Cockatoo Primary School No 3535. Website – www.cockatoops.vic.edu.au COCKATOO PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER A Great Place To Be! A Great Place To Be! A Great Place To Be! A Great Place To Be! NO. 4 Friday February 22 nd 2019 Dates to Remember February Tuesday 26 th PFA Hot Chip Day Wednesday 27 th No school for ALL Foundation Students Parent Information Night 6:30pm March Friday 1 st Curriculum Day – NO STUDENTS TODAY Wednesday 6 th Foundation students attend all day Thursday 7 th KMOTION Monday 11 th Labour Day * NO SCHOOL TODAY * Thursday 14 th House Athletics Day – Whole School Tuesday 19 th Whole School Photos Wednesday 20 th Cultural/Harmony Day Tuesday 26 th PFA Hot Chip Day Wednesday 27 th EDEC Athletics Friday 29 th PFA AGM 2pm April Friday 5 th Last Day Term 1 Dismissal 2:30pm

nd Dates to Remember - Cockatoo · Orme; School Leaders Meredith Smith, Sarah Barnes, Ross Woolger, Tim Stapleton and Sarah Abraham; Reviewer Robert Miller. TIME ACTIVITY LEAD IN

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Page 1: nd Dates to Remember - Cockatoo · Orme; School Leaders Meredith Smith, Sarah Barnes, Ross Woolger, Tim Stapleton and Sarah Abraham; Reviewer Robert Miller. TIME ACTIVITY LEAD IN

Cockatoo Primary School No 3535. Website – www.cockatoops.vic.edu.au



A Great Place To Be!A Great Place To Be!A Great Place To Be!A Great Place To Be! NO. 4 Friday February 22nd 2019

Dates to Remember February

Tuesday 26th PFA Hot Chip Day

Wednesday 27th No school for ALL Foundation Students Parent Information Night 6:30pm


Friday 1st Curriculum Day – NO STUDENTS TODAY

Wednesday 6th Foundation students attend all day

Thursday 7th KMOTION

Monday 11th Labour Day * NO SCHOOL TODAY *

Thursday 14th House Athletics Day – Whole School

Tuesday 19th Whole School Photos

Wednesday 20th Cultural/Harmony Day

Tuesday 26th PFA Hot Chip Day

Wednesday 27th EDEC Athletics

Friday 29th PFA AGM 2pm


Friday 5th Last Day Term 1 Dismissal 2:30pm

Page 2: nd Dates to Remember - Cockatoo · Orme; School Leaders Meredith Smith, Sarah Barnes, Ross Woolger, Tim Stapleton and Sarah Abraham; Reviewer Robert Miller. TIME ACTIVITY LEAD IN

Cockatoo Primary School No 3535. Website – www.cockatoops.vic.edu.au

PRINCIPALS REPORT Strategic Plan This year is a very busy year for our school. As previously reported, this is the year in which we undertake a review of the school’s performance over the past four years. An external verifier will review school documentation and meet with key personnel for three days. February 26th is the first day of the review and is referred to as Validation Day. On March 5th, the reviewer returns and engages with students and parents in-group discussions. The final day is referred to as Panel Day and all findings will be tabled and the direction for the school’s next four years will be outlined. Panel Day is set for March 14th 2019. This process assists the school in developing the next Strategic Plan that outlines goals and targets for the next four years. I have provided an outline of the Validation Day Agenda on which you can see that panel members will be conducting classroom observations. I am very proud to be able to share the wonderful work that happens within the classrooms and proudly ‘show off’ our strong teaching teams and the high level of engagement exhibited by the students.

Validation Day Agenda Date: 26th February 2019 Core attendees: Principal Darrelyn Boucher; SC Vice President Jo Revell; SEIL Denise Kotsikas; Challenge Partners Wendy Bartsch and Margaret Orme; School Leaders Meredith Smith, Sarah Barnes, Ross Woolger, Tim Stapleton and Sarah Abraham; Reviewer Robert Miller.


