NB - Eisoptrophobia

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  • 8/3/2019 NB - Eisoptrophobia


    Crimson symphonies strum Hell-sent notes

    The halls cry silent invisible tears, mourning the losses to haunt pristine white.

    Death already stalks the hallways, as patient as Poes Scarlet denizen.



    It descends to every door, to every child and teenager beyond, a black beauty

    whose deadly luminescence swallowed both light and life. Gods Angel of Death

    summoned by the Pharaohs foolish pride. But it hunts no pride here. Rather, it

    seeks something else, more raw and ancient and primal than human error.


    But the blessed and the cursed to not flutter their eyelids, unaware of the black

    death lurking by their bed, above them, in their shadows, in their breath. They were

    distracted from the horrid and amazing Death, occupied by the other demons

    violating their mental brackets. It leans down, stroking the sheets with black-

    painted nails, touching their faces, their hair.

    Their souls.


    ...be killed

    ...become the killer

    It retracts, returning to its court, its kingdom of shadows and tolling clocks, where it

    would wait in delightful and grim glee for new prey to infect its hallways.

    It would wait, patient as the eternity it had lived.

    And watch.

    And want.

    human and nightmare ears bleed to the poison music

    The guardhouse is empty of all life, the only men within dead.

    The gates outside are locked.

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    E i s o p t r o p h o b i a

    Juno Magno as Juniel Blitz and Silence


    The music played, a soft lullaby in the abyss of night.Sweet, tender music dancing upon the thread lines of innocence--and the tragedy

    that steals it.

    Out her open window, Juniel Blitz gazed upon the pure white moon, nested beyondthe feathery wisps of grey and white. And for a while, the girl believed the heavenlyorb was staring back at her. Everything, but for the music box on her bedside table,was quiet. And for a long while, all was still.

    Seated against the frame of the large window in her room, Juniel pulled her legsbeneath her, hugging the warm quilt against her small body to shield herself from

    the chill midnight breeze. The translucent curtains at her sides blew into the room,as if with desire to reach for something further in, but she paid no mind to it.

    The girl was a quiet one, whether alone or otherwise. Distant, some said, andalways getting lost in her own world one way or another. That was, perhaps, trueenough. She couldn't really tell.

    Which was reality, and which was her imagination?there was almost no way ofdistinguishing one from the other anymore. What with her consciousness constantlyslipping away without warning, and her mind pulling her into the dreamwalk whereall she did in those dreams were as real to her as when she was awake.

    Although, it was rare for anyone to really tell whether she was asleep or not. Duringthe dreamwalks, Juniel responded to almost everything around her as when awake.This was her problem: there was no telling where the boundaries between realityand the realm of dreaming lay. And it was still getting weaker and weaker as timepassed.

    However tonight, the thought never crossed her mind. There were times when thegirl didn't know what to believe anymore. This time, she just didn't want to thinkabout it. Just as long as...

    No, she didn't want it to matter. She instead merely listened to her favorite songplaying on the music box, a memento she cherished dearly, and hummed softly toits lonely tune.


    The song came to an abrupt stop, and with lonely eyes, Juniel's gaze swiveledtowards the fragile music box. It had fallen shut. The young girl felt a sudden pangof sadness hit her heart, and without wasting another moment she stood to rewindthe instrument. Her dainty, pale fingers brushed over the lid for a few moments,and she just stared at it.

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    When his voices came singing the unfinished song.

    "~O, castitatis lilium."

    Juniel froze. It was difficult to not recognize them. Those magnificent, unholy voices

    that even together could belong to only one. She knew those voices too well. Andthough even during the time she was lead to believe she'd never hear them again,she knew they would never go away. For those melodious words to come ringing inher ears after all this time nearly made her heart stop.

    The smile in his voices, the smooth cruelty in his tone. All there. So very clear. Sovery real.

    And so very near.

    "Did you miss me, Juni?" came his casual, tender greeting. His watery voice was likemusic. The girl felt tremors run through her at the mention of the familiar nickname.

    He was the only one who ever called her Juni. And it frightened her how he said it--trembling with unknown intent. The nightmare merely chuckled at her lack ofresponse. "Yes, it has been long. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting."

    Juniel stood still. No matter how much she willed herself to move, her body refusedto respond. She could feel his eyes upon her--watching from the confines of thedark. His voice was coming closer, soundless footsteps stalking nearer.

    "I haven't even made up for being so late all the time, and I suddenly bail out onyou."

    His fingers played with her onyx hair, now undone from its striped ribbons and

    cascading past her shoulders. She was crying now, and had squeezed her pearl blueeyes shut. It was all she was capable of, and she could only hope that would makehim go away. But then his words came directly at her ear.

    "How am I to ask for forgiveness if not without a gift?"

    Removed of her will, Juniel's eyes opened, and standing right in front of her was theboy she killed all those years ago. Stitches kept him together here and there, butnothing could remove that twisted smile from his face.

    "Remember this face, princess? Do you remember me? "

    "Story." she whispered helplessly, the fear choking her.

    For the slightest instant, the nightmare's eyes narrowed, and he frowned. But hiscrooked smile quickly returned, and he took a step back.

    "I'm only kidding, I'm not mad. Let's just play surgeon, like the old days. It'll be fun.But how 'bout I hold the sharp thing this time?"

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    Blood leaked from the walls, pooled on the floors. The stench of blood, of flesh filledthe room along with the monster's sadistic cackle.

    That was when Juniel started screaming. Her trembling hands flew to either side ofher head, fingers digging painfully into her skull. She staggered backwards and fellagainst something smooth, cold, and hard. Her nightmare took the liberty of picking

    her up, and turning her around.

    To show her her reflection. A young girl with her onyx hair tied up in a bun, bloodstaining her dress, her hands, her arms, her face, her lips. She tasted the rustyflavor in her mouth, mixed with... raw meat. In one hand, held up by the boy, wasthe dripping shard of broken glass. The puzzle-part to the empty space in themirror.

    "See? You look exactly like you did that night! So pretty a princess."

    The girl in the mirror smiled at her, raising the sharp glass to her face. She let theweapon moved upon her flesh, and the real girl felt everything though she didn't

    move. Then she began slicing herself up. Juniel screamed.

    Silence covered her eyes with one hand, and everything was gone. He lay seatedbeside the small girl on her bed, the moon gleaming at the contours of hissilhouette. He bent his head lower, his platinum hair falling to cover his eyes as hehissed angrily into her ear.

    "The name's Silence, Juni. I'd really hoped you'd remember by now." His wordsburned. But his voices were soft, almost soothing, as he spoke to the smaller girl.Like a lullaby putting a child to sleep.

    "Go to sleep now, Juni." he whispered, releasing her onto the bed, and absently

    tucking her in. Then he walked around her, stopped over the music box, anddropped a cord with a stone attached to it into one of its compartments.

    The music played, in turn, the darkness swallowed Silence away from the light ofthe moon.

    "Happy birthday, princess."

    Welcome to my nightmare.

    My testamentofinsanity.

    The sanctum of my soul.

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    Aimless, the nightmare descended the white halls, flowing through every mirroringsurface, intangible.

    Restless as a newborn. Manic as a demon. Lethal as the imagination.And he was real.

    Silence sang the words of the song, a chorus of voices echoing beneath his own.The sound was hypnotic, but none could compare to that which truly belonged to

    him. The rest were merely reflections, after all. And as the sinful sounds bounced

    against the walls, the nightmare merely listened. The nostalgic melody, the solemn

    tunes of the precious musical box of memory nigh forgotten, played in his mind with

    perfect recall.

    Lilium. Slow, deep, and beautiful. A hymn offered to the good, to the innocent. Even

    to a beautiful childhood lost to reality. Destroyed by the nightmares of worlds both

    of sleep and of wake.

    It had been only a short while, it seemed. Time had begun to flow around him. Buteverything in this realitywas different from what he'd once thought it, from what

    he'd seen painted in his creator's mind. Silence was hoping it would be more...

    thrilling. But, as it turned out, it was just worse. Not that he was one to complain.

    He'd just been set free from the confines of his beloved Juniel's mind. Just a small

    crack in the mirror, that was all he needed to get out. Who'd have thought?

    Oh right. And there was the drive to kill, too. To hurt the fragile creatures that

    supposedly created his kind, to suffocate them with the very reason he existed

    their fear. Humans were such disgusting creatures, so imperfect. Yet they were

    capable of creating them, the Nightmares. It made Silence sick to think about it. A

    pitch black hate boiled from deep within.

    More than that, it was difficult to ignore that burning hunger scraping up his throat

    and painfully churning his hollow insides. His instinct told him to devour his creator,

    and all others like her. And yet all he could think of was Juni. Precious, breakable

    little Juni fast asleep in her room. More vulnerable now than ever, with no hope of

    escape. Not now, not ever. Silence would make sure of that. But where was the

    point of killing her? What fun would it be if he couldn't torture her anymore? Simply


    "Well, this is no fun." the monster spat, putting an abrupt stop to his elegant pace.Silence could only exist on one side of the mirror at a time. As such, he'd disappear

    into the glass as he passed by, never to see his own reflection. Fading in and out,

    like a ghost. Not a beat missed.

