NBER WORKING PAPER SERIES THE RETURNS ON HUMAN CAPITAL: GOOD NEWS ON WALL STREET IS BAD NEWS ON MAIN STREET Hanno Lustig Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh Working Paper 11564 http://www.nber.org/papers/w11564 NATIONAL BUREAU OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH 1050 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02138 August 2005 The authors would like to thank Andy Atkeson, Hal Cole, Robert Hall, Hugo Hopenhayn, Chad Jones, Martin Lettau , Francis Longstaff, Sydney Ludvigson, Alex Michaelides, Tobias Moskowitz, Laura Veldkamp, and the participants of the UCLA brown bag lunch, the NYU macro-finance reading group and macrolunch, seminar participants at the University of California at Berkeley, Stanford, USC, Pompeu Fabra, the LSE, and the Bank of England, and participants of the NBER Summer Institute Asset Pricing Meetings. We have benefitted from conversations with John Heaton and Tano Santos about related ideas. We are especially grateful to John Campbell and Lars Peter Hansen for detailed comments. The views expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Bureau of Economic Research. ©2005 by Hanno Lustig and Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh. All rights reserved. Short sections of text, not to exceed two paragraphs, may be quoted without explicit permission provided that full credit, including © notice, is given to the source. This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced version of an article accepted for publication in The Review of Financial Studies following peer review. The version of record [Lustig, Hanno, and Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh. "The Returns on Human Capital: Good News on Wall Street Is Bad News on Main Street." The Review of Financial Studies 21, no. 5 (September 2008): 2097-2137] is available online at: < https://doi.org/10.1093/rfs/hhl035 >.

NBER WORKING PAPER SERIES THE RETURNS ON HUMAN CAPITAL … · cluding human wealth returns as part of the market return (e.g. Shiller (1995), Campbell (1996), and Jagannathan and

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Page 1: NBER WORKING PAPER SERIES THE RETURNS ON HUMAN CAPITAL … · cluding human wealth returns as part of the market return (e.g. Shiller (1995), Campbell (1996), and Jagannathan and



Hanno LustigStijn Van Nieuwerburgh

Working Paper 11564http://www.nber.org/papers/w11564


Cambridge, MA 02138August 2005

The authors would like to thank Andy Atkeson, Hal Cole, Robert Hall, Hugo Hopenhayn, Chad Jones, MartinLettau , Francis Longstaff, Sydney Ludvigson, Alex Michaelides, Tobias Moskowitz, Laura Veldkamp, andthe participants of the UCLA brown bag lunch, the NYU macro-finance reading group and macrolunch,seminar participants at the University of California at Berkeley, Stanford, USC, Pompeu Fabra, the LSE, andthe Bank of England, and participants of the NBER Summer Institute Asset Pricing Meetings. We havebenefitted from conversations with John Heaton and Tano Santos about related ideas. We are especiallygrateful to John Campbell and Lars Peter Hansen for detailed comments. The views expressed herein arethose of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Bureau of Economic Research.

©2005 by Hanno Lustig and Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh. All rights reserved. Short sections of text, not toexceed two paragraphs, may be quoted without explicit permission provided that full credit, including ©notice, is given to the source.

This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced version of an article accepted for publication in The Review of Financial Studies following peer review. The version of record [Lustig, Hanno, and Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh. "The Returns on Human Capital: Good News on Wall Street Is Bad News on Main Street." The Review of Financial Studies 21, no. 5 (September 2008): 2097-2137] is available online at: < https://doi.org/10.1093/rfs/hhl035 >.

Page 2: NBER WORKING PAPER SERIES THE RETURNS ON HUMAN CAPITAL … · cluding human wealth returns as part of the market return (e.g. Shiller (1995), Campbell (1996), and Jagannathan and

The Returns on Human Capital: Good News on Wall Street is Bad News on Main StreetHanno Lustig and Stijn Van NieuwerburghNBER Working Paper No. 11564August 2005JEL No. G1


We use a standard single-agent model to conduct a simple consumption growth accounting exercise.

Consumption growth is driven by news about current and expected future returns on the market

portfolio. The market portfolio includes financial and human wealth. We impute the residual of

consumption growth innovations that cannot be attributed to either news about financial asset returns

or future labor income growth to news about expected future returns on human wealth, and we back

out the implied human wealth and market return process. This accounting procedure only depends

on the agent's willingness to substitute consumption over time, not her consumption risk preferences.

We find that innovations in current and future human wealth returns are negatively correlated with

innovations in current and future financial asset returns, regardless of the elasticity of intertemporal

substitution. The evidence from the cross-section of stock returns suggests that the market return we

back out of aggregate consumption innovations is a better measure of market risk than the return on

the stock market.

Hanno LustigDepartment of EconomicsUCLABox 951477Los Angeles, CA 90095-1477and [email protected]

Stijn Van NieuwerburghDepartment of FinanceNew York University44 W 4th StreetSuite 9-190New York, NY [email protected]

Page 3: NBER WORKING PAPER SERIES THE RETURNS ON HUMAN CAPITAL … · cluding human wealth returns as part of the market return (e.g. Shiller (1995), Campbell (1996), and Jagannathan and

1 Introduction

Starting with the seminal work by Breeden (1979) and Lucas (1978), much of the work in

dynamic asset pricing asks whether observed aggregate consumption growth can explain

or deliver financial returns like the ones we observe in the data (Grossman and Shiller

(1981) and Hansen and Singleton (1983)). Mehra and Prescott (1985) point out that a

very high degree of risk aversion is needed to reconcile a high equity premium with a

low covariance between consumption growth and returns. Kandel and Stambaugh (1990)

extend this analysis to the conditional moments of returns and consumption growth, and

they reach the same conclusion. We turn this question on its head: Starting from observed

returns on financial assets, what restrictions does the standard single agent model impose

on the joint distribution of the market returns and aggregate consumption growth?

Following Roll (1977)’s critique, the literature has recognized the importance of in-

cluding human wealth returns as part of the market return (e.g. Shiller (1995), Campbell

(1996), and Jagannathan and Wang (1996)), but only the cash flow component of human

wealth returns is observed, not the discount rate component. This paper uses observed

aggregate consumption to learn about the human wealth returns. A standard single-agent

model puts tight restrictions on the joint distribution of market returns and aggregate

consumption. We exploit these restrictions to account for aggregate consumption growth,

and we impute that part of consumption innovations not due to news about financial asset

returns to human wealth returns.

To do so, we confront a single agent with the observed market returns on US household

wealth and back out her implied consumption innovations. These consumption innova-

tions are determined by news about current returns and by news about future expected

returns on the market portfolio. The effect of news about future market returns on con-

sumption depends only on how willing this agent is to substitute over time, not on her

risk preferences (Campbell (1993)). If her portfolio only includes financial wealth, the

model-implied consumption innovations are radically different from those in the data. The

agent’s consumption innovations are at least ten times too volatile relative to US aggre-

gate consumption innovations and the implied correlation of her consumption innovations

with news about stock returns is at least four times higher than in the data. Even when

the intertemporal elasticity of substitution (EIS ) is zero, there is just not enough mean

reversion in stock returns to reconcile the moments of consumption and returns. We call

this the consumption correlation and volatility puzzle.


Page 4: NBER WORKING PAPER SERIES THE RETURNS ON HUMAN CAPITAL … · cluding human wealth returns as part of the market return (e.g. Shiller (1995), Campbell (1996), and Jagannathan and

These two moments of aggregate consumption growth are also at the heart of Mehra and

Prescott (1985)’s equity premium puzzle. However, the volatility and correlation puzzles

only depend on the agent’s willingness to transfer consumption between different periods

in response to news about future returns, while the equity premium puzzle only depends

on the agent’s aversion to consumption bets. We show that, in a model with only financial

wealth, there is no value of the EIS that closes the gap between the model and the data,

but large values definitely make matters worse.

We interpret this failure as a market return measurement problem, and we explicitly

introduce human wealth in our single agent’s portfolio, following the example of Campbell

(1996) and Jagannathan and Wang (1996). In a first step, we show that a model in which

the expected returns on human wealth and financial wealth are perfectly correlated, like

Campbell (1996)’s, cannot come close to matching the consumption moments in the data.

Models in which the expected return on human wealth is constant, like Shiller (1995)’s, or,

in which the expected return on human wealth is perfectly correlated with expected labor

income growth, like Jagannathan and Wang (1996)’s, do better, but these still over-predict

the volatility of consumption innovations and their correlation with financial returns.

In a second step, we conduct a basic consumption growth accounting exercise. We im-

pute that part of the consumption innovations that cannot be attributed to news about

current or future financial returns to the returns on human wealth. This approach con-

structs a process for the expected return on human wealth that exactly matches the mo-

ments of aggregate consumption innovations in the data. We find that (1) good news about

current returns in financial markets is bad news about current returns in labor markets,

regardless of the EIS, and (2) the implied total market return is negatively correlated with

the returns on financial wealth if the EIS is smaller than one.

The negative correlation between financial and human wealth returns has a cash-flow

component and a discount rate component. First, with respect to the cash flows, we find

that good news about future labor income growth is bad news for the future growth rate

of pay-outs to securities holders. This is a feature of the data. Second, with respect to

the discount rates, positive innovations to future risk premia on financial wealth tend to

coincide with negative innovations to expected future returns on human wealth. This is

what comes out of our consumption growth accounting exercise. The negative discount

rate correlation for these two assets is not surprising. Santos and Veronesi (2004) were the

first to analyze these composition effects on risk premia in a two-sector model1.1Consider a simple example of the composition effect. In a two-tree Lucas endowment model with


Page 5: NBER WORKING PAPER SERIES THE RETURNS ON HUMAN CAPITAL … · cluding human wealth returns as part of the market return (e.g. Shiller (1995), Campbell (1996), and Jagannathan and

In a third step, we extend the analysis to time-varying wealth shares. Time-variation

in the human wealth share enables our model to match observed consumption moments

with less volatile human wealth returns.

While Campbell’s work aimed to substitute consumption out of the asset pricing equa-

tions, we actually obtain better measures of market risk when the market return is forced

to be consistent with the moments of aggregate consumption. We revisit the Roll cri-

tique, and ask whether our consumption-consistent capital asset pricing model improves

the pricing of assets in the cross-section. Using our model-implied market returns and

model-implied consumption, we find that our model produces the lowest pricing errors for

size and value stock portfolios among the models that include human wealth in the market

portfolio. Growth stocks provide better insurance against future human capital risk and

therefore trade at a risk discount relative to value stocks.

But there is even more compelling evidence against the stock market return as a measure

of the market return, that does not depend on the investor’s preferences at all: The budget

constraint dictates that over very long horizons consumption growth and the market returns

coincide. However, in US data, news about long-run consumption growth and market

returns are negatively correlated if the market portfolio only includes financial wealth, and

the long-run returns are much more volatile than long-run consumption growth. Once

human wealth is added to the market portfolio, they line up much better; the correlation

increases to .7 at annual frequencies. Nonetheless, the long-run, model-implied market

return is still more volatile than long-run consumption growth, another manifestation of

the equity volatility puzzle of LeRoy and Porter (1981) and Shiller (1981). To address this

shortcoming, we back out cash-flow news about human wealth from consumption growth

-instead of labor income growth- data by imposing this long-run restriction, and, as before,

we find the discount rate on human wealth that best matches the short-run moments

of consumption. This exercises confirms our main findings: To match the properties of

consumption in the data, the returns on financial and human wealth must be strongly

negatively correlated.

Other Explanations We attribute the component of aggregate consumption growth

that is not accounted for by financial asset returns to human wealth returns. Other labels

come to mind for this residual. In the paper, we consider four in detail, and we find that

i.i.d dividend growth and log preferences, when the dividend share of the first tree increases, its expectedreturn must go up to induce investors to hold it despite its larger share. Because the overall price-dividendratio stays constant, the expected return on the second tree has to decrease (see Cochrane, Longstaff, andSanta-Clara (2004)).


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the usual fixes either worsen the consumption volatility and correlation puzzles, or do not

help. First, if the agent’s preferences display external habit formation as in Campbell

and Cochrane (1999), the volatility and the correlation puzzles cannot be resolved unless

through heteroscedasticity in the market return. In a second step, we test for this possibil-

ity by checking if our consumption growth residual predicts the future volatility of stock

returns, and it does not. Nor does it forecast the volatility of consumption innovations or

their covariance with financial returns. Third, we argue that heterogeneity makes matters

worse in the empirically relevant case where financial asset holders have a higher EIS. If we

want to match these moments of aggregate consumption, then the consumption of stock-

holders and non-stockholders has to be really negatively correlated, and this presents a

serious challenge to limited participation explanations of asset pricing puzzles (Heaton and

Lucas (1996) and Guvenen (2003)). Fourth, we found the same consumption correlation

and volatility puzzles in annual and bi-annual data, which casts doubt on consumption

adjustment cost explanations.

Finally, the omission of housing wealth may lead to the erroneous interpretation of the

residual as a human wealth return. When we include housing wealth into the portfolio of

the investor, the residual has the same properties as in the model without housing wealth.

Related Literature While there is a huge literature on the risk-return trade-off in fi-

nancial markets, the role of risk is usually ignored when economists model human capital

investment decisions. Palacios-Huerta (2001) is the first to focus on this trade-off in la-

bor markets; he uses individual labor-income based measures of human capital returns.2

We use the information in aggregate consumption innovations instead to learn about the

aggregate human wealth returns.

Bansal and Yaron (2004) deliver a consumption and dividend process that can match

expected returns on financial wealth by imputing a key role to long-run consumption risk.

Instead, we back out a human wealth return process that implies the right aggregate

consumption behavior. Vissing-Jorgensen and Attanasio (2003) also use Campbell (1996)’s

framework to estimate the EIS and the coefficient of risk aversion using household-level

data. They conclude that the EIS of stockholders is likely to be above one, but they do

not match the model-implied consumption volatility and correlation moments with those2Palacios-Huerta measures returns on human capital as the proportional increase in earnings per year

from the last year of schooling. He does not take into account the effect of revisions on future labor incomeand discount rates. Two related papers are Palacios-Huerta (2003a) and Palacios-Huerta (2003b)).


Page 7: NBER WORKING PAPER SERIES THE RETURNS ON HUMAN CAPITAL … · cluding human wealth returns as part of the market return (e.g. Shiller (1995), Campbell (1996), and Jagannathan and

in the data. Our paper adds these two consumption moments to the picture3. Our work is

also related to Santos and Veronesi (2004). They set up two-sector-model, a labor-income

and a capital-income generating sector; assets are priced off a conditional CAPM in which

the labor income share is the conditioning variable. While the labor income share works

well as a conditioning variable in explaining the cross-section of returns, they find that

innovations to future labor income growth do not help much in pricing. We find that

future human capital risk is priced, and that growth firms provide a better hedge against

this risk.

Lettau and Ludvigson (2001a) find that the single agent’s budget constraint provides

useful aggregate risk information. They use a linearized version of the household budget

constraint to show that the co-integration vector between consumption, financial wealth,

and labor income predicts stock returns. Lettau and Ludvigson (2001b) derive a scaled

version of the Consumption CAPM from this budget constraint and show it prices the

cross-section of size and value portfolios. We use the budget constraint and the Euler

equation to derive a consumption-consistent version of the CAPM. As a robustness check,

we estimate our system imposing co-integration between consumption, financial wealth,

and labor income. If anything, return on financial and human wealth must be even more

negatively correlated. We find that our consumption-wealth ratio still forecasts stock

returns, confirming Lettau and Ludvigson (2001a). Our market return process, derived

from actual US aggregate consumption innovations, actually does better in explaining the

cross-section of asset returns than the standard CAPM return on the stock market. Our

results may help to understand the findings of Lewellen and Nagel (2004), who argue the

CAPM betas do not vary enough in order for a conditional version of the CAPM to explain

the variation in returns; stock market risk is a poor measure of market risk. Interestingly,

Boyd, Hu, and Jagannathan (2005) show that on average good news about unemployment

implies lower stock returns, except in recessions. Similar results are obtained by Andersen,

Bollerslev, Diebold, and Vega (2005) for a wide range of macro-economic announcements.

