NBS CitA Strategic Partnership...NBS CitA Strategic Partnership Saving time, reducing risk by integrating information “The basic decisions of construction control are often incomplete

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NBS CitA Strategic Partnership

Saving time, reducing risk -by integrating information

NBS CitA Strategic Partnership Saving time, reducing risk by integrating information

Paul SwaddleHead of Technical Solutions

NBS CitA Strategic Partnership Saving time, reducing risk by integrating information

Announcing the strategic partnership of CitA and NBS to support Ireland’s digital transformation, and assist with BIM,

knowledge and training initiatives across the industry

NBS CitA Strategic Partnership Saving time, reducing risk by integrating information

NBS CitA Strategic Partnership Saving time, reducing risk by integrating information

• Cloud working• Drones

• VR• Big Data

• IoT• AI

NBS CitA Strategic Partnership Saving time, reducing risk by integrating information

NBS CitA Construction Technology Survey

NBS CitA Strategic Partnership Saving time, reducing risk by integrating information

•NBS – our journey

•Understanding drivers for change in construction

• The NBS BIM ecosystem

NBS CitA Strategic Partnership Saving time, reducing risk by integrating information

‘The most meaningful way to differentiate your company from your competition ... is to do an outstanding job with information. How you gather, manage, and use information will determine whether you win or lose’

Bill Gates, 1999

NBS CitA Strategic Partnership Saving time, reducing risk by integrating information

NBS CitA Strategic Partnership Saving time, reducing risk by integrating information

NBS CitA Strategic Partnership Saving time, reducing risk by integrating information

The new tech opportunity is how to have a much bigger impact in slow-growth sectors of the economy:

Marc Andreessen (May 2017)

…healthcare,education, and construction.

NBS CitA Strategic Partnership Saving time, reducing risk by integrating information

NBS CitA Strategic Partnership Saving time, reducing risk by integrating information

NBS CitA Strategic Partnership Saving time, reducing risk by integrating information

NBS CitA Strategic Partnership Saving time, reducing risk by integrating information

“The basic decisions of construction control are often incomplete or rushed because necessary information is not available sufficiently ahead of time. Members of the construction team could, but do not, ease this problem by supplying the data that would facilitate the preparation of more useful information by others. Building construction is remarkable among industrial activities for the lack of detailed information about how it proceeds. Until more is known there can be no basis for improvement.”

NBS CitA Strategic Partnership Saving time, reducing risk by integrating information

“The basic decisions of construction control are often incomplete or rushed because necessary information is not available sufficiently ahead of time. Members of the construction team could, but do not, ease this problem by supplying the data that would facilitate the preparation of more useful information by others. Building construction is remarkable among industrial activities for the lack of detailed information about how it proceeds. Until more is known there can be no basis for improvement.”

NBS CitA Strategic Partnership Saving time, reducing risk by integrating information

“The basic decisions of construction control are often incomplete or rushed because necessary information is not available sufficiently ahead of time. Members of the construction team could, but do not, ease this problem by supplying the data that would facilitate the preparation of more useful information by others. Building construction is remarkable among industrial activities for the lack of detailed information about how it proceeds. Until more is known there can be no basis for improvement.”

NBS CitA Strategic Partnership Saving time, reducing risk by integrating information

“The basic decisions of construction control are often incomplete or rushed because necessary information is not available sufficiently ahead of time. Members of the construction team could, but do not, ease this problem by supplying the data that would facilitate the preparation of more useful information by others. Building construction is remarkable among industrial activities for the lack of detailed information about how it proceeds. Until more is known there can be no basis for improvement.”

Communications in the Construction IndustryHiggin and Jessop


NBS CitA Strategic Partnership Saving time, reducing risk by integrating information

NBS CitA Strategic Partnership Saving time, reducing risk by integrating information

NBS CitA Strategic Partnership Saving time, reducing risk by integrating information

NBS CitA Strategic Partnership Saving time, reducing risk by integrating information

NBS CitA Strategic Partnership Saving time, reducing risk by integrating information

NBS CitA Strategic Partnership Saving time, reducing risk by integrating information

Revolution, not evolution

NBS CitA Strategic Partnership Saving time, reducing risk by integrating information

NBS CitA Strategic Partnership Saving time, reducing risk by integrating information

NBS CitA Strategic Partnership Saving time, reducing risk by integrating information

BIM – a definition

A building information model is a rich information model, consisting of potentially multiple data sources, elements of which can be shared across all stakeholders and be maintained across the life of a building from inception to recycling (cradle to cradle).

The information model can include contract and specification properties, personnel, programming, quantities, cost, spaces and geometry.

NBS, 2010

NBS CitA Strategic Partnership Saving time, reducing risk by integrating information

“Government as client can derive significant improvements in cost, value and carbon performance through the use of open sharable asset information.”


NBS CitA Strategic Partnership Saving time, reducing risk by integrating information

NBS CitA Strategic Partnership Saving time, reducing risk by integrating information

The NBS BIM ecosystem

NBS CitA Strategic Partnership Saving time, reducing risk by integrating information

Geometry model

NBS Specification and technical guidance

NBS National BIM Library


Building codes

NBS BIM Toolkit

Geometry model uses objects from the BIM libraryAll data uses consistent structure and naming conventions Geometry model linked and synched to

the specification model

Toolkit defines project roles, responsibilitiesand data to be developed and exchanged

All data linked to relevant standards and technical documents to allow for model analysis

BIM Toolkit

Verifying associations


Viewing instances from the specification


NBS CitA Strategic Partnership Saving time, reducing risk by integrating information

And the journey continues…

NBS Chorus

NBS CitA Strategic Partnership Saving time, reducing risk by integrating information

NBS CitA Strategic Partnership Saving time, reducing risk by integrating information

NBS CitA Strategic Partnership Saving time, reducing risk by integrating information

Classification(Uniclass 2015)

Digital plan of work(NBS BIM Toolkit)

• Highly fragmented with low productivity

• Lowest sector for digital investment and use

• Uncertain delivery on time, cost, product selection

• Little evidence of whole industry improvement over 50 years

• BIM teams collaborating to lead the construction world

• Achieving capital savings of >20% with BIM as enabler

• Government initiatives driving further use of digital

• Links to MMC, offsite construction and robotics