8.30 Welcome

Principal School Review Panel

8.35 Roles and purpose of review

• Outline roles and responsibilities of core panel and challenge partners

• Outline the review process

• Discuss the purpose of the review

• Key focus on student voice, agency and leadership, curriculum content

and assessment and teacher practice; knowledge and skills and the

instructional task.

• Focus groups, analysis of school curriculum documentation, planning

documentation etc

Reviewer School Review Panel

Core panel and all SIT

8.50 Preparing for classroom observations

• Discuss organisation (Principal)

• Define purpose & key questions for classroom observations (Reviewer

to facilitate)

Resources - (observation checklist & school map)

Principal &


School Review Panel

9.10 Classroom observations (sessions TBD) Panel members to observe in pairs. Each pair to

observe 4 classes for 20 mins each.

10.30 Report back Share and synthesise observations and findings.

What were the key observations (student voice & agency, curriculum content &

teacher practice)?

What are the key challenges for practice?

Reviewer School Review Panel

11.00 Morning tea

11.30 Performance against School Strategic Plan (2015-18)

• Performance against goals and targets (SSP)

• Enablers & barriers to success

• Key achievements

• Key challenges

Reviewer School Review Panel and SIT

members ( two leading teachers


1.30 Lunch

2.00 Validation of proficiency status against FISO Continua (focus on high impact dimensions)

• Building practice excellence

• Curriculum planning and assessment

• Building leadership teams

• Empowering students and building school pride

• Setting expectations and promoting inclusion


School Review Panel – core

members, SIT members ( two

leading teachers only) and

challenge partners

Page 3: nd Dates to Remember - Cockatoo · Orme; School Leaders Meredith Smith, Sarah Barnes, Ross Woolger, Tim Stapleton and Sarah Abraham; Reviewer Robert Miller. TIME ACTIVITY LEAD IN

Cockatoo Primary School No 3535. Website – www.cockatoops.vic.edu.au

• Building communities.

Determine any additional fieldwork days

3.15 Terms of reference for the review Develop focus questions and methodology.

Reviewer School Review Panel

4.30 Close


School Council As we received only six nominations for the six vacancies advertised, there will be no need to hold an election in either the parent nor the DE&T category this year. I am pleased to announce that the following parents will join School Council for a two year period of office: Cameron Angus Jo Revell Trisha Bennetts Roz Eldridge Sarah Abraham and Tim Stapleton are the newly appointed teacher representatives. Our first meeting of the newly formed council will meet on March 26th 2019 at 7.30PM. Thank you to our retiring councilors Sharon Butler and Karen Browne for your commitment to ensuring that Cockatoo is a great school! I appreciated your contributions very much.

Ambulance Cover If an accident takes place at school the staff will act accordingly to ensure the welfare of the patient. First aid would be administered for minor ailments but, for more serious situations, we will not hesitate to call an ambulance. Parents are responsible for meeting the costs of any medical treatment or ambulance costs for injured students. Consequently, it is highly recommended that parents become ambulance subscribers to cover such emergency situations.

Page 4: nd Dates to Remember - Cockatoo · Orme; School Leaders Meredith Smith, Sarah Barnes, Ross Woolger, Tim Stapleton and Sarah Abraham; Reviewer Robert Miller. TIME ACTIVITY LEAD IN

Cockatoo Primary School No 3535. Website – www.cockatoops.vic.edu.au

Foundation Student’s first day in art!

Sharing and explaining their wonderful ideas and drawings

Page 5: nd Dates to Remember - Cockatoo · Orme; School Leaders Meredith Smith, Sarah Barnes, Ross Woolger, Tim Stapleton and Sarah Abraham; Reviewer Robert Miller. TIME ACTIVITY LEAD IN

Cockatoo Primary School No 3535. Website – www.cockatoops.vic.edu.au

We would like to wish the following students a very Happy Birthday.