We infer from aggregate consumption that bad news for stock returns is good news for the

rest of the economy.3We are less sanguine about large values of the EIS, for two reasons. First, if the EIS is larger

than one, the market return has to display multivariate mean aversion in order to match the aggregateconsumption volatility, and this has counterfactual asset pricing implications in the cross-section. Second,financial returns display strong mean reversion and, according to the model, an individual investor holdingonly financial wealth (e.g. a retiree) would have implausibly volatile consumption, if she is very willing tosubstitute consumption over time.


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Implications Beyond Asset Pricing There seems to be less of a dichotomy between

quantities and prices than suggested by some (e.g. Tallarini (2000) and Mulligan (2004)):

Prices and returns put very tight restrictions on quantities. Standard production functions

in business cycle models, such as the Cobb-Douglas, imply a nearly perfectly correlated

return on human and financial wealth (Baxter and Jermann (1997)). Our results suggest

that this is counter-factual and that we may need to think of different technologies. Models

with time-varying factor elasticities, such as the one of Young (2004), may allow for a better

description of the data.

Our work also has clear portfolio implications. US household portfolios are biased

towards US securities. If financial and human wealth returns are negatively correlated, hu-

man wealth provides a good hedge against domestic asset return movements, rationalizing

a long position in home assets. Relying on co-integration analysis, Julliard (2003) reaches

the same conclusion as us, contradicting earlier results by Baxter and Jermann (1997),

who conclude that introducing labor income risk unambiguously worsens the international

diversification puzzle, because long-run labor income and financial income are positively

correlated. This makes human wealth look like stocks. Relying on the same positive corre-

lation between long-run labor income growth and stock returns, Benzoni, Collin-Dufresne,

and Goldstein (2004) manage to explain the hump-shaped life-cycle pattern of stock market

participation. Our model suggests that this mechanism may have counter-factual implica-

tions for the implied consumption of these investors. In all of these papers cited above, the

evidence on the correlation between cash-flow and discount rate risk of human and finan-

cial wealth returns relies mostly on co-integration analysis. Such co-integration tests are

known to have low power4. We argue that the cross-equation restrictions on consumption

implied by the theory are perhaps more informative about the nature of long-run human

capital risk.

We start by briefly reviewing the Campbell framework in section 2. In section 3, we

describe the data we use and how to operationalize the model. In section 4 we describe

the basic consumption correlation and volatility puzzle, and in 5 we explicitly introduce

human wealth returns. In section 6.1, we estimate the system subject to a co-integration

restriction on consumption, financial wealth, and labor income and find our results to be

robust. We derive the long-run restriction implied by the budget constraint in section

6.2, and show that our main findings are robust to imposing it. Next, section 7 tests the4For example, Hansen, Heaton, and Li (2005) show flat likelihood plots for the co-integration coefficient

between consumption and earnings.


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asset pricing implications of our measure of market risk. Finally, in section 8, we entertain

potential alternative explanations of our findings. A separate appendix with additional

derivations and results is available on the authors’ web sites.

2 Environment

We adopt the environment of Campbell (1993) and consider a single agent decision problem.

2.1 Preferences

The agent ranks consumption streams {Ct} using the following utility index Ut, which is

defined recursively:

Ut =(

(1− β)C(1−γ)/θt + β





where γ is the coefficient of relative risk aversion and σ is the intertemporal elasticity of

substitution (IES). Finally, θ is defined as θ = 1−γ1−(1/σ) . In the case of separable utility, the

elasticity of intertemporal substitution (henceforth EIS ) equals the inverse of the coefficient

of risk aversion and θ is one. Distinguishing between the coefficient of risk aversion and the

inverse of the EIS will prove important later on. Our results on the correlation structure

between financial asset returns and human wealth returns only depend on the EIS, not

on the coefficient of risk aversion. Epstein and Zin (1989) preferences impute a concern for

long run risk to the agent. This plays potentially an important role in understanding risk

premia (Bansal and Yaron (2004)).

2.2 Trading Assets

All wealth, including human wealth, is tradable. We adopt Campbell’s notation: Wt

denotes the representative agent’s total wealth at the start of period t, and Rmt+1 is the

gross return on wealth invested from t to t+1. This representative agent’s budget constraint


Wt+1 = Rmt+1 (Wt − Ct) . (1)

Our single agent takes the returns on the market {Rmt } as given, and decides how much to

consume. Instead of imposing market clearing and forcing the agent to consume aggregate

dividends and labor income, we simply let her choose the optimal aggregate consumption

process, taking the market return process {Rmt } as given.


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2.3 The Joint Distribution of Consumption and Asset Returns

Campbell (1993) linearizes the budget constraint and uses the Euler equation to obtain an

expression for consumption innovations as a function of innovations to current and future

expected returns. First, Campbell linearizes the budget constraint around the mean log

consumption/wealth ratio c−w. Lowercase letters denote logs. If the consumption-wealth

ratio is stationary, in the sense that limj→∞ ρj(ct+j−wt+j) = 0, this approximation implies


ct+1 −Etct+1 = (Et+1 − Et)∞∑


ρjrmt+1+j − (Et+1 − Et)



ρj∆ct+1+j , (2)

where rm = log(1 + Rm) and ρ is defined as 1 − exp(c − w).5 In the long run, only cash

flows matter -not the discount rates- and the returns on the market portfolio are completely

driven by aggregate consumption growth. We return to this long-run restriction in section


Second, Campbell assumes consumption and returns are conditionally homoscedastic

and jointly log normal, and he substitutes the consumption Euler equation:

Et∆ct+1 = µm + σEtrmt+1, (3)

where µm is a constant that includes the variance and covariance terms for consumption

and market return innovations, back into the consumption innovation equation in (2), to

obtain an expression with only returns on the right hand side:

ct+1 − Etct+1 = rmt+1 − Etr

mt+1 + (1− σ)(Et+1 − Et)



ρjrmt+1+j , (4)

Campbell shows this agent incurs relatively small welfare losses from using this linear

consumption rule. We will use this linear version of the model as our actual model.

Innovations to the representative agent’s consumption are determined by (1) the un-

expected part of this period’s market return and (2) the innovation to expected future

market returns. There is a one-for-one relation between current return and consumption

innovations, regardless of the EIS, but the relation between consumption innovations and

innovations to expected future returns depends on the EIS. If the agent has log utility

over deterministic consumption streams and σ is one, the consumption innovations exactly

equal the unanticipated return in this period. If σ is larger than one, the agent lowers5Campbell (1993) shows that this approximation is accurate for values of the EIS between 0 and 4.


Page 11: NBER WORKING PAPER SERIES THE RETURNS ON HUMAN CAPITAL … · cluding human wealth returns as part of the market return (e.g. Shiller (1995), Campbell (1996), and Jagannathan and

her consumption to take advantage of higher expected future returns, while, if σ is smaller

than one, she chooses to increase her consumption because the income effect dominates the

substitution effect. As σ approaches zero, the current consumption innovations equal the

long-run market return innovations, as is apparent from comparing the linearized budget

constraint in (2) and the consumption equation in (4).

This consumption function in (4) puts tight restrictions on the joint distribution of

aggregate consumption innovations and total wealth return innovations. Our aim is to

study the properties of aggregate consumption implied by this restriction. More specifi-

cally, we are interested in two moments of the consumption innovations: (1) the variance of

consumption innovations and (2) the correlation of consumption innovations with financial

return innovations. Matching these moments of the data is a major hurdle for the model

with only financial wealth, because in the data financial returns and consumption innova-

tions have a low correlation and because consumption innovations are much less volatile

than financial return innovations.

3 Data and Model Implementation

This section discusses the measurement of financial asset returns, the computation of all

the innovations that feed into consumption innovations, and finally, the relevant moments

of the data.

3.1 Measuring Financial Asset Returns

We use two measures of financial asset returns. The first measure is the return on the

value-weighted CRSP stock market portfolio: Rat+1 = Pt+1+Dt+1

Pt, where Dt is the quarterly

dividend in period t and Pt is the ex-dividend price. To remove the seasonal component in

dividends, we define the log dividend price ratio as

dpat = log

(.25Dt + .25Dt−1 + .25Dt−2 + .25Dt−3



The full line in figure 1 shows the dividend-price ratio, exp(dpat ). We follow the literature

on repurchases (Fama and French (2001) and Grullon and Michaely (2002)), and adjust

the dividend yield for repurchases of equity, to ensure its stationarity. The repurchase data

are from Boudoukh, Michaely, Richardson, and Roberts (2004). This is the dotted line

in figure 1. The dividend-price ratio adjusted for repurchases is similar to the unadjusted

series until 1980, and consistently higher afterwards.


Page 12: NBER WORKING PAPER SERIES THE RETURNS ON HUMAN CAPITAL … · cluding human wealth returns as part of the market return (e.g. Shiller (1995), Campbell (1996), and Jagannathan and

Our second measure of financial asset returns takes a broader perspective by including

corporate debt and private companies: we value a claim to US non-financial, non-farm

corporations and compute the total pay-outs to the owners of this claim. The value of US

(non-financial, non-farm) corporations is the market value of all financial liabilities plus

the market value of equity less the market value of financial assets. The payout measure

includes all corporate pay-outs to securities holders, both stock holders and bond holders.

See appendix A.1 for details. The dashed line in figure 1 shows the ratio of pay-outs to

securities holders to the market value of firms. Over the last two decades, the dividend

yield for the firm-value measure has been much higher than the dividend yield on stocks.

This is consistent with the findings of Hall (2001). The firm value dividend yield departs

from the CRSP-based repurchase adjusted series after the stock market crash of 2001. This

broader measure of financial wealth is our benchmark, but we also report the results using

stock market wealth, simply because the latter is more commonly used.

[Figure 1 about here.]

3.2 Computing Innovations

We follow Campbell (1996) and estimate a VAR with log real financial asset returns (rat+1),

real per capita labor income growth (∆yt+1), and three return predictors: the log dividend

yield on financial assets (dpat+1), the relative T-bill return (rtbt+1), and the yield spread

(yspt+1). To be consistent with our exercises in the next section, we add the labor income

share st+1 and real per capita consumption growth on non-durables and services to the

system ∆ct+1. All varriables are demeaned. We stack the N = 7 state variables into a

vector z. The VAR describes a linear law of motion for the state:

zt+1 = Azt + εt+1,

with innovation covariance matrix E[εε′] = Σ. The dimensions of Σ and A are N ×N , the

dimensions of ε and z are N×T . Finally, we also define ek as the kth column of an identity

matrix of the same dimension as A. Table 15 in appendix A.9 reports the VAR-estimates.

The top panel uses firm value returns as the measure of financial asset returns, the bottom

panel uses the value-weighted stock market return instead.

Once the VAR has been estimated, we can extract the news components that drive the

consumption growth innovations: we define innovations in current financial asset returns

{(a)t}, innovations in current labor income growth {(fy)t}, news about current and future


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labor income growth {(dy)t}, and news about future financial asset returns {(ha)t} and

human capital returns {(hy)t}:

(a)t+1 = rat+1 − Et[ra

t+1] = e′1εt+1

(fy)t+1 = ∆yt+1 − Et[∆yt+1] = e′2εt+1

(dy)t+1 = (Et+1 −Et)∞∑


ρj∆yt+1+j = e′2(I − ρA)−1εt+1

(ha)t+1 = (Et+1 −Et)∞∑


ρjrat+1+j = e′1ρA(I − ρA)−1εt+1

(hy)t+1 = (Et+1 −Et)∞∑


ρjryt+1+j .

News about current and future financial income growth is backed out from news about

asset returns:

(da)t+1 = (ha)t+1 + (a)t+1. (5)

Finally, innovations to consumption are found as:

(c)t+1 = ct+1 − Et[ct+1] = ∆ct+1 − Et[∆ct+1] = e′7εt+1. (6)

The moments of these innovations will be denoted using Vi,j and Corri,j notation for

variances and correlations respectively.

3.3 Stylized Facts

Table 1 summarizes the moments from the data at quarterly frequencies for the full post-

war sample (1947.II-2004.III). The left panel uses the firm value returns as the measure

of financial asset returns; the right panel uses stock market returns. Our benchmark case,

a VAR with 1 lag, is reported in column 1. As a robustness check, we also report results

obtained using a 2-lag VAR in column 2 and an annual VAR(1) in column 3.6 All variances

are multiplied by 10,000. Four key stylized facts deserve mention. We focus on column 1

in the discussion.

• Firm value return innovations are about 13 times as volatile as consumption innova-

tions.7 The standard deviation of news about financial returns is 14% for firm value6The signs and relative magnitudes correspond to the ones reported in Campbell (1996) for monthly

and annual data.7Our measure of consumption is real per capita non-durables and services consumption. All results go


Page 14: NBER WORKING PAPER SERIES THE RETURNS ON HUMAN CAPITAL … · cluding human wealth returns as part of the market return (e.g. Shiller (1995), Campbell (1996), and Jagannathan and

returns and 16% per annum for stock returns; the same number for consumption is

1.15% per annum (Va versus Vc). News about future financial returns is also volatile.

In annualized terms, the standard deviation is 11% for firm value and 20% for stock

returns (Vha).

• Consumption innovations and return innovations are only weakly correlated: Corrc,a =

0.17 for firm value returns and 0.185 for stock returns.

• Current return innovations are negatively correlated with news about future expected

returns: there is (multivariate) mean reversion in returns on firm value (Corra,ha =

−.48). Stock returns display even more mean reversion Corra,ha is -.92.

• For firm value returns, news about future dividend growth and news about future

labor income growth are negatively correlated (Corrdy ,da < 0) as is news about

current labor income growth and current dividend growth (Corrfy ,fd < 0).

The first three facts are well-documented, at least for stock returns; the last one is not.

The firm value data indicate that good cash flow news for securities holders (stock and

bond holders) may not necessarily be good cash flow news for workers. For stock returns

these correlations are positive, but surprisingly small. This cash flow channel plays a key

role in our results. It might be even stronger in other countries: Bottazzi, Pesenti, and

VanWincoop (1996) document strong negative contemporaneous correlation between wage

and profit rates in a large cross-section of developed countries.

All of these stylized facts are robust to inclusion of additional forecasting variables

in the VAR. They are also robust to different measures of labor income. Our benchmark

measure for labor income is real, per capita compensation of all employees from the Bureau

of Economic Analysis (Table 2.1 line 2). This measure excludes proprietor’s income, but

includes wages and salaries to government employees. Table 11 in section A.3 of the

separate appendix uses two alternative measures. Most moments are virtually unchanged

relative to table 1.

[Table 1 about here.]

4 Model 1: Financial Wealth Only

We start by abstracting from non-financial wealth, and we compare the model-implied

consumption innovation behavior to aggregate US data. We call the model with only

through using total personal consumption. For total consumption Vc is .7 and Corrc,a is 0.1.


Page 15: NBER WORKING PAPER SERIES THE RETURNS ON HUMAN CAPITAL … · cluding human wealth returns as part of the market return (e.g. Shiller (1995), Campbell (1996), and Jagannathan and

financial wealth Model 1. This is a natural starting point, because (1) standard business

cycle models imply that the returns on human and other assets are highly or even perfectly

correlated (e.g. Baxter and Jermann (1997))8, and (2) in finance, it is standard practice

to use the stock market return rat as a measure of the market return rm

t (Black (1987) and

Stambaugh (1982)).

We analyze the moments of the model-implied consumption innovations in (4) with

rm = ra, simply by feeding the actual innovations to financial asset returns and news

about future returns into the linearized policy function of our single agent. The procedure

delivers a time series for the model-implied consumption innovations. We focus on two

moments in particular: the variance of consumption innovations given by:

Vc = Va + (1− σ)2Vha + 2(1− σ)Va,ha , (7)

and their correlation with innovations to current financial asset returns:

Vc,a = Va + (1− σ)Va,ha . (8)

4.1 Fails to Match The Variance and Correlation Moments

In the data, the standard deviation of consumption innovations is only 0.58% per quarter,

compared to 6.95% per quarter for firm return innovations, and the correlation with return

innovations is .17 (see Table 1). Model 1 fails miserably to match either moment for

all values of EIS. Figure 2 plots the standard deviation of the model-implied consumption

innovations in the top panel and their correlation with current firm value return innovations

in the bottom panel. In both panels, the EIS ranges between 0 and 1.5.

In the log case (σ = 1), consumption responds one-for-one to current return innovations.

