lung Association in Nevada

Churchill County School District

Consolidated Agencies of Human Services

Family Promise Las Vegas

Great Basin Institute

Lutheran Social Services of Nevada

Nevada Disability Advocacy and Law Center

Nevada Network Against Domestic Violence

Nevada Office for the State Long Term Care Ombudsman

Nevada PTA

Nevada Public Health Association

Rebuilding Together Southern Nevada

S.A.F.E. House

Safe Embrace

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Nevada (cont.)

Tahoe SAFE Alliance

Tu Casa Latina

Western Association of Educational Opportunity Personnel - Nevada Chapter

New Hampshire

Affordable Housing Education and Development (AHEAD), Inc.

American Lung Association in New Hamshire

City of Manchester

Granite State Independent Living

Helping Hands Outreach Ministries, Inc.

Housing Action New Hampshire

Keene Housing

Manchester Community Resource Center, Inc.

New Hampshire School Administrators Association

New Hampshire Society for Technology in Education

Southwestern Community Services

St. Joseph Community Services, Inc.

University of New Hampshire

New Jersey

AAH of Bergen County, Inc.

American Lung Association in New Jersey

Bergen County Department of Human Services,

Bridges Outreach

Cape May City Board of Education

Center for Independent Living of South Jersey

Colts Neck Board of Education

Coming Home of Middlesex County, Inc.

Community Access Unlimited

Disability Rights New Jersey

East Brunswick Community Housing Corp

Family Voices, New Jersey

FISH Hospitality Program, Inc.

Hampton Township School District

Homeless Solutions, Inc.

Housing and Community Development Network of New Jersey

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New Jersey (cont.)

Kittatinny Regional School District

Meals on Wheels in Hunterdon, Inc.

Monarch Housing Associates

New Jersey Association for College Admissions Counseling

New Jersey Association of County and City Health Officials

New Jersey Association of Mental Health and Addiction Agencies, Inc.

New Jersey Association on Correction

New Jersey Coalition to End Domestic Violence

New Jersey PDA

New Jersey PTA

New Jersey Public Health Association

New Jersey Tenants Organization

Northern Burlington County Regional School District

Northern NJ Chapter, National Organization for Women

Paterson Habitat for Humanity

Princeton Community Housing

Statewide Parent Advocacy Network

Teach for America, New Jersey

The Affordable Homes Group

Trenton Area Soup Kitchen

Union County Division on Aging

Volunteers of America Delaware Valley

Westfield Community Center

Women Aware, Inc.

Women's Rights Information Center

New Mexico

American Lung Association in New Mexico

Community Against Violence

Disability Rights New Mexico

El Refugio, Inc.

Friends of Organ Mountains Desert Peaks

H.O.P.E. Alliance

National Community Development Association Region VI

New Mexico Coalition Against Domestic Violence

New Mexico PTA

New Mexico Public Health Association

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New Mexico (cont.)

Rocky Mountain Youth Corps

Self-Directed Choices

Teach For America, New Mexico

University of New Mexico

New York

334 East 92nd Street Tenant Association

Advocates for Children of New York

American Lung Association in New York

Arbor Housing and Development

Barb Lamphere Consulting

Bronx Health REACH

Brooklyn Center for Independence of the Disabled

Brooklyn East District Council of Presidents

Callen-Lorde Community Health Center

Care for the Homeless

Carthage Central School District

Castleton Park Tenants Association

Catholic Charities of Chemung/Schuyler

Center for Independence of the Disabled

Central New York Citizens in Action, Inc.

Chautauqua County Office for the Aging


Cooper Square Community Development Committee

Cornell University

Delaware Opportunities, Inc.

Environmental Advocates of New York

Erie County

Finger Lakes Independence Center

God's Love We Deliver

Gowanda Central School District

Habitat for Humanity of New York City

Habitat for Humanity of Tompkins and Cortland Counties

Heritage Health & Housing, Inc.

Highland Falls-Fort Montgomery Central School District

Hope's Door

Human Development Services of Westchester

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New York (cont.)

Hyde Park Central School District


Independent Living Center of the Hudson valley

Institute for Community Living

Joseph's House & Shelter, Inc.

Keuka Conseling – A Healing Journey

Leviticus 25:23 Altarnative Fund, Inc.