Declan Hamilton Tori McKay

Darcy Langhorne Sophie Keily

Brianna Wallis Ryan Kelly

Mia Leitch Ty Lutz

Ricky Clogg Zac Glasson

Owen Harris Jayda Blacha

Reece Hodges Samantha Fowler

Noah Jozsa Heath Appleby

Zakk Urquiola Dermot Flint

Lexi Darlow Ciara Bestenbreur

Jasper Keen – Grunberg Mia McHendrie

Page 6: nd Dates to Remember - Cockatoo · Orme; School Leaders Meredith Smith, Sarah Barnes, Ross Woolger, Tim Stapleton and Sarah Abraham; Reviewer Robert Miller. TIME ACTIVITY LEAD IN

Cockatoo Primary School No 3535. Website – www.cockatoops.vic.edu.au

2019 Monday

cooking Tuesday


sport Thursday


computers craft examples

week 5


sausage rolls

clay play basketball clay play CURRICULUM


week 6




volcanoes basketball volcanoes computers

week 7






night hockey


night computers

week 8




tie dying hockey tie dying computers

week 9




make your

own teddy tennis


your own



week 10


mac &



painting fun games


day computers

To Contact O.S.H.C. call the School Office on 5968 8017 between 8.30am and 4.30pm or ring 0408 566 957or 5968 0256 at all other times.

Enrolment Forms for 2019 are available at the office or Out of School Hours Care

Page 7: nd Dates to Remember - Cockatoo · Orme; School Leaders Meredith Smith, Sarah Barnes, Ross Woolger, Tim Stapleton and Sarah Abraham; Reviewer Robert Miller. TIME ACTIVITY LEAD IN

Cockatoo Primary School No 3535. Website – www.cockatoops.vic.edu.au

Just a reminder that the canteen is open Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

NOTNOTNOTNOT Monday & Tuesday.

SPECIALS –––– Round 4n20 meat pies $3.00,

Supreme Pizza $2.40,

Pizza Pocket $2.40,

Shepherd’s Pie $3.00,

Chicken Munchies 6 pack $2.30

All QKR enquiries are to be made to the school office.

Menus are available at the school office not at the canteen.

We can NOT accept foreign coins as the bank does not accept these.

Canteen has a strict ‘NO CREDIT’ policy. Please ensure correct/enough money is included in the lunch

orders to avoid disappointment.

15th February -

Kerryn Kruzicevic

1st March – 15th March - 29th March -


Dear Parents, If you are willing to help the school by stripping the beds, making them and washing the linen from the Sick Bay on a Friday and returning the linen the next week, please complete this slip so that we can make up a roster for the year. I am willing to be on the Sick Bay Roster. Name: …………………………………………. Phone: ……………………………. Eldest Child: …………………………………..

Grade: …………..

Page 8: nd Dates to Remember - Cockatoo · Orme; School Leaders Meredith Smith, Sarah Barnes, Ross Woolger, Tim Stapleton and Sarah Abraham; Reviewer Robert Miller. TIME ACTIVITY LEAD IN

Cockatoo Primary School No 3535. Website – www.cockatoops.vic.edu.au

Mail Order Eftpos Credit Payment

Cardholder’s Name: ……………………….…………...…….

Card Type: □ Bankcard □ Mastercard □ Visa

Card Number: □□□□ □□□□ □□□□ □□□□

Expiry Date: □□/□□

Amount to be Debited: $□□□.□□

Payment for: …………………………………………………………

Cardholder’s Signature: ……………………………….. Date: ……/……/……

Please Note: $10.00 minimum


NNaammee ooff SSttuuddeenntt:: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

DDaattee ooff AAbbsseennccee::…………....//……..…….. ttoo ……..……..//…………....//……..……..

NNaammee ooff GGrraaddee TTeeaacchheerr:: …………………………………………………………………………………………..

RReeaassoonn ffoorr AAbbsseennccee::

FFiirree PPllaann AAccttiivvaattiioonn MMeeddiiccaall AAppppooiinnttmmeenntt

IIllllnneessss DDeennttaall AAppppooiinnttmmeenntt

HHeeaadd LLiiccee PPaarreenntt CChhooiiccee ((FFaammiillyy RReeaassoonnss))

HHoolliiddaayy HHoossppiittaall AAddmmiissssiioonn

OOtthheerr -- PPlleeaassee lliisstt ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

SSiiggnnaattuurree ooff PPaarreenntt oorr GGuuaarrddiiaann:: …………………………………………………………………………………………..