The standard deviation of consumption innovations equals the standard deviation of news

about current financial returns, which is 6.95% per quarter (see equation 7). The correlation

of consumption innovations with financial asset return innovations is 1 (see equation 8).

As the EIS decreases below 1, consumption also absorbs part of the volatility of shocks

to future asset returns Vha . The effect on the variance of consumption innovations can be

mitigated by the mean-reversion in returns (Vha,a < 0). If σ < 1, a negative covariance

of current and future return innovations also lowers the covariance of consumption with8The capital and labor dividend streams are perfectly correlated in a Cobb-Douglas production economy

in which the entire, random, capital stock process is fixed exogenously (i.e. no investment choice and nodepreciation). Even with investment and depreciation, standard business cycle models imply a very highcorrelation between human wealth and physical capital returns.


Page 16: NBER WORKING PAPER SERIES THE RETURNS ON HUMAN CAPITAL … · cluding human wealth returns as part of the market return (e.g. Shiller (1995), Campbell (1996), and Jagannathan and

current return innovations: The agent adjusts her consumption by less in response to

a positive surprise if the same news lowers her expectation about future asset returns.

Indeed, figure 2 illustrates that the mean reversion in returns helps to lower the implied

volatility and correlation of consumption innovations somewhat, but not nearly enough. In

the bottom panel we see that the correlation goes down as the EIS declines below 1, but

it never reaches the observed correlation of 0.17. Even if σ is zero - this value of the EIS

maximizes the effect of the mean reversion on the volatility of consumption innovations

and on their correlation with return innovations- the standard deviation of consumption

innovations is off by a factor of 10 and the correlation by a factor of almost 4.

Mean reversion in returns actually increases the volatility of consumption if the EIS

exceeds one: In response to good news, the agent increases his consumption, and this

effect is reinforced because the agent anticipates lower returns in the future and decides to

save less as a result! The variance of consumption indeed increases in the top panel. The

correlation between consumption and stock market return innovations never drops below


[Figure 2 about here.]

If we use stock returns instead of firm value returns, Model 1 can match the correlation

moment for σ = 0.2, because of the large mean-reversion in stock returns (-0.92, see

table 1). However, the volatility of consumption innovations is off by the same order of

magnitude. Also, the mean reversion of stock returns is lower in the VAR(2) model and

at annual frequencies. In annual data, the implied correlation between consumption and

financial asset return innovations never falls below 0.4, even for σ = 0, twice the value in

the data (see figure 8 in section A.9 of the separate appendix.).

We refer to these first two facts, respectively, as the consumption volatility and the

consumption correlation puzzle. These are both tied to the lack of a large financial wealth

effect on aggregate consumption. Of course, these model-implied innovations are also

the consumption innovations of an investor with only financial wealth, e.g. a retiree.

High values of the EIS look extremely implausible, judged by the implied consumption

volatility and correlations for such investor. This failure of the model reflects a market9There is little evidence for an EIS in excess of one. Browning, Hansen, and Heckman (2000) conduct

an extensive survey of the consumption literature that estimates the EIS off household data; they concludethe consensus estimate is less than one, around .5 for food consumption. The estimates from macro data aremuch lower. Hall (1988) concludes the EIS is close to zero. Vissing-Jorgenson (2002) finds EIS estimates ofaround .3-.4 for stockholders and .8-.9 for bondholders; these are larger than the IES estimates for non-assetholders. One exception is Vissing-Jorgensen and Attanasio (2003), where the EIS is estimated to be aboveone, based on an estimation of an equation similar to (4), they find σ = 1.17 with standard error 0.47.


Page 17: NBER WORKING PAPER SERIES THE RETURNS ON HUMAN CAPITAL … · cluding human wealth returns as part of the market return (e.g. Shiller (1995), Campbell (1996), and Jagannathan and

return measurement problem. The next section adds human wealth to the single agent’s


5 Adding Human Wealth

The market portfolio now includes a claim to the entire aggregate labor income stream.

The total market return can be decomposed into the return on financial assets Ra and

returns on human capital Ry. For log returns, we have:

rmt+1 = (1− νt)ra

t+1 + νtryt+1, (9)

where νt is the ratio of human wealth to total wealth.

The innovation to the return on human capital equals the innovation to the expected

present discounted value of labor income less the innovation to the present discounted value

of future returns. The Campbell (1991) decomposition gives:

ryt+1 − Et[r

yt+1] = (Et+1 −Et)



ρj∆yt+1+j − (Et+1 − Et)∞∑


ρjryt+1+j . (10)

A windfall in human wealth returns is driven by higher expected labor income (cash flow)

growth or by lower expected risk premia (discount rates) on human wealth. In the notation

of the previous section: (y)t+1 = (dy)t+1 − (hy)t+1. To the econometrician, the human

wealth discount rate news {(hy)} is unobserved, and therefore so are the current innovations

to human wealth returns {(y)}. In section 5.1, we introduce three benchmark models

(Models 2, 3, and 4 ) that impose assumptions on the expected return Et[ryt+1] and hence

{(hy)} to render the human wealth return news {(y)} observable. Each of these models

specifies Et[ryt+1] as a particular linear function of the state. We will show that all three

imply consumption moments that are at odds with the data, and these do not solve the

two puzzles illustrated for Model 1 above. Our strategy is to stay within the class of linear

models for the discount rate on human wealth, Et[ryt+1], and to find, within this class, the

{(hy)} process that implies consumption moments consistent with the data.

Section 5.1 introduces the three benchmark models. Before presenting our results,

we generalize the analysis to time-varying wealth shares (section 5.2). The results for

constant wealth shares are presented as a special case in section 5.3, and we present the

general results in section 5.4.


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5.1 Models 2, 3, and 4: Benchmark Models of Expected Human Wealth


Each of the three benchmark models differ only in the N ×1 vector C which measures how

the innovations to the expected human wealth returns relate to the state vector z:

Et[ryt+1] = C ′zt.

In Model 2, the model of Campbell (1996), expected future human wealth returns are

assumed to equal expected future asset returns: Et[ryt+1] = Et[ra

t+1], ∀t. Because asset

returns are the first element of the VAR, we have C ′ = e′1A. The second term in equation

(10) is−(ha)t+1. In Model 3, the model of Shiller (1995), the discount rate on human capital

is constant Et[ryt+1] = 0, ∀t, and therefore C ′ = 0. The second term in equation (10), news

about future discount rates, is zero. Finally, in Model 4, the model of Jagannathan and

Wang (1996), the innovation to human wealth return equals the innovation to the labor

income growth rate. The underlying assumptions are that (i) the discount rate on human

capital is constant, implying that the second term in equation (10) is zero, and (ii) labor

income growth is unpredictable, so that the first term in equation (10) is ∆yt+1−Et∆yt+1.

The corresponding vector is C ′ = e′2A.

Having specified three different models for the expected returns on human wealth, or

equivalently a C vector, we immediately obtain a process for {(hy)t}, the innovations to

expected future returns on human wealth:

(hy)t = C ′ρ(I − ρA)−1εt, (11)

and a process for {(y)t}, the current innovation to the return on human wealth:

(y)t = (dy)t − (hy)t,

= e′2(I − ρA)−1εt − C ′ρ(I − ρA)−1εt. (12)

For example, in the JW model, equation (12) implies that C ′ needs to equal e′2A for (y)t+1

to equal ∆yt+1 − Et∆yt+1 = e′2εt+1. We can now back out the moments of the implied

aggregate consumption innovations. In the next section, we do this in the context of a

model with time-varying wealth shares.


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5.2 Incorporating Time-Varying Wealth Shares

Campbell (1996) keeps the human wealth share constant at the labor income share: νt =

ν = s. We extend his approach to deal with time-variation in the portfolio shares, a

necessary extension because we allow the expected returns on both assets to differ. We

first derive a linear expression for the human wealth share νt(zt), and then we show how

to compute consumption innovations.

5.2.1 Computing the Human Wealth Share

When the expected return on human wealth is a linear function of the state (with loading

vector C), the log dividend-price ratio on human wealth dpy is also linear in the state. In

particular, the demeaned log dividend-price ratio on human wealth is a linear function of

the state z with a N × 1 loading vector B:

dpyt − E[dpy

t ] = Et



ρj(ryt+j −∆yt+j)

= ρ(C ′ − e′2A)(I − ρA)−1zt ≡ B′zt. (13)

The demeaned log dividend-price ratio on financial assets is also a linear function of the

state, because it is simply the third element in the VAR: dpat −E[dpa

t ] = e′3zt, and the price-

dividend ratio for the market is the wealth-consumption ratio; it is a weighted average of

the price-dividend ratio for human wealth and for financial wealth:


CC =

P y

YY +

P a


Finally, the human wealth to total wealth ratio is given by:

νt =P y



t st

e−dpyt st + e−dpa

t (1− st)=

11 + ext

, (14)

which is a logistic function of xt = dpyt − dpa

t + log(


), where dpy = − log

(P y


). We

recall that s denotes the labor income share st = Yt/Ct with mean s. When dpat = dpy

t , the

human wealth share equals the labor income share νt = st. In general, νt moves around

not only when the labor income share changes, but also when the difference between the

log dividend price ratios on human and financial wealth changes. It is increasing in the

former, and decreasing in the latter.

In section A.2.2 of the appendix, we derive a linear approximation to the logistic func-


Page 20: NBER WORKING PAPER SERIES THE RETURNS ON HUMAN CAPITAL … · cluding human wealth returns as part of the market return (e.g. Shiller (1995), Campbell (1996), and Jagannathan and

tion in (14). The demeaned human wealth share νt ≡ νt − ν = D′zt is a linear function of

the state, with loading vector D given by:

D ≡ e6 − s(1− s)B + s(1− s)e3. (15)

5.2.2 Computing Consumption Innovations

When wealth shares are time-varying the agent considers the effect of (future) changes

in the portfolio share of each asset when she adjusts consumption to news about returns.

Combining equations (4), (9), and (10), the expression for consumption innovations be-


(c)t+1 = (1− νt)(a)t+1 + νt(dy)t+1 − νt(hy)t+1

+(1− σ)(Et+1 −Et)∞∑


ρj(1− νt+j)rat+1+j

+(1− σ)(Et+1 − Et)∞∑


ρjνt+jryt+1+j . (16)

Future returns are now weighted by future -random- portfolio shares. To deal with this

complication, we define the news about weighted future financial asset returns and human

wealth returns as follows:

W 1t+1 = (Et+1 −Et)



ρj νt+jrat+1+j

W 2t+1 = (Et+1 −Et)



ρj νt+jryt+1+j .

This helps because these two objects have a recursive structure. Using these definitions,

the expression for consumption innovations reduces to:

(c)t+1 = (1− ν − νt)(a)t+1 + (νt + ν)(dy)t+1 − (νt + σν)(hy)t+1

+(1− σ)(1− ν)(ha)t+1 − (1− σ)(W 1t+1 −W 2

t+1). (17)

When the human wealth share is constant (νt = ν or ν = 0), we obtain the simpler


(c)t+1 = (1− ν)(a)t+1 + ν(dy)t+1 − σν(hy)t+1 + (1− σ)(1− ν)(ha)t+1. (18)


Page 21: NBER WORKING PAPER SERIES THE RETURNS ON HUMAN CAPITAL … · cluding human wealth returns as part of the market return (e.g. Shiller (1995), Campbell (1996), and Jagannathan and

Consumption responds one-for-one to news about current asset returns, weighted with

the capital income share, and to news about discounted current and future labor income

growth, weighted with the labor income share, regardless of the EIS. As in Model 1, the

response to news about future asset returns is governed by 1 − σ. The response to news

about future human wealth returns is governed by −σ. This reflects the direct effect of

future human wealth risk premia on consumption and the indirect effect on the current

human wealth returns (see equation 10). In the log case (σ = 1), variation in future returns

or in future human wealth shares has no bearing on consumption innovations today. In

any other case, our single agent responds to news about future returns weighted by the

portfolio shares.

We compute the function W 1t+1 and W 2

t+1 using value function iteration. Define the

news about weighted future asset returns as W 1t+1 = Et+1

∑∞j=1 ρj νt+jr

at+1+j and W 2

t+1 =


j=1 ρj νt+jryt+1+j . In section A.2.3 of the appendix we exploit the recursive structure

of W 1 and the linearity of the human wealth share to show that W 1 can be stated as a

quadratic function of the state:

W 1t+1(zt+1) = z′t+1Pzt+1 + d,

where P solves the matrix Sylvester equation

Pj+1 = R + ρA′PjA. (19)

We solve this equation by iteration, starting from P0 = 0, and R = ρDe′1A. The constant d

in the value function equals d = ρ1−ρ tr(PΣ). This also implies that the news about future

returns is a quadratic function of the VAR innovations and the matrix P :

W 1(zt+1) = (Et+1 − Et)W 1t+1(zt+1) = ε′t+1Pεt+1 −





ΣijPij .

which turns out to be a simple quadratic function of the VAR shocks, their covariance

matrix Σ, and the matrix P . In the same manner we calculate W 2 and W 2, replacing R

in equation (19) by ρDC ′.

5.3 Results With Constant Wealth Shares

To gain intuition, we first shut down the time-variation in the human wealth share and

estimate equation (18) for the three benchmark models. As in the case of Model 1, Mod-


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els 2, 3, & 4 cannot match the low volatility of consumption innovations and their low

correlation with financial asset return innovations. To understand this failure, we must

study these models’ implications for human wealth returns. One particularly useful way is

to reverse the logic and to impute the part of actual consumption innovations that is not

due to news about financial returns or labor income growth, to news about future human

wealth returns: We fix a value of the EIS parameter σ and we back out the innovations

to future human capital returns that are implied by the observed aggregate consumption

innovations. The moments of consumption are matched by construction. We can now

trace back the failure of the benchmark models to the difference in the moments of human

wealth returns they imply and the moments that are consistent with consumption data.

The consumption data clearly tell us that good news for current financial wealth returns

is bad news for current human wealth returns. The benchmark models imply a positive

correlation instead.

Failure of the Benchmark Models Table 2 summarizes the moments of consumption

and human capital return innovations for quarterly data, and for a calibration with constant

human wealth share ν = s = .70, and EIS of σ = .28, a compromise between the macro-

estimates of Hall (1988) -close to zero- and the consensus estimate of .5 for micro data

(see Browning, Hansen, and Heckman (2000)). The left panel reports the results using

firm value returns; the right panel is for stock returns. Columns 1-3 in each panel report

the properties of human wealth returns and consumption for Model 2 (Campbell (1996)),

Model 3 (Shiller (1995)), and Model 4 (Jagannathan and Wang (1996)).

[Table 2 about here.]

Because it equates expected future human wealth and financial wealth returns, Model

2 sets: Vhy = Vha , Corra,hy = Corra,ha , Corrdy ,hy = Corrdy ,ha , Corrha,hy = 1. To un-

derstand the implications of these assumptions, Table 3 lists the sign of the effect of each

variable’s variance and all covariances on the variance of model-implied consumption Vc and

its covariance with financial return innovations Vc,a. For example, a positive (4, 4) entry in

the top panel means that a higher Vhy implies a higher Vc. Indeed, for Model 2, the news

about future expected returns on human capital is very volatile; as volatile as the news

about financial returns. This volatility is one contributing factor to the high variance of

consumption. The negative (1, 4) entries in the top and bottom panels show that Corra,hy

has a negative effect on Vc and Corrc,a. But since Model 2 sets it equal to Corra,ha , the


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mean reversion in the financial return data acts to increase the variance of consumption in-

novations and the correlation of financial return innovations and consumption innovations.

Intuitively, when good news in the stock market also leads to lower future risk premia on

human wealth, positive consumption responses are magnified. Likewise, Corrdy ,hy nega-

tively affects Vc and Corrc,a, but because ha and dy are negatively correlated in the data,

the assumption Corrdy,hy = Corrdy ,ha again increases Vc and Corrc,a. The only assump-

tion that helps to reduce the variance of consumption and the correlation with financial

asset returns is Corrha,hy = 1 (when σ < 1). The net result is that aggregate consumption

innovations in Model 2 are much too volatile (by a factor of 4.3 in panel A and 4.8 in panel

B) and much too highly correlated with return innovations (by a factor of 5.6 in panel A

and 5.2 in panel B).