    He let out a sigh of complaint, finally realizing he'd arrived back at the girl's door.

    On his way, he'd heard the screaming of nameless entities. Music to his ears. Their

    pain would satiate his thirst for the mean time. And he had a lot of time on his

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    hands. It was pretty stupid of him, actually, to leave after putting his plaything to

    sleep. But he would never admit it. It was a spur of the moment thing. It felt weird,

    and he knew sticking around would only make things worse for him.

    Yet here he was, back again. Bored witless, Silence slipped into one of the mirrors.The realm of reflection, where everything was an inverted illusion of what truly was.

    He was there and not there at the same time. Dawn would break soon. He'd never

    seen the sun rise; not even in Juniel's mind, as she'd usually still be asleep even


    The nightmare chuckled a watery laugh at a sudden thought.

    "I wonder what she'll think of me under daylight?"

    Silence's trademark grin graced his features. There would be so much fun when

    everyone woke up. When they realized what was going on. When the Nightmares'hunt officially began. The thought of their panic, their pain, their screaming... just a

    little havoc would be good enough. It would surely get better. Just a few more hours,

    and the real games would begin.

    He couldn't wait.

    Thomas continued laughing even as he walked. Screaming was the norm here,

    whether from nightmares or Nightmares, it was enjoyable. But then, where was the

    fun in what many of the other Nightmares did? To torture someone mentally as well

    as physically... was too much a drive. Far too much. He would regret killing his owncreator, but it would be good. The one thing, however, was that James must feel the


    Laughter ended as he looked outside. It was getting lighter. Yes, dawn. He always

    forgot about the dawn. It really didn't affect him, and it was always fun to kill a

    person or two to satiate his own hunger... but. He needed his full hunger now. His

    full drive. All of it.

    Thomas yawned as he stopped outside of a door. There was a 'presence' here.

    Something more than human, but at the same time, less. A Nightmare perhaps?

    "Maybe you are another Nightmare..." He made the capital obvious. Made it obviousthat he thought Nightmares better than humans, better than anything. But at the

    same time, obvious that he believed himself better.

    Most obvious, though, was his irritation at yet another person who he had to deal

    with in the competition for humans. Their screams fueled them all, yes, but the

    actual killing was invigorating. Invigorating for only the one who killed them. Only

    that one. "Come out my friendly little Nightmare. Come and let me see you." His

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    laughter started again, more manic than ever, and louder than before. Laughter

    that could be heard by those screaming. Laughter that made the screaming


    He loved meeting his 'brothers' and 'sisters.'

    Blood-chilling cackles at the recognition of a brother.Ear-splitting screams, belonging to neither.

    Ghostly laughter, sinister intent in every fiber of the sound. The broken silhouette of

    the Nightmare formed in what little remained of the dark. Shattering glass going

    reverse on the process. Nothing really out of the ordinary. Nothing really necessary

    either. Just a little show, an exploration of how imperfect this realitywas. It was so

    easy to pull at the delicate threads that held what was real together. There was no

    such thing as limits. And to think this was only the beginning.

    Silence pulled himself together, slightly leaning against the door with his armsacross his chest. He snickered, a hollow sound that belonged to not only one, yet

    came from everywhere at once. With sinful pride, he held his chin up, staring the

    dark entity down with his sharp, glass eyes and that smug, crooked grin. They

    greeted each other with their manic laughter.

    The first encounter with one of his kind. One that was lucky enough to have

    escaped the barriers of its creator's mind, that is. Unlike the unfortunate siblings

    he'd left behind in the dark realm of the forgotten. Where beings such as himself

    had no form, no significance. Unlike now. Being faced with another felt significant.

    Somehow. Inhumane, much like himself. A Nightmare spurred into reality by the

    errors in their humans' systems.

    Not that it made any difference.

    "You talk funny, d'you know that?" his voices eased in, traces of his snickering fit

    still in his tone. He let his arms fall to either side, head tilted tauntingly to one side

    as he stalked closer to the other. Keeping close to the shadows, unused to the

    approaching sunlight. "'Friendly little nightmare? Come and let me see you?'" The

    humor in his words was no secret.

    Though his grin widened, his colorless eyes narrowed, grew critical. A slight scowl

    complemented his already sinister disposition; the smile never left his lips. "'Youseem to be enjoying yourself. So what brings you here... brother?"

    Acid dripped from his voice at the last word. How was he supposed to help it?

    Silence stood there, still as stone. Standing before the unfamiliar creature, unfazed

    in the slightest by all the gore. He stood between the potential threat right in front

    of him and the feeble door behind him. Specifically, that which lay beyond it.

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    That which belonged to him, and to him alone.

    "'Come to play? "

    Thomas found his laughter grow more and more. This Nightmare was obviously

    new. His control over how he spoke, how he moved, all of it seemed lesser.Especially when he looked at the being from a point of view that would show himfrom a mirror. This one seemed unable to control his own abilities. Of course,Thomas still found it hard to control his strength sometimes.

    "From the mirror are you?" He'd learned a lot from other Nightmares, some whodied to their creators, some who lived to this day. A rarity that they would stay here,and many were probably out becoming legends and myths at this moment. Thebiggest he'd learned is how to tell what another Nightmare came from, if possible.

    He knew that they all originated from at least one fear, and that fear would be easyto single out with new guys. He himself had been unable to stop from torturing a

    few nurses and other patients for a full month. "Newly escaped, I see?" From thelook on that ones face, the look in his very eyes, he was protecting something.

    Thomas' eyes were drawn to the door. Of course, this one's creator. It was principlefor Nightmares not to hurt each others' creators, not unless that one either did so totheir own, interfered in their hunt knowingly, or outright attacked them. No, hewouldn't kill this girl. Another look at this one's face showed the bloodthirstiness.Oh, his own chance to train a Nightmare perhaps?

    "I'm walking, child. Walking to see whom I shall hunt today, rather, if there isanyone worth hunting. You should try killing someone once, whether it's your littlefriend in there or not." Humor touched his own voice. Yes, one for him to help to

    control his abilities. If you couldn't, they would be useless in the hunt. Even moreuseless, you would frighten that which you hunted to a crowd. Sure, killing was nice,but making yourself known may not only keep you from your child long enough forthem to leave the area, but may cause all Nightmares to lose their child.

    That in its own would cause this one to be strapped down and brought pain for therest of his life. The pain of his creator's head being brought back to him. The pain ofknowing he would never be the one to torture them, to be the one to kill them ifneeded. Too dangerous to lose control at improper times. It was why he blended inwith the shadows, why he was impossible to see in the lightest shadow.

    Of course, that was what he'd be told. His own training had been helpful, hadallowed him to torture his own creator from the real world without killing him tooquickly. "You really should learn to stay on this side." He said, before chuckling, hiseyes seeing the being in the mirror again. Yes, he had to learn to stay on this side ifpossible, or all his creator would have to do would be to stay in a room filled withmirrors. Though, that would probably give them a heart attack with what controlthis one probably had over them. "I wouldn't mind a fight, though, if that's what youwant."

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    His smile was never crueler.

    While he walked towards his room, Koto saw something that chilled him to the

    bone. Two Nightmares about to fight. He'd seen a few of these fights before and

    they're not pretty. Usually mass destruction that some unfortunate patient had to

    clean up. Regardless, he wanted to see which one he wouldn't have to worry about

    from now on. Only bad news, they were fighting next to his room. Nothing special in

    there really, but he had a really comfy bed and a staff of candy hidden in there. It

    destroyed him to see all those cc's go to waste. Oh well. The sun was about to come

    up anyway, and he could finally see if these things could survive in the daylight.

    Worst case scenario, they see him and he'd have to run.

    Closed was the door, and still were the Nightmares. Oddly enough, the music stillplayed.That haunting lullaby from the antique instrument.

    Only now could it be heard.

    The tension lifted slightly, and Silence pulled himself up to his full height. His

    stitched up hands hung slack at his sides, making him seem more a puppet now

    than anything else. He offered his seniora wide, sadistic grin in return.


    From what he saw, this Nightmare was obviously more experienced than he. More

    learned; meritorious in a sense. Either way, he was just relieved he had no intention

    of stealing his prey. At that, Silence placed a palm on the surface of the glass and

    passed his arm though as if it were water, grasping at the edges, and pulled himself

    completely from the reflective realm. At first, he felt a sharp tug threatening to pull

    him back. Like when an elastic band is supposed to snap back to normal when

    stretched. Only one or the other, that was the rule. For now.