Meals on Wheels for Western New York, Inc.

Meals on Wheels of Chemung County, Inc.

Meals on Wheels of Syracuse

Museum Association of New York

Neighborhood Preservation Coalition of New York State, Inc.

New York Association on Independent Living

New York City Housing Authority

New York State Association for College Admissions Counseling

New York State Association of School Business Officials

New York State Coalition Against Sexual Assault

New York State Council of School Superintendents

New York State PTA

New York State School Social Worker's Association (NYSSSWA)

New York University

New Yorkers for Accessible Health Coverage

North Country Workforce Development Board

Oswego County Office for the Aging

Otsego County Office for the Aging

Parent Network of Western New York

Public Health Association of New York City

Resource Center for Accessible Living, Inc. (RCAL)

Saugerties Public Housing Agency

Sharon Baptist Head Start

Silver Creek Central School

SMART University

Southeastern Steuben County Habitat for Humanity

STEL, Inc.

Stony Brook University

Supportive Housing Network of New York

Teach For America, Buffalo

Teach For America, New York

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New York (cont.)

Tenants Alliance of Glenn Gardens

The Children's Aid Society

The Swan Project

Tompkins County Office for the Aging

Town of Hamburg

Trillium Health, Inc.

University of Rochester


Visiting Nurse Service Meals On Wheels of Rochester and Monroe County

West Side Federation for Senior and Supportive Housing, Inc.

Westchester Disabled On the Move, Inc.

Western New York Independent Living

North Carolina

Affordable Housing Management, Inc.

American Lung Association in North Carolina

Cabarrus Meals on Wheels, Inc.

Community Home Trust

Council on Aging

Disability Rights North Carolina

Gee Corbett Village Senior Center

Graham County Public Schools

Greensboro Housing Coalition

Habitat for Humanity of Wake County

Helping Homeless to Housing

Hoke County Schools

JW Faison Senior Center

Meals on Wheels Durham

Meals on Wheels North Carolina

North Carolina Association of Local Health Directors

North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence

North Carolina Council of Administrators of Special Education (NCCASE)

North Carolina Council of Churches

North Carolina PTA

North Carolina Public Health Association

North Carolina School Superintendents Association

Pitt County Council on Aging

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North Carolina (cont.)

Region K Community assistance Corporation / Person County Senior Center

Scotland Neck Senior Center of Excellence

Senior Services, Inc.

Teach For America, Eastern North Carolina

Unique wellness Community Development Center, Inc.

North Dakota

American Lung Association in North Dakota

Devils Lake Public Schools

Fort Yates School District 4

North Dakota Protection & Advocacy Project

North Dakota PTA

Solen School District


American Lung Association in Ohio

Area Agency on Aging 3

Area Agency on Aging, Region 9

Arthur Morgan Institute for Community Solutions

Campus District, Inc.

Cincinnati Development Fund

Cleveland Housing Network

Cleveland Tenants Organization

Cogswell Hall, Inc.

Direction Home Akron Canton

Empowering and Strengthening Ohio's People

Equitas Health

Fairborn City Schools

Fairlawn Retirment Community

Famicos Foundation

Franklin County

Franklinton Urban Empowerment Lab

Guernsey County Senior Citizens Center, Inc.

Guernsey County Meals on Wheels

Hocking.Athens.Perry Community Action

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Ohio (cont.)

Kamm's Corners Development

Leighty and Snider, Inc.

Mad River Local Schools

May Dugan Center

Meals on Wheels of Fairfield County


Neighborhood Housing Services of Greater Cleveland

Neighborhood Housing Services of Hamilton, Inc.

Ohio Association of College Admission Counseling

Ohio Association of Senior Centers

Ohio Community Development Corporations Association

Ohio Conference of Community Development, Inc.

Ohio Council of Churches

Ohio Domestic Violence Network

Ohio Museums Association

Ohio PTA

Ohio Public Health Association

Over-the-Rhine Community Housing

Pickaway County Community Action Org., Inc.

Preble County Council on Aging

Prevent Blindness, Ohio Affiliate

Rebuilding Together Central Ohio

Rural Action


Southern Ohio Sexual Assault Treatment Center

Teach For America, Greater Cleveland

The Area Agency on Aging, Region 9

Toledo Area Jobs with Justice & Interfaith Worker Justice Coalition

Western Reserve Community Development Corporation


American Lung Association in Oklahoma

Areawide Aging Agency, Inc.

