PLATINUM SERIES II Natural Gas Barbecues Operating Guide NOTICE TO INSTALLER: These instructions must be left with the owner and the owner should keep them for future use. WARNING: Follow all leak check procedures carefully in this manual prior to barbecue operation. Do this even if barbecue was dealer assembled. WARNING: Do not operate this barbecue without reading the entire operating guide. THIS GAS APPLIANCE IS DESIGNED FOR OUTDOOR USE ONLY. FOR YOUR SAFETY If you smell gas: 1. Shut off gas to the appliance. 2. Extinguish any open flame. 3. Open lid. 4. If odor continues, immediately call your gas supplier or your fire department. FOR YOUR SAFETY Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance. 96176 12/96 Serial Number Platinum Series II 2200 NG Serial Number Platinum Series II 3200 NG Serial Number Platinum Series II 3400 NG ® R A P P R O V E D CANADIAN GAS ASSOCIATION Read before assembly

Natural Gas Barbecues…PLATINUM SERIES II Natural Gas Barbecues Operating Guide NOTICE TO INSTALLER: These instructions must be left with the owner and the owner should keep them

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  • PLATINUM™ SERIES IINatural Gas Barbecues

    Operating Guide

    NOTICE TO INSTALLER: These instructionsmust be left with the owner and the ownershould keep them for future use.

    WARNING: Follow all leak checkprocedures carefully in this manual prior tobarbecue operation. Do this even ifbarbecue was dealer assembled.

    WARNING: Do not operate this barbecuewithout reading the entire operating guide.


    FOR YOUR SAFETYIf you smell gas:1. Shut off gas to the appliance.2. Extinguish any open flame.3. Open lid.4. If odor continues, immediately call your

    gas supplier or your fire department.

    FOR YOUR SAFETY Do not store or use gasoline or otherflammable vapors and liquids in the vicinityof this or any other appliance.

    96176 12/96

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