DDaattee:: ……..……..//……..……..//…………....

IItt iiss tthhee ppaarreenntt''ss rreessppoonnssiibbiilliittyy ttoo iinnffoorrmm tthhee sscchhooooll ooff tthhee rreeaassoonn ffoorr aa ssttuuddeenntt''ss aabbsseennccee.. AA ssaattiissffaaccttoorryy rreeaassoonn mmuusstt bbee ggiivveenn;; ootthheerrwwiissee iitt

wwiillll bbeeccoommee aa mmaatttteerr ffoorr tthhee SScchhooooll AAtttteennddaannccee OOffffiicceerr ttoo ddeeaall wwiitthh..RReelleevvaanntt lleeggiissllaattiioonn:: TThhee EEdduuccaattiioonn AAcctt 11995588 sseeccttiioonn 5533((33)),,

CCoommmmuunniittyy SSeerrvviicceess AAcctt 11997700 sseeccttiioonn 7744((bb)),, 7744((cc)),, 7744((gg))..

Page 9: nd Dates to Remember - Cockatoo · Orme; School Leaders Meredith Smith, Sarah Barnes, Ross Woolger, Tim Stapleton and Sarah Abraham; Reviewer Robert Miller. TIME ACTIVITY LEAD IN

Cockatoo Primary School No 3535. Website – www.cockatoops.vic.edu.au

PFA Page * Hot Chip Day Tuesday 26th February

* PFA Meeting Friday 1st March @ 2pm

Welcome back to school to all our students and their families for 2019, and a very warm welcome to all the new families who have joined us this year. PFA has lots of fun and exciting things planned for this year including Hot Chip & Cold Drink Days each term, Mother’s Day Stall, Father’s Day Stall, Cadbury Chocolates Fundraiser …… just to mention a few things.

Who are the PFA and what do we do????

We are a group of parents, friends and grandparents who all volunteer our time to help raise money for the students at our school. We provide educational, artistic and sporting equipment for the students. All funds we raise directly benefits the children in our school. 2017 saw the introduction our amazing Cooking Program, in which every single student in the school participated. In the past we have been able to purchase “goalposts” for the school oval, books for the library, interactive whiteboards for the classrooms, gates for fences to stop balls rolling onto the road, a fitness track, an upgrade for our two playground areas, a new BBQ trailer, contribute to a new trailer for the RACV Energy Challenge, a new storage shed for the oval, colourful educational mats for the Foundation, 1, 2 grades, Grade 6 Graduation items, new backboards for the basketball court, portable netball rings & netballs, the Changeable Sign on Belgrave – Gembrook Road, the massive Roplay Ball, portable Soccer Goals, class sets of ipads for the grade 3 & 4’s and the Junior Level, Bean Bags for every grade in the School, Bean Bags for the Library, Loads of Games for the Welfare department …. amongst many other things. This year our aim is to raise funds towards several ideas which have been put forward by our Student Representative Council. Further ideas will be put forward by the SRC during the year, investigated by the School, costed and prioritized. Any ideas put forward by the SRC are presented to the Principal by the students at a monthly SRC meeting. We need lots of help planning and organizing our fundraising year. We are a very friendly informal group who all have our kids and this fantastic Schools best interests at heart.

Page 10: nd Dates to Remember - Cockatoo · Orme; School Leaders Meredith Smith, Sarah Barnes, Ross Woolger, Tim Stapleton and Sarah Abraham; Reviewer Robert Miller. TIME ACTIVITY LEAD IN

Cockatoo Primary School No 3535. Website – www.cockatoops.vic.edu.au






9am – 2 pm


Food and Drink Available Lucky Spinning Wheel KIDS ZONE

ADMISSION $5 per Car All funds raised are used to maintain and update

firefighting and emergency equipment

Event will be cancelled if Fire Danger Rating

for Central District is EXTREME or CODE RED

Page 11: nd Dates to Remember - Cockatoo · Orme; School Leaders Meredith Smith, Sarah Barnes, Ross Woolger, Tim Stapleton and Sarah Abraham; Reviewer Robert Miller. TIME ACTIVITY LEAD IN