    Silence was a proud being, and vain. As much as it was possible, he'd avoid

    anything that would damage his current wholeness. Avoid unnecessary mayhem.

    Excluding those that involved the humans, of-course. Those were both utilitarian

    and a great entertainment. Besides, he wouldn't be able to focus. Not... right now.

    "Hunting, are we? I would hate to interrupt, " he dismissed, a bored touch to his

    tone. He cringed slightly, turning around slightly to watch the door. It was back, that

    feeling that had been suffocating him earlier. He could still hold it though. Of-course

    he could. He returned to the crouch, spreading his arms behind him--taking a stance

    as if he were about to pounce. "But if you don't mind, a little spar would be nice.

    Never could pass up learning something new."

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    The feeling was getting worse the longer he stayed. It started to mess with his

    head. Was Juniel still asleep? Did it matter? She was free from him for the

    meantime. He'd found that surprising her with his disappearing acts gave him

    better results, anyway. At times, though, when Silence couldn't resist, he would

    reach for her and touch her mind a little. Just to mess with her some. And watch her


    The young Nightmare shook the thoughts away, sucking in a sharp breath though

    gritted teeth. His stitched throat burned. That scent, that taste... it was close, it was

    human. But he kept his eyes away, not so interested in learning who it was. It was

    familiar, to some respect, but insignificant. Just trash. Silence's eyes glazed over,

    instantly filling with hate, disgust, thirst and hunger all at once. No. Not now.

    "Just trash..." he mumbled roughly, his voice like cracking glass. His focus continued

    to be disrupted by the song still playing loudly in his head. Or... was it in the


    Thomas started smiling, preparing to explain the rule of 'sparring' among

    Nightmares. Preparing. But then... this young one wasn't exactly able to

    concentrate. He had been out beyond what was considered a limit. A limit that

    disappeared sooner or later, but a limit none-the-less. He sighed. No, it was

    impossible to get any fun out of this.

    "If you wanna try getting rid of that feeling, kill something. Eventually, it gets easier

    if you kill in the fashion of your fear type. It's invigorating, satiates the hunger, and

    helps others nearby with their own hunger." He sighed again. Oh well, not much

    would be lost. "You should go back soon, if you can. Before your kid gets up. If she

    does, you'll be stuck with that feeling unless you're willing to hurt her. Force her

    unconscious." He would teach later. The sounds of fighting would wake them up.

    "However, if you really want to fight, really want to learn, I'll help you learn. Learn

    to control it, to make it easier. Learn to stop yourself from going too far in the real

    world. But... first I'd have to teach you the rules. Particularly, how to 'kill' another

    Nightmare." He really didn't want to explain this. He himself had been forced to 'kill'

    many. But, it was never eternal, they would be stuck like that for a good many

    years, maybe until the earth died, but it wouldn't last forever.

    "Our own method of killing humans won't work. There are ways a Nightmare can

    regenerate, one being returning to the mind of our creator and another being to use

    what made us, the fear that made us, to heal that. In your case, entering the mirror

    fully." It wasn't fun explaining the rules. Not as fun as he thought it would be.

    "However, you can dismember another Nightmare's physical form in this world.

    Even burn it to ash. Anything that is possible to do with humans, or whatever

    anatomy they've chosen. In the end, though, that's rare."

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    "True death can only come from one person. You know yours, I know mine, but

    another Nightmare can help that person to conquer you in this world, so don't make

    any grudges newbie. Most importantly, you must avoid doing too much damage.

    Too much damage will bring crowds. Crowds will bring an investigation and an

    evacuation before you can return to your creator. That will end your ability to

    torture them. And if you cause it for the rest of us, we'll kill your creator and makeyou watch their corpse rot."

    Yes, the average rules must be explained. This one was untrained. But... he was still

    willing to fight. A fight would be good. It would clear his head and give him an idea

    on how to deal with James.

    The sun seemed to be peaking now. The warmth was actually pretty nice. Yes,

    humans seemed to think the dark drove away fear, but nothing short of facing it

    could do that. Facing it to the point of near death til you conquered it. And them

    conquering that fear... That was when they killed at least two or three of their

    Nightmares. Those that killed all thirteen sickened him... Sickened him to the pointthat he killed them. They couldn't kill him, but he could them. And take satisfaction

    in avenging those fallen 'brothers and sisters.'

    His body seemed to be taking on an air of ready, and he seemed to be completely

    open. No, Nightmares couldn't die, but they could feel pain in this world. He could

    make them cry out in that pain. He could... satisfy his hunger far more that way.

    The only thing above it was killing things, especially 'killing' his 'brothers and

    sisters.' The only awareness he found himself with was what this other Nightmare

    said and did. "The name's Thomas."

    The young one watched with careful eyes the dark entity standing before him.New knowledge shared--receiving, analyzing, comprehending.

    So the rules were set.

    "Thomas," repeated the boy, still looking somewhat distracted. Only now, histhoughts dwelt upon this fresh information, and not on those that drove him fartherfrom what sanity he had. It overrode most of the unease he was still currentlydealing with, and there came relief. There was so much to learn, so much to take in,and yet he knew it did not end there. What the older Nightmare said could very wellbe the cold hard truth. The possibilities were endless. The reality was of it all was soclose he almost tasted it. He gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, as the worst casescenarios played in his mind theater. A little warning; some protocol reinforcementfor later, should they happen. And one or the other was bound to happen at leastonce.

    For a brief moment, the Nightmare closed his eyes, then he redirected his gazetowards the slowly breaking dawn. From indigo came a brighter blue, and at somepoint, gold. Pastel colors, soft colors, that instantly sent a wave of calm through the

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    boy. And he just watched, with now his full attention, as the blazing orb of lightascended the blue. Quietly. Flawlessly. Beautifully. Not a beat missed.

    So this was what the mornings were like. Warm, serene, and bright. Different fromthe cold from which he was born, from the darkness where he was spawned.Humans believed that something like this would kill their kind? It was more

    harmless than anything he could think of. He was born into something the completeopposite of this warmth; to him, it was practically grace.

    The sun danced where it touched the Nightmare's skin, his pale grey surfacereflecting the light as would a billion of incredibly small shards of glass. So bright,the Nightmare could barely tear his eyes away from the glimmering oddity. Hepulled away from it slightly, though not in pain and not in fear, merely surprise. Thatwas... entirely unexpected. That sensation. And though he didn't hate it, he wasn'tsure if he liked it.

    Regardless, he'd keep to himself for now.

    "Silence," came his soft voices, the softest whisper he could muster, not wanting todisrupt the spectacle of a moment. "My name is Silence."

    The significance of a name. He didn't know how to emphasize it enough. Being bornwith a face that haunted his creator most, that would prove his purpose of living--toinvoke fear--best, meant being born with traits not his own. Of-course, spawn fromher memory, wasn't he? He was there to force her to remember, to see. Silencealmost owned nothing at all for himself. Not the face, not the memory, not even thename from which he was recognized. Only the ability to control the girl's emotions,and somewhere in the end, completely drive her mad, was his to claim.

    That wasn't good enough for him. He would never stand for that alone. So heengraved his name, at least he had that now, into Juniel's mind.

    "Teach me," were Silence's words now, firm and decided. His glass eyes narrowedas he replayed the consequences of a mistake he could make. A mistake he'd everyreason not to permit happen. His words were harder now. "I'll fight. I'll learn.Whatever makes me stronger."

    Silence had a purpose to serve. More than just torturing, more than just killing. Nomatter how invigorating both might have been. To protect from all other thanhimself that which was his, forever. And to have as much fun as inhumanelypossible with all he had for all eternity. Supposing he had that long, it could getpretty dull. If spent tactlessly.

    His focus moved back towards the other Nightmare, and for a while, Silence justwatched him. To have met Thomas first among who knows how many others,Silence had to believe in luck just a little. They'd be getting along, he could tell.Silence looked back towards the new morning, an impish smirk on his features as hehumorously stated, "And like hell I'm letting anyone get their hands on my Juni."

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    Thomas' smile became less menacing, became almost kind. Almost. His eyes were

    drawn to the human staring at them. Now wasn't the time. Not now... "Then we'll

    set up your claim to the girl." A claim was something that made it obvious to other

    Nightmares that it was a Creator. Of course, some Nightmares decided to go

    outside the rules. Many of those were gone from his own hands, some from others

    he had known, still others were people he had known. "Beginning with how tocompletely control what you have with mirrors. Rather, with the reflection of light."

    Of course, he didn't expect this... Silence to know much about the world. Sure, he

    had his own creator's knowledge, but that wasn't usually enough. No, this being

    could be anywhere if he trained right. In glass, in water, even in the eyes of

    humans. He could be invincible if he learned to control it. Though, there were

    several methods already appearing in Thomas' own mind on how to deal with

    Silence. Nightmares usually took precautions with those they trained.