[Table 3 about here.]

We expect Model 3 to do better by assuming a constant discount rate for human capital,

because this implies that Vhy = Corra,hy = Corrdy ,hy = Corra,hy = 0, all of which help

to lower the variance and correlation moment compared to Model 2. Indeed, the variance

of consumption is 4.30 per quarter and the correlation moment is .865, lower than the

6.05 and .946 of Model 2. However, they are still far away from the observed magnitudes.

When we use stock returns instead of the returns on firm value (panel B), the predicted

correlation of innovations in consumption decreases to 0.518, because stock market returns

display more mean reversion. The variance of consumption news is still off by an order of

magnitude, and the correlation by a factor of 2.8.

Model 4 further improves the results. News in future human wealth returns equals news

in future labor income growth. This means Vhy ≈ Vdy .10 In the data, news in future labor

income growth is not very volatile, especially compared to news in future financial asset

returns. Also Corrhy,a ≈ Corrdy ,a > 0, a good assumption, because we know from table 3

that Corrhy,a > 0 helps to lower the volatility and correlation of consumption innovations

when the IES is smaller than one. Yet, quantitatively, these correlations are too small in

absolute magnitude to improve on Model 3.

The variance of innovations to current human wealth returns (Vy) and their correlation

with financial asset returns (Corry,a) are good summary statistics of our findings. Model

2 does worse than the other two because the high volatility of human capital returns and

their high correlation with innovations in financial asset returns impute too much volatility10More precisely: Vhy = V [(Et+1 − Et)

P∞j=1 ρj∆yt+1+j ]. Note that (Et+1 − Et)

P∞j=1 ρj∆yt+1+j 6= dy

because of the summation index that starts at 1 instead of 0.


Page 24: NBER WORKING PAPER SERIES THE RETURNS ON HUMAN CAPITAL … · cluding human wealth returns as part of the market return (e.g. Shiller (1995), Campbell (1996), and Jagannathan and

to consumption and too much correlation with financial wealth returns. The difference in

the correlation moment is especially stark using stock returns (panel B): Corry,a = .93 for

Model 2, 0.49 for Model 3, and 0.07 for Model 4.

Lower Frequencies The same exercise using annual data produces similar results;

the discrepancy between the model and the data increases at annual frequencies because the

mean reversion in stock returns decreases. The lowest standard deviation for consumption

news is 3.74% for Model 4, compared to .80 % in the data. The results are in Table 16

in section A.9 of the separate appendix. We also studied bi-annual data and we obtained

similar results11. The results for model-implied human wealth shares and consumption

display exactly the same features as in Table 16. We conclude that sampling consumption

at lower frequencies does not alleviate the puzzles nor changes the solution.

Parameter Robustness These results are robust to plausible changes in parameter

values. Figure 3 plots the model-implied standard deviation of consumption innovations

and the correlation of consumption innovations with innovations in financial market returns

for different values of σ (the labor share ν is .70). None of the models comes close to

matching the variance and correlation, even for very low σ. Figure 4 shows that a labor

income share of close to 1 is needed to match both consumption moments. For example, an

increase in the average labor income share from 0.70 to .85 brings the standard deviation

of consumption in Model 4 down to 2.3 times its value in the data; the correlation is still

much too high (0.78).

[Figure 3 about here.]

[Figure 4 about here.]

Consumption-Consistent Human Wealth Returns Sofar we have been unable to

bring the model’s moments closer to matching those in the data. We now treat the ex-

pected returns component of human wealth return innovations as a residual and we reverse-

engineer a human wealth return process that can match the consumption data. The in-

novations in this period’s consumption growth can be recovered from the VAR residuals

(see equation (6)). Plugging these consumption innovations back in the household’s linear11While the correlation between bi-annual consumption growth and bi-annual stock returns increases to

0.26, the correlation with bi-annual firm value returns is 0.00. Details are available from the authors uponrequest.


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policy rule (18), we can back out the implied news in future human capital returns:

(hy)t+1 ≡ 1σν

[(1− ν)(a)t+1 + ν(dy)t+1 + (1− σ)(1− ν)(ha)t+1 − (c)t+1] . (20)

From this (hy) and the data on labor income growth, we form innovations in current human

wealth returns (y)t+1 = (dy)t+1 − (hy)t+1.

The fourth column of each panel of Table 2 reports the properties of human wealth

returns implied by consumption data and the baseline parameter calibration ν = .70 and

σ = .28 (label Reverse). What are the properties of human wealth returns that enable

us to match the two consumption moments? The main feature is the negative correlation

between innovations to human and financial wealth returns: Corry,a < 0. It is helpful to

break up the human wealth return (y) into news about cash flows on human wealth (dy)

and news about discount rates (hy).

Cov[y, a] = Cov[dy, a]︸ ︷︷ ︸⊕

−Cov[hy, a]︸ ︷︷ ︸⊕

< 0

= Cov[dy, da]︸ ︷︷ ︸ª

−Cov[dy, ha]︸ ︷︷ ︸ª︸ ︷︷ ︸

cash flows

−Cov[hy, da]︸ ︷︷ ︸⊕

+Cov[hy, ha]︸ ︷︷ ︸ª︸ ︷︷ ︸

discount rates

In the data, periods with good news about current financial asset returns tend to also be

periods with good news about current and future labor income growth (Corrdy ,a > 0, see

Table 1). To prevent our single agent from going on a consumption binge, good news for

current financial asset returns needs to coincide with higher future risk premia on human

wealth. That is exactly what our algorithm accomplishes (Corrhy ,a = .84 > 0). If we dig

a bit deeper, we can further decompose each term into two underlying components.

Decomposing the first (cash flows) term, we uncover two opposing effects: good news

about future cash flows for human wealth coincides with bad news about future cash flows

for financial assets -this is the cash flow channel we mentioned earlier- but also with lower

future risk premia on financial assets (Corrdy,da < 0 and Corrdy,ha < 0). Both are features

of the data. The former helps to keep the volatility of consumption in check, but the latter


This brings us to the decomposition of the second (discount rate) term. The algorithm

fights this last effect by choosing future discount rates on human wealth (hy) that are high

when expected future dividend growth is high (Corrhy ,da > 0) and future risk premia on

financial assets are low (Corrhy ,ha < 0). This is the discount rate channel. So, good news


Page 26: NBER WORKING PAPER SERIES THE RETURNS ON HUMAN CAPITAL … · cluding human wealth returns as part of the market return (e.g. Shiller (1995), Campbell (1996), and Jagannathan and

on Wall Street is Bad news on Main street, both for cash-flows (first term) and for discount

rates (second term).

Of our three benchmark models, only Model 4 delivers the same correlation pattern for

hy as in column Reverse: Corra,hy and Corrhy ,dy are positive and Corrha,hy is negative,

but none of them imply Corra,y < 0.

Volatility of Human Wealth returns For the benchmark parameters and firm

value returns, innovations to current and future human wealth returns Vy and Vhy are highly

volatile, 1.4 and 1.8 times as volatile as the innovations to current and future financial asset

returns respectively. On the other hand, if we use stock returns instead, human wealth

returns are less volatile because stock returns are more strongly mean reverting. The

volatility proportionality factors are .85 and .75. As we show in the next section, the

volatility of human wealth returns also declines with the EIS and the labor income share.

The Return on the Market Portfolio In the model with constant wealth shares,

innovations in the current market return are (m)t+1 = (1− ν)(a)t+1 + ν(y)t+1 and news in

future market returns are given by (hm)t+1 = (1 − ν)(ha)t+1 + ν(hy)t+1 (see equation 9).

The bottom four rows of table 2 display the moments of the market return.

In the three benchmark models, innovations in the market return are positively corre-

lated with innovations in financial asset returns and human wealth returns. In contrast, in

column Reverse, good news in financial markets is bad news for the current market return

Corrm,a < 0, simply because Corry,a < 0 and human wealth represents 70% of the market

portfolio. In panel B, where we use stock returns instead, Corrm,a is slightly positive, but

we show in extensions below that this is not a robust finding. In both cases, the market

return is strongly mean reverting Corrm,hm < −.99. When σ < 1, returns must display

strong (multivariate) mean-reversion to lower consumption volatility and its correlation

with the market return. Since there is not enough mean-reversion in financial returns,

our reverse-engineered discount rates for human wealth create more mean-reversion in the

market return, in order to match the consumption moments. We found the same results

for annual data (Table 16 in section A.9 of the separate appendix). The only difference is

that Corrm,a is now also negative for stock returns.


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5.4 Results with Time-Varying Wealth Shares

In this section, we show that the previous results are preserved when the human wealth

share vary over time (as described in section 5.2). We briefly revisit each of the three

benchmark models, and show that accounting for time-varying wealth shares does not help

much. Then, we estimate the vector C, which determines expected returns on human

wealth, that most closely matches the moments of consumption. As before, the resulting

human wealth returns are negatively correlated with financial asset returns.

Figure 5 plots the human wealth share over time for the three benchmark models,

alongside the labor income share. Models 3 & 4 imply quite some variation in the human

wealth share, because the risk premia on human wealth and financial wealth are not or

weakly correlated; e.g. in the 90’s, the human wealth share is very low, while it is much

higher in the 80’s. In Model 2, the human wealth share follows the exact opposite pattern.

[Figure 5 about here.]

Columns 1-3 of Table 4 report the model-implied moments of consumption, human

wealth returns and the market return for the three benchmark models. The table has

the same structure as Table 2, but now with time-varying wealth shares. As is clear from

equations (11) and (12), the processes for news in future and current human wealth returns

only depend on the vector C, and not the human wealth share (vector D). Since C is fixed

for the benchmark models, the first seven rows of Table 4 are identical to the first seven

rows of Table 2,12 but the model-implied consumption innovations, specified in equation

(17), do depend on the wealth shares. Rows 8 and 9 show that allowing for time-varying

human wealth shares does not help to bring the benchmark models’ consumption moments

closer to the data. In panel A (firm value returns), Vc and Corrc,a are slightly lower, but,

in panel B, Vc is slightly higher. As before, the reason is that all three models imply a

high correlation between financial asset returns and the market return (row 11). Because

financial asset returns are so volatile, consumption ends up being too volatile and too

highly correlated with financial asset returns.

[Table 4 about here.]12In Model 2, the conditional moments of future asset returns and human wealth returns are identical.

As a result, (hy)t = (ha)t, which implies W 1t − W 2

t = 0 for all t. The latter can be shown by applyingthe law of iterated expectations. In Model 3, hy = 0 and W 2

t = 0. In Model 4 model, W2 = (Et+1 −Et)

P∞j=1 ρj νt+j∆yt+1+j .


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Model 5: Consumption Growth Accounting As in section 5.3, we now ask what

properties human wealth returns must have to imply consumption moments consistent

with the data. When human wealth shares vary over time, the procedure of backing

out those properties directly from consumption data (equation 20) is no longer available.

Instead, we choose the vector C, which relates the expected return on human wealth to

the state vector, Et[ryt+1] = C ′zt, to minimize the distance between the model-implied

consumption volatility and correlation moments and the same moments in the data. This

vector then delivers human wealth return processes {hyt } and {yt} from equations (11) and

(12). Once we pinned down the vector C, we can also solve for the human wealth share

from equations (13) and (15). For a given value of the EIS, equation (17) delivers the

consumption innovations, which we use to compute the consumption moments.13 We label

the model with the C that minimizes the distance between consumption in the model and

in the data Model 5 ; its moments are reported in the fourth column of Table 4 for σ = .28.

Whereas time-varying wealth shares did not change the results for Models 2, 3, & 4

much, the results for Model 5 are somewhat different from the ones in column Reverse of

Table 2. Time-variation in the human wealth share allows the model to match the moments

of consumption (rows 8 and 9) for human wealth returns that are twenty percent less

volatile in panels A and B. As a result, the market return processes are much less volatile

as well. When the dividend yield on human wealth increases relative to the dividend yield

on financial wealth, future returns on human wealth are predicted to be higher than future

returns on financial wealth, but, this is counteracted by the lower human wealth share (νt

decreases in dpyt − dpa

t ). Time variation in the human wealth share reduces the volatility

of the market return, and hence consumption. Figure 6 plots the model-implied human

wealth share at the optimal parameter values, alongside the observed labor income share.

The human wealth share is more than twice as volatile as the labor income share.

[Figure 6 about here.]

The main findings are strengthened: The human wealth return process is consistently

negatively correlated with financial asset returns (Corrhy ,ha < 0 and especially Corry,a <

0). These correlations are more negative than with constant wealth shares.

Varying the EIS We also investigated the sensitivity of the results to the choice of the

EIS parameter σ. The results are reported in table 5. Reading across the columns, for13We use a non-linear least squares algorithm to find the vector C that minimizes the distance between

the two model-implied and the two observed consumption moments. Because the moments are highlynon-linear in the N × 1 vector C, we cannot rule out that the C vector is not uniquely identified.


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each of the calibrations, we get strong negative correlations between news about current

and future financial and human wealth returns, as well as high and positive correlations

Corra,hy and Corry,ha . Good news about current financial asset returns raises risk premia

on future human wealth returns and good news about current human wealth returns in-

creases future risk premia on financial assets. These features enable Model 5 to match the

smooth consumption series and its low correlation with financial asset returns (rows 8 and

9). The volatility of human wealth returns decreases in σ; Vhy and Vy are much lower than

in Table for σ = .28.

[Table 5 about here.]

What also changes across the columns are the properties of the market return. The

correlation between innovations in the market return and innovations in the human wealth

returns is 0.9 in the case of σ = .5 (column 1, row 12), whereas the correlation with

innovations in financial asset returns is -.7 (row 11). The implied market returns are

strongly mean-reverting, as shown by the correlation between m and hm of -.95 (row 13).

In column 2, σ = 1 and the consumption innovation equation (16) specializes to:

(c)t+1 = (1− νt)(a)t+1 + νt(dy)t+1 − νt(hy)t+1 = (1− νt)(a)t+1 + νt(y)t+1 = (m)t.

Indeed, we find that Vc = Va and Vc,a = Vm,a. When the agent is myopic, her consumption

responds one-for-one to innovations in the market return. In the more-than-log case (σ =

1.5 in column 3), the market return must display mean aversion to match the consumption

moments (Corrm,hm > 0), and this is accomplished by choosing a human wealth return

process that implies large enough positive correlations Corra,hy and Corry,ha to overcome

the mean reversion in financial asset returns and human wealth returns (Corra,ha < 0 and

Corry,hy < 0). As σ increases, the negative correlation between future expected financial

and human wealth returns needs to be larger in absolute value, implying in turn a more

positive correlation between y and ha. Intuitively, as the agent becomes more willing to

substitute over time and σ > 1, only an increase in human wealth risk premia can prevent

him from consuming more when risk premia on financial returns go down.

Robustness: Different Income Measures Our results are robust to including pro-

prietor’s income in the income measure and to excluding government and non-financial

employees’ wages (see section A.3 in separate appendix). Importantly, when we a use a


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broader measure of labor income, the implied volatility decreases by roughly fifty percent,

as a result of the increase in the average share of human wealth in the market.

6 Long-Run Implications

Sofar, we focused on matching the high-frequency moments of consumption and returns,

but the model also has important implications for the joint distribution of consumption

and market returns over longer horizons. That is the focus of this section. We start by

checking whether imposing co-integration between consumption, financial wealth and labor

income changes our results, and we find it does not. In a second step, we focus on the

relation between consumption growth and market returns in the long run.

6.1 Imposing Cointegration

Lettau and Ludvigson (2001a) find evidence for a long-run relation between consumption,

household net worth, and labor income, and call the deviation from this co-integration

relationship cay. In this section, we investigate whether the results change when cay is

added to the state vector z. When consumption, financial wealth and human wealth are

co-integrated, this imposes restrictions on the state transition matrix A and on the errors

ε that must be imposed. We focus on the case with a constant human wealth share ν and

find that all our results are qualitatively unchanged.

Constructing cay Our measure of financial wealth at is either the CRSP stock market

capitalization (corresponding to our measure of stock returns) or the total market value

of non-farm non-financial business (corresponding to firm value returns). Appendix A.2.5

shows that in our model, the consumption-wealth ratio can be written as

cayt = ct − (1− ν)at − νyt. (21)

Consistent with the previous analysis, we set ν equal to the sample average of 0.7317 and

use our quarterly data on (c, a, y) to compute cay.