Cockatoo Primary School No 3535. Website – www.cockatoops.vic.edu.au


Page 12: nd Dates to Remember - Cockatoo · Orme; School Leaders Meredith Smith, Sarah Barnes, Ross Woolger, Tim Stapleton and Sarah Abraham; Reviewer Robert Miller. TIME ACTIVITY LEAD IN

Cockatoo Primary School No 3535. Website – www.cockatoops.vic.edu.au

Page 13: nd Dates to Remember - Cockatoo · Orme; School Leaders Meredith Smith, Sarah Barnes, Ross Woolger, Tim Stapleton and Sarah Abraham; Reviewer Robert Miller. TIME ACTIVITY LEAD IN

Cockatoo Primary School No 3535. Website – www.cockatoops.vic.edu.au





Grades F, 1 & 2 – Week 5 25th-28th of February, 2019

Numeracy Students will be focusing on data collection, and the language used to

Students will be commencing the topic of statistics and data. They will be exploring the language used within Students will be; • Collecting data from questions created by the students • Exploring tally marks and the purpose they have when collecting and reading data • Displaying their collected data in different forms including graphs A home activity you could do with your child this week is: • Move from counting around the house to counting everywhere. Count apples as you load them into a bag at the grocery store, or count the number of pumps at a gas station. You can also count people in line at stores and the number of items that you purchase.

Literacy Reading Writing Spelling Students will be working on a range of activities focusing on the development of word choice.

Reading: Students will be continuing to explore the plot and structure of narrative texts. Students will be using ‘Gary’ to extend their knowledge and understanding of the introduction, problem and solution within the text. Students will be focusing on reading strategies, such as reading for meaning. A home activity you could do with your child is read a narrative text with them, and discuss the storyline and features within the text, the characters and setting. What happened in the introduction, problem and solution?

Writing: Students will be completing their own narrative story for their portfolio task. Students will be;

•Designing characters, vibrant settings, dynamic conflicts and harmonious solutions within their stories •Illustrating their story by including an introduction, problem and solution •Engaging the readers with the language choice used within their writing A home activity you could do with your child this week could be asking your child to create exciting sizzling starts to their stories and discussing the introduction, problem and solution.

Spelling: Students will be practicing identifying letters and sounds of the alphabet, initial blends and common digraphs using their THRASS charts to assist with building their letter and sound knowledge.

A home activity you could do to support your child’s development would be to get your child to get them identify the letters in their name within texts, and to spell sight words that appear in their reading book and read street signs identifying the letters.


Science, Technology, Humanities & Creative thinking

Students will be participating in real life scenarios to help build their social skills and resilience in the yard.

Japanese Rohan Buttenshaw

Foundation Momotaro - Students recreate the story of Momotaro using images and word tracing. Students practice writing Momotaro in hiragana. Grade 1-2 Numbers - Students review the numbers 1-10 (and beyond) by practicing writing in both hiragana and kanji and participating in speaking activities.

Visual Arts Leah Stephens

Foundation Students learn about drawing a portrait. They talk about different shapes that are used to make up different parts of the face. They create a cartoon portrait in their new visual diaries by following a step by step process. Grade 1-2 Students revisit week 4 concepts about portraiture. They then learn to create a portrait in their visual diaries by following a step by step process. They add different art elements and principles to their portrait drawing and have the opportunity to share their work.

Music Ash Bourke

Foundation Dramatic Play – Students explore ideas for Characters and situations through dramatic play. Grade 1 & 2 Dramatic Play – Students explore roles and dramatic action in dramatic play and improvisation.