    "Most importantly then, is hunting humans. I don't care for whatever method you

    choose, so long as you avoid letting them move to crowds. That mirror trick should

    allow you to enter that world to hide, maybe even pull another into it someday." A

    full month before he could keep himself on whatever side he wanted? Less? More?

    Time would tell. That was something this one would have to learn alone, though a

    guide for when he hunted would be necessary. Maybe he'd search for one of the few

    remaining Nightmares who still stuck around here? At least for when he was busy.

    "Hunt the humans using your specific talents. Practice those talents when your...

    Juni... is awake, and hunt with them. Fear not the sun, because light does not harm

    us, drive us away. No, light merely confirms that your fear is there. Light makes it

    more clear, more vivid. More obvious." Light was the strength of Nightmares,regardless of how much fear you could strike with the dark. Because as soon as

    they entered the light, you knew just how dead you were.

    He went about explaining the main rules he knew, not to kill another person's

    creator, avoiding crowds, mastering your talents before hunting alone, and

    controlling your strength. Of course, he was stronger than many other Nightmares,

    and had far fewer talents. He didn't mind though. His brute strength and calculation

    had shattered each Nightmare that fought him. This one would be a problem

    though, even more of a problem than a fear of the dark. Not as large as a fear of the

    light though. Oh, he remembered dealing with that one. Night had never been sucha joy to see.

    Then went the punishments. He enjoyed watching those. Enjoyed giving them more.

    There were occasions when these rules were broken, the crowds thought the

    Nightmare a demon, feared it, and were all thrown in the padded cells, that

    Nightmare never being seen again. Not even by its own creator. As a larger

    punishment, it would watch its creator grow happily, grow with joy and eventually

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    no longer fear what was once feared. Eventually believe that Nightmare gone. And

    there would be no more.

    Sometimes another Nightmare's creator would be killed. Sometimes that would

    enrage that Nightmare. And always, that Nightmare would have vengeance one way

    or another. Killing the other one's creator was the least of these. Usually, that otherNightmare was given to him/her/it as a free torture toy. Oh, he almost wished he

    could bear letting James die to another Nightmare. Almost.

    The last usually weren't punished, as it lead to your own follies. They were

    occasionally when another hunt was interrupted because you were stupid. Oh, he

    really disliked those who hunted too soon.

    He then broke out into an explanation about where they truly originated from. It

    wasn't necessary, but it was always fun. "We all come from a specific fear. We all

    can be killed by a method of using what that fear is. Using either its opposite, its

    self, or some other variable that has at least remote areas with it. Personally, I

    come from a fear of pain. My personal Achilles heel is to be left for dead in the most

    painfully slow method of dying." He didn't fear this Silence knowing that. A mere

    word to James would make him pass on Silence's weakness. And oh, he had done

    that before.

    "It's important that you learn the rules, I won't be able to explain them all to you.

    Yes, you could join one of those lesser groups where rules are virtually non-existent,

    but would you rather suffer as most of them do?" He would now attempt a

    connection by explaining more about his own abilities. His own skills. A trust

    between mentor and student were strongest among Nightmares, and a teacher whotaught a large group could become a high power among them. Very high. Especially

    depending on the abilities and cunning of his/her/its students.

    "My main ability is pure unadulterated strength. Without having learned control, I

    could have struck once and demolished a mountain. That would eradicate my

    chances of torturing James though. I love this control I have, almost as much as the

    control I had over his dreams." He knew he'd said had. A creator eventually learning

    that they controlled their own dreams was... far more fearful than anything among

    Nightmares. "Of course, I can not teach you your own abilities, my own I learned

    myself, but another who resembles the exact same fear can."

    There was more to his strength. He was a the point where he could adjust it at will,

    and he never dared to push too hard. However, he was likely at least twice as

    strong as he would be without the control. Was there anything else? Probably, but

    he had no real time. The hunting took place early mornings, at noon on the dot, and

    in the nights just before everyone slept. It would begin soon. He actually told

    Silence as much, almost as an afterthought.

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    "Ah... How to stake a claim. A claim will come later when you master your abilities,

    but I can stake a temporary one for you, one that marks me as a teacher." He would

    wait for Silence's nod, or approval of any manner, before he would do this. Of

    course, if he got the nod, he would enter Juni's room, being careful to not make any

    sound, and made sure for Silence to follow.

    There were many ways to do it, usually to do with your own abilities. But... the way

    for a teacher was almost always the same. His hand began glowing, a sickening

    blood red- it differed from Nightmare to Nightmare, but his trade usually drew

    blood- and he placed it on the child's forehead. It would hurt for a split second,

    wake her up if she wasn't just faking, maybe even bring out a cry. This was the

    most painless he could do it, if he wanted to actually leave the claim.

    A symbol would be left there, a symbol of blood red. Few humans would know what

    it meant, fewer would care anymore. It was temporary and would be removed as

    soon as Thomas either died or decided to remove it. He would, of course, explain

    the procedure to Silence before actually doing it. The claim was always boring...

    He looked at his watch. It read out 6:30 A.M. which meant daylight. So they weren't

    fazed by light. "Aww crap," Koto mumbled. He got up and kicked a small hole in the

    wall. It was pretty audible so he had to work fast. He kneeled down and reached

    inside the wall, feeling around until he found what he was looking for. A nice light ,

    yet strong, metal baseball bat. If they wouldn't shut up and fight or just go away, he

    would have to get their attention and run like hell. When they were away from his

    room, he would take a detour and hide in it. Koto was one of the oldest members ofthe institute. He thought of it as his own personal playground. He knew every nook

    and cranny, knew the best places to hide and stash anything from candy, to

    weapons (if he could get them from the gym anyway). He knew what D-boy looked

    liked, so these guys didn't really scare him. Whatever fear they controlled is a

    different story. This was a serious risk he was taking and he knew what would

    happen to him if caught; he had seen that many times ad was not going to let it

    happen to him.

    Without a care, Koto slammed the bat on the ground with one hand and ran as fast

    as he could, wielding the bat as a sword. Then he had an after though: would this

    even hurt them? Too late to turn back though...

    First light. A new memory added to the vault.Along with virtually endless information for survival, principle, trust.

    Silence took it all in gladly. But for one thing.

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    "No." was Silence's quick, unwavering reply. As much as he was thankful for this

    new bond of trust between himself and the other Nightmare, Thomas was still

    another Nightmare. Silence was young, and had less control than might be needed.

    Needed to just stand back and watch anyone else come near his child. Much less,touch her.

    It was a childish trait, like not wanting to share a toy with anyone because of

    numerous reasons. It might break, it might not be returned, or simply because he

    knew it belonged to him alone. Though he was full aware of this, he also had no

    qualms about doing anything about it. He didn't believe he could. Habit. Instinct.


    Silence lowered his gaze slightly, disapproving of his own stubbornness for a

    moment. He offered Thomas a sheepish grin, unconsciously taking a step to

    further block the door. The youth could only hope his new mentor would

    understand. "No, I won't be able to stand it. We'll wait; you'll teach me. For now,

    I'll just have to find a way around it."

    Yes, he'd have to deal with one thing or the other. Learn first to make known his

    claim over the girl, and for the mean time keep her from being devoured by

    anything else. It would give him something to do, and something more to learn.

    How to keep others away from what was his. There was no guarantee in how every

    other Nightmare honored another's claim over a child.

    With a sigh, Silence rolled his colorless eyes up to the side, looking at nothing inparticular. Just so he could look away, as if embarrassed. "I can die only the exact

    same way my origin did. Basically, the guy who owns this face, Story. Pretty easy

    actually." The disgust in his voice was he spoke the name was evident, though not

    to himself. But he felt that it should be a fair enough trade.


    Silence shot his gaze to the side, immediately catching the charging form of a boy

    in his line of sight. His eyes narrowed, though his expression was slightly bored, at

    the steadily approaching figure. A human. Wielding a sports instrument, no less.

    How peculiar. This made the Nightmare smile that crooked, sadistic smile that

    always sent chills down one's spine. Bloodlust in his eyes, tremors of excitement

    down his bones. But he held still, now an obedient student.

    "Looks like someone's come to play."

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    "No... Some foolish child would never rush Nightmares like this..." Amusementtouched his voice. Oh yes, this boy would be fun to deal with if necessary. "He's gotto be pretty brave to be willing to fight two at once." His own expression was blank.There was no exhilaration in this. Oh, but he would let Silence deal with the boy.That brought his own cruel smile, brought his laughter that cause the screams stillthere to rise higher. Yes, this one was experienced, if not with killing Nightmares,

    he'd seen some.

    "All yours Silence. I shall... watch. We'll see just how far your skills have come."Thomas stood there, staring at the boy, calculating. Obviously he wasn't scared,and likely wouldn't be after hearing them talk so calmly, seeing one or both of themignore him so openly. Unfortunately, nothing excused what this child did. Any othertime, he would take the time to torture the boy, make sure his heart stopped after afull month of being tortured straight. If he didn't have his own problems to dealwith.