The correct specification of the state vector is now a Vector Error Correction Model


zt+1 = Azt + Γcayt + εt+1, (22)

with innovation covariance matrix E[εε′] = Σ. The dimensions of Γ and cay are N ×1 and


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1× T . Following Cochrane (1994), we can rewrite this VECM in VAR form:













A = A7. − (1− ν)A1. − νA2.,

Γ = 1 + Γ7 − (1− ν)Γ1 − νΓ2,

ε = (Σ7. − (1− ν)Σ1. − νΣ2.) ε,

and A7. denotes the 7th row of the matrix A.

The co-integration relationship imposes restrictions on the last equation of the cay-

augmented VAR. We estimate A, Γ, and Σ from the VECM in (22) and construct the

augmented VAR according to equation (23). The rest of the analysis goes through as

before, but with the augmented VAR. Appendix A.2.5 fills in the details.

Results Table 6 displays the moments of consumption and human wealth returns implied

by the models with human wealth. The benchmark Models 2, 3 & 4 have slightly worse

implications for the two consumption moments. Clearly adding cay and imposing co-

integration does not help to fix these models. Our model in the last column matches the

consumption moments by construction: We obtain a stronger negative correlation between

both current human and financial wealth innovations and news about future innovations

than in Table 2. Financial asset return and market return innovations are now also strongly

negatively correlated in panel B, which uses stock returns. These results strengthen our

conclusion that good news on Wall Street must be Bad news on Main Street.

[Table 6 about here.]

Predictability We checked that our cay measure also forecasts future financial asset

returns, both firm value returns and stock returns. In a univariate forecasting regression,

the R2 goes from 3.5% at 1-quarter horizon to 30.2% at 5-year horizons in the firm value

return equation. The predictability coefficients are statistically significant at the 1% level

at all horizons. For stock returns, the R2 even goes up to 49.7% at the 5-year horizon.

This confirms the findings of Lettau and Ludvigson (2001a). We also computed the actual


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consumption-wealth ratio from the model, and we found that it predicts stock returns with

the right sign14.

6.2 Long-Run Consumption and Market Return Risk

Finally, the model imposes an additional restriction on the low-frequency properties of

consumption and the market return that we have ignored sofar, and this restriction does

not depend on the household’s preferences.

6.2.1 Violates Long-Run Restriction

The household budget constraint (2) and the stationarity of the consumption-wealth ratio

imply the following restriction on the long-run effect of news about market returns and

consumption growth:

(Et+1 − Et)∞∑


ρjrmt+1+j = (Et+1 −Et)



ρj∆ct+1+j , (24)

In the long run, only cash flows determine the returns on the market -not discount rates.

The force of this restriction is that it does not depend on preferences, only on the budget

constraint. However, as pointed out by Hansen, Roberds, and Sargent (1991) in a different

model, this restriction cannot be exactly satisfied for all possible shocks in the model

with constant wealth shares, if the VAR includes labor income growth and consumption

growth15, but we can test the restriction in the case of time-varying wealth shares. In

what follows, only news about future cash flows, labor income growth and dividend growth,


For Model 5, the correlation between (m)t +(hm)t and (dc)t is .11 for firm value returns

and .12 for stock returns in quarterly data, but the market response is about twice as

volatile. This correlation increases to .39 at annual frequencies for firm value returns and

.36 for stock returns over the 1947-2004 sample and even .69 for stock returns over the

1930-2004 sample. On the other hand, the correlation is negative in the model without

human wealth. Increasing the labor income share (s = ν) lines up the long-run responses of

consumption and the market return even better. This is because, in the data, the long-run14Detailed Results available.15It is ruled out by the VAR identification. Appendix A.2.6 explains the details of this argument. So, for

the models with constant wealth shares, we cannot test the long-run restriction, because of the linearity,but we can test it in the case of time-varying wealth shares. The reason is that both (m)t +(hm)t and (dc)t

are quadratic, not linear, functions of the innovations εt (see appendix A.2.6).


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responses of labor income and consumption growth are more similar. Putting more weight

(higher ν) on the cash-flow news of human wealth brings the left-hand side of the long-run

restriction closer to the right-hand side, cash-flow news in consumption.

So, bringing in human wealth delivers a much better measure of long run risk. Still

we do not completely eliminate the excess volatility of market returns in the long run. A

resolution of this long-run volatility puzzle and formal testing of the restriction is left for

future work.

6.2.2 Backing out Human Wealth Returns

Instead of using labor income growth data in the VAR, one way around the violation of

the long-run restriction is to back out news about current and future labor income growth

(dy) from the long-run restriction itself, using consumption and financial returns data:

(dy)t+1 =1ν

(dc)t+1 − 1− ν

ν(da)t+1. (25)

This way the long-run restriction is satisfied by construction. Simply imposing this

restriction turns out to reduce the distance between the Shiller (Model 3 ) and JW (Model

4 ) benchmark models with human wealth and our reverse-engineered model (Model 5 ).

Section A.4 in the separate appendix takes a closer look at this new measure of human

wealth cash flow news, dy.

The first three columns of each panel of Table 7 display the results for the three bench-

mark models of human wealth; panel A reports the results using firm value returns, panel

B reports the results for stock returns. Remarkably, for Models 3 &4, the model-implied

variance of consumption dropped to only 1.5 and 1.3, compared to 0.3 in the data, while

the correlation with financial asset return innovations falls by half relative to Table 2 for

all three models. The reason for this dramatic improvement is that the increased mean-

reversion in market returns, especially in Models 3 & 4 (last row). Financial and human

wealth returns are negatively correlated for these two models, whereas before, using the dy

extracted from labor income growth data, they were not. This feature is a critical ingre-

dient to generating consumption innovations that are smooth and not too correlated with

financial return innovations. Indeed, in the last column, our reverse engineered human

wealth return is negatively correlated with financial wealth returns. Comparing column

Reverse to column Model 4, we see that they are much more similar than in our previ-

ous exercise in Table 2. In short, because Corrdy ,a < 0 for firm value returns, we need


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less of a counter-acting effect from human wealth discount rates; Corrhy ,a is moderately

positive. Model 4 implies such correlation. The reduced reliance on the discount rate

channel is reassuring, because the discount rates channel is to some extent a measure of

our ignorance.

The results using stock returns, reported in panel B, are quite different (see section A.4

in the separate appendix for a complete discussion). In this case, Models 3 & 4 actually

do worse than before, and the importance of the discount rate channel in the matching

exercise increases. Clearly, especially for long-run risk, the precise measurement of financial

returns is critically important. This deserves further study.

[Table 7 about here.]

To conclude, in this section we used the long-run restriction to back out (permanent)

cash-flow effects of human wealth (dy), and we used the short-run variance and correlation

moments to back out the (temporary) discount rate effects (hy). We found even stronger

evidence that the returns on human and financial wealth must be negatively correlated than

in section 5, but at least for the broad measure of financial returns, imposing this long-run

restriction helps to close the gap between the benchmark models and the reverse-engineered


7 The Consumption-Consistent CAPM

This section examines the time-series and cross-sectional asset pricing implications of us-

ing model-implied market return and consumption instead of actual consumption: For

each model, we impose additional discipline by insisting on using the consumption innova-

tions implied by the model. Only in our reverse-engineered model does the model-implied

consumption series coincide exactly with actual consumption in the data.

7.1 Time-Series Properties of the SDF

A logical first question is whether the models we considered can price a broad stock mar-

ket return and a risk-free rate. Each of these models implies a different time series for

consumption innovations and the market return, and hence a different stochastic discount

factor M :

Mt+1 = exp(

θ log β − θ

σ∆ct+1 + (θ − 1)rm




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We compute the stochastic discount factor for each model and study the moments of the

Euler equation errors for asset i

errorit+1 = Mt+1 exp


)− 1,

where ri is either the real log gross return on the value-weighted CRSP stock market

portfolio (rs) or the real log gross return on a 3-month T-bill (rf ). Table 8 compares Euler

equation errors across the different models presented in the previous section. The first

column is Model 1, the model with financial wealth only νt = 0. The market return is

simply the financial asset return. The second and third columns are Model 2 without and

with time-varying human wealth share. Columns four and five report Model 3 without and

with time-varying human wealth share. Likewise, columns six and seven are for Model 4

model, and the last two columns are for our model. Column 8 is our model with constant

human wealth shares (labeled Reverse): here we use actual consumption data to back out

a process for hy.16 For our model with time-varying wealth shares (last column), we choose

the optimal vector C to match the variance of consumption innovations, the correlation of

consumption innovations with financial asset return innovations, as well as the correlation

between consumption innovations in the model and in the data.17

In all models, we used the broader financial return measure, the firm value return,

to compute the market return, and we consider two values for the EIS : σ = .28 (our

benchmark) and σ = 1.12 (the value proposed by Vissing-Jorgensen and Attanasio (2003)).

For each of these models, we find the value for γ that minimizes the root mean squared

pricing error on the stock return and the risk-free rate. This value is reported in the first

row of table 8. Clearly, consumption growth is most volatile in Model 1 without human

wealth and least volatile in model Reverse. Not surprisingly, the value for γ is highest in our

two models (last two columns) than in Model 1. In the reverse-engineered model (Reverse),

consumption growth is identical to observed consumption growth, and the market return

process, is the one implied by actual consumption. For that model, we find γ = 23.09.

The return on stocks is predicted to be 28 basis points too high; i.e. 2.54% per quarter16In this procedure, we back out hy from consumption data (equation 20). We form innovations in

current human wealth returns from y = dy − hy. To form realized market returns rm = (1 − ν)ra + νry,we need realized human wealth returns ry. Realized human wealth returns are the sum of innovations incurrent human wealth returns y and expected human wealth returns. Since this procedure does not identifyexpected human wealth returns, we assume that they are the same as in Model 4, the model the closest toours. This choice does not affect the RMSE in column 7.

17The matching exercise is successful in that it yields a model-implied consumption growth process thathas a correlation of 0.87 with consumption growth in the data (see last but one row). The downside is thatconsumption is now 3 times too volatile.


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instead of the observed 2.26% per quarter. The risk-free rate is predicted to be 21 basis

points too low; i.e. 0.00% per quarter instead of 0.21% per quarter. While our model

certainly makes progress on the equity premium and the risk-free rate puzzle, it does not

completely resolve it. For comparison, the pricing errors in Campbell’s model (Model 2 in

first column) are less than half the size, but this superior performance comes from the fact

that consumption growth in that model is 5 times too volatile and only weakly correlated

with consumption growth in the data.

In the case of a high EIS, the pricing errors are mostly much larger, except for Model

5, the model with time-varying wealth shares and human wealth discount rates chosen to

match the actual consumption data as close as possible. It predicts an expected stock

return that is 67 basis points too low and a risk-free rate that is 66 basis points too high.

So it comes reasonably close to matching the risk-free rate and the equity premium for γ of

only 4. But, as will become apparent in the next section, this model with its mean-averting

market return for σ > 1, will fail in pricing a broader cross-section of assets.

[Table 8 about here.]

7.2 Cross-Section of Size and Value Portfolios

We start from the linearized Euler equation for asset i:

Etrit+1 − rf

t +Vii



σVic + (1− θ)Vim (26)

= γVim + (γ − 1)Vihm (27)

In an Epstein-Zin asset pricing model, the expected excess return (corrected for one-half

its variance) is determined by two risk factors: the covariance of return i with aggregate

consumption growth Vic and the covariance of return i with the market return Vim (equation

27). Campbell (1993) substitutes out consumption, replacing Vic by Vim + (1 − σ)Vihm ,

which leads to asset pricing equation (27). We have argued that the consumption processes

in the three canonical models are very different from the observed consumption process.

This will lead to a market return process, different from the one in our consumption-

consistent model. Therefore, we stay with equation (26), and evaluate the performance of

the three canonical models and our model in pricing the cross-section of stock returns.

Taking unconditional expectations of (26) delivers an unconditional asset pricing equa-

tion. Following Campbell, we define the excess returns on I assets erit+1 = ri

t+1 − rft

with unconditional means µi. Both vectors have dimension I × 1. We define demeaned


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returns ηit+1 ≡ eri

t+1−µi. We estimate the market prices of risk, λk off the ex-post version

of equation (26). The factor risk prices λc and λm depend on the coefficient of relative

risk aversion γ and the intertemporal elasticity of substitution σ. We implement a Fama-

MacBeth procedure (Fama and MacBeth (1973)): in the first stage we estimate the factor

loadings βic and βim for each of the 25 size and value portfolios from a time-series regres-

sion of the log excess returns on model-implied consumption growth and market return.

In the second stage, we estimate the market prices of risk from a cross-sectional regression

of variance-adjusted mean log excess returns on the factor betas from the first stage.

[Table 9 about here.]

The first two columns of Table 9 show the expected return and the expected return

with a variance correction for the 25 size and book-to-market decile portfolios (quarterly

data for 1947.II-2004.III from Kenneth French). Low book-to-market (growth) firms have

lower average returns than high book-to-market (value) firms and small firms have higher

average returns than large firms. The next two columns report our model’s predicted

adjusted return and the pricing error; the part of the return that is not explained by

sample covariances with the factors and the sample estimates of the risk prices. The last

three columns report the risk contribution to the expected excess return of each asset; the

first one of which is the market price of risk on a constant (λ0, λc × βic and λm × βim).

We use the consumption measure and the market return measure of our model with time-

varying human wealth share and the optimal vector C, i.e. the one that is consistent with

aggregate consumption moments, for σ equal to .28. In all models, the financial asset

return is the firm value return.

Our model does a reasonable job accounting for the value spread. In each size quintile,

growth firms (B1) are predicted to give a lower average return than value firms (B5), and

just as in the data, the value effect is stronger for small firms. To measure the pure value

effect, we use book-to-market decile returns instead. Our model predicts a value spread of

1.1% per quarter, whereas in the data the spread is 1.4%.

There is an interesting cross-sectional pattern in the betas of the book-to-market decile

returns with βim and βih. The top panel of figure 7 shows that growth firms are more

exposed to consumption risk than value firms (the second number in the horizontal axis

index denotes the book-to-market quintile, 11 is small growth, 15 is small value). The

bottom panel shows that growth firms form a better hedge against future market risk than

value firms. This is confirmed in the last two columns of Table 9, which show that the risk


Page 38: NBER WORKING PAPER SERIES THE RETURNS ON HUMAN CAPITAL … · cluding human wealth returns as part of the market return (e.g. Shiller (1995), Campbell (1996), and Jagannathan and

contribution of the market factor is much lower for growth firms than for value firms.

[Figure 7 about here.]

For the low EIS case, Panel A in table 10 compares the estimates for the market prices

of risk and their standard errors, the root mean-squared pricing error and the cross-section

R2 from the second stage of the Fama-MacBeth procedure across models. Each of the nine

columns denotes a different model, each with a different implied consumption growth and

market return process. These are the same models as in Table 8.

[Table 10 about here.]

The market price of risk on the market return is positive and significant in our model,

but it is negative in the model without human wealth and the three benchmark models

with human wealth: 12 in Model 5 versus -2.2, -3.1, -.7, and -.7 in columns Model 1, Model

2, Model 3, and Model 4 respectively. Our models (last two columns) are the only one that

deliver positive market prices of risk on both risk factors18. All other models imply that

growth firms are exposed to more market risk than value firms, whereas the opposite is

true when the market return is consistent with consumption data. Among the models with

constant wealth shares, our model (column 8) has the lowest root mean-squared pricing

error (RMSE is 0.7% per quarter) and the highest cross-sectional R2 (65%). Among the

models with time-varying wealth shares, our model also delivers the lowest RMSE. Model

4, whose market return process shares many of the features of our market return process,

also prices the 25 Fama-French portfolios reasonably well (R2 = 45%). One failure of all

models, is that the intercept λ0 remains statistically different from zero.

The second panel in table 10 shows the asset pricing results for σ = 1.12, the value

of the EIS estimated by Vissing-Jorgensen and Attanasio (2003) for stockholders. The

market price of risk is no longer significant for Model 5 (last two columns) and the R2 is

much lower. While this model almost matched the risk-free rate and the equity premium,

it cannot explain any of the cross-sectional variation in asset returns.

