© 2018 TM Forum | 1 Ludovic Robert IT & API Architect, Orange NBI – TMF Open API & ONAP

NBI TMF Open API & ONAP - Home | Digital Transformation ... · • Leverage API design and artefacts to speed up API implementation in Orange countries ... through complex transformation

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Ludovic Robert

IT & API Architect, Orange


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Orange at a glance

Orange is one of the largest operators of mobile and internet services in Europe and Africa and a global leader in corporate telecommunication services.

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Orange ♥ Open Source

• Important vector of growth and innovation

• Focusing on implementation, open source can and can accelerate our time-to-market

• Facilitate software independence towards a particular technical approach and product roadmaps

• Disruptive

Orange and Open Source

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Orange ♥ TMF Open APIs

Orange and TMF open APIs

▪ Orange as among the first to sign TM Forum’s Open API Manifesto, pledging to adopt the APIs as a foundational component of their IT architectures

▪ TMF open APIs have a large footprint within Orange - 15 Orange countries are using TMF API (in production)

▪ 75 instantiations of TMF APIs deployed by end of 2017 with a lot of re-use as party API used in 7 countries/BU, productInventory: 6, serviceOrder:6, etc…

▪ Significant contribution in the TMF API project (Examples for 18.0 Release: Servicexxx API, Refactoring to API to stick to DG 3.0, API & SID mapping, API tooling)

Orange strongly believe in the value to use/re-use/promote TMF open APIs

• Leverage API design and artefacts to speed up API implementation in Orange countries

• Build a standard TMF API package to be used to answer business requirements

• Think TMF Open APIs first to build interactions within or outside our organizations

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Open Network Automation Platform

▪ Open source project hosted by Linux Foundation

▪ Brings together AT&T ECOMP & China Mobile OPEN-O operational solutions

▪ Orange is a Platinum and active member + provides a free OpenLab to the community

▪ Unified framework for design-time…▪ on-boarding new types services and Virtual Network Functions (VNF) and Physical

Network Functions (PNF)

▪ … and run-time▪ creating and managing instances of services, VNFs, PNFs

▪ Simultaneous orchestration of physical and virtual networks

▪ Vendor-agnostic

▪ Real-time analytics and closed-loop automation

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External API and NBI

ONAP External API project Scope

• This is an approved ONAP Project

• Describe and define the APIs between ONAP and External Systems, including ONAP interfaces targeted on BSS/OSS

• but also other interaction points such as ONAP to Partner’s Orchestration

(NBI) NorthBound Interface for ONAP

• This is a component (code)

• Provide capability to interact with ONAP at service level

• Exposure of TMF open APIs

• Hide native SO, SDC, AAI APIs



External API, NBI ??? It is confusing….

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NBI objectives

• Leverage industry-recognized APIs (TMF open API) to simplify the way to use ONAP

– with latest API improvement (polymorphism) introduced in guideline 3.0 in particular to manage ‘complex’ service description

– Take advantage of open API (APACHE 2.0)

• Provide integration at Service level

– Standard interaction based on ‘Service’ (CFS/RFS) layer

– Provided a consistent package(catalog-order-inventory-order)

– Could be extended for other service APIs (Activation & Configuration, SPM, service Test, …)

• BSS will ♥ it

– Should become the entry point to ONAP for BSS triggering standardize Service Order… and Service Order are also the way to interact with other domain platform

– But…nothing prevent to use it in East-West interaction

• Not a mandatory piece for ONAP

– ONAP component API and UI (VID) are of course not impacted and could be directly used

OK but …. why ?

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NBI offering

Already available (part of ONAP Beijing release )

• TMF 633 Service Catalog (find & get)

• TMF 641 Service Ordering (including Service Instantiation) (create, find and get)

• TMF638 Service Inventory (find & get)

Coming with next release (Casablanca – mid-November)

• Add TMF-based notification (HUB/EVENT) at least for Service Order

• Tackle service modification UC though serviceOrder (minimum)

• Expose NBI API to ONAP MicroServiceBus

• Improve Service Order API to manage E2E service provisioning

• Integrate NBI in a complete E2E use case (CCVPN)

Code contributors

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NBI Architecture

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• The demo is done on an internal Orange portal developed to use/test NBI API

• Demo steps:

– Get serviceSpec (catalog)

– Pick on and ‘order’ it

– Check in the inventory

– Delete this service instance


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• How to describe complex service characteristics ?

– In SDC, Service characteristic are described in a TOSCA file

– In the API we leverage serviceCharacteristic pattern to manage ‘object’ type

– But SO as of now is able only to receive name/value

• How to trigger complete service/VNF/VF fulfillment within ONAP (in SO and after)?

– With Beijing, NBI trigger service-level in SO (BPMN/Scripts required)

– With Casablanca we introduce the E2E service instantiation

– NBI will pick service or serviceE2E depending on service category

• What about the CFS/RFS logjam?

– BSS is requesting a CFS…. a generic vFirewall for example

– In ONAP there are technical solution (RFS)…. ‘Nice vFirewall’ for Company1 and ‘Nicer vFirewall’ from Company 2

– Depending on [CFS requested +contextual information] → a RFS choice should be done

Challenges ahead

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• In our backlog

– Provide easy-access to serviceSpec description in a JSON File that can be easily accessible (performance, usability)

– Extend notification to inventory & catalog (usability)

– Identify ExternalAPI scope extension to others TMF APIs

• TMF 653 service test

• TMF 656 service problem management

• TMF 640 activation & configuration

• …

• Jump on the bandwagon ?

– You want to use NBI and you have UC where it will make sense to assess/use it

– You want to extend NBI and you have great design ideas

– You want to provide code

You’re welcome !

Next Steps

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