    His speed was not too inhuman, in fact, it was only a bit faster than the human whowas moving. That was another ability, his physical prowess giving him speed that

    was higher than the fastest human within range. He couldn't say what the rangewas, but it didn't include much, or this kid was the fastest around them. Either way,it wouldn't matter. However, he moved around the child to cut off the rear escape.Silence could have the fun promised him.

    "Deal with him quickly, I would like to find my own to hunt soon."

    He vibrated with excitement that he had never once felt. He was running faster than

    he ever had. He had begun to feel a surge of power flow through him. He found

    himself think if they had the same anatomy as humans. As one disappeared to God

    knows were, Koto jumped at the one still remaining. He swung the bat multipletimes at what should have been pressure points. He didn't wait for the results of the

    impacts if any. Koto simply just turned around, Flicked the Nightmare off, said very

    arrogantly "Suck it!" and turned a corner to lead the likely pissed demon off. He

    knew that the thing might catch up, so he headed towards a better stash. He found

    himself debating if he should continue with melee, or go with an onslaught of

    projectiles? It was that kind of decision that was really scary.

    Thomas' hand flew out to halt the boy. "Do you really think you're that important

    child? You can't kill us, and it's enjoyable to see the reactions when we regenerate."

    He wouldn't kill the child, but he hadn't seen him go behind him. Stopping himwould be simple with his own reflexes, though the human could escape.

    "Feel free to leave, if that's what you really want. Maybe another day you'd be a fun

    hunt. Maybe." His arm dropped. "I'll give you to the count of ten to get out of my


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    "F*** you," Said Koto. "I'll give you to the count of three before I crush you in tendifferent places. 1....3!" but before he could swing, something happened that henever would have expected. D-boy just appeared out of nowhere (nightmare form.he doesn't have a human form.) and punched Koto in the gut. "Now," said D-boywith a little regret "I suggest that you stand down before you get yourself killedKoto my boy."

    "Screw you D-boy, you want me dead regardless." replied Koto"Oh how wrong you are." D-boy said "Now be a good boy and go to sleep. I need totalk to him." he said pointing to the other Nightmare."You know very well I can't.""Oh really?" Then D-boy pushed a pressure point to knock out Koto. "Now then,"Said D-boy turning around. "We need to discuss something you and I, but before wethat, must i take precautions for the child?"

    When permission was given, the game began.

    "So does this mean I get to kill him?" hissed the demonic voices, no longer the sinfulbeauty they once were. Designed to instill terror on the spot, coming from alldirections at once as the target would hear. Deeming no escape, not from themonster that moved in a world parallel to reality. It would be easy to exist in allplaces at once. That is, when he learned how to control his stay on either side. Rightnow, he'd have to deal with the kid with what he knew.

    Silence laughed twistedly, eyeing the boy critically with a menacing grin pulling atthe corners of his lips. Without taking his eyes of the human child, he directed hisvoice at his speculating mentor. "Warn me when I get out of hand, teach."

    With that said, the Nightmare burst forward. And for just an instant, he disappeared,pulled into the reflective realm with flawless fluidity. Then he ghosted back to wherehe could be seen. There now, gone later, and again. Like a static image flickering inand out of a malfunctioning device--only more gracefully, vividly. Closer and closereach time, the crazy in his eyes steadily growing crazier. The walls were white here,and so were the floors. With the lighting he had now, moving through the reflectiveworld would be a breeze. He was faster in there, stronger, and more in control. Thiskid had ill fortune above his head.

    Silence completely disappeared when he was close enough to the still running boy.He was fast, noted the Nightmare, but it should be easy to reflect that speed.Possibly even release its true potential through means of reflection. There was still alot he didn't know about himself; a lot more he didn't understand. Make do withwhat's at hand.

    When the boy met him, he met the swings. At one point, shattering like brokenglass. Not good enough. Just a little show. The Nightmare sort of had a fetish forsurprises. Pulling in and out of his domain apparently got easier when he had apurpose. Huh. How trivial. Eyes on every nook and cranny there was something inthe least bit reflective made things too easy. But how could he complain?

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    And the puppet-like creature soon found himself standing behind the child, his fullform behind the mirroring glass. True to his name, he silently reached out of thesurface, his figure passing through the substance as if it were liquid. First hisfingers, then his hand, now his arm. But before he could grab the boy, Thomas hadappeared. He pulled back inside, unnoticed, and watched as another nightmaremade himself known.

    So the child was a Creator. Well that spoiled everything. So much for a good kill. Hisdomain had already caught the child's reflection though, and the newborn wasgoing berserk. If left that way, it would tear itself apart. And in turn, tear he whoowned the reflection.

    He wouldn't have any of that. Not with what information he now covered. Sadly.Stepping out of the mirrors, Silence stood across the boy's reflection, his facedrained of all excitement as he watched the trapped creature begin to pull at itshair.

    "What are you looking at?" the Nightmare hissed, slamming his hand into the

    reflection's face, shattering even the wall beneath. Eh, someone would be cleaningthat up later anyway. His attention returned to the squirming maniac on the otherside of the surface, and pulled his arm back through the mirror. It slammed againstthe surface, then came out in the form of shattered glass. Silence watched theshards for a minute, then stepped on them, turning each to dust. "Go back tosleep now."

    Thomas almost laughed again. Instead, it was a smile. "No, so long as we stay near

    him, any Nightmares that are within my society won't harm him. and with two of us

    here, it's unlikely that any would attack us." Curiosity was kept from both his face

    and his voice. Yes, two Nightmares in one day. Next thing you know, Human's

    parents would be coming and creating their own.

    His smile never seemed to touch his eyes. It seemed like it wouldn't even belong on

    his face. Of course, he would have responded swiftly and mercilessly to that human.

    And this D-boy would be unable to go back, at least, if the human woke up. He

    almost said as much, but the other Nightmare had heard his explanation. Just as

    this human would have. "Is it very important?"

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    His eyes couldn't help but be drawn to the wound Koto had, the wound that was

    bandaged. The smile almost belonged on his face now.


    James sat up. It wasn't very often that the Nightmare didn't bother him again in hissleep, even after leaving. No, that bastard must see something else as more

    important for now. He slowly rose and took a quick shower before putting on his

    trademark jeans and white t-shirt.

    The alarm started blaring as he finished dressing. For some reason, he felt slightly

    empty, but that wasn't important for now. What was important was getting some

    breakfast. He practically ran from the room in order to avoid the awkward questions

    of the door. Yes, food would be nice.

    D-boy heard something slam against the wall behind him "What the-? Damn, is thatguy new?" he asked "Sure is stupid t be taken by a small projection like that.Anyway, yes this is very important. More of a warning actually. You see, the onewho is currently knocked out has been here for a while. He has had time to plan forany scenario and grow stronger. In a few years he might even be able to actually dosomething to us. I to, have grown in strength and power. In all actuality I have thepower of at least a third Nightmare. He is a little berserk when it comes to fighting.I'v seen him give bruises, break bones, and stun many people when he was pissedenough. Anyway I'm getting off topic. He should figure out how to kill me soon, andmy brother will take over. He won't hesitate to kill not only your child, but everyother child in here. Knowing him, he'll make the boy decide his fate. What i wantyou to do is convince Koto to say no and all will be right with the world. Above all

    else you must not kill either Koto or my brother. If you kill Koto, he will get pissedand find a way to close the door. If you kill him, well i can't really say what willhappen. If you want to make contact with Koto, give him choices. I don't care howyou do it, just make sure he says no to my brother. Do you understand?"

    The stillness of a new day, the quiet of escape.Much anticipated relief at another night's end.

    Now awake.

    On the other side of the door, morning flitted into the room, pastel sunlight flowingthrough the candy curtains by the window. A mix of green, blue, and white from theoutsidea reminder that the darkness would end, sooner or later.

    Juniel, though still shaken from the last visit, was improving with regards to herdisorder. Relatively. To be able to wake up early enough to watch the sun rise was anotable improvement. She was awake now, right? Her dreams were beginning tofeel... more realistic lately. Still no way to tell. However, the tiredness hadn't ceasedto go away. As if she hadn't slept at all, or had merely closed her eyes for amoment. This left her weak, slow, and unable to concentrate properly. Which made

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    the girl all the more vulnerable.

    Voices in her head. Voices beyond the door. One more familiar than the other.Unable to comprehend the words of either. Which was which? She didn't want tothink about it. She wanted to believe that she was awake. She wanted to believethat if she didn't listen, the voices would go away. They didn't. But the sounds grew


    And then louder again. The sound of other patients screaming suddenly becameclearer. The girl trembled slightly beneath the sheets she now hid herself under.More noises from the outside. More violent ones now. What in the world was goingon? Gulping, the girl threw her quilts away from her and stood to get prepared.Bravely, she decided to see for herself. She was getting hungry anyway.