Cooperative Council for Oklahoma School Administration (CCOSA)

Felyne Fitness & #ProjectBlackbird

Oklahoma ABLE Tech

Oklahoma Center for Nonprofits

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Oklahoma (cont.)

Oklahoma Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault

Oklahoma Directors of Special Services (ODSS)

Oklahoma Disability Law Center, Inc.

Oklahoma Division of Student Assistance Programs

Oklahoma Museums Association

Oklahoma Policy Institute

Rocky Mountain School

Salina Public Schools

Teach for America, Oklahoma

Tulsa Public Schools

Twin Hills Public School

YWCA Oklahoma City


African Family Holistic Health Organization

American Lung Association in Oregon

Cascade AIDS Project

Children First for Oregon

Disability Rights Oregon

Housing Authority of Jackson County

Housing Authority of Yamhill County

Network for Oregon Affordable Housing

Northwest Oregon Works

Northwest Pilot Project

Northwest Youth Corps

O4AD - Oregon Association of Area Agencies on Aging and Disabilities

Oregon PTA

Oregon Public Health Association

Oregon State University

Oregon Statewide Assistive Technology Program

Portland State University

ROSE Community Development

Soda Mountain Wilderness Council

St. Vincent de Paul Society of Lane County, Inc.

Worksystems, Inc., the Portland Metro Workforce Development Board

Ya Po Ah Terrace

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Action Wellness (formerly ActionAIDS)

Allentown Housing Authority

American Lung Association in Pennsylvania

Ben Franklin Technology Partners

birmingham foundation

Bryn Mawr Peace Coalition

Chester County AAA

Columbia/Montour Aging Office, Inc.

Delaware Valley School District

Dignity Housing

Disability Rights Pennsylvania

Family Promise of Lyco Cnty

Habitat for Humanity of Greater Pittsburgh

Habitat for Humanity Philadelphia

Hepatitis C Allies of Philadelphia

Housing Authority of the County of Beaver

Lawrence County Housing Authority

MANNA (Metropolitan Area Neighborhood Nutrition Alliance)

Meals on Wheels of Lehigh County

Mental Health Association of Northwestern Pennsylvania

Mental Health Association of Southeast Pennsylvania

Monroe County Meals on Wheels, Inc.

Montco SAAC

Montgomery County Intermediate Unit

National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI), Blair County

Nazareth Housing Services


Pennsylvania Advocacy and Resources for Autism and Intellectual Disability

Pennsylvania Assistive Technology Foundation

Pennsylvania Association for Adult Continuing Education

Pennsylvania Association of Area Agencies on Aging

Pennsylvania Association of Housing and Redevelopment Agencies

Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Pennsylvania Council of Churches

Pennsylvania Head Start Association

Pennsylvania Mental Health Consumers' Association

Pennsylvania PTA

Perry County Area Agency on Aging

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Pennsylvania (cont.)

Philadelphia Association of Community Development Corporations

Survivors, Inc.

Teach For America, Greater Philadelphia

The Mental Health Association of Northwestern Pennsylvania

United Neighborhood Centers of Northeast Pennsylvania

York City Bureau of Housing Services

One Stop Career Center of Puerto Rico, Inc.

Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico PTA

Rhode Island

American Lung Association in Rhode Island

Blackstone Valley Advocacy Center

City of East Providence, Community Development Division

Domestic Violence resource Center of South County

Middletown Public Schools

Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Rhode Island Coalition for the Homeless

Rhode Island Council for Muslim Advancement

Rhode Island Disability Law Center

Rhode Island Long Term Care State Ombudsman

Rhode Island PTA

Rhode Island State Council of Churches

Women's Development Corporation

South Carolina

American Lung Association in South Carolina

Calhoun County Council on Aging

County of Lexington, Community Development

Cyber Academy of South Carolina

Dillon County Council for the Aging

Fairfield County Council on Aging

Habitat for Humanity of Greenville County

Hampton County Council on Aging

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South Carolina (cont.)

Irmo Chapin Recreation Commission

Newberry County Council on Aging

Protection and Advocacy for People with Disabilities, Inc.