Page 14: nd Dates to Remember - Cockatoo · Orme; School Leaders Meredith Smith, Sarah Barnes, Ross Woolger, Tim Stapleton and Sarah Abraham; Reviewer Robert Miller. TIME ACTIVITY LEAD IN

Cockatoo Primary School No 3535. Website – www.cockatoops.vic.edu.au

PP..EE Ash Bourke

Foundation Athletics – Students will begin preparing for their modified Athletics events at our House Carnival Grade 1 & 2 Athletics – Students will begin preparing for their modified Athletics events at our House Carnival

Personal, Social & Cultural Learning

Building friendships through circle time activities and building a learning environment with routine & rigor and engaging tasks.

HHoommeewwoorrkk Reading and sight words


Tuesday 26th: Hot chip day. A reminder that this is not a lunch or recess snack, students are still required to bring their regular snack, fruit and lunch.

Wednesday 27th: Parent Information Night 6:30-8:30 Friday 1st March: Curriculum Day, students do not attend school

Just a reminder that students require a red reading satchel for their nightly readers to

go home in, as well as an art smock. If your child has not already returned these items, could they please be returned to school as soon as possible.

**School photos have been changed to Tuesday March 19th.

Page 15: nd Dates to Remember - Cockatoo · Orme; School Leaders Meredith Smith, Sarah Barnes, Ross Woolger, Tim Stapleton and Sarah Abraham; Reviewer Robert Miller. TIME ACTIVITY LEAD IN

Cockatoo Primary School No 3535. Website – www.cockatoops.vic.edu.au

PARENT INFORMATION BULLETIN – Term 1 Grades 3/4 – Week 5

25th-28th of February 2019


Students will be working on a range of activities based on their assessment data

Topic- Measurement and Time Students will be investigating measurement using a map and scale. Through investigations Students will be measuring how long it takes to travel a certain distance. Within supported tasks Students will then be calculating and measuring how long their journey to a particular location would take. Please note- Some students will be provided with a pedometer to wear

for a 24 hour period to measure their distance travelled. This will give the students some authentic data to use within their learning. A home activity your Child could do is to measure how long it takes to do a task at home, for example put the bins out. Then, using that data they could calculate how long it would take if they had three bins to put out? Or four? etc.

Literacy Students will be working on a range of activities based on their assessment data

Reading: Students will be reading various poems about the beach, ocean and aquatic animals. The students will be completing various activities to understand the various forms poetry can take, how poems make us feels and

how author’s use familiar items and settings to write poetry. Please note- Students will be handling some items from a beach to reinforce and understand the imagery authors have used. Students will be washing their hands thoroughly after.

A home activity your Child could do is to speak using rhymes, for example “Mum I had a great day, I wish I could stay” to explore and reinforce their knowledge of

poetry and rhyming phonemes (sounds). Writing: Students will be writing quatrain poem about the beach, ocean or an aquatic animal. The poetry will be using imagery, rich vocabulary and extending their understanding of phonemes. A home activity your Child could do is to write a poem about a family pet. If they do not have a pet, they could make one up.

Spelling: Students will be investigating rhyming words and extending their knowledge of topic specific vocabulary, nouns, verbs and adjectives. A home activity they could do is to play word tennis. One person says a word and their opponent needs to say a rhyming word and ‘hit’ it back. Play continues until a player cannot think of another rhyming word.


For our inquiry unit this week, Students will be setting up an online survey and designing questions to work out the suitability of a community protection device that they have designed.

Japanese Rohan Buttenshaw

Time: Students learn how to tell the time. Students practice asking and answering about the time.

Visual Arts Leah Stephens

Students revisit week 4 concepts about portraiture. They then learn to create a portrait in their visual diaries by following a step by step process. They also learn to follow a grid process and use an image as a reference. Through reflection, they can compare the two portrait methods.

Music Ash Bourke

Drama – Drama – Students working in groups create, present and respond to a drama story that expresses their ideas and feelings about a special place in the school.

PP..EE Ash Bourke

Athletics – Students will prepare for their events at the Athletics Carnival focusing on using the correct techniques

HHoommeewwoorrkk Students are to choose 10 tasks from a homework grid. They will choose tasks based on their interest and accessibility/ availability. Students are required to complete the task, time themselves and, using a colour code system record how long it took them. This data will be integrated into the classroom program.