    It took her some minutes short of half an hour to finish up. She'd accustomedherself to working quickly, and the habit had stuck to her already. After getting fullydressed, Juniel took her striped-ribbon from the bedside table and tied her hair upinto one ponytail. The belts on her neck and hanging from her waist properly in

    place, she walked towards the door and pulled the door open.

    ___This is just a dream,_______________Nothing more, I am asleep.

    ______________________Remember this is all a game.___________________________A game ofsweet pretend.

    Laughter. "Your brother will be no problem." He smiled. Of course not. In the end,the boy couldn't harm any other Nightmare for eternity. And the brother would beno problem, as some Nightmares at thirteen who had killed their child recentlywould be here, or at least some high numbered. He himself was around the strengthof a child's second or third, assuming it was killed in the first year. What he worriedabout was his sister. She was next for his 'family.

    "I can't force the child, and doubtful he'll listen to me. As for your brother, I can findways around what he can do." This one was decision making? Ah, then making thedecision correctly would work. That or outright refusing. Maybe even forcing adecision on the Nightmare. "Besides, as unruly as a Nightmare is, if he starts goingberserk, there isn't much chance when societies truly wish to remove someone."

    There were, of course, plenty of unruly Nightmares. They still lived, many beingnuisances. There was no time though. "Stake your claim on that boy." were his lastwords before he moved to Silence and reached his hand to take him by the scruff ofthe neck. "We're going to need to speak about waiting."

    D-boy laughed a little as he saw The Nightmare punish the other one like a puppy.Ahh, the irony. He turned to Koto and nudged him with his foot. "Wake up. I knowyour not out." When Koto sat up, he thought he was dreaming. He had never seenD-boy in the real world. "The hell you doing out of my head?" He asked. "The hellwere you doing faking a knock out?" D-boy retorted. "Anyway thats not important.

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    It's high time you learned to Face your fear. You'll be seeing worse things than mein time.""Then stop giving me the damned decisions and just go die!" Shouted Koto. At thatmoment he heard his stomach growl. He couldn't remember the last time he ate.Koto was about to leave when D-boy said "Eat the crappy dinner they serve. I needyou asleep tonight."

    "Yeah, right. You just want to torture me, don't you?""Do you want to get rid of me or not?" He asked Koto. He knew that a simplequestion like that wouldn't frighten Koto. He loved the obvious ones."Fine." Koto replied."Good." D-boy said as he knocked Koto out yet again. He needed to get back in theboy's head. Someone was approaching anyway. He took one last look at thesunlight before going back, knowing he would never see it again.

    When permission was given, the game began.

    "Wh-what's wrong?" the boy stuttered, taken aback by the sudden pull at his neck,sounding like a complete child caught doing something bad. He turned his head just

    in time to hear what Thomas had said. Oh good. His first lecture. Now he felt more

    like a child than he did in the girl's memories. "Hand it to me straight, teach. I'm

    all ears. Just get it over with quickly, please."

    Then he stiffened, a sharp thread running through his mind. "Wow, the princess is

    awake." he said, puzzled to some respect. His voice was low, as he hadn't really

    intended to say anything. The thought just came so fast he hadn't noticed he was

    already saying it out loud. "Has it been ten hours already?"

    Silence shook his head. Juni should be alright for the mean time, as crowds wouldsoon be swarming the halls. Safe from him, at least. He'd be keeping an eye on

    her through whatever he could. For now, he'd be a good student, and followed

    Thomas. Keeping his mind away from things that would, no doubt, continue to

    distract him if he didn't get away quickly enough.

    "You lack too much control, lack the ability to see your surroundings. In a one on

    one fight with another Nightmare, that may be somewhat useful, depending on

    where you are, but it's worthless if you're chasing a human. Worthless if you can't

    control what you're doing. Worthless if you're just going to get yourself 'killed.' " He

    sighed. There wasn't much he really could do here. Anyone could have made the


    "You're new. If I appear, I expect you to halt if I'm stopping the kid. That means

    there's something else you need to know. Depending on what it is, I may or may not

    motion you to join me." Again, he sighed. "Until you're experienced, you'll either kill

    your creator by accident, or be killed through your own ignorance. As for how to kill

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    you, it's obvious now." Dismemberment in many areas, and just plain cutting in


    It should have been obvious that this one had taken after a human. The fact that he

    had showed that he was a reflection of that human. The stitches showed that the

    human was either very clumsy, or dead. The method of death had to have beenseen for them to be relevant. Sure, he'd been told, but just that it had to match how

    who he emulated died.

    "James is awake."


    James sat in the cafeteria. He really did feel weird. Something seemed to be on the

    edge of his mind. Something important. Oh well, it didn't matter for now. He

    scanned the room while stifling a yawn, quickly getting in line to grab something to

    eat. Yes, time for food. His stomach growled as the smell hit. Not very good food,

    but food none the less.


    Thomas began explaining what he thought most important now. Something that

    would come in handy for living in the 'real' world. How to see what fear or fears the

    Nightmare comes from. "It is mainly on what their habit is. With some, like you, it

    will be something they can't control. Such as which side of the mirror they're on.

    And if they can control it, it will only be through focus. Eventually, you'll need to

    make that something that comes automatically."

    "My example was that I couldn't stop myself from bringing pain to random

    passerby, couldn't even keep them alive that long. Now, I can hold them alive a full

    month, as well as hold my own urge." Yes, this would be important to see what

    future threats came from. "It's something that will come in handy. Focus on bringing

    up your skills in this area and you'll be able to deal with Nightmares before they

    even tell you what they are."

    "Now, on to the 'presence' of another Nightmare. You felt it, right? Like when with a

    your creator, but somehow more, and, at the same time, somehow less. That is aNightmare. It will be something that alerts you before you're surprised by another

    one. Now, I must ask you a favor." His cruel smile appeared once more.

    "May I mark you as a student? It's much the same as staking a claim for your

    student, but it adds to the presence if you care to pay attention to it." Yes, his own

    student to teach. Maybe someone he could lead to the top of the society?

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    Koto awoke in a daze. There was someone next to him, but he paid little attention.

    He was usually a loner and didn't like accepting help. Without looking to see who

    had helped him, he headed to the cafeteria to get something to eat. He was hoping

    it was some kind of meat today. Of course, after classes started, he could gorge into

    the fine delicacies of Missy. Then, he remembered, "Damn, even when he's not

    here, that bastard still tortures me." Koto had to laugh at that. Well that just meantmore cc's for something else. As he neared, he could smell the food, if it could be

    called that, coming from the greasy tar pits they called stoves.

    He sat down at an empty table to inspect what the cooks had concocted. A single

    biscuit with a small thing of sausage and a pint of milk. There were other things up

    there but he liked this the best. As he made a sandwich out of what he had he

    scanned the room. He saw new faces, old face, and the ever watching cameras that

    seemed to only be in the friggin cafeteria. He finished his meager meal and downed

    the milk. Afterwards, he headed back to his room to take a shower and change.

    classes would begin soon and he needed something more than the crap they


    Just outside the cafeteria, he kicked in the wall and reached in. When he found it, he

    pulled his hand out and started to munch on a snickers bar.

    Head hung, the student listened. He'd already said he would, hadn't he?For a monster that reflected the bloody truth to his victims,

    Silence hated hearing his own.

    Silence nodded, understanding and letting every word Thomas had said sink in.

    There was so much to learn for one day. The thought of what more there was to

    come made the younger Nightmare grin a little. He looked up at the other, his

    eyes even less crazier. More like gleaming with respect, in actuality.

    "Go right ahead," he said with finality, decided. He'd already accepted Thomas as

    his mentor. And with that, accepted whatever came with the package. The

    benefits, and otherwise. Both of which he'd always have to keep in mind. Silence

    would be fully prepared, with only the fruits of their labor later in mind. "If you're

    really alright with dealing with me, then I''m game. For anything. With what

    you've taught me, and what you've yet to offer. When you teach me, I will listen.What I'm taught, I will learn. I won't disappoint you. You've my word. The least I

    could do."

    The words made Silence smile, a boyish smile that oddly suited his rather dead

    features. He trusted the older Nightmare, and he could almost already touch the

    bond forming between them at how opaque it was becoming. It was an odd thing

    between two Nightmares. Or was it? Silence found someone he could makeproud.

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    Something he never thought would ever matter before, never thought would be

    significant. So he would.

    He wasn'tjusta monster, after all. Though Nightmares weren't like humans, the

    sense of camaraderie with one's own kind was mutual. This sensation right now. A

    trust bond ensuring survival. Wholeness where one belonged. In the end,Nightmares weren't so different from humans in that sense. They were just... better.

    In practically every way imaginable. Faster, stronger, smarter, more lethal. Less

    restricted by reality. With dormant potential. And getting better and better yet.

    "Anytime you're ready."