We conclude that the omission of human wealth returns in the calculation of the market

return is significant for the CAPM’s ability to explain the cross-section of stock returns.

When human wealth returns are made consistent with observed consumption, an interesting

pattern arises in firm’s exposures to market returns: growth firms have lower risk premia

because they provide a better hedge against market risk, and human capital risk is priced.18The market price of consumption risk should be positive according to the theory if γ > 1, because

1/σ > 1.


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8 Other Explanations

The previous analysis attributed to human wealth returns the part of consumption inno-

vations that could not be explained by financial wealth return innovations. In this section,

we consider four potential explanations for the lack of correlation and the volatility puzzle.

All four are richer versions of Model 1 with financial wealth only. We find that the usual

fixes tend to make the puzzles worse, rather than better.

First, we consider heteroscedastic returns on financial assets and heteroscedastic con-

sumption growth, and we develop a way of testing whether this effect drives our results.

We find it does not. Second, we consider the effect of habit-style preferences. Standard

habits can be ruled out because they cannot lower the correlation between consumption

innovations and returns. Third, we consider heterogeneity across households, and we argue

reasonable specifications of heterogeneity only make the puzzle worse. Fourth, we briefly

consider consumption adjustment costs as a potential explanation.

Finally, we address a potential criticism of a different nature; that the human wealth

return residual proxies for housing wealth. When we add housing wealth to the model, we

find our residual has much the same properties as in the model without housing wealth.

8.1 Heteroscedastic Market Returns

Sofar we have abstracted from time-variation in the joint distribution of consumption

growth and returns. Recently, Duffee (2005) reported finding some evidence of time-

variation in the covariance between stock returns and consumption growth. We denote

the conditional variance term by µmt . This adds a third source of consumption innovations

( see equation (38) in Campbell (1993)), which reflects the influence of changing risk on

the household’s saving decisions:

ct+1 −Etct+1 = rmt+1 −Etr

mt+1 + (1− σ)(Et+1 − Et)




−(Et+1 −Et)∞∑


ρjµmt+1+j ,

where µmt = σ log β+.5


)V art[∆ct+1−σrm

t+1]. This last term drops out if either γ or σ are

one. We refer to this last term as news about future variances, hµ19. If this time-variation19Assume we are in the plausible parameter range: γ > 1 and σ < 1. In this case, the last term can only

resolve the correlation puzzle if Vm,hµ is strongly positive -good news in the stock market today persistentlyincreases the conditional volatility of future financial returns or consumption innovations or decreases their


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plays a role, our consumption growth accounting residual should predict the future variance

of stock market returns, and/or the future variance of consumption and/or the conditional

covariance between the two. So, we check whether the residual (hy)t that comes out of our

model with time-varying human wealth shares predicts V art[∆ct+1− σrmt+1]. We find that

it does not.

More precisely, from the VAR innovations, we construct the implied conditional mo-

ments of financial asset returns and consumption growth:

V at ≡ Vt[ra

t+1] = e′1Aztz′tA′e1 + e′1Σe1,

V ct ≡ Vt[∆ct+1] = e′7Aztz

′tA′e7 + e′7Σe7,

V a,ct ≡ Covt[∆ct+1, r

at+1] = e′1Aztz

′tA′e7 + e′1Σe7.

Next, we regress V art[∆ct+1 − σrmt+1] =

∑Hj=1 ρh(V c

t+j + σ2V at+j − 2σV c,a

t+j) on (hy)t. We

vary j from 1 to 24 quarters. Using firm value returns, the regression coefficient is never

statistically significant (we use Newey-West standard errors), and the R2 of the regression

never exceeds 1%. We only find statistical significance at the 10% level for σ = .28

when financial asset returns are stock returns and only for horizons beyond 12 quarters.

However, the R2 never exceeds 3%, and the marginal significance disappears for higher σ.

We conclude that there is very weak evidence that our residual proxies for heteroscedasticity

in returns and consumption growth.

8.2 Habits

Second, we consider the possibility that habit formation in the household’s preferences is

responsible for the discrepancy between consumption innovation moments in the model

and the data. If the log surplus consumption ratio follows an AR(1) with coefficient

0 < φ < 1 and a constant sensitivity parameter λ > 0 that multiplies the consumption

growth innovations20, then news about consumption is given by:

ct+1 − Etct+1 =[

1− φρ

1− φρ + λρ(φ− 1)


(rm,t+1 −Etrm,t+1) +

(1− σ) (Et+1 − Et)∑

j=1 ρjrm,t+j+1

See section A.5 of the separate appendix for the derivation. Clearly, the habit cannot fix

the volatility and correlation puzzles because, when φ < 1, the term in brackets is larger

conditional correlation.20We fix the sensitivity parameter, because we just checked for heteroscedasticity in section 7.1.


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than 1. Rather, the puzzle in a model with habits is even larger.

8.3 Heterogeneity

Finally, allowing for heterogeneity across agents might even make these puzzles worse.

When households have the same EIS, aggregation reproduces exactly equation (4) for

aggregate consumption innovations under fairly mild conditions, described in section A.6

of the separate appendix, and all of the previous results go through trivially. However,

if household wealth and the EIS are positively correlated, then the aggregate EIS that

shows up in the aggregate consumption innovation expression exceeds the average EIS

across households. In fact, Vissing-Jorgenson (2002) reports evidence of a higher EIS

for wealthier stock- and bond-holders. A higher aggregate IES worsens the consumption

volatility and correlation puzzles.

Two Agents To illustrate this with a simple example, consider an economy with two

agents. Both face the same aggregate state variables. The first agent holds all human

wealth, and the second agent holds all financial wealth. We compute the model-implied

consumption innovations for each. Aggregate consumption innovations are the weighted

sum of the two individual innovations, weighted by the wealth shares. For comparison with

table 2, we hold the human wealth share fixed at .70. If both agents have a σ = .28, the

aggregate consumption moments for the benchmark models are exactly as reported in rows

8 and 9 of table 2. If instead the financial wealth holder has a higher EIS, his consumption

innovations are more volatile and more highly correlated with financial asset returns, and

so are the aggregates. For σ = 1.1, the value estimated by Vissing-Jorgenson (2002) for

stock holders, the volatility of aggregate consumption innovations is 41%, 29% and 28%

higher in Models 2, 3, & 4 than in the case where both agents have σ = .28.21 The

correlation between aggregate consumption innovations and financial asset returns are .87,

.93 and .94; the latter two are again higher than in the homogeneity case. This argument

readily extends to more households and to households with both financial and human

wealth. If the EIS and ratio of financial wealth to total wealth are positively correlated,

the consumption puzzles will be worse than in the economy with a stand-in agent with the

average EIS.21In the data, financial wealth holders’ consumption is more volatile than average consumption, but not

nearly as high as in the model. Vissing-Jorgenson (2002) finds a 6% consumption growth volatility forstock holders, compared to a 3.4% volatility for all households. However, the model-implied volatility ofconsumption growth for the agent with only financial wealth and σ = 1.1 is 15% per year!


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Borrowing Constraints What about borrowing constraints? Binding constraints add

a third component to aggregate consumption innovations, news about future average mul-

tipliers on these constraints:

ct+1 − Etct+1 = rmt+1 −Etr

mt+1 + (1− σ)(Et+1 −Et)






ρjλt+1+j ,

where λt+j denotes the cross-sectional weighted-average multiplier at t + j (see section

A.7 of the separate appendix for a derivation). Clearly, it does not help to have very

binding constraints all the time. For model-implied consumption innovations to be smooth

and only mildly correlated with financial asset returns, a positive innovation in financial

returns must be associated with more binding constraints in the future. The collateral

constraints of Lustig and VanNieuwerburgh (2004) have this feature.

Consumer Inattentiveness Finally, Gabaix and Laibson (2002) and Reis (2004), among

others, have argued that rational consumers may only periodically re-optimize, if it costly

to process the information required to do so. In that case, equation (4) only applies to

those consumers who are currently adjusting. To address this concern, we have re-done the

entire exercise on annual and bi-annual data, only to find identical results (detailed results

available upon request). It seems very likely that the effects of information processing

costs would be gone after a couple of quarters, especially because households face a lot of

large, idiosyncratic shocks that would cause them to adjust, even if the aggregate shocks

themselves are small (e.g. Golosov and Lucas (2003) for a similar argument applied to

costly price adjustment for firms).

8.4 Housing Wealth

As a last robustness check, we include a third source of wealth besides financial wealth and

human wealth: housing wealth. Consumption c is now non-durable and services consump-

tion excluding housing services. The stand-in consumer has non-separable preferences over

c and housing consumption; we fix the intra-temporal elasticity of substitution at .5, taken

from Yogo (2005), but our results are quite robust. We solve the model with constant

and time-varying human wealth shares. Section A.8 in the separate appendix describes

the derivation and data in more detail. We find that the human wealth ‘residual’ does

not proxy for housing wealth. Rather, the properties of consumption-consistent human

wealth returns look very similar in the models with and without housing wealth. Our main


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conclusions go through.

9 Discussion

From the perspective of a standard, neoclassical growth model, the volatility of consump-

tion innovations relative to that of return innovations and their correlation with return

innovations are much too small, even if the representative agent is very reluctant to sub-

stitute consumption over time. We propose that the resolution of these puzzles lies in the

measurement of human wealth returns. The returns on human wealth need to be negatively

correlated with returns on financial assets in order to generate a consumption process that

is consistent with the data. This reflects negative correlation in news about the future

discount rates and the cash flows for these two assets.

A key question remains: what drives this negative correlation? The two tree models of

Santos and Veronesi (2004) and Cochrane, Longstaff, and Santa-Clara (2004) generate a

negative correlation between the two discount rates, but an open question is which model

can account for the negative correlation between the cash-flows on the two trees. There

is some evidence that the current labor market conditions have persistent effects on how

workers and owners split the pie (Lustig, VanNieuwerburgh, and Syverson (2005)). This is

an important avenue for future research.


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A Appendix

A.1 Data Appendix: Returns on Firm Value

This computation is based on Hall (2001). The data to construct our measure of returns onfirm value were obtained from the Federal Flow of Funds (Federal Reserve Board of Governors,downloadable at www.federalreserve.gov/ releases/z1/current/data.htm). The data are for non-farm, non-financial business. We extracted the stock data from ltabs.zip. The Coded Tables providemore information about the codes used in the Flow of Funds accounts. A complete description isavailable in the Guide to the Flow of Funds Accounts. We calculated the value of all securities as thesum of financial liabilities (144190005), the market value of equity (1031640030) less financial assets(144090005), adjusted for the difference between market and book for bonds. The subcategoriesunidentified miscellaneous assets (113193005) and liabilities (103193005) were omitted from allof the calculations. These are residual values that do not correspond to any financial assets orliabilities. We correct for changes in the market value of outstanding bonds by applying the indexof corporate bonds to the level of outstanding corporate bonds at the end of the previous year. TheDow Jones Corporate Bond Index is available from Global Financial Data. We measured the flowof pay-outs as the flow of dividends (10612005) plus the interest paid on debt (net interest seriesfrom NIPA, see Gross Product of non-financial,corporate business.) less the increase in the volumeof financial liabilities (10419005), which includes issues of equity (103164003).

A.2 Notation and Model Details

Va = V [rat+1 − Et[ra


Vdy = V [(Et+1 − Et)∞∑


ρj∆yt+1+j ]

V ah = V [(Et+1 − Et)



ρjrat+1+j ]

Corra,ha = Corr[rat+1 − Et[ra

t+1], (Et+1 − Et)∞∑


ρjrat+1+j ]

Corra,dy = Corr[rat+1 − Et[ra

t+1], (Et+1 − Et)∞∑


ρj∆yt+1+j ]

Corrha,dy = Corr[(Et+1 − Et)∞∑


ρj∆yt+1+j , (Et+1 − Et)∞∑


ρjrat+1+j ]

News to future expected returns on human wealth, (hy)t, is an unobservable to the econome-


Page 48: NBER WORKING PAPER SERIES THE RETURNS ON HUMAN CAPITAL … · cluding human wealth returns as part of the market return (e.g. Shiller (1995), Campbell (1996), and Jagannathan and

trician. The following moments of (hy)t will play a crucial role in the exercise:

Vhy = V [(Et+1 − Et)∞∑


ρjryt+1+j ]

Corra,hy = Corr[rat+1 − Et[ra

t+1], (Et+1 − Et)∞∑


ρjryt+1+j ]

Corrdy,hy = Corr[(Et+1 − Et)∞∑


ρj∆yt+1+j , (Et+1 − Et)∞∑



Corrha,hy = Corr[(Et+1 − Et)∞∑


ρjrat+1+j , (Et+1 − Et)



ρjryt+1+j ]

A.2.1 Moments of Consumption Innovations with Constant Wealth Shares

We denote the innovations to current consumption growth using (c)t. Using the symbols definedin the text, we get:

(c)t = (1− ν)(a)t + ν(dy)t + (1− σ)(1− ν)(ha)t − σν(hy)t. (28)

The variance of consumption innovations is readily found as:

Vc = (1− ν)2Va + ν2Vdy

+(1− σ)2(1− ν)2Vha

+σ2ν2Vhy + 2(1− ν)νCorra,dy



+2(1− σ)(1− ν)2Corra,ha



−2σ(1− ν)νCorra,hy


√Vhy + 2(1− σ)(1− ν)νCorrha,dy





√Vhy − 2σ(1− σ)(1− ν)νCorrha,hy


√(Vhy ). (29)

Similarly, we derive an expression for Vc,a, the covariance of consumption with asset returninnovations:

Vc,a = (1− ν)Va + νCorra,dy



+(1− σ)(1− ν)Corra,ha


√Vha − σνCorra,hy


√hy. (30)

Note that Corra,hy > 0, Corrdy,hy > 0, and Corrha,hy > 0 keep the variance of consumptioninnovations and the covariance of consumption innovations with financial asset return innovationslow. Likewise, a low variance of news in future human capital returns (Vhy ) keeps consumptionvolatility low.

Log Utility The variance of consumption innovations reduces to:

Vc = (1− ν)2Va + ν2Vdy + ν2Vhy + 2(1− ν)ν(Corra,dy


√Vdy − Corra,hy



)− 2ν2Corrhy,dy


√Vhy , (31)

while the covariance is given by:

Vc,a = (1− ν)Va + ν(Corra,dy


√Vdy − Corra,hy



). (32)

More moments Another moment of interest is the correlation between the innovations inhuman wealth returns (y) and either innovations in financial asset returns (a) or news in future


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financial asset returns (ha). Now go back to equation (10) and take the covariance with currentfinancial asset return innovations:

Va,y = Corra,dy


√Vdy − Corra,hy



Likewise, take the covariance with news to future stock market returns:

Vha,y = Corrdy,ha


√Vha − Corrha,hy



Finally, note that the variance of human capital return innovations is

Vy = Vdy + Vhy − 2Vdy,hy

A.2.2 Time-Varying Wealth Share

Because dpyt is a function of the entire state space, so is νt. νt+1 is not a linear, but a logistic

function of the state. We use a linear specification:

νt ≡ νt − ν = D′zt

and we pin down D (N × 1) using a first order Taylor approximation. Let st be the labor incomeshare with mean s and wt = dpy

t − dpt with mean zero. (The mean of wt must be zero to be ableto use the same linearization constant ρ for human wealth and financial wealth.) We can linearizethe logistic function for the human wealth share νt from equation (14) using a first order Taylorapproximation around (st = s, wt = 0). We obtain:

νt(st, wt) ≈ νt(s, 0) +∂νt

∂st|st=s,wt=0(st − s) +



≈ s + (st − s)− (s(1− s))wt,

≈ st − s(1− s)dpyt + s(1− s)dpt (33)

The average human wealth share is the average labor income share: ν = s. If dpt is the thirdelement of the VAR, dpt = e′3zt, and st − s the sixth, and if dpy

t = B′zt, then we can solve for Dfrom equation (33) and νt = D′zt:

D = e6 − s(1− s)B + s(1− s)e3. (34)

A.2.3 Sylvester Equations

With the portfolio weights νt we can construct consumption innovations according to equation (17).The difficulty is to calculate the terms W1 and W2. We use value function iteration to pin downW1 and W2. Let

W1(zt+1) = Et+1



ρj νt+jrat+1+j

W1(zt+1) = νt+1Et+1ρrat+2 + Et+1





W1(zt+1) = ν′t+1ρe′1Azt+1 + ρEt+1





= z′t+1Dρe′1Azt+1 + ρEt+1W1(zt+2) (35)

We can compute a solution to this recursive equation by iterating on it. We posit a quadratic


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objective function:W1(zt+1) = z′t+1Pzt+1 + d

where P solves a matrix Sylvester equation, whose fixed point is found by iterating on:

Pj+1 = R + ρA′PjA, (36)

starting from P0 = 0, and R = ρDe′1A. The constant d in the value function equals

d =ρ

1− ρtr(PΣ)

We are interested in:

W1(zt+1) = (Et+1 − Et)W1(zt+1) = (Et+1 − Et)[z′t+1Pzt+1 + d]= ε′t+1Pεt+1 − Et[ε′t+1Pεt+1]

= ε′t+1Pεt+1 −N∑





which turns out to be a simple quadratic function of the VAR shocks and the matrix P .In the same manner we calculate W2, replacing R in equation (36) by ρDC ′. C takes on different

values for the three canonical models.