Senior Resources, Inc.

South Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault

The South Carolina Association for Community Economic Development

Union County Council on Aging

York County Council on Aging

South Dakota

American Lung Association in South Dakota

Andes Central School District 11-1

Association of South Dakota Museums

Bennett County School District 3-1

Bridges Against Domestic Violence

Douglas School District 51-1

Dupree School District

Eagle Butte School District 20-1

Impact Schools of South Dakota

Kadoka Area School District

Lyman School District 42-1

McIntosh School District 15-1

McLaughlin School District 15-2

Mobridge-Pollock School District

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) - Sioux Falls

Teach For America, South Dakota

Timber Lake School District 20-3

Todd County School District

Wall School District #51-5

White River School District


American Lung Association in Tennessee

BLDG Memphis

CEASE Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, Inc.

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Tennesee (cont.)

Center for Transforming Communities

DeKalb County School District

Disability Rights Tennessee

Eastern Eight Community Development Corporation

Family Voices of Tennessee

Frayser Community Development Corporation

Meharry Medical College

Nashville CARES

Southeast Conservation Corps

Teach For America, Memphis

Teach For America, Nashville

Tennessee Educational Technology Association


Accessible Housing Austin!

American Lung Association in Texas

Amigos Del Valle, Inc.

Austin Housing Coalition

Austin Tenants' Council

Avenue Community Development Corporation

Baylor College of Medicine

Central Texas Senior Ministry (aka Meals & Wheels)

Christian Senior Services

City of Amarillo, Community Development Department

City of Edinburg

Del Rio Housing Authority

Disability Rights Texas

Fort Bend Seniors Meals on Wheels

Fort Sam Houston Independent School District

Fort Worth Housing Solutions

Fox Run Tenants Alliance

Habitat for Humanity of San Agnelo, Inc.

Home Sweet Home Community Redevelopment Corporation

Hood County Senior Center

HousingWorks Austin

Lackland Independent School District

Lake Dallas Independent School District

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Texas (cont.)

Meals on Wheels Central Texas

Meals on Wheels of Johnson & Ellis Counties

Meals on Wheels Texas

Meals On Wheels Texoma

Meals on Wheels, Inc. of Tarrant County

Meals on Wheels, Waco

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) - Denton County

One Voice Central Texas

Orange Community Action Association

Pottsboro Independent School District

Senior Connect

Sustainable Food Center

Teach for America, Dallas

Teach for America, Houston

Teach For America, Rio Grande Valley

Teach For America, San Antonio

Texas Association of Museums

Texas Computer Education Association

Texas Council of Administrators of Special Education

Texas Homeless Network

Texas Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman

Texas PTA

Texas Tenants' Union

Trans.lation Vickery Meadow

Tri-County Senior Nutrition Project, Inc. DBA Meals on Wheels Texoma

Victoria County Senior Citizens Association

Vista Verde Tenant Association

Waker County Housing Authority


American Lung Association in Utah

Conserve Southwest Utah

Disability Law Center

Housing Authority of Carbon County

Intermountain Public Health Consulting, LLC

Mountainland Association of Governments Area Agency on Aging

Mountainland Head Start, Inc.

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Utah (cont.)

Neighborhood Nonprofit Housing Corporation

Utah Coalition for Educational Technology

Utah Domestic Violence Coalition

Utah Housing Coalition

Utah Museums Association

Utah Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman

Utah Public Health Association


Age Well

American Lung Association in Vermont

Central Vermont Council on Aging

Disability Rights Vermont


Housing Vermont

Northeast Kingdom Council on Aging

Senior Solutions, Council on Aging for Southeastern Vermont

Southwestern Vermont Council on Aging

Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission

United Counseling Serivce

Vermont Affordable Housing Coalition

Vermont Care Partners

Vermont Coalition for Disability Rights

Vermont Family Network

Vermont Housing and Conservation Board

Vermont Psychiatric Survivors, Inc.

Vermont Public Health Association

Vermonters for Criminal Justice Reform

Voices for Vermont's Children


American Lung Association in Virginia

Atlas Techknowledgy

City of Roanoke

Community Housing Partners

Compass Techknowledgy

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Virginia (cont.)

disAbility Law Center of Virginia

Farmville Area Habitat for Humanity

FeedMore, Inc.