    Thomas smirked. His right hand was lifted as the sickening blood red glowenveloped it. There was a difference when marking Nightmares. It didn't go into justtheir physical forms, but their very presence. The very thing that made them a

    Nightmare. A symbol would be wherever he put it for a long while. The difference, itwould stay in the presence, showing who the Nightmare was taught by.

    The symbol its self would vanish over time. A Nightmare was considered fullytrained when that occurred. He remembered the day his own no longer showed.Also remembered the day his mentor had been killed. The day he killed that child.Yes, the creators always tasted better than normal humans. Even better thanNightmares. His hand thrust into the chest of Silence. To apply it to the very chestwould take at least three seconds of gut wrenching pain. That was the one thing hethought he would enjoy most.

    As he finished with the creation, the mark seemed to appear on the chest area. It

    would remain in that spot no matter what happened. It was a bond that allowed himto track the Nightmare as he could his own creator.

    "Yes then." His smile was actually friendly for a change. Joking. It was almost asthough he was human. "We'll just start with your first kill. Pick out any human youwish, and I will observe as you follow them, draw them to a secluded area, kill them,and, if you wish, eat them." The eating of humans wasn't necessary. And those whodidn't usually ate human food. Yes, it sounded low, but having taste allowed themto really enjoy such things. For a moment, he wondered what a Nightmare wouldtaste like.

    Startled for only a moment, the Nightmare let the pain sink in. Burning, wrenching,


    For only a second, Silence felt the pain. However, it felt longer than that. He

    hadn't really been able to get used to the feeling, untouched as he was for the

    longest time. He winced, though he made no sound. Too proud again for such a

    thing. Instead, when it was over, he placed a hand upon the area. Feeling for the

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    mark he now bore.

    "That hurt," he admitted flatly, staring at the spot blankly for a few seconds. It still

    burned, but it was all the bearable. Silence smirked back at Thomas, mischief

    playing in his glass eyes. "You sure do live up to your nature, don't you?"

    Then the instructions came. The smirk twisted into a demented grin.

    "Alright then, my first hunt. The real one. I'm killing a doctor for sure--they like

    cutting people up too, don't they? Well, not necessarily, but same difference, right?"

    Without waiting for a response, the young Nightmare fell into his stance and flew

    forward, and ghosted away. Keeping to the reflective realm now, moving faster than

    sound inside his domain. Searching for just the right prey. One that would scream

    and squirm and beg... before being devoured. Silence was the type. If you would

    have fun with what you had, then why the heck not. And sadistic as he was, that

    meant hell for whoever he fancied.

    Then he spotted her.


    It was an older woman in garments that deigned her a doctor. Wearing glasses over

    sapphire eyes, looking meek with her black hair in a bun. Didn't occur to him that

    she owned traits similar to his own Creator. Not at all.

    Laughing a sound he restricted to his realm, he followed her, moving through all the

    reflective surfaces with stealth. Just one mirror would spell her death. And no one

    would ever find her. Silence decided to lure her into the halls with the most

    windows. They had very nice, full-length mirrors in some parts of the facility, he'd

    realized that earlier as he was exploring on his free time. Of-course, Juni never

    wandered to those parts, but for the vain ones... well.

    By confusing the nameless doctor's senses with the illusions he so easily painted

    with the mirrors, it took little time for him to isolate her. Get her where he wanted

    her, and keep others from getting anywhere near the place. It took a lot of patienceand effort on his account, but it would pay off later, he knew.

    There, an opening. Silence moved quickly, reaching for and stealing her reflection.

    And giving it life. The woman turned around, sensing something strange. The

    reflection looked back at her, mirroring the bewildered expression. The two stared

    at each other for a long while, and Silence watched as the stupid human moved

    closer and began fixing herself up. When she pulled back, however, her reflection

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    didn't move. Merely glared at her crazily from where it was. Then it smiled,

    something similar to, but less than, that of the Nightmare's. The woman, shocked,

    fell a step back.

    That was when Silence caught her, locking her wrists together and jamming his

    hand down her throat. He'd like to hear her screaming, yes, but right now themuffled sound would be enough. The reflection stood, smiling at the panicking

    doctor, then its hands moved to its arm. With horrified eyes, the doctor watched as

    her reflection tore the flesh right off her arm. To her dismay, her own came flaying

    off. Her scream grew louder by a tenfold, her squirming more frantic, now crying--

    not wanting to believe what her eyes were seeing. Useless where the Nightmare

    held her.

    The doctor watched as her reflection slowly tore her own flesh apart. When that was

    done, the thicker meat came next. And then the bone. Yet she was still moving.

    Silence snickered. He'd made sure she'd feel everything till the end, know and see

    what was becoming of her, of how hideous she truly was, until he devoured her


    Which he did.

    His first kill... could've tasted better.

    Thomas couldn't help but laugh as Silence took off. Yes, they may not truly be thatfar apart. Rather, in creation time. But in the real world, he was older for sure. Theother Nightmare showed his inexperience with his eagerness. Thomas followedslowly, eyes bored as he walked. It was easy to follow, taking the turns that would

    lead him where his new student was going.

    As he arrived at the area where the woman was being defleshed, for lack of a betterword, he almost laughed again. Oh yes, he remembered his own first kill. Thedevouring thing, though, wasn't what he'd first done. In his own opinion, they tastedbetter when they were tortured longer. "That should last for a good time, maybelong enough for this... Juni to fall asleep. Mind, I'd prefer you explored new methodsthan using your own foe's reflection. Won't be much use in a full on fight."

    Of course, this didn't only apply to Nightmares. Any human could actually fight backif they wished. "Try dragging a human into the mirror with you, next time." Advicewas all he could give, just as his own mentor before. Ah, what he wouldn't havegiven to know what he did now that long time ago. "And to answer your question, Ilive up to my nature better than any other Pain Nightmare."

    True, it was a pompous remark, but that didn't make it any less true. He'd 'killed'many a Nightmare, and killed many a human, some having been creators, even onehaving been a creator of a Pain Nightmare. A conqueror of a Pain Nightmare, to bespecific. No, he wasn't the oldest, and by far wasn't the strongest of Nightmares,but he did know how to think. That's what kept him alive with so few abilities

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    outside of brute strength.

    "You truly do look almost human, though. Almost as good a reflection as a mirrortruly grants." Without the scars that made his death obvious, Silence could very wellhave fit in with the humans.

    "I hope you know that you can create your own form out here. It's not always ascomfortable, but some Nightmares prefer blending in." Another lesson for thisyounger one. Blending in might have been more his style. Thomas himself preferredwandering even the lightest shadow as he could. Nightmares could go unnoticedduring the days even if they knew how to use their own abilities right. In plainsight...

    Once again, he couldn't help but wonder how a Nightmare tasted. He would try onethe next time he 'killed' them.

    Nyck rose up, quietly. She heard voices. Other Nightmares? Nyck

    growled a little, and traced the voices to their sources. She saw two

    of them, though she couldn't see what was going on considering she

    was behind one of them.

    Nyck watched with great curiosity. 'Wonder what they're doing?'

    Nyck thought to herself, peering slightly around the Nightmare

    closest to her. The humans were getting up, if she wanted to walk around with

    them, she'd better hurry up.

    Get rid of me, Alitritia?

    Angerona perked her ears up, hearing the voices of the other Nightmares. Followingthe other voices she tossed back the hair that she had on the left side of her bodyand folded her hands together; one rough and not but bone, the other soft as hand

    made silk. She stepped lightly as she wandered closer to the voices. She saw ablack demon like creature with wings, and a few others. Not knowing what to do,

    she smiled her 'half' smile and her eye lit up as she looked at them. "Goodmorning."

    Only in your wildest dreams....

    Quick to grow was crowd of beings born from fear.Nightmares gathered in the day, as their Creators woke.

    Silence licked the blood clean off his fingers, and made sure he'd gotten rid of all

    the rest of the mess along with it. Being one from the mirror, he couldn't help but

    always want to look at his best. A vain perfectionist. All the while, obediently

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    listening to his mentor. When he caught the suggestion Thomas made about his

    method of killing, Silence couldn't help but smirk.

    "That sounds fun," the student agreed, after some pondering. Just playing the

    image in his head was enjoyable. He'd been able to bring Juniel into his domain

    once. Scared the living hell out of her. But she'd been woken up before anythingreally started. Stealing everyone's reflection just did things faster. And the little

    creatures were a bit artistic, too.

    Although Silence had never really killed as quickly, before. Usually, he'd have left

    them to die slowly after he was done playing with them. The torture was what

    proved to be most entertaining.

    And at first, he wasn't aware about the eating part. In reality, eating humans

    seemed... unappealing... when first mentioned. They were just trash to him, after

    all. Curious as he was, however, he decided to try anyway. The results, he didn't

    enjoy so much. Then came the remark about his fitting in, to which Silence

    responded nonchalantly.