A.2.4 Market Return

We can now compute innovations to the total market return (m):

(m)t+1 ≡ rmt+1 − Et[rm

t+1]= (νt + ν)(ry

t+1 − Et[ryt+1]) + (1− νt − ν)(ra

t+1 − Et[rat+1])

= (νt + ν)ICY Rt+1 + (1− νt − ν)ICARt+1

=[(νt + ν)(e′2 − ρC ′)(I − ρA)−1 + (1− νt − ν)e′1


and also news in future market returns (hm):

(hm)t+1 ≡ (Et+1 − Et)∞∑



= (Et+1 − Et)∞∑


ρj[(νt+j + ν)ry

t+1+j + (1− νt+j − ν)rat+1+j


= νNFY Rt+1 + W2,t+1 + (1− ν)NFARt+1 −W1,t+1

= ρ [νC ′ + (1− ν)e′1A] (I − ρA)−1εt+1 − (ε′t+1(P −Q)εt+1)− q

where the constant q =∑N


∑Nj=1 Σij(Pij −Qij).

From the innovations, we back out realized human wealth returns and market returns:

ryt+1 = (y)t+1 + C ′zt

rmt+1 = (m)t+1 + (νt + ν)C ′zt + (1− νt − ν)e′1Azt

A.2.5 Imposing co-integration

This appendix explains how to impose co-integration between consumption, financial wealth andlabor income in our exercise. Much of it follows Campbell (1993) and Lettau and Ludvigson (2001a).We focus on the case of constant wealth shares.


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Deriving the Cointegration Relationship Define total wealth (in levels) to be Mt =At + Ht; it consists of financial wealth A and human wealth H. Denote log variables by lowercase letters. Log wealth can be written as mt = (1 − ν)at + νht, where ν is the human wealthshare. Likewise, returns on the market portfolio are a linear combination of returns on financialand human wealth: rm

t = (1− ν)rat + νry

t+1.We start by linearizing the budget constraint around the mean log consumption-wealth ratio22:

∆mt+1 = rmt+1 + k +

(1− 1


)(ct −mt) (37)

where k = log(ρ)−(1− 1


)c−m and ρ = 1−exp(c−m). The same equation holds for the growth

rate of financial wealth ∆at+1:

∆at+1 = rat+1 + k +

(1− 1


)(dt − at) (38)

where dt denotes financial income, and for human wealth changes ∆ht+1:

∆ht+1 = ryt+1 + k +

(1− 1


)(yt − ht) (39)

We have assumed that the linearization constants k and ρ are the same for the three sources ofwealth.23

The next step is to iterate forward each of these three equations. For example, we substitute theidentity ∆mt+1 = ∆ct+1+(ct−mt)−(ct+1−mt+1) into equation (37) and impose limj→∞ ρj(ct+j−mt+j) = 0 to get an expression for the consumption-wealth ratio, the dividend price ratio on totalwealth:

ct −mt =∞∑


ρj(rmt+j −∆ct+j) +


1− ρ.

Likewise, we obtain the dividend-price ratio on financial wealth:

dt − at =∞∑


ρj(rat+j −∆dt+j) +


1− ρ,

and on human wealth:

yt − ht =∞∑


ρj(ryt+j −∆yt+j) +


1− ρ. (40)

The last step is to substitute the expressions for m and rm into the expression for ct −mt

ct − (1− ν)at − νht =∞∑


ρj((1− ν)rat+j + νry

t+j −∆ct+j) +ρk

1− ρ,

to solve (40) for ht and to substitute this expression into the above equation:

ct − (1− ν)at − νyt =∞∑


ρj((1− ν)rat+j + ν∆yt+j −∆ct+j) + (1− ν)


1− ρ.

This expression hold ex-post but also ex-ante. Imposing that Et

∑∞j=1 ρj((1 − ν)ra

t+j + ν∆yt+j −22This is an approximation which we take to be the true model.23It follows from the expressions for ∆mt+1, ∆at+1, and ∆ht+1, and from ∆mt+1 = (1−ν)∆at+1+ν∆ht+1

that ct−mt = (1− ν)(dt− at) + ν(yt−ht), i.e. the log dividend price ratios on the wealth components arelinearly related.


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∆ct+j) is stationary, the left-hand side must also be stationary. This is the co-integration relation-ship between consumption, financial wealth and labor income, or cay, from Lettau and Ludvigson(2001a).

Empirical Proxy for Consumption-Wealth Ratio Lettau and Ludvigson (2001a) arguethat non-durable consumption and services is only a fraction of total consumption and postulateλct = ctotal

t . They then estimate the co-integration coefficients by dynamic least squares:

ct = α + βaat + βyyt +k∑


ba,j∆at+j +k∑


by,j∆yt+j .

where α = 1−νλ

ρk1−ρ , βa = 1−ν

λ , and βy = νλ . In our data, we find little support for λ > 1 (λ = 1.017),

and set it equal to 1 for simplicity. We use the model-implied co-integration weights (1−ν, ν) insteadof estimating them. In the model with constant wealth shares, ν = s, the labor income share whichis 0.73172 in our data. So, our measure of cay is:

cayt = ct − 0.26728at − 0.73172yt.

The state vector z contains the same elements as before, except that the first element, thereturn on financial assets ra, must be replaced by real per capita financial wealth growth ∆at+1.We construct this measure from equation (38) using data on the financial return ra

t+1 and the laggeddividend-price ratio dt − at. The linearization constants are found using the sample mean of d− a

to form k = log(ρ)−(1− 1


)d− a and ρ = 1− exp(d− a). In other words, we construct ∆at+1 so

that equation (38) holds exactly, not approximately.We then estimate the VECM (equation 22 in the main text) and form the cay-augmented VAR

(equation 23 in the main text). We then redefine the companion matrix A to be the 8×8 companionmatrix of the augmented VAR system and ε to be the augmented 8 × T innovation vector. Wenote that its covariance matrix is singular, because the 8th element is a linear combination of threeelements of the original 7× 1 innovation vector.

The last step is to extract the news components that drive the consumption growth innovations.We only write out the expressions that have changed:

(a)t+1 = rat+1 − Et[ra

t+1] = ∆at+1 − Et[∆at+1] = e′1εt+1

(fd)t+1 = ∆dt+1 − Et[∆dt+1] = (e′1 + e′3)εt+1

(ha)t+1 = (Et+1 − Et)∞∑



= (Et+1 − Et)∞∑


ρj∆at+1+j −(

1− 1ρ

)(Et+1 − Et)



ρj(dt+j − at+j)

= [e′1ρA + e′3(1− ρ)](I − ρA)−1εt+1,

with the understanding that news about current and future dividend growth is formed as before:

(da)t+1 = (ha)t+1 + (a)t+1.

The last change is that the conditional expectation of demeaned financial returns is a function of theconditional expectation of demeaned financial wealth growth and the lagged dividend-price ratio:

Et[rat+1] = Et[∆at+1]−

(1− 1


)(dt − at) =

[e′1ρA + e′3 (1− ρ)] zt.

The rest of the analysis proceeds as before, but with the augmented VAR.


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A.2.6 Long-Run Restriction

The household budget constraint imposes a restriction on the long-run effect of news about marketreturns and consumption growth:

(Et+1 − Et)∞∑


ρjrmt+1+j = (Et+1 − Et)



ρj∆ct+1+j .

In our notation: (m)t + (hm)t = (dc)t.

Long-Run Restriction on Consumption Growth in Data As pointed out in Hansen,Roberds, and Sargent (1991) this restriction cannot be satisfied for the models with constant wealthshares. To see why, we can rewrite it as24

(1− ν)(da)t + ν(dy)t = (dc)t (41)

Since consumption growth is taken from the data (it is the seventh element in the VAR), thelong-run response of consumption growth can be computed as:

(dc)t+1 = (Et+1 − Et)∞∑


ρj∆ct+1+j = e′7(I − ρA)−1εt+1.


(dy)t+1 = (Et+1 − Et)∞∑


ρj∆yt+1+j = e′2(I − ρA)−1εt+1.

Finally, news about current and future financial income growth is

(da)t+1 = (a)t+1 + (ha)t+1 = [e′1 + e′1ρA(I − ρA)−1]εt+1.

The equality between news about long run returns and consumption growth should hold for allεt+1. Thus, the constraint imposes that

(1− ν)[e′1 + e′1ρA(I − ρA)−1] + νe′2(I − ρA)−1 = e′7(I − ρA)−1,

or post-multiplying by (I − ρA) shows this implies:

(1− ν)e′1 + νe′2 = e′7,

which cannot be satisfied because the vector on the right hand side has zeros in all entries butthe seventh, while the left-hand side has non-zero elements in the first and second entries. So,the linearity of the VAR implies that the budget constraint cannot be satisfied exactly for allinnovations.

Long-Run Restriction on Consumption Growth in Model The same restriction isalso violated for model-implied consumption innovations. Recall the optimal consumption rule

24In the constant wealth share case, we obtain:

(m)t + (hm)t = (1− ν)(a)t+1 + (1− ν)(ha)t+1 + ν(y)t+1 + ν(hy)t+1

= (1− ν)[(a)t+1 + (ha)t+1] + ν (dy)t+1 ,

= (1− ν)(da)t+1 + ν(dy)t+1,

where we have used that (y)t+1 = (dy)t+1 − (hy)t+1 and (da)t+1 = (a)t+1 + (ha)t+1.


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which follows from the Euler equation:

(c)t+1 = (1− ν)(a)t+1 + ν(dy)t+1 − σν(hy)t+1 + (1− σ)(1− ν)(ha)t+1,

=[(1− ν)e′1 + νe′2(I − ρA)−1 − σνC ′ρ(I − ρA)−1 + (1− σ)(1− ν)e′1ρA(I − ρA)−1


where we have used hy = C ′ρ(I − ρA)−1εt+1. For the discounted infinite sum of consumptioninnovations, we get (dc)t+1 = (I − ρA)−1(c)t+1. This needs to equal

(m)t + (hm)t =[(1− ν)[e′1 + e′1ρA(I − ρA)−1] + νe′2(I − ρA)−1


This implies that the following equality must hold for all εt+1:

(1− ν)e′1 + νe′2(I − ρA)−1 − σνC ′ρ(I − ρA)−1 + (1− σ)(1− ν)e′1ρA(I − ρA)−1 = (1− ν)e′1 + νe′2

which would require singularity of A. To conclude, in the models with constant wealth shares, wecannot test the long-run restriction.

Long-Run restriction in Model with Time-Varying Wealth Shares Importantly,for the models with time-varying wealth shares νt, the above argument does not go through. Recallthe definition of the human wealth share in terms of its mean and its deviations from the mean:νt = ν + νt. We obtain:

(m)t + (hm)t = (1− ν − νt)(a)t+1 + (Et+1 − Et)∞∑


ρj(1− ν − νt+j)rat+1+j

+(ν + νt)(y)t+1 + (Et+1 − Et)∞∑


ρj(ν + νt+j)ryt+1+j

Using the definitions for news about weighted future financial asset returns (W 1t+1) and human

wealth returns (W 2t+1) from appendices A.2.2 and (A.2.3), the expression for model-implied cash-

flow news in consumption reduces to:

(m)t + (hm)t = (1− ν − νt)(a)t+1 + (νt + ν)(dy)t+1 − νt(hy)t+1

+(1− ν)(ha)t+1 − (W 1t+1 −W 2


Now, W 1 and W 2 are quadratic, not linear. The problem that arose before, is gone becauseof the nonlinearity. The condition that this expression equals the long-run consumption growthresponse (dc) does not simplify as before, because of the quadratic terms. In addition, model-implied consumption is nonlinear as well (see equation 17).


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Figure 1: Dividend Yield on CRSP Value-Weighted Stock Market Index and Payout-Yieldon Total Firm Value

1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 20000.002















dp CRSP adjdp CRSP adj rep.dp FV adj

Figure 2: Matching Moments of Consumption InnovationsThe first panel plots the quarterly model-implied standard deviation of consumption innovations against the EIS σ,while the second panel plots the model-implied correlation of consumption innovations . We use the returns on totalfirm value. The sample is 1947-II-2004.III.

0 0.5 1 1.50.055












Std c

0 0.5 1 1.50.65











r c,a




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Figure 3: The EIS and Consumption Innovation Variance and Correlation: 3 BenchmarkModelsUsing Returns on Firm Value, Quarterly Data 1947-2003. The labor share s = ν is .70.

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.40








V c

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.40.65











n Co

rr c,a


Figure 4: The Labor Share and Consumption Innovation Variance and Correlation: 3Benchmark ModelsUsing Returns on Firm Value, Quarterly Data 1947-2003. The EIS σ is .28.

0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 10







labor share



V c

0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 10.2





labor share



n Co

rr c,a

Correlation of Consumption with Return Innovations Corrc,a



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Figure 5: Labor Income Share and Human Wealth Share for Models 2, 3, and 4The return on financial assets is return on Firm Value.

1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 20000.6






Labor Income ShareModel 2Model 3Model 4

Figure 6: Human Wealth Share in Model 5.The return on financial assets is the return on firm value.

1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 20000.6






Labor Income ShareModel 5


Page 58: NBER WORKING PAPER SERIES THE RETURNS ON HUMAN CAPITAL … · cluding human wealth returns as part of the market return (e.g. Shiller (1995), Campbell (1996), and Jagannathan and

Figure 7: Value Portfolios: Risk Contributions of c and m

11 12 13 14 15 21 22 23 24 25 31 32 33 34 35 41 42 43 44 45 51 52 53 54 550










n B


11 12 13 14 15 21 22 23 24 25 31 32 33 34 35 41 42 43 44 45 51 52 53 54 55−0.4







t R


rn B



Page 59: NBER WORKING PAPER SERIES THE RETURNS ON HUMAN CAPITAL … · cluding human wealth returns as part of the market return (e.g. Shiller (1995), Campbell (1996), and Jagannathan and

Table 1: Moments from Data: Returns on Firm ValueThe table reports variances (V ) and correlations Corr in the data. The sample covers 1947.II-2004.III. In the leftpanel, the asset return is the return on firm value (own computation). In the right panel, it is the return on thevalue-weighted CRSP stock index. The first column reports results for a 1-lag VAR with quarterly data. The secondcolumn reports results for a 2-lag VAR with quarterly data. The third column reports the results for annual dataover the same period 1947-2004. The subscript a denotes innovations in current financial asset returns; dy denotesnews in current and future labor income growth; ha denotes news in future financial market returns,; da denotes newsin current and future financial dividend growth; and c denotes innovations to non-durable and services consumption.