Page 16: nd Dates to Remember - Cockatoo · Orme; School Leaders Meredith Smith, Sarah Barnes, Ross Woolger, Tim Stapleton and Sarah Abraham; Reviewer Robert Miller. TIME ACTIVITY LEAD IN

Cockatoo Primary School No 3535. Website – www.cockatoops.vic.edu.au

PPeerrssoonnaall,, SSoocciiaall && CCuullttuurraall LLeeaarrnniinngg

Students, through their inquiry investigation will be discussing and reflecting on the courage that the Cockatoo community had when faced with Ash Wednesday and the inner strength to band together and rebuild.


Tuesday- PFA Hot Chip and Drink Day Wednesday- Parent Information Evening 6:30-8:30

Thursday- Parenting course 9:30- 12 in the Library. Thank you so much to Naomi Dewar, School Chaplain in organizing such a wonderful activity


LOOKING AHEAD: 11th of March- Labor Day holiday

14th of March- House Athletics Carnival. We would love as many parent helpers on this day, if you are available please let your Teacher know

15th of March- Clean up the school day 20th of March- Cultural Day

Page 17: nd Dates to Remember - Cockatoo · Orme; School Leaders Meredith Smith, Sarah Barnes, Ross Woolger, Tim Stapleton and Sarah Abraham; Reviewer Robert Miller. TIME ACTIVITY LEAD IN

Cockatoo Primary School No 3535. Website – www.cockatoops.vic.edu.au


Grades 5/6 – Week 5 25th February to 28th February

Numeracy Students will be working on decimal place value

Topic This week we will again be looking at addition and subtraction of large numbers. Students will be working at their level at addition and subtraction in different contexts, including decimals, fractions and negative numbers. Students will also be using estimation skills when calculating problems. Home Activity – Continue to encourage and practice recollection of number facts.

Literacy Students will be working on a range of activities based on their assessment data Reading , Writing, Spelling

Reading- In week 5 students will be synthesizing and summarizing information from a variety of texts focusing on Nelson Mandela. Writing-Students will be writing a letter to Nelson Mandela asking him about significant events in his life. Spelling-Students will be working in differentiated groupings identifying digraphs, trigraphs, prefixes, suffixes and etymology.

Inquiry Humanities

This term the inquiry topic is Social Justice-students will be exploring famous people who changed the world.

Japanese Rohan Buttenshaw

How Much: Students learn how to ask how much something costs. Students will collect images of items they want to sell and translate them into Japanese.

Visual Arts Leah Stephenson

Students revisit week 4 concepts about portraiture and complete a quiz. They then create a portrait in their visual diaries by following a step by step process. In addition, they learn to follow a grid process and use an image as a reference. Through reflection, they can compare the two portrait methods and provide feedback to their peers.

Music Ash Bourke

Drama – Improvisation – Students will participate in a range of activities and games focusing on their chosen character.

P.E Ash Bourke

Athletics – Students will prepare for their events at the Athletics Carnival focusing on using the correct techniques

Personal, Social & Cultural Learning

Students will be introduced to Nelson Mandela as a powerful figure for Social Justice. Using both printed and video texts, students will explore the life and achievements of this amazing man.

Homework Next week’s homework will be an article on Nelson Mandela for students to complete a range of tasks based on the text.

SPECIAL EVENTS: February/March

February 26th- Hot Chip Day February 27th- Parent Info Night

March 1-Curriculum Day March 6-Visit by ex- Nauru case manager March 6th-Divisional Swimming March 7th-St Lukes mentoring starts March 11th-Labour Day March 14th-House Athletics Day March 19th -School Photos

Page 18: nd Dates to Remember - Cockatoo · Orme; School Leaders Meredith Smith, Sarah Barnes, Ross Woolger, Tim Stapleton and Sarah Abraham; Reviewer Robert Miller. TIME ACTIVITY LEAD IN

Cockatoo Primary School No 3535. Website – www.cockatoops.vic.edu.au