    "What can I say? The kid has good memory. Too good, for my taste. Makes things

    too easy for me." That part was true. It would have been a little better if his Creator

    had learned to fight back a little. Then again, she was like a drug. Pulling out just

    the slightest amount of what he needed was more than enough. And always left him

    wanting more. He sighed. "I don't know about blending in with the humans. I'd most

    likely take on that kid's face anyway, and Juni will still be able to recognize me.

    Worse, think the dead boy's alive and come back to her."

    The young Nightmare couldn't help but laugh at that last part. Hadn't he already?

    On the other hand, that could be fun. For a while. For as long as he could handle it.

    Walking around in a skin that wasn't torn and cold. The boy comes back from the

    dead, Juni freaks, and the doctors come rushing to the scene. See just how more

    naive humans would be to accept him as one of their own. Things were just too easy

    for their kind, weren't they?

    As the crowd of Nightmares grew, Silence couldn't help but smile. New siblings to

    meet. Two brothers and two sisters in one day, and on his first no less. Things just

    kept getting better and better. From what he could see, one was half-dead and theother... something black. A shadow? From the dark. The other of death, of-course.

    Wow, the young Nightmare couldn't help but pat himself on the back. He was

    getting the hang of this quickly. Methods of 'killing' them popped up in his head.

    Thomas was rubbing off on him quickly.

    "Morning," the young one greeted back, his sadistic grin as polite as he could

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    muster. Stretching his arms up with a yawn, he turned back to his teacher."The

    humans are waking up. And since crowds are undesirable, what's the plan?" Silence

    had to admit he still wasn't feeling all that creative, though he didn't believe they'd

    risk exposing themselves so early in the day.

    "Mirrors are your domain, so you should logically be able to use them to travel from

    one area to another in what would seem like a split second, right?" Though, there

    was still the problem of whether that would really work. It would make this one's

    hunting for his master much easier, and merely blending into a mirror would allow

    him freedom to hide while a crowd passed. One person alone, they could remove.

    "I can always travel using the shadows. Besides, this is the padded room area, few

    patients would be believed to exit here. I wouldn't doubt that to be the only doctor

    for a while." The puddle of blood would be ignored when nothing turned up on the

    children. At least until it was obvious the doctor was no longer there. Then an

    investigation would ensue. "As for those two..."

    For the first time, he actually looked at them. He'd never bothered worrying about

    the 'Good morning' from behind them. That one, he could tell by looking to be in no

    hurry to hide her form. Able to or not. As for the other, she seemed a bit more

    skilled in the ways of this world. Had he seen her somewhere before? Probably, if

    she's really got any knowledge. "They're not my problem." A slight chuckle as he

    began walking. James would meet an 'accident' later. It wouldn't kill him, but it

    would let Thomas enter the mind again. It was about breakfast, right?


    James finished the terrible food and looked around again. He wasn't in a big hurry to

    leave, or socialize. It wasn't just that people could be dangerous here, but that his

    own nightmare could be dangerous to them. He rose and began muttering to

    himself as he passed people. "Damn nightmares are annoying." Where his own

    nightmare, Thomas, made the capital obvious, he made the lowercase obvious. He

    despised them, but they weren't something special as Thomas seemed to think.

    "If he's gonna keep trying to kill me, why wouldn't I fight back? Just like that

    damned nightmare..." Unfortunately, he was at the door that much sooner. Sadly,

    he would have to find something to do while waiting for classes to finish. Maybe

    he'd try talking with other people this time, others who didn't go?

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    Silence watched with bored eyes as his teacher took his leave, a short, waterysigh escaping his lips. Lessons were done for the meantime, it seemed. And withthe humans all getting up, wreaking havoc wouldn't be so ideal. That onlymeant, well, the Nightmare had to find other ways of having fun. Ah, well. Timeto get rid of the un-creativity streak he was having. Already running out of

    excuses, that he was.

    With a slight chuckle, and a small gesture towards his nameless sisters, theplatinum-haired boy slipped away into his domain. It wouldn't take long for himto get back into Juni's head again, what with her having such apractical disorder.For the meantime, what to do to pass the time? His teacher was right, travelingwas easy for reflections. With the speed he moved at in the mirror, the time theworld outside it moved far too slow for his liking. Waiting things out didn't soundsuch a good idea. Walking around and observing, on the other hand, seemed likea good pass-time.

    Traveling through the mirrors still, searching quickly for a good spot to step out of.

    Searching deep inside himself how to pull out the disguise properly. Already he wasthinking up what story he'd play out.

    Story? Haha, cheap pun.

    Passing himself off as a visitor would be easy enough, and would get him aroundmuch easier. Yes. Silence liked to learn, that was fact. And he'd take the opportunityto monitor what things he hadn't been able to pick up from just his creator's mindrealm. Maybe even sit in during classes? To avoid Juni, or to do the completeopposite and freak her out? Or maybe he'd get a different reaction? So manydecisions to make, the boy was getting irritated juggling this and that so much. Sotroublesome.

    The boy finally stepped out of the mirror, willing to leave the death of his form tothe reflective realm. With some difficulty, in a relative amount of time, he'd beenable to pull it off. And now, he had the face of a human. Thathuman, no less. Just ashe'd expected. However, he was more alive than he'd first thought. That wouldmake it easier for him to blend in, and more difficult for anyone to recognize himfrom his true form. Eyes no longer lifeless glass, now crystal grey; skin no longerdead, or scarred, or stitched together in so many places--instead radiant, as ifuntouched; and coarse grey hair now whiter than snow, softer than a featherytouch. However the frame was... well, the boy could've complained about lookingtoo feminine at some point. But it would be easy to deal with that. Bottom line wasthat he was able to do it. For how long he'd be able to keep to it, he'd just have to

    find out. What will happen then, he'd get around somehow.

    "So," his new voice came, youthful, beautiful, strong--and without those hollowechoes to distort it. He grinned."I wonder what's for breakfast?"


    When Juniel had gone through her door, she felt great relief to find that everything

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    was just her imagination. She had to put on a smile. And feeling a bit lighter, events

    of the previous night forgotten for the meantime, she traversed through the halls

    and found her way to the cafeteria. On her way, running through her schedule, and

    falling on what she'd be having for her meals. She never asked for anything in

    particular when she was there, though those who served her food knew what she

    could never get used to, what they should never give her. However, it would be niceto drop by Missy's shop once in a while.

    The people were kind to her here at the facility. There were always smiles,

    somewhere. Not the fearful looks and all-too-obvious avoiding she'd grown up with

    back at home. And the girl who ran the shop, who had given her the opportunity,

    albeit she never took it, to eat sweets.

    Juniel looked around, searching for some familiar faces, and finding them. In her

    five-year stay at White, she'd never really been able to interact much with the other

    patients. Both because of her mania, and of her lack of experience. But she'd made

    sure to have already memorized their names and their faces by now.

    A tired smile lit up her face. That small, but endearing smile that would make the

    old lady at the counter offer her more than what she was supposed to get. It made

    her laugh shortly, but again, she never accepted any. She didn't deserve them. So

    as she finished what she was served, not tasting any of it, she just watched the

    others. She ate what she could, took her medications diligently. Whatever she'd

    have to, just to stay awake a little while longer.

    Juniel's already weak smile disappeared when she caught someone mention

    'nightmares.' And for a brief moment, everything from the previous night rushedback to her. The girl froze for a few seconds, but got back her frame of mind quick

    enough to pull herself together. Despite her usual aloofness, or her closed

    disposition, Juniel was an intelligent child, and her thought process was... well, it

    could be slow, but greatly effective.

    After that first nightmare, her preceding sleep had been... empty. Void of the

    horrors of her past. On top of that, the demon disappeared again, like he always

    did. But somehow, this time felt different. Wrong. Worse. His presence still drifted

    nearby, but not like before. And it was strongerat that, more suffocating.

    "Nightmares, huh?" she mumbled softly, and to no one in particular as she

    absentmindedly took a sip off her glass of milk. Her third bottle this morning.

    Get rid of me, Alitritia?

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    Angerona nodded at her new found friend. Or brother, however anyone wanted tothink about it, as he walked off she smiled at him then turned towards the Black onewith wings. "So...Who's your little victim?" She asked curiously, wanting to know anyinformation about the other nightmares so they could maybe join forces. Patiently

    waiting for her answer, Angerona smiled, staring at the dark one.

    Only in you're wildest dreams....

    Waiting for classes took longer than he thought, or his boredom just made it seem

    longer. His snickers was long finished. Although he could find more in the walls, he

    didn't want to take the risk of getting caught. No, instead, Koto would just sit by a

    corner and think. Think about anything, a possibly everything. Think about books

    he's read and think about what he would have done if he were in the book's story.

    He would think of the best way to piss someone off, especially a teacher no one

    liked. That was always funny as hell. Seeing as how he ha