Harrisonburg Redevelopment and Housing Authority

Norfolk Public Schools

Norfolk Redevelopment & Housing Authority

Richmond Habitat for Humanity

Senior Services of Southeastern Virginia

VA Council of Churches

Virginia PTA

Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance

Virginia Society for Technology in Education

Virgin Islands

Women's Coalition of St. Croix


Ally Community Development

American Lung Association in Washington

Bellingham Housing Authority

Bethel School District #403

Central Kitsap School District

Clover Park School District

Disability Rights Washington

Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services

Franklin Pierce Schools

Habitat for Humanity of East Jefferson County

Housing Authority of Grant County

Housing Consortium of Everett & Snohomish County

Housing Development Consortium Seattle-King County

Housing Hope

InterIm Community Development Association

Islands Energy Coalition

Joint Pacific County Housing Authority

Keller School District

King County Housing Authority

Marysville School District

Medical Lake School District

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Washington (cont.)

Mercy Housing Northwest

Naspelem School District #14

Northwest Harvest

Oak Harbor Public Schools

Pacific Northwest Association of College Admission Counseling

Plymouth Housing Group

Seattle Housing Authority

Seattle/King County Coalition on Homelessness

Senior Services for South Sound

The Foundation for Healthy Generations

Walla Walla Housing Authority

Wapato Public Schools

Washington Association of Area Agencies on Aging

Washington Association of School Administrators

Washington Community Action Network

Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Washington State Public Health Association

Wellpinit School District

Yakima Housing Authority

Yakima Valley Partners Habitat for Humanity


YWCA Seattle-King-Snohomish

West Virginia

AIDS Task Force of the Upper Ohio Valley

American Lung Association in West Virginia

Branches Domestic Violence Shelter

Caritas House, Inc.

CONTACT Huntington, Inc.

Family Crisis Center, Inc.

Family Crisis Intervention Center

Family Refuge Center

Shenandoah Women's Center Inc

Stop Abusive Family Environments, Inc. (S.A.F.E.)

Tug Valley Recovery Shelter

West Virginia Coalition Against Domestic Violence

West Virginia Community Builders, LLC

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West Virginia (cont.)

West Virginia Connecting Communities

West Virginia PTA

Women's Resource Center

WV TRIO Association

YWCA Wheeling FVPP


9to5 Wisconsin

American Lung Association in Wisconsin

Area Agency on Aging Board of Directors, Dane County

Association for Prevention of Family Violence (APFV)


Beloit Domestic Violence Survivor Center

Beloit Meals on Wheels

Bolton Refuge House, Inc.

City of Wausau Community Development

Commission on Aging,Barron County

Community Referral Agency

Disability Rights Wisconsin

Dover Healing House, a program of Women's Resource Center of Racine

End Domestic Abuse WI

Family Advocates, Inc.

Friends of Abused Families

Greater Fox Cities Area Habitat for Humanity, Inc.

Greater Wisconsin Agency on Aging Resources, Inc.

Housing Authority of the City of Waukesha


Madison Area Bus Advocates

Marquette University

Menominee Indian School District

Milwaukee Deparment on Aging

New Horizons Shelter and Outreach Centers

Northwoods Women, Inc.

Pathfinders Milwaukee, Inc.

People Against a Violent Environment

Prevent Blindness Wisconsin

Rainbow House Domestic Abuse Services, Inc.

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Wisconsin (cont.)

School District of Florence County

Teach For America, Milwaukee

Tri-County Council on Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault

Vernon County Domestic Abuse Project

Washburn County Aging and Disabillities Committee

Wisconsin Aging Advocacy Network

Wisconsin Association of School Business Officials

Wisconsin Association of School District Administrators

Wisconsin Council of Administrators of Special Services

Wisconsin Educational Media & Technology Association

Wisconsin Family Assistance Center for Education, Training, and Support

Wisconsin PTA


American Lung Association in Wyoming


Colorado-Wyoming Association of Museums

Uinta Senior Citizens Inc.

Wyoming Assistive Technology Resources

Wyoming Association of School Administrators

Wyoming Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault

Wyoming Institute for Disabilities (WIND)

Wyoming PTA