Firm Value Returns Stock Return Returns

Moments 1 Lag 2 Lags Annual 1 Lag 2 Lags Annual

Va 48.31 47.74 185.12 63.54 62.74 242.96Vdy 1.61 1.90 6.67 1.65 1.92 6.95Vha 32.67 32.97 47.44 103.07 98.37 231.85Corra,ha -.477 -.625 -0.487 -.918 -.805 -0.760Corra,dy .337 .377 0.599 .491 .473 0.329Corrdy ,ha -.525 -.656 -0.818 -.336 -.208 -0.196Vc .333 .325 0.681 .328 .321 0.642Corrc,a .168 .168 0.163 .185 .175 0.208Corrdy ,da -.101 -.209 0.166 .118 .286 0.200Corrfy,fd -.092 -.081 -0.259 .173 .114 0.139

Table 2: Moments for Consumption Growth and Human Capital Returns - ConstantWealth Shares.The left panel uses firm value returns, the right panel uses stock returns. All results are for the full sample 1947.II-2004.III. In each panel, the first column is Model 2, with human capital returns implied by C′ = e′1A. The secondcolumn represents the constant discounter Model 2 (C′ = 0), and the third column represents Model 4 (C′ = e′2A).The last column gives the moments of human wealth returns that are consistent with consumption data (equations6 and 20). Computations are done for ν = .70 and σ = .28. In the data, Vc = .33 and Corrc,a = 0.168 in panel Aand Vc = .33 and Corrc,a = 0.185 in panel B.

Moments Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Reverse Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Reverse

Panel A: Firm Value Returns Panel B: Stock ReturnsVhy 32.67 0 .54 107.38 103.07 0 .79 58.37Corra,hy -.477 0 .485 .839 -.918 0 .644 .476Corrdy,hy -.525 0 .752 .324 -.336 0 .735 .704Corrha,hy 1.000 0 -.306 -.037 1.000 0 -.453 -.137Vy 41.91 1.61 .75 100.46 113.48 1.65 .76 46.22Corry,a .487 .337 .081 -.825 .934 .491 .065 -.443Corry,ha -.986 -.525 -.511 -.029 -.994 -.336 -.032 .091Vc 6.05 4.30 3.95 0.33 7.61 2.49 2.10 .33Corrc,a .946 .865 .868 .168 .955 .518 .486 .185Vm 34.52 5.51 4.07 29.45 96.47 7.43 5.16 18.29Corrm,a .710 .928 .950 -.682 .959 .954 .960 .066Corrm,y .961 .664 .389 .976 .997 .730 .342 .865Corrm,hm -.946 -.587 -.436 -.994 -.988 -.836 -.790 -.991


Page 60: NBER WORKING PAPER SERIES THE RETURNS ON HUMAN CAPITAL … · cluding human wealth returns as part of the market return (e.g. Shiller (1995), Campbell (1996), and Jagannathan and

Table 3: Matching Consumption Moments when σ < 1In the first panel, the entries show the sign of the effect of the variance/covariance of (i, j) on the variance ofconsumption Vc. In the second panel, the entries show the sign of the effect of the variance/covariance of (i, j) onthe covariance of consumption Vc,a.

a dy ha hy


a + + + −dy + + −ha + −hy +


a + + + −

Table 4: Moments for Consumption Growth and Human Capital Returns - Time-VaryingWealth SharesThis table has the same structure as Table 2,but here computations are done for a time-varying human wealth shareνt and σ = .28.

Moments Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5

Panel A: Firm Value Returns Panel B: Stock ReturnsVhy 32.67 0 .54 69.05 103.07 0 .79 36.38Corra,hy -.477 0 .485 .897 -.918 0 .644 .504Corrdy ,hy -.525 0 .752 .452 -.336 0 .735 .874Corrha,hy 1.000 0 -.306 -.152 1.000 0 -.453 -.209Vy 41.91 1.61 .75 61.13 113.48 1.65 .76 24.50Corry,a .487 .337 .081 -.880 .934 .491 .065 -.487Corry,ha -.986 -.525 -.511 .076 -.994 -.336 -.032 .168Vc 5.65 3.84 3.46 .52 8.00 2.77 2.41 .47Corrc,a .922 .848 .853 .168 .955 .511 .473 .185Vm 34.62 5.69 4.21 18.92 96.09 7.75 5.46 10.10Corrm,a .707 .917 .937 -.759 .961 .939 .937 .067Corrm,y .961 .667 .392 .971 .996 .736 .353 .825Corrm,hm -.948 -.584 -.430 -.987 -.987 -.810 -.748 -.980


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Table 5: Moments for Consumption Growth and Human Capital Returns - Model 5 -Sensitivity to EIS.The table reports the same moments as Table 2. All results are for Model 5 with time-varying human wealth share.The first column is for σ = .5, the second column is for σ = 1, and the last column is for σ = 1.5. The sample is1947.II-2004.III. Financial asset returns are firm value returns in panel A and stock returns in panel B.

Moments σ = .5 σ = 1 σ = 1.5 σ = .5 σ = 1 σ = 1.5

Panel A: Firm Value Returns Panel B: Stock ReturnsVhy 24.36 8.59 5.91 18.10 12.58 11.81Corra,hy .941 .967 .914 .791 .956 .978Corrdy,hy .466 .561 .604 .751 .704 .643Corrha.hy -.280 -.588 -.757 -.512 -.809 -.905Vy 20.14 6.02 3.79 11.55 7.82 7.79Corry,a -.940 -.980 -.922 -.805 -.987 -.978Corry,ha .159 .430 .603 .515 .872 .960Vc .33 .33 .33 .33 .33 .41Corrc,a .168 .168 .168 .185 .185 .185Vm 3.12 .33 .82 2.21 .33 .66Corrm,a -.719 .168 .614 .032 .185 .188Corrm,y .895 -.036 -.318 .546 -.116 -.056Corrm,hm -.947 .199 .779 -.925 -.052 .625

Table 6: Moments for Consumption Growth and Human Capital Returns - Imposing Co-integration.The left panel uses firm value returns, the right panel uses stock returns. All results are for the full sample 1947.II-2004.III. In each panel, the first column is Model 2, with human capital returns implied by C′ = e′1A. The secondcolumn represents the constant discounter Model 2 (C′ = 0), and the third column represents Model 4 (C′ = e′2A).The last column gives the moments of human wealth returns that are consistent with consumption data (equations6 and 20). Computations are done for ν = 0.7317 and σ = .28. In the data, Vc = .31 and Corrc,a = 0.196 in panelA and Vc = .31 and Corrc,a = 0.183 in panel B.

Moments Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Reverse Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Reverse

Panel A: Firm Value Returns Panel B: Stock ReturnsVhy 11.56 0 .54 106.71 11.28 0 .81 95.81Corra,hy -.566 0 .503 .921 -.911 0 -.007 .870Corrdy,hy -.580 0 .756 .440 -.002 0 .733 .378Corrha,hy 1.000 0 -.436 -.376 1.000 0 .008 -.674Vy 18.17 1.61 .74 96.78 12.92 1.63 .75 88.00Corry,a .553 .340 .074 -.923 .865 .037 .063 -.903Corry,ha -.970 -.579 -.482 .320 -.935 -.002 -.011 .703Vc 6.14 4.43 4.05 .31 6.39 4.04 3.85 .31Corrc,a .945 .935 .942 .196 .935 .878 .901 .183Vm 19.59 5.49 4.02 25.34 21.21 5.59 5.14 20.48Corrm,a .809 .928 .950 -.849 .958 .919 .960 -.783Corrm,y .937 .666 .382 .987 .972 .428 .339 .974Corrm,hm -.921 -.678 -.385 -.994 -.957 -.825 -.689 -.992


Page 62: NBER WORKING PAPER SERIES THE RETURNS ON HUMAN CAPITAL … · cluding human wealth returns as part of the market return (e.g. Shiller (1995), Campbell (1996), and Jagannathan and

Table 7: Moments for Consumption Growth and Human Capital Returns - ConstantWealth Shares - Using Labor Income Growth Implied by the Long-Run Restriction.Same as Table 2, except that (dy) is computed from equation (25) using consumption and financial income datainstead of labor income data. Computations are done for ν = .70 and σ = .28. In the data, Vc = .33 andCorrc,a = 0.168 in panel A and Vc = .33 and Corrc,a = 0.185 in panel B.

Moments Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Reverse Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Reverse

Panel A: Firm Value Returns Panel B: Stock ReturnsVhy 32.67 0 .54 25.60 103.07 0 .79 69.64Corra,hy -.477 0 .485 .423 -.918 0 .644 .929Corrdy,hy -.547 0 .023 .560 -.871 0 .364 .823Corrha,hy 1.000 0 -.306 -.875 1.000 0 -.453 -.945Vy 63.99 10.79 11.22 17.77 157.77 7.21 6.27 39.95Corry,a .166 -.426 -.525 -.840 .883 .661 .480 -.945Corry,ha -.939 -.547 -.469 .624 -.994 -.871 -.773 .877Vc 5.02 1.51 1.33 0.33 13.61 3.19 2.79 .33Corrc,a .467 .419 .386 .168 .932 .906 .901 .185Vm 39.58 5.55 4.72 2.72 120.17 15.20 12.81 5.30Corrm,a .479 .469 .393 -.238 .927 .932 .903 -.777Corrm,y .945 .599 .576 .727 .995 .888 .810 .940Corrm,hm -.994 -.956 -.933 -.937 -.998 -.983 -.973 -.969

Table 8: Euler Equation ErrorsThe table shows the coefficient of risk aversion γ (first row) that minimizes the root mean squared pricing erroron the CRSP value-weighted stock returns and a T-bill return (RMSE in row four). It also shows the averageEuler equation errors on the stock return (errorst) and the T-bill return (errorrf ). For each model, rows five andsix report the correlation between model-implied consumption growth and actual consumption growth (Corrm,d =

Corr(∆cm, ∆cd)), and the standard deviation of model-implied consumption growth (Stdm = Std(∆cm)). The timediscount factor is held constant throughout the table at β = .99. The value for γ is held fixed at the value reportedin the first row. In panel A, we fix σ = 0.28. In panel B, we set σ = 1.12. The estimation uses the firm value returnfor ra. The Euler equation errors are multiplied by 100; they report a percentage error per quarter.

Model 1 Model 2 Model 2TV Model 3 Model 3TV Model 4 Model 4TV Reverse Model 5Panel A: EIS .28

γ 3.71 15.93 18.44 17.02 19.90 17.49 20.74 23.09 11.37errorst 0.34 −0.07 −0.09 −0.17 −0.23 −0.20 −0.29 −0.28 0.66errorrf −0.24 0.05 0.07 0.12 0.17 0.14 0.21 0.21 −0.60RMSE 0.30 0.06 0.08 0.15 0.20 0.17 0.25 0.25 0.63Corrm,d 0.03 0.33 0.35 0.26 0.29 0.24 0.28 1.00 0.87Stdm 6.17 2.48 2.40 2.09 1.99 2.01 1.89 0.65 1.84

Panel B: EIS 1.12γ 5.46 6.27 6.27 1/σ 1/σ 1/σ 1/σ 1/σ 3.97errorst −0.53 0.23 0.02 0.92 0.92 0.93 0.93 0.99 0.67errorrf 0.48 −0.22 −0.02 −0.95 −0.97 −0.96 −0.98 −1.03 −0.66RMSE 0.50 0.23 0.02 0.94 0.95 0.94 0.95 1.01 0.66Corrm,d 0.18 0.30 0.30 0.33 0.35 0.28 0.30 1.00 0.93Stdm 7.30 6.48 6.54 2.67 2.52 2.33 2.15 0.65 1.36


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Table 9: Risk Contributions From c and m - 25 Size and Value PortfoliosThe first column gives the average log excess return per quarter, in excess of a 3-month T-bill return (erdata). Thesecond column adjusts for the Jensen effect by adding 1/2 times the variance of the log excess return (erdata

adj ).

Columns 3-4 give the model’s predicted adjusted return ((erpredadj )) and the pricing error (error). The last three

columns give the risk contribution (price of risk times quantity of risk) to the expected excess return of each asset;the first one of which is the market price of risk on a constant (p0). The assets are the 25 size and book-to-marketdecile portfolios from Kenneth French. The return measure ra in the VAR is the firm value return. All numbers aremultiplied by 100. Our model is computed for σ = .28 and time-varying human wealth share.

Portfolio erdata erdataadj erpred

adj error λo λcβic λmβim

S1B1 0.073 1.296 1.547 −0.251 3.775 1.138 −3.366S1B2 1.841 2.704 1.900 0.805 3.775 1.158 −3.034S1B3 2.154 2.800 2.160 0.640 3.775 0.797 −2.412S1B4 2.792 3.381 2.661 0.720 3.775 0.810 −1.924S1B5 3.137 3.826 2.566 1.261 3.775 0.845 −2.054S2B1 0.642 1.602 0.651 0.951 3.775 1.123 −4.247S2B2 1.813 2.470 1.315 1.156 3.775 0.894 −3.355S2B3 2.432 2.947 1.854 1.093 3.775 0.773 −2.694S2B4 2.605 3.103 2.272 0.832 3.775 0.747 −2.250S2B5 2.975 3.572 2.316 1.256 3.775 0.826 −2.285S3B1 1.123 1.903 0.995 0.908 3.775 0.947 −3.727S3B2 1.998 2.505 1.774 0.731 3.775 0.720 −2.721S3B3 2.105 2.545 2.127 0.418 3.775 0.686 −2.334S3B4 2.519 2.953 2.465 0.488 3.775 0.638 −1.948S3B5 2.724 3.261 2.031 1.230 3.775 0.824 −2.568S4B1 1.425 2.049 1.243 0.806 3.775 0.843 −3.375S4B2 1.580 2.035 1.581 0.453 3.775 0.662 −2.856S4B3 2.366 2.758 2.262 0.496 3.775 0.565 −2.078S4B4 2.331 2.721 2.251 0.470 3.775 0.621 −2.144S4B5 2.524 3.062 2.178 0.884 3.775 0.808 −2.405S5B1 1.415 1.824 2.105 −0.280 3.775 0.665 −2.335S5B2 1.538 1.861 2.088 −0.227 3.775 0.560 −2.246S5B3 1.925 2.195 2.326 −0.131 3.775 0.556 −2.005S5B4 1.854 2.149 2.429 −0.280 3.775 0.546 −1.892S5B5 1.911 2.323 2.490 −0.167 3.775 0.797 −2.082


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Table 10: Model ComparisonThe table shows the market prices of risk obtained from the cross-sectional regression eri = λ0 +λcβic +λmβim + εi.The risk exposures (βic, βim) are obtained from a first step time series regression. Standard errors are Shanken-corrected. The last two lines report the root mean squared pricing error across all portfolios, and the adjusted R2

from the second step regression. The test asset returns are the log real excess returns on the 25 Fama-French sizeand value portfolios. The estimation uses the firm value return for ra and σ = .28 in the upper panel, σ = 1.12 inthe lower panel. All numbers are multiplied by 100.

MPR Model 1 Model 2 Model 2TV Model 3 Model 3TV Model 4 Model 4TV Reverse Model 5Panel A: EIS .28

λ0 4.73 3.73 3.36 3.39 3.22 3.21 3.20 4.26 3.78σλ0 0.83 0.68 0.75 0.82 0.90 1.03 1.10 1.17 0.92λc −3.24 −0.60 −0.51 0.09 0.32 0.47 0.58 0.58 0.53σλc 1.51 0.37 0.40 0.55 0.68 0.67 0.78 0.31 0.88λm −2.25 −2.11 −3.11 −0.70 −0.66 −0.74 −0.73 6.37 11.99σλm 1.03 1.47 1.73 0.38 0.42 0.39 0.43 2.41 4.75RMSE 0.82 0.84 0.84 0.83 0.83 0.81 0.80 0.72 0.76R2 36.91 30.44 31.13 32.87 35.06 42.67 45.87 63.77 47.33

Panel B: EIS 1.12λ0 4.29 3.83 3.96 4.25 4.46 4.08 4.69 3.55 2.47σλ0 0.84 0.73 0.81 1.00 1.09 0.82 0.99 0.92 0.65λc −1.33 −1.44 −0.72 −0.18 −0.00 −0.69 −0.59 0.55 0.22σλc 1.25 1.27 1.54 0.59 0.65 0.34 0.34 0.30 0.56λm −2.05 −2.00 −1.71 −0.72 −0.65 −0.60 −0.71 0.89 −0.92σλm 1.03 1.06 1.13 0.43 0.47 0.30 0.31 0.32 0.96RMSE 0.83 0.84 0.83 0.81 0.78 0.83 0.83 0.72 0.85R2 35.96 30.94 32.02 37.42 45.54 34.70 36.93 64.44 −4.24